#[[ i'm almost as worried as nezuko is—
dark-night-hero · 1 year
「In the stars」 Tengen Uzui
↳ In which right after the fight that cost him serious and fatal wounds, Tengen and his wives, alongside the Kamado siblings have encountered a rather strange demon. (Warnings of ooc behaviour)
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It was rather unexpected. After all the fight with the upper moon six just ended, and a little while Nezuko have cured the poison within his body, was the side effect of it could possibly be the one responsible for his hallucinations right now?
Casually strolling in the chaotic field left behind the fight was a someone, something in a form of a human figure. Possessing a rather familiar and one of a kind (hair color) locks, their lips on a thin line, their reddish yet (eye color) iris calmly scan the field. All dressed in a rather flashy outfit, totally not fitted on the current field and situation.
He almost didn't recognised it, more like refuse to recognise it. But no matter now hard he tried to deny it. No matter how much he try to forget about it, no matter how many seasons and people have gone by. There have always been someone in the back of his mind that he cannot seem to forget no matter how hard he tried.
"Died already? Doma-sama is going to get disappointed again." The figure spoke in a rather emotionless tone, looking around the field, their reddish (eye color) iris scan the people on their side. They just stare at them with a rather bored look in their face and just stood there as if thinking hardly of what do to.
At the same time, there was no mistaking it. The looks, the vioce, the figure, except with the flashy outfit. There was no mistaking it, it was you. "Tengen-sama?"
"What should I do?" The figure across the demon Slayers and shinobu blink, then burst into a fit of wicked laughter. "Doma-sama hates it when I ruined the clothes he gave me, but he also told me to kill all people who've seen me just in case they go around telling other about me.. for what reason was that again?" They then starts to think real hard. "I can't seem to remember. But this means I'm free to do whatever I want with them? Right?" With a gentle smile on their face, they started walking at them.
And then they started dashing at them. With a wicked smile on their face, they almost manage to grab Suma who just finished wailing upon Tengen's recovery from the poison, on the face with their claws but Tengen who was quick on his feet manage to shield her away from the what it seems like was a demon despite his current state. Nevertheless, "(First name)?"
"That's weird." The demon spoke, tilting their head to the side casually right in front of Tengen and the rest who is now alerted with your presence but was in a bit of exhaustion. "A human with a demon as one of your acquaintance??" The demon blink, "Also, no one but Doma-sama knows my name, how come you knew it. Interesting." The demon smiled wickedly but still damn beautiful for a demon.
Without missing a beat, the demon was right in front of his, their face only a millimetres away from his. "I was about to leave you alone because by far you're the most vulnerable along the group and oh, how I hate coming after the weakest" the demon laugh. "But you know too much." In a blink of an eye, the demon were ready to grab him by the face and went for the kill but then his wives grabbed him back.
"Tengen-sama!" "Tengen-sama what are you doing?!" "Tengen-sama snap out of it!" His worried wife cried for him as he watch Tanjiro take position in front of him, ready to take on the demon right in front of them with his strength. He was aware that the demon in front of them were not that strong, even a newbie could take on this weakass demon. "Wait." Tengen spoke. "I'll be the one to finish them." "Tengen-sama!" "There is something I need to know." He spoke before slight pushing Tanjiro out of the way and casually stood right in front of the now frowning demon.
"What happened to you?" In that single sentence, everyone could tell there was a hint of surprised and sadness that comes with it which was very unlikely of the flamboyant attitude of his. And the demon who frowning frown even harder. "Was I supposed to know you or something? Lucky for you, I don't remember a thing." Honestly, it was sarcastic.
"Who did this to you?" Weapon in hand, the sound Hashira started walking towards the demona and the demon who was laughing in their mind taking his as an opportunity just gave him a rather confused face, wanting to rip of the sympathetic look on his bloody face with their claw once he get close enough.
"(First name)." He was walking close, just right within the demons reach. "I watched you died." It was right above whisper which causes the demon to halt. Why does he look to sad and broken when he said that? "Tell me, who did this to you?" "Tell me who dug up my spouse corpse and turn them into such wicked creature."
At the same time, as if to end ones suffering, the demons head went flying without a sound, without pain, it was all nothing but silence.
"How plain." You blink and look up away from the tea cup right in front of you to the owner of the voice. Right in front of you was a rather flashy and handsome guy who seems to be in a same age as you. "They want me to have this plain person as my spouse? How insolence." He scoffs at you. Nevertheless the just smile at him and never look away from those maroon iris of his.
Perhaps it was your smile, or maybe he was lying to himself, because despite the plain looking clothes you have right now, you're glowing. "What's your name?" "(First name)." "Just (First name)?" "For a family who will either give up their child for a cult or for a renounce shinobi clan, I'd rather not use it." You spoke, smile never once fluttering as you continue to look at him unbothered. In the midst of silence he suddenly spoke.
"(First name) Uzui." For a moment, he saw those (eye color) iris widen before he turn his back into you. "You better start using that now, my soon to be spouse." With a smirk on his face, he closed the door behind him, missing the rather shocked look on your face that was eventually replaced with relief. Hands clenched underneath the table in victory.
Being the soon to be spouse of one of the two remaining siblings of the clan allows you to live in peace and unbothered life. With your husband rather busy with his training and would often come to the room late, the relationship between the two of you were rather awkward. Still, you don't really mind. It was more peaceful this way.
"What are you doing?" In the midst of you seing your sword back and front, you gave him a side eye but never stopped on your training. "Training?" "What for?" "Have you ever heard of demon slayers?" You asked back before looking away at him on your peripheral vision once you saw him sat down on the corner. "I think I have heard a thing or two about them. What about it?" "My clan as formerly a demon slayer clan before we switch into being a shinobi clan. I'm trying to revive our old breathing style." You spoke casually with a shrug.
"Huh, how interesting. You don't look like the type of person who could handle such thing." You were rather frail looking after all. "Honestly you're right." You laugh and stop swinging your sword and went to look at your soon to be husband. And as soon as you does, he blink. There you are in the middle of the backyard, laughing with sweat running down all the way from your forehead down to your chin. Dressed in plain clothes, Tengen doesn't think that makes you less attractive.
"But it doesn't mean I can't, doesn't mean I should give up. A lot of innocent people died in the hands of demons. I believe it's worth the try. Somehow." "..." Seeing him looking rather not interested, you just shrug and started swinging your sword again. "This breathing style that you speak of, what is it?" Poundering for a few moments, you shake your head ans chuckle, rather confusing the man right in front of you. "Sound breathing."
The first time Tengen Uzui have seen you in a rather flashy, flamboyant air was at your wedding ceremony. Being the first spouse of one of the possible next leader of the clan, you were dressed up in the most finest clothes and accessories. Complimenting your already beautiful and attractive appearance that your rather plain clothes could never.
"Are you truly my supposed to be spouse to be?" He asked on a rather joking matter once you reached the altar. "Not used seeing me like this?" You smirk at him, well aware of your attractive and flashy appearance than usual. "You should get used to it, husband."
Despite the rough start of your relationship, this got better once the two of you have gotten married at the age of 18. The two of you started getting to know each other and started spending more time with one other. At some point, you could tell that the two of you have gone closer than the two of you could imagine.
"Here." Looking at what he have on hand. It was a bunch of rather plain looking clothes. "???" "Use this." "Don't you hate it when I'm looking plain?" You laugh nevertheless take the clothes he have on hand and started putting it on your dresser. Then a whisper came across the room. "But I hate it more when other people kept looking at you." "Tengen. Are you jealous?" "If I do admit that I am jealous, would you do as I say?"
"How plain." "I wonder who's fault is that." You laugh in the midst of your own training as your husband went to spectate per usual. And then in the middle of the training, your inside starts to hurt, an intense quick pain spread throughout your body causing you to stagger forward with a gasp. "Woah there." Your husband, quick on his feet was there to catch you. "What was that?" "Sorry, I think I kind of went overboard with my training today." You laugh.
Entering the your shared room, you have noticed the rather unusual mood inside. "Darling, is their something wrong?" You quickly approach the huge man sitting down on the side of the bed. Then he whispered something under his breath, something no ordinary person would hear but all thanks to the breathing style you're currently doing, you were able to hear it. "I want to kill them." "..." "I badly want to kill them." "..." "But they were the only family I have left. What should I do?"
You don't know what happened, he was never the one to talk about his family in the first place so you naturally learn not to ask nor talk about it. Still seeing the man who was usually high and mighty in such rather confused and in a state of frustration. You pull him into an embrace. "Do what your heart wants you to do. No matter the consequences, I'll be by your side. Aren't I your spouse?"
"I don't think I could marry anyone again." As his hand run down your bare skin, leaving butterfly kisses all over your collar to your face, he spoke. "Doesn't the Uzui clan practices polygamy?" You clarified as you push him away from your face. "We do, but I only want you as my spouse. You're enough." "Don't be silly Tengen." You laugh despite the sharp pain on your chest. "Rather than that, if you'd like, I'll teach you a thing or two about our breathing style. What do you say?"
Your days with Tengen were rather short yet you could say it was one of the most happiest moments of your life. Honestly you never really thought about, only on this day, as you stare at the rather cloudy night as you lay there on the ground unmoving, unconsciously clinging into ever bit of consciousness left as you.
He was loud, he could also be a bit of clingy sometimes. He was too flashy and flamboyant that you hate him sometimes. He could also be a bit blunt and rude sometimes it hurt your feelings. "He was really.... annoying. I love him anyway." Your pale and cold lips curling up. Mind slowly going blank as you could no longer feel most of your body parts nor the pain on your side.
It was such a shame you wouldn't be able to see him. Still, you'd rather not let him see you in such state. You even wish he wouldn't be able to find you after this.
"(First name)?" Although you have gone numb, you could still hear him even fron afar with his footsteps. "(First name)." You could hear the way his voice tremble. "I'm sorry I'm late. The mission went long as expected I-" "Were the kids... that lived in the... gasp, village safe?" "Yes... yes my spouse they are safe. All thanks to you they are safe" "I'm glad." "My spouse, let's get you home and treated." "Tengen..." "...Yes My Spouse?" You tried, with ever bit of strength left to open your eyes.
"There was... a marriage proposal... that came... recently..." "My spouse we talked about this. Enough with the nonsense-" "Tengen." "..." "They... they of..fered the younger sis... but I think... Suma... the older sis...ter is much fit..-" "Okay okay, hush, stop speaking. I get it. Let's get you fixed up." "Don't cry." You smile at him, wanting to brush off the tears falling down his eyes despite the urge to close your eyes. "Don't... cry Ten...gen." "Don't leave me. Fuck. Let's get you fixed up. We're going back, okay? Just stay with me."
Holding you in his arms, trying at least to keep you warm. He went as fast and gentle as he could. Cursing himself over and over again. It wasn't supposed to be like this. He was supposed to come home with you still waiting from him on your shared room, welcoming him with a gentle and warm smile on your face. You were supposed to be laughing at him at his attempts to be clumsy whenever you would teach him the remains of your clans breathing style. Tease him for not being able to catch up whenever the two of you would went out for a sprinting race.
It was supposed to be like that, not like this. Oh God, not like this. Not like this as those (eye color) iris slowly lose the sign of life on it. You were rapidly cooling down in his arms. It was not supposed to be like this. Why does it have to be you. Fuck. Why does it have to be you who run into a demon in such time.
"Tengen..." "Yes My Spouse?" Come to think of it, you never said it to each other, right? "I... lo..ve you." And he stopped, it was barely above whispered. He stopped as you said those words, he stopped as your hand slowly fall of on your side. He look down, there you seems to be sleeping peacefully on his arms. As if you were just asleep. Drenched in your blood and sweat. He lean down and give you a kiss on the forehead.
Then it rains. As if sympathising with the man who just lost the love of his life. Leaving his cries and curses drown in the rain. It was the death of his beloved. Sometimes that he would never ever forget. Something he learned something about that will change his life forever. A lesson.
As your previous life flashed right in front of you. As your head and body starts to disintegrate.
"Who did this to you?" Tears then starts to fall. "The second upper moon, Doma." You spoke with a gentle smile on your face. "He was the leader of the cult I was supposed to be sacrifice to." You were running out of time, you knew but that didn't stop you from talking. "Digged up my corpse for him to consume but found it a waste for him to consume so he turned me into his puppet instead, for entertainment." You laugh like it was nothing.
"Tengen." You called him out gently. "You have a lovely wives by your side. I'm glad." You smile at him. How strange was it to have a talking head, but none of the two of you mind. "Don't give me that look." "You're leaving me again." "Much better than a wandering demon puppet." "..." "Thank you." "..." "I'm glad to see you again, Tengen."
As you completely turn into ashes and blown away by the wind. Tengen sat down on the ground. "Tengen-sama!" With his wives quickly surrounding him. He smiled a bit and reassured them he was okay before looking up on the sky filled with stars.
Tengen, if Gods permits. I'd like to meet and fall in love with you on my next life. But for now, I'll be watching you among the stars.
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2023°
: this was just supposed to be an image. I haven't watched the latest season so I think Tengen might be a out of character but please do bare with it. I just saw a clips and reels about the aftermath of the able with the uppermoon six, you know that nezuko setting him in flames and his relationship with his wives and thought 'oh wait what if he has a first spouse none of them knew about?'
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akazzzaa · 4 months
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Summary-You get isekai but you miss your old life
Genre- Angst/ very little fluff
Warnings- Racism// Overthinking // Mentions of death and blood
It happened all to soon.
It was just another typical evening, filled with the monotony of everyday tasks. You had just finished washing the dishes, the warm soapy water still clinging to your hands as you wiped them dry on a kitchen towel. The humdrum of life had become a comforting rhythm: work, home, chores, eat, sleep, repeat.
There was solace in the predictability, a sense of security in the familiar.
You settled into the worn-out couch, a cup of tea in hand and your favourite show up on the television. Outside, the city buzzed with its usual night-time symphony – car horns, distant sirens, the occasional bark of a dog. Your phone buzzed with a notification, a reminder of an upcoming meeting. You sighed, mentally preparing.
Without warning, a wave of dizziness washed over. The room spun, and you clutched the edge of the couch, heart racing. You tried to steady yourself, but your vision blurred, and your body felt unnaturally heavy. Panic set in as you realized you was losing consciousness. The cup slipped from your fingers, shattering on the floor as everything went dark.
When you awoke, the world was different. Instead of the familiar comfort of your living room, you found yourself lying on a futon in a brightly lit room. The walls were adorned with delicate paintings of butterflies, and the air was filled with the soothing scent of medicinal herbs. Your head pounded as you tried to sit up, only to be gently pushed back down by a soft yet firm hand.
