#[AAAAAAAAAA SO SOFT //////////]
saucywendeee · 5 months
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Astarion & Seraphina 🥺💕
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ilikedetectives · 6 months
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arklayraven · 4 months
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oobbbear · 10 months
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please let me have
the thing
it’s so itty bitty
He so cute and tiny 🥺?!?!!!?!?! Yes please take him all yours 🤲✨ remember to feed him twice a day shower often don’t give a lotta candy he goes crazy
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A couple of YCHs I commissioned from the wonderful and wonderfully talented @mysticcomfort
Thank you so much I am still not nor do I think I will ever be over these
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Characters are my and @nebbynebbu 's sonas
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fat-butch-dyke · 9 months
I love being a lesbian I love being a butch I love being a dyke i love-
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Hey guys guess what we just got reminded of♫
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grandmaster-anne · 1 year
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1999 Princess Anne at Gatcombe Horse Trials
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Kelbrey I doodled with my sharpie, several color pens, and my brother's metallic pens while listening to this animatic and crying because WHAT THE FUCK THEM....
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mirahuyooo · 1 year
hello!i hope you're doing fine.so my bff's bday is on the way and she was going into some hard stuff so i am making a request for her ,if you dont mind would you write seokjin xreader in Hogwarts!au . Reader is in slytherin and you are free to choose jin's house just make it sweet and stuff(my bff loves chess and cats idk why i am saying that but it may give u ideas) i am so sorry if i took sm if ur time i just want her to cheer up and be happy.
Also take Care and don't overwork yourself thank u bye!
Take a Break | ksj
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— In which, your dearest Seokjin urges you to take a break from studying for the N.E.W.T.s
word count: 2,198 content/s: fluff, wHOLESOME HOURS, wizard exams are still exams, stressed reader is stressed (still having war flashbacks from mine lmao), sort of hurt/comfort uwu, family issues, a bunch of bullies appear to ruin the moment, blood purity prejudice, established relationship? (kind of lol), reader is a pureblood Slytherin and Jinnie is a muggleborn Hufflepuff! Hogwarts AU pairing: kim seokjin x reader
[masterlist] | do you also have a [request]?
A/N: First of all, I just now remember the title is also a song from Hamilton (omg Slytherin!Hamilton???? jkjkjk) bUT THAT’S BESIDES THE POINT! I hope you liked this anon! I hope it wasn’t late for the occasion either and that your friend finds this imagine well!~ Happy birthday to her! I hope she gets through that rough patch, whatever it may be 🥺💖💕💞
Also, I haven’t consumed anything Hogwarts (AU and otherwise) in a while so idk if this does well (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) bUT I do hope I wrote it well enough for the AU! I also know Jin is mostly a Gryffindor in these AUs but Hufflepuff!Jin??? Who values loyalty and is fiercely loyal himself? Who takes care of his friends and defends them like a true badger? Who always offers food from the kitchens????? SOFT HUFFLEPUFF! JIN FOR SOFT HOURS!
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Shoulders heavy with the weight of a promising future, you’re rendered hunched before one of the many tables in the library, books of all sorts languidly flying overhead to their designated destinations. While you usually love the peaceful sanctuary that is the library of Hogwarts, the looming N.E.W.T. condemns you and many others to its old, wooden desks, books of all different subjects surrounding and chaining you to a fate of stiff necks, panic, and headaches. 
For hours now, you’ve been fiddling with the green and silver fabric of your tie with one hand and hurriedly jotting down notes in the other, murmuring the words you see on the thick book of potions above your notebook. 
“I’m telling you, (Y/N),” a voice lulls you out of the garbled mess of notes you constructed, and so does the gentle warmth of a hand lightly brushing your hair. “Take a break.”
Beside you is a Hufflepuff who's irritatingly being too lax about this whole pressure of the future fiasco—fluffy, brown curls prettily framing a charming face that is absent of the furrowed brows and frown you're currently sporting. Damn, this handsome bastard. (You mean that, of course, in the most affectionate of vexes.)
Kim Seokjin seemed to have been content with his studying for the moment, now leaving it unattended in favor of leaning closer to your chair. You have to wrangle his comforting hand off your head before it could ever tempt you to leisure, straightening your posture in your seat and looking around for Madam Pince. “You know I can’t,” you exasperatedly sigh, smoothing your hair over, “I have to—”
“Have to pass the N.E.W.T.s with flying colors. Yes, yes. I know,” Seokjin finishes the sentence you’ve been reciting since the exam season started, half-heartedly rolling his eyes before he fixes them on you with a look of concern amidst his soft scolding. “But, you won’t be able to do that if you pass out from exhaustion now, will you?”
