#’also remember to hit the bricks the second things aren’t about you!
tsukihigui · 10 months
i feel like we need to address the notion that like. just bc you relate to an influencer doesn’t mean their insight is correct
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em1e · 1 year
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⠀ 五条 + 夏 // RECUERDOS ⠀ ༝ ༝ gojo satoru + geto suguru ⠀ ༝ ༝ 3.2k words ⠀ ⚠︎ angsty kinda my b. this is a cyoe type story ! ⠀ — [ part 2 ] you were supposed to be dead, but by some miracle gojo's found you. geto, too.
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i. dead
He thought he was going crazy, at first. 
Who wouldn’t? You were supposed to be dead. Go on and call him psycho for seeing you in everything, everywhere. 
The first thing he catches is your scent (it’s like picking up on something so vaguely familiar from childhood - an old memory that makes him double take and look around for what could possibly bring back the reminder of happier times). Gojo follows the smell absentmindedly through the busy streets, haphazardly bumping into other people and muttering half-hearted apologies without pause. He stops when he sees (h/c) hair enter a local grocery store.
It wasn’t possible, right? You were supposed to be dead. He follows behind without much thought, the soft chime of the doorbell making the clerk look up and greet him with a smile. He doesn’t acknowledge them, eyes set on your figure as you head towards the back of the shop - already knowing where whatever you have in mind to purchase is. Gojo keeps his distance, watching from three aisles over as you pick between two different apples, weighing and squeezing and examining until you decide the one in your right hand is much better than the one on your left. You bag the right one and put the left back in its place. From here, he can see your face clearly and he thinks numbly if there is a God out there, surely they are taunting me.
It’s you. You in every way he remembers you. The same soft gaze over everything your eyes meet, the same gentle but deliberate touch, everything done with confident intent. There’s small hints to prove you’ve grown older, that you have changed - more adult, more mature, but deep down he feels it. It’s you. 
He finds himself following a few steps after you as you leave the store. He can feel his own heartbeat in his ears, mind traveling a million miles a second as he tries to come up with some sort of explanation as to what was happening in front of his eyes. You stop at a pop-up flower shop, laughing animatedly with the owner before deciding on a bouquet of your favorite and carrying them away in one hand, the other clutching the rest of your belongings and recently purchased groceries. And he watches as you enter a nearby apartment, watches through the window as you greet the doorman with a smile and offer him one of your flowers, and watches you disappear behind the elevator doors. 
He leaves with a bitter taste in his mouth. 
ii. reunited
You were supposed to be dead. 
He’s brought back to that reminder looking at old pictures of when you went to Jujutsu High with him and Geto. Your smile so wide in each picture, your eyes crinkle in the corners with your arms thrown on either boy's shoulders - the bitter taste returns to his mouth. 
He knows now, you aren’t dead. Some part of his mind rejects the thought, some part of him rejoices in the fact. Gojo’s done some research on his own (also read: stalking) to find you seem to have a normal life. What happened after that fight?
Memories flood back from that dreadful night ; buildings were crumbled around them, and all Gojo could manage to think about after the demolition was where you were. He watched you take a bad hit, watched you fall off one of the many now broken down buildings, and you had yet to reappear among the other faces. Geto, as if sensing his friend's stress, starts to scream out. 
Geto’s scream is met with silence, and for once in his life, Gojo can’t find it in himself to move forward. To join his friend in his search for something. A corpse, part of your shirt, anything that could show proof of your remains, to prove that you were even there in the first place. 
Geto finds nothing in your wake, falling to his knees into the rubble and digging until his knuckles are all scraped from the cement and brick and glass and digging still when his fingertips are raw and bleeding, hoping to find anything. 
But he doesn’t. Gojo remembers numbly how they buried an empty casket. Pronounced dead with no body to match the call. He’s brought back to wondering why. Why you never told them otherwise, why you never came back to the school, why you never fixed this wrong. Does Geto know you’re alive? Your death absolutely crushed him, molded itself around his heart and formed a tough shell that Gojo finds hard to crack. 
He figures out your routine is just that - a routine. Very plain in every sense of the word, but easy to follow, easy to plan around. 
So it’s no surprise to him when you leave that same grocery store, items balanced meticulously in hand while saying something to the clerk who knows you by name. Without a second thought, Gojo pushes himself away from the wall he had been watching you from, head held high as he walked forward with mock intent to enter the same shop and oops - 
He’s knocked everything out of your hands! 
And consequently, has knocked you down as well. You’re quick to apologize, despite being the one to take the brunt of impact, and go to gather your items as quickly as you can. Gojo crouches to assist you, waving off your apology hastily. 
“No, no, no need to apologize. I wasn’t paying attention.” He ends with a hum, picking up a now bruised apple that rolled out of your bag and offering it to you. 
Here, he can see your face up close, and he takes in every little detail from behind his sunglasses. You finally look up at him as you take the apple from his hand, giving a small smile that makes something in his chest twist. 
“Thanks.” You shove the fruit back into your bag and Gojo offers his hand as he stands up, which you take gratefully. He grips your hand for a second longer than necessary, before letting his own drop back to his side, chin up and head tilting slightly as if he’s really thinking about something. 
“Say, do I know you? Ya look familiar.” 
Your own head tilts in mock of his, eyes scanning his face and figure before your lower lip juts out and you shake your head, “No, I don’t think so. What’s your name?” 
His eyes narrow from behind his dark lenses, though he offers you his hand, “Gojo Satoru.” You shake it with an apologetic smile. 
“Yeah, no, I don’t recognize that. (l/n) (y/n).”
He drops your hand for a second time with a hum, “You must have one of those faces.” 
You shrug, smile ever-growing at him and he wonders if the sun could ever be as blinding in comparison. “It was nice to meet you, Gojo. Sorry again for running into you!” With a final wave, you’re moving past him to go back to your apartment. He knows this because he knows you. He knows you have to go home and start dinner right before your favorite show comes on TV so you can watch it while you eat. Then you’ll clean your kitchen, brush your teeth, and read a chapter from your favorite novel right before bed. 
Somehow, he also knows watching from a distance won't be enough forever. Things still aren't exactly clicking to him. Did you really not remember him? Or were you just saying that? He leaves with the hope of finding out.
iii. living
Gojo doesn’t intend to lose you a second time. He settles this with himself laying awake one night, room dark and mind heavy. If you left for good reason, he’s sure he could accept it. Maybe, with more thought, he could bring you back. Such a selfish hole to spiral down. 
It doesn’t keep him away the next day, already shopping at your frequented store. You come in five minutes earlier than he expects, and to no surprise head straight for the fruits. A perfect apple already in hand, he pretends to look between the selection of remaining apples, head tilting back and forth as he examines ones he knows aren’t nearly as good as the current in his grasp, but putting on a show for no one in particular. 
You step beside him, already giving him that big smile he’d recognize miles away and pick up an apple to examine yourself. 
“Funny running into you again.” You pick up another and compare them with the squeeze test. 
He pretends he’s surprised that you’re suddenly beside him, turning to look at you as if he wasn’t studying you the minute you stepped in the building. 
“Oh, it’s you!” He says after a moment, offering a small smile in return, “Very funny running into you! You wouldn’t believe what I found.” 
He passes you the perfect apple without much thought, not catching your amazed daze at the fruit as he reaches for his wallet to pull out the picture of the three of you and offering that as well. “I couldn’t get such a pretty thing like you outta my head - knew I recognized you from somewhere.” 
You all but gawk at the photo, apple long forgotten as you take in every detail. 
“Is this me?” 
He watches your expression shift from behind sunglasses, unsure what to make of this statement. 
“It is.” He says finally, “Do you . . . you don’t remember?” A small shake of the head is his answer. “This is you,” his arm brushes against yours slightly to point out the obvious, “this is me, and this is Geto. We were all friends back in the day.” 
“You . . . knew me?” Your voice is so small, and Gojo forgets for a moment that the two of you aren’t the only ones in this store, in this reality. 
“I . .. did, yeah.” He looks around and finally takes in the other patrons in the establishment, the workers joking and having a good time and Gojo hates that he’s potentially ruined your week with one photo. “Say, why don’t we get outta here and I tell ya all about it - maybe you can tell me what you’ve been up to, too?” 
It’s like his voice breaks you out of a trance, doe-eyed expression moving from the photo to finally look at him. You offer a small nod, frozen in place for a second longer before giving one more look to the photo and then looking away again. “Sure, that sounds good. D’ya mind me finishing up here? We can go back to mine after and talk?” 
For the first time in forever, you sound hesitant. Unsure. You don’t know what to make of Gojo or of that photo and everything blurs together until you’re stepping foot in your apartment, bags placed on the counter as Gojo enters your home. A silence surrounds you, though it’s not truly unwelcome. For a moment, he can see your discomfort with him - he’s uncertain if it’s because he’s in your space, or if it’s from the new found information. Part of him thinks it’s a mixture of both. 
“Nice place.” He hums absentmindedly, sliding off his shoes with his hands in his pockets, taking in everything as an official guest and not some stranger staring in from the street. 
“Thanks,” you’re moving to keep yourself busy, putting away things and picking up others to make it seem tidier than it currently is, “wasn’t expecting guests, sorry for the mess.” 
Gojo honestly doesn’t feel like anything is out of place - it all feels so homey, so uniquely you that if you told him this is how everything was meant to be, he’d believe you without a seconds hesitation. 
“S’okay, just seems lived in.” He’s careful to not rush in too quickly, not wanting to make you any more anxious than you already are. “Nothing wrong with that.” 
You finally gesture towards the living room, grabbing waters from your fridge and passing him one as you sit on the couch. He takes this as an invitation to sit as well, keeping his distance while you tuck your legs under you with them crossed. He opens his mouth to start, but you beat him to speaking while openly staring at him. 
“What’s with the sunglasses? I don’t think I’ve seen you take them off . . . well, ever.” 
Gojo almost wants to laugh at the question when you ask. You used to know. Surely this wasn’t all an act, right? 
“Light sensitivity,” he says simply with a shrug. A silence falls over you again, and you relish in it while looking around your apartment. “What kind of questions do you have?” He asks finally, deciding someone has to break the silence and he seems to be the one with less anxieties. 
You suck in a breath, meeting his gaze and then looking away. 
“Who . . . How do I know you?” 
You know he’s already explained it to you, but it seems just partial. Clearly, there’s more. Other things, whatever they may be, are missing. 
“We went to high school together,” he leans into the couch, arm slinging over the back, “you, Geto, and I were really close friends.” 
“Were?” You parrot, practically begging for more than the small crumbs he’s provided you with. 
“Were,” he repeats simply, “you disappeared one day after-” flashes of you falling from the building come to mind, “after school one day. We never saw you again.” 
“Oh.” You say quietly. “Did anyone . . . look for me?”
“Yeah,” he feels his chest tighten, Geto falling to his knees and digging desperately, “never found anything. It’s almost shocking to see you here now, honestly.” 
When he finally looks back over to you, you’re staring holes into the floor. 
“I woke up in a hospital a couple years ago,” you say without being prompted, “I didn’t . . . Couldn’t remember who I was or what happened. The doctors told me there was an earthquake in the area and an older couple found me in the rubble of a destroyed building . . . I never . . .” 
“Never got your memory back?” Gojo finishes for you, taking in how much you struggled to talk about this. You shake your head. 
“Not fully. Eventually I remembered who I was, I guess, but not really anything else. There wasn’t any record of me anywhere so I was basically . . . I dunno, a nobody. Started from scratch.” 
He watches you intently, trying to decide if this is really all true. You have no reason to lie to him, right? This couldn’t all be some ploy?  
“Can I see the picture again?” You ask so softly that Gojo doesn’t think he could ever deny you. He pulls the photo out of his pocket and gently passes it to you. You stare at it, taking in every detail like it’s the first time you’re seeing it again. “Who did you say this other person was, again?”
“Geto,” he hums, “he was one of our closest friends.” 
“Was?” Your eyes shift from the picture to him. 
He nods, “He and I sort of fell out, after a while. We don’t really talk anymore.” 
You nod in return, seeming to understand. Silence washes over the two of you again, and Gojo makes no move to change it this time. 
The two of you spend the next few hours trading questions between each other - you asking Gojo how things were in the past, and Gojo returning with how things are in the present. He learns you’re a school teacher at a local elementary school (and you love all of your students with your entire being), that you are still the kind hearted person he remembers you once were (how you go out of your way for others is admirable), and that you were thinking about getting a new pet (but you’re unsure if you’d be able to give them proper attention). 
He leaves with more than one of his questions answered, and with an invitation to come back around anytime on your tongue as he walks out of the apartment. He knows the offer is something he will take to heart. 
iv. memory
Knowing what you do now feels . . . weird. Gojo has made it a point to drop by every now and then, a ‘healthy check-in’ he likes to call it, but you suspect he just wants to rebuild whatever bond you’ve lost from the past few years. You don’t mind, honestly, happy to reconnect. 
He happily talks about your past, retelling memories in hopes of maybe bringing something back, but it never does. He avoids talking about Geto (you suspect it was a bad falling out) and you don’t pressure him to speak about the male.
No one could imagine your surprise when you see the enigma walking around the streets on one of your days off. 
He holds himself high, a confident aura surrounding him so thick you freeze when he passes you. You’ve never been one to be so direct, stunning even yourself when you turn on your heel and tap his shoulder gently. He makes it no urgency to face you, posture unchanging as he takes you in. 
He eyes you up and down, and you almost wonder for a second if maybe he isn’t who you thought you were. The picture you’re basing his looks on is what, 15 years old? Should you really be betting the entirety of introducing yourself on that? 
“Something I can help you with?” He asks, voice much softer than you expect it to be. 
It pulls you out of your own stunned silence, blinking at him, “You’re Geto right?” You almost cross your fingers he says anything but no. 
“I am, who are you?” 
You breathe a small sigh of relief, shoulders visibly relaxing. 
“I’m (l/n) - (l/n) (y/n), I knew you looked familiar.” You don’t see how his eyes widen slightly, too distracted by your own excitement to notice. “Gojo has been telling me about how we used to know each other, it’s crazy you’re here right now!” 
“(l/n)?” He repeats, still taking in everything that is you. “Haven’t heard from you in a while . . .” You were supposed to be dead. 
The thought weighs heavy in his mind, and he wonders for a moment if maybe this is some cruel trick by a curse. Maybe this is God punishing him for any of his wrong doings. 
He doesn’t realize you were talking to him until you’re tilting your head at him expectantly, waiting for a reply. 
“Sorry,” he waves apologetically, “I spaced out. This is just quite the surprise.” 
“It’s alright,” you offer a smile, “I was asking if you’d like to catch up? If you’re not busy, of course.” You add quickly, not wanting to suddenly take up his day if he already had plans. 
The curses at his side voice their concerns, their need to talk strategy and plan, but Geto returns your smile and gestures to a nearby cafe, “I have some time.” 
You don’t realize how nervous you are until you’re sitting down with your drink, Geto sitting across from you with a smile that you don’t think has left his face since you got his attention. 
“So,” he starts after taking a sip of his drink, “where have you been all these years?”
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lokai-fi · 1 year
Cotton Candy
Seonghwa doesn’t do parties, and after this experience he’s pretty sure he’s never going to leave his house again
Genre: Hongjoong’s terrible comfort?? meetcute if you stand 100ft back and squint
w/c: 700
c/w: general feelings of anxiety/unwellness
aka: my husband got an elf bar and i got curious and also died because no one warned me???? how strong those things are???? so i had to focus on literally anything so my heart didn’t explode :3c
dont smoke dont do it i sweartogoddontyoufuckingdare
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Seonghwa’s sure he wants to vomit. He can feel it in his cheeks as he takes another shaky breath. He doesn’t want to be here. Wherever here is, at this point his mind is too filled with static to remember. It feels like his whole body is vibrating as he sits on the couch. Fists clenching and unclenching on his thighs, hoping he’ll ground himself. 
It doesn’t work. His eyes feel dizzy and he just wants home. He lets his tongue dart out to wet his lips, wincing at just how dry and cracked they had become. He wants to vomit. He doesn't want to taste the artificial cotton candy nicotine that coats the back of his throat. He’d rather let it burn with bile than deal with the pins and needles dancing in his brain. Seonghwa should get up, he realizes that when his heart starts to pound a little harder. He should get some fresh air, stop panicking and maybe go home. But he knows he won’t make it one step. 
