#“eddie and marisol take a closer look at their relationship”
wannabemylover · 5 months
damn i cant believe we've seen buck start and end two relationships, cheat on his gf, become a sperm donor, get struck by lightning and die, come back to life with temporary math superpowers, deliver his biological child, and discover he was bisexual all before seeing eddie kiss a woman again
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911bts · 6 months
7x05 "You Don't Know Me" Synopsis
Hen and Karen welcome a new addition to their family, while a call unfolds involving a person’s limb that’s taken on a mind of its own. Meanwhile, Eddie and Marisol take a closer look at their relationship, and Buck navigates his new feelings.
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exhuastedpigeon · 5 months
Picture this in a scene after the Diaz parents meet Marisol:
"Eddie, can we talk to you for a second?" Helena looks a little tense not ten minutes after Marisol left the house. Eddie is reminded of countless conversations where he was made to feel like a failure. He takes a breath before closing the kitchen door - Christopher doesn't need to hear this.
"Yeah, sure," Eddie sits down. He's sure he's about to hear that Marisol is so great and how they can't wait for him to marry her because she's the kind of woman they want for him, but he's a bad partner to her. This is why he never let them meet Ana.
"We just, we're a little worried about you," Helena says and then she looks at Ramon.
"We just wanted to talk to you about Marisol," Ramon says, eyes earnestly on Eddie. He and his dad have been talking more often, they're closer now than they ever have been and still Eddie hadn't mentioned Marisol to him until he knew they were coming into town and might meet her by accident. "You don't seem happy."
"I don't seem happy?" Eddie asks and it feels like a weight being lifted off of him as the words leave his mouth. Like he's finally voiced a secret he's been carrying for months - and maybe he has.
"I know we never liked Shannon all that much and that we never gave her a fair chance, but at least you liked her - you loved her," Helena says, her voice soft and kind, none of the judgement Eddie expected to hear in it. "But Marisol? You clearly don't even like her that much honey. Why are you with her?"
"Chris likes her," Eddie says but that's only part of the truth and he decides that he can say the other half. "And I- I'm so sick of feeling like a failure. My wife left me, I haven't had a successful relationship in my entire life. Marisol is great, it should work. We should be happy."
"But that's not how love works," Ramon says, reaching a hand out and patting Eddie's arm gently, giving him comfort in a way that reaches inside Eddie's chest and feels like a hug.
Before Eddie can respond he hears the front door open.
"Diazes I'm home," Buck calls. Eddie can't stop the smile from spreading over his face at Buck's voice.
"I think you know more about love than you realize," Ramon says with a smile. "Go on, say hello to Buck. We'll be out in a minute."
So Eddie goes and grins when he sees Buck reach over the back of the couch to ruffle Chris's hair where Chris is laying down watching a show.
"Hey Buck," Eddie says, leaning against the living room door.
"Hey Eddie," Buck grins back.
And yeah, maybe Eddie does know a little bit about love that he realized. Maybe he's almost ready for it too.
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kinardbuckleys · 6 months
just thinking about how the bachelor call was originally intended for 705, where eddie said he’s “taken at the moment.” the same episode that has a synopsis that says “eddie and marisol take a closer look at their relationship.”
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thebuckandeddiething · 6 months
"Eddie and Marisol take a closer look at their relationship"
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djdangerlove · 6 months
I think it’d be neat if Eddie and Marisol “take a closer look at their relationship” after Buck comes out to Eddie. You know, it’d just be….neat.
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roy-kents · 6 months
meanwhile, eddie and marisol take a closer look at their relationship...eddie can't take his eyes off of buck and tommy the entire time they're on a date...eddie's had her on babysitting duty while he goes and hangs out with tommy...those theories about marisol being homophobic...those brother theories...possible beginnings of eddie queer arc...are you all seeing what i'm seeing
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extasiswings · 6 months
Even if it doesn't end up being the End in 7x05 (which I can see because Eddie usually needs time to think about things once they start spiraling down), Eddie and Marisol "taking a closer look at their relationship" oh we are so kicking off a breakup arc, everyone place your bets
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moonlightperseus · 5 months
breathe in the feeling
ambiguously set after the first half of s7 | 867 words
Being in love with Buck wasn’t an option.
