#[Fun and Games] - Frankie
cup-o-stars · 2 months
All Straw Hats!
(New Images: Chopper, Franky, Brook, Jinbei)
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This was ultimately quite fun and made me push my colors harder than I have in a very long while! This last batch was definitely my favorite.
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l-in-the-light · 6 days
(Mis)adventures of Law with the Strawhats [fanfiction snippet, part 3 - the final one!]
[Links to: Part 1 and Part 2]
"Alliance?" all of them ask at the same time.
"You will find out once someone actually lands on same field" Law cuts his answer short.
"What's with that half-assed effort? Admit it, you just didn't think it through yet!" Usopp accuses him, meanwhile Luffy's eyes get their spark back.
"That's the best idea ever, I can't wait to land on same field with Torao again!"
Yamato looks at the dessert in front of him, so far not even touched. Then he takes the small spoon and digs in a bit, brings it to his mouth and his eyes grow larger. "This is actually really good. So sweet!" then he looks around the table. Law turns his gaze away before their eyes can meet, but somehow Yamato still stops at him for a moment; he can tell.
"Does anyone want to try it too? I don't know why Sanji only gave it to me"
"That's because he thinks you're a lady" Usopp replies. "And no thanks, I'm good, I have lots of salty crackers now"
"I'm also good" Brook says, still sipping his tea. Is it still the very same one since they started playing, Law wonders.
"I want!" Luffy says, but Usopp stops him just in time. "Don't give it to him, he will gulp it all down in one bite. There, you have enough snacks on the table already"
"Yeah, but I would want to try that one too" Luffy says, eyeing the dessert, but seems he finally gives up and downs a full bowl of crackers instead.
"I would want to, but I think Sanji will kill me, or even cook me, if I even try to come near it" Chopper says, because he got interested since the moment Yamato declared it was something sweet.
"He won't know" Yamato assures him and gives Chopper a spoon with quite a big bite of cake on it. He smiles when Chopper quickly catches it with his mouth and a moment later some tears spill from his eyes. "So nice~!"
And finally Yamato's eyes turn to Law. "I'm good" he finally voices out, avoiding to look at the dessert or Yamato.
"Hm" Yamato muses, but seems to leave it be.
"So, how do we play it now?" Usopp asks, because they have been playing for a bit already, but Brook literally just finished the game. "Should we make Brook start over from the beginning?"
"That's cheating, he won already" Law comments.
"Right" Usopp frowns.
"Can I play two turns instead of him?" Luffy grins, but everyone quickly cuts him off with a loud "NO".
"It's kinda not nice to play without him" Yamato says, the dessert forgotten and left unfinished for now.
"Let's just start over, I wanna win!" Luffy decides and stretches his hands to gather all the pawns.
"Then I'm out" Law retorts back and Luffy's hands freeze. He quickly retreats them back.
"Torao" he says, turning to him, his brows furrowed. "Are you in a bad mood? Why do you not want to play with me anymore?"
Law looks deliberately away. Why does Luffy have to constantly act this way? With every day he reminds him more of his little sister. Why did Law had to buy this game in the first place, now he wishes he never did.
"I had to play with you like dozens of times last night, how much more do I have to play till you're actually satisfied?" He finally blurts out. Even this line sounds like something from the past in his ears.
"Every day?" Luffy attempts and Law smashes his hand on the table in reply, startling everyone.
"You can play with other people now" he snaps.
"But I want to play with you too!" Luffy cries out and reaches towards Law's hand that's still splayed on the table. The touch is brief and barely there, but takes Law by surprise and Luffy can feel him freezing up. "Sorry" he mumbles as he retreats his hand immediately, but it's too late and Law is already on his way to the door, trembling slightly. Usopp whispers "Great, now you made him angry", but Law can still hear it.
Usopp peeks at Luffy's face and he just knows he has to do something, anything to stop this. "Let's calm down, it's just a game, Luffy will soon get bored with it anyway" but it has no effect and Usopp nearly gives up at this point.
"Wait, please!" Chopper suddenly shouts. "I had a lot of fun playing together, especially when you allowed me to roll the die for you! I… I never played any board game before! So thank you! And I'm sorry if I did something bad, I'm a dummy after all, so it's probably not fun to play with me…"
That, curiously enough, made Law stop in his step.
"I also never played before. My crew did, mostly card games, but since I don't have eyes, I couldn't join them"
"Wait, you must have had eyes when you were alive" Usopp points out, despite just a second ago feeling kinda sorry for the skeleton man.
"Oh, right. Then maybe it was one of the illusions I experienced when I spent years surrounded with their dead bodies, stranded in the Florian Triangle" he muses, and like an afterthought adds "YOHOHOHOHO".
It doesn't help at all to solve the tension, Law notes in his head despite himself. He didn't sign up to hear all those tearful stories and he for sure isn't gonna share his own one.
Yamato makes a worried expression, but then nods to himself and his eyes become clear like a cloudless sky. "This is actually also my first time playing any board game. Or any game at all, really. Since I was locked alone for almost all of my life and no one was even allowed near me"
Usopp stays quiet for a bit, his brows furrowed and he stares at the table. When he finally speaks up his voice is much quieter than the others. "I lied, I actually also never played any board games before… other kids kinda avoided me in my village. I did have dices though!" he doesn't add that he actually just picked them up from the ground after other kids most likely lost it.
