#[[ also yeah I edited another icon to fit the situation xD ]]
countlessrealities · 10 months
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Kinda 👀 Prompts || Selectively accepting !
@mcltiples sent: [KNIFE] sender uses a knife to rip receiver's clothes { To Evil Rick from Weird Rick >:D }
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There were a lot of things that Rick found fascinating about his partner. Some more entertaining, others more frustrating, but all undoubtedly worth his interest and attention. Even when he wasn't directly involved, he liked to watching, observing the other going through his motions, speeches, choices, hows and whys with the same focus he usually reserved exclusively to his experiments.
His alternate's mood were one of Rick's favourite phenomena to monitor. They were so volatile, and mostly unpredictable. They could be as explosive as the weapons the man enjoyed building or as subtle as a the light twitch of an eye. They jumped from an emotion to the other, always close to the extremes, always shying away from mildness.
He could tell that his partner wasn't being honest with his feelings whenever they were played out with strict moderation or calm.
However, this didn't mean, as one could think, that apathy was something unknown to his alternate. It was a rare show to witness, but it did happen. Just as everything else, it was deep, absolute, totalising, and it required a very special, very careful handling.
That, though, wasn't the situation at hand. Rick wasn't dealing with one of his partner's most violent moods, whether on the heated side of anger or with the ice cold quality of pure detachment. The other seemed to be in a quite cheerful mood, lively and playful, with a clear side of mischief.
And, of course, lustful too, judging by the way his alternate had shoved him into the closest wall and was assaulting his neck with his teeth and tongue. Judging by the viciousness of the attack, by the time their encounter ended, he would have sported quite the collection of bruises.
One of those hands was insistently grabbing at the front of his shirt, alternating pulling at it and pressing against his chest, as if to make sure that Rick's back would remain firstly pinned against the wall.
His partner's other hand was somewhere by his side, oddly not trying to touch him as he would have expected, and the reason for it became instantly clear when the sound of cloth ripping filled the air between them without a warning. Oh, so this was the game of the day.
The blade was so sharp that it cut through the fabric as if it had been melting butter and nicked the flesh underneath, drawing a steady red line from the top of Rick's sternum to the line of his navel. Thick droplets of blood gushed out of the wound, their warmth in contrast with the cool air of the underground hideout.
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Rick's only reaction was a raised eyebrow, conveying the barest hint of judgement. He didn't mind the sting of the wound since pain had little meaning to him nowadays. If something, under the right circumstances he could even appreciate the way it lit up his nerves, forcing his whole being to feel connected, even if just briefly, with the universe that surrounded him.
In a different situation, he would have given into the urge of voicing what his gaze was already hinting at, but his partner seemed delighted and even more turned on by his handiwork. He could tell by the way the other was leaning more heavily into it, hard, hot and solid against Rick's thigh. Those hips were moving, slow and almost imperceptibly, seeking from his body a hint of satisfaction that could take the edge off.
How could he deny this pleasure to the man who owed each and every atom of him?
His features relaxed back into a more neutral expression and he let his nape rest against the wall, focusing on the feeling of that tongue teasingly lapping at the cut. His alternate's hand had slipped under the torn shirt, wrapping itself around his side, tight and possessive.
Rick's fingers found their way in the other's hair, tugging sharply at those blue locks and using them to press that face more into his chest. He wanted to smear his partner's chin and cheekbones with his blood, so that he could lick it off later.
A hum rumbled in his chest, as the knife worked to get rid of his belt and slash through his trousers, leaving behind more stinging cuts. Clothes could be easily replaced, he mused, distractedly registering the fabric falling off him piece by piece, until he was left bare for his partner's eyes to feast on.
This man who had made himself into a god and the twisted, unbreakable thread that linked them together? It was one of a kind even in a universe made of infinite realities.
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firebirdscratches · 6 years
slightly invasive gay asks I decided to do all of them :D If you’re in the alphabet soup and you wanna play along, consider yourself tagged.
1. what’s your gender? I’m a cis woman, even though I’m also intersex. (I was raised female and identify that way.)
2. what are your pronouns? She/her. I’m fine with they/them, especially from online peeps.
3. is your family accepting? Happy to say yes, they are. They could be better on some fronts, but that’s okay. They love me and they’re trying. That’s what matters.
4. what do you wish you could tell your past self? Don’t marry him.
5. what is your sexuality? I’m pan and gray ace. 
