#{ the petrova fire } ~ answered
multi-royalty · 1 year
Send me ❤ on anon and I’ll compliment someone at random!
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 ❤ - @malka-lisitsa - das ma bes fran - I couldn't leave her out of this despite her not needing any more compliments, I think the fan club stands for it self, dis ma mama and she has written some amazing things over the past year and has really solidified Katherine as a character filling in the missing chunks. But I'm bias and my favourite character she writes and will ever write will always be @voros-kiralyno. Celeste is proud of her red queen. we love you.
 ❤ - @petrovawitch - LIL FIRECRACKER, I literally love you okay? OKAY. I'm obsessed with your OC and will accept her as canon any day. I love seeing you on my dash and I'm looking forward to our plans with Vik and Kah'lee. Kenz as the mun is a wonderful person and I'm so glad to have gotten to know you!
Petrova hype women right here.
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petrovawitch · 1 year
How many times has Vik turned her humanity off? What is she like without it?
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She doesn’t remember.
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Whenever she enters that headspace it’s almost as if her entire brain stops recording. She just wakes up one day with it on and has no idea how or why. It’s jarring for her and she has to put the puzzle pieces together to figure out where she is, what year it is, and a lot of other information. Then, she usually moves away and burns her bridges so no one comes looking for her, and if they attempt… well, let’s just say they’re not with us anymore. When her humanity is off, she’s a lot like her father. Sadistic, cruel, and violent. Blood becomes her medium, and the town her canvas. She’s been known to torture her victims, always men, and drive them insane before actually feeding on them. Humanity-intact Viktoria would never admit to it, but she gets off on the power. It’s almost as if her better qualities just completely vanish. She doesn’t care about exposure, if anything she invites it. It’s when you really see how much of a death wish she has, because she’ll goad anyone into trying to stop her and there are only two ways to do that: get her to turn it back on or put her down. Luckily for her, it’s not hard to get her to turn it back on, especially as she ages. Anything that reminds her of family, belonging, and love will do the trick.
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kiss-my-freckle · 2 months
Full Episode Commentary
2x9: Katerina
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I was gonna do something special with this episode, but it'll require too many gifs. I'm just gonna make it easy and say that the episode ends opposite the open. Stefan and Elena end opposite the open, Damon and Rose end opposite the open. That means Damon and Rose repeat a lot of their conversation.
This is also a flashback episode for Katerina Petrova. I love that they used her real name for the title. She has her moments, but this episode is when I liked her most. tbh, I hate her 99% of the time. A flashback to 1940 shows her giving birth to Nadia and she's quickly taken away. Her father is saying she disgraced the family. This is a shared thing for Damon and Katerina. Damon for deserting the war and Katerina for having a child out of wedlock.
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I really love these doorway scenes. Damon is playing it cool now that his words of love are buried in Elena's head. He's fully committed to protecting her, but you can feel it in the way he talks and the way he moves. It's as if he put himself at a distance emotionally.
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"That's not helping." Rose already knows that Damon's in love with Elena. He's being protective of her emotional state. He then assumes Elena is in denial because she lies about going to school. Denial is something Stefan and Elena have in common. He spent 145 years denying he fell in love with Katherine. Here, he tells Damon to shut up.
Jeremy basically asks Bonnie on a date. He wants her to shoot pool with him. They introduce Luka, and tbh, I hate these witches. I'm glad they chose to kill them off. Some characters have it and some don't. These witches don't. "You had to break out the girlfriend code. Okay. I promise." It's insane to me that Caroline won't tell Stefan that Elena is visiting Katherine, but she'll tell him that Elena slept with Damon.
Caroline: Why don't you want Stefan to know? Elena: Because he would never be okay with me doing this.
Scenes like this are the truth of 3x14. If Stefan wouldn't be okay with Elena talking to Katherine despite the fact that she's trapped in a tomb and can't cause any harm, then why tf would he be okay with her meeting with Esther. I never lie about what they show me. I love seeing Caroline at the tomb because she was human and with Matt when they opened it in 1x14, so she was never really there to actually see it. This is your Goodbye Katherine and Goodbye Caroline...
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Elena isn't stupid. She knows Katherine needs blood, so she knows she'll get the answers she needs in exchange. "You have the Petrova fire." I believe this is Damon's attraction to the Petrovas. Katherine, Isobel, and Elena.
"I was banished to England and I had to learn to adjust. So I quickly became English. It was there that I caught the eye of a nobleman named Klaus. I was taken with him at first, til I found out what he was and what he wanted from me. And then I ran like hell."
Katherine tells Elena that Klaus wanted to drain every drop of blood from her body, so she ran like hell.
Rose hasn't even known Damon for a day, and she already reads him better than Stefan does. He tries to lie about his humanity, but she can see it. It's because his humanity is his weakness that it's the best way to piss him off… and torture him. They have to hit it the right way based on what they want from him. As I said before, this episode ends opposite the open. Here's an example...
Damon: Don't get on my bad side. Rose: Then show me your good side.
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Everything in their initial conversation gets discussed at the end of the episode. Trevor, Elena, and both their humanity. I feel like all relationships happen for a reason, so even though I don't ship Damon with Rose, I still enjoy Damon with Rose. Rose is about to take Damon to meet her friend.
Damon and Elena are the only ones willing to actually get answers. Elena is getting her answers from Katherine. Damon is hoping to get his from Slater. Stefan just wants to obsess over Elena. Caroline stops him because she's not at school.
Stefan: What did you do? Caroline: Told Tyler I'm a vampire.
Stefan's reaction is hilarious. Katerina arrives at the cottage and tells the homeowner that Trevor sent her. That's when Rose allows her in and compels the homeowner to bring her some food and water. When Katerina shows Rose the moonstone, she realizes the trouble she's in. This tells me that Rose already knew about the curse and the role the moonstone played in it. She's like hell no. She plans to hand Katerina back over to Klaus and beg for his mercy. They really hype up Klaus with this story.
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lol… scenes like this are the reason I believe Damon loves strong women. Look at the smile on his face. Slater is asking about Trevor like damn, him and Rose were truly family. Damon is the kind of person you wanna act completely ignorant to, as if you have no idea who he is. He doesn't trust people, and the more you know about him, the more he'll see you as a threat.
In flashback, Rose walks into the room and realizes Katerina stabbed herself. She's a vampire, so she knows damn well that she wasn't bleeding before, that she'd just stabbed herself on purpose. "I love her, Rose." Like Damon and Mason, Trevor died loving a woman that didn't love him in return. She was using them. Katerina hangs herself while Trevor and Rose are arguing. A vampire is of no use to Klaus, so she thought becoming a vampire was the easiest way to avoid being sacrificed. She offers Elena her blood, knowing what's gonna happen if she takes it... Elena's loved ones will be slaughtered.
Trevor: What did you do, Katerina? I would have helped you live. Katerina: You would have helped me run.
Katerina chooses death over Trevor, just like Elena with Damon and Liv with Tyler. Each parallel still different in their own way.
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Rose tells Katerina that she just signed their death sentence, exactly what Stefan said when Katherine turned Caroline. "Better you die than I." Katerina feels her life is of value, but she does nothing with it but continue to destroy lives. "I was looking out for myself, Elena. I will always look out for myself. If you're smart, you'll do the same." This is why Elena has a better life than Katherine, and why I hate Katherine for trying to take Elena's life in season 5. It made her irredeemable to me. It's not like Katherine couldn't possess the body of some useless vampire. Any vampire body would've sufficed. She just had to take Elena's.
Stefan: Yes Caroline. As a matter of fact, I am a little mad. I mean, you put yourself a risk. If Damon finds out… Caroline: But you're not gonna tell him, are you? Stefan: No, of course not. He would kill you.
Stefan joined Caroline for lunch. He's so much himself around her. It's crazy they're not together, they have great chemistry. And for some strange reason, Stefan tells every blonde they remind him of Lexi. First Caroline, then Rebekah. Damon has no problem with people knowing his truth. He has a problem with people threatening him because he takes threats seriously. This is more or less the same Damon-slamming Stefan always does because he's a shit brother.
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Bonnie runs into Luka and his father at the Grill. I'm already ready for them to die. I'm pretty sure Bonnie got a witch vibe from Luka, so she knows he's a witch. It also pisses me off that they continue to do this to Bonnie. Ben abducted her because she was the key to opening the tomb. Now new guy flirts with her, and it's the same damn thing. He's gonna screw her over. Damon is getting annoyed with Slater because he's a bragger with no point. Slater can't honestly believe Damon is there to hear about his level of education. His 18 degrees, 3 masters, and 4 PhDs won't help him find Klaus lol… his vampire information will. Slater knew about the tomb under the church, and likely from the remaining tomb vampires that fled.
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"She's with Damon, isn't she?" Stefan just can't stop. Automatically assumes she's with Damon because apparently danger is all Damon can provide. As I said of Caroline's hate for Damon, it's really Delena hate. She only hates Damon whenever Elena is involved, so you get this "Ewww, no" from her. I've already lost count how many times Stefan shit on Damon. And why is he so jealous at the thought of her hanging out with Damon as if they can't be friends. Just as insane to me that Stefan expects Caroline to betray her best friend for him. Like Elena isn't allowed to do something on her own without her boyfriend up her ass. This guy is more than obsessed.
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Damon: Stake her, rip her head off, something poetic. We'll see. Katherine: It could have been anyone I suppose, but I like the poetry of Caroline.
Katherine tells Elena the same thing she told Rose in her flashback. "Better you die than I." She will lose in the end because she wasn't the only one being "poetic" in 2x1. Jeremy's death changed everything for Damon.
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I LOVE this scene to the extreme. This is when Elijah realizes Damon is dangerous, that he's always working an angle. It's because the moonstone can be de-spelled and because Damon is offering Slater a daylight ring in exchange that Elijah puts a dead-stop to their conversation. Damon is about to destroy his revenge plan before he even gets started. The tempered glass shatters and every vampire without daylight jewelry starts to burn, Slater and Rose included. Damon is trying to get his sights on who tossed the coins because he knows it took supernatural power to pull off such a stunt, but Elijah disappeared. This moment when he carries Rose is beautiful. I love Damon's caring nature.
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Rose: He's real and he doesn't give up. If he wants something, he gets it. If you're not afraid of Klaus, then you're an idiot. Damon: Alright, we're shaking. You made your point.
Rose: It's Klaus, don't you understand? You don't know this man. We're dead, we're all dead.
They're starting to finish on the open. Damon is basically realizing he spoke too soon. It's in Rose's fear that he knows Klaus is a dangerous enemy. She's shaking, and he definitely got the point.
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I'm already done with these witches. I forgot how long it takes for them to die, but they need to die.
Katherine is sealed in the tomb, so Elena is perfectly safe talking to her. Stefan has no reason to show up, but he does. I think he's less worried about Katherine telling Elena about Klaus and more worried about Katherine telling her about them. "But it didn't take long for me to figure out what was the important that you'd have to keep it from me." Girl can't have a Stefan-free day without him being up in it like she can't survive without him. Stefan was gonna turn to Katherine for help to find Elena in the episode prior, now claims Katherine is a liar all because Elena turned to her for answers without him. Apparently Katherine is only a liar when Elena turns to her for answers, not when Stefan does. This guy really is something. Katherine is about to tell them the best part of the story. Because she didn't wanna die, her family did. Klaus killed alll of them simply because she chose to become a vampire. I should point out the fact that Katerina had no forewarning. She didn't have anyone tell her just how vengeful Klaus could be. Had anyone actually warned her the way she's being kind to warn Elena now, it's possible she would've considered her family and chosen not to run. Stefan is so full of himself in this scene with Katherine and Elena.
"My freedom? That's where you're wrong, Stefan. I don't want my freedom because when Klaus shows up to kill us all, and he will, I'll be in the tomb where no vampire will enter because they can't get out. I'll be the safest psychotic bitch in town."
So Elena is left with the knowing that she has to die or risk losing all of her loved ones.
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"And I will." I feel like this is the moment for Damon. He just got done watching vampires burn in the sun because Elijah shattered the tempered glass, now he's drinking alcohol and staring into his fireplace. I don't think it's just his confidence speaking. He's gonna save Elena because he's gonna put his life on it. There's a feeling in this scene that I can't explain. Like a finality. Rose joins him and apologizes. "You're right to fight it, the way you feel about her. Because if you want to survive, you need to not care about anyone." This is why Damon nearly dies from Tyler's bite. He refuses to flip his switch because if he stops caring about Elena, then she dies. All the more reason I feel this was his moment. "And why's that?" Opposite Damon's denial in the open. This is Damon outwardly admitting his feelings for Elena. "I will if you will." Opposite Damon's denial in the open. This is Damon outwardly admitting his emotions are on. I love their soundtrack in this scene as well, Amen Omen by Ben Harper. It's a track that I feel perfect for both Damon and Rose based on their current situation (Trevor and Elena). "Amen omen,will I see your face again?"
Trevor is just as much part of their conversation at the open and close of the episode. He died in the episode prior, so Rose is mourning. Damon is having to bury his love for Elena for the sake of protecting her, so he's basically mourning along with her. The beauty of Damon and Rose as it pertains to Katherine's comment in 2x1. "Come on. Kiss me. Or kill me. Which will it be, Damon? We both know that you're only capable of one." This is grief sex.
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Even though Jeremy could get jealous of Lukas being all flirty, but he doesn't. He smiles because Bonnie is smiling. He seems to care a great deal about her happiness.
"That's not why everyone that I love is in danger. It's because of me, everything is because of me." This changes in season 3 as they pull a basic repeat. Klaus is coming to kill her in season 2. She either dies or she doesn't. Elena is supposed to be dead in season 3. She either dies or she doesn't. Stefan denies Elena the right to choose how they deal with Klaus and he becomes the danger.
"It's a lie, you know. There's no switch you can turn off. Sure, when you're a newbie. But after a couple of hundred years, you just have to pretend." This is the truth of their humanity switch. It only lasts for so long.
Elijah knows Damon is close to destroying his revenge plan... yeah, Damon is that dangerous to the Originals. He compels Slater to call Rose specifically about the moonstone because Damon can de-spell it. He has Slater mention that they need a witch to de-spell it, which puts Luka in play for the sake of conning Bonnie. Elijah could've killed Slater, but he has Slater kill himself. This would remove suspicion of murder. Damon won't know the deal with the moonstone until they find out Lukas and his father are tied to Elijah. So yeah, this is how Damon gets screwed in protecting Elena.
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Damon: Because I do believe in killing the messenger. You know why? Because it sends a message. Elijah: It had to be done. He delivered his message. Won't be long now.
This moment here is a huge clue drop... Isobel will be coming back into the story.
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And this... this is why Katherine pushes Stefan to take Klaus' family in 3x9. She wants her own revenge.
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malka-lisitsa · 6 months
I hear your thoughts about souls in Vampires. I am going to ask your opinion on something far reaching, Katherine. Would it be possible that one of your kind could possess a light inside of them? Like a light from the heavens that acts like a flame? A divine light burning within them.
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"Listen, Jesus- I don't believe in heaven or the christian god. If he does exist he's a spiteful bastard who loves to watch people suffer and then punish them for it. However if you mean do I think there are people like me, vampires, that are a force of real good in the world and spread light wherever they can? The answer is yes. You should start with Lexi Branson. I hate that wench but even I can't deny shes every thing a good person should aspire to be."
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"I can't really point you in any other direction, the fire that burns in me is called the Petrova fire and it's made of spite and determination- not the qualities you're looking for I would assume."
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kahterina · 1 year
#KAHTERINA: highly selective, low activity katherine pierce from the vampire diaries. placed in the marvel cinematic universe. 21+ only. sideblog to @othunderous. rules found there; read them before following. (please follow the main blog so i can track mutuals.) portrayal notes below.
inbox, resources.
name:   katerina petrova
alias:   katherine pierce
date of birth:   june 5th, 1473
date of death/transition:   april 6th, 1494
species:   human witch (by birth).  vampire.
relationships:   viktor petrov - father (deceased).  maria petrova - mother (deceased).  anastasiya petrova - younger sister (deceased).  nadia petrova - daughter (deceased).
powers & abilities:  compulsion (mind control), super-human strength, super - human durability, super - human speed, super - human healing, super - human senses, extremely skilled combatant, summoning (animals) & shapeshifting, teleportation (through shadows)
weaknesses:   sunlight (wearing lapis lazuli jewelry combats this), invitation only (she cannot enter a private human dwelling without invitation), fire, wood, beheading — all as a vampire.
full bio:   (feel free to reference the canon bio; it’s pretty much all the same) 
important notes:
katerina gives birth at age 16 and is disowned immediately after.  she takes any jobs she can find to make her way to england over the next few years.  this is when she begins to learn to bend people to her will — saying the right thing, looking at someone the right way.  particularly men.
katerina is 21 at the age of her death.
fleeing from klaus, she prays to thor for the physical strength to keep going.  the mikaelsons told her the tales of the gods they believed in.  the christian god didn’t answer.  thor does — she doesn’t know this for sure, but she believes.  when he arrives on earth in 2011, the belief only solidifies.
following the slaughter of her family at klaus’ hands, she becomes colder, more vicious and selfish.
just as he made a legend of himself, katerina — eventually going by katherine — does the same.
SHIELD began to keep a close eye on the vampires from the time they are founded; many of the known vampires are deemed threats.  however, katherine is known to help the ‘good guys’ if she finds it beneficial — often meaning it ensures her survival.  she is more of a grey area; she is willing to do the right thing, just for selfish reasons.
because katherine is about her own survival above all, she can be enlisted in helping neutralize threats.  of course she doesn’t want to see earth destroyed or taken over by superpowed aliens; she lives on earth.  anything to save her own ass.  helping the greater good is just a happy coincidence.
unlike the avengers, the existence of vampires is kept well hidden from the population.  she is known amongst SHIELD agents and avengers as the vampire, but civilians are unaware of her moniker.
divergent from here onward: at the end of season 4, katherine kills elena, and she has no choice but to start acting right unless she wants to spend centuries locked up in some secret government prison. besides, she realizes elena was never what was truly wrong.
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moon-witchs-world · 3 years
Love Is Weird
Author: moon-witchs-world
Pairing: Katherine Pierce x FemaleVampire!Reader
Words: 1185
Warnings: swearing, a bit smutty towards the end
Summary: falling in love with a vampire who is known to be manipulative, enemies to lovers plotline
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‘Damon? Are you here?’ Y/N asked after entering the Salvatore Boarding House. Damon hadn’t answered his phone, so she decided to stop by anyway to see if he was home.
