#{ It's crazy. }
grandmasickomode · 7 days
Making a list of the murders from Rustclan to just see who did what to who, and how many. Gonna go from the list's order, from leaders to medicine cats to warriors, ect.
FOR REF'S SAKE, the clan's been going for 629 moons. Even with clans at a third of that age, I've never seen SO MANY MURDERS.
TOTAL COUNT: 43 murders, wth Oriolestreak having 2 under their belt before exile (they were the leader's mate before Umberstar and I guess they didn't like Umberstar.)
Umberstar, murdered by Oriolestreak who led them into a pack of dogs and let them play catch with the leader.
Plaindapple, a medicine cat, was killed by Plaindapple, and was discovered by Weedtiger.
Mellowlight, a medicine cat, was killed by an unknown cat.
Drifttail, a medicine cat, was killed by an unknown cat.
Erminestrike, a medicine cat, was killed by a Hollystem, who made it look like an accident. It was discovered by Rollquill, a warrior.
Yewfreckle, a medicine cat, was killed by a Elkecho, and was discovered by Wingwillow.
Wasp, a medicine cat, was killed by an unknown cat.
Darkghost, a medicine cat, was killed by Drizzleblink, and was discovered by Heatherpelt.
Raccoonneedle, a medicine cat, was murdered by Rindlemoth, who BY THE WAY WAS THEIR CHILD. They were discovered by Warmshade, their other parent, and Rindlemoth was killed in the confrontation.
Primrosepaw, a medicine cat, was killed by Sablewhisker, who lured them onto the ice and let them fall in.
Wormhusk, a Mediator, was fed nightshade berries by Magpieeyes, a medicine cat.
Vineswan, a Mediator, was secretly murdered by Riverstripe. The murder was discovered by Mallowkit (who naturally could do fuck all since they were a toddler).
Grousedapple was murdered by Sleepywhistle, which was discovered by Deerblink.
Heathercrash was killed by an unknown killer.
Echofur was killed by Oatfleck, and the truth was discovered by Roansoar.
Pondtooth was killed by an unknown killer.
Prairiefur was killed by Slidebelly, with the truth discovered by Fruitskitter, a medicine cat.
Nettledust was murdered by an unknown killer.
Quiverstep was murdered by Nimblefur. The murder was solved by Slatelamb.
Bugpollen was secretly murdered by Slatelamb. Larkstem discovered the truth about it.
Pearhawk was murdered by Morelcove.
Bleakweb was murdered by Oriolestreak. The truth of it was discovered by Riverstripe.
Siltfur was murdered by an unknown killer.
Guppyspeckle was murdered by Leapbark. The truth was discovered by Riverstripe.
Sharddash was murdered by an unknown killer.
Milkstripe was lured onto the ice by Heronswish, and fell in.
Heavybillow was murdered by Midnightbubble. The truth of their murder was discovered by Warmshade.
Slashclaw was murdered by Faithshard.
Dustfin was lured onto the ice by Wisteriastripe, and fell in.
Spotheart was murdered by an unknown killer.
Lighttuft was murdered by an unknown cat.
Sparrowshadow was murdered by Bushglare. The truth was discovered by Bayfeather.
Doepurr was murdered by an unknown killer.
Dustbillow was killed by an unknown cat.
Tansytail was secretly murdered by Snapshadow. The truth was discovered by Shyleap.
Wildsplash was killed by Ripplegale, who fed them water hemlock.
Stempond was killed by an unknown killer.
Heatherrumble was killed by an unknown killer.
Currentnettle was murdered by an unknown killer.
Mottledpaw was killed by Cloudrush. The truth was discovered by Sparrowshadow.
Campionbranch was murdered by an unknown killer.
Cicadawisp was murdered by Mousetangle. The one to find out was Vineflit.
Birdflood was murdered by an unknown killer.
