#—my dearest<3 (zen)
katasstrophy · 8 months
ZEN!!!! 🫶🫶🫶🫶 no one is more surprised than myself that i’m making heart eyes at this man. i used to think his dye job was so goofy 💀 he’d be pulverizing someone’s ass and all i could see is his string candy hair plsssss look at me now. 🤡🤡 looking for crumbs CLOWNING MYSELF. that art unlocked some secret chamber in my brain i swear.
i really should pick up tokyorev again bc i don’t remember that much about him:((( but it seems like u know ur stuff girl 👀👀 my ears are open i’m looking soooo disrespectfully
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caitiesith · 2 years
Top 10 Blorbos
Dearest @akinari-kashihara asked me to talk about my top ten blorbos, so it's time for me to dust off the Tumblr and immediately have some regrets.
10. Kyoya from Ouran High School Host Club
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J. Michael Tatum is a PROBLEM for me. Dark hair edgy boi, would kill, serious dubcon/noncon energy, screw the rules I have money.
9. Impmon/Beelzemon
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They're both the same people, one is just brat mode and the other is his biker boi greyscale Tinder profile mode. I love them both too much. They hit all the boxes for men I love:
Have killed before and will kill again
Strong likelihood to murder me and then feel bad about it
Big emo feelings
Fluffy hair
Cute/hot voices respectively (badaboom Impmon is cute but please no badaboom in the bedroom)
Literal rat bastard men
Leather. Yes.
Motorbikes and guns. YES.
yes I am in the monsterfucker club
8. Xiao from Genshin Impact
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Angsty demon boi with chronic pain, a lengthy legacy of doing lots of murders very well, an eating disorder, no self-esteem. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. I don't care who you ship him with - Venti is a fav, but Lumine/Aether/Albedo/Zhongli/anyone is good)
7. Shadow the Hedgehog
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Edgy hedgy with a gun, a tendency for martyrdom, and murder in his heart. My type was set from a young age.
Do I want to fuck the hedgehog man? No. But I do think he and his blue rival should smooch.
6. Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance
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5. Sebastian Michaelis
Pretty hair hot accent murder in his heart and definitely bi. Could never be into me but that's honestly not what this list is about. The pattern continues.
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J. Michael Tatum is a PROBLEM for me. Dark hair edgy boi, would kill, serious dubcon/noncon energy, screw the rules I have money.
4. The Tenth Doctor
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Cute accent, soft fluffy hair, manic energy, angst like whoa, has killed before would kill again, desperately pining for his beyond-saving rival and childhood bestie, 10/10 love this bi disaster.
3. John Reese and Root - Person of Interest
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Disaster bi John Reese is absolutely convinced he's straight and this is hilarious to everyone else in the room, and everyone watching him. He's a mess. Such murder in his heart, and such sad boy energy.
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Can't mention the Person of Interest leading m/m couple without the equally iconic f/f couple that is Shaw and Root. GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. Two ladies with murder in their heart and lust clawing inside of their ribs.
Person of Interest is an amazing show with lots of topical storytelling but what matters most to me is its unmatched raw queer power.
2. Unknown from Mystic Messenger
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I could talk about how much I adore Zen, good boy with a motorbike and soft long hair and painful self-awareness. Or I could talk about 707, disaster cross-dressing depressed hacker extraordinaire, so many problems, so much aching awareness of what lies beyond the fourth wall. But all roads would eventually lead to Unknown: a broken shell of a man whose affection could turn to violence at any moment, whose middle name might as well be dubcon, with a tragic past and problem a tragic future. He is my type. There's no denying it.
1. Xue Yang
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He's here. My love. My beloved. My hyperfixation. XUE YANG, EVERYBODY.
He is. A mess. I love him. SO MUCH. He is a trashy bastard man and I love him. He would absolutely canonically fuck your mum but hello I am RIGHT HERE.
I have spent so many words on this man that none are left in my brain for this post. Please, sir, stab me. You don't even have to feel bad about it after it's fine.
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piya05 · 1 month
Dreamer’s Nightmare
They say first love is our father
Best friend is our sisters
Protector is our Brother
Comforter is our mom
For me it is a fallacy, wondering why? Because I only have one person with me and he never get tired of making me feel all of those things and so much more.
I get up from bed and do my rituals. I was about to leave when I smell grandpa's
“Chicken curry” my mind shouted
I went to the kitchen and saw lolo prepared food with a note in it saying……
“Eat well dear, you have a long day to go, go home early, I will be waiting for you . Sorry if I did not wake you up .I have an early appointment with Mrs. Congen. I LOVE YOU”
After taking my breakfast I get out from the house , lock the door and hop on my bike. I arrive at school early, I saw my 3 dearest evil friends, Michaela, Zhaiesha, Kathalina.
“Czar! Zen is turning into a detective, searching for evidences of the culprit who take his heart. When you came his eyes sparkled and surround by happiness that his eyes caught you” Michaela said
“No time for that Michaela” I replied
I left them hanging, I was walking when …..
“Czarina” Zen shouted
“I don’t give a damn” I mutter
I choose to move forward than looking back, it will just make my day awful. I arrive in our classroom and lucky I am there’s no one there. I plug in my earphone and close my eyes. It is quarter to 9 when something hit me. I open my eyes and saw a chalk in my desk.
“Why are you sleeping Ms. Czarina Andres?”
“Forgive me sir” I said
“Class dismiss , and Ms. Andres? I want to talk to your mom…. Tomorrow”
After hearing his last word, I decided to go home instead of showing up to our next class. I ride on my bike and drive it calmly. I was about to turn right when I hear a creepy sound, I tremble and my body is shaking upon seeing the ambulance coming from our house.
“Grrraaannnddd….. pppppaaaa!” I shouted
“Czar, your Grandpa, something hap……”
I did not let Mr.Congen finish his word. I follow the ambulance as fast as I can, my tears are falling unto my face like the rain falling unto the surface. I see Mrs.Congen coming inside the ambulance , next to her was the rescuer carrying the stretcher where Grandpa is lying, his body were surrounded by red liquid.I run towards him, hold his hand and telling him to fight, his eyes were close but I know that he’s listening.
I am now sitting in the waiting area of the Emergency Room, holding what the doctor said.
“I will do everything to save your grandpa”
I fall into my knees asking GOD to help grandpa in the challenge that he is facing right now. I open my eyes and saw grandpa peacefully he smiles at me, I felt the excitement inside of me
I RUN….RUN…RUN…..RUN.. and I keep on RUNNING…….
But why he’s fading slowly? he’s fading slowly like a rainbow. Why is it the more I get closer to him, the more he’s going far away?
“I saw you unconscious so I drive you here” Mr.Congen
“Thank you for driving me home sir”
“I’ll leave you here, I have important thing to do” Mr.Congen
I just nod and he left me. I close my eyes and I pray that it was just a dream, that I was prank by the destiny.
I get up from bed and do my rituals. I was about to leave when I smell Grandpa’s
“Chicken curry” my mind shouted
I went to the kitchen and saw his prepared food with a note in it saying……
“Eat well dear, you have a long day to go, go home early, I will be waiting for you . Sorry if I did not wake you up .I have an early appointment with Mrs. Congen. I LOVE YOU”
LOVE, Grandpa <3
I eat and left home, I decided to walk instead of riding my bike. I saw something, my heart beats so fast, it reminds me of someone. I continued walking, when I was about to pass it.
My heart says “stay, stay with it”
I continued walking
“Look back! Turn back!” here my heart goes again
“Don’t stay, leave it there” says my mind
Day after day, everywhere I go it is chasing me, where me and Grabdpa used to eat it’s always there, where me and him used to pamper ourselves it is there. Each place that me and grandpa used to go, it was there. Instead of entering school, I found myself going to a quite place and there I saw him, my tears falling and my heart is breaking. I sat down, I close my eyes and in the silence he is with me. Its been 2 years since grandpa died because of that incident. Now I realize that I’m in the gravesite of my beloved hero. He will be the Best Grandpa I ever knew. He is a perfectly a mother and a father to me.
“He was with me all of your life. No other person in the world was there for us as he was.”
He died , yes she did
“In the soft breeze I felt his touch, from the sunlight I feel the warmth of his being. Knowing that he is with me. Watching me from above with love that last forever”.
In the end I’m just a dreamer who were chased by nightmares.
