#[love you all!]
love0dragon · 3 months
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I've got some pride flag versions of this cooking but for now I wanted to share this as I haven't made any art for this yet and I didn't want to wait any longer. Happy Pride to you all and Free Palestine! I'll do my best to Reblog info here and on my other platforms!
(I have found the most stuff on Twitter and TikTok if you follow me there. I'm also doing research outside of social media, just boosting what I can when I'm using this stuff 👍)
Love you all 🏳️‍🌈🍉
✨Please don't Repost/Trace/Steal My Art✨❤️I Do Not Consent For My Art To Be Used In Any AI Programs❤️
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thornedraven · 13 days
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And I, I will love you 'till the day I die I need you while I'm alive. -Your Skin (Flora Cash remix)
oh hello! it's been a minute and a half. i recently was commissioned to make this by a dear, dear friend of mine back home. it has been a while since i have done any kind of drawing and this was just so much fun, i had to share it here! i miss you all my lovelies!! if you would like to see the truly spicy nsfw version it is here on my pixiv! ;)
please forgive my silence... it's been a busy year and i've been dealing with up and down mental health stuff ... slowly finding myself again through adhd diagnosis and work/life balance.
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tonberry-yoda · 10 months
Take a Break - Asra
notes - IM BACK FROM THE DEAD AND WITH A FIC?!?!?! Hi guys! <3 I've been in a bit of a block feeling like my writing is meh, but I wanted to pump this out to get out of said block. I'm finally on a short break for school, but I'll be working then, but now, I had time to write and wanted to give you all something, even if it's short and sweet. I also wanted to thank you all for the support even as I've been on my hiatus. I nearly have 200 followers, and I just can't thank everyone enough for being so loving! Sorry this note was kinda long, but I really want you all to know how much I love you <3 word count - 941
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“Hi Asra.” You smile, giving the boy goo-goo eyes as he walks into the shop that the two of you owned.
“Hello, y/n.” he says, not once looking at you. He was too busy looking down at a list of some sort to notice you staring at him while you stood behind the counter.
“Busy?” you asked.
“Mhm.” was all he let out before walking up to his office.
You sighed and ran your fingers through your hair. Another busy day that clouded both you and Asra. You were used to it by now, but a break sounded nice every once in a while. So instead of that break, you played with a bottle full of tea leaves that you were proud to say you made yourself. You didn't hate your job, if anything, you loved it more than any job you’ve had before. The problem was Asra. He looked constantly stressed and beyond tired. You hated that he was starting to look like he was the one who hated his job. He had so much passion years ago, but now he just looked swamped.
“Good evening, y/n!” you heard a familiar voice say as the bell rang above the door. Your ears perked up and a smile spread across your face as you saw one of your regular customers walk in.
“Evening, Mr. Bennet! How are you?” You set down the little bottle and walked over to the man, shaking his hand.
“Fine, fine,” he said. “Busy as always. You?” He hung his coat on a rack next to the door and started browsing.
“I'm all right,” you admitted. “Bout to close up shop, so that’s nice.”
“I won't be too long.” He looked at some of the tea you had made, carefully reading the instructions. “Where’s Asra, if you don't mind me asking?”
“Oh, he's upstairs. Probably working as always.” You rested your cheek on your hand.
“Go figure. Poor man needs to catch a break.”
“Tell me about it.” you chuckled.
“Well, when you see him again,” Mr. Bennet said, walking to the counter with a box of tea leaves. “Tell him that he has to get that break, for me, of course.”
You laughed and took the money from the man, locking the door behind him as he left.
“Was that Mr. Bennet?” you heard Asra ask, making you nearly jump out of your skin.
“Yeah,” you said nonchalantly as you began to clean up for the night. “He just got some tea, that’s all.”
“Dammit,” Asra groaned, leaning against the wall. “I had to ask him something.”
“You know he’ll be back. He’s in here all the time. Plus, he told me to tell you to take a damn break.”
Asra ran his fingers through his white hair while his other hand clutched some tarot cards. “You know I can't do that.” he sighed.
“Whatever you say.” You finished sweeping up the rest of the shop and walked past Asra.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“To my room. To take a break.” So, you did. You walked straight to your room and laid on your bed. It was soft, as always, and all of your stuffed animals gave you soft smiles.