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astarlightmonbebe · 2 years
blind, eps. 5-6: what we know
this is not so much a comprehensive list as it is a stream of consciousness and my own inter spliced theories as i try to make sense of what’s been going on. hope this helps summarize things, or at least organize your mind as much as it did mine. obviously, if you haven’t watched the recent eps of blind, maybe don’t read on.
(disclaimer: this was not proofread. also if i say the same thing multiple times, i’m sorry.)
- the story starts at hope welfare center with five boys: boy 7, boy 11, boy 12, boy 13, and boy 24
- boy 13 is confirmed to be jung yoonjae, who was confirmed to be sungjoon; however, sungjoon has no memories of hope welfare center (whether that’s because of trauma or a mix of that and his head injury from falling from the walkway in episode one idk)
- yoonjae/sungjoon had an older sister named yoonjung who likely was assaulted or killed by chief yeom (sungjoon knows she’s dead ? because of the necklaces, but not the rest of it idk)
- boy 11 was close to the jung siblings (photo; he also promised yoonjung to protect yoonjae, and had her necklace, which he gave to yoonjae after crazy dog took his)
- boy 11 and boy 12 seem to be actual biological brothers as seen in episode one when boy 11 tells boy 12 to ‘go to mom’ before he goes back for yoonjae
- boy 12 gets caught in a bear trap of sorts. we don’t know if he gets captured or makes it out alive
- boy 24 is the one who gets hit by the car and run over and presumably dies, though knowing this drama he could actually be alive who knows!
- boy 7 is the one who spills their escape plan to crazy dog/mr. baek; he’s also the one with the burn scar and the one who makes it to the road with boy 24
- boy 7 is confirmed to be one of the jurors based on choi soongil’s words, and as of ep 6 this is tentatively said to be an taeho because of his limp (which like. was obvious since ep 1, but also people were speculating he was actually the one who got stuck in the bear trap because of his limp, so idk)
- boy 11 is also the one who makes it to the hospital and is brought back by chief yeom (and says something like ‘i’ll kill you all’)
- choi soongil worked as a security officer at hope welfare center under mr. baek
- chief yeom was the local head of police and was in on it with mr. baek
- yeom hyejin was his daughter, baek jieun was mr. baek’s daughter, and both of them were murdered, presumably by the same person (the joker killer), although choi soongil possibly had some connection with hyejin’s death
- the person who approaches hyejin’s son minho gives him a bag with the drinks and food chief yeom gave to boy 11 (the banana milk or whatever and red bean paste buns)
- kang youngki, one of the jurors, also has a daughter who is getting married and likely will get murdered soon, so he probably has a connection to hope welfare center as well
- eunki’s mom seems to have been some sort of healthcare center at the center back when it was operating, and mr. baek had a reason to suspect she might know who yoonjae is or where he currently is
- detective kang is not only batting for chief yeom, but also for mr. baek, so he might have possibly been a kid at hope welfare center as well, but i don’t think he’s one of the five
- sungjoon is confirmed to be adopted, but it hasn’t been confirmed in sunghoon is adopted or not. based on episode 6 and sungjoon’s surprise that he was calling for his brother in his nightmare/memory, he has no knowledge of the fact that he and sunghoon might have had an abnormal past or something, which is definitely suspicious!
