#[ zar; interactions ]
zorkaya-moved · 9 months
‘ no one would know better than i. ’ (oooh from neuvillette)
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It seems some of the misunderstandings have been cleared, but she dislikes the fact she needed a message from Lesser Lord Kusanali herself, it doesn't feel good but she needed to ensure her presence in Fontaine won't be interrupted by the Iudex himself. He's not someone who must be made into an enemy and she, sad as she to say this, must play better (play good) while studying the current changes within Teyvat. The Abyss is starting to act up and as someone who's been so intimately intertwined with it, Zarina Sokolova is one of the only people who can linger in and out of it without concerns. Then again, it is understandable why Neuvillette would wish for her to leave his region without ever returning. However, his wishes are unimportant. The fate of the world is on their shoulders and his little threat means nothing to one who cannot die. Not anymore. Not until she'll be killed hundreds of times. He doesn't have that time. No one does, not him and not Zarina herself.
They are all running out of time and Sokolova doesn't care if the Iudex wishes her dead or not. Currently, they are on the same team. As long as he is against Celestia and the Abyss taking over the world above (Teyvat), they are all good. He cannot judge her for she already was executed in the court of Sumeru. A slice to her wrists, a slice to her neck, she bled all over the courtroom floors and proved them her experiment's success. Wounds heal and even if her heart stops (or is destroyed altogether), she still returns to life as if new. Disgusting, isn't it? But so helpful in diving into risky situations where such important figures like Nahida or Neuvillette or Furina will ever step in.
These morally aligned good-natured people should learn to use others more often... Well, as if the owner of the Abyssal Serpent's powers will listen to anyone but Nahida's suggestions now. Plus, it seems now there is no need to pretend in front of the Iudex, no need to act silly and funny to avoid true issues.
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"And yet, you did not even allow a possibility that an Abyssal Serpent can be defeated by a single human," she muses out loud, looking at the man with her eyes half closed. All too laid-back, the silverette stands next to the window, looking outside at the streets of Fontaine. A beautiful city destined to be drowned until someone will ensure it won't happen. Celestia is cruel, but so is the Abyss. The middle ground will always have something to fight against to survive. But does Neuvillette even allow a possibility of uniting with someone of less justice-aligned individuals? Sadly, the victory cannot be achieved with only good means. The judge and the judged will dance in the courtroom until the end of times. "The history is repeating itself in certain ways, but there is a new change in this day and age, Monsieur Neuvillette. The Traveler and his unknown little companion is something you should know to be a unique variable."
Why is she not talking about herself? The empty shell of an Abyssal Serpent only appears from the shadows, sliding up her leg until it would wrap around her waist until it would reach her arm and become smaller. So small that it would wrap around her fingers, eyes empty and devoid of any intellect as it hissed to show its presence. The shadows will be obedient.
"If no one knows better than you, then please, do share that information with me. We are on the same team," she looks at the snake wrapped around her arm and fingers, its dark scales with silver eyes make her remember how she tamed this beast and erased its 'ego' to make herself the sole winner. "Don't worry, the only things left of the one you've felt are its abilities and subtle hunger; it's primitive now, unable to deny me. I listen to the Dendro Archon, believe it or not. She's seen herself how the Abyssal Serpent has been consumed."
Perhaps, it would be better to find the other dragons and use them as fodder. The ones who do not live with humans. Azhdaha, Apep... The Serpent has shared some names before it was extinguished. As long as she can gather the necessary elemental energy, she can withstand far more than an Archon's wrath.
"Consider myself another variable to tilt the scales into our favor. But know that only Lord Kusanali can ask me for anything without paying the price."
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bijoumikhawal · 2 years
Unfortunately watching the snapewives video did give me a story idea
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xannerz · 2 years
had a mercy's blessing i am now a ram main bye everyone
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jackdaw-kraai · 2 months
I've been a Guides fan for years but sometimes I still marvel at what an amazing character your Luke is. A character that is undeniably capable and dangerous, and who has a fair amount of darkness inside of him, who chooses to go about his life being not only kind, but friendly and warm in personality. As a trans guy I sometimes struggle with feeling like my demeanor isn't very masculine because I also like to be friendly and approachable, but having a character that walks that line (though obviously his cultural perceptions of masculinity are wildly different than mine) has really helped me.
