#{Eevee Speaks ~ Out of Character}
eeveeliciousrp · 2 years
Low Activity / Hiatus
After recent events here that have caused me to have a mental and emotional breakdown I need to try and step away from this blog. Those I’m close to I’ll be reaching out to so they know where to contact me once everything is set up. If we have a thread you want to continue with me you’re welcome to reach out and let me know, otherwise I’ll be dropping them for the sake of my personal sanity.
I’m not in a good state of mind right now and I’ve hit a very bad low with my depression. I’m not seeking sympathy from anyone, I just need my true friends right now.
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stopscammingartists · 3 months
Is there a pinned section for the specifics on what Eevee did? I know there's a google doc; I just wanted to ask about pins. Thanks
Eevee is probably one of the main members of the group I talked about the least comparatively, because her main deal is that whenever someone talks up about being abused by Glip, or back in the day Marl, Eevee is right there front and center with a snarky, ill-thought out, long-winded defense of them.
In other words, she's an accomplice.
So there isn't anything more that isn't already in my pinned post. So, I guess I'll make this my main post on why Eevee is likely an accomplice to sex crimes against both children and animals.
Compared to both Glip, Marl, and even other people in the group like Iz: Eevee has significantly less people who have been directly abused by her that we are aware of. Cordy Fox is the only person who has publicly decided to speak about being abused by Eevee, and even though she hasn't gone into much detail, I'm generally inclined to believe her. Especially because I know of at least one other individual who was abused by Eevee who has decided to not speak on it publicly.
That said, the chances that Eevee wasn't aware that Marl was at least sexually abusing the family dog are practically zero.
For starters, given Eevee's tendency of having a pro-pedophilia and pro-zoophilia sentiment, I question the idea that Marl would feel the need to hide his zoophilic and pedophilic tendencies from his then roommate.
Even if Marl did try to hide his habits from his roommate (Eevee) and his then-spouse (Glip) - Eevee herself has pointed out that Marl wouldn't have been able to film child porn / zoo porn without her and Glip knowing.
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....And, yeah, she's right. Glip has always worked from home and so did Marl. I'm unsure if Eevee was at the time work from home, and despite what Glip is saying here in these very same tweets, they later admitted to being aware that Marl was filming porn of the family dog Apollo since Marl cheated on them with Exty.
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Marl cheated on Glip with Exty in early 2013 or late 2012 by the way.
So that means Glip was aware that Marl was sexually abusing the dog when Lain first came forward in later 2013 about Marl sending her photos of dog dicks.
A lot of people have in one way or another spoken about how Marl brought up his love of dogs to them or was creepy with them after the log leak. We got Big Fluff and Lain obviously, but there's also Exty, Rootie, Pengo, an anon who spoke to Pengo, and Junglekawa.
The implication here being, Marl did this often to a lot of different people.
We know from Lain, specifically, that Marl felt comfortable enough predating on children by sending them photos of dog genitalia on Eevee's IRC network.
To those that don't know, Eevee, being the admin of the IRC network, had access to chat logs that happen within her IRC, including, likely, direct messages.
And Marl was comfortable enough to send a then 13 year old photos of dog genitalia on this network. Knowing his roommate, Eevee, would have access.
And frankly, why wouldn't he be comfortable with his friend who questions if child porn should be illegal having access to these logs of him sexually harassing a child with zoophilic images? When Lain came forward and talked about what Marl did to her, and even asked Eevee specifically to give her logs.
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Eevee would turn around and only provide selected snippets of the logs while slandering the character of the 14 year old girl, claiming to not have anything else.
Even though Eevee could have easily proven Lain a liar easily by just sharing unedited DM's between Lain and Marl....She didn't. There are no DM's between the two shared by Eevee at all, actually!
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I wonder why Eevee didn't share the DM's between Marl and Lain. Sure is a mystery why she didn't share the logs that would have proven Marl innocent immediately if she was right and Lain was lying. Weird she didn't do that! I guess platforming the words of the fourteen year old's other abusers is more important though.
Lain was one of the first people to come forward about Marl being a zoophile, and was the first to come forward about Marl being a pedophile. Chatlogs would later be leaked of Marl doing the same thing to a different child (that thankfully: Occurred on a platform besides Eevee's IRC.) would definitively prove Lain's claims from years ago to be true.
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Even if Eevee somehow didn't have admin access to Marl and Lain's direct messages - they lived together. The fact Glip and Eevee both didn't go to Marl physically and say "Show me your direct messages with this 14 year old girl who says you're sexually harassing her with images of dog genitalia" WHEN GLIP WAS FULLY AWARE THAT MARL WAS FILMING ZOO PORN OF APOLLO JUST EARLIER THAT YEAR TELLS THE ENTIRE STORY.
So if Lain was telling the truth, why didn't Eevee or Glip have the logs? Was it incompetency? Or were they both only sharing select snippets of the logs to protect their then roommate/partner?
And remember, Marl did this to a lot of people. If he was comfortable enough to do this to Lain in a place where Eevee had log access, how many others did he do this too in Eevee's IRC? While knowing Eevee when push came shove, would protect him?
Additionally, I'm inclined to believe Marl abused Apollo in that house often. Zoophiles often make the dogs wear mittens on their front paws so they don't get scratched when the dog mounts someone. Front paw mittens don't really serve any other practical purpose.
Eevee uploaded a video of Twigs and Apollo playing with Apollo wearing these mittens, and based on how she responded, when confronted about this, Apollo probably wore these mittens all the time, meaning he was abused often.
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And now consider this in 2006:
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A lot of people glaze over these because of the date, but it's important to understand that Eevee's not just playing the role of an edgy devil's advocate here as she would later claim. She's knowledgeable on how animal sexual abuse works and is excited about it.
She is specifically aware that beastiality is legal in some places.
She is specifically aware that when it comes to sexually abusing a dog, it involves the dog being on top. Which is how Marl abused Apollo and why Apollo needed those front mittens specifically.
She specifically claims to know people who are attracted to certain animals more then people.
She specifically claims that zoophila is safe, that it rarely damages the genitals of humans or animals.
She specifically claims that horse vagina is tight enough to pleasure a human male.
She specifically claims that very few diseases can cross between species boundaries while engaging in Zoophilia.
She specifically claims that she enjoys 'doggysex', the same type of Zoophilia Marl trained the future family dog to engage in.
This isn't the words of an edgy devil's advocate. This is someone who knows what they're talking about. This is someone who would be able to recognize why the family dog wears mittens on the front paws.
I, personally, am not willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that she was ignorant of the true reason Marl had Apollo wear those front mittens.
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fumifooms · 2 years
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The Penny x Atticus agenda was furthered in the post game and I’m so happy. I’m making this rarepair from my own two hands screenshotting every second of interaction and smashing my keyboard if I have to! 
Until someone else finds a better name or something, I’ll call this ship SewnEevee shipping! Since Penny clearly has a fondness for eevee and wears that big plush backpack of hers, and one of Atticus’ main interest is sewing and clothes! You could make really cute headcanons with that too, hehe
Now, the whole “my greatest treasure” is a very obvious and intense profession of affection, but that’s with whole team Star, so. Why do I ship these two in particular? Easy, just look at the screenshots! Atticus has this formal and old-fashioned way of speaking and uses titles frequently, but lordship titles? If I’m not mistaken she’s the only person he uses lord and lady with, and it’s not a one time nickname either; he uses it for her thrice (the only times he adresses her while knowing her identity in the whole game) which suggests it is the way he’ll be referring to her from then on. Idk about you but it sounds very flattering and romantic to me, it’s not don or comrade or such else- she’s special in the way he adresses people. It’s not exactly a term for equals like comrade is, nor shows some hierarchy like calling her boss, it’s truly an honorific. And then, the first thing he says to her after discovering her identity is “you’re pretty m’lady”, like, everyone else is like, normal greetings or “wow it’s nice seeing you” (you can see the lines here) but him? He goes the extra mile to say her appearance/presence is pleasing or rejuvenating or whatever. It stood out so much in the moment I immediately started shipping them lol. Also “oh noble and kind big boss” to me sounds like an even larger amount of simping than the others’ way of talking about Cassiopeia too lol. On the other hand, you could say that Penny has an equal amount of affection and care for every team Star member, and that that affection is of the same nature for every one, but!! See the post game interaction there??! Indeed, brethren, thy eyes are not mistaken. She worries for him most!! You could say that’s not necessarily a good thing and you’d be right, but it does mean she has him on the brain and in a way she cares for him most/in a special way compared to the others. But ho, ho-ho oh no that is not all, for!!!!! She calls him handsome too!!!!!! She’s so shocked she jumps back and goes “no, focus!! He might get hurt stop looking at his pretty eyelashes!!”. Mate do you know how often they call characters pretty in Pokemon? Once in a red moon. In this game, it’s Rika, Tulip and then Atticus. Like, wow ok. They be crushing on each other highkey. I’m honestly shook at how high of a level they made it canon. Also! Penny gets three post custscenes with the other team star members, one is with Giacomo and Ortega, one with Mela and Eri, and the other one is with Atticus alone! Team Star has 5 members (Penny excluded) so of course they were going to need to cut it uneven, but still, Atticus is the one given more or less more importance here! Also!!! Atticus is the only one she doesn’t have a nickname for, she calls him by his full name!! Coincidence??! I think not! Omfg guys she breaks her nickname convention for him and he calls her his lady they’re so special to each other…
I just think they’d be good for each other, and cute together! Atticus obviously thinks highly of her and I can’t see why they wouldn’t get along swimmingly well when hanging out, especially if they share an interest like say plushies (and Penny could pirate animes for him for free and they could watch them together <3 because!! It’s mentioned that Penny likes binging them and Atticus is obvi into it, Naruto stan lol). They’re both introverted and are somewhat quiet, esp for Penny she’d enjoy his gentle and composed countenance more than the rowdier characters (which is canon esp if you look at the time they spent in Area Zero), and man. He’s so honest and direct and I think that she’d appreciate that a lot, seeming pretty blunt and no-nonsense herself. Also, he’s very capable of and confident about standing for himself and his friends, so I think once she realizes that more it’d ease her anxiety a bit. Atticus is just so gentlemanly and it’s highkey charming and idk she’s already a bit 😳 about him it wouldn’t take her much to full on pine imo. I wanna finish by saying: Some would call her judgy and mean for being worried for him bc he has an unconventional demeanor (and appearance) but I wanna reiterate that this is out of care and trauma from having been bullied herself: it’s being realistic, and she’s otherwise never shown any reluctance or dislike of his interests in the least so, there ain’t an argument to make here imo. Plus it literally got addressed and she set out to better herself on it, so.
