#“(s)he steals my mascara and all of my dates”
gareleia · 4 months
update: my co-writer friend FINALLY got a tumblr account, so I can tag them now!!
previously: part 1 part 2 part 3
next: part 5
m'kay, so, we've talked about Athena & Telemachus' issues. now let's touch on Hermes, because a Diva™ like him deserves his own post. and also because this had been sitting in my notes for so long i've genuinely forgotten about it (i'd say that it's what translating a musical does to you, but honestly my attention span is just shit)
now, as much as I love Soft Boi!Hermes, I even more so love prankster Hermes who doesn't really recognize personal boundaries or the meaning of 'too far'. he's the guy who'll commit to the bit so far, he'll commit mass murder with a Tee-Hee and genuinely wonder what has got everyone so upset.
kid!Telemachus, holding a cup of poison: grandpa, are you sure it's a good idea? I'm scared… Hermes, laughing his ass off in the corner: of course I'm sure, champ! it'll be hilarious! good ol' game of Ithacean Roulette! now dump it into the wine, let's see who we'll get this time!
at the same time, he's not selfish. he's very keen on doing things for the people he likes, and he cares enough to know when someone is distressed. he, as a god, is just so removed from traditional human morality that casual acts of cruelty are perfectly acceptable to him, while, for example, breaking an oath is a horrible sin.
think blue and orange morality stuff.
telemachus, outraged: …murdered his own family, can you imagine? hermes, equally outraged: I know, right? he gave a blood oath and broke it! disgusting! telemachus: why is that your only concern?!
but don't worry, helping to raise Telemachus and hanging around the same people consistently makes a real boy outta him gives him enough time and insight into humanity to start understand mortals better, and, as consequence, adopt some of their values.
especially the concept of spousal loyalty. Hermes is a patron god of thieves, and at the time taking someone's wife was viewed as an act of theft (because women were property, yeeesh). which is why to him Penelope's situation was less of a tragedy and more of a "well, my dumbass great-grandson Odysseus should've seen it coming. snooze you lose! ¯_(ツ)_/¯"
that is, until he gets to know her better. and suddenly she's not a prize to be won or a challenge to conquer. she's a smart, capable person that commands respect from anyone who's got a shred of self-awareness. she's got gentle hands, and a radiant smile, and a spine of steel. Penelope looked Hermes dead in the eyes and told him serenely to keep being a good influence on her son, she does not deserve to be reduced to a token and given away to the highest bidder.
hermes, initially: well, penelope's a rich, gorgeous, basically single queen. I'd steal her too, if she was my type. hermes, 10 years later: she's the smartest, ballsiest human woman I've ever met and if she only wants her Ugly Ass Groom then she'll fucking stay single until he comes back.
unfortunately for everyone else, Hermes cannot step in to protect her, because Zeus and Poseidon are both pissed off at Odysseus already, and if either of them notices Hermes (and/or Athena) interfering with mortals on Ithaca, they might take it as an invitation to follow suit, and then it'll be Troy Story 2: Electric Boogaloo.
so he stays his hand, and hangs around Telemachus discreetly, mostly posing as a human. for a god of liars, he's surprisingly bad at blending in for long periods of time. Hermes thinks he's an awesome conspirator. meanwhile little Telemachus didn't even realise it was a secret.
the only people who don't know that [insert alias] is a god in disguise are the suitors, who are notoriously either too stupid, too overconfident or too busy drinking to connect the dots. the exception is Antinous who pretends to be oblivious and makes sure the gods don't see him as a threat to their beloved little pup (otherwise he'd have killed the prince long ago).
the suitors, however, unanimously agree that they hate this weird annoying stranger, and try to get rid of him in increasingly elaborate ways, from poison to stabbing to wild animals to dropping pots on his head.
spoiler alert: it doesn't work.
hermes, next day: *comes back every morning like nothing had happened, whistling cheerily* suitors: WHY WON'T YOU DIE?!
eventually Antinous convinces them to give up so they don't piss off Hermes.
years pass, Telemachus grows. Athena teaches him strategy and arts of war. Aeolus gradually comes out of the hiding and becomes the resident lovable comic relief side character. and Hermes? he teaches the kid all the good stuff.
and it's not just lying, okay? (though it's a significant part of it) music, diplomacy, geography, street smarts, some history. he's a worldly god, had observed and been a part of countless cultures. above all else, he knows people. he may not really understand them, but he knows how to get what he wants from them, how to find common ground and how to spin things to get along with practically anyone.
and girls. Hermes helps Telemachus with girls.
because he's the cool uncle figure that Telemachus admires, the kid trusts him enough to ask the god for advice when he starts growing older and gets his first crush in his early teens.
and, on one hand, Hermes is ecstatic. on the other one…
telemachus, blushing and stuttering: there's a girl I met, she's so pretty, and cool, and, and, and how do I talk to her, do I just come up and say hi, but what if sh- hermes: … hermes: *blue screen of death* hermes: MY BABY-
it's the first time he truly starts to grasp how short the kid's life will be. because in the blink of an eye he turned from a newborn to an adolescent, and soon enough he'll have his own family, and Odysseus was already a king himself at this age, and Hermes is not ready this can't be it he can't just grow old and die
so anyway, he pushes the thought aside and pretends it never came up at all (because that always works, and bottling shit up never blows up in anyone's face, right, Athena?)
he gives lots of advice, from useless macho stuff to golden nuggets like "be yourself" and "show her respect". and, of course, he cheers from the sidelines, hiding 'inconspicuously'.
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and it goes surprisingly well. the girl appears to find Telemachus' awkward attempts at flirting sweet and charming, and the boy is on the cloud nine.
but Hermes isn't. because, unlike the prince, his judgment isn't clouded by a puppy crush and he can see that the girl is actually a lying bitch, who's playing Telemachus like a fiddle, hoping to become the next queen of Ithaca. and he won't stand for it.
except Telemachus, for some reason, doesn't seen thrilled when Hermes tells him to dump the girl?? he flat out refuses to believe that, because love is blind and so are sheltered insecure teenage boys.
so Hermes, in his infinite wisdom, decides to prove to his naive little charge once and for all that the girl is just using him and doesn't actually love him. now, what's the first example of true selfless love from a woman that comes to mind to the god who had spent the last few years hanging out with the royal family of Ithaca? right, Penelope. and the one thing that characterises Penelope is her unconditional loyalty, even into the face of countless threats and temptations.
hermes, to himself: so, if I show the kid that the bitch will leave him as soon as she finds a better prospect, he will definitely admit I was right all along! and dump her! it's a perfect, easy, foolproof plan! I am so smart! what could possibly go wrong!
another spoiler alert: everything goes wrong.
the girl does happily jump into his arms as soon as he hints that he's a god/demi-god/just a cooler prince or something. she does it right in front of Telemachus, in fact, so there's no way he'd be able to deny the obvious.
on the bright side, Hermes immediately outs her as a lying bitch and publicly shames her, embarrassing her family and ruining her prospects of marriage and causing her to suffer for the rest of her life ('disproportionate revenge'? what's that?).
on the down side, for some unfathomable reason, Telemachus doesn't seem very grateful??? what???????
hermes: and so, AS ALWAYS, I was right. telemachus: hermes: but please, hold your applause! telemachus: hermes: I did it all for you, out of the goodness of my heart! telemachus: hermes: and please, don't apologize! you were wrong, I get it! no need to- telemachus: *bitch slaps his smug face and runs away, hurt and betrayed* hermes: *shocked pikachu face*
thing is, Hermes doesn't understand what he did wrong. in his mind he did a rather good deed: showed the liar's true colors, and spared the kid a lot of heartache down the line. he doesn't understand the feelings of betrayal from having someone he trusts explicitly outing him as a naive fool in front of everyone he ever dreamed of earning respect from. doesn't get the pain of having been cast aside by someone he liked in favor of a god, with whom he could never compete. can't imagine living in the shadow of someone he had never even known and being constantly reminded of all the ways he's lacking.
telemachus: I'm not a stupid child, hermes. I could've handled it. hermes: but you didn't listen to me, maybe you'd have never seen it on your own- telemachus: and maybe I would've. maybe I would've had the opportunity to find out myself, and maybe I would've learned from it, but you never gave me that choice, did you?! did you think i'm that dumb?! hermes: oh, come on, kid, you're not dumb- telemachus: THEN WHY DO YOU TREAT ME LIKE I AM?! WHY DON'T YOU EVER TRUST ME?!
aaaaand there's the core issue. Telemachus had spent his whole life being babied at best and looked down upon at worst. constantly compared to Odysseus and his more vicious peers, always shielded from making tough decisions and proving himself. he feels like he will never amount to anything, because no one ever lets him really try. as soon as it looks like he's going to make a mistake, someone (usually Athena, Aeolus or Hermes) swoops in and 'fixes' everything for him, just like they used to do when he was an accident-prone toddler. which he isn't anymore.
and Hermes doesn't understand that. to him, ten years is basically nothing. the kid can't have changed that much in ten years. because if he did, then he'll change a lot in the next ten years, and the next, and very soon he won't change anymore, because ten years are nothing and so are human livespans.
ten years are nothing, because to admit otherwise would force Hermes to face the fact that Telemachus, no matter how precious, is just as mortal as any other human. which amounts to basically losing him already. and Hermes can't.
he held that boy as an infant. he fed him, helped to teach him walk and talk and make silly faces. he can't lose this child to time, the one thing even gods can't really protect humans from.
Penelope finds Hermes sitting on her balcony with the most human expression on his face she'd ever seem him wear. he's lost, and confused, and full of regrets, and kind of terrified. in that aspect, he reminds her painfully of her husband.
hermes, mumble: he's growing older penelope, sighing: I know hermes: he's not a baby anymore penelope: believe me, I know hermes: but... what do I do now??? penelope: you let it happen. not much else you can do.
she talks him through it.
hermes, rambling: but I will lose him. I'll lose him if he grows old and dies. this is why I don't get attached to mortals, you die too soon. he can't die now. penelope: he's not going to die now. he'll become the king first, he will find a good wife and have children and grandchildren. he will become great, greater that I and his father could ever dream of. and he'll be happy. don't you want to see that? hermes: I do, but- I don't want him to grow up! penelope: then you finally know the biggest joy and the deepest pain of parenthood.
it doesn't fix his fear. doesn't fix his pain, either. but it does help fix his attitude.
because she's right. Telemachus is growing old, and he can't shelter and protect the boy forever. soon he'll become a man, then an elder. and there's nothing Hermes can do about it, short of dragging the prince to Olympus and begging Zeus to grant him immortality, which will never work.
Hermes and Telemachus make up, of course. the latter knows, deep down, that the former is just trying to take care of him. they make up and forget the fight - at least, the boy does.
Hermes will always remember.
and he will count every day, every wrinkle, every grey hair.
the joy and pain of parenthood indeed.
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90sbee · 10 months
You are my canvas, I am your doll
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Leon S. Kennedy x Fem!Reader
1k words. Also on ao3.
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And when you two pull apart, he looks even more desirable. Full of need, of love, pupils dilated and lips parted. You caress his eyebrow gently, eyes focused on the way his eyelashes —coated with your mascara and the smudged eyeliner— look on him.
Leon and you attend a party. You just had to do his make-up first.
You know, this is not funny. You let @navstuffs read this one earlier cos you want to spoil her and she ends up giving you more ideas. Not fair. So yeah I guess I’m writing a second part actually.
Content: Mostly reader’s pov. No use of y/n. OOC Leon because he is actually living his best life here and not depressed as shit. Reader is shorter than Leon. Leon is slightly dom but he also calls himself ‘good boy’ and ‘pretty boy’. Pet names, established relationship, Leon confused about make-up items. Did I mention doing his make-up sitting on his lap because yes.
Warnings: +18 cos brief smut (Leon just loves eating pussy, actually). Minors and ageless blogs dni. Alcohol consumption but no one is drunk. Grinding aka slutty dance moves. Leon is insecure about his looks for like. 2 lines.
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He is a gorgeous sight, blond strands crowning his face, the way his smirk seems to follow you as you two dance closely, bodies almost locked together. There are others around you, but Leon makes it clear that his gaze is only fixed on you, glittering blue eyes enjoying your figure.
You turn around, stop the lustful grinding against him, and cup his cheek, forcing his strong body to accommodate to your lower height. The alcohol is already making you bubbly, but he does not mind.
“Pretty. Pretty boy,” you breathe out, grazing his lips with delicacy.
“Yeah? Your pretty boy,” he repeats.
You smile.
He is a gorgeous sight indeed. Dark t-shirt doing nothing to hide his pecs, biceps stretching the thin clothing, as if teasing you —you know he is. You press a quick kiss into his lips and for a moment he frowns, surprised. He hadn’t expected it. He mouths something, but the music is too loud to decipher anything.
“What did you say?”
“I asked why just one… Do it again,” he answers, already attacking your neck with gentle bites, eager to mark his precious angel. You huff, and scratch his head, your hips moving once more to the rhythm of the songs.
“I love you.”
“Love you too,” Leon immediately replies, stealing a kiss from you.
And when you two pull apart, he looks even more desirable. Full of need, of love, pupils dilated and lips parted. You caress his eyebrow gently, eyes focused on the way his eyelashes —coated with your mascara and the smudged eyeliner— look on him.
You’re vaguely aware that your lipstick is probably messed up now, but he does not seem to care. Probably finds you the prettiest woman in the world, no matter what.
“See? Told you you’d look so hot with some make-up on.”
He chuckles, standing to his true height, and pulling you into his chest: gentle laugh emanating from his throat as he kisses your temple.
“As long as we don’t do this too often…” Leon warns you, though he is secretly amused by it. He’d do anything for you anyway. Anything to make you happy, to see that toothy smile etched on your face his whole life.
You two dance slowly then, out of beat. The world you share being the only song to follow. You close your eyes, hugging his body, face pressed tightly against him.
You love him so much. You’re so thankful that he accepted to spoil you with your little date suggestion; that after all the pain he has told you about, he is still willing to try to entertain you, even when it comes to such mundane things.
“Mine,” you mewl, gripping his body harder, suddenly feeling way too fortunate for the man that you get to call boyfriend.
Leon smiles, enjoying the touch, snorting as he shakes his head.
“Someone clingy tonight?”
“You know, you’re just looking too fine. Someone may steal you, actually”
“Doubt anyone could just steal me, I’m quite heavy,” he jokes, sliding his hands up and down your back, his fingers grazing your skin.
“I’ll put you in my pocket, young man.”
“I’d like to see you try that, young lady.”
Laughing against his chest, you look up at him, chin pressed against his pecs, the beating heart in his chest as the most joyful song you’ve heard your whole life.
“There’s my sunshine,” he says, voice raspy, caressing your cheek.
You remember then how he let you work on him, sitting on his lap.
“Pretty please?” you beg once more. Leon licks his lips, feigning annoyance though he already knows he will succumb to your demands.
“Remind me again what I’m getting out of this,” he crosses his arms, figure towering over you, a mocking expression on his face.
“You’ll be all gorgeous. Well, even more gorgeous than you already are,” you try to unsheathe your reasonings to him once more, hoping that he will finally accept them this time. And, it must be your lucky day, since Leon just smirks, nodding.
“You owe me a nice meal,” he states, before you take his hand, excitedly guiding him to take a seat on the couch, next to where all your make-up is already awaiting for him.
Truth be told, Leon is more than pretty. Handsome, strong, features of exquisite delicacy. There was nothing you’d change about him, completely enamoured as you are of him. But deep inside, burned your curiosity, how he’d look like with make-up on, lips glossy, or even an elegant smokey eye decorating his eyelids.
As you start grabbing your make-up items, taking a seat on his lap, Leon gulps. He has to admit it, the existence of that little speck of insecurity boiling in his stomach. As you examine a small black stick whose function he ignores, he frowns slightly.
“What exactly are we doing today?” he asks.
“Not sure yet. Probably just something that accentuates your eyes,” you reply, the little tub and stick nearly on his face now. “Your eyelashes are to die for.”
“Is that a good thing?” he inquires, still confused.
“Definitely,” you look at him, concentrated, and he sighs, but nods, consciously choosing to let you work on him in silence.
“I’ll let the pretty artist do her thing,” he whispers, as you start drawing a thin line next to his waterline. Your movements are slow, tongue sticking out as you make sure to nail the eyeliner trace, curling eyelashes with the most utter tenderness and then applying the mascara with very light strokes, warning him not to blink.
“What if I do?” he asks, serious.
“You’re not getting kisses.”
