#{ the pacifist intro }
Martlet's intro
Martlet is a great character. When the chips are down she's able to deliver and no matter what her narrative role is in the routes it's great. During pretty much all of pacifist after Axis, her role during no mercy (especially if you abort no mercy during her fight), and the tragic figure she is during the end of neutral where (almost) no matter how much you kill she'll reach out to care for you because it's the right thing to do and die anyway. Basically taking Sans' "judge" role (as the fandom calls it) but instead of being motivated by 4th wall breaking, clinical, analysis, she has a strong moral compass and high standards.
But man they did her dirty with how they introduced her.
As many other people who played have so aptly put it, when we first meet her she just seems to be "Papyrus that's obsessed with following the rules." And in my opinion, that's an incredibly weak hook.
I like that she's in the royal guard more for health benefits and pay, but having the threat of being fired just because she's "klutzy" or "scatterbrained" is kind of missing a great opportunity.
I think it would've been great if the reason she isn't performing well in her job is because of her incredibly high standards and moral compass. She makes her puzzles easier and accessible so that kids and the disabled aren't prevented from moving around. Instead of ripping up someone else's random home to build a puzzle she instead uses puzzle materials to help citizen's houses. She lets the shuffler's gang hang around because she knows deep down they're harmless and they hide the loan shark thing from her lest they truly give her a reason to stop them. Sure, she can still be a klutz, that was an endearing character trait after I learned the other facets about her, but I don't think it should've been the lead. Her story would have a much more interesting hook to me if it was introduced as that of a paladin. "As a paladin, I walk on a razor's edge [. . .] between 'law' and 'justice,'" (Quoted from Powder-keg of Justice).
Having her worry about breaking too many rules because, in her soul, the law isn't a priority would be great, and it would better explain why she's willing to help a human escape from the underground, which is antithetical to her job's literal purpose.
I don't know, I may be a killjoy with this opinion, but I think (at the very least) a sprinkling of these elements in Snowdin would've been much more compelling for first time players.
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miyrumiyru · 5 months
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☼ Hello! I love ART and Nature so much!!! 💚 (Miyru / them)
🌟 20s, Aquarius ♒ and Snake 🐍
#my photography - photographs taken by me (daily upload!)
#my artwork - artworks created by me
#butterfly - butterflies my beloved ❤️
[ ʚїɞ I believe butterfly (나비) supremacy ʚїɞ ]
💡📒✏️🎶 Short animation series & Animated GIFs + Illustrations
📸🐛🦋🪲 Nature photography & Observation (South Korea)
⛓️Links (You could find me by searching @miyrumiyru) 📎GIPHY and Tenor (Animated GIFs!!!) 📎Bluesky (Their favicon is butterfly!!!) 📎iNaturalist (Check my iNat for entire observations!) ⚠️WARNING : DEAD & INJURED ANIMALS INCLUDED
© Miyrumiyru
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☮ I support PEACE! There is no good war, ever!!! Stop the freaking war, stop the terrible genocide and ecocide!!! I hope all of war criminals WILL DIE IN A FIRE. #freepalestine #standwithukraine
🛇 I don't want and support generative AI. They are viruses that polluting the internet and world. If you use and support unethical generative ai junk, kindly get the fuck out of my blog.
I'm really sorry but I can't donate for someone for now because I'm really really broke!
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Below is literally my thoughts and random blah blah things!
Read them if you have enough time & want to know about me :>
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ʚїɞ He wants you to join the cult of the butterflies ʚїɞ (✿◕へ◕✿)
◓ I can't always able to back some likes, reblogs and follows but I definitely and absolutely appreciate to all who reblogged, liked and comments my posts. Thank you!
Drawing tablet : Wacom PTH-660 (7 years old)
DSLR camera : Canon EOS 800D (4 years old)
They're old but I love them so much... /_ \
+++ Taxon of my observations on tumblr could be corrected after published! (or just check my iNat would be more accurate :>)
I don't adjust photos that much, like color filter or low saturation or "aesthetic" adjustment… etc, because nature itself is already beautiful :)
*I research the internet to spend many time for provide the right IDs of precious insects, but It can be wrong when their families are so simillar! if you find that IDs are wrong, please let me know ^_____^
My favorite quote "Learn from the past, look to the future, but live in the present." - Petra Němcová "I take my time but I always win" - 🐢 Don't seek validation about anything from others when you make a decision and choices! because all of us are free(*^-^*) Never dwell on past. Learn from the mistakes and failure, so we can live our lives and reach the dream!
I hope my wildlife observation posts are reveal the true beauty of nature and its live (not just because they're "pretty"), so everyone can be able to preserve the precious nature 💚
(Taxon of my old posts could be inaccurate or outdated because lack of knowledge!Please visit my iNaturalist for accurate taxon)
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Again! I don't want, use and support generative AI. It causing so many unethical problems (misuse, copyright infringement and huge energy waste… etc). They are viruses that polluting the internet and world.
I don't against the ethical and responsibility use of gen ai, at least be "more" ethical like adobe firefly (they don't scrape web content and don't use customer works to train their ai. and CAI make it clear that these images are ai generated.) recently they banned to using name of artists to steal style by writing their name in prompt.
at least trying to be more ethical, you greedy unethical selfish companies.
And of course, generative AI is not an art at all and cannot be protected by copyright law (a lot of human effort is required to get protected by copyright. it's mean it's just a tool to support real artists.)
I don't won't use generative ai to my artworks and animation.
Link : 1 , 2
Please don't ever support the selfishest "sport", golf, If you thinking about nature and future of all lives in this planet. It's enemy of the nature and lives including human (If you don't know that mass destruction golf is bring, you should search it right now. There is no environmental safety unless it's VR screen golf) because human couldn't live without nature. I say that it's one of most greediest and selfish things humans can commit.
If you play the golf or generate image, video and text with generative ai and don't feel any remorse, remember that your selfish actions are causing the endless surfer to other lives.
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hamsamwich23 · 2 months
small clip from that scrapped fic miku miku ooooeeeeeooooo
❗Trigger warnings for implications of murder/death❗
"When I first woke up again, I was in his garden."
"Everything was pitch black and freezing cold. I tried to move my arms and legs, but I was stuck. I couldn't do anything, it was like I was trapped in some sort of void."
"I couldn't take it, so i cried. I cried out for my mom and dad, for someone, anyone to save me... I even cried out for them."
"...But nobody came"
"mm...and when they DID come, the people who mattered the most to you when you were alive you couldn't feel ANYTHING?"
"Exactly. As hard as I tried..I couldn't feel the same way Asriel did about them. I should have felt at least something...But I just felt... Numb. Empty. And it all went downhill from there"
The flower lowered its head as the puppet sighed gently.
"For me it was...the opposite. In a twisted sort of way"
"in the beginning, I had barely been woken up. In fact, I was in the process of being brought to life by the same spell book that gave life to my family."
"there was a quick flash of bright lights in an odd room. And then something, Or I guess SOMEONE, blocked my way.. Everything became dark again."
"When The darkness returned, everything was warm... And then I felt pain."
"Tugging. Yanking, Tearing, Stabbing, AGONIZING pain."
"My entire body felt like it had been torn into pieces and the warm feeling was getting worse, it felt like I was burning up"
"I tried to scream for help, but nothing came out. I couldn't move my mouth or my arms... all I could do was lay there, crying to myself as the pain consumed me.."
"I was trapped like that, all the way until the spell was cast a second time...Roughly ten years later."
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flowerprose · 2 years
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mortal champion, star-fallen, & son of the midnight sky
from namesake, a hades and persephone myth retelling in which hades is a skeleton, stripped of his godhood and powers, and persephone is a young flower maiden in search of her missing mother.
