zdravljeirecepti · 2 years
Jeste li na poslu previše pod stresom? Riješite ovaj kviz i saznajte...
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gtaradi · 2 years
Kad je radnik zapravo mutikaša
Dakle, gdje je bolje i "zdravije" dočekati mirovinu - u velikoj ili maloj firmi?
Gorkić Taradi – Konobar s olovkomFacebook | Twitter | Instagram | TikTok Jučer se nas četvero uhvatilo teme koja je isprva izgledala bezazlena no što je dulje trajala više se pokazivao jaz između rada u velikoj i maloj firmi. Naime jedan prijatelj se požalio da ga više iscrpljuju stalna ogovaranja i intrige svojih kolegica i kolega na poslu nego kvocanja šefova ili sam posao. Naravno, radi u…
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uupiic · 2 months
Some idiot, going onto furaffinity or any other ''furry'' place of the internet: "OMG, why are you making being furry your personality??? :( ''
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dragonpaint · 10 months
ended up watching both venom movies when i should have gone to sleep bc i have to go work tomorrow :]
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Svečana promocija drugog izdanja gastronomskog vodiča „GAULT & MILLAU“ Srbija 2023. održana je 25. aprila u Kristanoj dvorani hotela ''Hyatt Regency’’ u Beogradu, na kojoj su dodeljena i priznanja u više kategorija najuspešnijima u ugostiteljstvu u 2023. Događaju je prisustvovalo više od 300 zvanica, koji su nakon zvaničnog dela, uživali u ukusima pažljivo odabranih specijaliteta srpske kuhinje i u najboljim vinima.
Gostima su se na samom početku obratili Mira Šemić, direktorka „Gault & Millau“ Slovenija i Srbija, Marija Labović, direktorka Turističke organizacije Srbije i Uroš Kandić, državni sekretar u Ministarstvu turizma i omladine Republike Srbije. Tom prilikom predstavili su vrednost i kvalitet vodiča, kao i njegov značaj za turizam i turističke destinacije u Srbiji.
„Obišli smo Srbiju od Subotice do Vranja, i verujte mi podigli lestvicu i odabrali najbolje. Večeras će nagrade biti iznenađenje za sve, za restorane, pojedince i za sve goste. Mi smo zadovoljni izborom’’, rekla je Mira Šemić, direktor „Gault & Millau” Slovenija i Srbija, zahvalivši se i Turističkoj organizaciji Srbije na poverenju i podršci.
„Drugi put se sastajemo da promovišemo izdanje ovog gastronomskog vodiča. Kriterijumi na osnovu kojih su inspektori ocenjivali restorane, kuvare i usluge širom Srbije su strogi, ali pravični i stvar je prestiža u celom gastronomskom svetu zaslužiti GoMijo kapu, ili biti primećen od strane GoMijo inspektora. Svim restoranima i pojedincima koji su to uspeli, čestitam“, rekla je Marija Labović direktorka TOS.
“Ovo je prilika da se podstakne konkurencija među domaćim ugostiteljima kako bi se ukupan kvalitet, promocija i vidljivost gastronomske ponude kretala uzlaznom linijom'', istakao je, između ostalog, Uroš Kandić, državni sekretar za turizam.
Dobitnici nagrada „Gault & Millau” SRBIJA 2023 su:
Najbolji restorani 2023:
Dobitnici tri kulinarske kape: Homa, Beograd; La Pista Gorski Hotel, Kopaonik; Restoran 27, Beograd, i Restoran The Square, Beograd
Dobitnici četiri kulinarske kape: Langouste, Beograd, i Salon 1905, Beograd
Najbolji somelijer 2023 – Stefan Mladenović, restoran Corso, Beograd
Najbolji POP 2023 – Morava Meet Concept Store, Beograd
Najbolji poslastičar 2023 –Dejan Veljin, Hotel Gorski, Kopaonik
Mladi talenat 2023 – Stefan Živković, Koordinata, Beograd
Chef tradicije 2023 - Dragan Cvetković, Bela Reka, Beograd
Chef budućnosti 2023: Filip Ćirić, HOMA, Beograd;
Dejan Popović, Fish&Zeleniš, Novi Sad
Chef godine 2023 – Gijom Iskandar, Langouste, Beograd
„Gault & Millau” je kompetentan i pouzdan vodič koji svoj uticaj neprekidno proširuje, pa je od 1962. godine kada je nastao u Francuskoj, pa do danas postao nezaobilazan putokaz ka najboljim ukusima u oko 25 zemalja sveta. Od 2022. godine izdaje se i u Srbiji. U ovogodišnjem Vodiču je 144 restorana, 107 POP (bistro, poslastičarnice…), 34 vinarije i 10 destilerija.