"I kept them, because I thought it was a mysterious object lost by the nomadic tribe of Spotted People. Everyone knows about Spotted People, they're the ones responsible for drawings dots on everything, like skirts. They draw dots on everything that belongs to them, so if you see any dotted objects you know it means one of Spotted People was passing by. Those squares looked kinda important, so I kept the dices for them just in case The Spotted Tribe would cross this path again, searching for it."
"That's so nice of you!" Chopper says, wiping a tear with his hoof. No one comments that the Spotted Tribe doesn't exist in reality, so neither does Law.
Luffy looks at his crewmates expressionlessly, and Usopp has to actually nudge him and whisper to share his story as well. Luffy just keeps staring, but when Usopp points towards quiet Law still standing near the door, he seems to connect the dots.
"Torao!" he calls after him, his voice slightly cracking. "It's okay if you don't want to play with them. Let's play later on, just the two of us instead!"
"OI!" Usopp smacks him on the head. "What's wrong with you?! You were supposed to share your sad story about never playing games with anyone before! And what about us and our feelings?!"
"Why are you hitting me?!" Luffy replies, a bit sulky because he doesn't get it. And Law thinks that of course he doesn't. After all Luffy told him all about it already yesterday night. How he never saw a board game before, but he once played some jumping game one of his brothers drew on the sand.
"We saw some kids playing it before, but we didn't know the rules. Sabo taught us how to play, but Ace said later that those weren't the correct rules, Sabo probably thought them up, because he said earlier he also never played before. I didn't care, it was fun to do something together like that"
Luffy couldn't fall asleep and was kinda moody as the result, so Law, not really knowing what to do, simply proposed to play, because that's the only thing that came to his mind. And then he somehow told him this was the first game his parents gave to Law and his little sister. After Luffy wondered outloud how it's like to actually have parents around, Law somehow ended up playing with him till the earliest hours of the morning.
Usopp just shakes his head, and calls to Law, bringing him back to reality. "Just ignore him, he was always slightly off in the head, there's no way to fix him"
"Hey, that's not a nice thing to say!" Luffy complains.
"What you said earlier also wasn't nice!" Usopp retorted and he smacks him again. Luffy doesn't stay indebted for long and returns the favour, which makes Usopp do it again as well, and they probably would keep on doing it for longer, but Law finally turns around, sighs and just goes back to his seat.
"Do you all have to be always so dramatic about everything you do" he grits through his teeth, crossing his arms and looking at no one in particular.
"Says the most dramatic one around…" slips from Usopp's lips despite his better judgment, and he is immediately greeted with a glare promising many death threats, but their staring contest gets interrupted before Usopp can duck under the table in fear.
"Here you go!" Yamato smiles as he places a plate in front of Law. There's a half of the chocolate dessert resting on it, together with a clean spoon. Law looks at him and raises his eyebrows. "I heard there's nothing better than a make up snack after a fight!" he cheers and goes back to his own half of the dessert, finishing it up with a wide smile.
Law just looks at the plate wordlessly. He admits he feels kinda stupid over all that now, but he would rather bite off his tongue than admit it outloud.
"So, what are we doing about Brook?" Usopp returns with the annoying question. Law closes his eyes and snaps his fingers.
"He will play, as an assassin. He will go backwards, retreating his steps all the way back to the beginning" he says, not even bothering to acknowledge the puzzled looks directed at him. "And every time he will pass by another player, they get eliminated"
"Wait wait wait, that sounds scary!", "It actually sounds fun! Can we fight him off somehow??", "Yohohoho!" are comments that are soon following.
"Hold on, but then no one can reach the end goal!" Usopp points out and is greeted with a very sinister smile in reply.
"Good job for catching on that"
Luffy at least doesn't seem to mind, Chopper is still panicking, Brook doesn't stop laughing, and Yamato's mouth is just comically gaping open. Usopp for once is not giving up though.
"Or maybe" Usopp starts, pondering. "The assassin is instead a ghost. Every time he passes by someone, he starts to follow them around, like a curse! And if that person doesn't do something in particular, they have to return to the start… or they get eliminated!"
"If they don't throw two sixes in four rounds, the haunted person will have to move backwards from now on as well" Law adds. "All the way till they reach the starting point"
"Or if they roll two fours. Because four means death and eight is double death so it breaks the curse!" Usopp nods. "Wait, do we even have another dice?"
"Now we do" Law says, flicks his fingers and another die lands on the table. "You can also escape the assassin following you if you slide down a snake or go up the ladder. We can consider it a special rule that applies only when you're followed by the assassin."
"Then the ghost has to give it up and find someone else to follow around!" Usopp finishes, pointing at Brook. "But if the person who is followed rolls two twos, they become a ghost as well till they get another pair of fours!"
"Good idea" Law comments and Usopp flashes him a smile. And then extends his opened palm towards him, pausing and waiting for something. Law looks at him. "Come on, that was brilliant, high five is in order!"
Law looks at the offered palm and at his own hand. Should he…? And then slowly raises it up and leaves it hanging there in midair, not moving it any further. Usopp smacks his own hand with his, smiling from ear to ear and wiping his nose with his finger. "We make a good team!" he declares.