“Sounds like I’ll better be a good boy then,” he adds, pulling your hips closer to his, voice needy.
Leon notices your mind seems to have wandered off. He caresses your cheek with his thumb, his gaze concerned.
“Everything okay?”
You nod slowly, flustered.
“I’m just thinking…”
You just look up at him once more, and Leon swears he could die. Prettiest little thing, so small and precious in his grip, eyes hungry. And he understands. He nods, quickly, before taking your hand, head already anticipating what may fill up the rest of the night.
“Let’s go home, love.”
And when you two end up in bed that night, lipstick on each other’s faces and mascara clumps on your cheeks, framing wet kisses and hard thrusting, you find he has never looked hotter than now. With your make-up all over his face as he, gallant as usual, licks your juices off his lips.
“One more?” He says, though he doesn’t really expects an answer, as he dives his mouth once again between your thighs.
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I have to stop thinking of slutty Leon with make-up or I'll go stupid. Dividers by @/cafekitsune and @/vase-of-lilies
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444takeomi · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ summary: wakasa as your boyfriend
character(s): wakasa imaushi
warnings: female reader, a little suggestive in parts, mentions of alcohol
wc: 0.7k
a/n: back again with more 1st gen bd content that literally no one asked for, this one's been sitting in my drafts for ages bc i hate literally everything i write💀
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- from an outsider’s perspective waka doesn't seem like a very affectionate boyfriend — he's not a big fan of pda and doesn't outwardly show his love for you in front of others, to the point where he even comes across as distant sometimes
- however behind closed doors he's like a completely different person, you never expected him to be so clingy and needy for your attention, and it honestly surprised you at the beginning of your relationship
- you weren't complaining though <3
- waka loves cuddling with you at every opportunity, whether that's after he comes home from work or when he first wakes up in the morning
- he likes to be the little spoon sometimes — just don't mention it in front of his friends, he gets embarrassed </3
- he's also naturally very cold in terms of body temperature, and makes such a big deal out of it just as an excuse to hold you in his arms
- “come on, princess, i’m practically freezin’ to death over here. what, you don't care? do you not love me anymore?”
- he's so dramatic pls
- waka spends as long as possible laying in bed with you in the morning, he loves wrapping his arms around you and feeling the warmth of your body against his
- if you try to get out of bed he’ll squeeze you tighter and beg you to stay “just five more minutes” — you've been late to work several times because of him hahaha
- he just looks so cute with his hair all messy, you can't say no to him </3
- waka prefers staying home, so a lot of your dates consist of things like cooking together or binge watching shows and drinking beer — if it's the latter he always buys some yakitori to eat as well
- steals kisses from you when you're least expecting it and teases you if you get flustered or shy
- “aww, are you embarrassed? you like it when i kiss you, princess?”
- please tell him to shut up ahaha
- you're the only person who is allowed to play with his hair, and he even lets you try out different hairstyles on him
- he's so soft for you <3
- he asks you to help every time he touches up the purple streaks, he doesn't trust anyone else to dye it except for you
- waka also loves when you help him wash his hair, the feeling of you massaging the shampoo into his scalp sends shivers down his spine — he looks so angelic with his eyes fluttered shut and a blissed out expression on his face
- please dry it with a towel and brush it for him afterwards, he feels so loved when you take care of him
- you always tell him how jealous you are of his eyelashes, and if you ask nicely he will let you put mascara on them
- he thinks you look so cute when you're concentrating and will keep trying to kiss you — only when you threaten to poke him in the eye with the mascara wand does he sit still
- he's already pretty but he somehow looks even more gorgeous with mascara on, it's almost unfair </3
- waka absolutely hates bugs but he still gets rid of them for you, especially if you have a phobia of them
- he doesn't want his princess to worry <3
- he often invites you out drinking with his friends and will get absolutely wrecked by the end of the night without fail — waka gets very affectionate with you when he's drunk and this is one of the few times he lets his guard down in front of others
- he will spend the whole evening leaning on your shoulder, sometimes whispering dirty things in your ear — his hands will start wandering as if no one is watching and you have definitely had to slap them away before
- he has no shame whatsoever💀
- when he's drunk he always wants to do karaoke with you, he's such a bad singer and you two end up laughing your asses off
- benkei is so done with you both💀💀
- he's such a baby when he's hungover, please bring him some painkillers and water and give him kisses
- if you make him breakfast as well he will literally love you forever, even if it's just something simple like tamago kake gohan (egg on rice)
- in conclusion it might not seem like it at first glance, but waka loves you more than anything — he just prefers to reserve that side of himself for only you <3
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please do not translate, repost, or share my writing on any other platforms eg. tiktok
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hazbinbossbrainrot · 6 months
💣 Cherri Bomb 💣
Krystina Alabdo (series)
Krystal LaPorte (pilot
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Theme song:
Favourite quote(s)
"Glad you haven't changed! You know you're my favorite guy to party with!"
―Cherri, to Angel Dust (pilot episode)
“Wait, I am only here for Ange— Oh! Never mind. Let's go!"
―Cherri, when Charlie pays her to bring everyone at the hotel (series; 1x06)
• Human being (formerly)
• Sinner Demon (cyclops)
Sex: Female
Age: 20 years old (biologically)
Date of death: 1980s
Nationality: Australian 🇦🇺
Sexuality: Bisexual
• Partying
• Fighting
<> Turf wars
• Explosives
• Drinking
• Taking drugs
• Messing with Sir Pentious
• Having sex
• Hanging out with Angel Dust
• Money
• Committing crimes
<> Arson
<> Blowing up walls 🤣
• Her friends being endangered
• Babysitting
• People trespassing her turf
• Valentino
• Charlie being sentimental
• The idea of Angel changing (implied)
<> In episode 1x06 (“Welcome to Heaven”) when she was annoyed that Angel Dust not only rejected her offer of drugs but also kept a vigilant eye on Niffty and stopped her from stealing the club’s bleach
• Husk’s interference (implied)
<> Despite having just met the cat Cherri immediately took a disliking to him after reminding that Angel won’t get into Heaven if he took the drugs and even referred to the former as “Captain Buzzkill” once he had
• Playing an electric guitar
• Skilful dancer
• Craftsmanship (bomb making?)
• Weapon proficiency
• Favouritism
<> Tend to stick close to Angel Dust at all times and isn’t open to the idea of “having other friends”
• Vulgar (got that real ocka attitude)
• Controlling
<> Likes to be in control of the situation seen when she tried to override Husk’s advice about not taking the drugs and told Angel to do it anyway so they could get “fucked up”
• Drug addict
Romantic interests:
• Unnamed one-eyed demon (status unknown)
• Sir Pentious (semi-canon)
• Angel Dust (close friend)
• Fat Nuggets
• Valentino
• Exorcists
<> Adam
<> Lute
• Employees of the Hazbin Hotel (acquainted)
• Lucifer (acquainted)
• Sir Pentious (former enemy; romantic admirer)
<> Egg Boiz (former enemies)
• Bomb summoning
• Hand-to-Hand combat
• Weapon proficiency
• Explosives proficiency
• Enhanced Agility
• Athleticism
• Enhanced strength
• Bomb expert
Appearance & personality:
Cherri is a slender yet curvy-figured, white-skinned cyclops-like demon with a singular eye which has an X-shaped light yellow pupil and a Sunkist-coral sclera. She sports freckle-like spots on her skin and long, strawberry blonde-pink hair with platinum-blonde accents, kept in a high half-ponytail by a black ponytail-holder.
Her mouth has black lips and sharp pale yellow teeth inside. Her makeup includes a large amount of mascara and eyeliner, and she has several Sunkist-coral designs of bombs, explosions and swirled-lines, tattooed on her right arm.
Cherri wears a one-shouldered black bra under a similarly-designed pinkish-red torn crop-top with four pale yellow spots around the black X located on the left, and a set of severely ripped black leggings under a torn miniskirt that sported the same color and style as her top.
She also wore shoes that are both colored in a pinkish-red but differing in type; on her right is a simple-pointed flat, while on her left is heeled cowboy-like boot with a multi-pointed off-white star on it. She also has two different sets of fingerless Sunkist-coral gloves; a regular-length glove on her right hand and an arm-length black-trimmed glove on her left hand.
In the ADDICT music video, Cherri's appearance is nearly the same, only her flat isn't pointed.
In the pilot, her appearance has some notable differences; her hair was warmer-colored and had white accents along with the blonde accents, her lips were maroon-colored with sharp gray teeth inside, and her tattoo is a gray heart design instead.
In addition to her clothing, the "X" shape on her top does not have spots, her skirt sported white buttons with one loose suspender on her right, her right footwear is a red-and-white sock, and the boot on her right foot instead had two white stripes on the top. Her fingerless gloves are instead a white-striped light gray glove on her right hand, and an arm-length black glove on her left hand.
How would you describe Cherri’s personality?
• Daring
• Self confident
• Friendly
• Charismatic
• Fun-loving
• Derisive
<> Particularly about the Hazbin Hotel and the ideology of redemption behind it (but supports Angel Dust’s choices to try and be better, though she also mocks him for helping Niffty in the episode “Welcome to Heaven”
• Sensitive
<> Especially when Angel Dust either gotten verbally or sexually abused by Valentino (seen in the ADDICT video)
• Antagonistic (depending on the person)
• Supportive
<> She is shown to be a supportive friend to Angel Dust; while she encourages him to let loose after a hard day of work at the club Consent
• Easily bribed
• Biased
<> Liked the idea of teaming up with Angel Dust to fight against the Exorcists in episode “The Show Must Go On” (1x08)
• According to Viv Cherri Bomb actually grew up in Australia before she died
• Seen in episode 1x08 (The Show Must Go On) before the war with the exorcists Cherri Bomb seems to be the N0 1. Huskerdust shipper 🤭
• Cherri's name is a pun on the pyrotechnic, cherry bomb.
• Cherri's bombs in the pilot use recordings of her voice actor as sound effects when they are thrown and explode.
• According to Krystal LaPorte, if she were to describe Cherri with a song by My Chemical Romance, it would be "Na Na Na".
• Cherri Bomb's design for the main series had the least amount of changes compared to her design from the ADDICT music video.
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n0t-le4fy · 9 months
Rollo and Sebs silly little marriage
Credits: me, Seb for the prompt.
Genre: Twisted Wonderland.
Relationship(s): Rollo and Seb, Leafy and Epel, Azalea and Riddle, Basil and Felix, brief Grass and Ruggie.
For: Sebby Webby 
“You look so beautiful! Handsome? Pretty? I dunno..” Leafy, one of Seb's close friends, is helping him with wedding preparations. 
Currently, Seb is with Leafy, trying on various suits. His current suit consists of a white undershirt, a dark gray jacket, and an “I ❤️ Rollo” tie. Seb is stressing about it. 
Despite being in a relationship with Rollo for a while, Seb still thinks about impressing his soon-to-be husband. 
“You're too twinky for me to compliment you.. but you look good!” His appointed Flower Girl says, fixing his “I ❤️ Rollo” tie. “I wonder when Azalea’ll get here.. didn’t you say they were one of your Maids of Honors?..”
“If they don’t get here soon. I will commit mass genocide.” The amazingly-fashionable groom snaps back at Leafy. 
“WHAT’S UP YOU GUYS??!?!?!?!?” A well-known person bursts through the door with a party hat, streamers, and a sash that reads “Oh my cod! I'm getting married!” Their bright grin slowly fades as they see Seb on the verge of tears, about to lash out at Leafy for poking him. Leafy is also on the verge of tears. 
“Shut your flippity floppity dog garnit mouth before I make you shut it.” Seb, bipolar and death-glaring at Azalea, was making one of his usual threats. “I will shut you up using 37 aborted fetuses.”
“You wouldn’t talk to Rollo like that, would you? Naughty naughty..” 
“Your left kidney will make amazing biscuits.”
The day of the wedding came. Everyone was dressed up nicely, who wouldn’t be for such a special occasion? Azalea and her plus-one were sitting in the front row. Can you guess who their plus one is? Housewarden Riddle Rosehearts!!! 🙀How original. 
Like Azalea, some of Seb's other friends were there. Including Romeo, Cajit, Basil, Eric, Jasper, and Seb Doppelgänger. 
Why Grass is not there is unknown, they could be off stealing doughnuts or haggling at street vendors with Ruggie. 
Is Leafy there? Of course, they are. Why would she miss her friend's wedding? (and a potential chance to see her multiple husbands.) Who was she with, you may ask? Idia? No. He’s too busy grinding on a new goofy game, and even if he wasn’t he would have an anxiety attack before arriving at the wedding destination. So, who else would she have been able to go with? None other than the silly country boy, Epel Felmier!
“Sebby Webby!! You look amazing!!” Leafy says, leaving behind the feminine-looking boy that is her plus-one date. 
Seb was having a mini meltdown, he never thought the day would come that he would get married to the one and only Rollo Flamme. He felt so many feelings all at once- excitement, overstimulation (not that way, naughty boy.), joy, stress, anxiety, and maybe even a bit of anger. Bipolar disorder doesn’t go away at weddings, you know. 
“glfhvmcbhfsahrjrwkdhlhf- ARARARARARRA.” This is Seb's way of letting his emotions out, his twinky ahh mascara streaming down his face as he becomes more and more overwhelmed. “THIS CORSET IS MAKING IT HARD TO BREATHE. I'M DYING.” 
“You’re the one who chose to wear that goofy outfit. You goofy boy.” Leafy grabs hold of Seb's hand and leads him to a different room. 
“Let go of me this instant! Your hands are as cold as the pizza at school!” 
Leafy does not let him go. Leafy, instead, grips onto Seb's hand tighter. They enter the room, Leafy leads the way. She sits him down on a bench and wraps her arms around him, warmly embracing him. 
“Are you.. a giddy German boy?” 
“That’s crazy.” Basil, dressed up in a traditional wedding dress suit, stands hand-in-hand with his plus one, Felix. “Why aren’t you wearing the suit Azalea picked out for you?” 
Seb doesn’t answer, he’s too busy having a panic attack. Leafy answers for him. 
“He said it looked too professional. “Rollo won’t want to take me to bed!” was what he said when I asked him about it this morning, which is why I picked out-” 
“-We picked out a cute ‘lil outfit for Sebastian here!” A familiar voice comes from behind, happy and jolly. (I need to stop saying familiar so much. that’s kinda crazy.) 
“What the fart..” 
Standing in the doorway of the room filled with spectrum-induced queers lies the infamous Grass. For some reason, Ruggie isn’t there. Maybe they’re stealing gold from Professee Crewel or something.. who knows? 
“Yes, Seb asked me to get a new outfit for him, but he was too into his depression era to come with me.. so I asked Grass!!” Leafy explains while Seb sits, still halfway embraced by his friend, wide-eyed. “It’s beautiful, right?” 
“..sure..” Basil responds while scratching his cheek and awkwardly glancing around the mostly empty room. 
Rollo’s stance at the altar is rather worryful. Having a touch-starved and traumatized past would make you that way- the poor boy has anxiety. His eyes dart across the room, he begins to sweat. What if his soon-to-be-wed husband had abandoned him at the altar? What if they had run off with Sebek, Floyd, or Baul? What if they were eating all of the croissants at the croissant-exclusive food table in the other room? 
“Where is he.. where is he..?!” The poor, panicky student council president is going insane with thoughts of paranoia as his groom is in the other room, also losing his head. “Have I been... ditched?..” 
Much like Rollo, the other wedding attendees were wondering where the second groom was. It’s not very often that a groom is this late to their wedding. Seb was breaking down in the other room while the two queers, Basil and Felix, look away to avoid him becoming more uncomfortable than he already is. 
Seb, with fixed makeup and a wide but terrified smile, walks slowly up to the altar. The flower girl, Leafy, gently sprinkles brown and maroon chocolate-cosmos flower petals over the walkway as Seb’s dear friend, Sebek Zigvolt, walks him up to the altar. 
To Sebek, this is an amazing opportunity to both impress Malleus and bond with Seb. 
The fresh aroma of newly picked cosmos fills the air as more and more petals are spread by Leafy, the various shades were mesmerizing most- if not all guests. 
The scent fades into some fragrance one can not quite place exactly... it’s not a bad scent at all, though. 
Sebek, flashy light-green hair and lime-green eyes, has Seb’s arm hooked around his own as if they were going to see the wonderful Wizard of Oz.
Rollo patiently awaits at the top pedestal, (description on his clothes). His specially and carefully picked priest, Robert, remains as well, standing with a perfectly straight posture. Robert was a random man in a bible study group Rollo was also in.  When I say carefully picked, I mean carefully picked. 
