#[im so happy to thread heck]
dr-spectre · 22 days
I saw this really great thread on twitter by Grungygrim and it definitely highlights my thoughts and frustrations with the story of these games and the Splatoon fandom as a whole. (be forewarned, i get really tilted in this blog post fyi.)
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I made a blog post about 2 weeks ago where i said that i was happy that the narrative online that "Callie is an idiot who got kidnapped and then brainwashed/mind controlled against her consent" is going away. Unfortunately I'm gonna have to retract a lot of the stuff i said. I'm still seeing, TILL THIS DAY THAT NARRATIVE ONLINE! IM STILL SEEING SO MUCH MISINFORMATION AND IT MAKES ME REALLYYYY ANGRYYYY!!! As a big fan of Callie, people completely outright ignoring her character arc THAT WAS SET UP SINCE SPLATOON 1 BY THE WAY!!! and not even bothering to look at outside sources for more information and lore genuinely pisses me the fuck off to no end.
No, hypnosis is NOT MIND CONTROL/BRAINWASHING! I DONT WANNA KEEP REPEATING IT! YOU CAN LOOK IT UP! if a person is genuinely uncomfortable and doesn't wish to take the suggestions to heart while hypnotized, THEY WONT DO SO! THEY STILL HAVE CONTROL! Yes, Marie did say "kidnapped" in some of her dialogue, but from her perspective, OF COURSE SHE'S GONNA THINK CALLIE GOT KIDNAPPED! She's known to worry about Callie all the time and ruminate about her, of course she's gonna think of the worst case scenario, doesn't mean she's right though. Was Octavio still in the wrong for hypnotizing Callie in the first place and allowing her to bring out her darker traits more easily? YEAH! NO SHIT! HE'S A BAD DUDE! Not a totally evil person but he has made some awful decisions out of desperation for his people. Why do you think he was so quick to help out the New Squidbeak Splatoon in the finale of Splatoon 3? His people got turned into fluffy monsters by a giant bear, he's all about helping his people.
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Hell look at how Callie acts while under the Hypnoshades, she decorates Octo Canyon and her peppy and energetic self is still in tact even during the final boss, she's just more mean and violent. Callie was in an emotional and mentally unwell situation due to her overworking herself and being incredibly lonely as her relationship with Marie was damaged overtime. Callie accepted the suggestions of DJ Octavio and heard him out, AS SAID BY HER FROM THE RELATIONSHIP CHART! She wasn't forced into anything. She didn't suffer "sexual abuse" from Octavio by being forced into skippy clothing as some psychos say online, if she didn't want to wear that outfit she wouldn't cause hypnosis is NOT MIND CONTROL!! I hate having to repeat this over and over again, i hate how the developers basically rushed and ruined this interesting villain arc with stupid shades, only to try and hastily fix it later with an obscure post about A GOD DAMN RELATIONSHIP CHART THAT PEOPLE EITHER DONT KNOW ABOUT OR DONT CARE TO LOOK AT BECAUSE THEY SEE SPLATOON AS SOMETHING FOR KIDS AND TO NOT GIVE ANY CARE TOWARDS!!!!!!!!
I made a god damn giant blog explaining Callie in Splatoon 2 because i felt so frustrated about how my favorite character in the series was being treated and i tried to salvage the story that the writers tried to make. The way that people made her situation worse by saying she got kidnapped and forcibly ""mind controlled/brainwashed"" actually gave me chest pain, thinking about that kind of scenario for Callie actually hurts me... Heck i cant even listen to the Splatoon 2 stage music or final boss music because hearing her reversed vocals makes me feel uncomfortable due to the misinformation online. I hated all the misinformation and i wanted it to stop. HELL EVEN IN GIANT TIMELINE VIDEOS WHERE PEOPLE DO TONS OF RESEARCH THEY STILL GET IT WRONG!! UGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! i guess it'll still be the common and popular notion that Callie is an idiot that got kidnapped and then ""mind controlled"" by some shades... oh well... ugh...
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I'm sorry if I'm coming off as really angry, i am. It's just, my brain is really hyperfixated on this squid and she means a lot to me. Seeing the way the fandom as well as the writers treat her makes me really mad. I hope i can find some peeps who feel the same way as i do. Misinformation is so frustrating man... i dont even wanna get into the Octarians because that's a whole other can of worms... anyways im done ranting. have a good night or good morning wherever you live y'all.
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vyl3tpwny · 1 year
do you have a preferred method to get vsts and other such instruments for a DAW?? im poor as heck and dont know ANYTHING about piracy, im so scared of getting goobered by people on the internet
i wish i knew more about the best go-to sites for pirating rn unfortunately i have no clue. ppl on the internet can have such shit intentions too so i dont even know where to look or who to ask. but also here's some free + VERY cheap things u may consider (below the break):
vital synth (i will always shill for vital bc i use it constantly and its free lol)
ob-xd synth (it says buy for $49, but the free download is on the left. the buy link is just a donate)
klanghelm plugins (all these are made by one dude. mjuc is a great vintage style compressor, the dc8c is a pretty featured compressor for the price, sdrr has a particularly nice tube saturation/distortion, and vumt is a great metering plugin, i have vumt on every single project since 2019)
analog obsession (if you donate $5 to their patreon you can get every single plugin they make. also all made and maintained by one person. lots of different things, so i recommend just downloading everything and exploring the functions of the plugins)
tokyo dawn labs (all very high quality mixing stuff. they have free versions of most of their premium stuff and they're quite featured despite being free. ez.)
kilohearts (they recently made all their main effects free. and if you want their flagship stuff, its all rent-to-own as well.)
