#{ he can't lose me too. ;; hiro }
lurkingshan · 3 months
Japanese QL Corner
ICYMI: There are so many Japanese qls airing weekly, so I’m going to start posting this little round up at the end of each week. Most of these shows are on Gaga and I highly recommend watching!
Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna 2
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Another great batch of episodes this week, as Kasuga and Nomoto settled into dating life, all the gals got together for various food related events, and Nagumo began seeking treatment for her eating disorder. This show is just always so compassionate with its characters, and manages to find interesting conflicts without going for high drama. I am very much enjoying seeing Kasuga and Nomoto figure out how their relationship should look now that they're dating and also how to communicate and respect each other as they make decisions. Kasuga's tendency to let Nomoto steamroll her feels harmless when it's about picking fruit or vegetables, but it won't be when it comes to making decisions about where they live and how to set up their home, so it's great they're addressing it early. It's also awesome to see them expand their circle of friends and deepen their bonds with Yako and Nagumo--I was high key jealous of the curry and s'mores parties. And Nagumo just has my whole heart. When she expressed profound relief at learning there is a name for her illness and ways to treat it, my mind immediately jumped to Rachel Bloom. Looking forward to her healing. I can't believe there is only one more batch of episodes coming, love and gratitude to @furritsubs!
Chaser Game W
I’ll keep this brief. This show was a mess, and not even in a fun way because unfortunately it was also extremely misogynistic. @twig-tea covered the major issues well in her post. Wild that this show aired simultaneously with TsukuTabe, what a dichotomy.
My Strawberry Film
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This one is really not grabbing me. It feels kind of slow and muted and uncertain about what it's doing. I am not finding the mystery or the love rhombus compelling, and this week's focus on Hikaru's infatuation with Minami had me yawning and picking up my phone a lot. But it's early, I am hopeful it will pick up some steam.
Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka
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This was a cute episode about Sakae and Soga getting past their initial awkwardness, learning how to communicate with each other, and moving into a more intimate phase of their relationship, and I think I would have loved it if we'd gotten it two weeks ago. This should have been the episode that followed their initial confessions, but instead the show did a two week diversion into love triangle nonsense, and unfortunately, I think it really threw off the pacing and the connection to these characters for me. It just feels too late in the show for this relationship to still feel so new. We haven't had time to settle in with them as a couple, or for them to develop a strong foundation to make us root for them to overcome the coming obstacles in the final arc. Still, this episode had some delightful scenes--Soga finally paying a visit to the sauna was my personal fav, and I also enjoyed the metaphor of Sakae literally catching Soga's love (and knowing @bengiyo would lose it over another important SPORTS moment in bl). This is a show I really want to love, but something just isn't connecting.
Perfect Propose
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I love this final episode and I love this show. Hiro quit his job, Kai resolved things with the shop owner and his son, and they finally got on the same page about their relationship and made out about it. 10/10 no notes for this finale. It was lovely to see Hiro finish his project and make a decision to quit the daily grind--I loved, too, that he is still in touch with his former colleagues--and we saw the change in him so quickly. He looked happier, lighter, brighter. His skin was cleared and his crops were watered! And Kai got to have his moment of catharsis too, sharing his fear that he is a burden on others and having Hiro affirm for him that he wants him in his life and he's a help, not a burden. And I loved that we got all that plus a great kiss, a bed scene (with a very cute leg cramp diversion) and a small peek at their new domestic life together. This show makes me happy and it will definitely be one I return to for rewatches.
Ossan's Love Returns
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I'm of two minds on this finale. On the one hand, I really loved it as a single episode of the show, was happy with where all the resolutions landed, and was left with a very warm feeling toward the show overall. The cherry blossom scene especially really got me right in the feels; I've loved the progression of Maki and Haruta's relationship this season and I love the way they talk to each other. They have earned themselves a spot on my list of favorite drama couples who I actually believe are going to stay together. I also loved everything about the big chaotic group scene and all these characters coming together to pour love on Haruta; it felt earned after a season of him knocking himself out for all his loved ones. The end joke with Chief moving in next door, and getting a final Maki/Kurosawa battle, was *chef's kiss*. And Takegawa's perfect life partner being a cat? 10/10 no notes. I will be clutching my aroace Takegawa read tightly to my bosom.
On the other hand, the episode reinforced for me that the way we got to a lot of these resolutions didn't feel quite right. In particular, I don't think the way Kurosawa's health scare played out across the back half of the season worked, and I'm not too pleased about spending three episodes in a downbeat, tragic mode for the sake of a simple pun joke. I think the whole plot would have landed a lot better for me if the audience was let in on Kurosawa's mistake at the start and the tone of his overwrought goodbyes was farcical all the way through. Not only would that have maintained the comedic tone of the show, but we could have used that story time to better seed some of the themes of this episode with Haruta's crisis of confidence and yearning for family. I'm pretty much agnostic on Kiku and Izumi; they never sold me on that pairing but I wasn't mad about their ending.
Overall, I am very glad I jumped into this show and enjoyed the watch experience a lot, despite my quibbles with some of the overarching writing choices. The cast is amazing and all the characters make me smile. If they make another season, I'll be watching!
Bonus: Josi teki Saikatsu
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I finally watched this drama this week--I held out for awhile hoping to find it in better quality, but no dice, it's 480p in the grey--and despite the potato lens I loved it so much. This is the story of Miki, a transfemme lesbian, just trying to live her life in the way she wants, and all the barriers she comes up against in that pursuit. Our story begins when her childhood friend, Goto, comes looking for his old pal in a moment of desperation and is stunned to see how she's changed. The show is only four short episodes, but they manage to paint a full picture of Miki's life at home, at work, with friends and lovers, and with her estranged family, and show us how she became who she is. Miki is whip smart and perceptive and generous, but also wary of trusting anyone after she's been let down by so many loved ones. I love her so much, and you will too. This story was written by a trans woman and it shows! Brave the 480p and check it out.
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mintmatcha · 1 year
matsuhana dp in one hole?!?!?! HELP ME HELP HELP HELP HELP the prep …. they make u come a bajillion times to help stretch u out but it still stings bc mattsun is fucking gigantic and makki isn’t small either PLEASE HELP ME HELP I NEED TO BE PUT DOWN
(cisfem reader)
Laid across Mattsun's chest, cock so deep you can feel his trimmed pubes against your puffy cunt, you're so full that you think you might break-
and then Makki slides in.
The sound of it is lewd, all of the extra lube, your cum, and theirs slowly displaced from inside you as the man behind you pops himself in. The sensation itself is too much and for a moment you lose focus on everything around you, lost in the prickly, hot pleasure in the pain.
Mattsun's petting your hair down and you can feel how your sweat makes it heavy, catching it against your forehead.
"God, fuck, shit-" He's trying to comfort you, talk you through the pressure and stretch, but he can barely manage to keep his eyes focused and his words clean, "Both of you are fucking twitching, god, shit-"
"Issei, shut up," Makki groans, still only halfway inside of you, "He sounds like he's the one getting fucked, god-"
He bucks forward a little and you take it with a whimper, body too overwhelmed to even resist. Your body is hot with it, burning with want, boiling from stimulation.
"Hey, hot stuff, you alive in there?" Makki smacks your cheek lightly and you're suddenly aware of the warm string of drool that's escaped your mouth, "Hello?"
" 'm--" you have to pause to think, but find you can't, not as both men jerk and thrust lazily into you. You can tell by they tension in their muscles, the tightness in Mattsun's jaw and Makki's hands, that they are holding back, waiting for permission that may never come. "I'm g--"
Makki's hips press into your ass and you realize both of them are fully inside of you now.
"Holy shit, Hiro- right there--" Mattsun whines, high and breathless. You swear you can feel him in your fucking stomach.
"Hey-" Makki says again, firmer this time, "Use your big girl words."
Everything is too much. You should be breaking right now, or at least on the brink of tears, and yet-
"I'm gonna cum," Your voice is so ruined and squeaking you don't recognize it as your own.
"God, best pussy on the market," Mattsun sighs from under you.
"I might be in love with you," Makki says, much, much quieter.
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kotos-and-smiles · 9 months
Ch.127 Rambling and Gushing
As always I will be referring to tessenpai's rough tl which you can find here
Hello hello! Yeah, I'm not even pretending that I'm not just gushing about this chapter
Know this is obvious, but I’m so suspicious that Chika wasn’t *just* half asleep at the beginning of the chapter. Like, I don’t know, he was coming out of some kind of dream. And he mentions later on that he dreamt their performance went great, but I don’t know, just seemed a weird reaction. Them squinting against the light is really cute though. But Chika looks on the verge of tears until he snaps out of it and fully wakes up. Like, maybe he had dreamt they performed and thought it was all over and that’s why he grabbed onto Takezou like that? I don’t know, and I’m probably making too big a deal out of it.
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Can't believe this is actually the day they're gonna perform at Nationals. Like, we've come this far. Also should of course be mentioned how great Satowa and Hiro look and how obviously Chika and Takezou also thought this. is truly just so ecstatic to have every little experience with the club, and it’s so cute. But Momoya not wanting to lose the charm is so sweet. Like, a huge success with him. Satowa’s immediate, oh you don’t have to keep it though, like girl, please, even he values the handmade thing you gave him, people aren’t burdened by you and I still need people to remind her of that. Even Keishi gets a charm! And Chika’s little reaction after Satowa gives Keishi the charm is so cute. He’s so nervous about it.
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The way Chika asks Satowa to sit with him is just, ughhslekdnc. I can’t. And Hiro once again 100% representing all of us, especially with that “Excuse me, Chika-kun!?” cuz like, that is also def how I feel about this in the best way possible. But also our girl Hiro being such a go-getter this chapter, and I love that for her. But also she doesn’t even KNOW what just went down with Chika and Satowa this chapter. Like, if she hand’t exchanged charms with Takezou, she might’ve just dropped dead from the cuteness and also jealousy. But also Natsu being so done with being on the romance bus
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Satowa thinking about how it isn’t even that unusual for her and Chika to sit next to each other! And Chika is trying to play it so cool but he’s so nervous it’s the sweetest thing. And they’re both just such disasters. I fucking love so much how Chika tries to casually hold out the charm to Satowa, with his head turned away.
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Like he’s just this sweet boy trying to do something for the girl he loves and it just makes me wanna scream. And I’m just never gonna get over this. Not only does he still def have the charm that she gave him (the first charm he’d ever gotten and then wrote her name on without hesitation and she considers it her charm too cuz he did that) and then he went and made a charm for her and only one for her. Like, HE MADE HER A CHARM. And then what is the first thing she does with her charm? SHE WRITES HIS NAME ON HER CHARM TOO. THEY MATCH AND THEY’RE BOTH SO DAMN HAPPY ABOUT IT! Like, they’re simply the most in love people ever. 
But like, the way he, much like her and much as he always has, tries to immediately recover when he thinks she doesn’t want it, and that’s when her ability to express how genuinely happy she is kicks in, and just the way she catches his hand holding the charm, and so she’s holding onto him as he’s holding the charm, and how easily she reaches out for him, and how easily they reach out for each other with how softly he caught her arm earlier. 
