#‘they’re problematic !! what ??????’
biantianyang · 9 months
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This beefleaf tweet has been stuck in my head for like a year
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macbethz · 1 month
Why is i have no mouth but I must scream trending on tiktok to the point where ppl are encouraging others to watch YouTube videos explaining it instead of reading the story bc it’s “too upsetting.” Maybe if you find the horror story too scary you don’t have to engage with and fandomify it idk.
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nicollekidman · 1 year
i don’t know why succession discourse ends up falling along hard lines when the whole thing is that we know they’re irredeemable monstrous individuals but it’s good television because we have favorites and root for them anyways. those things are not mutually exclusive it’s human impulse to Understand and Feel for characters who are written well and with empathy, even as we intellectually fully understand they’re standins for real people who have fucked the earth. anyways kendall’s going to win and thus lose god bless waystar royco’s america 🫡🫡
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pollenallergie · 25 days
eloise, sweetie, i love you. you’re my babygirl. but keep your fucking mouth shut istg.
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firstkanaphans · 10 months
Now that Wedding Plan is over, I can officially say we are living in a world where GMMTV is hornier than MAME. Who would have thought?
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badwolf-gallagher88 · 16 days
Yes, having a crush on a fictional character is bad. But have you ever had a crush on a fictionalised version of a vaguely problematic historical figure??
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 4 months
If you’re so disillusioned with who Taylor is as a person and believes she’s changed for the worse, why are you still here as a fan? If you believe her “activism” isn’t up to your standards, are tired of her not using her platform, see her as an uncaring and callous billionaire, why are you still here and engaging in fan spaces if you’re no longer enjoying her and her work? Just disengaging completely if that’s the case; find something or someone else to pour your time and energy into.
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ickypuppi3 · 1 year
oop there it is
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j-esbian · 2 months
(one of) the most frustrating parts about the portrayal of drow society is that it wants to create Reverse Sexism without uncoupling itself from some. pretty foundational patriarchal ideas. it ascribes to the (tired, essentialist) notion that men are inherently good at certain things, and women are inherently suited for different things
but rather than the basic subversion of “women are warriors and men are the homemakers” or even early feminist thought experiments like “traditionally ‘women’s priorities’ are given importance over ‘men’s’ (ie things are governed by council, importance is placed on childrearing, etc)”, menzoberranzan is “this society still holds to patriarchal values and women are not as good at these things which is why it’s demonstrably worse”.
the biggest tell is that they have to control the male population to maintain female dominance, the implication being that in a fair fight, men would easily overpower them. it assumes the misogynist ideas as fact that “women are inherently weaker” and also “women are duplicitous” so the drow fighting style is based on stealth and sabotage rather than “”honorable”” face- to-face combat (letting lie also the assumption that the only avenue for ambition is through military violence, and therefore still making it so that they are reliant on men, even as disposable shock troops, for their success).
the only things that keep women in charge are by stacking the numbers on a systematic level, and through sexual domination on the individual level (because clearly the only real power a woman can have over men is her sexuality).
it is a society where “men act like men” but women don’t act like women; it is evil because an act of god created an aberration against the “natural order” of things, and there is no one to tend the hearth (because if the women won’t do it, no one will)
#there’s just. so much to unpack#call me old fashioned but i think. if you’re trying to subvert something you should first understand how it actually works#now this is also mostly based off of what i read from the first couple drizzt novels and old lore on the wiki so like#it’s possible that they’ve tried to do a spit-polish retcon in 5e#but every time they’ve tried to do that with other things i feel like they also misunderstood the real issue so#either way i don’t have a lot of faith that this would have fundamentally changed#it’s probably just something like ‘yep we acknowledge it’s problematic but that’s bc lolth is eeeeevil so it’s supposed to be bad’#like i’m gonna be honest. i roll my eyes whenever Any fantasy society spends time codifying gender roles in this kind of way#there’s plenty of other races that are like ‘men are warriors and women are homemakers but both are equally important so it’s not sexist!!!#like they’re not just reinventing the wheel of victorian Separate Spheres#but what gets me about this one is how clear it feels that no one thought deeply about it#‘a matriarchy is when women act like men’#i have no source for this but it FEELS like it originated as a reactionary response to second wave feminism#‘women can do the same things men can do?? we should let them in positions of power??#this is what that looks like. checkmate feminists’#honestly i have learned a lot more about the way men think about women from fantasy bc#it rly shows their asses when you’re ostensibly removed from the world we live in#and the things they place importance on#mine#dnd
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Me whenever a piece of media goes from being so universally beloved that people flat out refuse to engage with it critically to being universally reviled to such a degree that it’s everything wrong with society today and anyone who enjoys it is a neoliberal deepstate sheeple
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theloveinc · 2 months
can’t say I’ve never sent anon hate before bc I know for a fact 15 year old me told pro life bloggers to die at least a couple times lmfao
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smol-blue-bird · 1 year
Greek mythology retellings that I like:
We updated this myth for a modern setting while keeping most of the story and major elements of the mythology intact
We made a story loosely based on or inspired by an old Greek myth, and we’re upfront about that
Greek mythology retellings that I don’t mind:
This is an adaptation for laypeople who have little familiarity with the subject matter, so we simplified some things out of necessity
This is an adaptation for children, so we kept it age-appropriate and handled the sexual/gory material in a non-explicit way
This is a ten-minute YouTube video that can’t possibly explain every tiny detail about this extremely complex topic, so we’re gonna stick to the basics
Greek mythology retellings that I loathe with every fiber of my being:
This is the Secret True Version of the original myth that historians have been hiding out of malice, and if anyone tells you otherwise they’re a liar who’s shilling for Big Archeology
The original myth was Wrong and Problematic and you’re Bad if you enjoyed learning about it, but don’t worry, I rewrote it to make it Good
I hate history, I hate reading, I hate the classics, and I especially hate ancient Greece. I did zero research whatsoever for this project and I have no respect for the source material or the field in general, and I’m very proud of that
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lunar-years · 1 year
Okay you guys are going to kill me for bringing this up again, but now that it’s become increasingly obvious we will never be seeing his face onscreen again, I’m back to being pissed about Zava…
Like, I spent weeks having to listen to that man go on and fucking ON only for him to leave in the most anticlimactic and honestly stupidly inconsequential way and it was all for WHAT?
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cry-ptidd · 1 year
this is gonna sound kinda mean but like. laura is supposed to be a good guy and yet every drawing she’s in is her killing. like that’s just edge for the sake of it. no deep characterization whatsoever, also she’s kinda problematic when you think about it. idk it just rubs me the wrong way.
i don’t think i can stress enough how bad of a person laura is
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tea-cat-arts · 2 years
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Disclaimer- I haven’t read Tokyo Mew Mew since I was like 9 or 10
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graciebrina · 5 months
i’m waiting for the day when readers get rid of their superiority complexes and stop judging other people for what they read. like why are you so obsessed and bothered by what another person is reading??
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