Before Law can take his hand away, Chopper and Luffy also join in for the high five-ing, earning themselves a groan. Law quickly takes his hand back and hides it under the table, as far as he possibly can.
"Sorry, Torao!" Luffy says and no one gets it, but Law doesn't really comment on it either. Usopp just shrugs, probably thinking it's just another of Luffy's weird things he does. Law starts to realize that's the usual consensus around the Sunny.
"So, whose turn was it?"
"God Usopp's" Law answers, which makes Usopp both flush and giggle at the same time.
"You can be God Torao as well, if you want. You earned it!" he says mercifully.
"No, I'm good" Law replies immediately.
"Suit yourself, I won't offer it to you again!" he warns, waggling his finger at him.
They roll the die, Brook finds his first victim, yohohoho-ing all the time when stalking Usopp's pawn (which was the closest to the goal) while the latter already regrets all his life choices up until this second. Taking advantage of the commotion Law places a plate in front of Luffy. It contains half of the half of the dessert.
"For me?? Really?!" Luffy can't believe his eyes and dumps everything that's on it in his mouth, which is why he has to retrieve the spoon a moment later from his rubbery maw. "Wow, it's indeed very sweet"
Yamato sends Law a smile, but it gets blatantly ignored.
"Ooff, I'm alive" Usopp wipes sweat from his forehead, he slid down a snake to escape Brook's clutches. "The ghost couldn't take me, haha" he laughs weakly. "Why did I even agree to this rule?!"
"Assassin, not a ghost" Law comments.
"It's a ghost! The Bone Snatcher! Because he will steal your bones once he puts the curse on you" Usopp insists.
"I prefer just Brook" says Brook. "Yohohoho"
"No, it's actually a villain! A marine! An admiral!" Luffy butts-in.
"A Germa" Law corrects him.
"A Germa!!" Luffy agrees, throwing his fist in the air.
"I dunno why you're talking about those bastards, but I agree about every bad word you said about them" says Sanji, as he returns to the kitchen. "Or actually, no, just don't talk about them in my presence if you want to get any dinner today" he reconsiders, after he gets back to his counter.
He then notices almost immediately an extra plate in the sink that Law shambled away. "Confess, who snatched something from the kitchen when I was away? Was it you, Law?!" he looks accussingly, knowing fully well what Law's powers could do. Law doesn't exactly agree or disagree, because he might have indeed made Sanji's life a bit harder when he sometimes snatched some snacks for Luffy between meals, just so Luffy would give him some peace. But when Sanji just gives him a stare full of daggers and past resentments, Law remains completely unremorseful.
"You need more than an extra plate as a proof" Law defies him, but before the conflict can escalate any further, Yamato raises his hand, trying to attract Sanji's attention instead.
"Sorry, it was me. I'm a big boy, so just one plate wasn't enough!"
"Oh, if it was Yamato-chan, it's alright" Sanji swoons. "I'm not apologizing to you though, even if you hate on Germa. I have no guarantee you didn't force Yamato-chan's pure heart to help you get extra food" he huffs in Law's direction. Curiously enough, just a moment later he swears when he turns on the water in the sink and it splashes all over him.
"Bone Snatcher!" Usopp still insists on his idea.
"How about Oden?" Yamato asks cheerfully like people aren't fighting and about to punch each other to push their ideas, and suddenly everyone turns to look at him.
"Oden, how nice" Chopper comments. Almost everyone else nods as well. "Oden it is!"
"Since when was Oden a vengeful ghost?" Usopp frowns, but Law just shrugs. "Oh, come on, you can't agree to this as well!"
"It's Oden" Law replies, smirking again when Usopp groans.
"I regret sharing my God title with you, I take it back!"
"I didn't accept it anyway"
At that moment Usopp notices that Law is munching another cookie and narrows his eyes.
"Liking sweets doesn't really suit you" he says, trying to get back on him, judging him with his narrowed eyes.
Law furrows his brows. "I use my brain, brain needs sugar"
"I can confirm that it's a scientific fact!" Chopper butts in, nodding his head vigorously.
Usopp is still looking sceptically at him, when Luffy suddenly shouts. "Finally! I made it on the same field as Torao again!"
They all look down on the board.
"So, what now??" Luffy looks expectantly at Law. They all do. He blinks once. Oh, right. Alliance.
"Now…" he starts and taps his finger on the board. "…we play as one team. We roll two dice, you one and me another, and we add up the number and move our pawns the same amount of fields. The alliance lasts till we roll two ones, which means we can go seperate ways from that moment again"
"What if I don't want to finish the alliance?" Luffy asks immediately.
"Then, I guess, it continues" Law answers reluctantly.
"TWO DICES?!" Usopp screams. "That's an unfair advantage, it's like rolling dice twice every round!"
"Also, anytime we step on a ladder or a snake, only one person can go up or down. That's also a way to seperate an alliance" Law adds, because he knows he needs to balance this rule out a bit.
"Eh, I don't like that" Luffy complains.
"But if we're haunted by Oden and lose to the curse, we both have to retreat our steps all the way back to the beginning, unless we manage to lift it"
"That sounds fun" Luffy cheers again.
