#mn theories
themissingnumbers · 4 months
(Since this is a theory ask, I'm not expecting it to be answered, but I do want to post some of my thoughts so far, even if I'm sending it into the void XD
Some of this might be common knowledge or obvious, but I haven't gotten the chance to read any of the creepypastas Missing Numbers is based on yet XD
But oh boy. There is a whole thing going on with Fire Red and Glitchy Red.
Glitchy is obviously trying to warn us that Fire isn't what he seems. And that glitch with the "Don't You Dare" with Fire makes it clear that for one reason or another, Fire WILL be staying up there on Mount Silver.
Sorry Fire, you seem nice and cool, and most definitely are (for a reason), but oh boy I am not gonna put full trust in you or everything you say after Glitchy's warnings! Then again, Glitchy's perspective would be biased, seeing as. He got replaced and all. And now gets to have his fun in Glitch City for all eternity. Hooray! There's definitely sketchy stuff going on on Glitchy's side too...
And the recently reblogged art of Glitchy being "Doomed by the Narrative", Fire being "Puppet of the Narrative", and Arceus being "the Narrative". Fire really is Poké-God's favoritest little guy, isn't he-
Arceus really looked at Glitchy and said "I DON'T WANT TO PLAY WITH YOU ANYMORE."
The reason that Mount Coronet is an option in the cameras (or at least I remember it being one) is becoming more clear-
I have more lore to read to fully cement my thoughts and factcheck things, but wow, this is already giving me so many thoughts. I am thoroughly invested in this. Absolutely bravo on Missing Numbers, this is some very cool stuff!)
Referring to:
This point in the story.
This post.
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tarydarrington · 1 year
i am never in my life going to be over these two looking at each other like this
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creatively-cosmic · 1 month
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im twenty four pages deep into a slideshow of trying to document the full timeline of where every pokemon game falls in missing numbers and i havent even started writing notes yet
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concept-sketch · 1 year
Hunter’s Hooty mask theory *Watching and Dreaming Spoilers under the cut*
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I honestly can't tell if this parallel is meant to mean something or not but I felt the need to point it out. It had been on my mind since TtT what the significance of Hooty's mask on Hunter was. It felt like something that the show would typically use to foreshadow or allude to something past or present but I just couldn't figure out how Luz + Hunter = King + Hooty specifically.
Luz as King more or less made sense either as symbolism for how much she missed him, or as a foreshadowing of her gaining Titan powers(one of many theories at the time, but one that came true, so it's safe to call it foreshadowing now.). But I just couldn't figure what Hooty, of all possible masks Hunter could have had, was supposed to mean, except that it looked a lot like his Golden Guard mask(maybe that *was* the reason all along and I'm overthinking it, but that seems a bit backwards for his character arc, since the show usually hints at future things.). Now I think maybe Hunter using a Hooty mask alongside Luz's Titan mask, when the titan has some Hooty-like creature with it two episodes later, was a nod at one of the many dropped and lost plotlines. It's bugged me since he first appeared that his mask looked so much like Hooty and Eda’s hood charm, and yet no one in the show made so much as a wisecrack about it, but maybe the GG mask looking like Hooty was planned from the very start to match with Luz and the Titan in the end in some version of the final battle that never came to be.
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a-bee-wizard · 5 months
The person who said that every fantasy book needs to have a "magic system" should be gutterpunched
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tinyshe · 6 months
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psykoz · 1 year
im sorry i like the beatles
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wally-b-feed · 2 years
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), MN Atelia, 2022
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soulmates. invisible string theory, if you will. how perfect was it that they were both headed to minnesota after the u16 and literally setting everything in motion. (not to mention out of the whole united states of america, paige's dad ended up moving (relatively) near azzi's hometown)
the annual summer trip to MN is not just a fudd's family tradition but sonething so much more to paige and azzi, imo. i feel like it's where they definitely fell in love for sure.
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(this was forgotten in my drafts but think it's relevant to bring up now bc i think it sort of highlights the significance of the MN state fair as well)
Edit: adding the link
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fandom-junk-drawer · 20 days
The Witcher Headcanon - Witcher Senses: Hearing
As a Witcher, Geralt has enhanced hearing. He can hear sound pitches that normal humans don't even know exist. The enhanced sense helps to keep him alive on the Path .