6. favorite color? Blue
7. sun gay or moon gay? Hmm...that’s a toughie. I’m probably Moon gay because I’m such an insomniac...but Sagittarius is a fire/sun sign...and I am excited about summer....hrm...maybe I’m a Twilight gay. The sun is juuuuust about to set, and in the other side of the sky, where it’s darker already, you can see the moon and a few stars. <3
8. when did you find out your sexuality? LOL buddy, when I figure it out I’ll let you know. There were signs even when I was a kid, but it took me forever to find a label I liked. I was basically questioning clear through college, and then settled on bi, and then pan, and then figured out I was ace, so...in five years who knows?! Basically, by senior year of high school I had serious suspicions that I was Not Straight™ and by sophmore year of college...yeah there no room for doubt anymore. X,D
9. how was your day? OMG thank you for asking??? It was okay. I went to work....then heated up some leftovers and watched the West Wing. Nothing to write home about, but most of them are like that, when you’re an adult. “This is water,” and all. 
10. do you have any gay friends? LOL yah we tend to congregate
11. what’s your favorite hobby? I sing and act and write fanfic :D
12. who’s the best gay icon in your opinion? Janelle Monae. QUEEEEEEN. 
13. which pride flags do you like the most design/color wise? The original rainbow flag has to be a fan favorite, right? And I like it with or without the pink, and I especially like the recent edit to include black/brown. As far as the aesthetic goes, I like the sapphic flag. It’s sooo pretty. The butch lesbian flag too! Also I think it’s weird and hilarious and perfectly fitting that no one can agree what the Queer flag is, there’s like, twenty different versions and that’s honestly just so queer and great. XD 
14. are you openly out? Unfortunately, you can still get fucking FIRED in this day and age for being queer, which is cruel and ridiculous and makes me so furious. So I am not out at work. I am out to my friends and out to my family. (And to my partners, obviously, when I have them.) Truthfully, you’re never 100% out, no one walks around screaming their sexuality constantly so every passerby is AWARE, you can’t inform the entire planet at once...you continually come out throughout your life based on the situation in which you find yourself. I do resent that I can’t be out at work...but I think I would resent unemployment even more :/ Bitch gotta eat. 
15. are you comfortable with yourself? LORD no LOL. But I’m comfortable with my queerness.
16. bottom or top? Switch. But this question overly simplifies the power flow in a sexual relationship, I find? It’s fine to get a general idea, but the answer’s always more delicious and complex.
17. femme or butch? I define my aesthetic as “Lazy femme.” It says “I like looking womanly, but do not have the money, time, or skillset to constantly tic all the boxes of Femininity.™" In other words, I don’t shave my legs and I wear jeans and clunky comfortable shoes, but I also wear dresses and dye my hair pink, and some days I go whole hog and do my make up. So...Futch? :/
18. do you bind? Nope, only for a play once. And I did it with ace bandages like a moron. Stay safe kids.
19. do you shave? Nah. I have very light/scanty hair anyway. If I didn’t, I’m not sure if I would or not.
20. if you could date anyone you wanted, who would it be? Drew Barrymore and Chris Evans. Both. Happy lil’ triad. (Maybe hook up occasionally with Aidy Bryant or Chris Pratt, just for funsies.) Oh! no wait! Mark Ruffalo. I bet he’s terrific in the sack. And I love his brain and his politics. WAIT Janelle Monae? Tessa Thompson AND Gal Godot.......okay being pan is difficult. -_-;
21. do you have a partner (s)? Alas, no. :( I had a girlfriend for a bit, but it didn’t work out.
22. describe your partner (s)? Tender lesbian, black, musician...insecure, can be kind of passive aggressive. :/ I still think she’s a really cool person and we’re trying to do the friends thing.
23. have you ever dated anyone of the same sex? Yup
24. anyone of another sex? Yup
25. pastel gay or goth gay? Goth
26. favorite dad in dream daddies? I dunno, it seemed kinda fetishistic to me, but most dating sims do?...not passing judgment on folks who like it, it’s just not really my bag. I guess I like the design of the bear Dad.
27. tell me a random fact about yourself? I am blowing on my nails right now so they dry. Indigo-for-it by Essie Treat Love Color, kind of a cornflower grayish blue. (See, I’ve got some femme rattling around in there).
28. do you own any pride flags/merch? Yes! I bought them at Target last year. And I ordered some custom T-shirts for my parents and my best friend.
29. have you ever been to a pride parade? NOOOOO AND I SO WANNA GO I think this year might be the year!