Through your window, you could see the moon peeking over some mountains behind the town and a smile spread across your face. You quickly jumped out of bed to open your window to bring in some cool night air. It smelled fresh. You saw crows fly overhead and could see the lights from the rest of the village turning on as the night market began overflowing with people. You’ve been needing this relaxation for weeks, and finally, it was a weekend where you had time for it.
At your door, you heard Asra clear his throat. When you turned around, he had Faust wrapped around his bicep and the tarot cards were still in his hand.
“Need something?” you asked.
“Not really.” he said quietly.
“You look tired.” Your voice was softer than his.
Asra chuckled. “I am tired.”
“Then take a break. Please.”
Faust slid her way off of Asra’s arm and slid over to you. You picked her up and she wrapped herself around your wrist. “Break!” she said to Asra.
“There’s so much to do before the weekend is over though.” Asra sighed and leaned against the frame of your door.
“Like what?” you asked.
He thought for a minute. You assumed that he was going to try to make some excuse to keep himself busy. There were probably things he had to do over the weekend, but you also knew that Asra was the kind of guy who always felt the need to be productive.
You walked over to him and put your hand on his shoulder. “Asra, I'm serious, you need a break. Those eyebags don't look good on you.” You ran your thumb underneath his eye over the dark spots there.
He softened to your touch, leaning his cheek on your warm hand. “What if everything falls apart because of me?” he asked.
“I think you’re just making excuses.” you giggled.
He took your hand in his own and smiled softly at you. Faust, you noticed, had disappeared, but you didn't mind, especially when you just saw her curling up in a little cage you had made for her.
“Do you want some hot cocoa?” you asked Asra as he took a seat on your bed.
“That would be wonderful, y/n, thank you.”
You pressed a kiss to his forehead and pushed him so that he was laying down. “I'll be right back.” You winked.
the arcana masterlist | pinned post | ko-fi
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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samandcolbyownme · 3 months
I NEED a part two of ‘Making Bank’ with Sam.
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grumpylovesbigmacs · 29 days
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apologies for my lack of art or posts recently i am having a lot of health issues and it is affecting my mental state pretty severely. as well as i am trying to focus on school so i can graduate. i appreciate the support the care bear fandom had given me i hope to be back to posting my art soon
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nakurumok · 10 months
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Tons of things happened recently, but long story short is my boss doesn’t like me and said a lot of nasty and inappropriate things and then I get a new job! Hope everything will get better (and I will have more time to draw! :D) So please wish me luck! :D
And really, one of the reasons of changing a new job regularly is that you won’t accumulate so many things in office *sighs*
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treasure-goblin · 9 months
Hellooooo loves!! Friendly reminder that you are valuable not for what you create or provide, but just for being you!!!
This goes for everyone, and I mean everyone. I love you all so much!! /p
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Happy New Years everyone! So much has happened in 2023! But honestly in a way I wouldn’t have had it any other way!!! The good always out ways the bad! 2024 is the year to take steps towards our goals!
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icybluepenguin · 5 months
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earthbaby-angelboy · 4 months
pinky promises | little!reader x 70s!cg!elvis (wc: 1,435) - A/N: I know, it's been forever, but I didn't want to leave you guys high and dry. so, enjoy a sweet fic about E and his baby who absolutely does not want to sleep. btw this is defo not proofread so sorry in advance! <3
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It was 11:30 at night, and you knew damn well that you should've been sleeping some odd couple of hours ago. But lo and behold, your insomnia just wouldn't let you. The bigger problem wasn't necessarily that you couldn't sleep, it was that you had gotten into the habit of refusing to let yourself sleep.
Tonight was one of the nights where your brain just wouldn't stop going. All the lights in your room were on, there was a record spinning, and you were doodling random things on a spare piece of paper. You couldn't stop thinking of all the things going on in your personal life, with the main thought being that you weren't doing enough for the people around you. You were well aware that not sleeping wouldn't help the crappy emotions bubbling up, but at the same time, you felt like you didn't deserve to rest. As you laid on your bed and doodled mindless shapes, you couldn't help but wonder: "why does he keep me around?"
