#{closet ; isla}
nataliasquote · 10 months
Double the trouble [pt.1] | n romanoff
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Double the trouble au: part 1, part 2
Summary: Natasha and Wanda’s teenage twin daughters are a lot to handle, but despite their differences and arguments, there’s nothing they wouldn’t do for each other
Age: 17
Warnings: none
Pairings: WandaNat
wc: 3.9k
note: my first time putting a one shot on tumblr. Here goes nothing
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"Y/N! Mom told me to come wake you. You're gonna be late." Isla stood at the door, her arms folded with a cocky smirk plastered on her face.
Y/N groaned and turned over in her bed, flinging an arm over her face as she squinted into the light to see who was speaking. The familiar outline of her twin sister came into view and she rolled back over.
"Y/N. Get up. Or don't. It's not my fault if you're late." And with that, the girl was gone, the door swinging shut as a cloud of floral perfume was all that was left in her place.
"Good morning to you too." Y/N muttered under her breath as she pulled her phone off charge and checked the time. Her stomach dropped as 7:19 flashed up on her screen. School started at 8:00. They left at 7:45. She did not have long at all.
"Isla I'm gonna kill you!" The distressed teenager screamed out, running over to her closet to pull out the first half decent outfit she could find. Any feeling of tiredness evaporated from her body as she got dressed, which was probably the only positive to come out of this morning.
A knock sounded on her bedroom door as she pulled her shirt over her head. Wanda's head popped around before she saw it was safe for her to enter. She watched her daughter getting frustrated over her hair for a moment before walking over with a plate of freshly made toast and fruit. There wasn't much time to eat it but Wanda was the kind of mother who made sure all of her girls were fed. Even when Nat was feeling stubborn.
"Good morning sweetheart. I brought breakfast." It was an obvious thing to send but Y/N smiled gratefully at her in the mirror for a split second before a large tangle in her hair caused her to wince.
"Thanks Mom."
"Do you want me to send Mama up to help with your hair?" As a typical mom, Wanda collected a few spare cups from her daughter's desk and stacked them in her hand. Y/N attacked her hair with her hairbrush before setting it down on the table with a thud.
"No! I'm not 4! I can do my own hair!" She exclaimed. She didn't normally talk to Wanda that way, but the stress of being late was taking its toll so Wanda didn't take offence.
"Okay. Well, you've got 15 minutes."
Y/N groaned loudly and started on her make up, having given up on her hair. A ponytail would suffice for today. She did not have the patience.
"Isla, you know you can't leave without your sister. So I don't know what trick you're playing on her, but if she's late then you're late." Wanda went into stern mother mode as she entered the kitchen, where her eldest (by 11 minutes) was sat at the table drinking her breakfast smoothie.
The teenager looked up in offence at her mother, who just shot her a warning look. "I didn-" She was cut off by another glare from Wanda.
The mother tapped the side of her head. "Mind reader. Remember?"
"What's this about mind reading?" Nat questioned as she walked into the kitchen, going straight over to her wife to wrap her in a hug and a kiss. Isla turned back to her phone and the women looked over at their daughter. "And where's Y/N?"
"Well, someone turned her sister's alarm off so she's currently rushing around upstairs."
Nat sent her famous disappointed look to Isla, who cowered slightly. Wanda was easy to get around, often being far too soft with her girls. Natasha was the tough parent, but she still cared. Being a dance teacher and studio owner meant she was an expert in tough love. "Isla... why?"
The teenager shrugged. "I don't know. I just thought it was funny. I was gonna wake her up but I lost track of time." She pulled a lock of perfectly curled hair out of her face and Nat knew what had made her 'lose track of time'.
"You don't do that again, okay?" Isla nodded, not wanting to start an argument before 8am. She wasn't a bad person, but her ideas of teasing her sister and playing jokes weren't exactly the best.
"Hey my love," Wanda hummed as Nat passed her again with a kiss. "Can you go see if Y/N needs any help? She might benefit from your braiding skills today, even though she was okay."
Natasha smiled, nodding. She loved braiding her daughters' hair. Even at 17, when the twins claimed they were too old for it, they secretly loved Nat's braids. Especially Y/N, who found her mom doing her hair at lot during dance show season.
There was just over 5 minutes before they needed to leave so Nat tentatively entered Y/N's room, observing the girl before talking. The teenager was threading her earrings into her ears, the rest of her jewellery already in place. Make up was scattered across the desk and her hairbrush was on the other side of the room. Her hair hung down her back in a dark red curtain, the ends curling naturally slightly. It looked smooth but wasn't styled, and Nat smiled.
"Hey sweet girl. Can I help?" She sat on Y/N's bed slightly, picking up the backpack by the floor and slotting her daughter's laptop and charger into the right compartment. She didn't snoop around, but instead put it back on the floor by her feet.
"I just need to finish my make up. How long do I have?" Y/N took a bite of toast as Nat checked her watch.
"5 minutes. Do you want braids? I can do them in 2 minutes. And I won't be in your way." Y/N was hesitant as she applied her concealer, frantically blending it in. Wasn't her neatest job but she still wanted to be presentable.
"Okay but please make it quick."
Nat sprung into action, gathering up a small section of hair to begin braiding. The two worked in silence, with there being no time to walk. As Nat tied off the first braid, Y/N leaned forwards to curl her lashes before Nat started again on the other side. The braids were only small, taking the front sections of Y/N's hair to keep them out of her face during the day.
Being a dancer, she kept her hair long but there was so much of it that it got in the way a lot. So she rarely had it fully down, either claw clips or braids holding back. Isla rarely wore braids, wanting to differentiate herself from her sister at school. They got mixed up enough as it was.
"Okay. All done." Nat stepped back as Y/N applied her final coat of lipgloss. She smiled as she saw the braids but didn't have time to admire them before a jangle of keys was heard and a voice yelled up the stairs.
"Y/N! Let's go!"
"Always so polite." Nat said sarcastically with a smile to Y/N. She handed her daughter her backpack and gave her a quick hug before the girl rushed out of the room, Nat following behind more calmly.
"Love you Mama! Love you Mom!" Y/N shouted over her shoulder, running out of the house with a slice of her toast in her hand.
"Have a great day girls." The women called out, watching the car pull away from the driveway. Isla got her permit before Y/N so she was the designated taxi girl in the family now. Y/N hated it, but driving wasn't her strongest suit so she stuck out the irritating chatter of her sister until she was finally ready for her own permit.
"Everyday I'm still surprised at how similar yet so different they are." Wanda commented, her hands wrapped round her mug of tea. Nat mirrored her from her side, her mug containing coffee instead.
"They look like a carbon copy of each other and yet sometimes I feel it's like they're from different planets." This made Wanda laugh slightly, her breathy giggle never failing to put a smile on her wife's face.
"I mean, you wouldn't find Isla in a dance studio anymore. But then Y/N practically lives there. And you wouldn't find her on the athletics track either, unlike Isla. We must have done something right... right?"
Nat sidled up to her wife and wrapped her arms around her waist, mug now abandoned on the counter. "You, my dear, are the best mom those girls could ask for." She looked into the green eyes she knew far too well before pressing a kiss to the lips she had memorised and could draw in her sleep. "We've done everything we can do for them. And our girls are the toughest girls in the world."
"And they're ours."
"Our little babies." Nat said with a soft smile, her head leaning down to rest on Wanda's shoulder.
"Don't let Y/N hear you saying that. She was snappy about me thinking she was 4 earlier."
"That girl is a whirlwind. She's as wild as her hair sometimes." Wanda reached up and pushed a lock of Nat's red hair behind her ear, admiring the colour which matched the twins' almost perfectly.
"And I know just where she gets it from." The Sokovian said with a smile before kissing her wife. Nat tried to deepen it now it was just them, but Wanda pulled back. "I have work to do. As much as I'd love to stay here with you all day, those emails won't answer themselves." She left the room with an aura of grace surrounding her and Nat found herself staring at the door way long after she was gone.
— ⧗ —
The day went by quite fast. Wanda worked in her office until 4pm, whilst Nat left for her studio at 1pm to start preparing that evening's classes. Competition season was a stressful time but she handled herself well, staying on top of what she needed and when.
The final bell rang and the corridors were soon filled with hoards of teenagers, everyone racing to get home as quickly as possible. Y/N and Isla stopped by their lockers, chatting with friends as they exchanged the textbooks needed for tonight's homework.
Despite their quarrels and petty arguments, the twins shared the same group of friends at school. They were known by everyone, but Bucky, Maria, Clint, Kate and Steve made up their main group. They were pretty popular, partly due to the fact that there wasn't a single person who disliked their moms. Nat and Wanda were the favourite parents which somehow elevated the girls' social status in school. Maybe it was also because of the parties they were allowed to host.
Natasha and Wanda's main focus was to give their girls as normal of a life as they possible could. Which meant letting them live like teenagers. Going to football games, school dances, hosting house parties, trips to the mall with friends. Anything that normal teenagers did was allowed. Alcohol was monitored and smoking and drugs was a strict no. But the twins followed the rules, knowing they were a lot luckier than most.
"Shit. Mom needs me in the studio." Y/N read aloud as her locker slammed shut. Isla peered down at her sister's phone and sighed.