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
I absolutely ADORE your Teacher Assistant!au, do you have anymore art or hc's for it?
I dooo!!! God what did i write last time? I dint remember so here's a lil baby Eevee eventually evolving!!
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-Ash's Aura isnt something he can turn off EXCEPT when he's under extreme stress or duress that he can't handle. It's akin to a Sensory Overload for him, everything gets muted and it feels like he looses his ability to hear and see even though its still there.
- Pikachu is crazy expierenced and strong, he doesnt tell the Newbies that he's beat up legendaries because he wants them to see him as the fun- if slightly crazy- friend and partner!
- Ash actually has a lot of Eggs back at the farm because of his pokemon either, a) Populating or b)finding eggs at random.
-Because screw Gender evo's. Gender Specific pokemon have a branched evo that is either Nonbinary or including a Male line. The primary account being Bounsweet!
- Ash's Pokemon all know (at least) one move out of their Species normal repitoire. Bukbasaur with Dig and Gust, Charizard with all 3 Elemental Punches, Squirtle with Dragon Pulse. They're not overly good with it, its a lot of testing and mostly used as a last minute resort wih lots of build up.
-The kids recognize that Ash isnt that much older than them and they know he's barely considered their senior but they cant help but admire how he acts and talks and the stories and lessons he can teach. Its better when Ash fully admits he doesnt understand something and asks them questions about it, it makes them feel like he truly sees them as friends (he does)
-There's another student joining in that has yet to be seen (But they are a canon character) mostly for an even amount of students.
- Ash and Lusamine have major beef with eachother. Its hatred on first sight. They do not become friends, they don't become buddy buddy, Ash barely tolerates her and even that drops when she's good and grants the students Ultra Guardian status. *They're CHILDREN Lusamine!*
- Ash is very touch affectionate with his students. Pats of affirmation, small side hugs, shoulder nudging etc. He's not onto full on hugs of comfort, that gives him the heeby jeebies but its still more affection than most of the students are used to.
- Dont be fooled Ash may be expierenced and has stories to boot, But he's still an idiot. "That's an Oxymoron!" "Dont call the strategy a moron, they cant defend themselves!"
- Ash typically defaults to it for Pokemon until he knows them personally. He's especially vicious with correcting older folk on pronouns just to piss them off, most pokemon dont really care but at times its a sweet gesture, especially if the folks are particularly nasty.
- Ash has met Viren before and vice versa. It was a brief meeting on a boat and both of them left extremely bitter about it. Ash comoletely forgot about Viren but Viren remenbers Ash as that "15 year old Brat!" its extremely funny to have a one sided hatred when the other party barely remenbers you
- Ash is bad at matching names to faces, but its not malicious. If you dont see him everyday, he's bound to forget
- Ash and his pokemon speak a lot of languages, but only he and Pikachu can really read, and even then its still trial and error. He has a lot of moments of pausing and trying to translate on slower days.
- Pikachu has trained to be able to feel aura and see like his partner. Its no where near as strong as Ash's and it drains him fast, but he wants to know what Ash sees and feels.
That's all i got for now :D
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aimer-arts · 1 year
I rly wish i could draw your characters but my hands have a physical aversion to drawing lines, what if i wrote you some sort of short story or something? It probably wouldnt be more than 1000 words since like, i have 18 million things going on, but like, if i were to, what should i know?
OHHHH MY GODDD?? I would absolutely LOVE that ;_; <3 <3
I'm assuming you'd want to make something about Team Fate (my explorers team)? In that case, I don't think there's a ton of information you need to know; all of their personality traits and quirks are implied in the art I've made of them, so I don't think you could go wrong!
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here's a guide I quickly put together!! hopefully it's somewhat helpful
(more rambling below)
So basically, my pmd teams pretty much follow the canon personalities they have in the games: for example, Piper (eevee hero) has a very reserved and quiet personality just like the player character in the games, and doesn't speak or emote much - but she talks and laughs the most around her partner.
Clementine (vulpix partner) is pretty similar to the explorers partner; she's jittery and nervous, but loves to ramble about adventuring to Piper (who loves to listen). She scares easily, but feels stronger with Piper - so in a way, they basically complete each other. They balance out each other's weaknesses, and give each other strength.
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unovan-gardener · 3 months
//heyy I hate to ask this bc it's probably annoying/inconvenient but my brain does this dumb thing where it's like, "you can't interact with that person, you're months out of date with their lore" which is stupid but brains suck sometimes
//so. I hate asking this cause it's probably time consuming but. Could I maybe have a summary (doesn't need to be detailed!!) of unovanra (& possibly joltik guy, since you guys are very connected characters I think) lore? Specifically after minkst went to jail
//I know this would probably take for ever, so if you just give me arc tags or a link to posts with major events that's totally fine too! I don't mind reading through stuff at all and I like your writing! But if I didn't have a starting point / label of "here's what's important" I'd try to Read Everything and get burned out
//Thank you! Sorry! Your characters are cool! AAAAA
i will do my best!!! it will be under the cut for length!! HEED TAGS SERIOUSLY THIS IS SUPER LONG. ITS FROM LATE NOVEMBER TO NOW. ITS SO LONG. PLEASE.
NOV 24-29: okay so! after Minsk got arrested, CD stayed with their dad for a while, since their dad found out how their face got burned and he did a skin grafting surgery on their wound. CD is scared of catmons after this. While CD is in surgery and recovering, their dad (Atley Deo) takes over the account briefly (his tag is #pater plantarum). He is the head of Deo horticulture, a plant based business. Auzi owes Atley a blood debt. Atley asks about service mon and everyone and their mother suggests a smeargle. It is revealed that CD's mother and Atleys wife died in childbirth. Joltiks boyfriend breaks up with them while CD is out. When they come back they are very woozy.
NOV 30-DEC 1: CD decides to adopt an eevee egg from @/allthatglitterzz, and they receive a smeargle service mon to monitor their heart "arrythmia" , lovingly named Stencil. nobody thinks its an actual arrythmia and also people are even more theorizing that he is a plant. Speaking of that arrythmia, CD has a heart attack while home alone, and Stencil calls Joltik instead of their dad to come help. Their heart had stopped entirely, but a zap from Tik sets it back going again. Joltik calls CD's dad, and then leaves before Atley comes home.
DEC 2-DEC 6 : The eevee egg hatches! She is a beautiful baby girl and her name is Porridge, Pidge for short. CD is diagnosed with the TIsm for plant identification reasons /joke. CD and Joltik watch a lot of competition reality tv shows.
DEC 7-DEC 8: Nothing really important happens
DEC 9- DEC 15 : Joltik asks CD to catch them in a pokeball. CD keeps buying candles and they keep going missing, much to their annoyance. CD catches Joltik and it goes poorly, Joltik gets a bit messed up because of it. His candles continue to go missing, people begin to theorize about litwik. A new problem arises: a resident with a mightyena that is hopped up on X attack is roaming campus. DEC 16- : A candle appears on CD's windowsill, looking a lot like a litwick, although it has no flame. its merged into the windowsill and cannot be moved. It continues to amass more wax. CD names it Kerosene, after being hounded a bit by anons. DEC 17 -18 : Pidge briefly goes being, being found in Joltik's dorm. She knocks over a drawing filled with thunder stones and evolves into a Jolteon. Mightyena guy comes back, CD is on duty and patrols to chase him off. CD runs into him on patrol, and Pidge gets her ear torn off by the mightyena. CD goes offline, and Kerosene takes over the phone. It is implied that Kero evolved into a lanpent and consumes the mightyena to save CD. Kero uses a spirit box to communicate, saying that CD was at a pokecenter, and asking for help as she is lost. Joltik comes to find her. DEC 18 -23 Nothing overly important happens. CD accidentally helps Joltiks eevee Mint evolve into Umbreon.