Do I ever understand how you feel. Luke, when I’m writing him, has a few hard-and-fast rules, but one of the most important ones is that he is, always, on the side of the common people and the downtrodden. It’s, quite literally, what he was made for, and he takes it extremely seriously. So his commitment, however difficult, however inconvenient, is to be kind. Not necessarily nice, or sweet, or pleasant, but always kind. And yes, sometimes to be kind, he has to be cold and harsh and dangerous, but crucially, it’s only sometimes. The most common, effective, and easy way to be kind is often to be warm, respectful, and as open as one can be. Not a doormat, not a yes-man, not a fool, but simply kind and with a willingness to extend the grace of trust to almost anyone he meets. He trusts other people want to be good, to be kind, to have a pleasant interaction with him, and to not be needlessly cruel. He trusts other people on a vital and visceral level, not with his most inner secrets, not with his life, but with faith in their intent and desire to be good. And in acting on it, more often than not, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Another important one is that Luke, always, knows who he is and what he is. If he ever doesn’t, expect it to be a major crisis and not easily swept aside. Luke knows who he is, knows what he is, and in knowing, denies others the power to define him. He doesn’t care if he’s seen as more or less of a man, if he’s seen with respect and deference or scorn and hostility. Heck, he doesn’t even care if he is a “man” at all! He’s a Raqkesh, a Runner, a being made and not born, a purpose made manifest! What does he care if he obliges to some kind of arbitrary idea of gender? It’s not even his own! The Children have such a vastly different concept of gender to us that “manliness” isn’t even something that Luke fully understands. He goes by “he” because that’s what he was taught was his pronoun in Basic, and by now, he’s attached to it and regards it as his own, but it doesn’t mean the same thing to him as it would to you or I. Gender, to him, is what you do. You are the gender you are because of the role you decide to play in society, the functions you choose, and the affinities you have. You are a “woman” if you decide to dedicate to the ways of water and foraging, and a “man” if you dedicate to the ways of the sky and the hunt. Your pronouns aren’t who you are, but what your relationship is to the person you’re currently speaking to. You are “ach/ache” when you are speaking to someone innately more powerful to you, a spirit or other powerful individual. You are “kai/kair” when addressing your Home, your Kamir, and being addressed by them. You are “zar/zara” when being addressed by entities far more powerful than you. Your parents, guardians, or mentors are “sha/shara.” Who you are, who you are said to be, changes with the situation, and pronouns are as static as a person themselves.
Luke isn’t a man as we understand, he is, in his own mind, a myriad of genders and roles and purposes that make up him in his entirety. What does he care if others think him less of a man? He doesn’t even put value in that idea to begin with, or for that matter understand it. It’s not his purpose to be a man, not as far as he’s concerned. It’s not who he is, and no matter what other people may insist, he knows himself true. He knows who he is, what he is, what he’s here for. He knows, down to his bones, what his purpose is in the world. Nothing can shake that from him, or deny him that knowledge. So he acts, knowing who he is, and thus has an identity that cannot be taken from him or denied. And if that isn’t manly, well... what is?
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percy15 · 1 year
Now that Zars back I’ve decided to make
Rules For Reading Fanfic
A guide on how to, and not to read and talk to fanfic writers!! Feel free to add anything
1. Authors word over all else!!!! Individual writers have different wants and preferences with fans interacting with there work. If they ask readers to point out spelling and grammar mistakes then you are more then welcome to! If they specially ask that you don’t ask about new chapters then shut your mouth about it! Always do what the author asks and we can avoid losing fanfic writers
2. Remember that these are people who are doing this for free!!! You are not entitled to anything! If they want to take a year long break from a fic then continue writing like nothing happened then they can do that and you need to be ok with it!!! I know it hurts when your fav wip hasn’t been update in 3 months but I promise you’ll survive!!! But you know what’s not gonna help the author? You yelling at them demanding they spend there own free time doing something that they clearly aren’t in the mood to do!!!