30. any advice to someone who isn’t out or who is exploring themselves? It’s okay to be questioning, you don’t need to have it all figured out yet. It’s okay to be closeted, you aren’t lying to anybody and you aren’t a bad person, some things are private. When it’s time, you’ll know. Don’t let anybody rush you, either to pick a label or to come out. Also? If you wanna say you’re [label] then go for it, there’s no registration fee, if you feel like that you are like that. And you can always change your mind later. People who say differently are called “gatekeepers” and are to be avoided. The gay experience, like all of life, is messy and complex and way too weird and wonderful to be overly simplified. You are you. Just listen to your heart, listen to your body, and trust what it’s telling you.
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dunamanticarchivist · 6 years
The Munchkin Nein - Jester Jay
I’ve been sitting on this one for-fucking-ever (like half a year a full year). Everytime I try doing this I somehow end up not procrastinating on the thing I was trying to to avoid by doing this. Idk its weird, but now I have somewhat a free moment and am looking to finally polish off this piece on cleric abilities - specifically one leetle blue tiefling. Will do Caduceus in another post since despite similarities, Laura and Taliesin play very differently. For those unfamiliar with this series, it is one where I ramble on the M9′s abilities, hoping to inform about the mechanics and let Critters indulge in the metagaming pigeon and optimize combat and damage numbers. You can find the rest of the series (now very outdated) here 
Ok clerics have so many spells I can’t cover them all, especially now they are level 8 and have access to Lvl 1-4 cleric spells. So I’ll mostly go over the ones she uses and maybe explore some I think are pretty cool. But first, an overview. 
Jester has the mechanics of a hybrid melee/caster character due to her above-average stats across the board. Her AC stands at a respectable 18, 2nd highest of the group by default (beat out by Caleb’s 19 if he has Mage Armor and casts Shield). Sadly her HP is relatively low at 67, 3rd last (though Nott, Cad, Jester and Beau) all fall within 65-69 (nice) HP. 
Next her WIS mod is maxed at +5 and her STR and DEX are at +3 and +4 respectively. Which is somewhat a shame she is limited to simple weapons, since a finesse weapon such as a shortsword/scimitar or rapier would be a straight up mechanical improvement in both to hit chances and the actual damage (although her handaxe is +1, evening it out but a +1 finesse weapon would be better yadda yadda whatifs and maybes)
Aiding her in melee damage is her Trickery Domain Divine Strike that adds 1d8 poison damage once per turn on hit in melee. Sadly many things are also resistant to poison, such as the demon they faced in C2E55. 
Ok first things up: Spell slots and spells prepped. Clerics recover their spell slots on a long rest and at Level 8 have the following: 4 L1s, 3 L2s, 3L3s, 2 L4s. 12 spells, seems adequate right? NOPE as the last fight in c2e55 proves. You never have enough spells to keep your squishy party alive. 
Next, clerics theoretically know a lot of spells. Like 70 over spells they could know how to cast. However, at the start of the adventuring day, their god gives them X number to work with. For Jester at Level 8, this is 13 and increases by 1 every level in cleric. Additionally, she has 8 spells that don’t have to be prepared every day (as listed in the Trickery subclass spells). So a large part of cleric (and druid and wizards who have this spell prep mechanic) is choosing the “right” spells for the day. As we know, CR is not exactly combat optimized, so suffice to say not all the following spells will be available in any given scenario. But still, here are some of the options. 
Her much beloved and iconic spiritual weapon the lollipop is a level 2 spell that is cast on a bonus action (good for action economy). It does 1d8 + 5 damage on a hit and 2d8 + 5 instead if she uses her Lvl 4 spell slots (with +d8 every 2 level spell slot increase). And best of all, it is NOT a concentration spell, so she is then free to whirl it about in all directions whilst opening other cans of whoop-ass.
Like Spirit Guardians, a 3rd level AoE 15ft radius centered on self of 3d8 radiant damage. Enemies can make a WIS save to halve the damage, but are still subject to halved speed while in the area regardless if they make the save or not. Casting at higher levels scales the damage by 1d8. This however, is concentration, so she cannot maintain other spell effects such as Blink and Pass without a Trace.
She has 2 nuke spells: Guiding Bolt and Inflict Wounds. Both are single target level 1 spells, and casting with higher level slots give better damage. Guiding bolt starts with 4d6 radiant damage and has a comfortable range of 120 ft while Inflict Wounds does a horrendous 3d10 necrotic, but requires melee range. Inflict Wounds scale better with level +1d10 vs +1d6, but Guiding Bolt (if hit) gives advantage to the next attack from the party. Due to initiative order fuckery and flanking stuff the advantage may be redundant sometimes, but I believe the best combo is Nott (the best detective agency) using the advantage for sneak attack in the absence of other sneak attack conditions. For inflict Wounds, if Jester has her duplicate in melee she can cast it from the duplicate. 