sforzando (soundfont player. if you dont know what soundfonts are, theyre essentially really condensed, lightweight sampled instruments. they can often sound rlly cheap or tacky [which might be good, i definitely love that sound] but just install this and google [instrument] soundfont and just find lots of free instruments that way)
togu audio line (some free effects and instruments if you scroll down. but i also recommend TAL Sampler if you want a cool sampler and can afford it)
meldaproduction (has a free plugin suite. theres an annoying watermark at the bottom for free versions, but everyone understands. shit is expensive)
native instruments (they have the komplete start bundle which is just a bunch of free decent stuff)
musicradar FREE SAMPLES (ive sworn by a few of the sample resources that i've gotten from musicradar as far back as 2011 lol)
looperman FREE SAMPLES (looperman is a user-sourced sample website where ppl upload samples they've made* and you can just download and use them for free. sometimes people request specific credit, so check for that if you can. *NOTE: its very possible for people to upload unlicensed samples or stuff they didn't make so use your best judgement when sorting through stuff)
freesound FREE SAMPLES (freesound rules always reliable)
synth1 (AHHHH IM SO HAPPY I CAN RECOMMEND THIS RIGHT NOW!!!! synth1 used to be abandonware but was finally picked up again and is supported by modern systems once more. i used this religiously from 2013-2017. and i'm going to start using it again honestly)
valhalladsp (this is the only exclusively premium thing i'm going to leave in this thread [aside from bitwig, below], but it's just that god damn good. every plugin of theirs is $50, so if you can manage to go for ValhallaVintageVerb and/or ValhallaDelay you will basically never need another reverb/delay ever again; would recommend NOT pirating from them if you can help it bc theyre definitely a very small company but u know.. ur call)
bitwig (if you need a DAW, i can now heartily recommend Bitwig. it's on the rent to own program through splice if you're ok getting it legally...)
i know this isnt what u asked but i hope its still helpful. i've also rescinded my recommendations for spitfire audio bc the company was revealed to be run by a bunch of queerphobic knuckleheads. everything in this list i have personally used for my own music and can vouch for them from actual experience (YES even bitwig, i made the song "Futura" on Carousel exclusively with Bitwig, making it the first time i've made an entire song outside of Ableton since 2014).
again i hope this helps, forgive me for not knowing enough about pirating at the moment 😭 please make so much music and please look at this animal:
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thegnomelord · 5 months
- 🦈
(What eldritch would price be?
He wouldn't be an eldritch dragon since there should already one.
Or hes also an eldrtich god of dragons, just one of the many, plain and simple like that. He protects dragons when they fish or thread the waters. Heal them when they fall in the waters. Heck maybe even starts his own cult.
Like dragons start to realise there's another god that like is a dragon god, so they start worship him just by pure instinct. They find out "holy fuck i can breath fire in water, wait i can fuckin breath in water?!" They see a shark hybrid and are like theyre hot. Just how the future generations mirror the gods.
Great, now im thinking of dragon shark hybrids. What would they look like. Fins akin to wings. Sharper teeth. Hot body instead of cold blooded because fire flows through their veins. Shinny fish as courting rituals. Teeth as courting rituals? Heh shark with horns.
Wait if 141 becomes eldritch would they just be oxean based eldritches of their species?
Like gas protect harpies in water related travels or conundrums. Allow water based birds to catch more fish and swim faster in said water. Same goes for soap, like werewolves can dive deeper and paddle faster. Ghost is just about to aloow wraiths to craw through the shadows of the ocean.
Brainrot thanks to 🐙 anon.)
Okay but also the angst you could bring from this. like just imagine dying and knowing you're dead.
But the next thing you know you wake up, you're still you, but your body isn't. You can't even remember what you looked like, too many limbs, too many teeth, a distorted version of you — an imposter with your memories. The people you knew are long dead, the world you knew is dead, replaced just like you have been.
And all the while the eldritch god you loved so dearly is happy you're awake, purring words older than humanity itself into your ears, seeing nothing wrong with taking away what had made you- you.
God, you really were just a toy in the sandbox for them.
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stateswscarlet · 9 months
Hi!! thanks to you and your threads i finally manifested my sp after (wait for it…. this will be long!!!)
3 years of separation and 1 year of no contact!!!!!!!!!!!!
let this me a reminder to anyone out there struggling or thinking time matters. i was in such a lack state for years and had horrible things happen between sp and i but im telling you i took a healthy way to do this and remembered theres nothing i can do to “make” it happen. i reread so many of your threads and read edward art series from a new set of eyes and decided to calmly shift my state ONCE without the expectation of perfection, making something happen, waiting for the 3D, etc (all of which I did unfortunately for a year and a half and never manifested anything “big”) i just shifted my state FOR me 100%. in that moment i didn’t even care about sp, about 3d, about reflecting, heck i didnt even care if i shifted states right. i just DID IT. now ik what you and alia meant by “just do it” because THERE IS NO OTHER WAY.
anyways after i shifted my state (probably for the first or for real this time in my whole journey), i felt nothing unusual or different in a huge way (coz why would i? if im with sp i wont feel special all day) and i KID YOU NOT SCAR I think it was like maybe 3-4 hours later he (sp) CALLED me on “accident” THREE times. I was so confused as I didn’t have his number saved yet as I recently got a new phone, but then I got a text from him saying it was *his name* and if this number still belongs to me. I didn’t even panic or freak out or even think “omg i manifested this bc of my state!” i just approached it normally and replied saying it was my number. He then told me “suddenly” he keeps getting reminded of me and has been missing me for a while and wanted to see me. We decided to catch up after uni last weeks monday and it was SO GOOD. he “changed” in good ways and yes i will admit it was awkward at first because we hadn’t talked in so long nor been alone with each other but that went away so fast!!!! we kept seeing each other daily for a week and he confessed he likes me a lot, and I did too and told him ive been missing him. he said nothing ever compared to me and that the breakup hit him hard but he hid it from me. he said he has been missing me for a year now (proof that i actually shifted states and dealt with a “new” sp because a year ago he told me he dislikes me, is completely over the relationship and told me to move on because it had been 2 years at that point and he was thinking of seeing someone else). this week on wednesday he took me on a date to our old special place in my city and officially asked me to be his girl!!!!!!
so from shifting my state ONCE and all the way to relationship it took a little under 2 weeks.
oh also - just because in my story i only shifted my state properly once dont mean anyone else is wrong for doing it multiple times!!! a KEY part of the law is knowing that WHATEVER WORKS FOR YOU AND IS NATURAL TO YOU IS WHAT WILL “WORK”. whatever YOU ENJOY imagining is what will shift your state!!!! STOP trying to do everything and worry about stuff thats not yours to worry about and JUST IMAGINE.
thank you again to the loa/ss community and especially you Scar!!! I will most likely still be lurking and supporting you and my other favourites on twt but not as active anymore ;)
this makes me sooo happy and proud thank you for sharing your success and how you did it!