3. You can always click off! One of the great things about fanfic is that it’s free!! Everyone gets to enjoy it! And another great thing about it is that if you don’t like the way a fic is going, simply click off of it and stop reading!! The only thing you’ll lose is maybe a few hours of your time that you spent reading the fic! Don’t like the grammar errors? Click off! Don’t like the ship? Click off!!! Don’t like that 2 characters aren’t together yet? CLICK OFF!!! Do not leave a hateful comment! All you have to do is simply stop reading and find a new fic! If there is anything you don’t like about a fic figure out if you want to keep reading or not in spite of it or if you would rather just stop reading the fic but never, NEVER! (Unless the author asks for it) leave a comment complaining about it. It’s disrespectful and rude
Remember it’s ok to be excited about a fic and want a new chapter to come out but claiming your excitement for a new chapter and demanding a new chapter are 2 very different things that have 2 very different reactions from writers!!
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shelvesofgold · 1 year
✨hello folks✨
now with zar taking a much needed break from this fandom i thought it would be a great idea to start hyping up some works in this fandom that i feel don’t get enough love !!!
We’re older now, the light is dim by Winter_Oswin
- jegulily w/ background wolfstar
- wip
- an au where james, lily, and regulus come back to life to fix everything that happened post halloween 1981
- the interactions between harry and regulus are legit top tier
take a shot of holy water by pinkpalaceapartments
- wolfstar fleabag au !!
- completed
- background jily
- remus as the hot priest is what we all need fr
Befriending a Ravenclaw by kreestar
- ravenclaw remus au
- wolfstar w/ background jily
- completed
- remus and sirius being stupid pining idiots who are trying their best
I Want To Be Good by mightydolphin
- canon-compliant fic from sirius pov
- completed
- wolfstar w/ background jily & dorlene
- goes on until a bit after prisoner of azkaban
- as a sirius kinnie this fic made me few things™���
The Mapmakers by Dizzy_Bird
- completed & canon-compliant
- literally such a fun read
- a lot of pranks and adventures
- jily & wolfstar are included but a lot more focus is placed on the friendships of the whole group
- just really well-done
A String of Consequences by semistrawberry
- jegulily w/ background wolfstar and dorlene
- as the title implies it is a string of wacky events that lead to both angst and fluff
- completed
- a lot of povs so there are so many different fun character interactions and i love it
Shackle Me by elixersoflife
- wolfstar soulmate au
- also a modern setting au
- completed
- i am literally obsessed w/ this one and i have frankly reread it an healthy amount of times
- another fic that made me, a sirius kinnie
feel things™️
quite like us by alarainai
- jegulus text fic
- modern setting
- great characterizations !!!
- just a vv fun and easy read
- completed
if anyone has any other recs pls feel free to reblog and add to the list !!
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loserboyfriendrjl · 1 year
this fandom can be really egotistical at times tbh. now that zar has stepped back from the fandom, people are more worried about not being able to read their fics anymore, rather then their well-being (i've literally seen people BEGGING on tiktok for docs of their writing,,, they literally took down their fics because they were not comfortable with people reading them anymore (you are crossing boundaries, people!),,, get a grip).
known fandom authors / fanart artists are put on a pedestal and treated like a celebrity and like they hold the almighty truth. you do realize that these people that give you content through your devices are people too, right? they go grocery shopping and they listen to music and they go to sleep the same way that you do, and just because they happened to blow up on xyz platform does not give anyone the right to cross their boundaries and ask things from them literally just because.
and don't get me wrong, i love it that people enjoy reading and looking at fanart and whatnot, but it's important that the creator feels the same way, because you can't have an enjoyable fandom experience if people constantly ask things for you and criticize your work to bits. you don't like the way someone wrote a certain character or a certain scene or anything else? do it yourself, or look for something that has specifically what you are looking for. stop demanding things from artists, and don't pressure them into doing things they don't want to. you have to realize that these people create content for free and put it out for people to enjoy. for free. and yet people are still ungrateful and hateful of content they paid nothing to see.
a thing that fandoms in general seem to not grasp is that content creators likely create content the way they see it and the way they like it, because they like it. if you don't like it, it's that easy to click off instead of sending hate mail and of demanding a certain thing be written / drawn the way you see it. and it's one thing to request something, and one thing to demand / pressure someone into something.
recently, so many people are driven away / taking a break from this fandom for this exact reason. popular content creators are praised to the point that the people who consume their art seem to believe that they are not human anymore, and unpopular content creators are driven away because nobody engages with their creations. don't get me wrong, engage with whatever you want, but it's disheartening, seeing people be acclaimed while nobody interacts with you.