‘Even better, I’m here. Y/N, tell me, what are you doing here?’ she heard a familiar voice ask. Katherine Pierce appeared in the hallway, wearing a pair of dark skinny jeans and a tight black shirt. Her long hair was wavy and looked perfect. She hated the way the beautiful vampire made her feel. Katherine was known for being rude and manipulative, but every time Y/N saw her, her heart skipped a beat. Katherine had such a strong aura, she enjoyed being around her. But she never told her that. Katherine had injured and scared a lot of her human friends and she didn’t deserve to know she liked her. 
‘I’m here to see Damon. As you could have guessed since I yelled out his name as soon as I came in,’ Y/N answered sarcastically. If there was anything she and Katherine had in common, it was being absolute pro’s at being sarcastic.
‘Still trying to seduce him, are you? Need any tips?’ was Katherine’s arrogant reply. Y/N couldn’t help but laugh. ‘Are you kidding me? Damon is my best friend, I would never date him. Like ever. Stop obsessing over the Salvatores, they don’t belong to you.’
Katherine slowly walked up to her, biting her lip. ‘I’m not obsessing over them. I completely lost interest in them to be honest. I just wanted to warn you.’ ‘Warn me?’ Katherine nodded. ‘You’re too good for Damon. He doesn’t deserve a woman like you. He would never be able to keep up with you,’ she said in a serious way. 
‘And how do you know? You barely know me.’ Katherine pushed a strand of hair out of Y/N’s face and giggled. ‘I know you well enough. There’s a fire in you. A burning passion. An annoying impulse to do good. All the damn time. You’re simply too good for him.’  ‘Like I said, I’m not into Damon. I’m here to have a drink and talk about my day with my best friend. Why are you here?’ Y/N quickly answered. Katherine’s words made her feel uncomfortable. She really did know more about her than she expected.  ‘I helped Stefan with something. Then he left and I decided to stay. This house has the best alcohol stash I’ve ever come across. Fancy a drink?’
Y/N nodded. If she had to wait for Damon to come home, she might as well have a drink while waiting. Katherine poured them both a bourbon and handed Y/N the fullest glass. Katherine sat down on the couch and looked over at her. ‘Are you just going to stand there?’ she asked with her eyebrows raised. Y/N shook her head and walked over to the couch, where she sat down next to the vampire. For a moment, they drank their bourbon in silence.
‘Why are you being nice to me? As far as I know you hate me,’ Y/N said after a while. She was surprised by Katherine’s kindness. ‘I don’t hate you, Y/N.’ Her answer came quickly and sincere. Y/N looked up at her. Katherine’s big doe eyes stared back at her. ‘You have a weird way of showing it.’ ‘I find you are rather intimidating. It’s easy to be rude, because I know how to do just that,’ Katherine explained.
‘You’re kidding. Katerina Petrova, intimidated by a vampire half her age,’ Y/N said with a grin.  ‘Shut up, you’re making me feel old. And it’s Katherine,’ was the vampire’s answer. Even though her words were cold, she smiled at me. She was even prettier with a smile on her face, her eyes twinkling and her white teeth showing. Y/N smiled back and averted her eyes. 
‘You shut up. You don’t have to feel intimidated by me. Katherine.’ Katherine rolled her eyes and sighed. ‘Easy for you to say. Everyone likes you. Everyone sees how beautiful you are. Boys, girls, humans, vampires. I’m pretty sure I saw a werewolf check you out in the Grill the other day.’ ‘What is your point? I don’t care about them. Besides, I would never hurt you, so don’t be intimidated,’ Y/N answered. ‘Then what do you care about?’ She was so close now I could feel her breath on my lips. Y/N had no idea what to say. This vampire. This woman who seemed to kill for fun. Who was a lot of people’s biggest nightmare felt intimidated by her. Y/N acted on impulse when she cupped Katherine’s face with her hands. She could feel the soft skin of her face under her fingertips and she stared at Katherine’s lips for a moment.
‘I care about you.’ The words left Y/N’s lips before she could think about it, knowing she couldn’t take them back now. Katherine spread her eyes so wide it looked almost comical. ‘I know it’s weird and you probably really don’t want to hear this, but I care about you, Katherine.’ ‘Why would you say that? If this is your idea of a joke, I can assure you you’re not funny,’ she snapped back. She got up and Y/N’s hands fell off her face. Y/N got up as well.
‘I’m not kidding. Why would I do that?’ Y/N said almost hysterically. She could not believe Katherine right now. How could she think this was a joke? ‘To fool me? To prove once again what a wonderful vampire you are?’ Katherine was talking fast now and it was obvious she really believed Y/N was fooling her. ‘I would never do that. Especially not to you, Katherine,’ Y/N said. Again she stepped closer to Katherine, leaving just a tiny amount of air between the two of them. ‘Why?’ Katherine snapped. Her eyes were wide open, filled with paranoia. ‘Because I’m in love with you!’ Y/N yelled. It wasn’t how she planned to tell her, but they were obviously not getting anywhere. Katherine looked shocked for a moment, but started to smile right after that. She came closer and wrapped her arms around Y/N’s neck.
‘So, are you going to kiss me, or what?’ Katherine said teasingly. Y/N bit her underlip and nodded then. Katherine pulled her closer and as soon as their lips touched, it felt like her whole body was filled with electricity. She stroked Katherine’s hair with one hand and let the other travel to her waist. The kiss became more intimate quickly as Katherine put her tongue in Y/N’s mouth. For a minute they tried to dominate one another, but settled for exploring each other’s mouth with their tongues. Katherine cupped Y/N’s boob and squeezed lightly. Y/N couldn’t help but moan. Katherine took a step back, her cheeks red with excitement, slightly out of breath.
‘Let’s get out of here before the Salvatores get home. I’m not done with you, Y/N,’ Katherine said with a smirk.
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hazzoranstories · 4 years
Damon Salvatore x Reader One-Shot | Emily’s House
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Requested by anonymous
A/N: I don't know if this would count as a Damon one-shot, but I can't think of anything else to categorize it as. Also, sorry this sucks, but I've had a little writer's block. Last thing, would you guys like more human/past Damon or would you like present day?
Includes: Blood, angst, several murders, mild language, and triggering
"Y/N? Tell me, damnit!" Kol screamed at his best friend, who merely smirked it off and popped her neck. She examined the "home" Klaus designed for the Mikaelson family in Mystic Falls, with Kol trailing after her.
"You just got out of a box after a century, and you want to know about my past love life? Kinda sad, Kol, not gonna lie," Y/N snickered, and Kol ran up in front of her, stopping her from walking into the dining room. Encouraging her to continue her story. The girl sighed and placed her hands on her friend's shoulders. Letting him into her memories.
*Mystic Falls, Virginia; 1864*
The sound of Y/N's sobs rang through the empty Salvatore house. Despite Giuseppe's earlier attempts to usher the girl out, her rage was much stronger than her sadness. She would never forgive Giuseppe for what he did. Shooting his own sons was a heinous act, even for the man who beat his eldest child. Y/N hadn't actually witnessed the murder, but she heard the gun firing. And neither Salvatore brother had returned in the last two days. She went around town to check, and once she saw Giuseppe drawing sympathy for his lost sons, she rushed back inside.
"Y/N, you must leave. Return to your family --" Giuseppe said, somewhat irritated.
"I no longer have any family, Giuseppe. You killed them in cold blood, remember?" Y/N snapped, cutting off her crying to glance behind her shoulder and notice the horrific man at the door. Giuseppe glared at his deceased son's wife and growled lowly, storming into his office. As much as he loved Damon getting married and even expecting a baby, he desperately hated Y/N. She was a nice girl, but man, did she have a temper. A temper so bad that it blinded most people about what they liked about her. But not Damon. He considered it attractive, and Giuseppe always thought that was the reason he married her. I guess he'll never know now.
The night following, Y/N escaped through her window out the house. She wanted to visit her friend Emily for comfort. The Salvatore wife was still in denial and assumed Damon or even Stefan would bust open the door any moment, but neither did. They were gone, but she didn't want to admit that to herself.
She was too lost in her thoughts to notice a figure following her in the shadows of the thick woods on the way to Emily's house. Emily lived near the Quarry, so it was a long but worthy journey. The figure had a female curve to it, but her large dress made her look thinner. In seconds a wrist was forced across Y/N's lips, with the metallic taste of blood spilling onto her tongue. Y/N tried to scream, but a thick stick was shoved into her stomach before her mouth could part. The attacker looked down at her struggling victim and chuckled darkly.
The bleeding light of the sun burnt through Y/N's eyelids the next morning, and she winced. It wasn't like any morning where she didn't want to get up, but it hurt her. Physically. She sat up and saw she was lying in the woods. Left for dead by whoever attacked her. But how could she be alive? A stick was plunged into her abdomen, and no one could aid her. She gazed down at her stomach, which was drowned in blood. Not just her own. Y/N's eyes widened, and a scream finally fell from her lips.
Her cries began again as her shaky hand fell onto her fully healed wound. But the blood remained stained on her dress, which was just a reminder about what happened. She stumbled up, and her first thought was how close Emily was. Her legs carried her weak build across the woods, and not much later, she reached Emily's house.
She pounded on the door, and soon it was whipped open by the witch herself. Emily noticed her friend's state and immediately got anxious. Y/N began weeping again and engulfed Emily in a hug. The black girl was shocked but closed the door and raced Y/N to the living room. "What happened, Y/N? What's wrong? Why do you have blood on you? Is this yours?" she interrogated eagerly, but Y/N kept shaking her head to try to bring him back. She couldn't lose her baby boy, too, not after losing Damon.
"I -- I think he's go -- gone. He's gone, Em- Emily," the Bennett girl knew of Y/N's pregnancy since she was in her third trimester, and people tend to point it out.
"What? What do you mean he's gone? What happened to you? Why is there blood on your dress?!" Emily panicked. Usually, she was relatively calm, but she couldn't contain herself.
"Emily? What's happening in here?" a male's voice asked as he walked in with caution. Stefan stopped once he saw his brother's wife, and both girls looked at the youngest Salvatore. Y/N gasped, and her breathing increased dramatically.
"Stefan? Stefan, how are you here right now?!"
"Y/N! You need to calm down!" Emily yelled and grabbed Y/N's face, forcing the girl to look at the witch's calming brown eyes.
"No, no, what's Stefan doing here? He died, Emily. Giuseppe shot him I --" Emily cut Y/N off with a shush, placing her hand on her stomach, which was flatter than it should be.
"Are you sure?" the Bennett questioned. Y/N nodded and sniffed. Emily stood up and ran around the house to try and find a spell to heal the possibly dead baby.
"Are you not going to explain how my husband's dead brother is here?!" Y/N shouted towards Emily, who didn't reply. The wife looked to Stefan with hopeful eyes. "Is he alive too? Is he here?" Stefan nodded and gestured outside. Y/N didn't hesitate to run out.
She saw Damon sitting near the water, tears falling from his eyes mercifully. "Damon?" Y/N cried, and the brunette whipped around, every action of his stopping. His jaw flew open, and he stood up. The Salvatores sprinted into each other's arms, both bawling. "Ho -- how are you alive? I thought --"
"I'm in transition," Damon interrupted his wife, who broke the hug.
"Katherine, she gave me her blood before I died," he explained, but Y/N was still confused. "Are you okay? I heard a commotion going on inside and thought it was just Emily doing some witchy voodoo. I never expected you to come out that door," Damon smiled in joy, but Y/N's face fell.
"I . . . . last night someone stabbed me in the stomach," - Damon's expression became worried - "he's gone. Emily is trying to find a spell, but . . . . my attacker killed our boy in the process of trying to murder me," Y/N muttered, and Damon stepped back. A look of pain shot across his face, and he choked on the right words to say.
"Do -- do you know who --?"
"No. I don't even know how I'm alive right now, but I'll have Emily figure out that later," Damon put his face in his hands before tugging at his curly dark hair.
"He's not gone. I refuse to believe that. Emily!" the oldest Salvatore snarled and sped inside. Leaving Y/N to leer out at the flowing bay.
*Mystic Falls, Virginia; Present Day*
Y/N let go of Kol and huffed, snatching up a bottle of bourbon, an obsession she picked up from Damon. She strutted past Kol and into the dining room, plopping into one of the seats. She took a swig of the alcohol as her best friend came back down to Earth. "Wow. I had no idea -- "
"Yeah, I know. Only the Salvatores and my friends in 1864 knew I was pregnant. Oh, also that bitch Katherine. She was actually the one that did the deed," Y/N answered, sipping some more.
"Katherine? As in Katerina Petrova? She turned you and killed your unborn child while doing so?" Kol gawked. He had his fair share of drama, but this was a whole new ball game for him. No one, not even Klaus, would stoop that low.
"Bingo," - another drink - "would you like a special star or something?"
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finnicks · 3 years
elejah for the ship ask
Of course, my answer is that I don’t ship it. 😝
What made you ship it? Their chemistry in season 2. That’s literally why. I just remember seeing Elijah and Elena on screen together, specifically in 2x19, and thinking “Shit, this is great chemistry.” Whenever I want to rewatch Elejah scenes, this is the episode I go to. I feel like this episode is Elejah at its best. Elena is so hungry for information and Elijah’s more than willing to drip-feed it to her. Elijah’s so hungry for her to be honest with him and come back to him—and she does, because honesty is Elena’s core character trait (she is not compassionate), especially when 1) information is on the line and 2) she can benefit from keeping her word. (Also, Elena is not a horrible person despite me seemingly claiming she is by stating those two points. Elena is emotionally intelligent.)
I feel like Elijah really challenges Elena intellectually. My favourite iteration of Elena is when she manipulates people to get information so she can get ahead. To me, that’s her power—and her greatest strength. And I feel like Elijah, while being old, is someone who can be manipulated because of the fact that he has a history with her ancestors and the fact that he is someone who I personally view needs to save damsels. I also feel like Elijah is easy to manipulate simply because he does have good intentions and trusts people.
I like the power play and the imbalance, and how Elena, despite being human, is actually the one with power in their relationship. She has just as much power as he does. (I personally believe she has intellectual and emotional power, plus being an identical duplicate of the ancestors he has fallen in love with who have defined Elijah as a man, while Elijah has intellectual and physical power.)
What are your favorite things about the ship? Everything I said above. I feel like Elijah is so emotionally stunted and out of touch with his emotions to the point where Elena is someone who can bring those emotions forward, be empathetic to his own issues (i.e. his trust issues, his difficult relationship with his siblings, and even the toxic relationship he has with his siblings), and also challenge him to stop being so stoic and unemotional. I feel like Elena is so physically stunted because she’s human that he encourages her to use her wits rather than her physicality. Their first meeting is literally Elena manipulating him and using the power she has (her emotional and intellectual power) over him. I really like the fact that Elena wasn’t afraid to play her ace despite not knowing how he’d react, which was knowing where Katherine was and the moonstone.
I don’t particularly like them when Elena is a vampire because Elijah is emotionally involved with my girl, Katherine, at that point in Elena’s life (which I have So Many Opinions About), and I feel like Elena becoming a vampire not only loses Elena’s agency and fire as a character, but the narrative went all out in making her a 2.0. and poor copy of Katherine. Human Elena has fight and bite in her, and I feel like she’s Elena at her best. She knows the best way to manipulate Elijah is to not pretend to be Katherine. She knows she just has to be herself.
And because I’ve spoken a lot about manipulation in their relationship, I really like how mature Elijah is. I feel like Elijah/Elena is very similar to Stefan/Elena where Elijah will honour Elena’s decisions (as long as she articulates her intentions to him as he’s paranoid (and sometimes not justifiably) and someone with immense trust issues) and Elena has great compassion for him. I feel like Elijah/Elena is Elena at her best as a woman; she’s very mature in that dynamic. She’s unafraid while Elijah, a control freak, begins to allow himself to trust someone else’s word for a change.
I also enjoy the fact that Elena is happy to see Elijah in season 3 even though I highly disregard anything beyond season 2 for them because Elena was not emotionally intelligent (this girl should understand the nuances of her relationship and have known the cost of losing Elijah’s trust was not worth siding with Esther, who she doesn’t fucking know because she didn’t do her goddamn research! #NotMyElenaGilbert). Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? This is how I see Elijah’s character: he is someone who falls in love with the idea of women who are damsels. Elijah has a hero complex. It’s very obvious to me when it comes to Hayley/Elijah (more so in their relationship) and Katherine/Elijah (especially his resentment towards her), and it’s even prevalent in Elena/Elijah. I don’t think Elijah has a healthy relationship with love (or relationships). I’ve gone on meta rambles about this on my Tumblr before, but simply put: Klaus has always needed Elijah to be in that hero role when they were younger and dealing with Mikael, and Elijah found purpose and identity in being Klaus’ protector. He still goes out of his way to protect Klaus, even when he’s at heads with him. Elijah falls for women who need to be saved because he needs to be the saviour, and Elena is one of those people who needs to be saved.
I also personally feel like the ship cannot exist outside of Katherine/Elijah (and even Tatia/Elijah). Similar to her relationships with the Salvatores, the shadow of Katherine looms heavily over them. Elena is Elijah’s third chance with his first love, Tatia. Elena is also Elijah’s chance at rescuing Katerina (who saved herself, something that he believes is punishable because she didn’t allow him to be her hero). Elena needs saving because, as a human, she is physically the weakest on the board (...even as a vampire, which I ignore because, again, #NotMyElenaGilbert). 
I do believe that there is a level of projection on Elijah’s part on Elena where he needs to save the doppelganger. He couldn’t save Tatia and, to him, he couldn’t save Katerina. I believe his relationship with Elena will always contain that shadow. (No relationship truly can be rid of it if they have a relationship with one of her ancestors tbh.) I personally find this fascinating because it requires a deconstruction of Elijah as a person where he stops seeing Elena as a comparison to Tatia and Katerina and merely sees her as herself, which would take a long time and him getting to know who Elena is. The fact that in 2x19 he expected her to be like Katerina who ran away and rightfully didn’t trust him (and even like Tatia, even though she left him because, you know, he killed her) is a very obvious tell to me that he is projecting Katerina onto Elena. He’s surprised she keeps her word and comes back. That’s Katerina Projection right there. Initially, he does not see Elena as Elena.