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And then he reaches out cuz he wants to hug her so bad. And her brain moves onto slightly different topics while his just implodes because she just wrote his name on her charm that he made her and smiled like that about it, and HE BLUSHES SO HARD HE HIDES HIS FACE IN HIS BACKPACK. Like, I’ve been wanting so badly for Chika to blush more often with Satowa, and I know he’s confident and comfortable somewhat in the idea of loving someone and being loved, but like I wanna see my boy blush, and this was like the biggest blush ever. His blushly little ears and the way he hides his whole face, and how she notices and is just so happy and also basically hasn’t stopped blushing herself since she sat down. And like, these two people have already expressed that they love each other through words, and now they just keep doing it through actions and gestures as they always have, and I just can’t believe how precious they are. But I also love that while they have said that they love each other, Chika’s immediate reaction when he reaches out cuz he wants to hug her is just like “oh shit, that was dangerous” and like just cuz she said she loves him doesn’t give him consent to touch her whenever, but also like this is the girl that has literally said she loves him and now he just wants to give her a hug and it’s just so sweet. AFTER MAKING HER A HANDMADE CHARM LIKE SHE DID FOR HIM. Like, I’m never getting over this. I’ve wanted the charms to be brought back but questioned if they even would, and now we’ve got the fluffiest chapter ever of basically just exchanging charms and I’m just gonna scream about it forever. 
Also Satowa reacting out-loud to Chika’s cover of “gonna sleep” with “suddenly?” is so funny. 
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Hiro continuing to be a go-getter and persevering through the awkwardness is honestly great to see for her. She deserves some stuff happening with her own romance. Also though her mentioning that imitating Chika and Satowa, ya know, the people who have already confessed their love for each other, might be a bit much was unexpected but welcome. And Takezou being the problem solver, offering to exchange charms, and how he tucks it next to his heart and his soft smile, and how they’ll both be able to draw strength from each other’s charms. Like, Hiro really is making her love into strength. Just love Takezou's little smile so much even though he smiles bigger in a minute. There's just something so private and joyous about it.
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And then Sane and Mittsu being the epitome of single life when asking each other if they should exchange charms is so hilarious. This along with Sane trying the soothing pressure points on Mittsu’s hand just really made them a whole vibe this chapter. Like, we have these two, the painfully single, Kota and Yoshinaga who are just either vibing or oblivious, the set of absolutely ridiculous love birds, and Momoya and Takinami who are just so *done*
Honestly don’t even feel the need to mention Ichiei at the end, cuz like, yeah yeah, they’re being all intimidating and scary, but my babies just exchanged charms so I don’t care. Am I also selectively choosing to ignore the very existence of Chika’s dad right now, much less that he’s at nationals? Absolutely. I need the fluff in my life right now, so my god I will take it and be thankful for it. The amount of times my babies blush in this chapter, I just CANNOT. I love it so much.
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aettuddae · 2 months
high garden academy — chapter 42.
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⟢ synopsis: a new school year begins at the high garden academy boarding school, bringing with it new students, and among them, the new center of attention for the drama-thirsty student body: the hong sisters. eunchae and her mysterious and unsympathetic older sister, daein, who oddly seem uninterested in the secrets, legends, and gossip of their new school. winter, the institution's top student, and karina, the popular girl and promising pianist, never imagined they would end up so closely involved with hong daein.
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[written chapter]
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the trailer door unlocked, causing daein, who was sitting on the floor with her back against the wall and a cigarette between her lips, to turn in its direction.
from behind it, karina appeared. wrapped in her uniform sweater because, even though it was spring, there was a slight wind outside, something daein hadn't remembered before going back outside. apart from that coat, the girl was in her pajamas.
when he sensed her presence, hiro, who up to that moment had been sleeping so soundly that he seemed unconscious, jumped up and ran to her. the little animal started hopping on his two hind legs in search of the affection of the one he recognized as his owner.
"he never greets me like that." broke the silence the biker with her voice more raspy than usual. she hadn't noticed that it was the first time she had uttered a word all day.
"you don't even know his name." refuted the newcomer without looking at her, busy greeting her pet with caresses.
"miko." she blurted out confidently.
"it's admirable how you keep getting further and further away." she teased. "what did you want me to come for?" she straightened up and looked cautiously at hong. "are the cops looking for you?"
"no," she gave a puff. "i think." she added, grimacing with concern. "come." she patted the spot on the floor next to her.
"aeinie," she mentioned, causing the named one to roll her eyes in annoyance at the use of the nickname. "if you're planning to murder me, i just want you to know that i don't think you're strong enough to carry my corpse." she warned.
"why are you so hell-bent on pissing me off?" she replied changing her tone to a bitter one.
"laugh at a joke." she recommended frustrated.
"are you going to sit down or are your pajamas too expensive to sit on the floor?" the older girl hurried.
"someday i'd like you to explain to me why you have this impression that i'm an insufferable rich bitch." she walked over to where daein was, being followed closely by hiro.
"because you are." she explained, turning her gaze to the girl who settled next to her.
"if you can't stand me then why did you call me here?" she stretched out her arms to receive the puppy between them, who lay down on her lap. "what happened?"
they both looked at each other in silence for a moment. karina's expression was one of curiosity, while in daein's you could see her airs of grandeur dissipate to let the misery take over again as she remembered why she was there and what had led her to call the person she could least stand in that whole school to keep her company.
"i'm sad." she admitted, turning her head away, letting her eyes lose themselves in the darkness of the place.
"i didn't know you could feel anything other than anger." the younger girl joked, but only got an awkward silence from the other. "sorry." she regretted it. "why are you sad?"
"eunchae," she took in a large gulp of air through her nose then let it out in a long sigh. "something happened to eunchae." she explained, her voice trembling.
karina thought at that very moment that this was the first time she had ever seen hong daein express any emotion.
"she's fine," she moved her hand to her pocket, pulling the cigarette box out of it. "but if i had been there for her, it wouldn't have happened." she brought the stick to her lips and lit it. "and now she hates me." she blurted out the words along with the smoke.
"and you...?"
"some friends came to town." she interrupted, knowing where the question was going. "i was with them all week."
"and you were...?"
"yes, karina, we were stoned and all those things i usually do when i disappear."
"okay." she nodded her head slightly having gotten all the explanation she needed. "well, she's right to be mad at you, then." she opined.
daein gave her a sideways glance, dumbfounded at her response, it seemed like the few seconds before she starts yelling at her. but she just kept silent with a serious grimace.
she was right.
"what?" karina shrugged. "you're going to tell me i'm wrong?" she raised her eyebrow. "don't worry, aein, she'll get over it, she's your sister."
"i guess you're right." she changed her attitude, calming down.
"and why did you call me?" she questioned while her eyes were on hiro.
"because i needed someone's company." she confessed. "and my sister hates me, sehun too." she held the cigarette between her teeth and used her hands to rub her face. "jennie must be furious with me for disappearing, jiwon and seulgi would have a lot of questions to do." she ran through her list of friendships in her mind, deciphering the reason why karina ended up being the one sitting next to her.
"what about top student?" she said uncertainly, almost in a whisper, referring to minjeong.
"i don't think there's a person who would be less eager to talk to me than her right now." she was lost in thought, remembering the things she had done that had surely pushed the redhead away.
"so you had to call the person you like the least." she let out a dry chuckle. "you're fucked." she pointed out mockingly.
"yeah." she nodded, a discreet smile on her lips. "and you came at 4 a.m. to see the person who likes you the least."
"not funny, we're not talking about me." she stopped laughing and folded her arms.
"why did you come?" she shifted her body a little to get on her side so she could see her.
"i don't know." she lifted her shoulders uncertainly, in denial. "you make me curious." concluded simply.
"for whatever the reason," she dropped her head against the wall careful not to bump herself. "thank you for coming." she murmured sincerely, then closed her eyes.
"it's nothing." she assured with the same feeling. "we have a dog together after all." she added, playing with hiro.
silence took over the place, but it wasn't uncomfortable. daein finished smoking and flicked the cigarette butt into the distance, which eventually ceased with the warmth in her body and before long she began to feel the cold from outside. she hugged herself, trying to contain the temperature.
"aren't you wearing your denim jacket?" spoke karina as she noticed the girl's behavior.
"it's on the bike." she clarified with disinterest.
no other word was heard, and then daein, who still kept her eyes closed, sensed movement from karina, but only interpreted that she must be playing with her dog again. to her surprise, she could immediately feel a cloth over her shoulders, and the girl's closeness. she lifted her eyelids to find her covering her with the sweater she had brought.
"you don't have to." she hurried to say and tried to remove the garment, but the younger girl wouldn't let her.
"you're colder than me." she held up the coat to keep daein from pulling it back, her hands securing it around her belly area.
daein hesitated for a second, but karina looked sure she wanted to lend her the sweater, so, without the blackhaired moving her grip from the position she had it on the biker's body, she lifted her arms and stretched them out after finding the plains of the sleeves, finishing putting it on correctly.
there wasn't enough time between daein's hands appearing from inside the sleeves and them landing on her cheeks for karina to realize what was happening. it was when the older one already had her lips on hers that she had a chance to think about how to react.
she moved her touch up across the other's chest and shoulders until she had her fingers on her cheek and neck, as she reciprocated the kiss.
the pianist had no idea why they had ended up in that situation, but she was physically unable to pull away. it was almost as if an omnipotent force was drawing her to daein, not just at that moment, but all the time.
as if something from above wanted daein to be the one who discovered her with hiro, who stood beside her when her father showed up upset, and that it then took her to the trailer that night and would not allow her to let go of her lips.
whether it was a bigger divine force, or something inside her that she couldn't explain and drew her to the mess that was daein, she always found herself hovering around the older one without even bothering to try to get far.
and for some reason, they fit together so well. in that awkward position, in the cold of the night and with the taste of cigarettes, that kiss was more gratifying and made so much more sense than any she had ever shared with jongin, or anyone else before.
they were both starting to get desperate as they wanted to be closer and seek more contact, daein's hand had fallen to her waist, pretending to draw her further into her space, as if she wanted to wrap her in an embrace, but it was impossible,
because hiro was still in karina's lap,
and he didn't like it one bit to see his owner in someone else's arms.
the puppy began barking and jumping on the girl's legs, causing the pair to brutally pull apart, upset by the noise and the sudden intrusion of the animal's snout between their faces.
"hiro!" yu exclaimed in a whisper, trying to calm the creature. "hiro be quiet, we're going to be discovered." she began to caress his head while hugging him as if trying to pacify a baby.
the girl put him down on the floor, getting up and showing him that they were far, trying to make him understand that they were no longer touching each other.
"your dog is jealous." daein observed calmly, standing on the other side of the trailer.
"don't talk to me, i don't want him to get upset again." she nagged at the girl once hiro was calm.
"come on." she walked past the dog and his master, on her way to the door.
"come on?" she looked at her in confusion.
"your dog doesn't like me." she pointed from below, already outside the trailer.