"What about the end goal?" asks Usopp, who is now munching on a cookie which he wouldn't touch before, suddenly crackers long forgotten for some mysterious reason.
"Only one person from the alliance can win" Law clarifies.
"How will that be decided?" Yamato asks.
"I will tell you once we get to that situation"
Everyone but Luffy protests.
"That sounds like an adventure!" he snickers.
"What's with that shtick of yours and witholding the rules! I protest! Come on guys, join me in my rebellion!" Usopp tries to rile up the crowd, but they all decide it's not worth it, because who cares, it's still fun. Law sneaks him a small V sign in his direction, which is Usopp's last straw.
"Fine, you want to play this way, then we will add some mines to the board!" he says, maniacally munching on the cookies, sugar rush probably getting to his head as he leans forward, fishing out a pen out of nowhere and coloring one, two, three, four fields completely black before Law reacts, at first trying to catch his hand to stop him, but in the end he just snatches his pen away, using shambles. "Hey, I wasn't done yet!" Usopp complains.
"That's enough already" Law huffs. "Returning people to the beginning all the time is poor balance, it will just make everyone frustrated all the time"
"So what? My luck is flawless and I will laugh at them all the time!"
"What a petty reason"
"It's done already, so deal with it!"
"Think of something else for the mines"
"Guys" Luffy interrupts them. "How about whoever steps on that black field jumps in the air?" he proposes.
They both look quizzically at him.
Luffy simply puts a pawn on that field and flips the board up so the pawn flies in the air (together with all the rest of them) and then lands back on board in a completely different spot. "An earthquake, shishishi!"
"Now you made a mess" Law comments, looking at the board, no surprise in his voice.
"I don't remember where was my pawn located before… How could you Luffy??" Chopper laments, but Luffy only laughs more.
"You basically destroyed the game, you know" Usopp criticizes, but Yamato and Brook look at each other and only laugh. "We can't play like this"
That caused a brief silence. Luffy is scratching his head, about to open his mouth and say something, but Law stops him.
"This doesn't destroy anything" he bluffs. "You just have to start over from the spot where your pawn landed on. And if it landed in the middle of a ladder or a snake, you put them up or down accordingly."
They all look at him like he just saved a world on his way back home from a grocery trip while not forgetting to buy the milk in the process. He has a hard time trying not to cringe.
"What about the pawn that fell off the board or beyond the borders?"
"Just put them on closest fields" he said, taking one of the pawns that completely fell off to the table, pondering. Putting it back on the start seems a bit cruel, but he guesses it can't be avoided…
"Just toss it in the air again, wherever it lands will be it's new field!" Luffy says, snatches it from Law's hand and demonstrates. The pawn fell slightly to the left from the middle of the board. "See, it works out!"
Everyone leans forward to find their new respective spots for their pawns, besides Law who catches Sanji frowning as he steals a peek from his counter. He also didn't miss the way Sanji stared at the board earlier on and Law looks towards the door, lost in his inner world again. He thinks back to their lunch, when everyone was here as well.
"Eh, but what about our alliance?" Luffy suddenly remembers and looks expectantly at Law who returns his attention back on him.
"We still roll both dice and move the same amount of fields"
"Oh, so it's not affected, good" Luffy practically beams, like suddenly something heavy was lifted from his chest. "So we just have to meet up again, shishishi"
"You know it will be harder now that you will move exactly the same amount of fields each round, right?" Usopp asks, taken aback by Luffy's carefree attitude.
"It will be just more challenging, is all! That's nothing for a future king of the pirates!" he cries out. "Also, it can't be helped"
"Indeed" Law says, looking at him. "It was an earthquake, after all"
Luffy chuckles. "Exactly!"
They keep on playing for whole afternoon, Yamato becomes Oden twice and seems to enjoy it more than the regular gameplay, chasing after Chopper who escapes all the way back to the beginning from him before he realizes he's safe already, Brook gets released from his Oden curse by two twos and is close to the goal again. Red and blue pawns mysteriously meet again by a chain of random circumenstances of Law escaping from the Oden curse up the ladder and Luffy sliding down a snake. They're seperated exactly by five fields now.
One die, the one that Law threw, shows a two. Luffy's die swirls a lot and seems to have stopped on five, yet it somehow flipped to show a three instead.
"I saw it!" Usopp shouts, pointing an accussatory finger in Law's direction. "You manipulated Luffy's dice so it lands in the way you want it to!"
"You saw nothing" Law comments back. "And you have no evidence that I ever cheated"
"Wait, why does it suddenly sound like you were cheating all this time??"
"Guys, Brook won again" Chopper complains worriedly. "Does it mean the game is over again?"
"No, we're playing to see who's last now" Law reminds him, ignoring Usopp's question and avoiding his long nose proding towards him.
When Luffy and Law, still somehow in an alliance, reach the goal together, they all finally learn how it will get decided who will be the first and who the second.
"We take the dice, throw it the hardest we can, and whichever one lands closest to the board wins" Law's lips curl up, smile sharp like razor blades, and everyone feels the chill run down their spine at the sight. Luffy laughs and everyone take it as a sign that now is the time to duck under the table, the fastest they can.