Seonghwa’s convinced someone has a firm hold on his heart and it only tightens with each breath he takes. That phrase, he thinks, should be romantic. But the tears prickling his eyes aren’t so he forces them open only to grunt in surprise. 
“You okay man?”
He’s sure his heart is about to burst. 
“Let’s… get you some fresh air?”
He keeps his eyes closed as he’s led through the crowd. Every brush of skin feels gross, sticky and hot and god he just wants out of here. Out of this house, out of this party, fuck he doesn’t even want to be in his own body. 
He can only gasp when the cold air hits him.
It does nothing to calm the static in his brain or the shake in his hands but his chest feels a little less tight. He cracks his eyes open, still too afraid to open his mouth, too afraid that his lips might crack and bleed when he speaks. That he’ll vomit and the sting will make his eyes water. Then what?
“You should sit.”
He does. He still doesn’t know who’s talking to him but he finally sees him. Tucked in a hoodie two sizes too large, eyes just as empty as he feels. He swears he’s seen him somewhere before but he can’t place it. He just looks back towards his shoes as the stranger looks at him for a second longer. 
“Are your friends here?”
His stomach feels like a brick.
“No one hurt you… did they?”
Seonghwa feels his body convulse at his words. He doesn’t think so, not intentionally anyway. He takes in a shuddered breath and parts his lips just enough to let out a soft no. 
It is good, he supposes, that the only thing tormenting him is the nicotine coursing through his body.  
“You probably shouldn’t smoke any more.”
Seonghwa opens his mouth a little wider this time, pleading eyes snapping back to boy in the hoodie in a second.
He stares a little bit longer, desperately trying to piece together where he’s seen this man before. The boy’s nose twitches and suddenly Seonghwa knows. The convenient store right on campus, no wonder he couldn’t place him. Hongjoong looks different when he’s not under florescent lights.   
“I didn’t know-” his tongue felt heavy as he forced the words out, “it smelt so sweet.”
He snorted.
Seonghwa frowned.
Hongjoong apologizes and Seonghwa’s back to staring down his shoes. 
“It stops... it stops feeling like this... right?”
His voice is hardly a whisper and he’s amazed that Hongjoong even heard him. 
“I think so, you’ll be okay.”
Seonghwa thinks that Hongjoong is kind of terrible at comforting him, he clenches his fists when another wave of something hits him. He’s stopped trying to figure out what it is but Hongjoong sees the grimace on his face. 
“You should eat, come on.”
Seonghwa shakes his head, he doesn’t want to move. Not until he can feel his hands again. 
“Not even for a burger? My treat.”
He cracks an eye open, the corners of his mouth twitching up into an involuntary smile.
Now that does sound nice. 
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mebiselfandi · 1 year
i hope this is not gonna annoy you but i was reading your rant about your writing and i was like😔 because goddd i adore them so much the way you write them characters, dialogues or try to explain how they feel in such situations always make me😞 even when you write smut bc dang do you know how much i reread strawberries and cream (it should be illegal) it just the way you always portray them so beautifully it's crazy (like how did u make c*m eating so sweet i cried and horny everytime i remembered that) also i sent this ask bc i just remember your newest neymessi fic and I'm devastated thinking at the possibility of you deleting that work bc goddd i remember the first time i read it i was crying so hard literally need to weep the tears out so i can read the next paragraph and then after I'm done i was pacinf around my room thinking about the next chapter bc u tagged it as it will be sweeter and how i was just so excited to read that bc if i have to live with the possibility of them just ending like that and not talk it out and have a heavy makeout session after just throw me to the ponds full off crocodiles in florida it would hurts less, you make me so attached to these characters that the possibility of neymar hurting bc leo leaving him after the heart wrenching love confession makes me☹️☹️☹️
i hope you'll find your joy and to not feel pressured to writing again because you have such a talent and i will always be happy to read every works you put, finally just wanted to say so glad to have such a talented writer in this fandom🫶🏼
Hi nonnie👋💕
When I got your ask I was like hm what’s this? Only to be hit straight in the feels with a truckload of bricks. ‘Annoy’ me you say. Something like this could never annoy me. This was legit me reading your ask holding back tears:
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Tbh I was in a massive writing slump since like end of April. Idk what happened. I got a lil sad, then sick, then even more sad, then my birthday came up, then I got burnt out, next thing I knew it was June and my writing skills just switched off. Nothing all of May(except that one fic I barely remember writing while sick and fueled purely by spite). So when I wrote the last Neymessi fic, I was like not doing great at all. But idk I felt like I had to write something and the idea had been swimming in my head. But writing too sad fics when you’re already sad just = feeling shit about your work. Plus I felt so bad about writing, I thought it would be my last fic ever.
But I mean now I’m no longer feeling weird about writing and I can see the fic from an objective pov. I made a ton of typos and used the same words like twice in one sentence and just cringe phrasings. I could’ve done it better. However, I managed to write 4000 words when I thought I couldn’t. So I won’t delete it cause I can be at least proud of that fact. Also I’m not a quitter, if I delete the fic, the knowledge will haunt me forever. But I will be writing the second chap and I have ideas.
Now I feel kinda bad about it cause I know I said chap 2 will be sweeter buuuut I think it might still be sad. But only because I wanna write a 3rd chapter which will be sweeter. However keyword is sweeter…not sweet. Uh it’ll be a bittersweet ending cause either way Leo’s still leaving but I could never bring my heart to be entirely miserable like that. So don’t worry, it’ll end wellness 😌 but chap 2 is mostly just gonna be Leo’s pov and thoughts then chap 3 will be them finally talking after we hear what Leo’s thinking.
Also…about strawberries and cream though I logged into my ao3 for the first time a couple weeks yesterday and I was so shocked? Last I checked it was at 400 now it’s almost doubled😭😭 I’m so shook. But I’m glad you liked strawberries and cream. It’s one of my fave fics I wrote too.
You’re so sweet anon🥹🥹 like not to be like annoying about comments or wtv. But it always helps to know there is someone who likes your story and you aren’t just writing to the air. And to know I made you react so strongly to it is insane to me. But seriously, thank you so much for this, I’m legit gonna think of this message whenever I feel like I can’t write🫶
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I could do a scenario where reader loves to mess with megumi's hair, but suddenly she stops because she thinks she's bothering him.
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The first time you notice how soft his hair is was when you were returning to school after a long mission.
You were riding in a car with the entire first-year gang. Nobara sat in the front seat next to Ijichi while you were placed in the back between Yuji and Megumi. The ride back was a long one. After an exhausting day of exorcising curses, you were all tired. Nobara and Yuji ended up falling asleep minutes into the ride, leaving Megumi to watch the sights passing through the window and you shyly trying to make conversation with him.
It's hard considering the strong crush you have on your fellow classmate. He was intelligent, kinder than he really let on, and fairly mature (at least compared to the people you’re usually around). His good looks were the cherry on top of the entire package. Everyone knew Megumi was a pretty boy and often teased him about it. He had fair skin, long, thick eyelashes, and your favorite being his dark hair. It looked so soft whenever your teacher would pat his head, flattening out the black tresses and ruffling them, much to Megumi’s chagrin. But you really wished you could feel as well.
You were the type of person to show your fondness for others through touch. Some people liked it, and some didn’t. For example, Yuji normally had no problem with you touching him, even welcomed it. You weren’t brave enough to ask someone like Megumi for the same sort of relationship, so you kept your hand to yourself when it came to him. At least until Megumi fell asleep, leaning against the car door for support. It’s then you saw your chance and carefully reached to touch one of the longer spikes.
The little black point wavered at your poking, lightly curling around your index finger as you swirled it around. You giggled to yourself about it. It’s thicker and fluffier than you imagined and also incredibly soft, proving Kugisaki’s theory about a ton of hairspray wrong.
Suddenly, a bump in the road cut your touching short, and you quickly jumped away when Megumi’s eyes began to flutter open.
Suspicious, he asked, “What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” you said calmly despite your heart thumping under his gaze, but he dropped his interrogation as you all pulled into the school’s parking lot.
That was three months ago.
Now, the two of you were dating, and you saw that as permission to continue your physical intimacy with your more introverted boyfriend.
“Good morning, guys,” you greet your classmates and teacher with a wave, saving your happier actions for Megumi as your hand immediately goes towards his head to ruffle his hair. You pull your hand away but not before letting your fingers clasp your favorite cowlick. Giving a gentle tug, you let it bounce back into place with a smile.
Megumi groans softly, his mouth pursed into a slight frown as he goes to fix his hair back into its normal disarray.
Gojo claps, bringing your attention towards him. “Well now that everyone’s here, let’s go shopping.”
With that, the five of you head to the shopping district despite the heat bearing down on the city. You spend about an hour walking around before deciding to take a break so Nobara and Gojo can catch their breath in the shade while you return some clothes you bought a few weeks earlier across the street. Megumi and Yuji go to buy all five of you drinks, but it isn’t long before you hear Yuji yelling from outside the store.
“Sensei! Kugisaki! Fushiguro is getting hit on! We have to protect (L/Name)’s relationship!”
Before you could even stop them, they’re already up and running in Fushiguro’s direction. Sighing, you grab your card from the store owner and run to catch up with your group.
When you arrive, Kugisaki and Itadori are already clinging to him and ranting something about being in love with him before Gojo saunters up in his best casual wear to challenge them. You have to stifle back a laugh as he goes on about music practice and homewrecking before the event ends with Megumi smacking Yuji in the head as Nobara and Gojo stalk off, defeated.
Hearing your laughter, Yuji cowers behind you with tearful chibi eyes. “Do you see that, (Name)? Fushiguro is so mean. I was only trying to help him and that's the treatment I get .”
“You didn’t help at all. You were nothing short of embarrassing.”
You giggle at the two before reaching out to your silently fuming boyfriend. “No need to be so grumpy, Megumi-kun, or did Gojo give you too much violin homework,” you sing out teasingly, earning a growl about how it isn’t funny as you playfully scramble his hairstyle.
“And that! Will you stop with that?” Megumi demands and forcefully shoves your hand away. “It’s so annoying. You don’t see me petting you all day like some damn pet.”
“Oh,” you say, stepping back from him in your shock. This is the first time Megumi has brought up how you chose to dote on him. Yes, he’d quietly grumble about it from time to time like most things, but he never yelled at you about how you chose to display your affection. You guess you never really realized how much it truly bothered him. Biting back the hurt in your voice, you apologize. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you upset.”
Megumi grunts softly in response, and Yuji decides it’s probably best to ask Gojo to take you all home for today.
It isn’t long after that Megumi begins to notice your interactions with him starting to change. He apologized for yelling at you soon after the event, but you were still much less touchy with him even after accepting his apology.
Normally, you’d grab onto his hand without so much as asking or surprise him with kisses on his cheek. Now, you only hold his pinky from time to time and only if he asks. You also stop your go-to of rubbing his head when you’d greet him or playing with the ends of his hair when you were bored.
Megumi thought maybe something was bothering you, but then he noticed how you’d still laugh and joke around with Yuji and Nobara, your hand gripping onto their shoulder when they’d tell an extra funny joke or affectionately patting them on the back. That wasn’t the worst though. The worst was when you’d absentmindedly sweep Yuji’s hair back into place when it got messy from training. The jealousy it sparked in Megumi was the last straw that makes him decide to ask you what was wrong.
You’re surprised when he tugs on your sleeve, interrupting your conversation with Itadori and Kugisaki. “Hey, can we talk?”
“Sure,” you say, nodding off to Itadori and Kugisaki before following Megumi to the waterspouts outside. You both sat together on the brick square surrounding the structure. It’s a few quiet seconds of you staring at Megumi as he folds his hands in front of him and lazily taps his foot. Dark blue eyes stare at you before dropping back to the ground.
“Are you still mad at me for yelling at you the other week?”
You shake your head. “I told you it’s fine. I’m not mad at you about that.”
“Then, it’s something else,” he decides, and he desperately tries to rack his brain for what else he could have possibly done wrong, “I’m sure I didn’t forget your birthday or anything. Do you not like me anymore or something?”
Gasping, you deny his claim, “Of course I like you, why would you think I don’t?”
“Because you’re not so friendly with me anymore like the way you are with the others, so either you’re upset with me, or you don’t have the same feelings for me as you do with them.”
“It’s neither of those things. With Yuji and Nobara, they’re both sociable people, but you aren’t like them. You don’t like all that kind of stuff, and I don’t want to annoy you by doing things you don’t like.”
Megumi scowls at your confession, sighing because he remembers exactly why you must be talking like this so suddenly. He specifically called your touches annoying, and he inwardly curses at himself for it. “You’re wrong. It’s not that I don’t like it…” he begins unsurely then pauses.
“Then, what?”
Megumi groans softly, an embarrassed heat starting to build in his cheeks as he quietly croaks out, “Feels good.”
“What’s that?” you ask, scooting closer so you can hear him better.
Megumi blushes lightly and cranks his head to look away from your cutely confused blinking. “It feels good when you do it,” he repeats robotically.
“When I do what?”
“When you play with my hair,” he hesitantly explains in more detail, “When Gojo does it, it’s aggravating, but I don't mind so much with you.”
Hesitantly, you ask, “So is it okay if I do it now?”
Megumi nods. “If you want.”
Cautiously, you lift your hand, pulling back in doubt a few times before ultimately sliding your fingers through his hair and rubbing. Megumi groans softly at your touch, and you realize that all those rushed noises of aggravation were actually him moaning from how light and comforting your touch was. You move your hand forward and backward some more, massaging his head until his head starts nodding and his eyes flutter a bit.
You giggle at him. “Are you falling asleep? You’re such a kid.”
“This is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you.”
You laugh louder as he scoffs to hide his embarrassment.
“In that case, you can sleepover with me tonight, and we can do this if you want,” you offer sweetly, and Megumi glances at you, thinking it over. As your smile grows and your hand hits that sweet spot right at the nape of his neck, he couldn’t deny that he liked the idea of falling asleep with you playing with his hair.
“I’d like that.”
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seancekitsch · 2 years
hey bestie here ya go pce nd luv
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“Just team them up and let them fuck!” you hear Chris’ voice through the door before you even enter. Damn, its too early for this.
“Let who fuck?” you ask as you open the door to HQ, not bothering to take off your sunglasses as you plopped down between Adrian and Leota. 
“You and Thimble over there!”
You blink and stutter, but Adrian answers before you can.
“Dont call me Thimble, I’m a late bloomer!”
“You know thats not a-“
“Stop!” Leota yells, only to get the two to stop arguing. You nudge her in thanks and she gives only the slightest nod in recognition. 
“No, thats not what’s happening,” Emilia interrupts.
“Adebayo and Economos are staying in the van, Chris and Adrian are taking the east, Y/n and I will go west.”
That checks, thats solid. You zone out after you hear the main details. You’re sure you can mesh out the little stuff later. You’re hungover, but the man next to you seems not to be. The unbearably cute, totally not hungover, hilarious as shit man next to you. It’s hard to focus on anything other than him. You remember last night, everyone had left the bar except for the two of you. You’d done something pathetic, maybe, but you pretended you didn’t know how to play pool so Adrian would teach you. Emilia and Chris know you’re a bit of a pool shark, but why would he? You let him lean in close against your back, trying hard not to lean back, press your ass against him, as he bent you over the pool table to get the best angle. The amount of liquid courage and the weeks you’d wanted to kiss him were needed to even attempt that.
Adrian, similarly, can’t focus on this meeting either. All he can think of is you, you, you. You make him feel…things. Anything. Frustration, anger, joy, even maybe love. Chris spent the morning telling him all about how you could beat anyone blindfolded in pool after he bound in here excited about the supposed progress he’d made in woo’ing you. He loved being that close to you. He almost kissed you last night but that nagging doubt he hasn’t managed to kill yet stopped him short.
“Take a breather, regroup in ten!” Emilia says, and it snaps you from your thoughts. 
You stand quickly, swaying a little as last night hits you again, and make a beeline to the door that leads to the alley. You need fresh air like you need a hole in the head, which you do probably also need after that embarrassing display in front of the man you like last night. 
The second you’re in the alley, you take a deep breath, and rub the heel of your palm against your sternum to ground yourself. 
“Shame we aren’t paired together,” you hear from behind you, and whip around a little too quickly to see Adrian standing there.
“Damn right it is. We make a good team,” you offer back, lifting your sunglasses for the first time since you left home this morning. 