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thesherrinfordfacility · 10 months
hello! just saw your tags on the post regarding Crowley's sunnies changing after e2, saying the sunglasses theory isn't dead. I've not heard of this one before, would you mind explaining it? much love ❤️
LMAO hi @doctorqueensanatomy, strap yourself in it's a wild ride!!!✨
so, i noticed from the trailer and some photos that we got that crowley seemed to swap sunglasses and sideburn lengths during different points/promos, and basically came up with this. i felt it was indicative of a timeskip, and given that the trailer gave us the 'im back' scene, i thought a timeskip somewhere in the show would be because they'd had an earlier falling out, possibly related to gabriel.
now the loml Laure, @theeminentlyimpractical, added to it (there are multiple of our back-and-forth rbs in the thread!!!) and backed it up with more promos and 'evidence', and we looked into all the content we had pre-s2, to try piecing it together. unfortunately, we couldnt fully establish a timeline from what we had, because there would be some random scenes where crowley had different-length sideburns all with the same ep.
then more clips came out, and it mucked up the theory further - but also then s2 got released and it threw it completely out the window. iirc, neil was even asked about it - and said a) the snake moves with the hairline, it likes to be visible, and b) crowley essentially just switched up what he wanted to wear (ie sunglasses) on different days/at different points.
so there hasnt, beyond that, been a clear explanation. the issue we had though is that this is prime. even given when the show was filmed, the attention to detail by and large has been intricate and accurate, a real testament to the talent and love for the show involved.
neil has admitted in other asks to some goofs in accuracy (most recent i think concerned the record that aziraphale has - which doesn't have the correct hole size for jukebox play, but also the clock in the background of the kiss having a continuity error), but crowley is a main character. he has a heck of a lot of screentime - so to me, it's either:
david may have been lined up for another job necessitating different hair and some of the scenes where he has different length sideburns might have been filmed later on in AP, or scenes were shot out of sequence and the ones where he has longer sideburns were filmed towards the end (and hence when david might have been going into another role). and its explained as a character quirk
something fishy is going on but is a major part of s3 and can't be spoiled.
im mindful to respect the show with the view that i find it hard to believe it's something they'd miss, as amazing as the whole team evidently is... but at the same time, i can't imagine how tough filming was during COVID, and therefore am somewhat happy to just have it be canon that crowley is just That Guy.
hope that explains somewhat!!!✨
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hollowfaith · 29 days
Pick 2 in every section except Canon Muses and Fandoms (pick 1 from those) :3
Questions for the mun
this is long so imma cut it lol
BASICS x2 What caused you to start writing? What was your key point?
in 3rd grade we watched the cartoon movie version of the legend of sleepy hollow and had an assignment to write a summary of it. i was barely out of ESL at the time but thought it was a neat assignment (and prided myself on my memory for details) so i hecking did my best and wrote a long detailed one (with pictures because it was elementary school and you could illustrate your stuff) and for some reason my teacher and the principal were all happy about it and made a big deal complete with ceremony and applause and made me feel important and cool.
after that i was like "yeah! that was awesome. can't i write more stories like that even outside of school?" and thus it kicked off my journaling obsession besides writing diaries of my daily life. i did a lot of original fics and sailor moon/digimon-inspired stuff but when i found ff.net it was like discovering a whole new world where you could control the characters to do whatever you wanted (while staying IC, cause that was definitely part of the "rules" of the challenge) and that was amazing.
realizing writing meant i could take destiny into my own hands for these made-up blorbos was such a fun power trip. i have tried to use that power responsibly ever since.
Do you still write your first muse?
dahlia hawthorne was my first real muse on tumblr and i poke her now and then, but she seems content in her semi-retirement in my brain. sometimes she wakes up to snark people but she's enjoying her vacation in peace right now : )
Have you ever written a canon muse that you first thought of ‘meh’ when they appeared in their canon show/movie/book?
don't shoot me but before i wrote yagen toushirou for touken ranbu i was like "yeah yeah okay this is just a standard big brother x cool doctor type trope," i actually didn't even pick him up until i wanted to try someone new and my other friends (playing other swordboys at the time) suggested him
then i had to research him and really fell in love with the dichotomy of his character, about how he's very human with his brothers but also 100% a weapon and embraces that fact, about the juxtaposition of DUTY vs. FEELING and the HUMAN HEART vs. OBJECT/TOOL he's been balancing all his life on a very fine line (and does flawlessly, because he's yagen) and i was like, heck! this is gonna be so fun to RP and make him deal with stuff
tho most of the time i got into crack threads again and shipping with Fudou it was still very very fulfilling and im glad my friends convinced me to try him out :D
OCs x2
Do you have developed dynamics with the OC of another mun that has influenced your OC or Canon muse?
yeah I mean this guy wouldn't exist without Jade's Klaus u know? his template might've been taken from his faceclaim guy but the rest of him i molded to fit Jade's OC, specifically his personality and to an extent his looks. in some ways Klaus has everything Aurelius lacks and vice versa, they have this classic balancing scales thing going on that i like very much and try to fill intentionally.
i also wanna say Klaus is one of the few windows to Aurelius' genuine gentle/good side, the side he might have been all the time if his father didn't screw him up from birth (of course i can't say his dad is all to blame, but he sure takes 60~75% of the blame).