- his adoptive parents, na gukhee and ryu ilho, recognize mr. baek and know of sungjoon’s past with him (to what extent, i don’t know); looks like we’ll find out more about this in episode 7 based on the preview
- as of episode six, the body count is as follows: baek jieun, yeom hyejin, jung manchun, jung manchun’s wife, and jung manchun’s son (wonwoong)
- also mr. baek’s wife, but that was an on screen murder, so no questions about who killed her
- + yoonjung, but she hasn’t been actually confirmed dead yet (no on screen body or bones)
- sungjoon has been implicated in the murders due to jung manchun’s testimony and the fact that the killer has been using his real name (jung yoonjae)
- he had yeom hyejin’s fingernail, but has been absolved of that crime due to the fact that his dna wasn’t on her actual nail
- there was the whole situation about baek jieun’s earring being in his car with the bloodstains, but like the medical examiner said, he’s not as smart as sunghoon, but he’s not an idiot + he would definitely have cleaned his car i don’t know about you guys
- baek jieun and yeom hyejin are killed by the joker murderer, and have those gruesome smiles carved onto their faces
- jung manchun and his family are supposedly killed by the same person to cover their tracks, but not using the same method, making it clear that jieun and hyejin were the intended targets (and cementing the killer’s connection to hope welfare center)
- who pushed jung manchun off the roof is a mystery, but based on sungjoon’s testimony, his wife was already stabbed and wonwoong was already dead when he entered, although he successfully resuscitated wonwoong. however, wonwoong dies in between the time he flees and police reach the scene, wherein dt. kang is the only one there, unless the killer didn’t leave the scene to begin with
- the killer has wood carvings in his (their, whatever) little hideout
- for yeom hyejin, she was either assaulted or murdered by choi soongil, another juror with a connection to hope welfare center, as previously stated; however, unless he committed a copycat murder, it might have been a situation like with yuna, where she seemed to be dead, but wasn’t actually, and the real killer found her later
- yeom hyejin, daughter of chief yeom and single mother, murdered by the joker killer
- choi soongil, a taxi driver who used to work as an enforcer at hope welfare center; has a tattoo that matches mr. baek’s
- choi soongil recognized boy 7 as one of the jurors, and is trying/has tried to coerce money from him; he’s currently injured/in critical condition due to being brained by (presumably) boy 7
- jo eunki, social worker; was held hostage by jung manchun during the time yeom hyejin was being murdered, and is now harboring sungjoon (who is currently a fugitive)
- charles, who owns a sushi restaurant and is, uh, according to his own words very skilled with a knife. comes across as amiable and friendly
- bae chulho, works as a pd, kind of sleazy, and was definitely looking at yeom hyejin during their first dinner together. either suspicious or, like i said, just a sleazy guy
- kang youngki, retired. we talked about his daughter earlier. probably not as clean cut as he seems, all things considered
- kwon kyungja, a very famous shaman. is constantly cold (due to her shamanic abilities). had an extreme reaction when she accepted sungjoon’s business card, including some sort of possession.
- an taeho, walks with a limp and didn’t want to be included in any group activities following the funeral. doesn’t like having his photo taken, and generally comes across as unfriendly. as of episode six, sungjoon believes him to be ‘the killer’ i.e. boy 7, who attacked choi soongil, based on the killer’s gait
- jung inseong, an engineer (?), who is very quiet and friendly, overly courteous and chivalrous at times, and seems the most kind hearted/open minded after eunki. does seem overly interested in eunki to a fashion. sorry i just find him suspicious.
- the woman sungjoon calls ‘mom’ owns a restaurant called ‘inseong’s place,’ so i’m also just leaving this here because i find it too weird of a coincidence
okay buckle up i’m going to summarize my thoughts and talk about who i think the killer is. my money right now is on boy 12, the one biologically related to boy 11. i think that boy 11 could be sunghoon, and that he and yoonjae (sungjoon/boy 13), escaped together, but believed the other boys to be dead (and obviously sungjoon forgot everything). they ended up adopted by na gukhee and ryu ilho OR (and i lean towards this theory) sunghoon is the biological child, and he and his brother (boy 12) ended up at hope welfare center for some reason or another (though this is where the theory falls apart). therefore, when sunghoon reunited with his parents, they took in yoonjae as well, believing boy 12 to be dead (and like. he could be. what was his fate after getting stuck in the bear trap? was he able to escape on his own?). that way, yoonjae/sungjoon would have ended up taking on the identity of the real ryu sungjoon, which could be why the killer uses his name (jung yoonjae) to kill.
