#[had one of thr links wrong. fixed now!]
themissingnumbers · 4 months
Hey, Starry. It’s me again—here to yap about my theories again! Actually I don’t know if this counts as a theory or if this is just me throwing around my ideas, but it’s like 3-4 am so- Whatever, I hope you enjoy my ramblings anyways!
SO! As I’m sure you’re well aware, my favorite character here (still) is Fire. I don’t know why that is, but there’s just something about him. He’s got a pull, y’know? He’s neat.
As a result, like, 80 percent of my thoughts go to him, and the other 20 percent goes to everything else. It’s not intentional, and all the other characters are interesting too, I just tend to hyper-fixate on my favorites because—well, they’re my favorites. He lives in my head rent-free.
I love picking apart the little details about him. The micro-expressions, the color of his pupils, the color of his speech/text, the messages hidden in his talksprites, all of it. The only thing that gives me trouble with him (and all the other characters, for that matter) are the glitchy moments, flashing lights and the eye strain. Genuinely, for that “I didn’t ask for this” message that was hidden, I saw the red color in the middle of the gif, but I didn’t realize it was actually text. It was only after someone posted the individual key-frames that I could see what it said. That being said, please don’t stop using the eye strain. As much as it makes my eyes burn, it’s fun to pick apart, and is kind of a staple for a lot of the art here.
But that’s enough of that—onto the actual thing I want to write about: my guesses on Fire’s story.
Ever since i started really getting into Missing Numbers and learned about Fire and Red, I’ve kinda had this idea in the back of my head about what the core of Fire’s story is—and this is my guess.
My guess is that Fire is being forced to fill the shoes of someone he’ll never live up to—with that person being Red.
Fire, as is well known by now, is a replacement. When Red was thrown away and discarded with Gen 1, Fire unwillingly took his place.
Even since before the “I didn’t ask for this” message, I always got the feeling that Fire never wanted any of his life. He wanted his friends and his family, sure. But the Champion title? The isolation on Mt. Silver? The constant feeling of being hated by everyone around you? He never wanted that.
I feel like, above all, Fire just wants to live. Red, in a way, got to live his life. Red had a journey of his own, Red got to form his own friendships, Red got to have free will—while Fire never got any of that. Fire was made for the express purpose of being Red’s replacement, and that was it. He wasn’t supposed to have a life. He was supposed to be a puppet. A perfect player character made to ensure that whatever mistakes happened with Red wouldn’t happen again.
Fire is Red’s Replacement. But who is Fire?
I don’t think Fire knows himself.
I feel like, if given the opportunity, Fire would simply (and gladly) give his life to Red. (But seeing what his life is, I don’t think Red would want it either.) Red had his life stolen from him—and Fire never got to live in the first place.
I feel like Red would either be really happy about that—or really really mad about it. If Fire ever just handed over his place in the world to Red, I could see him having a reaction kind of like, “Oh? So you didn’t even appreciate the life that you stole from me?”, even though that’s not the case. Fire didn’t choose to replace Red. Fire didn’t choose to take on all these responsibilities. Fire didn’t choose to live. All of that was thrust upon him since the moment he was born—and he was never given a chance to enjoy the life and sentience he was granted.
This also ties into the topic of Red a bit, but I feel like Fire is not the palatable, soulless husk that Red claims him to be. He can’t be.
We’ve seen that Fire can feel—and that he feels intensely. It just takes a bit to get past the cold, collected walls that I can only assume Arceus put up around his heart. You can see it whenever the emotions get sort of shocked out of him. You can see it when he’s reminded of his past, about Gold or his Pokémon dying. You can see it in his eyes, in the way he tenses up, in the way his eyes well up with tears and the way his breath catches in his throat. Fire is not emotionless—I just feel like Red is so stuck in his own beliefs that he refuses to see Fire as anything other than an emotionless husk, because at some point that’s all he was. Red has been alone for so long with no outside opinions that whatever he’s thought of has sort of become law in his mind. Maybe that view can be changed—but I doubt it would be easy.
Onto something a little darker here at the end, so a warning for that:
I feel like if Fire had the ability to die—he would have killed himself already. I get the feeling that, deep down, he feels like everyone he cares about would be better off without him. I’m sure he’s not oblivious to his Sisters resentment towards him, nor is his oblivious to the pain and hurt he’s caused her. And on top of that, he probably feels that Blue utterly hates him too. He likely feels like he’s caused so much hurt and suffering that he can’t fix—that it’s better to just remove himself entirely to avoid further damage. But he can’t do that.
He’s too important to die. God won’t let him.
Instead, he’s stuck, constantly freezing on the summit of Mt. Silver, trapped and forced to watch his Pokémon slowly freeze and suffer along with him. Maybe he sees the Mountain as a prison—or a punishment. After all, the cold has taken away everything he holds dear. Warmth, his friend, his Pokémon. And now he’s chained in it, unable to leave. I feel like, deep down somewhere, despite knowing that this isn’t fair—he feels like he deserves it.
Okay, it’s like late 4 am and I’m sort of falling asleep as I’m writing this, but I think that covers all of my ramblings about Fire for now. Does this count as a character study? Probably not, but it did end up being longer than I thought it would be. Anyways, here’s my theories. Or observations? I dunno. How many did I get right? No idea—and I probably won’t find out until much much later.
Please excuse any spelling/grammatical errors, and of course, disregard this if it’s annoying or too long.
I want to be Fire’s friend so bad man :( he deserves one. I wanna give him the biggest, tightest bear hug ever and tell him that everything’s gonna be okay. That he deserves to live—just like everyone else. I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to get Fire off of Mt. Silver and free him, but if we do, I am tackling that man first thing. And then giving him a blanket afterwards, of course.
Seeing him breaking down like he did in his latest post really freaking hurts bruh. I want things to get better for him, but I don’t know how to get them there. It really feels like the universe is stacked against him when it comes to achieving happiness—but I’ll be damned if I give up in the face of adversity. I will fight god for this man and win. I want to give him a chance at life—a chance that Arceus seems too afraid to let him take.
I know there’s no such thing as a “good player”, but I’m going to try my hardest to be one for him—for everyone.
But anyways, that’s actually all this time. Have a good day, y’all. Keep up the awesome storytelling.
In reference to:
"I didn't ask for this."
"Palatable, soulless husk."
Breaking down.
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p-artsypants · 4 years
I’ll Handle This (Chapter 1)
In honor of 1500 followers, I present to you, my first chapter of my extremely stupid fic I’ve been working on slowly to de-stress. The fic is not actually ready for regular updates, but I will post links to this when it is. 
For now, it is just for my precious tumblr Angels. Enjoy!
“I’ll solve all your problems,” Plagg had said. “You just have to agree to it.” A fixed relationship with his father, Lila to stop bothering him, and Ladybug to fall in love with him? Who wouldn’t agree to that?
Except Plagg was the God of Destruction and Chaos and had a more…hands-on approach. Adrien just wants his body back.
Loosely based on @beebeebombam‘s bodyswap AU.
It was foolish to think that the god of destruction was inherently good. Adrien trusted Plagg, as did the other kwami’s, since he knew the difference between right and wrong, and more often than not choose the ‘right’ thing to do.
But to assume that he was good, was foolish.
At best, he was chaotic neutral. Doing what was best for himself, which usually meant preserving the status quo.
Plagg was, despite the grand powers of total destruction and chaos, at the core, a cat. A cat that lived the life that other people would be jealous of. Sure, he spent most of his time in a pocket, but that was the warmest and most snuggliest place to be. Adrien provided him with endless cheese, and endless entertainment. In return, he had to give up his corporeal form and get sucked into a ring, only to watch Adrien blunder around in a fight for 15 minutes once or twice a week. Even then, it wasn’t that much work. Sure, Cataclysm wiped him out, but a little more cheese and he was good to go.
Yes, being the god of destruction was a sweet gig.
At least it was, until things got frustrating.  
Of course he loved his little kitten, who didn’t? But watching his life unfold was like watching a soap-opera. And being a creature thousands of years old, only made it so so much harder.
It was like watching a toddler in a room full of electrical sockets with a fork in hand. Plagg knew that Adrien was bound to completely wipe out and screw himself over. That’s why Plagg was apt to gently nudge him in the right direction, without telling him outright. The kid had to learn somehow, right?
And then, Master Fu had to go and lose his memories, and now the soap opera was even more dramatic.
From a third person perspective, Adrien’s life was really not that complicated. He was in love with a girl, and she was in love with him, but not the version of him that was in love with the version of her. But of course, she thought he was in love with a totally different girl, and so she tried to move onto another boy, though Plagg doubted she was over him. Okay, in theory, it was kind of complicated.