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jeanslongschlong · 3 years
a-z fluff alphabet for connie springer
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requested by @squidonmywall​ !! i hope you enjoy <3
warnings: some swearing
word count: 1871
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Your sense of humor! Connie is a really funny guy, so it means a lot to him that you can match his energy at all times. He doesn’t believe in soulmates, but he’s starting to think that maybe, just maybe…
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Your cheeks! Connie LOVES to pinch them, caress them, kiss them, and so on. He makes it his life mission to make you blush, as seeing the red tint on your cheeks makes pride swell up in him over the fact that he made you have that reaction. He also loves when- jk, we’re keeping this PG here. I’ll expand more on this when I do his NSFW alphabet.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Under lots of blankets and on top of lots of pillows. But he will cuddle with you anywhere and everywhere; Connie is not shy about PDA with you.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
I get extremely romantic vibes from Connie, so probably some sort of mountain getaway, during which you spend time in a sauna, go skiing, and have a candlelit dinner with the breathtaking view of the snow-tipped mountains in the background. I can assure you he will do everything in his power to make you swoon, and (more likely than not) CRINGE at some of his cheesy attempts at flirting. He may be a romantic, but I never said anything about being smooth. That is a whole other story.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Connie is pretty open about his emotions with everyone, but even more so with you. You just make him feel so comfortable, he knows that no matter what he’s feeling you won’t judge him; you’ll try your hardest to sympathize and help him work through it. That’s another thing he loves about you, your empathy.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
CONNIE WANTS LIKE FIVE KIDS AND YOU CANNOT CHANGE MY MIND. In any case, he only wants them if you want them of course. He isn’t going to force you into something you don’t want. However, I would say that it could be a deal breaker for him…but it just depends. If you do want to have kids as well, I’d say he wants to start having them around 24/25.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
HE LOVES GIVING GIFTS. I don’t think he has a lot of money so they probably aren’t expensive ones, but expect a bunch of small things randomly. He doesn’t need a holiday to buy you a gift, he just does it whenever he feels like it (which is almost always LMFAO he’s such a sweetie I am in love).
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
All the time. Everywhere. Everyday. He holds onto your hand like it’s his fucking LIFELINE. (please I simp for this man so much he is so precious help)
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Simply put, he would cry. Similar to Eren, he would most likely shut down, overwhelmed by the panic and regret that washes over him when someone informs him of your injury. He would be so patient and loving during your recovery period, though. If you were staying in a hospital room he would give you his pudding cups during dinnertime.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Obviously Connie likes to joke, he’s one of the funniest characters in AOT. However, pranks? Nah. Not alone, at least. Teamed up with Sasha is a whole other story. But I don’t think they’d be anything serious. If he did prank you, it would be like…hiding a whoopie cushion on the couch where you normally sit, not a breakup prank or a cheating prank. He thinks those are too cruel and he would feel wayyyy too bad about it.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Lowkey…I feel like he gives wet and sloppy kisses. But the type that make you feel warm inside. Kissing him brightens your whole day, they’re so infused with love that you could faint.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
Words, gifts, kisses, random hugs, cuddles, you name it. He makes it VERY KNOWN in every way possible that he loves you. He is not embarrassed about it at all, and he makes sure you don’t forget it.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
Your first date. He stuttered so bad and yet you didn’t make fun of him. That’s when he knew that he had it BAD for you. He went home and literally couldn’t sleep he was so overwhelmed with affection for you.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
He’s afraid that his forwardness will eventually scare you away. He’s so open about everything, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you are, so he’s afraid that one day he will overstep his boundaries and drive you away permanently.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
French kissing is a no-no. Even though his kisses are wet and sloppy, I really think that the thought of your tongues in each other’s mouths gross him out. I think the same goes for Levi, too, if I’m being honest.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
Angel, my love, my dearest. THIS BOY IS SO CHEESY BUT IT MELTS YOU
“You’re so pretty, angel. How the hell did I manage to get a girlfriend as heavenly as you?”
(And then you probably made fun of him and you two double over in the type of laughter that makes your stomach cramp. Oh, to be loved by Connie.)
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
A lot, quality time is his love language, second to gift giving. If he had it his way, the only time he would be away from you is when he was at work, at school, or going to the bathroom. Otherwise, he wants to be all up in your business. But, he respects your space so he tries to refrain from asking you to hang out every day. Key word: tries.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
“Two” by Sleeping At Last. No explanation needed.
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
He tells you everything, even things you think ‘god, why did he tell me that?’ afterwards. SO, he tells you everything. He keeps nothing from you, which makes surprising you SUPER hard for him LMAO. He just wants to tell you as soon as he possibly can.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
Not very long. 3 months at most. This boy can’t wait LOL he has 0 patience. He knew he wanted to make you his even before you had your first date, but he waited to give you time to think about what you wanted. (Although how could you not want him??? FR)
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
Super supportive. He will be whatever you need him to be. If you need to scream at him to let out all of your frustration? He’ll let you. If you need him to hold a pillow for you to punch while you’re angry? Consider him your new punching bag. If you need him to just hold you and stroke your hair while you cry? He’ll do it. Anything for you.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He’s honestly just so happy that you love him. He loves to show you off; he tells anyone who will listen how amazing you are, how beautiful you are, how he’s convinced that if soulmates did exist, you’d be his.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Like Eren, Connie would lay down his life for you in a heartbeat. He gets a little scared when he thinks about you fighting, but he knows that you’d be fine, so he never really voices that fear.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
Pretty damn well. He’s not dumb, he can tell when you’re actually mad and when you’re just crabby because you haven’t eaten. He’s memorized all of the indicators that point towards how you’re feeling, and he’s always prepared to deal with it.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
This is the only secret that I feel he would successfully keep from you; he wants to make it as special as possible (which is quite the opposite of Eren LOL). He would take you on a walk near sunset, and would time it so perfectly that you would end up at the place you first met right when the sun starts to set.
The sky is filled with picturesque shades of pinks, yellows, reds, and oranges, and you stop for a moment to gape in astonishment at its beauty. He admires you as you stare at the sky, your hand held to your forehead to shield your eyes from the brunt of the sun’s mighty rays, your eyes filled with such bewilderment that it warms him from the inside out. He takes this moment to kneel down onto one knee, reaching back to fish out the black ring box he had put in his pockets a few hours before.
“Y/N…” he says softly, trying to get your attention. You turn around, expecting him to make fun of you for being so infatuated with the colors of the sky, but instead let out a strangled gasp.
“Holy shit, are you-“
“Yes,” he smiles up at you and reaches out with his left hand to grasp your right. He gives your hand a loving squeeze, sucks in a breath, then continues, “I knew from the moment we met here all of those years ago that I was going to marry you. You know how I knew?” You shake your head no. “The moment our eyes met, I was filled with such a sense of completion that there was no other way to explain it. I’ve told you many times that I don’t believe in soulmates, that I think it’s just a shanty created by the romance genre to create unrealistic expectations when it comes to love. But…I’m now thoroughly convinced that you are mine.”
“Connie, I-“
“Marry me.”
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
Taking a nap with you under a thick blanket. He loves to be held by you, so preferably with him on top of you, your arms wrapped tightly around him and him using your stomach as a pillow. Prime sleeping position for Connie Springer.
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autumn-writes · 3 years
could you write the fluff alphabet for nagito? tysm!!
sure thing, anon! i hope you enjoy! if you'd like me to re-write this, do tell!
Nagito Komaeda Fluff Alphabet!
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A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
- Everything! But of course, Nagito admires your hope.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
- Your eyes! He likes how much emotion they can show and how you look at him with eyes full of so much love and admiration.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
- He likes to hold you! Since his luck took almost everything important to him, holding you makes him feel as though he's protecting you! It's as if holding you will make all the bad things his luck throws at him be directed ONLY at him, none towards you.
D = Dreams (how do they envision a future with you?)
- He'd like to be married to you and have a family! The thought of you two being married and having a child, maybe even children, is enough to make him turn into mush ♡
E = Everything ("you are my ______." ? eg. eveything, light, sunshine)
- "You are my hope."
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
- As I said in the Dreams part, yes he would! He'd preferably want one after marriage.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
- He loves spoiling you! He buys you anything that he thinks you'll like or things that remind him of you.
- During dates, he gets you flowers! (if you're allergic, he buys you a gift)
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
- He likes holding hands as to not be separated from you. It reminds him that you're still there with him.
I = Inspiration (did you manage to change something about them? did you inspire them to try new things?)
- His self-depreciation went down! He still does it, of course, but not as much as before! He often does them as jokes now.
- Nagito tries out things that have to do with your talent! He finds it a way of getting to know you more.
J = Jealously (do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?)
- Nagito trusts you! He doesn't get jealous often. Then only times he actually does get jealous is when people lay moves on you or flirt with you. When those happen, he inserts himself between you and the one flirting with you, dropping very obvious hints that you are taken.
- If the person stops flirting, Nagito doesn't do any more things and just hugs you from behind. But if the person DOES continue to flirt, he blatantly tells them that you two are dating and that he'd appreciate if the person were to avoid flirting with you. Then he pulls you away and is a bit pouty and clingy.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
- Softly! He is very gentle with you! His favorite kisses are forehead kisses! He certainly has the height for it.
- He also loves giving you a kiss when you two are eating ice cream. Gives him the "You had some on your lip, so I kissed it off" excuse. He loves the blush that appears on your face when he does it ♡
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
- Compliments! He loves to compliment you on, well, everything about you!
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
- He cherishes all memories with you. So all of the memories he has with you are his favorites. He can't choose <3
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
- He is very afraid of losing you to his luck :(( he doesn't care if all bad luck he receives is directed towards himself, please don't leave him :(
O = On Cloud Nine (how are they like when they're in love? is it obvious?)