(also, @sunshinemarauders did a thesis on the subject of harassment and this kind of behavior in fandom, and the rates are absolutely alarming. for more insight on their research, you can check their account to see the data and the conclusions.)
like previously mentioned, fandom is supposed to be an enjoyable experience and some people are ruining the fun of other people. stop it. please realize that your actions have consequences.
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Fanfics Recs
Hi! So lets talk about the elephant on the room, Zar’s gone, their fics are gone. Im sure they did the best thing for them and I hope they're okay and that they can still enjoy this fandom without having to deal with the toxics part of it, doing so from the anonymity. Maybe one day they would bring their fics back, but maybe they wont. either way, this fandom is full of AMAZING stories, and every day I see new ones! Every day a new writer comes out with such beautiful and interesting concepts, so please, be kind to them, remember fanfic is not something you can buy, this is a comunity where we all interact and interchange opinions and our creativity in the ways we can!
I created a page for all the fics I have read and enjoyed, and Im working on one for my tbr.
Read Fics
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And because it takes time to do it prettily, here’s a list of recomendations too! (That are not on the previous pages yet)
After Everything, Always by Reggie4dayzz 
A Taste of Scandal by Solmussa
all the world around us by softhearted 
A thousand bells ring in my heart (how hard it is to ask for forgiveness) by Alfonsiny 
Balancing act - onedayofcourse
blinding lights by introvertedhufflepuff 
By Your Heart's Calm Strenght - pansysnarkinson
can i save you this time? (can you save me too?) by maynightcity ***
Chasing the sun (For you) - matchamoony
Diptych by pansysnarkinson 
Don't Blame me (Love Made me Crazy) - pieces_of_a_mirrorball
Downfall by Lunarde 
Drugs and surgical scrubs by anauro
edge by pinkpalaceapartments 
Futile devices by moonylovesreggie  
GreenLight by starmoonchaser
Good Old-Fashioned Loverboy - TakeSwimmingLessons
glimpses of heaven by lunahunt 
heaven is here if you want it by invisiblemuseum 
If The Sun Caught Icarus by dantesstarsxxxii  
i'll be seeing you by residentrookie 
in the fires of our youth (oh, brother of mine) by quynhorlose 
Into the Dark by regulusdiary
Kill Your Darlings by MesserMoon 
lifeless things (nothing beside remains) by sisyphusss 
Lost At Sea by star_stories 
Loving is easy - rxgulus
Si vis pacem, para bellum by aureusprongs 
Teeth  -amour_anguis, regularis_vas 
the elysium by pixie90smom 
The Catfish & the King - TheBiButterfly
The Strange Serendipity of Regulus Arcturus Black by shy_attention_whore 
this is me trying by witchhunts
Thole, Reggie. Thole by puddinghater26 
Would That I by third_crow 
We are all Stardust by rrosie_08 
The ones in black are just my personal favorites!
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as-thoughts · 6 months
which bobbi morse comic runs r ur fave? :-)
I’m not going to claim to be The authority on Bobbi or anything (that would be @ootcs, who probably has an infinitely better list), I started doing a chronological completionist read of Bobbi’s 616 appearances a while back that I need to get back to, but she’s super fun even in the 70s when she’s stuck in some boring Ka-Zar comics.
The unfortunate thing about Bobbi is that she only has the one solo run (which has problems despite the fact that the first few issues are solid), and a lot of her stories are tied to Clint. Part of why I'm always complaining about Bobbi being excluded from modern comics is because we've already lost so much time with her; she was dead for 15 years of publication time.
(I told myself I was going to make a neat little list but I can't stop myself from making my little comments on everything.)