Law wasn't kidding when he said "the hardest they can", both of their dice bumped all over the place and hit the ceilling, till finally Luffy's one lands in the pot on the stove, while Law's one bounces off of Luffy's head and rolls away to some corner of the room.
As the result Sanji throws them all out of the kitchen angirly and threatens they won't get any dinner today.
"We need to play like this every evening! After Sanji is no longer in the kitchen" Luffy declares as soon as they're on the deck.
"Without me" Law deadpans, because how dare he decide that on his own again.
"Why?? Usopp, do something, make him agree!!"
"No way, convince him yourself, if I do anything he's gonna murder me in my sleep tonight"
"You bet I will"
"Scary!!" says Usopp as he hides behind Luffy who just laughs like it's all a funny joke, because Torao is always so funny.
Later that evening, Sanji is still preparing some snack for Franky who finally managed to sit down after a whole day of making some inventions and repairs. Nami and Robin are chatting at the kitchen table, and Zoro is lying down on the sofa under the window.
"What's that?" Franky asks, noticing a cardboard box sitting on the table. "Isn't it that snakes and ladders game they played before?"
"What?" Sanji sounds alarmed as he peeks over from the counter. "I was sure I threw it out together with all those rascals"
"Oh, so that's the game they were playing" Robin looks curiously when Franky opens the cover. "It looks rather simple"
"It might look this way, but they invented shit tons of new rules" Sanji grumbles, unquestionably thinking back to all the chaos they created in his precious kitchen.
"They did? What kind of?" Franky inquires, taking out some pawns and two dice.
"Whoever finished first was an assassin chasing other pawns down on their path, I think" Sanji says, waving his hand dismissively.
"Oh, how interesting" Robin smiles.
"What are those black fields?" Nami asks.
"Now that you mention it, I have never seen those before in that board game" Franky shrugs.
"They shook the board, scattering all the pieces randomly around whenever someone stepped on one of those" Sanji explains.
"That's surprisingly inventive. Was it Usopp's idea?"
"I think it was actually Luffy's"
"Okay, you're the orange one" Franky hands Nami the pawn. "And you're gonna be green" he turns his head towards Zoro, placing his pawn at the start.
"What? I'm not playing any games" Zoro protests.
"Neither am I" Sanji warns Franky before he can move on to give him a pawn as well. "I only told you about those rules because my beloved Nami-swan asked me"
Zoro looks at him. "Ah, you're just afraid to lose to me"
"Come on, guys, let's play. It feels so nostalgic, I didn't play this game in forever. They left it here, we can as well play as we wait for our snacks. Sit down here, Zoro"
"Only if you make the stupid cook play"
"I'm not playing!" Sanji shouts. "Why are you here anyway? Aren't you on the watch tonight?"
"Torao took over for me today, actually, so I'm bored"
"Great, then go to bed early like a manchild you are!"
"Sure, if you declare my victory by default" Zoro snickers, moving on from the sofa to the table, and patting the chair next to him. "Come on, don't be a coward"
"The hell will freeze over faster than you will see me playing a stupid board game with you!"
Nami sighs. "Come on Sanji, Franky says it's more fun with more people"
Sanji looks at Nami, his swirly eyebrow flying all the way up on his forehead. "Fine, roll for me until I'm done here" he sighs. "Just so you know, I'm doing it only because Nami-swan asked me to" he clarifies, making a face at Zoro.
"Keep telling yourself that" Zoro smirks.
Soon, they're all sitting down at the table, few of them laughing and others sighing when Zoro somehow manages to turn himself around a few times, earning multiple scoldings from Sanji in the process.
"This is actually first time I'm playing any board game" Robin shares after a while.
"Me too actually. We didn't have any money so we couldn't really play any games" Nami muses. "This is surprisingly rather fun. I was gonna just join you all so Franky doesn't feel lonely"
"Oi thanks, I super appreciate that!" Franky shows her thumbs up. "Did you two ever play before?"
"Nah" Zoro answers.
"You probably only trained yourself stupid even as a child" Sanji comments.
"You bet"
"And you, Sanji?"
"I…" he says, taking a longer exhale of his cigarette. "I only watched my brothers play it before. They played it so often that I memorized the rules just by looking at them. That was before father found out and threw the game away"
Nami shared some condolences with him. He just waved them off, because he was too distracted by stupid marimo attempting to climb the snake from it's tail.
Meanwhile, just outside the kitchen, Law leans on the wall, standing there quietly. After some time, he shambles himself away to the crow's nest, where no one could see him smiling ever so slightly to himself.
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stoppingo1k · 5 months
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uh oh, i'm falling into my trap of making designs i'm never intending to use and then getting too attached to them again
this version of P is considerably more suspicious and manipulative than the regular version of them. i imagine they'd be involved in some plotline consisting of them attempting to cover up the existence of the yeti for one reason or another. if they joined the epf in this universe they'd specialize in, as stated, cover-up's and misdirection to the public, AKA the gaslighter supreme.
Same text as the image for readability under cut:
P - Hypothetical CPI version - Shifty snowboarder who hangs around Mt. Blizzard. Will attempt to goad the player into playing more snowboarding. - You can ask them for snowboarding advice, but the advice is often useless, ridiculous, or totally unrelated to snowboarding. - Has gotten into trouble with JPG more times than anyone can count for generally being suspicious. The fact he can't prove they're doing anything wrong drives JPG insane.