DEC 23- 26: CD's dad finds out about the mightyena attack, and wants to assign CD a bodyguard which they think is stupid. their dad makes them stay home for a while. Tik comes to visit and watch shows while Atley is out. Atley comes back early, but isnt mad, just starts interrogating Tik a bit.
DEC 27-30 : Christmas present from dad!! It's a sprigatito named trowel!! Technically Juniper's first canon interaction with CD! @/sinnohstruggles
DEC 31: Lucretia Minsk escapes prison
JAN 1: the nuytsia project arc starts. should be tagged #the nuytsia project but is occasionally mispelled as #the nuystia project. Summary: joltik is infected by a parasite that makes them compulsed to protect and take care of CD, CD is revealed to be kept alive by a living plant inside them after being stillborn. Atley gains remote access of CD's phone for a brief takeover to try and explain why he did what he did. Atley then proceeds to let himself be taken to jail without struggle. CD is very very sad and distressed by the events of the arc. ARC OFFICIALLY ENDED JAN 8
JAN 9-12 : not a whole lot of importance here, cd gets sleepy and slow in the cold because plant. Juniper and CD start dating and they are cute lmao JAN 13-20 :CD's granparents get in contact, finally hearing that Atley is in jail. They attempt to get custody of CD, all of the pokemon, and all of Atley's assets. Atley did not get along well with his parents and a Lawyer will be in contact with CD, as they are being taken to court. CD quits their job as an RA and drops out of college due to stress from the oncoming court case. They begin lashing out a bit, because of the stress. CD has an argument with Juniper where Juniper attempts to help them but CD feels like they are being treated like a child. They throw the phone at the wall in frustration and Kero takes over the account. During the court case, CD has a heart attack due to the stress, and their grandparents use that to win the case, gaining custody over CD and all of Atley's assets.
JAN 21-22 : CD is taken to live with their grandparents. Their pokemon are taken from them, leaving them only with Stencil, Trowel, and Pidge (as well as Kerosene who is there secretly). CD is locked in their room at the grandparents house during this period, not allowed to leave. The house is cold and they feel slow and sick, not allowed plants or anything from home. They are fed food that makes them sick. CD begins sending audio messages to their friends, but they are short because they get in trouble when caught. It is revealed that the house is in Icirrus City. Kerosene evolved into a Chandelure in order to melt the window and get CD out of the house. JAN 23-FEB 1 : CD's phone is still broken, so they post audio recordings for a while. While in the Snowy forest, CD finds a eevee named Kiwi in a basket, who becomes very clingy and comes along with. It is revealed that CD has now been declared a missing person by their Grandparents. ALSO JUNIPER AND CD ACTUALLY STARTED DATING THE 28TH I FUCKED UP. Anons start hounding CD to go to moss rock because they think it will activate CD's latent plant powers. CD notably doesnt want Kiwi to evolve and gives kiwi 5 everstones. Kiwi dips once they get to pinwheel and loses all their everstones somehow, evolving into a leafeon, much to cds dismay. CD goes home very grumpy about this.
FEB 2- :Silvervine arc starts. should be tagged #silvervine arc. Summary: kiwi roots into cd, merging into them and making them a leafeon hybrid. minsk kidnaps CD, brainwashing/mindcontrolling them with her control over cat-mon. The hybridization merge makes CD have a rush of endorphins and dopamine to minimize the pain, giving them a floaty fuzzy feeling. cd helps minsk with some gardening ;3 lore is dropped, and CD escapes, fully hybridized, but still somewhat conditioned to listen to certain command phrases told to them by minsk, and feeling floaty fuzzy when they fall into leafeon instincts. THIS ARC ENDED FEB 5TH FEB 5th- Onward: Juniper went to a psych ward after stress from CD not wanting to see him post hybridization, he is still there. CD is briefly blocked by both tik and juniper. CD goes to live in lostlorn for a while. CD kinda breaks up with Juniper??? unclear. CD can now spead to cat mon and understand grass types. they meet a tropius named Yache who joins their team. CD lives with Juniper's pokemon team for a while before an argument happens and they leave again. now theyre kinda homeless! also! they turned into a leafeon for a few days and now they can kinda do that sometimes maybe work in progress I hope this was helpful!!!
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cutekittenlady · 5 months
Tumblr Plays Pokemon White 2 - Part 1
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And so it begins.
After several polls, we're going to FINALLY start playing through our first (and maybe only if i cant keep it up) installment of Tumblr Plays Pokemon!
You voted and now I will begin playing as Polly. An eager young trainer whos catching choices have been decided by YOU loyal tumblrites!
Just to refresh your minds as to the rules of this playthrough, here is the rough outline;
You, tumblr user reading this right now, will vote on a series of 24 hour long polls I post up on this blog deciding what pokemon we will attempt to catch in each area. When we've voted on all the available areas between the gyms (been using bulbapedias White 2 walkthrough to help me sort that out) I will play through the section attempting to catch the pokemon in question, and playing through the game with them.
Seems simple right?
Well not quite. To keep things interesting I added some additional rules to keep things interesting for all involved. After all it wouldn't be nearly as interesting if we had it all our own way right?
Here are the rules in full;
(warning; long post ahead)
All attempted Pokemon catches on each route will be decided by tumblr poll. This includes choices regarding trade pokemon, gift pokemon, fossils, etc when they come up.
Can only catch a single pokemon from every route.
Can only catch a single member of each evolutionary family. (No team of all eevees)
Can only attempt to catch each species of pokemon ONCE. If I fail we don't get a second chance. (Can't catch pidgey on route 1? NO pidgeys on the team for the rest of the game)
Can only have a single pokemon of every type.
No repeat natures.
Any HM slave/mule will be a permanent member of the team and count towards all previous rules.
Outside of the pokemon there are two additional options on polls; Randomize will mean choosing a pokemon based on the results of a random number number generator. Choose this if you want a pokemon but don't care which or otherwise just want to cause a little chaos.
Abstain will mean skipping the route without catching any pokemon. Choose this if you want to reserve the catches and typing for the pokemon on another route.
So keep in mind that winning the poll for a route doesnt necessarily mean that that pokemon will be a 100% guranteed catch or member of the team. If I fail to catch them, or if they have a conflicting nature, they will not be added to the team.
(Note; Also please note that this is NOT a nuzlocke. There are no permadeath rules in this playthrough. So a pokemon added to the team is a permanent member of the roster both in and out of the PC.)
With all that rigmaroll explaind lets get started!
Our name is Polly and we're a freshly minted trainer starting out on our pokemon journey for the first time on a lovely Spring evening! See our mom is friends with Professor Juniper, one of the pokemon professors, and shes offered to give us a pokedex of our very own!
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Which she tells our mom at the last second, the DAY Biana arrives with our pokemon. What a character that Juniper.
Naturally we're not going to say no to having a Pokemon of our very own. With a Pokemon we'd finally get to leave town on our own, and maybe Hugh would finally stop asking us if we have one every damn day.
Speaking of Hugh;
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We meet him outside and he more or less INVITES himself to find Bianca. Ah well, the more the merrier. Maybe.
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Found her...
So in the first ever poll to decide our roster you guys voted that our starter should be...
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First off the table is the grass type. As one of the three starters in the game, Snivy is bound to be a longstanding addition to the team.
Sadly in the older games you can't rename your pokemon until you find the Name Rater, and in this game you don't run into him until Castelia City. So we won't be able to gurantee any nicknames based off of natures. As a result we're going to have to name this guy blind!
With that in mind I decided to name him Bentley! Which is a name that refers to a meadow with course grass.
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He has a Quiet nature which actually fits well with the stuffy british name we wound up giving him XD And he has Overgrow as an ability which should be expected.
All the same with this decision we can cross all grass types off our options in the future, and any pokemon we catch with a Quiet nature outside of Bentley will need to be released! The nature rule is first come first serve!
After we get our Pokemon Hugh comes up and basically demands poor Bianca give him a pokedex. Which, by some miracles, she actually HAS.
I try to leave but Hugh won't let me. Guess we gotta fight.
Hugh is going to use the little Tepig hes raised from an egg, adn we're gonna use out newly minted Bentley.
I start things off with leer, but tepig hits back with tackle. After that it was tackle after tackle until Bentley laid a critical hit and beat Tepig! Which is odd considering Hughs had his pokemon for longer.
(Lol if this were a written story I'd have us lose. I mean it'd only make sense. But eh. Video game logic.)
After the obligatory Pokemon Center tutorial (which we arguably wouldn't need given out mom works there) Bianca gives us some free pokeballs. Then we meet our mom outside who gives us some running shoes (you kids have no idea what a god send these were back in the day) and Hughs sister gives us a map. As we head to Route 19 for our obligatory catching tutorial the lady at the gate gives us a free potion.
Bianca gives the practice tutorial against a Purrloin which, coincidently, is the pokemon that we were voted to catch for Route 19! So after Bianca finally leaves a get into the grass and make my search for a Purrloin... which I found right away!
It was level 2.
Bentley one hit KO'd it with a critical.
I don't know what to tell you guys. I legit thought Purrloin was going to be a guranteed member of the team but uh... Bentley decided against it and went in for the kill. Maybe thats why Tepig lost despite Hugh having it for longer. Bentley is a quiet little guy who hides the soul of a killer.