Elena does lose her identity at times with Elijah because of his projection of Tatia and Katerina onto her. I personally love it because I feel like that after season 2, season 3 should’ve been a deconstruction of who Elena Gilbert is (and also praising her for being a Gilbert, since fandom seems to like the “You have the Petrova fire” line which, imo, is wrongfully lauded as this great line when, in reality, it actually takes away all of Elena’s agency. I have a rant about that one for another day). Being a Gilbert is Elena’s identity, a proud identity and one that should be celebrated and cherished, and we never deconstruct it. It would’ve been fascinating to deconstruct it with Elijah who knows both Tatia and Katerina. I think he, like Stefan, would’ve given Elena that space to go through those personal motions (after a lot of self-work on his end as he’s more damaged than Stefan and isn’t as compassionate and giving as Stefan).
Elena will never have a healthy relationship with any man who knew or was in love with Tatia or Katerina. I love that shit. (I personally don’t believe fandom understands or acknowledges that Elena wasn’t initially courted for Elena but she was courted because of Katherine. It adds a fucked up element to all of her relationships. Embrace it!) 
ship ask game
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umaficwriter · 4 years
I was feeling like shit and started this weeks ago, finally came to finish it and kinda don’t give a damn about how it turned out, still, hope you like it! 
You can read it on AO3 or FFNET or even, down below this lovely gifs. 
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The light breeze of a New York’ spring night passed through Katherine mahogany curly strands as she admired Jane and Greenwich street down ten floors below. She engulfed a full breath, filling her lungs with the not so clear night air, cigarette smoke coming from the party on full swing behind her.
The balcony was empty. She had compelled anyone that came in her direction away, so it would stay that way.
Finally, Katherine Pierce had piece of mind.
She had run for so long, firstly from her past in Bulgaria, then from Klaus and all that his figure entailed, then she ran from him when he found her. And then she had made her escape when he failed her once again.
Elijah Mikaelson.
Not her biggest mistake, nor regret, but close enough to discomfort to make chills arouse in her body when she recalled his figure. His suits represented an armor she once thought she would be able to penetrate. Oh, was she wrong.
For he could never be truly hers.
Elijah was like an expensive gift you bought someone, just to regret later you gave it away when in fact you wanted it to yourself, when on his part. he seemed to consider her, them a disposable souvenir.
New York back in August, tenth floor balcony Smoke is floating over Jane and Greenwich street
 Katherine leaned over the steel railing, aiming her vision to the busy Big Apple streets. Her heightened senses catching the environment around her. The faint smell of putrid trash from the alley couple blocks away, the blinding headlights of cars so tiny from where she stood. The wind picking up the hairs on her arms, giving her body an enjoyable hum. The cigarette smoke entering the balcony from the lounge party behind her, the smell of sweat and sex lingering in the air coming from the humans inside the giant apartment that wasn’t hers.
She should go back down to hell; she was its Queen after all. Mystic Falls people had been so naïve believing she would die after the tunnels caught fire…
She was Katherine Pierce, a survivor, of the upscale kind, caring for her life, being it as a vampire or otherwise.
She had woken up, without Stefan, completely naked in the throne that had been hers for sometime now.
A smile had creeped itself on her features, her limbs stretching as if she was a sated cat after a long afternoon nap.
Since then, she had given up on tormenting that filthy gang. Stefan was truly dead, although not in Hell, for Katherine’s dismay. She wished she could enslave him for eternity, albeit looked like it wouldn’t happen.
Shrugging, Katherine looked over her shoulder to the gathering inside the condo. She didn’t know anyone there, as expected, she didn’t live in this world anymore. She was just passing by the human land, and soon enough, she would go back to Hell to ruin her tormenting souls even more.
Another strong breeze floated the NYC night, and that was when she felt it.
At first, only a discomfort in the pit of her stomach, similar of when she was being followed, or observed. Case being the latter tonight.
Goosebumps from your wild eyes when they're watchin' me
The smell the wind brought was rich blood, expensive cologne, leather from Italian shoes, moving in her direction.
Her unliving heartbeat scaled, for she knew very well whom was walking inside the recently opened balcony glass’ doors, bringing the blasting music to her ears.
Katherine didn’t dare uttering words, she maintained her position as the man closed the doors behind him, muffling the sound from the party once more.
Was he to think she was her doppelganger?
Katherine would prefer he did not make that mistake. She also knew he would not.
His presence was enough to make shivers run down her spine. Katherine wasn’t fazed by what they had in the past. She had decided to bury those feelings deep inside, still he awoke a brutal wave of desire inside her. And as a supernatural creature, her emotions were as heightened as of a vampire, if not more, considering she fed from souls as well as blood. The latter just for reminiscing the thrill of the hunt.
Shivers dance down my spine and head down to my feet
The hot night wind picked up her skin and she hugged herself, running her hands through her arms, before directing her speech at him.
“The noble, family-oriented brother so far from home. I wonder why is that?” her voice was laced with sarcasm, although Elijah picked up a faint tone of hurting. He couldn’t blame her.
After Niklaus’ death, Elijah had bid his family goodbye and decided against settling in New Orleans. Marcel had claimed his throne back, for being king had never been Elijah’s call.
Hope was attending the Salvatore Boarding School and he didn’t see the need to disturb his niece education, still he visited her and even took her to vacations when the time called for it.
Elijah had chosen traveling the world instead, although always coming back to the US for his supernatural business, New York to be precise.
The city always brought good memories into his troubled mind.
It reminded him of the second woman he had loved. So deeply, her name remained engraved in his heart and soul.
Elijah was aware he didn’t have any right to claim her, nor search for Katerina, so he had not.
He had talked to Alaric once about her whereabouts and it was then he had discovered of her last attempt in destroying them. They believed she had died in the fire.
Elijah never had.
She hadn’t the first time in 1864, she wouldn’t have this time around.
Still, imagine his surprise when he caught her silhouette in the veranda at a party one of his associates was throwing.
He wasn’t to attend, he never did. Petty, unimportant things he would justify. Except, this night he was strangely bored by his usual book and wine program, hence his presence.
Elijah couldn’t say he regretted it.
From the moment he walked into the large apartment, loud music and abusive expanse of drugs had surrounded him. The Original had gone to the bar and ordered various doses of whiskey, before his business subordinate had found him, urging him to mingle around the gathering, and have a proper drink.
Elijah had bled various wrists inside his glass, being slightly intoxicated by substances within the blood he fed from.  
And that was when he saw her.
Alone over the balcony, her slender body hugged by a lace black dress, her hair in soft waves adorning her stance and stopping over the middle of her spine.
That was, without a shadow of doubt, Katerina Petrova.
“Niklaus is dead,”
“I know,” she turned around to finally face him. “Lucifer fed from his soul,” Elijah saw the faintest of smiles quirking over her lips.
“Why didn’t you?”
“I assure you, he doesn’t remember who he is, so it’s no fun torture him,” she justified, for she knew that was what he wanted to know. “Although, he deserves it anyway, for everything he caused me,”
Elijah looked down at his expensive shinny shoes.
“Apologies are never going to fix that,”
“No, they won’t,” agreed the brunette woman.
“And what you’ve been up to?” the trivial question floated from the man’s mouth as he moved beside her and leaned his back over the steel banister.
Katherine mirrored his position with her wine glass in hand and almost scoffed with his bluntness. It was clear he already knew what she had been up to.
“You already know, skip the small talk, what is it you want from me?” she questioned before downing the last of her drink, setting her glass over the nearest surface. “I mean, aside from everything you’ve already taken, obviously,”
He deserved that; he also would take it.
“I’ve got word you’ve been ruling over Hell, although I was never certain of the veracity in this tête-a-tête,”
She rolled her eyes. Elijah was much smarter than that.
“You want to know about my line of work?” she asked a little taken aback, after all, what kind of mundane questioning was that?
“Well, you don’t seem too keen talking about our past, do you, Katerina?” he glanced at her from the corner of his eyes.
She gave him that credit.
He wanted a civil conversation? She could do that.
“I feed from blood just for the rush of it, although what I really need, all inhabitants from Hell for that matter, to survive is: souls.”
He nodded in understandment. “Any soul?”
Katherine shook her head “Supernatural souls,”
The pair didn’t utter a word for a little while.
“How’s your life without your brother?” she questioned. For anyone knowing their history, would claim she was only being cruel. Maybe a little bit yes, but Katherine really wanted to know how he felt.
Maybe she refused her devoted heart from breaking, but she still held Elijah dear. The Petrova only had a different way of showing it.
“Never thought life could be this calm,” he honestly answered, a ghost of a smile dancing in his features.
She smiled and turned her face at him.
“Do you miss him?” she already knew the answer, still she couldn’t avoid it from going out there.
“You already know the answer to that, Katerina,”
“At first, I couldn’t stop thinking about him,” Elijah prompted and crossed his arms and legs in front of him. “but then, time has passed, and grief ran its course…” he paused “now he’s a pleasant and hurtful memory,”
“Just as me, I presume?”
He turned his upper body at her, unfolding his arms and passing his hands through his short brown hair.
“Just as you were half an hour ago,” he confirmed.
“You really did give up on us, didn’t you?”
He let out a heavy shudder “I couldn’t promise you anything, they’re were broken words, like stiches. It was shattered glass we could not put back together to perfection, so I let you be,” she didn’t turn her head back at him. “I’ve never forgotten about you, if that’s what you’re asking.”  
“You never came to say goodbye,” he didn’t respond to that “you know, Damon showed me a version of you with me, when I was in my deathbed, then you dissipated into his face and he promised he would kill you,”
“I’d like to see him try,”
“He’s human now,”
Elijah seemed surprised in hearing that piece of news; Alaric had never mentioned that, also he had never asked.
He turned to face the sky and the street ten floors down, she didn’t mirror his posture this time.
“What should I call you? To summon you.”
She let out a chuckle.
“That’s not how it works, Elijah,”
His name floating from her lips, made him aim his looks at her and smirk in amusement.
“You didn’t respond me, what is it Katherine and Katerina do?”
The woman looked down at her Jimmy Choos’ and folded her arms in front of her lace covered chest.
“Katherine rules Hell with iron fists, has no mercy whatsoever, never had, but when she comes up to the land of the living, she drinks nice wine, walks long distances…”
“What about Katerina?”
“She cooks,” they both smiled at that “and read lots of romance novels that remind her of what she never had,”
“You did have love,”
“You, then Stefan, then you again,” she pointed out unfolding her arms and counting on her fingers to emphasize. “and look how that turned out,”
Elijah looked away back into the beautiful night.
“What is it you want, Elijah?” it was her turn to question.
“Right at this moment?”
She turned her head in his direction. His eyes were locked with hers, his nose almost touching hers, his breath dancing in her face.
“Yes,” she whispered looking down through her lashes, just to look inside his eyes once more.
“You,” he whispered back and didn’t gave her time to refuse him as he advanced his lips to touch hers in a long kiss.
Katherine’s arms wrapped around his shoulders as their kiss deepened, his tongue invaded her mouth in a ferrous battle while his arms circled her waist in a vice grip, bringing her closer with nothing in between them aside from their clothes.
Elijah let out a groan when she bit his lower lip hard making it bleed, which she latched on looking up at him through her long lashes. He hissed and used one of his hands to grip the rail when she descended one of hers to the front of his trousers, fondling his half-hard member.
“Katerina,” he nibbled on her earlobe, while he moved her hand. His whisper sounding needy, and that was what he was indeed.
Elijah moved his mouth to her neck descending to the feminine jaw, ‘till he reached her plump lips again, but Katherine had other plans in mind.
The brunette woman pushed him away, until his back hit the far corner of the veranda. Elijah new what was to come. Usually, he would give her pleasure first, but she looked irrefutable into having him the way she wanted.
Katherine unzipped his slacks while attacking his mouth, his hands gliding along her slim arms, arousing modest shudders from her.
You're giving me chills at a hundred degrees
 She separated herself from his mouth and descended her body, kneeling in front of him. Freeing his length from its cloth prison, Katherine looked up at him and smirked deviously.
“Now you’ve summoned me, I must show you the extent of my abilities,”
Elijah smirked back at her, and it transformed into a board smile when he felt her hot mouth on him.
Her lips surrounding his penis felt amazing. Her skilled tongue swirling around him, making him murmur with excitement, while she bobbed her head making him harder than he was before.
His member pulsating inside her mouth made Katherine heart beat faster, he was delicious, and the sensations she was causing him, the sounds he was making as he slowly let himself relax, encouraged her to suck him harder and faster.
Her mouth left his member, as Elijah grabbed the back of her head, moving her face away from his lower region and bringing her to him, to engulf her in a passionate kiss.
Elijah spun her around and made her sit on the steel railing. With a swift move, he moved her panties away and ran his fingers through her folds, feeling how ready she was, he inserted two fingers, while she gripped his suit clad arms with such force Elijah didn’t know if it would heal as fast as it should.
The Original kept his slow pace, and when he felt her walls clenching his digits, he removed them from her, receiving a disapproving wail.
Katherine reopened her eyes only to close them shut, as Elijah replaced his fingers for his engorged shaft, filling her up with a strong thrust.
“Oh God!” she proclaimed and held his shoulders tighter.
“If saying that was wrong before, I can’t imagine how much more it is now,” he mocked as he kissed her neck and Katherine smirked, sighing as he moved almost all out of her, just to pump back in with another hard thrust.
She guided her mouth to his neck and moved his shirt collar away, biting him hard, while he started moving frenetic into her, searching their deliverance.
As their breathing shallowed signalizing their approaching climax, Elijah moved them to the glass doors.
Neither giving a damn about someone watching them.
Katherine’s back hit the surface hard, while she let out a moan appreciating the pain and feeling Elijah’s penis never leaving her aching core.
The man stopped his pace and observed the woman in his arms.
Her chest moving up and down, her face flushed and her lower lip between her teeth.
Katherine opened her doe orbs and looked straight into his.
All sounds dulled around. Her blood pumped hard against her hot skin.
“Tell me what you want,” he prompted in a throaty whisper, his whiskey-blood-laced breath hitting her face, his words transforming her insides into puddle.
She smirked and leaned her head ‘till her mouth touched his earlobe, pulling it with her teeth.
“I want you to finish what you started and fuck m-“
Elijah thrusted deep while Katherine swallowed her words.
An almost animalistic groan left her lips while he continuedly kept going, the hot friction creating a delicious sensation, building more and more, until the stars in the night sky mingled with the ones behind her closed eyelids.
Katherine didn’t speak his name when she came, although he whispered hers in a prayer to the devil herself.
His seed ran down her thighs as he collected himself and helped her lower her dress.
Neither elaborating on what had just happened.  
Calling your name, the only language I can speak Taking my breath, a souvenir that you can keep
 They met again two months later.
Mid October’ sundown shone beautifully over New York skyline while Katherine Pierce sashayed into the luxurious hotel lobby.
Elijah had invited her into his apartment in the 5th avenue, although the she-devil wanted to keep things carnal only, and frequent his place was opposite to that.
So, she had suggested a random hotel.
Knowing full well he would choose the one they’d stayed when looking for the Cure a lifetime ago.
Sunset tower lobby, waiting there for me
 And there he stood.
In all his glorified tailoress. Armani suit, combed back hair, elegant and subtle. Not giving away what was about to happen a few floors up in just a couple instants.
At the sound of high heels on the marble floors, Elijah looked up, smiling at the figure approaching.
He was hopeful she would come, as a good serve he waited so. Although regarding the possibility she could not.
Fortunately, he had been wrong.
They don’t greet using words, but he ghosts a hand on the small of her back, as he guided them to the elevator. Her hand grazes his upper thigh when they enter the gold metal box, he stands behind her, hovering over his new favorite thing in the world.
Guess she always has been, he only had just remembered one of the reasons why.
Katherine waits for the elevator to shut its double doors, before turning her neck to look over her shoulder, encountering his face inches from hers.
She smirks with the proximity that wasn’t uncomfortable anymore.
She leans up and captures his lips with hers in a sensual kiss. Her tongue darts out to touch his and that’s when Elijah moves them to the lift’s wall, his hands multiplying as he tried and touch her every inch at the same time.
Katherine’s head hangs back as he explores her neck with his mouth, only a hint of his fangs coming out to play and that pulls a moan from her throat.
When the transport dings its destination, he reluctantly breaks their contact, and lets her out into the presidential floor first.
In the elevator, fumble for your key Kissed in every corner, Presidential Suite
Opened a Bordeaux from 1993
 When Elijah opens up the room’s door, contrary of what Katherine thought, he does’t jump right back at where they left.
He aims his steps to the light’ switch and dims it, leaving the room in a comfortable yellow glow.
Outside the twilight shows itself purple and orange, subtly letting the night in.
Elijah goes for the glass’ center table, and only then she notices the wine bottle as well as two glasses siting there.
He had thought everything through then, huh?
What did he think this was?
A reconciliation encounter?
Even with those questions inside her head, she collected her tongue and accepted the wine glass when he offered it to her.
“My favorite,” she quips after tasting the grape fermented juice.
He sheepishly smiles at her , downing his own drink.
Putting her glass aside, she goes to him. Her walk purposeful, her heeled feet tapping on the hardwood floors, her hips swaying, and Elijah appreciates the sight.
Elijah deposits his glass by the side table and backings until he reaches the king sized bed.
“And now what?” he quips, his voice low and husky as he leans back, sitting on the mattress, his chin up high to face her standing figure.
“I though you had it all figured out, my Lord,” she taunts, tilting her head and smirking at him.
Elijah chuckles and meets her cockiness.
“Oh, but I do,”
Katherine’s eyes go wide, her lips forming an ‘o’.
“Is that so?” she pushes and leans herself forward, her hands gripping his parted knees.
Elijah’ smile doesn’t leave his face as he contemplates her mannerisms.
Katherine’s face is closer now, her wine hot breath blows on his face, as he looks through his lashes at her plump lips.
How he missed touching her.
But he lets her have her fun, looking back into her cocoa orbs.
Like a cat she’s slow on her actions, calculating every slight move while she climbs in bed straddling his thighs.
Her eyes never leave his and their wordless communication turns her on just as much as his touch.
Speaking of, why wasn’t he?
“Afraid I’m gonna burn you?”
“If anything is I who burns for you, Katerina,” he justifies, his head going to the hollow of her neck and shoulder, grazing his teeth there.
She hisses with the caress and her hands travel from his knees to his shoulders, moving his suit jacket away from his frame.