Having enhanced hearing comes in handy on the Path, but sometimes, it can be quite a curse. On one hand, you have superhuman hearing and can hear everything, but on the other hand, you have superhuman hearing and can hear everything.
When he starts traveling with Jaskier, he has to get used to all the noises another living thing makes. He's used to the sounds Roach makes as she lives her horsey life, but Jaskier brings a new set of sounds he has to grow accustomed to.
Geralt can tell how his bard is feeling by listening to the sounds he makes. He can hear if he is ill by how he breathes and how his heart beats. He can tell if the stew Jaskier ate last night is going to come out one end or the other by the rumbles in his guts.
Many times, those sounds he can hear are very annoying.
Geralt lays awake many nights, the sound of Jaskier's breathing annoying the absolute f**k out of him. He feels like he understands women better
"I can't stand the sound of his breathing", and "I hate the way he breathes!", suddenly sound like very valid reasons for murder.
And Jaskier only thinks he's being quiet when, in the wee hours of the night, he decides to visit with Mrs. Rosy Palm.
Geralt discovers that silence can be very loud indeed and he can hear him from the other side of the campsite, but he does his best to pretend to be asleep so as to not make things awkward. Sometimes he makes a few sleepy sounding grunts and gets up to pretend he needs to take a p*ss or sh*t, and heads off into the woods for a bit.
Not all the sounds Jaskier makes are annoying. Some of them are pleasant. The sound of his voice as he sings quietly to himself, or laughs, or talks about everything and anything. The sound of his bickering with Yennefer. Really just the sound of his voice in general, especially when he drops his adopted Court accent and allows his Northen accent to come out.
Those are comforting sounds; sounds that make him happy.
And of course, there are sounds that just cause a visceral reaction. There aren't many things that bother a Witcher, but Jaskier accidentally discovers one of the few sounds that does.
One evening, Jaskier decides to try to find out just how good Geralt's hearing is, and badgered Geralt with all sorts of questions about it.
Geralt puts up with the questions, some of which were absurd. Sometimes, he wonders if Jaskier is just f***ing with him, trying to see how far he can wind him up.
Jaskier ignores the death glare Geralt is giving him and sits by the fire, admiring the new comb he'd bought that afternoon.
"Can you hear a bear sh*tting in the woods?"
"Can you hear the sound of one hand clapping?"
"Oh, OH! Can you hear if people are f***ing in one of the other rooms when we stay at an inn?"
Geralt casually grumbles, "No, but I can hear you f***ing your d*mn hand in your bedroll when you think I'm asleep."
Jaskier flinches, embarrassed, but covers it with a dramatic, scandalized gasp,"HoW rUdE! cAn'T a MaN gEt aNy PrIvAcY?" He frowns at Geralt when the Witcher responds with a derisive "hm" and an eye roll.
Jaskier, embarrassed and annoyed, idly runs his fingernail down the teeth of the comb, and...
...Geralt gags violently.
"Geralt, are you alright?" Jaskier asks as Geralt swallows thickly, a surprised and confused look on his face.
Jaskier instantly forms a theory.
Ooh, let's test it out!
He glances at Geralt one more time, then back at the comb, and drags his fingernail down the teeth.
Geralt made a retching sound, and a smile split Jaskier's face.
"Jaskier, don't you dar-EeUUrRggHh!"
"Stop doing tHaRRgHhKH!"
"FaWWWUGHKing staHhuaRk!"
Jaskier is laughing and grinning as he keeps making the godsawful sound, until Geralt lunges at him and begins chasing him around the campsite.
Jaskier is dodging and running as Geralt chases him, their progress punctuated by the toothy sound of the comb, followed by gagging.
Roach watches in bemusement as her two imbeciles continue their nonsense, until Jaskier, now too busy laughing at Geralt to look where he's going, runs into a tree.
Geralt jumps on him, hisses at him, and snatches up the wretched comb, before hurling it as hard as he can into the woods.
The rest of the evening passes in sulky silence from Geralt. He feels a little bit bad for throwing the comb, and does apologize.
Jaskier just waves the incident off. He isn't too worried about the comb because he'd bought two. He refrains (with great effort) from using this newfound knowledge for evil. At least until he gets to Kaer Morhen that winter.