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cgvijesti · 2 years
Sumnja se da je šef stanice preusmjerio voz
Foto: EPA Šef željezničke stanice u Larisi je nekoliko sati prije sudara dva voza u Grčkoj, u kojem je poginulo 57 ljudi, preusmjerio prigradski voz na pogrešan kolosijek, objavili su grčki mediji. Prema tim informacijama, mašinovođa prigradskog voza u Larisi to je shvatio i ukazao na grešku. Na mjestu sudara pronađena je i “crna kutija” jednog od dva voza, a za sada nije precizirano kojem vozu…
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jokeroutsubs · 1 year
ENG SUB ❓ What was Bojan's fave dish as a child?
Watch the promotional snippet from Mali šef Slovenije to find out ❣️
'Mali šef Slovenije' premieres THIS Saturday, 9pm CET, on JokerOutSubs YouTube channel!
YT Premiere link:
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brbljivica · 11 months
Kad saznam da je neko dobio posao
Na kom je dobra plata i odmor dug
Gde su ti kolege poput prijatelja
A šef ko stariji brat koji se razume u muziku
Zapitam se da li će mu lično on dati otkaz
Ili će sam otići nakon što mu se sve smuči
Kada čujem da se neko udaje ili ženi
Prvo se zapitam koliko će da traju
Jednu godinu, dve, tri, pet ili sedam
Hoće li posle toga ostati prijatelji
Ili će kao Majkl Daglas i Ketlin Tarner
Visiti sa nekog velikog lustera
Kada god vidim neki početak
Neizostavno prvo pomislim na kraj
I baš ne volim što je tako
Jer to mnogo govori o meni
O svim udarcima koje sam dobio
I svim godinama koje su projurile
Ali voleo- ne voleo
To ništa neće promeniti
Ponekad se probudiš u Beogradu - Vladimir Skočajić
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CEO SVET ĆE PRATITI VUČIĆEV GOVOR: Šef naše države u udarnom terminu - obraćanje predsednika na GS UN u 20.40 sati
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adriaticpulse · 2 days
Münchenski predškolci istražuju Wiesn
Oko 1.500 djece iz 72 gradske ustanove započelo je tjedan obilaskom Oktoberfesta, popularno nazvanog Wiesn. Za mnoge od tih mališana, ovo je bio prvi posjet Wiesnu. Na stepenicama Bavarske djecu su dočekali šef Wiesna Clemens Baumgärtner, referent za rad i gospodarstvo, zajedno s Margit Braun, voditeljicom odjela KITA pri Uredu za obrazovanje i sport te Claudijom Janke, voditeljicom Gradske…
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portaltvpljevlja · 28 days
Šef kluba odbornika PES-a podnio ostavku na članstvo u inicijalnom odboru PES-a i istupio iz članstva - ...
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jambolaja · 2 months
Hiša Linhart - šef Uroš Štefelin
Došlo je vrijeme za još jednu finu večeru s Gregorom, Tejom, Simonom i Julie, ovoga puta Hiša Linhart. Do centra sam stigao taksijem, 6 €. Ubrzo su stigli Simon i Julie i pokupil mene, Gregora i Teju. Odvezli smo se prema Radovljici, starom srednjovjekovnom gradu u Gorenjskoj. Parkirali smo auto i krenuli prema glavnoj Linhartovoj ulici i prošetali naokolo do vremena naše rezervacije. Restoran…
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gtaradi · 5 months
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trojerucica-blr · 7 months
Miloš Parandilović oštro - Vučić je šef mafije, a ne predsednik države!