"Aw, nice effort though, kid! How about another run? C'mon."
"You know 95% of snowboarders quit before they hit the jackpot…"
Turns out wearing full white isn't a good idea for a snowboarder so they're much more colorful this time around
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legacyofafox · 1 year
Since I saw how many voted on my last poll about the "Who of the SH survive a Horror movie?" I decided to do something special.
A little text adventure game involving a poll and the Straw Hats.
The first gonna be murder mystery! It will have quite few polls. Depends how the polls look like.
So let's begin!
The Straw Hats are in a mansion, they escaped a stormy night and decided to stay in it until the next morning. The Storm didn't look like it would stop for the Night. What they don't know there is also a killer with them.
They explored the mansion, finding noone. The Mansion looked empty. Looking for rooms they could sleep in. Finding some they had to choose a room. Single rooms. But they decided to stay at least as duos in a room for safety reasons.
Nami stays with Robin and Chopper. Usopp with Zoro. Sanji with Luffy and Franky with Brooke. And Jimbei decided to stay a bit longer awake to look out, until he fell asleep too.
They went to bed.
What they didn't know the Killer had already choosen the first victim.
Who gonna die first?
Who die and survive? Don't forget it's your decision.
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frnkiebby · 5 months
f i v e~🎃
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(the game)
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galaxyedging · 10 months
The Frankie gif
Round 3
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Other rounds here.
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redgemwink · 11 months
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i think frankie likes littlered
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songofstrawhats · 8 months
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Loot from con!!! All One Piece lmaooo it was a subtle theme
-i was gonna get a Jinbei sticker at this booth because I was on a Hunt for Jinbei because he's my fave and he's less common to find, and when I mentioned my hunt to the artist he was like BUT WAIT THERES MORE and apparently he had a deal on the print charm sticker combo and I happily let myself get upsold xD
-I approached the booth because I saw their going merry boat keychain. They looked at me and were like OH WAIT ARE YOU MERRY? and I was like YES AND IM LOOKING AT YOUR MERRY KEYCHAIN and we all came out of that transaction pretty happy
-i had to get the adorable Merry and Sunny stickers to commemorate me and my sister's cosplays and they had a deal so Jinbei got to come with!!!
-i was extremely happy to see this little chopper dish (I love handmade stuff like this you couldn't find anywhere else!!) and I love using trinket dishes for crafting and sewing and organizing and he will be very helpful to me!
-also the energy for this Luffy spoke to me and imma put it on my one piece art wall!!! We've apparently had star wars art by this artist framed for years now so it was nice to find out who did those hahaha
Overall I had a really fun con!!! There was so much great one piece cosplay and people were so excited about it! People who recognised me were so sweet about it and it was so fun to appreciate these things we all like so much!!! I really feel like getting into one piece has unlocked a whole entire world of fans and fandom and people and most importantly cute kiddos cosplaying as Luffy and Chopper, which are an extremely good and wonderful thing in this world!!!!!
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°˖❀Welcome to the Sweet Treat Shop!❀˖°
Hello and welcome! My name is Al! Welcome to Sugar Coated Machinery, an ask blog for some of my revamped fnaf ocs. On here my main goal is to explore their universe and have some fun interactions with y'all :D
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°˖❀General Blog CW/TWs❀˖°
As this is a blog surrounding fan characters for a horror game, there’s a fair amount of darker topics used/discussed here for backstories, plots, and general information sometimes. Some Examples of these are (but not limited to) the following:
-Talk/Mention of Death and Illness
-Slight Body Horror (pretty much reserved for animatronic characters)
-Malfunctioning Machinery
-General Events of the Uncanny Valley
While most of these are censored/get cut off, I do sometimes miss a few. Please be careful when proceeding through the blog and read through any CWs/TWs given before posts before reading!
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Other Canon and Oc interactions are allowed!
Additionally, considering the layout of this au, crossovers/non fnaf ocs are welcome as well. (the lads may just be *very* confused).
Magic/Interactive Anons are allowed. They’re fun!
Nothing xenophobic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.
No strong NSFW.
Semi flirtatious behavior is OK. However, I do ask you keep yourselves classy and only aim that behavior towards characters of age (or robotic characters that present as such.)
Mun chats are welcome if kept semi-on topic of the blog. If not, I'll most likely just redirect you to my main here.
°˖❀Other Important Things to Note❀˖°:
I am a full-time student, so responses may take a bit longer/only consist of shorter replies at times.
Along with this, please keep in mind I am my own person. If an ask makes me uncomfortable, there's a high likelihood that I won't respond to it.
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°˖❀Character list❀˖°
-Kit Cat
-James Baker
-Amy Edleson
*Note: Some other side characters may be added depending on how often they're brought up / spoken about. Don't be afraid to try to ask about them if you get curious! :D
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°˖❀General Lore Summary❀˖°
The Charles Entertainment Co. Collaboration Project has been active for a good couple of years, slowly building a name for itself for having fairly advanced robotics and a general aim for an entertaining experience for its customers.
Many employees are unsure of the full extent of the project past that point (or how far their roles are within it). However, when unexplained events occur and are quickly swept under the rug, one can only assume the worst.
