#|| I wake up seeing many people and aaaa
luckyberet · 6 months
I have seen so many old faces pop up on my dash. It is great to see you all!
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merakiui · 29 days
Mera I beg of you, just a morsel, a sliver even, of overblot malleus content....
I am here to deliver a morsel of Malleus!!! >w< if you aren't aware of its existence, I also wrote an overblot Mal fic that can be found here!
I actually really love everything about Malleus in book 7. The absurd power he holds, the way he's essentially stitching together ideal dreams for NRC students (or dreams he thinks are ideal). I love the fact that he's poking his nose in and out of various dreams to ensure every dreamer remains sleeping. It's so eerie. The amount of control he has. I genuinely believe, if not for Silver's UM being a foil to Malleus, it's very likely he would have won and Sage's would've remained locked in eternal slumber. If anyone has watched Centaurworld, Mal reminds me of the Nowhere King's lullaby...... orz
I still can't get over how he breaks the fourth wall in the beginning of book 7 to hum the opening. That's still so insane to me........ top ten twst moments of all time omg!!!!
Ramblings aside, what if he constructs a dream for you in which you return home....... based on what you've told him about where you come from, he's able to use those details and take a few creative liberties of his own to construct a dream in which you've made it back home. But there's always something so unsettling and not-quite-right about this dream version of your world. Malleus's own preferences spill into the dream, and everywhere you go you're seeing bits and pieces of Mal. The trees that sway in the breeze look startlingly like a certain pair of emerald green eyes. The people who inhabit this dream feel so two-dimensional. It's home, or is it? Weirdcore vibes all around. <3
And of course there's the classic somno thoughts in which you're dreaming peacefully all while your body in the real world is subjected to Malleus's selfish, wicked indulgences.
Aaaa but maybe,,,, disregarding most of book 7 altogether,,, what if your ideal dream is just full of freakiness? >:) monsterfucking route where it's just you and overblot gangbang hehe. Or or!!!! To bring back apocalypse/infection au flavors....... a concept in which no one can stop Malleus and so everyone is trapped in eternal slumber. Maybe it's the blot that sustains the students after their internal faculties shut down. Waaaaa body horror + having to see your friends now in such a mindless state if you ever are granted the opportunity to wake up again,,, something something Mal needs wants a wife someone to rule alongside him and you're perfect for that role. Something something your friends aren't all there,,, reduced to undead dolls in a way.
Too many messy scenarios and thoughts,,, forgive how scattered it is, but I like overblot Malleus a lot. :3
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mrs-monaghan · 10 months
Hi! I have finished to watch PTS clips aaaa
I have a question I want to know your op about it for see if I'm the only one that was like 🧐
I belive in Jikook a lot so fanservice is NOT an option for me
I found strange Jimin telling in different occasions that Jk goes to his room. I mean if he is in the closet and his boyfie visits him in his bedroom WHY you need to tell us 🤨 Is he bragging? But Jimin is not the type to brag 🤨
My idea is that someone see Jk going to Jm room, maybe staff or hotel staff. Maybe not everyone that work with them know know. So when they thought someone or more people were really suspecting them, they decided to openly say it ?!? I find it strange to tell us expecially because I doubt they simply stand there, doing nothing
Maybe they were afraid someone spread what they saw (?)
"He came before I was going to sleep" 🧐Basically Jimin confirmed that Jk sleep in his room for hours. He tell us as it's something "wow" but we know it's not the first tour they had done, in which they are in the same room together hehe.
So yes for me it was a little strange, I see something sus in that storytelling 🚬
Awww... are we talking about Jimin pouting because he didn't get his dick sucked 🥺🥺
Sorry. I'll make that PG 13. A friend suggested JK was probably supposed to wake him up but didn't. Makes sense to me why JK asks "at 4 AM?" as if it may have been too early for JK to go do the thing. 😁
Anon, on the contrary, I dont think Jimin is trying to cover up anything. In fact he's letting the whole world know JK loves coming to his room. He brings it up alot which I think its a brag. He's bragging that out of all the rooms, it's his that JK likes to spend time in. This isn't the first or last time Jimin has made sure we know JK chose him. Favors him.
Why, u ask? I talk about it here. And here. More of Jikook and FS here. Hiding in plain sight my lovely. If he can get away with doing all these none hetero things, why not do them? If no one will take him seriously, why not say it?
Its why he does this
They see everything. And Jimin knows no matter what they do, nothing will change. Too many antis. So he does the things he does, and says the things he says. Makes it pretty damn clear what's what, if you ask me. Those who want to listen will, and those who don't want to, won't. As simple as that.
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eldritchamy · 25 days
omg i completely forgot about the grand folia hotel. i read it when it came out, it rewired my whole dang brain, and then i moved on. aaaa im gonna go reread it right now even though I've been up all night and need to sleep (there aren't any plants around to stop me from making self-destructive sleep cycle decisions muahaha). thank you for your post about it! also if it's alright to offer a recommendation, Hospitable Takeover on Readonlymind.com was the second ever HDG fanfic and in my opinion greatly informed the tone of the setting in 2021 and 2022. It's also just super cozy and comfy and a perennial favorite of mine ^w^
You're welcome for the brainworms!
I understand completely, I'm not sure WHAT chapter 10 did to me but I think my brain is a torus now. I didn't THINK I had a free use kink (I PROBABLY still don't, at least as a participant), but I didn't think I had a PETPLAY kink either until this fucking universe started turning me inside out a few days ago.
I'm already rereading The Grand Folia Hotel myself because I feel like given the plot there's a lot more to get out of it by reading it through a second time (somehow I didn't realize that Phoebe was basically in a perpetual lesbian bluescreen from the moment she stepped into the garden in chapter 1).
