#{ angel of death. | philza.
luna711m · 17 days
“If you see the Blood God in the battlefield, pray that the Angel Of Death isn’t with him.”
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Both are deathly but with the two together say hi to Lady Death (For Philza of course)
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tharett · 6 months
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Emerald Duo my beloved
But, like my old Baghera Fanart, are in the Sonic Universe now :)
(Plus some Chayanne and Tallulah 🫶💕)
Mi querido Dúo Esmeralda
Pero, como mi arte viejo de Baghera, están en el universo de Sonic :)
(Con Chayanne y Tallulah incluidos 🫶💕)
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finnitesimal · 1 year
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| the reaper, the angel
Spedran it. Fuck. Someone's gotta pick the eggs up from life camp okagy
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crochetstim · 6 months
q!phil “i’ve just been suppressing my murderous tendencies to not scare the kids”
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cupidl0vesy0u · 6 months
New members of family!
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cosmicjunkyard · 10 months
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Doodled this during the Egg Wars event
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anarchy-and-piglins · 6 months
Thoughts on techno with a scythe instead of an axe or sword?
Cool in theory but whenever I see a scythe as a weapon for a character I think about that very detailed post about how impractical and ineffective a scythe would realistically be for a combat scenario. Not that realism should stop us, it's fiction for a reason. But that post just really stuck with me iqsoqsiSOSQQS
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space-bugcat · 11 months
Oh the contract and similar between Q!Phil and Q!Bad make me go fuking CRAZYYYYY. Oh, how cc!Phil and cc!Bad nailed so perfectly in describing what an immortal would look like.
Both are immortal species who live through thousands and thousands of years, fought in hundred battles, watched kingdoms rise and fall. Two of the most experienced members on the island are the most hypocritical.
They are so full of themselves. They always think what they are doing is right, is the only way, are for the best outcome cuz they lived through it all. And the way they justify their actions, even come out of their way to make people think they are right is just GHHDGSHSHJSJ!!!! (I love them so much)
Most of the time they are right. They DID see it happen lots of times, their actions always have a good motive behind them. BUT AGAIN they believed their actions were so right they did not talk to others about it even to the ones they love and care for, they just did it.
Oh, how the higher beings are so blinded by their knowledge they refuse to see what they did is not all the times good, not every thing easy to justify.
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philza-updates · 1 year
Phil chose the Death Room from Cellbit’s Ordem Paranormal system!
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ep2nd · 9 months
If Philza is the Angel of Death can Skizz be the Angel of Life?
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nomsfaultau · 6 months
Hybrid AU in exile week where avian instincts can take over to a degree that is almost horrific, erasing someone’s personality and rationality when they’re panicking. First part here.
Tw graphic violence
When he hears Tommy’s distressed shriek, Philza launches into the air immediately, flying so fast the world blurs below. He finds his chick pinned beneath an assailant, and plunges toward them, slamming into the man so fast he’s flung away from Tommy, slamming into the ground hard enough that he is stunned. By the clippings of Tommy’s primary feathers tucked behind his mask, the attacker claims to be Tommy’s guardian. Philza’s blood boils as he realizes this was the abuser Tommy spoke of. Tommy is painfully motionless from where he’s ensnared in a net like an animal, and his fury builds, attacking faster and faster. The abuser is caught off guard only at first, and begins to fend Philza off. 
But then Tommy makes a noise. And while he should be relieved Tommy is alive, Philza’s blood turns to ice. It’s not a pained sound, the kind he’d expect for the hatchling’s injuries. It’s not a scared chirp, either, the kind half broken by a sob like he’d heard earlier. No, it’s a soft, tranquil coo, trance-like, the kind used during wing grooming to indicate bliss.
And Philza sees red. 
He rips into the abuser with his bare claws, shredding through soft skin and sturdy armor alike. The mask shatters as he gorges through the abuser’s face, blinded with fury long past the end of his agonized screams, past the last of his thrashing struggles, past the death of the monster that hurt his child. 