“Right? just like in pool,” his tone sounds like that same teasing he does when he kills someone.
“I could even show you some moves,” he offers, and it’s not clear if he know what he does to you, the butterflies he causes in your stomach.
“oh… Yeah? What moves would those be?” almost a falter, but a smooth landing. 
He steps forward, and you take a step back instinctually. 
He steps forward more, and then only stopping when you gasp at the feeling of the brick wall against your back.
“Well first, you have to trap them. I mean, if they can escape, you can’t kill them, right?”
You nod, shoulders relaxing as his hands find their way to the bricks on either side of your head. 
“Then what?” you ask, feigning innocence. You know exactly what position means.
“Find their weak spot,” he whispers, before smashing his lips against your own. It’s messy and sloppy, but so are the two of you sometimes. His lips travel around your face, your jaw, your neck.
And then he bites down right below your pulse point, earning him a wanton moan.
“That your weak spot?” he teases, and you smack him on the back playfully. His hands leave the wall to grab at you, one hand finding the base of your neck; the other one hiking your leg up around his hip. His lips descend back against your own, his glasses fogged up and cheeks flushed. 
“See, I told you they needed to team up!” 
And the two of you freeze. A perfect moment ruined by your mutual best friend. 
Both of you laugh, and you peck him twice more on the lips before untangling from him. 
“Hasn’t played pool, fucking bullshit,” Chris continues, and you all laugh your way to the van, Adrian’s arm around your waist. 
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stardewtales · 3 years
Your shane x reader are some of the first I read when i got into sdv, and they still hold a li special place in my heart <3 I love the way you wrote shane, jas, and the farmer (you kept the farmer rather neutral, but you still gave her moments of personality, rlly great stuff!), anyway, I'd love any shane related stuff you would do, but if your looking for a request, the reader teaching him abt farming/gardening (planting hot peppers together eee) i think would be rlly cute-ok bye lysm!!!
A/N: hey lovely!! If you're still around, thank you so much for this. I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to get to your request, but here it is! Hope it lives up to your expectations xx
Shane can feel you hovering behind him.
"What is it," he groans, not bothering to turn around.
"Sorry," he hears you say. "Just, be careful with the roots, please? I don't want all your work to be for nothing."
Well, he can't exactly fault you for that. If anything, he's ashamed because he was distracted while you showed him the whole thing about the roots.
He turns to look at you. "Would you, uh... mind showing me again?"
His stomach twists as you smile at him, thoroughly amused. "Sure thing. Here, let me get in there..."
You kneel beside him, knees firmly planted in the dirt beside his. You proceed to show him how to dig around the roots instead of into them for a second time that afternoon. For a second time, he finds it hard to focus with you so close, but he fights that a little harder this time.
"Here," you hand him back the trowel, "give it another shot."
He can't miss the way the look you give him is so damn encouraging. You've given him plenty of variations on that look by now, with various degrees of concern thrown into the mix. He proceeds to try digging up the pepper plant again, the sun boring down on the back of his neck as he does it.
"Am I getting it right, now?" he asks, glancing up at you quickly.
"Couldn't do it better myself," you nod exaggeratedly, and he fakes throwing dirt at you in retaliation.
It gets a laugh out of you, clear and joyful. It stirs something inside him, the feeling that's been nagging at him sort of often these days. It hits him like a ton of bricks in that moment that this is the feeling he used to chase all the way down the bottles, the sort of rush he used to think would make up for everything else.
He must've made a face when he realized it, because your brows furrow in concern.
"Are you o-" you start, but you're cut off short by a girlish squeal further down the field.
Him and you both shoot up, surveying the surroundings.
"Jas?" you half-shout, concerned.
"I think I need some help," her voice pipes up sheepishly, and the two of you finally spot her, fallen on her butt among the sunflowers.
You huff, relieved, and tell him you've got it with a brief touch on his arm before you leave in Jas's direction. Now that he knows she's not hurt, he can go back to making sense of his thoughts, yet he barely registers the lingering feeling of your fingers on his forearm.
He kneels and gets back to work, distraught. His first instinct is to worry. The therapist Harvey connected him with cautioned him pretty early on about the way some addicts replaced one addiction with another, and that all good things should perhaps be enjoyed in moderation while he was on the road to recovery.
You're the best thing in his life by far, but he failed to keep you at arm's length a long time ago now. He's not dense enough to be unaware that he's developed some pretty strong feelings for you. But this particular feeling is new-ish, and he doesn't quite know what to make of it. As his fingers dig up the pepper plant out of the ground and he gently removes chunks of dirt from the roots, Shane hopes really hard this doesn't mean he's allowed himself to veer all the way of the right path he's been trying so hard to stick to.
He hates to think about it, but maybe he needs to cool off on seeing you so often so he can at least get a grip. He can't even recall the last time he went a day without seeing you. Sometime in the spring, probably? It's the very end of summer now.
After he's transferred the plant to the wheelbarrow, Shane stands up and looks around. You're still helping Jas uproot some sunflowers, even though her initial job was just to collect the stray seeds. Officially, he and her were there to help you wrap up the summer crops so you could transfer some to your greenhouse. In reality, he was helping you; Jas was causing more trouble than she was helping, but you didn't seem to mind at all, more than happy to show her over and over how to handle things properly.
He didn't know how you did it. It's like you had an endless well of patience, and he knew he ought to have reached the pit of it by now. And yet, he had not. There were depths to your kindness that reached far enough that even after dealing with him through his recovery, you still had plenty left for Jas in all her fumblings and ill-advised adventures.
For the rest of the afternoon Shane managed to clear his mind and just keep working somewhat efficiently. Marnie came around just before dinnertime to get Jas, who was too exhausted from running around by then to protest. Marnie had also let him know she'd save him a portion of dinner for when he came home, but to take his time, which he'd made sure to thank her for.
It wasn't long until Jas left before you and him moved on to replanting the uprooted plants into the greenhouse. He liked that part more than the digging up; liked the hazy warmth of the greenhouse more than the blaring heat of the field. The two of you worked mostly in silence, both exhausted, him perhaps more than you.
After you planted the last of yours and he was halfway through his own last plant, he heard you clap your hands together to shake the dirt off your gloves, before you fully shrieked.
"What's wrong?" he quickly turned towards you.
"Your neck!" you replied, walking over to him. "Did you not put on sunscreen like I told you to?"
Shane instinctively reaches for the back of his neck, and while the sunburn doesn't hurt yet, he can feel the tell-tale heat coming off of it.
"Ah, shit. Think I missed a spot."
You tut at him, shooing his hand off so you can take a better look.
"You big idiot," you chastise him affectionately. "You're lucky I have an infinite amount of aloe in the house from last summer."
As Shane steps out of the shower and into your steam-filled bathroom, he can already tell he'll be sore from all this work. He doesn't know how you do this every day. He tries to get a look at himself in the mirror, but it's too fogged up. Probably better that way, he thinks.
He's used your shower plenty of times before, and he's glad that at the very least it doesn't feel as awkward as it used to. While he was still in the pits of getting sober, you'd graciously let him stay over on your couch so Jas didn't have to see him struggle when it got too hard. He still doesn't know why you did that, or how to repay you for it.
After putting on his clothes, he steps out into your living room, where you're waiting for him with a huge tub of the goo you intend to smear on his sunburn. You've showered too, and made him do it after you because otherwise you claimed he'd just wash off the aloe later, which was probably right.
"C'mere," you beckon him over to sit on the arm of your couch.
He chuckles. It's funny to him, how bossy you get when you're trying to take care of him. Nevertheless, he does as he's told and dutifully sits down like you instruct him. And waits.
Nothing happens.
"You okay back there?" he asks, looking over his shoulder.
You raise a brow. "Aren't you gonna take off your shirt? How am I supposed to get this on you otherwise?"
He feels a bubble of panic rush up. He's in better shape than he used to be, but he's still not much to look at, and he doesn't like the idea of you finding that out like this. "Is that really necessary?"
You sigh, and he knows there will be no convincing you. He feels the tips of his ears burn as he lifts his shirt over his head, dropping it at his feet and taking precious care not to look back at you. "Happy?" he mumbles.
"Hmhm," you hum quietly behind him.
You bring your aloe-coated fingers to his burning skin, and instantly he feels consumed by ice-cold flames. He was not prepared for you to touch him quite so gently, to work the gel into his skin in tiny, careful circles. His throat runs dry as he's reminded of his earlier conclusion that he needs to take some time away from you, for both of your sakes. If the way his body is reacting to this isn't proof, he doesn't know what would be.
You let him know you're done, and he promptly puts his shirt back on. He wishes he hadn't when the stickiness gets a hold of the collar.
"So, just a heads up," you start, screwing the jar of aloe vera shut, "I'm gonna be really busy tomorrow I think. So maybe hanging out in the evening when I'm done would be better?"
He's taken aback by the way this is coming up faster than he anticipated. Still, No time like the present I guess, he thinks to himself.
"About that," he clears his throat, "I think it might be better if I spend some alone time for a while."
He watches you still. You look up at him slowly, visibly confused. "Have I done something wrong?" you ask, and it kills him. "I'm sorry if I have, I know I can be a little overbearing sometimes," you start to ramble, but he cuts you off.
"No, no, none of that," he tries to reassure you. "It's just, uh, how do I say this," he scratches at his head, genuinely at a loss. "Remember how I told you my therapist said I should, like, maybe be careful about things I enjoy a lot? And about... strong emotions?"
You nod, but he can tell from your slight frown you're still confused.
"Well, it's kinda like that. I feel really good when I'm with you. Maybe a little too good. Strong stuff. But I don't wanna depend on you to feel... good. I wanna keep this healthy, yeah?"
You ponder his words, and he can tell he hasn't really gotten his point across. "I mean, I think I get where you're coming from, maybe? But Shane, I think it's okay for you to have a support system. Is it really so bad if being with a friend makes you feel good? I think that's how most people feel."
He shakes his head, huffing. "No, it's not like that."
"Then what is it like?"
His eyes meet yours, and he feels weak. "Please don't make me say it," he whispers.
"Shane," you reach out to touch his shoulder, "You're worrying me."
He swallows. Before he knows it, it tumbles out of him. "I have feelings for you. I have for a while. And lately it's gotten a little out of control. So I need some time away from you to get over it, okay? I don't want things to be weird. I need you too much to have things be weird. So I need to figure it out before it gets there."
You stare at him, and he sees so many emotions run across your face that he gets dizzy.
"You... what?" you say quietly after a while.
He feels heat rise from his chest all the way to his ears, like some twisted type of nausea. "Forget it, alright? That's not the point I'm trying to make. I just..." he breathes, "I'll see you in a few days, yeah?"
He doesn't wait for a response. He goes for the door right away, in a real hurry to leave this place where everything is so blatantly yours, down to the smell of your lotion lingering in the air from your bare legs.
But you don't let him leave. He feels your hand on his arm, a real grip this time, and the next thing he knows you're reaching for his neck and bringing his mouth to meet yours. Shane thinks he's forgotten how to make his blood run, how to make his lungs breathe, how to make his limbs move. You're pressing your lips on his with a fervor he didn't even know you had in you. Then, with an instinct of its own, his body kicks back into gear, and he feels himself wrapping his arms around you, bringing you closer yet as he pours all the energy he has left into kissing you back.
It's desperation that compels him, because he never imagined this would ever happen outside of his mind, outside of his daydreams. He's not even convinced he'll ever get to do it again, so he's making this one count.
He genuinely has no idea how much time has passed when you break away from him, panting. You're not saying anything, just searching his eyes with yours.
"Please say something," he eventually breathes.
He watches as you swallow, then exhale loudly. "I don't want to see you in a few days only. I wanna see you now and in the middle of the night and every moment of every day. I don't want you to go and get over me, because I don't think I'll be able to get over you if you do, Shane. So don't leave me. Stay. Please."
Your words fluster him a great deal more than he already is. "Okay," he nods, in a half-daze.
"Yeah?" you make sure, still catching your breath.
"Yeah," he confirms. "Anything for you. Of course."
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dorimena · 3 years
Hi, I love your work and if your requests are open would you consider the following?
Monoma is on patrol with y/n and Monoma being well....Monoma, he was horny and was teasing y/n. Not having any of this shit, she proceeds to dom the fuck out of him during patrol. She takes him into an alleyway and fucks him with a strap that she had on her already (she was already planning on something but didn’t go through with it because work is work and she’s aware that Monoma and her could take their time when they got home). She pushes him into the wall and fucks him silly. Monoma is loving it and keeps begging “Mommy fuck me more, please!”. She gives him what he wants but she tells him to be quiet or else the bystanders would fine their great Phantom Thief in a puddle of his own cum while getting fucked by his mommy. At some point two civilians hear Monoma panting and hiccuping and get concerned. Y/n keeps fucking him and reassures them that Phantom Thief is fine. He cums then and there and she tells him to reassure the civilians that he’s ok. Monoma whimpers out that he’s fine and y/n cleans him up and cuddles him in the alleyway telling him how much of a good boy he was.
(I’ve been thinking about this ever since I read your shower blowjob story. This man makes the dom in me go crazy. He’s already a whining bitch, having him be like that in the bedroom just- 😫)
Let me say that I’ve had a scene in my head almost the same as this one you sent me and I am absolutely thrilled because yessss more attention to bratty baby Monoma ٩(♡ε♡)۶
And honestly, this man is just asking for it. Bet he wants to fucked anywhere, anytime, as long as he's put back into his place. That's his kink-
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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔯; Monoma Neito
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱; 3.5k
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰; fem!reader, pegging, mommy kink, slight exhibitionism, public sex, mentioned sex toy (butt plug), implied overstimulation, multiple orgasms, implied after care, domme!reader, sub!character
𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔞𝔤𝔰; begging, humiliation, Monoma being a little shit, because he wanted your attention, and to rile the fuck out of you, aged-up character: Monoma is 20+
𝔰𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢; I unknowingly kind of changed a few things from the ask, like the conversation between Monoma and the bystanders, but I hope you like it anon! The ending is kind of rushed, sorry about that!
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𝕭𝖊𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆 𝖇𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍 𝖎𝖘 𝖒𝖞 𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖐
“Now, now, y/n, you know ignoring someone, specifically the love of your life, is a crime? How else are you to beg for my love if you go on and ignore my graceful presence? Are you listening to me? At least lend me your attention.”
He’s been like this for the past couple of hours since you’ve both been assigned together for patrol. You thought it’d be a good idea, and Monoma was also excited when your boss told you both to get ready and head to the neighborhood you’re meant to keep a watch over.
The neighborhood turned out not as empty or quiet as you expected, rather close to a busy street. Some stores and restaurants seem to align themselves around this area.
You thought things would go smoothly, go even better and much quicker now that you and your boyfriend are finally patrolling together, months since you’ve transferred to this agency from your old one.
But Monoma’s been leaving any and every snide remark since you two stepped foot into the area, teasing you for any small mistake he believes should be (loudly) called out for or simply trying to mess up your way of doing things.
You don’t even want to count how many times he’s criticized the way your hero outfit currently looks on you. And no, you’re not getting insecure, but rather more… cautious.
There’s a reason why the uniform seems a bit odd around your crotch, but he doesn’t need to know that, not here, not now. Maybe until you both get home-
You trip, almost falling flat on your face if it weren’t for your boyfriend quickly grabbing you, pulling you up to your feet as he looks at you with panic before it quickly dissipates to his stupid mockery.
“See? You cannot do anything right, not without me at least. You, my dear, cannot live without me yet you still ignored me. This is what I mean when you should listen to me. Anyone would truly be grateful for having me, Phantom Thief, as their beloved lover.”
That’s it. You usually can take so much of his weird comments, but right now he’s pulling anything out of his ass at this point. (Soon you’ll see what actually comes out.)
You don’t answer, just look around to make sure no one is watching as you grab him by his stupid tie, dragging him to the nearest alleyway you remember passing by, glad it’s still pretty empty and dark enough to hide your bodies in the shadows.
He isn’t even struggling, just letting you walk him as if he’s a dog, quietly following you. If you were to turn around, you’d see the way his eyes are wide yet full of lust, his pupils dilated as he mentally cheers, thanking the gods for listening to his horny prayers of being sucked in an alleyway.