Plus it was just EXTRAORDINARILY HOT and I can't wait to watch Phoebe/Amaranth get broken all over again.
It's a shame the story didn't keep going into the ongoing corruption and implantation past her initial surrender, the characters had such good chemistry with each other that I'm really craving more of them. Would have LOVED a chapter or two (or six) of newly implanted pinnates, especially with how amused Celosia was by the fact that they fucking tricked her into taking them at all. Celosia and Phoebe are fucking perfect for each other.
Her revenge must have been DELICIOUS.
And GOD Becca must have been so fucking smug about it once Phoebe was ACTUALLY a floret. I need to know the teasing that happened once she got her real implant.
This is what I meant in a previous post when I said I was "frothing at the cerebellum" to read it again. I'm going actually insane.
Which, as many new people are I'm sure rapidly learning about me, means it is Once Again Infodump Time, because I suffer from a terminal case of Someone Needs To Shut Me Up With A Kiss disease. (I am also a long sufferer of Capitalizes Letters For Emphasis syndrome.)
I'm like the free use kink of infodumping, a bunch of people seem to have figured out how to make me do it almost on queue, and they do it, because they think it's cute. I don't DENY that it's cute, but god does it seem to cost me a lot of the time that I meant to spend reading about the good little florets.
I CAN'T keep taking an hour to write every goddamn post I make about HDG. WHEN WILL I SLEEP? More importantly, WHEN WILL I FINISH REREADING CHAPTER TWO? It took me four extraneous paragraphs to even mention that the read more continues exactly from the train of thought I left off on an aforementioned four paragraphs ago! God, I need help.
AND Phoebe never even saw herself in a mirror ONCE in the story! I want to know what happened the first time she saw what the Class Gs were doing to her! (Do you think Celosia put her in Doll Mode and made Amaranth pose in front of a mirror and be perfectly still, watching her own blank expression obediently while Celosia and Jazz just relentlessly caressed her with every imaginable affection? Do you think Phoebe's wake up trigger was Amaranth saying "Good dolls know they are deserving of love. I'm a good doll and I am worthy of love"? Do you think, beyond the moment when she accepted she was meant to be broken by Celosia's will, that that was the moment she understood what it meant to be put back together, and it was the moment she truly felt, and for the first time could not deny or run away from, that she was the happiest she'd ever been? Because I DO think that happened. And I need it.)
It even would have been nice to see INDRA further along in her own corruption later on. Altiss seemed like a good influence on her, it was really sweet that she had that nice moment with Phoebe at the end of the Matinee.
I'm STARVING for more of that specific story, it was SO good. (Keysmasht, if you ever see this somehow, how much of my soul do you want for a few more chapters? I'll beg.)
Hell, I might beg for permission to write those chapters MYSELF someday. That story is too good for there to not be more of it.
Thanks for the recommendation! I can't BELIEVE I've never heard of this setting before now, it's extremely my shit (apparently) and I'm loving the discovery of new, interesting content that I can not fucking put down. Judging by the tags on my posts, and a friend on discord, flinging myself headfirst into all of this has inspired a few other little seedlings to follow me into florethood.
Recommendations from people more familiar with the setting and stories are definitely welcome, though I can't promise I'll get to any one particular story soon.
Abscission and Divaricated come up in a lot of recommendations for lore reasons? But I've been putting off some of the longer stories like those and Dog of War because they're HUGE commitments and it's so hard not to consume as many stories as possible.
Except, of course, for the fact that I keep rereading the ones I've already gone through because I like what they did to my brain.
I'm struggling not to make TWO other ones I've already read (the original and Inosculate) the next ones on the list after rereading Grand Folia.
Hospital Takeover sounds like an EXCELLENT recommendation, I LOVE cozy and comfy stuff within a primarily kink setting. I'm SO glad the second one I ever read was A Normal Grocery Run During Which No Domestication Occurs. I adore the way SapphicSounds writes dorkier more nervous Affini, and I'm glad I got to see THAT QUICKLY how much of a tonal range there was in HDG stories.
Sleepy Bitch also sounds cute, so I wanna do that one soon.
Also the reading of any particular one is slow going because unfortunately my brain is absolutely churning with ideas of my own. I'm VERY tempted to do a pinnates one because I'm absolutely HOOKED on that concept in particular. I already know one of their names and I just came up with a great title for the story while ...rather vividly imaging a very intense domming scene.
I do want to read a fair bit more before I try my hand at writing one, though. While I've got enough domme in me to feel like I could do some of the Affini taunting justice (seeing Akash in the first story use almost the exact domming style I go for was... enlightening, to say the least; now I know why I get such good keymashes out of my teasing victims), I want to have a bit more confidence in the world itself first to make sure I get it right.
But it's far from the first time I've considered writing erotica. I definitely have the brainworms for it at the moment.
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tazma-art · 6 months
Hello! So this was originally going to be an ask but it spiraled out of my control and it got too long so here we are :D I hope you enjoy my ramblings. Also I'm not a writer so I'm sorry if I sometimes don't make sense (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
Your legends reborn AU has given me brain worms and ideas and I would like to share them if you don't mind! :D
It's mostly about Zero.
So, in one of your posts you said that you view the guardians' animalistic traits as a sign of freedom and that got me thinking about Zero.
I'm not 100% sure on how you interpret him, or how you want him to be in the au but from what I've gathered you like to see him as a Creature™ and it's how i view him too most times!