So, uh, yeah Dark types are still on the table going forward. Purrloin and Leapard not so much. Oh well at least it gave Bentley enough exp to learn Vine Whip.
We continue on our way and find another potion in some grass.
And then a spiky haired old man jumps out at us.
I'm not kidding.
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He jumps off that cliff by the way.
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Are your legs okay?
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I feel like hes dodging the question.
He encircles around us and then says our "snivy" is fine-looking. He then asks us to follow him.
Remembers folks theres no "stranger danger" in the poke-verse XD
Alder invites us to visit his house, but I opt to explore the town a bit instead. This bit of independent thought netted me another free potion from an old man in one of the houses. Nice guy.
We run into Alder again who tells us Hugh is probably on route 20 training his mons. And it just so happens that route is out next goal!
The attempted capture we aim for on route 2 is Pidove! Hopefully since it has a type advantage against Bentleys grass type it won't go down in one hit!
Before that though I have to fight some trainers. Not that its a huge difficulty. Bentley took them both out no problem. Issue is... hes now level 8. Hope that PIdove hops out soon...
And as I type that we find another trainer. Oh boy.
Of note though is that in the Unova games you'll often have moments like this where you'll see unreachable items.
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These are here to encourage you to revisit routes during different seasons. We're in Spring at the start of the game so this pokeball will likely become reachable in the Fall or Winter when the holl around it fills with leaves or snow.
Thing is, the seasons in Unova change monthly. Back in the day you coudl adjust the season by changing the time on your switch buuuuut I'm playing on PC so that options isn't available. Lol here's hoping the polls keep us busy.
Still I liked this mechanic a lot growing up. It kept you invested in the game for a longer amount of time, and enouraged you to backtrack to older routes to see what new things you could find there.
North of this area is Floccessy Ranch but we gotta try and get our Pidove encounter before then. After running away from a few sewaddles we come across a Pidove.
Who is level 2.
Bentley is level 8.
Oh boy.
The thing is. I could just throw a pokeball. That could catch the Pidove. But I dont want to get into the habit of doing that because having to battle the pokemon just... makes things more exciting? But I don't want to just ignore your guys votes either.
So, at least temporarily, I'm going to give myself one chance to throw a ball at a wild pokemon if I think its too low level or that my pokemon might one hit KO it. However I don't want to resort to doing that the whole playthrough. So if I don't do it again in future, well... the lack of excitement is why. Plus once you unlock quick balls, doing this just kills the fun entirely so yeah. With that in mind I'm limiting it to the basic red and white pokeball.
With that being said here we go...
opening the bag
selecting the ball
throwing the ball
it busts out.
Okay. Still a chance though. I mean its a flying type. It has a type advantge on Bentley. Maybe if I just use the normal type attack tackle it'll leave it with a bit of health.
Okay Bently use tackle but do not under any circumstances=
... aaaand youve killed it....
. . . . .
.... Bentley I'm starting to think there's a reason Juniper and Bianca gave you away.
((Is the game designed this way? Am I supposed to be one shotting the beginner route pokemon? I havent played this game in years so I have no idea.))
Okay Okay. Floccessy Ranch is our last chance. We NEED a pokemon from there or else we're going into the first gym with JUST Bentley and while hes turned out to be a tiny murderous green bean, I don't ultimately think it'd be wise.
Nows a good time to delve into an aspect of this method of playthrough that I am only just now realizing is an issue. See because Pidove won the poll for Route 20, I removed it from the polling from the subsequent routes in this section of the game. Which mean pokemon like Lillipup, patrat, and azurill weren't on the poll even though the normal typing didn't wound up being used up.
This is a bit of an early game mistake on my part, as its an eventuality that simply didn't occur to me. However rather than redo the whole poll, I think I'm just going to keep the result of the Floccesy Ranch poll as is and just refrain from making the same mistake in future.
So from now on, I will only remove pokemon from the poll if their typing/species/evolutionary family are confirmed members of the team. Beyond that they remain on the polls. If a Pokemon wins two routes in a row or something like that, I'll just count it towards the route it was caught on and label the second one "abstained" and do another poll for it later.
Sorry I didn't catch this eventuality sooner, but this is the first time I'm attempting this kinda thing and these growing pains were to be expected. Regardless here's hoping Bentley doesnt decide to make all this musing pointless by killing our next potential team member.
Continuing on we enter Floccesy Ranch and fight Hugh. I'm not sure if there was a chance to catch any pokemon here BEFORE fighting Hugh, but I'm here now so eh. He only has one pokemon still so I think it'll be okay.
Bentley starts off with a couple of leers again, bu Tepig does a couple of tackles and hits with his own tail whip. Since Tepigs a fire type theres no relying on vine whip here. So I'm gonna rely on tackle.
A strategy which works and takes Tepig down. Raising Bentley up to level 9.
Oh joy. This is gonna go straight to Bentleys head I just know it.
After the big fight the ranch owners arrives and are shocking chill about two teenagers having a monster fight on their property. They even give me a potion for Bentley.
They tell us one of their Herdier has wandered off and Hugh just flips out on the poor guy and his wife and runs off to find it. Guess we better help find it. Could be a good chance to catch us another team member.
Assuming Bentleys blood lust is finally under control.
The pokemon who won the poll for Floccesy Ranch was mareep which seems thematically appropriate for the location. I try to run from as many battles as possible while hunting for a mareep sine Bentley does NOT need anymore levels! A lot of the pokemon in this area seem to be at least at level 4, but since Bentley is at level 9 at this point and is eyeballing level 10 I really gotta be careful to avoid battles.
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i guess I should be happy hes not managing to kill this purrloin in one hit but hes basically guranteed to level up from this trainer battle.
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You see what I mean?!
Honestly when I started this I did NOT think quick leveling or weak wild pokemon was going to be a problem. At least not this early on. I'm really really really hoping that when we find that mareep its strong enough to survive Bentley.
Bentley did learn wrap which may be useful but I can recall if you can still catch a pokemon caught in wrap or not? I'm not sure I want to risk it. Especially since mareep has, I think, a 10% appearance rate? So it'll take me a hot second just to find one and I'd prefer not to have this murderous little grass weasel make all that for naught!
Finally found a mareep!
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Aaaand its level 5
Okay. Bentley. My starter. My partner. My friend. Do not, and I neeed you to listen to this! Do NOT kill this mareep in one hit! Yes, I know it is raining right now and as a grass type in a gen 5 game thats basically a god send, but just.... please.
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Now if the pokeball gods don't hate me...
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Okay okay okay. We gotta name our new little friend.
I took a while deliberating on this one and after way too many various google searches I've decided to call her Aries and be done with it.
"But isn't Aries a boys name?"
I have no idea. I did way too much googling by this point, and I was, like, 80% sure Bentley was going to murder her. Now as long as she has a nature that doesnt conflict wtih Bentley (which is likely) then we're good.
Bentley had a quiet nature, so as long as she has literally ANYTHING different then we're fine.
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Now I know this is a rather abrupt play to end this, but after that wild ride of Bentley going on a murder binger and this post already being incredibly long, I think I'll start a new one to detail finding the pokemon and taking on the gym!
Thankfully this DOES mean that I can go ahead and make some new polls for the next section of the game. So look forward to that.
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pikachu-deluxe · 21 days
(Characters are Ellyn [Eevee] and Rosy [Vulpix])
We went to the beach where we first met today. I was hesitant to go at first, but Rosy insisted on going. She said I had been burying myself in my work too much lately and I needed some time to rest.
I had told her I was busy with my work, but to tell the truth, I had only locked myself up in my room because I couldn’t stand being in the same room as her these past few days. Something about her just made my head spin.
Every time I looked at her, my heart started racing. But it’s not just that.
I can tell something’s different about her smell as well. There was some smell coming from her crotch that my nose could pick up on even when she was on the other room. It drove me crazy. I had to make up some excuse to get out of there.
Though even after staying in my room, I could still smell it. I was feeling something hot in between my legs, so I brought a paw down to check. First, just a touch, then I started rubbing, but it wasn’t enough. I decided to experiment and pushed in with my whole paw. My heart was racing again. It didn’t help that I could still smell her.
Some liquid ran down my paw as I kept going.
The days passed, and the only times I left my room were whenever Rosy left. My room was a mess. I wonder how Rosy hadn’t noticed the smell by then. It was everywhere.
Don’t know how much time I spent like that. All those days were the same. Just me in my room, pleasuring myself while I took in her scent from the other room. It was a blur.
And then, she asked me if I wanted to come along. So I did.
I told her to go, and that I’d catch up to her. I don’t know if I would’ve been able to think, much less walk all the way there by her side.
When I got there, it brought back memories. Of how beautiful the sunset was that day. The way the waves clashed against the sand, and how the sand felt under my paws while I looked at the sunset with her. How her eyes were shining brighter than the sun.
I went over to where she was. She had brought some food for us to eat. I looked at her and saw the same look in her eyes as back then. Though there was something else there as well. She was fidgeting a little and looking around nervously.
We spent some time there, laying in the sand as we looked at the sunset before she spoke up. She told me she knew what was going on with me. I felt like my whole world was ending right there.
But she said she felt the same. My heart skipped a beat.