Role: Deuteragonist & POV character
Character Snippet: under the cut!
please ask to be added or removed from the tag list!
Cosmo smooths in the wrinkles of his chiton, flattening the linen against his torso, remembering the silhouette of his body. The width of his chest, no smaller than a barrel of ale, and the bone of his wrists, strong like olive branches. This is the suit of a human being; not a monster, not a star fragment. But belief finally sets in when he catches his reflection in the basin of water his mother left out for him.
Cosmo smiles at his reflected self, showing teeth caked with sleep when he does. His whole mouth aches, like it stayed open all night, caught on an escaped, silent scream. That happens often. No one hears him wail anymore. He tries to fight the madness alone.
Atticus finds him while he’s rinsing out his mouth and prying at his teeth to free out the gunk.
“You’re dallying,” his younger brother accuses. “Come help me milk the goats! Rooster crowed forever ago.”
Forever shares the same passage of time as a walk into town. Cosmo shakes out his curls, stalling just to cause an itch in his brother’s patience.
“Go collect the eggs then.”
“I’m not a girl. I don’t need to collect the eggs. Stop trying to make yourself pretty and c’mon.”
Cosmo smiles, feels the weight of fatigue in the corners of his mouth. “Thoughtful of you to think of me as so lovely.”
“Lovely? I could smell you outside. I didn’t say the attempt wasn’t needed.”
Atticus ducks away from Cosmo’s playful swat, but they leave the corridor of the children’s wing and head outdoors. Sunrise coats the ocean in a myriad of gold and rose, hugging Cosmo’s vision and blinding out the darkness that roots in him at night. Nothing dazzles him quite like the return of the sun, a welcome friend every morning, a patient reminder that he’s conquered another sleep.
The town comes to life at this time. The cows roam the pasture, a rooster caws for feed and company. At night, the world blisters like a wound; creatures slip by unnoticed, the careless disappear (and eventually, forgotten, from even the most cautious tales.) But the daylight belongs to man; here, they have even ground. Sight, armour, weaponry, warning.
He long abandoned desires that pulled him to seek danger, yet an omen has ravelled around his heart, like a serpent or a spell. This beautiful dawn may not bloom in two days; the sun might quiver beneath thunder and storm.
“Poseidon,” Cosmo whispers, picturing the sea foam that collects in the cove, “guide me to your will. Permit me to guard these lands.”
Let us live, he thinks desperately. Zeus, almighty father, let us survive whatever comes.
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tonsnumber1fan · 6 months
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what a huge silly little story
when i finished true pacifist for the first time and restarted the game the intro sequence made me cry
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bellshazes · 1 year
dreaming up a syllabus for an imaginary course on metanarratives about gameplay, which i think would go something like:
unit 1: who do you think you are i am - auto-documentary & games
Vlogs and the Hyperreal, Folding Ideas
The Slow Death of Let's Play Videos, Meraki (to ~10:00)
World Record Progression: Mike Tyson, Summoning Salt
ROBLOX_OOF.mp3, hbomberguy
Life as a Bokoblin: A Zelda Nature Documentary, Monster Maze
optional: Braindump on the History of Let's Plays, slowbeef
unit 2: what like it's hard? - intro to challenge narratives
Chapter 26: Games as Narrative Play: Two Structures for Narrative Play, Rules of Play
A different kind of challenge run: Minimalist 100% (BOTW), Wolf Link
Surviving 100 Days on Just Dirt, Mogswamp
Can You Beat DARK SOULS III with Only Firebombs, the Backlogs
Is it Possible to Beat Super Mario 3D World while permanently crouching?, Ceave Gaming
The Pacifist Challenge - Beating Hollow Knight Without Collecting Soul [CHALLENGE] - Sample
optional: How to 100% Snowpeak Ruins in under 15 minutes, bewildebeest
unit 3: nelly you don't understand, i AM the narrative - form and function
The Future of Writing about Games, Jacob Geller
Can You Beat GRIME Without Weapons?, the Backlogs
Mushroom Kingdom Championships, Ceave Gaming
My Life as a Barber in Hitman 2, MinMax (Leo Vader)
MyHouse.WAD - Inside Doom's Most Terrifying Mod, PowerPak
optional: Mega Microvideos, Matthewmatosis
the theme and structure is mostly intended to introduce at least one critical or historically contextual work followed by examples of the type of narrative in question.
in unit 1, this is the idea of "How do people talk about their own experiences in the context of YouTube and playing video games?" across three rather different kinds of documentaries. unit 2 is intended to take that lens of who is telling what tale and dial in on challenge running, where i first noticed the way some videos turn the story of overcoming a challenge into its own narrative that is distinct from but related to the narrative events of the game itself. unit 3 circles back to the bigger picture with a variety of examples that, to me, are maximally metanarrative, the emergent story of the player-narrator now functionally replacing the game's embedded narrative.
bonus unit: broken narratives
Glitch & the Grotesque at the MLA, Sylvia Korman
Watching time loop movies to escape my time loop, Leo Vader
The Stanley Parable, Dark Souls, and Intended Play, Folding Ideas
Breaking Madden, Jon Bois
The TRUTH about the Pizzaplex in FNAF: Security Breach, AstralSpiff
this one is highly underdeveloped, but i'd love to work out something more robust building on randomizer challenges that produce intentionally bizarre, semi-ironic "lore," and bois-esque endeavors to break games so hard the story itself crumbles. but that's really out of scope so i'm just including the links to things i couldn't bear to get rid of. more rambling abt the challenge runs I chose under the cut.
Challenge runs represent one of the most obvious places to start, due to being extremely plentiful and having a hook that makes a "here's how I did X thing in Y video game" format almost unavoidable. Minimalist 100% is an underrated and sweet straightforward example that I mostly include as a baseline for reporting-out style narrative; here are the facts, here's what happened, this is the thing that it is. Mogswamp's 100 Days on Just Dirt is similar in style, but the physical measuring of days is a delightful and, more importantly, external narrative device.
Now oriented, we get a taste of Ceave Gaming's narrative approach to Mario challenges with the no-crouching run, and while we still aren't at the degree of player-characters being constructed for the narrative's sake, the spirited belief in crouching sets the stage for other rhetoric in more extreme cases we'll see later.
The Backlogs' entire body of work qualifies here, but GRIME is the strongest inspiration for putting this list together. I include the DS3 firebombs run because what was initially a factual description of how his wife's use of firebombs inspired him to play differently in the original DS1 firebombs run has developed into full-blown multi-game narrative arc with the Firebomb Goddess (his wife, who also voices the character) compelling his in-game character to achieve his destined quest. Grime takes that even further,
In-Game Documentaries
I include Life as a Bokoblin mostly as a contrast to My Life as a Barber - there is a level of fictionalization and roleplay involved in the Zelda in-game documentary that highlights exactly what I want to single out when I am talking about metanarrative, the story about a story.
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shimmershy · 1 year
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Once upon a time...
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Here are some other sketches too because I was thinking about how different Chara must have been before they fell and while they were alive etc. compared to when the game takes place. The first sketch is what they looked like when they climbed the mountain, which I mostly referenced from the intro sequence. They're more quiet, reserved, and overall uncomfortable with themself and other people. And the rest are them after getting their hair cut, becoming more confident while living with the Dreemurrs and such. And at the bottom of the second image is the way I usually draw them, as a ghost and potentially getting their own body back post-pacifist. Yippeeeeeee
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flamebearrel · 1 month
“But Kris, if I wanted to watch Anim vs. with all the different series how should I even go about it??”