"Y/N I've got track practice in 15 minutes. I can't get you there and back in time." Her sports bag hung off her shoulder and she watched her sister grab the emergency dance bag from her locker that she kept purely for times like this. "Well, I suppo-"
"I can take you" Bucky spoke. He was leaning with his back against the lockers like he usually did, watching Y/N with a soft smile.
"No I-" Isla started to protest but stopped herself. She knew how much Bucky was crushing on her sister and she was in full support. "Actually, Bucky, that would be amazing." Everyone else was aware of his crush, all except Y/N. She was completely oblivious, which obviously Isla took full advantage of and teased her about it almost on a daily basis.
"Do you know where it is?" Y/N asked casually. She had been crouched down by her bags to swap her stuff over and so had missed the looks and glances that everyone shared as Bucky offered. So as she stood back up everyone was smiling wide which confused her. "What?"
"Yeah my little sister does ballet on saturdays there and I pick her up sometimes." Bucky had already fished his car keys out and was tossing them in his hand.
Y/N noticed her sister's smirk out of the corner of her eye as they all walked to the exit of the school. "Isla, what is it?"
"Nothing. You guys have fun. But not too much fun." And with a wink, she turned towards the track and ran off to join her friends who were already on their way over in the distance. Everyone else said goodbye and went their separate ways for the night, leaving Bucky and Y/N by his car.
Y/N was definitely the kindest out of the twins, so she could easily make conversation with anyone. She didn't think anything special of the car ride to her mom's studio, except maybe that Bucky was really nice to offer her a ride. It was only a 10 minute drive but she was still so grateful.
"Thanks a lot for this, by the way." Y/N said as she stared out of the window. She knew this route like the back of her hand but something about the sun shining through the trees made it extra special today.
Bucky shook his head. "It's no problem. Always happy to help."
Y/N looked over and smiled at him. "You're a really good friend. I'm glad I've got you."
Bucky's smile slipped but he fixed it quickly as they came to a red light. Once again he was pushed back into the friend zone, but it was his fault for not making his feelings known. As he looked over at her, the sun catching her red hair, making it look like fire, her body swaying slightly to the music of "You Make Loving Fun", he realised just how much he liked her. But Y/N was sweet to everyone, so it held him back. Maybe she didn't see him the way he saw her. Or maybe she liked someone else.
His thoughts had distracted him and the lights turned green, earning a soft poke in the arm from Y/N who gestured to the lights.
They both hummed along to the music and chatted the rest of the way, Y/N sending her mom a quick text as they caught the rush hour traffic.
"You really are amazing for doing this. I'll pay you back at some point, I promise!" Y/N gratefully thanked him as she grabbed her bags to climb out of the car. Bucky offered to get out and help but Y/N's stubborn nature refused any help.
"Don't worry about it. Enjoy yourself. You're an amazing dancer!" He leaned out of the window and waved as he drove off, sending a blush creeping across Y/N's face.
Maybe the feelings were reciprocated. Just a little...
"Hey angel," Nat called out as Y/N walked through the main entrance doors.
"Hi Mama."
"Who was that outside?" Nat asked after Y/N said hi to the receptionist. She made her way over to her mother, who was stood by the door to the main studio and cafe.
"Oh, Bucky gave me a lift here. Isla had track so she couldn't get back in time." Nat couldn't help the smirk that crept onto her face, identical to the one Isla wore just before they left school.
"Oh so that's Bucky? Nice." She turned around and walked down the hall, leaving Y/N to chase after her.
"What's that supposed to mean?" The teenager called out, but Nat just shrugged and checked the windows outside studio 1b. "Mama. Please tell me. Isla had the same smirk. I'm not stupid so just tell me what's going on."
Y/N's huff and pout made Nat 'aw' and she pinched her daughter's cheek before her hand was quickly slapped away. "Nothing baby. I just expected to see Isla, that's all. Not Bucky."
Y/N folded her arms over her chest, careful not to let her backpack or sports bag slip off her shoulders. "I don't believe you."
Nat patted her on the head and unlocked the door to the studio. "Okay. Now come on. I want to work on your solo. We have that turns section to sort out so hurry up and get changed."
Y/N groaned and dropped her back off her shoulder, where it landed with a muffled thud ad her feet. "Mom give me a minute. I just got here."
"I have no minutes to give. It's comp season, you know that Y/N/N. No time to waste." Nat was already over in the speaker corner, connecting her laptop up so it was ready. "Why are you still standing there?"
"Can I just have 2 minutes to breathe?"
Natasha turned around and placed her hands on her hips, mirroring her daughter perfectly. "Do you want Yelena to take your private instead? She's free right now actually. I could be teaching junior tap instead."
Y/N's eyes went wide and she quickly grabbed her discarded bag. "No no! I'll hurry. I'll change and be back! Please don't sent Yelena in here!"
"Good. And I won't. She's taking your class for ballet later anyway. So you have that to enjoy."
The teenager was halfway to the changing room before she stopped dead in her tracks. That was her worst nightmare. "Mama! She's gonna be all 'Those feet are horrible. Point them. Why do your hands look like claws. Are you a crab? Are we doing Little Mermaid dance? Your posture is like potato couch. Why are none of you flexible?'" Her Russian accent sounded nothing like her aunt, which made Nat raise an eyebrow. She'd taught her daughters better than that. Or so she thought.
"Potato couch?"
"I think she meant couch potato. But yeah she said that to Becca last week. It helped though. Her posture was better last night."
"Then she's a good teacher." Such a know it all.  "Do you stretch every night?"
Y/N went to answer and Nat gave her a knowing look. "Well, not every night."
"Then everything Yelena says is true. So don't complain. She tells me everything."
"I don't see how you guys are sisters. You're so different. She makes you seem almost angelic." Y/N fiddled with the lock on the changing room door.
"Exactly what your mom and I say about you and Isla. Now stop being cheeky and go get changed. And I want the hi-cut black leotard because we're working on legs today. Oh, and Y/N, bring your half soles because I don't want to completely destroy your feet before the rest of your classes." Natasha was bossy but it's what made her one of the best teachers around. She knew what she wanted and what it took to get there. She could recognise the potential in her dancers but would only work with those who put the work in themselves.
There was something so special about working with your daughter. Nat loved it, even if she didn't get to do privates like this much. Yes, she went into dance teacher mode and Y/N was no exception, but the pride she felt when she watched her daughter dance was something she didn't feel as much with the other dancers. Just like when she watched Isla win her races, seeing Y/N dance made her heart swell so much it felt as though it would burst.
10 minutes later and Y/N emerged from the changing room, a hair tie between her teeth as she pulled her hair up into a ponytail. Nat wasn't strict on hair with privates, only with normal class. So she just put on some calming music and started stretching with her daughter. Yes, it was weird seeing her mom effortlessly do the splits, but Y/N was used to it by now.
They gossiped the whole time, Y/N filling her in on any school drama that was of interest. As Y/N moved to the bar to stretch her leg holds, Nat couldn't hold back her questions anymore.
"What's going on with you and Bucky?" Nat asked and then burst out laughing as she turned to face her daughter. Y/N had her right leg pulled up to her head, but the most confused and shocked expression on her face. It truly was a hilarious sight.
"Uh- nothing? But I feel like you know something I don't? That's the second time you've asked me today."
Nat shrugged. "Well, he gave you a lift. I'm just curious."
"Well there's nothing to be curious about." She switched legs as she was talking. "He's just a friend. You know that. We've literally been friends since middle school!"
"Okay. I'll just ask Isla then." Nat smirked and walked over to her laptop.
"Mama, she will just tell you the same! And if she doesn't then she's just causing drama. Or making my life a living hell."
"She's your sister. That's what she's supposed to do. You do the exact same to her, even if you don't think so." Y/N rolled her eyes, moving to the centre of the room. "Okay, let's run it. You ready?"
"Is that why you and Aunt Yelena can't direct the same dance show? Because you argue?" Y/N smirked as her mom shook her head. "I'm right aren't I?"
"No you're not. And she's Miss Yelena to you. Just like I'm Miss Natasha. Now, dance."
"Yes Mama." Y/N wore a shit eating grin as she moved to her starting position, trying to get into the character of her dance so she didn't burst out laughing.
She was grateful for the relationship she had with both her moms and family meant the most to her. Even Isla had a special place in her heart, despite their quarrels and petty arguments. Those sisters would do anything for each other if it came down to it. Which was surprising to everyone except Wanda and Natasha. They saw the sisterly bond like no one else did. It was unbreakable.
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nicohischierz · 8 months
he's canadian!: brandt clarke
tagging: @ivy-34, @francesfarhadi, @hzstry8, @cixrosie, @itsnotgray, @estapa94, @trevs-swiftie, @heartz4hisch you want to join the taglist let me know!!
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"trevor say's you have a boyfriend," your older brother jack barged into your apartment.
you stood to the side and rolled your eyes at him. "welcome in jack! yes, I'm doing great, it's so nice to see you!" you spoke sarcastically.
jack rolled his eyes at you and inspected your living room. he was trying to see if there were any traces of a man.
“is my twin not here?” you asked, looking for luke.
jack nodded “he’s talking to his girlfriend,” he explained.
luke walked into your apartment two minutes later, pulling you into a hug. “lizzie says hi. her, y/n and isla are babysitting saira and having girls night”.