Rollo gathered a group of about fifty Nobel Bell College student council members and multiple priests from various places around the world. 
He wanted this special occasion to be special-er than special. 
He wanted his wedding to be so special even Leona couldn’t snooze during it. 
He wanted his special day to be so fantastic, so remarkable, so wondrous, so staggering, so magnificent, so astonishing, so extraordinary, so marvelous, so astounding, so breathtaking, so splendid, so impressive, so fabulous, so stunning, so stupendous, so formidable, so unbelievable, so stupefying, so outstanding, so mind-blowing, that Vil would be jealous of its beauty. 
He wanted it to be so special, so glorious, that even Idia would force himself to show up. 
He wanted it to be perfect, as you can clearly see. 
The terror-struck but flusteredly-excited groom walks up to the altar as he and Sebek part ways, Sebek sits next to Malleus and Seb carefully steps up. 
Rollo lovingly gazes into his ‘husband’’s eyes, forest-green irises sparkling with admiration as his lips tug into a soft smile. You could’ve never guessed that this man, this man, was the one on top of the bell tower. His cheeks, pale rose colored, slowly warm up into a bright cherry red. 
“Do you, Rollo Flamme, take Sebastian here as your lawfully wedded husband?” Robert The Priest asks. 
“I do..” The poor, worried boy answers in a soft tone, the gentle smile never leaves his lips. 
“..and, do you, Sebastian Hartz, take this man, Rollo Flamme, as, also, your lawfully wedded husband?” 
Seb thinks for a moment, Rollo presumes it’s for rethinking their marriage, but it’s really because Seb is panicking so much he forgot how to speak. 
“I do.” 
“Alright, I now pronounce you.. husband and husband!!” The old man named Robert yells pridefully, despite being as homophobic as my parents. 
The two stare into each other's eyes, neither of them willing to be the dominant alpha male and start the kiss. Soft, powder blue eyes staring into deep, forest green eyes, both pupils show signs of nervousness.
Rollo takes a deep breath, and yes, he does lead the wedding kiss. He slowly leans close to Seb, his baby-blue hair flowing slightly as their lips meet. Seb gains courage and does his part into kissing his husband, leaning in as well. 
They eventually part, both smiling wider with each second that passes. 
“I love you.” 
After the wedding, everyone besides the two newlywed husbands were eating the diverse menu of food Rollo catered. All of Seb’s friends, Azalea, Leafy, Basil, Felix, Grass, Romeo, Adonis, Zoy, (ect.) were sitting at different tables. Azalea and Leafy were on a mini-double date with Riddle and Epel while Romeo and Jade were gobbling up some home-made rice pudding. 
Rollo made the rice pudding the day before in preparation, he wanted the day to be perfectly perfect. He pulled a few strings and had Kalim convince Jamil to do most of the cooking, but in the end had to order a few dishes from totally legal Fleur City websites. 
“Mmmm nom nom.” Romeo says as he ate his bowl of rice pudding, Jade stared admiringly at him as if he were one of Jade’s terrarium mushroom fungi friends. 
Riddle sits down professionally, his posture straightens as he catches himself lacking in the presence of his lovely Azalea. 
“I loooooove you Riddle.” Azalea says before devouring their pupusa. Riddle reminds her of the Queen of Hearts’ 269th rule not to eat quickly at a wedding or something, Azalea ignores it and chomps down on another pupusa.
“Yum yum yum yum,” Leafy mumbles out with her mouth full of cake, red velvet crumbs all over her. Epel had taken the initiative to wipe up any mess his date makes, so nobody else would have to. 
“Leafy! Slow down, would’ya? Yer getting food all ov’r ya clothes!” Epel scolds Leafy as he, like Riddle, was giving ignored orders. 
“Where’s Seb?..” Azalea asks as they finish their 3rd pupusa. 
“I dunno.. dead I guess..” Was Leafy’s reply. 
Instantaneously, Seb bursts through the door, carrying his newlywed husband in old-fashioned bridal style. 
“HEYYY YOU GUYS!!! ROLLO LET ME CARRY HIM!!” Seb exclaims as he runs over to the groups of tables huddled near each other. “ISN’T THIS GREAT?!!?!?” 
“Oh my cod!! It’s amazing!!” Azalea smiles brightly as she places down a slightly eaten pupusa. 
Rollo blushes, either because of the embarrassment Seb is putting him through or how close he is to his husband. The christian man is canonically touch starved, remember? 
“Let me down! You’re supposed to be the one being carried! You’re the woman!” Rollo forgets he is married to a twinky trans man and brings out his 1950’s relationship sights. 
Rollo and Seb take turns carrying each other while the zest fest behind them watches. 
“Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!” Seb giggles as Rollo spins him around. “Poipiooioipipipopopopipo, I honestly expected you to be a skinny twink like me, but your stronger for eel.” 
Rollo is less athletic than a poor orphan German boy, so he can’t hold Seb for long. He collapses and takes his husband with him. They fall onto the ground on top of each other. Like how y/n fell over onto the bad boy alpha. Out of instinct Rollo  wrapped around Seb like a koala. 
After that.. incident, Seb helps himself to Rollos home-made rice pudding, gobbling it down faster than Seb getting doxxed after saying he’s trans to a 40 year old woman Facebook group. 
“Mmmmmm.. I love rice pudding.”
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rek1s-headband · 4 years
hi! figured i’d drop a request for you :))! Maybe some general bf hcs for reki and langa? Just in general how they would be as a boyfriend or how they would act in a relationship?
Hi!! Thank you so much for your request, I’ve been excited to do one of these. I hope you enjoy it!
➯ random boyfriend headcannons
➯ characters: Reki Kyan and Langa Hasegawa x gn reader
➯ warnings: none! Just some fluff for these two boys:)
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-Literally the most enthusiastic person you’ve ever seen. He’d be happy to just sit in silence with you because come on, it’s YOU. There’s no one he’d rather be wasting the hours away with.
-Your biggest hype man, EVER. You post something on Instagram? Get ready for a flood of comments, all from him. You could put your phone down for two minutes after posting, and you’ll come back to 99+ notifications of just reki commenting along the lines of “woah suddenly I’m on one knee” “DAMNNNN” and many, many more.
-Never leave your phone unattended around him. He won’t snoop, but be prepared to come back to your camera roll flooded with just zoomed in pictures of his face, his mouth, his eye, ANYWHERE. Mf is spamming your whole phone with pictures of him for you to come back to.
-He has to always be touching you in some way. Whether it’s holding your hand, your waist, a casual arm around your shoulder, there has to be something. He’ll put his hand on your ass sometimes while you walk in public.
-Honestly doesn’t even think PDA is anything out of the ordinary. Like, you’re his s/o??? Yes you’re in his lap, yes you’re in the middle of the skatepark, so what? You’re his, and he’s happy he can make everyone aware of that.
-I saw a post on here that said he would peel stickers off fruit and stick them to peoples’ foreheads, and I fully stand by this. However, it doesn’t just stop at fruit stickers. Anything remotely sticky, whether it’s tags from clothes, tape from a food box, even random sequins and bits of glitter he finds around, it’s immediately being stuck to some part of your face.
-Loves casual dates. Stopping by food stalls, browsing in clothes and game stores for a few hours, and skating around with you until it’s time to go home is a dream for him. Be prepared for day-long dates, because he will clear his entire schedule just to spend the day with you.
-His family adores you. His mother is always goading him to bring you over more, complaining that she misses her "honorary son/daughter/child". His sisters love you too. Any time you come over there’s immediately three tiny bodies shooting at you, grabbing you by the waist and dragging you over to wherever they’re playing. Reki tries to drag you away, wanting to have you for himself, but you always try and stay for at least five or ten minutes. Secretly, he loves that you get along so well with his siblings, going soft at the thought of how you would act with children of your own.
-He loves playing video games with you. Sitting in his lap, the two of you could spend hours switching from game to game. One minute you could be burning down a village in Minecraft, the next complaining while Reki whoops your ass in Mario Kart. His mom brings you food for your breaks between games, and she’ll even stay for a few minutes to talk to you while Reki shifts underneath you, glowing red from embarassment.
-If you can’t skate, he would beg to teach you. If you accept, he goes all out. He’ll make you your own customised board just for practicing, making sure it’s absolutely perfert for you to learn on. But if you can skate, get ready for endless races and competitions to see who can nail a new trick the quickest.
-Adores when you come to S to support him. He loves looking into the crowd and seeing you there cheering him on before he goes into a beef. If he wins, he’ll race over to where you are in the crowd, picking you up and spinning you around, kissing you without a care in the world. However, if he loses he’s thankful you’re always there to pick him back up and make him feel better afterwards.
-Loves cleaning you up after a big fall, kissing your bruises and cuts better. He’ll carefully wrap each injury with care, telling you how brave you are, no matter how small the cut. Secretly, he loves when you baby him after he falls himself. Seeing you wipe away the blood from a new cut and place a small plaster on it with such tenderness melts his heart in a way only you could.
-Speaking of plasters, this man has one for every occasion. Princesses, pirates, aliens, cats, dogs, sparkles, stripes, you name it, he’s got it.
-The type to sneak you out at two in the morning to get a slushee with him. Honestly, he’s up so late making boards for people he just has no perception of time.
-Spams your phone with TikToks or other funny things that reminds him of you. It could be a very specific thing, or a flower or cloud. If he thinks of you when he sees it(which is fairly often), it gets sent to you.
-Talks with his hands a lot. He’s a very expressive talker, so when he’s telling you a story it feels like you’re right there in the story with him.
-Please just kiss him. His cheeks, his forehead, his hand, his shoulder, his temples, his lips. Anywhere, he’ll melt under you. Mf is touch starved to the max.
-Always knows how to make you laugh. His laugh is infectious, it could get you out of your darkest moods.
-Sleeps with his head on your chest, and one hand in your shirt little perv.
-His social media is like a SHRINE for you. His highlights, his posts, his stories, EVERYWHERE. He’s just so proud to be able to call you his that he wants the whole world to know.
-Kisses in the rain while you run home, skateboards in your hands after the weather forecast failed you once again. He’s just so happy in the moment that he can’t contain himself, so he’s pulling you into him in the pouring rain, kissing you hard while your hair gets drenched.
-You don’t need to steal his clothes, he will literally give them to you because “you just look so cute wearing them”. Occasionally, he’ll take one of your hoodies, and even if it doesn’t exactly fit him, he’ll still keep it near him while he sleeps so he can keep your scent close to him.
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-This man is so oblivious to obvious hints, but still manages to pick up on the smallest of details? It’s incredible, honestly. He could describe the exact colour of your eyes with the most insane detail, but he still won’t notice when you try and hint that you like him in the first place!
-You two have a bit more of a low-key relationship, but you’ll make your usual appearance in his Instagram posts, or on his Snapchat story with a casual caption like a simple heart, or “my love<3”
-Not very big on PDA, not because he doesn’t like it, but because he doesn’t think of it. However, when he does feel like he’s being too physically distant, he’ll link pinkies with you as you walk along, or rest his head on your shoulder while you watch a video on your phone.
-His mom adores you, which is why Langa despises bringing you to his house. You always seem to leave with seven of his baby photos from his time snowboarding in Canada, a new recipe from his mother that you complimented, another one of his hoodies, and more miscellaneous stuff that you don’t even know how it ended up in your bag. He has a little shelf in your room specifically for this random stuff, and he always adds to the collection when he comes to your house. He’ll leave a keyring, a small toy, a Polaroid, anything honestly.
-Loves dates that you can experience. The movies, aquariums, museums and the zoo are common dates for the two of you to go on, but other than that, he adores going skateboarding with you. He’s been improving, and he loves when you notice little things he’s been picking up on, whether it be a new trick or simply how he balances himself on the board.
-Adores old Disney movies. Yall will binge a ton of them in one day, having full-blown musicals in Langa’s living room. When any of the romantic songs come on, like “So this is Love” from Cinderella, Langa will stand up and offer his hand to you, as the two of you waltz around his sitting room, humming the tune of the song.
-Study dates are frequent with the two of you. If you happen to stay up late studying and fall asleep on each other, his mother will cover the two of you with a blanket, tidying some of your books and leaving with a smile, happy with the knowledge you were making her son the happiest he’s been in quite a while.
-Slow dancing in the kitchen while you cook is a regular. When a particularly sappy love song comes on while he stirs the pot, he’ll turn around and hold you close to him, twirling you around the kitchen.
-Reki constantly jokes that he is a third wheel, poking fun at the two of you, Cherry and Joe, and Shadow and “his little girlfriend back at the flower shop”. He’ll hang out of Miya, whining about them having to stick together since they’re the only two “lone wolves”. He’ll usually get a well-earned thump into the back of the head from Miya, but it’s still funny to watch the whole thing go down.
-Tends to be shy when giving you clothes, so instead of asking you to wear them he’ll leave them out in places he knows you’ll find them, or he’ll come up behind you and plop it in your lap, murmuring about how cute it would look on you.
-Please do this man’s makeup. He will sit so still for you, waiting patiently while you dab eyeshadow at his eyes, trying not to blink so you don’t mess up his mascara. He’ll sit there mesmerised for a few minutes, taking in how he looks, and simply whisper “you do this every day?”
-Evem though he’s not a very openly affectionate person, he is stuck to your hip behind closed doors. He’ll lie in your lap for hours, staring up at you while you mess with his hair, pulling it into little plaits and pigtails.
-I can’t even describe how the two of you sleep. It’s simply a mass of limbs, and no one knows exactly what belongs to who. Somehow one of yall will end up upside down, and-why is Langa on the floor??
-He could talk about his time in Canada for hours, and you’d just lie on his chest and listen to him. Every once in a while he’ll look down at you to see if you’re still listening, and his heart will melt a little every time he sees you staring back up at him, eyes wide with interest.
-This man NEVER gets jealous. You’d literally have to cling to another man for it to click in his brain that Oh. He doesn’t like that.
-He’s not big on texting, but if you call him he will stay on that call with you for hours, even after the two of you fall asleep.
-Whenever he falls(which is quite often), you’ll always have plasters on hand to help fix him up. He always flushes bright red when you kiss his cuts better, and never knows just what to do with himself afterwards.
-When he skates against tough opponents, you’ll always give him a kiss for good luck. Of course, this doesn’t stop you worrying, but you know Langa wouldn’t go out of his way to get injured. And if he does, well, at least he’ll have you there to kiss his bruises better.
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zayeaw · 3 years
Hiii! Congrats on passing 100 followers <3 My names Keren, Im a libra with an Aries moon and Scorpio rising. I love fashion and im a fashion major. Im black, I usually wear long black box braids, and I’m around 5’8 5’9. For my personality im mostly shy around others I just meet but im very outgoing once I get comfortable and I have a big personality. Im not exactly sure what my aesthetic is but I’m super inspired by 70’s and 90s fashion. For my music taste I mostly listen to anything but I love alternative R&B and soul/jazz. My favourite artists are Steve Lacy, The Internet, Sade, Solange, and Erykah Badu. Lastly for the fandom I choose Attack on Titan with a male character and a childhood friends to lovers trope :)) (hopefully eren LOL) sorry if this was all over this place😭😭
omg hiii keren! I hope you're having a wonderful day! thank you so much for being here qnd supporting me, it really means a lot!🥺❤
all of you are so pretty.
I love seeing girls with boxbraids, they're absolutely gorgeous ,everytime i see someone with it i go😫😩
also sorry if this seems rushed or something, im a stem student and school is respectfully killing me😍
But I really do pour my heart out when i write so i do hope you like it!
you ask for eren, you get eren😋🗝
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you and eren met each other when you are kids, probably 8 or 9? And i bet that you used to bully him lmao (in a loving way ,probably bc his favorite avenger or pokemon is lamer than yours). back then he used to see more like his competition than a friend and he always had thr upper hand in a social situation where you both were involved bc he could easily roast you there without the risk of u roasting him back. Dw u always picked on him the next day✌🏻
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time passed , you both were in the same high school now and one day in english lit class you gave him a dirty look when he cracked the most idiotic joke to ever exist.
Now, idk if he has a degradation kink or not but for the first time in his life his heart began beating so fast he could swear itll burst out any second. He dosent know if it was the outfit you wore which brought your lips out or the new mascara you tried on or the small smirk that you gave him after you turned back around to face the board.
He used to hear his classmates say "dude kerens so hot" and let me tell u, he'd "accidentally" go step on their feet and pick a fight with them and get suspended for the next 2 days.