It can’t be an option.
Because if it was, Eddie might do something stupid, like kiss his best friend.
Which is—not an option.
Eddie’s done that song and dance before, and that ended badly—leaving and being left, divorce papers, blood on hot asphalt.
But the thing is, Eddie can’t stop thinking about it. It’s been over a month since Buck came out to him, and Eddie can’t stop thinking about how Buck is an option now.
Which isn’t even entirely true, because Buck is with Tommy—Buck is happy with Tommy—and Eddie feels like his entire world is collapsing in on itself.
He broke up with Marisol last week, something that up until this moment, he hadn’t told anyone, not even Christopher—which he knows he can only avoid for so long.
He’s not even sure why he’s telling Bobby, because now Bobby is staring at him quizzically and Eddie is feeling closer to a panic attack than he’s been in a long time.
“You broke up with Marisol,” Bobby repeats back to him, because he’s been waiting for Eddie to continue and Eddie has made a point out of staring at his hands and not saying anything as his brain spirals. “Do you want to talk about that?”
“No,” Eddie says, because he really doesn’t—but he sucks in a sharp breath and rips the band-aid off anyways, “I think I might be in love with Buck.”
Bobby doesn’t say anything for what feels like an eternity.
Eddie finally gives in and looks at him, Bobby’s face is a carefully crafted blank expression—he’s processing the information Eddie has given him, but he’s not going to give any reaction in the meantime.
Eddie resists dropping his head against the table and instead settles for staring at the dormant alarm bell on the wall and hoping for it to start ringing to save him from this situation.
“I see,” Bobby says finally, “that’s… that must be a lot for you to process.”
“Understatement of the century,” Eddie mumbles, allowing himself to drop his head into his hands—it’s not quite as satisfying as the thunk of his forehead against the table would be.
“So how long have you been… processing this?”
“I don’t know, a couple weeks, maybe—” —my whole life, possibly, he doesn’t say.
A hand lands on his shoulder, the touch is gentle and grounding, and Eddie is reminded of why he went to Bobby in the first place.
“Eddie,” Bobby says carefully, “there’s nothing wrong with it—being in love with Buck. If that is how you feel, there’s nothing wrong with that.”
Eddie exhales slowly, because that’s the whole thing, isn’t it? “I know that—logically, I know that. I’ve never had a problem with—I guess it’s different, when it’s yourself. But it’s not like it’s even—I mean, Buck’s with Tommy—Buck’s happy with Tommy—and Tommy’s my friend too, so it is kind of wrong, in a way.” 
“Buck being in a relationship with someone else doesn’t make your feelings for him invalid—or wrong. Sure, maybe it’s a little complicated since you consider them both friends. But whatever you’re feeling—you’re allowed to feel it.” 
“But what am I supposed to do with it?” Eddie finally meets Bobby’s gaze, “I mean—I feel like I’m lying to Buck, somehow, by feeling this way—by not saying anything.”
“Maybe you don’t have to do anything with it, at least—not right away,” Bobby squeezes his shoulder before removing his hand, “maybe right now you just let yourself feel it. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be honest with Buck, but I think maybe you should start by allowing yourself to be honest with you.” 
Eddie stares at Bobby, completely and painfully aware of his own heart beating in his chest, it’s not a panic attack, but he knows it’s a warning sign. 
He takes a moment to breathe slowly, the way Frank taught him. Bobby says nothing, waiting patiently 
“I don’t know what that looks like.” Eddie says honestly. 
Bobby offers him a kind smile, “That’s okay, you don’t have to have it all figured out, but maybe allow yourself the time to really think about it?”
“What if I lose him?” The words spill out of him unbidden. 
“Eddie, if there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that you and Buck have a way of finding each other, no matter the circumstance, the two of you will always fight to find each other again.” 
Eddie blinks, and for a moment, all he sees is Buck, covered in Eddie’s own blood, begging for him to hold on. 
