piercethedoll · 3 months
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if u stopped time and lifted my shirt this is what you’d see 📸
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crimescrimson · 12 days
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Albert Wesker in Resident Evil Remastered (2002)
#crimson's gifs: resident evil#resident evil#re#Resident Evil 1#RE1#Resident Evil 1 Remastered#RE1R#Resident Evil Remastered#Albert Wesker#Albert Wesker (RE1)#Wesker#One of the most interesting things I noticed studying the game and the appearences of Wesker throughout is that when it comes to him#He only seems to be fixated on Chris#Hes a lot more confrontational and engaged when Chris confronts him#Notice the little smirk he makes before he turns around to greet Chris at the private residence#With Jill hes more focused on the tyrant and practically bored but hes a lot more gleefully insane (and emotional) when its Chris#Really set up the whole Chris Fixation wesker has quite well imo#I dont like wesker that much personally and yall already gathered i HATE Chris' character but I have to give credit when its due#Its a shame they kinda wasted it#If they are remaking 5 I hope they expand on that more#The post credits in 4r of Wesker watching Chris in Revelations on the screen was another good setup#CVX hooks onto RE1R perfectly and that 4r cutscene also hooks onto that great its just that re5 kinda drops the ball a lil#Because Wesker is blindsided by Chris when thats supremely out of character for the man absolutely obsessed with him#To not know where he is at all times#I kinda believe he only took Jill to make sure Chris would find him eventually#Anyways this is the last character focused set. Last ones are just alternative outfits now which is just Jills 3 alts and cowboy rebecca
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kusakichan15 · 1 year
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MegOp Week 2023 Day 2 Prompts: "Private & Respect" 💜✨
Prompt list here
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joyfuladorable · 10 months
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Something Something Cinematic Parallels
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tumblhurgoyf · 1 year
Can you explain for my friend why wotc actions after the leak are bad?
This is gonna be a bit lengthy but first I want to establish a timeline. Note the only real info we have is from the Youtuber in question, so it's not unreasonable that some of this is wrong, either intentionally or just because this guy likewise doesn't know all of what happened.
A Youtuber with about 5000 subscribers, oldschoolmtg, ordered booster boxes of March of the Machine.
2. The person he ordered them from mistakenly gave him boxes of March of the Machine: Aftermath.
3. oldschoolmtg cracked the Aftermath packs and posted videos of that online. It does sound like he was aware of difference between MOM and MOM Aftermath before he posted the videos. He said he doesn't believe the person who sold them was aware as that person isn't really into Magic (I personally know a store like this--the owner is really into Warhammer but does Magic stuff too because it pays bills).
4. Wizards says they tried to contact him but couldn't reach him. As far as I know we have no context for how they tried to contact him, how many attempts they made, or how long they waited before hiring the Pinkertons to shake him down.
5. I believe Sunday April 25 in the morning the Pinkertons showed up at this guy's house to recover "stolen" product. They threatened jail time and the Youtuber refers to them as "law men" in his video so I'm not sure if he misunderstands their role or if they misrepresented themselves.
6. After getting the cards, the Pinkerton agents provided a phone number to a person at Wizards for oldschoolmtg to call. He said this person was apologetic and cordial and said they don't believe anything was stolen but they needed the product so they could figure out how this happened to prevent it in the future. oldschoolmtg also says they said they'd send him some product to compensate for the cards the Pinkertons just took from him.
7. oldschoolmtg removed the Youtube videos of him opening the Aftermath packs. They also asked him to ask everyone else to take those vids down, claiming some sort of copyright infringement.
That's all the info I'm aware of, mostly just straight from the person who experienced this.
So why is this wrong?
First, MOM Aftermath is an embargoed product. Which means Wizards ships it out to retailers (be they big box store or LGS or online space or whatever) under a contract that they won't sell it before a certain date and time. oldschoolmtg believes the person he purchased from simply mixed up the two sets because of the similar names. He says he purchased the product and according to his recollection of the phone call, the rep at Wizards likewise didn't think he had stolen it.
That's important because the embargo agreement is between retailers and Wizards. oldschoolmtg had no contractual obligation with regard to the embargoed product. It leads me to believe the Pinkertons were involved because they'd willingly insinuate the product was stolen and oldschoolmtg had committed a crime when in actuality there was no grounds to take any legal action against the man. There was no grounds to get a warrant to search for the product. He had committed no crime. He bought Magic cards from a guy who sells Magic cards. The only actual recourse Wizards would have had if the cards weren't stolen was to pursue the guy who sold them for breaking the embargo.
The only theft that actually occurred was when the Pinkertons raided this guy's home to take cards he purchased.