New Avengers: The Reunion, Hawkeye & Mockingbird, Widowmaker: These three series were all made by the same creative team, McCann/Lopez, and they were also my first introduction to comics altogether. They're very focused on her and Clint's 616 history, but I don't remember having any problems understanding it? Bobbi is dealing with a lot of trauma here, but she starts up her own spy agency and her costume is perfect. Also Lopez draws the buffest Bobbi, which is wild because this is all before she gets the supersoldier serum. They also have a D-story in a one-shot called Enter the Heroic Age, that is like peak Clint/Bobbi battle couple dynamics. (I'm listing these first because it was my entry point but everything after this is chronological).
Hawkeye vol.1: this is secretly Bobbi's solo. I love her here and I love Gruenwald's decision to bring her into Clint's life. She's fun and impulsive in her own way and just an all-around proactive character, whether that's taking down this sketchy security firm or macking on Clint ten minutes after her apartment exploded.
West Coast Avengers vol. 1: I love Bobbi's dynamic on teams, I wish we saw more of it in modern comics. Sure, Clint's the official leader but Bobbi truly understands how to actually support the members of the team off the field. Love whenever she and Greer are together. It’s four issues and it’s just good plain superhero fun. We’re getting the gang together! Whacky disguises and hijinks abound! The literal second line on the first page is Bobbi making cunnilingus innuendo!
West Coast Avengers vol. 2: So the first 30 or so issues are pretty similar to that first mini, then...Well, I'd have to devote like 1000+ words to parsing my thoughts on everything else, but suffice it to say I'm a fan of what Bobbi did and you should stop reading around #37 if you don't want to see all of the shit that Clint puts her through. Then the comic gets progressively worse until she dies (though there are a few issues where she and Greer form a splinter team with Marc, those are fun).
New Avengers (2010): Yeah it's Bendis but Bobbi's back! Can't remember which issue it is that introduces her.
Unstoppable Wasp: We get more of a focus on Bobbi as a biologist and we get to see her as a mentor. Her dynamic with Jan is fun <3
Honestly, I'm still missing a ton of her modern stuff because I just haven't read many modern comics in general. I read anything with her in it as it comes out but I still need to go back and read a lot of 2012-2020 stuff. I need to finish Silk (2016) still, but she's good in what I've read. Secret Empire is a terrible event but she has a pretty decent role in that and gets to interact with characters she rarely gets to be around, like Hercules, which is a nice change of pace.
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greatandp0werful · 7 months
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|| "I assure you. This is all within theoretical limits.~"
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➢ Independent Original Character RP Blog ➢ Semi-Selective, 21+ Mun & Muse ➢ 13+ Years RP Experience ➢ Dash Only ➢ Read Rules and About before interacting!
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hi 👋, reading crimson rivers for the first time (yes ik i’m late to the party) and my god i just finished chapter 9 and i want to gauge my eyes out with forks ( in the most respectful way, zar’s work is immaculate ). But it’s so tragic, Gid and Fab, Sirius not remembering his last interaction with James?! i’m in shambles.
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
we all thought tumblr’s gonna die when porn went down. as a ‘tumblr veteran’, twitter also isn’t going to die lmao but damn the migration really be happening. oh noes.  I’m a territorial bastard bitch, I don’t genshintwit or twsttwit on tumblr dot com please :”))
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adastrafanfic · 1 year
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State of the Archive
Busy busy. Everything's going okay, though I would like to remind new folks to read the posting rules under the FAQs, because we're not AO3 and follow a different set of tagging rules. The June Review Hunt is over, with Gibraltar and David Falkayn as our winners. Congrats, fellas!
The July Review Hunt is now open. All you have to do to participate is sign your name/penname up for it, since largely it's automated. Reviews 15+ words count, with the same points modifiers as usual. IE, 100-199 being +10, and then +50 for any first review on a story over twenty-five words and +25 for any second. So, if you want to join, let me know. No weekly challenge this week.