I love your head cannon that Zero can go on all fours because was not only made to be the ultimate weapon but also the ultimate predator (or hunter I don't remember the exact word you used)
So I was thinking that in your legends reborn au, since it's a time of peace and he is not a war machine anymore, he's (mostly) not a weapon anymore! :D
So, his predator/ hunter side is more present which makes his animalistic traits more prominent then the guardians. He can run on all fours, has paws :3, I like imagining him using his hair/mane as a bed or a blanket, and maybe give him some wings to reflect the absolute armor and the mother elf a little since she was based on him. (I still think he wears armor though)
I just want them to represent how free he is in the new world. I see the world of megaman legends as being very freeing for a being like Zero.
I think he has always lived in very restricting conditions. As I said before this man is a Creature™ and I don't think Wily ever intended for him to be a social one or to live in crowded places like a city (cuz he was supposed to Destroy those). I imagine living in the hunters HQ with so many reploids never felt quite right to him.
And Sure he could act like other reploids and mostly blend in but his mind was still so different he had to work extra hard to fit in. (Basically he's had to mask so hard for most of his life)
I think the only time he felt most like he was in his natural habitat was in the Zero games when he was mindlessly destroying thousands of enemies in large spaces to achieve a goal, and mostly not talking to people. It was still not very fun for him though, since missing most of his memories, and missing people he did not remember did not feel nice.
Then he wakes up in a world where there is no war, no virus, no mavericks, no great or good he needed to die for. Only (relative) peace and a strange new body that needed to sleep and eat.
His body is hard to get used to. The prospect of hunting is not new to him, but eating definitely is, and sleeping is just as hard. Getting used to it is challenging enough that it distracts him from thinking about his situation too hard at first.
After a while, it starts to hit him that he doesn't have a purpose. He had always had something he had to do, something or someone to fight for. But now there was no one and the peace he and his loved ones had fought so hard for was achieved. Now his only purpose was to keep himself alive and help some of the people he finds in trouble, because what else does he do?
This makes him feel empty at first but then it's starts to feel so natural. To just exist, to hunt and help people he finds along the way, to learn about this new world and finally live.
He had never really lived before, not like this, his life was always dominated by being a weapon first. And later, accidentally adopting someone will really make him feel like he's alive.
He still misses X, Axl and many others terribly, but he tries to keep himself busy
Aaaa anyway, what I wanted to get at is that he's finally truly free. Like X is. And I like to portray that as him being able to be more wild.
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yyxandere · 10 months
Let’s say that after the events of Yakuza 3 you were traumatized by the sight of your spouse in intensive care after he was literally filled with lead from a turret by his enemies, and as you guessed, it’s your one from favourite characters – Osamu. Since this period, you have developed one habit - you always check his heartbeat by placing your ear against his chest. Most often you do this, let’s say tradition, after nightmares and the rhythm of his heart always calms you down, assuring you that your loved one is still nearby, which makes you involuntarily mutter quietly under your breath so as not to wake him up: "Oh, thanks god that's you’re still alive... The sound of your the beating heart is the sweetest sound of my life".
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I erm kinda made a small fic, SORRY I GOT CARRIED AWAY! (there's brief mention of Kashiwagi and [Readers] child, hope you don't mind that😭😭)
The beeping monitor could never calm you, nor did it help to lessen the anxiety of the day. In fact, the steady beat made the anxiety even worse than if it were a regular alarm because every time it made you feel like everything in your life was slowly unraveling apart and then being swallowed whole into the abyss of sadness.
Your husband Osamu is in the hospital bed as your tear-stained face kisses his pale knuckles, holding on to them tightly without letting go ever since you came to the hospital. He is still sleeping, and he looks absolutely peaceful, just like how he looks after every surgery or treatment he undergoes. You are sitting at his bedside, trying to avoid looking at his face because it is all you can see when you close your eyes. But sometimes it gets harder and you end up staring at him like there is nothing in the world more important than staring at him.
Your heart aches whenever you visit, and to add that, you weren't even sleeping well because of the recurring nightmares, the only time you are at ease is when you are near him, to be exact, your ears near his heart, listening for the comforting thump as his pulse slowly eases your soul and calms you down.
The hospital door opened and you immediately went back to your seat, not wanting anyone to see such a vulnerable action you were doing, you then wiped your tears to see who it was, and it was none other than your nineteen-year-old daughter, Mizuki. She didn't even need to analyze what you were doing, she simply walked up next to you and hugged her dear mother, and you immediately reciprocated the gesture and pulled her tight, burying her head in your neck as you tried to catch your breath, overwhelmed with emotions as she squeezed her arms around her mother.
"Don't worry mama. Papa is much stronger than you think. . . "
It had been over two years since the tragedy happened and now, almost three years later, your husband has been doing fine, heck excellent even, but what happened the reassuring memories always mess with your sleep and Osamu wasn't blind to your worries, he would give you calming tea, he would even make comforting meals or make bouquets to help your nerves relax, but the most important thing was that you could get a good night's sleep because it wasn't healthy for you to stay awake during sleepless nights. Osamu knew that you had nightmares about the terrible events, and he felt sorry that you had to lose sleep because of him, but inside of him swells whenever you hug him for comfort, the memories could come back in the middle of the day and you can't help it but hug him in front of many people, it's rather flustering but he can't push you away. (onlookers nearby think it's cute to see an old couple hugging, little did they know that this was the same dude that isolated you from your loved one so you could depend on him)
Yet nothing squeezed his heart more than that one fateful night.
A loud gasp and a sudden movement woke up Kashiwagi and to no surprise, it was your nightly terror, even with the lights out the only kind of brightness was brought by the blue moon, illuminating the room slightly so that he could see you laying at his side, his arms around you while you were clutching his hand. Your face was twisted in agony, eyes clenched shut while you were gasping for air through the tears flowing freely like streams down your cheek. A single drop fell onto the sheets beside him as his wife began to sob, shaking violently and trembling in fear.