“wait you’re dating lizzie? like jacks best friend lizzie?” you asked.
both your brothers walked into the kitchen and helped themselves to your food before turning to face you.
“we just want to know if he’s good enough for you,” jack assured.
your twin grinned. “i just want to know if i can beat him up,”
you smacked both their hands away and chastised them for stealing your food. luke reached over you and grabbed a cookie from your plate.
“if you guys are here to interrogate me then please leave,” you gestures towards the door.
unfortunately, timing was not your best friend as your boyfriend decided to call you at that moment.
you glanced at your brothers before running to the living room where your phone was. luke tried boxing you out but you ran under his arms while jack tried reaching your phone.
going with your last resort, you throw your slipper at his back causing him to stop. “what the fuck scarlett, that hurt,” he complained.
at that point you didn’t really care. you texted your boyfriend that your brothers were in your apartment and he replied saying he’d meet you after the game in that case.
“this is why i need a sister. you three don’t understand boundaries,” you mumbled.
your words gave luke an idea.
the younger hughes dragged his older brother with a grin that was discomforting. jack was curious as to what his little brother had cooked up in his brain.
“don’t worry scar, rowdy and i won’t bother you again,” he enunciated.
your brother's words didn't really settle in your mind as you walked to your closet. you found one of brandt's sweaters and decided to pair that with a devils beanie to keep your brothers off your back.
the game went smoothly.
the devils won in overtime with your boyfriend scoring a goal along with jack.
you were accompanied by trevor and his girlfriend amelia as you waited for your brothers and alex to walk out.
as soon as jack and luke walked out, they made a beeline to you and told the others that you’d meet them at the restaurant.
“we found out who it is,” jack started.
he was sat in your passenger seat, his whole body turned to you. luke was sat in the middle his body pressed in between yours and jacks seat.
“you don’t know shit,” you called his bluff.
the twenty minute car ride was spent with your brothers claiming they knew who you were dating, without explicitly saying a name or describing any identifying features.
alex had texted saying they were already seated and that they had a last minute addition to the group.
you, jack and luke hadn’t even sat in your seats properly before jack started questioning everyone if they knew who you were dating.
“you. new kid to the group, do you know who she’s dating?” jack asked, pointing at brandt who sat across from him.
brandt chuckled and looked towards his teammate and you. “oh, you were serious? no sorry,” he answered.
under the table, brandt had his hand matched onto yours, holding on for dead life.
“jack, stop scaring the kid,” alex jumped in. he knew if jack found out it would be the end of your relationship and honestly he didn’t mind third wheeling the two of you.
jack squinted at brandt. after confirming that the boy wasn’t a threat he turned to amelia and trevor. “well i’m guessing amelia knows and trevor’s a busy body so he probably found out as well,”
you just rolled your eyes. “why do you want to know so badly jack? i mean you’re working things out with isla, luke is dating lizzie and quinn’s co-parenting with amanda,” you explained.
“because your my little sister,” was his answer.
you were growing angry very quickly as you turned to brandt and kissed his lips. “there. this is my boyfriend brandt, we’ve been dating for ten months and he’s not a piece of shit,”
jack dropped his fork and luke chocked on his water. “what the heck, you’re dating a canadian!” luke yelled.
once again you rolled your eyes. “y/n’s canadian and you love her,” you pointed out.
brandt leaned over and kissed your temple before looking at your brothers. “if it makes you feel any better she keeps rubbing it in my face that usa won world juniors this year,” he added.
luke rolled his eyes at brandt, still bitter over canada’s win in 2023
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isla-morningstar · 1 month
《A video loads. it's looking at the note Isla left on her table. Her engagement rings are next to it.
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Every single candle in the house is out. Some clothes are missing from her closet. You can assume she took them with her.
it's scarily silent.》
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goldribboncottage · 11 months
Hazel Callahan Fanfiction
I haven’t posted on tumblr dot com in probably three years. I don’t know how it works.
This is my untitled fanfiction about being Hazel’s sisters’ nanny and falling in love. I haven’t written a fanfiction since I was in middle school. Enjoy.
Untitled Pookie Story 
It wasn’t supposed to end up this way. You weren’t supposed to fall for the bosses daughter. You barely knew the boss had a daughter. Mrs. Webster mentioned in passing that her oldest was off at college, and didn’t tend to come home on breaks. 
“I have another child at Amherst, but that won’t be relevant to this position. It’s strictly caring for the twins! She never comes home anyway. A lot of people ask, what was I thinking having kids 20 years apart, but it’s truly a blessing to start over. No need to relive mistakes as a first time mom! I’m so excited to have someone so kind caring for my babies.” Mrs. Webster almost hired you on the spot. 
You wondered about the elder Webster. She probably wasn’t called that, being from her first marriage. Whatever, it’s not like you would be seeing her at the new job. There were no pictures of her in the house, but you knew her old bedroom was across from yours, and you took over her old bathroom. Being a live in nanny, your priorities were the 4 month old fraternal twins, Isla and Sage. 
Two months in and you had the twins on a great schedule, and hit your stride. Making friends wasn’t always easy for you growing up but you fell into an easy friendship with a group a little younger than you. PJ and Brittany were nice people and you had a lot in common. Brittany was a cosmetologist and cheered for a local sports team, and PJ had her own podcast. They had known each other since high school but quickly accepted you as one of them. You had hung out with them a lot since moving, and gotten to know their wider group of friends. 
The best part about being an infant nanny was the nap times. Mrs. W didn’t expect you to do any chores or extra work, so you’d usually hang out in your room or the common areas. Today being the first warm day in a while, you took the baby monitor outside and read on the back porch. 
Nearly falling asleep, the porch swing was your favorite part of the house. Sure, Mrs. Webster had a huge house from her first divorce settlement, and plenty of money of her own, but this little corner felt like your place. Big and comfy, naps outside always came unexpectedly. 
*Movement at Front Door*
Waking you, the Ring notification flashed on your screen, and you figured it was Mrs. W coming home early. She usually texted, but maybe she forgot. Typical for a woman in her 50s who married a 28 year old surfer and divorced him before their children were born.
Re-entering the house to greet Mrs. Webster, you were met with a surprise. A very short, shaggy haired, blue eyed surprise. 
Hazel POV
I’m not sure why I decided today was the day to come home for the first time in five months. After helping my mom with her two little mistakes for three weeks I decided it hurt too much to be around them. Just more reminders my mom chose a new start over me. 
I didn’t bother telling my mom I’d be coming home, she’d prefer I stay in Massachusetts. But it was spring break, and I missed my friends. PJ mentioned my mom hiring help, but I didn’t care about what she did. She was always looking for ways out of being a parent. 
There was a foreign car in the driveway, with a Callahan Motors license plate cover. Must be a guilt present from my dad. Another SUV for my mom to drive around the little brats in. 
I had planned on running home for a quick shower and change of clothes before meeting up with PJ, Josie, Isabel, and Brittany. 
I hadn’t planned on entering my home and finding it filled with stuff I didn’t recognize. Shoes that were way too young for my mom filled the rack in the closet, another with jackets I didn’t recognize. Huh. Must be another crisis, this time in fashion. I made my way to the kitchen at the back of the house when something stops me. Or rather, someone. 
Reader POV
“Who the fuck are you?” The tiny masculine girl scoffs, rounding the kitchen island. 
“Who am I? WHO ARE YOU? Why are you here? Get out! If you don’t leave I’m calling the cops!” unfazed, she grabs a drink out of the fridge. “I’m serious. I am responsible for this house and all of the people in it right now and I am not afraid of you. Get out before I make you get out”
Sensing your change in tone, she puts her hands up in defense “Hey, I live here, I could say the same thing to you.” She sips her drink and doesn’t break eye contact. 
“You don’t live here! I’ve NEVER seen you before! I live her with Mrs. Webster and her daughters. I’m calling the cops. You can get out now or wait until they-“
“Whoawhoawhoa, pleasedontdothat. I’m Hazel. Callahan. My mom didn’t tell you about me? Are you like the maid or something? I’m just visiting for spring break. I live here. Seriously.” You stared at her, as if telling her to go on. “If I didn’t live here I wouldn’t know there’s a chip in the upstairs bath tile I never told my mom about, or that the fourth step squeaks on the stairs, and I have two baby sisters! I know their names! Isla and Sage! They’re like, little! I don’t know how old they are! But they’re still, like, babies, I think!” 
You put down your phone. So this is Mrs. Websters oldest daughter. Hazel Callahan. You wondered why you had never heard her name until now. 
“They’re 6 months old. Next week will be 7.” You explain. “And I’m not the maid, I’m the nanny. I live in the room across from yours. I told your mom about the chip in the tile. I thought I did it when I slipped coming out of the shower.” She laughs. You can see it now. Sage has the same deep blue eyes, and Isla’s hair is just a shorter, thinner version of Hazel’s. “I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.” 
“It’s nice to meet you too. Sorry about the mix up. Where are those little rugrats? I haven’t seen them since they came out of the womb.” She puts back her drink and starts to make her way to the nursery. 
“Wait! Just look at the monitor. They aren’t supposed to wake up until 3.” You hand her the monitor, and she grabs it slowly. Your hands brush, and you explain to her the differences in the girls. 
