#“it's not the true L because he never straightens his back”
gliamose · 7 months
Koike Teppei as L in Death Note the Musical 2015 (left) and 2017 (right) productions - Urai Kenji version
The Game Begins - side by side comparison
Listen in headphones for separate audio!
The improvement here is absolutely insane. How does he manage to stay hunched and sing even better than before? That said, both recordings are absolutely fantastic in their own way, just because of how different Teppei's approach to the song is in each case.
Love the addition of the blue lighting. In a true L fashion. And the changes to the choreography make him look so menacing!
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hwanchaesong · 2 years
"Cliché? Cut!"
Badboy!Seonghwa X RichKid,Nerd!Reader
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Synopsis: A promise of not ending up like those couples in sappy dramas in a fake relationship is the best idea for facing reality.
genre & warnings: fluff, smut, angst, cursing, university au, mentions of weddings and cheating, appearances of other idols, alcohol, break ups
word count: 7.3k
requested by: my lovely friend @hwadump (ps i am so sorry for this late af request 😭)
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Park Seonghwa believes that he is the king of ATEEZ University.
All boys want to be him and all girls want to be with him.
People respect him, worship the floor he walks on, look up at him like he just walked on top of the sea.
Those came crashing down right at this moment, in front of you, L/N Y/N.
Truth to be told, all of these are for the sake of winning a bet.
Okay, let's get this straightened up.
A popular guy like him means that he is also in a prominent group, a circle that contains the other known men in their school.
It's only natural for them to get on their high horses and play with other people's feelings for fun, and that includes banging innocent girls just to break their heart afterwards.
And it happens that you, the school's infamous nerd and teacher's pet, was his group's next target.
"It couldn't be that hard." Hongjoong mused, showing Seonghwa a photo of you in his phone. (something that he got from your social media of course)
Wooyoung nodded his head in agreement before adding, "True. Besides, girls like that are easy to read and manipulate."
Yeah right, easy to read and manipulate. He will never, ever believe his friends again, especially Wooyoung, after this because what the fuck.
Who would even believe it when he says that the school's geek is currently trapping him in his seat, trying to seal a deal with him in the middle of an isolated library.
"So, whaddya say?" you smiled at the gaping man, your voice effectively snapping him out of his minute daydream.
"Uh? Pardon?"
'Damn it, Seonghwa. You could've done better than that!'
Seonghwa cursed himself internally for his stupid reply.
"I said," you leaned closer to him, close enough for him to smell your strawberry perfume, "I heard your little bet with your friends a while ago."
He gulped, at loss for words because even if he's handsome as hell and is good in bed, covering up a discovered dirty secret is not his forte.
"So, like I was saying before.." you continued, taking a long pause before spilling out the beans in one go.
"I'd participate in your bet willingly, but do me a favor and pretend to be my boyfriend as well so my family will stop pairing me with random guys."
Seonghwa blinked, once... twice.. his eyes widened when your words sank in his brain.
How will he handle this uncanny situation?
"Why? I- Can you. No, b-but are you-"
"C'mon, it couldn't be that hard." you parroted his friend's statement from before, bringing him back to reality as he straightened his self up.
"Okay, let's talk about this one by one." Seonghwa replied, able to form coherent sentences this time.
You shifted in your position, creating some space between you two, "Sure thing."
You sat down on the table, crossing your legs and casually raising an eyebrow, signalling for Seonghwa to continue.
He cleared his throat, adjusting his position as well as he tried to keep his cool, "First, you'll go along with the bet and let me win all those money."
You nodded your head. Upon your confirmation, Seonghwa carried on.
"Second, in return, you want me to act as your boyfriend."
"Exactly!" you happily exclaimed, standing from your seat with a cheery bounce, elated that he finally got the idea.
Seonghwa opened his mouth to speak, but you beat him to it.
"Here's the catch though." you removed your glasses, perching it atop of your head. Your eyes glinted as the corner of your lips curled, "let's make this a bet ourselves."
This is a new look that no one had ever witnessed before, an appearance that only Seonghwa had been able to see.
It's astonishing to say the least, you keep on surprising him and he couldn't help but be interested in your offering.
"I'm listening, Ms. L/N."
You scoffed, "Don't go and be formal like you didn't try and flirt with me a few minutes ago." you stood up from your seat and walked towards the window, gazing outside for a bit before facing an amused Seonghwa.
"I don't want this to end up like those sappy romantic movies." you looked down at your shoes for a bit, pondering your next words.
"That is why let's make some rules." you voiced out, approaching him and raising your hand for a handshake, "The one who falls in love first will have to pay the consequences."
Seonghwa smiled, standing at his full height and accepting your handshake, "That's a deal, my girlfriend."
It's safe to say that you guys laid down all the rules for the both of you to follow during the 'dating era.'
Which consists of:
1. No one is allowed to speak of the details of the agreement, family and friends are not exempted.
2. Act like a real couple in public so everyone will believe the lie.
3. Falling in love is strictly prohibited.
4. The first one to fall in love will be considered the loser and shall be punished by paying a fee of $10,000.
5. This 'relationship' shall go on within the duration of 3 months.
"Oh my fucking god, I said fuck her but really? You're dating her?!" Wooyoung shrieked when he saw his hyung's wallpaper which consists of a photo of you and him in a photo booth.
It has been a full two months since the pact and everything is going smoothly.
Seonghwa made up a story of how you hooked up with him in his car and voila! He won the bet and got the money without any problems.
On the other hand, you have already introduced him to your family. No more blind dates on your side and bonus points - your parents highly approved of him.
Seonghwa looked at his phone, staring at the sweet picture where he has his arms around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder while you have this surprised pikachu face going on.
"Well duh," his eyes moved up to the younger boy, "is it really that surprising?"
"Surprising?" his other friend, Yunho, piped up from behind him, "It's ground breaking!"
"True that. It's not like you to settle down with someone. Especially if they are just supposed to be a one night stand." San concurred, making Seonghwa sigh.
"Is that really how you see me?" he tried to make them sympathize with him to no avail. Everyone in the room collectively agreeing that yes, they all thought that he'd die alone because of his playboy behavior.
"You motherf-" before he could curse at his friends, his phone rang, your name flashing on the screen.
A series of 'oohs' and 'aahs' resonated in the entirety of the living room.
"Shut up." he glared at them, "I'm leaving now, and I swear to God, if y'all make a mess out of our dorm, you'll regret it."
His eyes landed on Jongho and pointed at him, "You're in-charge since Hongjoong isn't here." he declared before walking out the door, not minding the fuss that followed.
"What? But I'm the third oldest! Why is our youngest in-charge?!"
"Suck it loser, now obey me."
1:24 PM
You stood there at the entrance of the mall, waiting for Seonghwa to arrive patiently.
"Good grief, I told you to wait inside because it's too hot in here." a voice from beside you startled you, turning around and meeting face to face with yours truly.
"And I did say I'll pass on that. I want to walk together with you." you insisted, entering the mall with him trailing behind you.
Seonghwa smiled a bit, endeared at this attitude of yours.
Truth to be told, everything about you is unexpected. Your whole demeanor is not what he thought really is.
You may be the school's nerd, but you are so much more than that.
Within the span of 30 days, he had already learned a lot about you.
You came from a rich family but still remain humble, your dreams and aspirations in life, your favorites, likes and dislikes. It is kind of alarming with how much he pays attention to you, or the fact that he's enjoying his time with you.
It's a red flag, he knows it, but paid no attention to it because c'mon. He is THE Park Seonghwa. This feelings of his? Pft, it's nothing but a simple admiration of how free and bubbly you are outside of school.
"Are you listening? What looks better on me? Blue or red?"
Seonghwa blinked, snapping out of his thoughts, "Pardon?"
You rolled your eyes, "It has been two damn months and you still say that word to me." you feigned an offended look, "When will you even listen to me properly for once?"
His eyes widened, thinking of the possibility that he might have done something wrong, "I am listening, I'm sorry. Okay, sorry. Please tell me what you just said again, I swear m-"
Your laugh interrupted his rambling.
What a dork, really.
Until now, you still can't believe that this man is treated like a deity in your university.
His image is far too different from who and what he really is. You have learned that much, of course you would, you spent almost every day hanging out with him since your bet begun.
"Oh goodness gracious, Seonghwa." you tried catching your breath, stopping yourself from laughing out again when you saw his confused face.
"It was a joke, you dummy." You lightly tapped his shoulder before showing him the dresses again.
"Blue." he immediately answered, getting the context of what you're asking him a while ago.
You raised an eyebrow, "That's fast." you placed the red dress back on the rack, turning on your heels to face the mirror with the blue dress on your arms. "You really think that this looks good on me?"
"It's my favorite color, so yeah." he mumbled, to which you almost didn't hear it... almost.
You giggled, finding his shy nature adorable, "Alright, I guess I'll buy this one then."
4:36 PM
Seonghwa offered to drive you home, saying that he won't let you commute because that is his purpose as a 'boyfriend.'
"So when's the wedding again?" he asked, staring straight ahead on the road but still paying attention to what you'll say.
"Next week, on Thursday. And that reminds me, we have to go to their place a day before the event." you shifted from the passenger seat, unlocking your phone and scrolling through the messages.
"Because Uncle Eden said, and I quote, 'Let's have a family reunion first before I finally tie the knot with the love of my life.' end quote." you read the message that your uncle sent you, perfectly mimicking his voice that made Seonghwa snicker.
"I'll get ready for that."
After his sentence, you realized that you're finally home as he parked his car and... what the fuck? Why is your mother waiting at the gate like she's expecting you any minute?
"Don't tell me.." you whispered, terror coating your features.
"I'll tell you." Seonghwa smirked, getting out of the car and going over to your side, acting like a real gentleman for opening the car door for you. "I did tell your mom that I'm coming over, and guess what, I'll even stay for dinner."
You groaned, not happy at this at all. As much as you love having his presence around, you hate it when he's visiting at your home.
Your mother gushes about him all the time. With how handsome, respectful, charming, intelligent and the fucking list goes on. You're getting tired of it, especially when she lets the "Have you ever thought of the aspect of building a family?" question.
You don't like it, but now you're beginning to think that Seonghwa finds enjoyment in this horrible, terrible scene.
"Welcome home!" your mother greeted you with a hug, doing the same with Seonghwa. "I am so glad to see you again, son! Come in, I have something to tell both of you."
You made eye contact with Seonghwa, shrugging it off and thinking nothing of it. Upon arriving at the living room, your mom dropped the bomb.
"What?" you screeched, was that right?
"It's not a big deal. It's fine." Seonghwa interjected, holding your hand as an attempt to calm you down.
Your heart is beating wildly at the idea of sharing one room with him.
"What are you overreacting for?" your mom crossed her arms, "You're dating, it's not a crime for you to share a bed."
Yeah, fuck she's right. You still have to carry this damned act on even if it kills you. One more month, and everything will end soon.
"Yes." you took a deep breath, "You're absolutely correct."
Everything will be fine. It's not like difficult things will come your way when you spent a few nights with him in a single room.
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"Boo." a sultry voice startled you from behind, making you almost yell and curse at the perpetrator.
You closed your eyes and held a deep breath, calming your annoyance down. You are so not gonna embarrass yourself.
You had arrived at the site of the wedding, a resort, today and you were given a luxurious, spacious room to hibernate in while waiting for the d-day.
It could have been treated like a vacation if it wasn't for this dumbo with you. No choice though, he is still technically your 'boyfriend' so it is mandatory for him to be with you on occasions like this.
Currently, you two are getting ready for the reunion party tonight. And frankly, you want to look like a total princess, partly because you don't want to be criticized by your relatives and mainly... you want to look pretty for Seonghwa.
Okay, in your defense, he looks like a charming prince with his white suit and neatly arranged hair. You certainly don't want to look like a pauper beside him.
"Seonghwa." you called his name out menacingly, "I swear to heaven and hell if you did that again I w-"
You were cut off when he yawned and plopped down on the bed, "You what?" he challenged, unfazed and he's sporting this snarky smile that irritated you further.
You went closer to him and sat down on the edge of the bed, "Shut up and braid my hair."
He gasped, complaining that you had degraded his status as a boyfriend into a hairstylist. You then felt him stand up, his fingers threading through your looks gently. Despite the complaint, he still complied with your request.
It was silent for a few minutes until he decided to break it, "Do you still remember when I first braided your hair?"
You giggled a bit, recalling that hideous incident. How could you forget that when it was so memorable that you think that was the turning point of your fake relationship.
It was a big mistake for you to go and fetch Seonghwa from his last class, I mean, it really is especially when you see him kissing this snotty girl.
"Park Seonghwa." you mumbled his name lowly, and your voice seemed to wake him up and he immediately pushed the girl away.
"Y/N, this isn't what it looks like. I'll explain."
You just stood there, contemplating whether to hear him out or leave. You did neither when the bitch decided to clung unto Seonghwa and commented some rude remarks about you.
"Oppa, who is this? Why is this ugly nerd here? Will you go away? I am having some alone time with my oppa here."
Oh it's on.
Fire burning in your eyes, you stomped towards her and forcefully pulled her away from Seonghwa. A loud thud followed when she fell right on her butt, to which you didn't give a shit because she deserves it.
"Let's go, Seonghwa." you ordered, but one step and someone has their hands on your hair.
The pain was unbearable and everything was a blur, you couldn't discern what was happening. Not until a teacher broke the fight and hearing the faint voice of Seonghwa stating that the other girl was at fault.
You just got your hair pulled like a k-drama scene, huh.
Fortunately, the teachers believed that a good student like you wouldn't even harm a fly, thus, you were out of the principal's office without any problem.
You speed walked outside the school, keen on getting away as soon as possible. After a few minutes, you sat down on a bench in a nearby park. Only then did you realized that Seonghwa didn't follow nor check up on you.
You looked down at your trembling hands, no no no. You ain't gonna cry because of a pathetic excuse of a man like him.
Suddenly, tender hands are massaging your scalp and his familiar soothing voice began talking about how he didn't mean for that to happen.
"Y/N, please believe me that I am not cheating on you. That piece of shit suddenly lurched at me and I didn't have the time to react."
You continued looking ahead of you, focusing on the scenery of bright orange skies caused by the sun setting. You won't look at him now, because if you did, then you'll cry.
"I really am sorry, Y/N. Please."
You stood up, walking back home and you know that he's following you all the way, making sure that you're all right.
It somehow made your heart all mushy, knowing that he cares, but that is still not enough for you to accept his apology.
You made a bee line towards the bathroom when you arrived at home, wanting to take a warm bath and sleep the bad day away.
You halted in front of the mirror when you saw your reflection, it was your hair... beautifully braided.
The next day, the whole university was shocked when Seonghwa announced that the two of you are dating.
He is officially yours and you are officially his.
That was the day when you two got the title of "The Nerd and The Bad Boy Couple."
That was also the day when you learned that Seonghwa carries some girl stuff in his bag for you to use whenever you need it.
The gesture is sweet and wholesome, it made you forgive him in no time. Surely, that was a weakness of yours.
Back in present time~
"Yeah, I do remember that you were an asshole back then." you cheekily replied, an affronted expression crossing Seonghwa's face in return.
"You have the guts to tell me that when here I am, braiding your hair almost everyday." he sassed back.
"Well, I love the way you braid my hair." you admitted openly, inflating Seonghwa's pride knowing that you found something to love about him.
His hands cupped your cheeks, mushing it together and craning your head backwards so you'll be able to make direct eye contact with him, "You mean you love me?"
You scoffed and lightly pushed him away, "You wish. Now let's go and make a grand entrance there."
Grand entrance means you, linking arms with Seonghwa as you greeted every relative that you encounter.
"This is tiring." you groaned, slumping in your seat and your mood further slacked when you heard your female cousin's voices.
"Ooh, Y/N, is this your boyfriend right here?" one of them asked, to which Seonghwa answered for himself.
"Yes, pleased to meet you. The name's Park Seonghwa." he bowed exactly 90 degrees, impressing the older women.
"What a handsome young man!" a man's voice interjected this time, another uncle of yours that seemed to take interest in Seonghwa.
He's like a star tonight, everyone has taken a liking to him and truth to be told, you can't blame them. You understand why they naturally gravitate towards him.
"Is it okay if I borrow him for a bit? Ya know, man chitchat." your uncle asked, to which you agreed in a flash.
You watched as Seonghwa got dragged around, and before he could leave your sight, you saw him mouth an 'I'll be back.'
"Man, your boyfriend is like an actor. People are all around him."
You looked at your side to see who talked and see Jungwoo, a close friend slash cousin of yours.
"Yeah he does. I mean, I can see why." you smiled and picked up a glass of water, chugging it down.
"And I can see how much he loves you."
You choked.
"Easy there!" Jungwoo tapped your back, "What the hell Y/N, what was that for?"
You tried to calm your coughing fit down, "I'm sorry I was surprised. But, what was that about how he loves me?"
Jungwoo grimaced, kind of like he was so ready to beat you up for not noticing.
He held his fingers up, counting the things that he observed, "The way he looked at you. The way he talks about you. His actions towards you. H-"
"Okay enough." you interrupted him before the list could go on, you couldn't believe what you are hearing.
You stood up from your seat, getting all panicky about the recent discovery.
"Where are you going?" Jungwoo asked, puzzled that you're suddenly acting weird.
"I am gonna serve us some drinks."
And maybe you had too much wine because you now find yourself in Seonghwa's arms as he carried you back in your shared bedroom.
"Damn girl, did something happened while I was gone?" he asked, softly laying you in bed and was about to go and get you some water but his footsteps halted.
"Do you think I'm ugly?" you queried out of nowhere.
The ambience of the room turned into something indiscernible. It was suffocating.
How could a one question do this?
Seonghwa slowly faced you, and fuck, the view is enough to make him crazy.
There you are, vulnerable and your hazy, innocent eyes are begging him to do something that he might regret in the future.
He closed his eyes and willed himself to look away, "No, I think of the opposite." he answered truthfully.
He had always thought of that, from the bottom of his heart, he genuinely viewed you as someone who has a gorgeous face and personality.
It was unreal at first, that is why he did say that his feelings are nothing but a jolt of admiration for you.
And now that he's in this position, his mind begs to differ.
Is the attraction an actual one and not imaginary?
He doesn't know, but he does know that his friends had pointed out multiple times with how he turns into a completely different person when you're around.
"So you think I'm pretty?" you asked again, and this time you groggily sat up, holding onto Seonghwa's hand.
The man before you hasn't moved an inch, and you took that as a cue to continue.
"Seonghwa, I-I... My cousin told me that you love me and I don't know what to do with that information."
His eyes widened, was he really that transparent?
"But what made me more anxious is that, I didn't hate the idea of you loving me." you stared at him, silently imploring him for any refutal.
This is a dangerous territory that you both are trespassing, and when the bullet have been fired, there is no going back.
"What about you? If I told you that I love you, what will you do?"
And he snapped.
Without any hesitance, Seonghwa bent down, kissing you fully on the lips. You reciprocated it within a second, no more pretending and rationality out of the window.
The lip lock was full of vigor, an overflow of hidden emotions had begun to spill out, and nobody could stop whatever would transpire for the night.
Seonghwa bit your lower lip as he guided you down back to the mattress, lightly nipping on it before slipping his wet appendage inside your mouth.
You didn't have the energy to fight back, allowing him to completely dominate you.
A whimper escaped from you when his mouth snaked down just below your ears, "If you told me that you love me, then I'll probably do the same." he whispered, causing goosebumps to raise over your skin.
You gasped when he bit a sensitive part of your neck, and you did it again when he sucked on your skin.
He is leaving his marks all over you, it would be a herculean task to hide all of those but you couldn't care less, basking in the feeling of his hot mouth in your blazing skin.
"S-Seonghwa." you moaned his name out, a small hum coming from him as a reply, "I have never done this before."
He pulled away for a bit, examining your features and caressing your flushed cheeks, "Don't worry baby, I'll take care of you."
And he meant that, he will make you enjoy this night to the point that you'll never be able to feel anything like this if it didn't come from him.
He started removing your articles of clothing one by one, and the more skin you showed, the more excited he becomes.
You look like an angel, so pure and sinless and he couldn't wait to wreak havoc in you.
"Nu uh, baby, don't cover that up." he stopped you from hiding your breasts when he got rid of your bra, pinning your arms on your side.
You are beginning to feel shy, feeling his gaze on your body, "You look so perfect and..." Seonghwa licked his lips, "delicious."
He released your arms, his hands going around and in between your chest. He proceeded with a small massage, his palms squeezing your busts, lightly tickling your areola until your nipples are hardened enough to his liking.
All Seonghwa could feel is the cloud-like softness of your boobs and he just wants to bury himself in it.
His eyes peered over yours, looking for any hints of resistance, and when he saw none of it, he dived right into you. Putting a nub in his mouth and experimentally doing all tricks for you to feel good.
You squirmed in his hold, the growing pleasure is now running in your veins.
He started with small flicks, then he had gotten more bold and circled around it. A buzzing sensation came through when he sucked on it.
The anticipation was worth the wait, considering how skilled he is.
He suckles hard, then slows down into kitten licks. Your other boob never forgotten, his fingers tweaking and playing with your nipple.
When he's certain that he has gotten his saliva all over your breast, he had gotten another mission in mind.
His hand slides down to your belly, prying your legs open in a gentle manner.
"You good?"
You nodded your head, not able to form a word as you tried to comprehend all the things that are currently happening in your body.
Your confirmation was enough for Seonghwa to continue devouring you.
And oh boy, did he went wild on you.
No mercy as his middle finger began to rub on your clit. You had never felt like this before and it's too much.
"If you want to cum, then let it all out."
You were about to ask what does he mean by that, but there is no need to when he demonstrated it to you.
He plunged two fingers into your sopping core, easily taking him without any problem.
"Ah! S-Seonghwa!" you cried out when he positioned himself in between your legs to prevent you from closing them.
"If you can't take this now," he came face to face with your heat, "then how will you handle me later, hm?"
Another loud moan was elicited out from you, his tongue prodding and teasing your bundle of nerves.
You knew he was good with his tongue, you had observed it a lot of times, especially when he darts it out like a chameleon.
You knew that, yet this is a domain that you never knew will feel so heavenly unless you tried it for yourself.