Do you know how hard it was for him to not jump you and beg you to help him? All because of how sexy you look in your hero outfit, how the small fixes and modifications bring out more of your body, the body he loves, yearns, desires, every day and night. Hopefully you don’t find his surprise before he can debut it once you guys are back home. (But unintentionally came prepared.)
He’s a complete fool for you, but you can’t know that, or else it’ll be the end of-
“Monoma Neito. You have 5 seconds to tell me why the fuck you’re being a piece of shit tonight.”
He didn’t realize his back is against a cold wall or how you’ve trapped him between your arms, the way you’re glaring at him while counting down in such a low tone, it makes his legs feel weak and threaten to buckle..
“Horny.” He barely whispers, crazed eyes never leaving your face as he stays still, trying to control his breathing and heartbeat as you scan him from head to toe, eyes finally staying in place where his boner is visible, even with how poor the lighting is.
You grin, but not your usual friendly grin or familiar flirty grin, but the ‘I’m gonna fuck you till you die’ kind of grin.
And Monoma’s both terrified yet super, duper much more hornier than before. But, with what are you going to fuck him with?
In a flash, he’s suddenly turned around, his clothed-covered chest pressing against the wall as he feels your hands make quick work on his belt, on his pants, pulling them down to rest on his thighs. He hisses and shivers when the cold air hits every exposed part of him, yet makes his dick twitch in interest.
You also free your bottom half to finally let out the strap on you’ve luckily managed to hide until now, searching your pockets for the small tube of lube you brought with you, just in case.
But when you spread his butt cheeks, you gasp in surprise with the butt plug he’s wearing, going to grab the toy as you slowly pull it out in disbelief.
Did he know?
“I-I want you to know you’re not the, um, only one to be prepared for what they want.” Monoma speaks, but in such a soft tone that it has you wondering if he’s the same person who had pestered you since the beginning of the patrol, the same boyfriend you love who has a talent for being loved and hated simultaneously by various people.
But at least he didn’t know. He simply decided to take this extra mile.
Cute. No wonder he’s such a good boy for mommy… sometimes.
“Then I guess I shouldn’t prepare you, right?”
You don’t wait for his response, not when you dispose of the toy away from you both, and you make quick work to lube up your silicone cock.
Monoma doesn’t get to ask you about the wet sounds behind him, or ask where you threw his butt plug before you’re entering him. You felt how his body jolted, his back arching enough to push his ass back more towards you.
You land a smack against the smooth skin, listening how the impact echoes in the empty alleyway and the way he whimpers in pain.
“You’re such a slut for mommy, aren’t you Monoma?”
No hesitation.
Monoma usually sounds hesitant whenever you two do something new, as if he evaluates the pros and cons from anything and everything, figuring out if he’ll come out benefitted or you.
But he sounds desperate, shameless. He sounds like he’s ready to cry.
New, but not too surprising. When he wants to, he’ll always be a good boy for his mommy.
“Want to tell mommy again why you were being a little bitch tonight?”
Never mind, his hesitation came back, his mouth pressed shut as you peek at him, trying to catch a glimpse at his periwinkle eyes, wondering what’s taking him so long to answer. He answered you so easily, so quickly a few minutes ago.
You hear a soft mumble, see his lips move but no sound gets to your ears. So you spank him once more, hearing his cute squeak and the way he fucks back.
“I wanted mommy to fuck me! Fuck me until I can’t walk! Fuck me until I’m just your stupid little hole! Please? I’ll-I’ll be good now, I promise!”
If anyone were to ask you just how stupid Monoma gets when he’s completely horny and turned on, this is a prime example. His usual eloquent vocabulary? Gone. It doesn’t exist once mommy’s pleasing him.
But he’s also promising about being good? Let’s see how good he’ll be then.
No more words are exchanged, just the soft desperate pants of the pretty blond and some small airy whines that leave his mouth in anticipation for what you’ll do next.
You don’t even start slow, you go absolutely feral.
He barely gets to inhale one last deep breath until you’re fucking that out of his lungs, his head turning to look back at you as best he could as his body begins hitting the wall in front of him, his clothes rubbing against the roughness of the bricked exterior of the unknown building. He lifts head enough to not get itself hit against the wall and his hands are clawing at the bricks desperately, trying to find leverage to hold on tightly, his brain struggling to catch up with how vicious yet delicious you’re fucking him.
When he does remember he’s a human who can speak words, he cries out “Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!” in such high pitches, it sounds like he’s singing, probably trying to continue seducing you into such a horny haze. His pent-up sexual frustration must have been infectious, with how you find yourself being merciless with him and his ass, your hips slamming into the back of his in such a brutal pace you wonder if the skin will bruise, if he’ll be able to sit or walk properly.
Probably not, but that’s the point, isn’t it?
Your baby boy wanted you to fuck the living shit out of him, so that’s what you’ll do, it’s what you’re best at doing.
Fuck the annoyance out of him so that when you guys get home, he passes out.
You momentarily forget you guys are very much still in public and even if it’s night, civilians are very much still awake and walking, either going back home or going to work, maybe hang out with their friends or find themselves a sub to fuck.
Monoma doesn’t even warn you that he’s cumming, not even his loud, prolonged whine of your name gets your attention. But with how he’s spasming around your toy, how his hips are twitching quickly in between your hands, his eyes that never left from looking at you crossing…
Yeah, since you missed that orgasm and you’re not in the mood to exactly punish him, why not fuck him some more until he can’t remember his name and only yours?
You briefly pause, the tip of the toy the only thing still inside of him as one of your hands rubs circles on his lower back and the other remains on his hip.
Through the panting, Monoma lets out a whine, one that sounds almost disappointed. Probably because he came far quicker than what either of you two expected, or because it feels like you’re pulling out already and calling it a night.
No words are exchanged as you watch him catch his breath for a bit more, memorizing how rosy his cheeks and nose look, how the blush looks like it’s on his neck while his white pupils are fully dilated, oozing his adoration for you.
When you hear him suck in a breath, whether he’s preparing a sentence or to finish pulling himself off the toy, you slam back into him, grinning like a maniac upon feeling how his whole body jumped, going back into action and having blood pump everywhere in him, mostly towards his reawakening dick.
And you slam, slam, slam, slamming into him at such a steady pace, making sure to roll your hips the way you know will make him start squealing in such a girly tone, or like a dirty pig he sometimes becomes.
And once you feel him begin to push back on you and one of his hands leave the wall, you lean forward, pushing his body more up on the wall. He’s bent too much, it’s obvious you’re fucking him doggy style. What if people decide to go through this alley?
He obeys but whines in complaint, not wanting you to stop your ministrations as he pulls himself together, standing up as much as he could as to leave his lower back still bent for you.
“Keep your hands on the wall or else I’ll leave you here like this.”
He loves it when you speak to him in such a low voice, in such a way that you know makes him want to suck your cock for days until his jaw hurts. He puts his hands back on the wall, both placed where his face is at, acting as support as he rests his forehead there. His neck hurts a bit from how long he’s been straining to look at you.
You go back to fucking him, going back to what you were doing, moaning his name repeatedly to keep riling him up, arouse him and make him start begging for you to go faster, harder, deeper, make him dirty.
And he does with loud wails, ones that have you freezing and stopping all together, slapping a hand on his mouth and whispering how he should quiet down, unless he wants to be whored to other people.
“Be mommy’s good boy and keep quiet. Unless you want someone else’s cock.”
“No! No muh-mommy! Only y-yours~ Please!” He moans, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he impatiently grinds against you, feeling how sticky his thighs are getting with sweat and some of his cum and precum, somehow.
“Mommy, fuck me more, please!” He whimpers so cutely, so pathetically, so melodically you’re sure he somehow copied someone’s siren quirk, because your head feels dizzy, your heart is beating erratically and your hips sync with the pulse, forgetting about being consistent with speed, with roughness, with how deep you reach inside of him.
Fucking him silly until he’s trying his best to muffle his screams and cries into the back of his hands pressed on the wall, his fingers trying so hard to find solace on them, to grasp the reality of him being defiled in an empty, dirty alleyway, pressed so ruthlessly against a wall he doesn’t know how exactly dirty it could be.
Monoma’s hiccuping your name until you spank him, growling softly how that’s not who you are, making him wail out “Mommy! Cumming!” in such an erotic way, you wonder if you’re fucking your boyfriend or a girl with how he’s managed to reach such an incredible pitch.
You keep going, and even when he’s done cumming, you don’t stop impaling him, and a hand goes to wrap itself around his dick, trying your best to match this chaotic fucking, hearing how he’s struggling to breath, to comprehend this painful yet electrifying pleasure.
His toes are curling in his shoes, his knees don’t stop buckling, his hips never stop trying to meet with yours, the burn of overstimulation flowing through his veins yet motivating his dick to keep going, to keep obeying, to not disappoint mommy.
Monoma’s speaking gibberish, babbling whatever nonsense and begging he could think of or come to make up, the tips of his fingers turning white with how hard they’re pressing against the bricks as he tries to not fall. He’s not sure how or why he’d fall, but with how you’re touching him, squeezing him, stroking him, playing with him, he’s ready to give into the inquiry of whether being a househusband would have you fucking him like this everyday.
It’s a weird thought, one he’s never had before, one that’s still early to even care about-
Oh my god you’re abusing his prostate!
He’s seeing stars, planets, flashing strobe lights and envisioning his uproaring third orgasm, mouth hung open stupidly as whiny sobs and strangled cries escape him, trying his best to keep quiet like you said but he can’t!
“Feels s’ good!” He slurs, once again turning his head to look at you, eyes completely wet as tears fall in graceful droplets, hair messed up and drool staining a bit of his chin.
And just as you were going to respond, you heard footsteps.
You both freeze: you’re halfway out of him while Monoma’s struggling to not let his coughing fit be heard, having swallowed his saliva far too quickly with the scare.
The sounds stop, but now you both can hear a female voice.
“Hello? Is anyone there?”
Monoma whimpers, embarrassed.
So this is how he’ll get caught and shamed.
This is the end of his career.
But you’re not having it, not with how his dick has stopped twitching and is starting to soften.
You’re not done yet, and neither is he.
“Answer, Monoma.” You harshly whisper, wiping your thumb over his hypersensitive tip, making him hiccup loudly before composing himself as best he could.
“Y-yes? It-It is I, Phantom Thief- ooh~”
Another voice pitches in.
“Phantom Thief? The Phantom Thief?!”
“Y-Yes!” Monoma squeaks out, trying to cover up his gasp as you begin to slowly fuck him, making sure to keep hitting him straight to the prostate, amused how he’s gripping his jaw, muffling his hiccups while frantically shaking his head, begging you with his eyes to no, no, please!
The two bystanders gasp, seemingly walking more towards where you and Monoma are, making you press him more into the wall, hoping the angle you’re both in and the small hiding spot is enough to keep you hidden.
“We’re huge fans of yours! But, um, are you alright? We heard someone crying.”
“Fuck!” Monoma whimpers, struggling to keep his breathing in check as you continue to move, even rolling your palm all over his tip, your other hand going to pull at one of his nipples.
“What was that?”
“N-nothing! I’m fin- ugh~”
“You… sure?”
Monoma yells, back arching as his head touches your shoulder, eyes rolling up this head as he’s torn between pushing back or bucking forwards, feeling his body submerged in such an intense heat, in such shame, in such pathetic desperation to cum, he’s begging you in quick hushed moans to please, pretty please, make him cum, he wants to cum, needs to cum again.
“And your fans?” You whisper teasingly, feeling how he shivers with how close your breath is near his ear.
“Fu-uck my fans-”
“Now now, that’s something you never said before. Did I fuck Monoma Neito out of you?”
And you go back with the brutal pace, not caring if the other two bystanders can hear what’s going on, not caring if they come out traumatized or probably aroused with how obvious it is that their dear Phantom Thief is getting fucked in a shady place, in a nasty place, yet he’s silently wailing and convulsing with everything you’re giving him.
Your hand soon enough gets sticky with what little cum his poor, weak body produced, his hole clenching tightly around your strap-on while his hands fly back to grasp any part of you that he could reach, which ended up being your head.
The bystanders speak again while Monoma’s busy wheezing his gratitude.
“Are you sure you’re alright? We could call the police-”
“I’m alright! ‘m fine~” He managed to sing-song, but if you heard a bit of his whimper seep from the last word, you don’t say anything, simply slow down your stroking before pausing.
You hear their footsteps slowly go back towards where they probably came from, making Monoma let out shaky exhales of relief and satisfaction, small giggles slipping from time to time as you kiss his neck, his cheek, his jawline.
And once you are certain you’re both alone again, you slowly pull out of him, helping him to turn around so that his back presses against the wall.
Until he grimaces.
“My essence is, from my deduction, splattered on this disgusting wall.”
You laugh, shaking your head as you point down to where his pants are, laughing harder when you see how his grimace turns into a face of disgust, horror, shame, surprise, arousal- wait what?
You don’t question the last one, simply letting out the last of your giggles while you search for the disinfectant wipes you tend to carry with you in your utility belt. And once they’ve been found, you make him lick your cum-covered hand first before properly passing a wipe. You hand Monoma one so that he cleans his face if needed, disinfect his hands, his thighs, anywhere he thought he needed to clean.
No, that's a lie. You took care of his thighs and pelvis, trying your best to clean the spots where his cum reached his pants before peppering a few gentle kisses around his exposed skin.
Pulling his briefs and pants up, buttoning, zipping, fasting his belts. You let out a happy sigh, fixing his hair and tie.
You then fix yourself.
“Who’s mommy’s good boy, Monoma?”
He somehow managed to chirp. “I am, mommy.”
“Then, you’ll stop being a bitch tonight, right? Mommy made sure to fuck it out of you.”
“Oh, um,” aw, he’s blushing. “I suppose…”
When you both walk away from the much-more defiled wall, you hold back an amused snort with how Monoma seems too unstable with his feet, how his legs seem to shake with every step he tries to take and how frustrated he looks with how uncooperative his body is.
You decide that chilling and cuddling in that corner wouldn’t be so bad, and considering how your shift ended minutes ago, you doubt either you or Monoma will get into trouble.
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lolita-lollipop · 3 years
yandere other mother x reader- Coraline au
warnings- yandere behavior, platonic yandere, manipulation, slight infantilism, mentions of neglect, false reality,
this one really isn't bad, but just to warn you, if any of these things trigger you, please don't read!
“Y/n this is insane! Can’t you see that she’s crazy?!” Coraline yelled at you from inside the dusty room while the three ghosts watched, their mouths had been sewn shut long ago, so they weren’t able to intervene. You stood there, feeling like you wanted to cry, this “other mother” was amazing, your real parents never showed much affection, going far enough that it could be Called neglect, so when your other mother held you in her lap, and braided your hair, and gave you warm hugs, and kisses on the cheeks, you felt happy. Your other father was just as amazing, but still, their treatment of you felt similar to one of a baby’s, always treating you like a young child who can’t think for themselves. Coraline noticed this far earlier, while you remained happy and oblivious, the buttons for eyes were the last straw for her.
“I know okay! I just, she’s so nice, I don’t even know what to think anymore, you know what it feels like to actually have parents… I don't, my entire life I’ve been shoved in a little blue house down the stairs and told ‘don't disappoint us’ by my parents! I just want to feel loved… it’s just, it’s just not fair” you spoke, lip quivering, you couldn’t even remember the last time you allowed yourself to cry, you weren’t supposed to love the “other parents” but you did, they were the parents you never had, and you just had to live them. At this point silent tears were trailing down your cheeks, Coraline remained fuming at you, not even sparing a moment to acknowledge the two small black buttons that seemed to appear out of nowhere, peeking through the wall.
“That doesn’t matter, do you really want tiny little needles poking in and out of your eyeballs? Do you really want to leave your real parents behind? Do you want me to leave you behind?” She seethed, you shook your head, letting out a few small whimpers and sobs under your breath, you hated that she was right, you hated it so much, you couldn’t just leave everything in the real world for this parallel universe void of life, you should want to back there right? where no one cared about you, where no one loved you, where you were nothing.
“Coraline? Is that any way to speak to your friend?” A soft voice rang from behind your form, the few lost souls floating in the room ten up, showering to the far corners where the other mother couldn’t see them, then you felt warm hands engulf your waist, pulling you closer to the women’s chest, you subconsciously leave into her warmth, she glared down at Coraline, stoking your head lovingly. In reality, she hadn’t wanted for you to get pushed down here, but Coraline was getting in the way, and you just got caught in the crossfire, she did make sure that your landing was softer though, while Coraline's was harsh.