as for developed dynamics im guessing this is asking about interactions with another OC that influenced this one...why do i feel like they've all been humbling experiences... Issy has shown him some humans are worth treating with care, Constantine has demonstrated how not everyone takes his shit, Dar is there to inspire working business relationships while highlighting Aury's awkward aspects fitting in, Huey undos all the good work everyone else puts in by proving how crappy some humans act, etc.
idk how to answer that part aside from "they help subvert expectations, but i don't know if that's enough to actually change the way he acts" why did i pick this Q the second part's hard to answer hahah
Who was your first OC?
time to get embarrassing so my first OC with an actually established backstory and stuff was this girl with a randomnly generated Japanese name i thought was pretty (Saikoubi) for a digimon RP group
and i intentionally gave her a happy-go-lucky personality and positive outlook because looking at the rest of the applicants everyone was like either emo or orphaned or both and my 14-year-old self was like "well! how are we going to save the world as digidestined if we're sad all the time" and basically made her the complete opposite of everyone else
it was rad, people got to be edgy, she got to be sunny, we didn't really get past the first region between our threads before the group died down but i think we all had fun and that's what matters in the end xD
What is your favorite fandom in which you write?
i still like touken ranbu but it's more fun to write (RP) that when other swordboys are around, plus the fandom's so saturated with new swordboys these days it's hard to keep up with latest lore stuff. i still try to write 1 fanfic for it in the annual xmas secret santa thing the english-speaking fans host, tho i'm very very slow these days
beyond that i've been dipping into FFXIV fic writing a few times but i haven't grasped the language of the world well enough yet so i'm not satisfied with my work ehhh it is what it is for now
Do you plot a ship or see where it goes?
it's more fun to see where a ship goes because i like unpredictability. like the unscripted stuff feels more genuine to me especially if it surprises me u know? i do acknowledge the value of a well-planned romance but in a fall first vs. fall harder relationship i'm definitely invested more in the "fall harder and beautifully in all the disastrous ways" kinda person
i think that's how my past ships have generally gone, finding a connection between 2 muses, expanding on it, referencing it, and then boom! one day you know so much more about the other muse and you're always thinking about them and wait, what, we're hanging out together? just the two of us? is this a DATE? kinda revelations are very fun
What are you looking for in a ship?
i enjoy ships with room to develop. like it's cute when they come together and are all kiss kiss/blush blush but the process to getting there is half the fun! and the pining. and maybe a little misunderstanding here and there.
uhhhh i guess what im saying is i like the journey to get to the ship even more than the ship itself sometimes
or if we're in a ship let's go crash the boat for fun!!
hehe drama
What was your first blog / URL?
if it sounds cringe it's feenie's fault he came up with the nickname...even announced it to everyone in court of all places
Do you still have your first blog / URL?
yeah the blog's still up tho the theme's so old it's a little broken. i basically keep all my RP blogs around for archive purposes, i like going back to read the stuff sometimes (also the reblogs of art and aesthetic posts are cute + good cause some tumblrs delete and you lose that post forever otherwise)
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gloopdimension · 7 months
forgive the huge asks thread AHAHHDSF but YES absolutely, I can see the squishier fat for Desmu and bulk type fat for gorma (which btw, I'm absolutely weak for and I'm myself trying 2 bulk for That Bod). I have drawn gorma as muscular yes but it was long ago enough that I had not achieved yet the Thick Art, yannow? Skinny queen/king/liege is Wayne forever ofc. Somnosa also, I've seen a lot of Small Skinny Kid but never Round(tm) and it's so so so so so good. Absolutely based also lesbian wayne/somnosa, but heck honestly all you draw is based, I'm very happy you post your stuff and I get to see it 🧡🧡🧡
YOP id totally have another go at drawin biggorma. True as fuck btw wayne is our legendary tall as fuck skinny freak. AND YEAH i see a lot of peoples somsnosa interps like that!:) im happy they like their interps though its not a thing i personally like too much, i think its alright for somsnosa to be fat and Visibly Old.. BUT THANK YOUUUUUUU yes.. everyone in waynecrew is a lesbo in my beautiful mind..
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rosecoloredmuses · 11 months
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tagged by: @ofanswerssought (thanks, Bug~!)
tagging: @limitlesspossibilities and @bishonenprince
SeiTsu; This is the OG Tsubasa ship haha. While I don't practice ship exclusivity because ships are things that happen once in a blue moon here, Bug's Seiji is Tsubasa's "main" ship partner. They're just so cute y'all~
TsuSora; This is the other active ship on the blog atm! Even if I don't talk about this as much as SeiTsu, I still love it! Another cute couple!
Since Tsu is a minor, I would say I nope out when the other muse is at least three years older than her. If both muses are adults, however... the sky's the limit since most of my adult muses are centuries old.
If hands start going to places they aren't supposed to, I would probably stop the thread right there.
As long as the dynamic isn't creepy and the other muse is in the right age range, I am not overly picky. Again, ships are rare here.
When it comes to Tsu? I have a soft spot for Tsubasa/Rio Kuroki due to a thing I had going with a previous rp partner.
ye! I prefer to know that you intend to ship ahead of time. There was one time in my early days where somebody who was rather ship-happy aged down their adult muse in their interactions with Tsu and it was weird.
I would say I'm ship more-or-less?? If I was ship obsessed, I sure as heck wouldn't have a muse list full of minors/ any straight muses.
When it comes to canon characters? I love Takumi/Yui and I wish the two of them had more moments in the show-
Yeet yourself into my IMs or Discord and tell me outright! Or send in a meme on the rare occasion that I reblog one if that's more your style!