Note: How I am thinking of adapting this to general logic for rps is treating this like an au / goofy lil crossover of sorts! The sky is the limit!
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°˖❀Coming Soon❀˖°
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I hope to talk to you all soon! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و ̑̑
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kakusboyfriend · 4 months
I made a 4th one piece guy just to ship with one time/inconsequential/anime only/side villains, btw. Its name's champagne and it's based on these beasts
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While being the cutest most lovecore thing imaginable. And having bifun with cruel people
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digitaldollsworld · 4 months
what hobbies do your ocs enjoy??
Hiiii friend !! First of all I will try to keep this So Short second of all I love you forever for asking me this . I’ll just run thru the guys I used for rps with my friends!
Ariana: a super Normal average girl with Normal Average hobbies—> she likes listening to music and she sews rlly well! She actually wanted to go to school for Fashion Design but well. Whomp whomp … I figure she would also looove 2 cook
Elijah: well he’s my Ultimate Rollerskater so that one’s on the list! He can also rollerblade and ice skate and likes to do those too. He also likes to embroider and to garden. He likes to bake too!!
Gillian: Giju my ultimate fashion diva that I derived one of my names from is dramatic and likes Many Things. He’s my Ultimate Ventriloquist so puppets are His Thing and he makes them all himself, sewing, gluing, wiring, rooting (hair), etc. etc.
He also canonically loooves poetry and will Recite Some Shit for you (in the rp he was straight up soliloquizing shhdnsjs). He also is canonically into tarot and as he gets older gets even more in depth into it
He also is a True Crime girly (unfortunate) and he makes a lot of his own clothes! Ohh and he knits!
Leilani: My dancing queen (who is not 17 she was 33) is a holistic girly and outside of aerials she likes to do yoga and exercise. Loves the outdoors and I figure she would love to hike I know she would love it here and all the trails we have. RIP girly you would’ve loved Tarot Time With Giju
Frankie: Oh This Bastard ok the Wonderful Handsome etc etc Dr. Wo is also a guy of Many Hobbies as they’ll tell you. They LOVE motorcycles, like to ride and tinker with them! They’re just a Car Guy in general. If you got any problems or questions they Got You
They’re my Blacksmith so they love making weapons. They canonically like to crochet and also paint! (Can’t wait for our friend Doom’s bday party in rp bc of this… teehee 😁) they’re also a horror girly so talk shop with them abt horror movies alll day!
Okay if you made it to the end thank you so much for coming to my TED talk
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the-blind-assassin-12 · 11 months
For the wip game!
Dying to know about the Frankie dog rescue and Tidal Force!
Hello! Thanks for asking about these two, darling!
Tidal Force started as a one shot for Mermay and then I thought about it more and realized there was still a lot of story to tell. It focuses on the Living Waters - and more importantly, what's in them - as well as some made up Mandalorian myths about the moon. I don't have anything concrete to share for the next part of this yet, but it will pick up immediately where the alleged one shot left off.
The Frankie Dog Rescue AU really needs a title but nothing has jumped out at me yet, so I'm hoping it will reveal itself eventually as I continue to work on it. (slowly.)
Basically, it's going to be a TF story where Frankie - with Benny's help - runs a Dog Rescue. The rest of the guys will play small roles, too. Reader meets Frankie when she comes across a dog that needs help and ends up bringing her to his place. It's going to be very light and cute. Thinking about Frankie surrounded by doggers of all shapes and sizes makes me happy, so I hope it will make other people happy, too. Here's a tiny snippet:
The crunch of tires on the rocky driveway made him swivel his head towards the window. Well, shit. What he saw made his eyes go wide, and he tried to blink the shock from them. I’ll be goddamned. 
Standing from his desk and crossing his arms loosely over his chest, Frankie shifted his weight to one leg and called over his shoulder. “Hey, Benny?” 
“Yeah?” The other man’s footsteps grew closer until he was standing in the doorway, one hand leaning on the frame. “You need somethin’? What’s- oh.” Frankie moved aside so Benny could see what - and who - he was looking at. “Well I’ll be goddamned.” The grin he wore was audible, causing Frankie to roll his eyes. Cocky little shit. “Guess I was right. She came back.”  “Yeah,” he said, letting out a small huff that was just as much astonishment as it was amusement. She sure did. He watched as you finished parking in the same spot you’d pulled into two days earlier, directly next to his truck, and then pulled a box out of the back seat.
ask me about my many wips!
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sparrowsingsstories · 10 months
What does your OC carry?
Tagged by @bokatan <3 Thank you!!
I chose to do all three of my favs. I should include Levi - but honestly, that boy doesn't travel if he can help it. Which means he has a closet. A whole closet. hah
Clothing, accessories, etc: Mercy wears a mix of gear, recently from the Railroad thanks to Tinker Tom. Tinker Tom had some specialty stuff made for her since she’s so little (well, not in relation to Frankie and Mercy but she’s still 5’2”) from ballistic weave. It’s usually leggings and tunic or pants and top with a beanie (also ballistic weave) with boots. She also has her gun harness, backpack, belt, pouches, camping supplies...ya know...the usual. 