- Most certainly. He talks about how amazing you are to anyone willing to listen! Hearing your name is enough to get him smiling all day.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you and why?)
- He likes calling you Angel, My Hope, Dearest, and Blessing.
- He calls you Angel because he thinks you are one. My Hope because well, Nagito loves hope and he loves you! You're his hope. Dearest is something he got from a romance film you two watched together once and it just stuck to him. Blessing came from the fact that he thinks you are a Blessing given to him after all the stuff that has happened to him.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
- He loves to spend tim with you by doing literally anything! If he had to choose a favorite though, it'd be times where you two are cuddling and talking to each other about the future you two plan to have together.
- Allow him to talk about hope and how amazing you are. He will be very happy! Just be sure to do the same to him and tell him about how amazing HE is! It makes him very blushy and warm on the inside.
R = Romance (how romantic are they? are they cliché or creative?)
- Nagito is very romantic!
- He tries his best to be creative! One time, he left love poems all around his house where you were staying in. In each of the poems, he left a hint on where the next poem is, so basically, a poem scavenger hunt! At the end of the hunt, you received a promise ring and a kiss from a rather well-dressed Nagito.
S = Support (are they helping you with reaching your goals? do they support you? )
- Yes. 100% Y E S. Nagito will support you in anything you do and he will be sure to let you know that you're doing a great job!!
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
- It took about, 2 months at least. One month and few days were spent pining over you until Hajime told him that if he didn't confess, someone else could have you! Nagito didn't want that! So he spent a few weeks planning on how to confess and then wham you two got together.
U = Understanding (are they empathetic?)
- Yep yep! Nagito greatly accepts you telling him about your problems! He will give some advice, though he thinks they aren't that helpful due to them coming from him, but they help! He also empathizes with you!
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
- He's VERY proud. He can and will talk about you to to anyone who is willing to listen to his "1,000,000 reasons on why S/O is an amazing partner."
- If you didn't get the message above, yes he will show you off.
W = Wild Card (random headcanon)
- Nagito is quite clingy. When he requests for your affection and doesn't get it, he gets a teensy bit pouty and sad :( but then hug him after you're no longer busy and he's just ":D"
X = XOXO (are they very affectionate? do they love to kiss and cuddle?)
- Yes! Nagito is sure to give you all the love and affection in the world! You deserve it!
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
- He's quite nervous at first, but he pushes those thoughts aside and reassures himself that you will say yes. He first takes you to a fancy restaurant in which he booked a reservation a few weeks before the proposal. He then takes you to an open field where you two can stargaze. He calls your attention before giving you a speech that he had prepared in advance, and then finally asking the question.
- Due to his luck, things may go wrongly. So it may start raining before he even says his speech. Nagito is pretty upset, so when you notice this, you ask him what's wrong. He then tells you how his luck ruined a very important event for you and him, and then he brings out the ring he was going to propose to you with. He asks you the question, although glumly thinking that you'll say no due to what happened, but when you say yes, he's over the moon and he kisses you in the rain.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
- Listening to your heartbeat. It reminds him that you are alive and that his luck has not taken you away from him.
- He also loves listening to your heartbeat after he gets you flustered. The pounding of your heart in your chest makes him giddy.
- If you two are married, looking at each other's rings makes him very happy. It reminds him that he's married to such an amazing person <3.
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here you go! this took quite a while cause tumblr kept deleting my progress each time i was halfway done :'). i hope you enjoy this, maple leaf!
stay safe and healthy always, dear! don't overwork yourself, eat your meals and stay hydrated!
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vajranam · 3 years
Cup Of Tea
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What Tea Can Teach You
There was a Japanese Zen master named Nan-in who lived during the Meiji era (1868-1912). During his days as a teacher, he was visited by a university professor curious about Zen.
Being polite, Nan-in served the professor a cup of tea.
As he poured, the professor’s cup became full, but Nan-in kept on pouring. As the professor watched the cup overflow, he could no longer contain himself and said, “It is overfull. No more will go in!”
Nan-in turned to the professor and said, “Like the cup, you are too full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?”
The Beginning :
first things first I am Ngakpa Konchok Dorje Tsondon, this blog had several life’s because sometimes the provider played update tricks sometimes was myself who wanted different things.
I am a yogi from the Drikung Kagyu Lineage but my roots of Buddha Dharma are from Karma Kagyu, Nigmapas, Gulugpas and Shaigon, Zen I had lot of different teachers, because my view was build on Jagung Kuntrul Rinpoche teaching and Kalu Rinpoche teaching “Rimey”. After lot of chaos and tones of challenges one day I found Garchen Rinpoche who became my vajra master.
Let have a cup of tea
I heard that a lot why do you teach? My answers are on my Ngakpa vows there is some point about that but my real answer is Bodhicitta that why I teach, I am just an insect compare to the big Rinpoche but if one of my text help one being I rejoice in it.
Attitude To Dharma
The Buddha teach about the three pots, this teaching is extremely important because learn us the right view we need to take. The Tea teaching is another one why is before all of the teachings. Well not just because I love Koan and I love do Koan but more because today we are all full as a cup of tea.
Recently I heard something on the radio about a scientific who been to India talked with the Swamies and Lamas. He was surprised about the full effect of meditation but he forgot one thing to empty is a cup.
Like that scientist, we all come with a massive cup full of judgement, views, information and mostly let’s call it massive ego.
When I touch the holy land of India I had a simple question in my head how to stop suffering but even with that, I had to learn to empty my cup because not doing it will be like asking the Dalai Lama for help and not take any of his advice.
Dharma whatever dharma you take isn’t like going to church and eat kinda truth and everyone happy, whatever you take Vedic, Buddha or Sikh dharma be ready for the ride. That means dharma is base on experience a teacher will show you the way but you got to do 100% of the efforts to get there.
No one will save you from your “mistakes” Christian call that sin we call that non virtue, non virtues are like putting a mine in road that you drive and forgot about it. The problem when the mine gonna to explode that when the problem start.
The right attitude to dharma well whatever level we are we always learn, new ways there for we should develop the student attitude. Keep mind open and keep humble.
50 Verses of Guru Devotion
Composed by Ashvagosha
L1. Bowing in the proper way to the lotus feet of my Guru, who is the cause for me to attain the state of a glorious Vajrasattva, I shall condense and explain in brief what has been said in many stainless tantric texts about Guru-devotion. (Therefore) listen with respect.
2. All the Buddhas of the past, present and future, residing in every land in the ten directions, have paid homage to the Tantric Masters from whom they have received the highest initiations. (Is there need to mention that you should too?)
3. Three times each day, with supreme faith, you must show your respect to your Guru who teaches you (the tantric path), by pressing your palms together, offering a mandala as well as flowers and prostrating (touching) your head to his feet.
4. Those who hold ordination vows, if (your Guru) is a layman or your junior, prostrate (in public) while facing such things as his scriptural texts in order to avoid worldly scorn. But in your mind (prostrate to your Guru).
5. As for serving (your Guru) and showing him respect, such as obeying what he says, standing up (when he comes) and showing him to his seat — these should be done even by those with ordination vows (whose Gurus are laymen or their juniors). But (in public), avoid prostrating and unorthodox actions (such as washing his feet).
6. In order for the words of honour of neither the Guru nor the disciple to degenerate, there must be a mutual examination beforehand (to determine if each can) brave a Guru-disciple relationship.
7. A disciple with sense should not accept as his Guru someone who lacks compassion or who is angersome, vicious or arrogant, possessive, undisciplined or boasts of his knowledge.
8. (A Guru should be) stable (in his actions), cultivated (in his speech), wise, patient and honest. He should neither conceal his shortcomings, nor pretend to possess qualities he lacks. He should be an expert in the meanings (of tantra) and in its ritual procedures (of medicine and turning back obstacles). Also he should have loving compassion and a complete knowledge of the scriptures.
9. He should have full experience in all ten fields, skill in the drawing of mandalas, full knowledge of how to explain the tantras, supreme faith and his senses fully under control.
10. Having become the disciple of such a protecting (Guru), should you then despise him from your heart, you will reap continual suffering as if you had disparaged all the Buddhas.
11. If you are so foolish as to despise your Guru, you will contract contagious diseases and those caused by harmful spirits. You will die (a horrible death) caused by demons, plagues or poison.
12. You will be killed by (wicked) kings or fire, by poisonous snakes, water, witches or bandits, by harmful spirits or savages, and then be reborn in a hell.
13. Never disturb you Guru’s mind. Should you be foolish and happen to do this, you will surely boil in hell.
14. Whatever fearful hells have been taught, such as Avici, the Hell of Uninterrupted pain, it is clearly explained that those who disparage their Gurus will have to remain there (a very long time).
15. Therefore, exert yourself wholeheartedly never to belittle your Tantric Master who makes no display of his great wisdom and virtues.
16. (If from a lack of awareness you have shown disrespect) to your Guru, reverently present an offering to him and seek his forgiveness. Then in the future such harms and plagues will not befall you.