This presents an interesting conundrum for Invoke Duplicity, one of her Channel Divinity options (2 uses per short rest). Invoke Duplicity is a concentration action (bad), but can be cast 120 ft out. I think it isnt optimal to invoke duplicity to Inflict Wounds from a distance since it takes 2 full turns to do so + a bonus action to move the duplicate if when the enemy repositions. Instead, the duplicate can be used to double team an enemy in melee range, giving advantage to any attack rolls. 1. Inflict Wounds is an attack roll. 2. Spiritual Weapon is an attack roll. So perhaps Invoke Duplicity at 30 ft out as a first turn distraction as well as Spiritual Weapon, then move in for the kill. The positioning of both will be key, since she can only move one of them with her bonus action (30 and 20 ft respectively)
I forget how Matt rules with regard to distracting with duplicates (i.e will intelligent enemies attack the duplicate instead?) A parallel situation occurs with the Mirror Image spell. Not concentration (excellent) and is automatically prepared (also very good). When an enemy rolls to attack her if she has cast it, she rolls a d20 and above certain numbers (based on the number of duplicates remaining) the enemy attacks the duplicate. For Mirror Image, the duplicates are destroyed on hit (AC 14 for Jester’s dupes). But I believe Invoke Duplicity ones cannot be destroyed. Either cases could take the heat off Jester (which she has been on the receiving end of TOO MANY times).
Control Water I think I’ll go update Fjordy after all this; its more his spell than Jester’s now they are out of the water.
She also has a lot of other utility spells that can be clutch outside of healing and hurting (ok I have yet to mention her heals but that seems fitting we’ll get to that in a bit). Polymorph and Banishment can take enemies out of the fight temporarily (both concentration), with polymorph being easier to break if anyone accidentally hits them too hard. But polymorph can also be used on allies to turn them into a bag of hitpoints and melee prowess (generally speaking). But maybe not the most appropriate use (Polymorph Nugget/Sprinkle into the BBEG XD)
Dimension Door helps reposition Jester as well as an ally in melee range completely, enough to flee a fight or make a huge chase or get help. Dispel Magic is to nullify some of the magic thrown at the party and can be extremely useful, especially if enemies are limited in their spellcasting. 
And finally when she runs out of leveled spells to throw, she has cantrips. Toll the Dead is an above average damage cantrip (2d12 necrotic at her level unless enemies are at full health, then 2d8) WIS save. Sacred Flame is 2d8 radiant damage and enemies dont get cover bonuses to their DEX save for this. Sadly Matt seems to be very good at saving versus these, and saves mean no damage at all. But still, they are useful when she casts bonus action spells such as Healing Word, Spiritual Weapon and Sanctuary 
And finally the healing stuff. Cure Wounds and Healing Word. They are a parallel to the Inflict Wounds and Guiding Bolt conundrum. Cure Wounds heals for 1d8 + 5 (average of 9.5 HP) at level 1, while Healing Word heals for 1d4 + 5 (7.5 HP). Cure Wounds needs touch, Healing Word has 60ft range. Cure Wounds scales better with level (1d8 vs 1d4). Honestly in D&D 5e, thats not much healing. And the variance can screw you over. So prioritizing damage dealing is a pretty good strategy. In fact, with the presence of Caduceus, Jester has a comparative advantage in dealing damage (her opportunity costs of attacking are actually lower than Caduceus’, situationally).
However, as we see, Revivify is a very, very good tool to keep in one’s back pocket since you never know when an ally might accidentally blow up another. That part of healing, yeah no its a quintessential cleric role that Laura has played completely true to. And everyone needs to thank her for it. 
All in all, the hybrid nature of Jester as a Trickery Cleric has some growing pains, but I think she is a very very dangerous character (Matt acknowledges the value of clerics and is rather fond of focusing them). If she went full beast mode her damage output could probably match Beau’s, so really no one should hold her back with silly things like healing and worrying about her squishy friends. Dr Clay will be with you in a moment (after you’ve gone unconscious that is)
If anyone wants to debate the risk/return profiles of various spells, attacks, damage rolls and dice gods, feel free to drop me an ask!
Edit: her racial features are as follows for completeness sake: Cold resistance, Hellish Rebuke once per day, reaction when taking damage. 3d10 cold damage with DEX save for half damage. DC 12. Darkness once per day. Thaumaturgy as cantrip. Darkvision 60ft
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