"where do you want to go?" she approached the edge of the exit.
to get down, you had to take a jump, as the wheels of the vehicle were very high and the entrance ladder had come off due to the age of it. there wasn't too much distance between the ground and the wood, and karina was used to getting in and out of the small wheeled room as she went all the time to see hiro, but still daein took her by the waist and used her strength to lift her off the ground and lower her from the trailer carefully.
"you know you didn't need to do that?" she furrowed her eyebrows and gave her an amused expression.
"and you said i couldn't carry you." she gave a sideways smile and winked flirtatiously.
"doesn't count because i meant if you had to carry my corpse and it's known that when someone dies it's heav..."
"is it possible to get on the terrace?" cut the girl off as she looked up.
"aein, i'm trying to prove my point." she ignored her, wanting to get back to her explanation.
"don't call me aein." she reminded dismissing her. "can you go up there or not?" she repeated without taking her eyes off the school roof.
"no, you can't, it's blocked." she explained dejectedly.
"i don't think so, i can get anywhere." she began to walk around inspecting the surroundings of the building looking for an entrance, closely followed by a lost karina.
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otomehoneyybearr · 1 month
Act 12
Episode 10: Decision Time
Working w/ Maybelle Lace
Note: As you read, you will see that some sentences highlighted in a different color, this is what they indicate.
Pink: Flashback
Blue: Characters are acting
Tenma: I can’t believe a board member was behind all of this...
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Banri: Shit. It’s been that guy, all this time.
Sakuya: Amadate...
Izumi: Are you okay?
Sakuya: It's hard to believe, but it's the truth...
Izumi: I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier.
Sakuya: No, it's fine. It’s surprising, but I have to accept reality...
Syu: It's unfortunate that we're in a situation like this.
Zen: Originally, we planned to deal with it ourselves.
Hiro: Sorry for causing you trouble.
Kasumi: I'm sorry that we put you all in danger.
Izumi: There's no need, it's not your fault...!
Syu: But this is the seed we sowed. We were supposed to corner him, but we got outsmarted.
Syu: It may take a while, but we will definitely take responsibility and drag him out.
Hiro: You all of the next generation shouldn't become a repeat of what happened to us, the first generation.
Hiro: If you all become torn apart, you will just give him exactly what he wants.
Izumi: ——I see what you mean.
Izumi: But, let me just say one thing. We call ourselves the first generation and the new generation, but aren't we all a part of the same Mankai Company?
Izumi: We can't just leave these matters to you guys.
Izumi: The new generation has faced a lot of hurdles up until now, but each time we all talked it over and worked together to get through it.
Izumi: I am sure we will be able to overcome it this time too.
Izumi: The new generation has strong members, and if we work together, we'll definitely be able to beat any opponent.
Banri: You can't just make the first generation look cool while ignoring us.
Tsumugi: We’ll fight too.
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Tenma: Let us help you.
Sakuya: With all of us together, we will never lose!
Izumi: Once again, I would like to ask for everyone’s cooperation on this.
Izumi: As the general director, I will absolutely protect the Mankai Dormitory and Mankai Theater, where everyone's home is.
Izumi: So please, lend us your strength to overcome this crisis!
Sakyo: Obviously we’ll help.
Masumi: We'll do anything.
Yuki: Naturally.
Homare: Leave it to us.
Muku: I will do whatever I can to help!
Juza: I won't let ‘em hurt something important to me again.
Citron: If push comes to shove, we'll mobilize an army!
Itaru: How strong.
Guy: That may cause a diplomatic issue.
Syu: But there’s one thing we should be cautious about.
Syu: If the performance is canceled, the audience won’t be harmed, but the theater company members are a different issue.
Syu: Unless the troupe is disbanded, they will come after the troupe members. Nowadays, Amadate will stop at no lengths as long as it is a means to an end.
Syu: We won’t know what he’ll do next if he realizes that we’re still active despite canceling the performance.
Yuzo: We have to be very careful so that things don't end up the same way as they did before.
Izumi: ...
Izumi: (That's true... If the theater company continues any longer, everyone will be in danger.)
Izumi: (I don't want us to fall apart, and it's frustrating to have things go the way he wants...)
Izumi: (But in order to protect everyone, we may have no choice but to disband.)
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Board Member A: I would never have thought that a theater company with so much promise would suffer such misfortune.
Board Member B: Their performance was supposed to start tomorrow, correct? The situation seems quite hopeless for them...
Board Member C: Do we have any more details on the situation?
Board Member D: There haven’t been any announcements from the theater company yet.
Board Member A: Hmm, I wish there was something we could do to support them...
Amadate: It's a tragic incident, however the board of directors can't support any particular theater company...
Chairman: ...
Chairman: Let’s move on to today's agenda. We will introduce our new board member candidates.
Reni: ...
Amadate: So the Chairman's recommendation was Kamikizaka.
Reni: ...
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Amadate: ...What’s wrong?
Reni: ...It's nothing.
Chairman: Now then, each candidate, please give a brief introduction.
Board Candidate: That is all. Thank you.
Chairman: Next, is Kamikizaka.
Reni: I am Reni Kamikizaka. I am the founder and director of the GOD Troupe.
Reni: ...Having been in the theater industry for a long time, I know that the theater world is not as pristine as it seems.
Reni: I, myself, have engaged in acts that touch upon taboos that made me lose sight of myself just to surpass or undermine other theater troupes.
Reni: And I continue to regret those actions.
Reni: But that’s precisely why I want to dedicate myself to the actors and theater groups who earnestly devote themselves to the stage.
Amadate: It takes courage to confess your own mistakes. I am curious about the details of this.
Amadate: But do you really think someone who has made mistakes can get votes?
Reni: Because I can never change what I did in the past, I want to sincerely dedicate myself to the future of the theater world.
Reni: ...And I vow to never overlook the presence of those who, like me, have made such mistakes and lurk in the darkness.
Amadate: ...
Reni: (However, since the deal with K fell through, I can’t continue the plan to expose Amadate.)
Reni: (After all, he’s a tricky opponent. I’ll have to work more carefully than I did before.)
Reni: (But I won’t give up. I WILL break his stronghold.)
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
Rating DR1 Characters on the Fight Me, Bruh Scale
On that note, here are all characters from DR1 rated based on how confident I am that I could beat them in a fight.
Yasuhiro Hagakure Hiro is a formidable clairvoyant who can foresee every punch I'm going to throw. However, he's wrong in two out of every three punches so his guard is probably worse than a non-clairvoyant's would be.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru In a fair fight, he seems like he'd be stronger than he looks. He's a strict disciplinarian who participates in Monokuma's morning workouts. But he also seems like he'd be vulnerable to cheap shots. Sand in the eyes. Nut shot. Wouldn't see it coming. He'd be whining about the unfairness while I'm on top of him, decking him.
Kyoko Kirigiri Given her line of work, she definitely carries a knife on her. But she also has a bit of delicacy to her. She always makes Makoto do anything involving physical exertion, so it's unlikely she's developed much in the way of muscle mass. She's more likely to try and avoid ever being in a situation where she has to fight than she is to actually win a fight.
Makoto Naegi Makoto is a peacemaker, not a fighter. Hell, a significant chunk of DR3's Future Arc was about how very much not a fighter Makoto is. The guy has a wealth of assets, but boxing isn't one of them. He is, however, fairly good at cardio, so he wouldn't be a total pushover either.
Leon Kuwata As an athlete, he's presumably well built. Though he relies on natural talent and doesn't put any effort in, so it's unlikely he works out. There's also a good chance he's going to do some incredibly stupid shit to impress some random girl watching us fight, and thus give me plenty of openings to work with.
Celestia Ludenberg She may look the part of a pleasant, refined little noblewoman but Celeste is a beast. She probably carries a knife somewhere on her person. Her finger-gauntlet thing is made for stabbing. She's obsessed with European royalty so she might have some fencing skills too. She definitely fights dirty.
Mondo Owada Mondo has certainly been in his share of fights. He'd be a beast of an opponent for a very straightforward slugfest - and unlike Taka, he'd be prepared for cheap shots, though he wouldn't deliver them himself. Too unmanly. Against a different opponent, his hangups about not fighting women might create openings. But I gender-present male so this would just be a straightforward, incredibly hard fistfight.
Aoi Asahina Swimmers are some of the most physically-built athletes in all of sports. Aoi's a sweetheart but she's got some strength to put behind those punches. And when she gets mad, she loses her shit. If I start shit with her, she will laser-focus on ruining my day with a mountain of hammer blows.
Hifumi Yamada All he has to do is sit on me. Sincerely. His body type is a significant advantage at close-range grappling. The guy weighs 342 lbs. Can you lift 342 lbs? Because I can't. Once he gets in close enough to grab me, I'm done.
Byakuya Togami Little rich boy probably starts crying if you-- NO THAT'S WRONG. He may look like a twig but Byakuya's one of the only people here with actual combat experience. This dude has fought gladiator-style and won. He's also utterly devoid of empathy. He will gut me without a second's hesitation and then promptly forget I even existed.
Sayaka Maizono You think Sayaka's easy pickings? You fool. You utter fool. You underestimate the lengths Sayaka will go to when backed into a corner. She fights dirty and she fights ferociously. She will do whatever it takes. Also, she reads minds. Unless there happens to be a convenient nearby mid-range weapon to keep her at bay and break her arm with, she'd be a terrifying opponent.
Mukuro Ikusaba She has a knife. She has a gun. She has a ballistic vest. This isn't a fight. This is war, and she's here to win it. Given her service history with Fenrir, I don't stand a chance.
Junko Enoshima She knows every move I'm going to make before I do. She knows exactly where my weaknesses are. And she has the combined Talents of everyone she's been able to analyze the Talents of. She's going to gouge my eyes out with those fake nails of hers, without even breaking a sweat.
Sakura Ogami Junko has the combined Talents of everyone but let's be real, Sakura's Talent is doing a lot of the heavy lifting in a fight. You know who else has Sakura's Talent? Sakura. But what Sakura has that Junko doesn't are muscles for days. You could slice meat on those abs. She could wrap her arms around my neck and flex me to death. Combine that with Ultimate Martial Arts and I'm dead in three seconds flat.
Toko Fukawa/Genocide Jack I'm lumping these in together because you might start out fighting Toko, but if the sight of blood and unconsciousness both trigger her switch then you're still fighting Jack eventually. Jack is a remorseless killer who is always armed with infinity stabbing implements. She attended Anime Warrior High School and can consequently make a Spirit Bomb out of scissors. I've got nothing for that.
Chihiro Fujisaki I punch Chihiro one time. He falls straight on his ass and cries. It's terrible. I'm a monster. Now I have to kick my own ass in retribution and that's not a situation anyone ever wants to be in.
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toujokaname · 19 days
Game master / Episode 15
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Author: Akira
Characters: Aira, Kohaku, HiMERU, Hiiro
"—Is this... the smell of blood?"
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[ Read on my site for a better viewing experience using Ois~su ♪ ]
Season: Winter
Location: Secluded Village
Several hours later. At the final checkpoint of the courage test, the mansion where the "hidden treasure" is said to be.