“You don’t get to tell us what to do, you aren’t her mother.” Coraline breathed out, slimming her eyes into a harsh stare at the woman in whose chest you were sobbing into. One moment, you were in the cold cellar-like room, the next, you were back in the baby pink room that was yours in this place, your true room was a boring white, with a ritzy mattress in the middle, and a small cabinet that served as a closet. Although you didn’t particularly like the color pink, it was nice to know that someone cared enough to bring true colors into your life. The other mother continued her embrace, picking up and cradling your head against her shoulder, you felt a wave of drowsiness overtake your senses, it hit you like a pound of bricks, and you squeezed the back of the women’s shirt to see if you were dreaming or not, her hold just felt so… comforting.
“Was she mean to you darling? Don’t you worry your little head about it, shhhhhh, just fall asleep, mother will take care of everything.” She spoke, bouncing slightly up and down with each step she took towards the large bed that was displayed in the center of the room. You barely muttered a small “wait” before falling asleep in her arms. She tenderly placed your body under the silky sheets, wrapping you up with the soft fabric and placing a small pig plushy next to you, keeping an eye on her precious’s little daughter while she tended to some “housework”.
The second you went unconscious you slipped into a weird dream, you were walking on a thin sheet of water, in a pitch dark room, it was so cold like someone had dunked you in a bucket of ice, you stared out into the nothingness, gradually growing more anxious, where are you?
“HELLO! IS ANYBODY OUT THERE!” You screamed, only to be greeted by the echo of your own words, nothing more, nothing less. You started to swivel around in a moment of panic, having just about no idea what could happen to you in this dark abyss. That was until you dek the floor below you disappear, and you popped into existence into a completely different place, it was a medium sized room, the layout was similar to a grocery store, multiple shelves made the room feel smaller, what was odd about it, was that all the shelves were packed with hundreds of snowglobes. You admired the pretty glass structures as you slowly walked down the aisles, each had a completely different design, with little figures inside, you found it adorable, ogling at the pretty things. That was until you heard quiet clicking of heels, and your other mother came into view.
“There you go, now don’t be rude to me! You are a very lucky girl that I’m even letting you live, you should know much better than to taint my daughter's mind with your filthy voice, oh you make such a great addition to my collection! Enjoy your stay, forever” she chimed, you were positive that she couldn’t see you, mainly because you were standing frozen directly in front of her, and she hadn’t acknowledged you. At least you weren’t freezing anymore! You tiptoed closer to the snowglobe that was just placed among the collections, wondering why your mother was so enthusiastic about it. And saw nothing special about it, other than the bright yellow raincoat that adorned the figurine.
you remained completely unaware. of the thousands of button eyes that watched you from the globes, begging to be shattered, and set free.
“Pretty” you muttered to yourself before the world faded again, and you were back into your body, snuggled up under the covers, clutching the pig plushy close to your chest, you felt awake, but also very asleep, forgetting your entire dream the moment your eyes opened, slightly surprised to see that you were still in the pink room, in the other house. You could hear the feint sound of your bedroom door opening, the creak rang through the room. And the other mother smiled softly at your lovable position, cooing under her breath, trying not to be too loud and wake you up.
“Darling, we have to get up now, oh I know I know your still tired, but it’s dinner time, you can’t stay in bed all night, little sleepyhead, my little sleepyhead.” She spoke, rubbing your shoulder while you groaned at the sudden speaking and noise. You didn't know how long that dream lasted, but you did know that it was odd, so odd that in fact, it made up your mind for you about the whole button eyes thing.
“Uhm- Mother? I-I’m sorry, but I- I don’t want to put buttons in my eyes.” You muttered, awaiting a harsh reaction, but instead, getting another one of her sweet smiles, she picked you up again and sat you in her lap, your small frame getting engulfed by hers.
“Oh is that what you were worrying so hard about? Don’t worry honey, you never were going to have to sow buttons in your eyes, it was just to see if I could trust you, and I know that I can trust you now.” She stated, calmly, a little too calmly. So… she lied? You got in a fight with your best friend because she wanted to “see if she could trust you”?
“Oh- okay, where coralline though? Can I talk to her? Please, mother?” You started begging after seeing her stoic expression, why did you want to see her? Was she not good enough for you? Coralline was mean to you, she hurt her little girl! Why did you want to see her? We’re you going to leave your mother for a snobby brat? She tightened her hold on you, pressing you closer to her, whispering little “shh” or “stay with me” in your ear, for some reason, you couldn't place what Coraline's face looked like, even though you had seen her just earlier, any memories of her were slowly dimming, fuzzy spots started appearing in any of those memories, and like turning of a staticky tv, they disappeared. You couldn’t even remember the name “coralline” after a few minutes of being cradled in this women’s lap.
“Cmon darling, let’s go eat dinner now, your father made it this time, I’m surprised he hasn't burn down the kitchen!” She spoke, getting a few sleepy giggles out of you. After helping you down the stairs she led you to the dining room, where you went on and sat at the large table next to your two parents. And so, you forgot about your “real” world, staying young forever here, even growing younger and smaller as time went on, forgetting about coralline, and your parents, and the small door, you lived your life happy, dressed in frilly pink clothing, learning to lobe your mother as she grew more obsessed with you, she got what she wanted in the end
You stayed mother’s little girl forever
have a great day today :)
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bakugotsundere · 3 years
Hating Him - Bakugo Katsuki (3)
Bakugo x (black) fem reader
( still can read if you’re not)
sorry if it bothers you, i just felt that my black readers weren’t feeling black as they were reading y/n stories cause i for sure wasn’t
Warning: Smut, Rough sex, hair pulling, name calling, Nsfw 18+
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It had been weeks since you talked to Bakugo. You had been avoiding him ever since that night at Minas house. Practice was quiet, no arguing between you two. There was a time a couple of days ago you argued, only because of him of course. He had to lead the team during practice once and was just being very obnoxious and he tried it with you and you snapped on him, so then it started a argument. Some hurtful things were said, you told him that Shindo had looked better than him and you knew this made his blood boil but he had already called you desperate so you could careless.
“Are you alright?” You heard shindo ask, pulling you out of your thoughts. You placed your feet in his lap, “I’m fine. Thanks for asking.” You said softly. Shindo was a transfer student. Mina had introduced him to the group right before you and bakugo had got into that argument. Shindo was very handsome and was a pretty chill person so you and him got along well. Bakugo hated Shindo for some unknown reason so he never came around anymore, he barely came around before so it didn’t matter. Shindos hands messaged your legs as you watched Denki try to act as something. You were playing a game of charades and you had to guess what denki was trying to be.
Everyone was here except for bakugo and Kirishima. “Hey guys.” You heard a familiar voice say. Speaking of the fucking devil. You turned around to be greeted with a happy kirishima and a angry bakugo. He just had to bring him. Bakugos eyes met yours and he clenched his jaw once he saw your legs on Shindo. You didn’t say a word to each other. Bakugo had on a white t-shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants. You gave kirishima a small smile before turning back around in your seat. The tension between you and Bakugo had to be noticeable. Bakugo sat down on the other couch with Kirishima as they greeted everyone. Bakugo greeted everyone except you and Shindo.
The game of charades continued and you and Shindo were having your own conversation, “Where’d you get those rings from?” He asked and you could feel Bakugos eyes on you. You began to get nervous because the truth would cause a lot. Telling him that Bakugo gave them to you because he couldn’t finger you with them on didn’t sound like a plan. Kirishima noticed that these were Bakugos too, “Hey Bakugo aren’t those-
Bakugo hit Kirishima in his shoulder and once he caught on kirishima gave you a confused smile. Fuck kirishima. “I got them from a friend.” You said and he grabbed your hand, looking at it, “May I ask who this friend is?” He asked and you gave him a small smile nodding your head, “Her name is...Alena, before I left for college she gave me them to keep.” You lied and he nodded his head before you went on to talk about something else. That was close but it’s not like you and Shindo are together but saying you got them from Bakugo would stir up a lot of things. From then on Bakugo kept his eyes on you. You were the only thing he was focusing on until everyone started to leave until you were the only one left in the lounge area.
You stared at your hand with bakugos rings on it, remembering everything from that night. You figured that The rings were causing too much trouble and decided that you had to go give them back to Bakugo. Bakugo lived behind the university in like a loft looking home. You only knew this because there was once a part at his house that you ended up not going to. You walked off out of the university, heading straight to his place.
Once you made it to his loft, you knocked on the door a few times before he finally opened it. He was wearing a pair of grey nike shirts and a pair of white socks. His shirt was off, showing his toned body. He also had the on the wrist bands that you’re guessing his mother gave him from all of those community help outs she worked at. He looked good but you knew you couldn’t say that. He looked down at you, “What do you want?” He asked and you removed his rings from off of your small finger and handed them to him, “Here are your rings.” You told him and he sighed taking them in his hand, “Is that all?” He asked and you nodded your head. “Do you wanna come in?” He asked and you shrugged your shoulders, “I don’t know, Depends on if it’s considered desperate or not.” You told him and he sighed, “Look-
You walked past him, going inside his loft. You looked around, all his furniture was grey and black, some wooden, which fit him. Everything was neat. Nothing out of place. The stairs to his room was to the right while his living room was on the left and there was also a really black tall bookshelf in the corner. And all the way in the back was his kitchen. The wall on the right was brick. It was really cold inside his house but you liked it. You took off your jacket leaving you only in a white see-through tank top and a pair of grey biker shorts that were a bit too short and he watched you. He could feel him self start to get hard down there and he had wished he didn’t like the sight of you in your natural state. All you had to do was touch him and he’d be in for it.
You turned around to face him, “So why did you invite me in? I thought I was the reason for all your problems?” You slyly said craving his reaction. “Why’d you accept the offer? Shindo’s much more attractive than me right?” He asked, “Mhmm. You called me desperate in front of the whole track team. Now if I told them how much you liked the taste of me I’d be wrong.” You told him and he walked towards you.
His large body towered over yours. “Should’ve done it while you could, I’m not taking back anything I said. You are desperate. You know like I know that I’m the only one who has ever made you feel that good.” He told you and you looked up at him, “And I’m not taking back anything I said either. Your ego is too big for you to be losing to a girl like me. And as much as you hate to admit it, you are also desperate for me. I can tell by the way you’re getting harder by the second. I’m attractive even when we’re arguing?” You asked him and this hit a nerve. You wanted it to. His large hands found there way to your hair and he pulled your freshly straightened hair. He sat down on the couch and pulled your body onto him, making you straddle him. Somehow he still felt taller even while you were sitting on him.
“You’re mouth is so fucking smart, you know that?” He asked and you smiled, “Only with you. Shindo has never made me as angry as you do.” You told him and he pulled you in, kissing you on your lips. His kisses were rough and you liked it. His teeth pulled at your bottom lip before they sunk into your neck. He yanked your hair, leaving your neck open. A soft moan left your lips as bakugos mouth played at your neck, “D-Dont leave a Mark.” You breathed out and he shook his head no, “I’ll do whatever the fuck I want with you, you’re mine .” He told you and your hands found there way to his blonde hair. His nibbles slowly turned into gentle kisses, just to let you know he had already placed many hickeys on your neck and his hands dragged over your curves as he bring his lips back to yours.
Your hips grind against his cock as your wet pussy soaked through your shorts, staining his grey ones. You gasp as he hands find there way to your ass, gripping it roughly. Kneading it almost. Your moans went straight into his mouth as he kissed your lips. You cupped his warm cheeks with your hands as he used his hands to guide you along his throbbing cock. The heat from both your bodies didn’t match to to the coldness in his loft. His body was like a drug to yours, you couldn’t help but want more. “You’re making a fucking mess.” He growled lowly and you looked at him, “S-Sorry. I can’t control it.” You told him softly between kisses, “You’re such a fucking slut.” He said as you buried your head into his warm neck. There was no doubt that you had already was lost on him.
You gently kissed his neck, making his jaw clenched, you found yourself wanting to Mark him too. You nibble at his neck and short grunts left his lips. You placed them everywhere, you knew Bakugo wasn’t even gonna try to cover it up. He was gonna have everyone guessing whose lips had planted them. “I-I need it. ” You whispered softly in his ear, “Don’t know what it is. Be specific sweetheart.” He told you through gritted teeth as his throbbing cock pressed directly against your pussy. “C-Can you please fuck me daddy?” You asked him. Your words went straight to his dick making his urge to have himself deep inside you more incompetent.
He shifted underneath you, pulling his shorts off revealing his cock. It was bigger than you had thought. It was very thick and long. It leaked with Precum and the tip was swollen. Veins were everywhere and all of that you wanted it was gone. You didn’t know if you could take it. You wrapped your hand around it, bringing your thumb to the tip. You looked at him, “B-Bakugo I don’t think we should be doing this.” You managed to say and his hands found there way to your shorts, starting to pull them off.
His tip pressed at your entrance waiting to feel your walls. “Why not?” He asked lowly and you looked down at his dick, “This is bad sportsmanship.” You told him, trying to focus on your words but his dick had been way too distracting at the moment, “And arguing all day isn’t? Stop acting innocent, I know how much of a slut you really fucking are.” He said before he pushed you down all the way on him, making your thighs clench and your hands grip his large shoulders. He gripped your waist, moving you up and down, giving you no time to adjust. Your eyes flutter as you push out insufficient moans from your lips. His cock was getting larger and larger inside your gushy flesh making you whimper each thrust. You found yourself savoring this feeling.
He watched in satisfaction as your body bounced up and down on him. The view of your brown frame doing so made him want to fuck you harder. “So god damn tight and wet for me.” He muttered. The sound of your ass clapping down into him was the only thing that could be heard. Your moans were barely audible and every groan that came from him made your Pussy wetter and wetter. As you started to move faster, you could tell you were about to meet your climax. His cock was hitting more than just your cervix. You were about to cum. You were reaching your ending point. You found yourself collapsing on him and letting out a series of moans and falling into his chest.
“Good girl. I wanna see you cum for me again.”
He moved your hands behind your back and started to fuck the shit out of you. His cock grazed against your walls as he did so, your cries were ignored by him. He was going faster than before, way faster. You couldn’t move at all, Bakugo had done more than just take control, “I-I can’t.” You cried to him and he ignored you, “You can’t what?” He asked as he continued to fuck you. “I can’t t-take it Bakugo.” You moaned into his neck. “I don’t give a shit. Should’ve thought about that before you came here.” He growled and tears brimmed at your eyes. This had felt so good, he was rough, so rough and you enjoyed it. Enjoyed every single part of it. He really was perfect for you.
Your moans turned into whimpers as you let out loud begs. His constant ramming at your sweet spot turned into a feeling of euphoria. Your walls started to suck him in, squeezing around his veins as another wave of cum was about to rush over you. “Shit. Your squeezing me so tight. God dammit.” He said between gritted teeth. You could feel him about to come so you fee into it, “Cum inside me please.” Your words straight to his cock and he let put a series of curse words followed by his cum pouring inside of you. You took his dick from out of you, letting his cum pour out of you and onto your fingers. You put them in your mouth, licking up every last drop of it. You then fell into his chest, feeling tired already, “My legs hurt.” You told him.
“We’re not done yet.”
His hands gripped underneath your ass, lifting you up. Your legs wrapped tightly around his waist, you buried your head into his neck, knowing that you probably weren’t going to be able to walk after this. He brung you upstairs to his room, placing you on his bed. He turned you on your stomach, and you arched your back for him, Knowing what was already about to happen.
He placed his hands at your waist and pressed the tip at your entrance. He teased you a little before shoving himself all the way in. You could never get used to this feeling. He started off slow before he found the Rhythm and started fucking the shit out of you. Your mind began to feel hazy as in this position, you could feel every single inch of them and it fucking drove you mad.
Your small hands gripped the covers, grabbing the satin fabric tightly. He was literally fucking you senseless. Nothing but the sound of your ass bouncing off his torso could be heard. With each thrust, you felt something jolt inside you. His cock was piercing through you almost. Your mind wasn’t filled with anything but him and his length, hoping his constant thrusting didn’t stop. You wanted to be wasted off him. “M-More. I want more.” You whimpered and he went crazy inside you. He pulled your hair and started to go faster than before. His grip on your hair was strong, hurting your scalp almost. He was farther than your cervix and your eyes started to flutter. He was destroying you. Showing you what more really was.