He blinks again, and the memory fades, and it’s just Bobby sitting there in front of him, watching him carefully.
“Let yourself feel it, Eddie,” Bobby says gently, “and when you’re ready—talk to Buck.”
The bell rings then, because timing never seems to be on Eddie’s side. 
Bobby sighs softly, “well, duty calls.”
Bobby stands to head towards the engine bay, but before Eddie can do the same, Bobby rests a hand on his shoulder again, “I’m really proud of you, Eddie.”
He lets the words settle over him for a moment—breathing slowly in and out—and then follows after his Captain. 
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gayeddieagenda · 5 months
i actually love eddie trying 2 slow things down w/ marisol and do this 'right' bc if he takes a relationship slow and normal for once and then freaks the hell out anyway that's Information. that's Data. the man has never given a relationship a real and genuine shot, so he can bail his way out of everything like 'well that was crazy. luckily it's circumstantial and doesn't reflect anything unexamined deep within the depths of my soul.' bobby 'only you know that' nash is trying so hard 2 get this man to look into his own heart for once and if a normal relationship with a woman he really likes and NO premature commitment still makes eddie lose his shit entirely i think we'll all be one step closer to finally cracking this one, team
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poughkeepsies · 6 months
"eddie and marisol take a closer look at their relationship" and it's just marisol realizing she's more his babysitter than his girlfriend
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911bts · 7 months
What We Know: Season 7
7x01 - “Abandoned ‘Ships”
Writer(s): Tim Minear
Director: John J Gray
Air Date: March 14, 2024
Production Code: 701
Synopsis: Athena and Bobby set off on their honeymoon cruise, but when duty calls, their vacation is put on hold. Meanwhile, a fighter jet traps a civilian, and an unusual incident leaves a couple stuck together.
Stills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
7x02 - "Rock the Boat"
Writer(s): Lyndsey Beaulieu & Juan Carlos Coto
Director: Brad Buecker
Air Date: March 21, 2024
Production Code: 702
Synopsis: The disastrous cruise continues when Bobby and Athena respond to the ship’s explosion, racing to aid injured passengers. Meanwhile, Hen questions her instincts in a life-taking call and grows concerned about Athena and Bobby’s whereabouts.
Stills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
7x03 - "Capsized"
Writer(s): Lyndsey Beaulieu & Juan Carlos Coto
Director: Brad Buecker
Air Date: March 28, 2024
Production Code: 703
Synopsis: With each moment becoming critical as the ship is flipped upside down, Athena and Bobby take charge, seeking methods for rescue while navigating efforts to guide survivors to safety. Meanwhile, Hen defies protocols in her search for Bobby and Athena.
Stills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
7x04 - "Buck, Bothered and Bewildered"
Writer(s): Andrew Meyers & Bradley Marques
Director: Chad Lowe
Air Date: April 4, 2024
Production Code: 704
Synopsis: Upon her return to shore, Athena’s son, Harry, finds himself in trouble with the law. Meanwhile, Buck grows envious as Eddie forms a close bond with someone else, and the 118 rescue a woman who’s stuck on receiving a rose at an iconic mansion.
Stills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
7x05 - "You Don't Know Me "
Writer(s): Lyndsey Beaulieu & Taylor Wong
Director: Brenna Malloy
Air Date: April 11, 2024
Production Code: 705
Synopsis: Hen and Karen welcome a new addition to their family, while a call unfolds involving a person’s limb that’s taken on a mind of its own. Meanwhile, Eddie and Marisol take a closer look at their relationship, and Buck navigates his new feelings.
Stills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
7x06 - "There Goes The Groom"
Writer(s): Tim Minear & Nicole Barraza Keim
Director: John J Gray
Air Date: May 2, 2024
Production Code: 706
Synopsis: After years of anticipation, Maddie and Chimney’s long-awaited wedding day arrives. However, when the groom mysteriously vanishes, the 118 races against time to ensure he doesn’t miss the most crucial day of his life.