Stories Archived
Star Trek: Enterprise
By Beatrice_Otter Not Place, But People - G - Charles "Trip" Tucker III & Lorian
Star Trek: Discovery
By ussjellyfish Song of the Hadal Depths - T - Michael Burnham & Philippa Georgiou (Mirror) truth be told - T - Laira Rillak/Michael Burnham maybe next time dinner first - T - Laira Rillak/Michael Burnham hesitation - T - Laira Rillak/Michael Burnham following shadows - T - Katrina Cornwell/Philippa Georgiou (Mirror) in case of emergency, please contact... - T - Laira Rillak/Michael Burnham
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
By lah_mrh Lean On Me - G - Una Chin-Riley, Christopher Pike Security Breach - G - Christopher Pike, La'an Noonien-Singh Fall Into Your Sunlight - T - Christopher Pike/Una Chin-Riley | Number One Everybody Knows - T - Christopher Pike & Ash Tyler | Voq By starry_fool Ça va faire une maudite poutine - G - James T. Kirk
Star Trek: The Original Series
By Beatrice_Otter Podfic of Starship Mine - T - Nyota Uhura, Una Chin-Riley, Christine Chapel If Ever Two Were One - T - Nyota Uhura/Spock That Tender Light - T - Nyota Uhura/Spock A Marriage of True Minds - G - Amanda Grayson/Sarek Things Not Forgotten - G - Saavik/Spock, Zar Unbonding - T - Original Vulcan Characters
By ChrisQ Moment of Truth - G - James T. Kirk, Will Decker
By daraoakwise Starship Voice - Not Rated - Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, James T. Kirk
By kimaracretak light through the green - T - Nyota Uhura (Mirror) & Spock (Mirror) - 🔒
By lah_mrh World On Fire - T - James T. Kirk & Spock
By Pixie To Us - G - Christine Chapel & Nyota Uhura
By sixbeforelunch Complexity and Complication - G - Saavik/Spock - 🔒 A Beautiful Thing - G - Montgomery "Scotty" Scott/Nyota Uhura - 🔒 Creature Comfort - G - Nyota Uhura - 🔒 That Which Endures - G - Stonn/T'Pring - 🔒 Waiting Game - T - Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Spock - 🔒 Illusory Reality - G - Christopher Pike/Una Chin-Riley | Number One - 🔒 Emblem - G - James T. Kirk, Suvuk, Sehlk - 🔒
By SLWalker Gray - G - Nyota Uhura (AOS) & Spock
Star Trek: Alternate Original Series
By Beatrice_Otter Out of the Depths - T - Spock Five Things That Surprise Spock About The New Timeline - G - Spock By daraoakwise Half of Each Other's Mess - G - Montgomery "Scotty" Scott (AOS) By SLWalker Now and Later - T - Montgomery "Scotty" Scott (AOS)
Star Trek: The Next Generation
By Beatrice_Otter Sweet Beginnings - T - Deanna Troi/Worf Finding Common Ground - T - Ro Laren/William Riker A Daughter of the Fifth House - G - Deanna Troi/William Riker, Lwaxana Troi Podfic of open your heart knowing - G - Data/Geordi La Forge By sixbeforelunch Quality Time - G - Deanna Troi/William Riker - 🔒 After Tilonus - G - William Riker - 🔒 The Day Before the Wedding - G - Deanna Troi/William Riker, Lwaxana Troi - 🔒 Matronym - T - Deanna Troi/William Riker - 🔒 Orla - G - Deanna Troi/William Riker, Lwaxana Troi, Thomas Riker - 🔒 Cadence - G - Deanna Troi/William Riker - 🔒 A Brief Consideration of Feline Interactions and Human Vicissitude - G - Data & Spot - 🔒 Nither to Weigh Thoughts Nor Measure Words - T - Deanna Troi/William Riker - 🔒 Musical Interlude - G - Deanna Troi & Ro Laren - 🔒 By ussjellyfish he can't be here - M - Beverly Crusher/Jean-Luc Picard Ignore me, continue - T - Beverly Crusher/Kathryn Janeway, xover with VOY make me - T - Beverly Crusher/Kathryn Janeway, xover with VOY
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