“K-Katsuki, I-I,” you tried to say something but you couldn’t. He was fucking you too hard for words to even form from your lips. His hand rubbed down your back and he held your waist down into the bed and started ramming himself inside your already abused pussy. “Who’s pussy is this?” He asked and you answered quickly, “Yours- Katsuki please.” You begged as he stretched you out even more. He slapped your ass making you yelp. Your moans were muffled into the covers as you buried your head into them. You felt so dizzy, your vision was blurry and you felt hopeless. Your legs started to shake, and your walls squeezed him tightly. You didn’t even have time to tell him because right then and there you came all over him but he didn’t care, he continued. After a few sloppy strokes he eventually came inside you.
You felt so violated and disgusted. “Fuck. Come and clean me up.” He demanded referring to his dick. You sat up, cum dripped from out of your pussy as you took his length in your mouth, cleaning up the mess you made on it. Once you were done he grabbed you buy your chin, pulling you towards his face. Sweat dripped from down his face. You started blinking a lot when you felt nervous. He noticed and chuckled lowly before placing a kiss on your forehead and cheek, “You look so pretty all worn out from me y/n.” He stated. You turned away embarrassed and still shaken up by what he just had done. “I’m tired.” You told him and he stood up, walking into the bathroom to get a towel.
“If that’s only how long you can last you’re in for a rude awakening with me next time my love.”
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randomvarious · 2 years
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Today’s compilation:
Billboard Top Rock & Roll Hits: 1959-1962 1989 Rock & Roll / Pop / Doo Wop / Pop-Rock / Bubblegum Pop / R&B
Here's a lot of numbers I'm about to say: this four-cassette brick is the second release out of five that I'm going through in succession that, in total, documents the top-ten Billboard hits of each year from 1955 through 1974. Last week I posted the set containing 1955 through 1958 and today I'm posting 1959 through 1962.
Two things, though. First, as I noted in my 1955-1958 post, Rhino Records, the label tasked with gathering all these top hits, failed in some instances to acquire licenses for some of the songs, so they had to find ample replacements instead. But this could actually be something of a blessing in disguise, because even though it's sort of false advertising to present a compilation as having the top ten hits from each year and then not actually include them all, you'll still get a few nice, little, less remembered surprises instead. It ends up digging a tad bit deeper into Billboard's chart history and, as a result, shines a light on some songs that aren't thought of on the same level as, like, say, "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" by The Tokens or Dion's "Runaround Sue."
Second, it bills itself as containing the top "rock'n'roll" hits from each year, but that's a very loose and vague term. There's a bunch of tunes within these cassettes that aren't really rock & roll at all, and, really, it just seems like "rock'n'roll" is serving as a replacement catch-all term for "Hot 100," Billboard's long running chart that tracks the 100 most popular songs in the US every single week.
All that said, going through these oldies has been a real blast for me so far. I don't have very many oldies comps in my collection yet myself, so these sets are serving as some great 50s and 60s building blocks. And there's actually some songs in here that are really good that, surprisingly, I don't think I'd actually ever heard before, like the wonderful instrumental, "The Happy Organ" by Dave 'Baby' Cortez, or "Quarter to Three" by Gary U.S. Bonds, which is a song that Dion ripped off a few months later to drop the much more famous "Runaround Sue" 👀.
I didn't really think I'd be getting much out of these cassettes beyond something similar to your standard oldies radio station playlist, which is why I held off on biting this bullet for so long, but as it turns out, I actually seem to be getting a bit more than that, and it’s been a really pleasant surprise thus far ☺.
Cassette 1 (1959):
Bobby Darin - "Mack the Knife" Lloyd Price - "Stagger Lee" Wilbert Harrison - "Kansas City" Elvis Presley - "A Big Hunk O' Love" Dave 'Baby' Cortez - "The Happy Organ" The Coasters - "Charlie Brown" The Crests - "16 Candles"
Cassette 2 (1960):
Chubby Checker - "The Twist" The Ventures - "Walk - Don't Run" Maurice Williams & The Zodiacs - "Stay"
Cassette 3 (1961):
Bobby Lewis - "Tossin' and Turnin'" Del Shannon - "Runaway" Dion - "Runaround Sue" Gary U.S. Bonds - "Quarter to Three" Shirelles - "Will You Love Me Tomorrow" The Marvelettes - "Please Mr. Postman" The Tokens - "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"
Cassette 4 (1962):
Gene Chandler - "Duke of Earl" Tommy Roe - "Sheila" Joey Dee & The Starliters - "Peppermint Twist - Part 1" Little Eva - "The Loco-Motion" Dion - "The Wanderer"
P.S.: Follow me on Twitter as I unpack these comps and dig into their tunes, telling some of the great stories behind them. Like, did you know that Little Eva, of "Loco-motion" fame, was actually a nanny for the song's writers, Carole King and Gerry Goffin, and that she originally recorded it as a demo for Dee Dee Sharp, but Sharp passed on it, so another label seized on the demo and then Little Eva went to #1? Or that Carole King also co-wrote and composed The Shirelles' "Will You Love Me Tomorrow" at around 19 years old? Or that "The Twist" by Chubby Checker was actually a cover that ended up playing a gigantic role in breaking down rock & roll's class barriers, as teenagers first made it popular in 1960, and then rich socialites twisted the nights away in nightclubs during the winter of 1961 and 1962, marking rock & roll's expansion beyond being just some rebellious teenage fad phenomenon? All those fun facts and more when you throw me a follow 😁!
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lotusss-flowerbomb · 3 years
Nice To Meet You (2)
Bucky x Wilson!reader
Warning: 18+, Smut (seriously, children are not welcomed here)
Word Count: 3,152 (I literally tried so hard to keep this short)
The drive to the docks to meet Sam and Sarah was too quick. You wanted to spend more time with him alone.
Once you arrived, you kept your distance from both Bucky and Sam and helped Sarah most of the time. You were sitting something inside of the wheel house when she silently followed behind you. You paused to look at Bucky and then turned around almost crashing into her.
"You know those glances you've been giving him hasn't been as subtle as you think," she squinted.
"Girl, what are you even talking about??" You feigned innocence.
She just stared at you until you finally cracked.
"Damn it!" You looked out at Sam and Bucky talking.
"So?? Tell me everything," she motioned for you to hurry up with her hand. "How was it?"
"Amazing," you sighed as you thought about all the nasty things the two of you had done.
"Aye man, what are you smiling about? Are you even listening to me? Why are you so weird?" You heard Sam yell.
When you looked up, you saw the window was open. Your heart rate sped up. There's simply no way he heard that... Did he??
"I can't believe you slept with a man you just met and Sam's friend of all people, " she shook her head.
"You look out there at that man and you look me in my face and tell me that you wouldn't," you challenged her.
"Yeah, he's kinda cute for a white guy," she said.
"Besides, they're not friends... they're coworkers."
When Bucky started laughing, you knew he could hear you. He got a real kick out of hearing you use the line he'd tried using on you last night.
You slammed the window shut embarrassed. Once Sarah realized what had just happened she fell into a fit of laughter.
"It's not funny, that's so embarrassing," you put your face in your hands.
"I just want to know how you plan on telling Sam? You know how he gets, he's gonna shit a brick."
"I know and I don't care if he's mad at me, but I don't want him to be mad at Bucky."
"Ooh, a sneaky link," she danced.
"Girl bye!" You laughed. "What do you know about a sneaky link?" You walked outside.
"I got Tik Tok too," she bragged.
You all finished the work you were doing on the boat for the day. You were happy Bucky was there to help move things along faster. You shook your head at the way he and Sam constantly bickered back and forth throughout the day.
"I know what I'm doing, I've been fixing on this boat my whole life!" Sam would yell.
"Hey, pipe down. You're still wet behind the ears. Just let me show you!" Bucky yelled back.
"Will you two just get a room?" Sarah asked, finally getting them to shut up.
Back home, the boys wanted to spend the rest of their weekend at their friend's house and Sarah welcomed the break.
"Alright, my kids aren't here so I'm not cooking," your sister announced.
"It's Sam's turn anyway," you said.
"No, it's your turn," he fired back.
"I cooked yesterday, you weren't here. Bucky ate, so it counts."
"Bucky definitely ate," he said.
Sarah choked on her drink. Sam, completely oblivious, patted her back and made a comment about hef never knowing how to drink without choking since she was little.
"So, pizza? Yeah, I'll order pizza. Sam, Sarah your usual right?"
"Yep," she answered in between breaths.
"Got it, I'll go up and order online." You jogged out of the room.
When Bucky followed behind you Sam asked where he was going.
"I'm from New York, Sam. I'm gonna make sure she picks the best pizza place." He said matter of factly.
When you two finally got to your room, you smacked Bucky on the arm.
"Ow!" He whined.
"Oh, please!" You smacked him again, "are you trying to get us caught?" 
"Mmm hmm," he pulled you close and kissed your neck.
Your body melted into his. Unable to resist his advances, you put your arms around his neck and kissed him. Soon after your legs were wrapped around his waist and he had you pressed up against the wall.
"I want to fuck you so bad," he said in between kisses.
"Then do it," you teased.
Bucky didn't waste a single second turning you around and pulling down your joggers. He kicked your feet apart and pushed inside of you.
"Oh, fuck yesss," you hissed.
He put his hand over your mouth. The last thing he wanted was to be distracted by your sounds of pleasure and unable to hear someone coming.
Your pussy was so wet. The sloshing sound was driving him crazy and he wanted to get on his knees and suck it, but knew better.
He wanted to see your face, so he turned you back around and lifted you up again. This time he slid into your pussy slowly, watching as your mouth opened and you tried desperately not to make a sound.
"Do you know how good you feel?" He said into your ear. "I'm gonna cum in this tight little pussy. It's mine now and I don't care who knows it."
You grabbed his chin and pressed your lips to his. The knot in your belly unraveled as you creamed all over his dick.
"That's my girl," he fucked you quicker and harder as you tightened around him.
Bucky moaned into your mouth as his body stiffened and he came inside of you. He used one hand to brace himself on the wall and the other to keep you in place. He stopped you when you unwrapped your legs.
"No, wanna feel you," he panted into your throat.
"We don't have time for this, one of them will eventually come see what's taking so long," you wiggled out of his hold.
He let you down, but not before he got one more kiss.
He pulled his pants up while you grabbed a towel from the bathroom and wrapped yourself in it. You quickly placed the order for the pizzas and turned on your shower.
"Bucky, no," you giggled when he tried to follow you in.
"Fine," he kissed you and smacked your ass before leaving quickly.
"They've been up there for a long time," Sam said to Sarah.
"They're probably talking. You know how much she loved hearing old stories from daddy. He's probably telling her about how he was there when the wheel was invented or something," she replied.
"Mmm, I'ma go see," he said and walked away before she could stop him.
Bucky slipped into the guest room right before Sam hit the top of the stairs. He quickly rounded the bed and grabbed his bag as if he'd been looking through it.
"Hey, where's Y/N?" Sam questioned.
"Said she was getting in the shower," he never looked up.
"Oh... Why are your pants unzipped in my house?"
"Because I was also going to get in the shower, is that okay?" Bucky finally looked up at him and rolled his eyes.
Sam squinted at him before walking the short distance to your room. He could hear the water going in your bathroom, so he finally relaxed. Bucky came out of the guest room to go in the bathroom across the hall. He just shook his head at Sam. The man was definitely gonna pop a vein when he found out about the two of you.
While you all ate Sam and Bucky talked about their infamous first meeting.
"The guy puts his arm through my windshield and snatches the steering wheel clean off," Sam laughed. "Then I watched him jump over the side of a bridge and land on his feet."
"Come on, man," Bucky sounded embarrassed and looked over at you.
"It's funny now. Not so much back when you were trying to kill me, but definitely now," he took a drink.
"Alright, enough of those stories time for music," Sarah saved him. "Alexa, play some old school."
Alexa lit up and played Sexual Healing by Marvin Gaye.
"Nooo, Alexa, next song!" Sam yelled.
Alexa played Love and Happiness by Al Green.
"Oh, this the one right here," he stood.
You and Sarah stood on each side of him and let him take lead, eventually coming in to be his back up vocals.
Bucky couldn't help but smile seeing the three of you together.
"Ooh, come on, Buck, let's dance," you put your hand out.
"What? No, I haven't danced since the 40's," he said and took a sip of his whisky.
"Well, you're long overdue then," you grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet.
You both swayed to the music. He smiled at you as he held on to your hips and led the dance. You were so caught up in him that you hadn't noticed Sam stopped singing and was just staring at you.
It wasn't until the music abruptly stopped that you remembered your siblings were even there.
Sam's jaw was on the ground as he stared at the two of you. You jumped out of his arms and started to explain, but he made a beeline for Bucky.
He punched him in the face causing Bucky to flip over a chair.
"Samuel!" You and Sarah both yelled.
"He had it coming!" He walked away.
You helped Bucky up.
"Why didn't he hit that hard a few days ago when Walker was kicking our asses," he rubbed a finger across his eye.
"Are you okay? I didn't think he'd ever react like that," you checked his face.
"I'm fine," he assured you. "I should probably go," he said.
"You don't have to go, I'll talk to him. Besides, he just punched you; he didn't say you had to leave." You walked away to find your brother.
Sarah grabbed ice for his face and started cleaning up.
"Samuel Thomas Wilson!" You screamed when you saw his silhouette pacing back and forth on the dock. "Have you lost your mind?!"
"Have you?!" He yelled back.
"You're a real piece of work, do you know that?"
"Of all the men in the world, why did you have to choose him?"
"Oh please, you're acting like I ran off and married the guy," you rolled your eyes.
"That's just it, the man's been through enough. He doesn't need you playing with him and trying to figure it out."
"Wait, you're mad at me?? Why the hell did you hit him?"
"I'm mad at both of you. I don't want him hooking up with my kid sister. He's too damn old, " he said, finally starting to calm down.
"Hate to burst your bubble, but I'm not a kid anymore and the man is too old for everyone." You sat down and swung your feet over the edge.
"You'll always be my baby," he sat next to you.
"How's your hand?"
"Hurts like a bitch. The guy is very literally hard headed," he chuckled.
You found Bucky in the guest room lying in bed with the ice pack on his face.
"How's the eye?" You leaned up against the door.
"It'll survive," he looked over at you.
You walked over to the bed and laid flat on your back next to him. You were quiet until you couldn't hold in your laugh any longer.
"What's so funny?"
"He socked the shit out of you."
"Right?!" He laughed along with you. "But it was worth it. Besides, I had it coming. I did rip the man's steering wheel off while he was driving after all." He chuckled, referencing the earlier conversation.
"You know, he just jumped at the very first boyfriend I ever had and that poor guy never called me again," you moved the ice from his face.
"Yeah well, I don't scare that easily," he pecked your lips with a soft kiss.
You put your hand out for him to grab.
"You sure I'm not gonna get punched again," he laced his fingers with yours.
"Oh please, it was just a little love tap," you led him to the bedroom.
He locked the door behind you then quickly scooped you up to lie you down on your back.
"Bucky," you giggled as he kissed the insides of your thighs.
"I'm going back to Brooklyn tomorrow. I need to taste you one more time before I go." He pulled off your pants.
He slowly slid your underwear off and stuffed them in his back pocket. He definitely needed something to remember this moment by.
Bucky rubbed your pussy and then slowly pushed two fingers inside of you.
"Fuck, look how wet you are and I've barely touched you." He admired the wetness on his fingers when he pulled them out.
You opened your mouth wide and stuck your tongue out, letting him know you wanted a taste.
He happily stuck his fingers in your mouth. His dick pulsing as he watched you suck on his fingers. He could no longer resist diving in between your thighs after watching how much you enjoyed tasting yourself.
Bucky expertly rolled his tongue over your clit. Watching you as you struggled to keep quiet.
He rolled over onto his back while keeping you in place, so you were now riding his face. You buried your face in the pillows and let out the moans you'd been holding back.
"Fuck my tongue," he smacked your ass.
You bounced your ass on his face while he licked and sucked you.
Bucky stroked his cock. His balls were so full, he'd be cumming in no time.
"I'm gonna cum," you gripped the sheets.
Bucky flipped you again, as much as he wanted you to cum on his face, he wanted to see you come apart beneath him even more.
He pushed your legs back and nudged into you. Your breath caught in your throat as he stretched you.