I had no idea what to say. She said she was also going through something similar, not just in the way her body was reacting to me, but also that she had been meaning to ask me something for a while even before all this.
“I love you.” She said.
“I love you too.” I responded.
Neither of us knew what to do next. So we sat there again, watching the sunset.
Finally, I dared to speak again. I told her how much she means to me. How everything the world throws my way won’t matter so long as she’s there.
And she told me how I’m her entire world. How she had done everything to bring me back with that wish and would do anything for me again.
I leaned in next to her and sat there as we embraced each other.
But the proximity to her had also brought me that much closer to that scent. It seems she couldn’t resist it either, as I saw something red peak out from between her legs, growing bigger.
She seemed deep in thought for a few seconds. Then she asked me if I wanted a family. I had never thought about it much. But if it was her…
I nodded without hesitation at the thought. I knew what was coming. I just never expected it to be this way.
She had me pinned down on my back. She was going to do it. I let her.
She jumped on me and started to thrust in and out, just thinking about it makes me shudder.
The things I felt then, the way I started leaning into her as she kept going. How I got up off the ground and laid down on all fours and let her mount me. Like an animal. It was so primal. So satisfying.
I have no idea what came over me then, but I’d let her do it again.
Though that thought also brings me worry. I realize, I truly am not human anymore. I’m not sure why, but… something about it makes me happy.
I know with her by my side I’ll be much happier than I would’ve been otherwise.
I suppose I’ll have to go to the library soon to pick up some books on parenthood.
-Ellyn, the Eevee Umbreon
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epicspheal · 1 year
Vee-Vee Power! A Penny Analysis
Just a heads up I'll probably be revisiting this analysis once we get the Scarlet/Violet DLC because likely there will be more insights to Penny's character.
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Alright so Pokemon Scarlet and Violet has probably introduced the most beloved friend group series that the franchise by the fandom standards in Penny, Arven, and Nemona. Both Arven and Nemona have had analysis on them but there's not that much going around for Penny who is my personal favorite of the three.
Let's start with Penny's name. Or names I should say since she ends up going by two different monikers. There's her given name Penny and her pseudonym Cassiopeia when she was the mysterious shadow head for Team Star. Penny comes from Peony and she's funnily the third character in the franchise to have her name based on this flower. Peonies symbolize many things such as shame, bashfulness, honor, and bravery. All of these apply to Penny to at some point during her story. One of the first things we realize about her is that she's quite bashful and quiet as a person. She even mentions at one point that's she's not used to speaking so much and that her throat hurts. While Team Star is huge source of pride for her, it also brings a bit of her shame as she feels that the group has gotten out of control and she feels bad that her friends may get expelled. She's also rather honorable in trying to take the fall for her friends once the initial fallout with the confrontation of the bullies takes place. And she's even willing to admit to hacking the LP system (which in and of itself isn't honorable but owning up to it is). And she demonstrates an immense amount of bravery in taking the fall for her friends, learning to come out of her shell and face the player to dissolve Team Star and then going down into Area Zero.
But then she has another name she goes by…Cassiopeia. Cassiopeia is the name of a major constellation named after a prominent figure in Greek Mythology. Cassiopeia was a nymph who boasted too much about her and her daughter's beauty which invoked the wrath of Poseidon who threatened to destroy the kingdom of Ethiopia (accounts vary as to whether he vowed to flood it or use the monster Cetus to destroy it). Cassiopeia, realizing that she messed up, consults the oracle who tells her she needs to sacrifice her daughter. Andromeda was chained to a rock but ultimately saved by Perseus. The gods, still not satisfied decide to put Cassiopeia into the heavens as the constellation as further punishment (and the names of 5 major stars that make up the constellation Cassiopeia are the same names of the Team Star bases)
Now what does ANY of that have to do with our resident Eeveelution enthusiast? Well if you strip both the Cassiopeia Myth and Penny's story down to the bare essentials, they're both about women who have to sacrifice something they love in order to save a greater population of people and end up getting punished harsher. Penny attempts to disband (therefore sacrifice) Team Star in order to protect all of the other Team star members (both admins and grunts). And out of all of those involved she had to be sent away to Galar, and then had some extra community service for her hacking of the league.
Alright now let's get down to her team makeup. She's notable in being the only single trainer in the canon to use all Eeveelutions (the Kimono sisters of Johto and the Eevee trainers of Alola are a collection of trainers who use one Eeveelution a piece but not a whole set). This certainly shows that she really likes the Eevee Line, but there's more to it. The eeveelution family is at this point synonymous to the idea of having multiple paths ahead of you (as we've seen in the anime with Chloe). So that implies Penny has a lot of paths still open for her and that's she changing. Indeed she does a change quite a bit through the story, albeit subtly.
One thing that stood out to me was that three out of her six Pokemon actually correspond to three of the types of the Team Star bases: fire, dark, and fairy. What's more when you look at who runs those bases (Mela, Giacomo and Ortega) you realize that Penny actually calls those three by nicknames (Mellie, Momo, and Ortie) suggesting potential closeness to those three in particular.
It's also notable that her first and last Pokemon, Umbreon and Sylveon evolve by friendship (at night) and high affection (with a fairy type move). It shows that's she's a very caring trainer and most likely a night owl who also likes cute things (which is very confirmed with an entire team off eeveelutions who all happen to know Baby-Doll eyes and Quick attack). She also clearly values friendship which explains how 1/3 of her team is comprised of Pokemon who happen to evolve by actually liking their trainer.
Now onto Penny in the story. We first meet her, ironically being harassed by her own grunts with them none the wiser that the girl they were pushing to join Team Star was their enigmatic leader. This is a major scene as it establishes Penny as a shy girl who struggles to stand up for herself. But also this proves to be a major catalyst for her wanting to disband Team Star. After all, Team Star was meant to protect kids from bullies, but now they were acting like the very people they despised. Now granted as we know in flashbacks from later on in the game there was already heat on Team Star from the school admin so the idea of trying to save her friends by disbanding the team was already on her mind. But feeling the effects of Team Star firsthand (seeing how at least the grunt level, they had lost their way) and seeing the player defeat them gives her the idea of how to dissolve the team.
We learn later that Team Star had created a code that prevented anyone from ordering each other around. Which makes a lot a sense given that Giacomo (the one who helped to create the code) had experienced the negative affects of having the power to order others around. But also it reflects the reality of how in grade school, certain cliques tend to have one person order others around which can be a perfect breeding ground for bullying to start. Since Team Star was founded on the concept of anti-bullying it makes sense that the members would try to avoid any situation where bullying could take place. The fact that Penny respects this code and seeks to use that to get Team Star to disband rather than just outright ordering them or some other method of forcing them shows how much they mean to her and how honorable she is deep down
"Team Star is a group of troublemakers formed by some academy students a while back… They cause headaches for the school and try to bring other students down to their level. And I refuse to sit idly by and let them get away with it!"
This is an interesting line when you look back the Starfall Street Story-line because it initially makes you think that the rumors are right about Team Star, especially after you see them harassing Penny earlier. That they are a bunch of bullies. Perhaps at that moment Penny was feeling a bit (rightfully) upset at how her group had changed since she was gone for those eighteen months. Or perhaps she was really just trying to play up the rumor side in order to get the player to agree. Either way when you see how she talks about Team Star later on it's actually a bit jarring to think about this line early on in the game where she seems to hold the same opinions of Team Star that the rest of the student body and administration do.
One thing to note when we're introduced to Penny as Cassiopeia we noticed a slight change in her dialogue. She sounds far more confident, she's able to talk for longer times than she does when we meet her as the supply rep. It makes sense as a lot of people who are quiet in real life tend to be better able to communicate behind the screen (or in Penny's case, hack your Rotom Phone).
Also, both Cassiopeia's first entrance and "supply rep" Penny both mention hacking upon introducing themselves which is nice foreshadowing to the fact that they are indeed the same person.
When you meet Penny as the supply rep for the first time she thanks you for helping her out back at the stairs to which you can reply that you remember or that you don't. And she says a really sad line if you mention that you don't
"That figures. I never leave an impression on people…"
That really broke my heart. It's unfortunately a common feeling for people who have been bullied. Yeah they're targets they're often made to feel invisible when they are not being made fun of.
As we meet up with Clive we start to see Penny's suspicion of this "student" that wants to join. I know there are people who don't care for Penny and cite that she is a little mean, her early treatment of Clive being one example people point out. To be honest, I personally do not see this as her being mean. Rather's she being rightly cautious about who she let's on. Yes, she wants to bring down Team Star, but she still cares for them and she knows how much of the school dislikes them. She couldn't ascertain if Clive had been one of the bullies' friends who just wanted to seek revenge. This is different from the player who doesn't have the same long term knowledge of them team therefore a little bit more trustworthy. And over time she does truly begin to trust Clive and apologizes for the early wariness
As we go through Operation Starfall, we get some really nice insight into Penny's character both as herself and as Cassiopeia. As we approach each base we get really detailed info on the boss from Cassiopeia which at first with just the knowledge of her hacking skills you could assume this just her getting information from social media. That is until you beat the boss and she sounds like she's mourning their defeat to which she always mentions she's caught up in her thoughts. This shows that there's far more to this story than meets the eye which should be raising your suspicion of Cassiopeia. Indeed Clive even asks the player how much you trust them.