It largely depends on the topics and cast you’re interested in seeing. The show is split into three subseries as well as the occasional standalone episode: Animator vs. Animation (the original created in 2006-7 by Alan Becker alone), Animation vs. Minecraft (the longest and most popular, shorts stemming off a standalone from 2015), and Animation vs. Education (the newest from 2023, visualizing high-level STEM concepts)
Personally, I think core AvA is required reading for anyone who has appreciation for past eras of the internet, UI, or principles and genres of animation. AvM and AvE are equal in quality but honestly you won’t appreciate them as much if you aren’t familiar with the topics they cover. Alan and his team do try to visually introduce things step by step, though, so you can at least get a general idea of what you’re looking at
Besides that, core AvA specifically follows the Hollow-Heads, hand-drawn stick figures created by the Animator, “noogai”/Alan. In particular you have The Chosen One (shortened to Chosen, Cho or TCO) and The Second Coming (aka Second, Sec, TSC or Orange). TSC is the de facto main character and the only one appearing in all three series, while TCO and the Animator are exclusive to the original.
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The SticksFight squad - the four sticks originating from sticksfight.com and named after their colors - have developed distinct personalities as the main cast of AvM, but only take a collective side role in main AvA (Yellow has a slightly larger role than the others). Here’s a summary of their individual personalities so you know what to look for in their smaller appearances
Red - Impulsive and energetic, always the first to jump into action and with a soft heart for creatures and beasties. He’s a little simple when it comes to technical things, but excels with reading the people around him, then building off of their quirks. Since the rest of the group babies him a bit, he puts in extra physical work to prove he can hold his own. Red also tends to play around with new or out-of-the-box solutions - knowledge that extends to his pranks. Most ready to fight with his fists or use heavy-hitters like maces and clubs. (Good intro/focus eps: The Rediscovery, Texture Pack, Monster School, The Prank)
Blue - A mellow fellow! Blue is one with nature and focuses on farming, cooking, and potionology. Due to her pacifistic tendencies, Blue prefers to reason things out or find other solutions rather than fighting, but will throw herself into the face of danger for others. Otherwise she takes up ranged weapons like guns and bows. She’s detail- and aesthetic-oriented as well as graceful, but doesn’t often step outside what she knows. A bit of an addiction to nether wart, which is somewhere between an unusual snack and a drug. (Good intro/focus eps: Potions, The Piglin War, The Chef, Blue’s New Superpower)
Yellow - She loves more than anything to get down to the root of things, and that makes her the group’s engineer! …And a bit of a troublemaker, paying more attention to the thrill of a discovery than the consequences. Yellow tries to find fairness and justice for friend and foe alike. While they have a reliable, supportive demeanor, they’re also very peppy, excitable and tough with how they stand strong in dire situations. Often her fighting style takes place behind the scenes, using things like explosives or a command-casting staff. (Good intro/focus eps: The Roller Coaster, Command Blocks, Lucky Blocks, AvArcade Games)
Green - Originally the weakest on the team, but has since come into his own after a lot of reflex training (read: getting tossed around). Green has great adaptability to learning new techniques and getting creative, particularly with styles of music and architecture. He loves the spotlight and usually competes with the others or takes the chance to show off; however, he also cares deeply about welcoming in those he meets. Dashes and zips around all the time during battle, usually via fishing rod-grappling hook. (Good intro/focus eps: AvYouTube, Note Blocks, PvP, The Dolphin Kingdom)
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If you’re just gonna watch the REQUIRED ones this is what I recommend:
AvA s1 (1-4, previously I-IV)
AvMinecraft (original)
AvA s2 (5-8, previously “shorts” combining into V)
AvA s3 (9-ongoing)
That way you get the introduction of both subseries, with how each establishes the cast/direction, as well as one standalone. I put vs. YT here since it best fits the theme imo but you could go with vs. Pokémon or vs. Arcade Games if you prefer
If you’re willing to take on AvM/the rest of the series this is pretty much the order of the timeline:
AvA s1
AvM (original)
AvM shorts s1 (1-14)
AvLeague of Legends (required for an AvM character’s development)
AvM shorts s2 (15-19)
AvA s2
Other standalones
AvM shorts s3 (20-30)
AvE (ongoing)
AvA s3 (ongoing)
AvM shorts s4 (ongoing)
Or just follow my playlist!!!
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glamorousdame · 6 months
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Starlo doodles - slight redesign. He is so sillay goofy funny. Might repost this later if I decide to color it!
I beat Pacifist the other day and sat on my bed then wanted to cry. Initially, Clover's death made me wanna die from crying so harde but also got goosebumps at Ceroba's fight.
We all gangsta until the intro of the final phase keeps replaying after you keep dying I was sobbing how many times my damaged fingers had to skip that dialogue over and over.
No but before Clover's mind was taken to the void I felt so bad for Star when Ceroba and Martlet started mildly fighting. "Fools let's just calm down and stop screaming before Clover wants to die for us😭😭😭"
Honestly I respect a lot of characters in that game a BUNCH. Dalv is chill, vibed with him and wanted to hug him. Martlet, also wanted to hug her and squeeze her then punch her in the face but positively. I have a really strong 2nd hand embarrassment thing for other characters, fictional or not so I get so humiliated along with them. Star doesn't know how to not get me so riled up w that istg kill him slowly. Vibed with Ceroba also. I rlly like her character, no matter how silly she is for nearly murdering her daughter. <3 I have respect for Flowey also. AXIS IS FUNNY also that chase music ost bro I vibed so good while running away from a killer robot. Sounded like running against steel and metal. Perfect. I WAS PEEVED AT HIS ACTUAL FIGHT THOUGH. He tested my patience so badly with his stupid recharging ball of light whenever I missed him throttle the robot NOW, NOW!!!
Uh that's all I don't wanna make this too long. I gave him big ahh hands bc he's a farmer btw so👍 Uh. I hope you don't die tonight. Stay hydrated um idk
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soffsketches · 8 months
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Wines Inspired by Characters Henry Oak from Dungeons and Daddies [FULL EXPLANATION]
Starting off the series with one of my favorite characters from the podcast here's some notes I've written down for the wine.
Grape Type: So Henry having a vegetarian/vegan diet I wanted something that would pair nicely with this. There were mentions of foods like Trail Mix, Nuts, Mushrooms and dried oats and a few wines fit perfectly with this but since Chardonnay is known for it's buttery taste due to it's fermentation in OAK Barrels the choice was a bit obvious.
Dry or Sweet? Plus, this type of wine is known for being either sweet or dry depending on the temperature it was grown in. I feel like this reflects Henry's personality as he's both super sweet caring and very much a pacifist but also dry, angry and stressed.
Body So, the body reflects not only on the amount of alcohol the wine has but also, it's acidity, color and tannins.
Acidity is sour and makes your mouth water but tannins dry your mouth. That being said, medium body just means that there is a balance between both tannins and acidity and that it's within a 12.5%-13.5% alcohol level. Oaked Chardonnays are known for this.
The alcohol level is reflected on the amount of natural sugar the grapes have which can vary by the soil type, climate and variant. This does NOT reflect on the overall sweetness of the wine. Sweet wines usually have lower alcohol levels than bold wine since most of the glucose is broken up and fermented during the process there for making more alcohol.
Flavors and Aromas: Several sommeliers have explained that flavors and Aromas AND will vary depending on the pallet. There are a few that are more noticeable to several but others that aren't. That is part of the magic and art of wine tasting. That being said for Henry's Inspired wine I did use some fruits mentioned in his dialog during season 1. More specifically this quote:
What the freakin ding dang, gosh darn, dilly willy, heckin' shark tooth, banana chicanery, rootin' tootin', raspberry freaking FUCK are you two doing here?! -Henry Oak (Dungeons and Daddies Season 1)
Although banana and shark tooth aren't main notes for this wine, I feel like Henry would use these terms to describe it. Raspberry on the other hand WOULD be a nice main note, alongside the classic vanilla and Oak combo from classic chardonnay with a hint of green apple, Jazmin and general minerals. Those last three I feel reflect Oakville a lot beside the obvious OAK.