Like many of your peers in Slytherin, you were ambitious, and you wanted to be many things, but it mostly boils down to potions and magical creatures. From a young age, the adventures of Newt Scamander captured your intrigue the moment you read them—the fascinating animals and all the places in the world that hold these wonders. Stubbornness is both your strength and flaw, your sights set on following his lead regardless if your ambition collided with your parents’ own desire to have you be an auror, instead. 
Before you ever found company in Seokjin and his gaggle of boys, you were a solitary student like Min Yoongi was, spending most of your time with either your cat or the critters you meet in the forest or school grounds, and further cementing magizoology in your heart and mind. (You even befriended a mermaid you often saw through the windows of the Slytherin common room!)
Your parents often frowned upon your plans, immensely upset to hear that after graduating, you intended to be a magizoologist while owning your own apothecary, perhaps even using potions to help treat creatures. (Sort of like a veterinarian in the muggle world—as Seokjin once told you.) 
Granted, you wouldn’t necessarily need to pass the N.E.W.T.s to be a magizoologist, but you needed one for Potions to become a potions master. For petty purposes, you also felt the need to do well in your other subjects, just to rub it in your parents’ face that your future wouldn’t be without direction. Hence, you practically holding up in the library as the dreaded exams approach closer and closer by the day.   
Seokjin, on the other hand, intended on becoming a healer at St. Mungo’s after your final year together at Hogwarts. Surely, with the required credentials for becoming one, he’d understand your plight of worrying about the results of the exams. Yet, here he was, studying earnestly yet knowing where to stop—unlike you, apparently. 
A strict clear of the throat commands your attention elsewhere, Madam Pince standing in the nearest row of bookshelves and sending you both a warning glare that compels you to apologetically nod your head and look back down at the books. You never really go back to reading about how to properly brew Felix Felicis though, head only filled with weighing what to do with Jin’s proposal.
As soon as Madam Pince is surely out of sight, your seatmate lets out a sigh of relief, immediately going back to the conversation that was cut short. “(Y/N), you’re smart and capable,” Seokjin proudly claims, voice hushed lest the librarian returns. There’s a reassuring pat to your shoulder, further loosening the tension in them. “You’ll pass the N.E.W.T.s brilliantly. I’m sure of it.” 
(In truth, Seokjin sometimes thinks you could’ve been a Ravenclaw if your determination to be the greatest magizoologist of your generation was any lesser than your affinity for knowledge.) 
Kim Seokjin with his sure confidence and judgement will always spur some form of jealousy in you one way or the other, but he brings you solace through it nonetheless when he tenderly intertwines his hand with yours under the table and nods his head towards the door in a wordless invite to ditch the rigorous studying. 
You purse your lips, any retort dying unspoken at the truth of his words as you mull over what kind of life you’ve been living lately. 
How many weeks have you been sacrificing precious sleep and food for this? 
How many invites to Hogsmeade or playing wizard chess in the common room did you turn down? 
How many times did you stay in this same exact seat in the library till closing hours?
The thought of spending more times in the Hogwarts library than Madam Pince  herself, dreaded you. Perhaps, this may have been getting out of hand after all. Seokjin doesn’t let it get to his head, why should you? (The perfectionist beast in you hates him.)
Just as you squeeze his hand back in silent affirmation, your fellow Slytherins, Michael Flint and his goons, pass by. Try as you might to ignore their glares and gather your things from the desk, they made their way to your table. “Still hanging around with that mudblood, (L/N)?” he spat, chuckles from the three behind him followed suit. 
In an instant, your blood boils at his words, a headache yet again manifesting. It’s a misfortune to the decent Slytherins of your house that there are still remnants of blood purists like Michael. 
You miss Seokjin’s reaction with the way you were glaring at them like a snake baring its fangs, ready to strike. “Whoever I mingle with isn’t exactly any of your business, Flint,” you steadily drawl, the glint of the small silver pin of the house snake on his necktie reminding you of the one you used to have.
