#–––  ❛  einar 【 the traveler    ⠀  ╱ ⠀  self.  】
xsoteria · 2 years
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                                           H E A V E N S T U R N
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ane-doodles · 5 months
Hello! Love your multiple Lambs and your artstyle! You, me, @poppy-purpura, and @agnusloomis are the only ones I know of currently with multiple Lambs. Tell me of your Sorrow and Fondness Lamb, and also the Showman. How did those two come to be? Drink water plenty. May a kind week grace you.
Yayayaya! At first I tried to resist having so many AUs... but in the end it's something that makes me happy, even if I'm not able to write/draw a good story for everyone in the end.
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Oh yes rambling time LETS GO!! (notice that a LONG post is coming)
Suemy (Fondness & Sorrows AU) This is born from a kind of "What if" from Chain for a promise, in which instead of Avana being the last lamb, the one who survives is her twin sister Suemy.
If you have had the opportunity to read my little ramblings previously you will have an idea of what this entails, if not I will tell you already: in CFP the tragedy occurs two days before Suemy's wedding, she and her partner being the first to die, followed by the parents of the family and finally Caleb (the older brother) who dies protecting Avana.
However, in F&S the formula changes: Caleb and Suemy's partner are the first to die in order to give the sheeps time to escape, but this does not last more than a couple of days since both are found easily and in an attempt desperate to protect her sister, Avana dies, leaving Suemy alone as the lamb of the prophecy.
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Suemy is someone sweet, kind, I originally designed her based on the image of a princess with a heart of gold and a soft and melodious voice. So here she is now, heartbroken, alone, incapable of attachment, completely detached from the cult and fulfilling a mission assigned to her while grief suffocates her. She becomes an untouchable and perfect figure in the eyes of her followers, but inside so small with a wound that she herself refuses to let heal and that bleeds her heart every day.
But, "oh lucky one... A god has set his eyes on her.
In two lives immersed in the sadness of loss and betrayal, both meet to perhaps repair a little of the damage accumulated by the passage of time and repressed feelings.
Narinder was initially hardened by the pain and frustration of his siblings' betrayal, combined with the helplessness of being dependent on someone else to free himself. A whirlwind of strong and changing emotions within him that blind his vision, focusing only on a revenge calculated for more than a thousand years without rest...
But a hardened heart is capable of softening in the face of the purest tears, and with a delicate hand the wounds can be sutured..."
This AU is a kind of Post-Canon bad ending Hurt/Comfort. There is not much plot to tell, it focuses mainly on the thousand and one ways in which Narinder cares for and pampers the lamb in order to make her feel good, while at the same time the desire for revenge (the main reason for being freed) is replaced with the desire to protect such a delicate flower that bleeds in his hands.
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Now, about The Showman... Funny story
This lamb was supposed to be my Lambsona, something for personal use to scribble among my class notes... But little by little it evolved.
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The Box AU is a sort of "bin of discarded ideas" (it basically has all the ideas, scenes, and dynamics that I decided to leave out or modify from CFP but still enjoy). The Box AU is totally self-indulgent and I'm still amazed today at how far I've come in thinking about this AU (I've even considered twisting it a bit and turning it into an original story).
Anyway, the story in a nutshell: In short the game was broken.
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Einar is a black sheep, they was separated from the group due to superstitions, but they never took It the wrong way. They became a kind of traveler/storyteller when they abandoned their flock, thanks to this they was the last lamb to survive.
The lamb is strong... Too strong actually, but they lacks any battle skills which makes them die often (it's based on my save file, because despite playing on easy mode I'm terrible at combat). Frustrated with this, they decides to find another way to complete their mission of freeing The One Who Waits.
By chance, they discovers a book with ancient knowledge of the gods of the ancient faith, where there are multiple rituals forgotten by time. Thanks to this, they learn a way to invoke the god of death and free him from his punishment!! ...But with the price that he is now trapped in a mortal body with his powers reduced and a suppressed rage towards the lamb.
Even so, Einar considers it a victory and offers to help him rebuild, expand and please the cult, so that through devotion his powers return, but of course, the crown is missing.
It turns out that the crown is "stuck" to Einar's head, as they were designated as the perfect vessel, which is why the crown rejects the cat's attempts to retrieve it. On one occasion Narinder reviews the ancient book of the lamb and discovers a possible solution to his problem... A union ritual. Once he and the lamb unite the power of the crown will be divided, then it will be a matter of getting rid of the usurper.
Either way, this won't be so easy. Since in this AU Narinder and the lamb don't really know each other (the ritual happens before confronting Leshy). So there you see Narinder behind the lamb trying to convince him of a marriage while Einar rejects him a thousand and one times without the slightest interest and trying to discover a way to grow the cult.
I love the dynamic between these two in this AU. A combination of comedy, silliness, misunderstandings, adorableness, and a manhwa-style romance (because hey, the marriage of convenience trope has to come from somewhere).
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I like to imagine that between Narinder's frustrated attempts to conquer/convince Einar, he gradually develops a special affection for them, while for his part the lamb sees the god as a companion, a friend and someone with whom maybe they wants to identify himself in some way (you know... A black sheep and a black cat)
And well! This is a kind of summary/introduction!!
I'm sorry for making such a LONG text, but I really like thinking about them and the idea of sharing a bit of my brainrot was too tempting to contain...
F&S doesn't have much material currently, but I'm drawing a couple of sketches from time to time (still figuring out how to do Narinder's post-imprisonment design).
On the contrary, Box AU has a considerable amount of material, scenes, ideas, sketches and even its own shitten with a sequel! So if you're interested in that let me know and I'll make a super post dedicated to this AU.
Have a wonderful day!!
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i-have-no-enemies · 1 month
While on the topic of time travel fics, I’ve been thinking of one for such a long time. It’s a Crackfic through.
Imagine Thorfinn’s friends/family, the ones he haven’t met yet, traveling back in time to meet his warrior-self, except they don’t travel at the same time. It’s like an epic prank from Loki or someone… so basically one would travel back in time and once they disappear another one would come.
So at first it’s super confusing cause there’s this guy who says he’s his best friend and brother (Einar), saying they met as slaves which is just ridiculous as Thorfinn would never allow himself to become a slave.
Next is a wide eyed idiot (Bug eyes) who wants to be there with Thorfinn amongst the warriors as Thorfinn wants him to be and hides most of the time.
The next one is surprisingly a woman, an angry scar lady to be exact (Hild) who just seems to hate him so so much. He had to dodge a few arrows that week.
By this time Thorfinn is so used to them appearing but nothing could have still prepared him for the day one appeared and told him that she’s his wife (Gudrid)
The last time it happens is arguably the worst time, because instead of an actual adult that Thorfinn can ignore and threaten he gets stuck with a 3-year-old toddler (Karli) for a couple of days who does NOT recognize that he is apparently his father.
Thorfinn is exhausted.
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Lessons in Creation
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A worn notebook penned by an alchemist named Einar.
There are chapters on Chimeras, Homunculi, Puppets, Forced-Souls, Possessions, and Birth.
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Whilst this isn’t an expansive list, these special methods of creation are the ones I have noted over my years of travelling. There also seems to be various forms of sub-creation. Seen in the case of bare bones vampirism, for instance. But that is less a creation moreso a death to the affected individual, as those turned into vampires are no longer considered ‘alive’ for the sake of my research.
Birth is the most natural form of creation. Untouched by the darkness or the magicks of the world. And while meddlings of deities have been known to make some births less than normal, those instances are considered a form of sub-creation.
Human pregnancy begins with fertilization of an egg and proceeds through the three trimesters of gestation, followed then by a labour process made up of three stages. Each step of the human pregnancy is also propelled by a litany of hormones that our research lacks in knowledge. 