With time, everyone around you both knew that u both liked each other, i mean even u knew and liked him back but u thought you were good at hiding feelings . Which u totally weren't 🤗
your friends realized u had fallen for him when your loud personality loud turn off and ud suddenly be self conscious whenever he was around.
And well. Those glances you both would steal of each other whenever you could would never go unnoticed by others.
He didn't confess to u until you both passed out of schopl tbh. That idiot thought u didnt like him back and jean and armin had to convince him to finally say it before you leave for college.
Yeah. That convincing part took 2 years.
But he did it tho. Looked like a cute moron while saying "its not like i like u or anything 🙄, uhh yeah but yeah.. hmm (procceds to glance at jean who encourages him to go on) yeah i like u." He said. Face red.
And you fell in love with that face.
It was cute tho u both dating. Holding hands for the first time was a nightmare. And when he finally grabbed your hand u fainted cutely inside.
Lets be honest. Erens into rap and heavy metal music. So you playing steve lacy songs in the car made him want to jump out. ( no offense to lacey tho I LOVE HIS MUSIC😭).
Eventually he learned all of the lyrics and discovered the words in those songs are exactly what he feels about u.
That made him giggle a bit.
He thinks you should be a model really. He always tells u that u would be the best one out there with your cute face, long beautiful hair and your height. He dosen't understand why you always say how pretty real models are when you are here looking like an angels gift .
Loves ur outfits. And the outfits u choose for him.
Totally judges ppl with bad taste with u.
Takes pictures of u while u sleep.
Stares at it while youre at college.
Wants u kiss and cuddle w u 24/7.
He thinks he is the luckiest to have someone like u in his life. Hes so greatful for it that he treats you like the princess you are<3
Oh and u still bully him for taste in pokemon😋.
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Umwah ily just like eren does<3
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futurequeenofravka · 4 years
Good Enough - Sirius x Reader
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After a spat with a Slytherin girl in your year, you’ve start to doubt your relationship with Sirius Black. While you are wildly in love with him, you start to question why he chose you, a “mudblood.”
Warnings: None, I don’t think? Just a little angsty!
A/N: this is my first piece! it’s a lil test of a fic I’d like to write eventually, and it was prompted by mmfd so I decided to tweak the dialogue from the show a little to make it wizarding world esque hahah. But I hope you enjoy! thank you so much for reading, this is the first time I’ve ever shared my creative writing online so please let me know what you think (also please send requests)! Also sorry if the formatting looks a lil weird, posting this from my phone made it kinda wonky.
Word count: 2.2k-ish words.
Pst. Psssst.
Sirius’s whisper grew louder until I looked over my shoulder to where he and James were sitting a few desks back from Lily and I. He tried to silently mouth a question as Professor Binns droned on about last night’s reading. James and Lily quietly laughed as they watched Sirius try to repeat himself a number of times before ultimately giving up. I shot him an apologetic look for my lip reading skills, or I guess lack thereof, as I watched him rip up a piece of parchment and scribble down a message. He waited for a spare moment in which Binns had his back turned to the class to write something on the chalkboard and then tossed the crumpled up piece of paper at me.
“What’s it say?” Lily asked as I unfolded the piece of parchment that Sirius had thrown my way.
“Blimey is he fucking annoying.” I said letting out a small laugh as I read the note.
“Well?” She leaned in closer trying to read the note from over my shoulder.
I slid the parchment across our shared desk so that she could read the message as well. Hi. I just wanted to say you look beautiful today. Meet me at the Astronomy Tower at 7? Lily sarcastically groaned as she slid the note back over to me and we pretended to go back to our class work. I turned back around to see Sirius intently waiting for my answer, I rolled my eyes at the silly gesture but smiled as I gave him a small nod to confirm our meeting later.
“You two are so sickly sweet sometimes, honestly I think I might have a toothache.” She said loud enough to provoke a laugh from James who eyed her from a few desks over.
“Beats the headache I get from watching you and Potter dodge your feelings for each other.” I retorted, quietly laughing as I tried to refocus my attention back to my textbook.
After class had ended I said bye to Lily as I made my way to the library to study for my potions exam. Sirius had already promised James that he’d come watch the Gryffindors practice for the upcoming Quidditch match so I’d have to study alone today, which I didn’t particularly mind because usually with Sirius around I hardly got any studying done. He pressed a kiss on my temple before we parted ways. When I got to the library I took a seat in the corner as usual and began to sprawl my textbooks across the table.
In the midst of studying I heard giggles from a herd of girls a few tables over. Looking over I met eyes with Ianthe, a Slytherin also in sixth year, who was sitting alongside Sirius’s cousins Bellatrix and Narcissa. Though I had never spoken more than a few words to either of them, I knew I was not favored in the Black household. If anything, they probably hated me; although Sirius would never burden me with that confirmation, I knew how his family felt about me and “my kind.”
Being muggle born was still a rarity at Hogwarts, and one that pureblood families often had strong feelings against. Lily and I became fast friends because of this. Being two of the only Muggle born students at Hogwarts made fitting in quite hard sometimes. There were often things that we didn’t understand or we lost on. We relied on Marlene, Alice, and Dorcas a lot for explanations and now as of recently on the “Marauders,” as they called themselves, as well. But it was comforting to have Lily around, to have someone who understood experiences unique to us. Someone who understood what it felt like to miss basic muggle things while away at school, like televisions or even just pens.
I rolled my eyes at the giggling girls and went back to reading the next chapter in my textbook. Several minutes passed before my studying was interrupted again, this time I looked up to see the three slender girls approaching my table, a wicked grin plastered across each of their faces as they surrounded my table.
“Can I help you?” I breathed looking up from my book.
“Yes actually. Would you mind backing off of Sirius?” Ianthe mused as she flipped her long blonde hair over her shoulder.
“Excuse me?” I asked, Bellatrix laughed at my response, a cackle echoing across the room.
“I thought dating you would just be his latest phase but it’s been almost 6 months. I expected that he’d come crawling back to me by now but you seem to be standing in my way.” Ianthe ran her fingers over my notes and shuffled my things around as she spoke.
“In your way of what? Stealing my boyfriend?”
“Precisely.” Narcissa chimed in from behind the blonde haired girl.
“Honestly, Y/N. It’s kind of pathetic how you constantly follow Sirius around like a puppy dog. One day I’m sure he’ll bore of having a little pet mudblood and finally come back to his senses.” Bellatrix said, her tone was cold and cruel as she knocked over a few of my things and proceeded with a sarcastic oops.
“I mean our families have been practically planning our wedding since before we were even born.” Ianthe said trying to refocus my attention back on her.
“Shove off, the lot of you.” I said trying to ignore anymore of their remarks.
“Feisty today aren’t we, Y/N. I would’ve never expected such boldness from a filthy little mud blood.” Bellatrix said cackling again.
“Just leave me alone please.” My voice strained this time.
“You really do ruin all the fun, don’t you, Y/L/N? But before we go, I just have to ask, dear. Does our darling Padfoot still like to have his neck kissed? You know, just above that mole.” Ianthe tapped her finger to the side of her neck.
“You’re all sick.”
“Maybe but at least we don’t have dirty blood.”
My heart beat fast as I picked up my belongings from off the ground, desperately trying to get out of the library as quickly as possible. I ran through the corridors back toward Gryffindor tower, tears welling up in my eyes and slowly beginning to fall despite my best efforts to hold them back. I ran past the other students and back to my dormitory praying that it would actually be empty for once. It was not. Lily was sat on her bed reading a book when she looked up to see me tears running down my face while I tried to keep a cool demeanor. Her face cloaked in worry as she asked if I was okay, her words triggered a visceral reaction as I finally let myself break down in tears. She came over to me and brought me back to her bed and hugged me for a moment, stroking my back waiting until I was ready to speak.
After my sobs and sniffles had mostly come to a stop I recounted the entirety of what had happened in the library. Sharing the words exchanged between me and the three Slytherin girls and the doubt that now seeped into my mind. Lily fumed, her anger rising as she listened to me talk about what had happened.
“Y/N, you don’t actually believe that do you?” She asked, her face still cloaked with worry.
“I mean why shouldn’t I? She’s right, I’ve seen the way people look at us.”
“What does it matter what they think?”
“It’s not what they think, it’s the fact that they’re right. You know exactly how Sirius’ family is, I’m probably just another conquest to him. Girls like Ianthe were bred to marry boys like him, to protect their bloodlines. They’ve basically been betrothed since birth, Lily!”
“Sirius is his own person. He is not his family. You should know better than anyone that that boy lives to break rules. And I seriously doubt it but if he doesn’t appreciate how absolutely brilliant you are just because you were muggle born then he’s not worth your time.”
I knew Lily was right, it was rare that she wasn’t. But my mind still wandered to a dark place that echoed with Ianthe’s comments. She stayed with me for another hour or so before she got ready to go over to the Great Hall for dinner. I didn’t realize how long we had been sitting in the dorm. I looked over at the clock surprised to see it was almost 7. I promised Sirius I’d meet him in the astronomy tower soon. Surely I couldn’t face him after what had just happened but my heart hurt thinking about standing him up.
“You going to be alright?” Lily asked before heading out the door.
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll see you later.” I reassured her.
“Alright, if you need anything just give a shout.”
I sighed as she closed the door and headed off. I looked down at my mascara stained sleeves and quickly changed into a clean shirt and wiped away the smeared makeup from beneath my eyes. Regardless of how I felt, I had to face Sirius.
I walked through the empty halls over to the Astronomy tower. Springtime at Hogwarts had an underrated charm to it. The weather was ideal, chill but not too cold. Tonight was no different, the air tonight was crisp, the wind blew gently through my hair as I made my way up the winding staircase. When I made it to the very top I saw Sirius gazing across the school grounds. His face looking intently over the beautifully crafted buildings and through the lush forests around us. I stayed silent for a minute just to admire him. The handsome playboy that I always thought I loathed but whom had somehow not only stolen my heart but had also become my best friend.
When he finally sensed my presence he turned around, my heart fluttered just looking at the kind, dopey smile wiped across his face as he held out his hand for me. When I grabbed it, he pulled me in close. My face buried into his chest as he held me for a minute. I looked behind him to see a blanket laid across the ground a small picnic set up for us.
“Remus helped me bribe the house elves into sneaking me some food so we could have dinner up here.” He excitedly motioned over to the set up.
“It looks lovely, Sirius.” I spoke softly as if my words could be broken with just a tap.
“What’s wrong? Oh Merlin, you hate it, don’t you?” He asked worriedly.
“No it’s not that, it really is lovely. I just, I just don’t get it.”
“Get what?”
“Why you’re doing this for me. You’re a pureblood and I’m...I’m a mudblood.” I took a step away from him, letting go on my grasp on his hand.
“What does that have to do with anything? You know I’ve never cared about any of that.”
“You should be going out with someone like Ianthe, not someone like me. Most people when they see us must be thinking, ‘oh he must be mad going out with that.’”
“That what” he said before raising his voice to echo the question, “that what?”
“You know exactly what, Sirius. Everyone does.”
“What the fuck are you on about? What does everyone have to do with how I feel about you? You don’t get to tell me who I can and can’t fancy. That’s mine and mine alone. Now are you going to stop being a git or what?”
“Stop calling me a git, you’re the git.” I said trying to shove him away but his hands grasped my wrists before I could make my move.
Before I could say another word he crashed his lips into mine. His hands now releasing his grip on my wrists and instead caressing my face. Sirius had kissed me many times before but never with such urgency, like his life depended on it. Like if he didn’t kiss me in this exact moment that he’d never get to again. My hands now pressed up against his chest pulling him in closer to me as I savored the taste of him until we were breathless.
“You’re the git.” I whispered as we pressed our foreheads together, he let out a small laugh at my comment before he spoke again.
“Those twats, they aren’t my family. You are.” His thumb caressing my cheek softly.
“Sirius, I just—“
“You are my family.” He said firmly cutting me off before I could finish my sentence.
“Okay, you say that now but I just hate the idea that you’re choosing me over them. I don’t want you to wake up one day and regret your choice and start to resent me forever. I mean they’re your family, Sirius.” I rambled as doubt still riddled my brain.
“Y/N, listen to me, I will always choose you. I choose you today, tomorrow, and I’ll choose you forever for the rest of our lives. You are the only thing in this entire world I care about.”
“Can I quote you on that?”
“Yes, just maybe not to James, Remus, and Peter. I think they might burst into tears.” He let out loud laugh as he responded to my question.
“I won’t lie, I’d like to see that.”
“I bet you would. Now can we please eat dinner, I paid off the house elves 10 galleons each just so that they would make your favorite!”
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tablefourtwo · 4 years
A Night Out With Thee Richie Tozier (r.t)
anonymous : cliche prompt #42 with Richie? I’m going to save you from the terrible date you’re having
summary Richie saves (Y/N) from a horrible date with Derry high school’s resident golden boy.
warnings swearing, drinking
(Y/N) thought that she’d be smarter than to let herself get into this situation. Obviously, she wasn’t.
A Waffle House? For a first date? Maybe she was being too snobbish but she certainly expected more from Derry High School’s Basketball Captain.
She nodded her head along to whatever Lance was saying probably a bit too eagerly, wanting him to just shut up about sports.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom but uh I’ll be right back.” Lance smirked. (Y/N) hummed and sent him a tight lipped smile.
Picking at her barely touched plate of food, she didn’t notice the door to the dinner open and close.
“Overdressed much?” Richie snorted, more of a question than a statement. “What the fuck are you doing here? Dressed like that.” He snickered, taking in the scene in front of him.
“Asshole,” (Y/N) frowned, “I’m on a date.” She says in a hushed tone, face flushing.
Richie and (Y/N) weren’t close, not by a long shot, but they were close enough for her to call him asshole and for him to not take it to heart.
“With who? Cause’ shit this is weird.” He sniffles awkwardly before taking a seat in her dates chair.
“I didn’t know Lance was taking me to get breakfast food for dinner.” (Y/N) said hurriedly, rolling her eyes, careful not to rub her eyes in frustration, the mascara she so carefully applied would be ruined.
“Lance... Lance Evans?” Richie asked in disbelief. 
(Y/N) groaned and Richie all but choked, almost falling off his chair.
“I know he didn’t let me into the team but... I didn’t know the guy could be so,” Richie gestured to (Y/N), the food in front of her and their current setting. “Charming.” He seemed satisfied. biting back his grin with little to no effort.
“Yeah and he’s gonna be out here any second so,” (Y/N) shrugged and nodded to the exit, the sensible thing for Richie to do would be to walk away, but leaving (Y/N) there would be heartless. Right?
Richie rolled his eyes, “okay fine. Let’s go.” Richie stood up, abroptly. “What?”
“You’re clearly having a horrible time, princess. Breakfast and more basketball talk with Evans or a night out with Thee Trashmouth Tozier? Not even a question.” He scoffed playfully.
(Y/N)’s brows furrowed in a playfully judgemental manner. He was right. Listen to Lance talk about how he ‘’made it rain’ at last Friday’s game or leave right now with Richie. “Where are we going?”
“Well, I actually just got intoa’ fight with the big sis.” Richie grinned boyishly, following (Y/N) out the door. “So you came here?” “This is my fuckin’ spot, babe! I always come here.”
(Y/N) waited while Richie unlocked his car and when he did, he opened the rear door for her. She wanted to make a joke about how Richie was such a gentleman but cringed sat herself and held it back instead.
Richie huffed as he started the engine, “your place?” He asked through a smirk cheekily. “You wish.” (Y/N) laughed, snorting.
“So what did you do to piss your sister off so bad?” (Y/N) asked Richie as she absentmindedly played with the straw of her cherry slushy, eyes fixed on the street fighter character Richie was currently playing as.
His hand movements sped up and got rougher as he began to loose, a quick glance at (Y/N) being enough to mess with his flow, the pixelated character on the bright screen grunting as it fell to the ground, dead. Game over.
He turned to her and she took his look in. Really took him in for the first time ever. His face was flushed a light pink, hair a mess, but his eyes. His eyes were different tonight, for the first time, they didn’t have any sense of mischief behind them, Richie didn’t feel the need to mess with (Y/N) for her attention or do something that might hurt himself for it either.
“What? You think I’m paying for all of this with my own hard earned money?” He joked dramatically, gesturing at the plastic bag filled with arcade tokens and (Y/N)’s slushy. “So you robbed her?” (Y/N) grimaced from the brain freeze as well as the thought of Richie stealing from his sister.
“Uh uh; borrowed.” He said matter-of-factly as he, for the third time that night, pushed two tokens into the street fighter machine.