“Isla has the dark hair, like you and your mom. Sage has lighter hair but darker eyes. Blue. Like yours. Dark blue. And big.” Hazel glances at you with her big blue eyes and meets your e/c ones. “They’re so adorable. When she stares at me I swear my heart melts. I’m such a sucker.” You shake your head and giggle, thinking of the tender moments you’ve shared with the babies. Hazel looks up at you from under her eyelashes. 
“I mean the babies.” You step away slightly. “Speaking of, I have to get their food ready. Today they’re trying peas for the first time. We are all very excited.” 
“Thrilling. Well, I’m going to go upstairs. I have to be somewhere. It was nice meeting you.” She tips her head in salute and walks off. 
“You too, Hazel.” You whisper. 
She comes down as you are wiping mushy peas off the girls and their high chairs. 
Wow. You’d never had a certain type, but Hazel was definitely it. She looked good in an oversized t shirt, vest, and nike sneakers. “Hey.” She rocks on her heels, almost looking scared to approach you.
“Oh! H-Hi. We just finished. This is about as clean as they will get if you want to come say hi. They don’t bite! They really can’t, yet, they’ve only got two teeth each. Isla did bite me once but that was only because she thought I was food!” Sensing you were over talking you pick up Sage and offer her the Hazel. The younger girl backs away, a concerned look on her face. “Oh, sorry! I forget not everyone is a baby person. You don’t have to hold her. She’s really good at sitting now! You can play in the living room while I get Isla cleaned up.”
“I’m good, but thank you. I have to meet my friends. I haven’t been back in a while. I don’t know when I’ll be home tonight but I told my mom I’m in town. See ya” She exits quickly. 
Hazel POV
I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. I don’t know why I can’t handle being around my sisters. I mean, I haven’t met a lot of babies, but I’ve never been scared of them. Maybe it isn’t them I’m scared of. I’ve stayed away from Rockbridge for a reason. Let my mom have her perfect little life without me in it. I don’t need her anyway. But that nanny is something. Hiring someone to live at your house? At MY house? God. Who knows what’s next on the divorcee-crisis list. 
I pulled into the parking lot of Bottoms, the greatest and only queer bar in town. I could see my friends at their usual table inside. At least one thing was good about coming home. 
“Hazel!” Isabel rushes to hug me, and I can tell a line is forming behind her. She kisses my cheek and tells me how much I’ve been missed. “You need to come back more often!” 
“Yeah, it’s not like Amherst has anything to offer but snotty WASPS and fake deep classes.” PJ chimes in. 
“Hey, Hazel’s doing great there! And don’t hate on Massachusetts, Emerson was your top choice.” Josie adds, defending me and our college towns. 
I’m glad to see nothings changed. 
After a couple of drinks, I decide to bring up the incident earlier today with my mom’s new nanny. 
“Oh my god! Y/N? We love her! Why didn’t you invite her out? I can’t believe she thought you were an intruder. That’s so funny. I’m texting her right now.” Brittany whips out her phone and clicks away. 
“Wait you guys know her? Like have her number and text her know her? How come no one’s told me about this!” 
Josie answers first “Well to be fair when we met her we didn’t know she was their nanny, and you don’t really like to talk about your family so we didn’t bring it up.”
“Yeah Hazel we always want to respect you, especially since everything happened with your dad and then Jeff. Your mom has put you through a lot in the past” Isabel takes my hand and comforts me. 
“Yeah that AND the fact that Y/N and I are totally gonna bone. She’s a lesbian, as we all are-“
“I’m still not gay, PJ.” Brittany interrupts. “And Isabel is Bi.”
“Anyway, AS I was saying, there’s totally tension there. It’s only a matter of time before we’re scissoring and run away together.” 
“PJ, you barely talk to her, and she’s the only one who is as much of a bitch as you.” Brittany quips. “You get humbled every time Y/N opens her mouth.”
“I like a challenge, baby.” PJ blows Brittany a kiss and swigs her drink. 
“Anyway it’s not like we only like Y/N because she works for your mom. She’s super nice. She’s 26 and has more life experience than all of us combined. It’s like she’s lived 30 lives. She’s so cool.” Josie says, changing the direction of conversation. 
“Yeah, okay” I say “I’ll try to get to know her better while I’m here.” I think back to earlier in the day. Y/N looked so happy talking about Isla and Sage. I can’t be second place in another person’s life. 
Brittany has been texting you about Hazel since yesterday, trying to get you to come out with them tonight. So when she calls you on Saturday morning you immediately pick up. 
“PLEASE babe it’ll be so much fun. You literally live in the same house as her, you can carpool! And Hazel doesn’t drink she can be your DD. I know you want to come out, just do it! You deserve a night out, pleeaaase” 
“Okay okay fine. But I’m coming for you. It’s been like a week since we saw each other and I’m literally dying because of it.” 
“YES oh my god - PJ SHES COMING!” You hear her yell off into their shared apartment. 
“Tell her to wear something tight and short!” PJs voice is distant but clear.
“PJ says-“
“Yeah I heard. God she’s ridiculous. I’ll see you tonight. I don’t know if Hazel’s up yet but I’ll ask her to drive me”
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sweetheartmotives · 11 months
What my yan ocs are scared of! =D
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Desc and possible Cw: None except maybe death?
Let me know if I missed any!
Kaan, the yan vampire: onions and garlic. Why onions? They look similar to garlic and he can't tell the difference!
Isla, the Platonic!Yandere witch: Accidentally killing her student (reader) while training or making dangerous potions. Also snakes.
Yumako, The yan magical girl: Not being able to wear pretty clothes while fighting. She can't wear a cutesy dress while kicking ass?! This planet is a prison!
Micah, The yan Bartender: Getting dirty or having germs on him! It's called Mysophobia :3
Damian, The yan deep diver: Suprisingly, he has thalassophobia. He's scared of finding something he shouldn't in the deepest of waters.. like how he found you!
Harper, The yan Eagle Hybrid: Dying. If he died, who would get you down from his cave high in the sky? Poor mate.. you would be so scared!
Taiyō, The Yandere Cafe Host: Being Ugly.
Yandere Arctic Fox Hybrid: not finding a meal. And peanut butter =3
Apollo, the Yandere Otter Hybrid: being away from (reader)! He can't stand it!
Tomen, the Clumsy Yandere: Getting caught by (reader) when he's stalking them, or tripping while stalking (reader). He also has Scopophobia and Autophobia.
Lelantos, the yan Stalker: Not being able to hide in ur closet and jerk off into ur underwear 😞
Welcome to the end credits! These are so much fun to make! I looked up phobias for this fic and I'm surprised to see some things people are actually fearful of! And I learned some new things about myself!
I hope you enjoyed reading as I enjoyed writing! :3
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miscfandomwrites · 1 year
Mama: Chapter Three
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A/N: Oop, another repost. I'll set this in my queue for now tho.
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Mom! Avenger! Reader
Warnings: Cussing, Clint being Clint.
Words: 1.2k
Tagging: @tyler-t0t
Thankfully, the rest of the trip was quiet and peaceful. I decided to listen to some music and rest for a bit. Once we landed, I put my jacket and backpack on, and then carefully picked up Lillith. 
Clint stayed by my side the entire time, occasionally giving me a worried glance.
He spoke in a hushed tone once we got inside. 
“You’ll be on the eighteenth floor, and I’m right above you if you need anything. I’ve already started to set up some things the way you like them. The map is up in the living room and the kitchen is stocked with snacks.” He told me. 
“Thank you. I thought there was only one kitchen?” I asked him. 
“There’s the main, but all floors have a basic setup. Fridge, microwave, sink, dishwasher, and countertop stove. There’s no oven, unless you buy one of the countertop ones.” He replied to me. I nodded. 
Him, Natasha, Lillith, and I got into the elevator. Clint pushed the button to go up to my floor. 
“I can’t believe she’s still asleep.” Natasha whispered to me. I smiled at her and readjusted my grip on the sleeping toddler in my arms. 
“She sleeps through anything. It was a gift when she was littler.” I replied. 
The elevator flew up the floors really quickly. Within two minutes we were already at my floor. 
We got off, and Clint walked to the back of the floor. I looked around-this place was huge. And I had it entirely for Lillith and I…
I followed Clint into a bedroom that was as big as my entire living room in my old apartment, and saw the decor setup for Lillith. 
The walls were painted to show a forest scenery, and various woodland animals weaved through the trees and branches. The colors were done tastefully in green, dark brown, and black. A touch of gold here and there, but overall it gave the room a very ‘foresty’ feeling. Lillith had a huge dresser and a closet with mirrors on it, along with her toy box and bookshelves. Her stuffed animals were everywhere, including on her bed. Thankfully, it was a twin, not a queen. Clint and Natasha excused themselves, heading to where I assumed the kitchen was. 
The few times Lillith slept in a queen bed, she somehow managed to move more than enough to yank and burrito herself in all the blankets, usually getting stuck and hollering for me in the morning to let her out to go pee. 
I set her down in the bed, pulling the blankets gently over her. I grabbed her plush wolf-that was almost half her size-and tucked it in her arms. She instinctively wrapped her arms around it, pulling it closer to her, I smiled and tucked her in, smoothing her hair around her face. I kissed her on her forehead and told her goodnight, before turning on the nightlight on the wall. 
After gently closing the door, I found my bedroom. My door was painted completely (favorite color). It was just down the hallway from Lilliths, as well. 