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misstrickstcr · 1 year
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WTN Celebration ⤖  Introduction
Consuela/Elle’s Wife/Barbie/That one girl who won’t shut up about the Jonas Brothers
Hogwarts House: Huffepuff
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
positive traits:
if you don’t talk a lot have no fear i can talk about nothing all day long
i like to think im funny and can make you laugh
i want to make you smile
will give you all the compliments
will more than like scream in your dms about replies
always down to plot anytime anywhere
i work in an office space so that means im on discord too much
you will more than likely be the smartest person in the room because sometimes i can be an idiot
i’m not picky and that means we could literally do anything in a thread and i’ll be happy.
negative traits:
sometimes im just an embarrassment to myself
i make too many characters
i fall in love with too many faces and i want to write too many plots
i could literally be drowning and i would give you my life vest
if we talk for two seconds then i will more than likely hold on and not let go
i tend to pic spam you’ve been warned
will you tell you im giving you a short reply and somehow write 600 words
does not proof read posts
im just a lonely girl i want attention, feedback on our ships and cuddles
absolutely terrible at video games
heck can i even write? 
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ardate · 2 years
Ardate hi hello hi just wanted to say rq that you're amazing you know, i hold your art and writings and all so gently but also just?? Holds you so gently respectfully because you are legitimately such an incredible person and im v glad to have had the chance to talk to you because you're brilliant and cool person and just, genuinely happy to know you, and you've been so supportive of me n it means a lot always have n inspired me so much and i hold gently but more importantly take care of self n cherish self, wishing best always ly n hope you have good day bc you deserve sm more and better than the best
Gosh what th heck... I've been sitting reading your message over and over all day and not even knowing what to say. I'm still not sure what I could possibly type honestly. damn, my friend
I'm not gonna lie I've been having a time (derogatory) these last... many weeks. hanging on by a thread, but the thread always leads back to my friends and their support and I can't even begin to process or express the immensity of all the love and thankfulness I feel about it.
Pal you're a wonder. It's been so good seeing you live your life and thrive, and yeah shit's still tough sometimes and demands lots of effort but by god are you not letting go and that's admirable. And through all this you still manage to create (so wonderfully - your art and characters and how you have a way with words),,
Idk pal I guess I just have feelings about how far you've come from where i've seen you start, and I just can't wait to see how much farther you'll go.
Thank u always for being so kind.
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katana-the-autobot · 2 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all had witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat. Long post!
AGE: 25+
CONTACT: Asks, IMs, Discord (given via IM)
CHARACTER(S): Katana (and Flicker on main blog @/flicker-bot)
CURRENT FANDOM(S): Transformers. (Known medias can be found in the mun section within Rules page - but other TF medias and crossovers work, too!)
FANDOM(S) YOU HAVE AN AU FOR: Apart from individual threads, there’s no set AUs at the moment.
MY LANGUAGE(S): English, Finnish (but rping only in English here)
IS REALISM / RESEARCH IMPORTANT FOR YOU IN CERTAIN THEMES?: YES / NO (These are alien robots we’re talking about so I think we can safely throw some of the realism out the window, but I tend to do plenty of research while rping topics that can be researched easily (e.g. what kind of injury character gets from X). However, I don’t expect the other side to do any research since rping is first and foremost for fun.)
DO YOU HANDLE YOUR DRAFT / ASK - COUNT WELL?: YES / NO / SOMEWHAT (when I’m not sleep deprived or busy lol)
HOW LONG DO YOU USUALLY TAKE TO REPLY?: 24H / 1 WEEK / 2 WEEKS / 3+ WEEKS / MONTHS / YEARS (May vary based on how busy or tired I am, but usually I’m quick to respond)
Plotting: IMs, Discord
RP: RP memes, asks, IMs
WHAT EXPECTATIONS DO YOU HOLD TOWARDS YOUR PLOTTING PARTNER?: I admit that I have much easier time interacting with characters that I already know in at least some level, which makes it easier for me to jump right into things with canon characters. So, while I do enjoy plotting no matter what character I’m going to interact with, it becomes especially important with OCs I don’t know that well yet. If there’s little to no information about your character, it’s even more important to me that you’re partaking in the plotting and voicing your opinions, explaining what you think would work best with your OC etc. It’s completely okay if your OC is not super fleshed out yet, but it can become a problem if I feel like I don’t have anything concrete to work with and am doing all the work coming up with a plot.
WHEN YOU NOTICE THE PLOTTING IS RATHER ONE-SIDED, WHAT DO YOU DO?: I understand if the other side is having trouble coming up with plot ideas, especially when we’re only starting, and since I’m often brimming with ideas, I’m happy to share them and help out with the plot! However, if this keeps going even after our characters have started to get familiar with each other, it can get really tiring and I may start to lose my motivation for our RP.
HOW DO YOU USUALLY PLOT WITH OTHERS, DO YOU GIVE INPUT OR LEAVE MOST WORK TOWARDS YOUR PARTNER?: I’d say it’s something from between. I try to come up with ideas (preferably multiple ones) and share them with the other side to see if anything piques their interest. If I’m having trouble coming up with anything, I try to at least offer what I think would work with my OC and see if it helps the other side to decide what we could try.
WHEN A PARTNER DROPS THE THREAD, DO YOU WISH TO KNOW?:      YES / NO / DEPENDS - AND WHY?: If it’s a loose thread that doesn’t have much to do with the main plot, I understand if the other side simply forgets it, doesn’t feel it anymore etc and wants to drop it. However, if it’s the main thread, I’d like to hear what caused them to drop the thread and if there’s something I should do differently or something new they want to try instead. I won’t get mad about dropping threads so please don’t hesitate to reach out to me!
WHAT COULD POSSIBLY LEAD YOU TO DROP A THREAD?: If it’s a loose/unplanned thread and I’m not vibing it anymore, I may drop it.
WILL YOU TELL YOUR PARTNER?: YES / NO / DEPENDS. I try to let them know, especially if it’s the only thing we had going on and don’t have any other threads left. Sometimes I may be so overwhelmed I fail to inform the other side about dropping the thread and I apologize for that.