“And what’re you doing drinking that shit?” Richie reaches into his pocket and took out a half full miniature bottle of absolut vodka. “You bought that with your sisters money too?” (Y/N) asked curiously. “No, Mr. Keene’s jus a dumbass.”
“What? He deserves it! Fuckin’ creep...” Richie responded to (Y/N)’s sour look as he shivered at the mention of the drug store owner.
“Here.” Richie quickly unscrewed the small bottle, working quick as he turned the glass upside down, piercing the slushy in (Y/N)’s hand as he impaled it neck deep into her drink, the once cherry red color diluting as the alcohol seeped into the slush.
(Y/N) didnt complain, only holding it away from Richie when he tried to grab at it.
“No way. Your driving me home.” She said teasingly as she sipped at the concoction.
“Whatever.” Richie rolled his eyes, hand gripping the joystick under him as he’s done hundreds of times, swiveling it around a bit and finally pressing the “play” button.
(Y/N) smilled, cheeks flushing, Richie would make a joke about it but she would swear that it was from the alcohol.
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topsytervy · 4 years
Not The Right Time ~ JJ Maybank
Blurb: JJ has a thing for you. Unfortunatley, it just isn't the right time.
Word count: 1,929 (give or take. did some last minute editing)
Warnings: mention of cheating, drinking, drug use (weed), swearing, not proofread so probably spelling mistakes, I think that's it.
Quick rundown because I have more of these than usual cause this one is slightly more descriptive of the reader (aka you): s/c = skin color, e/c = eye color, h/l = hair length, h/c = hair color, h/t = hair type (curly, straight, etc...)
Me somehow breaking out of my Rafe phase for a minute to write something JJ related? Yes, I am just as surprised as you are.
JJ lounged in the hammock in the backyard, drinking his third beer of the night with a book next to him. This was a routine for him at this point. While you were out with your boyfriend, he went into the backyard to drink away his sorrows and stayed up until you got home to make sure you actually got home.
The nights when you texted him that you wouldn't be coming home, opting to stay at your boyfriends instead, were the worst for him.
If you asked JJ, your boyfriend was an asshole. He never liked him and probably never would. However, you were his best friend and roommate since you both graduated from high school so whatever made you happy was fine by him.
It just sucked that he wasn't the one who made you happy the way your boyfriend did.
JJ often found himself mesmerized by your beauty. Your beautiful (s/c) skin and (e/c) eyes often entranced him which usually caused you to nudge him.
"You good?" You'd ask.
"Absolutely peachy." He'd grin.
After all, How could he not be peachy with you around?
He noticed the way you'd play with your (h/l) (h/c) (h/t) hair mindlessly when you'd be focused on a movie or the way you picked at the skin around your nails when you got nervous.
JJ sighed as he crushed his now empty beer can and reached for another that sat in the cooler next to the hammock.
"Woe is me," he whispered, popping the tab of the new can.
He brought the can to his lips but pulled it away when he heard the front door open and close which caused a confused expression to cross his face.
He didn't hear a car pull up and drop you off like usual since your boyfriend often picked you up.
"Y/N!" He called, hoping that you'd hear him and that it was actually you and not an intruder.
He grew quiet as he heard faint footsteps from inside and the sliding glass door slide open.
"Yeah, it's me." You answered.
Your voice was barely above a whisper which caused JJ to turn his head to face you.
"Come join me for a drink." He waved you over, not being able to make out your face in the darkness.
You shuffled closer to JJ and the faint glow from the solar lights you guys had casted upon your face. JJs face dropped at the sight of yours.
"Oh my god. Y/N," JJ immediately dropped his can on the ground.
The contents spilled onto the grass as he took in your appearance.
You eyes were red from crying, black smudges of mascara on your face and your nose was slightly red, more than likely from the irritation of you constantly wiping it on your sleeve.
"What happened sweetheart?" He asked as he pulled you into the hammock.
"He's been cheating on me." You whispered, your voice hoarse as you laid on him.
He took in a sharp breath and his arms tightened around you. "How do you know?"
"He left his phone at the table when he went to the bathroom and I answered it. Before I could say anything a woman's voice came through and said hey baby. When I suggested she had the wrong number since this was my boyfriends phone, she said no this is Brett's number and that's when I knew."
JJ rubbed your back and kissed the top of your head.
"I am so sorry Y/N." He whispered.
You shrugged, feeling numb.
It was quiet for a few minutes before you noticed the book next to him. "Whatcha reading?"
JJ took an arm from around you and grabbed his book.
"A book of Edgar Allan Poe's works." He answered.
"Can you read to me?" 
JJ nodded as he opened the book. "Want me to start from the beginning?" 
"You can if you want." 
JJ flipped to the first page. "The Cask of Amontillado." He began as you made yourself comfortable.
After half an hour, JJ stopped and looked at you. Your eyes were closed and your mouth was slightly open. JJ smiled as he made himself comfortable in the hammock. You looked so peaceful and he wasn't about to risk waking you up just to try to get you in your bed. 
He wrapped his arms around you and closed his eyes, letting sleep take over.
The next morning, you woke up with a small headache and placed your head in your hands.
"Hey, I made you scrambled eggs with cheese and those ham cubes you like along with some bacon." 
Your head turned towards the voice and you saw JJ walking over with two plates of food, setting them on the patio table that was placed a few feet away from the hammock. 
JJ walked back inside as you stood up and walked over to your breakfast. You stretched as JJ came back with a bottle of apple juice for you and a beer for himself, pulling out his chair before sitting down.
"I was thinking since neither of us work today, we could steal the HMS Pogue from John B and go out on the marsh. Just the two of us. smoke some weed, drink some beer. You know, the usual." The blonde suggested, popping a piece of bacon into his mouth as he did. "Hell, maybe even just stay out there the entire night. We'll pack plenty of food.“ 
You stayed quiet and forked some eggs into your mouth before reaching for your apple juice, attempting to open it. After a few unsuccessful attempts, JJ held out his hand and you gave the bottle to him. He opened it with ease and gave you the bottle back. You took a drink before returning to your food.
Technically, he wouldn't be taking the pogue without John B's permission. He had talked to John B about taking it after a call this morning, telling him what had happened. John B had said the boat was all his for the day and all JJ had to do was to let him know when JJ was planning on confronting Brett so he could get a few punches in.
"So…me, you, and the Pogue out on the marsh?" JJ asked again.
You sighed. " I don't know, J. "
"Okay, I know that last night was rough and I'm 100% sure Brett will get what's coming to him, but today is about making you feel better and I know theres nothing you like more than chilling in the middle of the marsh with a joint in one hand and a beer in the other, maybe some swimming beforehand." He saw you thinking about it and knew you were leaning towards yes so he drove it home. "Plus you like sleeping under the stars and you're always napping on the boat. Why not combine them?" 
You bit your lip, the idea tantalizing.
You nodded. "Okay but don't be all mad cause I'm all mopey." 
"I won't. I'll be fishing while getting high with my best friend." 
" I thought JB was your best friend?" You smirked.
JJ placed a finger to his lips and sent you a wink. "Shh. Our little secret." 
You sat on the blanket-covered floor of the HMS Pogue, a joint being passed between you and JJ as you sipped on a beer and ate the abundance of food JJ had brought with.
It was hours later, darkness had fallen and the stars had come out.  JJ had stopped at The Wreck to order a shit ton of food before you took the Pogue out and paid for it all despite you offering to pitch in for half.
"Oh no no no. Rule #1 of friends supporting a friend whos been broken up with: the one who has gone through the break-up doesnt pay for anything the day after."
"Oh yeah? Who made that dumbass rule Maybank?" You crossed your arms, eyebrows raised.
"Uh, I will have you know JJ Maybanks Rules To Help A Friend Through Heartbreak is a number one best seller." JJ shot qt you.
"Oh yeah. I bet that that fake ass book is raking in all the fake ass dough and your signing plenty of fake ass boobs at your fake ass book signing." You nodded.
"Actually, the fake ass bookstore that is holding my fake ass book signing doesn't allow boob autographs. Something about it being inappropriate apparently." He grinned.
You took a bite of your sandwich as you passed the joint to JJ. 
"You know what JJ?"
He hummed in response as he took a hit off the joint.
"This was really nice and I had a really great time today." You grinned.
JJ smiled, happy that the smile was back on your face. " I'm really glad Y/N/N. You know you deserve this, right?" 
You shrugged, taking a sip of your beer before taking the joint back from the blonde.
"I'm serious, Y/N. You deserve this and way more. You deserve someone who can give you everything you need and want." JJ scooted closer to you.
"If I deserve everything like you say I do, J, then why wasn't I good enough for Brett." you whispered.
JJ took the joint from your hand and placed it in the ashtray he had set on the floor before moving next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulders, pulling your body into his side.
"It's not that you weren't good enough for Brett, Brett wasn't good enough for you. He's a damn fool for letting you go. I've heard Kooks like Topper talking about how bad they want to date you. If a Kook wants to date you, a pogue who hangs out with me who every Kook hates, that means you're a pretty remarkable person." JJ told you.
You felt yourself smile at his words. "You always know what to say, J. Sometimes, I wonder why you haven't used that intelligent brain of yours to woo yourself a girIfriend."
 JJ scoffed at your words.
"I'm serious JJ. You are so much smarter than you think you are. Both streetwise and bookwise. You read me Edgar Allan Poe last night as if it was your first language and didn't even stop to ask me what any words meant like you usually do around the others. You shouldn't hide your smarts, J. Smart you is way sexier than dumb you." JJ felt himself blush and you ruffled his hair as you turned your body to face his. "I wish you let everyone else see the JJ Maybank I see."
JJ sighed. "I don't woo any girls with my words cause it's either not the right time or not the right girl." 
"Come on JJ. You're 20 years old and you mean to tell you haven't met one girl you didn't want to be in a long term relationship with?" You asked through a mouthful of sandwich, hand covering your mouth.
"I never said that." 
your eyes widened as you swallowed your food and took a swig from your beer. "You like someone right now!" JJ rolled his eyes. " Oh my God. Maybank, spill! What's stopping you from going after her?"
JJ took the blunt from the ashtray and took a long slow drag before turning his blue eyes onto your e/c ones. "Like I said, not the right time. I have to wait until I think she's ready for a relationship."
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todomochi-uwu · 5 years
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x reader
Warnings: Angst, Age difference
Author´s Note: I actually like this idea, I hope you too. I haven´t been able to write in a while because of lack of inspiration, but this one pop up. Hope you guys enjoy it.
“It´s going to be okay love. You don’t have to worry about a thing.” 
Tumblr media
Clammy hands, shivers down your spine, red cheeks, and dry lips. All consequences of the anxiety that was consuming my entire body, at this very moment.
Will they like me? I really hope so.
Will they accept me? I pray the do.
Will they compare me to…? Oh most likely. 
Breathe in. And Out. In. Out. In. Out. 
You can actually do this, you can do it. You aren’t a bad person, you aren’t doing anything wrong. So what if you are not a pro hero? You love your job, you were good at it and honestly being a hero was never actually your goal. 
Red matte lips adorning your face; thick eyeliner framing your eyes; your hair tight in a high ponytail with way too many pins; big silver hops; a black dress with a sweetheart neckline that was embracing your curves so tightly you were having a bit of trouble breathing in; a bracelet around your wrist with a bright “K” in the middle of it, his personal mark on yourself; and some stilettos making you look at least a foot taller and perking your ass up. You didn’t hate the way you look; genuinely loving your reflection, but that didn’t ease your mind.
 “My god, don’t you look breath taking, baby girl.” His raspy voice and caramel essence filled the room, making your cheeks even redder and puffier. Turning around to meet his eyes, and hear more thoughts on the look. He looked absolutely gorgeous, some tight clothes he was wearing. A black dress shirt which had the top buttons opened, for your pleasure, a pair of grey suit pants, along a black designer’s belt, oh you knew that belt very well.
“Do you like it?” He let out a giggle, before tugging your hand so he could have a closer look. “Mmhm, I love it. It almost makes me wish we could stay home, I don’t want anybody enjoying this view but me.” 
His rough hands gave your butt a tight squeeze, making you yelp. “But the idea of them drooling and not being able to do anything about it because you are mine and only mine, is even more enticing.”“´Suki!” You gave him a light slap on the shoulder, before leaning your forehead against his. 
“You know you don’t have to be nervous, right? They are going to love you.” He caressed your cheek, “Besides you already know some of them, the most important at least, the rest of them are just useless extras.” You smile, you knew he was trying to take some of the pressure out of your shoulders, but it couldn’t be done. 
“They are your old classmates, fellow co-workers and if you have forgotten the sign of peace will also be there.” He grunted at your last mention, making you laugh. “Even after all this years you aren’t used to the idea?” “It’s not that I’m not used to, I just can’t believe that nerd is the number one hero.” “And one of your very best friends, so don’t act all tough and angry with me.” Sticking your tongue out for him before taking your purse and grabbing his hand. 
“Are you sure Mitsuki is going to be okay with Rin? I really hope he doesn’t cause a lot of trouble.” You stared at his back while he closed the door and walked to the car. “Don’t worry about the old hag, she adores the brat. Besides, she offered to do it anyway. So… Shall we?” 
“We shall.”
The whole ride Katsuki kept holding your hand, in hopes of calming you down, running his thumb over your knuckles, making small circles in your palm and tracing his name over and over again. You kept checking your make up every single minute, worrying that lipstick would stain your teeth or mascara would smear in your eyelids, adjusting your earrings and making sure no little hairs came out of their place. 
Bakugou kept looking at you, even if he wasn’t showing it, he was also very anxious himself, he didn’t know what the general reaction was going to be, no one really knew you were going to be attending his best friend´s party, but Kirishima. He loves you, he was certain of that and he wasn’t going to let anyone disrespect you. Still, he was scared. Time had passed, right? Both had move on and dating was okay, right? He sure hopes so. 
You waited in front of the door, it had been five minutes now, but he didn’t want to rush you, so he only kept his hand in your lower back and whisper sweet words on your ear. 
“It´s going to be okay love. You don’t have to worry about a thing.”Before you could even knock, Kirishima opened the door and gave you a bright smile,
“Are you guys coming in or are you going to wait all night out here? Because let me tell you, with the way you look right now Y/N you sure make this a very happy birthday.” He winked before stepping aside to let you in. 
“Happy birthday, Eijirou” You whispered, before you gave him a small hug. “Thank you, kiddo.”“Happy birthday, shitty hair; but don’t you dare push it.” He pushed a small black box against Kirishima´s chest. “Wouldn’t dream of it, Bakubro.” He giggled while shaking his head, “Come on, everyone’s already here” 
Leading you to the leaving room, your chest tighten. Well fuck, here we go. 
“Hey guys, Bakugou is here!” Kaminari announced making everybody’s heads turn around. And instantly you saw a few eyes go wide, a few jaws opened and closed without know what to say and bodies’ just static not having a clue about what to do, it felt like an eternity before Mina´s screaming and throwing herself at you broke the awkward silence.
“Y/N! I finally get to meet you; Bakugou has told me so much about you!” She gave you a bright smile before putting a glass of wine in your hand, and while she managed to calm you down a bit, you could still feel some eyes in the back of your head. 
Soon most of Bakugou´s old classmates and friends had gather around to meet you, greeting you and welcoming you, asking about you, your job and how the hell had you manage you tame the beast. Bakugou had stay the whole time next to you, making snarky comments and laughing at the old memories Sero and Denki were telling you about. 
After having a little too much to drink and making sure you were comfortable, he excused himself to go to the bathroom, placing a small kiss in your temple before leaving. 
But just as he was about to open the door, he sensed someone was behind his back, he didn’t have to turn around to tell who it was.
“What kindergarten did you steal her from, Katsuki?” He let out a sigh, really not wanting to do this.
“Hello there, Uraraka.”
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savagetrickster · 4 years
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anime |  character: bnha | kirishima eijirou words: 2.5k prompt/crossed out: “Last Words” Themes/Warnings: soulmate AU, angst, character death
Inspiration/Song: “I Knew I Loved You” by Savage Garden
“...I knew I loved you before I met you I think I dreamed you into life I knew I loved you before I met you I have been waiting all my life...”  
a/n: Imma tag the people who I have shared this plot with on the @bnhabookclub​ ‘s discord server HAHAH @pixxiesdust​ (enjoy the angst my dear zeze <3), @gallickingun​ (who suggested Kirishima and DAMN i was like hell yeah!) and @hawks-senseis​ (who came out with a crack idea that i’m SO gonna write it soon cos her idea is GOLDDD that i can’t help lmao-ing everytime I think about it XD)
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No amount of time or research could ever unravel the mysteries of the world. 