"Easy now," a gentle voice said. You looked up to see a woman with dark hair tied back in a butterfly-shaped hairpin. She wore a haori decorated with a butterfly motif and had a serene, almost amused expression on her face. It was Shinobu Kocho, the Insect Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps.
You're awake," she said, her smile widening slightly. "That's good. You had us worried for a moment."
You blinked, trying to process the impossible. "Where am I?" I croaked, my throat dry and scratchy.
"You're at the Butterfly Mansion," Shinobu explained. "A safe place where we tend to the wounded and train new Demon Slayers."
You struggled to sit up again, this time with her assistance. As you looked around, you noticed a few other familiar faces – Tanjiro, Nezuko, and Aoi, all watching with a mix of curiosity and concern.
Shinobu's eyes twinkled with curiosity as she took in your appearance. "You certainly have an unusual look," she commented. "Your clothing is unlike anything I've seen and you look foreign. Are you from the West?"
I hesitated, my mind racing. "Yes, but, I'm... I'm also from the future," You admitted, voice barely above a whisper.
Shinobu raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "The future, you say? How interesting. Tell me, do you know how all of this will end?"
Your heart skipped a beat. Of course, you knew the general outline of the story, but revealing too much could change everything. Moreover, the thought of being thrust into battles with demons terrified you. you are weak, untrained, and utterly unprepared for this brutal world.
"I... I can't say," You stammered. "If I tell you everything, it might change things in ways we can't predict. And I'm not a fighter. I'm scared."
Shinobu's expression softened, and she placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "It's alright. Fear is natural, especially in a world as dangerous as this one. But you don't have to face it alone. We will help you find your place here, whether it's fighting or something else."
Her words were comforting, yet the weight of the situation pressed heavily on your shoulders. You are an ordinary person thrust into an extraordinary world, and the path ahead is full off danger.
Despite the kindness of some, not everyone in this world was as welcoming. As days turned into weeks, You began to notice the stares and whispers behind your back. Your Western appearance and strange mannerisms made an easy target.
One afternoon, as you walked through a nearby village with Tanjiro and Zenitsu, You felt the weight of countless eyes on you. The villagers, their faces a mixture of fear and curiosity, muttered among themselves.
"Who is she? Why does she look like that?"
"She doesn't belong here. She's different."
Zenitsu and Tanjiro heard everything.
Their words stung, each one a dagger to your already fragile sense of belonging. You tried to ignore them, focusing on the path ahead, but it was impossible to shut out their disdain.
In the market, a vendor outright refused to sell you anything. "We don't serve your kind here," he spat, his eyes cold and unyielding.
Tanjiro stepped in, his voice firm yet polite. "She's with us, and she's a friend. Please treat her with respect."
The vendor grumbled but eventually relented, though the hostility in his gaze never wavered. You clutched the small pouch of goods Tanjiro had purchased for you, hands trembling with a mix of anger and shame.
Later that night, back at the Butterfly Mansion, you found yourself sitting alone in the garden, tears streaming down your face. The beauty of the blooming flowers and the gentle glow of the lanterns did little to soothe the ache in your heart.
Mitsuri found you there, her presence as calming as always. "I heard what happened in the village," she said softly, sitting beside you. "I'm sorry you had to experience that."
"It's not your fault," You replied, wiping away the tears. "I just... I never expected to feel so out of place. I thought I could adapt, but..."
Mitsuri placed a comforting hand on yours. "Change takes time, and prejudice is a difficult beast to tame. But remember, you have friends here who care about you. You're not alone. I also know how you feel. I always get looks because of my hair. I even tried to dye it black so I could fit in. I was told no one would love me, no one would want kids with me, but that means they don't deserve me! "
Her words were a small comfort, but the pain of feeling like a perpetual outsider lingered. Despite the kindness of those around, the sting of rejection and the weight of your fears made you feel defeated. Every night, you longed for the comfort of your old life, for the familiar faces and routines that had once seemed so mundane.
A few days had passed, and you had seen more fighting than you ever thought possible. The bravery of the Demon Slayers was awe-inspiring, but it was also a stark reminder of the perilous world you now inhabited. Each night, the memories of battles and the cries of demons haunted your dreams, making sleep an elusive comfort. Watching it in 'real life' was so different from watching just an animation.
Tonight was no different. You lay in your futon, staring at the ceiling, unable to silence the turmoil in your mind. The faces of new friends flashed before me – Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Nezuko, Shinobu, Rengoku, basically everyone.
They had become dear to you, yet the longing for your old life gnawed at your heart.
Unable to bear the restlessness any longer, you slipped out of bed and quietly made your way outside. The night was cool, the air filled with a soft hum and the gentle rustling of leaves. You walked aimlessly, seeking solace in the tranquillity of the night, yet finding none.
As you wandered, thoughts drifted to all the people you had met. Tengen Uzui had been particularly kind, taking the time to help me improve my Japanese. The other Hahira's, each with their unique personalities and strengths, had welcomed you despite my strangeness and foreignness. Even Kagaya Ubuyashiki, the master of the Demon Slayer Corps, had shown me kindness and understanding.
A tear slipped down your cheek, followed by another. The weight of your reality was crushing. You had made friends here, but this world was not yours. You missed your family, home, the safety of ordinary life. You felt like an outsider, an imposter in a story that wasn’t yours to live.
"Hey," a gentle voice broke through my sorrow. You turned to see Tanjiro and Rengoku standing a few feet away, concern etched on their faces.
"What's wrong?" Tanjiro asked softly, his eyes filled with empathy.
You tried to speak, but the words caught in your throat. The dam of emotions you had been holding back burst forth, and you began to sob uncontrollably. "I don't belong in this world," You cried, my voice trembling with the weight of my despair. "I'm scared, and I miss my home. I don't know how to fight, and I'm so afraid."
Rengoku stepped forward, his usually fiery demeanour tempered with a surprising gentleness. "It's alright to feel that way," he said, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. "You've been thrown into a difficult situation, but you're not alone. We're here with you."
Tanjiro nodded, his expression earnest. "You don't have to fight if you don't want to. There are many ways to help and support us. We'll find a place for you here."
Yet, no matter how much you wished to return home, you was stuck here. The reality of the situation was unyielding, a constant reminder that you was trapped in a world where you didn’t belong. The battles, the bloodshed, the ever-present danger – it was all too much.
You wlaked back to your room after your conversation.
As you lay down, staring at the ceiling, a deep sense of hopelessness washed over you. You missed your family and friends, hell you had your whole life planned. Do they miss you? Are you in the news? Has anyone even noticed?. The fear of what lay ahead in this brutal world paralyzed you. Despite the friends you had made, the sense of community you was slowly beginning to feel, you couldn't shake the feeling of being an imposter in someone else's story.
"I don't belong here," You whispered to the darkness, your heart aching with a longing that seemed impossible to fulfill. "I just want to go home."
But home was a world away, a distant memory you could no longer reach. And as you closed your eyes, the weight of a new reality pressed down on you, a constant reminder that no matter how much you wished for it, You was stuck in this world, struggling to find a place in a story that was never meant to be yours.
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silverynight · 2 months
Aoi can smell it in the air; the sweet scent of green tea and honey. There are a couple of flowers mixed in it as well, but she has never been really good at knowing all the types of flowers so she can't describe it exactly.
However, she knows it's the scent of their sweetest omega, Kamado Tanjirou. Which is usually a problem for the slayers around, but especially for the Pillars.
She knows the boy has taken enough suppressants to deal with his heat, but he probably still feels the need to make a nest.
What is incredibly surprising and slightly alarming is that the suppressants are not doing a really good job at hiding his scent.
"I'll be staying here a couple of days, if you don't mind," he tells Aoi, even though he doesn't need to ask for permission; she knows Tanjirou is tired and probably is fighting the need to ask the alphas around for a piece of clothing with their scent.
Now, another problem is that all the hashira are having a meeting in the headquarters soon, which means they'll be close enough to smell him.
Aoi is not surprised when she sees Kyojuro's crow flying above the butterfly estate and leaving as soon as he spots Tanjirou.
The slayers around watch with longing as Tanjirou starts gathering a couple of clean sheets and some pillows for his nest.
He moves around the estate, unable to feel satisfied with his work. Nezuko is not there at the moment so he doesn't even have a "pup" to cuddle with.
Aoi starts preparing suppressants for the alphas, not the ones around (they know they can't touch the pretty omega with the scar on his forehead if they value their lives) but for the Pillars themselves.
They'll be coming soon. She is almost sure they'll end up canceling the meeting too, because, like everyone else, Ubuyashiki knows exactly that all his hashira are head over heels for Tanjirou and he's kind enough to let them spend time with him.
"Yes?" She feels sorry for Tanjirou as she realizes he's too far gone now; he's tearing up, but his eyes are completely white, which means his inner omega is in charge now.
"Where's my pup?" He sobs, trying to wipe the tears off his eyes with his sleeve. He looks so cute, Aoi feels the need to give him anything he wants and protect him even though she's not an alpha. "I can't find her!"
He thinks Nezuko is his pup.
"She's safe at the moment, Tanjirou, I promise. You'll see her tomorrow."
The omega nods, but the tears keep sliding from his big eyes. Now she kinda understands the Pillars and why they always look like they're being tortured whenever they are with Tanjirou.
"My nest is wrong," the omega continues, clearly overwhelmed by his own hormones. "I'm not safe. It doesn't smell right. I want someone to hold me."
Maybe she should send a crow so the Pillars come faster, or at least one of them will be enough.
"Why don't you try to sleep for a while, Tanjirou?"
The omega bites his bottom lip in a way that makes her worry he'll make himself bleed; the Pillars are not going to be happy about it.
"I don't think I will be able to sleep alone. Where are my alphas?"
Now that is really interesting. Tanjirou has no idea all the hashira are in love with him; he thinks all of them consider him a friend and the things they do for him are out of friendship and nothing else.
However, his inner omega seems to know more than Tanjirou himself.
"How many alphas do you have?"
"Nine. They love me. They keep me safe," Tanjirou smiles, although his eyes are still completely white. "Why aren't they here with me? I don't even have their clothes! I miss their scents!"
Aoi regrets asking that question immediately because Tanjirou starts sobbing again.
Her salvation comes in the form of Kiyo, Naho and Sumi because as soon as Tanjirou sees them, he stops crying and hugs them.
"Are you alright, little pups? Do you need anything?"
It's incredible how his mommy instincts kick in as soon as he sees pups, even though he doesn't have any himself.
"Naho, please give Tanjirou this and take him to his nest. He'll sleep for a while," she whispers to the girl while the omega gets distracted by the other two.
"Let's go to the nest!" Sumi says, taking Tanjirou's hand in hers.
"But it's all wrong!" The omega argues, making a devastated expression.
"It's okay for now!" The three girls assure him and manage to convince him to go back to his room.
Aoi sighs in relief, at least he'll be able to rest for a while.
The Pillars arrive at the estate a little bit after that and Aoi, along with the three butterfly girls, have to stay at the entrance and physically stop them.
"What are you doing?" Iguro asks, slightly irritated by the way his scent is changing. "We want to see our omega!"
"You can't," she stands her ground despite being afraid of them. "Not until you drink these and wait for the medicine to kick in."
"Huh?" Shinazugawa bares his teeth, inner alpha already desperate to get to Tanjirou. "What the hell is this?"
"Tanjirou's scent is too strong at the moment; he won't go into heat, but you still have to take suppressants so his scent doesn't trigger your ruts. To keep him safe."
From you. She doesn't say, but they all hear it between lines nonetheless.
However, Tanjirou's safety has always been a priority for the hashira, so they all nod and drink the medicine quickly.
"Wait a couple of minutes in the backyard. I'll call you when it's time." She says, feeling a lot relaxed now.
"Is he alright?" Tomioka asks, worried.
"Yes, but he wants cuddles."
She rolls her eyes as soon as she hears them fight over who gets to cuddle him first.
"Also, you should give him your haoris or something so he can finish his nest. He's very upset about not getting it ready."
Since Tokito and Uzui don't have a haori, they end up shirtless, but that doesn't surprise her at all.
Aoi leaves for a while, mostly to check on Tanjirou; he's still asleep, although she knows he'll wake up as soon as the Pillars walk in the room.
"Alright, it's time!"
They basically jump up, ready to follow her like lovesick puppies; she rolls her eyes again, glad her back is on them.
"One more thing: he thinks you're his alphas."
"Well, that's because we are!" Uzui smirks, although his expression changes when Kocho throws her butterfly clip at him and hits him on the back of the head.
"We are not... yet," she says. "We promised we were going to court him properly. Besides, his inner omega might have caught on to our feelings for him, but Tanjirou has no idea."
Despite knowing that, Aoi notices they all seem really happy about the omega's assumption and she knows they're going to play the alpha mates role quite well.
"Be careful. Only cuddling!" She warns them, although she knows she's being unfair because they would never hurt their sunshine.
They all melt at the sight of Tanjirou curled up in a pile of sheets and pillows. Honestly, his nest looks quite comfortable, but it only smells like him at the moment.
"Darling?" Kanroji mumbles quietly, getting closer.
It's all the omega needs to open his big eyes; they're still white, but Aoi knows it'll probably last a day or two.
"Alphas!" Tanjirou beams, making grabby hands at them.
"Someone pinch me, I think I'm dreaming," Tomioka blurts out, only for Kocho to do exactly what he asked. "Ouch! I didn't mean it literally!"
Kyojuro, always desperate to touch Tanjirou, pulls the omega into his arm in a hug that makes them both purr.
"I want your haoris."
They immediately offer a piece of clothing to him, like the good, whipped alphas they are.
He hugs all the garments with the sweetest, most content expression on his face before rubbing every single one against his cheeks.
Then he patiently arranges them as all the hashira watch with undivided attention.
"It's done!" The omega beams, clearly satisfied with his work before turning towards them again. "I want someone to cuddle me!"
Himejima is the first one. They both fit perfectly in the nest; Tanjirou did such a good job, Aoi is sure each and every single one are going to be really comfortable when their turn comes.
She leaves then, but she keeps checking in on them every once in a while, and that's how she finds out Iguro and Kanroji decide to cuddle Tanjirou at the same time. During Tokito's turn, he lies over Tanjirou's chest the whole time. Shinazugawa likes to bite the omega's cheek to make him giggle, Kyojuro embraces him in a way that makes it look like he won't ever leave his side and Tomioka hugs him from behind, breathing into Tanjirou's red hair.
Kocho does the same as Tokito because she's smaller than Tanjirou, Uzui encourages the omega to hide his face under the curve of his neck until he purrs.