Bottle Design The main label reflects the physical appearance of the character both in its podcast cover and in the character's intro from Will Campos.
"Henry Oak is the Birkenstock rocking, crunchy, munchy, hippie, nature druid dad of the group."
Wanted to stick with the colors from the Cover art but with a more neutral tone so that it matches the colors and hue of this hypothetical wine.
Having the iconic Berkenstocks in the background on a rocky stone grown with vines growing around it, just felt like the perfect vision for Henry. And as a little homage to on of the several dadfacts I added a Trilobite insignia on the top of the wine cap.
Finally, I added the important info such as where it would have been produced, by what bodega and when. Obviously, Oakville in the Forgotten Realms would have been an interesting place to grow grapes. Bodega Daddies because it sounds both funny and well fitted and finally it's from 2019 because that's when Henry Oak first appeared in the first episode of that same year.
And I think that just about does it!!!
Thank you so much for reading and I'll be following up with the next wine of the series. Which character should I make a wine for next?
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pumpkinsy0 · 6 months
the outsiders musical by moneymint/ @holymint and pimppumpkin (me)
Woah woahhhhhhhhhh
Story of ponyboy
Natures first green is gold
Her hardest hue to hold
So dawn down to day
[Verse 1]
From the movie house, walkin home
Got jumped by Socs for walkin alone
Cut by rich shots,,,,want me dead want me to rot
Gang saves me I’m taken to the drive in, and I meet up with soc girl cherry valence, Leaves us alone, but I see their men approach
Should they be pacifists? Or will they use their fists?
Their feelin evil think they’ll harm us all.
They’re homicidal and they’ve got a taste
They want to wipe out the greaser race (woah-oh-oh)
I’ve got no parents, they’ve got to resolve
Johnny slaughters their poor leader, Bob
Natures first green is gold
Her hardest hue to hold
So dawn goes to day
[Verse 2]
We run to Dally, planning to run away
And he tells us about a place we can stay
We’re not okay, We’re in complete disarray.
A week goes by, in this dirty church
Hiding out from the cops on this hill perch, my insided churned…..Dally tells us Cherry’s turned
What about his brothers? They’re worried sick, I’m feeling regretfull think I’ll turn myself in
They’re homicidal, and they’ve got a taste
They want to wipe out the greaser race (woah-oh-oh)
I’ve got no parents, they’ve got to resolve
Johnny slaughtered their poor leader,Bob
Burnt church,fallen beam, falling apart at the seams, rumble fight, all blues, me and my friends front page news.
Johnny cade dies,tells me to stay gold
Dally runs out,unloaded gun his hand holds.
Convenience store,robbed with cops on the chase.
Dally got his way.
They’re homicidal and they got a taste
They want to wipe out the greaser race (woah-oh-oh)
I’ve got no parents they’ve got no resolve
Johnny slaughtered their poor leader Bob.
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wrenherring · 2 months
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kia ora, call me wren or moonjelly (they/them).
i'm a writer from aotearoa new zealand (pākehā), in my late 20s, with a BA and masters of creative writing, currently doing postgrad cultural studies. i have too many ongoing works and ideas, so thought this might be a good way to find a community and motivation.
my writing generally can be characterised as:
long-form prose (with occasional shorter works)
full of queer and trans/nb characters
some form of scifi, fantasy, or otherwise speculative fiction
fairly descriptive with attempts to be funny (inspired by derek landy, terry pratchett, and douglas adams)
chronically in a state of wip
filled with too many metaphors and similes that i attempt to cut back on but i just [shakes fist] love them so much
i'm mostly on here for community, brainstorming, and motivation. i'm happy to participate in tag games, even if we don't know each other! i'll also be asking a lot of questions, probably localisation or hyperspecific to certain industries/specialisations when i go down research rabbitholes.
current wips
(novel) perfect weapon
currently my only completed first draft
speculative fiction set broadly in our current day with slightly more advanced technology, following the protagonist angeline/aella (irish-latina, USamerican, bi + asexual, she/her) as she is dragged into an organisation working for the new world order and forced to be an assassin due to her genetic predisposition to experimental superhuman abilities
uses the tag #perfect weapon
(novel) polaris
i have a whole obsidian wiki for the worldbuilding
poly wlw harem fiction
set in another world in the country of deukai, the recently-crowed empress han has been deposed in a coup by her royal council who believe her too soft and pacifist for the position. narrowly escaping her death, she goes on the run with her closest friend jiyu (the palace administrator) and yubin (her life-sworn knight-protector). along the way she maybe starts a rebellion/revolution and gets a harem.
currently using the members of k-pop girl group dreamcatcher as the seven main characters as i'm too lazy to come up with original characters at this point
also an entire pinterest board for this one
uses the tag #polaris
(novel) the lucky ones
a YA coming-of-age set in auckland, new zealand
alternates chapters between the five main characters, oz, north, luna, theo, and jaz
the LGBT boys caring about boys rich kid dark academia novel of my dreams
my concept for this is "wattpad original fiction but good"
uses the tag #the lucky ones
(novella) unearthly burdens
this is straight up idfic monsterfucking erotica ngl
cryptidhunter quin (he/him, trans guy) unwisely delves into the forest in an area that's had multiple mysterious disappearances to prove that they can be attributed to a cryptid, not a serial killer. jokes on him, because it's a predatorial alien that decides he's its mate :) :) :)
he gets forcibly impregnated and develops stockholm syndrome for this terrifying alien creachur and they live happily ever after
uses the tag #unearthly burdens
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i follow from my main @sandumilfshou, but you can also find my postgrad alt @dannyfandomphd. i'm also tricksterity on ao3.
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The main six’s (updated!) character bios all in one place! Mainly so I can link them in the intro post.
Text versions under the cut.
(Neutral/Pacifist route)
They/ Them (the Fandom would murder me otherwise)
Age - 12ish
Clover fell down into Mt. Ebbot to find the other Humans, NOT EXPECTING TO MEET THEIR GHOSTS.
Now having to search across the Underground to find their SOULs, Clover has to make sure everyone's happy & generally OK so once they reach the surface... They'll be sure that the ghosts can truly rest in peace.
Clover is admittedly a little silly despite trying to be a cool cowboy. Falling over from time to time, not having the best aim... Needless to say, Flowey's had to RELOAD quite a bit.
And by a bit, I mean a lot.
Age Upon Death - 9
Wanders the Dark Ruins looking for their big brother (Bravery), commonly following random monsters & watching them out of pure boredom.
They commonly lose their plush, "Bunnie", around the Ruins, as while they can manage to hold it... It still falls out of their grasp when they aren't paying attention. Don't worry, Clover helps them find it again!
Age Upon Death - 15
Guiltridden after causing the deaths of himself & his little sister's (Patience), Bravery's soul is buried in Snowdin's thick icy snow. Barely out of reach from reuniting with his sibling.
Clover & Patience come across Bravery's ghost, said ghost immediately rushing toward them upon sewing Patience. Hugging her tightly. He tries his best to guide Clover while also taking care of & diverting most of his attention toward his sister.
But could you BLAME him he missed her SO MUCH.
