#{and now i sleep}
peachy-doodles · 2 years
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ngl have actually been thinking abt them having a stupid adventure through Paldea a lot over the past weeks ever since i started drawing Larrisms.
like...could you imagine. 
Emmet having traveled the globe looking for Ingo and is wearing himself thin, finally lands in Paldea and is rushing around asking locals if they’ve seen anything and learning history and stuff. 
Ends up crashing into Larry and has his favourite shirt ruined and its just enough to break the whole damn. Befriending Larry through their mutual awkwardness and similar manerisms and just how. NORMAL. He seems in comparison to everything else going on in his life- he asks him for more information on the region since he lives there and its just nice for Emmet to have someone tag along who doesnt know who he is for a change and to not have someone constantly badgering him about his past and things he’d rather leave behind...
would be a funny friendship dynamic i thinke :)
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cecils-dragons · 3 months
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Thoughts on this leopard seal themed pair? Their range would be overcast-denim/denim/abyss, I was looking for a storm one but storm is right in the center so it works great!
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thatmooncake · 2 years
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@kandidandi I drew your lil Suncatcher Sun because he’s adorable! 💕✨
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suzukiblu · 8 months
Please tell me you're posting more Tim+clonecest tonight. Because that last bit? !!!😍
honestly I wasn't gonna write any more tonight, but you caught me RIGHT before I put my phone down and I'm easily influenced, hahaha. 😅
“Sorry, sorry!” Kon gasps, forcing his hips to stop moving and trying to jerk back, and Match stutters out incoherent nonsense and tries to do the same.
Tim thinks about their slightly-spread thighs and those pretty pink cunts on display and that little point of contact between their knees and the risk of literal friction burns and nearly keels over dead. Just–too horny. Potentially fatal amounts of horny.
Fucking fuck amounts of horny.
He is so, so deeply regretting the armored jock he's wearing right now. And all his clothes in general. And all their clothes in general. And–
“You really, really don't have to be,” he manages, and it comes out strangled and cracked.
The alternate option is eating them both alive at once, which seems harder. More tempting, but harder.
His dick fucking hates him for not taking off the fucking suit yet tonight.
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lablass-2882 · 5 months
End of Star Wars Week
Okay so last day, Revenge of the 5th. May the dark side rise.
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I've always loved Barriss and her story. She is just such a complex character. A healer turned fighter turned possibly sith. I don't know yet. As of scheduling this, Tale's of the Empire is still about three days away. So I am flying blind once again.
Anyway, Happy Star Wars week. I hope everyone had fun and now if you will excuse me...... I need a nap.
Peace out.
Edit: I have completed Tales of the Empire, and it is so good. No spoilers tho.
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ukitakejuushiro · 1 year
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This has probably been done a million times but I'm new to the fandom so pls have a lil de-stressing doodle 🥹
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antlered-prince · 3 months
hello hello!
friendly anon wondering for definitely no reason whatsoever if i could make my faesona (inspired by your faeu obv) basically a faun? (or satyr, whichever term you prefer)
have a wonderful day!
yeah go for it!
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zillyhooveseternal · 1 year
*throws you an adult earth C dirk sprite* :-)
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wow! i'm really proud of this one since this was my first ever adult sprite + it turned out very canon compliant! I was heavily referencing bro ofc but also trying to make him his own person. I had to keep the arms since that's such a distinctive part of bro's sprite but in a more chill manner and also ofc he's wearing an unbuttoned polo, also: Long Hair Dirk Supremacy.
the design is heavily inspired by @kigahto and @chessb0r3d!
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johnslittlespoon · 5 months
I can’t believe I’m reading this at a wedding right now. I’m sitting in a corner far away from my family just in case. I may or may not be obsessing over this right now, who needs religion imma be praying to this every night.
The way Gale would never be harsh or mean to John and even when he is he never means it because he sees so much of himself in John (specifically him when he was younger) and how he knows what it feels like having a shitty dad and not feeling at home in your own house. He’d try his best to make John feel at home and safe in his house even if it does take a while. Even if sometimes John is “too much”/self-sabotaging, Gale sees through it and understands it’s just John is scared of losing him.