He rubbed your clit as he fucked you slowly and deliberately. Putting his hand around your throat and squeezing lightly until damn broke and you shattered to pieces.
He caught your screams with his mouth and kept fucking until he could no longer hold back. He came inside of you for the second time that night.
After getting cleaned up, he wrapped his arms around you and before long he was asleep. You thought about what Sam said about him having been through enough. Sure, you had your time when you were just living life and didn't take men seriously, but after the blip you've realized that life is way too short. Besides, you actually liked Bucky and wanted to get to know him.
You ran your finger across the stubble on his sleeping face. His soft breathing continued as his fingers flexed lightly on your back.
Normally, even that light touch would've awakened him, but right now, he was completely comfortable and felt safe there with you and your family.
The next day Bucky got up early. He decided not to wake you and made his way down the stairs. Sam was already outside throwing the shield around.
Bucky walked up, but the two men didn't speak for a while. It wasn't until Sam threw the shield and Bucky caught it did they break the silence.
"I should've said something. The moment we got to the boat, I should've told you," he said.
"Yeah, you should have," Sam finally stopped to look at him. "That's my baby sister, man."
"I know and I didn't plan for it, hell, I didn't even know you had sisters... Or a boat? Which she got on my ass about by the way," he smiled.
"As she should," he laughed.
The two men talked about a few things and finally Bucky opened up to Sam a little bit.
"You still having those nightmares?" He asked.
"All the time... Except these past two nights." He inhaled as he felt himself becoming emotional. "For the first time in a long time, I felt a little at peace. Even when I was in Wakanda, I always felt like someone was coming, but with Y/N, I just..." his words trailed off.
"You know the Wilson's, we good for the soul man," Sam joked. "You can't use her as a crutch though," he became serious.
Bucky nodded in agreement. He knew exactly what he meant.
"You ready for a little bit of tough love?" He asked the older man.
You and Sarah watched out of the window while the two men talked.
"Oh look, they're doing the little high five dap thing," you said.
"He's walking away. Wow, that man broke your back and now he's leaving without saying goodbye," she teased.
"The hell he is," you ran to the front door.
"Hey!" You yelled after snatching it open and running out.
You ran past your brother and jumped into Bucky's arms. Wrapping your legs around him, you gave him a long, tongue filled goodbye kiss.
He set you on your feet after finally pulling himself away. You reached up and pinched his arm.
"Ow! Why is this family so violent?!" He yelled dramatically.
"How dare you try to leave without saying bye to me?" You huffed.
"I'm sorry, doll, but I'm not so good at goodbyes," he hugged you close. "I have some things I need to do back home, but I promise I'll be back as soon as I can."
"You'd better," you kissed him again. "Come on, I'll take you to the airport." You tugged him towards your car.
It had been weeks since you'd last seen Bucky, but you spoke on the phone almost everyday. You were excited when he told you that he was coming back to visit and would be at the big cookout.
You mingled with the people while you waited for him to show up, sitting with a group of friends talking when AJ and Cass took off running past you. You turned to see where they were headed and you saw Bucky walking up with a cake in his hand and sunglasses on.
"Damn, he looks better in person," one of your friends said.
"That he does. Excuse me, ladies," you vacated your seat and walked over to him.
The smile that stretched across his face was a mile long.
"Hey, baby doll," he wrapped his arms around you and kissed you passionately.
"Alright, alright, enough of that. We're trying to eat here." Sam said.
Bucky clapped his friend on the back and you all sat down together.
Bucky looked around the table at all the smiling faces. He never thought he'd have happiness. Let alone people he could call family. He kissed you at your temple one more time. The way you looked at him made his heart flutter.
Finally. The calm he'd been searching for.
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
Book of Soulmates
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Pairing: Namjoon x reader
Premise: You have a bond where when you first meet your soulmate, all the memories of your past lives together come flooding back. Through lifetimes, Namjoon does his best to keep his promise to you.
You’ve never been one for sneaking around. It seems to always end badly. However, when your best friend, Liv, practically dragged you through the back entrance of the event center and told you to keep quiet, you realized that it was too late. 
The closer the two of you got to the main ballroom where an event was being held, the more you took notice of the banners hanging from the ceiling.
“Are you kidding me?!” You hiss, yanking your hand out of Liv’s grasp. “You’re trying to sneak into a freaking BTS fan sign? Their security will throw us out on our butts before we can even get within 100-”
“Aren’t you two supposed to be inside?”
The two of your whirl around to see two bulky security personnel, looking at you with an amused expression.
“Huh?” You gape at them, just hoping that nobody will take a video of you getting thrown out of a fan sign. How embarrassing would that be? 
“Oh, right!” Liv shouts, grabbing you again. “We were just trying to find the bathroom and got lost on the way back. Is it just through here?”
One of the bodyguards nods, chuckling. “Yeah, take the first door on the right. That way you’ll enter in the back. 
“Thank you!”
Before you know it, you’re being dragged down the hallway and through a door, entering a room that’s filled to the brim with people that all have one thing in common.
That would be the group of boys at the front of the room.
They don’t pay you any mind, they’re too busy trying to focus on the line of fans in front of them. 
Liv is trying her best to maneuver her way into the line, but you remain frozen in place. 
“Come on,” she whispers. “You can stare at them in line, too.”
You refuse to move, your eyes caught like a thread caught on a snag as you look at the boy with a dimpled smile, grinning at the girl before him. 
Liv laughs. “Really? That’s Kim Namjoon you idiot.”
A few fans around you laugh, and you shake your head. “Right. Sorry.”
Who is Hyeon?
Hopping into the line, you continue staring at Namjoon. No matter how hard you try, it’s nearly impossible for you to turn away. 
There’s something so familiar about him, it’s exhausting. It’s like it’s right on the tip of your tongue, yet no matter how hard you think, you can’t quite place this feeling. 
Namjoon must feel your intense gaze, because for a split second he has a break and he’s looking out over the crowd, his eyes landing on yours. 
There’s a flood of memories that hit you, the weight of the previous lives you’ve lived hitting you like a ton of bricks. Knees buckling, you can’t even brace yourself before you’re falling to the ground. 
Some memories are more acute than others. There’s a vague vision of Namjoon, eyes wary and tired as he kneels beside you. He smooths the fabric of his tunic, looking at you with a soft smile. 
The year was 1388. It was the first time you met Namjoon. He was so nervous, you used to tease him that he’d wear a hole in his tunic if he kept smoothing it out.
I suppose that’s what you get when the first time you meet your soulmate you’re already engaged to someone else. That life was...crazy.
Before you can remember more of that life, it’s gone, replaced by another memory. There’s a child in this one, chasing Namjoon around a garden and stumbling over their hanbok. Namjoon’s laugh is as clear as day in your mind before the memory is replaced yet again. 
The year was 1504. 
Memory by memory flashes by, the sights and sounds around you hardly cracking the surface as you recall all the lives you’ve lived. 
Some memories carry a sorrowful tinge; a life filled with difficulty. However, the hope of having Namjoon by your side remains a constant. 
By the time you make it to your 11th life, there are tears flowing down your cheeks. At this point people have cleared a space, security gathering around to keep the two of you safe. 
This memory is the brightest. It is also the most recent. 
The year is 1932. You’re standing on your porch, watching in awe as soft snowflakes flutter down. It hasn’t snowed in so long, you think. 
Namjoon - no, Hyeon was his name in your eleventh life. He appears by your side, looking much the same as he does now. 
The biggest difference are the threadbare clothes hanging off of his thin body. 
Yes. You remember this life. 
Your eleventh was the hardest one you’d had in a long, long time. The world passed through a global depression, and the two of you were young. Newly married yet again, high hopes for the future. You’re sitting on the top stair of your porch, fighting against shivers due to the chill. 
“In our next life,” Namjoon speaks quietly, wrapping an arm around you. “I’ll make sure I’m rich before we even meet.”
You laugh, ignoring the pang of hunger that wracks your entire body. When was the last time you’d had a decent meal?
“I’ll have you either way.”
Namjoon, despite his gaunt features, looks beautiful in this life. Perhaps it was because this was the life where the two of you had to rely the most upon each other. Previous lives saw you ruling provinces, commanding troops, the years passing in the blink of an eye.
This life, there were no grand houses. You lived far from your family. You and Namjoon shared a single room, which had the kitchen and bathroom attached to it. 
But you had each other. 
Placing a gentle kiss upon your forehead, your heart aches to remember how that was one of the last kisses you received from Namjoon in your eleventh life. It would only be a few days until you’d find out that he’d been giving most of his rations to you. 
It was downhill from there. Soon you were back to waiting for your next life to roll around, waiting to meet your soulmate all over again.
The sweet words that Namjoon uttered back then are what echo through your mind now as the current Namjoon of your twelfth life stumbles closer to you, fans shouting and gasping. 
“I’ll buy you a coat, jagiya.” When you’d turned to him with a confused look, Hyeon smiled his adorable dimpled smile. “In our twelfth life, I’ll buy you a nice coat.”
Holding you a little closer, he did his best to keep you warm despite failing to fight off the chill from his own body.
Those words continue to echo through your mind as Namjoon falls down before you, staring at the face he’s loved for centuries. 
“Jagiya,” he chokes out, wiping the tears from his eyes. He glances down at his lap, where he clutches something in his hands. “I-I promised you.”
Wiping the tears from your eyes, Namjoon places a soft kiss to your forehead. You take a moment to look at him. 
Namjoon’s twelfth life suits him well. He looks healthy. He practically glows with how alive he is. 
It’s such a contrast from before. 
“Here,” he whispers, overtaken by his emotions as he swims in the memories of his past lives. 
Looking to where he’s extended his hands out to you, you can’t help the fresh wave of tears that soak your cheeks as you see just what Namjoon is offering you.
It’s a coat.
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itsbeenahellofayear · 3 years
what we got, it don't come easy
Summary: Some things are easy, some things aren't. It can take time to learn what is important.
Warnings: Smut. Maybe not as much as you'd expect from a story thats pretty much only about sex. Some feelings. Language.
Author's Note: It took a while to get this one across the line. The first segment has been written for weeks, but I lacked inspiration, motivation, and was a little burnt out on anything Leaf related for a little bit there. RIP 2021 season....
Thanks to all of you who kept checking in and were enthusiastic about the little snippet I posted. Kind of kicked my writing into gear today!
I crave your feedback - this is weird and disjointed and very personal in a lot of ways, so I'd love to hear what you think!
Sex with Auston is easy - that's never been the issue between you.
This thing started with sex - you connected on tinder, got to talking for a couple of days, then went out for drinks.... That wound up with him in your bed, having arguably the best sex of your life.
That first night, lying hot and sweaty and completely satiated, you'd be lying if the thought didn't cross your mind that you could do this for the rest of your life.
It was that good.
You don't keep a list of things to try, but you kind of keep a list of things to try.
Some things that make the sex with Auston so good:
He's the first guy to encourage you to use your vibrator on your clit while he's fucking you - it's not every single time - sometimes coordination isn't possible when he's fucking into you so good but those times when he's pressing deep into you, hands on your breasts, grip firm just the way you like, and you've just got your vibe pressed to your clit on a low setting and you just shake apart.... Those are good times.
His dick is huge. Like he's big to start, but then he grows. It honestly took a bit of work to find angles that didn't have him ramming your cervix each time, but once you did... He fills you up so good.
He loves to eat you out. You've had your fair share of mediocre oral, but there's something about the way he just goes for it, lets you twist your fingers in his too long hair, makes these little noises into you, that just really does it for you. He'll open you up with his thumbs and just dive his tongue deep inside of you, then move up and basically caress your clit with his tongue. If you're honest you can't even fathom what he's actually doing, it just feels insane.
He lets you ride his face. Now, it's not an every time thing, mostly because if you're going to expend energy on riding him, really what you want is his cock buried inside your aching slit. But sometimes, he'll settle himself on the bed, and you'll just climb on top of him, grip the headboard, and just ride.
You might love him.
(Maybe that's why it's good)
So the sex has never been the problem.
The problem lies in the in between bits.
In the moments when you're feeling insecure about his fame, and his looks, and the company he keeps. You're not a party girl - you'll go out to the bar once in a while, but people, everywhere, is not really your scene. You know he likes to go out, especially after wins. You know he likes to drink. And sure, sometimes he'll text you, and he'll end up at your place late at night. But sometimes he won't. And so you wonder.
It's also the moments where he just shuts down, internalizes, and won't communicate. You're not one for talking about your feelings, but you do believe in communicating when it's about things that affect someone else! Case in point: you send him a message in the morning on what you know is his off day - he doesn't even read it let alone respond until 8pm. You had asked him if he wanted to meet up for afternoon drinks.
It's also the moments when he says stupid immature shit, when you realize that, no matter how great a family he comes from, he's still a rich, entitled man-child that doesn't really understand the value of a dollar. And that irks you.
A lot.
You're just fooling around - keeping it casual.
He takes you out to the cottage with some of his boys. The season ended in heartbreak, they're splitting up for the summer, they want to blow off some steam.
You spend the days lazing by the lake, lying in hammocks in the yard, sneaking off for a "picnic" in the woods. And by picnic you mean Auston laid you out on a blanket and ate you out until you couldn't take it.
You spend the nights getting high sitting out by the fire, leaving unsubtly to go back inside to fuck.
It's probably around day 3 when you realize you're legitimately, 100% in love with this guy.
Day 5 you head back to the city, and haven't really talked to him about how you feel.
He leaves for Arizona the next morning.
He's not your boyfriend.
He doesn't know you fell for him.
The first night you had sex with him – the first night of the rest of your life – you remember thinking you've never felt this full.
Now, months later, you feel like you're empty.
Anytime you think of him, it's like your pussy just clenches involuntarily around what it thinks should be there, inside of you.
You want him so badly, so deeply, and you don't even have a real claim to him because you couldn't open up and tell him that something had changed.
You catch yourself scrolling insta late at night, looking to see if he's posted something that might hint he's out with someone else.
You hate that you're like this.
(You never see anything, for the record)
He comes back to Toronto in August.
That honestly catches you by surprise.
More so because you're just home on a Saturday afternoon, watching TV when he knocks on your door. Pretty much the last person you were expecting to see, but you can't deny that your heart ends up in your throat at the sight of him, tanned, bulked up, and looking at you like THAT.
"What..." you start.
"Faith" he breathes out.
You don't understand.
He walks forward into your apartment, crowding you back against the other wall of your tiny entryway.
You're still so caught up in him being here. The way he said your name...
You look up at him.
He just presses himself against you and crushes you to him in a hug. You feel him everywhere. The faint spicy scent of his cologne, the heat of his body, the puff of his breath against your neck where his head is pressing.
Engulfed - your brain provides.
"I missed you" he mutters into your neck.
Your brain is going a mile a minute.
How is he here? Why didn't he tell you he was coming back? He doesn't need to be back for weeks. Why is he here? What is happening?
You push him back a little. Not off of you entirely, just enough to give you some space to breathe.
"Auston, what?" You try again.
He looks down at you.
"I..." He starts.
Swallows again.
"I needed to see you, Faith."
He looks... Nervous?
"Aus... What's going on?" You ask him, heart racing out of your chest.
He swears.
"I might be reading this thing wrong, this thing we have, but... I want you to be mine."
You feel like you've been hit with a brick.
All you can do is stare at him as your mind struggles to keep up. You feel yourself reaching for him.
"Aus. Yes. Of course."
He blinks. "Yeah?"
You reach for his hand and pull him to the bedroom.
Sex is easy, with you and Auston.
You've never been afraid to ask for what you want. He's never been shy to ask for what he wants. And usually that lines up.
But for the first time since all this started, you feel almost shy with him.
Without discussing it, you both get naked pretty damn quickly. There's a second or twenty where you're just looking at him, drinking in his broad shoulders, his stomach muscles, his trim hips and his thick thighs. God, do you want him.
You might say that last part out loud, from the way he laughs and just picks you up and tosses you on the bed.
You've been soaked since you opened your door, and you're impatient to feel him again. He looks at you and you just whimper his name and he smiles, hitches up your legs, and slides slowly, so slowly, inside you
“Fuck, Aus" you hear yourself.
"You feel so good, baby" he groans out, letting you get used to him stretching you out, leaning down to press a filthy open-mouthed kiss to your lips. He bites at your lips as he starts to move, driving into you in a rhythm that makes you feel so good, hitting you just right.
It’s not enough.