Parandilovic,umjesto tautoloske price politickog recitala koju SVI NAPAMET ZNAMO,ORGANIZIRAJ "BUNU PROTIV DAHIJA"-SNS NARCO KARTELA AV SUMANUTOG VODJE
Filip Višnjić
The beginning of the rebellion against dahi
Dear God! Great miracle! When they are complaining about the country of Serbia, about Serbia to overturn the country and for the other to become the judge, There the princes are not there for the sake of the Turks, Nor for the sake of the Turks, but for the sake of the poor of paradise, Which fine cannot be given, Nor suffer the Turkish cruelty; And for God's sake they are pleased, Because the blood has boiled from the earth, Zeman has come, it is necessary to fight, For the honorable cross to shed blood, Each one to repent of the old. Through the sky, the saints began to fight and throw various occasions above Serbia across the clear sky; They took this first opportunity: From Tripun to St. Đurđe, every night the moon rises, So that the Serbs would take up arms, but the Serbs did not dare to rise. The second saint took advantage of the opportunity: From Đurđev to Dmitrov's day, all the blood-stained banners went over Serbia through the clear sky, so that the Serbs would take up arms, but the Serbs did not dare to stand up. The third saint gave an opportunity: Thunder thundered on Saint Sava In the middle of winter, when it was not his time, The son of lightning on the venerable chains, The earth shook from the east, So that the Serbs would take up arms, But the Serbs did not dare to stand up. And for the fourth time, they took the chance: Above Serbia in the clear sky , the sun will rise in the spring, In the spring on Saint Tripun, One tribute is waded three times, And three times it dances in the east. The Turks of Bijograci are watching this, and all the seven dahis from the city: Aganlija and Kučuk-Alija, and two brothers, two young Fočićs, Memed-aga and šnjime Mus-aga, Mula Yusuf the great dahija, Dervish-aga Gracki taindžija, Old man Fočo of hundreds summer, All seven of them met in the courtyard of Bijograd at the Stambol-gate, Wrapped in scarlet curtains, Tears are falling, and the occasion is: "Ala Kardash!" Stranger occasions! "That, old man, is not good for us." So, out of misery, all the seven dahi made a glass pan, grabbed water from the Danube, took it to the Nebojša tower, threw a pan on top of the tower, put stars in the pan, to watch the heavenly conditions, what will happen to them until the end. Around her the dahias met, Over the pan they mirrored their faces; When they looked at the dahi's face, They saw everything with their dahi's eyes, There were no heads on any of them. When all the seven dahi saw that, they pulled the steel rod, and broke the glass pan, threw it down the white tower, down the white tower into the Danube, there is no consumption of the pan. So, out of misery, all the seven dahis walked carelessly down the Nebojš tower of Jakšić, They walked to the big coffee, Then they sat down on the big coffee, They all sat next to each other, They threw the old man Foča in the back, His white beard reached his waist, Then all the seven dahis shouted: " To us faster, hodje and waizi! "Bring the books of the gospel, "And look at what the books tell us, "What will happen to us until the end." The hodjas and 'vaizis came, They brought the books of the gospel; Regarding the books, terrible tears fall, they say to Dahijam like this: "Turks, brothers, all seven dahi! "'Like the evangelists tell us: "When there were occasions " above" Serbia in the clear sky, "Ev" since then five hundred" years, "Then the Serbian empire died, We then gained the empire, "And two Wallachian emperors were executed: "Constantine in the middle of Constantinople "At the end of Sarac, at the end of the cold water, "And Lazar in the field of Kosovo; "Milos killed Murat for Laza, "But Milos did not beat him well, "Murat was already alive, "While we conquered the Serbian empire, "Then he called out to the viziers: "Brother Turks, tulips and viziers! " "I died, I got the empire for you, ""But listen to me, " "May your kingdom be long-lived: " "Do not be bitter in heaven, " "May the greater heaven be very good; " "Let the tribute be fifteen dinars, " "Let the tribute be thirty dinars; " "Do not impose fines or taxes, " "Do not impose misery on paradise; ""Don't touch their churches. " "Neither