You'd lived with Elvis for a long while now, and it was a far cry from the life you came from. You grew up doing everything and then some. And now, you had people doing it all for you; there was always the maids running around the house, completing the housework and tasks that needed to be done. There was Mary, who was always cooking whatever you or E would request. And of course, there was the Mafia, who were always scrambling to complete whatever task their boss had requested of them. This left you with lots of free time. Most of it was spent with Elvis, galavanting on whatever adventure he had thought up, but quite a bit of it was spent in your own head. You felt guilty, like you were mooching off of the man you loved so dearly. Between those thoughts and the busyness of your life, you had pushed your regression to the back-burner of your brain; you already felt guilty that Elvis had to support yet another person in his life, nevermind a little with lots of emotionally demanding needs. No, you couldn't do that to him, but a small part of you knew it was (almost) inhumane to be doing this to yourself.
Your regression was something incredibly dear to you, and your boyfriend understood this fact very well. The last time you had genuinely regressed was months ago, and you denying yourself your biggest coping skill was killing you internally. Elvis had tried mentioning the subject once or twice, but was quickly shut down by you. You couldn't bear talking about it, knowing that it wouldn't get you any closer to being comforted. Tonight was one of those nights where your brain was screaming, pleading for you to help yourself and just give in. If not to regressing, then to sleep. But no, you were stubborn, you needed to stay awake.
Deciding that you were bored of doodling, you hopped off your bed. You stood up for a minute and swayed where you were standing, confident that you were okay to walk. Your vision began to blur and you could see stars, but you were determined to keep yourself up. Just as you went to take a step, your legs gave out from beneath you. You yelped the second your body hit the floor, more from shock than from pain. As soon as Elvis heard the thump from downstairs, he ran as quickly as he could from the table where all the guys were gathered, up to your bedroom. Halfway up the stairs, he had to take a pause and catch his breath. With adrenaline coursing through his veins, he shook the discomfort away and kept on going towards your room. Swinging the door open, his eyes darted around the room before landing on you, sprawled out on the floor, panting. As you locked eyes with him, he spoke, "nungen, what're you doin' on the floor?"
You looked around, as if trying to figure out where you were. "I…I don't really know. One minute I was fine, but just as I went to get up, my vision went all fuzzy. Now I'm here." You gestured around you with a dry laugh.
Elvis looked around your room; seeing the record spinning and realizing that your lights were on, he asked the obvious.
"You keepin' yourself up again?" Your eyes dropped to the floor, and a small sense of shame filled you as he caught you in the act.
"Elvis, I've told you. It's never enough."
He knew you'd been struggling recently, both with your sleeping patterns and your mental health. You had become increasingly more agitated with him, refusing to let anyone help you with even the most mundane tasks. You had pushed him away, both physically and emotionally. He had an inkling why, and although it hurt, he wasn't going to steer you into even more discomfort.
Disagreeing with your sentiment, he shook his head as he moved to help you stand. Putting his hands beneath your arms and lifting you up, you got a pang of comfort in your chest. For just a moment, you felt like his baby, the little girl you would always be to him. But as if it was planned, the feeling dissipated and was replaced with that same shame you had felt just moments ago. Once you got your footing, you craned your head up to look at your caregiver.
His hair was tousled, his eyes were soft, and his features held something that could only be described as an air of concern. As your eyes scanned his face, you hoped for something that would break the silence hanging heavy in the air. Elvis, who could read you like a book, pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. And softly, as if not to spook you, asked, "what's goin' on inside that yittle head of yours?"
And that was all it took for the floodgates of your brain to break as you fully regressed within a matter of seconds. Your eyes watered, and before you had the chance to respond to his question, your daddy was pulling you into his arms.
"Daddy," you cried into his chest. "Been needin' daddy, but couldn' ask," you sobbed.
With how you were feeling, this was about all that you could manage to say. But to Elvis, that was all it took for him to make sense of it. You had needed to regress, but didn't want to "burden" him, simple as that. He immediately wrapped his arms around you, and placed his chin on top of your head.
So this is what was getting you so worked up.
"Oh, my sweet girl," he whispered. He couldn't help but tear up as the realization hit him: you thought of yourself as a burden upon him. How could you, the little ray of sunshine that broke through all of the crass darkness in his life, be a burden? "My beautiful baby, how could lil' old you ever be a burden on daddy? You know that ain't true." His voice cracked slightly on the last sentence, making you cry harder.