Lambert is the first to fall victim. He's being an ar**hole, as usual, and Jaskier, being the petty little sh*t he is, waits until his back is turned, then retaliates.
Get combed motherf**ker!
Eskel didn't do anything wrong, he just happened to unfortunately be within earshot when Jaskier took out Lambert.
Eskel had no clue where that awful sound had come from, but he d*mn near prolapsed his esophagus when it made him gag.
The other witchers were merely victims of bardic boredom.
They were all having dinner in uncharacteristic silence. Jaskier's attempts at conversation and entertainment had been met with disapproving glares and grumbles.
Oh, ok, you gloomy b**tarts, I see how it's going to be
Jaskier casually reached into his pocket and took out the comb
The quiet sound cut through the silence like the peal of a bell.
The Hall erupted in sputtering, spat drinks, and a symphony of gagging.
Jaskier is cackling madly as Witchers all over the Great Hall rise and start coming for him, cussing and snarling.
Jaskier runs for the door, pauses, and *comb sounds*
Witchers: *doubling over, falling to their knees, gagging, puking*
Jaskier had to hide in Yennefer's room until the Witchers were no longer considering outright murder.
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esamastation · 11 months
Part fifty-two of Shizuroth, aka, the SOLDIER General's Self Saving Shizun.
Ao3 link.
Previous parts: forty, forty-one, forty-two, forty-three, forty-four, forty-five, forty-six, forty-seven forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty, fifty-one
"I don't doubt that it's important, but… are you sure this is the right time to leave Midgar? With what is going on in the Science Department… we need all the hands we have here."
"That's why I'm recalling Reno and Rude," Tseng answers, as he finishes tidying up his desk. "I'll take over for them and they'll take over for me. You'll take the lead for now, fill them in."
Cissnei sighs, clasping her elbows loosely, glancing around the office. It already seems a little emptier. "You're the best informed on the situation here, Acting Director Tseng."
Tseng gives her a look and picks up his suitcase. "I know it's a lot to ask this suddenly, but you'll be fine. You have good instincts, Cissnei. And you won't be by yourself for long - Reno and Rude will be here in a day. They'll help you."
"I know I will be fine," Cissnei says with a smile. "The Science Department is usefully sexist, they won't even notice my existence. I just don't like the implication that whatever is going on with Sephiroth trumps what's going on here. That recording must've been bad news."
She hadn't understood more than a few words, her Wutai was still rudimentary - but just hearing Sephiroth, of all people, speaking the language fluently was a bit startling. And judging by Tseng's reaction…
Tseng hesitates and then turns away from his desk. "There's a very real chance that Sephiroth might be thinking of deflection. He's certainly showing sympathy towards the Wutai cause - I don't have to tell you what kind of disaster that would be for the company."
"... No, I get it," Cissnei says and sighs. "It would be a disaster."
"Reno and Rude aren't equipped to handle it. I am not either, no one is, but at least I can offer an alternative view on the situation."
"Alright," Cissnei hums with understanding. "... I'm not put in charge of the office, right?" she then asks and offers him a smile. "Be a bit weird, to put the rookie in charge."
"Rude will be in charge of the office once he gets back - Reno will manage operations. Anything more important than the usual fare, you refer it back to me," Tseng instructs. "But this ongoing situation with the SOLDIER program, I want you to stay on top of it, alright?"
"Of course," Cissnei agrees. "I'll keep watch. I'll message you about any new developments."
"Mn," Tseng nods, and together they head for the elevators.
Cissnei is quiet until they make it inside and begin the slow ride to the top.
"So, what is really going on with Sephiroth?" she asks curiously, giving her boss a sideways look.  "I've heard so many rumours. He's developing new magical abilities, right? Ones he doesn't need Materia for."
"Mn. There are many theories," Tseng says. "It's impossible to say which one is closest to the truth. The most common is that he's learned to… read the Mako in his veins."
Cissnei arches her brows and leans against the side of the elevator. "Read it, like… read the memories in the Lifestream?"
Tseng gives her a look. "Don't let anyone from the Science Department hear you say that."
Cissnei grins cheekily. "I won't! But that's it, isn't it? The same Ancient knowledge that makes Materia produce magic is in Mako, right? And Sephiroth has more Mako in him than anyone. So he has the most potential knowledge. Right?"
Tseng shakes his head. "That's the theory."