in law, nor in honesty; " "Don't seek revenge in heaven, " "What Miloš broke me, " "That's the happiness of a soldier: " "You can't win an empire, " "On the mattress all smoking tobacco; " "Do not drive my paradise around the forests, so that it is afraid of you, " "But take care of the paradise like your sons, " "So long will your kingdom be; " "If you don't listen to me, " "You will already start doing injustice to heaven, " "Then you will lose the kingdom." " "The emperor died, and we remained, "And we did not listen to our emperor, "But a great injustice we raised: "We trampled on their honesty, "We brought all kinds of misery, "And we heaped fines on paradise, "And we did a disservice to God. "Now the opportunities have become, "Now someone will lose the empire; "Do not be afraid of any king, "A king will not strike against a king, "Nor can a kingdom against an empire, "Because it has become so from God; "Beware the paradise of the poor; "When the hook and the hoe rise, "There will be torment for the Turks in Media, "They will weep in Sham, "Jera will make them blossom. "Brother Turks, all seven dahis!" "So our evangelists say, "That your houses will burn, "You will kill your heads; "Grass will come out of your hearth, "And cobwebs will fall from the minarets, "There will be no one who is afraid to learn; "Where are our roads and cobblestones, "And where the Turks passed by , "And with horse plates" encroached, "The grass will penetrate from the wedge, "The roads will want the Turks, "And there will be no Turks anywhere." "So the books of the Gospels say." When all the seven dahi heard that, All the dahi were humiliated by no one, And they surrendered to the ground and died . Old man Fočo stretched his beard, So he bites the white one with his teeth, He doesn't know how to talk with a book either, Even he is surprised by that work; Fočić does not destroy Memed-aga, He does not destroy, but the hero shouts: "Disher sea, hodge and waizi!" "Pray to God and learn to pray "Each tribute and all five times, "Don't worry about us dahias: "As long as we are healthy and smart, "And as long as we have the city of Biograd, "We are the cadres to manage the city, " Around the city a poor man's paradise. "When the kings won't attack us, "How will heaven bore us, "When there are seven of us, "Every one of us has a storehouse of treasure? "What treasures?" All the soft ducats, "And all the desolate treasure lying; "In us, brothers, four dahias, "Aganlia and Kuchuk-Alia, "And in me and Mula-Yusuf, "In each of them there are desolate treasures "Uncountable in two magazines; "The four of us when we get up, "We get up on light feet, "And we open the storehouses with treasures, "We will spill the rubble on the cobblestones, "We will collect the army for ducats; "We four great dahijas "Divide the army into four, "Into four like four brothers, "We will go from our city "Through our seventeen nahijas "We will cut down all Serbian princes, "All princes, Serbian chieftains, "And the serfs, who are for the needs, "And the Serbian teachers, "Leave only the crazy children, "The crazy children of seven years old, "Then the right ones will be paradise, "And they will serve the Turks well. "Until I execute Prince Palalia "From the beautiful village of Begaljica, "He is a pasha, and I am a subasha." "Until I execute Jovan the prince "From Land's village the little one, "He is a pasha, and I am a subasha; "And Stanoja kneza from Zeok, "He is a pasha, and I am a sub-pasha. "Until I execute Steva Jakovljev "From Lijevča nest of Hajdučki, "He is a pasha, and I am a subasha; "And Prince Jovan from Krsnica. "While I execute up to two Čarapićs , "From the stream of B'jelog od Avala, "Who are the cadres to go to Vračar, "To Biograd, to imprison the Turks, "They are grazing, and I am a slave." "Until I execute Black Đorđije "From Topola, the proud village, "Who trades with the emperor of Vienna, "He is able to buy all the money" "From the white city of Varadin. "And the weapons, which are for the needs, "He is able to control us, "He reigns, and I subjugate." "Until I execute Archpriest Nikola "From the beautiful village of Ritopek, "He grazes, and I graze." "Until I execute Ćorđi Guzonja "And his brother Arsenij "From the beautiful village of Željeznik, "Who is the cadre Topčider to close"; "Until I execute archpriest Mark "From the beautiful village of Ostružnica, "He is a pasha, and I am a subasha." "Until I execute up to two abbots, "Adzi-Djera and Adzi-Ruvim, "Who know how to melt gold, "And write small books with it", "Let our breath fall to the emperor, " To dream of paradise around us, "They graze, and we are slaves . "While I executed Ilija Birčanin, "Obor-kneza below Međednik, "Here he is three years old, ,,0d how he became very strong: "Kudgođ goes, all the skunks ride, "And he leads the other on the occasion; "He carries a mace on his unkasha, "And he keeps his mustache under a kalpak, "He doesn't let a Turk into the principality, "When he finds a Turk in the principality, "He beats his ribs with a mace, "And when the Turk stops dying, "And he shouts at his thugs: " "Sea, servants! throw it there, ""The raven will not find his bones." "" And when he brings us the tax, "Under the weapon he goes out on the divan, "He puts his right hand on the scimitar, "And to the left tax he adds: ""Memed-aga , here's your taxes, " "The poor greeted you, " "She can't give you more." " " I started counting the taxes, "And he was shooting at me with his eyes: " "Memed-aga! will you count her? " "I counted it once." " "And I can't count anymore, "I'm already throwing the tax at the end of me, "I can hardly wait for the shame to be removed, "Because I can't look at him; "He is a pasha, and I am a subasha." "Until I execute Prince Grbović "From the beautiful village of Mratišić, "He is a pasha, and I am a subasha." "Until I executed Prince Aleksa "From the beautiful village of Brankovina, "And Jacob's brother Aleksin: "When the emperor and the emperor quarreled, "At the emperor's house, they were barbarians, "And they wore caps made of gold, "They looted all the Turkish palanquins, "They enslaved, they burned with fire, "When the emperor and the emperor made peace, "And they surrendered to the emperor, "And they became princes with the emperor, "The young Turks fell to the emperor, "Seven pashas, ​​who fell, "Falled, then killed them; "They graze, and we are subashes." "Until I execute Prince Tavnavski, "Iz Ljutica Stanka obor-kneza; "While I execute Prince Macvanski, "With Bogatić Martinović-Laza, "He is a pasha, and I am a subasha." While I execute Prince Pocerski, "From Metković Ružičić-Mijajlo, "He is a pasha, and I am a subasha. "While I set fire to Racha at the end of the Drina, "And I executed Aji-Melenty, "Who went across the blue sea, "And the Vlach frog was leaving, "By the way, he stopped by Stambol, "And presented a firman from the emperor "For a hundred yellow ducats, "To build a place of worship with his hair, "To build it in seven years, "Make it in one year, "Here it is six years old , "How he builds a tower next to the church, "And in the tower he buys a pocket "And in the dark, he attracts cannons; "You see, old man, that he is hoping for something!" "Then I will go through the nahija, "and cut all the Serbian serfs. "How could paradise be for us?" All dahijes jumped to their feet, Memed-aga all bowed: "Thank you, old man, Fočić Memed-aga! "Your mind can be a pasha, "We will make you a pasha, "We will listen to you everywhere." Old man Focho began to say: "Nuto boy! and lost his mind: "With what words they are sitting on the pashaluk!" "Take it, son, Fočić Memed-aga, "Take the straw in your white hand, "Hand the straw over the living fire: "Or will you extinguish the fire with it, "Or will you ignite it more?" "You can, and God has given you, "To collect such a great army, "And you will go, my son, through the nahia; "You can trick a prince" and trick him into faith; "You will lose your faith, "Cut down one, and two will run away, "Cut down two, four will leave, "They will burn down your houses, "You will perish from them." "But you shouldn't act like that, "But listen to me, the old man: "I saw in our injil, "This, ours, won't be for long, "But the kingdom will change, "Already, son, improve the paradise: "Remove the tributary to the paradise, "Let it be the tributary, as Murat said; "Avoid fines and taxes; "You fraternize with the princes, "Give a gift to the princes, "To the serfs a mediocre parip, "Be in agreement with the popes, "Wouldn't we also survive with them, "Our country will not last long. "And what more do we need a desolate treasure? "If you grind, you can't eat." But Fočić Memed-aga