17. It has been taught that for the Guru to whom you have pledged your word of honour (to visualize as one with your meditational deity), you should willingly sacrifice your wife, children and even your life, although these are not (easy) to give away. Is there need to mention your fleeting weath?
18. (Such practice of offering) can confer even Buddhahood on a zealous (disciple) in his very lifetime, which otherwise might be difficult to attain even in countless millions of eons.
19. Always keep your word of honour. Always make offerings to the Enlightened Ones. Always make offerings also to your Guru, for he is the same as all the Buddhas.
20. Those who wish (to attain) the inexhaustible (state of a Buddha’s Wisdom Body) should give to their Guru whatever they themselves find pleasing, from the most trifling objects to those of best quality.
21. Giving (to your Guru) is the same as making continual offerings to all the Buddhas. From such giving, much merit is gathered. From such collection comes the supreme powerful attainment (of Buddhahood).
22. Therefore, a disciple with the good qualities of compassion, generosity, moral self-control and patience should never regard his Guru and the Buddha Vajradhara as different.
23. If you should never tread even on (your Guru’s) shadow, because the fearsome consequences are the same as destroying a stupa, is there need to mention never stepping on or over his shoes or seat, (sitting in his place or riding) his mount?
24. (A disciple) having great sense should obey the words of his Guru joyfully and with enthusiasm. If you lack the knowledge or ability (to do what he says), explain in (polite) words why you cannot (comply).
25. It is from your Guru that powerful attainments, higher rebirth and happiness come. Therefore, make a wholehearted effort never to transgress your Guru’s advice.
26. (Guard) your Guru’s belongings as you would your own life. Treat even your Guru’s beloved (family) with the same (respect you show for him). (Have affectionate regard for) those closely around him as if they were your own dearest kin. Single-mindedly think (in this way) at all times.
27. Never sit on the (same) bed or seat (as your Guru), nor walk ahead of him. (At teachings do not) wear your hair in a top-knot, (a hat, shoes or any weapons). Never touch a seat (before he sits down), or if he happens to sits on the ground. Do not place your hands (proudly) on your hips or wring them (before him).
28. Never sit or recline while your Guru is standing (nor lie while he is sitting). Always be ready to stand up and serve him skillfully in an excellent manner.
29. In the presence of your Guru, never do such things as spit, (cough or sneeze without covering your mouth). Never stretch out your legs when at your seat, nor walk back and forth (without reason before him), and never argue.
30. Never massage or rub your limbs. Do not sing, dance or play musical instruments (for other than religious purposes). And never chatter idly or speak in excess (or too loudly) within the range of (your Guru’s) hearing.
31. (When your Guru enters the room) get up from your seat and bow your head slightly. Sit (in his presence) respectfully. At night, at rivers or on dangerous paths, with (your Guru’s) permission, you may walk before him.
32. In the direct sight of his Guru, (a disciple) with sense should not (sit) with his body twisted around, nor lean (casually) against pillars and such. Never crack your knuckles, (play with your fingers or clean your nails).
33. When washing (your Guru’s) feet or his body, drying, massaging (or shaving) him, precede such actions with (three) prostrations and at their conclusion do the same. Then attend (to yourself) as much as you like.
34. Should you need to address (your Guru) by his name, add the title “Your Presence” after it. To generate respect for him in others, further honorifics may also be used.
35. When asking for your Guru’s advice, first announce why you have come. With palms pressed together at your heart, listen to what he tells you, without (letting your mind) wander about. Then (when he has spoken), you should reply, “I shall do exactly as you have said.”
36. After doing (what your Guru has told you), report (what has happened) in polite, gentle words. Should you yawn or cough, (clear your throat or laugh in his presence), cover your mouth with your hand.
37. If you wish to receive a certain teaching, request three times with your palms pressed together, while before him on your (right) knee. (Then at his discourse), sit humbly and with respect, wearing appropriate clothing that is neat (and clean, without ornaments, jewelry or cosmetics).
38. Whatever you do to serve (your Guru) or show him respect, should never be done with an arrogant mind. Instead you should be like a newlywed bride, timid, bashful and very subdued.
39. In the presence of (the Guru) who teaches you (the Path), stop acting in a conceited, coquettish manner. As for boasting to others what you have done (for your Guru), examine (your conscience) and discard all such acts.
40. If you are (requested) to perform a consecration, (an initiation into) a mandala, a fire puja or to gather disciples and deliver a discourse, you may not do so if your Guru resides in that area, unless you receive his prior permission.
41. Whatever offerings you receive from performing such rites as (the consecration known as) “Opening the Eyes”, you should present all these to your Guru. Once he has taken a token portion, you may use the rest for whatever you like.
42. In the presence of his Guru, a disciple should not act (as a Guru) to his own disciples and they should not act towards him as their Guru. Therefore (before your own Guru), stop (your disciples) from showing you respect such as rising (when you come) and making prostrations.
43. Whenever you make an offering to your Guru, or whenever your Guru presents you with something, a disciple with sense will (present and) receive this, using both hands and with his head slightly bent.
44. Be diligent in all your actions, (alert and) mindful never to forget (your word of honour). If fellow disciples transgress (what is proper) in their behaviour, correct each other in a friendly manner.
45. If because of sickness you are physically (unable) to bow to your Guru and must do what normally would be prohibited, even without (his explicit) permission, there will be no unfortunate consequences if you have a virtuous mind.
46. What need is there to say much more. Do whatever pleases your Guru and avoid doing anything he would not like. Be diligent in both of these.
47. “Powerful attainments follow from (doing what) your Guru (likes).” This has been said by (the Buddha) Vajradhara himself. Knowing this, try to please your Guru fully with all the actions (of your body, speech and mind).
48. After a disciple has taken refuge in the Triple Gem and developed a pure (Enlightened) motive, he should be given this (text) to take to his heart (how to abandon his own arrogant self-will and) follow in his Guru’s footsteps (along the Graded Path to Enlightenment).
49. (By studying the prerequisite trainings of Guru-devotion and the Graded Path, common to both the Sutra and Tantra,) you will become a (suitable) vessel (to hold) the pure Dharma. You may then be given such teachings as Tantra. (After receiving the proper initiations,) recite out loud the fourteen root vows and take them sincerely to your heart.
50. As I have not made the mistake (of adding my personal interpretation) when writing this work, may this be of infinite benefit to all disciples who would follow their Guru. By the limitless merit I have gathered in this way, may all sentient beings quickly attain Buddhahood
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astralhugs · 4 years
RFA with an MC who doesn’t sleep because she’s on her phone too much
There are two types of people in this world, one who goes on their gadgets too much and the other, liars.
Enjoy~! Sorry I didn’t post last week D:
requests open~
* okay aside his gaming addiction, this boy rarely goes on social media.
* Probably has a facebook account just to login to LOLOL easier or sumn.
* Would usually use his phone for cooking recipes and lolol
* But you were the opposite
* You were on the phone 24/7.
* When he’s asleep, you’re on your phone.
* You’re at a theatre with him? You’re on your phone.
* At first he was just doing some positive thinking like, “Oh, maybe she has work or something.”
* But then when you guys went to bed a bit late, you promise you’d go to bed right away.
* Woo its 3AM and you’re up.
* On your phone
* And guess who caught you.
* Dearest Kim Yoosung.
* “Mc, sleep. Going on your phone too much will damage your eyes.” he worriedly said.
* You pout but then he gave you those darn puppy eyes and you cant say no?????
* In the end you gave up and slept
* It honestly felt good.
* Yoosung tells you about how he feels like he’s being ignored whenever you’re on your phone too long.
* “I’m not saying to not go on your phone, but um...its not good to go on it too long, you know?” he says.
* To my lovely readers who are students, Yoosung has something to say to you~ (will be doing this for the whole RFA mwah)
* “Hiii!! Its Yoosung~~ I love you so much but please don’t go on your phone too much! You should study hard but also take breaks, not only study breaks but breaks from your phone as well, I’m a student as well so I get you TT, if you go on your phone less I’ll kiss you~ hehe, i love you stay safe~”
* He never really realized because of practice and stuff until he saw that you were up???
* Watching netflix???
* On your phone???
* “MC.” he grabs the phone gently, surprisingly you didn’t say anything to him. He then realized you were asleep.
* He was wondering how long you’ve been doing this.
* The next day he’d definitely ask you about it though.
* You’d explain your reason and stuff.
* “I understand but staying up until 3AM? Babe, do you know how bad the radiation from your phone is to your face?” he asks.
* Would try to make you go to sleep early with him.
* ‘No phone hour’ is set one hour before you both go to sleep.
* You both would just chat and have fun like maybe doing facemasks together and doing each others hair and such.
* Loves the attention he’s getting from you whenever you’re not on your phone.