"Oh, so you don't think that's it?"
"Hmm. I don't know what to think yet. I haven't had the chance to fully observe him. But based on Reno and Rude's reports… no, I don't think that's it. Or at least, it's not all of it."
"Oh?" Cissnei asks interestedly, clasping her elbows again and looking at him closely. "What then? Is it the Ancient blood in his veins?"
Tseng casts her a sideways look. "Where did you hear that?"
"Oh, it's going around! Rumour has it he's a descendant of the Ancients - that's why he looks the way he does, all mystic and ethereal."
Tseng hums noncommittally and looks up at the floor counter. "Is that right?"
Cissnei grins at him. It absolutely is. "So, is that what's going on? Sephiroth coming into his own as an Ancient?"
"I wouldn't know," he says flatly. "And I won't make any conclusions until I see him. As it is, wherever is going on in his head isn't as important as what he will do going forward. He can sprout horns and tail, for all I care, so long as he stays on the right side when he does it."
"How cold," Cissnei says teasingly. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you didn't like him."
"I don't like him. I don't dislike him," Tseng says, not looking down from the counter. "But he's a valued part of the company."
"Mmhmm. Very valued," Cissnei agrees, smiling mirthlessly and then shakes her head. "You know, I kinda pity him."
"... For his upbringing?" Tseng asks.
"For his everything," Cissnei says and sighs. "I read his file too, you know - the unclassified bits, anyway. Sephiroth is like this refined concentrate of everything Shinra stands for. It's a lot for any one person to handle."
"... I guess that's one way to view it," Tseng muses, looking away.
Cissnei chuckles. Not even a bit of sympathy on his face. "So cold," she says and looks up as the doors open. Together they step out of the elevator and Cissnei walks Tseng towards the helicopter waiting on the pad. She hangs around while he goes about pre-flight checks and the startup sequence.
"What about the girl in the slums?" Cissnei asks. "Should we check up on her for you while you're away?"
Tseng hesitates between flicking switches. "If you have the time. Just make sure she and her mother are alright. Keep your distance," he says.
"Of course, she won't even know I'm there," Cissnei agrees. "I don't suppose there's a file on her we should make notes on?"
"Make a new one."
Cissnei smiles and steps back away from the helicopter "Alright, alright, keep your secrets," she says. "Hope you have a safe trip, Tseng. Have fun in Wutai!"
"I won't," Tseng answers, pulling headphones on. "I never do."
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themissingnumbers · 4 months
In reference to.
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knockyasocksoff2022 · 7 months
Theory: Poe was the leader of Gelhart Security Services before his defeat to Ranpo and subsequent isolation.
(A/N: sorry if the grammar is terrible or the theory doesn’t make sense i just had this thought really suddenly and wanted to post it)
So I was reading the Dazai, Chuuya Age Fifteen Light Novel yesterday and something about GSS was mentioned that they didn’t mention in the anime (understandably).
Randou says on page 56: “Mn . . . Brr . . . The currently leader of GSS is a cold calculating skill user.They say he has close ties to the Guild, a top secret North American organisation.”
The book also says, on an earlier page (48) that the drill instructor is an actual soldiers so the members were highly trained fighters.
You may be thinking, “Wait, but that doesn’t sound like Poe-kun at all?”, but I think a lot of people forget he’s a trained sniper. The only question is: how?
The connection to the guild and trained fighters could be two people, either Poe or Twain. However, Twain is hardly cold and calculating, and Poe is the only guild member fluent in Japanese which could be from extensive studying of it because of his crush on I mean rivalry with Ranpo. Or it could be from time spent in Japan, after all he would have needed t communicate with Ranpo in order to challenge him. (And I don’t think Asagiri would give such a cool backstory to such a minor character, sorry Mark.)
It all makes sense. During 15!Arc, Poe would have been 20, and when he was 22 he met Ranpo to challenge him and was then defeated. It was never said where the challenge took place, but given Ranpo attachment to Fukuzawa and the agency as well as inaptitiude for travel (lack of navigation skills) I doubt he would have been in America for any reason, especially since the agency was so new. (It’s true that he could have flown there to accept a challenge that piqued his interested but let’s keep in mind that the agency salary isn’t that much and plane tickets as well as travel in general are expensive.) 