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Aira: Ahh~... Finally made it... I'm exhausted.
Kohaku: Koh koh koh ♪ We've been goin' back and forth all over the place. Feelin' kinda worn out for nothin', huh?
HiMERU: There was something unnatural about the route... It felt like being made to walk in circles for no good reason.
It seems that we were essentially following the route taken by the staff of the paranormal program when they were subjected to the apparition.
Hiiro: Umu, that's what the notes say.
The staff of the paranormal program explored every nook and cranny of the village, and eventually reached the mansion we're facing now.
The notes describe it as an odd mansion in the secluded countryside, feeling like a mayoiga.
Aira: Mayoiga...? You're talking about Mayo-san?
Hiiro: It's a term from folklore studies. They say if you bring something back from a mansion that unnaturally exists in the mountains, you'll become wealthy—Well, it's just a fairy tale, though.
Aira: Like Urashima Taro? [1]
HiMERU: Wasn't that a story in which he became unhappy because he brought back the jeweled box?
Hiiro: I wonder. It might be up to interpretation.
It could be argued that by finally catching up with his family members who had left him behind—and dying of old age just like them, Urashima Taro was able to find happiness.
Aira: But then what's the point if they all died... I'll survive! I'll definitely escape from this backward village and go back home!
Hiiro: You don't need to be that frantic. When it's time, you can just take the bus home normally, you know?
Kohaku: —Odd.
Aira: W-What's wrong? Do you have something on your mind, Kohakucchi?
HiMERU: Speaking of which. It's hard to understand why Tatsumi and the others, who are supposed to be scarers, haven't shown themselves since Ayase told that ghost story.
Aira: Ah, now that you mention it, that's true. It's probably better if nothing scary happens, and if we're not intentionally being frightened, I was actually relieved...
But, isn't that neglecting their role as scarers? We're busting our butts over here!
Kohaku: I was just wanderin' aimlessly, y'know. Sure, that was bothering me too, but—
Hiiro-han, you've got a good nose, right? Can't you smell this scent?
Hiiro: *Sniff sniff...* Oh, now that you mention it, there is a strange smell.
—Is this... the smell of blood?
Aira: Alright, that's it! Player Aira's throwing in the towel!
It's scaryyy, I hate ittt! I can't take it anymore!
HiMERU: Oh, lost the will to fight, have you? If that's the case, wouldn't this face-off once again end in a victory for Crazy:B?
Aira: Fine by me! I don't care about who are the better idols between ALKALOID and Crazy:B!
We idol otaku aren't interested in that! It's not about comparing to other idols!
As long as my oshi's shining, that's all that matters! Just loving them fills me with happiness!
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Aira: Winning or losing, who's better or who's worse, I don't caaaare! Waaaahhh!
Kohaku: Crap, Rabu-han's actually reached his limit.
Hiiro: There, there... I understand how you feel, but let's hang in there a little longer. You've been brave and endured this far despite being scared.
If we can just get our hands on the "hidden treasure" in this mansion, the test of courage will be done with.
If we hold on a bit more, all the scary stuff will be over, Aira.
Aira: That's why I'm saying I can't endure even a little more! Hiro-kun, you idiot! Clueless! Barbarian!
HiMERU: Hm. You're bordering on panic because of fear. This doesn't seem like something that should be shown on the screen; it's rather unsightly.
At the risk of being a mood killer, shall we contact the staff and request a brief break?
So that we can have a cup of tea and calm down before continuing to explore the mansion—
Kohaku: Yeah... I'm feelin' kinda weirdly tired too, I could use a break.
It'd probably feel better to rest after all the work's done, but with the way Rabu-han's goin', I doubt he'll hold out 'til the end.
Hiiro: Umu... Aira is very sensitive, so his fear must've been excessive compared to my dullness.
If anything, I apologize for not recognizing it until you reached this limit.
Aira: Aghh~! I'm sorryyy, I'm always like this!
Hiiro: It's okay. When I panicked because I couldn't understand Nii-san, you were the one who held me close and encouraged me.
Thanks to that, I managed to pull myself together. I'm grateful, so now it's my turn, Aira.
Aira: Uuu~! It's not fair you're only affectionate at times like this! What are you planning, making my heart flutter like that?!
Hiiro: What am I supposed to do...?
Kohaku: Hehe. Well then, let's call the staff and—
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Kohaku: Wait, wha? The camera crew's been trailin' us from afar, but—
Huuuh? They ain't here?
Since when? That's weird, they were definitely tailin' us right up to the last checkpoint...?
Ack, reckon I was too worn out to notice. This whole thing's just—off somehow.
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Hiiro: Heeey! Trouble's brewing! Is anyone around?
HiMERU: ...There's no response. As expected, there's not even a sign of presence from inside the mansion.
Aira: This is so weird! C-Could this really mean something paranormal's going on...?
Hiiro: C-Calm down, Aira. That was probably just a story made up by the scarers... We just felt it was realistic because of Mayoi-senpai's skillful storytelling.
Rather... I'm sure it's all part of the show's production, including the fact that we're scared like this.
Right? Because you like idols and know a lot about them, you know that this sort of thing is common in the industry, don't you?
Aira: B-But... would they really go this far for a prank...?!
[ ☆ ]
[1] In Urashima Tarō's story, he rescues a turtle who turns out to be a princess and spends what feels like days with her under the sea, only to return to find that centuries have passed. Opening the box she forbid him from opening, he rapidly ages. Interestingly, this isn't the first time it's been brought up in an ALKALOID context, as Tatsumi compares himself to it in his first idol story.
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theliterarywolf · 2 years
>"Okay, so is darling in the franx an actual "have sex, make kids" propaganda?" As someone who watched Franxx while it was airing? Not really? The actual show is a post-apocalyptic dystopia where children are born and trained to pilot mechs in two-person Male/Female teams to fight off Kaiju that spawn from the Earth as a result of mankind harvesting "Magma Energy" to keep the Adults of the domed cities in lives of blissful, ignorant and immortal comfort (while living bland and stagnant lives, getting their physical needs provided but their emotional needs basically nonexistent—void of any names, emotions, passions, companionship, socializing, or even simple pleasures like eating or dreaming) while the children all suffer and die in the name of Humanity's Big Brother-esque Cult Leader figure "Papa." The Children have next to no actual education on anything because their entire purpose is to fight and die piloting the eponymous Franxx Mecha, so they're incredibly sheltered and don't actually know how to love, be free, or really act as mature humans, but that starts to change as the core cast starts realizing how Papa and his entourage aren't nearly as benevolent as they seem, thanks to Hiro (the MC)'s stunningly well-written romantic relationship with 02 (pink-haired girl with horns who you've probably seen a bunch in fanart). The "I wanna have a baby" thing is because one of the other ensemble cast girls finds a book on child raising or something in the ruins of a destroyed pre-apocalypse town they explore on the beach episode and asks her love interest to help her make one because that's her idea of what you do as a couple, which the anime journalists ignored the context of "These kids don't actually understand romance or families or anything because they're tykebombs who have no idea how horrific their life is" to scream and throw tantrums over "Japanese heteronormativity and hating queer people blah blah fucking blah I'm a dumbass" and other stupid shit like that while taking the Shinzo Abe "Have sex" meme too seriously. They also missed the part where, due to these kids being genetically altered freaks, the girl loses her memory during the pregnancy so it's not like it's wholly glamorized like propaganda would be. There was also one bit where there was another Mecha pilot who, due to his uprbringing as a clone soldier in this fucked up society, was basically some form of... I don't even know what to call it, some form of militantly sex-repulsed Asexual(?) who thought relationships were dumb and gross and he got slapped for it. Somehow people twisted that into being some nonsense about homophobia despite the fact that the character who slapped him was A LESBIAN. The show's reception is mixed due to developments that happen near the tail end of the series, but I still think it's worth a recommendation and it gets more shit on than it actually deserves (example: people saying certain plot twists "came out of nowhere" despite some very obvious foreshadowing that you really can't have missed unless you're either a moron or you didn't pay attention).
I'll grand you that description is very likely based on some form of Japanese social commentary allegorically speaking, but reducing it to "I WILL KEEP IT REAL WITH YOU SHINZO ABE" really pisses me off for a lot of reasons because that was only one part of the major theme of "Utilitarianism strips us of all that makes us human and the joys of life that we experience like love" and reducing it to just that is just incredibly dishonest. It's also part of the usual Social Justice Warrior rhetoric that show just how much people who claim to care about "America Centric Views/Cultural Imperialism" Have no goddamn self-awareness whatsoever because Japan's relationship with LGBT issues is different than ours, and trying to shame them on it, especially for contexts as stupid as this, is going to fall on deaf ears.
Welp, that was a lot. However, it does look at things from the perspective of someone who watched the show all the way through, so it's still good to have.
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kichimiangra · 4 months
I thought too much about a species swap between Hiro, Gammamon and Gulus.
Hiro would be a star themed, wish granting Digimon who has to learn to say "no" over the course of the show. He starts the whole thing by stumbling across Gamma, and trying to help him solve his various problems which culminates in Gamma wishing for Hiromon to be his big brother. Now Hiromon has gone from a fairy godparent role to an actual responsible caretaker who can't solve everything with magic.
Gamma is an extremely adorable young human who is lost in the Digital World due to following his older brother in there and losing track of him. He thinks Gulus is the most amazing person ever, and that Hiromon is the best thing that's ever happened to him. He really enjoys the Digital World, especially with Hiromon's carefully shepherding him away from the worst of it, and his character arc is coming in to his own and realizing his own ability to help others and not live in the shadows of his brothers.
Gulus is a delinquent who is pursuing his own mysterious agenda in the Digital World and is appalled to learn his younger brother followed him and now his cool protagonist journey is yet another bout of babysitting. He considers Hiromon as just a useful sap to foist his responsibilities on at first, until he realizes Hiromon's potential and decides to make him his Digimon partner. He is similar to Marcus from Digimon Savers in that Gulus doesn't hesitate to fight Digimon personally and is initially uninterested in getting a partner. In sharp contrast to the usual hapless humans in Digimon Ghost Game, Gulus is confronted by a hostile Digimon and goes "Oh no. Woe is me. Whatever will I do? :)" before pulling out his magnetic knife and going Michael Myers on them.
I feel like that has the strong potential to go down a route mirroring Riku's butt-hurt from KH1. Like Gulus (Riku) is on the adventure, Gulus is the cool brother(Dependable friend)... wait... baby babay boi Gamma(Sora) got a digimon(Keyblade plus donald and goofy)? well he prolly is a silly baby too I'm the coolest one here! Except wait he's a cool digimon and is becoming self sufficient... I want the digimon (Keyblade) entitlement starts to kick in and a few butthurt reports have to be filed while Gulus overcompensates by trying to stab dinosaurs to show how cool he is but he's ready to play "How could this happen to meeee" in his room for 10 hours on repeat.
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coffeeviolinist · 2 years
You're the biggest idiot I've ever met.
Liar. Selfish. Hard-headed.