* “Hey babe! Is it very late at your place? If yes then WHY ARE YOU STILL UP? LIKE I SAID ABOVE, DO YOU KNOW HOW BAD RADIATION IS FOR YOUR SKIN????? If its morning and you’re still in bed, get up and do some exercises! I would do some with you but I have practice, you know lying in bed all day isn’t healthy so you should try doing some stretches to keep your body healthy during all of this pandemic thing. I hope you take care, see you soon, love you, mwah<3”
* Stays up till 3AM
* Doesnt really mind
* She got coffee for both of you.
* You’re answering guest emails (secretly watching netflix oop) while she’s doing all of Jumin’s piled up work.
* Zen’s at the back frustrated about how both of yall aren’t getting sleep.
* But on Fridays, Jaehee and you would try to stay away from gadgets for at least an hour before bed.
* “MC, its almost 2 we should head to bed soon.”
* Its either her who reminds you about the time or the other way around.
* Yall got each others back its no problem lol
* But fr yall both seriously need sleep
* Who am I kidding its 11.42PM rn
* In the morning, she’d prepare coffee for both of you so yall good.
* “Hello MC, I hope you’re having a lovely day, I know that you‘re having trouble going to sleep and honestly, I can say the same, with all the piled work Mr. Han gave me, I’m suprised I’ve even gotten at least 3 hours of sleep, but please don’t be like me. Sleep is important, I’ll sleep right after you sleep, promise! Take care!”
* Its either he sleeps early as fuck or he doesnt sleep at all.
* Ya know being director of C&R tingz
* Anyways he sees that you’re still awake
* ‘I thought she finished replying to guests the other day?’ he thought to himself before entering her office
* Yes you have your own office in Jumin’s place, we been knew.
* “Darling, its almost 1AM why are you not asleep?” he asks worriedly.
* Well you explain it and if it was a stupid reason like about a series then he isn’t having any of your bullshit and takes you with him to bed.
* If it’s reasonable he’d understand but wouldn’t recommend you staying up at ungodly hours.
* Sometimes would see you popping up in chatrooms and he’s like??? tf???
* Would recommend you to see a doctor to see if there were any problems as to why you weren’t sleeping well.
* Would stay by your side when you’re in bed and is asleep.
* In the end, he’d definitely recommend you not to go on your phone half an hour before going to bed so thats that.
* My love, is it late there? If it is, please get some sleep soon. I wish I could cuddle with you right now and help you go to sleep but I’m out of country. I hope the body guards are keeping you safe and I hope you’re staying indoors. My love, please wait for me, I love you.”
* saeyoung ilysm
* nah he’d still scold you though.
* He doesn’t care if he stays up for 287373 hours
* But you????
* No.
* Its bed o’clock MC time for bed.
* Has robocat set up to put you to sleep.
* Like it would remind you to go to bed and once you’re in bed it would play some soft music.
* Sometimes, it would also play Seven talking like ASMR.
* If robocat sees you on your phone it would send a notif to Seven immediately so thats that.
* I still think hes not allowed to have a say in this.
* But wbk seven loves mc more than he loves himself :(
* “drum roll!!!! ITS ME! Your lovely 707! MC! Why are you not asleep? I know, coming from me it sounds stupid but you should be sleeping because its not good for your health! I wish I could cuddle you some more but I’m on a mission right now! But don’t worry~! I’ll go back soon and we’ll cuddle alot! Stay safe and I love you!!”
THANK YOU FOR READING!! If you guys like this, I’ll try post V’s, Saeran’s and Vanderwoods :)
Requests are open please send some~!
Have a great week <3
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eighth--wonder · 3 years
Dear Zen,
First and foremost, don't feel pressured to write a response in a letter format. I just like sending asks in this format because it feels fancier and makes it easier to structure my thoughts. Okay now to the actual substance.
I'm not sure if you saw my post this morning about feeling like shit after my second shot, but I'm happy to report that I feel at least slightly better now. I did have to miss play rehearsal and my team had a lot to do today so... That's Sad.
I took a nap earlier, to help with feeling like shit, and now it's almost ten and I am not tired at all! What will I do with this energy? Hopefully drag myself out of bed and write the fanfic things I've been putting off <3
Seriously I've been putting off updating Sinners, Singers, and Saints even though I have like 3/4 of a chapter written.
Speaking of that chapter, is it okay if I ramble about my naming choices for this chapter? Like in the rbs of this post? It's a bit different than any of my other chapter names so... Ye
Innsmouth Yourfavoriteangelcatboy
dearest innsmouth,
i regret to inform you that i did not see your post about your unfortunate feelings after you second shot, as i had pulled an all nighter and passed out at 8am. whilst i am upset that i missed it, i am delighted to hear you are feeling better. i encourage you to ramble affectionately on about the naming choices for your upcoming chapter. it is always a delight to hear from you about your stories. i am glad you have the motivation to pull yourself out of bed. i hope thatt you get what you need done today.
zen eighth--wonder
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coolmiriamaraujo · 4 years
Special moments of Akagami vol 1
Hello dears, I have decide write about my impressions about read of mangás that I buyed, an, I will be initialize the explain by first volume of story (ed. Viz media) that present 3 chapters by volume. I know that some friends and fans of Obiyuki made excelent discussions about the history and inclusive, I have various posts of Obiyuki here on my page. However, I believe that every one have a special moments when read the mangá, and, for me, don't be different...Then, registred here some special moments that I noticed while appreciate the read...come on, right?
I want to start with this both pictures:
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Here we have a first moment that sensei Sorata present us the "notion that how much time is necessaryly to have a significant moment" or, on other words, to expressing significant feelings.... Note that "10 seconds" appearance for first time when Shira request to Zen that look for her for this period..and...he corresponding her spectative with words: "just five seconds. That was enough"....We can see Shira's surprised face..apparently he didn't understand the importance of the moment 😕 But...don't worry Shirayuki! We know who will give due weight to the meaning of "10 seconds" in the future 😌😏🥰
Next, we have our dear Obi on your first apparition on story 😀 see:
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Don't have many things to talk about it but, I confess that I stay many time look for this picture...
Continuing, we have this:
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The first time that Obi say "young lady" 😊ahhhh this is ver special for me! Then, when Shira don't stop after be attacked by arrow, we can see the expression in his face!! Surprising! Crazy girl! And right after, we got to this:
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The amazing scene where our akagami faced Haruka only with his persuasive words and his unique attitude! Ahhhhh how I love this woman!!!! AND, of course, our Obi is astonished by scene and courage of the girl, which of course seems to arouse a first moment of admiration on his part...😍
Finally, we have this:
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I think is not a cliché to say that the best ends up getting to the end...and dearest oness, this phrase that Obi says makes so much sense today that we coul say to him: Well, it's not Zen that she will do well, it's you, Obi"🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Ok! This is! I hope you enjoyed . Are little moments that move me and make me love this story...I hope to back with vol 2 soon! If work allows 🤣
Kisses! Be well and in good health
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randomclownsheep · 3 years
Okokokok if i end up doing the whole Mysme mod (which idk if I'm going to because I don't have any editing skills and i have to finish V and Jumin's texture first) i think i know who I'm going to put in which weeks
Week 1: Daddy dearest - Jaehee (As soon as Jumin ended up the tutorial he basically forced Jaehee to fight him)
Week 2: Spooky boiz - Yoosung (idk, just, idk)
Week 3: Pico - 707, it has to be him. C'mon, Pico is a ginger bitch with a gun, who is better than 707 to replace him?
Week 4: Mom - Vanderwood/Rika (in one hand, i really want to have Vanderwood rapping on top of a car in movement, on the other hand... Dancing believers in the background)
Week 5: Mom and Dad - Vanderwood and 707 (you can't change my mind about this one)
Lemon demon - Saeran (You can't change my mind about this one either)
Week 6: Senpai - Zen
Demon - Elizabeth the third/Rika (Don't ask, just vote(?)
Girlfriend - Mc/V (The whole thing is a otome, i feel like it would be a good idea to replace V with MC for this week-)
If for some reason of destiny you end up seeing this and for some reason you care enough help me decide if i should replace Elly or Vanderwood with Rika or if i should just yeet Rika out of my life
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katasstrophy · 1 year
HELLO ZEN!! you flatter me 😎😎😎😎 you are giving immaculate vibes as well so i dare say we have a fantastic mootship ahead of us hehe <3333
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angelicgarnet · 4 years
Hey I'm exceedingly late to this prompt but...…Top 5 Norwegian Words?
5. fart (means ‘speed’). i am 5 years old and find it very funny when i see a sign that says ‘fartshumper’ (speed bumps). snart (which means ‘soon’) is also very funnie but im putting it in the same ranking bc its too similar. theyre basically pronounced the way they look, but with a slightly softer r 
4. tusen takk (means ‘thousand thanks’ and is a common way of thanking people)! its very fun for me to say and because of that, i sometimes overuse it since its supposed to be somewhat sincere lol. pronounced like TOO-zen tahk 
3. kjæreste (literally means ‘dearest’ but its a commonly used gender neutral term for significant other). this one speaks for itself but it also just sounds so soft and wholesome :’) pronounced like SHAH-re-steh 
2. jordbær (means ‘strawberry’). i think it literally means ‘earth berry’? pronounced like yord-bahr 
1. vaskebjørn (means ‘raccoon’). this one is my absolute favorite not only bc its fun to say, but ALSO because it literally means ‘washing bear’ and thats the cutest shit ever!!! pronounced like vahs-ke-byurn 
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reifromrfa · 4 years
Our Gift, to You: Saeran x MC
I wrote this last year and with all the holiday festivities...forgot to post it ^^; It’s a gift for a friend (whose tumblr handle I can’t remember because we spoke on Discord ToT). But I hope you enjoy! Haha makes me miss writing for Saeran <3
Merry Christmas, guys!