Another thing is that Ranpo is pretty unaware of things around him, even small things like how to use the train (I know I keep using that example, I’m sorry. It’s just the easiest one) So, I doubt he’d have knowledge of things going on abroad, much less knowledge of Poe to call him over to Japan for a challange.
If the challenge took place in Japan where the two just stumbled upon each other, the question is: Why is Poe in Japan in the first place?
I think that he ran away from his adopted home when he was a teen (assuming his early life follows irl Poe’s and his parents died/abandoned him) and went to Japan just to get as far away as he could. (Maybe he was offered a position in Order of The Clock Tower because his adopted parents and him lived in England for four years). He had connections to the Guild, but maybe wasn’t fully part of it yet, or maybe he wanted military experience before he joined an organisation like that (I can’t imagine why, because before the whole book thing it seemed like a country club for skill users.) 
But for whatever reason, Poe joined GSS as a legitimate security officer where he learnt to shoot. He was more healthy then (before his six-year isolation) and even learnt to fight a little, but was a far better marksman than fighter. 
The GSS men did crime jobs on the side for extra cash. Then the subsidies for GSS were cut off and they went full criminal. Somehow, maybe through a job or Poe volunteering the information, they figured out that Poe had a skill. He became important to the company.  And he’s smart so when it came time for a change in leadership they picked him, despite his young age, he has an ability and they respected that.
We’ve seen him be cold and calculating, especially when trying to trap people in his novels or scheme against Ranpo (at first, now he’s just a softie). He dedicated almost a decade to Ranpo’s defeat, so we see his determination and cunning (even if it’s no match for Ranpo’s deductive skills).
The GSS were pirates, nothing too complex and they had no big plans (like Fyodor’s mission to eradicate skill users), they just wanted to steal. So it makes send that someone who maybe isn’t a crazy genius brilliant strategist was leading them.
All in all it makes perfect sense that Poe led up the GSS for a bit.
After GSS’s defeat to Soukoku it probably disbanded, any members not part of that mission who left alive scattered, including Poe. After the fall of his organisation he was left wandering, and out of desperation or boredom he took Ranpo’s challange and after his defeat went, sulking, back to America where he officially joined the Guild, hoping Fitzgerald’s resources could help him defeat Ranpo once and for all.
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vavialdavi · 7 months
I cannot with elsamaren anti- Where are those godd@mn cell brains? 😃
One year ago, I made an elsamaren edit on my Tik Tok account and it's still showing on people's fyp. Of course, at least once month, I got some comment like "Erm, actually, tHeY'rE cOuSiNs 🤓☝️"
And everytime, their only 'source' is "look it up". No surprise, the only things I've found are either 2020 fan theories or the most random websites on Renée Rapp's Internet that took that piece of information from deep in my a$$.
Nothing official, not even the wiki fandom page.
How are people so pressed about others' ship that they'd ignore their brain's abilities and eat up the stoopidest sh!t that agrees with them?
Go touch grass and THINK instead of trying to prove that random people are pro-shippers when they're clearly not ;_;
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millenniumproductions · 7 months
Me seeing my fellow Lumini fans being distraught about the friend zone the showrunners pulled:
D*mn... Can't have sh*t in LAES.
Also starting to think my "SAMS Showrunner Toxic Boy Mom" theory might be more true than I first thought.
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bitplayer8147 · 2 months
First off, all pulp musical episodes are based off of a story.
E1 was vased off of the 1835 Moon Hoax, E2 was based off of "The Brick Moon" from 1869, E3 was based off of the legend of the Ellen Austin, a ship who's crew vanished into thin air.
So I googled Lincoln Island, the setting of upcoming e4.
Lincoln Island was what the colonists named the mysterious island in Jules Verne's novel called "the mysterious island"
Here, there is a part where we discover that Captain Nemo was an indian prince named Dakkar. (By now, I had already made the connection between Dakaar(pulp) and Dakkar(MN))
The prince fled his kingdom after a failed rebellion against the british. And what do we see Kal call Sia during their fight? A traitor to the Blazing World, suggesting there was a confrontation or rebellion of some kind
(i swear there are so many literary references)
I have no idea what any of this means in relation to the Blazing World, i just think that Searcher in the Shadows will be based off of the Jules Verne novel
hopefully someone smarter can figure this out
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