As much as you believed Elvis' words, you couldn't help but feel a haunting sense of overwhelm; at the love you were receiving or the sudden release of emotions, you couldn't decipher, but it was an amalgamation of feelings that had been longing to escape your little heart.
"C'mon," he spoke, "look at me." He gently pulled away from the hug, and put his hand beneath your chin so as to direct your attention towards him. Seeing the look on your face broke his heart.
"Honey, you don't need to worry about doin' nothin' in this house. You're just a dolly, and dollies don't need to be worryin' about doin' chores or nothin' of the sort. You bein' your cute itty-bitty lil' self is all I need. Can you do that?" He finished off with a small smile. You sniffled, and nodded aimlessly as you went right back in for another hug.
"M' sorry daddy. Buntyn's feelin' real pitiful tonight," you mumbled into his chest. He stroked your hair as he adjusted his arms around you. "I know, yittle. C'mon. We're gon' have Mary fix you some angel milk, and then we'll get all cozy. How's that sound?" You peered up at him. "Satnin gon' cuddle wit' me?" You asked innocently. He gave a small laugh, and placed a kiss on your forehead.
"Satnin will always cuddle wit' his baby. I pinky promise."
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candy-fae · 3 days
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I CAUGHT IT AT AN EVEN THOUSAND! small creator yadda yadda but THIS IS A BIG DEAL FOR ME!
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bo-bo-bean · 8 months
🍒🍫💄Some WIP Valentine's AND one of my drawings of HTF celebrating Valentine's Day! 💝🫀🌹
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ieatratsforlunch · 4 months
What in the Reeses peanut butter fuck is going on with "radqueers"?? This is kinda out of the blue considering I was just talking about fanfiction a while ago but here's a little heads up;
If you are a "radqueer" than kindly get the fuck off of my page. Most of the people in your stupid community are non disabled white teenagers who think being disabled will make them seem cooler.
Especially those dumbass flags. "Trans ED"?? Hey buddy, just an FYI; EDs aren't fucking fun! They're not something people do for the "aesthetic" and they're not some sort of accessory! Tons of people deal with living life underweight and you're practically mocking them, especially all those bastards basically giving instructions to people on how to starve themselves or get used to starving themselves. The queer community is never gonna accept you, you're just people who want to identify with a label without considering the actual pain some of the people with these conditions go through.
Sorry for the rant, I'm just pissed. SC fanfiction is still underway if the poll turns out positive!! Have a great day and stay safe, remember to drink water and eat something <3
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sparklinganxiety · 2 months
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Smiling Friends (Cartoon 2020) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Charlie Dompler/Reader, Pim Pimling/Reader, Allan Red/Reader, Gnarly/Reader, grim/reader   
Please go follow, @thease2096 ! they helped me edit and complete this chapter! absolutely amazing person!! plz go show them some love!! 
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calumfmu · 7 months
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"whatever happens tomorrow, we had today; and i'll always remember it."
one day is all it takes. one day to change anyone's life, one day to destroy one's life.
Derek and Stiles meet on the day of their graduation. It's supposed to be the start of the rest of their lives, yet they can't get rid of each other no matter how hard they both try. They weren't meant to meet that night, they weren't meant to be in each other's lives for the rest of it, yet they can't get rid of each other. Over the course of the next 15 years, they keep intersecting in each other's lives becoming the main reasons for why they keep on going.
- His own heart was beating through his chest, filled with a nervousness that was so unfamiliar to him during every last hookup that he had. He wasn't used to this feeling. It wasn't supposed to be like this. He wants to rush this, he wants to be harsh, demanding, and rough, just like all the others before. He just can't bring himself to the task. Stiles deserved more than that, no matter how much he tried to convince himself of the opposite.
chapter one.
chapter two.
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2592 · 1 year
happy 3000 followers day!
im so thankful for the amazing journey with 3,000 of you! your support means the world to me and im so grateful for each one of you who has joined my journey. here's to more content and connections ahead! love you all 🥹💖💖💖
thank you so much for supporting me and being with me 💕
xoxo alia 🫂💖
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