With his tongue darting out to taste her neck, Elijah whispers in her ear
“Delicious just as the forbidden fruit,”
“Rich, since you’re tasting the devil herself,”
He chuckles again and takes a yelp out of her sinking his fangs deep into her flesh and vamp speeding them to the nearest wall.
The coherence escapes the doppelganger as the sensations of shared blood curse through her body.
Her legs are wrapped strongly around her lover’s waist and his member is pressing between her jean-clad legs, and it feels like heaven, more so when unconsciously, Elijah starts to thrust forward into her.
“Oh, yes…” her breath is caught up her windpipe.
The sharp nails tinted black she possesses go to his man shirt and tear the fabric apart to find his bare back and scratch it with will.
His groan as he moves his head from her jugular is guttural and makes her chill in excitement.
Elijah’s fangs are out, his lips red from her blood and the veins around his eyes are prominent.
He’s the beast she wants and when she goes to kiss him, he trumps her, enveloping them in a bruising lip locking.
The Original dismisses her jacket and blouse like rag, although leaves her bra on, vamp speeding them back to bed, throwing her over the soft surface.
Katherine gets rid of her jeans and boots as the man does the same with his garments, leaving only his boxers on.
If she was to be the she-devil, he certainly was a Greek God.
Elijah’s body was built, strong and as his fangs subsided, his beauty screamed old world elegance, even more so alluring with his bloody face.
He’s standing at the foot of the bed, staring at her hungrily, his chocolate irises almost didn’t show such was his lust.
Katherine knew better than thinking her eyes were any different.
She knelt over the bed. Her hair tousled, lips parted, black lace adorning her flawless body.
Neither moved further.
It was a battle of sorts.
Who would give in first?
Katherine didn’t like losing.
Although she despised wasting time.
And thinking of that she makes her crawling to him.
A hunting peer.
She was the beast now.
Her lips reach for him.
She kisses his navel, going up to his stomach as she feels his muscles contracting there. She looks up and Elijah has his eyes half opened, trying to fight the urge to let it completely go.
Katherine giggles mischievously and ascends her kisses to his nipples, as he finally touches her again.
His hands going directly to her breasts and squeezing them through the fabric of her bra.
Katherine’s nose is nuzzling his jaw as she hums her approval. The wetness of her tongue darts out to taste her dried blood of his face, her hands running through his hair while she pulls that back, making his neck available for her to taste.
And drink.
And as she laps her tongue, filling her body with rich Original blood, Elijah moves her panties out of the way, inserting a long digit inside of her.
Katherine stops her feeding to moan into his neck while he joins another finger in.
“Don’t stop…” she pleads and he has no intention to whatsoever.
Just as expertly, her skilled hands take his briefs off the way, the heat of her palm in contact with his erect shaft.
Elijah lets out a grunt while moving his ministrations in her pussy faster, seeking her release just as she does his.
The scene was sensual, erotic in its maximum, the blood she spills when she comes with a loud wail runs down his neck and chest, just as her juices travel down his hand and wrist.
She’s panting, in her mind only his face and form.
With a strong tug, the eldest vampire alive takes off her bra, throwing the material carelessly behind him and pushes his Katerina down onto the now stained red sheets, as his head and lips descend on her hard nipples.
He plays with them, biting and soothing it after with a blow, making her writhe beneath him.
“Lijah…” she implored.
But for what?
For him to make her cum again?
For the Original vampire to let her go?
Was she begging for release? Of what kind?
Katherine liked to think herself headstrong, but when he touched her like this, doing what only he knew how and for how long and how intense, she couldn’t straight her thoughts. Every pierce of knowledge she knew of flew through the window and the only thing left were the increasing sensations.
She didn’t know how to love anymore.
For if she did, this would be their lovemaking.
As it always has been.
Although, Elijah certainly awakened something inside her being.
Something he knew how to tame.
Calling your name, the only language I can speak Taking my breath, a souvenir that you can keep
Slowly letting her flesh mounds go, Elijah trailed down kisses until he was facing her wet entrance.
Katherine’ soft gasps echoed around the room as the man sucked her clit and gripped her thighs so forcefully, restraining himself from devouring her in one go.
Teeth grazed sensible skin and his breath oh so close washed away every curse she had in mind to praise him.
The woman could only make wonderful sounds as she moved her hips in encounter with his face.
“So sinfully divine,” he complimented, shifting his position to kiss her inner thighs not allowing her to come a second time.
“Says the saint,” ironized the girl her hands up gripping the sheets, her boobs moving with her heavy breathing.
Elijah chuckled in response.
“Am not. Regardless, Katerina let me blessedly cherish you just as such,” a raised eyebrow and a light lift of his lips, as well as those chocolate irises were all Katherine had time to process, before he was plugged to her, filling her to the hilt.
Her surprised shriek, followed by a whisper of his name fueled Elijah to take himself all out and thrust with no mercy once again.
“Fuck! Yes!” she exclaimed closing her eyes with the wonderous building up sensation growing on her lower abdomen. Circling her legs around his middle, draping her arms over his shoulders, Katherine moved her hips in encounter to his.
Male hands were everywhere as he fucked her deep. His mane being tousled by her fingers as she grunted in his ear.
“You’re such an obedient subject,” she played with the words, nibbling his earlobe as their bodies shook with the force of their bang.
He moved his head from her neck to look at her, a glimmer shinning in his beautiful eyes, as he moved her away from him.
Katherine was to open her mouth in protest, only a moan came instead when he palmed her pussy and flipped her on her stomach.
“However, I might cherish you the way I choose to,” the sultry velvet pouring out of his mouth, as well as his fingers assaulting her labia were enough to make her body shudder in a second orgasm.
Katherine was almost begging for him to enter her again.
She bit her lower lip and enjoyed as he so subtly ran the tip of his penis along her entrance.
“Enough teasing,” she commanded after an instant, albeit her body moved back and forth to try and get him inside of her.
“And what do you want me to do, Katerina?”
Maybe she should be preoccupied this man could replace her as the devil, he certainly knew about torture.
On her hands and knees she turned her head back, her long curly hair slapping the bed, and watched the precum dripping from him.
“You’re gonna fuck me, with that gorgeous cock of your-“
Her hands automatically sought the wooden headboard as the vampire reentered her from behind efficiently.
A ragged breathy moan accompanied by a wave of pleasure shook the doppelganger as he deliberately inserted himself in and out of her.
His hands firm on her waist guiding her to the rhythm of his groaning.
“Katerina,” he loudly whispered seeking them both their ultimate bliss.
The sound of his palm colliding with her buttchecks made her yelp in surprise and laugh in delight.
She always liked it rough and Elijah knew it. That was exactly why he full fisted pulled her hair back as he increased the speed of his thrusts.
“Say that I fuck you like no one else does,”
She closed her eyes when his breath hit her ear. A wide cat smile appearing on her features when he enveloped her neck in his hand, aiming for lightly choking her while still moving, only slower now.
“Like you needed the reassurance,” she shot back with a groan when he went deeper.  
Elijah smiled closing his hand tighter around her slim neck.
“I want to hear you say it,” he prompted taking his member almost all off and going in slapping their bodies together.
“Yes!” she chocked hanging her head back.
Elijah felt her walls clenching around him, so he retreated himself letting his fangs come out once again.
Katherine moaned in pleasure when his vampire teeth sank on her shoulder, his moves slow and languid.
This was to be the most amazing torture out there.
She wanted to let go, although without ever leave.
“Harder,” her command was clear and he bit her deeper on her shoulder.
“Faster!” she pleaded against her better judgment and felt his balls hitting on her pussy.
It was animalistic the way he was having her. Devouring her in all ways he could. Mind, body and soul.
He didn’t know if he would have her again, so he would prolong it the best he could.
“Say it, Katerina,” he quipped blowing on her ear, the blood dripping from his fangs on her glistening bare back.
Her mouth formed an arch in bliss with his never stopping but oh so slow moves.
“You have me like nobody else does,” she whispered in surrender, feminine hands back at the headboard, while his traveled back down from her neck to her waist.
“Now, I shall the devil to heaven,”
She laughed while he sank himself deep and hard into her wet inviting hole.
Their juices mixing as they both watched the lights dancing in front of their eyes.
Katherine came first in a trembling cry, her curly head hanging low as she felt Elijah cock explode inside of her.
You're giving me chills at a hundred degrees
Her body felt like the sun kissed it as they both laid spent between the blood smeared sheets.
Elijah had the sweetest of smiles, as if he hasn’t been the most pervert beast only a couple minutes prior.
Her hair was plastered on her sweated forehead and the man beside her moved his thumb to take it away from her face.
Katherine offered him a sated smile and wrapped her leg around him.
“What would you say about becoming my sex slave?”
Elijah laughed with that and leaned to bless her lips with his in a brief kiss.
“I would say you need to test drive the vassal again,” his voice sensual as they locked eyes and a smile appeared in her own face.
“Just to be sure I made a good deal?”
He nodded in agreement his hand traveling the side of her body, his fingers featherlight on the side of her breasts as he thrusted his hip into hers.
Katherine’s hands went to his short hair.
“Just to be sure,” he finally said sinking his head down for another kiss.
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OTP/Romance Prompts: 1/? AKA Verse AU's @storieswrittcn
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"Are you positive about that?" Lee asked almost in disbelief hearing the news her CI had just given her. The girl was never wrong when it came to tips for the detective; Lee paid too much money for her to ever risk being wrong. The confirmation had the brunette's feet slowing to a stop.
No harm list...global level...death to anyone who tried...Petrova crime family...
"Check your bank account in about an hour," Lee mutters lost in thought as she hangs up the phone still standing in one the hallways of NYPD. The SVU-- she'd been offered a spot in Organized Crime more than once but she always denied the transfer for personal reason's-- Detective's life had been chaos for the last month and a half. Ever since that day she'd decided to go into that bank before work.
The day had started like any other; oversleeping, rushing toward PD with traffic being horrible, calling Olivia Benson--her partner-- to tell her she'd be late, and desperately stopping for coffee to try and bring some form of sanity back to her (Really, Lee was sure her body held more caffeine than it did actual blood at this point). After paying for her coffee, Lee had realized she didn't have anymore cash on her, glancing across the street she'd found a branch of her bank. Why not grab some cash from the ATM? Her eldest brother Damon had drove it into her head growing up that it was always smart to have some cash on you. 'You never know when you're going to need it, when your card won't work or somewhere can only accept cash.'
So really what happened next was Damon's fault, it always was right?
As if to prove to Lee her day was not going to go smoothly, the ATM outside was out of order causing her to walk inside. She'd taken maybe less than twenty steps inside when the first gunshot had gone off and screams followed. Instinct had her ducking down for cover, one hand reaching for her cell phone while the other went to the gun holstered on her hip. Quickly, she'd sent out an SOS with her location to Olivia with three words attached; robbery inside gunpoint. Once that was taken care of, Lee glanced around the small counter to see just how many gunmen there were; five that she could see. She couldn't let anyone get hurt though, it wasn't in her nature.
Everything that happened next somewhat happened in a blur. The gunman had been getting everyone down, the leader at the main counter tossing bags to cashiers to fill with money, while another beside him tried to keep everyone calm; the usual of if everyone cooperates no one will get hurt, we just want the banks money not to hurt you. But the way his voice cracked told Lee that wasn't exactly true. So regardless of consequence she's stood up, badge in her hand.
Then her horrible day just got weird; the closest gunman had started to shake with fear, muttering a soft 'Oh Shit'. His eyes telling her that he almost seemed to recognize her. The next one's face paled as he looked at her and he stumbled a few steps back, signaling to get the other three's attention. Their reactions didn't fair much better. All five appeared to forget what they were doing, why they were here in the first place, and run out the door as if their pants had been on fire or Lee had been the Grimm Reaper himself. It didn't make sense--yes, she was a cop but that reaction, the way they almost recognized her? It didn't fit.
So after hours with Internal Affairs, questioning by Robbery and Organized Crime detectives---Lee had contacted her CI to try and get answers. It'd taken the girl a month to find them and another half a month to verify her information.
No harm list...global level...death to anyone who tried...Petrova crime family...
Petrova was a last name she hadn't heard since she was twenty-one, eight whole years ago. It was the reason she denied any transfer to Organized Crime. Katerina Petrova (as most of the world knew her Katherine Pierce) had been not just her childhood crush or high school sweetheart, but the love of her life; the one person she would truly love until the day she took her last breath. Lee's heart, soul, and body still belonged to the brunette all these years later. The detective blamed her lack of a love life on her work, but the true reason was she'd never wanted anyone but Katerina.
The two had grown up together, meeting in Kindergarten, and formed an unbreakable bonds. They'd been with each other through everything; Lee's horrible home life caused by her parents, Katerina's own home life complications being the daughter of mobsters, both never seemingly good enough or as good as their respective twins, their parent's deaths (Well, Lee's mother and both of Katerina's). By middle school they were a couple; possessive/territorial, protective, and madly in love. High school, they were each other's first everything. Katerina not hiding how her life was changing at the young age of sixteen; after her parent's death, she'd started the takeover of the Petrova Crime family while Elena got to play normal high schooler. When Katerina had dropped out, Lee had almost followed suit--planned to be right there at Katerina's side to help her no matter what it was or how dark her soul would become. But her girlfriend had stopped Lee from doing that, she wanted one of them to at least graduate and Lee to have a chance to go to the art school of her dreams.
Then Lee had graduated, plans of art school gone mainly because the Salvatore hadn't wanted to leave Katerina---by eighteen, she'd gained full control of her dead parents empire, caused it grow and was working on a plan of opening a business for cover; exotic dancing, with more than a few illegal activities inside. Lee hadn't batted an eye at the plan, her possessive and jealous nature that normally would have shown through didn't; all because she loved Katerina, trusted her, and knew the woman would never betray her--the small engagement ring on her finger proof of that.
But Lee had wanted to do something to help, anything to make her future wife's life easier. So she'd followed Stefan's example and applied for the academy, going in with the mindset to help those she could but also be as corrupt as needed to help Katerina. But then Katerina had switched up their plans, had made a choice of her own---she'd broken Lee's heart. There hadn't been a fight, hadn't been begging, Katerina hadn't given her that option. Katerina packed up her things and just left, gone before Lee had come home and nowhere to be found.
Lee had hunted, spent weeks out on the streets and going everywhere she could think the woman would have gone. She'd worked herself into a mess of a depression, anxiety, and malnutrition. What had stopped it was when Damon had committed her for her own safety. She'd spent half a year locked away to get herself back. And when she'd come out she'd never looked back. There was no hatred toward the woman she loves, no vendetta, or ill will. Lee had just moved on with the parts of her life she could.
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Finding the address of one Katherine Pierce had been difficult, Lee had used every off the book resource she could (Lee may have kept the plan to be slightly corrupt in place) and it had taken almost all day to do so, but she'd done it. Lee had half the mind to stop by the woman's club, 'Katherine's' but the detective had ultimately decided that would be too public for this reunion and the topic they needed to discuss. So she'd waited. And really? Lee probably should have known the address she'd received would be where Katerina had bought. But it still surprised her. It was a large old plantation estate that the two had always dreamed of one day owning, their goal home for their future and however many children they could fill it with.
So she'd given Olivia the barest of explanations on where she was going, muttering something about needing to take the rest of the day off for personal reasons--same to Cragen the same line--and she's out the door.
Lee had parked her silver Jeep outside the closed gate and stepped out. Eyes taking in the property she hadn't driven by in almost a decade--she wonders briefly why Katerina had bought it, how she'd done it too. Sadly it seems she isn't going to be getting inside thought, unless she climbs the brick wall (which she's tempted to do). With a sigh she pulls her phone out to call her darkerweb tech guy, "Hey...I need you to get a cell phone number fo---" The words die on her lips though as she hears the engine of a rather luxurious Lamborghini as it pulls up toward the gates. "Nevermind." She's hanging up the phone as she turns to face the approaching car.
The Salvatore's nerves are high, hands slightly shaking but she's come this far, she won't let her nerves stop her now.
"Katerina," The Bulgarian accent rolling perfectly off her lips even after all these years, "We need to talk..."
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aeruthien · 4 years
The Originals/The Vampire Diaries AU drabble
Despite its age and strength, Klaus' heart only lasts as long as one of a normal vampire. Beating one, two more times before it falls still.
The fire around them recedes and a deadly quiet settles over the clearing.
The blond Salvatore brother stumbles closer.
"Is he dead?" he asks, wide eyed and breathless.
"Yes," Elijah says, and his voice does not waver. "It is done."
The Salvatore's gaze flickers to the body on the ground and back. It is filled with pity.
"Thank you, Elijah," he says, sincerely.
Elijah wants to rip out his heart too.
Instead, he nods.
"I'll take the body. Go home."
Klaus' body is light in his arms as carries it to the cave where Katarina was held. He places it on a stone bench with gentle precision.
All of his carefully constructed plans have brought him to this moment.
Finally he has his revenge. For his siblings. For Rebekah.
There is no joy. No victory.
Instead, there is only emptiness.
Footsteps echo through the cave, and a figure appears in its entrance.
"Ding dong. The big bad wolf is dead."
No longer bounded by Klaus' compulsion, she must have escaped whatever place he had kept her in.
"You're free now," Elijah says without looking at her.
Katarina approaches him and trails her hand up his arm, her warm, seductive body pressed close.
"So are you," she whispers.
Her hands slips under his jacket, and his skin tingles at her light touch.
He turns towards her, looking down on her familiar face. Her heart is pounding, proud, fierce and alive.
He could try to lose himself in her. Drown out the act he had committed. He trails his fingers over her cheek, his hand still covered in his brother’s blood, and places his thumb on her chin. She stares up at him with large brown eyes.
She would be using him, too, aligning herself to the most powerful vampire still alive, now that Klaus is dead.
He steps back, putting some distance between them.
Immediately, a scowl twists her face.
"It was necessary," Katarina snarls. "He terrorized us all."
Elijah cannot bring himself to care.
"Leave, Katarina."
She scoffs. "You're pathetic."
Angrily, she spins around and storms away, probably more upset by her thwarted plans than by his rejection. He wonders if he will ever see her again. He is not sure if he would like to.
Halfway towards the exit, she freezes. Her heart skips a beat, and her hand flies to her throat.
Elijah frowns, wary, unsure if it is another trick.
"Something... something is wrong," she gasps, her voice strained by something he has never heard from her before.