You haven't changed at all, you know. You're still the same bastard I met that first day Hiro and I were recruited into the Organization. Somehow, even now, you still manage to make everything go your way.
I hated you so much for what happened to Scotch. Why did you let him die? Why didn't you save him? His death provided you with the perfect opportunity to cement your place in the Organization once and for all. Was that all he was to you? Just a means to an end? You were an unfeeling bastard (you still are) and I swore that no matter what, I would avenge Hiro.
And then what did you do? You just had to go and make me forget about it all anyway. Even before you told me the truth, you somehow got me to move past what happened without killing you. That's how it's always been with you. No matter whether I want it or not, you always end up dragging me along in your wake and making me do things your way.
Bastard. You're a complete and utter bastard.
But I guess it's at least partially on me for always going along with it in the end, isn't it?
When we fought on the Ferris wheel, it was the most alive I'd felt in years. Although, it's probably a good thing Conan told us about the bombs before we killed each other. We made a surprisingly good team that day.
Sorry about blowing up your rifle bag, by the way.
When I came over to the Kudo mansion to help you take care of Conan when he got sick, it almost felt like we were regular people for a change. You'd be a terrible parent, by the way. Seriously, what kind of person can snipe down a criminal from 1200 meters away but can't even make toast without burning it? Oh, and those were some nice stick-figure drawings you made; you really seem to be expanding your artistic capabilities.
I'm glad that the Organization is gone. So glad. We can finally live without them hanging over our heads.
You're probably thinking this is the part where I tell you that it's finally time to go our separate ways, right? You're probably expecting me to say that since we don't have any reason to work together anymore, it's best if we just say goodbye. Right?
I admit if this two years ago, you'd be right on the mark.
But...no, I don't want to let go again. I've done enough of that for one lifetime.
I need you. I need you to be here. Just like it's been for years, I want to know that you're never going to be too far away and that I can lean on you for support when it feels like I can't go on. I need you to keep me grounded when I'm about to lose myself.
See what you've done? Two years ago, I would have been happy if I never had to see you again. Now, I don't know how I would ever go on without you. You were never supposed to have a place in my heart, and yet now, you've made it your own.
Everything always has to go your way, doesn't it?
Bastard. You're a complete and utter bastard. Selfish. Idiot. Hard-headed.
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.
Just promise me that you won't leave me too. Even if it isn't in the way I want, just promise me that you'll still be here.
Rei Furuya
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teabiscs · 1 year
Kai/Rei Ship Headcanons:
Getting Together
Kai is always the one to make the first move. Rei may have feelings first, but Kai is always the one to make the first move.
Rei has feelings first and feelings for a long time. He’s really good at hiding his emotions and buries them down, because Kai doesn't like men, and even if he did, he doesn't like Rei.
So Rei dates. He dates Mao, and they have an on again off again. There’s that brief little fling with Salima, when she and Kane are on break. And then there’s that weird summer with him and Hiro (which solidifies that, yes, he liked men, but no, he didn’t like Hiro.)
But Kai never dates. Never shows interest. But he's always distant when there’s someone in Rei’s life, but once they’re gone, Kai is stuck to him like glue… well sort of. They hang out… sort of. They’ll be in the same room and Kai might say 4 words to him. But it's comfortable. But there's a definite difference in the way Kai treats Rei when Rei is single.
Kai is either one of two scenarios: He has feelings for Rei and knows what he is feeling. Or he has no idea what he’s feeling, but there's something about Rei.
In scenario one: Kai doesn’t want to change things. They’re comfortable. He likes how things are and is… Nervous to act out on his feelings. Again. He likes having Rei around. Likes being in his presence. Hearing his laughs. He doesn't want to lose Rei. Doesnt want to fuck things up.
Scenario two: Literally the whole plot of Feeling Worthy. He has no idea he’s crushing on Rei. And is super nasty, but in moments of clarity he shows his true colors and is nice and caring. But his heart does funny things and it scares him. Fight or Flight going off like crazy. 
Always the catalyst is Kai realizing his feelings, or acting impulsively on his feelings (Kissing Rei, unprompted). And then he hides from Rei, until Rei is able to get him to talk it out.
And it's always slow. Rei is more experienced and for once has more confidence than the one he’s with.
Relationship Headcanons
Kai is possessive of Rei, not too overbearing but if someone doesn’t get the hint that Rei is with him, he will make it known. From his harmless hand on Rei’s waist to both hands gripping Rei tightly, lips attracted to Rei’s neck like a magnet suckling on the tan skin. He’s not gotten physical from the possessiveness, but he would. If necessary. 
Kai is also fiercely protective of Rei. No one will bad mouth Rei in front of Kai. And if someone upsets Rei? He will do whatever in his power, however much money it takes to rectify the issue.
Rei loves both of the above traits of Kai. It makes him feel wanted. And Loved. (red flag)
When they fight, both will always walk away from the other. When they first get together, Kai disappears for hours. As they grow into their relationship, Kai doesn’t walk out the door, but hides in a different corner of the house.
Kai is always the one who will apologize first, believing it's always his fault. Not that Rei’s not going to apologize, just that Kai is somehow always faster at doing it. 
Kai really brings out Rei’s confidence, and Rei is able to get Kai to talk more. They feed off each other. 
Kai’s love for Rei is unconditional. He completely understands how free Rei’s heart is, and how hard it is for him to feel at home anywhere he is, but the difference is, Kai would follow him to the ends of the earth. Wherever Rei wants to go, Kai will follow. 
Kai spoils Rei. Anything Rei could want, he provides (and sometimes it drives Kai nuts because Rei isn't a material person, so he makes sure to notice things.)
They don't fight a lot, but when they do fight it is from miscommunications. Either Rei doesn’t say exactly what he wants, or Kai can't figure out how to properly communicate.
Also as usual, I see Rei learning Russian (bc my HC of Kai is Japanese/Russian, fight me)
Rei always does all the cooking, when they’re out, or when he tells the chef (because rich boy kai) he’ll handle their meal. Kai is a disaster in the kitchen, but starts taking lessons (under the guise of work meetings) and has the chef watch over him as he prepares a meal for Rei.
Rei remembers when they were kids, Kai always had a soft spot for cats, and well the house is kind of lonely, so he gets Kai three kittens. And it's chaos in the house, but it's perfect. They love it.
Kai isn’t wordy with his wants, so Rei tries really hard to read his partner's needs and wants and fulfill them. Sometimes it's simple, going into Kai’s office and bringing him coffee. Or wrapping his arms around Kai and forcing him to come to bed and sleep for more than three hours. Rei misses him. Or bringing him food when he’s on work calls all day, because if he doesn’t Kai won’t eat.
Rei doesn't drink, usually. But. If Kai is drinking too much, and he wants Kai to stop drinking, he will grab Kai’s drink and down it. It sends a clear signal to Kai that he’s cut off. (And usually it sobers him up, because alcohol makes Rei sleepy and they should probably be leaving or heading back to their room.
In the privacy of their home, they are so touchy feely. Holding hands, cuddling on the couch, etc. In public it’s a lot more reserved. A casual arm around Rei’s waist, Thighs touching while they sit. Holding pinkies.
Also, Kai would 100% propose even if they couldn't legally get married (But he has the money to fly them wherever they could get legally married) And Rei wouldn't believe it because his confidence is still kind of low, but Kai wants to spend forever with him??? (and Rei cries so much)
Kai has made Rei cry (from something other than happiness or ecstasy one time) and Kai wanted to kill himself afterwards. He felt so awful. He couldn't believe he of all people could have caused Rei pain like that. 
the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one
Spicy 🌶️🌶️🌶️
They’re Vers, but: when Kai bottoms he’s a power bottom. He likes being in charge and in control. He likes being on top, when he’s on the bottom. He likes to see all the pretty faces Rei makes. 
Their first time, Kai insists on bottoming. And Rei is so hesitant and insists that he will bottom. Kai gets his way and bottoms and uses that, the internet and his own body as research for when it’s Rei’s turn.
Rei likes when Kai manhandles him. Even though there’s not quite a height difference. But Kai is stronger. He works out more and for mass and muscles. While Rei does more to stay flexible and in shape. Kai is good at flipping him around. Holding him against things etc. while reis good at being folded up. 
Kai is really into marking Rei. Rei isn’t really into marking Kai, unless Kai pushes it. (But scratching? Rei is kind really into scratching. And his nails are always somehow sharp) kai tries not to mark Rei in places others can see because they're not 16 anymore, but sometimes it's a heat of the moment thing, or they’re somewhere where kai needs others to know Rei is taken. 
Takao thinks its weird that Rei, Mr. Sunshine, is with Mr. Doom and Gloom, Kai. Takao likes that Rei brings out a different side of Kai when they're together. Kai’s a lot less moody when Rei is with him.
Max is so supportive of them! Max equates Kai to an older brother, and Rei is one of his best friends. So their happiness is so important to Max, and that they are happy with each other!! 
Hiromi is kind of obsessed with them.
The Borg Boys are so surprised by Kai’s choice of partner. Not that Kai is with a guy, because they all know Kai is gay as hell, but Rei? Rei? Very similar reaction to Takao, because they seem like polar opposites. It’s weird. But they can't deny that Kai smiles more in the presence of his Sunshine.
They will give Kai a hard time, as well as Rei a hard time, but it's an affectionate sort of hard time. And they treat him like part of the found family
White Tigers are 100% against it, at first. There’s some mild homophobia by the men of the team. And Mao is just against it being Kai (And tbh in all my Borg Boy X Rei HC the white tigers are not a fan of the relationship). But it is so important to Rei to keep them in his life, that Kai makes it his mission to get them to like him, and give their relationship their blessing. Because Kai’s usual reaction to oh XYZ doesnt like us dating is fuck them, but these people are Rei’s family.
And it pains Kai to try and rehabilitate his reputation with the White Tigers. They meet on neutral ground in the city for their first meetup and Rei is so nervous. Lee, Gary and Kevin are kind of mean about the whole meetup, and Rei puts on a brave face. And Mao is more annoyed because its Kai, of all the Borg Boys it's him. (She’d take Boris over Kai). But Lee goes too far and Rei starts crying and excuses himself, and Kai goes off on them. How dare they? After everything, how dare they be so disrespectful to Rei. I didn't even want to be here, but this mattered to Rei. Your approval was all he cared about, but you guys want to treat him like shit? I won't stop him from visiting, but believe me I will try my hardest to talk him out of it. He doesn’t deserve any of this. He is the sweetest, kindest person I know. He is so patient, he’d wait until the world ended to get the approval from the White Tigers. Then he’d drop enough money on the table to cover the whole bill plus, and collect Rei from wherever he ran to. (And Kai’s dialogue wins over Mao. Then she works on the rest of the team, but it takes Rei months to work up the courage to go back to China. But Rei really wants to go back for a festival, so they do. Kai and Mao work out an arraignment for Rei to see them. And it finally works out. With apologies and everything.)