But remove the identities, and that problem would be solved. Without Master Fu, that clock was ticking. It was only a matter of time before Marinette realized she needed to get in touch with him outside of the suit in case of emergencies. Talking to Tikki, she was even trying to coax the new guardian into that decision a little faster.
But you just can’t rush humans. They don’t know what’s good for them.
As for the rest of Adrien’s complicated messes, well, most of it would be fixed if he wasn’t such a people pleaser.
Sure, there was merit to being nice to people and turning the other cheek. Plagg could appreciate that. It was a very ‘Tikki’ sentiment.
But he wasn’t Tikki, and Adrien just needed to grow a spine already.
It was going beyond people pleasing, and going into fear of stepping on toes, and just outright masochism. It was like Adrien liked being taken advantage of and having his feelings hurt.
Well, by the way he was waxing poetic at the moment, Plagg knew that was true.
“And now I feel bad, because I know Kagami really likes me, and I know I could really like her too, but with Ladybug…ugh! I want to give up on her because she’s in love with someone else, and she doesn’t need my flirting to distract her in a fight, which I can’t even help anymore, because it’s such an automatic response, but when I think about how she’s dealing with being the guardian too, it breaks my heart and I just feel like I’m betraying her!”
“Do you feel like you’re betraying Kagami when you’re mooning over Ladybug?”
“No! Yes! I don’t know! Feelings are stupid!”
“I’ll say. That’s why I stick with cheese.”
“Ugh! You’re so useless!”
He wasn’t, Plagg would argue. Because he could see the whole thing planned out in an omniscient game board. It was just…impossible to tell him what to do. Only because was supposed to stay out of human affairs. Such was the law of the Kwami. And he was pretty sure at this point, Adrien would just brush him off with ‘you don’t know what you’re talking about.’
“Look, if dating Kagami makes you happy, then date her. If it makes you feel guilty, then don’t.”
“Bah! You don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“Well, the way I see it, you can’t betray someone that doesn’t have feelings for you. Camembert won’t feel hurt if I indulge in a gouda every once in a while.”
“All you talk about is stupid cheese! You have no idea what I’m going through! No idea! My life is so hard and—and frustrating—and—!”
Oh boy, here came the waterworks.
“And whenever I need actual advice, all you do is talk about cheese! It’s so aggravating!”
“Listen kid,” Plagg said shortly. “I know how hard you have it, okay? And it’s not that hard. You’re just young. Of course everything is overwhelming, you’ve only been on this earth for 15 years, and even then, you’ve only been social for…a year? A year in a half? You just need to stop wigging out all the time.”
“That’s easy for you to say!” He ran his fingers through his hair, frantic. “You don’t care about anything! I’m trying to keep the peace between my classmates, my family, and all of Paris! You’re just callous!”
“Me? Callous?”
“Yeah! All you’re good for is destroying and making messes!”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah! You wouldn’t have a clue how to live my life! You’d bungle it all up in an hour! No, five minutes! You know nothing about being human! You’re just—Just—!”
“Just what, Adrien? Go on, say it!” Plagg taunted.
“You’re just a stink ball!”
Plagg looked at him flatly. “Really, that’s all you got?”
“What do you want me to call you?!” Adrien nearly shouted, at the risk of alerting everyone in the house.
Plagg rolled his eyes. “You really are a piece of work, aren’t you?”
“Shut up.”
“No, I’m going to talk, and you’re going to listen.” The kwami got in his face, his patience at an end. “I’m not supposed to meddle in your life. I’m a third party observer. I can advise you against bad choices, but I can’t tell you what to do. Or else you’ll never learn. But I am sick and tired of listening to you whining and complaining about everything, and then not actually doing anything to fix it. Yes, your father sucks, yes, it hurts that Ladybug doesn’t love you like you love her, and yeah, Lila is a liar and really tricky to work with! But you’re not actually doing anything to fix it!”
“Then tell me what to do! Because I don’t know!”
“I can’t!”
“Gah!” Adrien threw his arms up in frustration.
Adrien turned and looked at him, taking a calming breath. “But…?”
“But, I can fix everything for you. If you let me.”
“You can? You can make Ladybug fall in love with me?”
“I can fix everything. You just have to agree to it.”
“Psh! Yeah! I’ll agree to it!”
Plagg held out his paw. “Then hold up your hand, the one with the ring.”
Adrien did so, hesitating ever so slightly. “I’m not going to regret this later, am I?”
“Hmm…only if you don’t actually want to fix all your problems.”
“Fine, I agree to whatever the heck you’re doing, you weird little creature.”
Plagg closed his eyes, and then when he opened them, they were glowing green. He touched his paw to the Miraculous, and Adrien felt every muscle in his body contract. A painless current flowed through his body, sending tingles to the tips of his toes and the roots of his hair.
“The pact is made.” Said Plagg, in a voice far more ancient than Adrien was used too.
He grew dizzy, his room spinning around him, and his vision doubling.
“Just go to sleep, Adrien.”
The last thing he saw, was a pair of glowing green eyes floating towards him, until all he saw was green. And then black.
In the morning, Adrien awoke to his alarm going off.
He swatted his arm towards it, never quite reaching it.
“Ugh! I feel like I got hit by a train!” His voice said.
Adrien blinked, and then realized that he wasn’t the one who said that. Looking around, was his room always this big? No, certainly it wasn’t…
He sat up, wakefulness coming to him in a series of waves. First, he wanted some cheese, desperately. Second, his body felt real weird. And third, there was another person in his bed.
“Just take as long as you need to catch up, but not too long, we got school.” Said his voice again.
Adrien looked to the other person, and came face to face with himself, though the eyes were just a touch greener and the pupils were cat like. “Wha-what?”
“Ta-da!” Said he, “Now I can take care of your problems, hands on!”
“In the flesh!”
“If you’re me, then…” he looked down at his little paws. “AH!!”
“Chill, my dude.” Said the god in human body, resting his arms behind his head. “You get a vacation.”
“But—But this isn’t what I wanted!”
“That’s what you get for not asking for more details.”
“Plagg! We have to switch back! We can’t do this!”
“No can do, kid. I will stay in your body until your problems are solved. That’s the pact.”
“What?! And how long will that take?! There’s no way you can solve all my problems!”
“It could take a few days…weeks maybe. And I’m not solving every little thing.”
“But you said—“
“Once you get these three things in order, everything else will fall in line.”
Adrien took a patient breath. “Okay…what are the three things?”
“One, your relationship with your dad, two, your unrequited love with Ladybug, and three, Lila’s sexual harassment.”
Adrien gaped at him. “We’ll be at this for months! Plagg, just change me back! How do I undo the pact?”
“Well, you can destroy the Miraculous, effectively killing me in the meantime.”
Adrien shook his head. “No no…I’d rather not do that.”
“Or…you can just relax and let me work. I’m thousands of years old. I’ve been around the block a few hundred times. Hercules had his 12 trials, you only have three. Piece of cake.” He sat up, and swung his legs over the edge of the bed, making to stand. “Whoa…haven’t done that in a few millennia…”
“Ugh, this is not going to work!” Adrien lamented, “you’re not going to know how to act like me!”
“Kid, I live in your pocket. I know exactly how you act. And your attitude is exactly what got you into this mess.”
Adrien blinked at Plagg, as he stood and began stretching like a cat. “My attitude?”
“Yeah, Mr. ‘Everyone is my friend even if they hurt me’.”
“Well, that’s what I should do, isn’t it?”
Plagg finished his stretching and placed his hands on his hips. “You just watch kid. I’ll show you how it’s done.”  
“I have a feeling watching you is going to be like watching a train wreck.”
Plagg stepped into the closet. “Let’s see...what is the perfect outfit to spite a fashion designer without making you look like a total idiot...? Ah ha!”
Adrien floated off the bed, not used to the sensation, and slowly hovered over to the closet. “What?! You can’t wear that!”
“It’s in your closet, so why not?”
“It’s against dress code! I’ll get in trouble!”
“All the more reason to wear it then!” He fumbled around with his pajamas, trying to remember how to remove clothing. “Ugh, ideally, I’d love to be naked.”
“Don’t you dare!” Adrien nearly shrieked.
“Oh I won’t, but damn that would be funny.” He shimmied out of his pants and started to get dressed. “Why do you even have this outfit if you would never wear it?”
“It was for an eighties themed shoot. I get to keep all of my clothes I model. That wasn’t even designed by my dad.”
“Ohh! Even better!” Plagg sang, slipping on the white, tattered crop top, showing off Adrien’s abs. “You always wear dear daddy’s designs.”
“I have to, it’s in my contract.”
“You’re just digging yourself into a hole, Agreste.” Plagg pulled on the black denim pants, careful not to stick his foot right through the holes in his knees. Then he tied the look together with clunky black boots, a green flannel shirt, and green tinted sunglasses. “Oh yeah, now we have a look!” He tussled his hair. “Man, Pigtails is going to lose her mind when she sees this.”