Eventually, the threat to his chick registers as dealt with. Philza peels himself off the scraps of the abuser’s mutilated corpse. He finds Tommy still softly cooing, placid inside the net he’s tangled in. There’s a dazed look in his eyes, incapable of comprehending the horrific situation he’s in. The most response Philza gets is blissful little chirps. He’s in preening position, or would be if the net didn’t constrain his other wing. Technically it’s easier to cut Tommy out if he’s not thrashing, but his docile acceptance of his ensnarement is sickening. 
Once free, all Tommy does is snuggle even though he’s very clearly bleeding to death. When Philza tries to heal him instead of preening, his coos whine, wings spreading out in the proper display position and trying to nudge him to continue where his abuser left off. No wonder Tommy insisted on grooming himself if he’s been manipulated like this for so long. Except Philza doesn’t know why he’s stuck like this, how his abuser forced the instinct to be so overwhelming. 
His heart breaking, Philza hugs his poor hatchling. He begs Tommy to snap out of it, but he can’t understand a word he says. Tommy is only confused why he isn’t being petted anymore, quietly cooing in the same affectionate tone his abuser forced out of him. He seems distressed that Philza refuses to preen him, only calming when Philza echoes his coos, nestling into his arms contentedly as Philza stiffly runs a hand down his feathered back. Is this just making it worse? Is he trapping Tommy further in his instincts? But every time he stops Tommy’s coos sound so concerned. Terrified, almost, like he expects to be hurt the moment the love bombing stops. Philza abhors whatever it took to make him like this. So he holds the hurt hatchling, at a loss as to how to heal the wounds driven through his body to the soul within. 
When Tommy finally comes out of his trance, he begins to sob for what’s been done to him. Philza only hugs him tighter, suppressing the worried coos building up in his throat, scared of shoving Tommy back into his trance. 
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found-wings · 1 year
Etoiles can feel the way his body aches as it meets the ground, choking out a breath as he attempts to push himself back up. A swirl of greens and blacks clouds his vision and with one simple strike, everything goes dark.
There‘s nothing.
Wherever he was now, it was completely dark. It felt oddly comforting in a way.
There was no extreme temperature, no noise, nothing to worry - he felt floaty. His body felt light and with no ache at all, it was a feeling he wasn‘t tell familiar with anymore.
"You did well," a voice hums. It doesn‘t come from any specific direction and it’s more so as if the voice is everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
As if it‘s part of his own mind, and he’s hesitant on responding this time but chooses to do so anyway. "..I failed."
A chuckle echoes into the void and Etoiles can’t help the small smile that forms because of its comforting familiarity.
"You‘re always so set on winning, on beating everyone." As the voice speaks, there‘s something carefully and ever so slowly brushing through Etoiles hair. He recognises the pattern that the voice follows and just for now, he lets himself relax back into the almost ghost like touch.
Etoiles can almost imagine himself laying on the floor, his own body tainted with blood and potions that were cracked open spilling out. He can almost hear the voices of the others calling out for him, seeing him fail. Fail at winning, at protecting them. "I have to protect them."
"And who protects you?" Comes almost immediately back and Etoiles falls silent.
The second chuckle of the voice makes the grin it wears obvious, Etoiles huffing. Phil was quick and confident, and with being knocked down after so many wins, Etoiles couldn‘t help but admire that.
He‘s won against Phil in their sparring sessions multiple times, he‘s beaten the other Islanders more than he can count and he‘s never lost against the code until now. And yet, Phils confidence never faltered.
He can‘t help but admire the way Phil didn‘t let failure stop him.
"God I suck at pvp," Etoiles finally whispers back with a chuckle of his own, the motions of the fingers brushing through his hair stopping only to give him a playful push.
He can almost hear the roll of Phils eyes. "No you don‘t. You simply found your match today."
Etoiles hums as Phil returns to playing with his hair, still keeping his eyes closed during all of this.