Slytherins are tight knit when it comes to being part of the house, taking care of one’s own and siding with one another. The tie pins and rings are symbolic of being looked after by even the alumni of the house. You suppose people like Michael expect you to blindly follow suit with the principle. Jokes on them. 
“You and Min are a bunch of traitors,” Michael’s sneering nearly knocks the air out of your lungs, “a waste of purebloods.”
It hurts, more than it ever has the right to do so. There's a lump that forms in your throat and a waver in your glare as your hands clenched into fists. 
You know well it's not this mongrel that holds your heart hostage in his hands stabbing it cruelly, but rather, it was the words that he wielded being akin to the ones you had been accustomed to at home—the utter disdain and disappointment of your purity-obsessed parents plunging piercing glares and venomous lectures to your core. It doesn't ache as much as it used to, but you suppose the stress and exhaustion bleeding into your bones have made the walls of your heart weary. 
“Shouldn’t you be studying for the exams instead of poking your nose where it doesn’t belong?” 
Wide shoulders soon block your view of the group. Kim Seokjin, kind and patient as he was, is now an angered badger with claws ready to maul beneath that calmer, solemn fury of a facade he puts in front of them. His height, though not as tall as the Ravenclaw head boy, Kim Namjoon, is still enough to be used as a further point of intimidation. 
Still, ignorant fools like Michael are ignorant and foolish, after all. “Keep your mouth shut, Kim,” he snaps, “I’m not talking to you, yeah?”
You secure your bag as you roll your eyes, snaking your fingers through Seokjin’s and squeezing them to silently tell him to end the discussion now. There’s no use talking this out with jerks like Michael Flint without getting exhausted. Madam Pince will come around at any moment now, too. 
“Your mouth wasn't wanted to talk in the first place, either," Seokjin bites back, his final blow before he swiftly slings his own bag over his shoulder and tucks both his and your books in his hands. 
Relinquishing any time for them to wrangle in an argument, you raise your head once again to dare them yourself. “Your choice of words is repulsive and obsolete, Flint,” you hiss, flashing them an empty smile. “Do change with the times, will you, lads?” 
Fortuitously, Madam Pince’s return to the section allows you and Seokjin to leave without much more of a fuss, hand still in hand. The more the distance between you and the library grows, however, the more you realize how tired you really are. The N.E.W.T.s are nastily exhausting.
You all but steal glances at the young man next to you, just as he decides to pull you to a stop in the corridors. Before he could even open his lips, you’re the first to say a word. “I’m sorry about that,” you sigh, letting yourself crash in the embrace he readily gives you. You take in his scent—a mix of his favorite cologne and the pastries he would be offered to by the kitchen elves for helping them—and you hug him just a bit tighter.
Fingers brush themselves through your hair. “Don’t be,” he hushes, tone back to being light-hearted. “It’s not your fault idiots like them still exist and dirty Slytherin’s name.”
He’s being nice and moving on from the issue, even when they don’t deserve his kindness. It’s easy for others to take Seokjin’s friendliness and composure for granted, especially when his house is reputable for being modest. “Still,” you insist, looking up at him, “you don’t deserve to be called such things.”
Kim Seokjin is worth a thousand times more than that filthy word—worth more than his weight in galleons. 
He’s the one who once waited for you outside the library door at night and snuck you into the kitchens to help one of the elves make you a meal because you missed dinner. 
He’s the one who once spent hours with you looking for your cat throughout the castle, constantly assuring you that you two would find your beloved pet. 
He’s the one who once fetched you in the pouring rain after your parents disowned you last summer, convincing his parents to let you stay with them until you got your bearings.   
You would go far as to say he’s your other half—one of the people you undoubtedly plan to include in your greater plans in life. Perhaps, when you’ve travelled the world and then some, you and him would be together, settling down somewhere. You and him would build an establishment for treating both wizards, witches, and creatures. You and him would finally be able to look at each other and say—  
"Are you okay, (Y/N)?"
Knocked out of your stupor, only now have you come to realize the hand cupping your cheek, wiping away at your tears. Seokjin’s eyes stare back at you worriedly as you cast your eyes down. "No," you find yourself admitting this hoarsely, heart always vulnerable and honest with him. 
You want to be the best—for your younger self, your cruel parents, and him. You want to pay him back for his kindness and give him all of your love in return. You want to return from your endeavors and—
There’s a tender kiss that plants itself on your forehead, and in turn, nourishing the warmth and the butterflies within you. The silence beats for only a few seconds further before Seokjin pulls away, a soft smile on his lips as he does so. "Let's go to the kitchen for a short break, hm?" he says, wiping the last of your tears away as you look at his chest. Curses, you’ve stained his sweater vest. 