It takes them a while, but Tanjirou gets to cuddle with all his Pillars, one at a time.
Tanjirou wakes up feeling well rested. The nest he made smells better than ever, and even though he's in a pile of comfortable clothes alone, around him on the floor, all the hashira are sleeping.
Then, bit by bit, he remembers what happened while his inner omega was in control.
And he feels terrible about it. Tears start falling from his eyes because he's still on his nesting period, and his hormones are crazy even though he's completely conscious now.
"Tanjirou, what is it?" Muichiro is the first one to wake up. Cradling the omega's face in his hands, he leans closer. "Are you hurt?"
They all are awake now, gathered around him, with such concerned looks in their eyes, Tanjirou feels even worse.
"I took advantage of you!" He sobs. "Of your friendship and valuable time! I'm so sorry I made you give up your haoris, I'm sorry you had to act like my alphas to make me feel better!"
Sanemi is angry, of course he is. He should be.
"You can... I mean I understand if you want to stop being my frie–"
"Tanjirou, my boy, my beloved, my darling," Kyojuro cuts him off, moving closer until the tip of his nose touches the omega's. "We are in love with you."
"What?" He blinks, as his tears finally stop sliding down his cheeks.
Gyomei kneels in front of him, finds his hands, and takes them in his.
"Tanjirou. You didn't make us do anything," he says, smiling softly at him as he tears up. "In your hands, you hold our hearts, all of them, and it's not because you took them; we gave them to you willingly, after getting to know your gentle soul and seeing the kindness you treat everyone with. Tanjirou, we have been yours for a while now, and we've been trying to let you know about our love for you. Please, let us court you."
Tanjirou takes a deep breath before touching Gyomei's hands with his fingertips gently and then looking at every single one of... his Pillars.
They are his Pillars now, aren't they? Tanjirou can finally see it all in the glimmer of their eyes.
It has always been there, he just... wasn't paying enough attention.
But he will from now on.
"Yes, you can court me. All of you."
He gets a lot of kisses and hugs after that, at least until Aoi comes in and reminds them Tanjirou is technically still nesting so they should be careful with the displays of affection.
Tanjirou makes a mental note to give something to Aoi for taking care of him.
She deserves it.
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luvbugs-blog · 1 year
healing with you - t. kamado
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little blurb from this
you groan, trying to move your body, but you are just too sore. the battle with the spider demons really did a number on you. but you're a stubborn mf.
your fingers twitch, and then your arms. it's working! you brace your arms on either side of your body, trying to lift yourself up. nope...
your ribs are just too sore. you fall back on the bed, holding your middle. so you focus on your breathing, hoping that will speed the healing process a bit while you pout. the breathing part is a little hard, as whatever medicine you were given is making you a little loopy. it's very hard to focus.
it's been a couple of minutes before you hear your door creak slightly, and you think it's shinobu coming to check on you.
oh! it's, "tanjiro? what are you doing here?" he walks over, and sits gently on your bed, careful not to touch you.
"i was checking on you. you were asleep for so long."
"what about you? you were worse off then me."
"i'm feeling great, thanks for asking." you don't know why, but something about him makes you want to touch his precious face. the damn medicine.
and before you know it, you are touching him. your fingers caress his face, his scar, his lips.
his hand comes up to meet yours and he lowers your hand onto his lap. is his face red? you can't really tell because your eyelids are becoming quite heavy (his face is red). you whisper his name before closing your eyes. you think you feel soft lips on your forehead before falling asleep.
when you wake, your body feels much better, and you can tell your body has gotten used to total concentration breathing again. and you can sit up!
you walk around the butterfly mansion, searching for one of your friends. that's when you stumble upon zenitsu, sitting outside looking gloomily at the woods.
"oh hi! how have you been?" you take a seat next to him, hoping for a nice civil conversation.
but when he realizes it's you, he immediately starts sobbing, throwing himself into your lap.
"i've been horrible, y/n-chan! you wouldn't even believe it! i almost turned into a spider. and look! my arms shrunk! it's horrible!"
it was a little awkward, having your close friend in such a compromising position on your lap. but you didn't need to endure it for long, because as soon as your starting expressing your pity for zenitsu, an arm reached around you and lifted him up.
"quit being a pervert, zenitsu." you look up to see tanjiro towering over you. you give him a little smile and lean against his leg.
"my hero," you fake swoon. it still causes him to blush, dropping zenitsu on his stomach.
you both ignore the whiny "heyyyy" that follows, because tanjiro takes a seat next to you.
"how are you feeling?"
"much better! it seems you're doing great too. you've been training a lot, haven't you?"
"is it that obvious?"
you cover your hand with the sleeve of your hospital gown and gently wipe your hand across his brow, which was slick with sweat.
"just a bit," you say with a cheeky grin, with your hand resting on cheek. he leans into it a bit with a smile.
you don't know how long the two of you would've stayed like that because inosuke tackles him off the porch.
"tanjiro!" you lean over to make sure he's ok, but he's already being dragged off to train some more.
"you know, he visited you everyday."
"hm?" to be honest, you forgot zenitsu was still there.
"he did. i've only ever seen him that worried over nezuko before. you must be special."
now it was your turn to be embarrassed.
you couldn't sleep. nightmares kept plaguing you to the point where you were a bit scared to sleep. so you decided to take a walk. you don't know why, but your legs started taking you towards tanjiro's room. but you only got halfway before seeing him in the hall.
"hey you."
"couldn't sleep?"
"me neither." there was an awkward pause, so you started tracing the wood patterns on the floor with your feet.
"do you wanna..." tanjiro trailed off, so you looked up at him, and he kinda blushed.
"want to what?"
"hang out in my room for the night?" you blinked at him, totally not expecting that. not that you weren't ecstatic for the invitation. you took a little long with your response, because tanjiro immediately turns red and starts waving his hands.
"not to do anything of course! just to talk! or sleep. you know, just to get out of the hallway. because i would NEVER,"
"TANJIRO! it's fine! i would love to."
"oh." he gently grabs your hand and pulls you to his room. he was setting up his futon on the ground when you asked, "where's nezuko?"
you didn't notice her box in the room.
"oh! she has a seperate room this time! aoi thought it would be best, so we could both have some alone time."
"i'm so sorry to intrude on that alone time," you say with a teasing smile.
"of course you aren't." he sits on the ground next to the futon and pats the blanket. "you can sleep here tonight. i'll sleep on the ground."
"the ground? it's your room! i'll sleep on the ground."
"i'm not letting you sleep on the ground. you're still healing."
"so are you!"
"i'm sleeping on the ground."
"let's just share it."
"...is that ok?"
"i wouldn't have suggested it if it wasn't, silly."
"right." he causiously sits next to you. "are you sure this is ok?"
there's some more silence before you turn to him. "you know, right before you ran into battle with that spider thingy, you told me to stay alive. remember?"
"i remember."
"because you had something you wanted to confess to me."
"well, confess." he turns his head from you, hiding his face in his hands.
"this is so not why i brought you into my room."
you scoot closer to him, intrigued. "tanjiro, it's fine! what did you want to tell me?"
"are you secretly training to be a hashira?"
"what, no! i wanted to say,"
"you mastered hinokami kagura?"
"you're going to," you can't finish interrupting him because he slaps his hand over your mouth.
"will you let me finish?"
"i wanted to tell you..."
"i w-wanted to tell you that i love you." you were not expecting that (dumbass fr). "you don't have to say anything, i just needed to let you know."
you didn't know what else to say. you loved him so much. you never thought this day would come, because you didn't think he returned your affections.
"oh tanjiro." you just leap into his arms, causing you both to fall to the floor. "i love you so much."
"really?" you lean back up into your sitting position, pulling him with you. placing your hand on his neck, you slowly lean forward, silently asking if this was alright. he just closed the gap between the two of you, lifting you onto his lap like you weighed nothing.
the kiss started out very slow and sweet, until you grabbed his hair to ground yourself. that enticed a guttural whine from the man under you, who pulls you even closer to his body, and presses his lips harder against yours.
you pull apart, which illictes another whine from him, until you start pressing wet kisses to the side of his neck. you do that until he pulls you back off to press his lips onto yours again. you grind down on him, and he pulls off of you to say something, staring at you with his beautiful eyes, before you hear,
you both look at each other and start laughing. zenitsu, you lil cockblock.
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xxlady-lunaxx · 3 months
hello this is the anon who requested the kamado siblings + giyuu oneshot and may i just say
jdjdjejejwjwkwksjdjdjsjshdhdhdhhfhrjwjwjdhdhdbd omg i love it so much and i love hoe you write them so much
if you wouldnt mind may i request: tanjiro calling giyuu 'giyuu-nii-san!' or 'onii-san' for the first time which gives giyuu all the fuzzy feelings. nezuko also picks up on it. this then evolves to calling him 'nii-chan' which giyuu's poor heart cant take
imagine giyuu and tanjiro turning to answer nezuko when she says 'nii-chan!' (maybe she thinks of another nickname for giyuu)
sorry the sibling brainrot is brainrotting
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i love you soso much and i'm glad you liked the other one <3 btw i looked a little up and 'onii-san' is typically used by girl and 'nii-san' for boys (js a little headsup) takes place after Nezuko conquered the sun (bc how would she speak then) also there's no connection to this one to the last thing you req'ed :>
Truthfully, Tanjiro had been thinking about it for some time. It wouldn't really have come instinctively because he'd never called anybody it before. Nezuko would've been more likely to slip up. But Tanjiro's plan was to act as if he hadn't meant to say it and see how Giyuu felt about it. He didn't know how to breach the topic and he figured that an honest reaction from Giyuu was probably best, despite the Hashira's lack of ability to show emotions. If there was even the slightest flicker of distaste in those serious blue eyes, Tanjiro would simply apologize and hope Giyuu never brought it up again.
In the end, it did come out unintentionally. Perhaps because he had been mulling it over so much so that it became one of the first things to pop up in his mind when he saw Giyuu. But nevertheless, it simply... slipped out. The two had been talking in the Butterfly Estate as Tanjiro awaited Aoi's permission to go train. Nezuko was perched on the edge of the cot, resting her head on Tanjiro's shoulder and swinging her legs back and forth. Meaning to ask something, Tanjiro began to speak then quickly cut himself off when he realized what he'd said. "Ah! Giyuu-nii, I wa-..." He flushed, turning his head away and sinking down into the sheets, wishing they would envelop him.
There was a moment of silence, though Nezuko didn't seem to have noticed anything. Then Giyuu spoke, slowly, seeming mostly bemused. "What did you say?..."
Tanjiro bit his lip, peeking back up at him. Giyuu looked mostly confused, gazing at him curiously.
"I didn't mean to..."
"What was it you said?" Giyuu pressed, scooting closer on his chair.
"Eh... 'Giyuu-nii'..." Tanjiro mumbled. He wanted to look away, but equally wished to see Giyuu's reaction. To his surprise, it was a lot more expressive than the mild, maybe slight twitch of the lips that he had expected.
Giyuu, understanding now, had his eyes opened wide. "As- As in...?" He seemed very unsure of himself.
"...yes. I just- I see you like an older brother and I... It just slipped out," Tanjiro said quietly. Which was mostly true.
"Oh. Do I call you 'otōto' then?" Giyuu asked.
Tanjiro went to respond, then saw the amused smile that Giyuu was barely supressing and burrowed his face in the blankets. "Wahh, I didn't mean to, I swear!" he said, wallowing in his embarrassment.
"It's... okay," Giyuu assured him. He sounded sincere so Tanjiro glanced back up.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes... I, ah, see the... both of you... as siblings, too, I think," Giyuu agreed. He gave Tanjiro a tentative little smile, looking very shy and awkward—which made Tanjiro feel a bit better. At least they were mostly on the same page.
"You do?" Tanjiro sat up, almost knocking Nezuko over. He apologized quickly to her, patting her gently before turning back to the Hashira.
"I suppose you feel like... family, if you can say that," Giyuu murmured.
Tanjiro beamed.
"I'm glad, I was worried you would think I was weird for calling you that so suddenly."
"I don't mind." Giyuu looked on the verge of saying something, but not quite sure if he should. For a moment, he seemed to battle with himself, then gave in, blurting out: "You can still call me... that-"
Tanjiro stared at him momentarily, then a grin spread on his face. "Reaally? Thank you, Nii-san!" he said enthusiastically.
Nezuko, who wanted in on the fun, prodded Tanjiro's arm. "Wha?" she asked, stumbling over her words as she tried for form a coherent sentence. "Wha' happen...e?"
Tanjiro ruffled her hair affectionately. "Giyuu-san said we can call him 'nii-san' now."
Giyuu looked away, embarrassed as Nezuko sat up and crawled to the other side of the bed where Giyuu's chair was nearest.
"Onii-chan?" she asked tentatively, sitting in front of him and tilting her head.
Giyuu nodded. "...yes."
Nezuko smiled and, paired with Tanjiro's exuberence, it was practically too bright for Giyuu. He stuttered, trying to find something else to say. Then, promptly giving up, he excused himself. "I have to go now, I'll come by later, okay?" he mumbled.
The two nodded happily, waving their goodbyes to the Hashira as he left.
Little extra:
"I wan' go an' see Imosuke now!" Nezuko huffed, crossing her arms.
Tanjiro chuckled. "Inosuke? In a moment. He should be coming here."
Giyuu frowned. "I should go, then. He's very loud."
Tanjiro frowned but didn't protest. Nezuko, on the other hand, seemed to have other things in mind. She held up her arms—at the moment, she was perhaps the size of a 7 year old—and waved them about. "Onii-chan, pick me up! I don't wan' stay in the sun long," she whined.
Both Giyuu and Tanjiro turned to her, reaching forward. They both paused, realizing the other was doing the same. As they tried to figure out who should pick her up, Nezuko stomped her feet impatiently, wondering what was all the hold-up.
Another extra bc it's necessary:
During the training after Tanjiro had finally healed, the Hashira had met up again and Giyuu had been forced into coming. However he had brought Nezuko with him, who had fallen asleep in his arms. Tanjiro was resting after several hours of constant training and he didn't want to put the girl in his hands just yet. So instead, Giyuu was stuck with cradling Nezuko in his arms, hoping she didn't randomly increase her size. The other Hashira gave him amused looks but said nothing of it, too preoccupied on other matters.
They spoke for a while, with Giyuu mostly listening in. Half way through the meeting, Nezuko stirred, blinking up at Giyuu. She raised a hand, patting his chin, and he looked down.
"Good morning," he whispered gently, though it was nearing evening now.
She smiled, sitting up in his arms and growing slightly. "Onii-chan, where we?" she asked. Because she had just woken up, she didn't make any attempt to lower the volume of her voice and it was amplified in the small room, making every Hashira turn to their direction.