From the PreCambrian Period until now, we have seen various forms of evolution in both fauna and flora. And whilst traditional birth is not the only form of birth, even amongst various fauna. Creation of this manner is attributed to this section rather than any other.
There is still much we do not understand about the mammalian body, let alone the thousands of organisms around us. 
Further research is necessary.
Sub-Creation form ; Deitel Interference
Occasionally deities will disrupt the natural order. Due to their ability to will their forms to whatever they please, deities who choose to birth or contribute to birth, can often manipulate the end outcome of their creation. 
Dog-headed demi-gods, snake-bodied monsters. Many such creations have been noted to exist. All of which came from the natural birthing order of the Gods. There is little research done into these births, however, leaving much to speculation.
Forced-Soul is the term used to refer to Puppets that have been imbued with souls. This is done against the soul’s will. The Puppet will not remember its previous life, who it was, or any of their various memories. It remains unaware of what or who it was. This allows for the Forced-Soul to be melded to the creator’s needs and wills.
However, Forced-Souls are prone to exhibit mannerisms of their past lives, akin to an organ donor imprinting on the donor receiver its previous owner’s routines. These mannerisms are often confusing, out of line, and can cause the Forced-Soul to become distraught. 
The latter is a worst case scenario, however. Not all Forced-Souls will self-destruct should they become made aware of what exactly they are. But it is rumoured that they may be able to obtain free will if they do become aware. This makes creating Forced-Souls for your own gain a very dangerous endeavour.
Most nations have laws against Forced-Souls, the theft and imbuement of the previous soul is considered unethical. But I have known some to ignore these laws in the pursuit of their science, some nations have even used Forced-Souls as glorified soldiers. When a Puppet body dies, the soul is retrapped and reimplanted.
Possessions are simple in theory; an organism of some type has taken hold of another living organism’s body. One form of possession is various parasites produced by The Darkness that will infiltrate the host body to take it over from the inside out.
In a similar idea to Forced-Souls, a soul, or passed on spirit, could possess a human body and take it over. But this method is much weaker than the parasites, the body will quickly begin to reject the additional soul and dispel it with time. 
I have been a victim of possession actually. It was an odd, cold sensation. It leaves you feeling odd for days afterwards, like a part of you has gone missing! Fascinating experience. Overall, possession is a vague creation category. Especially since so few possessed beings can remain possessed by the thing that has taken them over.
With the exception of parasites or strong creatures imbued with The Darkness.
Puppets are a unique creation, they are the only creature on this list that cannot truly be qualified as alive. Various Puppet bodies have been created over the years, with France’s designs far more advanced than those of the nations around it. There is no one true “Form” that the Puppets can take, it is up to the creator’s preference.
Puppets leave the realm of ‘thing’ due to the ability of people to put their own will into the Puppet body. Like a puppet master moving the strings but with far more intricate science. Though the Puppet houses no soul, a proper scientist is able to imbue their creation with an aspect of their own soul. This differs from Forced-Souls in that this is a willing exchange of the creator’s own body.
There are Puppets meant to entertain, their chassis mimic that of a human being or a creature, but are obviously off. They do not try to disguise themselves as what they were molded after. Other Puppets are meant to blend in, their bodies mimic exactly what they were modelled after. The latter are heavily restricted by law, and creators must follow specific sets of rules when making human Puppets especially.
Puppets are typically inorganic, made of machinery. But some can be aided by human parts, namely a human brain. An unethical method, but there are some who choose to have their own brains put into the Puppets to carry on life after death.
Due to the lack of Soul, however, these Puppets cannot survive with just the brain alone, as it will slowly begin to decay. With no commands to follow, the Puppet will begin to reenact its creator’s will again and again like a routine. Unable to ever truly deviate.
*Chimeras are a heavily regulated creation. 
Whilst genetically speaking, those affected by chimerism are merely composed of more than one distinct genotype, this section will cover created chimerism. To quickly cover natural chimerism, there are various ways in nature that one may end up with more than one genotype.
In human beings, chimeras are produced by the merging of two or more embryos. 
Moving onto the true reason for this section. Created Chimeras.
Chimeras have been credited as mythology in old texts, statues, sculptures, the like. But in the modern age, chimera now refers to a creature made up of several body parties of different sources. 
Whilst these sources usually have to be of different creatures to warrant the title ‘Chimera’, researchers are starting to accept that any creature made up of various sources in this manner can be counted. 
A Chimera will often default to its base instinct, unable to keep up with the competing soul fragments inside of it. This makes them more beast than man, and a danger to those around it if it can’t be controlled by its Creator.
Chimeras are often used as an attempt to bring back the dead, but the dead cannot be returned properly in this manner. They are also used as a test of what if science, what if they can combine these parts, and what might happen. As a result, this is why Chimeras are heavily regulated creations.
And finally we reach the final form of creation, Alchemy’s greatest achievement after the creation of the Stone. The Homunculus. A living being created through alchemy rather than birth. The process is quite involved, time consuming. But highly worth the outcome. I highly suggest the works of Paracelsus for reference.
A Homunculus is created through the creation of a Soul, using bodily fluids of a living man and alchemical energy. These pseudo-humans are quick, smart, and some are even instilled with foresight at creation. 
They are also considered to be highly skilled in art and alchemy, as though an imprint from their method of creation. Alchemists argued that these Homunculi could never pass as true humans due to their stature, but alchemy has come a long way, no longer hindered by size.
The true problem lies in the fact that it was once thought that Homunculi were the purest form of humanity, untouched by The Darkness due to their method of creation. But further research has shown they all carry the Mark of Cinis. 
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midnightmagicks · 5 months
Thank you for the tag @avampyone !! <3
Tagging: Anyone who is interested! <3 If you see this, do it :point:
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Name: E'mal Khama (Birth name: (that he doesn't know) Kari Brotiðgrein/Brotinngrein Nicknames: One(1) single nickname that only @shadesofblades Baatu is allowed to call him: Mally/Molly Age: 55-60 (Give or take. Being adopted at a young age makes this Difficult) Nameday: 25th Sun of the Sixth Umbral Moon (Starlight baby <3) Race: Rava Viera Gender: Trans male Orientation: Gay gay homosexual gay Profession: Travelling entertainer, dancer, and duelist
—𝒑𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝒂𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒔
Hair: Black. Very shiny and well taken care of. Eyes: Violet colored right eye and a blinded left eye. Skin: A warm tan-ish tone. Tattoos/scars: A tattoo on his forehead that often hides behind his hair. Two scars on either side of his chest (fantasy top surgery babey)
Parents: E'dona Khama: Adoptive Mother (Alive) E'wyn Khama: Adoptive Father (Alive) Siege Einar/Vísyr Djt-Rok: Biological Father (Alive! E'mal has no idea though) Sunna Brotiðgrein/Brotinngrein: Biological Mother (Deceased) Siblings: Several. All assumed deceased. Grandparents: Unknown biologically and adoptive. In-laws and Other: Unknown Pets: Wisteria, his darling chocobo and Eclair, his white whittret.
Abilities: Always one to give his all to a performance, E'mal has mastered the arts of Dancer and Red Mage in combo. He has learned to weave the magicks together to make shows surely able to capture the attention of passing crowds. But more than just street dancing, he is a capable fighter should he need to protect himself. Just....a little more flamboyantly than most. Hobbies: E'mal enjoys baking! He loves making sweets for his friends. He also enjoys fishing though he would NEVER admit that out loud. Another thing he enjoys is singing. That surprisingly doesn't come up as often as one would think in his performances as those are usually focused on the dancing and magic aspects.