“Pigtails? You mean Marinette? Why does her reaction matter?”
“You’ll just have to wait and see.” Plagg swiped him out of the air and tucked him into the flannel’s pocket.
Just in time, there was a knock on the door. “Adrien? Are you ready for school?”
“Show time.” Plagg grinned into the mirror.
“Kill me.” Adrien muttered to himself.
In the hall, Nathalie gave him a once over, her eyes wide and a eyebrow raising. “Do you really think that’s appropriate clothing for school?”
Plagg shrugged. “I’m playing with my image, so what?” Then he reached up and patted her cheek. “You work too hard, kid. You should ask for a day off every once in a while. Pretty sure Gabe’s blowing some labor laws or something.”
Shit. Damn. Ass. Piss. It was just as Adrien predicted! He blew it! And it’s only been what, a half hour?
“Adrien!” Nathalie sputtered.
But Plagg just breezed passed her, heading to the dining room for breakfast. “Oh, by the way Nat. Do you mind if I call you Nat? I need you to clear my schedule for the next few days.”
“I’ll have to check with your father—“
“Why? You’re the one in charge of the tablet.”
Nathalie was becoming visibly annoyed. “That may be so, but he’s the one in charge of me!” She huffed, then calmed herself. “You better have a good reason for wanting to clear your schedule.”
“I do. My activities are stupid. I want to hang out with my friends, have fun…you know, enjoy my life? You remember what that’s like, right?”
“What on earth has gotten into you?” She demanded.
“Sorry Nat, guess I woke up with a case of teenage rebellion.”
“Your father will not be pleased to hear about this.”
Plagg laughed. “Oh I’m positive he won’t! Go on. Better bite the bullet as they always say.”
Nathalie looked at him aghast, and headed out of the room.
Adrien floated out of the pocket. “Unbelievable. I’m dead. I’ll be locked in my room forever, and it’s all your fault.”
“Tut tut,” Plagg patted him on the head. “There’s not a lock on earth that can stop me.”
After breakfast, Plagg gathered Adrien’s book bag, being kind enough to keep his grades up. But as he reached the front door, Gabriel stopped him with a clearing of his throat.
Plagg turned and looked at him, but didn’t say a thing.
“What do you think you’re wearing?” Said Gabriel, with an icy voice.
Adrien knew that voice. That was a very very bad sign. Plagg was going to get it. Yelling, threats, prison. All of it. A hand reached into the pocket and rubbed between his ears in comfort and reassurance.
Plagg straightened up slightly, looked Gabriel in the eyes, and stated. “Respect the drip, Gabe.”
Adrien almost laughed.
Gabriel blinked, then continued with his icy tone. “You are not to address me by my first name. You know that.”
“Oh. Sure thing, Old Man.”
Gabriel frowned harder.
“Or would you prefer ‘Peepums’? Or ‘Daddy-O’?”
“‘Father’, is ideal. I don’t like this attitude, Adrien. It’s unbecoming.”
“Unbecoming? I think I wear a spine pretty well.”
Gabriel sputtered. “A sp-spine!? Is that what they’re calling disobedience these days?”
“It’s a real attention grabber, don’t you think? Because obedience wasn’t cutting it. You barely noticed me then.”
Gabriel scoffed. “You are always so dramatic! Just like your mother! I raised you better than to act out for attention!”
“Hmm…interesting. Considering you want me to grab the attention of everyone else in Paris. Or is that not what you meant? Only good attention, right?”
Gabriel’s nostrils flared. “I’m not impressed, Adrien.”
“You never are. So what’s new?”
“Go to your room. You want to act like a delinquent? Fine, then suffer the consequences.”
“How about no? You know, most kids would jump at the chance to skip school. But I actually want to go. Shouldn’t that be a red flag to you, old man?”
Gabriel took out a small remote from his pocket, and hit a button. The door and windows clicked, locked.
“You have no choice. As long as you’re under my roof, you’ll follow my rules!”
Plagg rolled his eyes, giving Adrien another scratch between the ears. “Ugh, gag me. Look Gabe, the more you fight this, the worse it’s going to get.”
“I’ve got a lot of pent up frustrations. I may do something drastic. I might hurt myself.”
Gabriel gave him a little knowing smile. “Teenage rebellion, hm? Fine. I’d like to see you do anything. I can see it in you right now. This is killing you. You’ve always been obedient, and you’ll continue to do so.”
“You’re calling my bluff?”
“Absolutely. Show me what’s next.”
Plagg raised an eyebrow, deliberating on what to do. Go all in?
Ah, what the hell?
“Open the door, and you’ll find out.”
“No. Absolutely not.”
Plagg shrugged. “Suit yourself.” He walked over and grabbed a vase. “Is this your pick, or mom’s?”
“That’s a priceless ming vase, hand selected from a renowned interior designer.”
“Really? Because there’s a 4 euro price tag on the bottom of it.”
“What?! No there’s not!”
“Yeah, you got me that time. It’s actually a Gien.” Then he chucked the vase into the nearest window, breaking the vase and the glass. “Now it’s a mosaic!”
“That’s coming out of your trust fund!”
“Oh, like your profits from last quarter wouldn’t cover it! I’m doing both of us a favor.” He stated as he carefully climbed out of the window.
Gabriel was too stunned to stop him. “And what favor would that be?”
Once Plagg was on the other side, he peeked back in the window and called. “Fixing our relationship! I’m your son, not your employee! Start treating me like it, and this will all go away!”
“This is blackmail!”
“No! It’s an intervention! Bye dad! Love you! Off to school!” And he booked it away from the mansion as fast as he could.
Once he was safely down the street, he took Adrien out of his pocket. He was bawling big tears.
“You okay, kid?”
“He was so angry…you broke a window! And—he’s going to take my freedom away!”
“Like I said, there’s not a lock that can stop me. He’ll come around.”
“You’re not going to ruin my public image, are you?”
“Adrien, no matter what I do, your fans will always love you. You start being a bad boy? People will eat that up. Relax. You’re worrying too much.” His eyes flicked up, noting the sign to a cafe, “ah, want some coffee?”
“I want my body back.”
“Coffee it is!”
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fluffymcu · 4 years
Letting Loose
This series is TICKLE related. Outfits that are linked here are purely for picturing the clothes, you don’t have to look like the model.
Series Summary: You’re the little sister of the one and only Captain America. You’re also the youngest girl on the team, so that automatically makes you the avengers’ little princess. And they spoil you as such. They have become your amazing family and you don’t know where you’d be without them. This series will show random adventures and fluffy events in the daily life of the reader and her family, along with an unexpected turn later on as you read.
A/N: I’m so excited to be writing this series! This is my first time writing one and I’m a bit nervous but I hope it all goes well. :) The first few chapters will be about random events, not really following a timeline until Chapter 9. Hope you enjoy!
Word count: 2,483
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It was a Friday afternoon and you were having lunch with Mj and Ned. Peter was up in the library preparing for a test coming up. “So, do you think if I went over to the compound and pretended I was an orphan, the Avengers would let me in?” Ned asked you as you three walked to the table with your lunch trays. You rolled your eyes playfully and scoffed.
“Ned, I have told you 20,000 times and I’‘ll tell you again. If you wanna visit and check out the compound, just ask. I’d be more than happy to give you a tour, and so would Peter. The Avengers know you’re my friend and they wouldn’t mind having you over.” You smiled, taking your seat next to Mj.
“Yeah, Ned, don’t be a wuss. Just ask for a tour already.” She chuckled. You and Ned smiled along and started to eat your lunch. “Also, I like your drip. Looks nice.” She nodded towards your outfit. You smiled and thanked her.
The three of you continued to eat and talk until until the bell rang, cueing that lunch was over. “Alright, I’ll see you guys after school.” You waved, making your way to your next class.
You sighed audibly as you and Peter strolled into the compound. You laid your backpack on the floor to the side and plopped on the couch. No one seemed to be out and about right now, so you closed your eyes for 5 minutes. You were pretty tired today. Why? You didn’t know. Jeremy hadn’t bothered you too much today and you had gotten pretty good sleep last night. After your 5 minutes of shut eye, you ran up to your room and changed into your leotard, taking the next 30 minutes to stretch and practice your positions. You were thinking about going down to the gym so you can practice more and dance, but you didn’t really feel like dancing too much today since you were a bit tired already.
After your stretching, you took a hot shower, which made you more sleepy. You decided to take a small nap to get some energy and as soon as you hit the mattress, you were out.