IS COMMUNICATION IN THE RPC IMPORTANT TO YOU? YES / NO. - AND WHY?: I’m not expecting us to communicate about every single thing, but I feel like there should be a possibility to reach out to the other side when needed. A lot of things can be solved by communication and I’d rather talk things out than be left or leave the other side in confusion.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH ABSOLUTE HONESTY, EVEN IF IT MAY MEANS HEARING SOMETHING NEGATIVE ABOUT YOU AND/OR PORTRAYAL?: Yes, as long as it comes from a place of wanting to help the other side to improve rather than using it as an excuse to spread hate. Anon hate is never a valid option.
WISHLIST, BE IT PLOTS OR SCENARIOS: Nothing in particular, or rather, this kind of depends on who I’m RPing with.
THEMES I WON’T EVER RP / EXPLORE: All-out smut, some really dark themes.
WHAT TYPE OF STARTERS DO YOU PREFER / DISLIKE, CAN’T WORK WITH?: I tend to be pretty flexible so nothing comes to mind right now!
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE MOST?: Almost any kind of character, as long as they’re responsive!
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE LEAST?: When the character is so cool/distant/badass/etc. that they offer nothing to work with and turn down any attempt to interact with them. That’s no fun in a long run.
WHAT ARE YOUR STRONG ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: I feel like I’m flexible which makes it easy to match the other side’s length/writing style/etc, and I always try to include something in my reply the other side can react to, which hopefully makes it easier to reply.
WHAT ARE YOUR WEAK ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: I’m sure it’s sometimes painfully apparent that English isn’t my first language ;;; There’s also been times when I’ve tried to describe things to the point of overexplaining, like include time and place and weather and absolutely everything (a relic of the time when I still RPd in text forums), but I’ve slowly unlearned the habit to write longer replies just because.
DO YOU RP SMUT?: YES / NO / DEPENDS (it can be hinted that some bedroom action has taken place, as long as we don’t actually RP it in detail)
ARE SHIPS IMPORTANT TO YOU?: YES / NO / IT DEPENDS. If we’re talking about any kind of relationships, yes, they’re where my main motivation lies and character/relationship development is very important to me. However, it doesn’t have to necessarily be a romantic one (although I definitely want to have some romantic ships going on eventually)
DO YOU USE READ MORE?: YES (for non-RP stuff) / NO (for RP stuff - I’m trimming threads)
WHAT DO YOU LOVE TO EXPLORE THE MOST IN YOUR SHIPS?: The dynamics and what characters bring out of each other!
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS?: YES / NO / DEPENDS. It’s difficult for me to jump straight into “already in relationship” stage, especially if I don’t know the other character that well. I need some time to feel our characters out and get a better sense of what their dynamic is like. However, it’s something we can plan in advance so it’s not an absolute ‘no’!
WHAT COULD POSSIBLY MAKE YOUR MUSE INTERESTING TOWARDS OTHERS, WHY SHOULD THEY RP WITH THIS PARTICULAR CHARACTER OF YOURS NOW, WHAT POSSIBLE PLOTS DO THEY OFFER?: Katana is a serious and dedicated femme, yet she’s open to teamwork and not so cold or proud that she’d push others away which hopefully makes it easier to interact with her! She’s gone through a lot, yet she’s also overcome stuff, and it allows her to relate to others who have experienced traumatic events without being overly angsty or pessimistic about life in general. She also has other sides to her, although it takes some effort to draw them out of her, so there’s hopefully a lot of room for character and relationship development.
WITH WHAT TYPE OF MUSES DO YOU USUALLY STRUGGLE TO RP WITH?: I don’t have a lot of experience about RPing with Katana yet so no opinions here.
WHAT DO THEY DESIRE, WHAT IS THEIR GOAL?: Katana thinks all is fine and dandy now, but she doesn’t realize that she’s not happy. She’s been to the Earth for a few years now, but she has not really made it her home or built her life there yet.
WHAT CATCHES THEIR INTEREST FIRST WHEN MEETING SOMEONE NEW?: Are they an Autobot or a Decepticon, or a neutral? Are they even Cybertronian? Are they dangerous? Are they in danger? Katana approaches new faces in a very practical and cautious manner until she’s found some answers.
WHAT DO THEY VALUE IN A PERSON?: Loyalty, bravery, honesty, being true to yourself.
WHAT THEMES DO THEY LIKE TALKING ABOUT?: While Katana doesn’t care to do small talk, she’ll gladly listen to whatever others want to talk about. She’s the type who may remain silent for hours unless someone addresses her. When she does initiate a conversation, it tends to be about something practical.
WHICH THEMES BORE THEM?: Small talk like chatting about weather.
WHAT COULD LEAD TO AN INSTANT KILL?: Katana has been on the brink of death several times, but she’s survived so far, partly because she’s survivor by nature and partly because she’s driven by her loyalty to Autobots. If she was to be expelled from Autobots, betrayed by them or something similar, she might not have the determination to keep going on.
IS THERE SOMEONE /-THING THEY HATE?: Katana has mixed feelings about bots who change sides, but she’s not sure if she necessarily hates them. Other than that, no.
IS YOUR MUSE EASY TO APPROACH?: YES (hopefully) / NO. BEST WAY TO APPROACH THEM?: Have something to do with them. When there’s some action they can both participate in, their interaction doesn’t rely completely on talking.
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
TAGGED: stole it uwu
TAGGING: anyone who wants to do it (although it is kind of lengthy)
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sho-minamimoto · 1 year
Bunch of scattered/unorganized Yellowjackets thoughts (spoilers)
- could not choose between shauna and misty as my faves throughout season 1 but Lottie and Nat really got me in season 2 as well… there’s so many good characters auugghg
- i have NO clue what the heck’s going on with taissa and where her characters going im absolutely stumped. The heck’s up with that man with no eyes I wanna know!!! It feels like they’re building up to something really slowly and taking their time with it
- finding out the woman who directed Jennifer’s Body is an executive producer on the show was really funny that makes so much sense.