The loud noise of you moaning, him slurping all of your juices, and the lewd wet sounds coming from below you every time he curls his fingers inside are insane.
Seonghwa felt your muscles tensing, a sign that you are close to release. Thus, he switched his style into something more of a challenge for you.
His digits went to your clit, rubbing it in a circular manner and his tongue slid inside your pussy.
The electrifying feeling of having your sensitive nub get played with, along with the constant darting of his tongue inside you were enough to send you over the edge.
Seonghwa continued his actions for you to ride your high, only stopping when you tried to move away from him.
You were breathing heavily, eyes closed and ready to go into dreamland. Until something hard poked in your entrance, "You think this is over?"
His voice snapped you awake and you were crying out in both pleasure and pain after he entered you in one go.
You are still vulnerable from the previous orgasm, but that also allowed you to feel how big and thick he is.
He momentarily ceased his movements for you to adjust to his size. On your side, he was stretching you out so good and fuck, you want him to move.
See, you are not the type to do shit when you get desperate, but you are already out of your mind and your hips begin to move on their own in search of friction.
"I can't Seonghwa, please move." you pleaded, which sounded so sexy for him.
He bit his lower lip, bending downward and putting a chaste kiss on your nose before whispering, "Your wish is my command, princess."
Yes, you did say for him to move, turns out that he really planned to go all out on you right from the start.
He snaps his hips so hard, his pace is also fast that the bed started shaking.
Seonghwa loves the way you react to him, not only that but the sensation that you're giving him.
You are so tight and warm. Just exactly how he wants it.
Your pussy effortlessly pushes him out, yet the moment he starts pushing in again feels like he was getting hugged by wet, mellow vacuum.
You can also feel how he slides in and out of you, mind blowing even when he shifted the positions.
Lifting your legs and putting it over his shoulders let him pound into you on a deeper level.
So deep that his tip grazed over your g-spot, making you arch your back and that gave away the fact that he had hit the prize.
"Finally, I have been looking for that for a while now." he muttered victoriously, smiling darkly as he held onto your waist.
"Get ready, baby."
With the last warning, he thrusted into you relentlessly. His speed is faster than before and he rams harder than before.
Your hands went over to his toned arms, clinging to it like your life depends on it.
"Don't stop." you whimpered, and you really don't want this paradise to end.
You could say that he is a monster in bed, literally.
He is destroying you, tearing you into pieces yet you are all down for this.
You are willing to be demolished, as long as its him.
"Shit, you feel so fucking good baby." Seonghwa praised, his eyes roaming all over your appearance.
And he was stoked.
Strands of your hair are sticking to your face due to the sweat, reddish skin, boobs jiggling because of the amount of force he's using to fuck you silly and mouth open in a silent moan.
Even in your disheveled state, you still managed to look like a goddess and... oh my god he loves you.
He doesn't know what to do with this information, but he'll ignore this now and focus on giving you more pleasure.
"S-Seonghwa, I'm close." you said, looking at him tantalizingly. You couldn't hold it back, the euphoria began washing all over you like a wave and it felt so marvelous.
The overstimulation is getting too much for you to handle after a few minutes of your orgasm yet Seonghwa's still railing into you like there is no tomorrow.
You unintentionally clamped on his length, with a grunt and a few more thrusts, Seonghwa pulled himself out and came all over your stomach.
Sticky and dirty, two things that you'll normally hate but under these circumstances, it is weirdly comforting.
You weren't aware of your surroundings anymore, too tired and sleepy to care.
Still, you vaguely notice Seonghwa clean you up, cuddling you close to him and whispering a sweet goodnight on the crown of your head.
The glaring light of the sun woke Seonghwa up, he was in a good mood, but that turned sour when he saw that you weren't beside him anymore.
"Seonghwa! Are you awake?! C'mon you have to prepare too." The door opens, revealing you in a robe, clearly getting ready for something.
"What?" he dumbly asked.
"What do you mean by 'what'? you playfully rolled your eyes, setting foot in the room and coaxing him out of the bed, reminding him that today is the wedding.
He had no choice but to comply for now, and he'll talk to you later. But there is a bad feeling inside his stomach, he couldn't put his finger on it but... why are you acting normally? Like nothing happened last night.
Are you seriously gonna do this?
You went on with your day like you usually would. Excitedly clapping throughout the wedding and being giddy until the end.
It was suffocating, and he couldn't wait to confront you during the party.
The reception hall was like a palace, with the gigantic chandelier in the middle of the ceiling, marbled floors and touches of red and gold. The wedding planner did so well as he managed to make the place look magical with the set of decors.
But Seonghwa doesn't have any time to dawdle, waiting for the dance part to come so he can zone in on you.
"For all the couples out there, this is your time to shine." the emcee announced, much to his ease.
A slow song was played, and now is his chance. He went and approached the table where you are sitting with your female cousins, doing this gentlemanly thing of asking you for a dance.
In the middle of the heavily populated room, the background is blurred and all he can see is you.
The blue dress that you bought together is perfect on you, hugging your curves just right and it elevated your charms.
His heart is pounding so fast and he doesn't know what to do.
"Y/N, I-"
"Let's forget what happened last night."
And his world shattered into pieces.
You took a deep breath, gathering every bit of your strength and gazing straight into his orbs, "We only have a week, and what happened last night was a mistake, right?"
Reality struck Seonghwa in the face, reminding him of the actual setting he's in.
He's not supposed to fall in love with you. He's not allowed to fall in love with you and vice versa.
Curse this.
"Yes, that is what I was about to say." he agreed despite the bitterness that was pooling in the pit of his stomach.
You smiled a bit, albeit a tiny hint of sadness is hidden behind it, "I'm glad we're on the same page. I don't really want to ruin our friendship."
Suddenly, your arms that are dangling on Seonghwa's neck are heavy and his palms on your waist feel like fire.
So that is what you are, friends.
Either way, life goes on. After the wedding, going home in your own places, you two felt like you did the biggest mistake of your lives.
It was the regret after all, knowing that the cards had been laid out yet the decision you made is to turn a blind eye on it.
Funny thing is that the both of you continued hanging out every day. Spending time with each other day and night, like you are making the most of the remaining time.
It's worse though, because the more you make memories with Seonghwa, the more it makes it difficult for him to accept that the finish line is near.
"Hyung, are you okay?" Yunho asked the drained older man, slumped on the sofa.
"Yeah, I am." he answered blankly.
Before Yunho could badger for more information, Seonghwa stood up and exited the dorm, saying that he has to attend his next class.
On the negative note, he can't concentrate. His brain is doing him a favor by thinking about you, and as if on cue, his phone dinged.
Flashed in the notification of his screen is your name. Upon, opening it, he read a text message from you.
3:17 PM
From: Y/N
Hey Seonghwa, are you busy right now? Can we meet in the school garden, I have something important to say.
He was always good at making excuses, but this might be the best one where his brain cells worked so fast to make reasons for him to be able to get out of class, bolting towards you like the flash.
Upon arriving in the garden, he saw you in a crouching position, petting a stray cat.
As much as he loves to watch you, he's still curious about the urgent matter that you need to address. Thus, he calls your name to catch your attention.
"There you are!" you beamed at him, and before he could react, you grabbed his hand and tugged him along with you.
"Wait! Y/N, what are you doing?!" in his panicked state, which is rare, he doesn't understand what your motives are.
"Isn't it obvious, we're skipping classes!"
He can't believe what he's hearing. You, the top student is skipping classes with him. Isn't it supposed to be the other way round?
Seonghwa was too busy in his own world that he didn't notice you stop in a familiar place. It's the park where he first braided your hair.
"Come sit." you happily tapped the empty space next to you, to which he obeyed.
You examined his side profile.
That was the only word that you could think of if someone asked you to describe him. Well, that was the adjective that popped in your head whenever you remember how he looked above you that night.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer." he teased, making you smack his shoulders.
"Very funny."
"I know."
The ambience before was tense, a complete 180 of today's atmosphere.
Everything is chill, but the bomb is about to be dropped.
"All good things must come to an end." you quoted, and Seonghwa took a sharp intake of breath at your insinuation.
"This is it, huh?" he stalled, just a few more seconds, please.
"Yeah." you looked down at your feet, closing your eyes and getting ready for the final moment.
"You are one of the best things that happened to me, surprisingly." you took off first, lifting yourself off of the seat and raising your hand for him to take.
"It was a wholesome three months with you, Mister Park." you were waiting for his reply, but got flustered when he enveloped you in his arms.
"And you made me the happiest man on earth during these three months, Ms. L/N."
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At the time of your separation, Seonghwa thought he'll be fine.
The 'break-up' was mutual, he was actually stunned that he was able to go through that without shedding a tear. So he really was convinced that he's okay and that he will be able to move on from you.
He has never been wrong.
"Seonghwa, get up and eat." Hongjoong, his friend, turned on the light in his bedroom, making him grumble a small "I don't wanna eat and go away."
Hongjoong sighed and sat at the edge of the bed, revealing a secret that he had been keeping for days.
He's tired of seeing his friend like this.
Dark circles under his eyes, tangled hair, pale complexion, and frankly, he needs to take a bath asap.
"She cried."
Seonghwa immediately removed his covers, eyes wide and ears ready to listen, "Come again?"
"I said, she cried, dumb ass."
"And you made me the happiest man on earth during these three months, Ms. L/N."
Seonghwa let go of you, and you couldn't bear to look at him anymore or else you'll cry on the spot.
"Alright then... bye!" you bowed, turning around and running away from him.
When you're sure that you're out of his sight, you collapsed in a nearby tree and clutched your chest, the area exactly where your heart is.
You expected this, you gave yourself a long peptalk about this last night. But the agony is still unbearable.
Withdrawing him, breaking things off with Seonghwa, is fucking painful than getting punched in the face.
"Excuse me miss, are you okay?"
You looked up at the source of the sound, acknowledging the presence of yout student council president, Kim Hongjoong.
"Oh, yes. Yes, I'm sorry I was just.. doing some things." you felt awkward, knowing that he's one of Seonghwa's friends.
He raised an eyebrow at you, aren't you Seonghwa's girlfriend? Why the hell do you look like a kicked puppy on the side of the road?
You quickly stood up and dusted your skirt, fixing yourself in a hurry, "I gotta go."
When Hongjoong got home that day, he saw his brooding friend's broken hearted expression. He looks so down, and that was enough evidence for him to piece two and two together.
"And that's what happened." Hongjoong concluded the story, relieved that he's been able to get that off his mind.
"Really?" Seonghwa rhetorically asked, and something inside him sparked.
"I should go to her. No! I must go to her!"
He left in a hurry, leaving Hongjoong alone in the room and muttering to himself, "He should've at least taken a short shower."
Seonghwa ran around like a mad man, looking for your whereabouts.
The mall, market, park, convenience stores. He's sweating like crazy and the sun is about to go down, where the fuck are you?
Then like a meteor hit him.
The library!
"Y/N!" he opened the door, shouting your name that scared you to death.
"Oh my fu-! Seonghwa?!" you were astounded when you saw him, that increased further when he marched closer to you.
You backed yourself up on the table accidentally, no room to escape when he held you in his arms and kissed you like there's no tomorrow.
You returned the kiss, enjoying the moment that you've missed dearly.
You two are now back in the same place where it all started. Determined to turn a bet into something more realistic.
Pulling away for air, Seonghwa took in every detail of you.
He yearned for you, and he was miserable without you.
"Seonghwa." you murmured, this feels like a dream, because you have come to terms that you'll never be able to see or hold him again like he was truly yours.
"Y/N, fuck the rules." he mumbled, getting straight to the point. "I don't fucking care if I'll turn into loser, as long as I become your lover."
Your eyes turned glassy, tears forming the corner of your lids. Some had already fallen down as Seonghwa kissed all of them away.
"Seonghwa.. I-I need you in my life." you confessed, not at all ashamed, "I know I said that falling in love is forbidden but I love you so much."
Your sobs were muffled when Seonghwa closed the distance between you two once more, sealing the deal.
"Then that's it." he said against your lips, "You are finally, officially, and eternally mine."
The corner of your lips curled up, burying your face on his sculpted chest, "I accept."
There is nothing more than you could ever wish for more than an agreement like this.
@hyuckilstan @ateezbabysitters @minkiflwr @kpopcrossworlds @hwadump
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dreamescapeswriting · 2 years
𝗞𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝗗𝗮𝘆 𝟭 ~ 𝗕𝗖 [𝗠]
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⤜PAIRING: Chan x Fem!Reader
⤜GENRE: Ceo x assistant, smut, minors dni. Masturbation - female, teasing, use of a toy, pent up chan, blow job, unprotected sex, getting caught but chan not stopping,  “good girl”, 
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - October 2022
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The room was quiet and you hated that, whenever it was quiet it meant one of two things. 
1) Chan was stressed out and ready to tear the heads of anyone who decided to speak to him while he was working Or 
2) You were about to walk into his office and be punished for something which, the thought of making your thighs squeeze together 
"Hey Chan, you okay?" You asked as you walked into the room holding a steaming cup of hot chocolate and placing it on his desk as he continued to stare down at the screen in front of him.
"No," His answers were short and abrupt and you hated that more than the silence. If it wasn't for the ticking of the clock on his wall the room would be completely dead inside his office, the two of you were the only ones left inside the building for the night. You could have left hours ago but what was the fun in going home without looking after your overworked boss first?
"I can order you something to eat," You said, glancing at the clock as you noticed it was past 9 and he was still sitting at his desk, he only ever worked this late if something was truly bothering him. You'd worked for Chan long enough now to know him better than he probably knew himself,
"Please," You nodded and put his mug down on the desk, quickly going to grab your phone and ordered him the usual food he would have while he was stuck in his office. Chan watched you through the glass windows of his office as you bent over your desk to call from your office phone and his trousers grew tight. Right there in the open, you had your pussy out on full display and his anger about work began to fade away and was replaced by a yearning for you. 
He smirked a little when he saw the small pink toy that was inside of you, the love egg he'd made you wear today but had completely forgotten to use on you. Chuckling to himself he reached into his drawer and received the small remote and turned it onto the highest frequency and smirked when he noticed your knees buckling and your hand flying over your mouth. If he had to guess you'd just moaned into the phone and you were now apologising over and over again to whoever was on the other line. 
"Come back here," He calls out when you end the call, you straightened out your skirt. Your whole body was on fire from the sudden turning on of the toy inside of you, you'd not forgotten it was there but you'd figured chan had since he'd not used it all day.
"Sir?" You stuttered out, looking up at him and trying to hide just how happy you were that he was finally paying attention to you. That morning when he'd asked you to wear this for him you'd been so excited but the day had proven to be boring when he'd never even turned it on.
"You're not wearing any panties?" He chuckled as you nodded your head, biting down on your lip as you remembered his orders when you left the house that morning.
"You told me to take them off before we went into the meeting this morning." You reminded him and Chan thought back on it all. It was true, he'd asked you to take them off with the intent of teasing you all throughout the meeting, edging you and bringing you close to your orgasm but he'd completely forgotten.
"That's because everyone sucks at their job and we're behind on our distribution," He hissed, his mind instantly going back to work as he stared down at his screen and you let out a small whimper at him. There was no way he'd just turned you on completely only to go back to work within a matter of seconds. 
"What have I told you about whimpering?" Chan asked, his eyes not even tearing away from the screen as he questioned you about it but his eyes quickly went back to whatever he was doing.
"You don't like it, but I don't like being turned on and left high and dry." You snapped back at him, staring at him with wide eyes as you realised how bratty you were being right now.
"Brats don't get what they want," He told you as he began to type away on his computer so you took your chance to tease yourself instead. Heading over to the small chair just in front of his desk you took a seat and spread your legs so he could see but he didn't look at you, he didn't even glance your way and you pouted. Taking it one step further You slipped your hand between your legs and began to brush your fingers over your clit, letting out a small gasp as you did so but Chan didn't move, not even flinch when he heard you gasp.
"C-Chan," You moaned out as you began to touch yourself more, the pent-up frustration from all day getting too much to you as you rolled your head back against the seat you were on,
"F-Fuck," You hissed as you began to chase your sweet high, your back arching away from the chair as you played with your clit with one hand and the other opened your shirt, revealing that you weren't wearing a bra wither but Chan continued to work. Pretending as though he wasn't paying attention or getting turned on by your display when in reality he was throbbing beneath his pants. 
"S-Shit...S-Shit," You whimpered as every nerve on your body stood to attention and you felt as though you were on fire, your head clouded with images of Chan being the one to touch you and you wriggled against your fingers. Wetness soaked your fingers completely until you let out a loud moan of chan's name. The pressure building deep inside of you finally exploded and you cried out his name in orgasmic bliss, panting heavily as you tried to calm yourself.
Once you came down from your high you looked at Chan who was still staring at his screen in complete silence, all that could be heard were your little whines and his clicking away at his mouse.
Sighing to yourself you sunk down onto the floor and crawled under his desk like you had done many times before and you looked up at him, glaring a little as he continued to work but you knew this was getting to him. You could see just how hard he was beneath his pants and you smirked to yourself as you began to work on freeing him from the confines of his pants. You pumped him in your hands a couple of times before spitting onto the head of his cock and taking the tip into your mouth, slowly swirling your tongue around as he let out a small whine of your name. He shifted on the spot giving you more access to him and you giggled taking him out of your mouth and pumping him roughly in your hand. 
"Is my little slut that desperate?" He laughs softly as he watched you from the top of the desk, his mind melting away from work as he allowed himself to feel a little freedom with you.
"Yes." You whined at him, pumping him a few more times before you began to take him to the back of your throat just the way that he liked, swallowing around him to make it tighter for him as he let out a small moan.
"That's my good girl," He moans out, looking down at you as he slowly cupped your face in his hand and slowly ran his thumb along your skin as you felt yourself heating up at the sudden attention he was giving to you.
"You're always so good at sucking my dick, hmm...You just love having your mouth stuffed." he moans out as he rocks his hips just a little, his free hand going to retrieve the small remote once again as you moaned around his cock.
"Oh fuck..." He grunts loudly, looking down at you as you took him further into your mouth.
"yes baby...y-yes just like that." he moans as you take his balls into your hand, gagging around him as you continued to play with his balls and smirk to yourself, you could feel just how badly he needed this from you from how swollen his balls were in your hand. 
"Don't stop." He moans out as you speed up on him, moving your head faster as you glanced up at him to watch his head roll back against the seat as he gets lost in total bliss. His fingers were quick to switch the dial up on the tiny vibrator inside of you and you cried out around his dick. 
"o-oh shit that's so good and warm," he moaned out as he bucked into your mouth a little, your pussy clenching as the toy continued to buzz inside of you sending your mind numb as you bucked against it.
"Look at you, is that toy sending your mind blank?" He chuckled deeply before you began trying to match the speed of the toy inside of you,
"Shit, k-keep going baby." He grunted as you began to speed up on him, holding onto his thighs as you took him deeper until you felt him in the back of your throat. The toy inside of you bought you so close to your orgasm that you could almost feel it,
"My good fucking girl," he moans out as he held himself deep inside of your throat, pulling away and letting you gasp for some air as he lets out a deep chuckle, switching off the toy and throwing the remote away from him as you let out a pathetic whimper.
"So cute when you gag around my dick like that," He whines before wiping your bottom lip with his thumb and pulling you up and out from under his desk. He pushes his chair back and pushes you to bend over the desk, yanking the bright pink toy out of you and placing it down beside him on the desk for later since he knew he wasn't through with it yet. Taking his cock into his hand he began to trail it through your folds as you let out a small whine,
"Please, Chan," You begged as he continued to tease your pussy with the head of his cock, standing still as he looked down into your eyes before pushing into you with ease. Your fingers gripped the edge of the table as you cried his name out,
"Oh shit, you're so fucking wet baby," he grunted as he began to slowly pull out of you only to slam back in as you scream out his name loud enough you were sure people in the building next door could hear you.
"C-Chan!" You holler out as he continued to pound in and out of you roughly, you lifted your leg up onto the desk as you clenched around him. There was something hot about doing this inside of his office, even when no one was here to catch you there was just something about it that drove the two of you wild. 
"S-Shit chan, h-harder," you begged as he began to get rougher with you, deeper and harder each time he pulled out of you and filled you up completely. 
"So demanding for someone who was touching herself without permission," he hissed as he continued to pulse in and out of you, his rhythm making your head spin as you tried to keep your legs strong but they were buckling against the force of his thrusts. 
"Did I really not give you enough attention today?" He chuckled deeply, already knowing that he'd barely even looked at you since the meeting that morning.
"y-you ignored me all day." You whined out as you glanced over your shoulder to look him in the eyes, his eyes were screwed shut as he got lost in his own bliss and you smirked to yourself. Knowing you were helping him unwind was pleasure enough for you and you clenched around him,
"And that meant you could fucking make yourself cum? hmm, did I give you permission to touch your little cunt?" he growled out as he continued to fuck into you, holding your hips in one hand as he thrust harder and faster each time he bottomed out inside of you. The pleasure clenched inside of you as you squeezed around him, 
"Feels so fucking nice and tight for me," He grunted as he looked down at you, 
"O-Only for you," You moan out, glancing over your shoulder at him and whining when your eyes locked with his and he smirked down at you. 
"That's right baby, only for me." he laughs softly as he got deeper into you, grunting when he felt you clamp down around him when he hit the one spot that had your legs shaking,
"Do you feel that?"
"F-Fuck! I can practically feel you in my throat," you hiss out as he continued to fuck into you, kissing the back of your neck as you gripped onto the edge of the table to support yourself. 
"I knew I'd fuck you today," he chuckled and his hips stuttered a little when there was a small knock at the door. a man stared through the glass door holding up a bag of taking out but chan didn't stop. Not even for a second, he continued to pound in and out of your tight cunt as he stared over at the man at the door, there was a silent stare-off between the two males and he only looked away as he felt you clenching,
"Do you like it when someone watches baby?" Chan asked with a deep seeded chuckle, laughing a little as you tried to deny it to him as if he couldn't feel you tightening around him.
"N-No," you answered only for chan to slam deep inside of you and stop moving altogether as you mewled out his name, 
"Don't fucking lie to me" He chortled as he reached down to rub your clit with his thumb, pinching it a little as you let out a squeal,
"I-I like it! I like it!" you moaned out before he slowly began to move again, glancing back to the door to see that the man had left the food and walked away and he chuckled to himself. He was going gave to pay enough for the guy to shut his mouth and never speak of what he'd seen but he didn't care less right now. All he cared about was making you feel good since he had ignored you all day today and he kind of felt bad for it.