The way John would just walk around the house waiting for Gale to come back from work, literally trying to find anything to keep him distracted. He’d probably do some school work and if he doesn’t have any, do some housework like cook or clean the house (Like some type of housewife holyldkfijf, Gale would definitely tease him about it). And yes he would definitely raid Gale’s closet for his hoodie to chill around the house in it, maybe even fall asleep in it and Gale would come back from work to find him on the couch, hugging himself with the hoodie on. (Just imagining John’s smaller body wearing one of Gale’s big ass baggy hoodies…)
And oh how they would fight and how angsty it could get but at the end of the day both can’t be apart without each other and would eventually apologize and talk it out, how John would probably lock himself away after a fight but eventually come out and see Gale on the sofa head in hands and he’d just walk up to him and hug him. They’d stay there for hours on end just laying and cuddling and Gale would whisper sorry’s and comforting words/praises into John’s ear.
The oral cockwarming is so perfect because it lets John just relax and focus on one thing and that’s pleasuring Gale, which he loves and wants to do so badly (The people pleaser in him and also thinking it’s another reason for Gale keeping him around, whoops more angst. Obviously not the reason Gale keeps him around but John’s self-sabotaging is always there in the back of his mind.) Gale also returning the favor to John helps him see that he does love him beyond anything sexual and Gale knows this. In any situation, Gale would always show John just how much he loves him and genuinely appreciates him as a person and that he isn’t some kind of burden. The praises he whispers to John when he cockwarms him also help with that.
Anyway, *cough* *cough* can you tell I'm absolutely obsessed? Your writing and the things you come up with are just chefs kiss. Take your time and absolutely no pressure but I really can’t wait till you turn this into a full fic. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME GOTTA GO BACK TO THE WEDDING NOW <333
linked post | PLSSS at a wedding lmfaoo no but that's so real. this leaving!bikerider shit is taking over my life fml
YES EXACTLY!! to tackle the angst first: there would be sooo many dots connected with gale's own childhood/upbringing/relationship with his dad that he would see in john, and it would make him even more fiercely protective and determined to make sure he never ever makes john feel the way his dad made him feel, or how john's dad makes john feel. when he's frustrated with john, he can usually trace it back to a behaviour he himself used to do, and he can realize that it's out of insecurity, or anxiety, or fear, etc.
he knows sometimes he just has to let john push and test boundaries, because as long as he patient and proves to john he will never raise his voice, or lay a hand on him, or abandon him, john will realize that he's someone he can let his walls down with and trust fully, and over time he'll stop feeling the need to push. he just needs to be shown consistency and stability and unwavering love. :(
there's also the fact that this is john's first longterm/serious relationship outside of highschool, whereas gale's had a lot more experience and time to learn communication skills (it's something he still finds himself coming up short with a lot though).
they're on very opposite sides of the spectrum when it comes to fights/arguments. for gale, some issues that might seem small/insignificant might feel really big for john; for example, the way gale words something after a long stressful day might sound at worst blunt to him, but to john it might sound like gale's being short and is angry about something john hasn't figured out yet, so then tension builds.
again, circling back round to insecurity on john's part because of how he's grown up, and circling round to gale needing to work on communication skills because he's not used to having to since he's usually on his own if he's not around friends. and yk, daddy issues on both ends lol.
i think also their ways of trying to resolve conflict would differ from each other, so it would be something they both have to learn to compromise on too. like you said, john is for sure the type to lock himself away or leave the house to get some air and calm himself down, anything he can do to self–isolate until he feels ready to talk, whereas i feel like gale is the type to either brush past it and assume it's no big deal/it'll blow over, and/or the type to want to sort things out the moment something happens, to talk it out until it's resolved. and obviously those immediate reactions to conflict kinda grate on each other, so they have to figure out how to balance things out.
but john's an easy crier and he feels just as guilty when he blows up and walks out on gale as gale does when he's too blunt or harsh when they're arguing, and neither of them can ever go to bed upset with each other. by the time john comes back home, the reflexive anger/hurt has always seeped out and made room for quiet sadness and guilt, and all he wants to do is find gale and attach himself to him and mumble his apologies and be held (and in turn have the relief of the confirmation that gale still wants to hold him.) or if john's shut himself away in the spare room or is sulking on the back porch, gale will be the one to go to him and crouch down in front of him and take his hands in his and ask what he needs, and ask if they can talk. <3
angst aside, YEAH. john doesn't mind being alone sometimes, but in general he's very social and gets his energy and good mood from being around other people, so if gale's at work and his friends are busy and he doesn't have any studying to be done, he keeps himself busy around the house (which also helps alleviate his guilt over 'intruding', or gale not letting him pay rent, because he can feel like he's making himself useful.)