Stills: part 1, part 2
7x07 - "Ghost of a Second Chance"
Writer(s): Taylor Wong (probably)
Air Date: May 9, 2023
Production Code: 707
Synopsis: Maddie and Athena investigate a case surrounding an abducted mother and child as Hen and Karen learn more about Mara’s family history. Meanwhile, Eddie grapples with unresolved feelings for someone from his past.
7x08 - "Step Nine"
Writer(s): Juan Carlos Coto & Bradley Marques
Director: John J Gray (probably)
Air Date: May 16, 2024
Production Code:
7x09 - "Ashes, Ashes"
Air Date: May 23, 2024
Production Code:
7x10 - "All Fall Down"
Air Date: May 30, 2024
Production Code:
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exhuastedpigeon · 7 months
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Buddie Hiatus Fic Rec - Month 7Nov 16 - Dec 15
share this hour of make-believe by fleetinghearts / @shitouttabuck Gen | 1.2k quarantine finds eddie sharing a bed with a pillow-thief and sleep-talker. he minds less than he thinks.
In my defence I was left unsupervised by Spotsandsocks / @spotsandsocks Mature | 1.3k Buck gets bored and decides on a new look, he may have doubts about the end result but Eddie’s having thoughts, interesting thoughts.
moth to a flame by brewrosemilk / @gayhoediaz Teen | 1.7k Eddie’s kiss is so gentle that Buck aches.
coax the cold right out of me by oklahoma / @sunshinediaz Teen | 2.6k “You know,” Eddie begins, running his fingers through Buck’s damp, frizzy curls, “when I booked this cabin for the weekend, I had plans for us to fuck real nasty by the fire.”
I’ll be anybody but me by justhockey Not rated | 3.4k Just one single moment, and his house of cards almost came tumbling down. Buck shouldn’t be surprised though, he’s never been much of a magician; no matter how hard he tries, he’s never been able to make himself disappear.
The spaces in between by sparkles_stars Teen | 4.4k Buck and Eddie get curiously domestic, pine a little, and ultimately - with sweetness and light - get together.
in the rough draft, [s]he loved you by iinryer / @iinryerGeneral audiences | 5.3k during the flight home to LA, eddie tries to write down some things he wants to say to buck
reachin for me (makin love to someone else) by inbetweenthestacks / @organizedstardustExplicit | 8.3k Buck says Eddie’s name while having sex with Natalia.
I wanna spend my forever like that by wikiangela / @wikiangelaGeneral Audience | 8.6k Eddie catches a cold and stubbornly denies he's sick, while a fondly exasperated Buck is trying to take care of him.
Friends Don't by chronicallystendan Teen | 8.7k Eddie and Buck have always been closer than most best friends and it's never bothered them, but lately they've been starting to wonder if there might be more than just friendship between them.
Claxons and Silver Bells by catwalksalone Teen | 10.5k Eddie dies. Only someone, somewhere is willing to give him a second chance. All he has to do is figure out where he went wrong the first time around.
Don't Listen When I Scream by devirnis / @devirnis Mature | 10.9k The man shoves Buck into the chair. Picking a hunting knife up from the tray, he points it at Eddie. “If you fight back or try to escape, I will slit his throat before you can even blink. Understand?”
Why Not Take All of Me? by Daisies_and_Briars / @cal-daisies-and-briars Mature | 13.2k When a small disaster strikes the morning of Maddie and Chimney's wedding, Buck, Hen, and Chim find themselves unwittingly caught up in an emergency across town, while Maddie and Eddie get stuck in an elevator.
it hurts to hope for more by 42hrb Mature | 15.6k Buck wants to be a dad, it takes a couple break-ups and a major non-romantic heartbreak for him to figure out that maybe he already is.
30k +
you still make sense to me by farfromthstars / @buckactuallys Mature | 31.1k eddie is ready for a new relationship – but why does it never feel right? buck has a lot to work through, and doing that comes with a few realizations.
and here, too, am i by Daisies_and_Briars / @cal-daisies-and-briars Teen | 41.1k Six months into their marriage, Eddie is still struggling to decide whether or not he wants more kids, when he knows Buck does. The universe may not scream, but it certainly talks.