"oh shit," he moaned out as he continued to pump in and out of you, each pulse of his cock driving you closer to your orgasm.
"That's my girl, clench around me like a good girl," he groans as he looks down at you, all you could do was moan out his name and buck back against him. 
"Close," you warned him as you looked over your shoulder at him, crying out in pleasure as he got rougher with you,
"You want to cum again? after you'd already made yourself finish?" You nodded frantically as you were desperate to feel yourself cumming around him as you'd imagined all day long.
"p-please," you begged as he chuckled down at you, 
"c-cum whenever you need baby," he moans out as you pushed yourself back against his dick, trying to get him deeper inside of you desperate to find your orgasm.
"O-oh my god," he croaks out as his eyes roll back just a little, his whole body going tense as he felt himself growing closer to his release.
"o-oh baby girl, fuck." he looks down at you as you clenched around him but his phone started to ring, your eyes widened as you shook your head at him
"d-don't! don't you fucking dare!" you yell at him when you felt him slowing down, you pushed the phone off the desk so he couldn't reach it and he grunts at you. Impressed with how needy you seemed to be that you were willing to break something in his office, if someone had asked him a year ago if he'd thought you'd do that his answer would have been now. When you started working for him you were a shy woman who wouldn't even look him in the eyes and now you were denying him work until he made you finish.
"f-Fuck, look how fucking needy you are, fucking ordering me to fuck you? Oh baby you have no idea what you're fucking doing to me." he hisses out as he holds onto your hips tighter, thrusting harder as he whimpers a little.
"o-oh fuck...fuck!" you cried out as your orgasm gripped you, tensing every single muscle in your body as your legs began to shake. Your mouth fell open as moans of his name flew out over and over again. The waves of ecstasy washed over you as you trembled beneath Chan, he continued to fuck into you until you felt hot spurts of cum inside of you and you giggled a little,
"you feel that? h-huh? you feel that deep inside of your needy little pussy?" he asked while laughing deeply, slowly pulling out and smirking to himself as he grabbed the toy quickly and pushed it back into you making you mewl out at him.
"We don't want to waste a single drop of that do we?" he asked before you stood up, your legs shaking a little as he chuckled to himself at the sight of you trying to walk. It was like watching Bambi on ice for the first time and he found it rather adorable.
"Hmm, maybe we should head home for the night. I'm going to have a lot of explaining to do to the delivery man and to the supplier that had just overheard us on the phone," chan smirked as your eyes widened staring down to the phone that was on the phone, showing that someone was on the other end and had just heard everything that had transpired between you both.
"But right now, I want to get my favourite girl home so I can pamper her," He smirked, picking up the remote so that he could tease you on the car ride home. After all, you'd played with yourself without permission and that would not go unpunished.
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Tagline: @chiisaiblog @hanasonmi @sw33tnight @taestannie @army24--7 @acciocriativity @scarletemeterio @kimahnjung98 @halesandy @aerastus @ethereallino @afternoonteabiscuit @itmehc @heeseunger24 @laylasbunbunny @critssq @pearlygraysky @lenfilms @btsiguess-kpop @joonghands​ 
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fieldofdaisiies · 1 year
Forget me Not | Azriel X F!Reader pt. 2
Summary: They loved each other more than words could describe, but they were star-crossed lovers and their fate was doomed, especially when their worst nightmare came true. But is their love strong enough to survive this nightmare and can their souls one day be truly united?
Warnings: references to past trauma
Word Count: 2,8K
Notes: I am so very lucky that I met @moonlightazriel and that I can call her my friend (mate hehe); you are an incredibly wonderful human being, an amazing friend and working with you on this story was just brilliant 💙 read her first part here
The doorbell rang again which made Azriel finally lift his head off the screen, his phone in his hand. “Give me a moment,” he told the person on the other side of the line and got up. With lazy steps he walked to his door, grumbling some incomprehensive words of being disturbed and interrupted while working. Azriel peeked through the door viewer, squinted his eyes to get a better look and then–
His hand which held the phone fell to his side and his lips parted. The woman standing outside his door was without doubt the most beautiful he had ever seen and he could even tell that although you were wearing a winter coat, gloves, and a hat. Azriel quickly lifted his phone to his ear. “I’ll call you back tomorrow. Just put the papers on my desk.”
He did not let his assistant argue, just ended the call. Azriel inhaled a deep breath, then another one, straightened his posture and moved his hand to the door handle. Then he opened the door and his eyes landed on you – finally he could take you in fully, his lips parted a little while his eyes went wide. Your gaze lifted to his – you had not at all expected him, your new boss, to look like that.
And then it struck you.
It somehow felt like you knew him, like you had seen him before which made no sense. You had only moved into this city recently, had never been to this there before, but something about him seemed oddly familiar. You simply looked at him for a moment, somehow expectant, but also because you forgot what you had wanted to say. He was so beautiful, the most beautiful man you had ever seen, and your brain forgot how to work. Eventually you caught yourself and realised that neither of you had said anything yet and you had to speak up at some point. After all you wanted this job – rather needed it. You had to speak up and act serious despite what his appearance and his looks did to you. You cleared your throat which drew Azriel’s eyes to yours, his lips forming a tiny smile. “I am Y/N Y/L. I am the new house keeper. I am filling in for Sophie who is on maternity leave now.” You spoke in a soft and steady voice, trying to calm the inner nervousness with taking in slow breaths.
The man, Azriel as you knew, nodded and said, “Pleasure to meet you. Azriel. I am the owner of this place.” His low voice rumbled through your body. 
Azriel internally face-palmed himself – obviously he was the owner of this place, what else would he be doing here…
You chuckled a little and he let you in, you followed him inside and gaped at the size of his apartment. From Sohpie you knew that he was rich and that he lived in a big flat, but you had never thought it would be that ginormous. “Here, please. You can put your clothes here.” Azriel showed you the wardrobe, where you could put your coat and stuff. It was winter outside and you still shivered a little from the cold. “May I?” he asked and when you nodded, Azriel helped you out of your coat and then you pulled your hat off. Azriel couldn’t tear his eyes away from you, you were so beautiful and you–
You reminded him of someone. But he could not tell who. It was like he had met you before, and…he did not know. It was an odd feeling and got even odder when you slipped out of your gloves and his eyes fell to your hands. The marred skin there…The marred skin…He drew in a sharp breath and then…He had seen scars like that before, somehow he a had a clear picture of them in his mind and that irritated him. 
“I was born with them. Probably inherited, or so the doctors said,” you explained, having noticed his eyes on your hands. He quickly lifted his face and looked into your eyes again, whispering a quick apology to which you lifted your hand, waving him off. “Don’t worry. It is alright. Now where do we, or rather I start?”
“Well.” Azriel brushed his hands down his thighs. “I would like for you to come here two times a week – Monday, Thursday, just like Sophie did. Did you discuss with her what you have to do?”
You shook your head, not really having talked with Sophie about that. She had only told you about how handsome Azriel was and that he was practically rolling in money – both things were now confirmed. Azriel guided you to the living room where you sat down on the couch to discuss further details. “Alright,” he said and smiled, his cheeks a little rosy. You looked at him expectantly and waited for him to continue.
“So, two times a week. I would love for you to do the basic chores. Cleaning the flat two times a week, I like it very neat and tidy, that is why. The windows need cleaning only once a month. I would like for you to change the bedsheets once a week, put out the trash once a week and wash my clothes once a week. That is it.”
That sounded alright. Even if it wasn’t the job your had on top of your list, it was the only one that worked alongside uni and so it was alright. It really was, especially with a boss that sounded genuine and looked like a Greek god. Well, the last part did not really matter but it was a nice benefit. “So I am starting today and then return next Monday,” you said and Azriel offered to show you the whole house and where exactly you had to do what. 
The place was simple, he only had very basic furniture and little to no decoration, but still it was beautiful and you liked it a lot. Also the lack of decoration was very beneficial cleaning wise. 
After your first day where you got all the explanations you returned to Azriel’s place for a few weeks every Monday and Thursday and all was going really well. Azriel was incredibly kind and you quickly created a friendly workplace relationship with him. There was nothing more between the two of you, of course not, just some nice small talks and easy conversations. It was all going good until one day. 
You brushed your hand down the pillow, adjusting it a little, Azriel’s scent somehow lingering in the room. Your eyes lifted to mirror on the opposite side when you pulled on the sheets and made them look neat on top of his bed. And suddenly–
A flash of memories, or rather pictures filled your brain. Your knees felt weak and you closed your eyes, giving yourself to the memories. A man – not a man, Azriel– moaned against your as he relaxed on top of you, rolled over and pulled you to his side, your head rested on his chest. You could hear the soft sound of his heartbeat and then his lips parted and he–
“Give me a few days, and we will be far away from here. My love for you is bigger than the universe.” 
You ripped your eyes open, tumbling a little and quickly grabbed the lower bedframe to steady yourself. Your heart was racing in your chest and you knew you had to get out of this room. What the hell had that been? Why did you…? When did you sleep with Azriel? What the actual hell was going on? The room you had been in was not modern, it had looked ancient and…Did you have sex fantasies about him? Maybe you should quit that job if making his bed did that to you?
You quickly collected the broom, and headed for the door, dashing outside and downstairs only to come to a quick halt. 
“See and that is why I am here, Azriel. You need a woman to help you with that kind of things.” The blond woman grinned up at Azriel, just when you stopped at the bottom of the staircase. 
“Oh, hello?” she turned to you. Not only her. Also Azriel’s, his eyes wide open. “Y/N,” he said, but added nothing more, like he was surprised to see you. Which was odd. It was Thursday. It was rather you who was surprised. He was home earlier, a lot earlier than expected and he had company. For the past days you had often asked yourself if he had a girlfriend, but there was no indication he did. Well, now there was and that made some part inside of you really sad. Which was stupid. Someone like him would anyways never be with someone like you. In society you were at least 5 levels below him and he would never choose you. He would never…Some more images filled your brain, and you felt a little dizzy. 
You shuddered, your breathing speeding up and gathered that you might be going crazy. 
“I don’t want to get married, to anyone but you. And I don’t care  what my father says, let’s go, somewhere far away from here.”
Well, you definitely were going crazy. “Y/N, I am the house keeper. Pleasure to meet you. But I really need to go. I am in a rush. The bed is made. See you on Monday.”
You gave Azriel no chance to answer, practically dashing to the door, collecting your things while running. The cool afternoon air was a relief and helped your breath steadily. What the hell was going on? What did the memories mean?
Plagued by nightmares, you could barely sleep in the days that followed. It was too much and too strange. It irritated you and you dreaded going back to his place. You played with the thought of quitting, maybe it would be smart to stop working for him if it caused such chaos in your mind. But still you went there, hoping Azriel was still at work – which he normally was when you went there to clean on a Monday. And you truly were lucky, he was not here. So you started with the normal chores you had to do, cleaning, take the rubbish out and so on. 
“Are you mad with me?” 
You startled, the broom slipped out of your hand and landed on the ground with a loud noise. 
“Why should I?” you blurted out and felt your blood chill. Obviously you were. Around 20 minutes ago you had heard Azriel return to his place, and since then you had been hiding in his bathroom, pretending to be cleaning there and hoping he would maybe just leave again. 
“Because you obviously are, don’t pretend otherwise.” Azriel seemed angry and you knew the blame was on you. But how could you explain it all to him? How could you tell him that you had visions of a past life about him?
“I think I should go now,” you said with a huff. But Azriel had none of that, he wanted to talk it out with you, he wanted to know if he had upset you, or angered you. So he reached for you, his hand curling around your wrist, around the marred skin there. 
“Please, please love, stay with me. I won't survive without you.” Azriel said, and you lifted your hand, the scarred skin caressing his cheek one more time. The scarred skin.
Azriel let go off your hand and stumbled backwards, his eyes wide open with shock. He was pale, looked like he had seen a ghost and technically he had – the ghost of your past.
“It can’t be true,” he stuttered and stared at you with his eyes wide open. “That can’t be true.”
“What?” you breathed, panic filling you when you saw the shock on his face. “What is it?”
The shocked expression looked so familiar – it was the same you wore after those flashbacks. Azriel stumbled backwards and fell onto the small armchair outside of his bathroom. You left the bathroom and walked up to him, nearly closing the distance between the two of you. “Azriel. What is going on?” you asked carefully, hoping not to cause more chaos in his mind. He still looked like he got caught in a stupor and slowly brought one hand up to wipe it over his face. His chest heaved with deep inhales and slowly you moved your hand forward, placing it on top of his. You gave his hand a soft and gentle squeeze, crouching down in front of him, your eyes meeting his. “Did you…” Your voice broke after you tried to stutter out a question. He must have had the same odd visions, there is no other explanation for it. Your throat felt dry, burned, when you forced your mouth to speak. 
“You think we have known each other in a past life?” The words sounded so odd and for a long moment they just hung in the air between you and Azriel, like neither of you could believe what you were discussing there. 
Azriel furrowed his brows, still staring right into your eyes. “Can this be possible?”
Pulling one shoulder up, you shrugged, unable to do more. Tears filled your eyes and curled your fingers tighter around his hand. 
“I love you and I will find you, in another life. We will have the happiness we deserve. Promise me you will wait for me.” 
“You promised to find me in another life.” Azriel leaned forward, his other hand moving to hold your face in big palm. “I promised so. And you promised you will wait for me.” You swallowed around the dryness in your throat, leaning into his touch. “I did.”
There were tears in both your eyes, threatening to spill over the edges any moment. “You think it is truly possible we found each other again?”
It was then that a small tear left your eye. “But you have someone, Azriel. Is she your girlfriend?” Azriel seemed like he did not understand, like nothing you said made sense because he clearly had no girlfriend. “Who?” he asked in a low voice. “Who are you talking about?” But then awareness dawned on him and Azriel spoke up before you could. “That was my assistant. And she…I–”
“You seemed so close. And she said you needed a woman.” And then the most adorable thing happened – Azriel blushed, and sheepishly bit down on his lower lip. “I asked her for advice on how to ask you out. How to not make it weird as you work for me…” He smiled a little, red colour blooming high on his cheeks. 
Your heart did flips, rapidly beating against your rib cage. “You did…” “I wanted to ask you out. I have been wanting to ask you out for a long time, but then things changed.”
“I am sorry,” you answered. You slowly got up, standing in front of Azriel. “I am sorry, but when I got the flashbacks, I freaked out. I did not know what they meant. They scared me. I thought I was going insane.”
Azriel closed his eyes for a long moment and inhaled deeply. “Is there a chance for us in this life then? Can I ask you out?” When he opened his eyes, a beautiful smile bloomed on his chest. More tears streamed down your cheeks and leaned in to just hug him. But Azriel had a different idea. He pulled you onto his lap, so you straddled him and your arms curled around his shoulders. “Can you believe that we really lived a long time ago and finally found each other again?” you cried into the crook of his neck, clawing at him.
“It seems surreal, doesn’t it?” Azriel held you tightly, kissing the side of your head. “Like that can only happen in books or movies.”
“I believe then this is my absolute favourite book or movie.” Leaning backwards a little, you watched his face, the expression on his face. “Can you believe how long our souls must have been yearning for each other? And now they are reunited?”
“And won’t ever be separated.” Tears also slid down Azriel’s cheeks, his whole body shaking, but he grinned at you. And you grinned back at him. “In this life I am going to keep you safe. I have awful brothers and an even worse stepmother, but not even they would go as far as taking you from me. In this life I am going to keep you. We will be one team, one couple, one soul until our very last day. Just you and I.”
“I like that a lot,” you said, smiling when you leaned in to kiss his lips. “And I am keeping you safe. And I am going to keep you. It will be us forever.” “Forever and even a little further.” And then you kissed, and it felt like…it felt like a million fireworks exploded in your chest, like your soul started to glow and become alive again. 
~~~~~~~~ tags Azriel (crossed-out I couldn't tag) : @juulle987 @marimorena06 @danikasthings @younxii @nightcourtwritings @mrofontaine @lunalilyf @whor-3-crux @tired-all-the-time @anni-was-here @ummmmmwat @azbracadabra @j-pendragonx @hollyismentallyillhelp @famousbasementpainter @bsenpai @lena-davina @red-highlady @thesugatoyourtae @azrielsbabyg @aroseinvelaris @moony-thoughts @wrensical003 @cherryjain17 @moonfawnx @crushedcloudsx @devilsfoodcake22  @valeridarkness @azrielscertifiedslut @mulansaucey @cynicalpotato95 @hanasakr @high-bi-andreadytocry @eerievixen @feyretopia @moonlightazriel @randomness-it-is @brekkershadowsinger @eliieee23 @girasoli-e-sorrisi @illyrianvalkyriecarynthian @kennedy-brooke @highladyofillyria @theworthlessqueen @marina468 @topaz125 @illyrian-dreamer @azriels-mate123 @eos-princess @courtofjurdan @a-frog-with-a-laptop @banasheefan56
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modelbus · 6 months
I’ll beg on my knees for Dream saying I love you for the first time
you can get off your knees now don’t worry <3
Pairing: Cc!Dream x Gn!Reader
Fond Firsts
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He says it on accident, a one-off, but you certainly didn’t miss it. Not when they’re the words you’ve been aching to hear—and say—since the moment he first kissed you.
The movie, a horror he swears by, wasn’t one you had ever seen before. Hence the horror movie after Halloween, because spooky season wasn’t just limited to October with him. The first scare was minor, something you had been expecting the entire time. All the other ones? Not so much.
You had jumped for the thousandth time, blushing furiously and rolling your eyes at how Dream had laughed and tugged you closer to him. His arm was settled around your waist, pinning you close to him. Not that you minded. But the laughing stung just a bit.
“It’s not funny! You didn’t tell me there was so much… horror!” You defended yourself, making him laugh harder.
“It’s a horror movie!” He had exclaimed, then dropped with L-bomb with a casual smile on his face. “You jump so much, oh my God. I love you.”
And just like that, your breath was stolen.
You watch as his smile falters as he realizes, his eyes widening as he straightens. “Oh, shit. Fuck fuck fuck.” He murmurs, mostly himself. Panicked.
Was this a bad sign? A good sign?
You open and close your mouth wordlessly before finding something to say. “Are you okay?”
“I didn’t mean it.” Dream blurts out.
Hurt, sharp and roaring, tears up your insides. Claws your ribs apart, exposes your heart, and rips into it like a lion feasting. Oh.
“You… didn’t mean it?” You repeat slowly, like saying it all in a rush would break everything.
The movie, still playing and loud, is forgotten.
“I mean, I meant it, obviously, but I didn’t mean it then. Wait, no, I meant it then but not timing-wise. I just mean that it’s true but I had something planned! That wasn’t meant to happen right now!”
His hands, one along the curve of your waist from previously and the other newly placed on your arm squeeze like he’s afraid you’ll vanish. You don’t run, not from him, but his fear is there all the same.
You’ve known him long enough to know the way he’s speaking. The rushed, panicked rhythm. The way he gets louder, higher-pitched. How his words don’t seem to match his brain anymore, because what he’s thinking and saying are two different things with the same objective.
But you’ve definitely never seen him panic over something like this. And there’s definitely no guidebook on what to do if your boyfriend fucks up and accidentally says “I love you” for the first time.
You curl a hand into his hair, soft beneath your fingers, and tug his lips to yours. Dream doesn’t resist, greedily taking in the kiss. He doesn’t pull away completely either, leaving his forehead resting against yours.
“I love you too.” You assure him, then add, “dumbass.”
“I had a plan.” He laments. “I was going to take you to a nice dinner and kiss you Goodnight and say it then.”
The fact you could picture it makes you laugh. Wine and candlelight, because he’s cheesy. It probably wouldn’t have ended with a kiss goodnight—you were both suckers for falling asleep together—but he definitely would’ve still found a way to make it the most romantic confession of love.
And yet, you prefer it this way.
“You can still do that.” You offer, smiling as he steals another kiss from you.
“It’s not the same.”
“I can pretend.”
“It’s still not the same.”
“I’m really good at pretending.”
He laughs, finally, and you’ve won the lottery. “Fine. I’ll surprise you with it.”
Dream pulls away, thinks better of it and gives you another kiss, then resettles to watch the movie again.
“I love you.” You hedge, studying his expression.
“I love you too.” His eyes and smile are soft when he glances at your face. “You’re missing all the good parts.”
“None of it is the good part.”
“Just watch.”
Sighing endearingly, you do as told and tune back into the movie.
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star-girl69 · 2 years
I Loved You Like the Sun
a/n: ok i might be insane for this but i’m starting another series bc i need to get the daemyra x reader thoughts out. this first chapter focuses on rhaenyra and reader’s relationship, and in the next chapter daemon will come into the picture. i hope you all enjoy!!
(title is from “the moon with will sing” by the crane wives)
warnings: incest, swearing, tell me if i missed anything!!
Chapter One- Wait for Me
You had begged and begged, pleaded with your father to reconsider. But his mind was set. You were to be sent to King’s Landing with your Septa, to find a husband.
You had no desire for a husband. Not yet at least. And you would be lying if you said that your eyes always had trouble choosing between the young knights and the handmaidens at your family home.
But you were a woman, not a man, and you lived in Westeros. You often thought about escaping to Dorne, where dalliances like that were more accepted.
But in Westeros, you would be considered nothing but a perverse woman, suffering from an aversion that was truly unholy.
Perhaps your emotions were shown on your face, because your Septa placed a hand on your knee.
She was a kind woman, and you had never had any problems with her.
“I’m sure you will find a kind husband, Lady Y/N.” The carriage rattled as you looked out the window, seeing the spiraling Red Keep rise above the rest of King’s Landing.
Her words did nothing to comfort you.
The first few days at the palace were boring.
You thought that maybe a suitor would spark your interest, but none had. They were all superficial, caring only about status. But you wanted a man who could swoon you, and intelligent man. Recognize that, yes, you were a woman, but not condemn you for it.
You let out a sigh as Lord Tyrell kept talking. About grain shipments.
This was not the kind of intelligence you meant.