Most Positive Trait(s): Adventurous and Social Most Negative Trait(s): Self-neglectful and Emotionally Suppressed
Colors: Red, purple, gold, green Smells: Lavender, sugary-sweet scents, spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, etc etc), leather
Textures: Velvet, Silk, Jewels. Rose Petals, Tree Bark, Fur Drinks: Spiced Teas, Fruity Alcohols, Hot Cocoa
—𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒔
Smokes: No. Drinks: Occasionally. Socially. Drugs: No. Mount Issuance: His loyal and excitable adventuring companion, Wisteria. The light purple chocobo with an equally dramatic personality to E'mal. Been Arrested: No, but he almost was his first time in Ishgard lmao. Thanks Ezie for preventing that one.
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jens-holland · 1 year
While rewatching season 2 of Vikings Valhalla today, I brainstormed a few possible storylines that they might pursues for season 3.
Since Olaf is already dead and he was like,, technically meant to be a major player for another 20 years, it's hard to imagine what sort of conflict they could come up with for the Norway arc, so it'll probably be something made-up, but Olaf's son Magnus will likely be back. Hopefully, they'll bring in Einar Thambarskelfir, a wealthy landowner in northern Norway, who irl brought Magnus back from Kiev after his father's death. Maybe, he'll make his play for power in Olaf's name!
They probably won't explore anything in Denmark or Sweden (especially since they just did not fill us in on anything that Knut was doing in Denmark this past season), but in England there are plenty of possibilities: they could bring in the earls of Bamburgh (and the real Uhtred the Bold, not the self-insert one from TLK), they could address the struggle to bring Mercia into the fold that they sort of/sort of did not wrap up in season 1, and there is always fucking Scotland!! I would love to see Knut put Malcolm II in his place and host that meeting with Malcolm, Macbeth, and Echmarcach mac Ragnaill that happens around 1030.
Also Knut related: I wonder if he'll be visiting Rome in season 3, because there are several actors credited as cardinals on imdb and Knut did travel to Rome irl also around 1030. If he does go to Rome, I hope we encounter Conrad II because they were like bffs (and lowkey kind of gay).
I have nothing to go off of for Freydis's plot, but over in Constantinople, I wonder if Leif will find maps leading to North America when he reaches Mariam's house. As for Harald, Kaysan, and Batu (the later two I expect will join Harald in the Varangian Guard), hopefully they'll go to Sicily with Maniakes and if we're lucky, we'll encounter William Ironarm or other Norman warlords fucking around in Italy at that time. Either that, or I'd be down for a greater focus on the political drama that is RIFE in Constantinople. I don't have high hopes that John the Orphanotrophos will show up, but if Romanos is supposed to be Romanos Diogenes, we'll have the Doukai opposing him, the fateful Battle of Manzikert, and possibly even the Komnenoi since the writers/producers only seem to care about bringing in the well known families/events rather than trying to bring lesser known but historically relevant figures to the big screen.
Somehow, they're also bringing Eirik the Red into the show, so I wonder if maybe Freydis will be returning home to Greenland, but again, this is where I'm less knowledgable, so no matter what happens I will definitely be surprised. I already know that literally all of my expectations here will be subverted; I don't know how they do it, but they manage it EVERY TIME.
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dropintomanga · 1 year
The Farm as a Place of Healing - Vinland Saga
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A while back when I was researching the clubhouse model for mental health, I found out that the clubhouse I visited in New York City had their very own farm. Its members, who have various serious mental illnesses, would travel there to grow crops, raise livestock, and more importantly, be around other people with the common goal of improving the farm and themselves.
Today, I was reminded of this particular farm thanks to the Farm Arc (Volumes 9-14) of Makoto Yukimura's Vinland Saga. It's an incredible testament to how much nature can promote better mental health.
For those unfamiliar with the story of Vinland Saga, it chronicles the age of the Vikings. A young man named Thorfinn travels with a Viking named Askeladd in order to get a chance to kill him one day. This is due to Askeladd killing Thorfinn's father, Thors, right in front of his eyes. Throughout Thorfinn's journey in Volumes 1-8, he encounters a variety of personalities while killing those who get in the way of his vengeance. However, one incident would change Thorfinn's plans forever. Askeladd is killed after he kills King Sweyn, a Danish king who wanted to control all of England and Wales, in front of Sweyn's guards. Now struggling to figure out what to do with his life, Thorfinn would later become a slave at a farm in Denmark, empty and full of grief.
A year after is when Thorfinn's story truly begins.
So how do farms help in dealing with all kinds of mental health issues? For starters, they get you away from modern cities. Cities are known to be super-stressful with how fast-paced and competitive you need to be to survive. It also doesn't help that they're often big, so one can get lost in the crowd when dealing with emotional pain.
Farms also are great places to have meaningful relationships due to everyone working together for a meaningful cause. For Thorfinn, he finally made his first friend in his fellow slave, Einar. Einar was full of life and questioned many things. He would find the farm to be somewhat of a haven despite being a slave. Although Thorfinn was struggling with the trauma from his past, Einar opened up his eyes to see that a different path could be chosen instead of feeling empty. This becomes evident when Einar convinces Thorfinn to help gradually grow some crops in their limited free time to buy their way to freedom from slavery.
Another notable thing about farms is that they allow you to sit in nature and give you the ability to self-reflect. Since being a slave at the farm, Thorfinn is consumed by nightmares of his father, Askeladd, and those he killed. He had a tough time trying to come to terms with his actions. But Thorfinn slowly opens up to Einar about his past as a Viking and the self-reflection begins to kick in. It isn't until he and Einar fought against farm vandals that he becomes spiritually awakened.
In what's to be his last nightmare, a land filled with a pile of corpses, Thorfinn reveals to a dead Askeladd that he's sorry for killing so many people over the years out of vengeance. Askeladd chastises Thorfinn and says that there's only one way to make amends - to become a "true warrior" like Thorfinn's father once told him. When Thorfinn wakes up, he tells Einar that he's through with violence and vows not to hurt anyone ever again.
Many times, people are told not to sit with their pain. But if we keep running away, we will never truly heal. It's hard to talk about grief when modernity demands us to keep moving forward. In nature and with other people (even if they aren't the nicest bunch), Thorfinn finally got a chance to process his grief and what it means to live. This is mostly due to being surrounded by people who are full of pain themselves from the farm owner, Ketil, to everyone else associated with it.
And speaking of people who are full of pain, I will get to the son of King Sweyn, Canute. When first introduced in Vinland Saga, he was a timid young man who was teased for looking too feminine to be a potential heir to the throne. Canute was placed under Askeladd's protection and felt empty himself. However, Canute slowly became what the young Thorfinn was - a man on a path of violence to get what he wants. After Sweyn's death, he took the throne and went on a raid of conquering everything around him. His father often appears to him in a ghostly form cursing him. Canute also was responsible for sending Thorfinn to the farm. In a twist of fate, Canute decides to target the same farm 4 years later for resources and out of personal animosity towards Ketil as he didn't respect him as king. The farm would become a place for Canute to heal from his own personal trauma.
A violent battle occurs within the farm, but Thorfinn decides to take a final stand against Canute's army by directly speaking with Canute himself. He suggests that he takes 100 punches by one of Canute's warriors. If Thorfinn is still standing afterwards, he gets to talk to Canute and convince him not to take the farm. Thorfinn gets his wish much to the awe of everyone who witnesses the event. Both he and Canute would get into a lengthy conversation about what constitutes a perfect paradise for humanity. When Canute re-affirms his goals to rob and kill everything in his sight for peace no matter what, Thorfinn replies that he will just run to a place he'll create that Canute won't reach. Canute is shocked that Thorfinn wouldn't attack him face-to-face, but respects how bold his former companion's newfound pacifism is.
And Thorfinn says something that changes Canute's perspective for good.
