#i love fun facts
thelonelyshore-if · 1 month
do you have anything more about croft i need them like i need aiiirrrrrrrrr
Sure why not here are some more patented Croft Fun Facts:
They're adopted. When they were a baby their birth parents died in a Tragic, Mysterious Event of which they were the only survivor.
This wasn't even their last near-death experience it's something that just kind of happens to Croft sometimes.
Croft loves their mom so much I've said this before I think but before Easthaven they called their mom several times a week and now...nothing.
Due to being a) a minor celebrity and b) very close to their wealthy parents, there was a huge search for Croft when they disappeared, something that doesn't usually happen when people move to Easthaven. There are definitely podcasts about it.
Speaking of they hated being a minor celebrity they were Very Bad at social media.
Yasmin is the only person in town Croft speaks to on anything near a regular basis. They don't like other people very much as a rule.
That being said they're actually a HUGE gossip they love talking shit. Yasmin and Croft get together like once a week to drink wine, watch a romcom, and have Yas fill Croft in on all the local drama going down.
They wear their own merch and it isn't even ironic they have several shirts with the covers of their books on them.
Croft is a gamer they love minecraft so much. They want you to think they're being mysterious or planning their escape or even writing their next book in their downtime, but there's a high chance on any given day they're actually working on their minecraft builds.
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ooops-i-arted · 1 year
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Niabi Zoo had some new African wild dogs, trying to beat the heat in the shade when I saw them.
According to a sign by the enclosure, they cannot interbreed with dogs or hyenas; despite similar looks they are too genetically different. They are often caught in snare traps meant for other animals, contributing to their decline in the wild.
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tired-needs-sleep · 10 months
Tell me any fun (or not-so fun) facts about your rebornverse OCs! Totally not because I'm planning something...
i have been waiting for an ask like this. you dont even know. i looove fun facts and i have a few laying around.
gonna stick to my main character ocs since they have the most stuff about them- i have some side ocs like rue and rene but they are not nearly as developed, so there'd be little to no fun facts for them
also gonna try and keep this, somewhat organized but it's bound to devolve.
originally she was going to be shipped with. shudders. fern.
don't ask. i will not answer for my sins
i got the idea to kill her parents in a fire from an idea from a year prior to making her, where the main character's home burnt down mysteriously and a wild absol saved them, forcing them to embark on a journey. i never developed this idea much further so i instead recycled elements from this to make rhea and sara.
that main character's pokemon included every eeveeloution, hence where i got her theme from.
originally rhea was also going to be an empath but i figured i liked her being autistic instead, so i switched it.
yes she is canonically autistic
she's polyam! right now the idea is her to be shipped with victoria and saphira.
her family heirloom is called the obsidian starshard- it is the 5th key to the ruins under reborn. long ago one of her ancestors (i assume a grandparent,) stole the starshard and fled reborn for alola. a small branch of the guardians of the ruins chased after them to retrieve it, but they were always evaded. it eventually led to her mother passing it down to her to keep the organization on their toes when they caught up to her years later.
that eventually ended up leading rhea back to reborn. small world, huh?
rhea constantly squeezes her starshard. it comforts her
she's easily flustered
her name is pronounced ray-a. its technically wrong, but i think it suits her more.
as a kid her nickname was ray-ray. which is. longer than her actual name
her birthday is march 14th
she actually had to battle shade twice, since she was too psyched out to focus the first time around due to seeing corey die again.
rhea and hardy are good friends
she has litchenburg figures from being struck with a thunderbolt. most of the scarring is on her back, but you can see some of it on her arms and collarbone
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rhea's trainer class is rising star during maingame. as champion it's protector of reborn
after the events of agate city, rhea almost passes out since it was so soon after she got injured
before the amaria incident, rhea loved swimming
she blames herself for that as well, constantly trying to figure out what she did wrong
her natural hair color is brown
she's considered dying her hair pink
pink is her favorite color
she adopted the eevee from the lost railcave. she named him florence after the captain.
she looks like her mom
they were about 8 when their parents were killed
she likes puns only because her dad was a goofball and never passed up a chance to use puns
névé (her a-ninetales) reminded her of winter when she found her as a vulpix
she thinks about the other trainers that were on the train at the beginning sometimes
they looked up to amaria before the whole underwater thing
speaking of water: she loves swimming and pretty much anything with water.. and yet they still remember what happened and can't bring themself to do anything she'd want to around other people. sometimes when she's alone they still feel this dread that it'll happen again….
her flareon never liked amaria
she feels guilty about - (… literally every death)
she is an only child, but always wanted siblings
emphemeon(bug type evo) evolved first, espeon evolved last.