You sighed, looking over to your Septa. She was in the middle of poorly trying to hide a yawn, and saw your pleading gaze. She took pity on you, interrupting the poor man.
“Lord Tyrell, I apologize greatly for the interruption. But the Lady is looking quite faint. I fear it is time for us to retire.” You leaned back, very unladylike and put on your best pleasing face, putting a hand to your head.
“Oh, I fear I am. I am so sorry, Lord Tyrell.” He recovered quickly, nodding.
“Of course, My Lady. I understand. A woman has a fragile constitution.” You smiled through your disgust.
Much later, your Septa had given you a few moments of piece in the library. After the horrible experience with Lord Tyrell, she felt bad. Giving you an hour to yourself was about the most she could do.
She could not save you from this cruel fate, could not take you away from this place.
No matter. You were happy, in this moment. The book you were reading, one about Old Valyria, interested you greatly. You leaned back in your chair, feeling yourself slip off.
You straightened at the sound of a palm smacking wood.
The most beautiful woman you had ever seen appeared around the corner.
Lilac eyes, silver-white locks, dark red dress that empathized every curve on her body. She seemed surprised to see you, and her eyes widened.
With a startling realization, you knew who this was.
The Princess.
“I’m sorry.” Her voice was sweet as honey, as smooth as rain. “No one usually comes back here. I- I was looking for this particular book…” She trailed off, eyes devouring you just as you were doing with her. “I don’t recognize you. Will you do me the honor of your name?” She stepped forward, almost eager.
You were so stunned but her beauty, even more surprised that she cared to know your name, that your voice came out in a horrible stutter.
“L-lady Y/N, Your Grace.” You cringed inwardly, finally tearing your eyes away from her.
“No need to be nervous, Lady Y/N. I am only the Princess.” You let out a laugh. A true laugh. No fake flattery stained your voice, as it usually did when talking to suitors. It was the first time you had truly laughed in days. She smiled at you, before her gaze narrowed. She stared at the book in your arms, and you priced together in your mind what was happening.
“W-was this the book you were looking for? You can have it if you want. Your Grace.”
“Call me Rhaenyra. And, no. You had it first. It wouldn’t be fair of me to take it from you.” You smiled awkwardly, unsure of what to do under her burning stare.
She was truly a Targaryen. Fire made flesh. And her burning hot gaze reflected that, lighting a fire deep in your stomach.
“Would you mind if I sat with you, Lady Y/N? I’m quite cold, and your chaise is closest to the fire.”
Oh, Gods. She was going to sit next to you. Rhaenyra Targaryen, the most beautiful woman you had ever seen, who was staring at you like she wanted to eat you whole, was going to sit next to you.
“Of course. Your- Rhaenyra.” She smiled at your correction, and you eagerly moved to make space for her. You noticed she sat quite close to you, a random book having appeared in her hands.
But you paid that no mind, not even daring to dwell more on her. Developing a crush on the Princess was about the worst thing you could do.
You felt her presence next to you so strongly, so vividly, but forced yourself to push it away. The mere idea of Rhaenyra being anything other than friendly towards you was simply unbelievable. You doubted she liked women in the first place; and even if she did- she would never like you.
It was a while later before she spoke, her words acting like knives and puncturing the comfortable silence.
“Would you read to me, Y/N? Your voice is so lovely. I wish to read that book, but it would hurt me to pull you away from it. Please?” Her voice was calm, cold, and calculated. You had no doubt she was playing you like a violin.
“Of course, Rhaenyra.”
“How did you sleep without me?” Her voice was the same as it had always been, sweet like honey and smooth like rain. You would never forget the sound of it.
“Terribly. I always get nightmares this time of year.” Her lips formed a pout, and she traced invisible lines on your arm.
“I would have brought you with me if I knew.”
“We can’t draw any attention to ourselves, Rhaenyra. You know this.” She leaned forward, placing a quick kiss on your lips.
“Is it so wrong for me to want to ignore that?” She smiled, but you heard the sadness behind her voice.
It had been six months since you had first met her, five since she had made you her Lady-in-Waiting, granting the two of you a bit more time together. Four since she had drawn you into her bed, with sweet kisses and promises of a forever together.
“They will not be able to stop us. Syrax is very fast, you know. We will cross the Narrow Sea, and I will never have to be deprived of hearing you read to me again.”
But now she was just here with you. Each laying on your sides, you placed your hands on her chest, fingers gracing the base of her throat. Her hand traces invisible lines on your arm.
You shut your eyes, letting your Rhaenyra take you in, hungry after being deprived for so long.
She had been forced onto some trip with her father, to somewhere you didn’t bother to remember. Not now that she was here with you. She was back, she was yours, and in this moment you didn’t care about anything else.
“My sweet girl,” Rhaenyra murmured, trailing your face with her finger. “I don’t think I can ever stay away from you. You’ll always just be in my heart.”
You hummed in approval, and she let out a small laugh. Her sweet girl.
She was hit with the sudden realization that you will not be hers for much longer.
“Let me hold you.” It might be the last time.
Your father has grown tired of you being unmarried, electing to betroth you himself. In a few weeks, you would be wed to an old, fat man from a small house in the Riverlands. So far away from her.
You shifted forward, pressing your face into the crook of her neck as her arms wrapped around you.
“Do you think you’ll have nightmares tonight?”
“No. Not with you here. Not with my Rhaenyra here.”
The next morning, you were greeted with the sun’s rays shining down on you. The bed was cold and empty, Rhaenyra having put pillow under your head. It was a cheap replacement for her, but would suffice.
She exited the bathroom a few minutes later, moving the pillow and greedily tucking you back into her.
“Can’t stay away for long?”
“No. No, I can’t.”
The morning continued with a relative peace, until she spoke again.
“You’re leaving today, aren’t you?”
You hadn’t want to tell her. Maybe it was selfish, but you wanted one more day with her.
“I’m sorry,” you felt the tears fall, but couldn’t care. She guided you to sit up, holding your face in her hands. “I just wanted one more day with you. We both knew this was coming, but I- I just needed this. I don’t think I can live without you, Rhaenyra.”
“Shh, my love. I’m glad you didn’t tell me. I wanted this last day with you as well.” You shut your eyes, and she pressed kisses all over your face. “You will live. You’ll live, you’ll bide your time. I’ll come save you.”
You let out a dry laugh. “I love you, Rhaenyra. But how could you possibly do that?”
She drew you into a hug. “Wait for me. Please.”
“Rhaenyra,” you whimpered, not even needing to say it. Of course you would.
“I’ll save you,” she whispered, whether to herself or you, you did not know.
You left her chambers with a tear stricken face. You spent the day locked in your rooms, not trusting yourself or Rhaenyra to run back to each other.
Your father came to collect you. You seemed to move in slow motion.
You snuck away to her chambers, found her in a mess of books and papers and a random hairbrush. Things she had thrown about her room in a rage.
You kissed her goodbye.
You pulled away. Told her you loved her. She told you that she loved you more than anything, and she would be living her life with a mess of flesh in her chest that belonged to you.
You left, and looked back.
She started at you with those bright purple eyes, and a flushed face. Her fists were clenched. This might be the most beautiful she had ever looked.
You were married the next day.
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gemini-sensei · 10 months
Black Belt | Boss!Eli Moskowitz x Nanny!Reader Pt. 4
Chubby!Fem!Reader ○ Single Father!Eli ○
Series Masterlist | unedited part
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Eli was practicing his breathing, hands held in front of him, eyes closed. His kids were spending the day with the Diaz' and that meant he had a moment of peace on this sunny Saturday, since Miguel and Sam told him that they - with the enlisted help of Moon - could watch the children for the day. So he took deep breaths in, held them, and let them out slowly.
Everything was calm and clear, his mind a place of peace and quiet. There was nothing he had to worry about. No work calls, no stress, nothing. It was only him and his inner balance.
Once he'd found it and centered himself, he moved into the kata practices he'd learned when he was younger. They always brought him back to those days when he and his friends had done karate for sport and then some, how much fun it had ben, the highs and lows of high school. The fond memories were what he put forward and he remembered Mr. L's words of wisdom to this day, believing that (most of) it were words to live by. Of course he put his own spin on most of it, that Hawk flare that he'd been known for way back when.
He moved on to offensive practice after a while, going back to his roots. The strikes and kicks that started it all. The lessons that gave him what he'd needed back then. It was all muscle memory, as he'd never let go of the pieces of him that had brought him to where he was today. If it weren't for Sensei Lawrence, he didn't know what his life would look like...
It was calming yet thrilling, exciting but tame. He was in a place of peace...
Until a soft shuffling caught his ear.
He turned to see who was there, a little surprised to see Reader in the doorway of his little home dojo. It was her day off and she'd told him she'd be out with friends, but he didn't expect her to be back so soon. He straightened up and stood to face her.
"I didn't expect you back for another hour or two," he said, still a little startled by her presence.
She hummed. "And I didn't expect you to be the martial arts type."
Reader stepped into the little home dojo, but he held up a hand to stop her. She gave him a questioning look and he pointed down at her feet.
"No shoes on the mat."
"Of course," she said softly. She kicked off her small heels and set them by the door, then she proceeded to walk further into the room whilst taking a look around.
He wasn't surprised by her interest. He kept the small room closed, out of reach of the children. It hadn't been a part of his home tour for her because the kids never came there, Eli keeping this little part of him to himself for now. He wanted to introduce his kids to it at some point, of course, but those low points from his teenage years always came back to haunt him when he thought of the idea. So he kept it hidden away for now.
"You didn't answer by original question," he said.
Reader gave him a quick look. "I don't remember you asking one."
"What happened to your day out?"
She turned her attention to a picture on the wall of him and all his friends in their gi, letting out a short hum. "Had to cut it short. A friend had a family emergency and the rest of us thought it better to just hang out another day when we could all be together."
"Go figure," he chuckled.
"Right?" She continued to walk around the room, only stopping when she came to the small podium that housed his winning trophy atop it. She stared at it for a moment, read the inscription, then turned to him with a smile. "You continue to surprise me, Mr. Moskowitz."
He licked his lips and laughed. "So do you."
"I'm serious," she insisted, then gestured to the whole room. "I mean, look at all of this. What is this place? Who are you?"
He continued to laugh. "Uh, well, if you really want to know, I'm an All Valley champion and former sensei with double black belt."
"Former sensei? Really?"
"It's true."
He walked over to a set of drawers and opened one, producing the scrapbook Mr. LaRusso had gifted him when he'd "retired" from teaching karate. It had only been a part time job when he was in college, something that had kept his love for karate going when he didn't have the time to put into competitions anymore. It was wonderful and he'd do it again given the chance.
He passed flipped it to a certain page that showed a large class photo; he was stood on one side of all the students while Mr. L stood on the other with Sensei Lawrence. They were all in their tournament gi, proud smiles on their faces. He passed the album to her and she took it with a big grin.
"Oh, look at you and your mohawk," she laughed. It was sweet and bubbly, like her. The room was suddenly far more alive than it had been a few minutes ago. "This is so cool."
"I know," he said with a little shrug. He smirked. "Tell me something I don't know."
She gave him a look. "Okay, uh, I don't know anything about this stuff."
A small embarrassed smile took over her face, but she wore it with grace. "Uh, yeah. I hope that doesn't make me any less cool to you."
He shook his head. "Not at all. Just means I can teach you. thing or two."
"Missed being a sensei?" she asked, closing the scrapbook and setting it aside.
He shrugged. "Maybe a little, but you don't have to do anything you don't want to."
"No," she said, stepping up to the center of the mat. He watched her as she took off her coat and tossed it aside. "I'm interested now. Show me something."
His eyes scanned her over quickly, then followed her. "Alright, let's start with the easy stuff."
The afternoon went into a direction neither of them expected, but it wasn't bad. Hawk enjoyed showing Reader the moved he once had to master, and though she wasn't out with her friends like she'd planned, she had fun nonetheless. He kept everything simple and easy to understand for a beginner, but she caught on fast. Despite that, he didn't put her in any position to spar and they wrapped up their little impromptu lesson within an hour.
He offered her a class of lemonade as an "after training" refreshment and she accepted, following him to the kitchen with a smile. They had worked up a sweat and deserved something sweet in his eyes.
The whole thing obviously intrigued and amused her that he was a former kids karate sensei and All Valley champ, as she started asking him questions all about his experience and where he used to teach. He didn't mind answering all her exciting questions, as if was rather fresh and new to talk about it with her than it was to someone like Miguel and Sam.
As they sat with their lemonade glasses, she smiled. "So, have you ever thought about teaching karate to Phoenix and Mia? They're the right age to start something like that, right?"
Eli sipped his drink, a master at hiding his inner most thoughts by keeping his expression blank. He took a moment to think about the question, unsure of how to answer it. Of course he'd thought of it before, but he wasn't certain about it. He'd love nothing more than to teach his own kids karate, but he had some hesitations.
He set the glass down and sighed. "I've thought about it, yeah, but I just don't know if that would be something they'd be interested in."
"There's never any harm in asking," she said with a smile.
"I just don't want them to think I want them to do karate," he said. He wanted his kids to do it if and because they wanted to. "Sam's dad taught her at a young age and even today he carries it with him like a badge of honor. But I can't tell you how many times she's quit karate. I like Mr. L, don't get me wrong, but he can be a little... overbearing sometimes, and I just don't want to be that to the twins."
Reader nodded gently. "I understand, but a one time lesson wouldn't hurt. Or a demonstration. They won't know if they like it until they try it. They just have to be exposed to it, try new things."
Eli gave her a look, smirking at her. "Are you sure you've never been a nanny or teacher before? Because you certainly sound like one, quite a lot of the time too."
She scoffed. "I'm just good with kids," she laughed. She used a napkin to wipe some sweat from her forehead, the cool down still in effect. "And I think that it's important to share the things that are special with your kids... I can only sit here and wish my parents had done something like that with me as a kid. So maybe Mr. LaRusso wasn't so far off from that idea."
Taking a moment to let her words sink in, Eli coolly sipped his lemonade. Then he nodded. "I'll think about it."
Reader smiled, deciding to tease him. "Do they even know you have the big, shiny trophy in that hidden away dojo of yours?"
He chuckled. "No, no they don't."
"I'm sure they'd love to see it."
"You mean stare at their reflections in it."
"Something like that."
They laughed, and continued to enjoy each other's company - one on one - until the kids came home.
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veayrss · 5 months
Summery: waking up in mid air falling to your death in a world that is definitely not earth? Then seeing anakin skywalker and obi-wan kenobi?
Warnings: Swearing
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭: 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤��𝐧, 𝐎𝐛𝐢-𝐰𝐚𝐧, 𝐘𝐨𝐝𝐚, 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐮
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭:𝟏.𝟑𝐤
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝟏, 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝟐, 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝟑, 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝟒, 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝟓, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞...
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I walk in, eyes looking everywhere and at everyone. This is a dream come true, something I always wanted and wished would happen. I see senator bail talking to boba fett. Outside I seem calm but on the inside I'm totally fangirling. As we made it to the big front doors I stopped walking and just took a moment. Obi-wan and Anakin stop as well and watch me staring at the doors.
“So.. this isn't fake. This is real?- oh my god.'' I bend over, holding my weight in my knees and breathing heavily. Obi-wan and Anakin look at each other with questioning looks and Obi-wan clears his throat, “Uhm, Ms L/N are you okay..?” he asked me, his tone full of concern yet i can hear a bit of amusement.
I take in a deep breath and put one hand up shaking my head, “yeah, yeah, yeah, i just like- need a moment to collect myself.” I gulped loud, I could hear Anakin sigh, annoyance filling that sigh and I shot up making him look at me and probably think I'm even weirder than he thought. “Let's go.” I mumbled quickly after making awkward eye contact with Anakin, making Obi-wan sigh with a slight chuckle.
He opened the doors with the force, I watched in amazement.
Anakin watched her with a look of wonder and curiosity, his eyes never left her since he saw her, he couldn't explain why but he felt drawn to her. She looked like one of a kind, it was clear she wasn't from any planet he's heard of, been to, explored. So he is very excited to find out where she came from. He found it amusing and adorable at how amazed she was with the temple, though he didn't find what was so amazing about it. He thought it's probably because he spent his young days here and was used to it.
But watching her look around all amazed just because of the temple he wants to show her around the planet, show her all the world's he's traveled to and show her all the amazing things he found there.
As they walked into the councles room and walked in last, Obi-wan went first, me second. He stood off to the side, hands being his back just like obi-wans
“State your name.” Master Windu damned, making you straighten up your posture and slightly nervous. “Y/N L/N Sir.” you answered, tone more mature then how you answered when Obi-wan asked.
He nodded his head leaning back on his chair, “care to explain why you were falling from the sky?” he asked you, his glare cold and his tone reminds you of when your parents catch you doing something you're not supposed to.
You sucked your teeth picking off the red nail polish you applied just last night, “well, you see I'm not even sure how the hell i got here personally myself.” you started off, clapping your hands together rocking back and forth on your feet, “one moment i'm in my bed, the next i'm freezing my ass off because i'm falling from the damn sky. Then these lovely gentlemen-” you looked off to the side waving at Anakin and Obi-wan, then brought your attention back to Windu and Yoda, “saw me and saved me.’ you finished bringing your hands to your side and smiling awkwardly.
“How did you know who they were or about us?” he asked, making you chuckle nervously, your hands started to sweat as you whipped them off your sweat pants. Anakin hated how Windu was making you nervous and uncomfortable, he doesn't understand why but he feels protective over you, want needs you to feel safe and secure, he doesn't want anyone make you feel any less, you are just a damsel in distress, to him in his point of view your his damsel in distress.
“Okay. this might- this will make me sound like a fucking crazy person, but hear me out” everyone seemed intrigued now, especially anakin and Obi-wan.
Though despite all of your silly actions and weird behavior Anakin couldn't help but find it cute how every time you talked you moved your arms and hands.
“See this is my theory it is probably right, where i am from you all,” you pointed at everyone making sure they get the hint, “are fake.” you smiled, putting your fingers together, everyone seemed startled by this information and most seemed as if they didn't believe it,
“You may go on.” yoda spoke for the first time upon your arrival and you got this sudden boost of confidence because the little green man seemed to be more on the intrigued side of this whole thing.
“Okay, get your popcorn folks because this is about to get crazy.” you said taking a deep breath, Anakin smirked at the fact of how you're so dramatic, but it makes him want to know you even more.
“Im from another dimension- yes i know that sounds fucking bonkers, its coming out of my mouth. But where i'm from, my planet -its called earth by the way- you all are fictional characters, you're from one of the world's best movie trilogies. Like I know everything about you all. I know what will happen in the future. I know what happened in the past and what's going on right now- maybe.. But beside that point-” you rambled, making everyone shocked, surprised, everything.
“See anakin- you're currently 19. Obi-wan you're 29. And where I'm from, the people who play you their names are Hayden Christensen and Ewan McGregor.'' As you went on explaining everything everyone started to believe you more, after you finished the room was silent, so quiet i bet if you put your mind to it you could hear the beats of everyone's hearts.
“Okay, if what you're saying is true, how do you go home?” Obi-wan spoke up, scratching his chin thinking hard. You shrugged, you looked over at anakin. He was staring at the floor before looking up at you, he seemed as if he was going to speak and then he did. He asked a question you wished no one asked, especially him.
“What happens in the future?” you stand there, the room became silent again catching everyone off guard but also wanting to know what you were going to say, even Obi-wan had this look of curiosity.
“Look Anakin, no matter how much i want to tell you and fix all the wrong, make all the rights even better i can't. There's lore. I cannot ruin that. There are things that are so important that one fix, one mistake, will ruin everything. Trust me when I tell you I want to tell you all, everything in detail, but I can't and it's killing me, but I just can't.” you spoke a tone of sadness yet determination, flashes of the future running in your mind.
anakin turning into the darkside, his fight with obi-wan before count Palpatine found him and put him in that dark broadening suite, him and ashoka, luke and leia, Padme, everything.
Anakin nods, understanding, but you can feel how disappointed he was. “Right you are young Y/N. The future has in store for us, we cannot ruin.” you looked behind yourself and smiled at yoda.
Anakin only watched you, everything tuning out as he saw your H/C hair, it looks so soft he wants to play with it. Your side profile looked as if the best artist throughout the galaxy made it, your beautiful E/C shining through the bright evening sun, seeing your eyes close as you smile at yoda, your lips turning into a smile showing your teeth made him jealous and envy yoda for getting that sight and not himself.
He doesn't understand why he's feeling this way. It's as if every thought, memory, fantasy of Padme was erased. The only woman that took over his mind right now was you yet he just met you? He knows your time spent here with him and his Master is going to be very chaotic, he feels as if even if you said you can't change the future by telling him and everyone else you already have just being here, and the thought of you leaving already breaks his heart.
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Haven’t even written porn for the ships yet but take this I guess??
NSFW below cut
“I’ve been thinking, and there’s really no reason this has to be miserable.”
Enrico hated that smug, self-satisfied note in Nero’s voice. Of course he would say that, a man with nothing to lose.
“I see no reason we can’t try and get along. Even if you don’t yet love me like a husband, surely we can find some common ground?”
“We have nothing in common,” Enrico sneered, but he was too exhausted to give it any real heat, “I hate you.”
“So does everyone else. But the thing is, they also hate you.”
With the swiftness of a knife to the heart, Enrico pondered the truth of Nero’s words. He almost shot back, telling Nero that he deserved the hatred he got, but…so did Enrico. As despised as the man was, he may be one of the only people to understand Enrico’s situation.
“You..aren’t entirely incorrect” he finally conceded.
Nero’s face twisted into that facsimile of a smile that always made Enrico shiver.
“Exactly. If you let us, I think we could make a brilliant pair. The usurper king and the despot duke. I know you have a thing for self-sabotage, but since we’re to be wed anyway, we should…take full advantage of the match.”
There was no mistaking the look in Nero’s eye, and Enrico horrified himself when the disgust he expected didn’t come. He took a deep breath, straightened, and met Nero’s gaze.
“Fine. If you’re suggesting what I think you are..let’s do it. No use putting it off.”
Nero’s face lit up with triumph, which oddly enough warmed Enrico’s heart a bit. Even by his enemy, it felt nice to be wanted, to be desired after what he had done.
