#{ headcanon ; 🛸 }
fuzzypuppybuddie · 2 months
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Itty sen little cho doodles while I wait for my food
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silly-stings · 3 months
i gave them hair dye for 14 minutes as a treat and this is what they do r you swibbing me
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trippygalaxy · 1 year
Your writing on Twilight, wild and time with a sleepwalker their reader is amazing!!
Is it okay to request a separate headcanon on four,sky and legend??
Ah geez, thank you!!! ☺️ but yes you may!
Pairing: Four, Sky, Legend x gn!reader (separately) Warnings: None Part 1 Part 3
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Another worrier but is a lot more mellow with his concerns
He'll like to talk over everything with you and make a mental list of things he should and shouldn't do when it comes to waking you up.
The last thing Sky wants to do it cause any distress to you!
Sky is very much a cuddler and tends to wrap himself around your whilst you two slept. This meant that most days you actually couldn't really...sleep "walk" more like...sleep gesture.
Whoever is on night watch can see you flopping/wiggling your arms in Sky's tight hold while your hands gesture widely. It's very amusing to watch
Somehow Sky doesn't wake up even as your practical break dancing in his hold, which is somewhat concerning?? but that's a different topic for another day.
Despite this, some nights you do manage to break from his hold (which honestly? respect) and scroll around the the area as you pleased!
Now, most people would think that Sky would sleep through your sleepy escape but surprisingly Sky is quick to take notice of the lack of warmth and comfort he's know to expect.
So if the nightly watch hadn't stopped or brought you back to camp, expect a very panic but sleepy Sky to be rushing after you to keep you safe <3
Is still concerned about your well being but honestly, he's kinda more interested in your nightly habits
Now! When I say this I don't mean that Four is glossing over the risks/concerns he has and is experimenting on ya-- he obviously has a nice sit down with you when the topic is brought up and makes sure that all ya'll ducks are in a row!
If you want, he can forge something to make sure you stay in one place whilst you slept. "You want to put me in shackles?" "NO! NOT SHACKLES---"
Four certainly has quite a few questions for you! I mean, you're the first person he's met that actually sleepwalks! That's bound to bring up a butt load of questions!
He'll obviously back down if you're uncomfortable with his questions and apologize for coming off as rude!
BUT if you are willing to answer, his eyes light up like the fourth of july (or the hyilan equivalent!) as he pulls out a note pad.....When tf did he have a note pad??
His questions tend to range from..."When did you start sleeping walking" to "what base instincts do you retain in your sleep?"
...While...testing one of his theories. You may or may not have clocked Four in the face...As an 'instinct'
Safe to say, yall experiments were shut down immediately afterwards
Mind immediately goes to worst case scenario!! Blood pressure is through the roof at the thought of something happening to you during the night
Legend starts rambling off questions, some that even took Time off guard for a moment.
"Are you cursed?! Is it some sort of spell? What deity did you piss off!" "Are you some secret night guardian thing? OR A GOLEM?! ARE YOU A GOLEM?!"
It's best for everyone if you cut Legend off from his anxious rambling cause if not...He's gonna go on for quite a while
might give himself some grey hairs too while he's at it!
Now, your origins of your sleepwalking doesn't matter too much (if its a curse than it does but just go along with it!) cause Legend will treat you the same no matter what
He will offer up any items or options that he has that might help with your nightly habits!
Being the hoarder he is, he has quite a few elixirs that will entice you into a magical slumber. His train of thought is that maybe you're not getting enough deep sleep or can't slip into that state alone!
Legend also has some items that do similar effects if you're not comfortable ingesting potions along those lines!
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vinceymakesblogs · 2 months
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he’s chilling dw guys
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mcltiples · 6 days
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{ OOC } The Weird Rick and Evil Rick brain rot is real right now so you're gonna have to listen to my ramblings about them bc i love them so much !!
It's the fact that early on in their relationship, Rick Prime thought of love as something useless. Just something that people tricked themselves into thinking for societal reasons and status. And to think he also told himself he'd NEVER fall in love.
It all came crumbling down when he thought he betrayed Evil Rick. Only then to make things up with a faux-romantic night out. And then somehow it became a real romantic night out?? And that's when he was like "Oh, shit, maybe I'm actually in love."
Of course he does feel love differently than most others. He does now believe in the overly lovey-dovey side of things because sometimes his emotions get too overwhelming and he can't help to let it all pour out. Even to Evil Rick's dismay about things. He still tries to be smooth and flirtatious.
Though, on some deeper level, his love is more violent and passion-filled. On that night, there were a lot of things that Rick Prime told his partner. A lot of them were the truth. That he wants to be his, to belong to him. To belong to each other. If it were up to him, they would be connected by the hip surgically so they could never leave each other's sides.
Rick Prime is just as obsessed with Evil Rick as he his with him. His whole world revolves around Evil Rick, even if he's able to separate his priorities a little to make it not so obvious.
The thing is though. He's not very vocal about that part usually. When he expresses his love, he aims for the superficial stuff. Saying how much he loves him, that he thinks he's handsome. But what he really wants to say is how he can't imagine a life without him. How he would eradicate the entirety of a planet's population just so the two of them could be alone with each other.
That he would go through anything just to show how much he's in love.
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(Based on these au headcanons by  @livvychoclate)
Camila received the first Cosmic Frontier movie on VHS as a birthday present from Manny when he was still alive. Her love for it was so strong that they would watch it on their VCR every year on her birthday.
Camila has kept the VHS tape of the first movie for years, but the VCR has been broken ever since.
The memories it held prevented her from throwing it away.
When her birthday is coming around the corner and Beardo Philip finds out about the story of the VCR, he finds a way to fix it and surprises her with it.
Philip's present brings tears of joy to Camila's eyes as he receives hug and a smooch from her.