"You have to give me some help. My power is far smaller than yours. The hole you make might be too big for me. If you continue to persecute others like this...sooner or later, no one will be able to save you. So do some work. Don't make my job harder."
Canute is convinced and decides not to take the farm. After being surrounded by so much political scheming over the years, he realized that there are others who still care about him and want what he truly wants. Canute ends his attempts to grab power via violent means and would gradually become a king who truly respects and loves his people. The farm also no longer became a place for slaves and those who were still alive and cared about it made sure it will continue to grow.
And all of this happened at a farm setting. It felt like reading farm-based therapy in a historical context. The farm gave Thorfinn purpose, confidence and the ability to help others just like how farms today have done for those struggling with all kinds of mental health issues (minus the slavery part). More importantly, the farm fosters cooperation among the community as the way to feel alive instead of competition.
I've heard stories about people being stressed out from modern life and how they found solace in nature after realizing the sense of emptiness they start feeling. In a farm, you're free from various constraints that modernity places. Sure, there may be new constraints. But in exchange, you feel that you have some control in deciding what you want for yourself, see what's truly important, and learn another important fact of life - you have to go with the ebbs and flow of nature despite whatever governing body says.
Although I haven't been to a farm in very long time, I try to expose myself more to green spaces and pay attention to nature around me. I look at plants, birds, and other animals that hang around the area. I believe they have helped a lot in reminding me to slow down at times. Combined with the variety of people I've met in my life so far, I feel that I can still do something with my life despite the difficulties I'll face like Thorfinn has.
I hope everyone finds and/or have their own personal farm to go to because humanity's nature definitely needs a upgrade to actual nature.
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You know what. I just did like 4 hours of research on this so imma put it here just because. Every writer should know the pain of trying to name characters.
These are all for a Berserk fic that as of yet doesn't have a determined name. Premise is simple: Griffith manages to stop Guts from leaving, suffers PTSD, gets very sick, and ultimately they end up together along with Casca and to a lesser extent Judeau. But that's not why we are here, no, we are here because of all the OC this stupid fic requires.
So, have some character names and what they mean (I swear I will draw them all someday):
First, the ones you know, for posterity and comparison: Griffith - name means "Strong Lord" or "Strong Handed Lord" depending on how you read it. Welsh Origin.
Casca - "helmet; armor or shell". Latin.
Then the OC that took a life of his own, Rudesind, aka Rudy aka Rose (from Rosamond, the Spanish/visigoth version of his name): means "One who Walks/travels" but originally meant "one who Walks the path of Fame". Old High German. Rudy is Griffith's younger half brother, disinherited.
Kaspar meaning "treasurer" "one who defends [things of value]". Greek/Roman/Latin. Griffiths older half brother and Heir apparent to the Darcy household.
Evelyn, "Desired child". From Norman French Aveline. Griffiths younger half sister.
Anice, just a different way to spell Anise, the spice. Mother of Evelyn.
Lilliana. "Pure Lilly". Unsure of origin. Mother of Rudy and Kaspar. Deceased.
Aurelius "the golden one". Latin. Griffiths biological Father and current patron/Duke of the Darcy house.
Mariene, aka Mary. "Drop of the sea; bitter; beloved". French. Griffiths biological mother. Deceased. (Sort of - she's a ghost).
Beatrice "one who brings joy". Latin. Griffiths neighbor growing up. (I have not named the kids yet). Kind of a pseudo-adopted-mom.
Oslo. "Meadow consecrated to the gods". Old Norse. Surname of the man who "took in" Griffith at 7 and made him a ward. Also his house name. Has a habit of "picking up strays".
Lucien. "Light" (literal light) or "bright eyed". Rudy's life partner. Also pretty significant side character. Grew up in the same noble household as Griffith after he left.
Einar "bold warrior". Old Norse. One of the twins Casca has. Assumed to be Guts' child (because that's how they thought twins worked back then)
Caius "rejoice, joy". Latin. The other twin. Assumed to be Griffiths child.
Dawn. Self explanatory. Unplanned surprise daughter that showed up in a basket. Claims to be of Griffith's blood. He denies this, but Guts isn't fooled. Gets passed off as Rudy's and Lucien's ward.
Alaric "all powerful ruler". Guts' biological father.
Kane "warrior". Labann's oldest child and Heir. Waylens Squire.
Oliver. Has quite a few meanings, but here takes from "olive branch" from Norman French and German. Labann's younger son and Griffith's squire. Was Corliss's squire.
Corliss "benevolent, carefree, cheery." Old English. Corliss is none of these things. Part of the Kings court and leader of a as yet unnamed group of knights. Main antagonist if there was one. Really wants to bang Griffith.
Waylen "land by the road". Old English. Corliss's best buddy and evil henchman. Has some moral fibre.
Drakkar. "Dragon". Swedish. Evil henchman of Corliss who is actually evil. Has weird fetishes that involve blood and strangulation.
I have more but they aren't as important in this one.
Those are all I have for now. :) the joy of naming things
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crownednight · 3 months
verse descriptions for the pinned post (a living post that will be added to as au's and other plots arise, under read more for length purposes)
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main verses
v; fallen star (main)
covers the canon events of amaya's "death" in the acotar series, her arrival in midgard, life as the autumn king's concubine, and eventual return to prythian
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au; the sharpest weapon (asteri)
amaya's arrival in midgard gained the attention of the asteri in the worst way. rigelus discovered amaya's powers and sought to use her as a spy and enforcer for the asteri. she is eventually placed in einar's home to report on the dealings of the fae directly to rigelus himself. *i tend to lean on inspiration from the winter soldier story in marvel. can be combined with a corruption arc*
au; legend bound (survival)
amaya did not travel to midgard, but instead recovered in velaris and remains a member of the inner circle. she ruled velaris in rhys's absence during amarantha's reign sub au -- au; at what cost (utm) amaya joined rhys at amarantha's party and was subsequently imprisoned as he was under the mountain. amarantha does not know she holds two daemati in her grasp and amaya tries to do what she can to help her brother
au; this world is primal (beast)
tamlin could not save amaya from spring's plot, but instead tried to hide her until she was safe by transforming her into a dragon. however, magic is fickle and he could not break the curse after the ashes of the plot settled. now, amaya lives her days as a beast protecting the northern most reaches of the night court and her nights as her fae self. *inspired by swan lake*
au; stars burn as ancient (tog)
follows amaya's canon, except she appeared in wendlyn instead of midgard. aware of amaya's temendous power, maeve attempted to coerce her into a blood oath, but amaya escaped to erilea shortly after magic fell and has been hiding from the valg queen ever since.
au; most ardently (historical)
takes place in any historical context. amaya is typically the daughter of a titled lord and is highly educated despite the norms of society.
au; supernova (modern)
amaya is an aspiring astrophysicist with a penchant for daydreaming in the modern world
au; the nightingale (hollywood)
in the golden age of hollywood, amaya is a singer known as the “nightingale” for her haunting songs on life and love. she first gained notoriety after catching the attention of einar danaan, the self styled “king of music,” who financed her first album and has ties to the asteri mob family. now married to einar, amaya tours endlessly and has lost the joy singing once brought her
au; valhalla calling (viking)
amaya is a trained shield maiden and aspires to be as fierce as the valkyries of legend
au; from the blood of old (got)
covers any interactions that take place in the got timelines. amaya hails from house dayne and carries valyrian ancestry that is marked by her violet eyes and her family's affinity to the targaryens. in the hotd timeline, amaya is also a dragonseed who aids rhaenyra's claim to the throne; however, she loses her dragon in battle and is dealing with "losing her wings" in the got canon timeline, amaya is a younger cousin to ashara and arthur dayne. her brother, rhys, became lord of starfall after arthur's death at the tower of joy. *all other timelines, such as the conquest, will be plotted on a case by case basis*
au; we will rise (fbaa)
amaya is an atlantian of mixed draken bloodline descent. her blood gave her the ability to call wings at will and her family has been sworn in service to the consort. when the gods slept, so did she until she was woken and taken to the blood crown by ires. understanding the great power amaya held, isbeth experimented on her and created the first revenant, causing amaya to lose her wings in the process. she bows her head and obeys in the name of survival, but she has never given up her dreams of seeing atlantia once more.