You woke up, not knowing what year it was and you grabbed your phone to look at the time. It had only been 20 minutes. You were surprised you were feeling so well rested. You got out of bed without a problem, and you heard people downstairs. You smiled to yourself as you knew now that everyone was downstairs and talking. You began to fix your bed a little before Peter practically burst through your door, running towards you while letting out a battle cry. You were startled, to say the least. Although this was a very common occurrence, it still surprised you as Peter tackled you onto your bed for a play fight. He had jumped acrobatically, flying almost upside down; grabbing your head and body slamming you on the mattress. You let out a squeal but quickly recovered, getting your head in the game and fighting back. You grunt as you push him off you and grab his collar to slam him onto the bed.
He grabs your wrists and gets out from under you, standing up on the mattress. He picks you up with ease, only to throw you back on the bed with force. You begin to giggle again, a bad habit you have, because it makes you weaker in these play fights. Although you both play pretty rough, Peter is always gentle with you, and he’s never seriously hurt you. He still is very strong though, even when he’s not trying to use his strength. You get up on the mattress to be at the same level as Peter, and you grab your pillow, whacking him on the head. He snatched the pillow from you and you instantly ran, knowing what was next. You hopped off the bed and he chased you around it. Of course, it was inevitable. After you received your whack, you wrestled him onto the bed and got back on.
When you were both standing on the mattress again, you grabbed your other pillow and whacked him again, making him fall off the bed. You gasp, covering your mouth and giggling, but quickly recovering. “I guess I win.” You smirk. Peter sits up from the ground and gives you a predatory look.
‘I don’t think so!” He laughs, getting up and jumping back on in one swift movement, lifting you up before throwing you down. He smirks at you before taking a stance. “I’m about to end your whole career.” He chuckles, jumping in the air, pointing his elbow at you and pretending he’s about to land on you before moving at the last minute and falling down next to you. You flinch, letting out a laugh. You try to fight back once again, but you’re weakened by your unstoppable giggling. Peter chuckles before standing up. “This ends now!” He says dramatically, carrying you off and holding you above his head. “THIS IS SPARTA!!!!” He yells before throwing you off the bed, aiming for your bean bag. You land on it with a squeal, and put your hands up in surrender.
“Okahahahay, you win!” You say breathlessly. Peter cheers and does his victory dance before hopping down and giving you a hand.
“You okay?” He chuckles.
You nod with a wide smile. “Yeahah. I’m goohood.”
You shake your head with a lopsided grin, sitting back as the team once again finds themselves in a fight over who picks the movie and what to watch. You were surprised even Nat was in thr middle of it. Usually she’s there right next to you, laughing at them.
“I should pick the movie this time. I have excellent taste.” Pietro grounded out, his hands on his hips to show he was serious.
“As if, Blondie.”
“I should pick the movie because you liked because you all like the movie I put on last time.”
“Exactly. You picked the movie last time so it’s my turn to pick the movie tonight.”
“No, Tony.”
They all continued to squabble in a standing circle, the conversation so overlapped that you couldn’t even understand much else. Time was ticking and you were pretty sure you’d all be stuck the for the rest of the night before even deciding on a movie. Thankfully, Peter came to save the day. Or, your boredom, better said.
“Hey!” He whispered from the other couch, getting your attention. You sat up a bit and leaned over to hear him a bit better. “How about we steal the remote and hide it? We can put what we wanna watch, and they won’t be able to find the remote!” He raised his eyebrows as he shared his master plan. You narrowed your eyes at him with a smile.
“I like this plan. I like it a lot.” You and Peter immediately got to work, sneaking over to the couch nearest to the team, where the remote was sitting. It was actually pretty easy to steal since everyone was too occupied being at each others throats. They didn’t even notice or hear the channel change as you put on The Matrix, quickly running to the kitchen and getting Peter to lift you up so you can put the remote on the highest cabinet shelf. You both stealthily sneaked back into the living room and jumped on the couches, pretending nothing happened and watching your movie with a smirk.
“Wait-wait a minute wait a minute.” Tony said all of a sudden, making the rest of the team quiet down. They all caught on and turned around to see you and Peter on the couch watching your movie.
“Uhhh. What do you guys think you’re doing?” Clint asked, the whole team stepping towards you a bit.
“Watching our movie.” You shrugged, turning your attention back to the tv.
“We’re not watching that, though.” Steve said, the rest of them audibly agreeing.
“Well, it’s on, and we’re watching it, so... I guess we are!” You smiled, unbothered. The team put on confused faces.
“Nnnnno we’re not. I’m changing it.” Tony said, turning around, determined to change the channel.
“Yeah Tony, change it.” The team murmured, cheering him on. Tony looked around on each couch, a look of confusion gracing his features. “What’s wrong? Change the channel!”
“I can’t! I can’t find the remote, it’s gone.” Tony mumbled. The team groaned and started looking behind the cushions and under the chairs. “Wait a minute. I bet these two trouble makers have something to do with it.” You and Peter secretly exchanged nervous looks.
“That would make sense. The tv just happens to land on their favorite movie and suddenly the remote is gone.” Steve hums. Suddenly, everyone is around you, blocking your view of the tv.
“Whatever you guys are accusing us of, we didn’t do it.” You defend, not meeting their eyes.
“We don’t believe you.” Steve mocked, grabbing your arm to get you to sit up. “Tell us where the remote is, y/n, or else.” He said, the team nodding behind him.
“I don’t have the stupid remote.” You quipped back, crossing your arms defiantly, now looking your brother straight in the eye.
“Then where did you hide it, if we’re going to be technical.” He smirked slightly. You whole tough guy facade faltered for a second, smiling nervously, making Steve raise his eyebrow teasingly. “So you did hide it. Where?” You scoffed.
“I’m not telling you!” You sass, probably the wrong move. Steve exchanged looks with the team before nodding, telling Tony to get Peter too, since he most likely knows where it is. Steve turned to you with a mischevious grin, before lifting you off the couch and laying you on the floor.
“Suit yourself!” He chuckled, straddling your hips. Pietro sat behind you, next to your head and grabbed your wrists, keeping you from defending yourself. Bucky sat by your legs while Nat sat at your feet. You were incredibly nervous and you instantly started begging.
“Noooohohohoho plehehease don’t!” You kick out your legs, whining when Bucky grabbed them and held them down.
“Then tell us where the remote is, y/n.” Steve asked, his fingers tapping at a steady rhythm against your sides. Giggles caught up in your throat as you looked over to see Peter being pinned down as well by Tony, Sam, Clint, and Thor. You groan and pull at your hands, unable to get out of Pietro’s hold.
“But we wanna watch The Matrix!” You whine. Steve smirked and turned to look at Bucky and Nat.
“Team, I am sensing resistance. I hereby approve the movement for the next phase.” He teased, digging into your ribs. You let out a shriek, already pulling desperately at your hands, dissolving into more hysterics when you felt Bucky tase your inner thighs. You shook your head side to side, yelling out pleads and apologies, anything to make this stop. except giving up the remote.
“BAHAHAHAHA! WAHAHAHAIT!” You cackled, recoiling when Pietro started to flutter his fingers behind your ears. Bucky began to squeeze your knees, knowing how bad that spot makes you react. You scream continuously for about 30 seconds non stop, making your brother crack up. Bucky’s laughing too, still torturing your knees. Tears of mirth are falling from the corners of your eyes as the team shows you no mercy. Steve is blowing raspberries on your belly while scribbling his finger into your sides, Bucky is tormenting your hips and thighs, squeezing his hands up and down to your knees, and Nat is waiting a few moments to see if you give in before going for your feet. “GUHUHUHUYS I CAHAHANT!” You beg.
Bucky smirks and pauses on his attack. “Does that mean we’ll see the remote anytime soon?” You laugh, falling limp, not wanting to give it up. Peter was laughing hysterically a few feet away from you, Thor blowing raspberries on his stomach and Tony attacking his armpits. You giggled tiredly at the sight of him, Steve’s finger poking your belly drawing your attention back. “Hey, don’t laugh at him, you’re in the saaame situation too, Princess.” He chuckled. Bruce and Vision were sitting on the couches watching, not wanting to be dragged into another squabble, and Wanda was sitting back, smirking and taking pictures and videos to embarrass you later.
You giggled and looked at Bucky, who was looking at you expectantly. “Uhuhuhummm,,, ugh I can’t tell you!” You cry. They all shook their heads at you before resuming their antics, tickling you mercilessly. Your laughter became desperate again, going up an octave when Nat’s long nails raked up and down your bare feet. “NOHOHOHOOO NOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE! NAHAHAT!” Your laughter was becoming hoarse, the torture driving you insane. You had to make a choice: Giving up the remote, or death. “OHOHOHOKAHAHAY! I CHOOSE LIHIHIHIFE!” You yelled, falling into silent laughter right after that. Your brother signaled Bucky and Nat to let you go, and Pietro let go of your wrists. You finally relaxed and you greedily sucked in air.