I walked in and was greeted by the sight of a large, plush rug and my desk. Everything was mostly still in boxes, because last time I had Clint help me move, kitchenware somehow made it into my desk and my papers had ended up in the kitchen. How he was able to screw up that bad was beyond me, but he somehow did it. 
I tossed my jacket on the chair and set my backpack at the foot of my queen sized bed. The room was decorated with (favorite colors) and the walls were painted white. Shelves were waiting to be filled with my various trinkets and books, and it looks like I not only had a walk-in closet, but a huge bathroom as well. 
After exploring a little bit and moving a box or two, I grabbed my hoodie from my backpack and headed to the kitchen area. 
Clint was making a cup of coffee, and Natasha was looking at the massive map that took up most of one of the walls. 
I opened the fridge and grabbed a soda, popping the lid off and taking a sip. I hopped on the island counter and watched as Clint tried to figure out how to work the coffee machine. 
“Three scoops, fill the water, then press the on button. Not that hard dude.” I told him with a chuckle. He swore under his breath at me, in which I chucked again. I turned towards Natasha and the wall map. 
“What is this?” She asked me, still facing the map. 
“Red pins are places that Hydra has sent me, that I’ve found out about at least. Black pins are places I’ve been after Hydra, White is places I’ve been with Lillith.” I answered, sipping on my soda. 
“And the green?” 
“Places the Marines have sent me.”
“Places I’ve been before the Marines. My childhood.” 
She hummed and turned, walking back to Clint and I. 
I took the time to notice her outfit and her in general. 
Slightly curvy red hair falling just at her shoulders, green eyes that reminded me of emeralds and the forest after rain. A simple t-shirt tucked into black pants, a black leather jacket I knew was just to cover up the fact that she was carrying a gun. Black boots that probably had a knife or two tucked in them. 
“Take a photo, it’ll last longer.” She told me. I looked up to her face and smiled softly. 
“I thought you didn’t want any evidence that you existed?” I told her as I took another drink of my soda. 
She smirked at me. “I suppose you will be the only exception to that.” She replied. 
I grinned and pulled out my phone, snapping a few photos of her. 
“FINALLY!” Clint yelled. I jumped, spilling my soda all over my hoodie and nearly falling off the counter. 
“Jesus Christ Clint, my kid is sleeping!” I whisper-yelled at him. He winced and muttered a ‘sorry’ as he held his coffee cup. 
I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding, and hopped off the counter. My hoodie and shirt was soaked through with soda. I pulled the wet materials away from my body. 
“Thanks, this is what I exactly needed right now.” I snarkily told him.
“You’re welcome, bitch.” He replied, pouring coffee into the cup. 
I pulled off my hoodie and tossed it into a conveniently placed laundry basket. My shirt was soaked through as well. I groaned and tossed the now empty can of soda into the trash, and pulled off my shirt and tossed it into the basket. 
Clint wolf-whistled and I flipped him off. “You’ve got a wife, asshole.” I reminded him. 
He nodded, sipping on his coffee. Then he pointed to Natasha. “She’s single.”  
My mouth opened in protest before I rolled my eyes. 
“Oh please, I got too much to deal with. I’m not exactly wife material right now.” I replied. 
“So?” He told me. 
I shook my head. “You are insane. I’m getting a shower and going to bed. Clint, if you start some shit I will tape you to the ceiling.” I answered. 
Natasha laughed as I entered the hallway, grabbing some clothes from my bag and headed to the bathroom. 
I could tell we would get along fine. 
A/N: I honestly love this. Bit of detail that will/will not be in the story: Clint and Reader have been friends since they were young, drifting apart after high school. He’s the one that helped her with Lillith after her wife died, and helped her join S.H.I.E.L.D. They’ve got a fantastic relationship, if you can’t tell.
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ruggiethethuggie · 1 year
R U G T O B E R || D A Y O N E
wc: 1801
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You rubbed your eyes groggily as you made it down the steps. Having just rolled out of bed, your eyes were still struggling to adjust to the light coming in past the curtains on the window. Grim had pounced on you that morning, whining about someone being at the door. You kept telling him there was no way someone would be there so early, the sun had just come up. But you were mistaken.
As you made it off the last step, you could hear light mumbling coming from outside the door. Confused, you quietly approached the door and put your ear to it, trying to make out the muffled sounds. It was hard to really decipher what was actually being said, but it was easy to recognize to whom the voice belonged to.
You threw the door open to find Ruggie standing there on your doorstep, once again. “Ruggie.” Your tone was sullen, clearly from unwillingly being woken up so early. “Oh, turn that frown upside down, sunshine. It’s Rugtober, did you forget? I did tell you that I’d be here again super early.”
He stood there with his hands in his pockets, eyes bright and chipper as if he had been up for hours already. Did he ever take the time to really get in good sleep, or was he always a ‘go-go-go’ person? His outfit consisted of a dark gray shirt with the spell drive team’s logo, a mustard yellow plaid shirt overtop with the sleeves rolled and left unbuttoned, and a plain black pair of joggers and sneakers.
For waking you up so early, you decided to get him back a bit with teasing. “Are you already dressing up for Halloween? Gonna be a scarecrow this year?” You raised an eyebrow at him as he sucked his teeth at your words.
“Yeah,” he grabbed at the bottom hem of the plaid shirt, “this is my scarecrow outfit. You don’t like it?” He looked up at you, giving you sickeningly sweet eyes. It was difficult to not think it was adorable.
“So what is our plan for day 1 of Rugtober, Ruggie?” you asked.
“Two words. Pumpkin. Patch. Well, I guess four words. Also, get and dressed. Maybe six words. Hurry and up, oh seven, already!” He chuckled to himself as he counted on his fingers.
“Okay, okay, mister impatient. Give me like 5 minutes, I’ll be right back. I’ll even wear a flannel so you don’t become a lonely scarecrow today.”
“I’m touched,” he said, putting his hand over his heart. “I’ll be waiting here.”
You shut the door and ran back upstairs, scaring Grim and making him fall off the bed as you came back into your bedroom.
“WAHHHH!!” Grim hit the floor with a thud. “What’d’ya doing scaring me like that?! Who was that?” he asked, rubbing the top of his head.
“It was Ruggie. I have to get dressed, we’re going to a pumpkin patch today. And before you even ask- no you cannot come along.” You rummaged through your drawers and closet, quickly finding clothes to wear, not forgetting the flannel you said you’d wear.
“Hmph, like I wanna go anywhere with him anyway. He never shares his snacks with me,” Grim huffed and stuck his tongue out. His fake disinterest was amusing, you knew he probably really wanted to go, but this was something Ruggie invited you to- not you and Grim.
You finished getting dressed, walked over to him, and put your hand on his head gently, avoiding the spot where he bonked his head moments ago. “How about I bring you a small pumpkin back? Yeah? One you can decorate however you’d like?”
Grim’s ears perked up at your words and he smiled mischievously. “You better bring me back a good one, or you’ll roux the day and feel the wrath of the all powerful mage, Grim!”
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s get you back into bed, o’ powerful one.” You picked him up, put him back on your bed, and watched as he snuggled back up into the covers. “I’ll be back later, be good.” Grim was already half asleep as you left the room and closed the door quietly before meeting Ruggie downstairs.
“Alright, let’s go.” You locked the door as you closed it. Ruggie nodded and turned on his heel, leading the way.
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Going towards the town of Sage’s Island, you spotted an old wooden fence with a makeshift sign on it that read “Pumpkin Patch” with an arrow pointing down a small dirt path. Realistically, it seemed odd that a pumpkin patch would be out of the way like this, but you wouldn’t think Ruggie would lead you into danger- at least, not without forewarning you before.
“Why’s it so far out of the way? I feel like we’ve been walking for hours, Ruggie,” you groaned. “Well, if it was right by the road, then there wouldn’t be any room for that.”
You kept walking, staring at the sky above you and not paying attention to the stopped beastman in front of you, running into him and staggering back. 
“OOF!” Ruggie said as he caught his balance and turned around and grabbed your hand. “Watch it, klutz,” he teased. “Oh, shut up,” you said as you used his hand to stabilize yourself and tried to reorient yourself. “Wouldn’t be any room for what?” you asked looking everywhere but where Ruggie had been talking about.
“For that.” Ruggie pointed up ahead to a small little hill. There were what looked like hundreds of pumpkins, but what was amazing, leaving you in awe, was the ginormous pumpkin that was in the middle of them all. “Holy shi-”
“Shh, shhh. Language,” Ruggie said, putting a finger to your lips. “Come on” He took your hand and pulled you up the hill, making sure you didn’t clumsily fall down it or run into him again.
The patch was full of many pumpkins, you knew it was going to be hard to find the right one, especially since you promised to get Grim one while you were here, too. The varying sizes and colors and shapes of them all could force someone to spend hours here just trying to find the pumpkin for them.
You could see a small house up higher on the hill with a sign on the front railing that said “Checkout here” on it. An elderly man waved at you and Ruggie from the porch, to which Ruggie shouted up to him. “HEY, MR. JOE! I THINK THIS ONE’S BIGGER THAN LAST YEAR’S!” Ruggie smiled widely as he pointed to the excessively large pumpkin.