Giyuu's cheeks burned at the attention but he tried to ignore it, murmuring to Nezuko, "I'm at a Hashira meeting. Tanjiro's resting, but maybe you can go find Agatsuma or Hashibira?"
Nezuko nodded quickly, hopping out of his arms. She turned to the Hashira, waved briefly, and bounded out of the room. It was close to where Tanjiro and the others had been training and Nezuko had wandered about plenty here, so Giyuu wasn't worried. He was worried, however, about the Hashira who were currently supressing laughter at him.
"Onii-chan, huh?" Tengen grinned, propping his elbow on his knee and leaning on his hand (he was sitting cross-legged). "Have they adopted you into their family?"
Shinobu looked amused, though she had at least the curtesy—if it could be called that—to hide her smile.
"Would've expected you to be the one calling them 'onii-chan,'" Sanemi scoffed. "What with you being the most immature of them all."
"D...don't be mean!" Mitsuri scolded Sanemi, though she looked unsure if it was supposed to be an insult. "I think it's adorable! It's so cute that she calls you that, does Tanjiro, too?"
Giyuu nodded, tucking his chin to his chest as he avoided the Hashira's eyes. Mitsuri giggled, whispering something to Obanai who sat next to her. The rest of the meeting went by achingly slowly but when it finally ended, he left quickly, deciding he would visit Tanjro later in case the boy was headed to another of the Hashira's training. Hopefully, there wouldn't be a meeting any time soon.
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this one's shorter, sorry 'bout that :>
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tofapam · 3 months
Summary: Genya's S/O survived the battle fighting Muzan and how it effects her after it.
Disclaimer: Spoiler after the training arc and it contains angst with no fluff ending.
I'm sorry mate, English is not my first language
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We got separated eventually, i was contradicted to believe in him at that time, i thought i could comprehend both of our trust that we build with each others from the start. He always tries his best to be better, good God he has a mind of his own, why did i think i have the authority to always save him?
Save him.
Save him save him.
Save him save him save him save him save him save him save him save him save him save him.
Save him save him save him save him save him save him save him save him save him save him save him save him save him save him save him save him save him save him save him SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM SAVE HIM.
I just want Genya to make a promise to me to survive, i didnt even care if i'm going to die here, im not a hashira after all, but no matter how i tried i dont have the courage to told him....
From the look of his eyes I know he waited for me to say something, but this is not a place to show expressions, I don't wanna get distracted.
Who am i kidding, i was never good at expressing my own thoughts.
He survived fighting uppermoon 4 and 5, he'll survive this war, he must be, i dont need to tell him to survived, he'll live right? I don't have to worry too much.
The battle ended 3 months ago, many flowers are putted on every grave of the people that are miscarry after fighting Muzan with the others,"Zenitsu san, don't you think its disrespectful to whine about the time we have to put these flowers on everybody's graves?" Zenitsu keeps whining, althought it die down after i tried to talk with him to make him feel less tired and bored.
A few hours later, its almost done, only one more grave. "Tanjiro, can you tell the others not to wait for me after this?" Tanjiro raised his eyebrows,"is everything alright?" I tried to explain everything to him, thankfully he understands my purpose, i gave a smile to him as a silent thank you after i saw him leave with the others.
It has been a breezy day lately, its very calming, i have been waiting for this weather to come, I put the flowers on the graves, I never dared to look at its name. I always hate this one grave personally, last time I look at its name I can't even bear to hold my tears to look at it.
I still remember our last conversation.
He thought I would be the last person to stay on his gravestone, he was wrong.
I turned out to be the first person to leave his gravestone, i respected Sanemi for staying there longer than anyone could, because I know myself, if i look at Genya's name craved on the stone more than one minute I can't hold back all my despair.
Now, it's already 3 months after the battle. I thought i finally had the courage to look at your gravestone longer than before, Genya. But no matter how many times I tried i can't help to have such a heavy emotion.
"I'm sorry we didn't have a proper goodbye,"I don't even know how many times i said that word.
For a few months i try my best to keep on living until now, Tanjiro and Nezuko tried to make me ate more saying that my proportion was too small. I just thought, maybe if i eat less i could die faster so i can meet you, but will you look at me after i die? I doubt it, you're probably already feel happy to be with your family again.
One thing that is always on my mind is, if you still alive, will we still be together?
I don't even want to think about it anymore.
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xuzuitengenx · 1 year
Kyojuro Rengoku x Demon!Male Reader Angst-Fluff? Oneshot (Wattpad)
Title: "A glimpse of the past."
A/N: I wrote this at 3-5am so sorry for any grammar or spelling errors!!
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"My love! Be careful, please!" M/N yelled at his husband who almost fell as he was getting something to eat in the kitchen. M/N practically teleported to Kyojuro by his side (thanks to his demon abilities) and caught Kyojuro.
"I'm fine, M/N! I just tripped!" Kyojuro says, trying to calm down the worried M/N as he was brought on his feet again.
"I know, but you're still injured." M/N mumbled, still holding Kyojuro close to him as he was afraid to let him go. Kyojuro smiles at this, seeing how protective M/N is over him.
"M/N." Kyojuro called out his name, moving himself in M/N's arms so he was face to face with M/N.
Kyojuro places his hands on M/N's cold cheeks. "It's okay- I'm okay. And you don't have to worry about me going on missions anymore." Kyojuro reassures M/N and reminds him that he retired due to his injury that messed up his internal organs.
M/N nodded as he leaned into Kyojuro's warm touch, closing his eyes while calming himself down.
"I'm sorry." M/N apologizes, hugging Kyojuro, but made sure to not hug too tightly as he was still hurt and bandaged up.
Kyojuro shook his head as he hugged M/N back.
"Don't be! You are being protective and very helpful!" Kyojuro complimented.
M/N smiles, kissing Kyojuro's cheek a good couple of times which made Kyojuro giggle softly.
"Let's get you back to bed and I'll make your favorite." M/N proposed, making Kyojuro perk up.
"Sweet potatoes?" Kyojuro asked as he was clearly happy while his eyes sparkled.
"Mhm! Sweet potatoes." M/N confirmed and was instantly pulled by the flame hair man to the bedroom.
'For an injured man, he is still very strong..!" M/N thought himself as he helped Kyojuro on the futon.
M/N didn't leave Kyojuro's side unless he had to go to work at the market that was near by their shared home, but even then, M/N was there for Kyojuro when he needed it.
The couple was happy and healthy for a human and a demon and very much knowing the consequences of these relationships, so that's why both Nezuko and M/N are hoping for a cure from Lady Tamayo of their unwilling choice of becoming a demon.
Still, Kyojuro and M/N stood strong..
Until, Kyojuro's started to get sick.
M/N and Kyojuro thought that it was a normal fever and it would go away after a day with tea and soup, but it didn't.
M/N's concerns started raising as Kyojuro's health started to slowly decrease by the weeks.
Needing to take care of his husband, M/N took some time off of work.
Everything M/N tried to do, it wasn't working.
Doctors who would all recommend the same equipments over and over, warm clothing, warm tea, soup, different herbs.
Nothing, absolutely nothing was working.
Kyojuro knew what was going to happen and he knew that M/N also knew too, but didn't want to accept that fact.
The fact that Kyojuro was dying.
M/N tried to bring his and Kyojuro's hopes that he would be okay. They knew better.
Slowly, but surely, Kyojuro was getting more ill and weaker by the day as he became pale and started to breath unevenly.
One night, M/N was reading everything from the books on what Kyojuro could have as he sat next to Kyojuro who he thought was sleeping.
Kyojuro struggled to move his body towards M/N for he can see him, he successfully did so and sees how intensely M/N was reading the pages.
Feeling a cough itching at his throat, he lets it out and coughs rather violently then before which caught M/N's attention away from the book.
"Kyo.." M/N mumbled, closing the book and leaving it on the ground as he went over to his husband.
Kyojuro's cough settled down and leaving behind a pain in his throat.
M/N grabbed the cup of water that was sitting besides Kyojuro. "Here, take a slip." M/N says, bring the cup close to Kyojuro who denied it, looking at M/N with sadden eyes that was very out of character of Kyojuro before looking away.
Sad part was the fact that those sadden eyes became familiar to M/N now.
"Please, drink the water.." M/N pleaded, wanting him to drink.
"M/N.." Kyojuro mumbles lowly, making M/N hum.
"Can..can you lay with me?" He asks, his voice hoarse as he looked at M/N once again. M/N instantly nods, placing the cup of water down as he mumbles that of course he will.
Hearing that, Kyojuro weakly smiles and watches M/N taking up the empty space that was next to him. M/N lays on the futon and almost immediately, the two snuggled up with one other.
M/N held Kyojuro close to his body, occasionally kissing Kyojuro's forehead which was hot like it was burning. Kyojuro closes his eyes as he felt himself getting sleeper.
Before he closed his eyes, he told M/N something.
"I love you..so much." Kyojuro says in a soft, sleepy tone.
M/N smiles as he felt his heart break for the 1000th time, kissing Kyojuro's forehead once again, but longer before pulling away.
"I love you too, my love.." M/N says, feeling Kyojuro's body relaxed at his words, Kyojuro went to sleep.
He never woke up from that sleep.
His warm body now cold and still in M/N's arms.
M/N's eyes had tears flowing out of his eyes, wanting to breakdown and cry out to his one and only. Hoping that this was part of a fucked up dream.
Throughout the night, M/N heard Kyojuro's heart slowing down as he slept and tried to help any way he could.
He tried everything, but at last, it was already too late and now, M/N was holding Kyojuro's body in his arms, his throat tightening and his chest wanting to let out sobs. Nothing left M/N, only tears.
M/N sat on the ground of his bedroom of his house.
His. Not his and Kyojuro's. Just his.
Hell, he can't even call it a home anymore.
M/N didn't attend his funeral, he couldn't. He couldn't accept the fact that his best friend is dead. He can't face anyone without them saying how sorry they were or talk about loss. M/N can't handle it.
M/N could've died of a broken heart days ago, but he didn't and couldn't as he was a demon and can't die, so he suffers every. single. day.
He hated the fact that he was a demon. He hated it. Why did he become a demon? Why him? Why couldn't he be a demon that could have the ability to turn people so Kyojuro could've been live.
Wouldn't that be selfish? Kyojuro wouldn't want that.
Out of anger of his thoughts, M/N threw the glass cup that was next to him at the wall, watching it break into pieces as the harsh impact was seen on the wall.
M/N was about to throw more stuff, but was stopped when he heard knocking on the front door. M/N didn't want to leave the bedroom, wanting the person to go away until the knocks started to get aggressive, making him slowly leave the room.
His feet dragging across the floor as M/N didn't look around the house. It was him and only him. No Kyojuro greeting him, no Kyojuro reading in silence, No Kyojuro.
M/N made it the door. M/N wiped whatever he had on his face and opened it.
Seeing Uzui standing there, looking quite angry as his beefy arms were crossed.
"You weren't at the funeral." Uzui started. M/N didn't say anything, but nodding slowly.
"Rengoku wouldn't want you-"
"Shut up." M/N demanded, not wanting to even hear his name.
"No, you know he wouldn't want you to do this to yourself-!"
"And you think I don't know that?!"
"Clearly, you don't as you didn't even go to your husband's funeral! Your husband!"
"I think I know that he was my husband, Tengen!"
Silence came the two of them for a moment before Uzui called his name.
"M/N.. He would want you to do something with your life. It doesn't have to be now, or next week, or even a year. Rengoku wouldn't want you to grieve for him like this and I know that for a fact.." Uzui says in a low tone.
M/N felt tears welling up in his eyes, looking on the ground.
"I'll help you get an idea.. Do you still do those flamboyant paintings?" Uzui asked which M/N answered with a slight head shake.
"Well, there you go! Now, if you do decide on doing that, make sure you do my painting first and flamboyant!" Uzui exclaimed.
'A painting, huh?'
M/N was sitting in front of a canvas, a brush in hand as well as fresh paints he bought.
As he went to put the brush in the paints, he realized that he couldn't do this. He remembered when he used to paint a lot when he was dating Kyojuro.
Kyojuro loved his paintings.
M/N didn't noticed that his hand was shaking and puts the paint in the water, washing it off and puts it against the canvas before getting up.
He was going to leave, however, he stayed there, looking back on the canvas.
~ 𝟐𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐲 ~
M/N fixed his black suit as he stood in front of a bathroom mirror. Looking at himself as he looked for any imperfections on his suit or anywhere.
Thinking that he is overthinking this, he walked away from the mirror and leaves the public bathroom, but without forgetting to use hand sanitizer which he put into his hands, rubbing it in.
M/N was walking through a museum of many paintings from over 1000 years ago or recent paintings that became famous.
Walking through people who were fascinated by the many different paintings and art styles, M/N finally made it to the place where he needed to be.
The place where his painting was at.
He was quite surprised of the amount of people that were near it and complimenting it.
"Woah, such a beautiful painting! I wonder who is that person though!"
"I know, right? That person has such vibrant hair!"
"He's pretty!"
"I love this painting!"
M/N smiles at the people complementing it, staying behind until some of them started leaving for other paintings.
M/N finally gotten close to his panting enough to see it once again.
The paintings was.. Kyojuro.
It was the day of his and Kyojuro's first festival together. M/N remembered the day clearly and remembers how happy Kyojuro was.
M/N sadly smiles at the picture, reliving the memories for a small moment.
M/N suddenly felt someone standing next to him, admiring the picture. M/N was about to leave, but something caught his attention.
"This painting is absolutely stunning!!"
The person's voice was loud and familiar, making M/N stand in place, holding his breath as tears that haven't left him for over a couple of decades ago started to well in his eyes.
He couldn't help and looks at the person next to him.
It was Kyojuro Rengoku.
His one and only alive again.
His husband standing next to him after over 100 years.
If M/N's heart can beat, it would at this moment. Beating so hard that you could think someone could hear it without getting so close.
It didn't take long for the man to look at M/N who looked away instantly, not baring to look at his eyes.
The flame hair man felt a familiar yet unfamiliar feeling he got from the (H/C) hair man.
It was like he knew him, but he is complete stranger.
"I'm Kyojuro Rengoku!" He introduced himself, waiting for the man to introduce himself.
M/N finally got the courage to look at Kyojuro who was already looking at him. M/N felt the familiar and sickly feeling of love again after over 100 years of grief.
"I'm..I'm M/N L/N."
Kyojuro smiles, flashing a smile that M/N so dearly missed.
"S-so, do you want to get coffee sometime?" M/N blurted out as he mentality slapped himself.