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Our Gift, to You
This feels…weird. Unfamiliar. New. Not necessarily bad, just…
He’s never had a real Christmas before.
Saeran shifts his weight to his other leg uncomfortably, surveying the scene before him. People bustled about the square, setting up chairs, decorating the large Christmas tree, touching up the design of the stage. A group of children stands to the side, vocalizing —a chorale. And in front of them was his beloved, talking to the conductor.
Immediately a sense of calm washes over him, the relief of having her in his sight allowing him to relax, to ease the tension in his shoulders. MC laughs and unconsciously his body leans forward, yearning to hear her voice. But his attention is diverted when his older brother strides toward him, a huge goofy smile on his face. Despite being identical twins, everyone in the RFA always comments on how different they are. And it's true --Saeran can't imagine being as goofy as his brother. But after everything that happened, he's happy to see his older brother happy.
"Brother of mine! Where were thou? I hath been looking for thee!"
"Why are you talking like that?"
"Ah, I just felt like it hehe."
"Saeran ah," Saeyoung clasps his shoulder and steers him toward the stage. "We have to go somewhere."
"Wha--stop that. Where are you taking me?"
Saeyoung grins, his glasses glinting in the afternoon sun. Saeran scowls at him.
"Just trust me, brother."
"...but I don't trust you."
Saeyoung gasps loudly, a hand going to his heart as he dramatically turns to Saeran. "B-but! Little brother! Why!!! Why do you hurt me like this?! Could it be because you're a sadist too??"
"Shut up." Saeran mutters in a low voice, his ears burning with his brother's remark. "I am not."
Saeyoung laughs. "Of course you're not, Saeran. Hehe."
Saeyoung stops in front of a heavily tinted car and Saeran turns to him, confused.
"No time to explain!" Saeyoung cuts in, hastily pushing Saeran into the car. Saeran tries to fight off his brother but the older twin is far stronger than Saeran physically, thanks to his training from his hacker days. Saeran is shoved into the car, the door slamming shut behind him. He mutters a curse under his breath but as he straightens and reaches for the door, the other door opens and he hears a high-pitched gasp. When he turns, he instinctively opens his arms as MC's body crashes against his.
"Have fun, you two! Merry Christmas!" Comes Yoosung's voice from outside. There's some aggressive yelling in the background, the actor's voice being carried by the wind. But as soon as Jumin closes the door behind MC, the locks click into place and the car starts to move.
"Wha...Saeran..?" MC asks breathlessly, looking up at him. The white-haired twin realizes how close she is, her hazel eyes staring into his mint ones. He feels his face warming but he gives her a concerned look, pushing the hair that had fallen across her face.
"Are you okay, my love?"
MC's face turns that shade of red that he loves so much as she adjusts into a sitting position beside him, fixing the hem of her skirt.
"Yes...I'm fine." She looks at the closed partition and back at Saeran. "Any idea what they're planning?"
Saeran shakes his head, his irritation apparent by the scowl on his face. "My brother never tells me any of his plans."
MC giggles. "Well, if Saeyoung's behind it, it can't be that bad."
"...you think too highly of my brother."
MC laughs and his heart calms, comforted by the joy she emanated. As long as she is by his side...Saeran knows everything will be alright. He reaches for her hand and gives it a gentle squeeze, making her inhale sharply before giving him one of her sweet smiles.
The way she says his name makes his lips dry, his eyes flicking to her lips. Immediately he feels the air around them shift, his longingness for her overwhelming him. MC has been busy with the preparations for the party that their times together had been brief, fleeting. Now that he's alone with her --even if they were basically kidnapped and being taken to God knows where --he can't help but want the woman sitting beside him.
Saeran leans forward...and then the TV attached to the panel in front of them sizzles to life, and a voice fills the compartment.
The two jump apart, the sudden outburst making MC squeak and Saeran hit his head on the roof. Thank God it was padded.
He glares at the screen, the face of his brother staring back at them.
"Hehehe did I surprise you two? Were you about to have a special Christmas kiss~?"
Right now Saeran wanted to kiss his twin --Saeyoung's lips, Saeran's fist. He rubs his head and wonders what in the world his brother is doing. He loves his twin, but sometimes, the way he does things makes Saeran feel as though he's on a never-ending roller-coaster ride.
"Anyway! You two must be wondering what this is all about! UNFORTUNATELY!!! You'll have to wait! The car will take you to where you have to be so just sit back, relax, and~"
The Saeyoung on the screen makes a show of clearing his throat.
"Enjoy as RFA's best singer serenades you with Christmas songs!!!"
Saeran expects the screen to shift to Zen but he can't help but crack a smile when his brother starts singing Jingle Bells. MC laughs and Saeran sits back, listening to two of the most dearest people to him. His brother's singing, his beloved's laughter...voices that warm his heart despite the cold weather.
He feels her fingers intertwining with his own and Saeran closes his hand on hers, enjoying her warmth and presence. The rest of the car ride is silent, both of them listening to Saeyoung's singing. MC leans against him, the break very much welcome after a long day of making sure the party would run smoothly. Deep down, she still worries about the party, but if her friends planned this, then she knows they already have everything ready.
Finally, the car slows to a stop.
Good because Saeyoung has been singing like a deer for a while now.
"Oh!! It has been approximately 2527 seconds and you should have arrived at your destination! Please follow the snowflakes from here on and enjoy!!!"
The screen shuts off. The door is opened for them and Saeran steps out, offering a hand to MC and assisting her out of the car as well. Jumin's driver bows to them before heading back inside the car. Saeran and MC look at the tall building in front of them: one of C&R's international hotels.
The snow falls gently around them and Saeran wonders just exactly what his brother meant.
Follow the snowflakes..?
Saeran and MC climb the steps and enter the hotel and immediately MC bursts into laughter.
On the lobby floor is a sticker of a snowflake but with Yoosung's face in the middle. A few feet away, another sticker is there, this time with Saeyoung's face. Saeran has to hand it to his brother; the older twin definitely has some creative ideas under all the joking around and Honey Buddha Chips.
Saeran takes MC's hand and she leads him around the hotel, following the snowflakes stuck to the floors or walls. She giggles at the funny expressions on each of their friends' faces, even at the cute face of Elizabeth the 3rd. Saeran can't help but be drawn to her, this beautiful smiling angel.
Soon though, they stand in front of double doors, the handwritten sign on the wall saying 'Saeran and MC's White Christmas'. MC looks at him, her happiness and excitement making her glow; Saeran can't look away from her brightness.
"Shall we?"
Together, they reach for a door and push it open.
They are greeted by a flurry of snow and the soft dulcet tones of a piano. There is a table for two in the middle of the room, flowers adorning the table and intertwined onto the chairs.
Saeran blinks and his eyes go to the walls, which have photos projected onto them.
Photos of the RFA...of MC. Of him.
He hears his love gasping, hands going to her mouth as she takes in the sight before them. Slowly, they make their way to the table, each studying the photos. Saeran didn't even realize he had so much images of himself. But apparently, the photographer, Jihyun, has been taking candid shots. There were some cellphone photos as well...and blurry shots. But most of the images showed the RFA together, of happy moments they spent together.
A group photo during the summer. Photos of them eating ice cream. Of the actor sneezing due to his allergies. Of Yoosung Kim, beaming at the camera from the stage as he received his diploma. A photo of Jumin Han with his cat, sitting on a plane. Jaehee Kang tucking her hair behind her ear as she smiled at the camera with MC beside her. Even Jihyun had photos of himself.
But the best ones...the best ones were of his love. His loves, to be exact. The one who owns his heart...and the one who shares his soul.
Saeran's eyes scan the photos of himself with his brother; they weren't special. In fact, most of them were of the twins, arguing or laughing. Sleeping. Looking at knick knacks or the sunset. A smile graces Saeran's face.
That idiot.
He feels her warm hand going around his arm and he turns to look at her. The woman who taught him how to love, how to smile...how to forgive.
This time, he steps closer to her and captures her lips in his own, his love for her making his heart swell, his joy at simply knowing this woman overwhelming him already. To be given an opportunity to love her...well, that was greater than any gift he could ever ask for.
Her lips are soft and move against his, her arms going around his neck as she pulls Saeran closer, wanting more of the one she loves. Fake snow falls around them, instrumental Christmas songs serving as their background music. But they could be standing in an empty room, in silence, and everything would still be perfect. As long as she is with him...everything is always going to be okay.