That's my take given what info we know. The Youtube videos aren't actually relevant in a meaningful way--that's just how Wizards found out.
But it's actually even worse. It would have been shitty to seek out a warrant or just sic lawyers on him. Of course I don't think they had grounds for it, so instead they went extrajudicial instead. That is they took a course of action that didn't involve courts.
For those who don't know, the Pinkertons started in 1850 and operated largely as violent strikebreakers. They're still helping break strikes today. They've been hired by Amazon and Starbucks within the last three years to spy on unionization efforts. Their history is bloody and murderous. No exaggeration. Their response to workers striking and unionizing in the past has been to beat them and shoot them.
I think you can put two and two together here. What does it say for a billion dollar multinational company to send these violent thugs to the private home of a small a guy operating a small Youtube channel?
It's a threat to this guy and anybody else; if you leak our cards we will find where you live and we will come after you. Specific use of the Pinkertons is part of this intentional message. There are other security firms without the history and notoriety. And while any such action would be just as disturbing, I doubt using almost any other agency would have had quite the effect as hiring Pinkertons.
tl;dr Based on what we know it's unlikely this guy did anything actually wrong or unlawful and Wizards sent agents from a firm with a violent and notorious history to his home in an act of intimidation
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lavampira · 1 month
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dear love, take care of my heart, I’ve left it with you
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evren-sadwrn · 5 months
.................okay but ROMANTIC Vincent x bodyguard could slap 😗🤨😲now that might be something I could potentially eat up. Suddenly I am hungry.
cringefailure french boy needs a bodyguard i got u bae dw
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You work for the Marquis de Gramont as a bodyguard
You’re well-versed in guns and all that combat jazz
You get your hands dirty for this guy, and commit acts of violence
It’s just your job anyways
It’s much better than being a common hitman or mercenary because then you have a boss to hide behind
A particularly hot boss to be specific
He’s attractive, you and the other Myrmidons agree upon that
Vincent is young in comparison to literally everyone in the Table’s circle of representatives and agents
He’s a hyperglot, he’s got a taste in art, he likes cats more than dogs, he’s sexy as hell, and he’s interesting when he talks sometimes
God, isn’t he just amazing?
It’s when you’re at the Louvre with this guy again(second time this week)
“What do you think about art?”
A simple, innocent question
Your answer goes along the lines of something basic
Nothing too profound, just rather something short and simple
And that sends the Marquis to talking about art and history as a whole
Now you know the difference between Baroque and Renaissance art
And you know Realism, Impressionism, and Romanticism
Vincent finds Romanticism particularly interesting: a quiet theme romanticizing the softer and more gentler parts of life
You can see that in him
Vincent gets excited when he talks about art
You can see it when he smiles, or when his eyes are practically gleaming as he talks
You only nod, answer simple and short when he pauses to ask
Then Vincent has you accompanying him more than often
You get a chance to talk to Chidi a whole lot, Vincent’s right hand man
And you get to hear more of Vincent’s ramblings
Attending bourgeois luxuries
Palais Garnier, and all that stuff
It only takes nine months(fuck, that’s nearly a year) for you to actually start seeing Vincent
Vincent, not the Marquis— but just him
A guy that plays piano and fills most of his days learning a new language if he’s not doing anything important
He holds everyone to high standards including you
But there’s always something that Vincent likes about you
It’s clear in his actions, really
“These gloves would suit you, don’t you think?”
Vincent likes giving gifts, he doesn’t know anything else about relationships or how to properly say it
But it’s clear
He first got you gloves when he saw your hands were particularly bruised
Then it just straight up jumped to him giving you a car, sleek black and elegantly shaped
God, you wish you were joking
But you wanted to test the waters first
“I want you to come with me to the Louvre again”
“Alright, kiss me on the cheek first”
Was that too bold?
Either way, after a moment of pause, which was Vincent just processing it—
—he kissed you on the cheek
What kind of chapstick was he using to get those lips so damn pink and perfect and soft?
You’ve been eyeing those lips for a while now
And feeling it first hand-
Fuck, it was exhilarating
“So are we gonna go now?”