says: "My grandmother, I don't listen to those things." He said that, and he jumped to his feet, and the rest of the dahias followed him, again they threw cannons at the city, gathered the army to the ducats, four great dahias: Aganlija and Kučuk-Alija, Mula-Jusuf, Fočić Memed-aga, They divided the four the army, The four of them, like four brothers, Again they opened the door in the city, And they went with the army for inspection Through their seventeen nahias. They tricked the first Serbian prince: They domesticated Prince Palalia and executed him in Grocka; And Prince Stanoja from Zeok was tricked, so they executed him in his white court. They tricked Marko Čarapić, they tricked him, and executed him; And Gagić, Janko, are having fun from Boleča, the village of the little one. They executed prince Teofan from Orasje of Smederevo na'je; She and prince Peter from Resava, tricked Mata buljubasa from Lipovac near Kragujevac, and they killed him as a young woman, the Moravians liked the church, and there they killed Adži-Đer, and they brought Ruvi into the city, and they killed him in the city. Memed-aga came to Valjevo: Grbović felt himself, So Grbović fled to the side, And the obor-prince Aleksa came to him, And Ilija from Birčan came to him, Memed-aga wrapped both of them, He tied their hands in white, Then he led them to the Kolubari bridge; And when he saw obor-prince Aleks, That the Turks were going to execute both of them, Then he said to Fičić Memed-aga "Lord Fočić Memed-aga! "Give me life at the feast, "Here are sixty bags of treasure for you." Memed-aga says to Alexa: "I can't let you go, Alexa, "Give me a hundred bags of treasure." But Ilija from Birčan spoke: "Lord, Fočić Memed-aga!" "Here's a hundred bags of treasure for you, "Give me life at the feast." Fočić Memed-aga said to him: "Don't be fools, Ilija of Birčan! "Who would let a mountain wolf in?" Memed-aga shouted at the executioner, the executioner pulled the saber from under his lap, and Ilia cut off his head; And Aleksa sat on the bridge, So he began to speak like this: "God kill every Russian, "Who keeps faith in the Turk! "Ah Jacob, my own brother! "You don't have faith in the Turks, "If you're going to get into trouble, fight with the Turks." Alex was still trying to speak, But the executioner didn't speak, They grabbed the saber, cut off his head. When up to two princes were killed On the bridge in the middle of Kolubara: Prince Aleksa, Birčan Ilija: Adži-Ruvim in the middle of Biograd, One day, and one hour: Above them, the sun darkened brightly. Memed-aga hurried to the inn, Wouldn't he have stopped another Serb, To choose another boy to cut down. Al When the Serbs noticed the grief, they ran away from the bazaar, but no one came to Memed-aga. When Fočić saw it, Memed-aga immediately knew that he was going to do the worst, and he immediately repented, but he was still too late to repent, already called twelve delija, And Uzun to his cager: "Do you hear, my falcons! "Quickly get good horses, "Then run to the village of Topola, "We wouldn't execute Djordje the Black: "If Djordje escapes from us now, "Let you know, it will be good to be will not." When the twelve delia heard that, they immediately mounted good horses, and in front of them Uzun Kavedžija, went to the village of Topola on the Saturday before Sunday; At the dawn of the week they came Before dawn and broad daylight, And they surrounded Djordje's court, They struck from both sides, And now two sides shouted: "Come out here, Djordje Petrovic!" Who will deceive the angry dragon ? Who will find him sleepy? Djordje is the hero learned to always wake up before the dawn, Wash and pray to God, And drink a glass of brandy: Djordje was early and went to the lower cellars. When he sees Turks around the house, he does not hesitate to contact them. Young Đorđijnica spoke to them: "May God be with you, Turks, tonight!" "What are you doing here at this time?" "Đorđe was now in front of the house, "He was there now, then he went somewhere, "And I don't know where he went." And Đorđe was watching and listening. When Đorđe had counted the Turks, he drank the glass and dusted the rifle, He took enough powder and lead, Then he went out to his pen Among his twelve shepherds; And when he came, he called out the shepherds, And thus he said to the shepherds: "My brothers, twelve