They both pull away, pressing their foreheads together as they stare into each other's eyes.
"I love you, Saeran."
"I love you, MC...so much."
Again, she beams. Her smile lighting up her face...and his world.
"Should we check what's on the table?" MC asks.
Saeran laughs. "Sure, my love."
They close the gap between them and the table and find a fancy set-up of cutlery. There are covered plates and MC reaches out for a lid, lifting it gently. A savory aroma wafts through the air and Saeran freezes as he hears his stomach grumbling.
MC's laugh echoes around the room and Saeran turns red, averting his gaze to the table. That's when he sees an envelope addressed to the both of them. Taking the letter inside, he unfolds it and reads the message out loud.
"Dear Saeran and MC,
Merry Christmas! You two have worked so hard on the party that you both deserve a break! And to be honest, we wanted to give you two a special gift, one that can't be bought or traded! So, here are our gifts:
The gift of food! Because you both need to eat better! Hahaha! And Christmas can't be Christmas without food!
We give you two the gift of time. Because time with our loved ones is always important, and should never be taken for granted. You two deserve your time together, and we hope you enjoy this special Christmas moment between yourselves.
We give you the gift of friendship. Lmao, everyone could use a friend, and guess what? You two have seven! We hope the photos remind you that you are never alone, that no matter what, both of you have friends who will always be there for you, with you.
And finally, we give you both the gift of love. Romantic love, friendly love, family love. We love you both dearly. To us, especially to me, Saeyoung...you two are the brightest stars in the galaxy.
Merry Christmas, Saeran and MC!
P.S. Do not worry about the party, it is all taken care of. Please enjoy your moment together."
"Those goofballs..." MC says, sniffing as she wipes the corner of her eye. Saeran can't help but swallow as well.
After being alone for so long...after harboring so much hate and doing so much bad...how did he get so lucky? Maybe...maybe later, he can pray with his brother and be thankful for his blessings.
For now, he takes the advice of his friends...his family.
He pulls out the chair for MC and helps her to her seat. With a graceful flourish, he takes off the lid of each dish, watching MC's expression as each dish is revealed. Finally, he takes his seat across her and gives her a tender smile...a loving look.
"Yes, Saeran?"
"Are you happy, my love?"
"Of course...of course, I am. This is more than I could ever ask for." She blushes. "You are more than I could ever ask for."
"I feel the same way, my love. You have been a beacon of hope...the light in the darkness I was in. And now you bring me happiness, in ways I never even thought possible. You can just sit...as you are right now. Happy...healthy...perfect. I would be the happiest man alive just to be able to bask in your presence."
"Love...Saeran. I love you. I love you so much."
"I love you too, MC." Saeran gives her a smile, a smile that's reserved for the one he loves.
"Merry Christmas."
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼
Check out my other Mysme writings here!
Mango Shake/Ko-fi is always very much appreciated (ᵔᴥᵔ)
I’d be honored to write your story <3
Become a Patron for previews of my original work, Into the Shadows! :)
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                   Thank you guys for 1000 followers! 
I remember the day when I got 100 followers like it was yesterday and I’m very happy so many of you have decided to follow me and keep up with my bullshit, my obsessions,  and no coherent tag system (up until recently, yay me)   
I wish I had time to do a proper celebration, but I don’t so I’m just gonna mention some of my favorite blogs below! 
xx.  Antonia 
@lightcomingthroughthedarkness: the beliza lover of the century, the loveliest, the most awesome mimi. I love you, girl and every time I see your name on my dash I smile <3 
@junebugninja: the strength you have inspire me and I love our chats about everything deep and trivial. I know I can count on you and you can count on me. Internet friendships are wonderful and now thanks to you! 
@bellamynochillblake: because your posts always make me smile and more often than not laugh out loud or cry. 100/10 would follow forever doesn’t matter if you disappear after s7 or migrate to another fandom. 
@sly2o: the best fucking crack posts in this fandom, hands down. An icon and a comedic genius. 
@nvermindiseeyou: the queen of all zen bellarke shippers. I just love everything that comes out of your mouth/blog. You’re just a really great person Alycia and I’m just really happy I followed you <3 
@thegriffin-blakefamily: my dearest, the sam to my liam, my critical role person. I just feel a deep connection to you and I just love and appreciate the fucking hell out of you! 
@tabatharich: I love you, you bisexual icon and overall fashion icon and awesome person. <3 
@raven-reyes-of-sunshine: I just know, that if I’d fly to Australia tomorrow and knock on your door you’d welcome me with open hands, we’d drink liters of coffee and chat and sleep and hang out. I can talk to you as if we’d known each other for ages. Love you, Lyse <3 
@dracoterrae9099: Awesome, positive, highly under appreciated writer and generally great person and everyone who isn’t following Shelby is actively missing out. 
@keiraknighted: in my opinion one of the best smut writers this fandom has, hands down. Your characterization is just impeccable and you haven’t written a fic I didn’t read! 
@asroarke: my other favorite writer! The drama levels in your fics are stressful as fuck but it what makes them so enjoyable. I revisit your works so often it’s almost embarrassing. 
@nightbleeder: best icon maker ;-), overall amazing human being, your make up skills make me want to experiment and at the same time watch more youtube tutorials because i’m not worthy. You reblog the most iconic posts that make me laugh in my darkest days. 
And last but not least some honorable mentions: @ghostmontygreen @kimabutch @wankadi @johnmurphysass @bettsfic @thelittlefanpire @camhumphrey @carrieeve @baellamy @moprocrastinates @deanorutyrondy @anilengka @amazalina @moonaskingtostay @youleftme-clarke @angryspacebisexual 
<3 <3 <3  
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achillmango · 4 years
Flowers that Hide the Heart
Hey there! So i’ve never posted my writing on Tumblr before so here goes. I’ve doubted myself a low writing this because it’s the first thing i’ve written in a long time. Creative/constructive feedback would be much appreciated. 
This was inspired by a comic Myetie did where Jumin sees MC and V in front of fireworks and he hides a bouquet of flowers when he sees them laughing together. I’ve looked, but haven't been able to find it, otherwise i would post the link here. 
Genre: Fluff 
Pairing: JuminxMC
Word count: 2369
Jumin saw V and MC from afar. A small smile played on his lips as he approached them. MC and V were laughing heartily together. Jumin stopped. They looked good together. He looked at the flowers in his hands. He was going to dispose of them before MC spotted him.He swiftly maneuvered the flowers behind his back. If he were lucky, she didn’t see them.
A smile spread wide across MC’s face when she saw him.
“Jumin!” She waved and started walking toward him.
He resumed walking as she trotted forward, urging his feet to move forward. 
“I was afraid you would miss the fireworks, they just started.”
“Traffic was horrendous on the way here, but I’d do everything in my power to be here tonight after all you’ve gone through planning this. Everything looks amazing. You did a fantastic job with this fundraiser, MC.”
“Oh.” MC almost blushed and looked sheepish. “Jaehee and Yoosung took on a lot of work in the end, which helped so much.”
“Still, you’ve gone through a lot these past few days and still managed to take care the party in the midst of everything.”
MC had been planning the Christmas fundraiser for months. She fell sick over the last three weeks. Work didn’t help the situation as deadlines got tighter when the holiday season neared. Jaehee and Yoosung opted to take on some work organizing last minute details, which MC was grateful for.
“Thank you, Jumin. It’s rewarding to hear you say that.” She smiled up at him sincerely. “Make sure you say thank you to Yoosung and Jaehee too, they’ve kept me sane these past few weeks.”  
He nodded. “I will.”
“Jumin, are you hiding something?” She tilted her head to the side trying to see what was behind his back.
“Oh um, it’s a bouquet, from the company congratulating the organizers on a job well done.” He took the flowers out from behind him, realizing there wasn’t much he could do now that MC had seen it.
“Oh!” Jumin held out a dozen red roses in front of MC. “Thank you! They’re beautiful.” Roses seemed excessive for a congratulatory bouquet, but MC decided not to question it. It’s not like he’d give her flowers with any other intent, as much as she might want him to.
She looked him in the eyes. “Thank you again, really.” He smiled and nodded.
“C’mon let’s go watch the fireworks.” He nodded and followed her.
V waved with a smiled as they approached.
“Ooh, what pretty flowers.” V cooed.
“Aren’t they? Jumin gave them as a congratulations to the organizers.” MC said.
“Really?” V looked with slightly raised eyebrows. “There are 3 organizers and only 1 bouquet.” V pointed out in an almost teasing tone.
“It’s appropriate to gift the leader when thanking a team.” Jumin hoped that half-baked explanation would ward off further questions from V.
“MC come stand by me.” Jaehee waved to MC. She walked away from Jumin and V toward Zen and Jaehee.
“Ooh somebody got a gift.” Zen cooed as he saw the flowers.
“They’re beautiful.” Jaehee said in amazement.
“They’re a gift from Jumin to all the organizers.” MC smiled.
“3 organizers and 1 bouquet? He’s pretty cheap for a rich guy.” Zen snorted
“Oh c’mon don’t be like that Zen, its’ Christmas.” MC said.