That tear managed to make Kashiwagi wake up, not wanting you to experience any more of the nightmare you were having. He gently put his hand on your shoulder, "Shh, it’s alright, (Y/n) … it’s just a bad dream", he said in a low voice. Yet even with his comforting words, your eyes couldn't help themselves from having tears waiting to flood out their sockets and pour down on his skin. That simple gesture made Osamu feel as if someone just kicked his stomach hard. As he tightened his grip around your shoulders, making sure not to hurt you, you suddenly stopped crying and turned to look at your husband with teary eyes and a pained expression as you whispered.
"Oh, thank god that you’re still alive… The sound of your beating heart is the sweetest sound of my life".
How can Kashiwagi say no when you look like that? It was impossible, but that didn't stop him from sighing in defeat. He looked at his hands for a few seconds before lifting them up and wiping away some stray hairs behind your ears. After that, he kissed your forehead lovingly before whispering.
"I love you too. The tears in your eyes hurt much more than what happened to me. . ."
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found-wings · 11 months
Offers you this short concept thing for a Pass!Phil = Q!Phil AU
The sky shatters before him, wreathed as he is in the false starshine halo of dual godhood. It clings to his feathers, shimmers on his eyelashes, and vanishes all at once as the earth welcomes him with naught but a brutal kiss.
This is not his son. Wilbur- this Wilbur- does not permeate vindication, regret, and the brooding wrath of a boy-king who has lost too much. Phil cradles him still, kisses promises against his hair that he won’t leave him again- not now, not ever.
Wilbur leaves instead.
He sees in Chayanne the rounded rose-kissed cheeks he had watched death’s pallor lay cold claim to- the gold spun curls he had seen lose luster. His boy, his littlest boy, Tommy.
Phil resolves not a moment later that he will not lose his son ever again.
Missa exists of a haunting familiar chill of death and all the cozy warmth in his eyes as an open hearth. Kristin was the same too, once.
He ignores the trill of his heart, the immortal yearning, and holds him at arms’ length still.
It is impossible not to see Technoblade in Etoiles. There is a formidable, ancient sense to how he cleaves and parries and holds himself, chin up and tone dry; like the very same god whispers glorious things of carnage in his ears and guides his hands. When Phil looks, there are no carmine wisp eyes in Etoiles’ wake, only cosmos and nebulas and stars in happy revolution about him.
Phil refuses to lose him- allow him to sacrifice himself (for there will be nothing to sacrifice for)- all the same.
Fit knows him.
Chaos spins about him, ash and decay and the familiar bleakness of that wasteland opens wisdom-aged chasms in his gaze. And he knows. He doesn’t explain how, and Phil doesn’t ask him to.
He knows, and Phil weeps.
~ 🐝
I am FINALLY at this little writing and when I tell you I AM SO STILL NOT OVER IT SINCE I FIRST READ IT.
For clarification I have like barely to no knowledge at all surrounding the Passerine fanfic. I have not and probably will not look at it for a while but I am SO AAAA????
Finding the familiarity in all these people, same and new, which tears Phil apart.
This is not Wilbur, but that‘s okay. Even if this Wilbur lets go and leaves, Phil will never let go and will always keep his own in mind.
This is not Tommy, but he cares all the same and can‘t help the aching of the same sunshine Chayanne gives him and he decides that even if his own sun has been taken, he‘ll hold this one just the same and keep his own in mind.
This is not Kristin, he finds himself guilty at wanting to embrace the kindness and warmth that Missa has shown him just the same. So even if he keeps him at bay, he still cares so much more than he lets on and keeps his own in mind.
This is not Techno. No matter how similar it is, he finds himself lost in the thousand stars that remind him all the same that Etoiles stance is always a little to the right more than Techno was but he keeps his own in mind.
Fit is a constant. A familiar weight that has not changed and never will, and Phil doesn’t dare question why Fit is like that. It‘s an unspoken bond for a lifetime and more, and Phil keeps him in mind.
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moonjxsung · 10 months
i study in the united states, but i’m from puerto rico! i been traveling by myself for school since i was 15 (only seeing my family during breaks because they stayed home in pr while i lived in the dorms) since they have wayyy better options for deaf people like me. and now that i’m in college i’m just going to the same campus since they have a deaf-focused university there! that’s where i met my girl, and she’s hearing and an interpreter!
i FELT that, i just go to sleep at 4am and wake up at 12pm and then sleep again at 9pm and wake up the next day at 7am 🫠 oh but star, i’m not sure if it’s healthy to be sleeping so much that you miss an entire day babes :/ college was rough?
AHH i will i will!! we have SO many things planned, and i’m about to meet her family and friends!! and i’m also excited to be back soon too, ugh i miss my friends so much 🥺🥺 like we just be rolling blunts and packing bowls after a full day of school and just getting high while watching shitty movies and it’s just the type of healing i need at the end of a long day. i’m also excited because i’m moving into my girlfriend’s dorm next semester too! and i’m bringing my cat with me this time! so many happy changes are coming next month and i literally cannot wait
Omg traveling by yourself since 15 is crazy that’s so cool!!!! Also super neat that they have a deaf-focused university, I’m so glad you’re able to be accommodated! It’s literally bare minimum considering so many people are hard of hearing , but still! The first time I traveled alone was literally LAST YEAR for my first solo business trip at 23 and I cried like a fucking baby bc I was so scared 😭 that shit is not easy I’ll tell you that much lmao you have some courage
BESTIE it’s definitely not healthy the way I sleep LMAO I’m pretty sure I have a form of hypersomnia bc I fall asleep accidentally for HOURS at a time and no one can get a hold of me 😭😭 I still do it too! I work on east coast hours from the west coast so I wake up at 5am to start work and I’m done by 2pm and I basically just sleep the rest of the day when I’m not writing. It’s so bad 😭
AAAA NO WAY you guys are moving in together STOPP THAT IS SO CUTE I can’t wait to hear all about it !! I’m absolutely thrilled you guys are gonna be together again and I can’t wait to hear all about life together 🫶🫶 sending you all my love and healing vibes always 💓💓💓💓 thank you for telling me such personal information I feel so special
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serenescribe · 1 year
for the new ask game!! hope you're having a fun day!