Both Blade and Branch by Daisies_and_Briars / @cal-daisies-and-briars Mature | 62.8k The chances of being struck by lightning twice are incredibly minute, but Buck still manages to pull it off. During a double date with Marisol and Natalia, nonetheless. Eddie manages to resuscitate him, but as Buck recovers from yet another trauma, Eddie can’t help but notice there’s something very different about him. He’s not quite sure what version of Buck he got back.
Month 1 (May 15 - June 15) Month 2 (June 16 - July 15) Month 3 (July 16 - August 15) Month 4 (August 16 - September 15) Month 5 (September 16 - October 15) Month 6 (October 16 - November 15)
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jquinnluvr · 6 months
eddie and marisol take a closer look at their relationship but it’s after buck comes out to eddie…eddie starts connecting the dots…starts realising things about himself…queer eddie
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I started watching 911 recently (and I’m not gonna lie, it’s mostly because of Buck’s coming out because I wasn’t gonna start watching yet a show with a very potential queerbait in the middle of an otherwise very diverse and interesting looking cast) and I’ve been loving it, and even though I’m only on season 3 now, I really want to contribute with an idea on how the show could start up Eddie’s own coming out journey (which is hopefully in the cards)
Now, I don’t know how much closer Michael Grant gets to everyone else on the show (since I’m on season 3, I haven’t really seen him interact much with anyone but Bobby and Hen from the 118, and idk if that changes or if his relationship with other characters deepens over the years), but I would really like him to be present at Chimney and Maddie’s wedding. And maybe Tommy and Buck are being cute on the dancefloor, and then the camera pans to Eddie, who is seated to the side with Marisol, looking at the pair a little wistfully (just enough for us to know that maybe sitting there with Marisol isn’t exactly what he wants to do). And then, the camera would go to Michael, noticing Eddie’s look, and Marisol’s sort of dejected and bored expression. And he sees a couple that not only appears unhappy with each other, but also sees a whole lot of himself in Eddie.
So, as the wedding reception is coming to a close, Michael is at the bar as Eddie comes by, looking for one more round as the bartender announces the last call. And as he waits for the drink, Michael strikes up a conversation with a bit of small talk (again, idk if they’re close enough to have a deep conversation right off the bat), and then goes, “hey, did Bobby or Athena ever tell you why we got divorced?”
And Eddie stumbles over the answer a bit awkwardly, like yeah, it was because, well, um, you know, because you’re …
And Michael chuckles, putting him out of his misery with a “a flaming homosexual? Yeah. No sense in beating around the bush about it. At least not anymore. You know, I was so deep in denial I never even kissed a man until I was in my fifties?”
“Really? So you’ve … only been with women until you came out?” Eddie asks and Michael nods. “And you’re sure you’re not bisexual?”
To which Michael laughs and reassures him that no, not bisexual, just a very very repressed gay man. Then, he drives his not-so-subtle point home by saying:
“And even still, I don’t have many regrets about my life. I got two incredible kids out of it, and I can’t imagine my life without them. My only regret, though, is that I spent fifteen years with a woman I couldn’t love the way she loved me, and I wasn’t even man enough to give her a chance to look for someone better. Fifteen years. That’s a hell of a lot of time to take away from someone.”
And while he speaks, we see Eddie glance across the room, to Marisol fussing over Chris. And, inevitably, to Buck laughing along with something Chimney said on the other side of the room. And when he looks back at Michael, he sees a very knowing expression on his face.
“What are you trying to say?” Eddies asks, still guarded as hell, to which Michael chuckles.
“Nothing, man. I guess I just officially entered my lonely gay drunk at the bar days. But if I can pass a little wisdom. If can already you feel it in your gut that you’re not with the right person, maybe don’t be like me and spend the next fifteen years trying to figure out what you already know.”
And then he leaves, and BOOM, Eddie is forced to realize things he would much rather keep repressed.
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lover-of-mine · 6 months
What is your sunlight theory about?