i didn't like how victory road had a lot of self aware jokes. it got old very fast for me, so instead of having the others save her at every turn, i have koa do that since its always out of its pokeball
rhea can understand what her eeveeloutions are saying
koa knows power gem through cavern
her favorite cereal is trix and she named her scorbunny that because it reminded her of the mascot
she prefers hot springs over pools
she thought she was aroace before she had her first crush
she picked up rock collecting shortly after coming to aevium and since then knows a little about rocks and gems
her favorite rock is granite and her favorite gemstone is sunstone. she also thinks geodes are awesome
in school she played soccer and volleyball
she has an incredibly high spice tolerance
she finally realizes that how she feels abt aelita is not platonic sometime towards the end of chapter 14
instead of arceus she says adrest in common phrases
heavy sleeper. sometimes when someone tries to wake her up it won't work until long after a normal person would give up, but if she's tossing and turning it's a lot easier (which, is like 70% of the game, but details details), and she has a habit of swatting at people that try to wake her up while she's in a deeper sleep. she isn't aware she does that until someone tells her.
i almost named her an A name but i asked one of my friends which one and she chose nia's name
nia originally had gray eyes, but she always had heterochromia
if i could assign a legendary to her, i would choose either virizon, keldeo, or galarian zapdos
nia swears up and down she's killed a fake plant before
her favorite drink is apple juice, but she likes orange soda a ton as well.
^ her favorite food is galarian spicy curry.
she punched a screen in the nightmare school out of frustration and, predictably, cut her knuckles on the glass, but she wouldn't stop picking at the scabs when they were healing so they scarred.
she's a yellow character.
she's the type to confess something before a drop on a rollercoaster
she doesn't like milk. it needs to be flavored or in cereal for her to tolerate it. that's why her favorite cereals are the ones that flavor the milk. besides trix. she'll eat that and only that one dry sometimes
she might have adhd because of accidental projection
she's afraid of her own power
ironically, she's also afraid of heights
she treats her birthday like any other day and doesn't see it as very important, but goes all out for her friends.
instead of cherry like ari hosts usually get, the nickname marianette gave her is tangerine
it becomes her favorite after that chapter, and she has a few outfits with tangerine/orange slice patterns
she looks. really good in orange or yellow, which is a main factor in why they're her favorite colors post valor. before then it was red
for her birthday, she got a toxel egg from amber, a bandanna from aelita, earrings from melia, and the rest i haven't decided on yet
her favorite jewelry is a ring her mother gave her
'through space and time' is a common theme in rejuv so i went wild with it. valen is a perfect example of this. nia has known him since she was a child
her favorite weather is a warm day with a chilly breeze
she has a habit of adopting the younger characters as her siblings. its happened with marianette and mosely. it will happen again.
she and ren are good friends after they made up.
she's terrified of time traveling
the whole gang placed bets on how long it would take for nia and aelita to get together. it was originally venam's idea and everyone got in on it when they saw how the two were around each other
her birthday is november 24th
hasumi and kisaragi are the same exact age
sara's favorite artist would be odetari
they prefer ice cold drinks, but could handle a hot drink.
their main love language is acts of service (other top 2 are words of affirmation and quality time)
canonically the only gyms they've had real trouble with are reeve, garret, and aaron.
she likes telling her friends she's proud of them.
light sleeper; if you touch them while they're asleep there's a high chance they'll wake up. [iseult is the only exception.]
the main reason why hasumi isn’t a mega (...anymore) is because she doesn’t like changing into that form.
sumi is very protective of sara
they can’t resist a challenge, especially when someone baits them into doing it, even though they know exactly what’s going on
they don't like billionaires
bad spending habits. if they see something they want they will get it.
they probably believe in karma
affectionate name calling. their favorite thing to call people is dumbass.
vision in their right eye is a little worse than their left 
she is a chronic complainer
it deeply pains sumi to see her trainer suffer and she does what she does best: be there for them like they would for her
they tend to over apologize whenever they're being vulnerable
they aren't fluent in pokemon language but can understand the general idea of what its saying
they show symptoms of c-ptsd. i think it's possible they have it
they have depression.
they're left handed
sometimes when they're half asleep their body does that jolt thing (when you jolt wide awake since your brain thinks your heart rate is slowing down too quickly)
they never get used to people just knowing who they are
when fighting any form of pain inflicted on them makes them angrier
their own blood actually freaks them out 
they get motion sickness
sumi and silverhawke will only obey sara, even if they say to do whatever the person says
 she likes her hair being brushed
 their favorite food is sushi and seafood
 she also likes rice
 she's terrified of the doctor because its a scary unknown thing and they don't like the idea of someone just. examining them
 would not like shots either
 tends to prefer laying on her stomach
they keep at least one coin in their pocket for flipping and can do it with their thumb
they hate it when people make "got something on your face" jokes 
they're always wondering when they'll eventually let everyone down
their original nickname was kisara until i shortened it once and it stuck to sara
i would've named hasumi something like prophecy or whatever if it weren't for sara's name
sara's name means devil
their favorite flower is the moonflower. they use shampoo with its scent.