1/ my favorite fic of yours:
i want to say all of them but thats not how this works TvT so ill limit myself: anything you wrote for the selkie au (beloved selkie son <33), hollow moon (im still haunted whenever i see the moon outside), everything goes dark (i dont even know anything about feh?? but i fell in love with the setting and extreme dubious morality) and the silver sleeps for 100 years after mal's ob fic (utter hell; broke my heart and tore it to shreds. i will shatter like glass if i attempt to re-read it i think)
6/ something i remember vividly from reading one of your fics:
the flashbacks from 'everything goes dark' come back to haunt me every now and then. i vividly recall the growing dread i felt reading through them and the gut churning horror of reading those final ones; terribly fucked up lilia my beloved 🫶
7/ what made me the most emotional after reading:
two for nero got a visceral reaction out of me the first time i read it but what actually made me most emotional was the absolute descent into madness that hollow moon was. the build up of silver's condition and the way i kept going 'there's no way it can get worse' only to get proven wrong a few paragraphs later had my inside tied in knots and tears dripping down my face before i even got to the end ;;; ALSO that fic where lilias "i love you's" aren't enough to wake silver up anymore tore me apart. i still think about it a lot
12/ a fic of yours that ive re-read:
so many!! i re-read two for nero twice, i go back to the selkie fics a lot, also re-read the silver sickfic, the diasomnia cuddle pile anddd that's all ive got off the top of my head o/
Fanfic asks - for the askers
micaaaa my beloved!! i love our selkie au dearly and i still want to write more for it when i am not crushed under the weight of old english and essays :'D excellent picks for fav fics!! i'm glad to see some appreciation for everything goes dark bc i'm still very fond of that; i went a lot more descriptive than i usually do and i'm still quite happy with it!
again, i am so SO glad that hollow moon fucked people up. mission goddamn accomplished!! the way everyone was probably just like "it can't get worse" only for me to sledgehammer them with the next paragraph. truly a train wreck in the slowest possible speed. it really does get worse before it gets better. (and aaaa god that fic ;;; tore at my own heart while i was writing it)
happy to know that you reread some of my stuff <3 thank you for sending this in!! :D
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angst-in-space · 1 year
first lines tag!
rules:  share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
thanks @zenstrike​ for tagging me!! UHH i feel like i don’t know enough fic writers on here to tag many people (also i’m lazy) but if you see this and want to do it, then go for it lol 👍 
1. “are we going somewhere” / sk8 / renga
“Just like every afternoon, Reki and Langa were together.“
2. “you’re a dream (i’m never waking up)” / fe3h / sylvix
“The battle was not going according to plan.”
3. “throw away the key” / ace attorney / klapollo
“Apollo didn’t know what was more stressful—that this case seemed like a dead end, or that he’d somehow gotten himself locked in the records room with Klavier fucking Gavin.”
4. “we’re so disarming, darling” / spy x family / twiyor
“I can’t believe I’m doing this, Yor thinks as she stealthily turns the corner into a narrow alleyway.”
5. “dawn goes down to day” / sk8 / matchablossom
“Leaves skitter across Kojiro’s path in fiery hues of red and gold, like tiny creatures running for cover, as he skateboards down the road.”
6. “if you leave the light on” / ace attorney / narumitsu
“The streets of Berlin pass outside the window in a hazy rush of glowing storefronts and yellow street lamps.”
7. “wherever i end up (i end up with you)” / word of honor / wenzhou
“Zhou Zishu isn’t certain what attracts him to the used bookstore by the side of the road.“
8. “hold my hand (to keep me steady)” / fe3h / marihilda
“C’mon, Marianne. He doesn’t bite, I promise!”
9. “singing my life with his words” / ace attorney / klapollo
“Klavier Gavin hears music in everything.”
10. “miles to go” / fe3h / gen (faerghus four)
“A chill had seeped into the air, and a light snow fell like hundreds of stars—the first sign of a long winter.”
as for noticing any patterns... HM!! i feel like my go-to types of opening lines are 1) something pretty simple and to-the-point establishing character + situation/setting, just kinda jumping into the middle of a scene like *freeze frame, record scratch* “you’re probably wondering how i got into this situation-” 2) alternatively, a description of the setting/scenery to establish the tone/mood.
anyway aaaa this was fun, thanks again zen for the tag! :)
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zhongrin · 2 years
you n mr. zhongli in a xianxia-esque au... i am thinking of you being some sort of beloved shijie to a young and rambunctious zhongli (which ig would be this au's equivalent of his morax era), and since you two are disciples of the same sect (plus the fact that you're not one to flinch or shy away from him whenever he tries to scare you off), you end up getting really close!
you train together, eat together, and talk about all your dreams and hopes under the night sky when all your duties of the day are finished and you're free to just be rin-jie and a-li. here, on the mountain peak where the rest of the world can't seem to touch either of you (where the world, to zhongli's mind, is just you and him), he lets all his fears and secrets spill, and you catch them all in the palm of your hand and a quiet whisper: "i'll keep these for you, a-li. until you're strong enough to carry them on your own." (i imagine that the first time he realizes he's in love with you would be during one of these nights, when there's no thieving sun to drown out your light. boy is Whipped(tm))
zhongli is an exceptionally gifted cultivator and there's no better disciple in the sect when it comes to combat. you, on the other hand, are more of a healer! your golden core may not be all that strong, but your mastery over star reading and talismans, as well as having the unique ability to "weave water into qi" (think how waterbenders can heal using water) is enough reason for him to apply for your aid during missions. it becomes quite a well-known fact in the sect that "if you want that bold disciple to do anything right, pair him with meirin." outwardly, he hates that saying and denounces it whenever he can, but privately? nothing soothes his heart more than hearing your laugh whenever you hear it, and the way your gaze turns to him indulgently, half tease and half reassurance.