If you looked past his personality: arrogant, rude, and greedy, Nero wasn’t even a bad-looking man. Soft-looking hair, long, thin fingers, and, Enrico noted as Nero stripped his shirt off, muscles all down his stomach.
Maybe a distraction was what he needed. This man was going to be his husband, after all.
Depressed, empty, and looking for anything to make him feel again, Enrico grabbed Nero’s jaw and pulled him into a searing kiss.
It wasn’t good, in the traditional sense of the word. He had only ever kissed men he’d been in love with—when he was a teenager, kissing Giovanni by the lake, his heart had fluttered with the tell-tale signs of young infatuation. Then, of course, there was Niccolo. The ecstasy born from the contentment and passion of being with your one true love was written into him for eternity.
He knew he could never feel either of those with Nero. But there was something in the way he kissed, harsh and rough, that was what he needed.
He’d already had the good fortune to marry for love. Why not try marrying for hate?
Every part of him rebelled at his being with Nero this way—kissing him, wrapping arms around him, pushing him back onto the bed—but he fought the feeling down. The disgust he felt slowly began to mingle with pleasure—an apt metaphor for the state of his life, he thought wryly.
“I’ll prove that you made the right choice” Nero growled, attacking his neck with ferocity, “trust me.”
“I’ve never trusted you, and I’m not about to start.” Enrico bit back, even as Nero was hastily undoing his pants.
Enrico wondered if he only felt so good because he was being touched by another human for the first time in months. The sight of Nero taking his cock out, which should have been a horror, made him let out an involuntary shiver of want.
He needed care, but in the absence of it, what Nero was offering would do.
Nero’s dick was…fine. Enrico hardly had a large catalog of reference, but he’d spent ten years riding one of the biggest cocks in the empire. And, gods, thinking back on it now, Nic’s hands on his hips while Enrico pulled on his hair, gasping for breath in the best way.
The fantasy combined with Nero’s stimulation was enough to bring him to the edge, coming with a muffled groan, biting his lip to avoid saying the wrong name. He’d never hear the end of it.
When he opened his eyes, Nero was looking back at him, smug pride engraved in his features.
“You see? I told you this marriage need not be a tomb.”
Wrapping himself in only a robe, he swanned out of the room, making his business there quite unambiguous to everyone passing the King’s chambers.
Enrico wrapped himself in a blanket, and turned over to sleep with tears in his eyes
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wrenreid · 2 years
Conflict of Interest
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mature content discussed in this story. all chapters in master list.
Chapter Twenty- Four: Meeting the Family
“Good morning, sunshine,” Spencer teases with a goofy smile. His hazel eyes rake over your face, taking in the sight of you.
A sigh that is not happy to be awake at this hour. Spencer’s alarm graciously blared in your ears at the literal ass crack of dawn, making you regret staying the night at his place. You groggily watched as your boyfriend got ready for work, admiring his body as he slipped his suit on, then you admired his clothed self too. Despite being in the presence of Spencer Reid, who is clearly amongst God’s favorites given his looks, you’re exhausted and angry about the alarm that yelled at you.
You roll your eyes to him. “Never sleeping here again.”
“Oh c’mon, you’d miss out on all the fun,” he winks, fixing his tie as he looks down at you with that same grin still of his face.
“Might just be worth the extra hours of sleep.”
“I’ll try not to be offended by that because I know you’re just tired and grumpy.”
“Why do serial killers kill so early?” You know that’s not the case, it was that detectives needed the team’s help early, and they had a long flight in order to make that happen.
“Because they’re assholes,” Spencer says matter of factly.
That makes you chuckle softly, but you quickly bring back the pout to your lips. “Just stay in bed with me.”
He leans down, hands on the mattress. “You know I would if I could, baby.” Spencer plants a soft kiss to your head before straightening back up.
A sigh releases from your lips. “I know.”
“I’ll be back before you know it.”
“That is so not true,” you say, crossing your arms.
He laughs softly, shaking his head. Spencer grabs his things then starts toward the door.
“Oh,” he turns around, facing you again. “Rossi is having a party at his house Friday, he said I could invite someone.”
“You want me to go to a party with you?” You raise your eyebrows. “At your coworker’s place?”
“Well, it’s more of a get-together, it’ll just be the team and spouses,” Spencer says. “And yes, I want you to come.”
You can’t help but smile. “What about keeping us a secret?”
“They won’t tell the Academy, I can promise you that. I want you to meet them.”
“Yeah. I’d love to go,” you nod your head.
“Great,” he smiles. “I’ll see you soon. Love you!” He heads out his bedroom door.
“Love you too,” you holler to him.
You pull his covers back up over your body and close your eyes.
A party at Agent Rossi’s. Meeting the team. Holy shit, things are getting real. Not that they haven’t been real, because they have, but this is next level real.
These are not just ordinary coworkers. You know how close Spencer is with them. They’re practically his family. No, they are is family. Spencer’s referred to them as such. You’re meeting his family. This weekend.
It’s not that you’re not excited to finally meet them. You are. It’s just that what if they think it’s weird Spencer’s dating his student? Or what if they don’t think you’ll make a good agent? Or what if they just flat out don’t like you?
You groan, hating that you’re letting your mind get eaten up by anxiety fueled questions so early in the morning. It’s Sunday, you should be sleeping in and pushing all the worries down and making them Monday’s problem. But that’s probably not an option now that Spencer has sprung this event on you.
“Holy shit. You’re meeting the team?” Nina exclaims, a grin on their face.
“Yes,” you nod then lead your head against the wall.
You’d left Spencer’s apartment sometime after 9, needing a shower without man shampoo.
“That’s serious! Are things serious?”
“I don’t know. Maybe?” You’re not really sure. Sure, you say the L word now, but it’s not like things can get too serious when you have to keep everything a secret from 99.9% of the world.
“Well, he’s asking you to meet his coworkers. His friends. Sounds like he thinks it’s pretty serious,” she wiggles her eyebrows at you.
An anxious warmth spreads through your stomach. “These people are like his family. I’m fucking scared.”
“Don’t be! They’ll love you. You’re smart, interested in what they’re interested in, and you’re good with people, most of the time,” Nina says with a slight chuckle.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Don’t worry about it. Look, you’ll have fun and you’ll show them that you care for Dr. Reid.”
You nod, knowing she’s probably right. “Yeah,” you smile softly.
“We should go shopping for a new dress!”
“You’ll make any excuse to go shopping, Nin,” you chuckle.
“Yes I will. Now let’s go!”
“Now? Shopping on a Sunday?”
“Most places are open, and It’s not like we have anything better to do,” they tell you.
“Why not?” You shrug, and the two of you get ready.
You put on some comfortable clothes that will be easy to take off and put back on. This consists of loose fitting black joggers, a light pink tank top, and an oversized black jacket thrown on top. With it being March in DC, it’s still pretty damn cold out.
Speaking of it being March, graduation is sneaking up on you. You know have just over 50 days until you’re officially done with the Academy and ready to start as an FBI agent. That terrifies you and makes you want to throw up all while making you excited and proud of yourself.
It’s crazy, you think to yourself, how long you and Spencer have been in some sort of relationship. It’s been nearly five months. Five fucking months since the day of the little fiasco on his desk happened. That day changed your lives. It’s also been over two months since the two of you decided to cut the bullshit and be an official couple. Time is flowing by like a rapid moving river. A part of you wants to put it on pause and just enjoy the moments.
Nina and you hail a taxi and make your way to the mall. She drags you to this little boutique with cute dresses and skirts.
“What type of dress should I even get?”
“Whatever looks the cutest, or the hottest depending on what look you want to go for,” they chuckle softly.
“I don’t think I should go too hot given I’ll be meeting his friends. I don’t want to give the wrong impression.”
Nina laughs faintly. “Oh cmon, I’m sure they’d high five him if they saw you all hot and sexy.”
You roll your eyes at that comment. “Oh whatever. Just help me find something attractive but modest.”
“Will do.”
The two of you go to a couple stores, Nina buying two sexy dresses and a pair of cargo pants that you’re certain you could not pull of like they do.
Eventually, you find a nice dress that will suit the night well, you hope.
Nina and you make this little trip a whole girls day, going out to eat and getting your nails done. They have to be short of course because of the Academy, but they’re still cute.
Spencer gets back from the case Thursday evening. Well, actually he had gotten back Tuesday and was sent on another case the next morning.
He’s exhausted when you come over, but he insisted he wants to see you.
“Honey, you need sleep. I could’ve come over tomorrow,” you say leaning down behind behind the couch where he sits.
“No, I wanted to see you,” he says, a hint of a whine on his tongue.
“Awh, aren’t you the sweetest,” you kiss his cheek, ruffling his hair. “You’re so tense. Was this week stressful?”
“Yeah a little, nothing I can’t handle.”
You place your hands on his shoulders, massaging them gently. “Two cases that close together, you’ve got to be tired.”
“I am, but tomorrow I don’t have to do anything tomorrow until the evening. You’re still on for Rossi’s, right?”
“Of course I am,” you nod, going around the couch to sit beside him. “I bought a new dress and everything.”
“Oh yeah? Want to give me a little fashion show?” He wiggles his eyebrows playfully.
“No sir. You can see it tomorrow night.”
“Tease!” He frowns, the puppy dog eyes coming out.
“Poor baby,” you tease him.
He huffs, and you laugh softly, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“I missed you,” you say softly.
“I missed you too. Will you stay the night?”
“Of course I will,” you nod, kissing his neck gently. “I like your queen bed a lot more than the dorm’s.”
He chuckles. “You’re so using me for my apartment.”
“Yep, totally. I just love your man apartment that has no food like ever.”
“Hey, I actually went grocery shopping.”
“Oh yeah? For once.”
“I need you to be nicer to me, Y/n,” he says dramatically.
This makes you laugh softly. “Oh I’m sooo sorry, baby.”
“As you should be.”
You roll your eyes playfully. “Have you eaten?”
“We picked something up before the flight took off.”
“What was that a million hours ago?”
“Kind of,” he laughs softly.
“Well, I’m making you dinner,” you say, standing up and heading to the kitchen.
“You don’t have to do that. We can order in.”
“Nope. I’m making you something,” you stay sternly, opening the fridge.
“Come on, let me out. I need a shower,” you laugh, trying to squirm out from under Spencer’s body.
“But we’re cuddling,” he groans.
“Yes, and I love it, but I need to shower before tonight.”
He rolls over, pouting. “Fine. Leave me.”
“You are so needy when you’re away for a bit,” you laugh softly. After planting a kiss on his head, you make your way to the bathroom.
You’ve moved some of your things into his bathroom and bring over what you need whenever you need it.
“Y/n, you’ve been in there for almost in hour!”
“I’m doing my everything shower!” You yell back.
“What the hell does that mean?” He laughs softly from the other side of the door.
You’ve already finished said everything shower, so you get out, dry off, and twist your hair up into the towel. You open the door butt naked to face a now red faced Spencer.
“Everything shower: washing hair and using deep conditioner, exfoliating, shaving everything, like seriously shaving pretty much everything, along with normal body washing shit,” you say matter of factly.
He nods but seems distracted by your naked body in front of him. “Oh I see.”
“You’re such a man,” you laugh softly, pushing past him to get into some comfy clothes.
The two of you hang out around his apartment for a bit until he gets in the shower and you start on hair and makeup.
“How do I look?” You ask him, running your hands down the fabric of the dress. It’s a dark wine red that hits your shins, but had a slit up the left thigh.
“You- wow- you look beautiful,” he turns around while he fixes his tie. There’s a smile on his face that brings an even bigger one to yours. “Gorgeous.”
With a red-cheeked grin, you look back into the mirror. “Why thank you. You look beautiful too.”
He laughs softly. Spencer’s dressed in nice, tight fitting at the thigh dress pants, a black button up, and one of his fun ties.
“I swear somehow you look even better in dark clothes,” you grin. “I mean, you look amazing all the time. It’s that Spencer Reid beauty.”
Spencer shakes his head. “Thank you,” he laughs faintly. He comes up behind you in the mirror, wrapping his arms around your body. “Are you excited?”
“Yeah, I am,” you nod, the freshly done curls bouncing. “I can’t help but be a little nervous though.”
“They’ll love you, darling. I promise.”
Another smile reaches your face. “Okay. Now let me put my lipstick on.”
He releases you from his arms and you put on a shade of lipstick that almost perfectly matches the dress on your body. Then you slip into a pair of black heals.
“Holy fucking shit, Spencer! You did not tell me he has a mansion,” you say with a light slap to his chest. He’s just let you out of the car, and the two of you are staring up at Agent Rossi’s giant house.
“It’s nice,” he nods. “The backyard is beautiful too. JJ got married here.”
“Wow,” you laugh softly, still gawking at the building.
He grabs your hand and leads you to the porch. He knocks on the door, and it’s soon opened by a grey haired man you know to be the owner of the house.
The man claps Spencer on the back with a smile as the two of you step in. “This is Y/n,” Spencer says to Agent Rossi.
“I know you said you were bringing a date, but I wasn’t expecting someone so far out of your league, Reid,” he teases Spencer.
The man beside you rolls his eyes.
“It’s nice to meet you, sir,” you smile, shaking his hand.
“It’s nice to meet you too,” he smiles back. “I can show you around the house if you’d like?”
“I’d love that,” you nod, looking to Spencer. Rossi guides the two of you around his house.
“Wow. Your house is amazing, Agent Rossi,” you smile at the end of the little tour.
“Thank you,” he grins. “But no need for formalities.”
“Right, sorry,” you laugh softly.
Spencer introduces you to his other coworkers who have showed up so far. You meet the beautiful boss and friend of Spencer’s, Emily Prentiss, his friend Matt and his wife, his friend Luke, and one of his closest friends JJ and her husband Will. They’re all lovely; you can understand why he loves them.
“Hi, I’m Y/n,” you smile to the vibrant lady with pink and blue streaks in her hair. You offer your hand out to shake hers.
“I’m a hugger, sorry,” she smiles back, pulling you into a hug. The woman, Penelope, is probably the best hugger ever, aside from Spencer.
“It’s so nice to meet you,” you laugh softly as she pulls away.
“It’s nice to meet you too!”
The next person you meet is a badass and brilliant woman named Tara who you love immediately. She’s very charismatic.
Spencer keeps his hand on your back as you meet all of his friends. You appreciate the gesture because you know he’s doing it to make sure you’ know he’s here if you get overwhelmed by all the new faces.
“I’m going to go get us drinks, sweetheart,” Spencer says, kissing your head softly.
You nod, smiling to him before returning to the conversation with the girls.
“Wow,” JJ says with a grin. “I’ve never seen Spencer like this before.”
“Yeah, for real,” Emily laughs softly. “He’s so happy.”
“Whipped,” Tara says.
You laugh a little nervously. “Thank you?”
“No, seriously. I think you’ve been really good for him.”
You smile to them. “Thank you. He’s been good for me too.”
“You came,” you hear your boyfriend’s excited voice. You turn around to see him with a man you’ve seen him with before the two of you started dating.
The two men hug, a smile plastered on both of their faces. “Y/n, come here,” he waves you over.
“I’m being summoned,” you laugh softly before going over to them.
“So this is her?” The attractive, muscled man with pretty brown skin grins, eyeing you down.
“This is her,” Spencer smiles widely. “Y/n,” he turns to you, “this is my best friend Morgan.”
“Oh yes, the infamous Derek Morgan,” you smile to him, offering your hand.
He takes it but kisses it instead of shaking it. “It’s very nice to meet you, Y/n.”
You blush softly. “It’s very nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too, beautiful.”
“Where’s Savannah?” Spencer asks.
“Oh she’s taking care of Little Spence, he’s got a cold. Not contagious, I promise, germaphobe.”
Derek has a son, Hank. His middle name is Spencer, which your boyfriend is very happy to tell anyone who asks, so sometimes they call him by that.
Spencer’s smile tells you he’s happy to have his two favorite people finally meeting. He hands you the drink that he’d set on the counter.
You sip the wine happily and mingle about with Spencer’s friends. That is until Rossi tells everyone the food is ready. You all get seated at his big dining table, food and drinks in front of you.
“So how did you two meet?” Rossi asks, looking to you and Spencer.
Your face goes red, and Spencer’s does too.
Deciding to speak up yourself, you say, “I, um, I’m a student at the Academy.”
“You’re her teacher? Damn,” Luke laughed softly.
Spencer rolled his eyes. “It’s not as bad as it sounds. She’s almost 26.”
“We’re just teasing,” Matt smiles. “Most couples meet each other in slightly weird ways.”
“And this kind of makes you a dawg,” Morgan jokes.
You roll your eyes, laughing softly. “You men.”
“I know right!” JJ laughs too. “They’re the worst.”
“Ouch,” her husband says with a grin.
The night goes on, all of you heading outside for dancing and drinking. Spencer stopped at one glass before dinner so he’s safe to drive back, but you’re on your third, not drinking too much but still having fun with it.
A slow song starts playing from whoever’s speaker is acting as dj for the night. Spencer pulls you in, setting down your half full glass for you.
“Ooh are we dancing?” You grin up at him.
“Yes we are.”
The two of you begin dancing, your hands laced together behind his neck.
“Are you enjoying yourself tonight?” He asks gently.
“I am,” you nod. “Your friends are great.”
“They think the same about you,” he smiles.
“Yes, they even said so.”
You smile to yourself. “I’m glad.”
“Me too. I’m finally having both of my worlds together.”
You chuckle softly, kissing his nose.
“I can’t get over how beautiful you look tonight. I mean you always do, but you’re glowing.”
“Stop with the flattery,” you smile, shaking your head.
“Nope. I’m being serious. You’re a walking sex appeal.”
His words make you laugh. “What?”
“You heard me.”
“You’re a weird one, Spence.”
“You love it,” he grins.
“I do.” You run your hand down to his chest, messing with his tie. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he smiles wider. “I hate when I have to be gone from you so long.”
“Me too, but you kickass at work, so I don’t mind too much,” you say honestly. “I’m proud of you.”
“Thank you, baby,” he says with a kiss to your temple, pulling you closer to his body. Now, your chests are touching as you away to the music.
You take in the smell of him, the feeling of his body on yours. It’s been too long since you’ve been able to be intimate. Work and training keeps getting in the way. A week and a half may not be that long for some couples, but when your boyfriend’s probably the most handsome man on earth, it’s too long.
You lean your head up, kissing his neck slowly.
“Y/n,” he warns with a nervous laugh. “If you don’t stop, you’re going to turn me on.”
Taking that challenge, you don’t stop. Instead, you decide to run your tongue across his neck.
“Y/n,” Spencer’s voice deepens.
“What?” You ask innocently.
“You’re being a brat,” he hisses.
“I just miss you.” you say in a whiny voice.
“We can fix that when we get back to my place,” he says, rubbing your back gently.
“What if I don’t want to wait?”
“That’s too bad, sweetheart.”
“Spencer,” you whisper in his ear then let it go. “Okay.”
He laughs softly, kissing your head. You lean up to meet his eyes, then he plants his lips onto yours. It’s like he doesn’t care that his friends could be watching because he holds your hips as he kisses you slowly.
You pull away, looking up at him with a smile. “I can’t wait for you to be buried inside of me later.”
The comment was mostly meant to be a joking tease, but given the look on Spencer’s face, it made him start imagining, and feeling, things.
“Come here,” he grabs your hand, leading you to the door.
“Where are you two lovebirds going?”
“Y/n spilled wine on her dress, we’re going to try to get it off before it stains,” Spencer says before you two make it into the house.
“What are you-?”
He backs you up against the wall, pressing his lips to yours again. You laugh softly before accepting it, your hands on his chest. Spencer’s hands roam down your body slowly, making you needier.
“The bathroom’s right there,” you point to a door at the end of the hall.
“I like your thinking,” he grins, leading you there.
He shuts the door before picking you up and setting you on the countertop. His hips rest in between your knees, and you pull him down to kiss you again.
His mouth moves to your neck, biting and sucking on your skin. Spencer’s hand slips under your dress, moving aside your underwear. Your hands fiddle with his belt and jean button, but it’s a little hard since he’s drawing out moans from you left and right.
Let’s just say sex in a bathroom isn’t as gross as it sounds. Especially not when the bathroom is fancy and barely used.
“All good?” JJ teases once the two of you once you’re back outside.
“Yes,” you laugh softly. “Good thing the wine is the same color as my dress.”
She make a silly face, winking at you. That makes your cheeks turn a burning shade of red.
You don’t even need the other half of your third glass of wine to feel a little tipsy because the post-sex high mixed with the serotonin from the night accomplishes that.
Laying in bed next to Spencer, dressed in one of his t shirts, you can’t imagine how this relationship could get any better. Well, of course it will once you can be more open about it after you graduate from the Academy. Nothing can ruin this amazing thing you have going on with this amazing man.
chapter twenty five
y’all i’m so sorry. i’ve had no motivation and i feel like this sucks
tags: @reidsprettygirl @reidsmilf @reidslovely @awhoreforspencerreid @sexualityisajoke @nomajdetective @kenreadsfanfics @calicocatty @hotchandspencearedilfs @kodiakwhiskey @rory-cakes @444verse @kbakery @crynroom <3
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edosianorchids901 · 2 years
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All These Things That I've Done
@flashfictionfridayofficial prompt - "no rest for the wicked"
With each passing day, spending the entire remainder of the fourteenth century drunk sounded like a better idea. Crowley longed to barricade himself in a tavern with as much alcohol as he could find, and proceed to drink himself into unconsciousness. At least then, he might get some rest.
But he couldn’t even do that. He had an endless list of assignments. Tempt some bastard priest into stealing from the church, report on the latest developments with rampaging mercenaries in France, observe the death cults that kept springing up.
He couldn’t exactly blame humanity for the death cults. After decades of war, famine, plague…
The Four Horsemen must have had a busy century, too. Did they get tired? Were they as exhausted and overworked as he was?
Sighing, Crowley gulped down another cup of wine. Then he grabbed the next infernal form he needed to fill out. He stared at it in confusion for a moment, frowning. What the deuce?
“Crowley?” Aziraphale set down a fresh jug of wine and joined him. The angel looked as fried as Crowley was, his normally bright eyes dull. “What’s wrong?”
“Hell redesigned the bloody forms again.” Bad enough that he had about fifty temptation reports that he needed to fill out. Doing it on an unfamiliar form would take longer. “Moved everything around.”