Age Upon Death - 14
Perseverance is very unhappy about the circumstances of their death, & complains about everything in the Underground because of it. They'd rather just study all the flora & fauna while being left completely alone. Regardless, the other Humans still talk to Perseverance for company despite them being antisocial. Except for Integrity, who also likes to be left alone. They tolerate Integrity because of this.
Perseverance's soul is found by a monster trying to get it to Asgore or a Royal Guard member early on in the dunes. Luckily, Clover stops them &... Perseverance just complains that they could've handled it & didn't need some "cosplayer'''s help. Yeah, sure, keep telling yourself that.
All/Any Pronouns
Age Upon Death - 14
Kindness befriended quite a few monsters during their time in the Underground. One of them, Kindness's closest friend, managed to keep his soul safe from getting nabbed by royal guards. So Kindness keeps close by their house, using her ability to only really pick up cooking utensils to help her friend out. It also likes to wander around finding new ingredients & such. He commonly likes to ask Perseverance for their notes on plants & spices even if they can be a bit difficult sometimes.
Clover & company find Kindness in the Wild East's Saloon, hanging out with her best friend as she inspects a Feisty Slider. Then spotting Clover being dragged in by Ed & Starlo, & watching the chaos unfold. Yes, they were sad that the had to say goodbye to their friend, but it was for the greater good.
Age Upon Death - 16
We all know what happened to Integrity, right? Killed some monsters. Killed by Axis. Soul was used by Chujin for experiments. Well, Integrity's soul has been stuck in the basement for... A while. Hidden away by Ceroba so she wasn't reminded of her grave mistake.
However, her soul is able to wander quite a bit away, all the way to Steamworks & back because of her... High LOVE...
It's also because of this that she has more of a presence to Monsters, Maybe a figure flickering in & out of existence, or scattered footsteps in the sand. The other souls are... Also a tiny but wary of her because of this. She's silent & scary. : (
Clover encounters Integrity throughout their journey, but Integrity only really starts to stick around in the Steamworks. But... From a distance. Depending on the route, either because of Ceroba or Flowey.
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coolskeleton95-pkmn · 8 months
(ooc info under the cut!)
-Absolutely NO NSFW asks. Mun and both muses are adults, but I'm not comfortable with it.
-If I don't answer your ask or take a long time to get to it, it's not personal! I probably just couldn't come up with a good response. I'll also delete any asks that make me uncomfortable for ANY reason.
-This is a post pacifist AU! Not much changed besides the surface being the Pokemon world, though.
-IN CHARACTER anon hate is fine, but if it becomes out of character, you will be blocked.
-Sapient Pokemon blogs are fine to interact!
-Pelipper mail, Pelipper malice, Musharna mail, AND magic anons are all on, though I may not answer all of them.
-While this IS Papyrus' blog, definitely do feel free to try and interact with Sans, too! Papyrus might get a bit annoyed by it, though.
Think that's everything important!
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lookismaddict · 2 years
Lookism: Rendezvous 🔞 (Ch. I) || Gun Park x Fem! Reader ♡
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Author’s Note: Hi, I hope everyone is doing ok! If you’re reading this right after the Intro, I’m so sorry that I wrote such a long part for just an introduction to the story. I just wanted to provide the MC’s backstory so that it’ll help you guys understand where the story is going. But I do hope that you guys enjoyed the Introduction, and I hope you’ll like Ch. I as well!
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NSFW Warning: Violence, strong language/cursing, and light sexual content (?).
Story Summary: You traveled abroad to help support your mother who is sick, back home in Japan. However, once you reached Korea, everything went downhill until you met a stranger who offered you a deal that could benefit you. But who knew that this special encounter would turn your whole life around…
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“I’m sorry… what was that? You want me to be your what?”
Gun leaned against the wall that was next to him then lit his cigarette once more. “I said that I’ll turn you into one of my greatest masterpieces. You got potential to be a great fighter. If you get proper training from me, then I’ll make sure that you’ll develop into a pure unstoppable force.”
You crossed your arms while you scoffed to the side. “What? So… what are you implying? That I LIKED fighting? Haha sorry to burst your bubble, but I only did that by chance just to survive. Hell, that was actually the first fight I had. I’ve never fought in my life. I’m not a thug.”
Goo crossed his arms sternly. “Sooo… you mean to say that you’ve been a pacifist until now? I don’t believe that one bit sweetheart. You better be honest with us now or else I’ll have to find out through my OWN way.”
You took a step back wearily while holding both of your hands out in front of you towards Goo, trying to stop him from coming any closer to you. “I swear! Why would I even lie about that? Besides now I have another problem. I don’t know where the hell I’m at right now. I just lost everything that I had. And plus, I have nowhere to go, and now I’m stuck with you two lunatics!”
Goo was just nodding while listening to you rant away. On the other hand, Gun’s face remained expressionless. His mind was wandering somewhere else, trying to put the pieces together in his head. Like he was trying to calculate some sort of big equation. “Hey.”
You stopped blabbering your issues to Goo as the both of you turned to Gun who seemed to finally get what’s going on. “You weren’t a fighter from the beginning. Yet, you somehow knew how to fight. So, if you didn’t have prior knowledge about fighting, then you must’ve gotten them from somewhere. Have you been exposed to someone doing some type of martial arts training recently, or have you watched some type of show or documentary on it?”
You thought about it for a minute until you realized…
Yes, I have.
“Ah, well… Back in my hometown, I used to work part-time at a small karate school. My job there was to just bring materials during class. Like wooden boards, and planks, and all that. I didn’t really get to participate physically, but I always watched the students being taught by the head master. I’ve always found it really fun just to be there, and watch how karate was taught by professionals.”
“Then that’s all I needed to know.” Gun smirked, making his way back towards the exit of the alleyway until he paused at his tracks. “Oh I almost forgot to ask.” Suddenly, he turned his head back towards you. His gaze was so sharp that it pierced right through your whole body, which sent shivers down your spine.
“What’s your name?”
Your eyes, barely hanging onto his gaze, didn’t blink once. “It’s (F/N) Sasaki.”
“I see.” He turned his back towards you once more before continuing to exit out of the alley. “Come on, I’ll drop off Goo first before I figure out what to do with you.”
Goo raised an eyebrow. His eyes switched from Gun, to you, then back to Gun again before chasing after him. “Hey, wait up! What was that just now, you checking her out or what?” You heard his laughs bounce off the walls around you, as you stood there still trying to process what just happened.
What’s going to happen to me now?
You sighed as you willingly followed both of them out of the alley. It’s not like you had a choice to go with them anyways. When the streets were finally in view, you saw Gun and Goo both hop into the front seats of a black expensive Rolls Royce car parked on the other side of the street. You looked both ways before crossing the street, heading over to where they were at.
You got in the backseat of the car, shutting the door behind you. You buckled up and let Gun take the wheel to drive to Goo’s supposed destination. You leaned against the side of the car door next to you, staring at the street lights passing by. At the same time, you listened in on Gun and Goo’s conversation as they exchanged words in hushed voices.
“Gun, what made you decide on taking her under your care? I’m guessing it wasn’t just because you think that she’s a good fighter. Right?”
“Well, think about it. She said that she’s been watching people do karate for a while. We don’t know how long she’s been doing it for, but we now know where she got her new skills from.”
“And? What does that have to do with your verdict?”
“You’re not thinking any harder dumbass.”
“Hm…” From the right side-view mirror, you watched Goo close his eyes. He was pinching his own chin in between his two fingers, trying to concentrate.
The car filled with a long minute of silence until his eyes shot open like a light bulb just lit up above his head. He then turned to Gun with a mischievous smirk saying, “Ohhh, I get it now. She reminds you of Daniel Park, huh?”