(zhongli is always quick to jerk his side to the side and cross his arms with a huff but, well, if you happen to see the tips of his ears flush... you'll keep that secret for him too <3)
("the primary ambition of cultivators is to achieve immortality, meirin. helping the common folk is secondary. do not contest this."
"that isn't right, shizun! from all the texts i've read, the reason why cultivation exists is for the good of the people! to help and protect them from the creatures left in the wake of—!"
"shizun, where's shijie?"
"she's recovering, zhongli. i'm afraid she caught a chill from her nightly excursions to the mountain's peak. you know her core isn't as developed as yours."
"—cultivators who reach the peak of their paths and with exceptional golden cores ascend to immortality, no matter what. this is not a choice. no matter who they leave behind, this is what it means to devote oneself to a path.")
this was so scuffed but aaaa i have so many ideas rn for u n a bunch of other writers im too afraid to interact with lmao but yeah!! ill send more abt this when im more awake haha i need water
crying sobbing haghdjfhkdfhkdjksjfs this is such a sweet and cute prompt.... i really really needed this today, this made me smile throughout the pains ;A; such a cute and heartwarming setting...
"i imagine that the first time he realizes he's in love with you would be during one of these nights, when there's no thieving sun to drown out your light"
lord rex lapis help me that's such a beautiful line *clutches my chest*
also pls the way you made me a healer... i've always thought that i'm very not suited for any combat-related things hskdjskd it's why i always choose acolytes or healer mages whenever i play with my brother or friends... healers are awesome hehe
young and rambunctious morax.... keeping him close and cradling him in my arms rn.... so brash and reckless and fearless. i wonder what would be the trigger in this au that makes him start to grow into the wiser and calmer zhongli!
*squints* hello????? shizun.... what's that weird cutoff and lame excuse.... hmmmmmmmm.... SUS!!!!!
and that last line... foreshadowing? i have so many questions hskdjskfjsldjskdnsl
also sweetie it's okay you really don't have to be afraid to interact with other writers!! we're all just silly hoomans running a blog on tumblr!!! and i would absolutely love to see more but never think that you have to do so!! go drink your water and eat your breakfast and recharge!!! my inbox will always be open <3
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1, 4, 5, and 12 for the self insert asks! Hope you have a great day too! :)
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Thank you both for actually sending some IN!! I'm gonna go with my royalty AU S/I for this because I kinda just made that the basis for my FF14 s/i! Let me explain: And since this a bit of a lore dump I'll tag some peeps
1 ) give us a quick run down of your s/i!!
Okay so a quick catch-up: My s/i is Rebecca Grace Stinheart, a handicapped girl who was disowned by her parents at age 10 only to be adopted by the Empress of the Aster-Blossom empire. It's never a dull day in Rosenfield, so while things may be peaceful and prosperous there's always much to be done. So one day the empress gets a communication from Minfilia who was an old comrade to Alys asking her to act as a foreign ally and work with the three city-states of the Eorzean Alliance to show them how unity could help strengthen all their forces. But seeing how Alys was busy handling the citizen’s well-being and rebuilding months after what many deemed ‘The Chaos Incident,’ she simply could not make the time for tedious mentorship to others that stood so far divided. Yet when Rebecca had caught wind of such a mission to journey into lands that were yet discovered to her, the lilac princess practically pleaded with her mother to go. Figuring it'd be a simple task that'd only take 2-3 weeks, Rebecca set off on her own to Eorzea under the name Becca Rozenaria to keep things more down-low... But things rarely go as planned~!
3 ) where does your s/i live? do they aspire to move or are they content with where they are?
Rebecca/Becca USUALLY lives in the Rosenfield castle with her mother, castle staff, and best friend/personal guard Ace! But during her trip to Eorzea she mainly takes residence in the Quicksand Inn! That is until her mother introduces her to the old free company she ran with in her youth. So Rebecca then chooses to rest in Limsa Lominsa!
Very rarely though, you may find her napping in the Scions headquarters of the Waking Sands or the Rising Stones since the poor girl is always tired as all hell! ...Or she may have snuck a drink and is a lightweight... BUT SHHH! No one tell!
As of right now she loves her adventure through the ups and downs but definitely misses her home and the technology access it has!
4 ) what's a song that describes your s/i? even better if you have a playlist!