Things really come to ahead by the fourth base the player defeats where we learn this
"…As you know, Team Star was formed by a group of students who were being bullied at school. Shortly after forming the team, these students—none other than the squad bosses themselves—confronted their bullies head on. The outcome was a resounding victory for Team Star… Though you could hardly call it a contest. The bullies didn't even put up a fight. They all bolted from battle the first chance they got. Scared spitless of Team Star, the bullies then dropped out of school, one after another… And Team Star ended up the villains of the story. …But that's neither here nor there. Forget I mentioned it."
This quote not only sheds light on what really happened with Team Star (which was being confirmed anyways by the bosses that have been defeated) but it's also meant to bring into question why is Cassiopeia so determined to bring them down knowing that Team Star weren't the ones in the wrong.
Meanwhile as we continue to meet Penny as the supply rep we notice that Koraidon/Miraidon continues to pop out of it's ball to greet her with an affectionate lick. Something we don't see the dragon do with either Arven or Nemona. Given the suspicion that should be surrounding her by the time we get to the big reveal it makes sense why we see this take place. To let us know that deep down Penny is still a good person based on the dragon showing instant affection to her. That and perhaps the dragon sees itself in Penny as we learn in the Area Zero content that Koraidon/Miraidon itself are also struggling to stand up much like Penny is struggling to stand up to be her authentic self.
When we get to the final reveal in the schoolyard we're treated to this quote
""Heh. This must be quite a shock for you. The big boss… Cassiopeia… They were both me all along. When I saw you make quick work of those Team Star lackeys outside school that time, the idea for Operation Starfall suddenly came to me. My skills let me get hold of as much LP as I want, so I decided to use that to tempt you to helping me out. After the operation started, I kept an eye on you as a member of the "supply unit"… And I had you battle the bosses on my behalf. All for the goal of defeating me and putting an end to Team Star once and for all. But still…there's a part of me that wants Team Star to live on! I can't just roll over and let you win without putting up a fight! This is the final showdown. Are you ready?"
This is another point where people bring up Penny being a bad person because she was manipulative in her own goal. And yes to be fair she was underhanded but it's understandable given her backstory as to why she goes for more indirect confrontation methods. Like this is someone who doesn't like the spotlight and has struggled with confrontation. Plus she's really torn about this whole plot because the Team Star admins are her friends. She even says she doesn't really want to disband them. But she feels she has to in order to save her friends
After all, we see in the flashback once the Operation Star was a success that she tried to get them to disband to avoid further punishment. To which the others decided not to. At that point we see that she ends up taking the blame onto herself to protect her friends. This is why I don't necessarily get why people call her selfish. That's pretty unselfish to take on the blame and be willing to be sent of for a whole 18 months.
"I'm the big boss of Team Star. The name's Cassiopeia—No…Penny!"
This is another major quote that I think is underrated. You can see that she's now fighting between the two identities she holds. Cassiopeia, the enigmatic leader of Team Star and Penny her true self she's not been able to show authentically
"Time to Terastallize! Shine bright like the starry sky and become who you really want to be!"
Again this further supports the idea that after Operation Starfall, she's really wanting to be her most authentic self
The reunion (and truly first meeting) between her and the Team Star Admin is really touching to see. Her finally meeting them face to face, and them forgiving her after what she did. They realized that despite the underhanded method, she was really just trying to look out for them.
After the final showdown we see Penny own up to more of her crimes. Which she didn't have to do, but it shows that deep down she's an honorable person whose done some questionable things. And again this directly contrasts the idea that she's selfish as she could've just not owned up to hacking the LP system. Some people dislike the fact that she seems to get off easy but to be fair she already had been sent away for 18 months previously. And as much as Operation Starfall street was a lesson for Penny, it was also a lesson for Clive/Clavell who was about to straight up expel everyone involve with him learning to be more observant before taking drastic measures.
We meet Penny again in Area Zero and this is where a lot of people kind of find her interactions with Nemona and Arven to be mean-spirited. Now true she is snarky here but you can see it as a way of keeping her guard up which is something many people who have been bullied may do. Not to mention both Nemona and Arven come off strong with Nemona being a little too extroverted and not reading the room and Arven actually starts in on her first by calling her pipsqueak which would actually send her onto the defensive. I think people forget that there are three socially awkward kids meeting for the first time going into an incredibly dangerous and off-limits area. That wasn't going to be just a smooth nice interaction and again Nemona and Arven had some not-so-great moments down there as well.
To her credit Penny actually does apologize to Arven (and Arven does the same) and she has a bit more situation awareness of what was going on with Koraidon/Miraidon when they meet their very aggressive counterpart. She even actually tries to give Arven some words of sympathy once we know the true fate of the professor.
People also give her flak for her calling her father annoying for checking in on her and giving her an embarassing nickname (Pen-Pen). Yes she doesn't have it nearly as bad as Nemona or Arven, but she is a teenager. Most teenagers tend to find their parents annoying. So it's a very realistic remark from her even if she doesn't familial problems on the scale of others.
In the post-game we see her checking up on the former Team Star admins as they work to reintegrate themselves back into academy which acts as one final bit of growth for Penny. She's concerned given the reputation of Team Star and the fact that the admins are like her rather awkward. However her worries a little misplaced as despite their awkwardness, the admins are able to make a name for themselves outside of Team Star. She recognizes this herself and she ultimately stops tailing her friends knowing they'll be alright
Penny isn't perfect, but she's trying her best to change for the better. The narrative acknowledges this and that's why I really appreciate her as a character.
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hisuianhellion · 7 months
Pinned post go wheeeeeee
Name's Rose! 24, she/they, former store clerk turned Survey Corps member for the Galaxy Expedition Team in the Hisui region, currently at rank 6. I got yoinked here by a giant not-a-giraffe of light, and I've been making plenty of progress in keeping the place from falling apart.
And my name is Maddie. I am a Hisuian Zoroark currently... sharing with Rose, in a manner of speaking. While I was tenuously trustful at first, I have learned that Rose and her team are all... painfully genuine enough to realize my fears were misguided. I am now the voice of reason in her recklessly abandoned sense of safety.
You can read a bit more about us here, and if you wanted to see what little critters I've been raising more hands-on, check 'em out here! I also have an inventory page, because anons love me or something.
I am a part of the TaskForce Distortion. Currently a part of the Plasma and Galactic Divisions!
But for ease of reading... my Pokemon!
Nanami - My curious Samurott!
Barry - My chaotic Sylveon!
Lucien - My stalwart Luxray!
Patrice - My peppy Floatzel!
Klaus - My mischievous Espurr! A Shiny!
Todd - My sweethearted Hisuian Zoroark! An Alpha!
Sally - My cuddly Eevee! Doesn't battle.
Carla - My protective Luxio! Doesn't battle.
Linda - My serene Carnivine! Doesn't battle.
Theo - My adorable Joltik! Doesn't battle.
Julian - A gentle Lopunny! He adopted me! An Alpha! Doesn't battle.
Abraham - A modest Braviary! Doesn't battle.
The Story So Far!
This is a general Rotumblr RP blog based (almost) entirely around the canon events of Legends: Arceus, but it will have microfiction drabbles of major story events as they happen from Rose's perspective as well as slight divergences as other characters or Pokémon appear. In-character posts will be tagged #rosy ramblings, and the drabbles will be tagged #rosy recountings. Provided I am asked first, I will also allow #rosy recountings to include potential in-character roleplays! I'm here to have fun, yo. Hope you enjoy my gigantically overcomplicated excuse to actually FINISH this game.
Both mun AND muse are adults. Both mun AND muse are she/they. I will gladly go by "Rosemun" in ooc stuff. But. BUT. No overt NSFW. I will ALLOW suggestive things at MOST. But nothing at all will be explicit, and if you try? Block dimension.
Also! Now that I know it's a thing?
Pelipper Mail AND Magic Anons are a go!
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dakotabone1213 · 5 months
hey eevee, can you explain minons to me? :< i dont understand much
Yes, yes I can
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So, basic info first off
Canonically, the Minions are a species that have been around since basically the dawn of time (so they're pretty much immortal), and their purpose is to find a "boss" to help out and serve. Currently they serve Gru (we all know him), who encountered the minions as a kid. The minions literally did not leave him alone :'3
The most identifiable minions I think are Bob, Otto and Mel. The reason I'm not including the other two main minions, Kevin and Stuart, is because there are other minions that look very similar to them, and Bob, Otto and Mel have their own distinct features that we haven't seen any other minion have.
As mentioned, Kevin, Stuart and Bob are basically the main 3 minions everyone knows (you already know how much I simp for the guitar cyclops)
Honestly, I'm surprised the minions aren't more intelligent considering they have been on earth for like, billions of years, but hey, it's for the humor. Despite their lower intelligence they are (for the most part) very loyal, funny and kindhearted! (Stuart is sort of an ass though but I love him)
Also, the minions have their own language! It's called Minionese (I've seen it referred to as the "banana language" though). It's basically a mix of a bunch of languages plus their own random words (it also has a lot of Spanish in it).