Gun’s mouth curved devilishly, returning a smirk back to Goo’s realization. “That’s right.” His eyes seemed focused on the road in front of him, but his mind was somewhere else. Both of his hands were steady and firm on the wheel, like he just had a clear goal in mind and now he is willing to fulfill it no matter what.
Daniel Park? Who’s that?
“I did confirm that Daniel had the Copy Ability, like Johan Seong, the Copy Genius. Both of them would have turned into monsters if they were to have accepted my offer, but no matter. At least now, I have a secret weapon in my grasp. I got lucky this time.”
“Tsk, tsk, tsk. What are you saying? I was the one who found her first. She’ll be besties with me in no time. Right, (Y/N)?”
You jumped in your seat and quickly pulled your eyes away from the two of them, pretending that you just didn’t get caught listening in on them. Your eyes became so focused on the window, staring intently at the plain street lamps above you while the car drove by.
Crap. I wished I accidentally fell asleep in the car instead of eavesdropping on them like this.
Goo chuckled to himself knowing that he had been watching your movements ever since you got in the car, from the side-view mirror on his side.
As the expensive luxury car sped through the night, your eyes started to close little by little, drifting off to a long and lulled slu-
“We’re here.”
Not this time Satan.
Thank god, you were alarmed by Gun’s call. While you were rubbing your eyes to cease the sleepiness, you looked out the window until your jaw dropped. You couldn’t believe your eyes as they trailed up towards the top of a very large building. Large letters that said, “One MCN,” stood at the front of the building’s entrance. You wondered what type of company owns the building in front of you and what business does Goo have to be going to such a place.
Goo stretched in his seat then whipped around to turn to you. “(Y/N), have you thought about what we talked about?”
Is he talking about the “secret friend” thing?
You slowly nodded. Goo smirked and leaned in closer to you while clinging onto his seat. “So what will your answer be? Will you accept?”
You thought about it for a second, but you already know what the right answer would be.
You leaned in closer to him then whispered into his ear…
Goo clicked his tongue with slight annoyance. “Ah, so that’s your response huh? What a shame. I hope you won’t regret it later on in the future.” He gave an ominous smile to you before turning back to Gun. “Well I’ll see you whenever, regardless of what comes up in my schedule. I’ll be looking forward to what you have in store for (Y/N).”
Gun clenched the steering wheel in annoyance that you could’ve sworn that you saw the veins from his hands popping from high blood pressure. “Yeah, yeah, just get out of my car already. And remember, you owe me next time. I already repaid you just by being your driver for today. You know how much I hate being in Gangnam.”
Goo grinned at Gun while slamming the door right in front of him, silencing Gun’s nagging. “That bastard.” Gun muttered under his breath. As he switched the car’s gear stick to drive, he hit the gas and sped away. Startled, you turned your head around and watched Goo’s figure getting smaller and smaller as he stood in front of the building’s entrance waving goodbye at you. Your heart was still palpitating quickly from Gun’s acceleration, but you swore that you caught a glimpse of Goo’s eyes for a split second. His eyes gave off such an uneasy vibe that you didn’t stare at him for too long, so you turned back towards the front of the car.
What did he mean when he said that I might regret my decision in the future? Was that an actual threat from him?
The thought of crossing him again made your palms sweat nervously. Well now, at least you don’t have to deal with two intimidating men. Now it’s just down to one. Although you were relieved to see Goo go, Gun’s presence still made you a bit uneasy.
However, just watching him drive seemed to have calmed you since your eyes have been scanning him for a while. You checked out his face from the backseat through the rear view mirror, looking as sharp as ever. Since you were closer to him now than when you guys were outside, you can smell a whiff of his musky cologne that must’ve been expensive. Your eyes moved to his broad shoulders and his muscular build underneath the multiple layers of clothing he had on was visible, which surprised you. This made you wonder how strong could this man be if he were to remove each layer, piece by piece…
“Have you eaten yet?”
“No, I hav- . . . Eh?”
Your words seemed to have gotten stuck in your throat until you realized that those words that he just spoke weren’t in Korean. They were in Japanese.
(Now speaking in Japanese)
“EHHH?! Did you just speak to me in Japanese???”
“Yeah, why are you so surprised?”
“Well, I didn’t know that you’d actually speak in Japanese. You caught me off guard! But wait a minute. How did you know I was Japanese?”
“You told me your name, remember? Your family name is obviously Japanese. Plus, no Korean woman who’s a local around here would be at that place where we found you, at this time of night. Unless, you’re a prostitute…”
Your cheeks flushed in deep scarlet, making you cross your arms and looked away in embarrassment. “A PROSTITUTE?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! No way! And even if I was a prostitute, what kind of prostitute would beat up her own customers?”
Gun flinched from the loud tone of your voice just now. Afterwards, he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly while his hands were still on the steering wheel. “Alright woman, I get it! You didn’t have to be so loud. But I don’t know, you tell me.”
You were so furious that you were about to retort back at him, until you were reminded of your belongings still back at that shady bar. “We need to go back...”
“I said, we need to go BACK! That asshole still has my luggage bag!”
“What asshole? The hell are you on about?”
At this point, you gave a brief summary of what happened, to Gun. You explained what started the fight you had with one of the two maniacs in the first place and what your first experience was like when you first arrived in Seoul.
Gun suddenly hit the brakes in the middle of an empty street. Good thing there weren’t any cars around during this time. His head turned around to look at you, with such intensity. You weren’t sure if it was due to irritability from having to go back and get your stuff, or anger from the assholes who happened to manage to pull something off like that. At that moment, you didn’t want to question him any further.
“Where’s the place at?”
You tried recalling what the bar was called from your memories until you remembered, “Venus’s Paradise.”
Gun stepped on the gas, as he made a sharp U-turn back towards the place where you first arrived in Gangnam. The U-turn was so sharp, that you could feel the force from the acceleration weigh down onto the side of your body, squishing you onto the side of the car door that was next to you.
About ten minutes later going about sixty-five miles per hour through the empty streets of Gangnam, the two of you finally pulled up in front of the dirty bar. Gun immediately unbuckled his seatbelt then turned to you, making sure you understood his instructions carefully.
“Stay here. Whatever happens, don’t get out of the car.”
And with those words, he slammed the door right behind him and made sure that the car was locked. You anxiously watched him walk into the bar alone, worried that he might not come out of that bar alive.
Fifteen minutes had passed and you were starting to worry even more. Your hand nervously pressed against your chest, feeling your heart hammering through your chest. At that point, you were debating to yourself whether or not you should go into the bar to retrieve him. You hugged your knees inside the car then laid your head onto your knees sighing. “I hope he’s ok.”
All of a sudden, you heard yelling getting louder from inside the bar. “What’s going on in there?” The front door suddenly bursted open, as a guy came running out from the bar full of blood from head to toe. You realized that the guy was actually Tae. His face was all bruised up as his left eye looked swollen and his bloody nose was left crooked sideways. His uniform was ripped almost to shreds. The stitching on one of his arm sleeves seemed to have been torn right off and one of his pant legs was barely hanging on. Your eyes widened at the sight of Tae quivering in fear on the ground next to the car that you were in.
A loud bam was heard as the door to the bar swung open violently. Another guy flew out through the door then landed flat on the ground, now unconscious. That man had on a brown leather jacket and underneath was a long sleeved cheetah-printed polo shirt. Golden chains were wrapped around his neck and the sight of him reminded you of Ryuji, since they both looked alike. His body was also covered in bruises and stains of blood.
Who could have done this? Wait, it couldn’t be-
The bar’s front door suddenly flew open once again, as you saw someone kick the door open. Outside, came Gun walking out of the bar without a scratch on him. However, a bit of blood splatters was stained on his clothes, his face, and on his hands. While making his way back towards the car, you noticed that he successfully managed to get your luggage back!