Okay so I created a quick Playlist of vibes of myself/my self-insert but it's messy so lemme add some notes: Songs like "Daddy Lessons" and "No Lullaby" are my s/is early years, having to grow up and take in a lot of the world's horrors thanks to her environment. "Shounen Brave" "Once Upon a Me" "Hitchcock" and "Top of My School" are songs that represent how she's taken the hurt of her past and grown past it, but she still worries about juggling everything now and meeting all these standards not just for her own future or as a princess, but as a symbol of hope to now MULTIPLE COUNTRIES! (She's very stressed as always...) "Missing You" and "Weeds" are songs of growth in a more intimate way and how she uses the knowledge of her experiences to help others while fully accepting herself as she is, limits and all. "Despair" "Good Girls" and "Let Me Dance" is my s/is process of pining from "NOPENOPENOPE WHY?!" to "Okay, they may like me in the way I like them but I won't get used or be just another fling!" to finally "Aaaa~ They have my heart!" (It happens every time she falls in love) Then finally "Love Story" "Everything's Alright" and "Lil' Red Riding Hood" are songs that describe what my s/i is like when she's finally with her loves! So storybook, gentle comforts and solace to them, and to outsiders she looks like Lil Red with her boys being the wolf but little do these people know about all the sweetness and protectiveness that's mutually shared. AND BONUS: "Cry" is the attitude that my s/i has when she's been hurt by someone she loves... (At least she wants to but knows it'd only hurt both parties more... But who knows what'd make her snap finally?)
5 ) what is your s/i's profession?
Rebecca is the princess of Rosenfield, part-time college student and part-time retail worker! Becca is simply known as a poetic black-mage who's now a Scion of the Seventh Dawn and a Warrior of Light! The double life merges rather quickly (at least to her friends in the Scions) after her loved ones pay a visit. Though to learn that she's both a princess and WoL is a shock to everyone, including her! (HELP A GIRL OUT SHE'S STRESSED SO BAD)
9 )give us an example s/i outfit (or describe it). Classic Princess:
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Casual/A Cute White(?) Mage: (You got the mage part right... heheh..)
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Black Mage attire: (Feat. A Mini of her boyfriend that he gifted her partly to tease and partly 'cause he hated having to be away so long and didn't want Becca to miss or forget him)
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**A little secret** it's all glamor... Rebecca will happily spend all day in fuzzy jammies if she can get away with it
12 ) if you had to compare your s/i to an already existing fictional character, who would it be?
Hmmmm... This is a toughie since this s/i is legit just me but with fantasy elements thrown in since I'm a shipper who wants her loves to love her as she is not just the ideal! But... I wanna say she's Hatsune Miku! In a way that she's a bit of everything, performer, meme, storyteller, but overall positive bean~!
Tags (hope yall don't mind): @i-love-you-by-thunder @goldenworldsabound @jellyfish-ships @floweringforgetfulness @disneymarina @hadesgoddess @canongf
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merakiui · 2 months
any mouchey thoughts? Lowk been starving for some scara thoughts
AAAA I MISS MOUCHEY!!!! The new event,,,, that one “morning, sunshine” line where he wakes you up and calls you adorable. 👁 👁 WHAT ARE WE, WANDERER!!!!!! OTL DOES THIS MEAN HE WOULD CALL YOU CUTE NAMES LIKE SUNSHINE AND SLEEPYHEAD???!?!?!?!?! Even if it's said sarcastically, imagine if those pet names end up sticking and one day it eventually is said sincerely. I LOVE HIM!!!!!
That aside, I have so many thoughts about modern college au with Signora, Childe, and Scara as a trio of friends. Even though the Harbingers can’t stand each other in canon, I love aus where this particular trio are friends. It’s so fun. >w< Childe and Signora who know Scara well enough that they can just see how down bad he is for that one person from class. Scheming devils who plot to get the two of you closer together. Signora living vicariously through Scara and, despite her scathing criticisms when he abysmally fails at talking to you, she’s happy to see him love, if only because it reminds her of her romance with her late lover Rostam. Childe who flirts with you just to get on Scara's nerves......... sleepovers with them...
Aaaaa but I miss Fatui era mouchey as well. 🥺 it hits different when he's evil and cruel. Imagine being the Dendro Archon,,,,, Scara having some sort of twisted infatuation with you in an au in which he successfully becomes a god and he keeps you around like a trophy pet (or emotional support hole :) hehe). orz and you hate him for what he's done, but there's nothing you can do because you're so much weaker than he is. Hate sex,,,,,, poor you who are trying so hard to save your people, and yet what's worse is that Shouki no Kami isn't an inherently cruel god. </3
There are dozens of mouchey thoughts brimming in my brain, but if I dump them all here the post may become too long and rambly. Just know he is in my brain, lurking like the creature he is. (´▽`ʃƪ)♡
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sweetheartsaku · 1 month
SAKUUU CONGRATS ON 200 MY LOVE!! I say this to everybody, but I mean it more than any other time I've said it, you deserve every single one of those 200 and many, many more!! AAAAAH I'M SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!
you're such a genuine writer, and I could tell that the things you write are just so you, yk? 🙇🏻‍♀️ that's what makes you special over anyone and everything else!! from your short smau's to the tooth rotting sweetness of the headcanons you write, I've expressed my love for all of them because they're just so good?!?!?? AND because I could tell you're the one that wrote them and I mean that in the best way possible!! I feel like seeing the author through the pieces they write is such a genuine part of being a writer bc there's just something so real about it and idk how to explain it 😞😞 BUT WITH YOU AAAAAAH YOU'RE JUST THAT GREAT????