The two then proceed to watch the first Cosmic Frontier movie together on the now fixed VCR. 💕 📼 🛸 ✨
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advnterccs · 10 days
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@dynamoprotocol sent; 📱Chance in Rick’s phone!
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CONTACT PHOTO; Just a selfie of Chance that Rick asked for one day because he wanted to see him while out on an adventure. He thought the picture was really cute, so of course it's the contact picture!
LAST TEXT SENT; ✉ --- C'mon, just come over, I know you want to~
RINGTONE; The Light Behind Your Eyes by My Chemical Romance
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akkpipitphattana · 1 year
tell me about he/she ayan
i was hoping someone that had actually finished the show would ask me 🙄 but if you're the only one who will, i'mma take what i'm given
so aye talks about how when he was first realizing he was gay, it was hard for him too, and it's easy to assume that the reason dika took him to the cafe for all the first time was after aye first came out to him, but despite that aye kind of gives the energy of someone that has just always knew they were gay, which i feel like doesn't necessarily contradict what canon tells us. i feel like he's always had an inkling, especially because he's always had dika, but because he always had dika, there had to be a time when he realized that being gay wasn't widely accepted, especially in thailand, so i kind of feel like that's what he meant when he talked about it being hard for him. and then when he did come to terms with that and understand it, that's when he came out to dika and dika took him to cafe for all etc etc
anyways, despite that, i feel like aye never looked too closely at her gender. like we all know aye is a very pretty man, so i'm sure she was told her whole life that kind of thing and while most men would take offense, she always liked it and just never questioned why. that is until she goes to cafe for all and meets p'golf
because p'golf is played by the director, who is trans non-binary, it's easy to assume the in-universe p'golf is also trans non-binary, so going to cafe for all and meeting them allowed aye to start to understand there were other options beyond being cis or even binary trans
however, he didn't exactly have a chance to think about it a whole lot because dika died and then he put his whole focus into finding out what happened to him. so, he put the gender crisis on the back burner (we've all been there)
so, i think when she really started to think about it was post-canon, probably even post os2 eps bc i think those only happen a few weeks after the end of the show, so after they officially lay dika to rest.
now in thai, it doesn't seem like they have gendered pronouns in the same way that we do, but they DO have pronouns based on your gender when speaking to someone else apparently? don't quote me on this i did some very minor googling, and i do know they have other gendered words like hia/je, etc etc. but basically whatever the thai equivalent of using he/she pronouns in english is, i think she'd consider experimenting with before eventually realizing she's genderfluid
she'd bring it up with akk first, and while i'd love to say akk would be 100% loving and supportive and i'm not saying he WOULDN'T be, i also think he'd be confused tbh JDHJDF like he's only been to cafe for all a handful of times and while he knows p'golf and that they’re non-binary, i feel like he still doesn't know enough about the whole gender spectrum to understand fully. i also feel like he'd get a little tripped up on the she part because it took akk so long to be comfortable with the idea of being gay and aye is definitely his soulmate, but aye? wants to be referred to like a girl? does that make him NOT gay? but basically it'd be a conversation, and by the end of it once akk understands better and knows that aye being genderfluid doesn't effect his sexuality at all, he'd be fully on board and supportive and refer to aye however she wants to be referred to
the others are also a little confused at first, but they catch on pretty quickly. especially when aye starts experimenting with presentation, starting to wear makeup and occasionally dresses or skirts. akk nearly passes out the first time he sees her in a mini skirt that exposes her thigh tattoo and aye saves that in the back of her mind for later
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Everyone loves transmasc-ing morty but what about transfem summer? No love for transfem summer?
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advnterccs-archive · 9 months
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐁𝐄 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄 || accepting
@dynamoprotocol sent; ☕ to a cafe (Rick!)
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Cafes aren't Rick's usual place for a hangout. More so, he never really dresses up to go out to a place. Though, he remembered back in the day when he used to go on dates with Diane, he would. He vaguely remembered going to a café with her on one of their first dates.
It was supposed to be casual. Back then his style was very simple. A teal button up shirt and a white sweater vest on top, paired with blue jeans. It wasn't exactly the best thing he's ever worn, but Diane thought it was cute. She thought everything he wore was cute.
..... Damn, he's going to need a drink.
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Cleo has a wine port stain birthmark
-🛸 (I'm back, babey!)
Hm! :}
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fuzzypuppybuddie · 2 months
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Ahre nuevo pincel oaoa
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silly-stings · 2 months
okok pretty unfinished but swibbledib voiceclaim for the cool people who like them like me 😎
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littlefuzzyhog · 4 months
Age regresor ➡️ ✋🏼🦔 ⬅️
I've never did a blog for this part of me before- But I don't want it to mix toooo much with my main, please, be kind with me.
My big age is 18 and I age regress to 6-8 due to several trauma and stress.
I may post art here!
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aliensfknexist · 7 months
tom's tag dump(weed)
🛸everything's magic [ aesthetic ]
🛸fuck face [ hey that's me! ]
🛸markus [ bestie ]
🛸woof [ barker ]
🛸incoming transmission [ ask ]
🛸crappy punk rock [ playlist ]
🛸the adventure [ headcanon ]
🛸lil sister from another mister [ danielle ]
🛸another shooting star [ harry ]
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mcltiples · 5 days
character headcanon generator
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Rick Prime would succumb to the fog.
Rick Prime reads ao3.
Rick Prime is an extrovert.
Rick Prime is not allowed to drink energy drinks.
Rick Prime is constantly singing for no reason.
Rick Prime could easily survive The Hunger Games.
Rick Prime will go feral. Watch out.
Rick Prime has a roblox account.
Rick Prime uses the word "dude" like a comma.
Rick Prime can kill you in an instant and will.
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