their second favorite is the desert rose.
as hinted with that last one, they like succulents
they would like cheesecake
their favorite flavor type is tangy, their second favorite is sour
their original nickname was kisara but i shortened it once and it just, stuck
the first thing i decided about them was their ace
she has a small collection of fountain pens
i went back and forth between black and white hair for them for a good second before i settled on white. but i like to think that they've dyed their hair black before
their favorite book genre is thriller but mystery and horror come in second and third
doesn't like pineapple on pizza
their spice tolerance isnt terrible. they can tolerate a good amount of spice since they're more resistant to pain, but its just not her thing usually
they walk silently if there's nothing on the ground to interfere with it like leaves
she thought of battle more like a means of defending herself instead of a hobby and finds it tedious at times
…so due to the nature of absol and that, they aren't as fond of battling as the usual league challenger. ava and scarlet had to convince them to give it a try
probably has a resting bitch face when they're tired. so almost all the time
voice can be monotone at times, usually when depression is kicking their ass
they're semi nocturnal- their internal clock is a few hours later than the usual person's so it's harder for them to sleep until it's really late.
[chronicleverse au] the main motivator for sara's hyper independence is iseult refusing to stop caring for them so much
[with r's deso trio]
they love asra and cande's cooking but doesn't ask often out of fear of bothering them
they just let cande pick them up
in fact, they just let all three of them do whatever they want with psychical affection
they're taller than asra lmao
they always wear the bracelets they got for their birthday
they also adore the music box they got then too
their aura exhaustion is worse here
mena likes to drag them along to do whatever her plans are for the day.
they are very fond of cande's siblings, mostly little xiamena.
asra and sara are very close. very very close. they're each other's weaknesses.
as you can tell, sara has a lot more facts. this is mostly because i didn't write down every single idea for nia and rhea like i did for them, and some details may have been lost to time and tumblr void.
as a bonus, here's one more not so serious fun fact: if rhea and sara were in the same game as companions, i think they could work as a ship. it'd be kinda cute.
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hoperays-song · 2 years
Gorillas’ Diet
Today's fun fact by Gooseless (who should definitely be doing their overdue school project): Gorillas are actually classified as herbivores, which means that Johnny and the rest of the gang are vegetarians!
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colourofmagic · 1 year
in my dream tonight someone asked me for a random fact and i fumbled so hard and couldn't remember any of the fun facts i have collected like infinity stones pver the past years that i started crying and apologising and then immediately woke up
fun fact bootcamp will start today
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virtualplushy · 2 years
hii in german the phrase for feet feeling numb/that feeling of pins and needles is genuinely feet fallen asleep (you'd say it like 'my foot fell asleep'/'mein fuß ist eingeschlafen') so you saying that totally made sense at first glance!
VINDICATION !!!!!!!!!! also this is genuinely very cool anon thank you!!!
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Hi Noelle!!!
🧡🥤and 🙃 (cause I love your fun facts hehe)
hi ash!!!!!! 💕💕
🧡 A color you can’t stand? the first one that came to mind is chartreuse 🤢 i'm sure there are others that i haven't seen yet but goddamn does this color rub me the wrong way
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🥤 What’s your go-to Starbucks order? usually it's a toss-up between a java chip frapp and a hot chocolate with a shot of espresso
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know? i like to keep my weird facts for my little whiteboard at work relevant so here's one that's coming up for the beginning of september: Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho (released Sept. 8, 1960) was the first film to ever show a flushing toilet on screen!
ask me things here!
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brainrotcharacters · 1 month
When irl pisses me off, I rewatch the Honda Odyssey scene to relax
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corrodedparadox · 1 month
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katseyes · 10 months
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Andre Braugher as Raymond Holt Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Season 1
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dunmeshistash · 5 months
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Dungeon Meshi Daydream Hour
Modern Clothing Sketches - Otta, Milsiril, Falin, Marcille and Laios.
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o0kawaii0o · 5 months
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Ace Attorney x Hades
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moonjellybeans · 9 months
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"Be careful venturing too deep, darling, things aren't always what they seem in the dark..." I remember reading a note in one of the art books that the eels' body is luminescent since they live in the deep sea and I just...went a little out of control again and my victim is Jade.
This was so HARD, I don't draw underwater things, but I think this turned out really nice <3 I especially had fun adding the speckles to Jade's body.
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akanemnon · 4 months
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We didn't even get an answer, and we never will (at least it's not determination)
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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saintforan · 7 months
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I think this lil guy reminds him of someone
ignore how messy it is, its like 5 am here n i needed 2 get this out of my system
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kidovna · 6 months
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manifested mileven at the snowball in 2016, so now I’m manifesting byler at senior prom🪻🌻
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