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athingofvikings · 3 years
Since I write historical fiction, one widely held belief about history that I keep running into is that brutality was the norm and accepted, even expected, during the medieval era. And sure, there's a bit of truth to that. There was a named legal punishment on the books during the 1000s in England called "harrying" which involved literally burning a town and killing everyone there. There was a precursor to the French chivalric code called the Peace And Truce Of God, that had a lengthy list of "Don't do this" for French knights--and that list is specific enough that you get the feeling that, yes, there were knights doing all of this on a regular basis because they could. (my favorite bit is "I will not attack noble ladies traveling without husband nor their maids, nor widows or nuns unless it is their fault." Like... how is it going to be "their fault"?)
At the same time, the concept that mercy and kindness were seen as weak or something disdained during this time period is a product of our perceptions now, when so many people focus on the exceptional acts of violence (like the egregious execution methods) and not the everyday lives of regular people.
But in terms of people valuing peace and mercy, let me give a concrete example.
There was a King of Norway named Magnus the Good. His father Olaf II was one of the first Christian kings of Norway. In the late 1020s, another Norse king, King Cnut, invaded with the help of collaborators and unseated Olaf.
Olaf took his family and ran for it, eventually stashing six year old Magnus with his wife's brother-in-law, Prince Yaroslav the Wise of Kyiv for safety. He then turned around and went back to Norway in the hope of regaining his throne.
He failed, and died in 1030 on the battlefield, fighting against an army commanded by two noblemen, Kálfr Árnason and Thorir Hund, who had sided against him in the hope that they would be named viceroy over Norway for the conqueror King Cnut.
They weren't.
Cnut named one of his children as viceroy, with the boy's mother as regent, and started to squeeze Norway for all of the taxes they could.
After five years of high taxes and angry that they had been denied the authority they wanted, Kálfr, Thorir, and a third nobleman, Einar Thambarskelfir, conspired together. They went and found Magnus and, raising another army with help from another of Olaf's relatives, put Magnus on the throne in 1035... with the intention of having the eleven year old boy be a puppet king for them.
Then Einar quickly outmaneuvered Kálfr and Thorir. At a banquet, after a lot of drinking, Einar got the other two men to drunkenly confess to having been involved in the battle that killed King Olaf, with one of them acting out the killing blow...
In front of Olaf's eleven year old son.
So put yourself in Magnus' shoes here for a second. You're eleven--not exactly an age known for self-control. You haven't seen your father since you were six.
And here are two of the men responsible for killing him.
Einar was hoping that Magnus would order them executed. Instead, on the advice of his godfather, the boy-king had them exiled, which was a remarkable bit of personal restraint when you think about how old he was and how deeply personal the offense.
Now, that still left Einar in control, but, despite having every reason to have Kálfr and Thorir messily executed, Magnus instead just told them to get out of his kingdom.
And for that restraint, people called him "The Good".
Because they recognized the depth of the offense and the self-control he displayed.
Brutality might have been commonplace, but it was not expected or applauded, and mercy and kindness were not disdained or seen as weak.
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golden-pickaxe · 3 years
Coffee (Part 4)
Fandom: Vikings
Paring: Ivar x Reader
Type: Modern AU, Office AU
Wordcount: 2715
Warnings: reader drinks wine casually
[Coffee - All Parts Here]
A/N: And the fourth part :) I am so happy that all of you like it, it is very motivating :D Tusen takk for all the positive feedback!!
Tagged: @youbloodymadgenius​ @punkrocknpearls @mootiemoose​ @istorkyou @dini73​ @heavenly1927​ @hashimily​
Summary: You are a graduate student at the University of Oslo, and have applied for a job as a personal assistant at the Lothbrok Corporation, without really knowing much of the position advertised. When it turns out you are going to work for the (in)famous Ivar Lothbrok, your whole life is turned up-side-down.
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With the first of July you were upgraded to a full-time contract, which meant doing paperwork with Margarethe again, who really did not look happy about you continuing to work at the Lothbrok Corporation. You still had no idea why, as you literally did not have much contact with that woman, but you had heard that she and Ivar did not get along well. And you working for Ivar was apparently enough for her to dislike you too.
 You also had a long meeting with Ivar, where you went through what other responsibilities you would now be taking over from him, and what this full-time position would mean for you in general. The full-time position also came with a few new benefits, for example that the company paid for your yearly ticket for public transport.
Admittedly, you did not really feel the full weight of your increased hours during July, as in Norway everyone was on holiday, and work was very slow. Ivar himself travelled to a Hytte in the north with his brothers, and you only had a few meetings with the other Lothbrok assistants, mostly quite informal in restaurants.
You had become quite good friends with them, and they were very helpful and supportive whenever you were not sure about something and had questions. Back when you had started at the company, you had not really expected such a nice work environment, if you were honest.
 It was early August, on a Saturday after your first more intense full-time week, and you were at home, enjoying a free evening on your couch. You had taken a long, hot shower, and gone through an extended self-care routine, as much as was possible in your tiny bathroom, and had put on your most comfortable pyjamas. With a few snacks you had made yourself comfortable on your sofa, reading, while Solveig was over at Einar’s place, giving you the chance to get a bit of ‘me time’.
 You had decided to have a little treat-yourself-day, before work would become significantly more stressful, and you were planning to go to the supermarket later on, to pick up what you needed to cook your favourite meal for yourself in the evening. And maybe get a packet of ‘Smash’ just in case.
 You were just wondering if the early afternoon was a bit too early to pour yourself a glass of mead, when suddenly your work phone rang, startling you so much that you dropped your book. Cursing, you got up, hurrying over to your room where the phone was lying on your desk. Ivar’s name was displayed on the screen. A bit worried, you picked up the phone.
 “Yes, Ivar?” you answered carefully. Usually he texted you on weekends, and in general only called when it was really, really urgent, or he did not have time to text.
 “Hey, ah.. hi.” He started, sounding a bit distracted, and you raised one of your eyebrows, confused by his tone of voice. He usually sounded firm and sure, not like.. like this.
 “You alright?” you asked, leaving your room, to sit down on the sofa again. You hoped nothing was wrong. What if all those rumours had been true after all, and he had been kidnapped by the Inkstad coorp? You shook your head, reminding yourself that him being kidnapped by Ragnar’s ex wife was quite improbable.
 “Yes, ah.. listen. I’m in Aker Brygge right now, Hvitserk cancelled on me. I.. ah.. I was wondering if you would.. if you would like to have coffee?”
 You had to blink a few times at that. First of all, as mentioned before, his tone of voice. It was far too soft, and he sounded shy and nervous and even somewhat vulnerable. All of those things something you were definitely not used from this man.
Second of all.. coffee? With you? Usually, you were the one to get him a take-away cup in one of those fancy hipster cafes, most of the time leaving him alone to drink it while he got on top of his most important emails first thing in the morning.
You rarely ever joined him for one, only on those days where the two of you were stuck in his office for hours on end. But never just for a chat, let alone outside of work, on the weekend. You swallowed, not knowing what to think. In the back of your mind was a voice you successfully managed to drown out.
 “Y/N?” You heard Ivar’s voice again, which made your snap out of your thoughts. Yes, this was him again, the Ivar you knew. Slightly annoyed and a bit snappy.