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- They can glow, as shown in Despicable Me 3 and a DM short film
- Despite us not speaking their language, it's shown that other people can understand what they're saying
- There is HUNDREDS of them, and Gru has them all
- They all have their own individual names! Some of them share a name though. For instance, it's been shown that there's two Kevin's and two Jerry's
- They have a variety of different looks, some are medium-sized/shorter and can either have one or two eyes, and can have a variety of different hair styles, the most common are combed or buzzed hair for them. Some are taller, like Kevin, but have mostly only been shown to have two eyes and sprout hair. Some are rounder as well, and can also have a variety of different hair, like buzzed and sprout. The only really short one we've seen thus far is Bob.
Bee do bee do blah blah blah
If you have any more questions let me know, I can always explain the characters more in depth or explain the franchise in general :3
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eeveeliciousrp · 2 years
Who keeps on reporting my baby Jay? Leave them the fuck alone. If you don’t like what we write just go away, we aren’t forcing you to like what we write. Stop policing what other people enjoy.
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bloodyshadow1 · 2 years
gushing about Pokemon scarlet and Violet pt 1. ( scarlet playthrough)
I really loved the game, it made me feel things that sword and shield just didn’t.  I think the writing has really improved in this game.
I loved the open world of the game, I know previous games have tried it before, there was a bit of it in sw/sh and I heard good things about legend: Arceus, but haven’t played it to personally confirm.
I loved the 3 storylines that you could play at any time that you were given at the beginning of the game.  I think operation starfall was my favorite out of the three, followed by path of titans and then the classic champion path.  The champion storyline was fine, it was just the normal pokemon experience, not much new.  The other 2 just added more to the game and their characters that the classic mode playthrough didn’t. 
Speaking of I loved Penny and Arven as your rivals, Nemona was fine, just a bit underdeveloped but still a good addition. I just wanted more of her and for her to be developed into something more than just a blood knight.  She kind of felt like Leon without the flaws other than being a bit battle obsessed.  That being said I think how they put her into the story was very well done, as a champion level pokemon trainer she decides to basically start over as a newby to keep pace with you as your rival.  It felt nice to see since in other games your rival would always be ahead of you for no reason other than that’s how the game is played no matter how many times you beat them.  With Nemona, it makes sense that she is ahead of you since this is her second go around and is still technically champion even if she’s starting over, she’s been to every city before
I also like how your rivals are given flaws, even though those flaws don’t really hold up to gameplay, it is still neat and helps flesh them as characters. Nemona being a genius at battling pokemon, but not actually great at catching them. Arven being a knowledgeable adventurer since he’s been to Area Zero before, but supposedly not being good at battling.  You can actually see this since he has the type advantages down for most of the titan battles, you do end up carrying him through them though.  even if they’re absurdly high levels when he wants to battle you to test if the two of you are ready to go to area zero.  Penny is shy, a computer wise, but introverted, but loves eevees having a probably homemade eevee plushy she carries around and having a team of eevlutions. 
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turtleblogatlast · 1 year
Cool cool….is Mikey or Raph getting the Flareon?
Wait would Mikey get the Eevee because of all the potential an Eevee has?
Or would April get the Eevee because Normal types?
Does Splinter get a team?
Would he have Dragon and Fighting types? 
This is a lot of fun to think about.
Haha, I think I may have said it weird in my last reply, but I may not end up giving an eeveelution to anyone else. Mostly because they just don’t really fit the others in my opinion and some others may fit them more? May end up changing my mind though haha
Speaking of April, I’ll be honest of all the Pokémon that I want April to have I’m probably most tied to Castform (weather report!!) and funnily enough, Farfetch’d (will explain later haha) Others I’m considering are ones that sorta tie in to Mayhem (thinking about ones like Snubbull or Shinx, etc etc) I was pretty close to giving her an all turtle team haha (may still give her one…maybe turtwig…)
And yeah Splinter gets a team! I don’t think anyone is going to be focused on one or two specific types, just that there’s bound to be characters who naturally have one or two types more than the rest. I gotta figure out what Splinter’s team will be but I definitely want to make some of it Pokemon that seem weak or lazy but are actually crazy strong. I also…want to give him…a cubone… (there’s a whole story that can be done about these two TvT)
Glad you’re having fun thinking about this too! Keep in mind that my ending team preferences may be different from everyone else’s, it all good fun
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quartings · 7 months
Finally reading the full XY volumes!
For context, XY is my least favorite Pokespe arc, so I decided to give it a second chance hoping that the extra chapters and better art in the full volumes would help me like it more. But did it?
What I liked:
I will say that the extra “filler” chapters really helped pace out the story much better and warmed me up to the characters! The Pokemon-Amie and Super Training chapters in particular. It felt weird not having an explanation in the originals for Y’s Sylveon, let alone an Eevee. This is why I disagree with people nowadays hating filler content. Done right, it helps with character and worldbuilding in small subconscious ways that can help an audience enjoy a story more!
I do enjoy how bold the arc starts, having Vaniville be decimated by the legendaries in the first chapter!
Reading the XY arc chapter-to-chapter and mini volume to mini volume, it felt like X took much longer to even help his friends. Now reading the arc all at once, he feels much less stubborn and selfish, which is good!
Minor thing- removing Y’s nudity is the only instance of censorship in Pokemon Adventures that I actually appreciate. It doesn’t disrupt the plot or make no sense like censoring Green’s Pokeball booby trap, Emerald’s pee joke, or especially Norman and Mirei’s abuse.
Apparently, a lot of the Gurkinn stuff was added in the full volumes? My memory on it’s a bit foggy but that’s wild to me if true- it just feels so plot-important. No wonder I felt the arc was badly-paced on my first readthrough!
Speaking of which, I love that we get chapters dedicated to non-dexholders again! It feels like we last got stuff like that with Keldeo in BW or the Hoenn Gym Leaders!
A lot of the other things I like about XY have been said by most other people already and apply to Pokespe as a whole. Battles are fun and creative, making great use of Pokemon trivia from their dex entries, the leads are unique and well-written compared to the rest of the franchise, there’s a good mix of dark and light themes, and the returning characters are fun and meaningful cameos!
What I disliked still:
It’s still really hard for me to suspend my disbelief that Team Flare managed to silence or arrest everyone who saw the Xerneas-Yveltal battle or its aftermath, especially in the age of the internet.
The gang learning most of the important plot stuff from Team Flare constantly spilling their plans kind of killed some of the tension for me, to be honest. Also them letting all the grunts go instead of capturing them for info or just to turn them over to the authorities.
Sycamore not realizing Lysandre is evil is stupid in any version of XY’s story, I’m sorry.
Team Flare’s brainwashed victims having the “same personalities” felt a bit lazy still. Brainwashing is one of my least favourite tropes though, so I might be biased there.
I think the manga over-corrected with Shauna, Trevor, and Tierno. Instead of all being overly positive and aimless like in the games, being put in constant danger in the manga means they’re all similar levels of scared and stressed, so their personalities don’t stand out all that much either. Shauna especially just being a similar aggressive and serious type like Y, just with less of a backstory. That one weird sexist quip Shauna had in the Sylveon chapter also rubbed me the wrong way, too.
Minor- I still don’t get why Kusaka aged the main cast down from 17/18 to 12 in this arc. It just makes X and Y look like they got hydraulic pressed proportions-wise, and makes the aforementioned scene with Y feel gross.
Speaking of which, why is Clemont drawn SO short in this arc?! He’s normal-sized in the official art and the anime, so that’s another baffling change to me.
Minor- Malva gets her Pyroar back from Aliana after the Diancie chapter where she already has Pyroar- is there something I’m missing here?
While the pacing has vastly improved compared to the mini volumes, it still feels off in the final two volumes. Suddenly taking an intermission from the Ultimate Weapon to introduce Zygarde practically out of nowhere just feels clunky. Compared to the anime where they had both Zygarde and the Megalith planned months in advance with proper foreshadowing. Or a better comparison would be the RS manga, where both evil teams planned on using Groudon and Kyogre from the start, and that’s what we end the series on.
TLDR: Overall I’ve really warmed up on this arc! I had way less confusion reading through it thanks to the extra chapters, and I’ve grown to understand X a bit more as a protagonist. I still have some problems with the arc, namely how the rivals are handled, and how Team Flare is presented as an omnipresent all-controlling shadow government when their members at all levels constantly spill their secrets. If you have any other thoughts, facts, or even disagreements, I’d love to hear them!