Kyojuro gently chuckles, noticing the attempt that M/N tried to do.
"I wouldn't mind! Do you want to exchange numbers or..?"
"Oh-! Yes!" M/N said, pulling out his phone as Kyojuro also pulled out his.
"Look at that! Two of my best friends meeting!" A loud flamboyant like voice boomed in the museum as the owner of the voice came to the two.
"I see you know Tengen too!" Kyojuro says as M/N nods.
"Yes, I do! I know him lil' too much to know that fact that he has mice-"
"Shut up!" Tengen yells, making the other two men laugh.
"I have to go, but text me or don't be afraid to call about that coffee!" Kyojuro says, making M/N nod in agreement.
Kyojuro went his way, waving goodbye at the two before taking off.
"Look at you! M/N L/N going on a date, but the date idea is so unflamboyant of you that my mice have better date ideas-"
"Shut up or I will become your wives' new husband." M/N fake smiled and then leaving Tengen behind.
M/N stared at the cure that Lady Tamayo made before she died. The cure that makes a demon into human again.
This is M/N's chance to restart his life with Kyojuro, living as humans and finally growing old together.
The same incident with the sickness that killed Kyojuro wouldn't happen again because medicine had upgraded since 1912.
Hearing his phone alerting him that he got a text message, he broke eye contact with the cure and looked on his phone, seeing that it was from Kyojuro.
Kyo :
Tomorrow? At the new cat café? Cats can be a good ice breaker! :)
Yes! Definitely, meet you there?
Kyo :
Yes, I'll see you there!
I want to make this into a book (5am Thought)
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raidenssblog · 1 year
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Paring: tanjiro x male! Reader
Genre: fluff
Pronouns: he/him
Warnings: none
Summary: just some random fluff cus I haven't posted in 1+ months💀 m!reader has long ish hair.
A/n: I posted this for my birthday 4/7 but unfortunately I didn't actually post it and I didn't realise till today😭 I also got lost on this and drifted to other ideas and it's 550am so it's all over the place rn
Walking around the estate, Tanjiro listens to nezuko hum a tune while holding his hand.
Tanjiro breathed in deeply, smelling the fresh night air once again. They both continue to walk down to the small flowing stream near by before he halted, your scent filled his sensors in a dizzying way.
Nezuko must have noticed you and pulled on tanjiros sleeve, pointing down to the stream where he saw you staring off in a daze.
Nezuko gave her brother a hug before turning on her heels and walking back.
Tanjiro stood on the dirt path wondering if he should go up to you or turn in for the night. As he turned away from you, a pull in his heart said to turn around a go back. Making his way back towards you he stepped on a twig.
Flinching at the sound you quickly jump to your feet and draw your sword. Your nerves calm as you saw who the intruder was.
"far out, you scared the living daylights out of me tanjiro" you sighed, placing your sword back.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to!" The red headed boy apologised while bowing quickly, giggling quietly to yourself at his actions you sit back down in your spot.
Looking back at him you ushered him to sit with you, and if course he did so. He sat somewhat close to you while slightly flustered.
You had your hair down only leaving the top pulled back. It frames your face and jawline perfectly, the moon hit it in the best way making it almost glow.
Alluring was the best way to describe you.
You had all the features, cold eyes but the way you looked at him with such care and warmth was confusing to tanjiro, you were more hidden away to yourself like Giyu and no one could read you feelings, everyone but tanjiro.
Truth be told when tanjiro looked at you you felt like crying, his eyes were so soft and understanding, he wasn't ment to be in this work force. Tho no one should be.
You've liked him ever since you've met him, how could you not. He's kind, gentle, thoughtful and determined. Your heart would always beat faster when you're around him, palms sweaty and smiling like an idiot.
Looking back at him you smile, tanjiro flushed and looked down. Even in the dull light you could still see the tips of his ears turn bright red. You shuffled closer wrapping an arm around him.
Tanjiro's eyes shoot to yours in surprise. Taking this as an opportunity, you lift your hand and hold his cheek before leaning in and placing a delicate kiss on his lips.
Tanjiro's eyes widened as his body stiffened, after a second he leaned into this kiss, heart beating out of his cheat. His arms snake around your shoulders before he pulls away with a small gasp.
Smiling again, you rub your thumb on his cheek.
"I love you so much tanjiro, I have ever since I met you. I couldn't stop thinking about you and how sweet of a person you are. How you would always make an effort to help others over yourself. You always had that beautiful smile on your face and such a sweet voice" you said finally letting go of all the bottled up feeling you had for him.
Tanjiro was shocked, he had no words. The only thing he could do was look at you.
Worry filled you when he didn't answer after a minute, pulling back a bit you blabbed on. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you upset I just thought you liked me t-"
"I do, I like you a lot. No. Not like, I love you. I love you so much m/n. Your so nice and you get along with nezuko so well. You've accepted the fact that she's a demon and that warmed me so much. I love you more than what you know m/n"
With that tanjiro kiss you one finally time. Pulling you closer than before and kissing deeper than before. Both your feelings are let out and you can finally show how much he means to you.
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quirkle2 · 6 months
the angst in your zombie au bREAKS MY HEART INTO PIECES (I LOVE IT VERY MUCH)
okay, okay, so!! if the kagebros got separated from reigen and teru when mob is still fine, i imagine that their reunion would be hEARTWRENCHING also, i'm a bit curious, would mob still be able to recognize teru and reigen? or would he thought about them as strangers?
(tbh, following your lore, i imagine mob would act a similarly like nezuko from demon slayer? but instead of little hums, his zombie sounds would more like babbling and incoherent mumbles :"D)
the reunion is fuckin AWFUL man it's SO gut-wrenching. both reigen and teru feared this for Months while looking for the brothers; pretty much the worst case scenario was that mob or ritsu or Both turned—a lot of humans prefer death over being a zombie any day, so the idea of ritsu or mob having to go through that and wander around aimlessly until starvation or smth else gets them,,,
it hurts them so much to think about. teru forces himself not to dwell on it and he's pretty good at that but reigen thinks abt it a lot and he's honestly not sure what scenario is worse. best case is that they're both alive and unturned, obviously, but what's the worst case? you'd think it's both of them getting killed, or turning, but reigen also knows that if One of them got killed/turned, the other would probably lose their mind, especially if they had to watch. the fact that they're kids makes this all three times worse and reigen has to act like he's Not worrying himself sick over the brothers while he tries to keep teru in high spirits
the reunion itself is rly fuckin gut-wrenching for them. they see mob from afar, wandered off just a bit from ritsu and tome who are just around the bend looting a place, and they book it bc ofc they do, it's mob!! but then they see how pale he is, and when he turns around they don't see that light in his eyes that's usually there and the red is dulled and dead looking,, teru almost moves in for a hug before he realizes mob looks vastly different when he Rly takes him in, and mob doesn't rly react too much besides staring at them blankly. the obvious answer is almost too horrifying to even consider, so it takes them a minute to rly,,realize what's going on
tome comes around the bend and shouts, cuz when humans and zombies mix it's usually guns pointed at zombie heads. ritsu comes running out after her and when he sees reigen and teru his thoughts go, in order: holy shit is that reigen and tero ohmygod oh my god they're alive they're alive ohmy god i could fucking cry, and ohmy god they see shige ohno oh no oh no
ritsu sounds like a lunatic when he pulls mob away from them on instinct and says that he's safe to be around and that he's "still him" and he's "not gone" and he's very aware of that. he's very, intimately aware that he sounds fuckin crazy, bc ofc he does, this is what all the crazy people in zombie movies sound like. but he doesn't care, he doesn't care if reigen or teru dismiss him as nuts—he has to make them understand that his brother is still in there somewhere
and yeah, they both kinda think that ritsu's lost his marbles a little bit, but while teru is focused on that and the fact that mob doesn't look like he's rly tuned into Anything that's happening rn, reigen is a bit more focused on the fact that both ritsu and mob look awful? they're both very skinny and very dirty, obviously barely scraping by. they're cut up and ritsu's jacket is basically blood and dirt with a little bit of green fabric mixed in. and just by the look in ritsu's eyes, reigen can tell, man ... reigen can tell ritsu is like.not okay at this point he's kinda lost it.
i think the most painful thing about this whole reunion in general is that later that night, when reigen and teru r finally like ok we get it he's,, he's still mob. we believe you (they want to believe him... [they Do believe him, later, wholeheartedly]) and they settle down someplace safe, teru asks how long mob's been like this. and ritsu has to answer "since we got separated" and they both have that to stew over while everybody else sleeps
they realize that ritsu likely watched mob turn, watched the entire process, and that process takes a long time. it's at least a week of deteriorating motor functions and cognitive skill, and the fact that ritsu stayed for that to keep mob company is .ough. and it doesn't end there bc ritsu obviously stayed after that too
given how these things usually go, ritsu probably did think about killing mob. it probably did cross his mind, bc that's basically what everybody's been told to do. kill them before they have a chance to do any more damage. and it's obvious that ritsu did not have it in him
ritsu not only did not have it in him to kill him, he didn't even have it in him to leave him there. the kid fucking took him with him. a zombie. and he's somehow made it work, for months. and the next few days are filled with watching him still treat mob like a brother and take care of him and gently steer him away from a bird he tries to follow down the wrong street.ritsu is as gentle and kind as he's ever been with his brother. and even tho they're both hungry and tired and barely making it, ritsu is doing a rly good job taking care of mob with what he's been given
the kid obviously wholeheartedly believes in a cure and that mob is still There. he's gone through the trouble to take care of him, and the grief of continuously seeing a loved one that many would consider effectively dead, to get him that cure. to get him his brother back. and mob doesn't seem to be in any pain or distress, so reigen and teru think that this path ritsu has followed is probably infinitely kinder than the mercy kill method they've been taught to do
i think they have a new respect for ritsu, after that reunion
#qktalks#anon#zombie au#and also yes!! mob Would indeed recognize them and not attack them#i've never seen demon slayer but im assuming ur talking abt the main character's ??little sister?? smth like that#but yes i adore the idea of mob saying rly weird incoherent sentences that Almost sound like real words but like slightly to the left#bein a zombie rewires ur brain completely man .his mind is struggling a lot to say what it wants to say#it takes mob a moment to rly catch onto who's in front of him during the reunion but when he does realize there Is recognition in his eyes#fun fact; if u hug zombie mob muscle memory kicks in and he hugs back!#reigen and teru don't find this out until a few days later. they're a bit.. scared of him snapping at them for a while#but once they see that mob never once snaps at ritsu Or tome they're a little more willing to get near him and touch him#teru finally hugs mob and mob hugs back and it makes teru cry VGEAYEAV#(ritsu has hugged zombie mob enough to where now mob leans into his hugs.just giving u smth to sob over)#still related to the reunion but focusing more on ritsu:#after they reunite reigen notices that ritsu has a lot more..authority in his tone. he's a lot more comfortable taking charge#but he also notices that ritsu looks Exhausted and for a while he has trouble relinquishing the lead role to reigen aka the only adult#and it's entirely bc ritsu is just so used to doing things on his own now that he Forgets he has people to lean on#so it takes a bit for him to remember he has an adult to take care of him now#bro definitely overworks himself a lot in his haste to take care of mob :(#ritsu eventually lets himself lean on reigen when he's tired#poor kid melts into that kind of care after so long of not having that and being the sole provider for him and mob#when tome came around it got easier. but that also meant it was another mouth to feed so.only a little bit easier </3
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creative-kny-fics · 1 year
Hello! Could you do
Switches: Sanemi, Nezuko, Tanjiro?
Sure! I dont see why not! (Sorry for the delay...I've been trying to move forward with other projects)
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Switches: Sanemi Shinazugawa, Tanjiro Kamado and Nezuko Kamado
The Kamado siblings' mission seemed to be complicated. That mission? Well, let's let Giyuu explain it!
'Tomioka-San! Good morning... What's happening? You looks..'
'Hmm? Oh no! Calm down Tanjiro! It's just that I recently spoke to Shinazugawa, he seemed upset, not with me of course, but he asked me not to see him for the rest of the day to avoid any shouting or insults on his part', mhm, Sanemi had returned to being the same angry chihuahua always.
But don't worry, Nezuko and Tanjiro were definitely not going to let Shinazugawa be upset, so they went to his estate and knocked on the door insistently even though Shinazugawa had told them to leave from the first knock.
'Bloody hell! What part of what-?!'
'Sa-Sanemi!', Nezuko hugged Sanemi, it seemed he had no choice but to let them pass and apologize for the misunderstanding. 'Shinazugawa-San! We brought you ohagi! We passed by and wanted to come and say hello! How are you doing?'
'Good. And thank you, I guess... Sorry for yelling at you earlier, I wasn't in the mood', Sanemi apologized as Nezuko put her head on his lap and smiled.
Sanemi couldn't get angry with them, he wasn't capable after all, they were like his children now. 'Hmmm, why are you lying? I can smell that you are sad and angry. Has something happened?'
'No. Stop getting into my life Kamado', oh oh, I think Sanemi forgot that Nezuko can't stand it when someone talks bad to her older brother.
Sanemi still doesn't understand how, but Nezuko quickly started digging hard into his armpits. 'Don't talk like that about my brother!'
'Nezuko! Be careful! Shinazugawa can-', nope, Nezuko was going to accept the risks, but Sanemi was going to regret it, he would regret it
'Kahamahado gihirl! Why ahare yohou dohoing thahat?!'
'You treated my oni-chan badly! I'm not going to allow it! Tanjiro! Help me!', well, in that situation anyone would have doubted how Tanjiro could get his way as he could receive Sanemi's revenge.
But for his sister, Tanjiro accepts any risk and with a smile he sat behind Sanemi, finding a sweet spot that Tomioka had always told him about. 'KAHAHAMAHAHADO!! WHAHAHAT?! HOHOW?! GEHEHET OHOHOFF!!'
'Nezuko! Here!' 'Understood!'
Sanemi would definitely kill Tomioka for revealing that point. Nobody was supposed to know! But almost everyone knew it! Almost everyone knew that the space between Sanemi's armpits and ribs was a place that would make him scream and make him roll on the floor like a child.
However, he wasn't going to be able to do it, he wasn't planning on showing that childish side to both of them! It was humiliating!
'Hahaha! Shinazugawa-San! You... Are you rolling on the floor?'
Don't worry, Sanemi didn't get tickled for a long time, they both knew they had to stop when Sanemi started hiccuping and snorting.
'Nohohot a sihihingle word ahabohohut thihis...To anyohone...', they both laughed but promised that this would only remain between the 3 of them.
Mission accomplished! They had managed to make Sanemi's bad mood go away!