By Beatrice_Otter Vocational Studies - G - Benjamin Sisko & Kira Nerys People Person - G - Leeta Tashlich - G - Jadzia Dax/Worf What You Know - T - Benjamin Sisko/Kasidy Yates The Thirty-Fourth Rule - G - Odo, Quark By kimaracretak memories in paraphrase - T - Kimara Cretak/Kira Nerys - 🔒 no mirror to correct my destiny - T - Kimara Cretak/Kira Nerys - 🔒 as ever sun has faded - T - Kira Nerys/Kira Nerys (Mirror) - 🔒 By Pixie Ezri Dax and the Big Bad Worf - G - Ezri Dax, Benjamin Sisko, Deanna Troi, Worf By sixbeforelunch Soldiers Were Children Once - T - Quark
Star Trek: Voyager
By Pixie The Darkness Has No Armor - G - Kathryn Janeway & Tom Paris The Night the Sky Fell Down - T - B'Elanna Torres & Chakotay I Love Somebody - G - Kathryn Janeway/Seven of Nine On a Clear Day You Can See Forever - G - Seven of Nine, EMH | The Doctor, Harry Kim The Captain's Valentine - G - Kathryn Janeway/Tom Paris, others Miracle in the Delta Quadrant - G - Kathryn Janeway/Tom Paris, others By sixbeforelunch Touch - G - Kathryn Janeway & Tuvok - 🔒 A Silent Peace - G - Tuvok R is for "Reunion" - G - Tuvok/T'Pel Unexpected Changes - G - Tuvok/T'Pel
Star Trek: Picard
By lah_mrh New Beginnings - G - Raffaela "Raffi" Musiker/Seven of Nine
Expanded Universes
By David Falkayn Winding Down - M - Ensemble Cast The Price of Vengeance - M - Ensemble Cast A Mother's Regret...A Lover's Loss - M - Ensemble Cast Thicker than Blood - M - Tovan Kev/Tali' Zorah nar 'Rayya Devil's Deals - M - Ensemble Cast Legerdemain - M - Ensemble Cast Change of Course - M - David Anderson Reflections - M - Ashley Williams, Soren Magnussen, Jane Shepard Lost and Found - M - Ensemble Cast Laying Plans - M - Ensemble Cast Mind Tripping - M - Ensemble Cast Crossing Over - M - Ensemble Cast By sixbeforelunch Gol-tor Kal'uk Nash-veh - T - T'Lin/Veral - 🔒 Kwi'kusut - T - T'Lin/Veral - 🔒 Dakh Pthak - G - T'Lin/Veral - 🔒 Sarlah Nash-veh Dvin-tor - T - T'Lin/Veral - 🔒 Samek-Praduk - G - T'Lin/Veral - 🔒 Dah Vokaya - M - Kiri/Selesh - 🔒 By SolarisOne Burning the Pain Away - T - Sun Wukong | Monkey
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gollywobblessys · 1 year
Gollywobbles system
*Pinned post*
we have C-DID and we are diagnosed. The system name is Gollywobbles (Stars/Star, They/Them)
The singletsona is Ty (He/Him)
the body is poc and is 19 years old. We live in France. We are in an exclusive relationship.
We support all systems, all origins and all experiences.
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• DNI •
basic DNI Criteria: Homophobic, Transphobic, Xenophobic, Islamophobic, etc.
Racist, Sexist, Ableist, Discrimination, etc.
Invalidates A Person's Pronouns / Gender / Identity
Pedophile, Sexualizes Minors, Jokes About R×pe, etc.
Supports, participates, tolerates, or justify any of the above.
Anti self-diag, Fakeclaimer
Use hpi, hpe, aspie,asperger and any shit like this
Les blogs
This account is the main account, everyone can use it
@kodz-uwu-ken > This blog mainly belongs to Kozume. he will publish things related to video games, without spoiling, take care. Others are likely to use it to talk about video games.
@bees-in-my-brain > This blog is mainly for Kuroo, Connie, kara etc, to tell their jokes and probably laugh about it among themselves. (it’s a bit of a corner for ADHD, simps and jokestars…)
@terminally-weird-sry > This one is Ty's. snake will only speak here because the main account is stressful for him, so remember to write to him here and not elsewhere. Mush will mainly talk about animals, snakes, autism. Its splits can also be expressed on it.