- is van going to miraculously survive her cancer bc of how Lottie said the wilderness is pleased with their sacrifice (of nat) and implied how it’s going to reward them?? Since they had a close up of vans reaction to Lottie saying that I feel like that might be a thing that could happen but not sure what else
- Travis is fucking insufferable in season one (thankfully eased up in ssn 2) but I still couldn’t fully hate him bc of his siblingisms with Javi I’m so simple when it comes to siblings LOL… his reaction to seeing Javi’s frozen corpse absolutely wrecked me. And him taking a bite out of his raw heart my god I was FLOORED
- I get why people dislike Misty’s thing with Walter but I can’t bring myself to hate it I want misty to have nice things and a happy freak4freak relationship truly is what she deserves. The perfect ending though would be if both of them find out they’re gay and become wlw/mlm Reddit true crime solidarity. But I can also see them getting split pretty quickly bc of misty dealing with accidentally killing nat
- I absolutely adore the misdirection with some plot threads for example the whole mystery with Travis in season 1 felt like it was building up to a reveal of sorts like who really killed him and why?? What did they want?? Only to find out super early on in season 2 that his death was an accident (but in essence Kind of a suicide) and when Lottie recounts it nat calls bullshit and I called bullshit too bc I thought there was more going on but the more the 96 plotline plays out the clearer it becomes that that really was what happened… like we don’t know the full story of what happened in the wilderness but you can broadly fill in gaps. But it’s still a different thing entirely seeing what actually happened and it recontextualizing everything in the adult timeline you’ve seen prior… there’s no conspiracy Travis wasn’t murdered and all these characters are just haunted to such an extent that becomes clearer and clearer as the show continues
- Did Not care for Kevyn Tan idc that he used to be a goth kid in love with nat he revoked that card when he became a cop and didn’t do anything to stop jay/whatever the fuck that guys name was from preying on Callie… I laughed so hard when he suddenly died completely unceremoniously not gonna lie. I loved it. Wish they killed off that other cop too though
- love coach Scott’s fuck em kids move at the end I was not seeing that coming at all but I was delighted. Gay trying to do the mass burying
- I hope Mari isn’t pit girl simply because she’s so funny she’s such a fucking hater I love her
- am really curious how the rest of the show’s going to pan out over its projected 5 seasons I think the story is a slow burn overall but with a 5 season plan that feels really purposeful… like so far only 2 people have been Eated, one simply by circumstance and the other left to die in a passive way and we’ve yet to reach a point where they actively murder someone With Intent to kill and eat and the escalation to it has been very gradual
- I saw a lot of people complain about season 2s pacing but I felt like it was. Fine? I only started watching the show a few days after the season finale ended so I didn’t wait a week between episodes so it might be one of those things where the pacing issues are lessened when watched back to back but idk
- Doesn’t taissa have senator duties to attend to or something girl has so much to answer to when she gets home from the Lottie cult misadventures
- Also her assistants car is still just kind of out there ?? Left on the side of a ditch?? Girl
- I read in an interview that originally Nat’s dream realm scene in the plane while she’s dying was going to have javi and young nat laughing mockingly to adult nat while she breaks down crying THATS FUCKING INSANE????? GOOD LORD. it didn’t make the cut and part of me wishes it did but also I’m kind of glad it didn’t bc that would’ve been. A Lot. But holy fuck
- I know the likelihood of coach Scott getting hunted and eaten is extremely high but I hope he can last another season at least. He’ll probably be hiding for dear life from the girls who Definitely want him dead now for that stunt he pulled (if they figure out it was his doing to begin with)
- I want to give Lottie a hug
- Jeff is so fucking funny I love a good wife guy. He’s so ride or die for shauna it rules. I want to see more interactions of him and Callie also I found the scene where he tells her abt the wilderness baby heartbreaking but also really sweet…
- It’s wild how much time left there still is before they get rescued how in the hell are these girls going to stay warm for the rest of the winter?? Though now that I think about it since nat knows about it there might be a more active effort to find Javi’s shelter. Or maybe find others similar to it? The impression I got from the pit girl scene was that they split up into smaller groups in different directions (bc of the different symbols hung on different trees) but I may be wrong on that one
- When spring/summer rolls back around and game starts showing up again are they going to be like “ok cool we can go back to being normal humans let’s just never talk about our winter activities again ok.”
- More Caligula next season please
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lil-kissy · 1 year
Alright I know at this point I probably sound like a broken record but when it comes to threads and replies I'm pretty chill.
Sure quick replies are nice, it's great to be able to just keep on things going and sometimes can help maintain the interest and motivation plus at least for me my ADHD often craves that immediate serotonin boost that comes with seeing a reply so. So waiting is hard I won't deny it,
But that doesn't also mean I don't understand the myriad of reasons that exist and while just like waiting for a package to be delivered being patient isn't easy. I can and will wait till my partner is ready to continue, if ever you see me pop into your IMs I promise it's only out of curiosity as well as wanting to try of course wanting to try and keep some communication with you guys- and obviously even for those I don't necessarily expect an immediate response.
I try to ask before simply throwing an link to an old thread- in case the person already does have it saved and avoid feeling awkward but in either case whether you see me asking 'hey you need/want a link to thread' or I've sent a link to one of our threads that I know I personally wouldn't mind continuing I simply want people to know that there is no pressure to respond to it right away or even at all.
Consider it a personal interest checker and as well as a casual reminder- lord knows I've unintentionally become distracted and forgotten about threads (or talked with friends that hadn't realized or forgotten themselves that the ball was in their court now so to speak)
Of course as always that doesn't mean a reply is mandatory and if whatever the reason interest / motivation ect isn't there and would rather drop the thread as is that's cool.
While I'm more then happy to discuss and see if there's any spark left, any potential in resurrecting an old thread or seeing if there's anything to be used to spring board I don't want any one to think or take that as me trying to force a thread - I simply like at least trying to explore other angles and possibilities but it still doesn't mean we gotta.
-Bonus alternative is if there is still some mutual interest but are both at block on exactly what to do, that's when I'll just suggest shelving it and putting it on the back burner.