Mr. Joe shouted back to him, but he was so far away and seemed so soft spoken that it was hard to make out what he said. Ruggie just waved off the words and turned to whisper to you. “He has no idea what I just said, and I have no idea what he just said.” You both chuckled as you started to look through the patch for your perfect pumpkins to take home.
A plump, orange pumpkin near a back fence caught your eye. It was the perfect roundness for making a jack-o-lantern and the orange was bright and vibrant. You walked over to it and tried to pull it off the vine when you felt a tapping on your shoulder. You glanced up to see Ruggie standing there with two pumpkins in his hands, looking almost upset.
“Ruggie? What’s wrong??” You stopped tugging on the vine to give him your full attention, it was rare to see him in such a state.
“Uh.. Uhm.. well..” he stammered.
“Spit it out already! WHAT, WHAT?!” You stood up and wiped your hands on your pants to get the dirt off.
“What… what do you get when you drop a pumpkin?”
“What do you get? Uh I don’t think you get anything, except a bill to probably pay for it,” you said confused.
“No… squash.”
The upset look on Ruggie’s face immediately changed to a cheeky grin as you rolled your eyes at his joke.
“Do you want me to get that one off the vine for you? Here, hold these.” He shoved the two pumpkins in your hands and knelt to the ground to get your pumpkin off the vine.
“Rug, why did you get two? Getting Leona one or something?”
“Oh, please, he doesn’t carve pumpkins. I figured your pet cat was wantin’ one so I got him a small one.” He traded pumpkins with you, handing you your one and taking his two back. “Yeah, he does want one. I was gonna look for him one next, but you did it for me. Thanks, Rugbert.”
“Hey, hey, hey,” he snapped and leaned in close to you. “Don’t call me that in public.” You knew he was just joking with you, at least mostly. He really did hate being called that in public but there was no one around you two at the patch, and there was no way Mr. Joe could’ve heard the nickname anyway.
You two made your way up to the small house where Mr. Joe was to buy your pumpkins. “Welcome, Welcome!” the man said cheerily from his old rocking chair. “Find the ones y’ere looking for?”
“Yes, sir! Three pumpkins, good and ready. How much for these bad boys?” You held up your pumpkin when Ruggie showed his. Mr. Joe looked back and forth at them for a few moments before responding. “I’d say about 10.”
“Just 10? Feels like I’m robbin’ ya, old man,” Ruggie said as he handed the money to Mr. Joe. “I’ll be back next year, and that pumpkin out there- It better be as big as this house next time.” Ruggie and Mr. Joe chuckled. “O’heehee, you betcha it will be, my boy!”
“Take it easy, you know how to get me if you need me,” Ruggie said walking off the porch. “Err, it was nice meeting you, thank you for the pumpkins, Mr. Joe!” you spit out before tagging along behind Ruggie.
“You come here every year, Rug?”
“Sometimes more than once a year. The old fart’s too old to get house and yard work done, so I come by every now and then when he tells me he needs help and then he always gives me a lil discount when I buy pumpkins. One time I bought pumpkins for all the kids at Sunset Savanna and it only cos’ me like 100 thaumarks. Wild, right?”
“Yeah, that is wild. I bet he likes when you come around, seems lonely all the way out here if you ask me.”
Ruggie smiled and nodded at your words. “We better get you back before Grim starts causing a ruckus and setting the dorm on fire.”
©  Spider Divider | please do not copy and or repost my work as your own, my brain is massive and these are my thoughts.
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tiva-fic-challenges · 22 days
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The September challenge is getting close! ❤️ We're very excited to dive into such a special TIVA episode. 🎶 "Like we were in Paris"...
Are you struggling to come up with fic ideas? We have prompt suggestions and ways you could explore this! Have fun with it!
🛏️ "The One-Bed trope"
By the end of the episode, the audience realizes both Tony and Ziva lied about who took the couch. But what really happened? Did they fight to get the one bed? Or did they silently agree to it? Was it funny or vulnerable? We'd love to know!
✈️ "The Before-Sunrise trope"
Having to stay the night in France to escort their witness the next day, the audience realizes both Tony and Ziva spent a whole night alone in Paris. What did they talk about? Did they see any sights? What changed them? Romance in the city of love!
🥐 "The Casablanca trope"
Only one night? Scrap that! What would happen if Tony and Ziva had more time in Paris, now knowing they couldn't live without each other? La Marseillaise plays in the background... And Rick and Isla stay together in our version 😌 Change the story!
🔥 "The Forced-Proximity trope"
So, there's only one room available and only one bed... And could you please not sleep shirtless? Why are your pajamas so flimsy in the middle of the European winter? And... is that your hand under the covers? We like heat! Write about it ;)
🦴 "The Skeletons-In-Our-Closets trope"
Jet Lag 7x13 happens right after Tony and Ziva overcome what happened in 7x01 in Somalia. But is everything truly resolved? These are complex, I-can't-talk-about-it characters. They can't help but worry about each other. Make them talk!
💌 "The Elizabeth-Bennet trope"
We discover later in the series that Ziva has a habit of writing about a lot of canon events in her diaries. There surely must have been an entry about Paris in them, must have not? What was she thinking during their stay there? Be her outlet!
🛵 "The Back-To-The-Future trope"
Discuss Paris. Tony has an entry on his bucket list that we never got to see: why would he need to later discuss it with Ziva? In Paris, it's difficult not to be in love. Well, now's the time! Be their genie inside the lamp, grant him this wish!
📸 "The Family-Heirloom trope"
Years later, Tali may ask about what that Ziva in Paris photo meant. We know it was Tony's favorite picture—the only one with someone in it. But what about the others? What memories do they guard? Tell Tali the secrets Tony and Ziva still hold dearly!
more information about the September TIVA fic writing challenge is in our pinned post! have fun with it ❤️
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rae-473 · 2 months
So my Birthday is coming up soon and I know I want to cosplay but I don't know which one to do. Who do you guys think I should do?
(Note that the bound one is vague because there's a lot I could do so if you chose that one please say who you think I should do and I might do another poll with the options)
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alders-simblr · 1 year
Rowanwood Estates
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Rowanwood Estates - WillowCreek - Sage Estates
I'm calling this the 'lite' version because I'm going to go back and clutter it up and change it but it is by no mean 'light' on CC. This one is going to be a long list of links just as a warning and includes my own mod tweak packages for the two cars on it (further explained below).
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As with ALL my builds, you're going to want to have bb.moveobjects ON before placing the lot and I DID use TOOL to place some of the more complicated tweaks.
As with all my builds, it is on my gallery under EA ID: alderwitch but you can also download the tray files on my patreon as well here.
Lot Size: 50 x 50
Furnished Price: 915,012 Unfurnished: 336,018
Bedrooms: 6 Bathrooms: 7
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Details and CC Shopping List below the cut.