Hi, baby, buckle up, because this one is crazy. I don't know if you're familiar with the construction on sunset theory, I'll link some posts that will explain that better than I can here and here, but basically, you have the way everything about Ana in season 4 and the beginning of that relationship, happens around Sunset Boulevard, and you have the way Eddie is late coming back from the date in 4x08 because "there was construction on sunset" and he had to take a detour and then Buck and Eddie proceed to have one of the most domestic buddie scene in the show, all that after the most awkward date ever with Ana, created this whole "Ana was a detour on Eddie's way to Buck" (particularly, I love this as someone who views the shooting as Eddie's oh moment, and I know the show is gonna take that away from me, but it will be my truth until they do) and considering we as a fandom like to take things and run with them, that became a whole thing because Eddie has some sun imagery attached to him when it comes to relationships, which is definitely not just about Buck, even more with the way he's sitting on the sunset reading Shannon's letter, but like, we have the painting on Pepa's house behind Vanessa, stuff like that, but we also have things like Buck using sunset colors to draw his heart on the "I misunderstood the assignment" scene. I have been curious about the sunlight of it all since I wrote this post, because with one episode, and the fact that we don't know if the sun is setting or rising during the locker scene, I couldn't really create a pattern that would lead me anywhere. Then the loft stills leaked. Because then we would have 2 scenes where the sun seems to be important a few episodes apart, but I hadn't really thought about the construction on sunset angle until this picture.
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Because paired with the sunset light on Buck's bi awakening, and the sunset light here, I'm making the executive decision that yeah, the sun was setting in the locker room.
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I don't want to say Tommy is a detour, Tommy started a huge discovery for Buck that Buck wouldn't realize alone, but an anon pointed out how maybe they hurt Eddie so that he couldn't show up at the loft so that we could have the Tommy, so they quite literally had some detour happening during a sunset, like what the fuck?
But I'm really interested in the blue aspect of the scenes. @stagefoureddiediaz has some really interesting color and costume metas, including one on the use of yellow and blue in season 5, that talks about how yellow is a color used for communication and blue is a color used for, like, introspection, which could mean something interesting is cooking here. Because Buck's shirt in the basketball is blue, his shirt on the loft is blue, Eddie's shirt in the locker room is also blue and Buck's jacket also has blue detailing.
We know Buck and Eddie will have an important conversation, but that associated with the sunset theory, and they were literally on the sunset, I think the sun is finally actually setting now. No more detours. Only the discoveries they need to have in order to work as a couple. Buck's bisexuality is huge on that front, and I don't wanna say Eddie is gonna suddenly look at Buck after he comes out and be like 👀👀👀, but at the same time Eddie "questioning his place in the world" could very much be Eddie looking at Buck and being like "oh, that's an option?" especially if he's having trouble connecting with Marisol (random addon but with the sunset being a detour for Eddie, I think is hysterical that Marisol is named Marisol, because her name sounds like "Mar e Sol" and that's literally "Sea and Sun" in Portuguese, Spanish too but I don't really speak Spanish so it wasn't my initial connection there, and the sun setting on the sea it's a thing, and I feel insane for typing this out, but it's there, her name is the detour), this could mean they are gonna talk, and work through things, and get closer the way Ryan and Oliver keep teasing and reach the conclusion they are meant to be together.
Okay addon you don't know it's an addon because you're seeing this post as a whole thing at once but I hadn't thought to look at other buddie conversations until right now, but that particular pattern of light being present in 2 scenes where we see them finally be honest with each other makes it even more interesting to me really.
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Because if you look at Buck's bisexual awakening as a moment of Buck being honest with himself and the locker room as Buck being honest about why he got in the relationship with Natalia, the sun behind Eddie, if it's only behind Eddie, could sparkle Eddie into some honesty himself and about himself, and that's what they need, open and honest communication. Because if yellow is used for communication, the sun could be being used for honesty.
But that's just a theory. A game theory. (sorry I said it out loud and had to add it oskaoskaoskas)
Anyway, that's all I have right now, if you read this I love you 🫶
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