Tae’s eyes widened at the sight of the unconscious, bloodied man in front of him being stomped all over by Gun. His body was being walked all over over by him without remorse like he was just some insect. Even while he was rolling your luggage bag behind him, the man on the ground remained unfazed when his body was being violated by your big luggage bag. Tae slowly backed away from Gun as much as possible, until his back met the car door where you were sitting behind it, watching their every move through the tinted window.
Gun stopped in front of Tae. His eyes glared down at him with such a threatening look that it almost caused Tae to urinate in his pants. “Move.”
Tae quickly nodded as he scurried away down the street, yelping like a scared chihuahua. Gun then took your luggage bag and stuffed it in the back trunk of his car. Afterwards, he made his way back to the driver’s seat then closed the door on his side before starting the car.
You were curious about how he managed to even get your belongings back so you asked, “How did you do that?”
Before he started driving again he lit a quick cigarette, with a soft exhale of smoke escaping through his lips. The smell of smoke filled the inside of his car, making you cough a bit but you didn’t mind.
“I just went in there, and spotted that big suitcase of yours from across the bar. That last guy that I just saw was holding onto it while he was talking with his buddies, so I went up to him and just beat him up. It wouldn’t change a thing if I just asked them to hand it over.”
He then switched the gear, then started driving off, heading back towards the direction that he was supposed to go to before he got side-tracked. You just sat there in the backseat trying to process what he just explained. “All you did was just beat him up? But what about the rest of the guys that were with him? Wouldn’t they have done something to you too?”
“They tried to, yeah. But I had to take care of all of them as quickly as possible, since I got other important matters to take care of. There wasn’t much that they could’ve done though. They were all weak in the end anyways.”
They were all weak? Who is this guy? And what incredible strength he had. How could he have beaten all of them at once? He was up against so many guys, yet he came out of that alive?
“Then, what happened to their boss? Did you have to fight him too?”
Gun sneered, as he took the cigarette out of his mouth then extinguished it onto the ash tray that laid next to him. “Did you see that other guy that was laying outside of that bar? He made such a good carpet.”
You gasped, clasping your hand onto your mouth in shock.
That was HIM?! Who the hell is this guy, Iron Man? Or- THANOS?!
You weren’t aware of it, but Gun was watching your reaction from the rear view mirror while he was driving. For a split second, he couldn’t help but smile in amusement from your animated facial expressions. “What an amusing woman.” He whispered to himself before his smiled faded back to his original stern face.
The tinted Rolls Royce car sped throughout the night, zooming past every obstacle that couldn’t dare touch Gun’s beloved car.
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Finally, the two of you arrived in front of a large modern-styled mansion as he drove through an iron gate that automatically opened on its own. The driveway to his house was very wide and openly convenient. There were short marble steps that led you up towards the door of the mansion, which was accompanied by small traditional Japanese trees on the sides of the steps, that were probably imported from Japan. From above, there was an outdoor balcony that overlooks the open surroundings of his house with a nice view that was probably to-die-for.
The architecture of his home made you gawk widely, fascinated by how large his home was as he parked the car right in front of the driveway. His garage was already filled with other expensive luxury cars, so he decided to park his favorite car in front of his house.
Wide-eyed, your eyes enveloped the scenery of such a lavishly polished home. “This place is so stunning…” you murmured in awe as you exited the car. Gun got your luggage bag from the back trunk then handed it to you, for you to stroll yourself. “This way.” He said in a commanding tone while walking towards the door.
You followed him, still starstruck at how amazing his place looked. You halted right behind him, when he stopped in front of the door to unlock it using a touch-screen passcode lock. When he heard the small door beep a few times, he opened the door to let you in. “Excuse me…” you politely said as you entered the house.
Mother. Of. God.
And you thought the outside of his home was marvelous? Oh, no honey. That was just the cherry on top. The interior was on a whole other level.
It was wide in space. The floor was made out of smooth wooden mahogany planks. A simple wooden staircase stood on the side of the wall, that led all the way up towards the second floor with a steel railing following alongside it. The balcony of the second floor was completely see through, made out of tempered glass, one of the strongest glasses ever made. If you were to look below from the balcony, you could see almost everything from the top floor.
Further down from the front door, there was a lounge area. You would be greeted by a mini bar with high quality alcohol displayed in glass shelves behind the counter. Fancy glass cups were suspended above the counter, glittering spotlessly. Right next to the bar were two pool tables centered behind a big leather sofa surrounding a flat screen TV.
As you made your way past the lounge area, a long rectangular dining table with 12 seats surrounding it stood there in the dining area. A few meters away, was the kitchen. Everything was mostly covered in black and white. The counters. The high-tech stoves. Everything was sleek and clean.
After Gun gave you a tour in the first floor, he took your luggage for you then made you follow him up the stairs. The man was literally carrying your suitcase over his head like it was nothing, which impressed you. He did seem like a gentleman at first, but you couldn’t help but remember that he is still a very dangerous man.
On the second floor, he guided you into an empty room that didn’t seem to be touched at all but was still kept clean. There was a big queen-sized bed with a huge window next to it where you could view the scenery. However, the window was covered with dark curtains that could be pulled back anytime. There was a small wooden bedside table on both sides of the bed, with two lamps on top of them. Right near the door, was a slide-in closet. Across the room was a door that led you into a personal bathroom, which you find very convenient.
Gun set your luggage down next to the closet, then leaned against the wall while crossing his arms. “Alright, time to discuss what you’ll be doing for me while you’re here.”
You sat on the side of the bed, while you curiously stared at him wondering what he had planned for you.
“Tonight, I will work on the contract that I’ll be giving you later on. However, I’ll lay the rules out for you right now. While you are here, make sure you follow my rules, and MY rules alone. No one else’s. Since I have accepted you into my own house for the sake of making you stronger, consider yourself lucky. I wouldn’t have done this in the first place if I thought of you as a nobody, so don’t waste my time. I believe that you have what it takes to be one of the strongest, if you polish your skills the right way through my guidance. While living here temporarily, don’t be loud, don’t annoy me, and don’t cause any trouble. In addition to you staying here, you are not allowed to leave this place unless I give you permission to do so. There will be times when you will be fed breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday, so make sure to be awake at those times or else you won’t be getting any meals at all. Make sure that you are ready when I get downstairs for your training sessions, which will always start at seven in the morning. Also, don’t let anyone into this house unless I inform you to do so. There will be times when I won’t be home, so even if they do say that they’re associated with me in any way, don’t let them in. And one last thing. Don’t touch anything that belongs to me, except for when you’re in the lounge area, when you’re in the dining room where food will be given to you, or anything else given to you by me. Lastly, don’t ever tell anyone about what happens in this house. Never tell anyone about what you’ve been doing and what our plans are. If you break any of these rules, always expect that there will be consequences. By tomorrow you will receive a physical copy of the contract from me once it has been finished. You’ll have to wait for it so it can be signed properly. Any questions?”
You yawned while nodding.
“Hmph. What is it then?”
“What if I get hungry during times when it’s not even breakfast, lunch, or dinner?”
“Then control your hunger.”
You pouted, while crossing your arms. “So I’ll just starve?”
“You’ll get used to it if you don’t rely on your appetite whenever you have a sudden urge to eat. It won’t be good if you eat regularly whenever you’re not hungry since it’s just going to ruin your appetite.”
“Oh okay. Oh and I have other questions. So, you already know right? The reason why I’m in Korea in the first place was to make money. How can I earn money in Korea if this will be my life temporarily? And why do you want to take me in so badly? Like what’s in it for me? You literally just forced me to be here.”