@were-fucked-but-its-fine more aggressive alters or those in split Bpd prefer to interact on this one.. Toga, Kara, Dabii, Athena and Mary are the main users.
@fill-us-with-wonder > This account is for our little ones and our regressors. It is mainly used by Terence and Cutie, who do not dare to interact with our loved ones, so don't hesitate!
@feel-free-to-infodump-pls > This is the account Kuroo created out of desperation, hoping that Titine and the travelers would provide information on this (spoiler alert: that won't happen)
@succus-inferni > This account is for Mary and Athena only !!
@the-marauders-are-in-the-place > for marauder fictif
@pimprenelle-framboise > Kara account (tw vent, mort, bcp d’anger issues et de bpd imo)
@ive-havard > Ive account (jsp trop pour les tw sûrement violence et nsfw)
@cherrydrums > Eijiro account
@croco-goddess > Athena account (j’espère qu’elle remettra se remettra à dessiner et postera des dessins)
@tabbyg1rl > Ziva (tw mort animal potentiellement)
@gu4rd1an-angel > Angel, potentiel tw général genre sur les traumas
@walkbyme > Renée, spoil aftg, tw violence
@zargang-leader > Zar, il parlera sûrement de pas grand chose
@your-fav-gh0st > Lovey, bcp de risque de tw divers et variés
@mr-millagher > Ian, tw crise probablement et gros simp
@sarouel-arg > Gaël, probablement peu de tw
More blogs will likely be added over time
• Hashtag •
#Golly.vent Feel free to mute
#Golly.update Mise a jour sp ou autres
#Golly.save to put reblogs aside
#Golly.news what’s new on the system
#Golly.spam For spam, feel free to mute
#Golly.studies about school, no tw, feel free to mute
#Golly.fufu For the ferets hehe
#Golly.littles For the littles
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reavenedges-lies · 11 months
hockey tag game 🏒
tagged by my lovely mutuals @fvcking-damage & @orrsoared
rules: list your
✨️ no°1 team?
The Penguins! My Coyotes are a super close second, but on a good day it could probably flip flop.
💌 your favorite goalie?
Annti Raanta! I have such a soft spot for former Yotes Goalie School members that find loving homes that love and cherish him not only for their skills.
🔟what would be your jersey number?
11. Its always and forever 11 if i can get it but i will always take 44 as a backup.
👯🏻‍♂️what team would you love to play for?
The Yotes. I love the way this team interacts with fans, the community and the locker room energy. Those guys love and support each other so much and I think it would be an honor to be there with them.
❤️‍🔥who is your favorite player currently?
My favorite player is no secret its Conor Sheary(TBL), Zach Aston-Reese(DET) is a close second but my boy Conor.
👀a trade that hurt you emotionally?
Aston-Reese & Dom Simon to Anaheim. I was devastated, so much so that I had made a last second decision to go-to the ANA @ ARI game right after they got there. I took the big ZAR head I had made for the PIT @ ARI game with text on the back stating "I may be here as a Yotes Fan, but i'm a ZAR and Simon fan first". I know they saw it cause they were laughing and purposely avoiding it.
🌈 what is your experience on hockeyblr so far?
Oh I love it here. I've met other hockey fans in the valley, ive made more close friends than i can count, and i genuinely enjoy sharing this sport with other people. Being able to share my experiences, knowledge and love of this sport with others is absolutely the best part of Hockeyblr and the Smaller Pens LB Crew <3
and then tag some mutuals you'd like to know these about ☺️🏒🖤
@coffee-at-annies @podcasts-8-my-heart @stereax @hard4softthings @bqstqnbruin @newlibrary <3 Love you guys and everyone else is also welcome to join in on this. Once again thanks for the tags ryan & sully <3
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pookapufferfish · 1 year
got hit with anxiety and doubt so i am pushing that down by saying nice things. I really appreciate how nice all of our interactions have been. you're really nice as a friend and its really really fun to talk and just mess around with asks n stuff. you're really great ray! mhghghgrhg anyways... I hope everything goes well! - zar
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Thankies! so much!!
You are so cool, hope everything is good for you
I wish you the best!!
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