"Finding my match resulted in my death. Me dying means I lost. So I suck at pvp if I die. That‘s the basics, Phil." He was being rather playful - or as playful as he can be while laying within deaths arms - and Phil knew that. They didn‘t find each other often like this.
"You don‘t run away from fights, so it was either you live to see it or you die trying." And Phil was right. Etoiles knew he was right and yet he couldn‘t help the feeling of.. guilt.
He was guilty.
His death would mean the loss of an important line of protection for the others and if - when - the Eggs return, them too.
He promised to protect everyone, he was tasked to protect everyone and yet he failed.
He failed the one thing he was the best at.
"How about we continue our chat next time when we‘re face to face? I prefer talking to your alive self," Phil suggests and the presence of him seems to lift higher.
Etoiles attempts to respond, question after question lingering about what next time meant, but nothing came out.
"It‘s time to wake up, my hero, before you forget how to."
And with those ever so softly spoken words, Etoiles gasps as his back presses against something cold and hard, heart rapidly beating and a high pitched noise ringing through his ears.
For a brief moment he can feel the brushing of feathers on his body, before their presence fades entirely.
All except for the one black feather in his blood stained hand.
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genevawrenn · 7 months
I haven't even touched the seeing mobs silhouettes from a distance and invincibility in fights.
What if the Ender King is tapping into Philza's dormant Angel of Death abilities and this was him in his prime?
When he earned his mantle flooding battlefields with crimson rain as his partner the Blood God fought below. Of feathers black as night tacky with the essence of the fallen screaming through the skies as the Angel lined up another shot with his polished bow while his brother in arms sliced his steel clean through another enemy.
We do not know the extent of the Ender King's influence, but we knows small amounts. That which lead back to Phil becoming his ideal vessel to encourage bit by bit until the crow is unrecognisable to even those who love him so consumed with the greed dangerous enough to slay a god.
He craves large amount of power to protect his treasures.
Loot which becomes old news in pursuit of the newer, shinier object that caught his fancy.
He does not like dragons.
He's gained more of a hold since they were forced away from Rose's Sanctuary.
I am terrified /pos
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lil-cherubim · 9 months
💀💣💥 Festival of Doom 💀💣💥✨️
[Or escaped old birdman admiring his volatile sparklers]
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[Have I posted this here already? I cant find it. oh welp]
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journeysfable · 1 year
Philza keeps finding hummingbirds... hummingbirds are reincarnated warriors in Aztec mythology... Techno...
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cupidl0vesy0u · 6 months
Would anyone be interested in origins smp AU but changed a bit?
Is it literally the origins universe, but with Missa and some changes in story.
If you got any ideas or questions, feel free to tell me about it or ask!
Here's some ideas for the story so far.
(Sorry for grammar mistakes!)
When Phil was younger, he fell in love with a beautiful woman who was said to be the goddess who came from the moon.
He spoke to the moon every night, hoping she would come down again, and answer him.
But then it happened and she really visited him again, again and again.
Talking to him and slowly falling in love, too.
After some time she came to visit, but had a gift with her.
A gift that represents their love and their nightly talks she adored.
She gave him an avian egg.
The egg hatched to Tommy, who was really special. His hair was almost golden like, and his eyes were the shiniest blue.
But after some time, Kristin visited Phil and told him that she knows someone he would really like. ;-)
He got intrudused to a avian named Missa.
- they fell in love, and Kristin told Phil to get with Missa so he is not alone and has help with Tommy(?) She knew his love for her was strong but knew it was hard being alone without her there with him.
- Then Missa and Phil had their own eggs together
(Phil is the one who who laid the eggs- MPREG REAL?!?)
Tommy is now the oldest, and he is the one who got in a acident, and became a phantom.
His younger siblings are Chayanne and Tallulah.
Chayanne and Tallulah are twins while he is like 6 years older then them (?)
Kristin sometimes visits Tommy's dreams because he is made from stars and magic, I think(? This doesn't make sense, tbh-.)
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