Mr. Dickinson is so thrilled when any of his young bladers get into relationships, especially when it's with each other. He sees Rei as a sort of grandson, after everything he’s done for Rei, so he’s even more thrilled. And then! Kai of all people! In a relationship! Thriving, Happy! What more could he ask for!
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may i request learning about the takaaki AU
Ohhh, uh, yeah! I was gonna link some of my posts, but I literally lost the shit LMAO. Anyways, let's see. Basically, after the events of THH, Takaaki goes insane. He doesn't know how to cope with the loss of his son, so he just goes insane. He practically just loses his shit and then decides to join Monokuma and become a Mastermind. But not really because of despair or just because he wants to be an evil person. More of to get revenge. He plots to destroy everything Junko made and bring them all to justice and shit (but sometimes his insanity and lack of self control gets some people killed. Can't bake a cake without breaking a couple eggs, I guess lol.) He has some help from Makoto, Hiro and Monomi (who isn't dead in this AU.)
Monomi is a sort of source of comfort for him when he goes a little too far and needs help to keep himself sane enough to continue his plan. He grows to care a lot about Monomi and would do anything to keep her safe. She's like a daughter to him. And he decides to just keep her when he completes his plan and they live together happily in peace.
Anyways, after Takaaki is done, he just winds down and decides to live peacefully. (Maybe even decide to bring back his son and the other kids with a machine he has Kazuichi build. I like the idea, lol.) There's so much for this AU that I've forgot to mention or just need to add. But that's basically it rn.
@artz16 helped me out with some of the idea with adding to it. So I'd also like to credit them. There's also a few arts out there that they, me and @s0va-idalin have made. I really like this AU a lot and wish my mind could be a bit more creative and do more with it. I'm just having fun with it at this point. (Hope y'all don't mind me tagging y'all.)
Anyways, sorry for the LONG response. I like rambling and there's a lot to ramble about this AU.
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aneenasevla · 2 years
Devil's' Food - Chapter 21
MasterList /Ayami’s Profile / Previous
Chapter 21 - Life
“Welcome!” Kanami, the owner of the bakery, announces as the next customer enters.
The girl who came in sees that the counter was empty and goes there “hello… I heard they sell post-workout iced tea here…”
“Yes, you've come to the right place” Kanami nods “we have green tea, which is always requested and we also have hibiscus with anise on the menu today.”
“Hibiscus,” she nods, “and one of those sandwiches, ma'am.”
“Right away! And you can call me Kanami, lady, no problem” the muscular girl winks an eye. The girl laughs.
“I'll take a sandwich then, Miss Kanami. I'm Yamagami Ayami, nice to meet you” she bows slightly and then smooths her hair back into a bun. She looked tired. The baker noticed this.
“Tough day, Miss Yamagami?”
“Oh more or less, I'm still a beginner, I started last week, but sometimes I can't stop when I start something, especially when it's gym sets.”
Kana laughs “Me too, somehow.”
“I noticed, you seem to be the type that goes to workout all the time.”
“You got it right. Here it is” she serves the tea “and yer sandwich. Need anything else, just call us, okay?”
“I don't have anyone accompanying me, but can I go to one of the tables?”
“Of course, miss, make yourself comfortable” the baker indicates, nodding.
Ayami smiles a little, takes the food and the backpack to the table, and starts pulling out some books. Hiro watches as Kanami goes back to work.
“What a cutie” Hiro comments, quietly “This girl looks like one of those Western pin up images... even the dimpled smile…”
“Hiro, do you really have to make a snarky comment every time someone new comes in?”
“I'm the cashier, sweetie, no one leaves this joint without passing me, but am I lying, Kanny? It makes me want to take a picture of her to put on a calendar.”
Kanami nods her head “yeah, you're not lying… but still, keep your mouth shut.”
“Hnm… ok, I'll think about your case” Hiro laughs.
The next week, she came back. She asked for the same thing the following week too.
“Hi Miss Kanami” she smiled this time, while eating “how are you doing?”
“Oh, no problem, what about you, dear?” she smiles pleasantly.
“Oh okay, I guess I can say I'm even a little better. I want a cake for my brother, it's his birthday.”
“Oh, good, congratulations to him. Do you have a specific flavor?”
“He really likes chocolate, whichever has more filling, please.”
“Ah, we have this one” Kana points to a shelf by the counter “this one, look, I made it just today, where I come from is called Devil's Food, for it is so decadent.”
Ayami looks at the cake, but the smile she had died when she heard the name. She pulled back her face a little and smiled a little embarrassed “It looks great to me, but don't you have another one?”
“Oh, is it a little too much?”
“No, it's just… I don't like Devils.”
Kanami raised an eyebrow “uh… okay… there's a more normal chocolate cake if you want.”
“Oh, sorry, it has nothing to do with your cake, it’s just…”
“Relax, girl” Kanami smiles “there are people who have problems with these names, it's okay.”
“Y-yes…” She blushes. “Wow, what a shame, Ayami”, she thought to herself. "You can't even hear about it... that creature really traumatized you..."
“There you go” Kanami delivers the cake “a regular chocolate one, ready. Want something more?”
“No, that's great” she smiles “Akito will be happy.”
‘Come here, can I ask you a direct question, Ayami?”
“Sure, ask.”...“She's going to ask about the devil, I'm already predicting…” Ayami thinks as she blushes, embarrassed.
“Are you trying to lose weight at the gym? Your silhouette has kind of thinned out over the last few days…”
“Oh, no, that's not my intention, actually” Ayami laughs, relieved “I think it's because I started practicing Kenjutsu again and a friend of mine recommended me to train at a gym nearby. So I think that's a consequence, right? I like my silhouette as is.”
“Kenjutsu? Wow, I would never have guessed” Kanami smiles. Ayami reciprocates.
“It runs in the family, I want to continue with the tradition. And it's also good for the mind and health…” "And I also want to make sure that no one will bother me, and Akito will also be calmer if I know how to defend myself..."
“I totally agree, I prefer martial arts without weapons, but good luck in your sport.”
“Who would have thought that you are also part of the gym rats” Hiro jokes “I would be, but I practice another kind of sport…”
“Hirooooo…” Kanami looks at him menacingly, and he laughs softly.
“Hey, cup lifting is a sport…”
Ayami laughs “I imagine you also like sweets as I do.”
“Oh not much, not when you work in a place that is full of sweets whenever you decide to eat…” Kana looks at him “eh, paying of course. Unless it's my food stamp, then I can.”
“Yeah, you can.” Kanami agrees, still looking at him.
“I'm not a gym rat…” Ayami blushes, muttering.
“Hahaha, it's just an affectionate nickname, don't worry” Kana smiles.
“Alright, I'm just kind of reactive with names these days, I'm working on it” the lawyer organizes the box in the bag “My friends used to help me, but they are now in another city, so I'm kind of shy in training... more with the eyes of others…”
Kanami raises an eyebrow. Hiro smiles, he knew her friend's way very well. Here came the defender in action...
“What days do you train?” she asks “I usually do it on Mondays and Fridays, in the afternoon because I have my work…”
“Oh, I do it on Fridays too… we can do it together if you want” Ayami suggests, already brightening up "I was in need of help, anyway.’
“Haha, great. As you always come here, it's good that we help each other.”
“Perfect. Now, If you excuse me, I have to go deliver this cake, bye” she nods and goes “See you Friday afternoon, Kanami.”
“See ya” the baker smiles. When she leaves, Hiro chuckles. She squints her eyes “What is it, Satan’s Spawn…?”
“What's it? I'm just seeing your heroin side in action. The helpless gazelle-eyed girl needs help, you practically jumped in to save her…”
“Shut up! Speaking like that, it sounds like I have some intentions…”
“I'm just kidding, girl… I know you wouldn't trade your seaweedhead for anything in the world.”
“Not even a single thing. I fight for this every day” she smiles proudly “and I will never stop fighting.”
The village was silent at this time of night.
From the rooftop, at the top of the mansion, with only a bottle of whiskey for company, he could watch everyone and everything. He'd just gotten back from an assignment, and it hadn't even been that far, so he was still adjusting to the calm surroundings once more. A few chimneys here and there still showed signs of life, and the wind passed, swaying the trees in the forest beyond… he avoided looking at the river, and the direction of the lake above. He couldn't.
At least the work was still the same, and he was able to focus well. The pigs were still the same, heads were still rolling and necks still twisting. Blood was still red, still falling, still staining clothes. It was still fun, it was still what he did. It was still himself.
The problem was everytime when he came home.
Empty. Silent. Cold.
Since when, in the middle of summer, was it like this? And since when did he care about that?
He just knew he didn't like it at all. The whiskey warmed his enthralls, but it wasn't enough. He wanted to shout at the village down the hill, but he was sure if he did, someone would come out with an Ak-47 and point it at him. It had been almost a month, they were still angry with him, and even Raian knew his angry relatives were dangerous. And he was kind of tipsy too, so he'd be at a disadvantage anyway.
He sit and shouted anyway “FUCK YOU!” to the hill below.
“Fuck you, Idiot!” someone responded, he laughed, clapping hands. That was fun.
Besides, why would they still be angry? Did they really want him to take that Mouse? Were expectations of him that low to accept anything from the sewer? What the fuck huh, look how far they'd gotten so he could pass genes on…
Screw this. He always knew, he was so out of league for so many of them anyway. It was like he was a wild ol’ truck without cargo, made for driving on the road and running over old ladies at a traffic light, he was not made for carrying sugar. Just like that game where the guy stole cars and hit everybody, and there was something about thieves, prostitutes and drugs. Best game ever.
He laughed a little to himself. He couldn't do that in real life, ‘cause it would be too much work. Maybe if he had an opportunity on a mission somewhere with cars, it would be so fucking cool.
His laughter gradually subsided, when all he found was silence. He sighed. Fuck, when Tokita was there, at least he had someone to talk to. Fuckin feral bitch. She just had to fuck up everything and fend off his friend, and then say it was his fault to be alone…
That's why he didn't like to make friends. Soon or later they leave and all that's left is an empty space on the side, and silence. And the cold.
But the cold and stillness was nowhere near as intense as it is now. And he didn't even consider her an actual friend yet. Damn it.
Even he had low expectations, apparently. He must have been pretty crazy to think that hunting mice was fun...
His already altered mind began to bombard him with images, surprisingly still fresh. The laughing, the screams, the wind carrying her scent as he chased her through the woods, the quick movements for someone of that size, the serious face, the gleam in the giant eyes, the feeling of having her trapped under him… oh god, her scent…
Suddenly he wasn't cold anymore, and that irritated him more than the cold itself.
“Aaaaaaarrgh” he held his own head, which now decided to torture himself with lewd images “Damn Mousieeeeee… Fuckin’ Mousie…”
He took another sip from the bottle. The alcohol was already running softly down his throat. Ugh… looks like getting off the roof is going to suck…
He didn't know how he got off the roof, but he knew this wasn't his room when he woke up.
– Where am I…? he mutters, his voice hoarser than usual, his throat super dry. The place was smaller than his own, less spacious, but he still didn't think it was bad… he recognized the corner of the door, and grunted.