Why are the fate of the two people bounded by the words etched in their skin?
Why do these words only appear when one turns sixteen? And why sixteen? 
There were so many questions but there were no answers. 
Some gazed upon the heavens to find the lost meanings, while some dug for them in the earth beneath. 
All these for the mystery etched in their skin. 
But for you, you sought the answer through the seemingly endless scroll through forums on your screen. 
Digitized words painting enthralling stories of how these sacred marks — dubbed as Soulwords by the millions across the blogs, forums, the news articles — on their skin led to happy endings, love, and happiness. 
The common retelling of their stories mentioned the ‘unexplainable rush of warmth’, ‘the boost of bliss and spiritual strength’, and ‘the sense of wholeness’ they thrived upon finally meeting their fated partners.
Many who visited them gushed about their own, and those who haven’t, were longing and full of anticipation.
But not you.
You were shaking with anxiety and...desperation for a sign of hope.
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“You’re beautiful.”
—ever since he turned sixteen and woke up to find these two words etched into the skin on his right, curving around his inner wrist like a permanent bracelet, he had waited.
Eagerness and suspense brimmed and shook inside him for the day to come with an intensity that could match a child’s, itching to open their Christmas presents or a puppy’s, sitting by the door with a wagging tail.
He hasn't met them, but he was already in love.
He kept his hands lonely for them.
His lips had never tasted the sweetness of a kiss for them.
It didn’t even matter how long it took.
Waiting was what he wanted to do because his every firsts belonged to them.
Even if it meant watching his friends around him, one after another, find their fated ones through their three-years long of hero education at the U.A. High. 
He’d seen the uplifting effect the destined bonds had on them, even for Bakugou — the subtle spring in his usually hefty steps and the blissful contentment behind his scowling faces was obvious to those who had fought and struggled alongside him in the three years.
Even for someone as optimistic as himself, Kirishima often found himself filled with envy and doubts.
Still, he could never be tempted to let anyone else steal his firsts before he met them.
Every waking moment started with his hopes of hearing their first words. That she or even he would be somewhere out there, beyond his front door he was about to venture out from, arranged by fate to finally meet him.
Fleeting daydreams about how he could finally hold them in his arms and give them all his love. Even thoughts of doing things as simple as grocery shopping and taking naps together filled him with so much bubbling warmth.
Birthdays after birthdays, he wished before dancing flames, for the arrival of the fateful day awaiting them to come quicker.
Along with the wish for their safety and health, he never failed to add a silent promise to become a strong hero that could protect them.
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“I did it.”
A bashful mumble turned his head away, the razored friendly grin he flashed at the passing giddy gushes of ‘Red Riot’ falling away.
His puzzled eyes landed on Bakugou who wasn’t as enthusiastic about the gasps and admiring gazes on them. 
Kirishima blinked. Once, twice. “Did what?”
“Were you even listening, shitty hair?” Bakugou’s impatience ripped through his words and faded with a sigh, “I said I proposed.”
His reminder nudged Kirishima in the direction of the phone conversation they had three days ago.
Understanding dawned upon him as soon as he pieced things together. 
“....She said yes, right?” 
The same razored grin he flashed to the faces on the boulevard they left behind brightened his face once more as his eyes danced excitedly. 
“Of course, she said yes,” Bakugou grunted, fighting against the edges of his lips that was threatening to break a smile across his face. “We’re meant to happen after all.”
There was a short pause between them as the brightness in Kirishima’s eyes faltered slightly.
“You’re lucky, Bakugou.”
Kirishima felt the exhilaration he had for his best friend sink with a rising ache in his chest at the reminder. 
He knew Bakugou didn’t mean any harm when he said what he said. He could tell it was out of happiness.
“I’m already twenty-four like you, yet I’m not even anywhere close.”
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Under the cloudy sky, the dainty café huddled humbly among the huge city buildings, while hundreds of people rushed by it outside on the crowded street. 
Half a dozen customers glanced up as the door swung open, announced by a rush of cold wind. Unlike the outside, the interior of the café was warm and cheery, with bright lights and colorful walls. 
The customers returned to their conversations as the door swung closed behind the new entrant and the cold breeze was forgotten.
Your shoulders rose and fell as you breathed in the aromatic grounded scent of coffee lingering thickly in the cafe.
Even from the door, the stranger beside your best friend caught your eyes and you couldn’t help the bitter pinch of envy that sunk with your heavy heart.
Your brain instantly connected the dots as your legs brought you over to your friends at your usual corner.
Now, that explained the enthusiasm that seemed to leak through your screen when your phone pinged with a new text from her. 
It was her turn. 
You didn’t even need to hear the exuberance bouncing off your best friend’s voice when she introduced him to you, to know that those stories you’d read online were true.
Just like what you’d read on the forum, the abundance of happiness seemed to radiate off them; you could feel it the moment you slipped into the seat across them.
You were happy for her, really. 
The blissful glow across you was practically tangible enough to be seen from the way their eyes smiled along with their lips. 
And you forced yourself to smile too — like how you have always tried for your friends before her.
But the harsh whispers reminding you of your own reality just wouldn’t let you. 
Being your best friend who knew where your heart dwelled, she noticed.
“Believe in yours, (Name),” The dull gloom glazed over your eyes disappeared at a snap in time for you to watch your best friend's hand leave his.
“Everyone has met their happy endings and I know you are bound to meet yours too soon.” Her hand slid across the table to squeeze yours. “Stop overthinking, okay?”
You wished you could.
“Don’t worry about me, Yui,” The brightest smile you could muster swept over your face. “We should totally start planning for our double dates once I meet mine!”
Her eyes lit up, the concern in them washed away and was replaced by the enthusiasm you knew so well. 
Exactly the way it was, when you felt it with her back then. 
Before your sixteen birthdays, the one thing you two always look forward to was double dates once you've met your fated ones. Then, you two had a notebook filled with giddy doodles of words you thought might turn up on your wrists.
But only hers was anything close to them.
Her comforting words...you wanted to cling onto them so badly. You wanted to believe in them.
You longed to feel the same kind of anticipation others felt waiting for their fated ones. And not dread and fear.
You tore your eyes away from the couple before you with a quiet pain and slipped a glance down to your wrist.
Jumping from forums to forums, glimpses of happy endings were what you’ve been desperately searching for.
For a hint of hope for the ominous words on your skin that spelled your fate.
“Don’t die on me— please.”
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Her eyes roamed the chaotic scene before her. 
The flashing red atop ambulances, the metal rattling of the wheels under stretchers delivering casualties and some were like her, crying helplessly.
The reassuring squeeze around her hand and his words meant to comfort her did nothing to stop the sobs retching from her.
The waves of angry, gray clouds rolling menacingly in the vast overcast sky over them made her feel so tiny.
“...Someone, please help her.” Her cracking voice could barely rise above the urgent cacophony around her as she begged, her mascara running down her cheeks with her tears. 
A sight that she wouldn’t allow anyone to see if (Name) wasn’t buried somewhere under the rubble of what used to be the cafe they were sitting in.
“My best friend…” She cried, pleading left and right as she tried to find someone who could do something. Anything. 
She knew it was futile for any civilians here, but she had to try. 
“—she’s still in there…!”
Where were the Pro-Heroes?
(Name) may not be her fated one, but she was everything to her. A girl she laughed and cried with...She couldn’t lose her.
Hope widened her eyes as she spotted a distant recognizable figure that had just stepped into the chaos, and rushed forward.
“...Red Riot!” 
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You didn’t know how it happened, but you knew it happened too fast.
One moment you were staring back at your reflection in the bathroom.
The next moment you were lying on your back, eyes locked onto the hovering block of concrete that could have crushed you if not for the jagged crimson-stained one impaling your stomach.
The sticky warmth on the side of your heads and the throbbing that came along with it told you were bleeding from the head as well.
Even with you floating in and out of consciousness, you could feel the harsh ripple of the damages done to your body, spreading across you like hungry wildfire.
Every breath you tried to take into your lungs was accompanied by shards of stabbing pain. 
All these pointed to one path you were heading to, but you clung onto the words on your wrist.
Those words...you haven’t heard them.
So you weren’t going to die yet right?
For once in your life, ever since those inscriptions appeared on your skin, hope bloomed across your chest as you desperately held onto them like they were your lifeline.
You will live. 
You will survive this. 
And die as you were meant to when time comes.
—you told yourself, repeating them in your muddled head like a mantra.
Then while fighting hard against the darkness dimming around your vision and reciting encouraging words in your head, the block over you was suddenly lifted off.
The burst of light that fell onto you made you wince instantly, your eyes squinting weakly against stark brightness that greeted you.
You heard or more than saw the block being shoved away and what towered over you now was a magnificent figure of hope. 
It was a breathtaking sight for someone who was about to be swallowed by the clutches of despair. 
Like a reenacting scene of Altas who had finally pushed off the weight of the heavens off his shoulders, that never came to be.
Standing tall and sturdy against the light behind him, the clad of strong red on him made you want to reach out to him so much. 
It was like he was life itself, blazing gloriously in the light from the way the red on him seemed to be leaping off him.
Amongst the darkness clouding your vision from the corners, you watched him curl down into you, drawing closer with concern in those eyes.
You couldn’t help the words you uttered through your parched lips.
“....You’re beautiful.”
You saw him freeze, but you didn’t think much of it because you were still marvelling at the sight before you — he was indeed beautiful.
“No, no…” 
You were too weak to notice the painful realization distorting his face or hear the panic he muttered under his gasping breath.
”...not like this.” 
There was a starburst of pain amidst the red in his trembling gaze as Kirishima lowered himself beside your tattered body. 
They were everywhere on you. Leaking from everywhere they could, seeping out along with the strength in your half-lidded gaze. 
He knew what was coming. He knew there was no way you could survive this. 
But it didn’t mean he was ready to accept the reality stained crimson red before him.
Kirishima searched around him, eyes desperately looking for someone…
Recovery Girl, a paramedic, a doctor...anyone that wasn’t as helpless as him. 
You couldn’t see him that clearly now that everything was dimmed, but you could sense the turmoil in the body beside yours.
“...It’s okay.” Your lips curled weakly with your attempt to comfort him.
“No, no...it’s not okay.” There was a crack in his voice that made you wonder how kind this stranger was to weep so hard for a person they didn’t even know.
“Not yet, you can’t just go like this. I’ve waited for so long...” A choked sob broke into his plea. 
“...Don’t die on me— please.”
A limp gasp sifted through your lips at the rush of a strange, honey-rich warmth that immediately flared within you to his words.
You thought you heard him gasping with you when it happened.
It died quickly, fizzling out as quickly it came. 
It was only for a second but it was enough for you to feel it in you, enveloping you like the embrace of a gentle sun. 
Was that the ‘rush of warmth’ so many talked about? 
…But at death’s door?
“So,” A wry smile climbed across your face as a humorless chuckle left you, “....we’ve finally met, huh.”
Whatever hope you held onto to keep your eyes open just minutes ago crumbled.
This was it, wasn’t it?
“I’m sorry,” Tears welled in your eyes. “...I’m so sorry it had to be like this, whoever you are.”
“I’m Red Riot.” You heard him frantically answer after you, “I mean, Kirishima Eijiro.”
His hands clamped over yours and you could only think of how warm they were, mustering the bit of strength you had left to give him a squeeze.
The Red Riot, huh? 
Who would have thought… 
Another wistful chuckle left you as you tasted the bitterness of regret and sadness.
Tears brimmed over your eyes at the withering light in your vision.
The darkness was callous.
“I’m (Name),” You knew you were close. “...And I’m glad I’ve finally met you, Kirishima-san.”
It was only interested in pulling you in. 
Your loosening grip around his hands jostled him into panic. 
...and it was the clear victor. 
He screamed for you. 
He screamed for someone to help.
He cursed at fate.  
“Please don’t leave. I beg you, don’t go...I love you.” — was the last you heard before darkness finally took you. 
Yui was wrong; not everyone was bound to meet their happy ending.
Because you didn’t. 
...And neither did he.
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a/n: did you notice how differently they viewed the color red?
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pagingevilspawn · 4 years
Spin The Bottle
i’m just gonna come out and say how much i hate this one shot already because it’s seriously bad. i had it planned to be like super cute, but you guys get this so... enjoy. chapter one of LYIALG will be up on Thursday! 
a high school au one-shot
Josephine Wilson sat on the edge of her best friend Stephanie Edwards' bed, watching as she pulled shirt after shirt, skirt after skirt, pair of pants after pair of pants out of her closet, scattering them across the room as she threw them behind her aimlessly. It looked like a scene of out every young adult movie starring a late twenty year old trying to be sixteen. A total cliche.
"Ugh I can't find it!" her friend exclaimed frustratedly, huffing as she turned back to Jo with a pout on her face.
"Find what?" Jo asks, more focused on picking at the skin on her nails than her friends fashion moment. Damn cuticle, it wouldn't go down without it hurting like a bitch.
"My sparkly black top? You know that one? The one with the sequins and the v-neck..." she trails off in hopes that her best friend would know what shirt she was taking about.
Jo stands up immediately, looking through the closet closely and carefully, not making a huge mess like Steph.
She emerges a few seconds later, holding the hanger the top was on in her right hand with a small smirk on her face. The other girl's jaw drops wide open when she sees the item. "How?!" she exclaims. She'd been looking for the top for at least twenty minutes.
Jo just shrugs her shoulders, though it was probably due to the fact that she didn't flip the closet inside out while trying to find it. Turns out throwing clothes everywhere created and even bigger mess and wasn't helpful in the process of finding lost clothes.
Steph takes the shirt from the brunette, saying 'thank you' so many times Jo lost count. She didn't really see the big deal, it was literally just a shirt after all, but to Steph is seemed like life or death, so she took the gratitude.
The darker skinned girl shimmies out of her shirt before slipping the tank top over her head, adjusting it before turning around to face Jo, smoothing it down as she smiles. "Whadd'ya think?" she asks, spinning around.
The girl lets out a loud wolf whistle, showing her approval. She smirks, looking her friend up and down. "Jackson is gonna lose his shit." she says, referring to Steph's boyfriend, a senior named Jackson Avery, also known as the only reason they were going to the party. Having your best friend date someone a grade older had some serious perks (mainly getting into senior parties, but there were probably some other advantages too).
And she wasn't lying, Steph looked seriously hot in her figure hugging v-neck and ripped black jeans. She'd done simple makeup, but her bold red lip really stood out and made her whole outfit complete.
Snapping Jo out of her thoughts, the curly haired girl studies her, "What are you wearing to the party?" she asks, pinning back some of her baby hairs with a clip as she turns back to her mirror.
"This." Jo says, referring to her dark blue jeans and flannel she currently had on. It was comfy, and it's not like her latest foster family gave enough shits to buy her clothes that hadn't been hand me downs or from dingy thrift stores. Or enough shits to buy her clothes or give her money for them period.
The other girls face curls up, "No."
Jo quirks a brow, "No?"
"Nope, c'mon." she says, dragging the brunette back to the closet. "We're going to a senior party and you wear flannels every day. Tonight, you are gonna show off that fine ass figure of yours." Steph says adamantly, tutting at whatever clothes she didn't approve of as she flicked through the large closet.
Jo shakes her head immediately, making her almost get whip lash from how many times her head went back and forth. "No way Steph. I'm fine." She didn't want Steph's clothes. She didn't want any kind of charity or special treatment. Just because she couldn't afford 'party clothes' didn't mean she couldn't go to parties.
As if her friend read her mind, "It's not charity Jo, it's me begging you to play dress up with me." she smirks, referring to what the two did ever since they were little girls. They would steal Steph's mother's heels and prance around in them, taking bits of jewelry and piling it on their necks, arms, and fingers. Then, they would steal some of Mr. Edwards' shirts and use them as dresses for the royal ball. She misses those times, when all their worries were focused on which of their stiffed animals would be the prince to escort them during their first dance.
How could Jo say no to dressing up? For old times sake, if anything.
So, she lets Steph rummage through the closet once more, giving her full control. Jo couldn't put an outfit together for shit. Ask her a math problem, that was her area of expertise. But fashion? It'd be as useful as asking a brick wall. Actually, a brick wall might be more helpful.
Not too long after, the girl returns with a deep red, slightly ruffled tube top and black ripped jeans similar to her own.