Now, next mission: Escape from Shinazugawa!
'And where do you think you're going?!', ehh, I think they couldn't accomplish that mission.
Sanemi quickly stood up and sat both brothers on his lap, tickling Tanjiro in his armpits and Nezuko in her waist.
'NOHOHO!! SAHAHENEHEMI-SAHAHAN!! NOHOT THERE!!' 'Ehehehe! Nohoho! Wahahait!! Eahahaha!!'
'You tickled me together! Now work together to free yourself!', well, let's hope that them manage to free yourself or that someone comes to their rescue
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yoke9494 · 17 days
🧜🏻 Kyojuro Rengoku. Pt1 (slight Inoske)
Mermaid Rengoku.
Aged up characters/age gap. (Inoske is older)
⚠️This will contain ⚠️: Yandere characters, dark content, SMUT, Gore, and a bit of crack.
You were hesitant...
A large white yacht came into view as your best friend dragged you onto the docking area.
"Come on Y/n! It's for my brothers birthday! He's always been there for us! Plus you only turn 25 once!"
You shook your head. "I can't believe I let you both talk me into coming. You know I'm scared of this type of thing.. I can't swim Nezuko.."
Your best friend rolled her eyes. "The damn Yacht isn't going to sink! Why do you always think like that?"
You shrugged. "It's a fear.."
She scoffed, but it was soon replaced with a smirk. "Inoske will be there. He's been asking Tanjiro about you.. Y'know... Since you're legal now."
You felt your cheeks warm up. You wished you never told her about the crush you had on her older brothers friend.
Your poor teenage brain just short circuited the day you laid eyes on him. You had gone over to Nezuko's for a school break and didn't know her brother and his friends would be visiting from college.
You were a mess when you were introduced to him while he and Tanjiro were working out in the little home gym they had in the garage.
You were just a studdering clumsy mess! It was so embarrassing.. Some nights you stayed up thinking about it to this day...
Little did you know the beautiful beast of a man thought it was cute, you were cute. But you were way too young for him, you were only 16 and him 20 at the time.
With a low groan you picked up your footsteps to keep up with her. She was so giddy-- not only to see her brother but to also flirt with her own crush as well. Another one of her brothers friends.. Zenitzu.
With a gulp you stepped on the big boat. You've never been on one before and half expected it to rock back and forth. It didn't but your legs still felt shaky..
"Guys! There you are!"
The sunshine in his voice calmed you down a bit. Tanjiro almost jogged up to you guys with the biggest smile.
"You made it!" He looked at you. "I was so worried you'd be too scared. I'm happy you're here Y/n!"
You smiled at him, he was like the brother you never got to have. "It's your birthday Jiro. You've never missed one of mine. Of course I'd tit up and be here."
He smiled and placed an arm around both you and Nezuko before giving you both a kiss on the head. "Best adopted sister ever!. But now that you're both here! We can head off and get this party started."
The boat was full of people you didn't know. But that was okay because you couldn't really focus on anyone right now-- not when.
"Sorry it took me a while. I found soda but it was warm. I put it in some crushed ice for you-- no alcohol I promise."
Inoske sat down on one of the many chairs next to you. Nezuko and Tanjiro had left you both alone to deal with Zenitzu. (He was getting sea sick)
You weren't really a drinker. In fact, Inoske had just given you your first sip of alcohol a few minutes ago. You hated it! But he was sweet enough to search the kitchen for something non-alcoholic. He even put your soda in a margarita glass with a little umbrella.
"It's okay. And thank you. You really didn't have to go through the trouble of finding me something to drink."
He just shrugged and took a chug of his beer. "It's fine. You deserve to have fun too.. Even with a soda."
It was awkward for about a second. He leaned closer to you. "How's college going for you?"
You hummed. "Good! I like all my classes so far.--"
He listened to you while you babbled on. He did care but not really at the same time. He just liked to hear you talk.
"I'm hungry. You want to raid the kitchen?"
That sadly shut you up. But he hasn't had anything to really eat today.
He grabbed your hand and weaved you through all the bodies. Everyone was either too busy dancing, drinking, or humping to even pay attention to the food.
All well, sucks to suck. More for you and Inoske.
"Sweet! They got baby cheese burgers."
You snorted. "I think they're called sliders?"
He rolled his eyes and popped one into his mouth before grabbing the whole tray. "Get more sodas, a bag of chips, and follow me!"
You ran around the kitchen, stuffing sodas in your pockets, bra, arms, and a bag of chips in your teeth. -- the private chef that was working just stared at you and Inoske.. At least someone was eating the food they guessed.. But some sober conversation would have been nice.
And that's exactly what Inoske had in mind. Conversation... But private. He wanted to be away from all the loud music and drunk people. He knew once Tanjiro got drunk he became more lovey. (Yeah. It's possible..)
But he just wanted to be in the quiet (ish).. With you .. In a private small room that Tanjiro had given him keys to. He had left the sliding door to the small balcony open just enough to hear the music.. And Zenitzu yelling.
His usually hyper temper had been turned down to the lowest setting just so he can get to know you more. Tanjiro and Nezuko could only tell him so much. And for once he could understand what you were saying. You weren't a studdering mess anymore.
But that was okay. He liked the new confidence. Especially when you laughed..
You snorted so loud your baby cheese burger almost flew out of your hand. "You did not?!"
Inoske nodded. "I did. I got so drunk and woke up the next day sleeping with a bunch of boar's in a mud field. They were cool though"
You were having so much fun listening to his stories. You completely ignored all the drunk "Is he in yet?" texts from Nezuko.
While he began another story of his drunken collage days. You reached for a slider-- only your hands bumped into one another.
It was the last one...
"I'll fight you for it."
You looked at Inoske with a raised brow. "You sure you wanna get beat up by a girl?"
All he did was smile. His pretty green eyes narrowing at your weaker figure. "Really? You have that much confidence in yourself?--"
You nodded.
"Well aren't you brave."
You were brave! But you weren't strong..
The poor slider was long forgotten, it sat lonely and cold while you and Inoske began to do a little more than okay fighting.
At first this was a serious battle for the deliciousness that was a mini cheeseburger. You and Inoske were both crazy when it came to good--
But the second he pinned you under him, you both became lost in one another.
Somehow his shirt had been taken off. He was settled between your legs while holding your wrist down.
He did want to make you uncomfortable. This actually wasn't apart of his plan. He genuinely just wanted to hang out and talk.
But you smelled so good, and he could feel the heat of your body through your clothes. He looked at your plump lips--
He couldn't. He was about to pull himself off of you. But it was you who leaned up and kissed him. You who opened your legs a little more so you could feel how hard he was against you.
"Can I take these off?"
He was talking about the tights you had on under the skimpy blue dress Nezuko got for you. This wasn't how you usually dressed, she was going to have you practically butt naked! But thankfully/ regrettably you talked her into letting you wear black tights.
You nodded-- "That's fine."
Slowly the tight fabric rolled off of you and you found yourself a little disappointed?
No he wasn't doing anything wrong. He left a trail of sloppy kisses from your lower stomach down to your ankles. But you've heard stories-- He was mean in bed, more wild. You half expected him to rip your clothes to shreds like he did others. You didn't know why you wanted to experience that--
Again he was holding himself back. Keeping his normal self at bay.. He didn't want to scare you off. No matter how bad he already wanted to rip you in two. This while slow thing wasn't him..
He assumed it was more your speed. Hell he didn't even know if you were still a virgin or anything. Yeah you were nearly 19 but that didn't mean you had sex yet. People wait and that's okay.. But then again you were beautiful, a little on the obedient side.. Some guy had to at least try right?
"Is something wrong?"
He hadn't noticed he stopped halfway and just stared at you. Stupid him, he was blowing it. "Sorry.. Uh. This is okay right? Are you like a virgin or something?"
You furrowed your brows. "No? I've been fucked before."
Now, why did you have to say it like that? So dirty-- Where did that girl who stayed up late with Nezuko trying to bleach their hair with lemon juice go? That girl who giggled when some half naked dude popped up on TV?
Not that he was going to complain. That meant he didn't have to be so nice.
And he wasn't...
Your eyes eyes rolled to the back of your skull. Nails dug into the sheets as you tried your hardest to keep yourself up.
Your back was in a mean arch as he fucked you from behind. A ring of white already foaming around his cock from your coming undone. But that didn't mean he was going to stop his brutal pace. He gave you your high and he was going to chase his.
He didn't care that you were shaking and already crying from overstimulation.
That wasn't you screaming for him-- His movements came to a halt as you caught your breath.
Inoske's voice was rougher. "Did you hear that?"
You didn't---
Loud bangs pounded against the door. "INOSKE!-- Y/N!! COME OUT HERE!!"
This time the voice was different.. It was Nezuko! She sounded like she was drunk?
Inoske clicked his tongue as he slowly pulled out of you. Your poor body falling to the mattress.
"Fucking Kamado's can't hold their liquor for shit.."
He was pissed. But he wouldn't dare take it out on you-- unless it was with his dick.. He helped you get cleaned up and dressed. You both flinched when the lights in the bathroom began to flicker.
You looked around while they flickered once again. "Thats freaky.."
Inoske raised a brow. "You scared of the dark?"
You shook your head. "More like this Yacht sinking. The Titanic's lights flickered like crazy as it sunk"
He snorted. "I doubt there are any icebergs around here  baby."
Oh that was a new name..
But before you could mention it he stood up after helping you put on your shoes. "Alright. Let's go see what they want. Maybe we'll finish later. I didn't get to cum."
You nodded and followed after him back into the loud music and drunk bodies..
"Y/n!! Did you fuck?!"
You were jumped by a very intoxicated Nezuko.
"Don't talk like that!-- did you guys fuck?"
Tanjiro was next as he threw himself into Inoske. God he was so different drunk..
Zenitzu ran into the room with what looked like a puke bag. His eyes landed on you and his friend. You hair a mess and fresh scratches down Inoske's arm. The beast didn't even have a shirt on, just his shorts and shoes.. and he looked pissed!
Oh fuck..
Zenitzu cleared his throat. "Crap. I'm sorry for interrupting you guys.. I tried to handle them on my own but they both got away from me."
Inoske was about to tell him off but Nezuko interrupted him. "Y/n I don't feeeel so gud."
You sighed. "Okay let's go to the deck. Feed the fishes, get some air and all that.."
She nodded.. and you left the boys alone to deal with Tanjiro.
Your poor girl threw up everything in her stomach off the side of the boat. You even swore you saw the pop tart she ate this morning fly into the water.
You held her pretty hair back as she continued. Slowly she was sobering up and the fear of never stopping was kicking in.
"You'll be fine Nezuko. You just need to get it all out, let your body do what it needs."
She shook her head. "I'm dying-- help me! Distract me please-- I'm-- *barf* dying!"
You huffed, what would keep this girl occupied. You didn't have any juicy gossip right now-- wait..
"It hurt Nezuko, but I hurt so good. I'm throbbing right now."
She stopped heaving and looked at you with wide eyes. A squeal left her mouth. "I knew he was big! I mean come on! The guy is all rage and muscle.-- Tell me more!"
You tried, but it all got you flustered and giggly. You both were like hormonal school girls again. Crushing on guys you had no business crushing on..
But halfway through you showing Nezuko the bite mark Inoske left on your back--- A cold shiver ran up your spine. The air was warm and your skin was dry, where did it come from.
For some reason your eyes traveled to the water. A sick feeling began to claw at your stomach as you watched the waves roll from the Yachts movements-- You sucked in a breath when you swore you saw something!
"Helloo? Y/n? What's wrong?"
Nezuko waved her hand in front of your eyes. You shook your head. "I thought I saw something in the water."
Nezuko furrowed her brows and looked out into the water. She didn't notice how creepy it all looked-- just completed darkness..
"Hmm. Maybe it was a fish? Dolphin? We are in the middle of know where right now. At least for a few hour's.."
You both stood closer to one another. Both feeling a little uncomfortable-- like you were being watched..
You grabbed her hand. "Should we head back now? It's kinda spooky back here.."
She nodded. "Yeah. I'm a bit sober now so I think maybe we should go eat something and sit with the guys.."
That was the best idea she's ever had! The kitchen was a bit full now-- The private chef really put his back into everything. You thanked him for earlier and told him his food was the best you've ever had. That seemed to make the old guy happy.. So much that he gave you fresh out the fryer Tempura.
You remembered Inoske saying it was one of his favorites so you didn't hesitate to take it..
Tanjiro tried to wiggle his eyebrows when you and Nezuko found them. Poor thing was drunk out of his mind-- Zenitzu held his head down in shame as Inoske just laughed. Tanjiro was usually the uptight one, the mother hen of the group. It was good when he let himself go once in a while.
Inoske ignored the kissy noises coming from him as he help you hit on his lap. Who were you to complain about his sudden clinginess when he was just rearranging your guts a few minutes ago.
Zenitzu was about to do the same. He and Nezuko shared a also kiss earlier-- before she started puking.. That wasn't because of him right? But Tanjiro beat him to it-- He sat on the floor and patted his empty seat.
"Sis down Nezuko."
She gave him a smile and did so. Even though she was hoping for Zenitzu to pull the same move Inoske did..
The conversation flowed-- you and Inoske are and chimes in here and there. Zenitzu was in the middle of telling his story about --
You were nearly jerked out of Inoske's lap. The Yacht came to a violent halt-- Inoske held onto you tight as the Yacht jerked forward again, the light flickered and the music skipped and became distorted before --
Complet darkness too over the big boat-- gasp a a few dramatic screams filled the pitch black darkness that now surrounded everyone..
Tanjiro lifted up his phone and turned on his flashlight. Zenitzu and a few others did the same.
(Inoske) "What's the fuck? Did you forget to pay the light bill?"
You knew he was trying to calm you down-- but it wasn't helping much.
Tanjiro clicked his tongue. "Shit-- we don't really have a crew to look at what's going on. Since it was last minute all we have is a chef and captain.."
Nezuko jumped up and grabbed into Zenitzu."Didn't you go to school for electrical work? Can you see what's wrong.."
Oh shit... Duh! It was probably the Yachts breaker? He saw an outlet in the hall that looked like it was getting gang banged earlier. He knew it was going to cause trouble..
"Y-yeah! I can look." He turned to her brother. "Tanjiro, Inoske,.. come with me. You know I hate the dark."
You both sighed.
(Inoske) "I'll lead the way--"
Another jerk sent you forward this time. Both you and Tanjiro lost your balance --
A piercing scream came from the dance floor..
(Zenitzu) "What the--"
A loud whistle and buzzing noise flew over you before you head a sticky *Thud* and we gargling close by..