shepherds! "Get up, open the pen, "Let the pigs out of the pen, "Let them go, where to whom dear; "And you, brothers, listen to me, "And dust off the colorful rifles; "If God wills, you will get what you want, "What have I decided to do today, "I will honor you all, "Encased in silver and gold, " And wear silk shoes and kadiva." All the shepherds could hardly wait, They cut the pigs out of the pen, Then they dusted off their colorful guns, At once they followed Djordje. Đorđe goes straight to his court, and when he sees Turks with shepherds, Đorđe says like this: "Do you hear, twelve shepherds! "Everybody look hard at the Turk, "But don't shoot my guns, "Until mine first bursts, "I'll watch Uzun Memed, "You'll see what will become of him." That's what Đorđe Petrović said, the guns fell to the ground The fire started, The gun fired, it will not remain empty; Djordje was looking, Đorđe hit, Uzun fell dead from the kulaš. When the twelve shepherds saw it, twelve guns fired at me, Six Turks fell dead there, The six on horses ran away. At once Đorđe shouted around Topola, Gather more company, They all chased after the Turks, They reached the village of Sibnica, And there the Turks fled to the inn, Kami's mother so they could stay! There Đorđe surrounded them with his company, So he shouted to the village of Sibnica , The people of Sibnica all came to him; There a hundred heroes gathered, At my turn the Serbs set fire to the khan, And three Turks burned, And three ran in front of them, And the Serbs killed all three. On all sides of Djordje's book of work In all the city's seventeen nahiyas To the serfs and village chiefs: "Kill each one of his subasha; "Hide the women and children in the shelters." When the Serbian chieftains heard this, they immediately obeyed Djordje: They all jumped to their feet lightly, They strapped on their bright weapons, Each one killed his subordinate, They took the women and children away to the den. When Djordje alarmed the Serbs and He made a big fight with the Turks, Then Đorđe went through the nahija, Then he set fire to the Turkish watchtowers, And knocked down the Turkish teferiches, And hit the Turkish palanquins, He set all the Turkish palanquins on fire, He put the sword to the sword, The Serbs and the Turks had a hard time. The Turks think, that heaven is a joke, But heaven is the head of the cities; The mouth of heaven is like grass from the earth, The Turks poured into the cities; Đorđe runs from city to city, And the citizens everywhere call out: "Do you hear, you Turkish citizens! "To the city" open the door, "Give the oppressors from among you, "If you want to be peaceful, "So that we do not spoil the cities for the emperor: "Because if you will not give them, "Among you, the Turks, the oppressors, "I made those cities of paradise, "They built them for nine years, "When it is possible to overthrow them in a day "And to start a quarrel with the emperor; "And when we quarrel with the emperor, "Let all seven kings stand up, "To reconcile us, they will not reconcile us; "We will fight, sea, to one." Then the citizens shed tears, And Djordje said: "Beg Djordje , from Serbia head ! we will give the Turks the wrongdoers." So the citizens rose up, the Turks opened the gates of the city, they gave the tyrants among themselves, the tyrants were eaten by the Turks, they handed them over to the Serbs. Dear God and Mother of God! When the Serbs caught the Zulumcar Turks in white hands, the Serbs began to disperse them Across the field without all their clothes, Without turkeys and without anthers, Without shirts, in small caps, Without boots and without yemeni, Naked, barefoot, they beat with maces: "Sea, basha! where's our taxes?" Đorđe takes out his saber in the fields, cuts off the heads of the Zulumcars. And when Đorđe cuts down the Turks, he cuts down the Turks,
Then George entered the cities; What a Turk would eat in cities, What a Turk would cut, cut; For handing over what he would, hand over; For baptisms, whatever you want, cross it. When Đorđe conquered Serbia, And crossed Serbia with a cross, And covered with his wing From Vidin to the Drina water, From Kosovo and to Biograd, Đorđe used to say to the Drina: "Drina water! noble between "Between Bosnia and Serbia!" "Soon that time will come, "When I and I will cross Tebek "And leave for a happy Bosnia!"