Packs Used: HSY, Cottage Living, Snowy Escape, Eco Lifestyle, Island Living, Get Famous, Seasons, City Living, Get Together, Get To Work, Werewolves, Wedding Stories, Dream Home, Dine Out, Spa Day, Little Campers, Blooming Rooms, Courtyard Oasis, Bust the Dust, Nifty Knitting, Fitness, Backyard, Romantic Garden, Movie Hangout, Cool Kitchen
CC Used: CM Designs: Isla Pt 2, Jasper, Oakley, Rugs, Thermostat Oni: Traditional Japanese Room, Artist's World Room, Custom Food Pink Baddie: Baby Food, Magical Rug, Play Kitchen Sooky: Abstract Frames, Moroccan Rugs, Hydrangea Jug, Kids Rugs, Pretty Blue Rugs ClutterCat: Shiba Inu Rug Aira: Vanilla Rice Cooker Amoebae: Half Strip Tile, Statement Walls, Hallway Stone ATS4: Bagclutter AWingledLLama: Diaper Pail House of Harlix: Bafroom, Baysic, Harluxe, Jardane Brazen Lotus: ABP Closet, Greenhouse, Chronicles of Dressup, Reupholstered Sofa, Phoenix Fence Black Charly Pancakes: Lighthouse Collection, All CC Merged? Felixandre: Chateau, August 2019, Berlin Pt 3, Colonial Pt 2, Florence Set Pt 1, pt 3, Georgian, Grove Pt 4, Paris pt 1, Pt 3, Shop the Look Season 1 Walls That Make Sense: Dynasty, Fundamentals, Lights, Opulence Harrie: Country, Octave, Livin Rum, Tiny Twavellers Icemunmun: AirFryer, Canning Preserves, Finger Sandwiches, Floral tea, Burger Essentials, Mill, Soup, Soda Joliebean: Padtow LBB: Grannie's Cookbook, Recipe Tin, Recipe Stand LilacCreative: Body Butter, Candle LeafMotif: Magnolia Bathroom, Sunbeam Study, Starlight Crystals Ivy LittleDica: Chic Bathroom, Rise N Grind Cafe, Sleek Slumber, Modern Kitchen, Roman Holiday MadameRia: Back to Basics, Luxe, CoL Wallpaper Addon, Lucky Man Marvell: Lux, Janina, KC, Tiny Footsteps, UPcycle MyCupofCC: Maple Manor Books, Curtain, Macrame Shelf Max20: MasterBedroom Pack, Pouf Soft, Washing and Drying Machines Myshousun: Nora Living, Serene Bathroom, Zephyr Office, Dawn Living, Garden Stories, Freja, Gale Peacemaker: Atwood, Grasscloth, Bayside, Caine, Coulor Me Rugs, Drapery Delights, Elme Jute, Elsie, Futura, Gorgeous Georgian, Glass Tile, Hamptons Hideaway, Hamptons Retreat, Hinterlands, Hudsoon, Kingston, Kitayama, Lennox, MCE, Mina, Myra, Nox, Oasis, Quintin, Serenity, Vara, Marcissus Folly PieriSim: David Apartment, Domaine Du Clos, MCM, Oak House, Teeny Weeny, The Office, Tidying Up, Winter Garden Redhead Sims: Nintendo Switch RVSN: Advant 2020 Holiday Decor, Bidet, Binge Inking, CakeABreak, Cupcake Machine, Don't Be Alarmed Alarm Clock, Flood Saucer Light, Hoarders, Void Critter Gaming, Kids Toybin, Knit Happens, Major Inspo, MOtivational Speaker, Personal Brewer, Cod Fish Tank, One Nightstand Short, Peg to Differ, Procraftination, Shop Chef, Shut the Front Door, Smeglish Dishwasher, Sport Retail Therapy, Throw Shade, ToolTime, Watts Not to Love, SP Built Ins, You know the Drill, Ruggable SimCredible: DishDrainer, Naturalis Pantry SimKoos: Boba Storage, Home Clutter, Infant Bottles, Office Tour, Stroller Deluxe Sixam: Cozy Family Room, Gothic W Lighting, Home Basics, Home Improvement, Luxbath, Mixer, Private Surface, RetroVibes, Small Spaces, Spring Six, Stylish Wood, Teen Room Softerhaze: Bramblefinch Powder Walls Syboulette: Oceane, Advent 2022 Wood Parquet, Attic, Bayhouse, Boho Wedding, Brigette, Bougainvillers, Candy, Clarisse, Coraline, Crossfit, Delphine, Designer Meeting Table, Diane, Dino, Dreamy, Faveo, Fitness, Helios, Karaoke, Laundry, Louane, Millenial, Mozaik, Nothingtowear, Pascaline, Petite Chef, Ratatoulle, Sabine, Serenity, Unicorn Birthday Taurus Design: Cassandra Bathroom, Eliza Bedroom and Closet, Elsa, Jade, Katrina Tuds: 2nd Wave, Cave, Crib, Cross, Emma, NCTR, SHKR, Wave WhoisSage: Shag Rug, Handful of Mats, Simply Striking
These mods are not technically in the build but are needed to have mods (syboulette's crossfit and aira's rice cooker specifically) functional.
ZulfAndHakrabr: Let's Get Fits Modpack Ricky: Useable RiceCooker
Technically, the two vehicles used for this build use the the Breeze Motors 2018 Mercedes E-Class Wagon and the 2020 Maserati Quattroporte as their base. I won't link to the download page as its a perma-paywaller and I fundamentally disagree with how Breeze Motors is handling their patreon personally. I will leave it to you to decide if you want their CC and how you acquire it if you choose to do so.
For my personal game, I have edited and stripped down my copies of these two cars and modified them so that they work with Simnation Travel. I have a pinned patreon post that is not paywall locked here explaining that more in depth and include the required files HERE.
If you go that route, and would like to download the cars, you can find them here:
Maserati Quattroporte
Mercedes E-Class
I should note that in addition to lacking the door open /close options of the original as those were stripped down, the textures were redone with simlish for a more maxis match look in game.
Mods for this Build
These are not technically required for the build to function but this build was built using overrides for both Sim Realist's SNB Bills mod as well as Simnation Travel vehicles. You shouldn't get any weird errors if you load the build in without those mods but if there's an exception caught by MCC related to that, it's probably just reconciling that the override the lot was built with is not in place in your game. It should only be a one time alert the first time the game loads in if it happens and should not cause any issue other than MCC making a noise at you about it noticing weirdness.
(The SNB provides the High Speed Internet trait to the lot and I think it will just set that trait to empty if its loaded without but I haven't personally confirmed it, hence the note here. ) Additional Note
I'm pushing this to live today just to make sure it hits my tumblr the same time as I pushed the build to my gallery but I will be going back to add links into the list. There are just a LOT to track down and it might take me a day or two to finish that part.
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elianxbrowne · 5 months
starter for @islaricci
location: eli and isla's place
"Was there enough space in the closet?" Eli questioned, walking into their bedroom. "We still have the spare if there's not enough room," he was grinning, joking with her, but it was also serious in nature. He had a three bedroom townhome and it had been just him for quite some time now. He certainly didn't need all the space. "You can also convert it into a work space if you need," he offered to the woman, leaning against the door frame as he watched her from across the room.
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rozenn · 7 days
you can argue that you still have trans ppl that you know and love, but jk rowling did the same thing. i hope for you and the trans people that might still be around you that one day you'll get out of the terf mindset. it's a black hole that's never satisfied.
JKR did say that, and she still does. But now she does not care for using the correct pronouns or agreeing with gender identity and is now fully supporting and pushing for the exclusion of biological males no matter whether they identify with their sex or not from female spaces.
And why is this? Because many trans activists chose to send her threats, doxx her and her family and friends, and harass her daily rather than fully examine her points and try to get the bad seeds and harmful ideas growing in the trans community. And most who actually did fully examine her points just called her transphobic.
And, guess what? The things she said she feared would happen are happening and continuing to rise in numbers. There are cases of men who suddenly transition while in prison and demand to go to female jails resulting in biological women getting abused, raped, and pregnant by male killers and rapists. Trans women going to bathrooms and locker rooms and harassing or assaulting girls and women. Trans women going to college dorms and sororities and sexually harassing biological women. Lesbians being harassed and threatened back into the closet and into closing bars and groups for not liking dick. An increase in detransitions because people realized they were just gay or suffering from internalized misogyny.
Many of these situations, by the way, the trans community never addresses until it makes news like Isla Bryson, or they defend until it comes out they were in the wrong and then try to backpedal like the Wi Spa incident, or until there's no more way to defend them like Kris Tyson, or in some cases still try to defend them like with Chris Chan. The trans community still will try to argue that these situations never happen and you're a bigot for giving it attention when they do admit that it happens sometimes.
Unfortunately for rabid trans activists, JKR was not like every woman they've tried to silence, because she has the money and platform to keep exposing trans activists. And because the trans community couldn't act properly you are now the front and center of many people's radar and are losing support and gaining criticism every day, and you have only yourselves to blame for constantly advocating for the erasure of women, homosexuals, and the rights of other groups and being unable to debate without threatening women.
The "terf mindset" is realizing that biological sex matters, there are dangerous consequences of pretending otherwise, and that the trans community's idea of "rights needed" is at the cost of biological females, homosexuals, and children. The trans community has gone so off the rails it's now publicly applauding blatant autogynephiles as "representation" and arguing against the fact that women are oppressed based on their sex. The real "blackhole" is convincing yourself that homosexuality meaning being exclusively attracted to the same sex is an act of hate and discrimination solved by guilt-tripping or just straight up harassing homosexual women and men to sleeping with biological heterosexual males and females, and that feminist organizations organized for the safety of the female sex are fascists sites that should be threatened and vandalized and harrassed into shutting down or forced to accepting biological males who identify as transgender, and thinking you are on the "right side of history".
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museinmidnight · 1 month
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𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙊𝙣𝙚: 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘽𝙚𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜
Aurora Heights University, nestled in the rolling hills of Southern California, was more than just a prestigious institution. It was a beacon for those who sought to push the boundaries of thought, creativity, and innovation. Known to students and faculty as AHU, this university was revered as the home of the Phoenix, a symbol of rebirth, resilience, and unyielding spirit. For decades, Aurora Heights had attracted the brightest minds from around the globe, all eager to join the ranks of its distinguished alumni. 
The allure of AHU lay not only in its stunning campus, with its sun-drenched landscapes and modern architecture, but in its highly selective programs. The university offered something few others could——a unique blend of rigorous academics, cutting-edge research opportunities, and an environment that encouraged creative expression and intellectual freedom. Each year, thousands of hopeful applicants would pour over their application essays, dreaming of the day they might walk through AHU's historic gates. But only a select few were chosen, handpicked for their exceptional talents and potential to contribute something truly extraordinary to the world.
What set AHU apart was its commitment to nurturing the whole person. It wasn’t enough to be academically gifted; students were expected to demonstrate passion, curiosity, and a drive to make a meaningful impact. The university’s motto, “Ignite the Future,” spoke to its mission of shaping leaders who would go on to set the world ablaze with their ideas, art, and innovations. It was this ethos that made AHU a dream for many, a place where they could discover themselves, challenge their limits, and redefine what was possible.
And now, Lisa Manobal, known to the world as the global superstar Lisa, but here as Isla Moon, stood at the threshold of her new life at Aurora Heights University. The path that had led her here was anything but ordinary. She had spent the last few years at the pinnacle of the music industry, her solo career taking off with a force that few could rival. Her debut under LLOUD, her own label, was already generating massive buzz in America. But despite the whirlwind of her career, Lisa had felt a calling, a quiet urge to explore a different side of herself, one that had been buried beneath the spotlight. AHU was her chance to do just that.