Nezuko made the mistake and turned on her phones light. Right next to her was a body jerking with blood literally spraying out of its mouth.
Tanjiro shot up to grab his sister to hide her face in his chest-- you all were in shock!
You knew this girl! She was an older sister to a boy you sat with in one of your morning classes! He talked about her so much! She was going to open her own bakery...
"We need to help her!"
"What the fuck is this thing?!"
You looked to where Zenitzu was trying to stop her bleeding. A black and white spear? -- what in the-- It was pierced into her stomach, keeping her body pinned to the wooden floor.
The lights let out a loud hum before they suddenly popped back on. A few flicked on so bright that some popped and glass began to fly-
Screams made your ears sting as different colored spears flew onto the Yacht and into the crowd of people.
The girls body suddenly jerked before it was ripped in half right in front of your eyes. The speak in her stomach took her upper half into the water while her legs and guts shook.
You were pushed by Inoske just to see a Pink and green spear stab into his shoulder!
Nezuko's own bloodied body was pushed onto yours on the floor. Tanjiro was covered in blood from head to toe since he and her were closest to the body--
"Get inside! Now!"
You were both shaking, crying,-- But you both pulled one another up and tried to hurry inside--
Almost there! Just a few steps! The air smelled metallic and sour! Screams were slightly dying down but only because bodies were being yanked into the water. Full or in pieces..
Nezuko yanked open the door to the kitchens but--
White Hot pain shot up from your foot to your leg and glued you to your spot. Nezuko turned when your still body jerked her back---
He eye full tears as she dropped to her knees. "Nononono-- Y/n help me!"
The burn of her trying to yank the thing out of your foot brought you back to reality.
Tears flooded your vision and every curse in the book left your mouth. Both you hands couldn't get a grip on the damn thing! It was covered in red and orange coral and gems.. They cut into your palms causing you both to slip--
Another spear almost got Nezuko's head. But she had moved fast enough for it to only cut through her hair--
White and green-- You scream for her- "Run! Just run! We cant--"
She shook her head and still tried to get your free-- "N-nit leave you!"
But a crack had you crying out for your mother. Like a child that fell and broke their foot..
Your body was yanked away from Nezuko as the spear was yanked out of the flooring. The entire left side of your body burned like you were one fire before the shock of the cold water swallowed your body.
In a panic you began to kick at the water, even though it felt like death to do so. Your hands clawed at the water as the distorted image of Nezuko and the Yacht slowly passed by--
You screamed into the water-- And due to your bodies naturally nature it began to try and search for air.
Your lungs burned as they  constricted. Cold water rushed down your throat--
Your body felt heavy-- vision going dark the more you tried to breathe...
You felt something grab your leg. You didn't want to look-- you couldn't! You still tried to claw at the water as if you could climb it and get back into the Yacht..
Hands grabbed your waist. At least you hoped it was! Someone jumped in to save you. Strong arms wrapped around you...
You thanked the heavens for Inoske-- On its own your body relaxed, eyelids too heavy to keep open but you needed to see him---
Only it wasn't a head of blue and black hair. The last colors you saw were yellow and red...
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thuganomxcs · 3 months
If we're speaking in the canon sense like in his universe I really do like the idea of yusuke x botan because I like the aspects of him with death...not to mention he's a devil now too soo. I still love Yusuke x Keiko tho just so the peeps know there's no hatred for our girl.
Anything like a muse being a fucking minor and the other almost hitting their 40's. There's ONE particular verse that does this shit but this ain't about them. As long as you don't ship your literal grown man/woman with a literal definition of a child then I wouldn't have to be disturbed.
The minute a hand touches a boob or the clothes begin to fly off I'm guessing it's considered NSFW.
LOL I'd say I am..but people have known to just show up, write with me and in a day of our muses vibing we're already shipping them. I MEAN if I have to be selective I'd say..as long as she's a woman XD
Where do I even begin?? First of all I gotta go with the one that started this and that's @belovedblossoms Hiyori. She was the first person I've ever shipped Yusuke with and that relationship has started from not so disney friendly beginnings but entertaining as shit. Then there's @lady-llewellyn El who just ruins the guy, I swear in this ship Yusuke is the innocent one in the relationship no cap. We got @itmeanspeace Shiloh, this one started off just plain physical until she became attached, lol look at me talk as if Yusuke didn't catch feelings too..probably first since he's still kinda technically a human. Give it up for @swordsxandxsakuras Nezuko, the first one to actually go the full nine yards with him to dating all the way down to married with kids. Then there's my homie @fatexbound Chie I wouldn't CALL it a relationship yet but they're definitely in that phase in getting to know one another. You know I gotta put my home girl @adversitybloomed Mulan, who's probably seen everything there is to who Yusuke is as a character, she's been with him as a pervert all the way to him being nice and doing stuff for people. She's also helped him with his family life might have bribed him to go to college but in the end Yusuke proposed to her and it's actually the first REAL proposal I've written as him. I also can't use the term ship without mentioning @bravesung old OC Alyssa, she was definitely a special one who refused to buy into what people said about him, and after discovering he was supernatural (to a degree) just like her it got them to bonding. She's probably believed in him more than he did in himself when it came down to school because she NEVER let him quit HELL she brought his ass TO school whilst he was still sleeping in bed, picture that in your minds if you will. I got good ships and there's even this unhealthy one right here with my girl @acoldsovereign Maiz, tons of ships starts with curiosity, cute moments and even love at first sight and this one is just violence, one devil often tries to get the other devil to dig into those natural urges and forsake his human heart (that literally isn't even working anymore) and just behave like a demon, there's also acts of public terrorism but he'd punch her right..and she'd kick him wrong, it's a tug and pull with 'em. Bruh this segment is getting long since belovedblossom also has other muses that are shipped with Yusuke too and i have a feelin we'd be here ALL day and I've still got a few to talk about. Just know I love all y'alls muses.
Nah, I mean if we write and there's a connection then I'd say let 'em go for it. EVEN IF you came to me writing Keiko and you're worried about shipping with me cause you'd think it's forced and i'm obligated to because of the canon then don't. It'd still be cool in my book.
I'm not ship obsessed but I would say it's a fun thing to have cause when you're talkin' to your homies and the muses come u you can talk about the ship, or how a song reminds you of them. Shipping whether it's romantically, platonically or familial, they bring us together as writers and we because better pals cause of it. Cause there's always something to talk about when we wanna forget about that bill we can't pay.
Let me tell you something about my fandom on tumblr: It hardly exists XDD there's really only a handful of us.
Simple, we write. If there's chemistry between the muses well then your muse has got themselves a partner. He's by no means an easy person to love but once you've got him you've got someone that'll be there for your muse indefinitely. And if ya wanna discuss the possibility then my DMs are always open..even if i'm terribly slow with 'em.
tagged: @vartouhix
tagging: Y'all gonna have to steal this one homies. Tag me when ya do cause imma read it.
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arichaa · 6 months
My Demon Slayer oc
Hi, so I made this oc, but just so you know, I'm not an artist so that's why it's average
I wanted to do this for a long time, I had little ideas for a cute oc so here I am, humbly putting this here
Sorry if y'all have been waiting for a oneshot involving the literal Akaza, I didn't have any ideas anymore. Now, I might have an idea and there will be a post. But Idk when. And don't worry it's just this time that I'm doing something different, I'll continue to do Akaza content☻
I know I said that already but it's not a masterpiece but you know what? idc. idc anymore
And sorry if the headcanons don't make sense huhihjviveekevhhahahhahahhhaha AHHAHAHAHAHAHАННАННАНa
The Appearance
I changed the uniformed color, but I don’t know which one to choose
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Family Name: Ha
First Name: Ariana (not the grande one🤨)
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Birth date: July 3rd
Height: 161 cm/ 5ft3
Weight: 55kg/ 121 lb
Occupation: Hashira
The Breathing Style
Light Breathing (6 forms)
光の呼吸 (Hikari no Kokyū)
☆Fruit of Enlightenment☆
☆Shower of Sparks☆
☆Reflection of the Stars☆
☆Depth's Glow☆
☆Gleam of Hope☆
☆First Sunrays of Dawn☆
the light breathing is derived from the thunder breathing
The Sword
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her father, a passionnate weapon collector, travelled the world to collect them. he found a foreign sword he liked and left it to his daughter upon his death. she was inspired by this sword and created hers based on it.
the star represents the 6 forms of her breathing style
attached to her back with that grey thing around her torso
The Crow
I didn't draw it because I estimate that it is unnecessary since he looks like a regular crow. But he has a little red bracelet around his cute foot just so people know it's Ariana's. And his name is Jafar
The headcanons
she is strong and she knows it (probably because of her breathing style? demons are creatures of the night, so the light contrasts, idk)
only child
has too much love to give
touch starved
would never refuse a hug
respects rules (never late, never enter homes with empty hands when invited, etc.)
easily shocked when someone doesn't have the same manners as her or doesn't show the same respect
would probably be against Nezuko being spared and would want Tanjiro to be punished
is embarrassed when she deals with attractive people
is literally so cute
so overly respectful to demons it sounds like she's making fun of them
example: "excuse me, sorry to come unnannouced... I am Ha Ariana, the Light Hashira, and I'm here to take your life!" all that with a sorry smile. Not because she has to kill them, but because she came in their home without knocking
encounter with Akaza : Why don't you become a demon? "Thank you for your offer, but my Hashira status prevents me from even considering it."
she flees from the fight if she knows she ain't winning sh*t, like the jjk characters (would only happen against The big 3 and Muzan chan) no bc if she know she's gonna lose why bother?
Like that woman would even announce it like "you're too strong, I'm off" (don't worry, if someone is in danger she'll flee with them)
encounter with Akaza 2:
Akaza: A woman?
Ariana: Uppermoon 3?
🏃‍♀️"I’m out!"🏃‍♂️
Personality and Traits
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Drawings I did of her
💜 <- Ariana with a pony tail
🩷 <- Omori sprites styled Ariana
Okay, I almost forgot, but like I said, I'm no artist, so for the appearance base, I used 8asaki's oc for it (instagram). Hope it's not too much trouble♡
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silverynight · 3 months
The fairy
It's been a while since Iguro saved him and his sister; now they live with him in his estate which is an enormous place for a pair of fairies like them.
Of course, Tanjirou and Nezuko can grow full human size, but they both prefer to stay like that; it's easier to hide from demons and it's their natural size so they're used to it.
However, Tanjirou does grow bigger every now and then so he can hug Iguro and his friend Kanroji. The first time that happened, the fairy with long, red hair thought they both got mad because the love hashira turned completely red and Iguro almost passed out.
But turns out that's how humans show everyone how happy they are or at least that's what Kanroji told him later.
Now he turns into human size every time Kanroji visits and drinks tea with the two of them while Nezuko stays on Tanjirou's shoulder the whole time, she doesn't like to change her size very often.
Iguro starts bringing him different kinds of dresses that are a lot different from what fairies can make for themselves, but Tanjirou loves every single one of them anyway. Kanroji brings him shiny stuff too that the fairy has learned to wear. Most of the shiny stuff goes around his neck. Although once she brought him something made of gold for Tanjirou's ankle.
One day another Pillar comes to visit; Kanroji and Iguro have told Tanjirou about them, although not that much, but the fairy had started to grow really curious about the others.
Iguro leaves Kaburamaru with him and tells him to stay there. Now, Tanjirou is a good fairy and he likes to follow his friend's orders, but he's also very curious, like any other of his kind.
He can hear voices from inside the house; perhaps it's because Iguro is very protective of both him and his sister, but it seems like he doesn't want to bring the other hashira to the backyard.
However, she gets there anyway and is quickly followed by Kanroji. The new hashira is pretty, but a lot smaller than the other two; her hair is dark, although the tips of her hair are purple, but that's not the thing that catches Tanjirou's attention. No, it's actually the butterfly attached to the back of her hair what makes Tanjirou fly towards her without even realizing what he's doing.
"I didn't know you had butterflies in your garden too... Wait, that's not a butterfly."
"Hi!" Tanjirou says. "My name is Kamado Tanjirou and I'm a fairy! It's a pleasure to meet you!"
The surprise on her face probably lasts a second before it vanishes, only to be replaced by a kind smile.
"I didn't know things like you existed at all."
"There are not many of us in the world," Tanjirou mumbles sadly, getting closer to her. He notices that Iguro is not that happy, not even Kanroji and he wonders if they're angry with him.
Although they seem to be glaring at the other hashira.
"That's a shame, sweetie," she says. "Although that must mean you are very special. It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Kocho Shinobu."
Tanjirou then introduces his little sister to her who can't stop herself from rushing towards the butterfly on Kocho's hair.
"It's okay, sweetheart. I don't mind. Let her."
Tanjirou blushes because he wants to say something, but at the same time he doesn't want to be rude.
"Kocho-san... I... I know it's not my business, but I can't help but notice there's no vital energy coming from that butterfly, besides, I have tried to communicate with her and she doesn't respond."
Finally, the Pillar offers her palm for Tanjirou to stand on.
"Shinobu, be careful!" Kanroji says, looking worried and a little bit upset by the situation.
"I'm being careful," Kocho retorts, before turning around with Tanjirou in her hands. "Now, Tanjirou... don't worry, this butterfly is just a hair clip. It's not a real butterfly."
"Oh!" Tanjirou blinks, fascinated as he watches Nezuko flying around the clip and giggling. "Can I touch it?"
"Of course, Tanjirou. Anything for you," Kocho winks. Kanroji pouts immediately and Iguro hisses.
Although the fairy is too distracted to notice how irritated his friends are at the moment.
Up close Tanjirou can tell it's definitely not real, but that doesn't make it any less interesting; the fairy taps it lightly and its wing moves, making him giggle.
"I have a lot of butterflies, real ones, in my estate, you should come with me to meet them all, Tanjirou."
"Maybe another day," Kanroji says before Tanjirou can say anything to Kocho.
"Then I'll have to come back to see Tanjirou... and Nezuko again."
"That's not–"
"That'd be great, Kocho-san!" Tanjirou is so excited, he doesn't notice the glare Iguro is throwing in Kocho's direction.
He even grows full human size and hugs the hashira, whose cheeks turn slightly pink for a moment.
"You can... that's very interesting, Tanjirou," Kocho smiles, putting her hands on the fairy's waist. "I didn't know you could make yourself taller."
"I don't do this very often, but I like to hug my friends!" Tanjirou says, beaming at the three of them, making them look back at him in awe.
"I'll definitely come back to see you."
"Don't," Iguro hisses, but Kocho just laughs in response.