He was in Mousie's old room. And the room was turned upside down, including the bathroom door practically hanging off the hinge. He must have been really mad to do that. He didn't quite remember if he'd done it himself, but part of him said, “Who the fuck else could do this? Karla is no longer after Tokita...”
His head hurt for half a second. Damn, now he was playing Karla’s role in this novel, goddammit.
Since he was already there in the bed, he lay down to rest. He didn't know where the bottle in his hand had ended up, but he knew the other two had been left in his room at the mansion. A bottle in the middle of nowhere in a village, no one was going to say a word about it… that is, if some miracle had happened and he hadn't made a path of destruction from the mansion's roof all the way there. He was already expecting the headache to come.
He took a deep breath, enjoying the silence as long as he could…
And his body reacted to the smell. Oh no… he'd forgotten for a moment where he was, and his nose caught the scent of the sheets. It annoyed him how easy it was to remember it all again, and all the sensations from then and now came at once.
“Bloody hell, get off me… pest!” he grunted, sitting up and tossing away the covers and fabrics of the bed. He massaged his face, grunting in frustration. He got up to go to the bathroom with a heavy headache, a dull ache in his chest, an empty stomach, a will to break anyone’s face and a pretty characteristic discomfort in his legs.
He would take care of one at a time. Starting with the last one.
“Thank you for accompanying me, Kanami…”
“You're welcome, Ayami” they smiled as they left the gym on Friday “I was even looking for someone for accompanying me on my normal workouts. My usual partners are now busy with tournaments and I don't see them as often as I used to. Even my boyfriend has been busy with some things… I've been kind of lonely.”
“Oh, so you have a boyfriend?” Ayami smiles “I'm happy for you.”
“Thanks. Although he's more like a husband, we live together and everything…”
“Wow” the lawyer blushes “I shouldn't be surprised, You own a bakery, with an established life, and are independent...”
“Oh, noo, no, I'm more of a manual worker like so many others of the world, the difference is that I make people happy with what I produce. And now with fitness menu option” she gives a thumbs up, Ayami smiles a little “What about you? You hardly say anything about you. I've known you for a month and I can count the facts on my fingers…”
“I ah…” she stops a little, and then shrugs her shoulders “ok, what do you want to know?”
“Starting with the questions you asked me. Where do you work?”
“Yes, I am a lawyer.”
Kanami was surprised “Wooow, can I have your card? You never know when I'll need one…”
“Hahaha, I hope not!” Ayami laughed, shrugging her shoulders, but she hands over the card “I specialize in civil and business. If you need, just call me.”
“What the hell, you're so cool” Kanami's eyes sparkled looking at the card.
“Hah, I appreciate it” she bows a little “but I also think you're fine”
Kanami stared at her and laughed “Well, thank you, hahaha. Okay, the second question…”
"No, I don't have a boyfriend," she said immediately, blushing.
“It's okay” she smiles “I don't know, but I already like you, your way is so calm and delicate, unlike me. That would be a lot of people's ideal type…”
“Yeah…” Ayami looked away, blushing more “It's ironic, isn't it?” She felt an urge to test “I think it's because I'm chubby and look like a helpless maiden.”
“Haahahaha, that's certainly not why!” Kanami smiles, giving the other a light punch on the shoulder, without hurting “and if someone said that to you, that person sure doesn't know what they're missing, girl! You're a beauty that no one can fault, do you hear me?” she laughs and then continues to look ahead “I used to be even bigger than you, in high school, you know?”
“Oh really?” Ayami is surprised.
“Yeah… it's just that I had low self-esteem and I started to want to change. You sure don't have this problem, I recognize it from afar…” Kana smiles, a little tenderly “who hurt you? Is it someone I can punch?”
Ayami laughs a little louder this time “I don't think so… but it's not because of your lack of strength, I assure you” she smiles a little shyly “I eh… I was about to marry this guy…”
“Oooohh…” her smile dies “and he said those things to you?! How heartless…”
“I already knew he was like that, but it was so sudden…” Ayami sighs “one day we were together and even having fun, the next he just…” “humiliated me in front of his whole family”, she wanted to say, but didn't need anyone's pity “… eh, dumped me mercilessly. It looked like he was someone else.”
“Hnmm…” Kanami shook his head “Honestly girl, it's better without him. Better a guy who values ​​you than a devil like that.”
Ayami widened her eyes “D-devil? What are you talking about?” She averted her eyes, very embarrassed.
“Oh, yeah, sorry, I forgot you have a problem with that name… it's ok, whoever said it isn't here anymore. But yes, I agree, it's better without him.”
Ayami nods “but I think you understand right… I'm not really looking forward to meeting someone else either… that leaves a bit of a mark.”
“You're right, Ayami. You have to give yourself some time, take care of you, just like you're doing right now” Kana nods, “you have to pick up the pieces and reforge.”
“Yeah” Ayami smiles again “and now I’m starting to be okay, there's nothing else stopping me.”
“Atta girl!” Kanami doesn't resist and hugs her shoulder, she squeaked with the strength of the hug “That's the spirit!! My Gooooood you are so cuuuute to huug!”
“Yea, yeah, a lot of people tell me that” she smiles “put me back on the floor, please?”
Kanami notices, she had practically lifted the other one.
“Oh, sorry” the baker puts the lawyer on the floor “I forgot that you're not like my friends... we usually greet each other like that…”
“All right, I consider you a friend. I'm in need of friends, honestly… I had forgotten that it was nice to have someone to talk to.”
“I'm glad for that” Kanami looks at the building of the Heavy Bakery, now closer “well, I'll stop by the bakery, before I go home, do you want to accompany me?”
“Yes, I want to have tea before I get on the way home.” She nods.
The two enter the establishment, which was half full. Ayami and she approached the counter, a man was sitting there, eating. Kanami smiles and steps forward.
“Ohma? Why are you here at this time?” she smiles. Ayami stopped when she heard the name. And she stopped to watch him. She remembered the conversation she had with Fusui. And that tall, muscular man with black seaweed hair matched the description the girl had given, is it him…? And yes, he was handsome, even more so when he looked in their direction and his face seemed to light up as he saw the baker.
“Hey” he says, when she approaches and leans his forehead on hers, receiving a pat on the head of his girlfriend “I came to pick you up, to go home.”
“Oh, sorry hon, I should have warned you that I could go straight home when I got back from the gym…”
“You never come straight home. You have to always close the bakery yourself”
“You know me so well, don't you?” she laughs, and then turns around, noticing the lawyer “ahh, Ohma, I almost forgot, this is Yamagami Ayami, she's accompanying me at the gym. Ayami, this is Tokita Ohma, my boyfriend and practically my bouncer since he frequents here so much” she laughs softly. Ayami bows a little as he nods in return.
“Nice to meet you… you look familiar…”
“What?” he raises an eyebrow “I've never seen you. I would have remembered.”
“No, no, we've never met, I just… I think I've heard of you.” She then corrects herself “I mean, Kanami spoke very well of you.”
“I hope so, because I don't remember doing anything wrong” he looks at Kanami and she laughs, leaving his hug and going behind the counter, leaving her gym bag with him.
“I hope it stays that way” Kana jokes back, looks at Ayami “tea, as always?”
“Yes, the green one this time” Ayami sits next to Ohma, two chairs away.
“Roger that” and the baker prepares the ingredients for serving, talking to the other bakery employees.
Ayami is half huddled in her corner. She wanted to start a conversation, wanted to confirm, but didn't know how… she looks at the guy sideways. He clearly had a build and body similar to… his. Forged for combat, yet clearly he looked far less menacing, yet no less confident. He was quietly eating a sandwich… and there were five more in line. She wondered if this was all a normal amount for a person.
“You're looking at me a lot” Ohma says, without looking at her “do you want something with me?”
 Ayami turned very red “Oh sorry, I didn't mean to offend.”
‘Where do you know me from?” He still doesn't look at her, stopping every now and then to chew, calmly.
“Oh, it's just that a friend of mine told me about you. It's not Kanami, but… eh… okay, straight to the point…” she takes a deep breath “Do you know someone named Kure Raian?”
Ohma stops eating and looks at her, she felt a shiver down her spine as she noticed gray-brown eyes beneath her bangs, looking at her unerringly.
“What if I do?” the voice doesn't change, but she felt the seriousness.
“Oh, my God…” she widens her eyes “so you're the…”
“Tea!” Kanami smiles as she hands the iced green tea to the other. Then she notices Ayami's astonishment and Ohma’s hard look “Ehhh… did I miss something?”
“No, no… I just… I'm stunned by the coincidence…” Ayami looks at Kanami, relieved to see someone who isn't intimidating in the scene.
“Yea? Why?”
“She knows Raian” Ohma says, at once. Kanami looks at Ayami.
“Oh really? What a coincidence, did you ever defend him in any case or something?”
“What? No” Ayami shakes her head “I, uh… I heard his sister talking about you.”
“Ah, ok” Ohma disarms the serious look, going back to eating. It was as if the air had become lighter “I know Fusui too. She is cool.”
“Yeah, she was one of my gym partners” Ayami was relieved that he had naturally lightened the matter “until I had to leave the Village. She still keeps in touch with me, but since I split from my fiancé, we haven't seen each other much.”
“Ah, I'm sorry about that” Kanami smiles a little sympathetically
“Wait, were you among the Kure too?” Ohma raises an eyebrow “And ex-fiancé? That sounds like a lot of coincidence…”
“That girl wasn't your fiancée to begin with, love.”
“She wasn't, but I've seen something like that before. And the Kures don't usually separate like that from a betrothed, they tend to like... mate for life you know? He has to be someone really, really stupid or someone who really didn't want to…” He looks at his girlfriend, Kanami looks at him “and she said he dumped her mercilessly… who would do that?” they both look at Ayami and she swallows hard.
“Your fiancé was Raian!?” Both ask at the same time. Ayami cringes, wanting to bury her face in the ground, letting out a thin squeak.
“Ah, I… eh…” she looks away from them, dying of embarrassment “… yeah.”
“WHAT?!” The two open their eyes widely.
“Is this serious, Ohma?”
“I just knew that now, he never told me that… like, how long ago was this?” – Ohma imagines Raian doing the same as Karla and shivering.
“Oh, just a few months… it didn't work out. Eh… I think you should know how he is…”
“We know” Kanami and Ohma spoke at the same time. Kana stares at her boyfriend.
“You are so in sync with me today.”
“I'm as surprised as you by this, don't judge me” Look at Ayami “he didn't do anything to you, did he?”
“What? No!” she widens her eyes “Well not phisically. He didn't want me either, it was arranged... so... eh…”
“Arranged? Does this still exist?” Kanami looks at Ohma.
“Yes it does, but as far as I know they had stopped it a long time ago…”
“Anyway. It's over, I…” Ayami tries not to look at them “I just know it's a coincidence that I meet you, that's all.”
“I imagine…” Ohma still looks at her face “But… you don't look happy.”
“No? How not to be happyl? He's despicable… isn't he?” she couldn't speak in a normal tone “well, I think I'll go home… thanks for the tea, Kanami… I'll pay…”
“No, it's on the house, this time” Kanami feared that the girl would cry, so mentally exhausted that she looked.