So it doesn't have to be completely dropped dead but also allowing for focusing on new things while letting it rest- and basically at that point if it'll either just fade away and die on its own as other stuff takes off or maybe we'll finally reach a break/ find the missing piece to get the gears moving again and boom off we go.
I've had both happen- sometimes even just a change of direction/plan helps,
example: Something that started out as a regular sick/hurt character thread/plot and let's say we came up with potential things to happen but oops a snag was hit on how to continue , maybe it's as simple as well what is Muse A's motivation for doing 'thing' or piecing together a okay why couldn't the do 'thing' or why be at 'place'
or from personal experience- there was a plan/idea but life happened and now we both don't remember what exactly it was, at best remember fragments of ideas but aren't sure of how they fit or what the bigger picture was.
But hey guess what "X just happened in Y thread so what if that connects to muse in Z..."
Does it always work nah and as always sometimes a thread is best left alone and dropped and that's A-okay. And heck just cause the thread itself is dropped doesn't mean we have to leave/drop whatever idea we were working with in it. Take it rework it, hell start the idea completely over, fresh slate with new ideas brought to the table.
Yeah okay so I don't always drop threads easily or like to totally give up on a plot/idea but I also will never try to force one to continue and am totally fine with letting them drop if need be.
At the end of the day I can wait as along as needed, just let me know if I actually should be waiting time to try something new and understand that if you ever seem me toss a link to a thread into your IMs / ask about any you want to continue,
Basically picture me holding up a game or a movie and asking if you're (still) interested in playing/watching it, and know whether to continue putting it on- be it now or later- or search for something else. That's it. Nothing more.
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nulltune · 2 years
haven't interacted a whole heck of a lot but jus' wanted to pop in and say that I'm always happy to see you & hakuno bless my dash 👌👌 imma scurry away now tho
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HEYY NOWWW YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY WELCOME TO POP IN HERE ANY TIME DON'T SCURRY AWAY!!!!!!! (I G R A B YOU) (AFFECTIONATE) ❤️❤️ IMM SLOWW but i'm rlly excited interact u more!!!! L ISTEN-- my hakuno is very much bunnygirl-coded methinks, so just that coyote-bunny imagery that these two have? fun!!! but also the thread that we have rn is super fun too!!! i'm excited to see where it goes 👀✨️ i already love khaz So Much,, his backstory makes me sobbb and i'm excited for hakuno to get to know him better!!! and vice versa! they both have So Much baggage and i'm just vibratinggg at da thought of it !! HDWKAGHS BLESS IS A STRONG WORDDD 🥺🥺 BUT IM GLAD..!!!! I ADORE SEEING U IN MY DASH TOO OKOK 💕💕 luv learning more abt khaz and just showin my support by slammin that heart on ur ooc posts, hehe 💖
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hollowfaith · 29 days
2 canon muses, 2 fandoms, 2 tunglr - im tossing you the same one's back lol
Questions for the mun
cut again, brief mention of idk violence/stabbing as an analogy
What is your favorite canon muse?
it's a tie between this sword (kasen kanesada, touken ranbu):
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and this murderer (dahlia hawthorne, ace attorney):
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kasen i like a lot because of the way he talks—he's very flowery so i get to go ham with the posts which is a rare treat (im a sucker for pretty prose). the language in his RP posts are a character all themselves i feel, and depending on the phrasing and words i choose they can set up very specific vibes that either complement or contrast his character/dialogue, making for very nuanced/layered threads.
dahlia is just, well, very freeing and i love her simultaneously playing sweet and nasty at the same time; she has a very keen sense of where to poke people, so she can be as subtle as a needle or as blunt (sharp?) as a knife thru the gut. i think her interactions with izaya were very fun when he was still around altho my RPing was rather raw then, but honestly put her with anyone who can trade barbs effectively and it's a win.
Are you happy with how your favorite canon muse was portrayed in canon?
yes! i appreciate TKRB exploring both kasen's "cultured" side and his more brutal personality in battle, and i love how over the top they went to make dahlia this ethereal fairy-like being with her own BGM and butterflies before it all goes to hell in a handbasket : )
In what fandom did you start?
honestly my first foray into tumblr RP was with Xiaolongnü from return of condor heroes, a chinese wuxia novel, but that didn't last past a month. i probably wouldn't RP her now because i realize im not too good with icy/stoic characters and she's a frost goddess thru and thru...
Have you ever developed an OC for a certain fandom?
not seriously. i mean, some games like TKRB and PGR have you as the self-insert protagonist right and i've imagined what mine would look like, but i've never dove deep into making them actual individuals besides like, listing their hobbies and stuff? even for FFXIV i tried for a bit and then just decided my wol would be "me, but elezen with purple hair."
i'm not good at making OCs for established fandoms because i think i'd just want to make an impossibly perfect mary sue that everyone will love which—in that case, why not make a literal mary sue and play the heck out of her tropes? which i did and enjoy much better n.n
What’s something you wish to improve?
bring back editable reblogs tumblr dangit
What new addition would make your Tumblr experience so much better?
in fact implement ALL THE XKIT ADD-ONS TUMBLR literally everything we've ever wanted is all in there!!
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stcries-a · 4 years
@godlysplendor​  //  broly starter call !!
★- HIS FACE, EVERYTHING FROM THE HAIR TO THE SHAPE OF HS FEATURES. It all looked so similar to the one saiyan, the one who he had battled back then. But something seemed ... off with him. The way his clothes seemed to fit different in both style and shade, the way he carried himself. Was he trying out a new style ?? From what Broly saw of his personality during their friendlier moments, it wasn’t likely.
  An impostor of some kind ?? Who knew, there were a lot of different ways a man could shape himself. But to look so similar ... it couldn’t just be a coincidence.
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“ You look far too familiar, just like someone I know and call a friend. ” Still cautious, feet spread out and leaning back into a light battle stance. “ UNLESS THIS IS SOME MIMICKING GAME, YOUR APPEARANCE IS FAR TOO SIMILAR TO BE A COINCIDENCE. ”
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