Elijah catches her when her legs give out. Quickly, he bites his own wrist, but tremors keep running through her body even after she drinks from it.
"Elijah?" she whisper, clutching his arm. For a split second, he sees the girl he met in England over five hundred years ago.
"I'm here," he says in old Bulgarian.
"I don't... I don't want to die."
He presses his lips against her forehead and holds her close. A few moments later, she goes still.
Slowly, he lowers her to the ground.
Katarina Petrova is dead.
With shift movements, her checks her body for wounds or wolf bites, but there is nothing to indicate what could have killed her.
Elijah glances at his brother's body and back at Katarina's. Then he stands and flashes out of the cave.
He finds Elena in the abandoned plantation house.
She is clutching Stefan to her chest, and tears are running down her cheeks. Next to her, Alaric is holding Damon, while the Bennet witch and Elena's brother sit on the couch with their hands clasped together. Elena's father, John, is nowhere to be seen.
Elena looks up when he enters, and it is jarring, for a moment, to see her alive while Katarina is dead.
As soon as Alaric notices him, he stands.
"What did you do?" he yells. He grabs Elijah's lapels and slams him against the wall. Elijah lets him.
"I killed my brother," he says calmly.
"Then how-" Alaric says, "Is it magic? A fail-safe? Did Klaus do this?"
Elijah shakes his head. Klaus would never have planned for his own death. He would not have believed it possible.
He turns to Elena.
"Katarina is dead as well."
"I don't..."
Her eyes widen in realisation. Smart girl.
"They were all turned by Klaus."
Frantically, she scrambles for her phone.
"Caroline? Pick up. Please pick up."
"Did you know this?" Alaric hisses.
Elijah ignores him.
"Tyler?" Elena gasps. "Wha... No..."
The phone falls from her hand and hits the ground with a thud. Her face contorts in fear and devastation.
The blond haired vampire is dead too then.
Elijah turns to leave, but Alaric grabs his arm forcefully.
"Did you know?" he asks again.
It is Elena's pleading eyes that make him answer.
"No. Klaus is the first of us who has died."
He would not be the last.
Elijah leaves the humans to their grief. They would recover, and ultimately, their lives might be happier this way.
As for Elijah himself, there was only one option left.
It was time he found his father, and the White Oak stake he was carrying.
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atemgirl94 · 3 years
Mating Season pt. 2
Pairing: werewolf Atem x Britt (Oc)
Word count: 1099
Atem's Pov:
When school was over I waited at the location, I wondered if she'd really take me up on that offer. It took half an hour but I saw her arrive. She looked cute with her books as I led her inside. We spent time over the lessons I had her learning with me.
"Work on these for a bit." I told her
While she worked on them I watched her from her shoulder which didn't seem to bother her. My sense of smell was focused on her scent. It was intoxicating and I realized one thing she was pure and innocent. I always wanted my mate to be pure before I claimed her which most of the girls in my class were not.
After a week of this, I learned quite a bit about her from the questions I asked her. During the after school studies, we did she just never knew this was my home. That secret I wanted to keep from her till I thought she was ready. I changed my methods this week to a mix of what I was doing and using my werewolf abilities. Releasing a few of my werewolf pheromones seemed to be settling in with her nicely.
Britt's Pov:
After about a week of my secret studies with Mr. Sehkret, I thought it was pretty cool. Going into my second week I noticed a difference like I was becoming drawn to him. I couldn't explain it and during one of our sessions in the middle of the week, I almost kissed him but stopped myself.
What am I doing? He's my teacher. I thought
"Sorry I should go. My friend is looking for me tonight." I said to him then gathered my things as I was heading to leave a blush was on my face but then I suddenly felt him turn me around as he put a hand under my chin as his lips met my own and I leaned in feeling like I couldn't resist. "Have a nice night Ms. Petrova. Let's keep that secret." Atem said to me
"Have a night.." I said as I left.
Atem's Pov:
I watched her and when she leaned in almost kissing me I knew my plan was working. Soon she'd be unable to fully resist me but for now, I was okay still I couldn't just let her leave without giving her what she clearly wanted so when she said she had to go to meet a friend I had her turn around as I kissed her.
"Have a night Ms. Petrova, let's keep that secret." I said to her "Have a nice night." She said
I watched her leave knowing that she wouldn't be able to resist soon enough. To think that so many mating seasons had come and gone not once did I ever think I'd find a mate to have pups with but now I have set my eyes on her.
Just a little longer..but I need to move forward in converting her soon. I thought
Britt's pov:
I couldn't believe I'd just shared my first kiss with my teacher. I couldn't tell anyone or he'd be fired, right? Still, I went to my friend Zoey's place and walked in. I sighed setting my stuff in and crashed on her couch from all my studying.
"College that hard?" Zoey asked
"No..I just I'm behind in my studies I'm having a tutor help me catch up with all my studies." I said to her as I knew I couldn't say my teacher and I was meeting I'd agreed to keep it secret.
"Uh-huh and is said tutor really hot? Well toned abs and amazing." Zoey said
I blushed hearing her description as I closed my eyes some thinking about my teacher as my eyes closed, I thought about the kiss..my first kiss. "Yeah, my tutor is hot." I said to her
Zoey smiled as she saw me blush "Did someone get her first kiss tonight?" Zoey asked and I blushed a darker cause it as a secret. Still, I passed out on my friend's couch for the rest of the night.
Atem's pov:
I was walking into class the next morning figuring everything would be as it always had been. Yet when all students came in I didn't see Britt. Inside I was worried something had happened to my soon-to-be mate. I had her number but I couldn't call her right now. So I went about with class, as usual doing the lessons scheduled for the day.
I knew I should have tried to move further with her. Atem thought
When the lunch came I dismissed the class and walked out to my car. I pulled my phone out and called her phone. It rang for a while until someone answered.
"Hello?" The female voice said
I stiffened a bit cause it wasn't her voice but some female. "Uh is Britt Petrova there?" I asked waiting for the female to answer.
"Oh she is, but she woke up this morning with a fever. I had to call on her behalf that she wouldn't be there today. Her fever just broke so she should be fine tomorrow who is this?" the female asked
"I am her tutor, we meet after school. If she's able I'd love to give her the lessons and homework for the day." I said
I heard the sound of movement with my wolf hearing. "Britt your tutor is on the phone. You need back in bed." I heard her say but the ruffling sound of the phone being moved could be heard.
"Hi..I'll be there at the same time as usual. See you then." Her sweet voice said
My wolf urges were getting the best of me as I wanted her now, tonight. I knew for her it'd seem rushed but I knew ways to make her desire nothing more than to desire me and have my pups while I worked on turning her. I knew I was less than two weeks from mating season starting and the pre effects of it were setting in with me. I also had a feeling the fever could have been caused by the pheromones I released to effect her body slowly.
After lunch, I went back and finished the class day. Some of the girls were flirting with me when it was time for them to leave, disgusting. I only wanted Britt now, she'd be the only one I desired for the rest of my werewolf life.
Let the games begin. Tonight precious Britt, you're mine. I thought
Warning for next chapter: Will have some intimate moment 
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vampirrediaries · 5 years
This Isn’t You : The Vampire Diaries Imagine {Part 3}
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The effects of the vervain in your system were slowly wearing off as you regained consciousness, your vision adjusting to the sight of Stefan and Damon hovering over you.
“I think she’s starting to wake up,” Stefan said with relief as you failed to get up, weakness still prevailent. You saw Damon standing by the door looking distressed as ever at the sight.
You croak out a laugh as you lay helplessly on the cellar floor, where they had put you to avoid trouble with the bloodlust. “Locking me in the cellar, seriously? You two are pathetic” You weakly say with a smirk.
“That was desperate,” Stefan shoots back “Don’t you think that we can see right through you?”
“All i think is how the pair of you could be so stupid ” You chuckle humourlessly “I’m assuming you didn’t kill Katherine, meaning she’ll come after you when she wakes up”
“We’ll deal with her,” Damon says in a low voice to his brother, who solemnly nods in response. You feel your strength slowly return, but you made sure not to let them know.
“All i’m worried about is that pesky humanity switch, Y/N,” Damon says tauntingly “All the ways we get to torture it out of you, fun!”
Now, Damon hated the idea of hurting you in the slightest but he had to put on a show to make sure you knew what was in store for you. He was trying to trigger fear, rage. Anything at all.
You scoff at this, rolling your eyes at the dark haired vampire “You wouldn’t,”
“You think we want to do this?,” Stefan says with distress “We hate the thought of hurting you, Y/N. Just turn it on and we won’t have to!”
“Even if you manage to make me turn it on, i’ll remember all of this and i’ll hate you both for it,”
Damon shrugs at this, turning to his brother with an unbothered look on his face. “It’s worth the risk”
The vervain had weaned its way out of your system at this point, and you felt strong enough. With Damon and Stefan turning around to leave you in solitary, you gathered all of your strength and picked yourself up.
“You should’ve vervained me more” You hiss as the brothers look at you with surprise. You suddenly use your inhumane speed to flash towards the cellar door, away to your freedom, but instead you’re pushed back when you do manage to reach the door. Stefan had acted quickly by taking the syringe he had kept with him for this very reason, and jamming the poisonous substance in you once more.
“Now, that must hurt,” Damon says nonchalantly as you fall down in pain. You look at him incredulously as Stefan painfully shuts the cellar door on you. They were going to dry you out to weaken you before the whole ‘humanity switch flip’ process as Damon had put it.
You had no choice but to lay in solitary with your weakened state, waiting for the brothers to either take you out or a certain curly haired vampire to break you free. Katherine should’ve woken up by now, and she was probably furious. The Petrova vampire was ruthless when she didn’t get what she wanted.
You feel the effects of the vervain shortly after, slowly drag you into darkness once again. you close your eyes as you fall unconscious on the cellar floor.
“Wake up, little Y/N”
You groggily open your eyes after what seemed like forever. Damon and Stefan looked at you with determination as you slowly look around to assess your surroundings. The brothers had tied you to a chair, with your arms up in chains.
“This the best you got?” You manage to let out with a breathy laugh “I didn’t think the pair of you were this amateur”
Damon’s infamous smirk appears as he approaches you “Oh, we’re just getting started Y/N. You of all people should know how creative i can be when i want something”
“Let me guess,” You groan “For me to turn on my humanity again?”
“And we have a winner,” He grins “The real question is if you’re gonna comply this time,”
You roll your eyes in response, not capable of feeling anything and not wanting to. Damon had gotten his answer when he gives his brother a solemn nod. Stefan grimly walks towards the large curtains in the living room which were drawn.
Stefan slightly parts the drawn fabric, allowing a little sunlight to almost reach you. You look confused when Damon glances at your hand with furrowed brows.
“You know the rules, bad girls don’t get nice jewellery”
You realise they had taken your daylight ring, meaning you could burn in the obvious sunlight that was shielded.
“You took my ring, i’m devastated” You say dryly “And bored. Can I go back to solitary now?”
“No, I kinda like you in the hot seat,” Damon shrugs as he looks at Stefan “Whenever you’re ready, brother”
“Am i supposed to be scared? You wouldn’t burn me, Stef” You say, still as emotionless as ever.
“You will be,” He says grimly “And when you are, focus on that fear Y/N. It’s the key to getting your humanity back”
With that being said, Stefan pulls back the curtain, allowing the light to escape and touch the skin of your arm which was still trapped in chains. You feel the searing pain of your flesh burning instantly, screaming in agony as it catches fire.
Damon quickly grabs the fire extinguisher, spraying your arm as Stefan quickly closes the curtains. He looked as disturbed as you’d ever seen him. Damon on the other hand, was determined as ever to see if he’d brought some emotion out of you.
You had felt rage, anger slowly building up at the sight of your arm slowly healing itself.
“I’m gonna kill you” You mumble under your breath. Damon throws his hands in the air “See? There’s a little rage. I should’ve known that would be the first emotion to get out of you.”
You were about to fire back with another angry comment when the door to the salvatore house suddenly flies open. Damon and Stefan quickly turn their heads.
“Now, the pair of you honestly didn’t think this would be the last time you’d see me now did you?”
Katherine Pierce looked as done as ever, with her hair all messed up and clothes dirty. She had a look on her face which screamed ‘Revenge’, and you couldn’t be happier for a vampire with no emotions.
“Katherine,” Damon hisses. The curly haired vampire glances at the sight of poor, tortured you.
“It’s funny, actually. I never thought you would hurt Y/N in a million years,” She says with malice. Stefan and Damon instantly flash in front of you, to prevent Katherine from freeing you. She chuckles humourlessly, stepping in front of the Salvatore boys.
“Give me Y/N, and I wont kill you for snapping my neck. Deal?”
“Like hell,” Stefan hisses protectively “She’s not going anywhere with you.”
You roll your eyes at the inability for the brothers to let go of you. “It’s pathetic how the pair of you can’t leave me be,” You spit out “I’m gone and i’m not coming back, and if you can’t accept that, it’s not my problem.”
Damon rolls his eyes at this, knowing better than to believe anything that comes out of an emotionless vampire’s mouth. Stefan however, looks hurt at your words. You couldn’t care less at this point, and all you wanted was to be free of these chains.
“See?,” Katherine counters “Free her before someone dies”
“I have a better idea,” Damon says with hostility “How about we don’t free her, and you can go rot in hell”
You suddenly hear a familiar voice as the doors of the mansion open once again, footsteps approaching the living room slowly where all of you resided. “Hello?”
You instantly knew who it was, a wide grin forming on your face as Elena Gilbert strolls in, as clueless as ever. Her calm features turn horrified quickly at the sight of the lot of you. Damon and Stefan match her expression.
“Y/N-” Elena begins saying, but Damon knew better than to wait another second with Katherine free to hurt her. It happened fast after that.
He quickly flashes towards the hostile Doppelgänger, holding a stake to her heart before she could make any other moves. You hear Stefan screaming for Elena to run in the midst of this, but you had other plans. With the Salvatore boys being distracted with the situation, you quickly took advantage by using the strength you had left, pulling hard on the chains and surely, they had broke you free.
You quickly pull yourself up, and catch Elena helplessly trying to get out of the house. You flash towards her before she could run towards safety, swiftly grabbing hold of her arm as you drag her back towards the living room following the screams of help. Damon had only just started to dig the stake deeper into Katherine, who only gave out sounds of pure agony when you stood in front of the vampires with your old friend struggling against your grip.
“I wouldn’t,” You spit out mercilessly, referencing towards Katherine “Unless you want the human blood bag to die along with the rest of you”
“You wouldn’t,” Damon breathes out, clearly scared for Elena’s life “You wouldn’t kill her”
You swiftly pull Elena towards you, holding her head sideways so her neck is exposed to you. Elena cries out in pain, but you were far from feeling anything at this point, with your eyes turning red and fangs growing out.
“Oh, I promise you I would,” You hiss “Let Katherine go and I won’t rip into her throat in front of you.” Stefan couldn’t move, since you had Elena. Damon couldn’t move because he had Katherine. They knew they had to let you go at this point.
Damon reluctantly takes the stake out of The Petrova, letting her heal before she could join you. Elena didn’t stop struggling against your grip until Katherine was next to you. You roughly push her towards the Salvatore brothers, who protectively stand in front of her.
You glare at the trio as they look at you with horrified expressions. They hadn’t seen a vampire so ruthless with their emotions turned off until you did it. Truth was, you loved it. You loved not feeling anything, and damn it if Stefan and Damon made you go back to the way you were.
“I expect you to not follow me this time” You finally say with a smirk before you flash out of the house with Katherine following. The pair of you get into her car, driving away to god knows where before the brothers had any second guesses. “We’ll find her again,” Damon says solemnly when you leave. Stefan nods grimly in response, his arms around a shivering Elena. “That wasn’t her, that was a monster,” She shakily says.
“You need to get her back, both of you”
“We will,”
“Thank you for saving me, Cupcake” Katherine grins at you from the drivers seat. “I owed you one,” You reply with a smile “Besides, i like my partner in crime”
“So, where were you thinking of going next? Preferably somewhere far from here,”
A sly smirk appears on your face, a city coming to mind where you know you’d have fun.
“I was thinking New Orleans”
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Caught In Between: 04. The Sun and Moon Curse
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IMPORTANT!!! This is content from my original blog @hyperion-moonbabe​. It’s being reposted here as this is now my main blog.
Summary: Athena Dumont has finally found a place to call home after many years of foster homes and traveling. She had finally tamed her supernatural side and just wanted to live a normal teenage life. She quickly discovers that there is nothing normal about her hometown, Mystic Falls and gets sucked right back into the supernatural world.
Post Date: 03.31.20
Word count: 4.1k
Based off: 02x09 “Katerina”, 02x10 “The Sacrifice”, 02x11 “By Light of the Moon”
I wake up to an empty bed, not questioning where Damon was. I got dressed and made my way downstairs. I noticed chatter in the main room, it was Damon, Stefan, Elena, and Rose.
“Okay, you have to understand I only know what I’ve picked up over the years and I don’t know what’s true and what’s not true. It’s the problem with all this vampire crap. But Klaus, I know is real,” Rose explains, I freeze halfway down the stairs wanting to wait where the conversation was going.
“Who is he?” Elena questions.
“He’s one of the Originals, he’s a legend,” Damon responds.
“From the first generation of vampires,” Stefan explains further.
“Like Elijah?” Elena continues to question. Sometimes this girl needs to learn to just wait and listen.
“No. Elijah was the Easter bunny compared to Klaus. He’s a foot soldier. Klaus is the real deal.” I roll my eyes at how Rose compares them.
“Klaus is known to be the oldest.” Stefan states.
“Okay, so you’re saying that the oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after me?” Elena asks trying to sort the information. Rose and Stefan disagree on the answer to Elena’s question.
“What they’re saying is, I mean if what she’s saying is true…” Damon starts.
“Which it is,” Rose rebuttals.
“And you’re not saying it so I don’t kill you,”
“Which I’m not,”
“Then we’re looking at a solid maybe,” Damon says, even though he’s not really sure.
“Look, Elijah’s dead, right? So no one else even knows that you exist.” Stefan states as I get closer to the room.
“Not that you know of,” Rose quickly responds.
“That’s not helping,” Damon says annoyed.
“Look, I’ve never even met anyone who’s laid eyes on him. I mean, we’re talking centuries of truth mixed with fiction. We don’t know if he’s real. For all we know he could just be some sort of stupid bedtime story,” Stefan says clearly trying to calm Elena.