"Come along," he further urges you, earnestly tugging at your hand with genuine promise. "Your Jinnie will cook for you."
The small beginnings of a smile blooms from your lips. After a long, arduous time of studying, yes, a short break does sound nice.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 8 months
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hungry-skeleton · 11 months
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echoxshxrx · 8 months
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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i thought of my family. i ✨shrivelled up inside✨
#incoherent ramblings that may or may not be oversharing af in the tags. you have been warned#the lyrics just… really hit home at some parts. infidelity ain’t cool man. :(#ughhhh i just. the song’s just…!!!!! aaaaaaaaaa#now i really wanna take a crack at tling it bc. the…. aaaaaaaa#i can’t really explain my feelings about this song? but i have lots of them#like it brought back memories of being there in the cigarette-scented living room of my old place as my apparent other parent called his gf#i’ll never forget how sickening the softer and sweeter(?) tone his voice took on as he talked to her. it was grossssss#like it was such a huge shift from how he was towards his biologically female family members (my mother and myself)#just how was he able to be so soft towards that lady while also slapping the living daylights out of us? >:( it isn’t fair!!!!#my brother was spared from getting hit though. and he was spared from being involved in their fights too. male privilege ig. it’s not fair!!#not that i’d want that asshat to be sweet to me in the first place. heck no.#there was this time he asked me what kind of music i listened to. i told him t-swift bc i didn’t want him near my fav song: caramelldansen#he looked up one of her songs on yt to seem relatable,i told him ‘i don’t listen to t-swift’,and he screamed at me :(((#and there was also that time i was screamed at for calling him a perv for pointing out mosquito bites on my inner thighs :(((#and yet… just *how* was this ugly ass loser able to get girlfriends as a married man??? he’s 155cm so he doesn’t even have the height factor#ughhhhhh cheaters always remind me of this clown. i hate him. i really do. i hate tons of things but he’s the thing i hate most in the world#i can’t get rid of that mf though >:( the cons and cons of being literally named after him bc he was disappointed that i was born a girl ig#well. this sure got off-topic… i probably need therapy lol#but therapy’s too expensive (and too complicated to get) so tag therapy it is!!!!#i’ll just vent my life’s worries in the tags here all while everyone else suffers with me >:)#but… kitto wakareru yo’s a beautiful song (musically speaking). chico’s voice and the instrumentals are so good and very emotional…#but the dude mentioned in the lyrics can go cocc himself ig. cheating is unforgivable!!!!!!!#it is suiyoubi my dudes#inedible blubbering
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me: im normal -
Spuk: replies
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solarisgod · 1 year
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micah has drifting between reality and unreality lately . everything feels unenough and yet too much all at once , and they are unsure why is it happening ---- when will it stop . . . these emotions and thoughts , dreams and memories , they do not belong to micah , they are nothing ---- ❝ you're cold , come here ❞
soft voice gently pulls micah out of their deep attention , finding jude before them . once alone , they realize they had been trembling for a while ---- perhaps , such a concerning sight as this was what caught the attention ; an understandable belief that they do not live well with this form of weather , though they do not believe it is the coldness itself that got them disoriented . ❝ i do love the cold , ❞
micah tries to assure the other in sweet gentleness , not wanting him to further dwell on the concern for them when they hold loving tolerance for the cold ---- a winter lover they are since childhood , with their endless adoration for the snowflakes that they see as icy stars . still , they meekly come closer , curious to know what will jude offer as to provide them the warmth . they suppose they are quite exhausted enough to be unwell / appear as so to the nearest eyes . micah smiles at jude .
❝ it's a nice excuse to get hot chocolate ❞ they love hot chocolate . it's one of the greatest creations to exist . it's one of their favourite things that they want to live for ---- ❝ will we be getting 'em ? ❞ micah sounds smaller with childlike hope , like they are trying to find ease in the deep darkness , lost . while micah's focus starts to slip away from the present once more , they hold jude's hand then , part of them wondering if he will hold them just to cease the coldness . that is it / that is all . . . micah gently squeezes @theision's hand for comfort .
either his skin is colder to touch or not , micah only closes their eyes , content .
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