Iguro usually leaves Kaburamaru behind whenever he and Mitsuri have to attend a hashira meeting, even though Tanjirou assures him that he appreciates it, but doesn't think they need it.
Unfortunately, Iguro is very stubborn.
Because of that, or at least it's what Kocho tells him the next time she comes to visit, the other Pillars get suspicious.
The very next day, there are not only three hashira, but nine of them in the backyard and since Tanjirou doesn't want to be rude, he gets closer and introduces himself.
All of them seem to be very surprised; just as Kocho, none of them knew fairies existed up until now.
Himejima is probably the most gentle of them all; he lets the siblings sit on his huge palm and listens patiently as Tanjirou explains what fairies are to him.
Then the fairy with red hair grows until he's human size and hugs them all because Tanjirou loves to make new friends, especially ones that are so kind to him and his sister.
"I'd like a kiss on the cheek as well," Uzui says suddenly.
Iguro looks like he's about to hit the sound hashira with something, but Tanjirou is already using his wings to reach Uzui's face. He gives him a quick peck on the cheek and the next thing he knows is that the others want one too.
The thing is... Tanjirou is not sure if that's a good idea since everyone ends up acting really weird afterwards; Rengoku turns completely red, Tomioka walks into a tree, Shinazugawa stays still, looking at nothing in particular for a while, Tokito can't seem to stop smiling and Himejima keeps touching his cheek after the kiss.
Kanroji squeals in delight, even though she's more used to Tanjirou's physical affection; Kocho looks like she's melting and Iguro has to blink a couple of times in order to remember where he is and what he's doing.
Tanjirou is already thinking about not doing that again, but they make him promise he will always greet them with a kiss whenever they come to visit.
"Who's giving you permission to come back?" Iguro hisses, looking very much pissed already.
"Well... it looks like there's no other way but to have Tanjirou visiting it us instead," Tomioka says and before the fairy can agree to it, Iguro is already shaking his head.
"Fine. You can come here whenever you want!" He agrees reluctantly before pulling Tanjirou closer.
Tanjirou is just happy to have so many new friends already!
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intheclearblueskies · 4 months
Accidentally Hurting Them
| Masterlist |
You were sewing with him. Apparently Inosuke had ripped his pants again, and since you knew how to mend clothes, you and him were doing it.
Tanjiro was helping you with the patch on the leg when the needle accidentally jabbed him. "Oh-!"
"Sorry!" You apologized, taking it out. "Are you okay?"
"I'll be fine, don't worry." He just smiled at you. "Keep going, we're almost done."
Nezuko had gotten into a really bad fight. Originally, it had just been you and Tanjiro, but things got desperate enough that she kicked her way out of the box and leapt into the fray. For a while, you'd lost sight of her... until you saw flames, and realized that she must've been using her ability.
When the fight was over (and the demon was burning to ashes), Nezuko landed in front of you, injured and bleeding, but alive.
"NEZUKO!" You shouted, rushing over to her and tackling her in a hug. The girl grunted when her back hit the ground, and you barely got out a "Sorry" before the tears started flowing.
Nezuko patted your back with worried noises when you began bawling on her, looking to Tanjiro for help.
Zenitsu was modeling a spare pair of uniform pants for you. Apparently, they'd gotten the size just a bit wonky, and they were too long on him. Instead of letting them get all frayed and worn at the bottom hem, you offered to sew them for him.
Currently, you had to try and pin them so that you could sew them. You were pretty careful with the pins, but you accidentally stuck him with one and he yelped.
"Sorry, sorry!" You hurriedly apologized, taking the pin out. "I think I've got it now, actually -- so you can take them off."
Inosuke was being more ornery than usual, and you'd had a shorter temper than you usually had. When he came rushing at you, you'd had about enough.
"STOP!" You shouted, smacking him away with the hilt of your katana. You'd slapped him away before, but you weren't thinking and you had it in your hand. Apparently it hurt more than you'd first thought it would, because when Inosuke stumbled away, he was clutching his head in obvious pain.
You groaned, shaking your head and sheathing your katana. "Shit, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Do you need ice?"
He just looked at you in surprise. "You hit harder than you look, (mispronounced name)."
Tonight saw you and your boyfriend having dinner together. You were heating up some tea and he was setting the table for both of you.
He accidentally bumped you while you were pouring tea, causing some of it to splash onto his hand. He pulled his hand away with a startled noise, and you gasped.
"I'm so sorry!" You exclaimed, setting the teapot and cup aside and grabbing his hand. You dragged him to a basin of water. You made him keep his hand there while you finished pouring the tea and got out some healing salve.
You wrapped up his hand (and kissed it, which made him blush) before letting him have dinner. You were extra cautious when he drank his tea that night.
You were sparring with him, as you did, when you kicked him a little harder in the stomach than you'd thought you would.
He went down like a sack of potatoes, grunting when the air was forced from his lungs. He clutched the area and grinned weakly at you. "You're getting better at this!"
You were so worried about him that he called off the spar and let you help him back to the porch, where you had him keep a cool cloth against his stomach. He just shook his head with a smile at your attempts to apologize, patting your head and saying it was okay.
You accidentally sprayed perfume in his face.
You were getting ready for dinner and he'd walked into the room so silently that you hadn't heard him. When you sprayed perfume, the nozzle was pointed at an angle and got into his eyes.
He let out a noise and stepped away, rubbing his eyes.
"Oh! Sorry," you apologized, setting the bottle down. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," he replied, blinking his watery eyes. "I'll be right back."
He walked out of the room, intent on washing out the sweet-smelling liquid. He didn't come back for at least fifteen minutes, and when he did, the ends of his hair were wet (he'd stuck his face in the pond).
You were doing Shinobu's makeup. You had her face powdered and her lips done, and now you were carefully rimming her eye with liner.
Something happened to startle you, and the flinch you did accidentally made you stab her in the corner of the eye with the liner pencil. She sucked in a harsh breath through her teeth, clapping a hand over her eye.
"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" You worried, setting the pencil down to check her eye out. When she opened it, it was watery, though you didn't see anything other than some redness.
She tried to smile. "I'll be fine."
You accidentally scratched him with your nails. You were overdue to clip them, and when you were scratching his back you dug a bit too hard, drawing blood.
He didn't say anything at first, so you hadn't really noticed until you saw the red welling up along the path.
You panicked, grabbing a piece of cloth to dab at the injuries. You apologized, and he forgave you pretty quickly, understanding that it was an accident.
The two of you were in an intense game of tug-of-war over the towel. You were giggling, he was growling playfully, and all it took was one hard yank from you to send him sprawling across the floor, hitting his cheek on the floor.
He groaned, lying there for a second before peeling himself off the floor, giving you a look. "You're paying for that."
You squealed when he jumped up, hauling you over his shoulder as he marched towards the hot spring.
You were trying out some poison on your blade. Akaza had taken the katana to inspect its sharpness and, before you could let him know, he accidentally sliced into his finger.
He snatched his hand away with a soft curse of pain, glaring at the katana. When you softly said "Sorry", his expression melted, and he shook his head at you.
"It's fine," he said, and when you brought him a cup of blood to try and make him feel better, you promised not to tip your blade with poison without letting him know first.
He was being a bit too voracious with his appetite, so you fought him off. You were still weak from illness, so you couldn't exactly shove him off, but you gripped his face with both hands and yanked.
Your nails dug into his skin and pressed deep enough to leave deep scores along his cheekbones. When he realized that you were trying to get his attention, he stopped biting into your shoulder and gazed at you in surprise.
"Please be more gentle," you hissed with a wince.
"Right, sorry, Dove," he cooed, his heart doing flips. He'd admit to you later that you hurting him like that was exciting. Pervert.
You were cultivating a fire, humming to yourself. You were on a small trip with Kokushibo to your aunt's home, and at the halfway point you decided to set up camp near the river.
Kokushibo had gone to secure the area forever ago, and he was so quiet that you had no idea he'd come back. He stood behind you, watching you work.
When you got up, his arms around you made you momentarily freak, and you grabbed the stick you were using to tend to the fire and you thrust it at his neck.
It hardly even went in, of course, and chipped off as soon as it made a cut, but you realized it was your lover and let out a shaky breath. "I'm-- so sorry, Kokushibo, are you okay?"
"It didn't draw blood," he replied, taking the stick from your hand. True to form, he'd already healed so that you could never tell you'd actually gotten a hit on him.
You pricked his hand with a small blade you were using to cut apples.
His lips curled down for a moment, but his healing factor kicked in almost immediately and it was like there was never anything there.
"Sorry," you said sheepishly with a laugh. "I'm not that good at cutting things."
He shook his head in amusement, taking the half-peeled apple from you. "Here, let me do it."
You and Yoriichi were walking together. You were telling him a story about your oldest sibling, gesticulating with your hands. He listened with rapt attention, and during one of the best parts, you thrust out your arm and accidentally caught him across the abdomen.
You paused, looking at him in shock. "I'm sorry! Are you okay?"
He nodded, making a gesture for you to keep going. You had hit hard enough for it to be uncomfortable, but he was going to ignore it by listening to you talk.
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xxlady-lunaxx · 2 months
your fav kamado siblings and giyuu anon here! ill sign off w a purple heart from now on haha 💜
i have another request! setting and context up to you, just giving you some tags!
hurt/comfort (giyuu gets the comfort), fluff, nightmares, literal sleeping together! :) im sorry cant stop thinking about those three 💜
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yaay ! ooh okay, purple anon then <3 (i took so long to write this that i js realized it prolly seemed random to any1 else that youre 💜 anon 😭 IM SORRY) it's nice to see you again :D and of course :O i'll do my best cw! nightmares?? idk just a little panicky at the beginning featuring giyuu and his forcefully adopted siblings, and no particular timeline lmfao... also this is short argh
It must be strange for a Hashira to get nightmares. But then again, they had all faced so many horrors, it would be even more pecuilar if they didn't experience them. Even so, Giyuu felt childish. Waking up in a pool of cold sweat, mind racing with the flashes of blood and deattached limbs strewn about. His chest heaved as he desperately drew in air, trying to catch his breath. He pressed a hand to his fast-beating heart, pushing gently, trying to control it. He hated it. He hated the nights when he was given a break from his duties to rest. It seemed to always end up like this.
As he slowly lowered himself back down, his dream came back to him in full force and replayed in his mind, no matter how much he tried to force it away. Panic rose in him again and he shot back up, almost toppling out of the bed, his arm hitting the wooden floor loudly. He flinched, though he was glad for it as it distracted his thoughts from his dream and he focused on making sure he hadn't broken his wrist (which, of course, he hadn't, but it was a better thought than the ones that threatened to take over).
There was a pattering of footsteps and he tensed, hand straying to the katana that sat by his futon. Then Tanjiro and Nezuko entered the room and he relaxed slightly. He had nearly forgotten.
They were staying over at his house tonight, having been too far from any Wisteria Houses after Tanjiro's mission. They must've heard Giyuu's distress because now they were all bunched up under his blanket, snuggling closer to him. Giyuu decided to let them stay, finding the warmth of their presence comforting.
"Are you okay, Giyuu-san?" Tanjiro asked quietly, after everyone had adjusted.
Giyuu nodded slowly. "Ye-ep," he mumbled, internally slapping himself at the crack in his voice.
"We heard you fall, or something, and got worried. Also it was dreadfully cold alone," Tanjiro hummed, scooting closer and wrapping his arms tightly around Giyuu without a care in the world.
Momentarily, Giyuu tensed, unsure how to take this sudden bit of affection. Yes, they had abruptly slipped into his bed, but he wasn't used to this, it had been so long. He didn't even realize he was crying until Nezuko's sillhouette appeared above him as she gazed at him, eyes tense with worry and scrubbing at his cheeks with the sleeve of her kimono. Giyuu flushed, embarrassed. In his shock, he must've let down his guard. God, he had to pull himself together!
Tanjiro, noticing now, tightened the embrace, burying his head in Giyuu's chest. "Don't cry, Giyuu-san. Do you want me to sing you a song? I used to sing lullabies for my younger siblings," he said, his words muffled by fabric.
Giyuu gave a start. A lullaby? "No... No, I'm okay," he said, voice thick. He cleared his throat several times, tugging Nezuko back down and wrapping and arm around her almost protectively. "It's okay."
Tanjiro's head popped back up to look at him. "You sure? It's not bothering us, if that's what-"
"No," Giyuu repeated, nudging him back down. "I'm fine. I'm sorry."
Tanjiro frowned slightly but settled back under the covers. "Okay. Did something happen earlier? Or did you just hit something?" he asked, after a moment of silence.
"I had a... dream. And I sat up too quickly and... yeah," Giyuu said, trailing off. He didn't really want Tanjiro to know him in his weak moments. This was embarrassing enough.
"Was it a nightmare?" Tanjiro asked.
Giyuu hesitated before answering. Tanjiro didn't sound mocking, at least. Well, yeah, he was Tanjiro... but still. "You can call it that, I suppose," he mumbled, tucking his chin down to his chest.
Nezuko, who had fallen asleep at some point, nuzzled closer, her form shrinking slightly and fitting into Giyuu's arm like a little bundle. A smile softened Giyuu's lips, though nobody could see it, and he held her close, wishing he had met the Kamados in any other circumstance.
"It's okay to have nightmares," Tanjiro said quietly, as if sensing Giyuu's reluctance. "I have them too, sometimes. Everyone has them and being a Demon Slayer basically guarantees nightmares—it's like it comes as part of the job. So don't feel bad!"
Giyuu mulled on this. It was probably true. Nevertheless, he still felt like shit about it. If he was a so-called Hashira, shouldn't he be able to fend off something as stupid as nightmares?
"Okay," he said anyway, wanting to please Tanjiro. he paused, a thought occurring to him. "How often do you have them?"
Tanjiro shifted, not answering for a minute. "It's not really... consistent? They just come and go," he said quietly, reaching over Giyuu to cup Nezuko's hand in his own.
"Oh." Giyuu glanced down. Tanjiro's eyes were closed but he was still awake, slowly tilting to the edge of sleep. "If you... want to talk about them? You can come to me. If you want."
Tanjiro's eyes opened by a breath and he smiled at Giyuu's vague direction. "Thank you, Giyuu-san. You can talk to me too. About anything," he murmured, closing his eyes again.
Giyuu lifted his hand, running it through Tanjiro's short hair. "Okay," he said again, closing his own eyes and resting back against the pillow.
Their quiet breaths became the only sound in the tranquility of the room, slowly pacing into sleep. This would become almost a habit, talking quietly to one another when Tanjiro visited until the conversation lulled into a gentle slumber—the warmth of other presence comforting them until they could finally relax.
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I'm so bad at endings, it's not even funny anymore
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