Weapons: One sniper rifle with long-range scope, one laser pistol (BOS issued but stripped down and adjusted for her hands...given to her by Danse but she told him not to), and one combat knife with minor tooth marks from a deathclaw. 
Miscellaneous supplies: soap, towel, acorn oil for hair, comb and brush, change of clothes, rope, medical supplies, toothpaste, and pipboy. (Note – no food, she has Deacon or Mac carry that) 
Random odds and ends: crackers, dried fruit, a nail file found under some rubble, a small sewing kit, a random book, one comic, some kind of chem given to her by Hancock in the case of needing to take Deacon someplace tall, three rocks, a vial of something given to her by Tinker Tom in case of synths, a Gen 1 eye, a Gen 2 finger – used to poke Nick, pencil, pad of paper. 
Clothing, accessories, etc: Well...she usually travels with the band. So it’s a couple chests of dresses, stockings, heels, fancy panties, pasties with tassels, pasties without tassels, crotch shields in case she takes off the thongs during a burlesque show, rumba panties with matching bras, petticoats for the dresses, feathers for her hair, hair oil, hair gel, shampoo, conditioner, make up, perfume, lotion, fine soaps, a few necklaces, two sets of boxer shorts for sleeping, two extra large shirts stolen from her brother for sleeping, three indecent nightgowns (sure...nightgown...sure...). When traveling with Beau – whatever she can shove in one saddlebag...which makes her sad. 
Weapons: A very large stick – gotten from a cactus in Texas. 
Miscellaneous supplies: What is this...Miscellaneous Supplies...it’s all necessary supplies, Beau. All of it. Everybody needs more than 2 pairs of holey boxers, Beau. For the love of God, get new underwear. 
Random odds and ends: See Miscellaneous Supplies also two bobble head dolls, one shell from California, an empty tequila bottle – just in case 
Clothing, accessories, etc: Before Canary: One pair of pants held up by a rope and cut short enough for her, a thin old pair of panties, too-big shirt also wrapped with a rope, scarf and hat, leggings cut short and held up by a rope, old dress, two socks only slightly tattered, old sneakers. Old backpack. After Canary: one Sparrow-sized Lancer leather jacket with the BOS patches ripped off and replaced with random patches found plus one Minuteman Patch, one Sparrow-sized Lancer flight suit denuded of BOS patches and now sporting random ones, a dark gray fitted pants and shirt topped with leather (sized for her), gas mask with goggles, tactical beanie. Eventually a Sparrow-sized set of courser gear with long coat, mask with blue tactical lighting. Tactical belt. Backpack. 
Weapons: two blackened knives – sharp and designed for slicing and stabbing. Sparrow thinks guns are icky. 
Miscellaneous supplies: Pocket snacks (dried meat, dried fruit, nuts – usually packed by her papa), a second set of knives, rope, pouch of caps, little compass, stealth boys 
Random odds and ends: chalk, bits of bark, a few random rocks, a pouch of dried herbs, tea, every BOS patch pulled from her armor, a piece of paper with the words “chirp chirp,” three leaves (they blew into her bag), her old backpack shoved into her new backpack 
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ohforficsakelibrary · 10 months
Music Ask Game
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Alright, y'all. Working on polishing up the next chapter of You Brought Me Poison Flowers tonight, but I just updated the Masterlist and had an idea for an ask game if anyone is down? Please keep me company.
Send me the name of a chapter (posted or forthcoming) and I'll answer with a song that fits the vibe, or that I listened to while writing. If you're feeling bold, I'll give you one that embodies the entire story.
Fic Masterlist
Anon is on. Would love to interact with you guys a bit!
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galaxyedging · 10 months
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I've done a few polls to find the gif for each Pedro character. I thought it would be fun to keep it up through December until Christmas Eve, then hopefully have a collection to celebrate New Years with.
Any suggestions for gifs/characters are welcome.
Current polls under the cut:
Day 1: Dave York
Day 2: Javier Peña
Day 3: Frankie Morales
Day 4: Omar Assarian
Day 5: Jack Daniels
Day 6: Agent Ortega
Day 7: Marcus Pike
Day 8: Silva
Day 9: Marcus Moreno
Day 10: Javi G
Day 11: Tim Rockford
Day 12: Maxwell Lord
Day 13: Eddie
Day 14: Max Phillips
Day 15: Erza
Day 16: Nico
Day 17: Pero Tovar
Day 18: Comandante Veracruz
Day 19: The Thief
Day 20: Dieter Bravo
Day 21: Oberyn Martell
Day 22: Din Djarin
Day 23: Dad Joel Miller
Day 24: Daddy Joel Miller
Bonus Day 25: Merry Christmas
Tagging people who interacted with the first polls: @missredherring @stormbornspawn @secretelephanttattoo @vabeachazn @yourcoolauntie @yorksgirl @maggiemayhemnj @movievillainess721 @munsonownsmyass @eelqueen @kirsteng42 @meveispunk
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transfer2venus · 1 year
Thinking about my first pathfinder campaign dm'd by my older friends older brother (I think he was in college and I was in middle school) in which literally half of the NPCs were one piece or kill la kill characters somewhat modified but I knew nothing about either so when I went back to watch Kill la Kill and later read One Piece it was just a barrage of "Wait! I know that guy!"
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