Your brother looked at you fondly, letting you catch your breath, tapping you with his knee. “Well, on with it.” You sighed and sat up a bit. nodding toward the kitchen cabinet. “The shelves?” He asked, looking at you. You nodded, exhausted. “Which one?”
“You’re gonna have to look for it till’ you find it.” You smiled cheekily. Steve growled before pushing you back down and tickling your armpits. You screamed and immediately gave in. “OKAYOKAYOKAY THE TOP SHEHEHELF!! THE TOP SHELF!” Steve chuckled and stood up to retrieve the remote.
“Alright, guys, you can let Peter go, I’ve retrieved the goods.” Steve smiled, waving the remote in his hand. Peter let out a weird relieved giggle as he melted onto the floor making everyone laugh. They let you both go and you slumped down on the couch, Peter falling right next to you.
“Okay, that plan was not as good as I thought it was.” You sighed. Peter nodded out of breath, and you both vowed to never hide the remote on movie night again.
This time, everyone was able to agree on a movie much quicker, deciding to play Divergent. You rested your head on Peter’s shoulder, watching the movie with droopy eyes. You surprisingly stayed awake till the end though, everyone yawning and starting conversation as the end credits rolled.
You peacefully fell sound asleep to the quiet murmur of the team, Peter following shortly after. Steve took Peter to his bed while Bucky carried you to yours. He tucked you in your bed, smiling softly as he kissed your forehead, turning off your lamp and leaving your room to go to bed himself.
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calypsoff · 3 years
Fifty Five.
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Landing in Vegas, this is my first time here and I am super excited but I will be only here for a day which sucks but I rather be there for Robyn on her birthday, I am going to be at the Agenda show for one day here which will set the tone for the rest of the days here, which I am leaving that in the hands of TJ and Barry but I do have a team, a team I am meeting today here they are flying out so I will be meeting them at my hotel, I am here for one day so I booked myself into the Caesars Palace because why not, it’s one night to just have a little fun. Not too much fun because of course I am here for business reasons but I am having to bring a whole suitcase because I am leaving for London after this, Robyn doesn’t know at all she keeps talking about is be good in Vegas, I won’t even get to have any fun here “we out here bro” looking up from the escalator seeing TJ with the phone in my face “we out here in Vegas, come and check me out at the Agenda show” TJ cackled “check him out, not the clothing line” I would push him if he was close enough, he is dumb. Maybe I worded that wrong, I chuckled shaking my head. Stepping off of the escalator “wild, I can’t believe we are really in Vegas. Who would have thought, come country niggas are out here” licking my lips smiling wide, I am so happy to be here. Everything to me is a new experience, like being here is wild because I didn’t think I would ever come here “yo boy Drake is here actually, I forgot to mention that” I will have to text him then, we can link up “take a picture of me under this, look after my case. It has things in there” I pushed it to Barry, fixing my shades as I walked backwards just standing under thr Vegas sign “ready?” TJ asked, nodding my head as I crossed my arms across my chest smirking “I know he got that light skinned squinting under those shades, looking good” TJ said laughing at me, walking back over to them.
I take too many pictures, I just seen my story and looking through it is making me laugh. Do I love myself; I mean it’s always nice to take a good selfie either way. I got my own hotel room, I was not going to share with them because they will be up to some shit and I can’t deal with that, if they want to fuck bitches they can. They are single but I do not want to be involved, looking out of my hotel window at the views. Life is just amazing for me; I can’t believe how blessed I am right now to be here in this hotel room. I am married to the love of my life also, I am happy. Hearing the skype call go off; I was waiting for that. Robyn told me to wait as she called me, rushing back to my laptop and pressing connect. Sitting down on the chair as it connected “you’re in bed?” Robyn is wrapped up in her bed covers “I am tired Chris, also the time difference. Seeing as you are enjoying yourself in Vegas I won’t take up much of your time, just that any minute now Vogue is releasing the cover photo so we need to post pictures, we can now announce that we are married. Which for me works out perfect because now you’re in Vegas bitches will know you’re married” I laughed licking my lips “whatever happens stays in Vegas babe, you know that saying” Robyn pushed the bed cover back “eh? Say that again I will fly out there just to beat your ass and come back” she is so dramatic “I am joking ma’am. I am going to meet my new team too, there is some pretty fine men in it” I snorted laughing “whatever, you are very annoying” stretching my body out “so, what are you doing for your birthday, going out or anything. So you’re like in the future, I need to work out how to be the first to say it to you, that is a lot for my tiny brain” that is hard “well you have a few hours to work it out stupid, remember it’s tonight. It’s like ten here, and it’s two there so work from there” I am going to be so jet lagged, my phone started to ring “so two hours? Just say that then, hard headed ass, why is my booty call calling me now” grabbing my phone “nigga!” Robyn spat, answer my phone to Cena, he was a founder of a different clothing line and that made a big bang so I am glad he can be on my team “what’s good?” I answered, “we are waiting for you downstairs all of us” least they are here “I will be there in like ten, see you soon” disconnecting the call “who is that?” Robyn makes me laugh.
Placing my phone down on the table “he is the founder of Pink and Dolphin which he sold on, it made a lot of money with it so I got him on it, he is going to help me push my clothing line in ways I may be not able too, he has his business partner Neima she is with him, and I have a little social media team, like three ladies that are going to run the Instagram page and deal with influx of service related issues, but that is a start. Happy?” Robyn shrugged “I suppose, ok. I am super proud of you, you have been so productive Chris, more then I assumed. Like I thought you would have done what I asked but you did above and beyond, and I am so proud of you for that” I cooed out “so you are proud of me, I just wanted to ask. I really hope you’re not upset that I can’t come, I hope you don’t think I am picking this clothing line over you” I just want to know Robyn isn’t upset with me “I am not, I am here and you’re ok with me being here for over the time limit I set. And you’re doing good things, I am not upset. We will celebrate many more birthdays together and you will make it up to me right?” nodding my head “I will” Robyn’ phone pinged “ok they posted it, oh my god Chris. This is crazy. Be super careful out there now, like really please take care of yourself. There will super jealous people out there so please. Ok, so we can post something, what are you posting. I have mine set up” of course she has “you cheated, weren’t they supposed to drop this cover early and it go one sale on your birthday? grabbing my phone “hmmm, yeah something went wrong and they changed it but it’s still being released tomorrow. But what are you posting, tell me” opening my photos, I think I will post the pictures I took of Robyn in her dress, she looked amazing “look then” looking up at my laptop “wait, I ain’t seen that picture. What?” moving closer to my laptop “this you looking at me, Dennis said he took this picture when you was watching me talk to Bravo” letting out an oh “I look so in love, who is that guy” Robyn moved her phone away “shut up, so show me what you posting” I grinned looking down at my phone, I have a lot of photos in my phone of things.
Robyn has been waiting for me to decide, but I found it easy I just needed to write my caption out “ladies first though, you read what you put” looking up from my phone “fine, I put I married my best friend how I wanted, in my home with my loved ones. He is the light of my life and I have never been so happy in my life, we wanted to do this our way and we did. Get you a man that loves you more then you love him is what Dolly told me, and I have. You can’t tell me this ain’t a nigga in love” I busted out laughing “of course you put that, nah that is cute, so I put. We are twins here because I also put I married my best friend, my twin. When I say twin I mean she is my twin flame, the best day of my life is when I saw you in your dress, I look back on this picture constantly and just smile, it’s surreal that I am in this position with you. From high school to now, I can’t wait to put a baby in you” Robyn chuckled “you already did that, you sly with that. Post it then, together” pressing send on the post “man, the world is about to find out now” I grinned “they are, I am so happy that we are married Chris. It has really made my life, don’t you think” nodding my head “it has, but I really need to go baby. I will speak to you later ok?” Robyn rolled her eyes “sure, love you poppa” blowing Robyn a kiss “I love you too twin” I am sure those people will be sick of waiting for me, I have been keeping them waiting.
TJ and Barry are both at the Agenda show, I told them I need to be here to greet the team. I mean we are late, we arrived late anyways but I had some people set up the plot which they did “Chris” this really tanned man came over to me “Cena” shaking his hand “pleasure to meet you finally” nodding my head smiling “likewise, you must be Neima” hugging her “I am nice to meet you finally Chris” she said, moving back from the hug saying “you must be Deja” I pointed, I am sure she is “yes it is, we skyped” I chuckled, shaking her hand “where is the rest?” I am sure there is a few missing “at the show, they the ones watching over everything, so I said I would come here” nodding my head “cool, well come let’s go and talk and eat a little something” I gestured, I have my joint account card with me of course. I can’t be caught out lacking in Vegas now, I have big people around. Cena and Neima are both big people to be coming onto my project “your first time here?” Cena asked as he stopped walking to walk at the side of me “yes it is my first time, I have spent my life just in VA, now I have moved to California to concentrate on the business” walking into the restaurant in Caesars Palace “when you contacted me, I saw your clothing line and I believed in your dreams. I think you are there, but you just need guidance, and we are happy to do that, take your business onto new levels” this is why I wanted this guy on my side.