Gun smirked before closing the door behind him. “Wouldn’t you like to know ‘so badly’?”
Slowly, he made his way towards you in such a sly manner that he made you back up immediately into the bed even further. As he stood closely in front of you, he leaned in closer to you. Both of his arms now pinned onto either side of you on the bed, while trapping you in between his arms. You could feel almost feel his hot breath touch your skin, which smelled of nicotine. He took off his glasses revealing what lied underneath, and your eyes finally met his.
Underneath his glasses were pitch-black orbs with white pupils centered in between each eye. There was a huge scar that ran across his eyes, which must’ve hurt greatly from the looks of it. Stunned, you were left speechless. You couldn’t get a word to escape from your mouth as you stared up at him. It was like you were caught in some kind of spell. You were so drawn to his eyes that, unconsciously, your hand reached his face and touched his cheek. But with fast reflexes, it didn’t even take a few seconds until he grabbed onto your hand then pinned it over your head. Your other hand laid dead still and you felt that hand starting to sweat onto the bed. His right knee was also pinned in between your legs, trapping you under his body.
“What are you trying to do now? Seduce me?”
You quickly shook your head in response.
“You know, I’m starting to think that bringing over a stranger might be bad for me, so listen closely.”
He leaned in very close to your ear, that the side of your heads were parallel from each other. Your heart started beating quicker and quicker every minute that you think that even Gun could hear it from where his face was at. He tucked a few strands of your hair behind your ear for you to listen carefully.
This position…
His forearms were pinned on the sides of your head. His scent made you feel light-headed. His chest was barely touching yours and you felt his breath even closer to your ear that it made your body tingle all over. You could even feel his leg graze slightly against your private part in between your legs, which made your legs all stiff. This was the first time that you’re on a bed with a man that it made your cheeks hot and red like twin tomatoes.
“Think of it as kind of a. . . You-Pay-Me and I-Pay-You situation. The outcome will be Win-Win if we both cooperate with each other. You will help me bring down four of the major power groups in Korea. In exchange, I will grant you anything you want. It can be money, fame, designer clothes, you name it. I’ll turn you into an unstoppable beast. You will even be known as a legend in Korea too.”
“I don’t really care much about all of that, except for the money. But… how will that benefit you?”
He stared deep into your eyes then smirked. “Money and power is all it takes to become the strongest. Once I have destroyed them all, there won’t be anything left for them in which I will be the one to rise to the top. I will shape you into one who’s worthy of fighting. My ultimate secret weapon. They won’t even know what will hit them. Once you have become one of my greatest masterpieces, money won’t be a problem for you anymore.”
Again with the “greatest masterpieces”. Will this really be the best option to help out mom?
“If that’s the case, then you can count me in. I’ll become one of your greatest masterpieces.”
“Finally, then it’s been decided. I’m glad we see eye-to-eye. We’ll negotiate on how much you’ll be given each month tomorrow after our first training session.”
He leaned back and retreated from the bed, leaving you to stare up at the ceiling in a daze. He retrieved his glasses then put them back on. While making his way towards the door, he stopped in front of it while he grasped the door knob.
“Oh, and one more thing. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll mostly be in my room, so knock if you need to. Also, give me your phone for a second. I need to give you my number.” He let go of the door knob as he returned back to you.
“Ohhh… right.”
You quickly sat up from the bed then took out your phone from your pocket. You unlocked it before handing it to him, so he could add his number to your contacts. “I’ll need your number too.”
“Ah… alright.”
After the both of you exchanged numbers he said, “Contact me if there’s an emergency.” You nodded when he handed your phone back to you.
Right when he was about to leave the room, the last words he said to you that night was, “Go ahead and get some sleep. It’ll be a busy day for you tomorrow.” Then shuts the door behind him.
Exhausted from everything that has happened that day, you collapsed back onto the bed and sighed.
Ah, I’m such a fool.
Out of nowhere, your belly started grumbling. You forgot that you haven’t eaten anything yet since you arrived in Korea. You sat up once again, then stared at your phone in your hand.
“Is hunger considered an emergency…?”
[End of Ch. I]
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wasabi-beeeeatz · 1 year
Let me talk about how full of emotions ORDER and WAR are and how each song has a story.
So we all know about the two out of three Prime bosses in Ultrakill yes? And their stories? If not, let me summarize each story.
Minos -
Former Judge of Hell and former King of Lust. Gabriel sentenced him to the Lust Layer and took over the job of the judge. Minos created an utopian city in the Lust Layer to protect his people from the heavy winds only to get STRUCK down by Gabriel and get his large corpse overrun by Parasites, said corpse gets controlled by said Parasites and destroys EVERYTHING he worked hard on building. His soul gets trapped into the Flesh Prison and he becomes Minos Prime.
Sisyphus -
Was a king, cheated death twice and his punishment is to roll a boulder up a hill for all eternity up until the Heavens went silent. He used this downtime to form an army and wage war on the Angels of Heaven, knowing that he'll fail in the end. His head gets sliced off by no other than Gabriel, causing the army to quiver and lose the army now that their beacon of hope got slain. He formed into a Prime soul rather quickly so the Council trapped him into the Flesh Panopticon in fear that he'll break out once he wakes up.
NOW let me talk about their themes, starting with Minos Prime and ORDER.
Minos was a pacifist and still is. He only fights V1 because of the crimes against humanity it had caused up until this point in P - 1. When confronted with Gabriel he didn't fight, he tried to reason with the Archangel only to get his body brutally broken in the end. He didn't watch over his Kingdom of Lust for the fame and glory, he watched over it to give the sinners there a peaceful afterlife as he thought the act of lust was not a sin worth getting punished for. His Prime soul reflects this by having a hole for a face. His story is solemn, depressing and hopeful AND his theme, ORDER, reflects that by having the intro to it have like a violin like instrument playing. The Requim leitmotif that plays in the middle of the track is LOUD and IN YOUR FACE but yet it still has that violin like instrument playing. The song is more quiet and melancholy than WAR, which is VERY loud but we'll get to that very soon, but it still has that anger to it. He is angry at you, V1, and he is going to give YOU judgement for the sins you have done. When defeated, he will apologize for not saving his children from this cruel, dark world that is now run by Machines. He is at fault for not being able to save his people from being thrown into disarray after getting slain by Gabriel.
Now let's talk about Mr. One must imagine aka King Sisyphus, a tyrannical king that cheated not once but twice in his life time.
Sisyphus was no pacifist. He was a tyrant who deserved his punishment. He fights V1 as if it was a game or warmup for the real deal of crushing the Heavens. He quite literally has the power of the sun as his absence of a head gets replaced by a glowing orb that resembles the bright star. He decided to wage war on the people of Heaven, fully knowing that he'll just fail but he still did it. He was frustrated, angry, FULL of RAGE that he got punished but he enjoys it. He enjoys his punishment and his theme, WAR, reflects that. WAR is loud, abrasive, and in your face, with a guitar like instrument playing in the intro. It is showing how ANGRY Sisyphus is. The Sands of Tide leitmotif in the middle of the track is LOUD and IN YOUR FACE, much like the Requim leitmotif in ORDER but it has the feeling of enraged to it. The leitmotif is NOT quiet, it is LOUD. IMPATIENT. ENRAGED. It shows how he cheated, lied, and got his way in his life time and afterlife time. He fights V1 as if the machine was just an appetizer. When defeated, he will ramble on how the times of King Sisyphus has now ended, that he never regretted a single second of it and died laughing.
I love these two old men and I hope whatever the third Prime boss is gets a theme that is equal to ORDER and WAR and gets recognizable as well.
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