“He’s real and he doesn’t give up. If he wants something, he gets it. If you’re not afraid of Klaus, then you’re an idiot.” Rose quickly says trying to get it through their thick skulls. I guess the only way to help them realize it, is for me to tell them what I know.
“Alright, we’re shaking, you’ve made your point,” Damon says, while I am surprised he didn’t rat me out or really Elena either.
“But, I haven’t,” I say stepping into the room. They all looked confused except Damon.
“I’m gonna have to go with Rose on this one. That person you said that you’ve never met who’s laid eyes on Klaus, Stefan. Well, you’ve met her.” I say making my voice quieter towards the end of my sentence and pointing to myself.
“You’ve seen Klaus?” Stefan asks me making his way over to me.
“Seen him? I lived with him, for a time” I state.
“So should we believe what Rose says?” Damon asks.
“Klaus tried to never act out or anything in front of me, but I have seen him act out. What I can tell you is that if he’s after Elena, it’s not gonna be good, he really doesn’t give up. And I promise that I won’t let him get to you,” I say turning my attention to Elena.
“So wouldn’t that mean he won’t give up on you either, because he clearly wants you,” Damon states.
“I can deal with him on my own, but I won’t let him hurt my friends,” I say sternly and cross my arms.
Elena starts to get up from her spot on the couch, “Where you going?” Stefan questions Elena.
“School. I’m late.” Elena says slowly, which means shes hiding something.
“Ooo, can you be late a little more. I gotta go too.” I say remembering that school is still a thing for me.
“Let me grab my stuff, I’ll go with you,” Stefan says after me.
“It’s okay, I know where it is. But be quick, Athena,” Elena says as I run up the stairs to grab my stuff.
I rush back downstairs, Elena and I make our way out the door, “So why did you want me to come and not Stefan? I mean I know you’re not really going to school,” I say walking with Elena.
“Because I’m going to talk to Katherine and I thought you may want to come along. I’m gonna text Caroline and let her know to meet us in the woods.” She says as she pulls out her phone to text Caroline.
We first stop by somewhere to get a bag and then make our way to wait for Caroline in the woods, “So why do you want to talk to Katherine?” I ask as we wait for Caroline.
“She’s the only one who knows the truth about Klaus. And I’m sure you know some information. But Katherine is 500 years old she’ll have other useful info, that can tell me how to stop him,” Elena explains.
“I can’t argue with that. But please know that I will keep him from hurting you by any means possible,” I reply taking her hands in mine. Before Elena can respond we’re interrupted by Caroline.
Elena lets go of my hands and grabs the bag she set down on the ground. We start to make our way over to the church ruins as Elena and Caroline talk about the situation.
“So, no offense, Athena, but I’m just wondering why you’re here,” Caroline asks looking at me.
“Well, I guess I should come out with it to everyone. I know Klaus, probably not as much as Katherine. But I could fact check her if possible,” I explain shortly.
“So, you actually have met the guy,” Caroline says disbelievingly.
“And lived with him. I don’t really know all that much about him and his quest for this curse to be honest. But I will tell you that, we may have been involved, and that I may be able to help. You can’t tell anyone, please promise that.” I say as, Caroline and Elena nod in agreement with my request.
We make it to the top on the stairs that lead down to the tomb as Caroline continues to ask Elena questions. We make our way down to the tomb, where there is a big stone door blocking the entry, “Are you sure you wanna do this?” Caroline questions looking at Elena.
“Yes, I’m sure. She’s the only one who knows the truth about Klaus, the only one who can tell me how to stop him,” Elena states turning back to Caroline. They continue to bicker since Caroline is worried about Elena. Caroline then makes her way over to the door and picks it up and moves it out of the way.
“Katherine,” Elena’s voice echoes into the dark abyss of the tomb. “I’ll be okay from here,” Elena says turning to Caroline and me, but we both just give her stern looks.
Soon enough we hear rustling from the tomb and Katherine appears into the light, “Hello, Elena. You come to watch me wither away? Goodbye, Caroline,” Katherine says with a raspy voice.
“As long as I stay on this side of the door, she can’t hurt me. Please,” Elena says and looks at both of us. Caroline and I just sternly look at Elena before we start walking away.
“Did I say you, Athena? Stay.” Katherine responds. I stop in my tracks and turn back and walk back to Elena.
“Stefan know you’re here?” Katherine questions her doppelganger.
“I brought you some things,” Is all Elena says while she sets down the bag she brought.
“You came to bribe me? What is it that you want?” Kathrine says clearly not wanting anything to do with Elena.
“I want you to tell me about Klaus.” Elena requests as she throws some things at Katherine’s feet.
“Mmm, you’ve been busy. But why can’t Athena tell you anything, she has spent some time with him,” Katherine says sounding more intrigued.
“Because I don’t have the information that you could provide. But speaking of, why do you want me here?” I explain to her getting right up to her but not into the tomb.
“I also brought you this. It’s your family history. It says in here that the family line ended with you. Obviously that’s not true,” Elena interrupts as she pulls out a big book from the bag. I go back to go through it to see what else there is.
“You think that if you brought me some family keepsake that I’d open up?” Katherine asks not wanting to give up any info.
“She also brought you this,” I say and pull a plastic water bottle out full of blood. Katherine tries to vamp speed to get the bottle but is held back by the spell keeping her in.
“You don’t look so good. How long before your body shuts down? 10, 20 years? It must be painful to desiccate and mummify. I can’t even imagine.” Elena states coldly. I look at her surprised at the confidence in her voice.  Katherine slides down the side of the wall as Elena pours a small bit of the blood in a cup and slides it over to Katherine.
“You have the Petrova fire,” Katherine states looking at Elena and drinks the blood.
“More blood?” Elena asks, using it as a tactic to get information.
As Elena slides the cup towards herself and I crouch down next to her Katherine starts to explain, “It’s a long story, Klaus and I. Goes all the way all the way back to England, 1492, after I left Bulgaria. Or was thrown out” She starts and take another gulp of blood. Katherine continues to explain how she ended up in England and involved with Klaus.
“So, what did Klaus want?” I ask actually interested.
“The same thing that he’ll want from you,” Katherine says looking back at Elena.
“He wants to break the curse. He told me a little about it but not enough to tell me what he needed to do or really why,” I say as Elena and Katherine turn their attention to me.
“By sacrificing the Petrova Doppelganger,” Elena blurts out.
“He wanted to drain every single drop of blood from my body,” Katherine explains. I squeeze Elena’s hand when I notice her getting more nervous.
Elena hands me the bottle of blood to pour for Katherine as she continues to question her, “ What does the Petrova bloodline have to do with Klaus?”
“It’s really tedious but…The curse was bound by the sacrifice of Petrova blood. Witches are crafty with their spells. The doppelganger was created as a way to be able to undo the spell. Once the doppelganger reappeared, the curse can be broken,” Katherine explains.
“So you ran before he killed you,” I state trying to see where she was getting at.
“Something like that,” Katherine says and continues to explain how she met Rose, was healed by her and then hung herself to become a vampire.
“You killed yourself?” Elena asks even though it was clear that she had to die somehow to be here today.
“Klaus needed a human doppelganger. As a vampire, I was no longer any use to him,” Katherine responds.
“But it clearly didn’t work. I mean you’ve been running from Klaus ever since,” I state.
“Lucky you, you aren’t. I underestimated his spirit for vengeance but living in a suitcase is better than dying so you can have your blood spilled over some silly little rock,” Katherine says with a little annoyance. Elena looks overwhelmed and scared while Katherine just taunts at the idea of making Elena a vampire. Katherine continues with her story and explains that she used Rose and Trevor to look out for herself.
“So how much of your little story is true?” I ask looking at Katherine.
“I have no reason to lie. I have no reason to do anything but sit here and read and rot,” Katherine says annoyed as she flips through the book.
“Ok, so you mean it’s even partially true, that’s the reason why you came back isn’t it? Because you wanted to be the one to hand me over to Klaus.” Elena states.
“Mm, 500 years on the run, I figured maybe he’d be willing to strike a deal,” Katherine says struggling to get up from the ground.
“So you got Mason Lockwood to find you the moonstone,” Elena says.
“Right again,”
“What else is needed to break the curse?” Elena asks.
“Mmm. Look who’s getting smarter.” Katherine taunts.
“It’s not just me or the stone, is it? Otherwise, there would be no reason to trigger Tyler Lockwood’s werewolf curse. But then why do you want Athena here?” Elena says as she thinks about it.
“Witches and their spells. So many ingredients, so many people to sacrifice.” Katherine taunts but not answering Elena’s question.
“So you need a werewolf? Why not me then?” I interrupt their conversation.
“Believe it or not, they’re hard to come by. And I had planned on triggering Tyler’s curse before I even met you. I mean I’m sure you would do just fine, except for the fact that I think Klaus would kill me on the spot for offering you up. Yeh, I heard some rumors about a Dumont wolf running around with Klaus, figured it was you.” Katherine explains as I just stare at her stiffly.
“What else?” Elena injects before I can respond.
“A witch to do the spell. Mine bailed but Bonnie will do just fine.”
“What else?”
“Caroline,” I say realizing that’s why she was probably killed.
“It could have been anyone I suppose but I like the poetry of Caroline.”
“So you were gonna just hand us all over to be killed?” Elena asks.
“Better you die than I,” Katherine says before she slinks back into the darkness of the tomb.
Elena and I just stand there trying to take in all the information that Katherine dished out. We started to get ready to go until Stefan walked down the stairs, “Elena. Athena.” He says looking from me to Elena.
“Stefan, what are you doing here?” She asks him.
“I could ask you guys the same question,” He responds.
“Caroline told you,” I say under my breath behind Elena.
“No, she kept your secret but it didn’t take long for me to figure out what was so important that you’d have to keep it from me.” He explains.
“I knew that you’d stop me,” Elena says defensively.
“Listen, whatever she said to you guys is a lie. Do not listen to her. She is a liar,” Stefan states.
“What if she isn’t?” Elena says back.
“Sorry to interrupt but you didn’t hear what she said,” I say walking up to the couple shaking my head.
“You don’t have to worry, I’m not gonna let anything happen to you,” Stefan says making his voice softer.
“That’s the problem, you won’t but you’ll die trying. How’s that any better?” Elena rebuttals. I notice Katherine come back out of the shadows.
“There’s nothing you can do, Stefan. I haven’t even told you the best part of the story.” She says and starts to tell us about how her entire family was killed. Stefan tries to keep Elena from listening but just says that there’s no hiding from Klaus and that when Klaus shows up, that we’ll all be dead.
Stefan and I take Elena back to her house, I notice some awkward tension in the air so I let Stefan walk her up to her door. After a while, I notice that Elena is crying and Stefan is just clutching her in his arms. He walks back to his car and sits for a while.
“Is she ok?” I ask him.
“Yeh, she’s shaken up. Worried about everyone else. Can you verify anything Katherine said?” He sighs.
“Well, I don’t know much but as far as the curse goes for breaking it. What she said sounds pretty solid. At least it sounded like it.” I reply.
“So you really knew the guy?” He asks as he starts the car.
“Yeh, but he didn’t tell me much. He didn’t like to bring ‘business’ home to me. As he liked to tell me. This curse is part of the reason I left, but I guess I couldn’t escape it. I’m sorry I can’t be more help.” I explain with a sad tone.
“It’s alright, better than none. Ummm… my house or yours?” He asks.
“Uh, yours. I’m still working on putting mine back together. No bed.” I say nervously.
“Alright,” Stefan says and drives us over to his house.
I spent the next day just hanging out at the Salvatore house until I got a somewhat distressing call from Caroline asking for me to come to her house. I made my way over as fast as possible. Once I go to Caroline’s house, I was lead into the living room.
“What’s up?” I ask concerned.
“We found Tyler’s uncle’s video and log about his transformation and since he isn’t here I thought we would ask you about it,” She says.
“Look, the first full moon sucks, I’m not even gonna sugar coat it. But over time it stops hurting as much and nothing beats running in the woods without any worries. I’m sure whatever your uncle did is what you want to do but I can assure you that being chained up isn’t the way to go.” I say sitting next to Tyler.
“Ok, thank you.” He says calming down.
“Anytime, just let me know if you have any more questions, we may not have a pack but we have each other. You can get through this.” I get up and walk over to Caroline who left to the front door, where I see Matt waiting.
“Hey, I have to go. Are you sure you want to help Tyler? You could get hurt, you know werewolf bites are deadly to vampires right?” I ask concerned for her safety.
“I’m sure. Thank you again for coming,” She replies back as we hug. She opens the door for Matt as I leave.
The next day Elena asks me if I could come over because she’s trapped in her house with Damon, while everyone else does whatever, I agree considering that there’s not much else to do and I’m sure Elena doesn’t want to be stuck with Damon. I make my way over to her house and knock on the door.
“Look who it is, our wolf buddy,” Damon says as he opens the door for me.
Damon and I make our way back over to the couch that Elena is sitting on, “Thank god you’re here,” She whispers to me.
“I heard that,” Damon whispers back. “Where’s Bonnie?” He asks making his voice louder.
“I thought she was meeting you,” Jeremy says as he enters the room.
“No, she’s on moonstone duty and we’re on Elena patrol,” Damon says gesturing to me.
“No, you are. I’m just here because I thought I’d keep Elena company.” I state back.
“And who’s on Tyler Lockwood and the full moon?” Jeremy asks.
“Vampire Barbie asked me if she could handle it, and I said, why not? Figured if she screwed up, he’ll bite her and I’ll be rid of two of my problems,” Damon says nonchalantly.
“Hold on a second. Tonight’s the full moon?” Elena asks and Damon’s phone starts to ring.
“Yep, But you’re too absorbed with all your suicidal tendencies to notice.” He says as he gets up to answer his phone.
“Shut up Damon,” I say and glare at him and he answers his phone. “I talked to both Tyler and Caroline and they have everything sorted out,” I say as Elena turns towards me.
“What about you? I mean you’re a werewolf,” She asks me concerningly.
“I’ll be fine. My curse has been triggered longer and my transformation won’t last as long.” I reassure her.
After Elena and I are done talking he turns back to us, “Change of plans. You babysit,” He says and points between Jeremy and me “Hey you know, you should get out, enjoy the sun. Oh wait, you can’t” Damon says. Elena and I just both respond by throwing a pillow at him.
Elena and I decide to go hang out upstairs, after a few hours Elena goes down to get us some food. I hear Elena running up the stairs and start to knock on her brother’s door after she tells a clear lie to him, I hear Elijah’s voice. They make their way into Elena’s room where I’m just sitting on her windowsill.
“Oh, forgive the intrusion. I mean your family no harm. Athena.” Elijah says walking into the room and taking notice of me. I notice Elena’s face, which clearly reads that she wants me to stay in the room.
“Why did you kill those vampires when they tried to take me?” Elena asks as she quietly closes the door.
“Because I didn’t want you to be taken. Klaus is the most feared and hated of the Originals, but those that fear him are desperate for his approval. If word gets out that the doppelganger exists, there’ll be a line of vampires eager to take you to him and I can’t have that.” Elijah explains as he takes a seat next to me.
“Isn’t that exactly what you’re trying to do?” Elena asks.
“Let’s just say that my goal is not to break the curse.” He states.
“So, what is your goal?” I ask looking over at him.
“Klaus’ obsessions have made him paranoid. He’s a recluse. He trusts only those in his immediate circle.” Elijah explains.
“Like you?” Elena asks quieter.
“Not anymore. But, maybe Athena,” He says looking over at me. His statement just makes me confused since I had left both of them, how could either of them trust me.
“You don’t know where he is, do you?” I ask more intrigued by the situation.
“So you’re trying to use Athena and me to draw him out,” Elena says crossing her arms.
“Well, to do that, I need you to stay put and stop trying to get yourself killed. And possibly, have you come home with me, Athena,” Elijah and smirks.
“How do I know you’re telling the truth?” Elena quickly asks.
“If I wasn’t being truthful, all your family would be dead and I’d be taking you to Klaus right now. Instead, I’m here and I’m prepared to offer you a deal.” Elijah responds.
“What kind of deal?” I ask and get up to stand next to Elena.
“Do nothing. Do nothing, live your life, stop fighting. And then, when the time is right, you and I shall draw Klaus out together. And I shall make certain that your friends remain unharmed. My deal for you Athena is the same as Elena or come home with me and help me.” Elijah explains.
“And then what?” Elena asks before I can get a word out.
“Then I kill him,” Elijah says coldly. My heart jumps a little, I guess Elijah noticed as he quickly shifted glance to me then back to Elena. I never thought about it since I left but it kind of hurt hearing Elijah say that he was gonna kill his own brother. I guess that shows that I still had a few feelings for him and I wasn’t sure what to think.
“I’m a man of my word, Elena. I make a deal. I keep a deal.” Elijah says as I turn my attention back to the conversation.
“That I can tell you is true,” I say from next to Elena.
“How are you gonna be able to keep everybody safe?” Elena questions.
I tune out the rest of the conversation as I start to feel a small pain in my abdomen signaling that my transformation is starting. I look out of Elena’s window to how high the moon is, “ I gotta go, my transformation is starting,” I strain as the pain gets stronger. I guess Elijah and Elena finished talking because the next thing I know, I’m rushed out of her house to somewhere in the woods.
“I don’t need your help Elijah,” I strain even more trying to get away from him.
“Okay, Okay. Can you at least consider my deal and come back home?” He asks.
“No, my friends need me here,” I say before I left out a gut-wrenching scream as my bones start to break.
“Just know that the offer is always there and that I really do need your help with Klaus,” Elijah says before I just barely notice him vamp speed away.
A/N: Here is part 4 based on 02x09 “Katerina” and a little bit of 02x10 “The sacrifice” and 02x11 “By the Light of the Moon”. This was really just a filler part. I’m going to skip the next few episodes since those would also be more filler and I want to get into the juicy stuff haha. I know I’ve been randomly uploading a lot and I’m not sure how long this fast uploading will last. I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading! Stay safe and healthy everyone.
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alonely-dreamer · 5 years
Dangerous Creatures | Chapter 26: Fairy of Fire (Part 2 & 3)
Summary: Mackenzie Alemaund is an unlucky 18 year old teenager whose life changes drastically after she gets kidnapped by two vampires and learns, in the same day, that she is not human.