Replying back to Drake’ text he is going to be a Drai’s club tonight and has invited me to come along, and of course I accepted “sorry about that” placing my phone on the table “so my vision for this company would be going forward is start to go globally, I want to be global. I have started to have celebrities wear my things to give it that kick which is happening, but I feel like once I get a better team and we stick to the task at hand we can do it. I will go back to designing what I need and then have the team work on what they need to do, that means you three” I smiled “so where does Barry and TJ come in this, they are involved. If we are taking their roles in a way what are they going to do?” Neima asked “good question” I laughed “that is something I will discuss with them but for now they will be point of contact when I am away, but I will always be there of course” I mean Cena and Neima are better at this, they have the knowledge there “we need to get a website running, this has all been done by taking order via Instagram right?” nodding my head “ok, so website next. Twitter page, photoshoots. I think we know where we need to go next, you had an accident where this put you back right?” nodding my head “there was actual spike in your sales actually, not sure if that was because people started to take interest, but website is a big thing to do. We need to do” clasping my hands together “we did have a website but it got taken down for some reason and we ended up doing it via Instagram, I wasn’t around then though” I added “sorry I have been so quiet, erm. You are married to Rihanna? I just saw it like half hour ago” I chuckled, that is funny because Deja has been so quiet “is that what you was thinking about? Uh yeah, we got married on New Year, I guess you seen the pictures huh. Yeah, the secret is out” Deja clapped her hands cooing out “wow, my girl looked so good, you both did. Congratulations, this is so surreal. It really is” she looks so hype “thank you” that is sweet of her, I guess I am going to get that now.
I let the team go ahead of me because it’s coming up to Robyn’ birthday, I am not sure if she will be asleep because she was in bed, knowing her ass she is probably breathing heavy and is asleep right now. So I decided to post a picture of Robyn from High School days, she looks so goofy, but this is a picture my mother took of her, I don’t know how she even had this but she did and it’s cute. I am glad I am not in the picture anyways, but my mother sent me it in shock saying I found this picture, typing out a caption “Where you are right now it’s your birthday, well in less then a minute it will be. Wishing you the best birthday twin, I can’t wait to see you when you come back, and we turn up. I want ya’ll to show my wife love, it’s Rihanna day today. Happy Birthday Queen! And I know you will hate this picture, you were forced to have your picture taken by my mother lol @badgalriri’ pressing send on the post and then tapping Robyn’ name to call her, it’s her birthday so we shall see. I am stood in the corner like a creep for this, they are waiting for me in the car, I did say I will be one minute. The phone call is just ringing out, she is asleep because she would have picked up, in my heart I don’t think Robyn cares for her birthday, she is not happy about it because of the situation and her being in London still, voicemail of course but I will leave her a little something “I just called to say, I love you” I chuckled “mouth breather, how you sleep on your day but Happy Birthday baby, I love you so much. I know you listen to your body and if you want to sleep, you do that. Man, I miss you so much but call me when you do wake up, happy birthday” blowing a kiss down the phone and then disconnecting the call.
I finally made it to the Agenda show, I have been looking at other people’ plot. There is some good shit here “how has it been?” dapping TJ “easy bro, things are going easy right now. Are these the new peeps?” stepping to the side “this is Cena and Neima, also Deja. She is part of the social team, these must be the other two ladies” these are some pretty ass girls, not even going to lie “you are Jada?” I hope I got it right “I am, we finally meet” I was going to shake her hand but she hugged me “likewise, just call me boss” moving back from the hug “and you are Sheree, beautiful name ma” shaking her hand “I have really a beautiful ass team, I am blessed. Including you Cena” I chuckled, turning around “ain’t you Rihanna husband?” this woman came out of nowhere, I wasn’t even ready “uh what?” I laughed nervously “I swear I seen you on Rihanna page, you her husband?” rubbing my chin laughing “I am, yes. You caught me out” she gasped “wow, now I didn’t think I would be bumping into Rihanna husband. You own this thing don’t you” she walked inside looking around “I do, everything you see here is what I designed” walking over to her slowly “oh wow, can I take a picture with you. This is my daughters and son, can we have a picture” this is weird “erm yeah for sure, I mean I ain’t famous you know that right?” She waved me off “you better remember me that I was the first person to ask, you are famous now. Come here boy” she really doesn’t care, how the hell do you take pictures with random people, do you hug them or what “erm TJ, take the picture” I said to him” shuffling over to the mom “don’t be scared now, this is Rihanna husband” placing my arm around her “what am I again?” I asked “Rihanna husband” I laughed out; her country accent too just be killing me when she says it.
I entered Drai’s club and it just hit me, it hit me so hard that I didn’t ask Robyn but she is asleep well her ass hasn’t woke up or replied to anything, maybe if I just text a very nice text saying Drake text me to go over for some drinks “shit” I said to myself “my nigga! My fucking nigga. Aye, move back, move all the way back. Come here” Drake spat, it’s too late I am in the VIP section “my brother” dapping him and then hugging him “ah man, I am so fucking happy for you both. I seen the cover and Chris, you look like you modelling, I said we need you on some OVO clothing pieces modelling” I laughed moving back from the hug “thank you, it was a special night and you made it even better, it’s good seeing you though” Drake grabbed the Grey Goose bottle “get some more bottles, we celebrating my boy, he got married to one of the baddest girls in the game, bring more bottle. Take a seat” I laughed sitting down in the VIP section, let me quickly text Robyn something that doesn’t seem like I went but I did want her to say yes, it needs to be worded right.
From: Chris
To: Robyn
Birthday girl, still asleep? I think you are, so I am in a little situation, Drake invited me to Drai’s club for a few drinks and it was last minute, and I know you’re asleep so I couldn’t ask but I am here, call me when you can xx
Pressing send on the message, she cannot be angry with me because she is asleep. What else can I do; I can’t just wait until Robyn has the moment to say yes. It’s making me wonder now, is she still asleep at this time. I mean it’s eleven here, well nearly eleven and there it’s about seven I think so she’s slept very well if so, my night has just started and my flight is at eight in the morning, I will make it, this will be fine.
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in-madhouses · 5 years
i dont mean to bother you but can you link me to the epilogue of your fic ‘they’ll hang us in the louvre” i absolutely have adored reading and im happy i stumbled across your blogs and fics and i cant wait to read more!
HELLO! NO BOTHER AT ALL. Life has just gotten in the way a little and I’ve been absolutely trash about updating. But here’s the epilogue for louvre for those who are actually still out there reading things I post  😭😭😭
“So what can you tell us about the Marauders film coming out in a couple of weeks?” The excited host asks with a little glint in his eye, as though he’s asking something he already knows the answer to.
“I.. I can tell you what I don’t know, which is everything,” Aahna deflects instead with a bit of a blush staining her cheeks.
Niall forces to keep a straight face at the sight of her on the screen, slightly squirmish but totally acing it.
Despite being high key in the interview spotlight (on and off) for well over two years by now, he can never get over the fact that Aahna confident to the point of arrogance Deakins doesn’t do very well with interviews.
For all intents and purposes, she does just fine. She carries her confidence like a shield and her charm simply radiates onto the screen. But after being intimately acquainted with her and her idiosyncrasies for a better part of a year, her slight awkwardness is evident. Especially when it’s on red couches and with interviewers that she binge watches on a regular.
“You have to know something!” Graham presses on.
“They didn’t exactly… I mean, at this point I know more about how nuclear reactors work than I do about the Marauders movie,” Aahna says casually.
“Are you saying you haven’t watched it or that you’re surprisingly well educated about nuclear reactors?”
“Both?” She laughs.
And Niall knows she’s not lying, she’d looked it up the week before and spent her night explaining to him it how it worked in detail.
The flamboyant host presses on, “Do you even know if you’re in it at all?”
“I don’t… I… I’m not sure,” she stutters a little before chuckling.
The petite host all but practically screeches at that, “You’re not sure?”
“Is it because they don’t trust you to keep things off social media?”
“Pretty much,” Aahna nods, her grin wide and bashful at the same time, “I wasn’t exactly given a script. Everyone on the principal cast knew what was going on, they literally jumped straight into filming after the last season but I was only given the scenes that I was in, and mid-way through production, so I could be a ghost, a memory, a spell-induced hallucination, I’m possibly not even in the movie at all.”