“Guys look!” Seven shouted as golden sparks lit up the sky in the shape of reindeer.  “Wooooow!!” Yoosung gazed in child-like awe at the sky.
MC was holding the flowers close to her when something sharp poked her stomach. Funny, she thought the roses shouldn’t have any thorns. She looked down and saw what looked like a small card. She opened it.
To my dearest MC, you’ve made my world brighter with your warm kindness and radiant smile. I hope you’ll accept these flowers and my heart.
MC’s heart dropped to her stomach and heat rush to her cheeks in the frigid winter air. She looked to Jumin. A small smile was on his lips and his eyes reflected the lights dancing across the sky.  
“Jumin.” MC’s voice was inaudible and her breath left smoke in the air.
MC had a flurry of questions that drowned out the booms of the fireworks.  
Was this real?
How could she not have seen it?
Why did he lie about the flowers?
Did he really mean what the card said?
Maybe she was overthinking. Maybe she misunderstood.
The Jumin mere feet away from her was so calm and collected. He emitted a regal air that was untouchable. But in the chatroom, he was just another person. In the chatroom it felt like they lived in the same world, only separated by a phone screen.  
She knew that wasn’t true. In reality he was the next in line CEO. The future of the company rested on his shoulders. He proved every day that he was a valuable asset by negotiating tough deals and picking up slack when his father’s attention was diverted.
Everyone in the RFA thought that Jumin had everything he could ever want because of his wealth. MC felt sympathy for him. He must have made so many sacrifices to come this far in his career at his age. In the chatroom she felt comfortable talking to him as if he was right there with her, but in the real world it was like they lived on different planets. Could he really like her?
MC was pulled back to reality after she heard thunderous applause. The fireworks had ended. MC had to talk to Jumin. She needed to know that what the note said was real.
Zen’s voice shattered MC’s racetrack of thoughts. “MC, weren’t the fireworks lovely?” Zen asked. Right now, she needed to be the host everyone wanted.
“They were, Jaehee you did such a good job putting it together.”
“Oh, it was nothing.” She was being modest. Like always.
Zen started to say something else, but MC tuned him out.
“If you both will excuse me, there’s something I need to do.” Zen started to protest, but MC’s eyes were locked on Jumin.
MC turned to make her way to Jumin. He was surrounded by businessmen and their wives. He smiled and laughed while shaking hands. He has no idea the pain he was causing her. People had been asking for him since the start of the event, but he was nowhere to be found till now.
MC wanted to run and scream on the inside, she wanted to cry her eyes out. It took every ounce of control she could muster to keep from screaming his name out in the middle of the party. “MC!” She heard Seven’s voice above the crowd. He was waving her over. Talking to Jumin would have to wait. Right now, she had to be the host everyone needed her to be. She took a breath and speed-walked to Seven as fast as her heels would let her.
“There’s someone I want you to meet.” MC smiled and bowed in greeting. She had to put her feelings aside for now, like Jumin had to do so many times in his own life. But as sure as Seven liked Honey Butter Chips, MC wasn’t going to let tonight pass without talking to Jumin.
The last guest didn’t leave the party hall until hours later. MC felt like she was going to fall over. The past couple days hadn’t been the easiest as one detail after another seemed to come undone and she had to put out fires as they came. She had considered once or twice throwing a shoe guests who didn’t leave. Of course, that wouldn’t leave a good impression of the RFA.  
“MC you did such a great job.” V said as the last guest left.
“Jaehee and Yoosung did so much to help, really I couldn’t have done this without them.”
“Oh, we only did what we could.” Yoosung said.
“Yes, you’re really the one who did much of the work, MC.” Jaehee said.
MC laughed. “You 2 really helped me out, I don’t know what I would have done without you guys.” She said as she wrapped her arms around both of them. “Thank you both, so much.”
“You all did a great job.” V said and put her hand on MC’s shoulder. “A round of applause for our talented organizers.” The room filled with applause and laughter. “Seeing that it’s pretty late, I think we should all go home since we’ve cleaned up.”
“Merry Christmas, everyone.” V waved on his way out.
“Merry Christmas!” They all chimed back.
“MC, do you need a ride?” Seven asked. “Yoosung and Jaehee are coming with me, but there’s still room.”
“No I’m alright, thanks Seven.” MC smiled.
“In that case, see you in the new year!” Seven called as he walked out with Jaehee and Yoosung.  
MC waved. “Happy New Year.”
MC took a deep breath.
“Jumin, can we talk for a second?
“Sure, but let’s talk quickly. Elizabeth the 3rd is waiting. Is something wrong?”
“In that case, I’ll cut to the chase.” MC steeled herself and straightened her back to stand taller. “I read the card attached to the flowers.”
Jumin’s face fell into a mix of embarrassment and realization. “I forgot about the card.”
“I’ll be frank, Jumin-“ MC staggered. Jumin caught her by her shoulders and steadied her.
“MC, are you alright?”
“I-I think I need to sit down.” She said.
Jumin led her to a cloth bench. “I’ll get you some water.” MC’s head was throbbing as she sat alone at the table. She hadn’t fully recovered from being sick and the lack of sleep was finally getting to her.
“Here. Drink up.”
“Thank you.” MC drank and the throbbing calmed slightly.
“MC, you should go home. We can talk later. You’re not well.”
“No.” Mc said resolutely. “I’ve waited all night to talk to you and that’s what we’re going to do.”
Jumin had a look of slight surprise in his eyes. “Okay. Did you want to discuss the card?”
“Yes.” MC put the bottle of water on the floor next to her and turned herself to face him. “What did the card mean, Jumin?”
“It meant what it said.”
“No.” She her tone was sharp. “If you like me romantically, I need to hear it from your mouth. I don’t want my feelings toyed with.” With all the thoughts that swirled in her head over the past few hours, she needed to hear him say it.  
He looked surprised. “I like you.” Her heart dropped and swelled at the same time. Those words brought to the surface feelings she tried hard to bury. It terrified her that this was real.
She was quiet for a moment too long. “MC?” Jumin’s tone was laced with concern. Was she going to faint?
“I pushed my feelings aside because I never thought you would like me.”
“Why would you think that?” He was dumbfounded. Did she just say she liked him?
“Because I thought you wouldn’t notice or care. You’re surrounded by beautiful women and constantly reject them. You’re surrounded by luxury every day. I don’t have anything to do with that, so why would you want me?” MC looked stared at the floor as she talked. She couldn’t bear to look at him.
Jumin angled her chin at him and took her hands in his. “Why wouldn’t I want you? You’re kind, hardworking, responsible, and committed. Even after everything you’ve been through lately, the party and the reputation of the RFA was your priority. I admire you work ethic.” He paused, looking down at their hands in his lap. “I pushed my feelings away at first. Over time I found myself looking at my phone hoping your name would appear in the chatroom, or that every time my phone rang your face would show on the caller ID and I decided I couldn’t ignore my feelings. I didn’t want to.”
It was MC’s turn to ask. “Why?”
“Thinking about you made me happy. You laughing at my jokes made me smile. You understood me even no one else did, even when I didn’t understand myself. When we talked, we saw things on the same level, even if others thought differently. Talking with you made my world brighter.” He was smiling at her. She wanted to capture that smile forever. She helped someone she liked feel better, someone she thought could never like her. She felt tears well up in her eyes and the corners of her lips turned upwards. Jumin looked surprised again.
“MC why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?”
“No,” She gave a small laugh and reached to wipe away the tears pooling at her eyes. “Hearing you say that makes me happy. Thinking about you makes me happy too. I started to looked for your name in the chatroom too. I missed you while you were away. Hearing your voice after a long day made me feel better. And for the first time I could share my views with someone.” MC felt hot tears roll down her cheeks. “Ah, I’m sorry, I can’t stop crying.”
Jumin’s right hand reached up to wipe the tears on her cheeks. “There’s nothing to be sorry about.”
After a few minutes the tears stopped. “There, there’s the beautiful MC I know.”
“You think I’m beautiful?” She asked with surprised, wide eyes.
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, inside and out.” MC looked down as the space between them as she She laughed again.
“MC do you like me? Now I want to hear you say it.”
MC looked him square in the eyes. “Jumin Han, I like you. I like you more than I know how to handle and it scares me, but I won’t push my feelings aside anymore. I sincerely like you, Jumin Han.”
He put his forehead on hers. “You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that.” MC laughed and more tears came. She threw her arms around his neck and held him close. He held her tight in response and buried his head on her shoulder.
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jae-ffrey · 5 years
hello, dearest followers of @sunshine-jaehyun
I, Zen, a.k.a @jae-ffrey , is here to announce, that at the following wayv and nct comebacks, @sunshine-jaehyun will, as she phrased it, die.
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Do not worry about that, she will be revived within 3 seconds, and you will have a few meltdown posts coming your way in a matter of 2 minutes.
Take care, keep loving my boo @sunshine-jaehyun , and continue to stan NCT and WAYV 💗💕
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