"No way!" Jo exclaims once she sees the top. Sure, it was cute as hell, but seriously, how many times would she need to pull it up throughout the night? Nothing was more awkward looking then watching a girl pull up her top from under her armpits.
Because that was definitely attractive.
"Yes way!" Steph claps back, tossing the items directly at the brunette as she struggles to catch them. Oh yeah, another thing she was terrible at, sports.
"Pleaseeee," she begs, giving Jo her best puppy dog eyes, that she knew she couldn't resist.
Jo opens and closes her mouth, looking more and more like a fish every time she did so. "I don't have the right bra." she argues back lamely, but it wasn't too far from the truth. She'd seen most girls wear either a strapless or lacy bra underneath. She had neither.
"It's padded on the inside. You don't need one." the other girl argues.
To Jo that sounded even more uncomfortable, but she wasn't going to put up a fight now. It wouldn't be of use anyways. Steph would win either way, especially if she used those damn eyes again.
Steph was like her sister, so how was she supposed to say no to her sister?
Jo grumbles something inaudible before making her way into the bathroom and shutting the door behind her. She slips off her shirt and bra, sliding on the red tube top, thanking the universe that her and Steph were the same size, so it wasn't to big nor too small. She shimmies on the jeans, once again thankful that both her and Steph were size 2's. She honestly hated belts with a passion.  
She pats down her outfit a few times, straightening out any crinkles, making sure that she didn't smudge any of her makeup as she pulled the top on. She honestly couldn't do makeup for shit, but she was proud of the minimalistic look she was able to pull together, which consisted of a cheap foundation and concealer, some nude eyeshadow, mascara, blush, and that was it. She was much more focused on trying to save for college than pay for makeup.
When she walks out of the bathroom Steph squeals, making Jo plug her finger's with her ears. The girl could squeal, she'll give her that.
"You look hot Jo." Steph says.
"Yeah yeah. Are we gonna get going, because i'm pretty sure we're already twenty minutes late." the brunette says, combing her fingers through her hair as she glances at the clock, which read 10:27. The party started at ten. Definitely late.
"Let me do this one thing," Steph says, dragging Jo to her vanity and sitting her down on the chair. "Eyeliner." she says, holding up the small tube of black liquid eyeliner.
"Fine." Jo huffs, closing her eye's as she feels the makeup get placed on first her eyelid, then the corner, letting Jo know that her friend was doing a wing. She was glad Steph was practically the queen of eyeliner and only needed to do it once because she wasn't sure how much patience she had in her to sit around. It'd been a rough Friday and all she really wanted to do was drink a beer and maybe make out with a hot guy.
After she opens her eyes she barely has time to say anything before she feels smearing on her lips, letting her know that Steph was putting lipstick on her. She doesn't remember agreeing to it, but again, sisters.
When she gets a chance to look in the mirror she sees that her lips were now a baby pink, the creamy lipstick was smooth and had a nice smell (a huge advantage in her book) and her eyeliner was done to perfection. Thank god for Stephanie Edwards.
The two smile at each other, "Ready?" the darker skinned girl asks just as Jo is about to leave the bedroom.
"Jacket!" she says, slapping a hand to her forehead, barely noticing how a cropped black jean jacket was heading her way before she ends up getting hit straight in the face.
Jo mumbles a thanks as she slips the jacket on, immediately feeling warmer now that her arms were covered. They pair walks down the stairs, saying a brief goodbye to Mrs. Edwards with a wave as they head out the door, making their way to Steph's car.
Steph slides into the driver's side and Jo into the passengers, blasting music all the way to the Avery house, a large white McMansion that already had a multitude of cars parked outside it. The girls get out of the car and walk up to the house, where they can hear techno music blaring from inside. They knock on the door, thinking it would be pointless until none other than Jackson himself pulls it open, greeting them both with a wide smile, jaw nearly dropping to the floor once he sees his girlfriend.
"Might want to close your mouth Avery, wouldn't wanna catch flies." Jo teases, patting the man on the shoulder twice before making her way to the kitchen and grabbing an unopened beer from the fridge. She pops off the top and takes a long sip, immediately feeling relieved as the liquid slides down her throat.
She leans against the counter, sipping on her beer as she watches the party move around her. She wasn't really a party girl. She'd rather spend her nights studying and reading than in crowds, but she had a total of three tests that day and she felt like letting off some steam, and what better way to do that than hang at Jackson Avery's house?
But seriously, partying really wasn't her scene. Sweaty bodies grinding on each other with their alcohol soaked breaths never seemed to be of much interest to her.  She makes small talk with Lexie Grey, one of her closest friends as they watch their surroundings, complaining about school and whatever comes to mind.  
She's not sure how long they talk for, but she assumes that it's been awhile because before she knows it, Steph is dragging both her and Lexie by the arms up the stairs. "Spin the bottle!" she says, tipsily tripping as she makes her way up the steps.
The other girls exchange glances, but turn back and enter the room Steph was dragging them into, finding to be filled with seniors Jo recognized for the most part. Meredith Grey, Cristina Yang, Derek Shepherd, Owen Hunt, Callie Torres, Mark Sloan, Arizona Robbins, Alex Karev, and Jackson Avery sat in a circle, a single beer bottle in the middle of them all.
"I didn't think people actually played this game..." Cristina mumbles, loud enough for everyone to hear, making them murmur in agreement. Jo took a seat next to Lexie, who was next to her boyfriend Mark. She felt a bit out of place, but decided to suck it up. If the game was as entertaining as they made it seem in movies and TV shows then why not enjoy it.
"Shush Yang. Just for that you're going first." Jackson smirks.
The raven head's mouth drops open, groaning before mumbling things incoherently under her breath before speaking up, grinning devilishly. "Fine, but one rule..." she looks around the circle. "You gotta make out with your person." she bites the inside of her lip.  
"Unless you feel completely uncomfortable with it." she finishes, knowing that she wouldn't really want to make out with a certain person she called Evilspawn.
A few people give cheers of approval while others moan. This was going to be interesting. She spins the bottle, the cluster of students watching it spin around and around before it lands on Meredith, her best friend.
The guys of the group cheer loudly (mostly Alex and Mark) as the two make their way to each other before crashing their lips together, laughing as they make out sloppily, much to the amusement of the others. Even Jo had to admit that watching the two women struggle to keep a straight face was quite amusing.
Maybe this game wouldn't be so bad after all.
So far the group had been playing for about thirty minutes and things had definitely gotten interesting at moments. When Derek landed on Mark the whole room bursted into laughter, Meredith and Cristina pulling out their phones to video the moment. The two men cringed, scrunching their faces up as they straightened their posture before pressing their lips as far out as they would go, only getting a small peck when their lips touched, but that was enough for them to wipe at their lips furiously and start trying to cleanse their mouths with beer. Men.
It was Arizona's turn and she watched the bottle spin around when it eventually lands on Alex, making him try to hide a chuckle, knowing she was a least hoping for a girl.
"I won't kiss you Robbins if you don't want me to." the man says sincerely, making Jo look up from her fingers, a bit surprised. The Alex Karev she'd heard about was a complete ass.
Arizona shrugs it off, her blonde hair bouncing. "Nah, there's a first time for everything right?" she smirks. "You know Karev, you'll be the first guy I've ever kissed." she says, making him nod.
"Can't say you'll be the first girl i've ever kissed." he retorts, making her smack his shoulder.
"Shut up. Okay. Be nice." she reprimands him, leaning forward without warning and capturing her lips on his, holding it for five seconds before pulling away.  
Alex raises his eyebrows, he was expecting a peck, but that would work too. "So?..." he trails off.
She shrugs her shoulders, "You're a good kisser." she licks lips. "But girls taste better." she smirks, earning a round of applause and laughs.
Alex chuckles and spins the bottle not longer after Robbins takes her seat, Jo watching it spin around and around until it lands on... her? She hadn't been landed on yet, so it was a bit of a surprise.
The man sends her a crooked smirk as she gets up from her spot relatively nervously before sitting in front of him. Okay no, she was actually really nervous. She didn't know much about Alex Karev other than the fact that he had slept with a good amount of the school and broke lots of girls hearts by not calling them back. He'd kissed a lot of girls, what if he thought she was a terrible kisser?
Shut up Jo-, she's immediately cut out of her train of thought by the man's lips on her's. She was stoic for a split second, before kissing him back, the kiss quickly going from soft to passionate as they feel fire build in the pit of their stomach.
They both forgot everything in that moment, where they were at, who they were. The noise around them faded out until it was just the sounds of their lips moving against each other hungrily, trying to taste as much of they other as they could.
They eventually pull back for air, remembering where they were and that all eyes were on them. Jo blushed at the sight but looked back to Alex, who's eyes were shining with a lust she'd never seen anyone wear before. Alex on the other hand, doesn't seem the slightest bit bothered as he stares at her first in bewilderment, trying to figure out what this girl was making him feel, then smirks, pulling her onto his lap and into another breathtaking kiss. She grips onto his hair as his hands roam her sides.
She knows that this wasn't a part of the game, but she really couldn't care less. Alex Karev could kiss her like that for as long as he wanted.
He knew it was only supposed to be one kiss, but damn, this girl he'd only seen a couple times from the distance was making him want her more and more with every movement that her lips made on his.
He pulls away for a split second, looking at the group who was staring at the pair with wide eyes. "I'm not planning on stopping anytime soon, so somebody take her turn." he mutters gruffly before kissing her once more, slipping his tongue into her mouth as they fight for dominance.
And let me tell you, they definitely did not stop anytime soon.  
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prismatales · 4 years
Darling, you send me
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Word Count: 1.6k
Bingo slot: Pick up lines
Pairings: (Separately) Mirio Togata, Tamaki Amajiki and Shinsou Hitoshi X Reader
Tag/Warnings: Fluff, Cooking shenanigans
Synopsis: The guys walk in on their crush cooking and being an absolute 50's cutie!
Heres entry #4 of @bnhabookclub bingo event! Thank you @hawks-senseis and @wakaoujisenhime for helping me out with these headcanons! 
Everyone in the dorm was either sleeping in, taking advantage of the weekend or had already left to do whatever they had pending. 
Training at the school’s gym, studying at the library, just having a walk outside, going shopping, you name it. 
Either way. It was the first time in a while that you finally had some free time. All of your homework was on track, no training with the teachers or any upcoming exams that needed you pulling an all-nighter.
You sighed happily a the thought of being able to relax for once. And what a better way to to enjoy it, than to use the spare time to play around with the beloved bird nest over your head, also know as your hair. 
Quickly you got up from the chair and went to the small bathroom inside the room to pick everything needed. The bluetooth speaker connected to the cellphone played some of your favorite tunes in the background while. 
Inside the small room, you could swear this hair had a life of its own, because no matter how many attempts were done to tame the beast, it would always find a way to become an absolute mess.
But finally, after a tedious battle against this fierce, rebel mane. You finally came out victorious and looking stunning! For once it wasn’t pulled into something that just helped keep it out of your face during training.
And hey, since we’re already on it, why not go all the way? 
Quickly you made a run for your cosmetic bag and began applying a fair amount of makeup, fine traces of eyeliner adorned your eyelids, accompanied by a subtle layer of mascara, lastly a pretty yet subtle shade of lipstick that complimented your skin just perfectly.
For the final touch, you pulled some clothes saved for special occasions, because hey, this was a special occasion after all, right?
There was this stunning 50’s themed black dress covered in white polka dots that’s been sitting in your closet for weeks now, the idea was to use it for a date, but since you were in the mood to look cute that thought flew out the window.
Once you got changed and looked in the mirror, the results was divine. It was almost like someone had used a time traveling quirk and sent you back into the 50’s.
Squealing happily by the final result, you couldn’t help doing a happy dance in excitement and began taking pictures of your work to put them on twitter. 
But then you saw the time at the corner of the small screen on the device, shrieking in surprise at the realisation of how late it was already. It was almost time for lunch and today was your turn to cook.
Fortunately there was still plenty of time to prepare the food. Grabbing the speaker sitting at the top of a shelf, you made way into the kitchen and grabbed the apron before getting started on today’s lunch.
As the ingredients were pulled out of the fridge to be prepared, the sounds of the knife making contact with the cutting board, oil sizzling because of the heat and the music from your playlist were combined into a captivating melody altogether. 
Add the view as the sunlight peeked through the window, giving the kitchen quite a scenario worthy of being captured in a picture. If instead of the high tech appliances scattered around, some of those old appliances were in their place, and the floor titles had that characteristic black and white checkered pattern, it almost would be like a scene out of those old movies your grandmother used to enjoy so much.
In fact, it was her love for those movies and everything revolving around the 50’s that you became enamoured by its aesthetic as well.
As you danced along to the soft beat of the music, one of your favorite songs began playing through the small speaker and being unable to resist the urge, slowly you began dancing quietly to the rhythm.
Totally unaware of the guy standing at the kitchen’s entrance, who was pulled in by the mouth watering smell of your cooking and ended up staying in place, completely mesmerized as the watched the little show in front of him.
Mirio Togata
Song: Cheek to Cheek by Ella Fitzgerald
By this point, everyone and I mean EVERYONE knew about Mirio’s crush on you. The guy wasn’t even subtle about his feelings to begin with, but it was only a matter of him confessing.
He was just coming back after taking a small walk and the reminder that today his crush would be in charge of cooking excited the blond at the reminder of just how yummy your cooking was.
Mirio was already expecting the delicious smell of veggies and spices mixed together in a saute and he made his way into the kitchen to see if you needed any help. 
But the sight before him left him speechless. There was a literal goddess before his eyes and he couldn’t help approaching you before blurting out a pick up line.
“Pardon me miss, but I couldn’t help noticing that you have beautiful hair.”
“Why thank you sir~” You played along with the smiling blond, giggling at his antics and his stories. 
Like that one time he was jogging and got so distracted that his quirk activated on accident, leaving him pantless in the middle of the park. 
The two of you were so distracted talking and laughing your hearts out while sharing silly stories from childhood, until a burnt smell filled your noses.
“Is something burning?”
“If there is, it’s probably ‘cause you’re so hot, that’s why.”
“Mirio, you--Wait! THE FOOD!”
Needless to say, you had to start all over again after burning the stir fry. But hey, at least this time there was someone helping out.
Tamaki Amajiki
Song playing: You send me by Sam Cooke
Tamaki had finished studying by the time he came downstairs and was pulled into the kitchen by the smell of Takoyaki, it was honestly surprising to think someone was preparing them for lunch, but he wasn’t complaining at all if the yummy smell wasn’t a clue of just how good it they had to be.
Taking a peek into the kitchen he did not expect to find you slaving over the griddle, making sure not a single ball of dough got burned.
All while singing that sweet song under your breath and quickly flipping the Takoyaki in the griddle, watching their rich golden color with satisfaction and a smile in your face.
Coincidently, you turned around right at the same time he spoke. How in the world did he get the courage to blurt out his thoughts about you? He wasn’t sure, but it took a lot for Mirio and Nejire to encourage him to try flirting with you for once.
“I-I didn’t mean to be f-forward but your hairstyle looks b-b-beautiful on you…!”
You actually blinked repeatedly, not believing what you just heard. Tamaki Amajiki, THE TAMAKI AMAJIKI FROM THE BIG THREE himself was giving you a compliment. The same guy that would freeze whenever you greeted him in the mornings, the same guys who turned as red as a beet the last time you were both paired up together for a school project.
“That’s pretty nice of you Amajiki!” For once rather than having a nervous fit, that smile made him feel at ease. 
Even more when you pulled a piece of Takoyaki in front of him.
“Say, since you’re pretty much an expert on takoyaki...Wanna give these a taste?”
This time he did go red faced. The girl he had a crush on? hand feeding him? Did he die and go to heaven???
Gulping silently he nodded, leaning forward and taking a bite of the treat. Eyes lit up in amazement the moment he fully savored the meal.
“What do you think?”
“...It’s perfect, just like you.” 
It was your turn to get flustered.
Shinsou Hitoshi
Song: All I have to do is dream by The Everly Brothers
Out of these three, Shinsou’s the closest to his crush, considering you’re always hanging out together, of course it was nice being friends...but frankly, he wanted to be more than just friends with you.
He came into the dorms exhausted, sweaty and famished. Training with Aizawa was usually so intense that by the time they’re done all he wanted to do was raid the fridge and rest for 72 hours.
All he came for was some nice, cold water and ended up witnessing a small show as he watched you give a small twirl in the kitchen with your hair and dress flowing gracefully around you.
That’s when you realized your dear friend -and maybe more- had been watching the little choreography.