ANYWAY every time I see you interact with a follower or a moot by responding to their asks, just backs up my claim of you deserving the 200 and so much more ☝🏻 you're always so kind and sweet how could people NOT like you???? that's like impossible you guys c'mon now
you really are one of the best souls I've ever met on this planet and I could only hope that in my next life, or in another universe, if there is one, we know each other irl and we could spend every waking moment together</3 speaking of other lives, i really don't know what I could've done in my past life to deserve being friends with someone like you ☹️☹️ honestly I'd do anything and everything in the world just to return the kindness you've always treated me with ☹️
didn't mean to get too sappy there, woah LMAOZHAHAH BUT ANYWAY, I'M SO EXCITED TO SEE YOU AND YOUR BLOG GROW EVEN MORE!!!! I'll be with you through every milestone, darling!! know that i love you soooo much, MWAH!!<33
FRANNNSSS FRANS FRANS FRANNSNSSNSN :((((((( UWEHHHHHHHHHHHH thankyu soososososoos much soulmate </3 you too 😭 deserve anything good thing ever imaginable😭YOI ARE SO SWEET I CNAT DO THSI
ackkk thank you frans!!!!!!!!! i do try to make my fics as genuine ands authentic as possible so seeing someone recognize that makes me feel all lovely inside D: !!!! AAAA mayb i should start writing more lil smaus habent done one of those in a while 🤔nd one of my first fics u found was my shu one... maybeHAHAHA!! AHHH why is the extremely popular crazy talented writer FRANS TALKING ERMMMMM how else do u rthink i found u 😓(UR AMAZING WRITING AND MOODBOARD DUHH) i will continue to do my best!!! and write!!!!!!! in the most REAL way ever done!!!!
ACKKKK YOURE TOO NICE MY SKIBIDI FRANS </3 im js being that version of me ykyk where i can be cringe and free and all of the above and im super hapi so many ppl like that side of me bc i feel so 😓 accepted!!😣.i lOVE U ALL SO MUCH GANG GANG
WHY TEH FREAK ARE. U TALKING RN FRANS. ur actually beyond the word best bc words cant describe how epic and cool and sweet u are😤i too, hope in every life, universe and everything in between that were out somewhere having the time of our lives!!!!!! YOU DONT NEED TO DO ANYTHING TO DESERVE PPL☹️ ESP ME.☹️ we are just girls in a world yk 😔✊we were js meant to be friends for real!!!NOW. I WOULD DO NYTHING TO BE ABLE TO SEND ALL UR LOVE BACK BC U DESERVE IT SO MUCH U SWEETHEART!!!!
its okkkk pookie to get sappy in here yk safe space 🥰💗I TOO AM EXCITED TO SEE WHERE LIFE AND THE TUMBLR ALGORITHM TAKE UOMG!!! WE'LL BE NEXT TO EACHOTHER THE ENTIRE TIME WOOOO!!!!!! thanku love, expect the same !!!!<33 I LOVE U SOOO MUCH
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mosviqu · 1 year
he is a cat but the strawberry>>>>> i hope he stays as a strawberry!! same very same i hope they can save the newer boy groups reputation by putting out the best album!!
I AM WITH U ON THAT ONE LOVENJOYER FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANTLY!!! the amount of people i see shocked that either the lead singer from lovejoy is a minecraft youtuber and vice versa is so hilarious to me😭 I WILL BET A LOT OF MONEY OF IT BEING YOUR NEW BOYFRIEND and he is so right for that as ur brother should!! wilbur's parody songs>>>
i genuinely hope we see this hair style more but it was so funny that i saw those pics and idk how long after i just see him with a wet shirt sleeves tucked up on stage and i just went goddamn the duality of this guy!!! I SAW I SAWWW tbh it made me think of u cuz i saw that u are in ur seventeen era and i was like bet bar saw this and is very happy about thishdhhfnf
and thank u i appreciate that😭 i will change it one day for something better hopefully cuz i'm just dissatisfied with it🥸 (oh god it really shows how much i watch british people godddamnn they do be rotting our brains😟 mum is the superior way of spelling it ngl) (liebestraum anon💕)
you might just be the biggest engene ive ever met im cackling AHAHA thank you for the review i enjoyed it. i am so glad that they are passionate about the album !!!! intros eat indeed but i never listen to them bc it just sounds like slam poetry after a while im so sorry AAJKDFA. did u see engenes boycotting the choreo- i cant. if they remove the female dancers its not gonna hit as hard >:((( someone on tiktok said chaconne has teeth by 5sos vibes and....i kinda see it but i also kind of don't hm. bills is one of the best songs of the album i wholeheartedly agree >>>> KARMA WOULD HIT HARDER IF THEY COULD CUSS ISTG !! its a good good song but it still screams camp rock vibes jUST A LITTLE to me i am so sorry. i enjoy listening to it a lot though AHAHA over-all a very good album i agree with you on so many levels
i REALLY hope zb1 debut with a fresh concept ngl because if they debut with another generic 4th gen noise im gonna lose it. bring back boys being cute and happy in their debut songs please we NEED it. save kpop zb1 im manifesting </3
NO BECAUSE I GET IT. like u tell me someone finds a lovejoy song randomly and then they find out the lead singer is a mc streamer. i'd be baffled too. thankfully i found him as a streamer first and then the band bc i think that would throw it off for me AHAHA ((the wilbur brainrot used to be so big and i didnt even watch his streams i-) AND YOURE RIGHT IT WAS THAT SONG AHAHAHAHA
the duALITY. like i am so ashamed to say that the clip of junkyu pouting water on him was on loop for like 2 minutes before i realized. a bitch was masmerized. he's hot and he knows it :( AWWWH thats so cute of you i am ALWAYS in my svt era i love them sm and the clip made me so happy but also he was so cute i cant. treasure super cover when ??? i know yall are carats so give it to us
mum is the superior spelling thanku. i am NOT calling my mum mOm like thats so ugly. also sometimes my inner english voice gets a british accent and im like O.O okay where did that come from. looking forward to seeing your new theme i bet it will slap
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frazzleboop · 3 years
The writer's block keeps coming back to bite me in the ass. Someone save me.
I also have the really strong urge to want to like... RP or something on Twitter or here but I'm also super nervous to. ^^;;;
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