Vincent put a hand on his hip as he asked you
“Yes, sir”
Shit, you were so fucking whipped
reblogs appreciated as always<33
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sashimiyas · 2 months
i know this may just be my indulgence. but i do think osamu and iwaizumi would get along so well
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bloomingsalma · 3 months
i think one of the most disappointing things is to see that your childhood friends have grown up to represent the kind of people you're disappointed in
#had a friendship break up w like one of my entire friend groups of six ppl?#found out that one of the girls in our friend group had sent screenshots of our private conversation about smth I was hurt over#to a gc with our other friends (but not me ofc)#and they all proceeded to talk shit about me :// I swear the way my stomach dropped when the friend I was having the convo w#sent me screenshots of what our mutual friends were saying about me#she knew how much it would hurt me but still did it just to prove a point (though I'm certain she misrepresented our conversation + my word#to them considering she blocked out what she had initially said to them lol)#my stomach hasn't dropped like that since high school#which is exactly where I thought we left this kind of deceitful behaviour. like how are you guys twenty one and still sending screenshots#and talking bad behind only one (1) friend's back when you know she can't defend herself in that space#I immediately texted our collective gc to explain a text she had sent but failed to give context for#then told them if I'm as selfish as they say I will leave this friend group. and then I left that gc#I also texted two friends who I knew were talking shit and I sent them the screenshots that first “friend” sent and pointed out how#she blocked out what she said so I'm suspicious that she skewed our conversation so they (the two other “friends”) should be wary#I told them I understood it was fair game to stoop. this low considering neither of them tried to reach out to me to hear my side#or defend me + my privacy#for context: the original argument was me voicing out that I was upset bc that first “friend” had invited and planned with with our friend#group an event that landed on my birthday without checking in with me if I was planning to spend time with them that day#and she kept defending herself and saying she didn't know I'd plan smth (probably bc my bday is two months away lmao) and she said#the event they'd be attending is just as important and necessary as being there for my birthday?? it's literally just a party her brother#(who none of us are close to lol) is DJing at. and I brought up how I'm their close friend (not her brother) and it's not fair to call#it equally necessary. but I suspect she skewed what I said greatly considering all of our friends started calling me selfish and unfair#but yeah v v crazy and hurtful and just astonishing#salmaspeaks
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fauvester · 1 year
how do garak and bashir feel about being grandparents?, also since theres a third elim (3lim) ((if i read tht right,,,,)
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garak and bashirs parenting styles are reversed for grandparenting. julian's a total sap for his grandkids, taking them on trips and buying them elaborate educational toys. garak is the reserved victorian grandfather smoking a pipe in the study talking about The Old Days and ordering them around (especially in the garden, his knees aren't what they used to be.)
Bashir is still annoyed at the passage of time seeing fit to give his children (who, in his mind, are still kids) children of their own. Rude!
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sparky-is-spiders · 9 months
I can accept basically any trans/nb reading of Jon however my personal favorites are transmasc Jon who transitioned physically and socially as early as possible and just never mentioned it to anyone cause it wasn't any of their business OR Jon being the most repressed transfem/nb in existence. They'll be talking about gender or whatever and Jon will be like "it's normal to feel totally disconnected from your gender all the time and also vaguely want boobs. That's just a guy thing I think." only for whoever they're all talking to to go "wtf no?? It's not????"
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phoebepheebsphibs · 3 months
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I will never understand how this happened but I’m laughing all the same
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obstinaterixatrix · 4 months
do you have any bl/gl/gen recs for fucked up manic pixie dream girl (gender neutral)/guy with something obviously wrong with them x blueberry shot normalnotnormal guy (gender neutral)
my bias is showing (m/m). siyeol being aejoon’s Most Favorite Idol Ever and trying Really Really Hard to seduce him gives somewhat a manic pixie dream girl vibe imo (even tho siyeol’s being very intentional and fake about it); aejoon is extremely normalguy while being kind of not normal about it considering he rejects siyeol three (3) times
still sick (f/f). shimizu is so normal office lady (engineer) and also extremely hardcore yuri fangirl which give her a bit of a blueberry shot imo. meanwhile, maekawa just shows up out of nowhere and goes like woooow this yuri thing your drawing is soooo interesting tell me more about it~ and there’s a solid amount wrong with her (lol).
immortal days (gen?). I actually haven’t read this myself tho it’s been on my list forever and I did enjoy the few chapters I’ve gotten through. but it’s about two mortal guys in a world that has engineered immortality, myeol gives the impression of being Just Some Guy about it (which is extremely weird) and phil gives the impression of being manic pixie nightmare about it. this is more of a proxy rec from pals but I’m trusting these friends with my life and reputation.
I’ve actually got 3 more BL to add to the list but it’s getting long and I wanna eat lunch brb
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
The only problem with willow picking up hunter and spinning him like a princess is once she does Luz and Gus will manifest behind her and shout "ME NEXT" like kids asking their dad for a piggyback ride and willow can't refuse
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sysig · 7 months
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You don’t get to pick your own nickname, Spamton, that’s like the whole point (Patreon)
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digitalgate02 · 7 months
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Post-movie Rui-Ukko bonding headcanons.
... He would do that, wouldn't he?
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