“Oh dear.” With a sympathetic pout, Aziraphale took the form and studied it. “Why is the date section between the name of the temptation target and the category of temptation?”
“Because Hell exists to make everyone miserable.” Weary, Crowley dropped his head into his hands. “And ‘everyone’ definitely includes the demons.”
Aziraphale gently patted his thigh. “I’m sorry, dear fellow. That’s hardly fair.”
With a slow exhale, Crowley straightened up. He leaned his head back and pushed his fingers through his hair, sliding from brow to the nape of his neck. Then, finally, he voiced the thought that had been circling him all century. “What if it is?”
That drew a confused look. “Hmm?”
“What if it is fair?” Crowley traced a finger through spilled wine, absently drawing swirls across the table. He didn’t meet Aziraphale’s gaze. “Demons suffering, I mean. Me suffering. For what I’ve done.”
A bit of wine caught the edge of his paperwork, the stain leeching inward. Red contaminating the pure white, like drops of blood. As red as the apple he’d tempted Eve to eat.
“Crowley,” Aziraphale began.
“You’re the one who talks about the just world. The righteous are rewarded, and the wicked…” With a little shrug, Crowley brushed his reddened fingertip across the paper. Contaminating it, like he’d contaminated the world and humanity. “The wicked are punished. And I’m as wicked as they come, Aziraphale.”
“That’s not the slightest bit true.” Aziraphale shot a furtive look around the empty tavern, then leaned closer. As if he didn’t want to be overheard. “Crowley, if you’ll forgive me for saying so, you may be the least wicked being I’ve ever encountered.”
Crowley managed a glare, although he couldn’t meet Aziraphale’s gaze for long. “Bloody rude thing to say to the Serpent of Eden.”
Aziraphale’s warm, soft hand settled across his. “I believe the Serpent of Eden is rather forgetting that humanity has free will. What evil they’ve done, they’ve chosen to do.”
That absolute bastard. Crowley hissed, sudden heat of anger rushing through him. “That’s my whole point, angel. I’m the one who gave them free will with the stupid apple.”
“Yes, you did.” Aziraphale smiled kindly and squeezed his hand. “And yes, sometimes humanity chooses to do evil. But they also do good. They can be so kind, so caring, so creative. I won’t let you scourge yourself for their evil while ignoring that your actions were also the catalyst for so much beauty, imagination, kindness. Everything I love about this world is thanks to you.”
The angel’s cheeks flushed, and he ducked his head. Open mouthed, Crowley stared at him. “I, er… never really thought about it like that.”
Aziraphale let out a shaky breath and squeezed his hand once more before letting go. “Well, you should. I hope it will allow you some small measure of peace, in time.”
Sighing, Crowley eyed the wine-soaked paperwork. “No rest for me until I finish that shit. I’ll be working on it for hours. You might as well take off, I won’t have time to hang out.”
With a huff, Aziraphale flicked his hand at the stack. The red stains vanished.
Then he took half the stack and miracled a quill. “I’m going to help you, you silly old serpent. If we work together, we’ll be done in no time. I know you’re busy, but after this I simply insist you take some time to rest. We shall ‘hang out’, as you say.”
Crowley gazed into the determined hazel eyes, his resistance crumbling. He might be wicked, but his best friend was an angel. That had to count for something. “Well, then. Guess we better get started.”
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the-firebird69 · 10 months
Those are incident was a toilet paper holder which did nothing and a paper towel holder and it didn't work but they forced him to do it and it is depravity yes but they're forcing him to and to do drugs and college and drink and it was these idiot people and he almost ruined him and he has to remember that they are the ones who are trying to abuse him it's abuse and we caught it and held it off and so does he but I wanted to make a point that we respond have my husband is a man so I went ahead and as Melissa and did the proper thing like everyday for months. And he was trying to do it by fake so you couldn't make me do it and then he fell over a little not completely and luckily the thing didn't do anything and collapsed but he's alone and it's been alone and I came and showed him I'm your lover and he's very grateful he says and he's still forced to do things that are not right but he is under extreme duress and we have to come here and help him. If he doesn't heal right he has to masticate every day and they're forcing it saying that people aren't listening to him because of it what he says is a few things but mostly I'm saying the right thing and it works and you're doing that you're going to get killed because you doing it. So they don't get it. But I do. And we're not doing it on purpose but we're getting rid of you. And I used to put it in my cheek and then go home and then store it and I would use it and you just didn't notice and I'm using what he's doing now too and you don't notice I had a huge number of children from it for those seven months we dated I have about 4,500 children and towards the end of it he's developed a message for me and you guys don't even have it and you say you do and it is called Molly and you wanted to make it work by just telling him and it didn't and I use it and we separate out individual sperm and now I make millions each time and you're horrified because you're a bunch of jerks and Mac is horrified and he's an a****** and really we kill people for a lot less and your stupid reactions and free moving around like that we're going to hear a little baby sorry for you to leave. And yeah of course you don't know what we're doing so we're going to do that you're nuts we're an a****** and we're going to ding you again Mac and an idiot.
-and I do help my husband but here we are he wants to know what's going on thanks for straightening it out and I'm saying this he's never heard of anything so wonderful in his life it's what he said back then and he still says it. And it's much more wonderful to him than you know and to me. I'm smiling because he's making me feel better. We made a lot of babies tons of them and you guys don't even know about it if so idiotic and this guy mac daddy is a moron he's been connected to that thing for too long and if it's taking off probably won't make much of a difference. My husband does think that it will be taken off there yes and his old one to put back but really they don't do surgery correctly and this is brain surgery.
-they have been attacking the basis there was also a huge group of refugees more or less trying to get to Florida between both they are losing huge numbers of people huge in the Western hemisphere the warlock will be out fairly soon if they continue
-thus far the max have had a heavy night of attacks and chose the position towards the West and I believe they did that to be sure they were going to stop them and they endured some massive massive strikes huge attacks on their basis and they wiped them out and they're massing to attack again. And in my opinion you're thinking is messed up but I could be wrong he says when you put it back then it's like a Chinese computer with the original processor back and not an American processor makes a huge difference that they're compatible so he's happy about that I know it's true just that I don't have huge confidence that he'll be normal. I've seen it quite a bit and most to go over 30 years become a little bit fried some recover though
-the number of warlock that are going to be around today are greatly reduced already shortly they're going to be massively reduced and it's due to the ships moving that's right they are I'm moving south and they are about four 3 mile each River and there are about 10 2 mile ships. And they're coming out once which usually pushes out a lot more and they estimate 10 ft that's quite a bit that'll make a huge amount of algae and it's going to grow green and it's going to be humongous much bigger than other plumes it probably will reach Brazil and all the way to the south of America. They should be at the mouth of the rivers probably by 10:00 a.m. but maybe sooner they're going slow they anticipate they're going to go faster so they say 8:00 a.m. and I'm looking forward to it those crabs are going to go up there and get rid of the Idiots.
-this will kick off our key program which we need right now desperately and it is gigantic. Several movies will occur rapidly and they are intense and it's part of the Angels and demons series and yes gilene and myself I was reading it. Cover to cover each book and I found out who Robert Landon was and he's saying foolish things and I found out he is a scumbag and ordered hits on him and tons of people hit him and he did he died he was a piece of crap.
-the few other things that were happening and they're going on now they're attacking our bases a little still nowhere near as much as Max don't send a couple trillion by and they'll send about 20 to his base almost like we're an excuse and they all get toasted and they're going to be down percentage points lyrics 6.5% and now it's roughly 6% and overseas that it's around 2.5% and it'll be a 2% momentarily from this action and holding off the other stuff for a minute even the nephilim and they're not doing good at all and they're getting destroyed especially in Nevada the attack in Nevada with crazy and now Texas and they're going down they're not making a scratch they can't get there. Huge loads of iron ore cork was pulling out we're taken by Mac, and from Nevada giant loaves
-and we are getting ready to fight the warlock and we need ore too, so we are going to sit in that area and Itll beours
-there are a few more things to consider
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sunnylands-world · 2 years
𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐝 - 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭
𝐒𝐢𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤
𝐀𝐠𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐩
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝟏𝟖 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝟒𝟎
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Bending over Dusting the coffee table in the library at the manor. your little maid outfit showing your black lace. it was summer and you were cleaning the Malfoys place. your parents were rich pure bloods but said and you quote "hard work and responsibility gets you wonders" so true to that they got you a job or your father got it. His best friend Mr Malfoy was very fond of you because you were like him, you didn't like people, looks to kill and hated anyone who wasn't to your standards or your belief deserved your glance.
so here you were cleaning humming and showing your ass and center in your black lace that was rather see through. Lucius came in for his afternoon read finding you in that position. ass poked out in clear view. He was married but he often looked you over despite your age. He would say that it didn't matter if you were eighteen. if you gave consent to him should he try anything and he thought about it often. he wanted to spank you for bending over in front of him or fuck you dumb for not doing things to his liking. elegant and sexy he thought as he looked at you.
He came tapping you and you jumped pushing your ass to him from how close he was. his eyebrow raised questioning if you did it on purpose. "yes sir" you said, turning. his cock would twitch at the sound of your voice calling him sir. he straightened "ms.y/n I'd like to talk to you or rather state something I feel you and I both know" he said power in his voice. you looked up puzzled and swallowed.
you were intimidated, he was tall and had so much power "I don't know what you're saying sir do I not meet your expectations" you asked eyelashes batting. you wanted to summit to his power, be under his control and strived to please him. "Do you do this on purpose walking around my home in a short maid outfit? ass out for me to see" he asked. you stood in shock "n-no sir I would never".
he saw through the lies you were indeed doing this for him, crushing on him since you were sixteen and your dad had him over. "don't lie ms.y/l/n I know I'm rather good at seeing into your thoughts" he said smirking. you forgot about that but tried to pretend you didn't know what he was referring to. his large hand cupped your ass and he groaned your ass fit perfectly like it was made for him to grab. you gasped.
he squeezed your ass grabbed his wand from his cane locking the door and putting on a silencing charm curtain you would be making a lot of noise and then put his cane to the side and grabbed your other cheek pulling your small body from the ground sitting you on a table that was high up. he spread your legs looking at your wet panties mentally enjoying the look but glanced at you in disgust.
"pathetic wet for me from my hand on your ass" he said pulling the underwear from your wet center he got on his knees and you took pride in seeing him on his knees to taste your wet pussy. But he was no gentleman he didn't ask, he didn't wait to make sure you were ready. He buried his face in your pussy, eating it like his favorite meal.
He licked straight up then sucked your lips then his tongue circled your clit, your head fell back and your toes curled. "si-sir I'm-" he cut you off pulling away. "no slut I'm gonna cum and you're gonna make me and then clean the mess like a good little whore" he stated and stood removing himself from his pants and picked you up again and pushed you to your knees.
Your eyes widened from his size and you looked up to him and he seemed so much more intimidating on your knees. "sir can I touch it" you asked. he nodded and you wrapped your small hand around his thick shaft he groaned. your hand moved up and down and your pussy throbbed you felt desperate to put his big cock in your mouth and suck him dry but wanted to tease him so you ran your tongue up his slit that leaked pre-cum and bit your lip savoring the taste then put him in your mouth hollowed your cheeks and ran your tongue around him with your eyes shut. "your a good little cock sucker
I think I like it better than your cleaning" Lucius said with his voice deep and his breath heavy. you took pride in pleasing him and moved faster moaning at his taste. He gripped your hair in a makeshift ponytail pulling you off looking at your big eyes that glossed and pushed you back taking control. his ego left him as he hit the back of your throat and he groaned rather loudly keeping himself in your throat then fucking it raw till he felt pleased. he pulled out your mouth and you tried to catch your breath but he pulled you from the floor like a rag doll.
"I have a thing for whores who clean my house and drop to their knees and serve me as a toy" he brushed your hair out of your face. "but I have a bigger thing from girls who scream in desperation for my cock now beg for me" he said placing you on your knees and hands and you would gladly beg for him "sir please fuck me with your thick cock"
You wiggled still in your little skirt. He only watched you unpleased. "sir please I want you inside me stretching my walls like a good little slut" he leaned forward grabbing throat. "oh but have you been good?" he asked, smacking your ass and you yelped. "well have you little whore" he asked, raging. "no sir" you answered.
"But I'll fuck you" you he said you gleamed excited. "but you can't cum till I give you my word and if you do I'll make you cry for weeks"
he said. you liked a challenge so you nodded without hesitation. He slammed into you without warning going in hard and pulling out slowly so hit your g-spot hard making you squirm and cry out. "ah so you aren't as slutty and bold as you and I thought you're a tight little whore" he said repeating that motion of hard and slow and you felt his slow pull against your walls and tightened. "sir I can'-" you said but he pushed forward harder. "no you will you ask for a Malfoy's cock and I'll fuck you to tears little girl" you whimpered. "sir please I'm gonna cum I'll behave please" you begged feeling the knot in your belly. "If you cum I'm not stopping. you're pleasing me whore and I'm gonna use you my little toy, take my cock and milk it dry you filthy slut" he said. ramming into your g-spot you fell to the couch your eyes heavy and Cumming on him and the leather green couch. He grabbed you by your neck pulling you up to his chest but dropped you back to the couch ripping your top and you gasped. "Sir, my clothes," you yelled, moaning.
He responds by grabbing you again pulling you back one of his hands cupping your breasts playing with your sensitive nipple. "I'll buy you more whore, I'll buy you whatever you want if you make me cum in your tight little pussy how's that sound slut" you nodded. trying to make your weak body match his thrusts tightening around him like a vice. He groaned and filled you full and you felt the ropes of cum shoot into you and you cried out shaking from over stimulation feeling yourself let go and a liquid leaving you dripping down your thighs.
"aww you dirty little slut squirting and making a mess on my things good girl" he praised you and kissed your sweaty forehead. You nodded laying there breathing heavily. He went and grabbed his wand, cleaned you and him and sent the house elf to get you clothes. He picked you up under your arms and sat you in his lap rubbing your head and kissing your forehead pleased. soon the elf brought your clothes to Lucius. he dressed you lying you on his chest and fell into a deep sleep.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
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— Shouto becomes victim of a quirk accident. In that he become two people who get along as well as fire and ice do. They clash at every moment, and only seem to agree on one thing: their love for you. Or in which Shouto gets split into two by a quirk that spilts chimeras and in order for peace to be found you find yourself in a threesome with two halves that make the one you love most.
pairing: split!todoroki shouto x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, threesome, split!shouto, anal, double penetration, blowjob, rimming, cunnilingus, cursing, degradation, praise 
word count: 8,930
a/n: LMAOOOOOO this waas actually fun to write the names I gave them were super easy because I am uncreative. I used an anons rec for shoutos hero name: reisho so that’s what that is. and thank you to my lovely canasian for finding the original drabble I wrote. pls enjoy!
kinktober day 6 main kink: threesome
“What’s going on?”
It was a series of words that often came out of your mouth because, as a Pro Hero, there were many times where you had no idea what was going on. It usually ranged from asking why Kaminari and Kirishima were giggling and avoiding your gaze when you walked into a room to coming onto an active battle where Bakugou and Midoriya were bloodied and crazed. There was nothing off-limits to those words, as they were, after all, said in complete confusion. 
“Where is he?!” you tried again, watching as nineteen different eyes look everywhere but at you.
However, it was without given when you watched your twenty -- wait, was that twenty-one? -- former classmates both stumble into one another as they turn to face you.
“Y/l/n-chan!” Mina squeaked, stepping up from the crowd, trying to cover up the two people in there that you couldn’t quite recognize as your classmates. “How was patrol? I heard that Todoroki-kun left you midway!”
You wished that last comment didn’t make your cheeks burn as intensely as it did.
Today had been one of the rare days that you had gone off on your route with your boyfriend, Todoroki Shouto. Both of you watched the busy streets and whispering between yourself as you avoided the masses, not wanting to get caught up with fan interactions that were rather unneeded. But there had been a large altercation that required Shouto’s expertise. Specifically, the voice at headquarters commanded that you stay on patrol while Shouto would leave. So you had watched as Shouto placed a hand on your cheek, his thumb softly petting your cheek, his smile warm.
“I’ll be back,” he had promised before taking off in a mist of ice and fire.
You continued the rest of your patrol with a rather childish pout on your face, you hadn’t enjoyed being sidelined like this, but you calmly assessed the situation. It probably wasn’t a fight you would be much aid in, and there was never a reason to send more than enough heroes onto a single area. But your route was coming to an end, and Shouto had still yet to reappear. Trying not to overthink it, you frowned while passing a store with TVs out in front.
Staring at the bright, flashing screen, you suddenly felt a sense of panic at the headliner: Chimera Quirk-Wielding Villain Apprehended by Pro Heroes Froppy, Pinky, and Reisho. (slight injuries on the hero team.)
With concern pitting up horribly in your stomach for your friends and boyfriend, you finished your assignment as calmly as you could, before finally getting to rush back to your agency. You had taken to the rooftops to get there as quickly as you could.
Through all that, you found yourself right where you had been in the beginning, staring at Mina, who despite the few scrapes of dirt and soot on your costume, looked normal. Your eyes glanced over at Tsuyu, who, like Mina, was unharmed -- which left Shouto.
“Something strange happened during that battle,” Momo spoke up, her face set with concern, her eyes, although not horrified, was definitely a bit at a loss for an explanation.
“The person we fought against could make chimera’s out of people, but the limits of their quirk meant that once they made a chimera, they couldn’t add more to the creation,” Mina explained, her head nodding as she looked from Momo to you. Her fingers were tugging at her pink curls, and you tilted your head.
“Is Shouto still smashed together with someone or something?” you asked, a bit hesitant to see what potentially horrific creation your boyfriend could have turned into. “I’ve seen Shouto show up home after the poop-villain fiasco, I swear I won’t cry if he’s ugly!”
“Well, no, kero,” Tsuyu frowned, her finger pressing to her lower lip as she tilted her head. “Mina-chan and I were a chimera for a bit, and the quirk has a limit when they make a chimera.”
You didn’t like how that was worded.
“Just fucking show her the idiots who threw the match!” Bakugou snapped, his eyebrows furrowed as he shoved the crowd away in the middle, parting them like Moses did the red sea. 
Idiots? You thought, your confused expression growing as you looked from Bakugou’s frowning face onto what they had been hiding from you.
And you instantly understood why when you were greeted with two heads. One entirely redheaded, the other entirely white-haired, each with identical faces who looked at you with the same tone to their eyes.
“You see, their quirk can also separate chimera’s, and well… I — we, guess that Todoroki-san is one,” Momo informed you as you stared at opposite replicates of your loving boyfriend. “The villain said they’ve never split a natural-born human chimera before, it had been their first time, so the lasting effects of the quirk are unknown.”
The redheaded Shouto still sported a scar on his face, but he felt completely different. His face was cold, stare distant, and burning with a suppressed, denied fury that you couldn’t recognize on him outside of a battlefield. But even with the cold look encompassing his body and stature like a thick sheet of ice, when he looked at you with his set of two burning turquoise eyes, you knew his feelings for you were still the same.
The white-haired Shouto had no scar, and he looked much closer to the man you knew currently, except maybe a bit more open? His face quipped into a smile, his eyes swimming with mirth, joy, and content with finally seeing you here, all good emotions but emotions you weren’t used to him exposing to the public like this. But even with the warm, loving look burning softly around him, his set of grey eyes shone with feelings you knew were true.
“My boyfriend is split into two?!”
There was something wrong with that sentence, something that carried heat because the moment you said those words, both Shouto’s seemed to freeze next to each other. Icy and fiery glares meeting in an electric firestorm as Deku promptly dragged you out of the room with Momo and Mina. You struggled against Deku’s iron grip, only seeing white-haired Shouto’s jaw drop in the beginnings of a speech while redheaded Shouto glowered at him with all the intensity he could muster.
“Y/l/n-san, we need you to never, ever mention that they’re the same person,” Deku immediately spoke as soon as the door between the hallway and the room where the Shouto’s were closed. “He’s — they’re — not handling that information very well, and are acting rather… immature about who the real ‘Todoroki-kun’ is.”
“They’re not connected by the same mind?!” you spluttered, your own mind feeling like it was split down the middle at the hypothesis that your boyfriend was both of these men, but none of them. “So, it’s like a split personality manifesting completely?”
“We’re a bit sure on how to compare it to something such as dissociative disorder,” Momo spoke calmly, undoubtedly her mind working a mile a millisecond to make sense of the strange predicament you all were in. “He’s been in here for some time now. And from what we’ve managed to question from him, both parts of Todoroki-san remember everything. It seems they differ in just how they felt about it on an emotional basis.”
You blinked once, twice.
“Do you mind giving me an example?”
Goddamn idiot you were.
“Well, I guess the bigger emotional differences were during our high school years,” Midoriya mumbled, his fingers pinching his lower lip in thought. “A good example would be why he challenged me during the sports festival. Redhead Shouto said he did it because he hated Endeavor so much back then he was willing to prove his strength no matter what. White-haired Shouto says it was an overreaction on his own part and that he’s truly sorry.”
You frowned.
“It almost sounds like if Todoroki-san’s quirk had been only one of his parents, and his two halves are insights to the life he would have led if he had only one,” Momo offered a pursed stare. She didn’t seem too sure of her conclusion, but for you, it was enough.
“Honestly, you were the only one I saw both Todoroki-kun’s act the same toward!” Mina exclaimed, her hands grabbing your shoulders as she leaned in close, a sly grin on her face. “It’s like the two of you are destined lovers, no matter how the world is!”
“Mina!” you whined, feeling utterly embarrassed as she snickered loudly, her eye falling into a wink before straightening up.
“Alright, so just a recap: don’t mention which one is the ‘real’ Todoroki,” Mina warned, already moving back into the room.
“What do we call them then?” you whispered, feeling not at all prepared to stare at two, stupid hot versions of your same boyfriend.
“Ah-ha, well,” Midoriya smiled embarrassed, his hand rubbing the back of his neck as you all walked back in. “Only Kacchan brought up a nickname so far.”
“YOU STUPID FUCKING RED HALF!” Bakugou’s voice roared the moment the door opened, and immediately, you were pulled back into the mess of the situation. “I’LL MURDER YOUR ASS!”