But before you can say anything, Auston pulls back, and changes the angle that your hips are lined up with his and suddenly he’s impossibly deeper, and you just can’t breathe with how good he feels and his hands are on your breasts, and he’s pinching your nipples just right, and you are moaning his name almost like a prayer, and it just slips out.
“Aus, I love you.”
You don’t even realize what you said until he stills for a moment, eyes snapping to yours, and he makes this noise.
“Do you mean it,” he asks.
Its not the time for it, but you’re never going to be his open another time so… “Yeah.”
“God, baby. Yes. I love you too. It’s why I came back. I just wasn’t sure…”
He moves back so he can kiss you, deep and filthy. You feel him, deep inside you, and you just… cling to him. He starts fucking into you in earnest - hard and fast, kissing you the whole time, though it ends up being more like just panting into each others mouths but you can’t get enough of him.
“I’m so close,” you manage to get out.
Auston gets a hand between you and presses his thumb to your clit and you just hear yourself keening.
“I love how you feel around me,” he groans out. “Come for me.”
It doesn’t take long.
You shake apart underneath him, and you feel him pulse inside you and it’s just so much and you can feel tears leaking out from the corner of your eyes, and you just feel so much in that moment.
It’s so much.
So sex has never been an issue.
But now it is so much more.
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
Subtle-Remus Lupin x Professor!Reader
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(GIF credit to @shurley​)
Requested by anonymous: ‘hello! can i request professor remus lupin x professor reader where they are married but try to keep it in secret just to avoid gossip but eventually students get suspicious because of their closeness? thank you, love your work💕’
Characters: Remus Lupin X Professor!Reader, Severus Snape x Reader (platonic), Minerva Mcgonagall x Reader (platonic)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name 
(Y/L/N)=Your last name
Warnings: Fluff, gossiping, hiding relationship/feelings
“Please make sure your homework is completed and handed in to me at the beginning of tomorrows lesson. You’ve had a week to complete it, so I expect full pile on my desk.” I shouted over the hustle of the students packing away their things.
I hated having the last lesson of the day. No one was focused, they were tired from their other classes, and all they could think about was getting to the Great Hall for dinner; although I was exactly the same, I couldn’t wait for a good meal. Now alone, I started to tidy up my classroom, yawning when I realised how tired I was as well. Luckily, it was the end of the week, and this weekend I was chaperoning the students to Hogsmeade, meaning I could have some retail therapy. I heard the door open, thinking it was a student who had forgotten something, but I was pleasantly surprised when I saw my husband waltz in.
“Oh, hello you.” I smiled as I approached him.
“Hello you.” he leaned down to kiss me before glancing around the room.“Need any help before dinner?”
“No, not tonight. I’ve just got to put a few things away in my desk.”
I went back to tidying, making sure I wasn’t coming back to a mess after the weekend, and that everything was in its right place.
He perched on a student desk.“Are you still going to Hogsmeade this weekend?”
“Of course. I can’t wait.”
“Did you want to...did you want to go for a drink?”
“I don’t think we should be drinking whilst looking after the students Remus.”
“We won’t have anything alcoholic. Perhaps even a meal?”
“What if someone sees us?”
“How many students have we seen go into a restaurant on any trip, hm? And if they do, it’s a meal between friends!”
“You know, I don’t think that whole story about us being old friends worked.”
He suddenly looked panicked.“Why? Have the children been saying anything?”
“No. I can just see it in their faces.”
“You’re overthinking this. It’ll be fine. Let me treat you.” a charming smile spread across his face.
I rolled my eyes, giving in.“Alright. But I’ve got to pop round some of the shops first.”
He groaned.“So we’ll have time for a starter then?”
I scoffed a laugh at him, grabbing a nearby scroll to hit him with.“I might be going shopping for you, did you ever think of that? I am a very loving wife after all.”
He chuckled, shielding himself.“Alright, alright!”
“Plus, and as much as it pains me to say this, we’ll be apart for a while. That means students won’t see us together.”
“Unfortunately, you’re right. We haven’t been too careful as of late.”
“Saying that, should we head to dinner?”
I walked out of the classroom first, checking the corridors, and like always at this time, they were empty. We freely walked towards the Great Hall, daringly holding hands whilst we were still far away. But as it neared, we sadly looked at each other, having to let go. It broke my heart that we had to hide our marriage, we couldn’t even wear our wedding rings for fear of being questioned, and accidentally revealing a detail that was too specific towards each other. 
“You two might want to be more careful if you don’t want your secret out.” the monotone voice of Severus said behind us. How was he always so quiet?
Remus sighed.“Well, do you see any students?”
“I was able to sneak up on you,” we were at the entrance of the Great Hall now,“and with all this chatter amongst the students, I would take extra precaution. The gossip is starting to disrupt my lessons.”
He walked away from us, and we glanced at each other. Severus was horribly truthful about these kind of things. I was right. The students had their suspicions. 
“Remus, what are we going to do?”
We began walking towards the head table.“Relax, we’ll draw more attention to ourselves otherwise. Look, just forget about what he said. I’m sure it’s a group of first years thinking they’ve discovered something and have irritated him.”
Although he was attempting to comfort me, the dreadful feeling of all the students eyes on me was making me feel sick. It wasn’t that I was ashamed to be with Remus, I loved him with my whole heart, I couldn’t wait to be with him forever. When we both got a job at Hogwarts, we had had a long discussion beforehand. Obviously we were excited to have new jobs, until I thought back to a friend who also worked with her partner. They were open with it, and unfortunately, the students would gossip, make up rude stories and interfere, ask too many questions to get into their personal life. It was awful for them. It sounds like a bunch of children ‘bullying’ professors wouldn’t effect them, you should be able to handle children as a professor; but it really took a tole on them.
"Chin up dear," Minerva said as everyone started eating,"I'm sure this will all pass by."
"You might be right. But I can't help thinking...maybe everyone knows." I stated down at my plate.
"Would that really be so bad?"
"I just don't want them talking about us. I've seen it happen to my friends, and I know a lot of married couples aren't work together because of it."
"Perhaps you two will be different."
I sighed."How many times has someone said that?"
"But, don't they see you leaving the castle together?"
"We said that we live near each other so we share lifts to work. It was the only thing we could come up with."
There was empathy on her face."It will all be fine (Y/N), just you wait and see."
The next day had arrived, meaning it was time to chaperone the students to Hogsmeade. When we returned home last night, I had dropped the subject, knowing Remus was much calmer about all of this than I was. I would only cause a fuss, which would perhaps lead to a small argument between us; and I didn't want the tension there tomorrow, if anything came out of this trip, I wanted to enjoy my time with Remus.
"Are you sure I cannot accompany you on the way there?" Remus had asked as the children's permission slips were approved.
I nodded."I just think it's best to split up for a few hours, then we'll meet up at that restaurant, yeah?" 
"Alright, see you later." 
In any other circumstance, we would have shared a small kiss before leaving one another, but everyone was here. A small smile graced our lips as he walked away, though mine disappeared as soon as he turned around. Sighing to myself, I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to keep warm as my group was assigned to me. 
The students practically ran off as soon as we got there, leaving me alone to wander. Remus was no where to be seen, but we had a set time to meet up. For now, it was aimless wandering.
I couldn't stop checking my watch throughout the day. I was too excited to see my husband, have a dinner out together. Teaching was hard, it took up so much time. Although in the evenings Remus and I were together, we weren't actually together. We weren't present because we would probably be marking papers. And having to constantly remember to hide our love at work was tiring and infuriating. Passing some students in shops, I politely smiled, maybe asked if they were having a good day or making sure they stayed in line, before it was finally time to meet my husband. 
There was much more of a spring in my step as I made my way to the designated restaurant. Luckily the number of students got smaller as I strayed away from the main hustle and bustle of Hogsmeade, though they should be minding their own business anyway (that would have avoided this whole mess in the first place). I almost missed the place because it was so small. It was made out of old, dark brick, with a narrow but long window, made of old wooden panes. The door was also small, and I smiled at the thought of Remus ducking through it. 
It felt more like a cafe than a restaurant. Like the window, it was long and narrow, tables either side of the room, because if there were tables lining down the middle, no one would be able to move. Remus caught my attention by standing up from our table. 
"You look beautiful." he greeted, kissing me. 
I scoffed as I sat."You knew what I was wearing, we do live together."
"Doesn't mean you're not beautiful." 
I bashfully smiled."You're still able to make me blush after all these years."
"Good, I must be doing something right then."
The lunch together reminded me of old times. It was easy to forget about the stress that had been piled on top of our usual schedule in that moment. We laughed, started reminiscing on our lives when we met each other, it was as if we were catching up after not seeing each other for a long time. When we weren't eating, one of our hands was holding onto each other. I knew I had to cherish every moment, especially since it went by far too quickly. 
We found ourselves putting on our coats and scarves, taking a few seconds to just gaze at each other. Neither of us wanted to leave. We felt safe here, hidden away from any prying students. Our marriage shouldn't have been hidden, we loved each other, it was supposed to be shown. 
"Ready?" he asked. 
We quickly kissed each other before making our way to the door. Thanking a waitress as we passed by, I was about to open the door when something in the window caught my eye. My heart dropped as I spotted three children poking their heads up, watching us until they realised they had been caught. 
"Remus!" I snapped."We've been spotted."
He had his usual calm tone."We're just two friendly colleagues getting lunch, there's nothing wrong in that." 
"We don't know how long they've been there. What if they saw us kissing?!" 
"Very friendly colleagues?" 
I huffed as I opened the door, trying to see if the kids were still there. They had started running off in the distance, headed in the direction of our meeting point. We had to head back now, it was the end of the trip, and I was expecting a lot of hushed whispers as we arrived. 
"Professor (Y/L/N)?" a fourth year student approached me as we rounded up our groups for counting. 
Here we go. 
She seemed nervous, glancing back at her friends."Um...just so you know, we all think you and Professor Lupin make a really cute couple. Like, you two are probably the coolest professors we have."
I was shocked by her words."O-Oh. Thank you...that's a very nice thing to say." 
She just smiled before leaving to join her friends again. There had been no point lying to her, it was obvious to everyone. But that small opinion meant a lot to me. Perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad thing to put our marriage on display.
" You see?" Remus approached me."It's not as bad as you thought."
"No, I guess not. I just...I didn't want anything to effect us."
"You're my wife. I love you with all my being. A few gossiping children wouldn't change any of that."
He leaned in to kiss me again, but I giggled as I stopped him.
"We may let them know about our marriage, but PDA from staff is still frowned upon." 
"Do you know how hard it is to resist you?" 
"Guess we'll have to make up for it when we're home."
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ms-demeanor · 4 years
Just because capitalism is bad doesn't make rioting a good or effective means of change.
As much as I hate cops I feel like it pretty much proves my point to START with the article in the cop magazine about how the Rodney King riots changed policing in LA:
Shortly after the riot, Chief Willie Williams was sworn in as the first outside police chief in 45 years. The voters created a new system where the chief could serve only a five-year term, renewable once at the city's option. On two occasions so far, the city has sent the chief packing after five years.
(Police Mag April 2012)
Here’s Anaheim City Councilman Stephen Fassell talking about changes after riots in Anaheim due to police shooting people:
We now have a representative government that we did not have before. We now have a city government that listens more. We’re only six or seven months into this, so we still have to learn our way around. Overall, the city is taking a renewed interest in that neighborhood (Anna Drive) and others. Neighborhoods, in general, have higher visibility in the eyes of the city government from one end to another.
(OC Register, July 2017)
Here’s some historians talking to Vox about rioting:
The 1960s unrest, for example, led to the Kerner Commission, which reviewed the cause of the uprisings and pushed reforms in local police departments. The changes to police ended up taking various forms: more active hiring of minority police officers, civilian review boards of cases in which police use force, and residency requirements that force officers to live in the communities they police."
This is one of the greatest ironies. People would say that this kind of level of upheaval in the streets and this kind of chaos in the streets is counterproductive," Thompson said. "The fact of the matter is that it was after every major city in the urban north exploded in the 1960s that we get the first massive probe into what was going on — known as the Kerner Commission."
(Vox, September 2016)
This is from an abstract of a study done on the 1992 LA riots
Contrary to some expectations from the academic literature and the popular press, we find that the riot caused a marked liberal shift in policy support at the polls. Investigating the sources of this shift, we find that it was likely the result of increased mobilization of both African American and white voters. Remarkably, this mobilization endures over a decade later.
(American Political Science Review, 2019)
There’s a whole-ass article about this in Jacobin this week
Even the case of the 1960s is more complicated than the liberal story about scared white Nixon voters suggests. For one thing, there is substantial evidence that the riots led to higher government expenditures in the deprived cities where they erupted. James W. Button’s pathbreaking 1978 book Black Violence documented the ways the riots forced policymakers to pay attention to the effects of their policies on the urban poor, a group they had been happy to neglect previously. At a time when many social scientists viewed even protest movements as a kind of mass psychosis, Button showed that riots were a rational response to being ignored. Later research showed that riots could increase welfare expenditures, even in areas where white racism was strongest. In other words, even if riots pushed white public opinion in a conservative direction, they also brought important benefits to the areas where they occurred.
(Jacobin, June 2020)
And here is the full 17-page PDF of an article published by the American Political Science Association in their journal, I’m linking to the whole thing but I’m only going to reproduce the conclusion here:
We focus on violent protest as a political tool for a low-status group in the United States. While other scholarship has examined other forms of political action and asked if it is efficacious for racial minorities and other low-status groups, the scholarly literature has largely failed to ask whether rioting is a useful tool for building policy support, even though, from the perspective of the rioters, this question is paramount. Here we show that violent political protest can spur political participation among people who share an identity with the rioters.
Although it often seems extreme from the American perspective, political violence is not isolated to particular regions or eras and is still common in many parts of the world. Moreover, the implicit threat of violence underlies the relationship between governments and citizens in many places. As the use of violence continues to be an active feature of our political system, our findings and approach may help future scholars better understand this important topic.
(American Political Science Review, June 2019)
And also just because riots may or may not be politically expedient doesn’t prevent them.
I want to talk for a second about the concept of a state monopoly on violence.
The deal is that in most states (here meaning countries or governments, not US States) the State (or government) is the only entity that is allowed to be violent. You’re not allowed to break down your neighbor’s door, your partner isn’t allowed to hit you, you’re not allowed to smash your boss’s windshield. The state and its agents are the only things allowed to be violent and their violence is supposed to be used to curtail societal violence. The cops outnumber your partner and have the legal power to lock them in a cage if your partner hits you, this is in theory supposed to prevent your partner from hitting you. Fear of state violence is supposed to act as a deterrent to crime and interpersonal violence.
BUT there are supposed to be rules. The state is the only one allowed to be violent but they’re not allowed to be wantonly, willfully violent. The state doesn’t get to hit you with no evidence of a crime, the cops aren’t supposed to smash in your windshield, sheriffs aren’t supposed to break down your door if you haven’t committed a crime that warrants a violent response from the state.
The state isn’t holding up its end of the bargain.
The state has lost its right to a monopoly on violence.
Yes, the violence is unfortunate. Yes, the violence is not ideal. No, I’m not applauding when people set fire to local businesses.
I am maybe applauding a little when they set fire to a massive corporation that has utilized the violence of the state against citizens while working hard to protect itself against workers (Target) and I’m applauding the destruction of symbols of inequality and institutionalized racism (Rodeo Drive in LA and the Market House in NC and all the statues of racists on this list) and I’ma be real here, I kind of always think police stations should be torn down brick by brick or forcibly converted into libraries or low income housing.
So while the violence is not ideal I don’t think that it’s illegitimate. The state has lost its right to a monopoly on violence and a violent response is certainly one way to make that point.
But here’s the other thing:
All these riots started with peaceful protests against state violence. There are thousands of photos and videos of peaceful protestors peacefully protesting and having speeches and asking for change.
And there are hundreds of videos and photos of cops launching tear gas and rubber bullets at these peaceful protestors. There is a staggering amount of evidence that in city after city police escalated tensions and introduced violence to peaceful protests.
(and please let’s remember: all of this started in response to an act of police violence. These riots didn’t fall out of a clear blue sky, they are a direct reaction to four police officers killing a man by kneeling on his neck for eight minutes while he begged for his mother and his life. That is, in my opinion, something completely worth burning down a police station over even if that act never accomplishes anything further than burning down that police station)
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