 “Ah, of course, I’ll be there. Let’s say in, ahm..” you checked the time on your private phone, getting up from the sofa and hurrying over to your bedroom. “.. like thirty minutes?”
 “Yes, alright. Be quick.” With that, Ivar simply hung up on you.
 You raised an eyebrow, looking down at your phone, before you sighed. Shaking your head, you quickly got ready, to not make your boss wait, putting on a more casual outfit, as you hoped that he would not expect you to show up to a coffee shop at the fjord in your office attire. You picked up your bag, grabbed work-phone, private-phone and keys, before leaving your flat, noticing that Ivar had texted you the name and location of the coffeeshop, which, as far as you knew, was a new, quite expensive coffeeshop, that had recently opened in Aker Brygge after being quite successful in their first location in Grünerløkka.
 With another sigh you hopped down the stairs of the building, making your way to the tram. Gladly there was a tram directly connecting Majorstuen, where you lived, to Aker Brygge, so it only took your around ten minutes to get there.
 On your way, you could not help but wonder why he wanted to meet you. His brother cancelling on him could not be the entire reason, as he had enough friends, and certainly enough brothers to make up for that. He could have literally called anyone else to spend his Saturday with.
 Maybe it was a work thing, you thought. Something he needed to discuss in person, that was too delicate to talk about over the phone. But why then meet in a public space, a coffeeshop in Aker Brygge of all places, which was at this time of year filled with masses of locals and tourists alike?
Maybe he just needed someone to brainstorm to, it would not be the first time that had happened.
 You arrived at Aker Brygge, quickly finding the café Ivar had texted you. You spotted him on one of the tables outside, sitting in his wheelchair at a table in the shade, a glass of water in front of him, and a cigarette between his fingers, as he read something on his phone with furrowed brows.
 You slowed down, taking the chance to muster him while he was not paying attention. Until now you had only seen him quite formal, in well-tailored, expensive suits, with his hair pulled into a knot at the back of his head. Now though, he was sitting there in simple black jeans and sneakers and a plain grey shirt. His long hair was opened, and casually brushed to the side, so one side of his undercut was exposed. Frankly, you were quite surprised how long his hair actually was.
 You straightened your clothes, before you finally approached the table Ivar was sitting at. He looked up from his phone when you pulled out the chair opposite of him, a smile forming on his face.
 “That was certainly less than half an hour.” He said as you sat down, mustering you the same way you had just mustered him. This was also the first time he saw you out of office clothes.
 Quickly Ivar put out his cigarette in the ashtray in front of him, before putting it onto the empty table next to yours. You of course knew about this habit of his, although he hid it quite well, keeping it a secret from his family, mostly of course from his mother.
 “Yes, I thought I needed longer to get ready.” You admitted, shrugging slightly. “You caught me off guard, while I was reading and thinking about day-drinking.”
 Ivar laughed, you had noticed how much he enjoyed it when you simply spoke honestly and directly, not trying to find excuses to make yourself look better, and to make a joke here and there.
 “Well, you look good nevertheless.” He smiled, leaning back, putting his hands on his lap.
 You could not hold back, and stared at him for a moment in shock. This was a first, him complimenting you. Your heart started to pound, and that annoying voice in the back of your head was back, this time too loud to drown out. The voice telling you that you and Ivar could be a thing. You swallowed.
 “Thank you.” You finally answered, before you looked down at the table. “Should we order?” you asked, gesturing at the QR code marked on the table, and Ivar nodded. Before you could do anything, he grabbed his phone, scanning the code to get to the online menu of the café.
 “What would you like?” he asked, his blue eyes moving away from his phone, looking at you. You quickly told him, and he smirked, before he placed his own order (probably as always a black coffee, filtered in a special way and made with a certain kind of peculiar roasted coffee beans), and paying with his phone. Yes, Norway was truly all digital now.
 “So, what do I owe this to?” you asked, after Ivar had put his phone away, mustering him intently. “Is there something we need to discuss? The upcoming trip to Helsinki? Something relating to the Finehair brothers?”
 Ivar chuckled at your words, running a hand through his long hair.
“Can’t I just invite my personal assistant out to have a simple cup of coffee with me?” he asked, tilting his head. “No, nothing to do with Harald and Halfdan. I just realised, it has been a year now, no? Of you working for me. And after all that time, I actually don’t know a whole lot about you. I thought we should change that, and Hvitserk cancelling on me gave me a good window, so here we are.”
 You blinked at Ivar, before looking away, biting your lip. Had it really been a year already? A year since you had started? It seemed about right, you started with the last autumn semester, which started in August. More or less a year, then.
 You looked back at Ivar, who still smiled at you, his expression really hard to read. Finally, you gave up, and nodded with a shrug.
 “Fair enough. What do you want to know?” you just asked, mimicking his head tilt.
 That somehow seemed to throw Ivar off a bit, as if he had expected you to be harder to crack, to squirm and stutter in your seat, not wanting o give up any personal information to the powerful man in front of you. But your nonchalance and openness, which he should actually be used to by now, still didn’t seem to be what he was prepared for. He even looked a tad nervous now.
 “Ah, well. What about your family? You know mine, obviously.” He quickly regained his composure, watching you intently.
 And so, you told him about your family, answered his questions about how you ended up where you were, what exactly it was that you had been doing for your thesis and how your last job ended. He asked you about your interests and hobbies, how you liked to spend your spare time, and what your plans for the future were.
 Ivar, for some reason, seemed to be honestly interested in your life, asking more and more questions, even after both of you had finished your coffee.
 “What do you want to know next?” you asked, after you had told him about your last vacation. “My childhood pets? My primary school grades? Who my kindergarten crush was? Hopefully not what Odin whispered to Baldr on his funeral pyre, because that I definitely don’t know.” You joked.
 Looking away from Ivar from a moment, you studied the people around you, noticing that most did not have coffees, but rather drinks like beer or wine. You had not checked your phone, but it was probably getting late. The sun was already lowering in the sky, although it was still nowhere near sunset.
 You looked back at Ivar, as he had not answered, seeing him clench his jaw slightly, and you promptly regrated your choice of words. In the past hours talking and laughing with him so casually, you had almost forgotten that the man in front of you was still your grumpy boss, and that this was not just a nice date.
 “No need to make fun of me.” He stated, his tone almost threatening. You knew this tone very well, and it was definitely not a tone of voice that you like to have directed at you.
 “I wasn’t making fun of you, Ivar. It just started to feel a bit like an interrogation.” You said, keeping your voice calm, and tilting your head slightly. It was true, though, while you had told him all about your life, he gave little away of himself. All you actually knew about him were some funny anecdotes of his life, and whatever you had read on Wikipedia and in the news.
 Ivar sighed, leaning back, apparently relaxing at your words. Then suddenly, he laughed.
“Yes, I think that could be what it came across like.” He admitted. “But speaking of childhood crushes, do you have a boyfriend?” he asked nonchalantly.
 Now that threw you off. You had to blink a few times at this very direct question. His blue eyes were boring into you, and your heart skipped a beat. You had to look down at your empty coffee cup, clearing your throat.
 “Ah, no. I don’t.” you answered.
 “Why not?”
 That made you look up again. Ivar’s eyes were still locked on you, a mixture of interest, amusement and something else in his face.
Frankly, you had no idea how to answer that. You also did not know what he expected you to say. That you simply had not found someone? That your life was too busy for dating? That you were not interested in a relationship right now? That you had sworn to the gods that you would only be with the man who knew no fear, and he had simply not come around yet?
 You shook your head to snap out of your thoughts.
“I.. I don’t know?” you finally answered, causing the other one to laugh.
 “That was a mean question, I know.” He smirked. You sat for a moment in silence, and Ivar checked the time on his phone. You looked at the screen, seeing that it was already eight PM. You had actually planned to cook and eat a few hours ago.