Niall smiles to no one in particular, somewhat proud how well she’s fending despite the multitude of complicated factors surrounding the interview;
a) the possibility of letting too much about the movie slip and therefore violating her NDA, his NDA, and everyone’s NDA basically because she only knows as much as she knows because they’d told her,
b) the possibility of not talking about the movie enough which would cause the audience to be less excited about the boys being on the show in the following week,
c) the fact that she’s not actually on The Graham Norton Show to promote the Marauders movie but the new season of her own show, and of course,
d) the possibility of deflecting everything far too much and then having to maneuver questions about their relationship status which was a newly hot topic of much speculation.
Despite them not even trying to be sneaky about things after the completion of Marauders: The Final Chapter, the internet stayed unsuspectingly calm.
Apart from that one grainy low quality images of them having dinner surfacing on a fan blog, they’ve actually managed to evade the full force of rumours and speculation with Aahna busy with season two of her show and Niall preoccupied piecing together the parts for his own expansion of title from just ‘actor’ to ‘actor slash screenwriter slash director.’
It only unexpectedly comes to a head when Aahna tweets one of the March Madness bracket charts comparing the fictional men on television by replacing every name with Remus Lupin.
Twitter, as it does, promptly loses its shit over it.
Fixed the chart for you 🙃 @BBCOne
Wow what were even doing before you came along? @itsAahna
Sleeping on Remus Lupin, clearly @BBCOne
can @itsAahna and @NiallOfficial just get together already i want peace 😭
OTPOTPOTPOTPOTP #drowningindeniall
I WILL REVOLT #wandsattheready #drowningindeniall @MaraudersMovie
I mean we all know #jily is endgame in the movie but i want to see @itsAahna and @NiallOfficial IRL #drowningindeniall
If this doesn’t change your opinion on the “friendship” between @itsAahna and @NiallOfficial nothing will.
Can we say we called it first? @itsAahna and @NiallOfficial
@MaraudersMovie exclusive. The cast weigh in on the new fave will they won’t they couple and THAT tweet >> bit.ly/Jh8e3rd4
Niall was back in Ireland when it happens, but his Twitter blows up with fans asking if they really are dating. Oddly, none of the guys or any of the Marauders’ cast members pester him about it. Probably because they think that Aahna’s contractually obligated to keep the conversation on the upcoming Marauders movie, but keeping their sexual relationship turned actual relationship a secret for months on end is surprisingly easy when your friends aren’t being complete nosy fucks.
The only person who truly suspected anything had Caroline, and even then, she’d only thought they were having hate sex to fix all their problems. (Not like she was wrong.) But when they decided to come clean when they wrapped filming with a round of drinks, they find out that there’d been a betting pool going on in regards to their relationship instead.
“I had a tenner riding on this,” Louis says, swaying a little after his umpteenth shot, “I still can’t believe the two of you didn’t get together before the movie wrapped!”
Niall and Aahna share a look at that, but before either of them can let the cat out of the bag, Louis then goes off on how no one but Harry expected them all to become friends and how this lead to them all losing money to Harry and they telepathically decide against telling their friends. (Seems only fair, since their friends were all proving to be complete pricks.)
Which only brings things to their current conundrum of having to promote a movie whilst making use of their fan favourite characters’ practically non-existent romance while some fans were emotionally invested in the actors’ very secret but very real romance.
He smiles at the thought. Because he likes to tell people that he was in love once, back in Ireland. But he didn’t really fall in love, fall in love. Not really. It was more of a familiarity. Like one day something that was there all along that just… became love. And it’s entirely the opposite of what happened with Aahna. Before he was even fully aware of what was happening, she was just… all over his life. Everywhere. Like someone poured her over every inch of him and she just seeped into the very fabric of his life and he can’t wash her out no matter how much bleach he used.
The on screen conversation shifts to the other guests for a bit focusing on the projects they qere involved in, but when the host with the big red couch says he has some tweets to pull out circling back to her, Niall could see the subtle signs of panic creep in on her face.
“Lips were obviously sealed quite tightly when you got cast for the backdoor pilot on Marauders, but an incident got leaked to the press didn’t it?”
“Wait, is this the video?” Aahna asks realisation dawned upon her.
“These were the tweets following that video that most people seem to have forgotten about.”
“Something that you won’t let happen, obviously,” Aahna comments good humouredly, mentally bracing herself for whatever the Graham Norton team has managed to dig up on the interwebs.
“Obviously,” the host announces as they move their attention to the screen on set, “Now these tweets are, I believe, the immediate aftermath of the video hitting the internet.”
4 yrs on a top rated tv show only to end up sharing scentime with someone who got famous lookng gd in thr underwear
that’s not me throwing shade at modesl that’s me throwing shade at @itsAahna
it’s really not my fault that @itsAahna finds memorising lines harder than slupring tequila off her girlfriend’s belly button
are YOU slurping tequila off of your girlfriend’s belly button right now? @NiallOfficial
lol kidding (what girlfriend) 😂 @NiallOfficial
at least i’m not about to send in a sex tape to @DailyMirror to distract people from how i cant act atall
if you wanted to make a sex tape all you had to do was ask @NiallOfficial
“And this went on for like a whole hour at 3 in the morning,” Graham titters excitedly as he continues scrolling through the seemingly endless barrage of tweets.
“They do say that the best relationships start from heated online arguments,” Aahna shrugs, a smile dangling coyly on the edge of her lips.
Niall’s heart skips a whole beat at that.
But luckily, no one on the red couch seemed to have given it as much thought and they glide by the whole topic unsuspectingly.
“I mean, at one point you weren’t even typing words!” The host exclaims, still scrolling through tweets.
“No, you have to say it really fast, it’s… it’s a joke on the Irish accent, I was making fun of his accent,” Aahna admits, looking a little pink in the cheeks in embarrassment and nerves.
She then does an (in his opinion, piss poor) impression of his Irish accent.
Niall can’t help it though, his smile is still so wide, he’s at risk of his face splitting in half.
“You might as well have insulted potatoes,” Graham responds, rather aghast at her impersonation.
“Or Guinness, the Irishman is rather fond of his Guinness,” Ines chimes in.
The rest of the interview goes on with attention bouncing back and forth between the guests and before he notices it, the musical guest comes on and the credits are rolling. He does his best to pretend to be upset when she breezes into his apartment like it’s hers the next day (although to be honest, it’s all hers really; his apartment, his mind, his soul, his heart).
“That’s your best impersonation of me?” He tuts, faking being insulted so hard he wonders how he was ever employed as an actor.
She, in turn, does a very poor job of not smiling as she sets down boxes of takeaway in his kitchen, “Seeing as that was the dumbest I’ve ever looked on telly, I think it was pretty on.”
He grins, “You were great.”
“I can see why you need glasses,” she raises a brow at his direction.
Niall merely shakes his head at that. It’s a quarter past four and the gang should be at his place in about an hour because everyone unanimously decided that he needed to host a party to celebrate his script selling and the studio wanting him to direct and she’s doing the dishes because ‘only losers eat out of takeaway boxes at a party’ and he can’t stop staring.
She looks up and finds him sort of looking at her weird.
You, he thinks, I’m looking at you. I’m always looking at you.
“You know this is probably what Sierra meant,” he points out, a little breathless over absolutely nothing, “About distractions.”
She links her hands behind his neck, feigning ignorance, “No idea what you mean.”
And then he’s kissing her against the overflowing sink and she’s laughing, and he thinks it tastes better than anything in his whole atmosphere.
And honestly, Niall is pretty sure he could live off of that feeling for the rest of his life.
I don’t mean to alarm anyone but I think @itsAahna and @NiallOfficial are legitimately dating.
BETRAYAL!! DECEPTION!! OUTRAGE!! @itsAahna @NiallOfficial
Pics or it didn’t happen @Harry_Styles
DELETE. NOW. @Harry_Styles
#DROWNINGINDENIALL @itsAahna @NiallOfficial
Stop yelling or I s2g I’m coming over there and choking you @Louis_Tomlinson
Kinky. I take it @NiallOfficial likes it rough?
@Louis_Tomlinson keep your kinks to yourself. yes this is me kinkshaming you
There are children on the interwebs!! @Louis_Tomlinson @NiallOfficial
Kinkshaming is my kink @NiallOfficial 😉
Kids, kinkshaming is bad
jokes on you kinkshaming kinkshames is my kink @Louis_Tomlinson
Caaaaan we bring it back to the betrayal bit @NiallOfficial
Yes. In case you’re all wondering, the @MaraudersMovie cast has a betting pool on @itsAahna and @NiallOfficial
And I want my money back @Harry_Styles
Et tu @C_Davies? Et tu??
None of that 👆 was a ‘yes, we’re dating’ @C_Davies
I’m blocking all of yous. @Harry_Styles @Louis_Tomlinson @LeeyumPain @C_Davies @AinsWills
Yes, we’re dating 🙃
BLOCKEDDDD @NiallOfficial 😡😡😡
@zaynmalik retweeted @AinsWils
BETRAYAL!! DECEPTION!! OUTRAGE!! @itsAahna @NiallOfficial
Okay internet (and former friends) You win this one.