Pairing: Elijah x OC
Words: 3389
A/N: Please, note that I am French so there might be some mistakes here and there.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23: Part 1 | Chapter 23: Part 2 | Chapter 23: Part 3 | Chapter 24 | Chapter 25 (Part 1) | Chapter 25 (Part 2) | Chapter 25 (Part 3) | Chapter 26 (Part 1)
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“I’m sorry to hear you are leaving us already.”
The queen’s words echoed in the large throne room. Mackenzie always wondered why they never bothered to put some furniture in there. It would reduce the echo and make it warmer too. This room was always chilly, and if she had to be honest, it intimidated her. Which, she thought, was probably what Margo wanted.
“I’m surprised they stayed here for this long,” Alexander chuckled, interrupting his monarch.
Margo ignored the remark, like she always did, with a wave of the hand.
“We shall have another ball,” she continued. “When are you leaving?”
“Sunday, your Majesty,” Elijah replied politely.
“Mmh, that doesn’t give us enough time to prepare…”
“A ball is unnecessary,” Mackenzie said. “We don’t want to bother you with…”
“Nonsense,” Margo stopped her. “We’ll have a dinner, at least. Friday night. Just us, and Cornelius, of course, he’d be unhappy not to be invited to say goodbye.”
“A dinner sounds lovely,” Elijah nodded.
“Excellent!” Margo replied as she got up from her throne. “Heidi will inform the servants and the cooks,” she said, and Heidi nodded before she exited the room without a word. The witch hadn’t expressed any joy or disappointment at the news of the couple’s departure. “And Alexander will make sure Cornelius receives an invitation.”
“Running to it,” he said with an ironic smile. He never did like Lord Fay.
Mackenzie smiled back at him as he winked at her before he followed Heidi’s footsteps.
“Any travel plans?” Margo asked as she made her way to them.
“London,” Elijah replied. “And then… we’ll see.”
“Terrible idea,” she said. “England in January?”
“It’s still a beautiful city, no matter how cold.”
“I suppose that’s true,” Margo dismissed them with a wave of the hand. “Well, I have work to do. Please, enjoy your last few days among us.”
“We will,” Mackenzie politely nodded.
She took the hand Elijah was handing to her and Mackenzie felt relieved as they finally exited the white marbled room.
“I don’t think England is any worse in January than the Forest is.”
“Have you seen the sun since we got here?” she asked with humor.
“I can’t seem to remember,” he replied with a grin.
“You need to stay focus, Mack! Vampires are stronger and faster than you, you need to be prepared to defend yourself.”
“Thanks, Alex,” Mackenzie said as she sat up on the ground where she fell when her godfather decided to suddenly attack her. “I’ll be careful next time I’m having a casual chat with you while walking in the gardens, I never know when you decide to kick my ass for no reason.”
“It’s a teaching moment,” he shrugged.
“It hurt.”
“Yeah, well, pain is better than death.”
“I believe what he’s trying to say is ‘be careful’,” Elijah said as he held his hand out to her.
She took it quickly and he pulled her up effortlessly.
“Are you okay?”
“What I’m trying to say is ‘don’t trust anyone’.”
“It sounds a little like ‘I’ll miss you, I wish you weren’t leaving’,” she said with a grin.
“That too,” he admitted.
“Should I expect a curse from Heidi, or will she just say that to me… you know, with words?”
“That’s basically the only thing you can expect from her.”
“And are you two staying here?” Elijah asked.
“Probably. She didn’t say anything about leaving any time soon. But you can always call us if you need anything, Mack.”
“I know,” she smiled. “Thank you. For everything that you did for me.”
“It was our pleasure… even if she doesn’t show it.”
Mackenzie chuckled. “Yeah, I know what you mean.”
Heidi wasn’t one to show emotions but there was no doubt in any of their minds that she cared. Mackenzie didn’t know what had made her that way, but she was glad Alexander was there for her. He saw her for who she was, and he loved her as much as she loved him. It was the kind of relationship Mackenzie hoped to have one day, with Elijah. They knew each other so well, there was no secret, nothing to hide. They supported each other and had for centuries. Was there anything better for an immortal than to have someone to spend immortality with?
She often thought about Elijah’s relationship with his siblings. He had spent so many centuries with Klaus, despite what he had done to them. So many years wasted because of loyalty. Lived through so much pain and hurt. And when they were finally reunited, made a family again under false pretexts, he lost them all, all over again. Just to leave, leave them all behind, and go to another continent with her. For her.
Every day, there were new reasons to fall in love with him all over again. New proof to dismiss any doubt she may have. Being with him made her feel like she was the luckiest girl in the world. And she deserved that, because the universe had been more than unfair with her. And he deserved it too, because the universe had kicked him to the ground way too many times.
 Their last dinner with the queen was awaited by none of them and they doubted Margo was looking forward to it either. It was going to be long and boring, a never-ending social event that everybody wanted over even before it started. However, Elijah had to admit it was nothing but an honor that the queen would bother herself with such an event. He and Mackenzie had been treated with nothing but respect ever since they had arrived in the Forest, and if it only made Mackenzie uncomfortable, it reminded him of another time, back when he lived with Klaus as rich and respected Lords in England back in the day. Back when he met Katerina Petrova for the first time. So many things had happened since then, and there was nothing in the world that would ever make him wish to go back. He would rather die than go through all that again.
“You ready?”
He looked up to the voice calling for him. Mackenzie was standing in the doorway of the bedroom, dressed in another one of Margo’s dress, another gown that would be a pain to pack, between the two grimoires she had been given on her first day here, and the other clothes and accessories Margo hadn’t stopped sending her for some reason. Maybe she just wanted her to fit in. Mackenzie wouldn’t dare wear any of it outside of the Forest.
“Give me a minute,” he said as he stood up from the armchair in the corner of the room. “Go ahead and I’ll join you.”
She smiled. “What were you daydreaming about?” she asked as she made her way to him.
“Nothing interesting.”
“It was interesting enough to make you late,” she grinned.
“I’ll make sure to apologize to her Majesty,” he smiled back.
“Okay, I’ll see you there, then,” she said as she tiptoed to kiss his cheek.
He watched her leave in silence and after he heard the door close he turned to the mirror and started to undo his tie. This suit was way too casual to wear to a royal event.
 Mackenzie walked down the hallways of the castle like she knew them by heart, and after having walked through them with Alexander and Elijah for the past two months, she did. She knew all the hallways and most of the rooms and had only recently started to recognize all the servants, even if she couldn’t remember their names.
The hallways were empty, nothing unusual, especially since there was a dinner to prepare, but Mackenzie always found it unnerving. They seemed colder and somewhat darker, and a strange feeling seized her as despite seeing no one around her, she could clearly feel somebody’s presence. And not just anyone. It wasn’t a servant, as none were so powerful. And she was fairly sure she had never met this person, as she didn’t recognize their magic. She started walking faster, though she couldn’t find the strength to run, as if her breath had been taken away. She tried to stay calm, knowing there was no legit reason for her to panic. But her heart jumped in her chest as she heard footsteps behind her, and she knew it wasn’t Elijah.
She turned around and was startled by the presence of a man, someone she had never seen before. He was tall and blond, and dressed in dark green, similar to what Cornelius and his people wore.
“My apologies, Lady Alemaund,” the man chuckled. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“I’m not a Lady,” she corrected him right away, like she did every time someone called her that.
“Apologies again,” he said with an amused smile. “My Lord Cornelius sent me.”
She frowned. “Isn’t he coming to the dinner?”
“He is, though you will not see him there.”
“I’m confused…”
“I’m afraid this cannot wait.”
Mackenzie was about to mumble a confused answer, but she barely had time to open her mouth that the stranger brought his hand to his mouth, opened it and blew some white powder onto Mackenzie’s face. She stepped back coughing, her eyes starting to burn. She felt very dizzy extremely fast and though she tried to walk away, she only stumbled a few steps before her knees gave up and she fell to the ground. Pain was the last thing she felt before everything went dark.
 She felt her eyes burning as she slowly woke up and tried to open them. She was scared and confused, not knowing where she was, not remembering a thing of what had happened. She tried to calm down but as she realized she wasn’t feeling her magic anymore, she started to panic even more. However, she knew someone was there with her, as she could hear movement near her.
“My apologies, my dear, I had to triple the dosage. I’ve never dealt with an ultimate before.”
Her heart sank as she recognized Cornelius’ voice. She couldn’t see anything, could barely breathe, and could not say a word.
“I know you must have many questions, but don’t try to talk, I cast a strong paralysis spell. Of course, it’s not working as well as it should,” he chuckled, “but it should be good enough.”
She understood what he meant when she managed to slightly move a finger. She was lying on what seemed to be a wooden table, and there was an awful smell she couldn’t recognize.
“I must apologize, sincerely,” he continued. “I had other plans for you. But just like your mother you couldn’t stay here, could you… you had to go and see the world,” he said with an irritated tone. “It was not my wish to kill you so soon, but I cannot take the risk of letting you go now. I can’t take the risk of letting this… vampire,” he said the word with such disgust it made her wince mentally, “turn you the first chance he gets.”
She felt something warm slowly slid down her cheeks and it took her a few seconds to realize they were tears.
“At least with your mother my usual spell worked. I managed to steal her years and her powers without having to leave my home. But with you… no matter what I tried, it just wouldn’t take. I was hoping for good results when you mentioned feeling sick after our little dinners, but your powers always came back the following day… I’m not certain what I did wrong…”
At the mention of her mother, she unconsciously fisted her hand, and she could feel hot fire in her chest, but in her state, she didn’t know if it were whatever Cornelius was doing, or her magic coming back.
“Either way, stealing your lifetime shouldn’t require a different spell. But I do need to figure out a way to take your powers, I can’t let them waste away. Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited for a Fay to be born an ultimate?”
She whimpered when she felt his hands on her. He brought her sleeve up on her right arm and she felt something wet and cold against her vein.
“Your boyfriend was very distraught when he realized you were missing,” he said with a mocking tone. “Margo even sent the royal guard after you. Well, don’t worry. They’ll never find you here. They’ll never find you at all.”
She felt a needle pierce through her skin and a hot liquid enter her vein. She fisted her right hand and pushed him away, breaking the needle which stayed stuck in her arm. She didn’t know if it were blood she felt running down her arm, or Cornelius’ poison, or both.
“I see your powers are coming back,” he mumbled unhappily. “I didn’t expect it so soon.”
She knew he was going to do something to stop it, to take her powers away again, and she couldn’t let that happen. That fire she felt in her chest, no matter if it was hers or caused by Cornelius’ spell, she could use it either way, and so she did. Without moving a muscle, she set fire to the room, to everything she could without even seeing any of it. Anything flammable was suddenly burning hot, taking Cornelius by surprise. He had killed her mother and nature knew how many other Fays, and he was now trying to kill her… he had made a big mistake.
“I can’t let you do that,” he said, trying to stay calm, but clearly failing.
All she needed was for him to touch her again and he’d be done. She could survive the fire, she’d burn the entire place to the ground if she had to. Maybe the smoke would alert Elijah and the royal guard, who knew? But all Mackenzie wanted was for him to die.
“That’s quite enough,” he growled as he grabbed her arm again, a needle ready in his other arm.
Mackenzie found luck in her misery as Cornelius’ potions and spells clearly weren’t ready to take on an ultimate. She put all of her strength in her arm and seized his wrist. Her eyes opened as she tightened her grip on him, making it impossible for him to free himself. Her burning glare found him and if he hadn’t realized he was already dead, then he was just a fool. Whatever magic he had used against her faded away quickly as she stole his magic. She took a deep breath as she took back control of her body.
The fire was still burning strong around them and glasses and jars were breaking in small explosions. She sat up quickly as he fell on his knees, feeling dizzy as his magic and all the magic he had stolen left him rapidly. The physical pain was gone, and she got her strength back as she never let go of him. She jumped off the table and her feet found the hot ground. She tightened her grip and squeezed until she heard him scream.
“You killed my mother,” she growled. He was not only regretting that, but he was also paying for his arrogance. He should have never told her that. He was going to pay for all the Fays he had killed and stolen from. “Can you handle the fire?” she asked as she directed her anger entirely on him now. The fire around them disappeared in a second, in a quiet yet deafening sound. But she could still feel it, and so could he as his blood started to boil. “She couldn’t.”
And neither could he as his screams started to fill the room. She finally let go of him, having no magic left in his body. He screamed and burned for what seemed like an eternity, but she found no displeasure in it. Eventually, Cornelius stopped screaming, and his still burning body fell to the ground, leaving nothing but ashes behind.
She stared at the darkened ground at her feet, a burning smell lingering in the air, the one of burnt flesh. She stared with lifeless eyes for seconds, or perhaps minutes, time seemed to have stopped. She then looked up, with no more life on her face, and stepped over the ashes to make her way to the stairs in the corner of the room.
She walked up the steps of stone and didn’t even try using the handle to open the door as it flew open and slammed against the wall. She could feel it, she could feel him. The one she was looking for. He was the only one there, in the house, the only one she wanted. She could feel him running. He had heard his boss scream, no doubt. She walked down the hallway, the same hallway she had been through all those nights when Cornelius had invited her for dinner. It led to the front door. It was already opened. She could see a dark figure run away from the house, in the gardens leading to the forest. She didn’t bother following him. A giant root appeared before him, suddenly coming from the ground, causing the earth around him to shake, almost making him fall. The enormous root slammed on the ground right next to him, so hard Mackenzie heard it from where she stood. The root wrapped itself around his feet and she could hear him scream. He screamed when he fell and he screamed again when the root started moving, dragging him back to the house. Mackenzie didn’t move, waiting for her prey to come to her. The screams stopped shortly before he arrived. The root disappeared into the ground, leaving behind enormous trails. The man wasn’t moving, wasn’t screaming, wasn’t breathing. His face was brown with dirt. He had choked on mud.
All those romantic novels were wrong. Revenge did feel good. But the fire inside of her wasn’t satiated, it wanted more, she wanted more. She slowly walked down the stairs and turned around to face Cornelius’ manor. It was now empty, only inhabited by the ghosts of Cornelius’ victims. It started burning, slowly, fire purging all the evil that had ever been committed within its walls. She stepped back, watching with some kind of fascination as she felt the flowers burn, as she watched the roots on the walls go up in flames. As she watched the smoke rising high in the dark sky, getting mixed with the charged clouds.
People were coming. Suddenly they were there. They might be talking but she couldn’t hear them. Watching the flames go high and higher she didn’t move when two hands seized her face. Someone came before her, someone was standing right in front of her, her face in their hands, his hands. He was saying something, he kept talking and started shouting as he received no answer. Eventually she moved her eyes from the fire and found his. She found his worried teary eyes and it was as if something had been snapped back in place inside of her. She could hear suddenly. She could hear his voice, she could hear the house crumble down.
“Mackenzie, talk to me,” he begged.
She put a hand on his in response and he felt like breathing again.
“What happened?” she heard Alexander ask from behind her.
“Where’s Cornelius?” Heidi asked.
“Mackenzie are you okay? Are you hurt?” Elijah looked her up and down, inspected her body for any injury. But she wasn’t injured anymore. Not physically at least.
“What happened?” Alexander insisted.
Mackenzie felt dizzy and confused as if she had just returned to her body and someone else had taken her place. But no one else had. She had done all of this. She had set the house on fire, destroyed it, and killed Cornelius, and that other guy she didn’t even know the name of. She had killed them both.
And would do it again.
Finally, she answered them. In a voice that didn’t sound like her, or at least not to her. As if it were coming from someone else. Her words, but not her voice.
“He killed my mom.”
Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it!!
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Have a great week!
Tags: @thepoet1975 @nerdysandwichqueen @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @raegan-hale @captainam-erika-trash @silver424 @monetfatalia @vaniileiinkeks @valeria-winchester @favimag @colie87 @hamiltonmadesomemistakes @s0nh4dorasblog @poemfreak306 @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @thegingerthatwaited @therealwatermelon @dark-night-sky-99@aubri1313 @jardinsecos @gymnastgal1997-blog @thearaviagrace77blog @caelst13​ @casedoina​ @nyxestia @happylittlehufflepuff5
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bellemorte180 · 4 years
If I Die Before I Wake: Chapter One
Vengeance is defined as punishment or retribution for a wrong committed against another. A single curse could derail and weaken the most powerful being in the world. A single massacre could change the entire world in one go; but it could centuries to execute the perfect vengeance.
A/N: This is an OLD story of mine from like two years ago. I find the writing a bit..rough but I figured, what the hell. Post it anyway. 
Chapter One:
Mystic Falls
April 2010
Damon Salvator strutted across the parking lot of the Mystic Falls high school. Cars were parked in spaces and shouts could be heard echoing from inside the gym. Sports. Even in a town littered with the supernatural, pastimes such as high school sports were still cultivated as a religion. In the century that Damon had been alive, it made him smirk that such things had not changed. However, what has changed was the fact that Katherine fucking Pierce was now locked in the tomb that Damon once sought to free her from.
Irony really could be a bitch.
Damon couldn't lie and say that he wasn't enjoying these turn of events. He despised that bitch. Spending a hundred and forty-six years in love with her just to learn that she wasn't in that tomb at all, really felt like a gut punch. The moment he realized that she was gone and he had been lied to for the entirety of his vampiric existence was hard to swallow. Damon was proud and Katherine wounded that pride, so now she was stuck in that tomb and he had the mind to let her rot down there for the rest of her eternity.
What was it exactly that Anna had said? That Katherine had known exactly where he was the entire time? Did she know that where he was in the fifties? Did she know that he was imprisoned at Whitmore? A wave of fresh hot anger shot through him. If he wouldn't be trapped inside the tomb alongside her, Damon had the mind to spend the rest of the time torturing her just like he had been during those times. He might have forgiven her lies, if she had strolled in and let him out of that cell. Maybe he could have even saved Enzo. Maybe things would have been different.
“I must say, that was really impressive.” Damon paused and turned. A tall woman leaned against a dark Ford Escape with her arms crossed. She had short brown hair that flared out at her chin and light hazel eyes. She wore a reddish brown leather jacket with tight jeans and boots that went up to her knees. Damon couldn't help but admit that she was attractive despite the fact that she was clearly a vampire; and a very old one. Older than him and older than Katherine; so old that Damon didn't even sense her at first. “Imprisoning Katerina Petrova in the tomb.”