“Someone was clearly not raised on manners,” came the snide remark from Shouto’s white half, and you watched on in horror as your old male classmates worked together to hold off all three rambunctious boys to keep from fighting.
But you stared at the apathetic face on Shouto’s red half, his eyes somehow empty, dull, and angry as he glared at Bakugou.
Red half.
You looked at Shouto’s white half that was grinning at the challenge, icy frosting off his body akin to the explosions on Bakugou’s fists as he egged him on. 
That would be easy enough.
You snorted, before walking forward, grabbing your boyfriend(s) hands in yours, and they quickly turned to look at you. Their gazes turning warm and full, their demeanor utterly different as the raging Bakugou faded into the background. 
“So, I’m sure you both know what’s going on at the moment,” you spoke clearly, just loudly enough to be heard over the popping explosions on Bakugou’s palms. “I also know you’re both confident in who you are, but the truth is you both have the same name, so we’re going to need a new thing to call the both of you. Is that okay?”
“Ah, I see,” white-haired Shouto nodded, his hand tightening around yours, his thumb running along the backside of your palm. “You will continue to call me Shouto, and we will call him, the Imposter.”
Wait, what?!
“I’m not the imposter,” redheaded Shouto rolled his eyes, taking the hand he held up to his lips, pressing a gentle, warm kiss to your knuckles — it contrasted chillingly with the cold, aloof tone he continues to have with his white half. “I am, after all, the one with the facial scar. It is the most recognizable feature of me. Clearly, you’re the imposter.”
You had to ignore the way your stomach fluttered and how your cheeks exploded in heat as both Shouto’s were suddenly kissing your knuckles. They only went further after leaving warm, chilling kisses on your skin. For they pulled you closer by your waist, a physical challenge between the two to claim you. Even though they both were for you.
It was only made worse by the wide-eyed, cheek splitting grins, and spluttering noises made by your old classmates who relished in this rom-com type embarrassment.
“Oh my god, enough!” you squeaked, trying to shove both overpowering men away from you.
“See, you’re being too much,” white-haired Shouto snapped, ripping you from redhead Shouto’s hold.
“Let. Y/n. Go.” redhead Shouto growled, hand exploding with fire, and you wrestled yourself out of white-haired Shouto’s hold to press your palms flat against each of their chests.
“You both better calm down right now, or else I’ll send you off with our friends until you’re back to normal!” you snap, your cheek radiating with explosive heat. With the threat heavy on their minds, redhead Shouto took away his flame, and white-haired Shouto took a less defensive stance. Relieved with their current treaty, you thrust a finger at both halves, looking between your way too amused classmates and your boyfriend(s). “You will be called Red--” you jabbed redheaded Shouto with your finger-- “and you will be White!” you spoke clearly, tapping white-haired Shouto with your other finger.
“Am I understood?”
You glared at your boyfriend(s) who were staring down at you with wide eyes and gaping jaws.
“I said, am I understood?”
“Yes, ma’am,” your boyfriend(s) sputtered.
Highlight of Day One of Living with the Todoroki Twins Boyfriend(s):
“Where is Red going to sleep?” White asked as you settled into the, thankfully, large bed the two -- now three -- of you shared. “On the floor?”
The bed had been a present from Endeavor when Shouto had moved into your apartment with you. It was much bigger than anything you owned, and while you hadn’t been fond of the length and stretch of the bed, you indeed were grateful for it now.
“Y/n likes to be warm when she sleeps,” Red duly noted, glaring at White the entire time it took him to crawl onto the right side of the bed. He settled right by you, arm wrapped around your waist, chin grazing against your temple. “You sleep on the floor.”
“You need comfort to stay beautiful, and since you’re eliminated from being that because of the scar on your face, you can sleep on the floor!” White countered while reciprocating the same position Red was doing.
Red’s eyebrow twitched at that before his glare soured and became icy cold, “I have the bigger co--”
“Both of you shut up now!” you snap, the palms of your hands shoving their faces away from one another. You were feeling more like a mother to a pair of troublesome twin toddlers than the girlfriend of your boyfriend(s). “I don’t want to hear it!” you groan as both their jaws dropped to attempt to speak their mind. “If you can’t shut up and sleep, I’ll sleep on the floor!”
“Then shut up, love me more, and let’s go to bed!”
“You don’t have the bigger cock--”
“Oh my god!”
“Please don’t go, my love, White is an idiot.”
Highlight of Day Two of Living with the Todoroki Twins Boyfriend(s):
“Well, this is certainly an interesting thing to be experiencing,” Rei’s gentle voice filled the room as both Red and White sat at her sides. Neither one of them touching her, but their gazes warm and soft for their mother. Rei touched the cheeks of both her son(s) and sighed softly before returning her attention to you. “Has it been hard? I do hope they’ve been behaving themselves.”
You smiled in hopes it would help to hide the grimace on your features as you laughed.
Just this morning, the two of them nearly burned down the kitchen while trying to outperform one another in making you breakfast in bed. It was of ample notice to realize that just one Todoroki Shouto was not to be trusted in the kitchen, but putting two Todoroki Shouto’s in there had caused them to somehow burn water and melt the stove.
The eggs they managed to pull together were burnt yet undercooked and had eggshells in them.
It wasn’t the worst meal you’ve had fun enough.
“They’re doing just fine,” you lie, your smile warm at the woman you would hope to one day become your mother-in-law. “Just a bit odd to deal with two people when I’m so used to one.”
“Oh, I’m sure it is. In fact, they initially saw Shouto was to be twins, but he absorbed the other one in the womb,” Rei admitted, a small laugh on her tongue as she politely covered her mouth, her eyes closed in her mirth. “A bit funny how it seems like this could have been the outcome of that life.”
You feel a cold sweat drip on the back of your neck as Red straightens, his eyes darkening as he makes contact with Rei’s arm, and fear thrums through every fiber of your being.
“Yes, Shouto?” Rei asked, her warm grey eyes taking in Red’s gloomy form.
“White called me ugly.”
Highlight of Day Three of Living with the Todoroki Twins Boyfriend(s):
“My love, I’m not feeling too well,” White groaned on the couch when you first arrived home.
Unfortunately, or fortunately for you, you were still being cleared to work during this time of split Shouto. After a much-needed relatively short time away from home, you had returned after a patrol to a clean apartment living room and Red sitting on the singles armchair, and White sprawled on the couch. 
You froze, Shouto hardly ever got sick! His internal temperature was always so in tune to the things around him that no virus, bug, or bacteria ever managed to infect him with sickness. For all five years of knowing him, you had never once seen him sick.
“Oh my god!” you panicked, rushing to remove your coat and shoes as you ran over to the couch to feel his forehead for a temperature.
He was running a bit cold, as he always did on his right side of his body, so you internally freaked about if this was normal or not! Your Shouto always had a specific spot on his forehead that was considered normal, but this was not your normal Shouto.
You were fucked, so wildly fucked.
“Are you okay? What do you need? I can go get you a blanket. I’ll get some soup going! What medicine do you think you need?!”
“There’s…” White trailed off in his exhaustion, his hands rubbing his face in probably his sick delirium. “There’s only one thing that will help…”
“What is it?” you asked, leaning in closer to him so that his flushed lips were centimeters from your ear.
“I need... “ he trailed off, and you leaned in closer, only to be suddenly trapped in his arms and pulled on top of him. “Some one-on-one time with my beautiful girlfriend!”
The scent of burning leather filled the room.
“Princess, I’m not feeling good.”
Good fucking grief.
Highlight of Day Four of Living with the Todoroki Twins Boyfriend(s):
“Hot soba.”
“Cold soba.”
“Hot soba.”
“Cold soba.”
“The store has both!” you sobbed, your boyfriend(s) adopting their possessive hugging on your body while out in public as you had attempted to get them out of the house because you thought that maybe, just maybe, they were feeling stir-crazy.
“But we always share our soba noodles, y/n,” Red looked down at you, tilting your chin so that you could look at him clearly. “I know you love cold soba more.”
“We get it, Ice Princess, daddy hurt your feelings, and now you still hate everything hot! Get over it; y/n always buys hot soba when you’re not around.”
“G-Guys,” you whimper, suddenly feeling drowned out with the clashing of ice and fire personalities around you as the crowd watched on in bemusement. “Please stop.”
They suddenly both turned on you, their eyes narrowed, faces fierce as they both exclaimed at the same time: “Which soba do you like better?!”
You’re too exhausted of them to even scold them like you had used to anymore.
In the end, they tried to settle it via arm wrestling, which resulted in a horrible tie. They had both tried to use their quirks to win, somehow forgetting in the heat of their battle that their quirks not only canceled each other, but their strength was painfully equivalent. 
Highlight of Day Five of Living with the Todoroki Twins Boyfriend(s):
To be frank, you missed kissing Shouto.
With them being the way they were and how horribly chaotic they acted, you knew if you kissed one, it would lead to them both impregnating you and slipping an engagement ring on your pretty ring finger well before you were ready for either one of those things. So instead, you stared at both of their equally perfect lips.
Full, slightly pouty pink lips that were somewhat chapped as they always were due to his quirk elements. Full, soft lips that you had felt pressed to your hands and cheeks for the past five days, and yet you craved it to be pressed against your lips, but that was undoubtedly dangerous.
But you continued to stare at Red’s lips, at White’s lips.
You liked seeing how their teeth exposed themselves when they smiled, or how he had barely formed dimples on his cheeks, the smile lines that had finally formed on his previously smooth face. You liked seeing the way he bit on his lower lip when he held his tongue, or how his tongue seductively swiped his lips when he caught you staring.
You snapped out of your daze, staring at the suggestive, all too pleased look on White’s face as he leaned in close to you while Red was busy performing his daily workout routine.
“You want to fuck while Not-the-real-Shouto’s busy? He won’t know, I promise.”
You flush.
It was day six of split Shouto when you woke up.
Your eyes stinging with exhaustion as you stared up at the ceiling as bodies of ice and fire sandwiched you between them. They snored softly, breathes deep and full in perfect harmony as they slumbered. You hated Shouto. You hated him so much.
This could have been a fantastic experience in your fantasies. Cloning quirks were a thing, and often you would hear about the sexual endeavors many partook in while in the company of someone with such quirk. It seemed like so much fun. Someone existing solely to be fucked, replicated from someone you already trusted.
It seemed perfect.
But here you were. Living the life of many porn fantasies, but the clones — not clones — hated one another. You couldn’t even so much as breathe next to one of them for too long before the other came to rip you away, annoyed, and ready to reclaim you. They were behaving as if you didn’t already belong to them.
Maybe you could have handled the lack of horny, lusting out of your mind sex if they had simply allowed you to kiss them without starting a war. But they claimed they would rather die than see you kiss someone that wasn’t them (singular them).
So, you were struggling.
The internal struggle only grew when they woke up at the same time. Growing when they both exposed their scarred, perfectly muscled, and toned body. It grew when they pressed their sinful body against yours, and you could only look up at them with eyes like a full moon, heat wet in your panties. You wanted something to happen because watching them go at it again for the fifty-third time today suddenly made your mind snap.
Since they wouldn’t seem to quit fighting, you might as well be fucked while they fought amongst themselves. You were a big girl, you could handle two cocks around your body.
At the moment, you were in the communal kitchen living room area. You sat at the table, trying to enjoy your cup of tea while they stood a few strides away from you… arguing.
“Would you both put those mouths to better use than fighting with each other?!” you finally snapped, your hands tugging at the roots of your hair after you placed down your cup of tea. They had been fighting for the past hour as to whether or not Shouto’s first costume idea was created because of Red or because of White. 
Neither one of them claimed responsibility on that one funny enough.
They fell silent immediately. Both their eyes wide, brows furrowed, and jaws gaping like a fish as they tried to separate their conversation from what you just said.
“Better use?” Red stated, his blink slow.
A curling, devious smirk spread on White’s face, “Oh, did my love finally cave to being fucked?”
“I didn’t think you would be into cucking,” Red admitted, his own smirk growing on his face while White frowned and glared at him. “What? It’s obvious it would be you tied up, White. You can’t expect y/n to trust either one of us to sit there, so she’d tie us up. My fire would easily destroy the bonds.”
Ah yes, how could you forget that they’d adopted only one half of the one quirk Shouto possessed. Now while you definitely wouldn’t mind cucking both sides of Shouto at some point, that wasn’t what you were craving at the moment.
“Y/n loves ice trailing down her body, I can definitely satisfy her better!”
“Like I said a few days ago, I have the bigger cock, so shut up and watch us.”
They were going to drive you insane.
Standing up from the table, the chair screeching against the floor as you did so, their attention fell on you. You felt heat rushing to your cheeks, your heart fluttering in your chest as turquoise and grey eyes that you could read like nothing gorged into your form. 
You settled between them, feeling dwarfed between their taller, muscled forms. Red was in a white t-shirt and sweats, White in a black shirt and dark jeans. You were unsure as to why you felt so shaken when you pressed your fingers between the valley of their pecs, your tongue heavy in your mouth. You blamed it on the six-day dry-feast the idiots put you in, and the mere thought of finally getting your way was exhilarating. 
“This is what’s going to happen,” you say with no room for arguing, your gaze meeting theirs through your eyelashes. “We are all going to fuck. There’s three of us, and I’m the one who wants to be satisfied, so this will be a threesome. Fuck me any way you want, I don’t care, but whoever starts fighting first gets cucked.”
Red is staring at you with his piercing turquoise eyes, White’s gaze dropped to your tracing finger on his chest. But the consensus was the same.
“Yes, ma’am.”
A warm, fluttery smile breached your face, and you nodded.
“Good… now, fuck me.”
They begin almost immediately. Two initially contradicting forces of fire and ice abandoning their internal surge for power to appease and please you. There’s no stopping the shiver and the moan trapped in your throat when two identical sets of hands you knew and craved the touch of finally made contact with your body. Red’s hands were on your breasts, groping and massaging your mounds of flesh while his mouth pressed tantalizing kisses along the curve of your neck, along the length of your clavicle. 
White had dropped down, his mouth pressing hot, kisses against the flesh of your thighs and your ass. His fingers pushing the sleeping shorts you still wore, his calloused fingers brushing against your clit. 
You openly moaned, hands pressing against both White and Red for some form of support.
“You’re already so wet,” White groans his observation, his finger slicking itself against your wet folds. 
You shake, your head nodding in full understanding as you began to rotate your hips against his finger. Of course, you were so wet, you thought, goosebumps flashing against your entire body when Red pinched your nipples through your light tank. 
“You try living with two of me and be denied every physical need,” you gasped, your voice pitching the moment Red’s teeth sank into the sweet spot on your neck the same time White’s finger curled within your walls. “Fuck…”
“It’s so cute when you whisper like that,” Red noted, his hands lifting your breast, tongue smoothing over your irritated skin. “I bet you didn’t mind our quirk accident because you wanted something like this.”
Now that was definitely something you couldn’t disagree about.
But with the way your body was so desperately deprived and how there were two sources of knowledge on you. Knowing the perfect sensations on your sensitive parts of your body, you pushed them away.
Grey and turquoise blazed into your skin, but you huffed, grabbing them by the hands and pulling on them.
“I want the bed,” you affirm, your cheeks feeling warm, your eyes keeping on theirs. “We’re fucking on the bed.”
“Of course, my love,” they responded together. And the heat in your body seemed to multiple when you pushed through into the room. 
Guiding them into the bedroom, you didn’t release their hands until they were sitting down onto the bed—Red on your right, white on your left.
Their stares are expectant, already clouded with horny, lustful need when you let go of their hands. Before they could ask what was next, you leaned in, opposite hands pressing to each of their crotches, and they both groaned lightly in their chest. You palmed them through their clothes, your cunt throbbing with the fact that you enjoyed watching their hooded, lusting expressions bore into your figure. Biting down onto your lower lip, you stopped a tethering moan from escaping when both their hands grabbed onto your ass.
They fondled the flesh as you continued to palm them, the cock buried within their clothes growing harder and larger with every quick movement of your hand. They both were so hot and dangerously heavy hidden away in the confines of the pants, and you wanted nothing more than to be choking and stuffed full of them both.
But you don’t get your way just yet.
“On the bed,” Red suddenly commands, and you stop a squeak from embarrassingly ripping from your throat. You stumble on the large bed, and both Red and White shift so that there’s enough room for you to be perched between them. Ass on Whites side, face on Red’s, and you feel your body freeze when everything picks up speed.
White’s lips are on the back of your thigh, kissing and nibbling on the sensitive skin while his fingers take up rubbing your cunt again. Your body trembles under his ministrations, hips shifting, and bucking against him as he once again buries his fingers into your blistering core.
But with the moans singing from your lips, you felt transcended. The way that your eyes rolled to the back of your head with each shift of White’s fingers proving that point, you focused in on Red, who had shoved your breasts over the hem of your shirt. You whimpered loudly when his fingers pinched at both nipples, tugging at the pebbled flesh. 
“Such pretty noises,” Red whispered, his nose brushing against yours, and you throbbed with the need to be kissed. “Are you enjoying this?”
“Yes,” you breathed, “Please give me more, more, please.”
Red inhaled sharply, his eyes blazing like blue fire before finally, he crashed his lips against yours, unable to hold back anymore, and you cried in glorious acceptance. You kissed Red back with everything you had. Your lips slick with your joining, mixing saliva while he continued to press bruising, heated kisses to your mouth. Your hands at one point had attached themselves onto his biceps, and you found your fingernails to be digging through his skin, but Red didn’t care.
He continued to play with your hanging, sore tits, his tongue entering the barricade of your mouth as he kissed you again, and again, and again.
His name spilling from your mouth until you froze, your back tightening the second something more was happening behind you.
White’s finger, covered in the slick of your essence, was probing through your ass all while he continued to finger fuck your cunt.
“Aw, you do like it when my finger goes into your ass!” White chirped, his finger pressing further past your tight rim, sending your mind into a flurry of thoughts and feelings at the sensation of being stretched out, while you collapsed onto the mattress. Red abandoned you. “Your ass always looks so fucking hot when it takes in my finger. It’s like it's sucking me back in whenever I try to pull out. So. Fucking. Hot.”
You could do nothing but choke out White’s name the second the finger curled in your ass and the fingers buried in your cunt came together to press between the thin wall separating the two cavities, and you keened at the feeling.
“White!” you yelled, your eyebrows furrowed in your pleasure, your hips bucking back against his hands. “More! I need more!”
It was at that moment his fingers abandoned your holes, but before you could cry at the loss, Red was back in front of you, naked as the day he was born. But his cock was hard, pressed against his stomach, standing tall and erect for you to suck.
“Come on, angel,” Red spoke, tilting your chin up so that he may press another sizzling kiss to your mouth. “Play with my cock.”
Still, on your knees, your back arched, mouth entirely occupied with Red’s mouth, your hand blindly grabbed his cock and began to jerk him off. You kissed him harshly, thoroughly, not wanting to let him go without exploring and feeling every little thing you could offer while you run your hand up and down his length.
You fully moaned into his mouth when his fingers lightly brushed against your neck, showing how sensitive you are. He runs his hand all the way down to your hips and latches onto your ass cheek. You mewl against him, wondering just why he was doing that when something hot and wet pressed against your cunt.
Breaking off the kiss immediately, you turned around to see White’s face buried into your ass, but his tongue was meeting your cunt with every languid lick.
“Shit!” you curse, your hips bucking and moving to better find White’s tongue against your core. But before you could find your spot, his tongue abandons your cunt and presses back against your tight, tight rim.
Trembling, your eyes roll to the back of your head, all while Red reclaims your lips.
Your hand encompassing his cock began to pick up in speed as White seemed to interchange between tongue fucking your ass and cunt. Whimpering needs only resonated from your mouth into Red’s as you jacked him off sloppily, messily at heightened speeds while you begged for more.
It didn’t take long before they both pulled away from you, and you in your heat daze, teared up as you watched both Red and White step onto the floor, their twin, identical cocks out, leaking with precum that called your name. You didn't need to be told what to do at this point as you stumbled out of bed, falling to your knees right between them.
With Red’s cock in your left hand, you pulled him into your mouth, your right hand expertly, yet blindly jerking White off. You pushed your head as far down as it could go along Red’s cock, your eyes trying to keep on his the entire time. 
Relishing in the fact that his cock went unchanged, your tongue swirled around Red’s cock, your head bobbing along his length, and Red smirked down at you, pressing the tears in your eyes away. Pulling away with a string of saliva connecting his head to your lip, you alternated onto White’s cock, your left hand continuing to jerk off Red.
White groaned at the sudden heat, immersing against his length, his hips snapping into your mouth as you took him all the way in. You had been dating Shouto for a few years now. You were definitely capable of taking him in your mouth in one go without trouble. But it just felt so different with one of your hands stroking off Red, and White’s hands grabbing your head while he thrust into you.
Before you could settle on White’s cock, you switched back to Red, who decided to command your every little instruction.
It quickly became a game between Red and White on who could make you choke and moan the loudest as they fucked your mouth and throat mercilessly. You, thankfully, were entirely enjoying it, your soaked pussy rubbing against your tight panties, and you rutted against the fabric trying to relive the building, fast pressure in your core. 
“Fuck,” White snarled when Red had you completely choked against his cock. His cock was shoved as far down your throat as it could manage, and he kept you there. Painful tears falling from your eyes while your throat struggled to remain relaxed despite the burning lack of oxygen. “Keep her there, Red. Don’t let her move.”
Red, who was only entranced by you for quite some time, looked up with amusement at his other half.
“What, you like this?” Red asked a taunt hidden in his voice but was buried under so much more throbbing lust. “You like seeing y/n choking against a cock?”
You whimpered against Red, your throat muscles fluttering and flaring along his length-- what was he planning?
“Who wouldn’t want to see y/n like this,” White breathed, and you shook at the nonverbal agreement that passed between the two of them.
You whined at the unknown, finally being released from Red’s cock, and you spluttered and coughed, drool and saliva drenching your chin while you turned towards White, ready to do the same. But you shrieked, the wind knocking out of you when they both picked you up from the floor and tossing you onto the mattress. You bounced when you landed. 
Both Red and White quickly moved to remove your clothes until you were naked as well, their eyes glimmering with their treaty, a million ideas undoubtedly pouring through their mind. 
White is on you first. He joins you onto the mattress, his lips pressing and languidly moving against yours, and you moan against him.