I want my tenner back @Harry_Styles
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norxxcoffee-blog · 7 years
Part 9
Soon I will be moving this story to ff. net, but I will continue to post links to it here! Part 10 should appear there tomorrow- but for now enjoy! :D (also any religious references are purely for the story and not meant to offend anyone)
Teaching Finland Swedish proved to be no small task. He could write well enough, in a flowing script that made the letters look like art, but more often than not he used Finnish. When Sweden attempted to talk to him, he would give that blank-but-lovely stare of his, and turn away from his self-appointed teacher. 'Give it up,' Denmark often said. 'If he doesn't want to learn, you can't make him.' But that was his attitude in everything- he saw no point in trying to fix something that didn't work. Sweden hoped fervently that he was wrong. He wanted to speak to Finland in a language that was not one of stolen glances and half-smiles, wanted to give voice to his secret thoughts. So he persevered. Finland was made to read scrolls and notes from the king's councils, made to copy out hundreds of words thousands of times over, and at the end of the day, had to read a passage from the Bible. Denmark and Sweden both listened to his reading every night, though they were still wary of the Christian faith. Odin and the other gods had passed out of living memory, so it fell to them to honour their old religion, never truly accepting the one God and his ordered world.
'Love is pat...patient.' read Finland that night, as the three of them were gathered around the fire. 'Love is kind. It does not- does not en...envy. It is not-' He hesitated, finger under one word. 'Proud.' mumbled Sweden. 'It is not proud. It does not- dis- dishonour others, it is not self-see...seeking.' Sweden's head jerked up. Was that what he was- self-seeking? Did he teach Finland merely for his own gain? The Bible, to him at least, was a constant mystery. It preached that love was a good feeling, and should be nurtured. And it damned those like him, those like his brothers, who loved each other more than they would ever admit, damned them to hell. 'It is not-' 'Stop.' He rose, taking the book from Finland's hands. 'I don't want you to read that anymore.' Finland stared up at him with bewildered violet eyes. Sweden forced a smile. 'You can read what you like now.' There was a pause as Finland deciphered his words. Then he beamed brightly, nodding and mumbling his thanks in broken Swedish. Denmark watched him go with a fond expression on his face.
'What was that, lillebror? Going to teach him the ways of Odin now?' Sweden said nothing. A curious burning sensation had built up inside him, focused on the little black book in his hand. I love him. It is true. And if the book forbade that love, than he would turn his back on it. He crossed the room and wedged it between two slats of wood, not quite brave enough to burn the thing. Denmark nodded. 'Good decision. I always preferred a bit of paganism.' Finland returned at that moment, perfectly on cue. He was struggling with a thick leather-bound tome, gold-edged and worn. 'I like- I want this. To read this.' That earned him another smile. Denmark laughed, swinging his legs over the side of his chair. 'Should be a good read. As far as I recall, some of the entries are in blood. Particularly yours, Sve.' For once Sweden returned his laugh, remembering. This book belonged to them- he, Norway and Denmark- and had been where they recorded every one of their journeys or battles. And indeed, some of it was done in blood. 
'Hard to get ink in the middle of a war,' muttered Sweden, just failing to suppress his smile. Finland resumed his position in front of the fire, book spread across his knees. 'December 25th,' he read fluently. 'Lon- London, England. Today ou- our- king was crowned.' 'This one's mine.' cut in Denmark. 'Gods, I miss old Cnut.' 'The North is ours. We ru- rule from the seas, from the- the-' 'Earth.' 'The earth, from a thr- throne of gold. And we will never give up our em- empi- empire.' He looked up, awed. 'When was this? When was your- kingdom?' Denmark and Sweden exchanged a look. The loss of England had been a crushing blow, not to mention the death of Norway's king in trying to reclaim it. Their invasions there were a thing of the past, reduced to petty raiding to induct new warriors. 'A long time ago,' said Sweden gently. 'Something best forgotten.' Finland screwed up his face in concentration. 'Then- then I will forget.' he stuttered. 'No. Don't forget. Read the book. That's who we were before we met you.' His smile kindled, flickered- then burst into flame, a radiance across his whole face that tied Sweden's throat in knots. 
'Thank you.' said Finland. He touched Sweden's hand. It was nothing really, the lightest brush of fingers, but to Sweden it felt as though his whole world was floating in the heavens. He watched Finland leave again, this time clutching the precious book, eyes lingering on the door long after Finland was gone. A sudden laugh jerked him from his daze. 'You're not exactly subtle, are you? It's a good thing the boy's so innocent, or he'd have got out of here as fast as he could.' That was probably the thing Sweden detested most about his brother. Denmark could be drinking and joking one moment, perfectly harmless. In the next he would display his irritating talent for finding the thing that bothered a certain person most. And in this case, he had done so for Sweden. I thought I was safe. I thought no one would know. But was he really that transparent? Did every word, every look to Finland reveal his true feelings? Perhaps Denmark was just suffering lack-of-Norway withdrawal symptoms. Either way, he had cut Sweden right to the quick. 'Going to bed.' he muttered, making for the stairs. 'Godnat, Sve, Make sure it's your own room you end up in.' The sound of Denmark's laughter haunted his dreams that night. 
Norway came back the next day, hopefully ready to put Denmark back under his control. His brothers, old and new, waited for him at the harbour. Denmark began to shout and wave the second he spotted the sails, energetic as a puppy. 'Who?' whispered Finland. Sweden resisted the urge to sweep those blond locks from his forehead. 'Norway,' he said. 'Our brother. You'll like him. He's quiet too.' Norway stepped elegantly from his boat, ever correct. He frowned at Finland. 'Who's this?' 'Our new brother. I found him a few weeks ago.' Sweden ushered Finland forward. He smiled at Norway and extended his hand, just as he had been taught. Norway shifted the bundle in his arms and took Finland's hand briefly, before turning to Denmark, who looked positively explosive with excitement. 'Nor!' he said, holding out his arms. But to all their surprises, Norway ignored him. 'We need to get inside,' he said. 'I've got something to show you.' 
They gathered around Finland's storytelling fire, Norway in a high-backed chair. He shifted his bundle, pulling away at the top. A collective gasp hissed about the room. For there, swaddled in countless layers of blankets, lay a child. His eyes were the strangest thing Sweden had ever seen, a shining purple even brighter than Finland's, ringed in indigo. He could just see tufts of white-blond hair, poking from beneath the wrappings. 'What's his name?' whispered Denmark. He appeared utterly entranced- a look Sweden had seen only once before. 'Iceland. He's Iceland.' Iceland was a colony of Norway's, previously with no human representative. There could be only one reason why one had appeared now- the little island's strength was growing, growing to an extent that it needed a channel for its power. Norway smiled- a little sadly, thought Sweden. 'He won't be so small for long. The people there- they're becoming aggressive, independent. It'll take a lot to keep him a colony forever.' 
'Can I hold him?' said Denmark, still slightly dazed. Norway shot him a fierce look. 'He's my little brother, and if you think I'd trust him to a clumsy idiot like you, then you've got less of a brain than I thought. If that's possible, of course.' 'But I can still hold him?' 'Fine.' They took turns admiring Iceland's ethereal, almost fairy-like features, sighing in unison when he let out a little yawn. 'The boldest Viking in history, felled by a small baby.' muttered Norway. Denmark, who currently had possession of Iceland, grinned broadly. 'You think I'm the boldest Viking in history?' Norway flushed. 'I never said that. Idiot.' But he was already returning Denmark's embrace. 'What are they doing?' said Finland in a small voice. Iceland had been passed to him after Norway's little slip of the tongue, and he clutched the little nation tightly. 'They- they're-' Sweden could not find the words to describe Norway and Denmark's relationship. It was a strange one, admittedly. They circled each other constantly, closing in at moments, joined by a force that linked fire and ice. 'Love. They're in love.' He blushed as he said it, the words too romantic for his tongue. 'We are not!' 'Oh, come on, Nor! That's not fair!' 
From that day on, they were five, five united by blood and more, inseparable in any combination. Finland soon became fluent in Swedish, despite his original misgivings, and quickly learnt its few differences to Danish and Norwegian. When they were alone they used Old Norse, or stumbled along in Finnish at Finland's insistence. Those days were good ones. Iceland never knew the violent childhood of his older brothers, instead growing up in various castles. He rarely voiced memories of his own land. Denmark and Norway became ever closer, no matter how much they denied it. And Sweden could only watch- watch in envy and despair, as his stern face and crippling fear alike kept him from Finland. But soon they were to be bound together closer than ever. For when a letter arrived from Denmark, away with his queen in Copenhagen, it signalled the start of a union that would make and break countless bonds.
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