“I don't know what your talking about.” If Damon hadn't been on his guard before, he was now. Only few people called Katherine by her given name and those who did, were around when she was first turned. He learned of it briefly when he was human and called her that once-it didn't end well for him. She left him and went straight to his brother's bed. She hated that name and therefore, Damon never called her it again. However, if this vampire would willing call Katherine by her given name, then this vampire was far more dangerous than the one he just imprisoned. “And who are you?”
“Rose-Marie, but my friends call me Rose.”
“Well Rose-”
“We're not friends.” Rose cut him off with a smile. She pushed off the Ford Escape and strolled over to him slowly. Cheers echoed in the background as one of the teams scored something, causing the crowd to go wild. Rose stood in front of him directly and his first thought was to attack; but he knew he couldn't win. Perhaps if Stefan was there, the two of them together could take her down but the closer she got, he could feel the age vibrating off of her. That was the thing with vampires, the young ones could always tell who their elders were. “I'm here to offer a warning. He is coming and it would be best if you stayed out of his way. He may even give you a gold star if you leave the first doppelganger in the tomb.”
Suddenly Damon felt himself panic. Elena. His brother's girl. The girl who he couldn't help but feel something for. She was everything he wished Katherine had been and wanted her to be. However, just like the rotting bitch, Elena preferred his perfect saint of a brother. He wondered if Elena would like Stefan if she knew what he was really like when he lost control. Damon didn't know what answer he wanted because neither would be good for him. Either way, he wanted nothing to happen to her. He wanted Elena alive.
“Who is coming?”
“Klaus.” Rose flashed off before Damon could ask who in the hell was Klaus. He stood there completely frozen, unsure exactly what he should do. All he knew was that he was going to have to discover who Klaus was and what he could possibly want with Katherine; and how that related to Elena.
He didn't hear where Rose flashed off to; not over the screams of the crowd. He didn't see her enter the gym or weave through the crowd and leave at the other side of the building. It wasn't until she reached the town square that she slowed to a human pace. She closed her eyes and came to a standstill. It was on a whim that Trever wanted to come here. She was hesitant because it was Klaus's birth place; but she would never second guess Trever again. After five hundred years of running, it was about to end. Rose reached into her bag, pulled out her cellphone and dialed one of her contacts. Perhaps one day soon she would be able to see her friend again.
New Orleans
April 2010
Klaus stood over the balcony watching the endless parade flow past. Some celebration that Klaus didn't care enough to participate in. Once upon a time he relished in the flow and life that always was present in the city; his city. He built this town from the ground up and he built it for her. After shoving the white oak stake into the heart of his father, they were free. They no longer had to run and they decided to settle. She always wanted a home so he built her a city.
She loved Paris; so he ensured that the french were prevalent here. She loved color and life and exotic foods. She loved magic and the raw darkness of it. This was everything she could have ever wanted. Klaus would have laid the world at her feet if she had asked. She never did, only ever wanting him but he always knew that he could never be enough for her. And now he was alone. Living nothing more than a shadow of a life for the last one hundred and forty six years.
Klaus continued to listen to the cheering of the party goers below. He could smell the alcohol and the spices from the creole dishes. This had been his home and now he only came back once a year; except that time in the fifties and sixties where he secluded himself from the world. This was a time that he cherished and would lavish the most important person of his existence with gifts and his affections. An anniversary of when he became hers. Now, he came to mourn her. To allow that hallow hole in his chest to take center. He allowed himself to fully feel it.
He gripped the railing of the balcony that overlooked the street until his knuckles turned white. His eyes closed and he breathed deeply. He let the pain flow through him and he tried to imagine her smile; how she laughed and the very first moment he laid eyes upon her-over a thousand years ago.
That memory burned inside of him.
“This isn't healthy.” Klaus turned and saw the figure of his protégé leaning against the doorway. His arms were crossed and his shoulder rested upon the wood. Normally, vampires congregated to his home for the lavish and fantastic parties he threw. But the supernatural community knew by now that this week, the manor was draped in black and no one was to enter. “The whole of New Orleans knows why you're here. Some of them are afraid that you are going to go off the deep end like you did last year.”
“Marcel, those witches-”
“Did nothing more than simply be witches.” Marcel argued. “They practiced magic. Now, you know I have that rule that witches cannot practice magic without my permission. They did wrong but to massacre their entire coven?”
“It wouldn't be the first time I annihilated an entire coven.”
“I know. I was there in 1914. I helped you and watched you dagger Kol when he was collecting those dark objects.” Marcel replied but shook his head. “Look, you're more than welcome here. You know that. This is your city. You built it and I will keep it standing until you are able to take the keys back. But know this, I don't do it for you Klaus. You are not the only one who misses her.” Klaus flashed to him and gripped his throat.
“Do not for one second compare your pain to mine. She was my reason for breathing. If there wasn't a mere chance that I knew that she could come back to me, I would have ended my life a century ago.” He threw Marcel backwards and the vampire hit the wall. A dent was formed in the brick and the dark vampire looked up at the man who raised him.
“She was my mother. She made me into the man I am today. Don't forget that.” Marcel fired back. Klaus was all but ready to attack him again but his phone buzzed. He saw his sister's name flash on the screen and he scowled. She knew not to call him here. She knew that he was unreachable during this time. He ignored it; but before he could continue his assault on Marcel, she called right back. Klaus felt his temper flare but he pressed the answer button.
“What Freya?” He hissed into the receiver with clenched teeth.
“They found her. Mystic Falls.”
“Mystic Falls. I'm in New York. I'll be there tomorrow around mid day.”
“Are you certain?”
“A contact called me. I'm positive. She is there.”
“Who was it?”
“I gather she wants her freedom then?”
“And that vampire friend of her's.”
“I see.” If this was real, if this was finally happening, Rose could have whatever she desired. He would gift that pathetic friend of hers an entire country if she wished if it brought her back to him. He had been searching for over a century for this and here it was, all but being handed to him; and so close to their anniversary. “If she is really there, tell Rose-Marie that she is free. Call me when you arrive, I'll be there shortly.”
“Oh and Klaus. Katerina is buried in a tomb beneath the town.” Klaus smiled and ended the calls and Marcel was on him with wide eyes. With his vampire hearing, he heard everything. He was searching Klaus's face for any sign of breaking. Marcel wanted nothing more than to break this curse but he wasn't sure if this would break Klaus. If this didn't work, Marcel wasn't sure if Klaus would keep his humanity on this time. Klaus was dangerous but without his humanity, Marcel wasn't sure if New Orleans, Mystic Falls and the world as a whole would be left standing.
“They found her?”
“Yes.” Klaus wasn't looking at him but Marcel could see the wheels turning in his head. “I'm leaving at first light for Mystic Falls. I'll meet Freya there. Would you make arrangements and bring the coffins?” Marcel nodded. “Leave the daggers in tact if you would. At least for right now.” Marcel nodded but in the back of his mind, he was shocked. He never thought that Klaus would consider ever removing those daggers for all of eternity.
“Well, Rebekah and I are still on the outs so that one is safe and Kol hate me so trust me when I say that one will stay put.” Marcel joked and Klaus smirked at him. It was the first smirk that Marcel has seen since that fateful night. Klaus didn't say anything but instead flashed to the chamber he used when he was in residence. The master suite still remained untouched.
Mystic Falls
April 2010
Elena and Bonnie stumbled through the woods towards the old Fell Church. Bonnie trailed behind Elena, not completely sure that this was a wise idea but Elena was determined. She wanted to speak with Katherine and no matter how much Bonnie tried to convince her otherwise, she wouldn't change her mind. Once they reached the edge of the tomb, Elena looked towards Bonnie who nodded and magically maneuvered her into the tomb.
When Elena touched down on the bottom, she put the black duffle back that she had been carrying on the ground and called out for the vampire. Slowly, she could hear something rustling and moving towards her. It sounded like a horror movie and that moment when she felt as though she should run but she stood her ground. Soon enough, the pale and boney figure of Katherine appeared at the entrance of the tomb.
“Hello Elena.” Her voice was raspy and horse. It sounded as though she had not spoken for days. “You come to watch me wither away?” Elena couldn't look away from her. It was as though she was looking into a mirror. They were identical but it was as though she was looking into a mirror and hating what she saw. Looking at Katherine made her feel a sense of self loathing Elena only felt when she thought of her parents. “Stefan know you're here?”
“I brought you some things.”
“You can't bribe me. What is it that you want?” Elena pulled out a blanket and a pillow and tossed them into the tomb. Katherine didn't even look at them but kept her gaze on her doppelganger.
“I want you tell me about Klaus and what he could possibly want with me.” This surprised Katherine and for the first time since entering that tomb, she seemed amused. Elena pulled a thermos out of the black bag and sat it down onto the ground. Katherine could smell the blood but refused to move or break. She would not grovel for a drop of blood. She was Katherine Pierce. She was stronger than that.
“You've been busy.”
“I also brought you this.” It was a thick leather bound book and suddenly Katherine forgot about the thermos sitting on the cave floor. “Its your family history. It says in here that the family line ended with you. Obviously that is not true.”
“You think that if you brought me some family keepsake that I'd open up?” Elena reached down and cracked open the thermos full of blood. Katherine's instinct took over and she lunged forward, only to be stopped by an invisible barrier separating her from Elena. Elena poured a tiny bit of blood into the cup and pushed it towards Katherine, who greedily took the cup and drank.
“More blood? Start talking.”
“You have the Petrova fire.” Elena said nothing. “It is a long story. Klaus and I. Goes all the way back to 1492 in England after I left Bulgaria....or I was thrown out.” Katherine took another sip of blood and Elena tossed her a questioning look. “I had a child out of wedlock. My family, your ancestors disowned me. My baby, my daughter was given away.”
Elena wanted to say that she was sorry but found that she couldn't say anything at all. She didn't want to feel sorry for Katherine. She wasn't willing to show pity for the woman who tormented both Stefan and Damon for almost a century and a half. “I caught the eye of a nobleman named Klaus. I was taken with him at first until I learned what he was and what he wanted from me. Then I ran like hell.”
“What did he want?”
“Klaus is one of the first seven vampires to walk this earth. We are all descended from one of those vampires, but Klaus was more. He had the werewolf gene that was locked away for centuries. The blood of the doppelganger unlocked that curse. He wanted to sacrifice me on an alter to lift his curse.” Elena froze. “So I ran. I killed myself, became a vampire and infuriated him. He then massacred my entire family in revenge.”
“Is that what he wants with me? To drain my blood.”
“No. He killed one of my decedents, another doppelganger, in 1702. The same night she gave birth to her son. Klaus was always one for a backup plan and it was best to keep the Petrova line alive. His wolf side has been unlocked for centuries and then he killed his father shortly after that.” She gave a merciless laugh. In truth, Katherine never cared for her descendants and cared even less for the one standing in front of her. They only made her bitter. It proved that her daughter had a full life that she was never apart of. “He is coming here because another curse haunts him now. He wants back what I took from him.”
“What did you take?” Elena asked in a whisper. Confusion filled her. There was so much she didn't know and so many questions she wished to ask.
“He massacred my entire family because I disobeyed him. He took them from me so I took the one person that meant everything to him.” Katherine smirked and Elena could tell that Katherine thought this was her one greatest achievement. “Did you ever ask yourself why I was in Mystic Falls in 1864? It wasn't because of Damon and Stefan. They were nothing more than a distraction.”
“Katherine, what did you do?”
“I took his wife.”
“I took Caroline.”
April, 1492
The garden only bloomed at night. The flowers that were all closed during the day and it made many of the servants wonder why Lady Caroline wanted the flowers that could only be seen by the moon. It was a request she made of her husband and Klaus was nothing more than obliging to Caroline's whims. Truth was that Caroline cared deeply for those she deemed worthy enough, and Rose was one of her friends that she held close.
Early in their friendship, Rose had stated that she missed seeing the flowers bloom. Since Rose became someone she cared for, but didn't trust enough to give a daylight ring too, she asked Klaus to have an entire garden planted with just flowers that bloomed at night. The two strolled with linked arms as the moon was high in the sky. It was just over a week away before the full moon and Caroline could could stop pretending.
“How long will the doppelganger be your guest?” Rose asked and she could see Caroline scowl. She hated the doppelganger and Rose knew that it wasn't just because of the girl herself. Truthfully, Caroline hadn't actually met her in person yet. She was less than pleased when Klaus suggested that Katerina stay at their home. She was was even less pleased when Klaus told her they shouldn't flaunt their marriage. The row that followed had been one of their worst in the five hundred years they had been married, only surpassed by the fight of epic proportions they had when they turned the very first vampires only a few years after they were turned themselves. There was so much more to the story of the doppelganger and the Mikelsons but Rose knew better than to pry. She adored Caroline. She was giving and bright and had this light that was rare from vampires who were as old as they were. However, that light could go out just as quickly as her husband's temper turned.
“Just another week. Then Klaus will drain her and I will never have to suffer seeing that face again.” Caroline replied as she picked an evening primrose. She turned towards Rose and smiled. She pushed Rose's dark curls behind her ear and placed the yellow flower in her hair. “There, you look beautiful. Now tell me, has Trever professed his undying love for you yet?” Rose laughed. Caroline always tried to convince the two of them that they were made for one another when neither Rose nor Trever saw anything romantic in one another.
“No. Not at all. You know that he is nothing more than a brother to me.” Rose chuckled and Caroline laughed with her. Caroline had this laughed that was musical and Rose couldn't help but feel uplifted when she heard it.
“Of course. Then again he is far to busying bedding the doppelganger.” Rose froze with wide eyes. She wasn't sure if Caroline knew and if Caroline knew then Klaus did as well. “I do hope that his habits won't become a distraction.” Rose nodded negatively. Caroline gave another wide smile. “Good. I would hate for my husband to be forced to end him. If you tried to stop it, Nik would kill you too and I would hate to lose one of my best friends.”
Rose couldn't respond. Laughter could be heard in the gardens. The two turned their heads and saw Katerina running towards them. Her long dark brown curls bounced behind her and she turned her head towards the man who was chasing her. Elijah. Caroline rolled her eyes and looked at the pair. She turned to Rose but muttering.
“Another reason Trever shouldn't become too attached is the fact that Elijah will probably take her to bed before the full moon.” Caroline hissed. The dark haired girl stopped in front of them and Elijah was quickly on her heels. If Katerina was paying attention, she might have noticed that Elijah caught up to her far to quickly for a mere human.
“Hello.” Katerina said as she looked between the two. It was clear that she wasn't sure who they were but intended to find out.
“Katerina, may I introduce my sister, Caroline and her friend, Rose.”
“Oh! I was so hoping to meet you. Is Rebekah with you?” Caroline plastered a fake smile on her lips and her ice blue eyes traveled over the girl. Clearly Elijah has been speaking of the family, which was fine as long as they kept the important parts a secret. Apparently her marriage to Klaus was one of them; much to her distain.
“No. Rebekah is away for the time being.” In a coffin. With a dagger in her chest. Because she sided with Caroline on Klaus's idea of hiding their marriage. While Klaus would never dare dagger Caroline, Rebekah was fair game to him and her displeasing him in such a manner was enough for Klaus to put her to sleep. “But she will be back soon, I am sure.”
“Oh, that is a pity. I was hoping to get to know both of my new sisters.” Katerina smiled at her and it took every ounce of control Caroline had to not rip out her throat. While the doppelganger may not realize how violent Caroline's thoughts were, she could tell that the blonde did not like her very much. Elijah had stated that Caroline and Klaus were close and that she was protective towards him. She could only hope that over time the blonde would grow to accept her as Klaus's wife because it was clear that he was going to offer for her.
“Rose.” Caroline turned. “Would you mind stalling our stroll to another time? I would like some time to get to know Katerina.” Rose nodded and bowed slightly. She turned to walk away at a human speed but Caroline called out to her again. “Do think on what we discussed. It would mean a great deal to me if you do.” Caroline smiled when Rose nodded. She turned back towards Katerina and linked their arms together. “Do not fret Elijah, she will be perfectly safe with me.” Elijah looked at her wearily and turned. He knew that Caroline would not harm her because she was important to Klaus and that was all that mattered to his wife.
The two strolled a little while, admiring the flowers and making small comments about them. Caroline wanted to ensure that Elijah was far enough away that he could not hear them. That last thing she needed was her brother to be gaining too much attachment with the doppelganger, as she was soon to die anyway.
“Tell me Katerina, how are you finding England?”
“Very well. It is much different than Bulgaria certainly but it has its charms.” The girl smiled, trying hard to get the other to like her. Katerina was never a people pleaser but she needed to at least try and form a friendship with her.
“Charms? Like Niklaus?”
“Yes. He is quite charming.” Caroline stopped and rolled her eyes and Katerina stopped, shocked at the reaction. Caroline had enough of her after only a few words. She turned and bent down slightly since she was a bit taller than her. Her eyes dilated and Katerina became entranced.
“What do you really think of Niklaus?”
“He is handsome but he doesn't pay me any mind but everyone says he will make me offer of marriage. It is as though he doesn't notice me or want me at all, only to do what is expected of him. Elijah is much more pleasing.” That made Caroline smile. She wouldn't lie and say that she had some worry over Klaus and the doppelganger. It was clear that Katerina would sleep with anyone that would let her but Klaus was hers. No other woman was to touch him. Ever. There was that small rough patch in France a few hundred years ago but they had grown since then. Yet, she had been worried. While this wasn't Tatia, she looked like her. Klaus had been infatuated with her once, and here she was in the flesh again. The narcotic part of her brain couldn't help but be jealous.
“Anything else?”
“He scares me. I don't know what he would do to me if he found out.”
“Found out what?”
“That I allowed Trever to bed me and that I had a child out of wedlock.” That made Caroline pause.
“A child? Where is it?”
“She was taken from me. My father took her from my arms just has I had given birth to her. I have no idea where she is or whom she was given too. She would be two years old now.” Even in the mist of compulsion, Caroline could tell that she thought of her daughter often. Caroline felt a pang of sympathy in her heart as she thought of the child she never got to know. The one that never even had the chance grow inside of her but that she so desperately wanted to give Klaus.
And then that pang was gone.
“You will go to bed and sleep until the sun comes up. We spent most of the night strolling through the gardens, getting to know one another. You heard me laugh and believe that we have become great friends. You never told me of your daughter or your relationship with Trever.” Katerina repeated her instructions and turned on her heels, making her way back towards the castle. Caroline stood there, watching as Katerina fled back into the castle.
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