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Филип Вишњић
Почетак буне против дахија
Боже мили! Чуда великога! Кад се ћаше по земљи Србији, По Србији земљи да преврне И да друга постане судија, Ту кнезови нису ради кавзи, Нит’ су ради Турци изјелице, Ал’ је рада сиротиња раја, Која глоба давати не може, Ни трпити Турскога зулума; И ради су Божиј угодници, Јер је крвца из земље проврела, Земан дош’о, ваља војевати, За крст часни крвцу прољевати,
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darko-pribeg · 7 months
Napokon propjevala
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Iskustvo intenziva Tri principa na Velebitu
"It's been a while. Sretan Božić i Nova godina? :D Pffff. Evo ga 3,mjesec skoro sjeo za vrat pa uskoro i formalno proljeće, a gdje je zima zapela i da ,gdje je ljubaaav (ooooo,a gdje je ljubav, kaži gdje je ljubav)?
Ovaj vikend išla sam na retreat u Baške Oštarije. Darko Pribeg, tata Mystic Mountain Festival-a i moj vječni šef je organizirao svoj intenziv Tri principa i bio je uporan da me nagovori da dođem. Koprcala sam se u svojoj neodlučnosti, kako to već biva, ali sam odlučila stat si na taj (vrti)rep i donijeti odluku pa sam si rekla da idem i gotovo. Haha. Koja borba s tom vagom u podznaku. Al bolje je s godinama i sviješću, je. ;) Već neko vrijeme sanjarim da odem baš tamo jer nema čarobnijeg mjesta od Velebita i baš tih Baških Oštarija, mjesta križanja puteva između planine i mora i mjesto početka mnogih planinarskih staza. Mjesto gdje vile dirigiraju svojim šljokastim čarobnim štapićima i nikoga ne ostavljaju zakinutim za malo magične prašine.
I tako, uz Darkovu (ne)organizaciju :D <3, puno vremena za odmor i samo osjećanje, jer nigdje se ne žuri i ništa se ne mora, ja sam isto stala i samo počela otpuštati. Napetosti su se samo počele topiti pod utjecajem tog nemoranja, nežurenja i samog bivanja. Rekla sam mu, nije mi problem postići taj state of mind u takvom okruženju, kad napustim svakodnevnicu i užurbanost gradskog života, ono što mi je problem je preslikati taj način funkcioniranja u svaki dan. Pogotovo kad zagusti. Eh, to je vještina! Pa evo, neka to sad bude i javna namjera- omekša(va)ti kad je sve oko mene tvrdo.
I tako, napustim ja svoju velebitsku grupicu ranije ne bih li se stigla pripremiti za nastup koji smo imali sa školom pjevanja u nedjelju navečer. (Spomenuto omekšavanje je na mom mentalno-fizičkom meniju već neko vrijeme. ;)) "Peco, samo mekano, nemoj forsirati, ne koristi snagu, samo pjevaj"- mantrala sam svoje i profine riječi pripremajući se.
I evo ga, kaže profa da sam napokon propjevala i da me prvi put čula da pjevam cijeli svojim bićem. (iako bi ja to rekla za svaki svoj nastup, naravno :D) Al kuži se razlika, stvarno se kuži. 🙃💖🙏
Pa poslušajte! ;)
Kakav vikend! ☺️😇
Hvala Darkec, hvala profa Mirela Brnetic <3
Vokalni Studio Bacchabundus ➡️za sve koji žele raditi na svom glasu i naučiti pjevati.
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