I’d say this reread has put XY above B2W2 and maybe SwSh in my ranking of all the arcs, which is still something! Now we all have to wait and see how ORAS’ full volume release changes its place on the rankings, hehe…
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tired-needs-sleep · 7 months
Tell me any fun (or not-so fun) facts about your rebornverse OCs! Totally not because I'm planning something...
i have been waiting for an ask like this. you dont even know. i looove fun facts and i have a few laying around.
gonna stick to my main character ocs since they have the most stuff about them- i have some side ocs like rue and rene but they are not nearly as developed, so there'd be little to no fun facts for them
also gonna try and keep this, somewhat organized but it's bound to devolve.
originally she was going to be shipped with. shudders. fern.
don't ask. i will not answer for my sins
i got the idea to kill her parents in a fire from an idea from a year prior to making her, where the main character's home burnt down mysteriously and a wild absol saved them, forcing them to embark on a journey. i never developed this idea much further so i instead recycled elements from this to make rhea and sara.
that main character's pokemon included every eeveeloution, hence where i got her theme from.
originally rhea was also going to be an empath but i figured i liked her being autistic instead, so i switched it.
yes she is canonically autistic
she's polyam! right now the idea is her to be shipped with victoria and saphira.
her family heirloom is called the obsidian starshard- it is the 5th key to the ruins under reborn. long ago one of her ancestors (i assume a grandparent,) stole the starshard and fled reborn for alola. a small branch of the guardians of the ruins chased after them to retrieve it, but they were always evaded. it eventually led to her mother passing it down to her to keep the organization on their toes when they caught up to her years later.
that eventually ended up leading rhea back to reborn. small world, huh?
rhea constantly squeezes her starshard. it comforts her
she's easily flustered
her name is pronounced ray-a. its technically wrong, but i think it suits her more.
as a kid her nickname was ray-ray. which is. longer than her actual name
her birthday is march 14th
she actually had to battle shade twice, since she was too psyched out to focus the first time around due to seeing corey die again.
rhea and hardy are good friends
she has litchenburg figures from being struck with a thunderbolt. most of the scarring is on her back, but you can see some of it on her arms and collarbone
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rhea's trainer class is rising star during maingame. as champion it's protector of reborn
after the events of agate city, rhea almost passes out since it was so soon after she got injured
before the amaria incident, rhea loved swimming
she blames herself for that as well, constantly trying to figure out what she did wrong
her natural hair color is brown
she's considered dying her hair pink
pink is her favorite color
she adopted the eevee from the lost railcave. she named him florence after the captain.
she looks like her mom
they were about 8 when their parents were killed
she likes puns only because her dad was a goofball and never passed up a chance to use puns
névé (her a-ninetales) reminded her of winter when she found her as a vulpix
she thinks about the other trainers that were on the train at the beginning sometimes
they looked up to amaria before the whole underwater thing
speaking of water: she loves swimming and pretty much anything with water.. and yet they still remember what happened and can't bring themself to do anything she'd want to around other people. sometimes when she's alone they still feel this dread that it'll happen again….
her flareon never liked amaria
she feels guilty about - (… literally every death)
she is an only child, but always wanted siblings
emphemeon(bug type evo) evolved first, espeon evolved last.
i didn't like how victory road had a lot of self aware jokes. it got old very fast for me, so instead of having the others save her at every turn, i have koa do that since its always out of its pokeball
rhea can understand what her eeveeloutions are saying
koa knows power gem through cavern
her favorite cereal is trix and she named her scorbunny that because it reminded her of the mascot
she prefers hot springs over pools
she thought she was aroace before she had her first crush
she picked up rock collecting shortly after coming to aevium and since then knows a little about rocks and gems
her favorite rock is granite and her favorite gemstone is sunstone. she also thinks geodes are awesome
in school she played soccer and volleyball
she has an incredibly high spice tolerance
she finally realizes that how she feels abt aelita is not platonic sometime towards the end of chapter 14
instead of arceus she says adrest in common phrases
heavy sleeper. sometimes when someone tries to wake her up it won't work until long after a normal person would give up, but if she's tossing and turning it's a lot easier (which, is like 70% of the game, but details details), and she has a habit of swatting at people that try to wake her up while she's in a deeper sleep. she isn't aware she does that until someone tells her.
i almost named her an A name but i asked one of my friends which one and she chose nia's name
nia originally had gray eyes, but she always had heterochromia
if i could assign a legendary to her, i would choose either virizon, keldeo, or galarian zapdos
nia swears up and down she's killed a fake plant before
her favorite drink is apple juice, but she likes orange soda a ton as well.
^ her favorite food is galarian spicy curry.
she punched a screen in the nightmare school out of frustration and, predictably, cut her knuckles on the glass, but she wouldn't stop picking at the scabs when they were healing so they scarred.
she's a yellow character.
she's the type to confess something before a drop on a rollercoaster
she doesn't like milk. it needs to be flavored or in cereal for her to tolerate it. that's why her favorite cereals are the ones that flavor the milk. besides trix. she'll eat that and only that one dry sometimes
she might have adhd because of accidental projection
she's afraid of her own power
ironically, she's also afraid of heights
she treats her birthday like any other day and doesn't see it as very important, but goes all out for her friends.
instead of cherry like ari hosts usually get, the nickname marianette gave her is tangerine
it becomes her favorite after that chapter, and she has a few outfits with tangerine/orange slice patterns
she looks. really good in orange or yellow, which is a main factor in why they're her favorite colors post valor. before then it was red
for her birthday, she got a toxel egg from amber, a bandanna from aelita, earrings from melia, and the rest i haven't decided on yet
her favorite jewelry is a ring her mother gave her
'through space and time' is a common theme in rejuv so i went wild with it. valen is a perfect example of this. nia has known him since she was a child
her favorite weather is a warm day with a chilly breeze
she has a habit of adopting the younger characters as her siblings. its happened with marianette and mosely. it will happen again.
she and ren are good friends after they made up.
she's terrified of time traveling
the whole gang placed bets on how long it would take for nia and aelita to get together. it was originally venam's idea and everyone got in on it when they saw how the two were around each other
her birthday is november 24th
hasumi and kisaragi are the same exact age
sara's favorite artist would be odetari
they prefer ice cold drinks, but could handle a hot drink.
their main love language is acts of service (other top 2 are words of affirmation and quality time)
canonically the only gyms they've had real trouble with are reeve, garret, and aaron.
she likes telling her friends she's proud of them.
light sleeper; if you touch them while they're asleep there's a high chance they'll wake up. [iseult is the only exception.]
the main reason why hasumi isn’t a mega (...anymore) is because she doesn’t like changing into that form.
sumi is very protective of sara
they can’t resist a challenge, especially when someone baits them into doing it, even though they know exactly what’s going on
they don't like billionaires
bad spending habits. if they see something they want they will get it.
they probably believe in karma
affectionate name calling. their favorite thing to call people is dumbass.
vision in their right eye is a little worse than their left 
she is a chronic complainer
it deeply pains sumi to see her trainer suffer and she does what she does best: be there for them like they would for her
they tend to over apologize whenever they're being vulnerable
they aren't fluent in pokemon language but can understand the general idea of what its saying
they show symptoms of c-ptsd. i think it's possible they have it
they have depression.
they're left handed
sometimes when they're half asleep their body does that jolt thing (when you jolt wide awake since your brain thinks your heart rate is slowing down too quickly)
they never get used to people just knowing who they are
when fighting any form of pain inflicted on them makes them angrier
their own blood actually freaks them out 
they get motion sickness
sumi and silverhawke will only obey sara, even if they say to do whatever the person says
 she likes her hair being brushed
 their favorite food is sushi and seafood
 she also likes rice
 she's terrified of the doctor because its a scary unknown thing and they don't like the idea of someone just. examining them
 would not like shots either
 tends to prefer laying on her stomach
they keep at least one coin in their pocket for flipping and can do it with their thumb
they hate it when people make "got something on your face" jokes 
they're always wondering when they'll eventually let everyone down
their original nickname was kisara until i shortened it once and it stuck to sara
i would've named hasumi something like prophecy or whatever if it weren't for sara's name
sara's name means devil
their favorite flower is the moonflower. they use shampoo with its scent.
their second favorite is the desert rose.
as hinted with that last one, they like succulents
they would like cheesecake
their favorite flavor type is tangy, their second favorite is sour
their original nickname was kisara but i shortened it once and it just, stuck
the first thing i decided about them was their ace
she has a small collection of fountain pens
i went back and forth between black and white hair for them for a good second before i settled on white. but i like to think that they've dyed their hair black before
their favorite book genre is thriller but mystery and horror come in second and third
doesn't like pineapple on pizza
their spice tolerance isnt terrible. they can tolerate a good amount of spice since they're more resistant to pain, but its just not her thing usually
they walk silently if there's nothing on the ground to interfere with it like leaves
she thought of battle more like a means of defending herself instead of a hobby and finds it tedious at times
…so due to the nature of absol and that, they aren't as fond of battling as the usual league challenger. ava and scarlet had to convince them to give it a try
probably has a resting bitch face when they're tired. so almost all the time
voice can be monotone at times, usually when depression is kicking their ass
they're semi nocturnal- their internal clock is a few hours later than the usual person's so it's harder for them to sleep until it's really late.
[chronicleverse au] the main motivator for sara's hyper independence is iseult refusing to stop caring for them so much
[with r's deso trio]
they love asra and cande's cooking but doesn't ask often out of fear of bothering them
they just let cande pick them up
in fact, they just let all three of them do whatever they want with psychical affection
they're taller than asra lmao
they always wear the bracelets they got for their birthday
they also adore the music box they got then too
their aura exhaustion is worse here
mena likes to drag them along to do whatever her plans are for the day.
they are very fond of cande's siblings, mostly little xiamena.
asra and sara are very close. very very close. they're each other's weaknesses.
as you can tell, sara has a lot more facts. this is mostly because i didn't write down every single idea for nia and rhea like i did for them, and some details may have been lost to time and tumblr void.
as a bonus, here's one more not so serious fun fact: if rhea and sara were in the same game as companions, i think they could work as a ship. it'd be kinda cute.
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