 “Say, dove, would you like to have dinner? Nothing fancy, obviously.” He gestured at his clothes, with a shrug. You were distracted for a moment by the nickname he had just given you, not quite sure what to think of that.
 “Ahm..” you began, trying to gather your thoughts. “Yes. I actually wanted to cook today, but now I didn’t have time to go shopping anyway.” The supermarkets were still opened for another two hours, but with Ivar apparently inviting you, it didn’t matter anyways.
 “Because I forced you to grab a coffee with me, how mean of me once again. But if you fancy something home cooked, I’m a great cook.” He smiled.
 You laughed, not completely realising what was happening right now. Ivar smiled at you, his head tilted slightly, and your mind went a bit blank. He was very pretty, indeed.
 “Well, if the great Ivar Lothbrok offers to cook for me, who am I to say no to that?” you just grinned back.
 “Good!” Ivar pushed himself off the table, pulling his phone out to call a taxi.
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xsoteria · 2 years
Einar tags
–––  ❛  einar 【 the traveler    ⠀  ╱ ⠀  self.  】
–––  ❛  einar 【 warrior of light    ⠀  ╱ ⠀  in character.  】  
–––  ❛  einar 【 the heart’s beat    ⠀  ╱ ⠀  musings.  】  
–––  ❛  einar 【 sworn protector    ⠀  ╱ ⠀  behavior.  】  
–––  ❛  einar 【 firstblessed    ⠀  ╱ ⠀  aesthetic.  】  
–––  ❛  einar 【 solivagant    ⠀  ╱ ⠀  main.  】  
–––  ❛  einar 【 gunmetal soul    ⠀  ╱ ⠀  headcanon.  】 
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vegardmormont · 2 years
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º  .  ♔  ⸻   A brave new world will rise   the  capital  of  king’s  landing  welcomes  VEGARD  of  HOUSE  MORMONT,  the  FIRST  RANGER  of  THE  WALL.  news  borne  by  a  raven  sends  word  that  he  bears  a  resemblance  to  MARK  ROWLEY.  the  THIRTY  year  old  CIS  MAN  is  reputed  to  be  EXCEEDINGLY  GENTLE  and  LOYAL,  but  with  the  eyes  of  court  watching  their  every  move,  they  might  turn  out  to  be  SELF  SACRIFICIAL  and  BULLHEADED.  when  songs  are  sung,  their  verses  speak  of  OFF -  KEY  TAVERN  SONGS  SUNG  OVER  FLAGONS  OF  ALE;  SWORD -  CALLOUSED  FINGERS  SNEAKING  AN  EXTRA  PIECE  OF  HONEY  CAKE; THE LONGING  FOR  HOME’S HEARTH,  FOR  THE  LAUGHTER  OF  OLD  FRIENDS.  whispers  throughout  the  seven  kingdoms  claim  that  their  allegiance  lies  with  THE  WALL  /  ROBB  STARK  /  HOUSE  MORMONT,  where  they  conspire  to  HONOR  THE  OATHS  HE’S  MADE  TO  PROTECT  THE  NORTH.  but  in  the  end,  fealty  means  little  when  you  play  the  game  of  thrones.
⸻ Common Knowledge  ⸻
∘ Vegard ‘Ve’ Mormont, a bastard with no claim. 
∘ Born on Bear Isle; Trained at Winterfell; sworn to Robb Stark. 
∘ Holds faith in the Old Gods.
∘ Current First Ranger at the Wall following the disappearance of Benjen Stark.
∘ Took the black five years ago, following a convoluted dispute over succession and a botched betrothal, all of which was swiftly hushed after his departure. 
⸻ Chapter One  ⸻
∘ Current Location: The Wall
∘ Encounters a White Walker while searching for Benjen Stark.
∘ Ve and his rangers survive the assault only due to the intervention of a band of wildlings, led by Einar. 
∘ The wildlings are cautiously permitted to stay at Castle Black as the threat beyond the wall is considered. Ve has sent numerous ravens to Robb Stark about the matter, all of which have gone unanswered.
∘ Assuming his oldest friend’s silence is due to the summons to King’s Landing, Ve is organizing for himself, a number of his sworn brothers, and the wildings to travel south to catch up to them en route. 
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darling-leech · 3 years
Einar Kennet Viggo’s Skyrim Character Sheet
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Here’s the Skyrim Character Sheet I used.
Here’s a blank one, if ya’ll wanna use it as well. Also here’s the Font I used.
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Name: Einar Kennet Viggo
Name Pronunciation: ai · naa(Einar), Ken-net(Kennet), and v-EE-g-oh(Viggo).
Age: 40
Birthplace: ????
Birthday: March(First Seed) 17, 4E 161
Race: Nord
Birthsign: The Steed
Class: Barbarian/Warrior
Gender and Pronouns: Cisgender Male and He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual. Also Polyamorous.
Religion: The Nine Divines?
Height: 6′1 FT
Weight: 160 LBS?
Weapons & Tools: Iron Sword
Armor, Clothing, & Accessories: Iron Helmet, Studded Armor, Hide Bracers & Hide Boots. Also the Leveler’s Necklace & Leveler’s Ring(Both of which are part of the Levelers Tower Mod)
Powers & Abilities: All Dragon Shouts, But mainly uses Bend Will, Dragonrend, Unrelenting Force, and Whirlwind Sprint. Also is 100% on Destruction & Restoration. Also Fus(Force Without Effort) and  Agent of Dibella. 
Main Skills: Archery, Alchemy, Block, Destruction, Enchanting, Heavy Armor, Lockpicking, Light Armor, One-Handed, Speech, Smithing, and Two-Handed. 
Personality: Adventurous, Aloof, Assertive, Aggressive, Charming, Distant, Dominant, Hedonistic, & Promiscuous.
Moral Alignment: True Neutral
Temperament: Sanguine 
Enneagram: Type 8w7 - The Nonconformist(SX/SO variant)
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor(Has some Slytherin traits tho too)
Factions: Bards College, The Companions, The Greybeards, House Telvanni, House Redoran, and Imperial Legion?
Titles: The Last Dragonborn/Dovakiin and Harbinger.
Likes: Fighting, Being Sensual(If you know what I mean lol), Drinking, and Being with Friends.
Dislikes: Being Alone/Feeling Lonely. Used to dislike getting close to people til he met Kloie Draasi and Eugenia Alexandra Ronec(My Self Insert OC). 
Background(Sorry it’s kinda messy, will update if I feel like it or whatever): Einar is my Dragonborn OC. He's friends with my other Skyrim OCs, he meet them during his travels in the events of TES: Skyrim. Also he's friends with Hadvar. He usually just wanders where he's needed or living it up at the Levelers Tower(A Player Home Mod). Is friends with Eairein, Eugenia Alexandra Ronec(My Self Insert OC), Kloie Draasi, and Hrafn Loki Hove. Is Acquaintances with Ghorgak Shezob Yazbug.
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inkwolvesandcoffee · 3 years
23 little things about me
Well, look at the time! Well, date, actually. It’s the 20th of February which means I’ve grown yet another year older. Twenty-three winters, in fact.
Now, I’m not one to celebrate birthdays since I don’t see the point in it. Yes, you’ve survived yet another year and are one step closer to death. Good on you. All the same, I’ll use the occasionally to share twenty-three wee facts about me.
1. I am fluent in Dutch (native tongue) and English (native-like).
2. Hair colour: Currently burgundy/reddish brown. Naturally, it’s dark brown with a reddish glow.
3. Eye colour: Hazel
4. I used to be able to speak French fairly well, but my mastery over the language has deteriorated over the years. Seriously need to brush up on it, though my passive skills are still good.