there’s also the fact of sungjoon being framed as the murderer of baek jieun (and here we focus on the theory that he was framed and is not the killer because i like to believe the best and it has a solid backing as of right now), and the killer using wood carvings, like we see sunghoon doing in episode 1/2. not only is the killer deliberately making them doubt each other (if the killer isn’t sunghoon, as it could very well be), but it’s also a way to get revenge on both of them, for sunghoon for abandoning him/giving him up and replacing him with yoonjae, and yoonjae for taking his place/forgetting everything/etcetera. this holds up whether or not boy 12 and boy 11 are biologically related to the ryu brothers’ current parents or not.
right now, i’m putting my money on boy 12 being inseong. not only because he seemed to recognize an taeho, but also because he’s the right age, and he’s very private, as well as being on the jury, so he had access to a lot of information about the cases and so on. build wise, i don’t know how capable he would be of subduing and murdering someone, but i’m just saying - don’t trust the nice guys in shows like these. his interactions with other members of the jury, like eunki, also make me kind of side eye him, as well as the fact that he seems less inclined to fully believe sungjoon is the killer - he’s definitely moving with a hidden agenda. whether it’s one with malicious intent or not, things are not clear beyond the surface level.
but whether or not boy 12 is inseong, i still think boy 12 could be our joker killer.
share your thoughts and theories in my inbox or the replies/reblogs, i don’t care! i have too many thoughts about this show. 
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nirnruwut · 1 year
prepping to take my test to become a lvl 2 pharm tech AUGH
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caramelmochacrow · 2 years
would it be an interesting point to anyone to know that WINNER and High Tension BPM are the same BPM on 174? like. if u wanna mix 'em together there u go.
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cordspaghetti · 3 months
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really factual recounting with no embellishments whatsoever
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many-sparrows · 5 months
I'm very tired of this "queer college students should stop supporting Palestine, they'd kill you there!" I watched a hijabi ask a trans man, "but what name do you want to go by?" A butch giving a woman their hoodie so that she could keep her hair covered after the cops took her scarf. Muslim girls making sure the lesbian couple got through the system together. Religious men making sure purple haired protestors got out safe. I don't want to hear it. Solidarity forever, free Palestine.
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kaban-bang · 3 months
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skincareroutine · 5 months
maybe whistleblowers just happen to come forward around the time they're about to die. no one ever considers that
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tma-thoughts · 4 months
Alright everybody
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teaboot · 8 months
When I was a kid one of my moms would call her period "moon time" or "her monthlies" or shit like that and my other mom straight up stealthed it, but when I'm a dad I think I'm gonna go straight down the middle and call it Werewolf Week. Like sorry kids, dad can't roughouse right now, it's Werewolf Week
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generaljenobi · 7 months
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It's me. I'm the distant aunt.
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mitzysmitzy · 4 months
they changed the fullbody images on the official website to the changeling ones im crying. look at them.
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thegodoffortune · 4 months
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from 8 months ago
animated by mee :)) watch the full thing heree
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agnesandhilda · 5 months
in the past 48 hours kendrick lamar has:
used a picture, apparently taken inside of drake's house, showing various medications including ozempic (which drake has dissed other people for taking!) prescribed under drake's legal name, as cover art for a single
implied that members of drake's entourage are acting as his informants
claimed he would be a better role model to adonis, drake's son whose existence was publicized via a previous rap beef, than drake is
claimed that drake also has an eleven-year old daughter that he's been hiding, and likely other illegitimate children
claimed that drake and his entourage are part of a sex trafficking ring
said drake should die so women can be safe
called drake a colonizer who appropriates black american culture
directly called drake and his entourage pedophiles
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thedisablednaturalist · 8 months
Im fucking sobbing looking at the new black footed cat at Utah's Hogle zoo
Shes just a fucking baby
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Baby with a 60% successful kill rate
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loveaankilaq · 3 months
People online (white) will create so many conspiracy theories that just boil down to "Asians aren't complete human beings with their own thoughts and autonomy" like maybe Chinese people are just going about their day to day life. Maybe a video of a North Korean person like chilling is just a person chilling, who isn't going to power down like a robot once the video is over. Stop being a fucking creep.
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