Seeing him standing there with his arms crossed, smirking playfully as he watched you dance made you stop in your tracks, greeting the purple haired male happily as he walked into the kitchen.
“You clean up good, What’s the occasion?” He took a bottle of water from the fridge before taking a sip and leaning on the counter besides you, watching with interest at the piping hot seafood pasta.
“I just wanted to look nice! We’re so busy with training I rarely get the chance to do my hair nicely!” 
He didn’t think twice about complimenting you on the spot.
“You are a natural. You look great with any hairstyle.”
Shinsou caught you of guard for a solid minute, leaving you frozen in place and so distracted, tat you didn’t notice him stealing a bite from the pasta until you hear a hum of approval. 
He only chuckled when your turned in his direction and gave him an offended look.
“Did you just eat directly from the pan?!”
This time he couldn’t hold back his laughter when you began chasing him around the kitchen. It wasn’t his fault that he enjoyed teasing his best friend and crush every now and then, was it?
@bnhabookclub @gallickingun @godtieruwu @hanniejji @mysticalite @samanthaa-leanne @savagetrickster @shoobirino @bnha-ra @hawks-senseis @sugacookiies @wesparklebitch
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b-mydarling · 4 years
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I am still dwelling in self pity over a break up with my super hot ex-boyfriend, Sehun when my best friend decided to give me a replacement mascara to make up for all the loss that I've had from crying over that jackass (as referred by Byun Baekhyun himself) for the past one week. It was a normal gift to be quite honest, but little did I know, that one normal gift is the thing that made me realize just how drop dead gorgeous my best friend is. And to Baekhyun, that three boxes of Fenty Beauty mascara are the same exact thing that have made him realized that even after years, he has never lost his feelings for me.
🍰   pairing: baekhyun x OC
🍰   characters: baekhyun, OC, sehun, yeri, irene
🍰   genre: what else if not FLUFF 😭
🍰   aus: university student! baekhyun, best friends to lovers.
🍰   contains:  Playing with makeup with some cute music as the bgm but   definitely not in this chapter :>
🍰   word count: 3K
― note: this is my first time cross-posting my fictional work on this platform. (I guess), posting this chapter will help me to understand Tumblr's algorithm better 😔✋ oh and fyi, the main idea of this oneshot was actually inspired by my dream 😭😭 Yes, I dreamt of Baekhyun in the midst of a pandemic and during an online semester like I’ve had nothing better to do :)
p/s: let me know if you want to be tagged for the next chapter.
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Best friends.
That is the perfect term to describe and explain my relationship with Baekhyun. We used to live in the same apartment complex and his mother used to babysit me while my parents went to work. The babysitting lasted for almost six years (from when I was still a wee child at the age of 7 and until I turned 13) before his family moved to Incheon from Seoul. Even though we didn’t get to meet as often as we used to, our friendship is still intact and growing strong until now, when we are both a university students.
It was fun and easy being friends with Baekhyun. He may be older than me by two years, but I have never mind the fact because befriending Baekhyun was so, so much easier than befriending his little sister, Yeri. Although we are of the same age, I’m not close with Yeri because she used to think that my presence was a nuisance to her family; stealing her one and only brother from her, stealing her mom’s love and affection away from her, and she hated it when her dad brought back matching toys or playset for us to play together. And yes, of course we didn’t play together. To conclude my relationship with Yeri, we don’t hate or loathe each other but we have come to agree with the fact that we just don’t click with each other very well.
Presently, it is a Friday evening and I am laying on the couch at my family house’s living room. I am beat from living off from only few hours of sleep and a lot of coffee for the past two days because I was trying to perfect my assignment that holds 30% weightage for one of the subjects that I’m currently taking as a second year university student majoring in Beauty and Hairdressing studies. And now that I have submitted the assignment, it feels like all the burdens have been lifted from my shoulders and all that I want to do is sleep. I shift a few times on the long couch, trying to find a comfortable position to take a nap. I don’t want to sleep in my room just yet, afraid that my parents might forget to take the house key with them and I don’t hear their knockings if I sleep in my room. That, and I’m just too scared to sleep in my room knowing that I’m all alone in this house. It only feels like a few minutes have passed since I fell asleep before the incessant ringing of my phone wake me up. I grumble in my hazy state and reach for my phone on the coffee table.
“Hello?” I mutter into the phone without even looking at the caller id or even opening my eyes, sleep already calling back to me.
There’s a small chuckle coming from the other side of the line, the caller’s voice so deep and warm; alarming me about who he is. My lips automatically curl to form a smile just by hearing his velvet voice. There’s a few beat of silence before he starts to speak to me. “Did I wake you up from your nap?”
“Yes, yes you did.” I jokingly say with a pout while putting the call on speaker before I put my phone down to sit up from my laying position. “I’m so tired, Sehun. Mrs. Kwon has finally approved of my dreamy makeup look sketching after the fourth consultation. I’ve just submitted the assignment too. But anyway, why are you calling me? Are you done with labs?”
Sehun fakes a cry and says “My poor baby. But hey, at least you’re done with it now, right?” I hum, enjoying the comfort that my boyfriend is giving me. “And yes, I’m done with lab and my basketball practice too.” Sehun says with a teasing voice. “Can you come down for a while, princess? I need to talk to you about something.”
I look at the wall clock and frown. It’s nearly 7pm now and I’m too lazy to change out from my comfortable lounge wear. “Now?”
“Yes, now. I’m already waiting in front of your apartment complex.”
Still feeling lazy to change my clothes, I try my luck again. “Can you come upstairs then, Sehun? My parents are not home yet. They went out to have dinner with my father’s colleague.”
There’s another beat of silence coming from the other side of the line before Sehun sighs into his phone. I couldn’t decipher whether his sigh is rather affectionate or because he’s just tired from a long day at university. But I guess whatever that he’s going to talk to me about is pretty serious from the way he responds to my invitation.
“I can’t do that, baby. I need to tell you something without having to face the possibility of your parents walking in on us and disrupting our privacy. I’m also kinda in a rush to meet my friends later.”
I pout. “Okay, I’ll be down in a few minutes. See you, Sehun.” I say and after receiving a hum from him, I end the call while getting up from the couch and walk to my room to get change into something more appropriate to wear. I choose to wear Sehun’s grey hoodie that he has given me before and a legging. The hoodie is two times bigger than my own size so it’s really comfortable too. I grab my phone and lock the door before going down. Once I arrive down at the lobby, I can already see Sehun’s parked car a few metres from the apartment’s entrance. I walk closer to his Audi and knock softly on the window. Sehun is busy playing game on his phone that he gets startled by my soft knocking. He then unlocks his car and I get into the passenger seat next to him.
“Hi,” Sehun smiles at me and scans my face, his head tilting bit by bit the more he spends his time analyzing my countenance. Sehun then crinkles his nose. “Damn baby, you really look super exhausted. I’m sorry for waking you up.”
“It’s okay since I need to wait for my parents to come home too.” My reply is cut short because my mind is being clouded with the smell of freshly baked dessert in his car. I turn half of my body in Sehun’s direction before I turn my head to look at his back seat. I see that there’s a white transparent box of brownies from the bakery that I frequently go to and a big bouquet of my favourite red and pink roses. I turn my head back to look at Sehun and grin up at him. “Are those for me?”
Sehun grins back at me before he takes my hand into his big one. “Of course those are for my favourite girl. You can even share the brownies with your parents too.” His other hand stretches behind him to grab both the flower bouquet and the box of brownies before he places them in my lap.
“These are my present for you because you have been such an amazing girlfriend for me for the past six months. Now, let me talk about the thing that I have wanted to tell you.”
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Sehun has broken up with me.
Before this, it only took him 15 minutes to gather his courage to express and explain his feelings for me and now, it only took him 10 minutes to tell me that he wants to break up with me. Because apparently, his basketball coach has strictly forbidden him and the rest of his teammates from dating to ensure that their performance will not be affected if anything were to happen to the relationship. It was an absurd reasoning, I know that. But how can I not agree when Sehun has reasoned with me so well. He is on a full basketball scholarship so he must give his very best to basketball and to his major studies too. So yes, I agreed to break things up with him (although a part of me is hoping that we could still work things out).
After I went back to my house, I just sat idly on the couch thinking about what have just happened. There are three thoughts that are currently running through my minds and I could not just brush away this three facts:
 My hot and athletic boyfriend has broken up with me.
 I still love him
Should I wait for the both of us to graduate so we can be together again? But that will take two more years.
My parents came home at half past nine in the evening with take-out food for me. I only thanked my parents and proceed to eat my dinner in silence before asking for their permission so that I can leave for my room first. I even told them that they can eat the brownies on the coffee table because I don’t feel like eating it. As a result, my parents got worried over me because they could sense that something is wrong with me and Sehun from looking at the abandoned bouquet of roses and the box of brownies on the coffee table.
Now that I’m all alone in my bedroom, the realization just hit me like a bullet train. I feel suffocated. I feel restless. I feel like there is nothing else that is worse than this breakup. But boy I was wrong, there is something that is even worse than this shitty feeling that I’m having right now.
Because at half past 10 pm, my phone gets bombarded with a lot of messages and screenshots from my close friends in university. And the content of the messages were all the same, two screenshots of Irene’s latest instagram stories with one of it being a picture of hers and a man’s legs on a bed, watching Netflix together and the other picture being the same exact white box of brownies and a bouquet of red and pink roses like what I have gotten earlier. The caption in the story was:
“First date. Thank you, my sweet boy @oohsehun”
And that was the exact moment when I feel like the world has crashed on me. I feel like I could not breathe with all this new information that I just get. I need to save my sanity and I need to see the person who understands me better than anyone else. I hurriedly change my clothes before telling my parents that I need to see that person because of an emergency. My parents allowed me to go out despite it being so late at night, partly because they’ve seen how shocked and restless I am, and partly because the person that I’m going out to see is my best friend.
Byun Baekhyun.
Baekhyun has just returned home from his daily night run when he saw me standing in front of his door. He was shocked, of course. Because I have never really went to his apartment without noticing him beforehand. But upon seeing my blood-drained face, he ushered me inside before he rushed through his shower so that he can talk to me. After he’s done showering, he brought me to sit across of him at the small dining table that’s just enough for two people. And when he was seated too, he only crossed his arms and placed them on table. He doesn’t open his mouth, but his eyes are demanding me to open up. And I was right because in the next second, Baekhyun is ready to be on his best friend’s duty.
“Okay, spill it now. Every single thing.”
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“You know what? Just cry.”  
“Why are you asking me to cry?” I ask, annoyed that Baekhyun has been telling me the same thing ever since I was done telling him what happened. Baekhyun was also shocked to know just how much of an asshole Oh Sehun was. But he then said that I should have at least expected this since Sehun is a popular guy at university.
“Because,” Baekhyun uncrosses his arms on the table and leans back on the chair. He closes his eyes before continuing. “It’s not healthy for your mental health, you know? You don’t have to put on a strong facade in front of me. Acting like this when you’re hurting deep inside will only hurt you even more. I’ve seen you cry before. Multiple of times too, if I may add.”
I brush his words off and only stay silent. My eyes roam around his grey and red themed apartment, taking in the minimalistic interior of the house that belongs to the 24 year old man sitting across of me. He has a grey coloured two-seater sofa, his coffee table is full with his macbook, ipad, some of his still opened law text books, some documents and stationaries. His television that was originally brought from his family home is connected to the internet and his playstation 4 is still plugged into the television too.
When was the last time I visited his house? I couldn’t recall the memory but I know that it has been quite a while. Ever since I started dating Sehun, I only met Baekhyun at our university or anywhere else that is not his house because Baekhyun thought it was a little inappropriate for me to go to his house since I have a boyfriend. My little inspection of his house was interrupted after a short while when Baekhyun sighs a little loudly. I focus my eyes on him now and shrug my shoulder.
“Are you even listening to what I’m saying?” Baekhyun asks. “I don’t want you to get anymore hurt by whatever that jackass is doing or about to be doing after this. I know how much you like him and how much you cherish the relationship that you’ve had with him. It’s completely normal to be hurting by this news and it’s definitely okay to cry too. Cry until your eyes get swollen, cry until you fall asleep and wake up feeling a lot better than tonight.”
I bite my inner cheek and shake my head. Although I admit that I am hurt deep inside, I refuse to cry. Not because I have too much pride in me but because of these mixed feelings bubbling inside. Hurt from being lied and cheated on by the person whom I thought I was going to have a long lasting relationship with. Confused because out of all people, I didn’t expect Sehun and Irene to be together. Irene was my seatmate and one of my assignment group mates throughout the whole of last semester where I had taken an elective subject not related to my major. Appalled because this would have not happened if I hadn’t asked Sehun to join our group celebration dinner for getting an A last semester.  These feelings just keep on brewing inside me and it was too much to comprehend, leaving me to not be able to even shed a tear.
“I don’t know, Baekhyun.” I say while standing up from the dining chair.“I thought I should tell you about this and feel better, but I still feel like I have just gotten hit by a car. I guess breakup really sucks.” I laugh soullessly. “Hey, do you mind if I crash here tonight? I’m too tired to drive again.” I don’t wait for Baekhyun to respond because I straight away walk to his couch, not realizing that Baekhyun has also stand up from his chair to follow me.
I’m only a few steps away from the couch when I feel a soft tug on my left hand, turning me around before I am being pulled into a bear hug. My eyes widen in shock because my best friend has never hugged me so closely and so tightly like this. But his embrace is just so perfect and warm and very much comforting that I can feel all these mixed emotions inside of me are swirling all over the place before I feel something triggering the most wanted reaction from me. And just like his warm embrace, my dams of tears exploded.
“I really like him, Baekhyun.” I say with tears streaming down my face. Baekhyun doesn’t say anything but lets me cry on his shoulder. I take a long time to stop crying and when I am slowly sniffling, that is when Baekhyun starts speaking.
“That wasn’t so hard, wasn’t it?” He asks while stroking my long hair. “You silly girl, you’ll feel a lot better after this. And oppa will make sure that jackass will regret doing what he did to you.”
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the-pale-goddess · 4 years
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My favorite pairing (obviously) - Ethan Ramsey x MC (Tiffany Addams)
Book: Open Heart
Relationship status: Whipped af / Hopelessly in love / Officially a couple
Their Song(s): Strangeness and Charm by Florence + The Machine, If I Ain’t Got You covered by James Bay, Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby by Cigarettes After Sex, Ordinary World by Duran Duran
+ honorable mention not approved by Ethan: Africa by Toto
Ideal date: a super cosy date out of town. However, their schedules don’t allow them to explore this idea too often, so they really enjoy every scrap of a date they can get!
A show they watch together: They often do a House MD marathon/competition where they diagnose the patients and laugh off all the medical absurdities used in the series. The loser does breakfast the following morning.
Ethan will never admit that he loves watching Peaky Blinders...but he is always the one playing it.
Their favorite meal to share: Georgian Stuffed Chicken (jk) Penne Alla Vodka - no joke this time, this is a real recipe lol
Favorite thing about each other: 
Physical: Ethan fell in love with her sincere smile, emerald eyes and full lips. When asked (by Bryce, probably, several times when drunk) ass or boobs he never answers, because he can’t decide (but we all know he’s a boob man). Tiffany adores his ocean blue eyes, strong hands, fluffy hair, warm smile and uhmmmmm...:>
Personality: Tiffany is amazed by his brilliant mind and practical attitude. She also thinks he’s the funniest, but Ethan openly loathes this idea while secretly feeling a sense of pride. Ethan admires Tiffany’s confidence, courage and sass. He slobbers over her empathy and wit.
made the first move: Ethan (but Tiffany was teasing him from the very beginning, so was he really the first?)
cooks better: Ethan
dances better: Tiffany (she used to be a professional ballroom dancer, you had no chance to win this one, sir)
wakes up first: Ethan
is funnier: Tiffany says Ethan, Ethan says Tiffany
is more organized: Ethan
is more romantic: surprisingly, Ethan
has better taste in music: Tiffany
is more likely to scream at the sight of a spider: Tiffany
cries more at movies: Tiffany (she literally cries at everything, Ethan’s shirt is always covered in her tears and mascara)
is more likely to steal all the covers at night: Ethan!!!
was the first to fall in love: they never agreed on that - Tiffany says she was the first, Ethan claims it was him
said “I love you” first: Ethan
This was super fun in between writing! Thanks for tagging me, @kaavyaethanramsey ❤️
I tag: @mvalentine @justanotherrookie @utterlyinevitable @caseyvalentineramsey and anyone who wants to do it! ✨
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