5. I love to travel solo and spent my gap year doing so. I still do whenever I can.
6. Thus far I’ve been to Ireland (2x, all over), Northern Ireland (Belfast, where I picked up my accent, apparently, although it’s now also mixed with Galway’s and Dublin’s with a sprinkle of Yorkshire and Edinburgh), South-Korea (2x, Seoul, Busan & Daegu), Czech Republic, Hungary, Indonesia (Java & Bali), England (all over), Wales, Scotland (4/5x), Denmark, Belgium (Bruges & Brussels), France (Paris, 2x by myself, multiple times with others).
7. I have both forearms tattooed.
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8. The wolf tattoo is to commemorate getting my Celtic minor.
9. The bird and axe tattoo I got simply because I liked the design when I first saw it at the Brussels Tattoo Convention last November. I got the tattoo in December.
10. I plan to get more tattoos in the future which will be placed according to the aesthetic of being somewhat of an excavation site that contains relics that may or may not be related to Loki and the schematic I divided my body into.
11. That being said, the schematic is;
- Right arm: Blackwork (Norse/Celtic)
- Left arm: Neotraditional (preferably all done by the same artist)
- Left leg: Neotraditional (stained glass, to be done by the same artist). Getting the line art for piece to start it off on April 24th.
- Right leg: To be decided, but I think it’s gonna be either blackwork or Japanese. Maybe a combination.
12. Favourite movies: Venom, The Gentlemen, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, Arthur: Legend of the Sword, The Wolfman (2010 remake).
13. I can’t handle hot weather, so I’ll start complaining as soon as the temperature rises above 25 degrees.
14. I’m a pescatarian bordering on full vegetarian/vegan (though I’m not too picky about dairy and gelatin).
15. Self-diagnosed misanthropic, anti-social, anxious narcissist with a case of high-functioning depression.
16. Also an arrogant prophet of her own creative destiny.
17. If I had to pick an aesthetic it’d be: James Joyce/Florence Farr/W.B. Yeats/whiskey/cappuccino/full bookcases/solitude/melancholy.
18. I’m guilty of Musedom and basically see myself as the female W.B. Yeats. One Muse in particular has persisted over the past four years, which is quite an accomplishment. He’s the inspiration for Christopher and Chan-Woo.
19. Favourite music artists: Stray Kids, Ed Sheeran, Within Temptation, Jay B, Jackson Wang, Gentle Bones, DPR IAN, DPR LIVE, Einar Selvik, SKÁLD
20. Despite being an artistic perfectionist, I’m an easy-going student who’s happy if she gets at least a 5,5 (the minimum passing grade). In other words, I place art above education. Please don’t ask me how I keep getting 7s & 8s, though!
21. Currently reading: How Did We Get Here? by Glenn Patterson and Solo Leveling Vol. 1 by Dubu & Chugong
22. Aside from The Last Kingdom, Vikings, Sherlock, Peaky Blinders and Rebellion, I do occasionally ike to watch a KDrama.
23. Unless you are or are similar to one of the following men, I have absolutely NO INTEREST whatsoever:
- Bang Chan/ Christopher Bang
- Clive Standen
- Tom Hardy
- Thomas Hayes
- Im Jaebeom
- Park Jinyoung
- Simu Liu
- Ben Barnes
- Jensen Ackles
- Charlie Hunnam
- Jordan Patrick Smith
- Mark Rowley
- Ewan McGregor
- IAmArankai (bassist from ARCHERS)
- Any of the wolves and foxes I’ve written about
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hatari-translations · 5 years
Frettabladid has a new article about them!
Indeed. The headline is “Hatari’s paean to humanity in a fateful final moment”. Translation below the cut.
It has been nearly a year since Hatari won the Icelandic Eurovision final and the trio that comprise the band thoroughly carved out a place on the Icelandic stage. Cousins Matthías Haraldsson and Klemens Hannigan founded Hatari in 2015, when Klemens started to fiddle with electronic music composition and Matthías took on the task of screaming over the beat.
Shortly afterwards drummer Einar Stefánsson joined the band, which quickly drew attention for its unique and original stage performances. Hatari officially announced the band was quitting in December 2018, only to shortly afterwards announce their participation in the Eurovision qualifiers.
They won the competition by a large margin and headed to Israel where they participated on Iceland’s behalf. The band drew attention from all over the world, where the foreign media covered not only their act, which was unlike anything seen before in the contest, but also their ideas, ideals and open support for Palestinian independence.
Tonight will see the band’s release concert for their latest album, Neyslutrans, which was published in January. The concert will feature many special guests, including Palestinian artist Bashar Murad, who authored the song Klefi with the band. He traveled to Iceland especially to appear at the concert.
A crumbling self-image
How has your life changed since you won the contest here at home?
“Our self-image is of course crumbling, as we’re in withdrawal from Eurovision and the fame that came along with it. We try to fill the void with colorful drinks, makeup and various kinds of consumption,” answers Klemens.
Einar says their latest album, Neyslutrans, was recorded in Panama in Central America.
“The album was recorded in the headquarters of Svikamylla ehf. in Panama. It would never have come to be if not for our sponsors and their dutiful contributions. We are deeply grateful to them. The album features artists who were not paid for their work, including Bashar Murad, Cyber, GDRN, Svarti Laxness, Pétur Björnsson, Friðrik Margrétar-Guðmundsson, and the choir of the Icelandic Academy of the Arts.”
A fateful final moment
Matthías says the album is a kind of paean to humanity.
“The album is a paean to humanity in a fateful final moment, and a lullaby. After all, doomsday is at hand, as the lyrics say. Klemens is also exploring his sexuality, asking it lewd questions and diving into personal waters.”
Where did you get your inspiration from?
“We looked around us and saw sexy fellow citizens, suffering, cool fashion, repressed men, fires on the front pages of newspapers, the FM957 Listeners’ Award, non-alcoholic Cosmopolitan and a chilling lack of purpose. Inspiration can be found in many places.”
What artists would you most like to work with?
“Apart from the tax evaders we mentioned previously, we would most like to work with Loreen or Rammstein,” says Matthías.
Venue caught on fire
They admit that their fame in the past year comes with drawbacks. “We’re plagued with insomnia and citizens like to point and laugh at us. It doesn’t help that the owners of the Hatari IP are an international consultancy firm in Panama,” says Klemens.
Recently the band had to cancel a concert in Denmark after a fire at the concert venue.
“Shortly after Hatari arrived in Denmark, a fire broke out at the concert venue Vega in Copenhagen, resulting in all of Svikamylla ehf.’s lasers burning to ashes. Many concerned citizens were deprived of an evening,” says Einar.
“Now a dream team of lawyers is examining the legal ramifications of the fire, which started on the second floor above the stage and crept down the walls without triggering the fire alarm. If an employee of Svikamylla ehf.’s lighting department had not spotted the fire, the ceiling would have literally come down on the audience of Hatari’s doomsday concert,” Matthías adds.
Doomsday poetry
What can we expect to see at the concert?
“A dystopian aesthetic, thoroughly practiced techno-performance art and Icelandic doomsday poetry as performed by award-winning artists Hatari,” replies Matthías. “After a successful release concert we will embark on the second leg of the ‘Europe Will Crumble’ tour alongside rap artists Cyber and watch the crumbling of Europe and put tiny umbrellas into specially-mixed drinks,” says Klemens.
Einar says they have a clear vision for the future, not just for Hatari but in general.
“We foresee an end in the near future. It is easier to imagine doomsday than the end of capitalism. Also, Matthías is saving up for a vacation in Mexico.”
The release concert will take place in Austurbæjarbíó, and the house opens at 20:00. Music artist Guðlaug Sóley, also known as gugusar, will warm up. A few tickets remain available on tix.is.
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