#[gestures helplessly]
flintandpyrite · 1 month
Unbearably sad tonight idk why
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roetrolls · 2 months
rosira, what’s your favorite climate to live in? North, south, beach, mountain etc
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"Oooh, good question! Any place warm enough to show my tits off."
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softcenteregg · 2 years
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Piccolo doodle~
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wispurring-moss · 4 months
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whatever might be wrong with me at any given moment—mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually—these two can fix me, i believe this to be true with my whole entire heart,, <'3 TwT9''
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doom-dreaming · 3 months
okay i'm still very awake so you're all gonna have to deal with me red-stringing about character bullshit until i fall asleep. i Know i'm making a big post about this but i don't care
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why. this is the first instance of mark being designated as the one in charge when a higher-up (fred, in this case) isn't present. but why. they were only trapped in the slipspace fuckeryzone for a few days relative to normal space-time and i don't think anything drastic happens (with these guys) in glasslands? at least according to the wiki it doesn't. why did being integrated into blue team suddenly disrupt team saber's former command structure?
did they plan to kill mark off at the very start of this? was this all a long game to give mark enough of a foothold as an Important Character to make his death have more impact? does troy denning just like him more? how much weight did his personal preferences even play in this? why do the gammas suddenly start bantering when they're in danger and alone with a woman they just met? why do mark and ash seem to switch personalities every other chapter? why is this worse than i remember it being when i first read it a few months ago?
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blujayonthewing · 6 months
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charlieisnotokay · 1 year
favorite genre of ao3 authors is the ones that regret what they write
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purlturtle · 3 months
I just read this line in a post, and I can't stop staring at it:
"I lost my faith in humanity at that point and I don't think I'll ever be able to get it back."
(Ruminations about my own faith in humanity, and what happened to it in 2016 and onwards, below the cut. CW/TW (will also tag) for Brexit, Trump, Covid. Also descriptions of feelings of fatalism, helplessness, generalized uncertainty. Please only read if you're in the right mindspace; I do NOT want to drag you down with me.)
I've always had faith in humanity. I think being a Star Trek fan and also a Discworld fan kinda inoculates you with that. But those are both stories, visions that one person thought up - even though both of them acknowledge how cruel and vicious humans can be, they still very much work on the premise that humanity as a whole, and even most individual humans, are Better Than That.
And then 2016 happened. Yes, this isn't about Covid, at least not yet. No, this is about Brexit first, and then the election of Trump. Both of those threw me for a massive loop - truly a crisis of faith for me, of my faith in humanity. Not so much in the way of "how can people be so stupid", as in "how can people actively pursue and push these kinds of agendas; how can they lie and twist facts to their purposes, why is their purpose (power. it's always about power. and I don't understand that particular desire - why do they want that kind of power? what's in it for them that they couldn't get any other way that wasn't so cruel?) so important for them that they'll *knowingly* be so cruel and heartless?"
I don't blame the people who were misled by constant fake or clickbait-y news so much as I blame the people who *make* those news, who set out to mislead, y'know?
But one way or another, the Brexit vote got a yes, and Trump was elected, and I was left staring, at those two train wrecks and at the shambles of what I had always thought about humanity.
And THEN Covid happened.
And beyond anything personal (what with me having asthma and thus being at risk from Covid), because personal isn't the same as important as Sir Pterry has taught me - beyond that, just the way it played out publically, in ways even my most cynical thoughts couldn't believe...
Yeah. Big crisis of the faith that has guided me all my life (and I know I'm employing a Christian phrasing here - it rings true to me to use it, probably because I was raised culturally Christian).
I still have faith in the people I know personally - including my mutuals here (although to be honest? If I see people posting about going to conventions or concerts or sports events? It's hard. I don't know what to think or how to feel about it. On the one hand, I know how amazing such events can be, how happy, even elated they can make a person. On the other, multi-spreader events, one and all. I have no solution for this for anyone else than me: I'm not going, both because of Covid and because of my newly acquired sensory issues. But every time I read a post about it, it reawakens that feeling that I don't know how to feel about it, don't know what to think.) But that faith that I have in my friends is a personalized, small, individual faith, not the sweeping generalized feeling it was before, and so it cannot carry me the same way anymore. And the hope that I choose, that I find - that's also more often than not small hope, localized, individualized. Not even the Labour sweep of this week could really buoy me - not after the European elections in June. *big sigh*
I haven't seen anyone talk about this part of - not just the pandemic! but world politics in general, so far. I still choose to choose hope, because what else is there, but it's hard to look at politics, at the reach that evangelical/reactionary/hard right forces are getting, at their concerted efforts on all levels of government and business to gain power - and again: for what? For their petty shit ideas? Why? What the fuck?! - it's hard to look at all that and not despair. It's hard to look at government leaders *choosing war*, pushing for war, closing borders, refusing to help those in need, actively making their situations worse - why? Why? Again I ask, what the fuck?!
I don't talk about this stuff often. Not on here and not off here. There is no... solution, really. It is how these people in these positions are, and there is nothing I can do to remove them from these positions, and the things I do, *can* do, to keep people in my own country from reaching positions like that, I already do. And that helplessness doesn't help matters, at all. All these three things I've mentioned: Brexit, Trump election, Covid, were things I had no hand in and cannot really influence.
I dread the results of the French election (today). I dread the results of the November election in the US. I dread how the world will look in five, ten, thirty years' time. I still have a lot of decades to live, hopefully, and I used to be excited for the future. It is hard to scrounge up that excitement, these days.
I still choose hope. I refuse fatalism. But it's a choice, a chore, and it's hard. It doesn't come easy anymore, it's not the normal anymore. Imagine having to choose to breathe - that's how it feels, some days.
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vandrawsing · 2 years
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lelianasbong · 1 month
workshopping a rogue saboteur grey warden dwarf rook... or workshopping a warrior reaper mourn watch qunari rook... or workshopping a mage evoker or spellbade lord of fortune qunari rook. rotating character concepts in my brain until i'm dizzy
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y-rhywbeth2 · 9 months
Veering into a totally new lane, but my favourite thing about the gnomes is they're so laid back and harmless, and then suddenly they're very much not.
The gnomes are the only peoples who have no history of war and bloodshed. They invented guns.
The gnomes are a peaceful people whose creator gods are good natured and protective, except their pantheon mysteriously also includes Urdlen; some kind of horrifying blind mole abomination that hates all life, craves constant blood sacrifices and occasionally eats its worshippers if it's unsatisfied with the offerings; and it generally makes the likes of Bhaal, Lolth and Malar look cuddly.
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disformer · 1 year
As much as i understand that anons are a super risk-free way to approach an artist when you’re socially anxious, please remember that my dms are open for a reason. I get a LOT of anons that I take one look at and go ‘rip to you but i am not publishing that’
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dandelion-wings · 10 months
saw a "fandom + Onion headlines" gifset where one headline was "Platonic Tension Simmering Just Beneath Surface of Romantic Relationship" and that's. Kaeya/Rosaria. to me
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warlordfelwinter · 11 months
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i can't articulate how i feel about zero learning about trust as she spends time with fiver but i love it. what a fantastic way for her to develop as a character
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sequencefairy · 6 months
Tfw you read 26k of perfect Dune fic and now have to go on with your life afterwards.
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blujayonthewing · 3 months
do you guys wanna see something devastatingly unsurprising
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early video game crush
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