“Oh, thanks, but I’ll pay later, then” she gets up “it was a pleasure to meet you,Mr. Tokita, and… Kanami, I…” she takes a deep breath “Please, don't be bothered with me, I just didn’t expect to find his friend here. But I will behave better in the next few days, you have nothing to do with it, okay? I’m fine… just… a little heartache, but that’s all”
 “Uh… okay…” Ohma nods, watching her leave. He waits for her to walk out the door before saying “Wow…”
“My God, she's devastated, what did he do huh?”
“I don't think it was a good thing, but not to the point that make me hate him” he sighs, thoughtfully “Actually, that explains a lot of things.”
“What for example?”
“He was all weird in the training you went with me… And the next training days, when I tried to talk to him, he seemed more skittish than usual, almost feral.”
“Makes sense…’ Kanami puts her hand on her chin, thoughtfully “But… is there nothing we can do? I don't want to get involved, but…”
“I'll first see how the guy is” Ohma pulls out his cellphone “if he's cool, then we just need to comfort her and go on with life, at least she's a friend of hers, so it’s okay. But I'm really curious to know what happened, because if he hid that from me, it was really out of his control and he really got pissed.”
“Okay… but seriously… try not to piss him off more.”
Ohma looks at his girlfriend, his face blank. She blinks once and then realizes what she said.
“Oh, sorry, I sometimes forget that you can handle him just fine. But come on, hon, it's my job to worry about you.”
“You definitely work too hard, Kanami” he goes back to eating “relax for once, jeez.”
“Hnmf… how am I going to relax if you never worry?”
“Touché.” He smiles a little more.
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madeofcc · 28 days
Only two chapters left for Melodia !!!
Are you enjoying this special so far ? To be honest, I really love to create it though it's been one of the hardest experience so far for me, especially on the editing side because of my broken computer ^^
On the last chapter , I spent an entire month just to show you more about Leïla and Hiro's story. As we didn't see them a lot together during the official story, I wanted to explain why they were constantly fighting but I'm not sure everyone noticed everything. Basically, Hiro blames Leïla for being a witch, well mostly for using her powers and making some mess when she loses control. He also hates that she constantly tells him what to do, as her mom used to. On the other side, Leïla is tired to be Hiro's mom, since Renji disapeared, Hiro suffers from depression and it has impacted their relationship. Constantly high on weed, Hiro has a lot of bad habits that he took from his family life. As his mom used to do everything, or Renji, Hiro usually let his mind goes around for to long and can't seem to notice that there's dishes to clean or trash to put out ... Leïla also realised that she's happier without Hiro now, as she feels more free without him and can focus on herself.
This chapter was supposed to be a medley with What's a girl to do? by Bat for Lashes and Free by Florence and the Machine, but I thought it could be a bit too much and also less enjoyable to read ...
After the Melodia special, I will take a break from posting in order to fully prepare DH3. The best would be to post it for Simblreen as it's a horror part and also to create a massive trailer I have in mind since 2 years now ! So be patient and don't hesitate to catch up with DH1 because it's complete and kind of cool (I mean, I'm kind of proud when I read it, I really wrote an entire season !) and in the meantime, enjoy life and take care of you ♥ Thanks for being here
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madraleen · 4 months
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Bungo Stray Dogs - Season 4 An Excitable Commentary
-omg?? tell me it's the fukuzawa-ranpo backstory, tell me it is so!!
-young oda??? my heart.
-why does ranpo's "help me, mister bodyguard" remind me of anya forger, lol
-HELLO hiro shimono, didn't expect to hear you, always the greatest pleasure
-ranpo is adorable. the world is all babies that he has to protect, tsk. adorable
-fukuzawa LITERALLY created the agency FOR ranpo, for his talent and his protection, literally his shield, i cannot. i love their story.
-everything is getting richer and richer as the story progresses. everything and everyone takes on so much more meaning.
-the bsd op and ending songs never disappoint. they all have something so nostalgic and heartfelt and dynamic in them, idk. they're like a tight tight hug that warms you and breaks you
-i don't know when this turned into a ranpo-poe comedy act, but i love it
-hiroshi kamiya is a phenomenal va. i've followed him in quite a few roles now and just. he's. just. he is That Guy, you know?
- i really like nikolai's design???
-i really like this cast. the more i get to know them, the happier they make me
-the op song is so good. every time i sing along with that "monogatari no saki e," i feel connected to every person that's ever done the same, it's so cool
-we lost dazai AGAIN? ffs, we always lose dazai. from a practical point of view, of course, if dazai were here, it wouldn't matter that ranpo stormed off because we'd still have a second genius on the second team. BUT STILL
-gee, i can't, i love dazai's voice so much
-ranpo has lots of guts for someone who's basically defenseless. i worry.
-yes, talk to me about jester nikolai and demon fyodor, finally more info
-i really want to see how they'll pull off this plotline, this is an avengers-level reality-altering memory-tampering threat
-I thought that voice was familiar. yuki kaji, we meet again. is everyone from aot in bsd
-yuki kaji, man. another phenomenal va. i've seen him in a few different roles by now, and he just. he's so good. so versatile.
-is it just me being enchanted or is bsd actually really well-made animation-wise?
-CHUUYA MY MAN! TO THE RESCUE! and doing it in style! why am i tearing up
-eyyy, atsushi is using his brain well!
-they've really split up the teams in a way that they're at their weakest. no one has ranpo or dazai, so no genius intelligence, dazai and ranpo don't have anyone, so no defense, atsushi and kyoka don't have a mentor, and the port mafia trio are all basically supports. very interesting
-WHEEE GROUP LIFE COUNSELING WITH DAZAI AND FYODORRR (this anime is making me derangedddd)
-mamoru miyano's performance as dazai is inspired, i cannot
-who does the port mafia want though? dazai is too volatile. ranpo, they don't really need a genius. atsushi would clash with them at every turn. they could use tanizaki though, and i think he'd be the most okay at doing it, to protect naomi and such
-what a mindfuck
-dude, 11-year-old yosano's life is torture. that whole situation is torture, for everyone
-WHAT! TACHIHARA IS A SPY AND THE FIFTH HUNTING DOG?! IN OUR PORT MAFIA?! HOW DARE! HOW FUCKING DARE. yes i understand the perception right now is that the agency are terrorists and the hunting dogs aren't unjustified, BUT WE KNOW THE TRUTH SO I AM ALLOWED TO RAGE, OKAY?!
-do you ever just want to squeeze their lil chibi faces (re: the end titles)
-thank you for the acupuncture point sequel, that was a much needed comic relief, i laughed
-dude wait, everything's paying off so nicely and coming around full circle, the metal guy and his brother from yosano's past, the writer friend's memory helping them escape, the plot is so much tighter and connected this season
-oi, ango is an ability user??
-and the Explanations For Dummies, thank you s4, thank you :')
-SURELY fyodor won't figure out dazai's communication method? surely he… *sigh*
-aha, "lol, controlling his heart rate, a classic dazai-kun party trick." y'know. the usual.
-oh come on, it'll be us using the back of the page, right? RIGHT?!
-oh. oh no. will the arc not be resolved this season??? will it end on a cliffhanger?? i'm scared
-for a main character in an ensemble, atsushi holds his own even in this huge cast of wacky and/or charming people
-here's the thing, i really like fyodor's voice, dammit. and i like sigma.
-the hunting dogs could be heroes in their own damn story, but here i'm like I'M GONNA SLAP YOU SO HARD! but it's NOT their fault that they're the antagonists -.-
-oh. i was like, "that's a good plan, atsushi! a little gambly, but it's smart!" and then he goes "that's dazai-san's plan." yes. of course. why wouldn't it be mr heart rate's plan
-sigma basically: "i've only had this casino for eight days, but if anything happened to it, i would kill everyone in this room and then myself."
-okay, sigma gave in a little too fast to ango, but who cares
-lmfao, this outcome is the exact opposite of dazai-san's plan, nice
-okay, but. dazai has communication with ango so he gets feedback, he's in the know about what's happening outside. is someone feeding fyodor information too, or are you saying he's taken ALL of this into his calculations? surely not? surely someone's communicating with him as he's communicating with them?
-you can see dazai's mind working in light speed with every word fyodor says, heh
-"you and i are powerless in the face of their intense spirits," dazai i love you
-lmfao so nikolai IS alive, okay
-omfg i'm gonna miss them so muchhh :"))) YES i'll start s5 in a couple of days, but that's not the point! i'll miss s4!!! everything that took place, every interaction, all of it! WHAT A RIDE!
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shummashum · 5 months
Zeus Brundle Ch6 [11~14]
They're spending time getting to know each other by some sort of Q&A
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oh, a sharp question I'm a little bit curious too! He happened to skip the question last time
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eh what He revealed it like it wasn't a big deal As I remember, he was reluctant for some reason last time, asking why she was asking that… Was it an excessive guess? huh Did I bark up the wrong tree
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come to think of it, Zeus has two sisters… if I know right
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He seems to feel close to Al since they are both the eldest sons… He even called A by his name! the pinnacle of simplicity
Anyway, it feels good to see everyone getting closer !
As they got closer, Zeus asked Al about the book he carried so preciously. I'm curious about that too
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ooh shit he'll be screwed if he lose that at least make a backup you already made it, right?
Liz asked him if he could show the coolest thing he had seen on his travels around the world, and he willingly agreed.
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tentacle, huh...... the name is kinda lewd ! sounds like it's often used as a specific item in a specific genre...........
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Oi He said he would show us something super rare! Just keep quiet and keep watching
When Zeus continued to deny its existence, Al offered to show him something.
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huh technology I want that one
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You can't do this, right? But you said you're good at summoning and offensive magic Everyone has their own field; you shouldn't try to compete with others in every single aspect ! !
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why are you scratched by every single thing you moron……
Anyway, Al turned his book to another page and showed Liz another stuff, the stardust grass.
Hiro: Yours was just a vacation.
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Liz said she wanted to see it in reality, but Al doubted she'd find any fields of it (plus the season issue)
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ooh… really? how? money power? or on your own?
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That catchphrase appeared again Well… good luck? I expect appropriate results since you opened my mouth like that
Hiro, who was watching this, talked to Liz out of the blue.
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what what? what?????????? wait wait wait wait adorable? adorable...........?? what the fuck is that am I fucking wrong about the meaning of that word oh it might be it might be a word that can be used more commonly and easily; a word that a single man can casually use with another single man
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dammit I don't get it at all my brain isn't working right now no way don't do this to me what the fuck is that why the fuck is he saying like that what kind of human being is he uaaargh
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I get so scared of that guy he just saw his actions as 'adorable' he has been with him until now plus has been observing his actions, and his perception of him is adorable… I'm so scared of him he had a reason for not leaving him dammit I won't interfere with this from now on I can't
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Tell me about it!@!!!!!!!! they're indeed crazy they're insane no sanity
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what on earth are you talking about oi I trusted you why why.............
-Ch6 End-
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