and gale without a doubt teases him about it, calls him his little housewife one day when he comes home to john cooking and pounces on the way it makes john flush, wrapping his arms around him from behind and pulling him and murmuring "yeah? you like waiting for me to get home, like a cute little housepet?" and it's all banter, but it gets to both of them more than they expect. >:)
it definitely does gale in too when he sees john get comfortable enough to start stealing his clothes like that, loving how he looks in them and feeling his heart soften with the knowledge that john still wants a piece of him as close as possible when he's not with him. (he also lays john out on the couch and fucks him in nothing but gale's hoodie the first time he comes home to that <3)
and yes to the sex dynamic stuff, 100%. gale never gives john any reason to believe that he's only in it for sex, especially since gale's the one who holds off on jumping into hooking up straight away, but john does worry sometimes at the beginning until he starts to feel secure with gale. i think gale would be aware of this being a possible issue too and it would contribute to him keeping things slow at first because he wants to establish to john that he's not just a pretty body to him.
and as time goes on gale realizes how he can use stuff like gentle submission/instruction/etc like in that cockwarming drabble to get john out of his head, to help him relax, etc without directly asking john to take breaks or calm down, because john is stubborn and will work himself into the ground unless he sees that ask as something that benefits gale too. (they work on that, though.)
YEAH can you tell i'm obsessed too? this is cooked lmfaoaoo. but omg THANK U i will cry </33 i have so much fun writing all this shit out and bouncing ideas back and forth <33 i don't feel pressured dw!! i'm so excited to write the fic once i finish my current one :'-) thank you for YOUR time, hope the wedding was fun!!
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cinimuffin · 7 months
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Final few hearts Aromantic, A-Spec Usual disclaimer If you use them for anything please give design credit (and also @ me because I would like to see). Intended for personal use only.
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faunabel · 6 months
*kisses my mutuals* *kisses my mutuals* *kisses my mutuals*
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ingradient · 1 year
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absolution for machines
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convexicalcrow · 5 months
Treebark Week - Day 1: flower
I dream of a world
Where instead of thorns
I place on your head
A crown made of flowers
Instead of bleeding
for me, for me,
We tend to the garden
Planting things so sweet
The axe that you bear
Doesn’t carry your death
But is instead used
To cut down dead trees
To make space in this garden
For flowers and fruit
For vegetables and bushes
And all that green stuff
No death do we bear
Within these walls
Save for the plants that
Cannot survive
And the altar here
Is planted with roses
Their red petals littered
As blood on the stone
Oh, I dream of this world
Where we garden in peace
Just to forget for one moment
That you died for me
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theonehorseman · 2 months
just beat super paper mario (for the second time)
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naavispider · 2 years
please share the sad headcanon
So Lyle Wainfleet. Great guy (in a villainous kind of way), lots of issues. Loves Quaritch, knows it's unrequited, is okay with that.
The reason he's so good with Spider? He's been a dad before. To a little girl on Earth. And he was the best dad. He loved her and her mother deeply. He was good at it.
They had a good life. Lyle was going to retire from the military. He had a good state allowance for his service, and they were going to move away to the country, to avoid the smog of the megacity. It was going to be a dream.
But then he lost her. 'Failure to thrive' they said. 'Pollution, lung disease, infections...' And everything he'd ever known was turned upside down. The hole in his chest ripped him apart, and he vowed never to feel that pain again. So, when the RDA called, he left. 7 years in cryo looked pretty good, and Pandora couldn't be worse than the Hell he was already living in.
So when Spider Socorro enters his life, he feels warmth for the first time in years. The kid wasn't his. But little things about him... they reminded him of her. The way he rolled his eyes when he disapproved of something. The way he found humour in the darkest of places. Lyle would support Quaritch to the ends of the Earth in bonding with the child, and he would simply watch, observe, and remember her.
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