Lisa’s heart thudded in her chest as she stepped into the doorway of her new dorm room, taking in the space that would be her home for the next few years. The room was empty, devoid of any personal touches, yet it held a certain charm. The walls were a soft, neutral tone, and the floor was made of polished wood, giving the space a warm, inviting feel. A large window dominated one side of the room, overlooking the sprawling campus below. The California sun streamed in through the glass, casting a golden hue across the floor and walls. The light was so bright that it momentarily blinded her, causing her to squint as she set her bags down with a soft thud.
She blinked a few times, adjusting to the brilliance of the sunlight. The warmth from the sun filled the room, making it feel cozy despite its current emptiness. The bed, situated against one wall, was already equipped with a comfortable mattress and a modern bedframe. The simplicity of the setup was a welcome contrast to the opulence she was used to in her life as a celebrity. Here, there were no luxurious linens or ornate furniture. Just the basics, waiting to be brought to life with her own personal touch.
A small desk was tucked into the corner opposite the bed, with a sleek chair pushed underneath it. The desk faced the window, offering a perfect spot to study while gazing out at the vibrant campus. Lisa could already picture herself there, flipping through her philosophy textbooks, lost in thought as the sun dipped below the horizon. The closet, built into the wall, provided just enough space for her carefully selected wardrobe—simple, comfortable clothes that would help her blend in with the other students.
The room was a blank canvas, ready for her to shape into a space that felt like home. It was modest, almost spartan compared to what she was used to, but that was exactly what Lisa wanted. Here, she wasn’t the Lisa that everyone knew; she was Isla Moon, a student with her own dreams, fears, and ambitions. This was her sanctuary, a place where she could escape the pressures of fame and focus on discovering who she truly was.
Lisa walked further into the room, the sound of her footsteps soft against the wooden floor. She ran her fingers along the smooth surface of the desk, feeling the coolness of the wood beneath her fingertips. The room smelled faintly of fresh paint and new beginnings, a scent that mixed with the warm, earthy aroma of the sun-soaked wood. She took a deep breath, letting the atmosphere of the room wash over her, grounding her in this new reality.
Standing in the center of the room, Lisa turned slowly, taking it all in; the bed, the desk, the empty walls that awaited posters or photos, the way the sunlight played across the floor. This was where her new life would begin, where she would balance the demands of her career with the rigors of academia. It wouldn’t be easy, she knew that. There would be days when she would feel torn between the two worlds she had chosen to inhabit, when the pressures of maintaining her hidden identity would weigh heavily on her. But for now, in this moment, the room felt like a refuge, a place where she could be herself, away from the expectations that had shaped so much of her life.
As the sun continued to pour in through the window, casting long shadows across the room, Lisa felt a sense of calm settle over her. This was her space, her sanctuary. And though it was empty now, she knew that in time, it would come to reflect who she was. Both the pop star and the student, the performer and the thinker, the girl who was learning how to balance two very different worlds.
Lisa walked back to the door and looked over her shoulder one last time before stepping out into the hallway. She had a lot of work ahead of her. Both in this room and in her life as Isla Moon. But she was ready for the challenge. Aurora Heights University was known for pushing its students to reach their full potential, to ignite the future. And Lisa, with her unyielding spirit and determination, was more than ready to rise to the occasion.
{ Created by Moonie - Lisa visits her assigned dorm room for the first time }
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blakium · 1 year
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¡Disfruta la isla! :]
My Cucurucho closet cosplay. 🤍
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goddess-of-souls · 1 month
over your communicator a video played. At first it’s an empty screen before you see the familiar face known as Fable. God or Creation standing far away from it.
“Hello Soul. Lovely seeing you again. But let’s see what type of… things your family has been doing.”
Suddenly your screen flashes red, pink, and blue.
The first one you see is Netherum, and they look like they are in the end shivering, without no jacket or anything, only pants and a tang top. Staring into the camera you see a tear role down their face before it freezes up.
It quickly flashes over to your son. Athena. And they are surrounded by snow and is freaking out.
“Mom? Mom I’m scared!” They try touching to snow only for them to pull away and curl in on themselves.
It then flashes and you see Isla crying in a closet.
“I- I thought I escaped- where are my kids… please- let me go…”
Suddenly your comm shuts off before powering back on again.
-A mysterious soul left a message.
[Soul practices throws her com across the room, it hits the wall and then slides back closer to her, the Soul shard still by her hand starts glowing again, everything's almost turning dark as panic sets inside]
⟟ didnt- ⟟ didnt- no hes- they're safe they're both save- Isla's save
They-theyre save-
Im- s-sa-safe-
....h-help- ⟟ cant-
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Adventure Time Skippable Episodes Tournament - Prequel
Welcome to what will be a tournament for the best "skippable" episode of Adventure Time! Before beginning, we need to decide which episodes count as skippable. There is a lot of debate about this, so I'd like some input before starting. This list came from Reddit user reapertuesday's reduced viewing guide and includes some episodes they marked as recommended.
The full list is under the cut. Before going over it, some Q&A:
Why call them skippable episodes? Why not filler or non-canon?
"Filler" refers to episodes that are made in order to prolong an adaptation of a source material. Adventure Time is an original creation, not based on a specific existing story, so there is no filler. In the same way, no episodes are "non-canon" unless specifically declared so by the crew.
So what defines a skippable episode?
To me, a skippable episode is any episode that does not:
Introduce a recurring character or item (e.g. Finn's various swords)*
Relate to a larger character development/arc/backstory or overarching plot point
Generally get a mention in any other episode
*A character introduced in one of these episodes may have a cameo in required episodes. However, if their presence isn't confusing even without watching their introduction episode, their intro episode may still be on the list. For example, Party God shows up at Prismo's party in S6 E1, but several other characters we don't know are also present, so it's not unusual even if you skipped his previous appearances.
Where are the Graybles, Fionna and Cake, and guest-animated episodes?
I consider these episodes to be kind of their own thing, contained in their own universe or singular episode. I know F&C have their own show now, but this list is specifically for watching Adventure Time proper, not any follow-up or spin-off material. Plus, at least one of the guest-animated episodes is considered genuinely non-canon, and I do want this list to have only canon episodes.
This episode isn't skippable, it's one of my favorites!
An episode being skippable doesn't mean it's not good - some of my favorite episodes are in this list. It just means that a first-time viewer can choose not to watch the episode and not be confused by anything later.
That being said, here is the list. Please reply in some form if you think an episode on here is required viewing (and explain why), or if you think I missed an episode. I'll give it one week before creating the bracket.
S1, E6: The Jiggler
S1, E8: Business Time
S1, E11: Wizard
S1, E13: City of Thieves
S1, E14: The Witch’s Garden
S1, E17: Wedding Bells Thaw
S1, E18: Dungeon
S1, E19: The Duke
S1, E21: Donny
S1, E23: Rainy Day Daydream
S1, E26: Gut Grinder
S2, E2: The Eyes
S2, E3: Loyalty to the King
S2, E4: Blood Under the Skin
S2, E5: Storytelling
S2, E6: Slow Love
S2, E7: Power Animal
S2, E9: The Other Tarts
S2, E13: The Pods
S2, E21: Belly of the Beast
S2, E26: Heat Signature
S3, E1: Conquest of Cuteness
S3, E4: Hitman
S3, E7: Still
S3, E13: From Bad to Worse
S3, E15: No One Can Hear You
S3, E16: Jake vs Me-Mow
S3, E17: Thank You
S3, E18: The New Frontier
S3, E21: Marceline’s Closet
S3, E22: Paper Pete
S3, E23: Another Way
S3, E24: Ghost Princess
S4, E3: Web Weirdos
S4, E8: Hug Wolf
S4, E9: Princess Monster Wife
S4, E11: Beyond this Earthly Realm
S4, E12: Gotcha!
S4, E14: Princess Cookie
S4, E17: BMO Noire
S4, E21: Who Would Win
S4, E23: The Hard Easy
S4, E24: Reign of Gunters
S5, E4: Up a Tree
S5, E5: All the Little People
S5, E7: Davey
S5, E8: Mystery Dungeon
S5, E10: Little Dude
S5, E17: BMO Lost
S5, E18: Princess Potluck
S5, E19: James Baxter the Horse
S5, E20: Shh!
S5, E21: The Suitor
S5, E22: The Party’s Over, Isla de Senorita
S5, E25: Candy Streets
S5, E27: Jake Suit
S5, E33: Time Sandwich
S5, E37: Box Prince
S5, E39: We Fixed a Truck
S5, E49: Bad Timing
S6, E5: Sad Face
S6, E8: Furniture & Meat
S6, E11: Little Brother
S6, E13: Thanks for the Crabapples, Giuseppe
S6, E14: Princess Day
S6, E15: Nemesis
S6, E17: Ghost Fly
S6, E18: Everything’s Jake
S6, E20: Jake the Brick
S6, E21: Dentist
S6, E31: Walnuts & Rain
S6, E32: Friends Forever
S6, E34: Chips & Ice Cream
S7, E4: Mama Said
S7, E5: Football
S7, E16: Angel Face
S7, E17: President Porpoise is Missing
S7, E18: Blank Eyed Girl
S7, E21: Scamps
S7, E25: The Thin Yellow Line
S8, E2: Don’t Look
S8, E18: Horse and Ball
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