“We’re going to start fucking you now, baby,” White whispers against your mouth, his thumb running up against your still spit slicked chin. With just his finger alone, he moves you so that you’re on your hands and knees before him, waiting like an obedient pet. Your eyes flutter open, just barely opened so that you could meet his stormy grey eyes while his thumb slips over your bottom lip and into your mouth. “I hope you’re ready to be fucked… Red?” he called, his thumb pressing down on your tongue, instinctively flaring your gag reflex.
“Hm?” Red answered back, and you stilled when something hot and heavy smacked against your ass. 
Once, twice.
“Fuck her right.”
You whimpered against White’s thumb, your eyes watering while you studied his determined, playful face. There's a chuckle from behind you, and you shiver at the fact that you could practically smell the knowing smirk on his face.
And then it happens.
Red slams his cock into your awaiting, wet pussy with a pleased groan while you lurched forward onto White at the mighty snap of Red’s hips. Naturally so, you screamed Red's name, your pussy singing in absolute love over the fact that he’s buried entirely within you, undoubtedly claiming you once again.
Before you could sing your praises for Red, White’s shut you up by replacing his thumb with his cock, and you’re forced silent.
When they worked against each other, they were annoying, irritating, and often horrifying, but together? Well, as Red’s cock shoved more profound and deeper into your womb, and White’s cock conquested your throat, you hummed with the pleasure they brought. Together they were powerful, commanding, and unbreakable, and if the sounds of your wet pussy and choking mouth were to prove it, it was more than just a fact. 
You struggled to keep up with Red’s slamming hips, the girth of his cock stretching you out in an all too familiar way, and White driving cock that choked you out every time you moved. You felt dizzy with the thumping, tingling pleasure, your hand that held onto White’s hips clutching his skin, while your other one manipulated and circled your clit.
You wanted to cum. You wanted to so badly.
“You sound so hot choking on his cock,” Red laughed, his hand coming down to spank your jiggling ass with a single, powerful thwack. You bristled at the sensation. “Do more, sweetheart, I know you can do more; we’ve experienced you doing more.”
You garbled as White smirked down at you, your eyes just barely open enough to see the knowing look in his eyes.
“Use that little slut mouth of yours better, baby,” White taunted, his hand coming to pat your hollowed cheeks roughly, quickly, in a few stinging slaps. 
This is what you liked, you realized as you pulled away from his length, mouth swallowing his balls with heightened eagerness, your hand rubbing his length as you did so. White moaned your name, his head dropping in his pleasure as you did so. 
It must have done something for Red, too, because his fingers dug into the skin on your waist, his powerful thrusts becoming quicker, shorter thrusts that moved you against his cock with rattling power and craving lust. You whimpered against White’s balls and cried out in pleasure-filled pain the moment Red spanked you again, and again, and again.
Your cunt was fluttering, squeezing, and beating in time to your heartbeat. The pleasure within you grew from a light warmth to a blazing heat. You cried for more, your knees and thighs shaking for more.
More friction, more fucking, more of Shouto.
“Turn around, you little cockslut,” White grinned, removing you from his balls. “It’s my turn to fuck your pretty little cunt.”
Whining, you did as you were told, your limbs feeling like lead as Red smoothed back the hair falling on to your face.
Before you were ready, not that you minded, their cocks reclaimed your holes.
It was different this time.
They fucked you differently, you realized when White enjoyed pulling nearly all the way out before thrusting back into you. His strokes and powerful thrusts send the coil in your stomach to grow tighter and tighter. But Red, fuck, Red had his fingers in your mouth, choking you with them as he slapped your cheek with his cock, his precum mixed with your slick smearing all over your cheek as he did so. 
“I want to make sure that you realize that me putting my cock in your mouth is a blessing,” Red coldly smirked, his eyes blazing with a whole other story. But despite it all, you nodded your head quickly. Altogether agreeing with the claim that you needed to earn his cock in your mouth again. 
“I kno thath,” you whine against his fingers, saliva shamelessly dribbling past your lips, your mouth closing to suck on his fingers. “I promith I’ll apprethciate your giff.”
He could try all he wanted, but Red was whipped for you too.
His cock immediately replaced his fingers, slamming to the depths of your throat, all while the wet noises of your throat and choking voices joined the squelching of your cunt. Your eyes rolled in your pleasure, your cunt thrumming with energy as Red’s hands encircled your throat, choking you while he fucked straight down your throat.
“You looked so pretty earlier when you couldn’t breathe,” Red snarled, his cock twitching in your throat the same time White’s cock twitched in your cunt. “I’m just -- fuck do that again -- trying to get you there… faster… Your throat really feels like your fucking pussy at times, shit.”
You whimper at that comparison as you forcefully clench your throat and cunt around both of your boyfriend's cock. 
But you vibrate when White’s finger traces your rim, his finger not disappearing into your wrinkled muscle, but stimulating it well past teasing. You pull off Red’s cock with a spluttering cough, your eyes burning, but you find White’s gaze immediately. 
“What’s going on, sweetness?” White asked, his eyes glimmering with knowledge of what you want already, but the slick fucker just had to ask.
Too bad you weren’t ashamed of shit around him.
“I want you to fuck my ass,” you moan, your hips slamming back against White’s still shifting cock, your hand clenching one of your asscheeks as you split yourself open for White. “Please fuck my ass.”
“Fuck!” they both seemed to growl, and without so much as a break, White switches from your ass and buries his length slowly into your needy, tight ass.
The pitchy, unstoppable moan from your mouth sends both Red and White into whimpering messes as you collapse onto the mattress, your chest heaving with your heightened stimulus. It was starting to hurt, your lack of orgasm, you just needed a bit more done to cum, and you wanted to.
“Where’s my dick?” White finally growls at you as he bottoms out entirely within you. You tremble at the question, body shaking with every stroke of his cock he makes afterward. “Where is it?”
“I-In my ass!” you wail, your ass clenching around him, trying to make him feel this heated pleasure as strongly as you were. “It’s in m-my ass!”
“Do you love my cock in your ass?” White snarls, his hands gripping your waist and slamming you back onto him, your ass squeezing with the sensation. You can’t speak; your mind is overloaded with feeling and emotion. “Why do I even bother? I know you love my cock in your ass.”
Red comes back into the equation, his hands grabbing your jaw and pressing your mouth against his into a searing kiss. You can hardly kiss him back, your mouth pathetically hanging open as he kisses your teeth, mouth, tongue. So, it shouldn’t shock you that in your near blissful blackout, Red hands your limp arms to White, who holds onto them.
His grasp and hold on your arms elevates you slightly off the bed, your back arched, and breasts exposed as he begins to jackhammer into your ass. You want to scream, you want to shudder and cry your sensations to the world, but Red interrupts once more by pressing his swollen, purpling head into your mouth, silencing you with gags and chokes while they both use you.
They both drive into you with ferocity and power, your body nearly limp and twitching with your ever still denied orgasm that refuses to back down, and the way the lack of oxygen makes you spin as Red’s balls clash against your throat in quick, succinct, patterns.
“Sit down, White,” Red snaps at White, and White, who was ever so entranced at how your ass was swallowing his cock, dumbly nods. “Y/n is about to cum, we need to make sure she cums correctly.”
You whine against Red’s cock, unsure if you heard him correctly when White drops your arms. But instead of falling forward as you thought you would, his relaxed arms wrapped around your waist tightly, bringing you down with him.
Your back was pressed against his chiseled chest. And you moaned at the sensation this angle brought in terms of depth and stretch. Your mouth, freed from Red’s cock, opened in a loud, scratchy moan, undoubtedly raspy from the abuse it went through from the vigorous face fucking.
“R-Red!” you cried, your legs shaking when White hooked his arms under your knees and spreading them out, exposing your wet, slick core to Red, who was merely watching. You shifted pathetically, wanting to have both of them on you, not just one. “Red, please!”
But, White’s hips began to thrust upward, resuming his fucking of your asshole, and you howled in pleasure as he breathed heavily, gasping in your right ear. But as your legs trembled, unsure if White would be able to keep your legs in such position, Red pressed on top of you, his weight keeping your legs spread, and his cock quickly slamming within your cunt.
You had one hand buried in White’s hair, the other slipping behind Red’s back when he pressed onto you. The second their cocks rubbed against each other through the oh so thin wall between your ass and your cunt, you screeched. The hand in White’s hair tugging at his roots harshly, and the hand on Red’s back drawing bloody mountains on his skin.
But this didn’t stop them, the slight pain you gave them doing nothing but making them growl in your ear, making your eyes cross in your oblivion while they continued to fuck you.
Sandwiched between them, your breasts crushed by Red’s chest, and your back buried into White’s chest, White let go of one of your legs that immediately latched around Red’s waist. Your eyes crossed, rolling to the back of your head, your mouth agape, but no noise coming out as every massive, hard thrust sent your soul into a new dimension. White’s hand sneaking between Red’s drilling hips and your cunt to pinch and pull at your clit as you shook like a leaf in a windstorm. You came without realizing it, your walls clenching like a vice against Red’s cock, and your ass clenching around White’s in tandem to your orgasm. Both of them moaning against your salty sweat skin, but neither one of them stopped.
Faster and faster, they thrust into you, gaining such speed and power that you felt akin to a ragdoll as they fucked you. They praised you for taking them both at the same time, senseless names, and wordless praise as you took them without a single wince of pain. You were theirs, they claimed, and they were yours. 
The sounds of their cock drilling into the wet caverns of your cunt and ass, the sticking shivering sound of their balls smacking your ass and cunt.
It was so much, growing to be more and more, until your orgasm was once again growing as you attempted to shift your weak, still trembling hips up and down their length, wanton gasps shrill on your tongue. Your body begging for more.
“Gonna cum,” they whispered together, his deep, raspy voice filling both of your ears, and you wailed as your own orgasm tipped once again.
“Cum in me, please cum in me!” you begged with everything you had.
And with your pleading heavy in the air, they came with you. You moaned at the feeling of the hot, sticky thick ropes of cum filling up both your holes, the cocks spasming uncontrollably within you as their hips continued to ride out their orgasms. Your chest heaves as their snapping hips become rolling thrusts until finally, they stop.
All three of you still joined, all three of you sweaty and tired.
When you pass out, you can barely hear them saying goodbye.
You wake up, your body sore and bruised around midnight.
You groan, stretching out your neck as you realize that there is no body on top of you or beneath you as that was definitely how you all had fallen asleep a few hours ago. Panic filled you when the bed was empty, and you rushed to your feet, cursing when your knees buckled out from under your weight.
Crashing to the floor, you groaned as you lay there.
“What are you doing on the floor?” an all too familiar voice asked you, and you looked up to see if it was Red or White.
You blinked when instead the once two distinctive heads blurred into one, and you stared at your finally normal boyfriend.
“S-Shouto!” you cried, your body weakly pressing off the floor, your arms stretching to you.
Shouto smiled warmly, softly, the perfect in-between of the facial expressions Red and White would give you.
“I’m back, sorry for scaring you like that,” he whispered as he joined you on the floor, letting your arms wrap him into a firm hug, not wanting to let go as you pathetically began to cry.
The two of you lay naked together on the floor, his soft apologies gathering in your ear as you held him tightly, having missed him entirely.
“Do you remember?” you eventually asked long after Shouto managed to bring you back into the bed. You lay curled into his side, your fingers tracing the marks on his body that you had left on both Red and White. “Do you remember what happened?”
“Yes… and I remember how it all felt too.”
“Ew… perv…”
“Try that again? Ms. ‘I-want-your-cock-in-my-ass’.”
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taro-im · 3 years
“we’re not a couple”
tsukishima kei x reader
word count: 975 words
one bed trope? Well sort of :)
synopsis: Tsukishima and you are stuck at a hotel inn because of Yamaguchi's wedding, the inn keeper thought you were lovers putting the both of you in the lovers suite, well wasn't the elderly women wrong...
this little piece is for @atzuums 400 followers event! Come check it out!
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"No I'll go first" you said speed walking to the entrance of the hotel inn before Tsukishima could talk "hello there miss, I would like to check into my room" you said politely only for Tsukishima to scoff at your fake behavior "your name?" "L/n y/n" "here's the keys enjoy your stay with your boyfriend" she said chuckling "what boyfriend?" You said maybe she mistaken it "I mean this room is booked for l/n y/n and a man named Tsukishima Kei" she showed you the names on the computer "w-what this can't be true, my friend booked us separate rooms" you said eyes wide open double checking if you were dreaming "well this is what it says on the computer I'm sorry dear" "do you have any other rooms available?" Tsukishima added in onto the conversation "no we don't, in five days we do but none are available..." "Tsukishima are you okay with this?" You said trying to reason with him"yeah I'll be okay but just don't talk so much it's annoying " he said taking the keys from the elderly women
The both of you sighed from annoyance walking to the room number, you expected Tsukishma to hold the door for you but he just entered without caring of the person behind him which made you already pissed, "no way..." you said eyes wide open looking at the bed covered in rose petals and fake candles by the night stand, "is this-" "don't say it" he said covering your mouth shuttering from the scene of a honey moon suite meant for a couple, the both of you didn't say anything just cleaning the bed putting the rosepetals in a little trash can, fingers accidentally touching making the both of you gaze at each other but immediately moving away pretending to do something else
"There's no couch" you said looking around avoiding Tsukishima's eye contact "we'll just share the bed idiot, not like your going to embrace me" he said teasing you "I know that!" You said throwing the pillow flustered, You took your warm and steamy bath relaxing from the awkward tension earlier, you never thought you would share a room with him, he's always on your nerves since your days in Karasuno, Always being so pessimistic towards you, making mean jokes about you and you did the same thing to him, get even right? Things got more annoying when your bestfriend Yachi dated Yamaguchi you were stuck on double dates with him, well you wouldn't say it was that bad his mean scowl was always fun to look at and you got to tick him more off and one thing that made you question the most was one time you were dating someone and you thought your relationship with him was okay and the both of you aren't "enemies" but he was so mean and he avoided you... after a few months things went back to normal but the both of you were so distant, the only way the both of you got along was when you were bringing each other down, just kidding the both of you sort of got use to each other but at the same time put you in a room for more than three hours? No.
you looked at the gift basket that was filled with some lotions and soaps, snacks and you saw the bottle of red wine, you took one of the wine cups filling it with the red liquor drinking your worries away...
20 minutes later:
You were drunk sitting on the bed hearing a creak from the bathroom door open seeing a blurry figure "Hitoki? You said giggling while Tsukishima was finding his glasses on the little table seeing what you were going on about "what?" "Hitoka! Why would you do that to me! He's so mean" you whined while his eyebrows furrowed from annoyance "are you drunk?" "You didn't even answer my question you k-" "okay I'll take that, stop talking I heard drunk thoughts are sober thoughts" he said taking the wine cup away from you ruffling your hair pulling the pillows “what are you doing?” you said yawning “I’m making a barrier between us” he said straightening the line he made with the pillow, he layed down and you layed down too but shockingly you threw the pillows on the floor “h-hey what are you doing?” He said alarmed that your hugging him face nuzzled in his arm “this is a dream right? Because The Tsukishima Kei I know is always throwing insults at me” you said, he swears his heart could be beating out of his chest and your able to hear it “no I don’t” “yeah you do, since Highschool I just wanted to be your friend” “I just didn’t know how to talk to you okay?” “That still doesn’t make up for you avoiding me for no reason when we started to get along” you said lightly hitting him “your so drunk you can’t even hit me right” he snickered seeing you doze off “I’m not drunk, I’m jus dreaming” “keep on telling yourself that” “you know Tsukishima… I had a really big crush on you in first year and I thought we could of got along. But we didn’t and I somehow still like your idiot four eye rat face… goodnight” you said giving him a kiss on the cheek then leaving to your side of the bed making the man flustered at your drunk confession “I shouldn’t trust what people say drunk” he muttered touching his kissed cheek “and I’m not a four eye rat”
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ilalos · 3 years
Worth it (Anthony Bridgerton x reader) Part 1/2
Summary: You’re Simon’s cousin and you are ready for your first social season, excited for the courting and dancing. Your plans are shattered when you find yourself in an arranged marriage to none other than Lord Anthony Bridgerton, the one man who avoided love like it was the plague.
Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, arranged marriage, tiny bit of angst, Anthony is an idiot, if you think of anything else please let me know.
Word count: 2.5k
It was the second season the duke and duchess had the pleasure of enjoying together in their London home. The duke’s household had been rejoicing in the arrival of baby A for a year now and the family was also preparing themselves for the birth of their second child. One might think that they would rather spend these blissful moments away from the chaos that the social season brought, and one might be right.
Simon and Daphne had opted to miss this social season in view of the fact that Daphne would be heavily pregnant when the summer started and would be at risk of having the baby in London instead of the comfort of her home. They chose instead to visit the Bridgerton home before the season started so Daphne could be with her family for a couple weeks with no added stress.
But their plans changed when Simon’s aunt, seeing that they were going to London, decided to ship you, her daughter, with them so you could be part of the social season and hopefully find yourself a husband. The couple had agreed to take you to London and also to chaperone you throughout the social season.
You were a good, polite, and well-prepared lady; your mother had sent you to the finest finishing school in the country to make sure you were molded into the perfect bride. Despite the extensive preparations your mother had subjugated you to, there was one thing they couldn’t take away from you and that was the desire to marry for love. Everyone told you that what mattered was how well you could marry, that you’d eventually grow to tolerate your husband and that your children would give you more than enough joy; but that just didn’t seem enough for you. It didn’t matter how you felt about a loveless marriage though, your mother had been clear when she told you that you had this one season to find a husband and if you didn’t she’d choose for you whomever she seemed fit.
On the day of your arrival you learned she didn’t intend to give you even one season and, with no previous notice to you or him, you were introduced to Anthony Bridgerton as his bride.
Violet Bridgerton had grown tired of her son’s refusal to marry and after pressing him about the matter he admitted he was looking for a wife this season; she didn’t trust him to choose well and when Daphne wrote to her mother about you, she decided it was the perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. And so, with your mother’s blessing, Lord Bridgerton was given your hand in marriage.
“I beg your pardon?” Anthony was shocked, to say the least.
“You heard me, son, this is Lady (y/l/n) and she is to be your bride”
You couldn’t think, move or do anything but stand there staring at the man you were supposed to marry. Your mouth opened and closed like a fish and Daphne had to guide you to take a seat because she feared you might faint. Anthony then excused himself and fled to his study with Simon hot on his heels.
“I’m deeply sorry for throwing this at you with no warning, your mother warned that if you were told before you got here you might have refused to come at all” Violet apologized taking a seat in front of you and taking one of your hands between hers.
“Anthony is a wonderful man and I’m certain you will learn to like him, maybe even love him” continued Daphne.
Meanwhile, in Anthony’s office, a similar conversation was being held.
“What excuse do you have now to reject her?” Asked Simon
“I don’t know her, that’s enough to not want this marriage”
“You said you didn’t wish to love the person you had to marry, so I don’t see the big deal in not knowing her” Simon served himself and Anthony a drink as he spoke.
“Even with that being true, I also said she had to be smart and at least interesting to talk to” he took a small sip of his drink “and also that it wouldn’t hurt if she happened to be beautiful”
“And isn’t she?” Simon raised a brow behind his cup before continuing “She is incredibly smart, kind and she also attended the best finishing school available in the London area, which means she is as proper as a lady can be”
“Well yes, but-”
“Your only problem with her is that your mother forced her upon you”
“My only problem is that I saw in her face she had no idea she was betrothed to me, it is not fair for her to be forced to a short and loveless marriage like ours will be” Anthony finished his drink and slammed the cup on his desk, he knew there was no way out of this.
“She, as any lady in the country, knows that her duty is to marry well” Simon placed his cup softly besides Anthony’s “You’re the most desirable bachelor this season, there’s no better man for her if we look at status, money, and age”
Anthony limited himself to roll his eyes and remained silent, he knew Simon was right but it still stung that because of him you were now forced to be married to a man you didn’t love.
“Well, she’ll be a young widow so she’ll eventually have a chance at finding love”
A knock on the door interrupted Simon’s answer and he was thankful because he was quite frankly tired of Anthony’s certainty that he would die young, he understood that Edmund’s death had been hard for him but it was still tiresome to hear him speak like that constantly.
“Yes?” Called Anthony from his desk, prompting Gregory to enter.
“Mother requests both your presences in the dining hall for supper, now”
The rest of the day was uneventful, Anthony refused to speak to you and you were too shocked to utter a single word to anyone. After supper you excused yourself and went to bed early, when you had laid down Daphne entered your room and gave you a letter from your mother before saying good night and wishing you sweet dreams. You sat up and decided to read the letter before bed, maybe it would bring you some comfort.
“My dearest daughter,
If you’ve received this letter it means that you know about your engagement to lord Bridgerton, we couldn’t find a way to tell you because we feared you might refuse to travel to London if you knew. I hope you understand that all I’m trying to do is securing your future, the viscount is a kind man and you’ll be safe with him. I sincerely wish for you to be happy by his side, and maybe even learn to love him.
I know your father is looking down at you proudly and I’m certain he’ll bless your union with happiness, you were his sunshine and he’ll always take care of you no matter where he is, as will I.
Your mother who loves you”
You couldn’t help but feel angry at your mother for lying to you like that as if you were a child with no control over your own emotions. It would’ve been nice to know about your fate before you got here, it would have saved you from daydreaming about balls and love matches that you now knew were never going to be possible. Still, you were grateful that they had chosen Anthony, they might as well had promised you to an ugly old man. So you fell asleep that night disappointed on the false expectations you were allowed to have, but grateful for having secured the best bachelor in the season without even trying; it might not have been a love match but at least it was a good one.
-this time jump is brought to you by Roma, my golden retriever-
“If we are to be married no matter what, shouldn’t you spare me the pain of courting her?” Anthony was straightening his tie as he spoke to his mother.
“Courting, in this case, isn’t meant to convince her to marry you, it’s so society can see your intentions are respectable” she took over his hands and settled the bow tie once and for all “this ball is the perfect opportunity for everyone to see you both as a couple”
“And you act as if you weren’t already attending for Eloise” Benedict entered the room also dressed for the ball.
“Chaperoning, not dancing” clarified Anthony.
“It’s only one dance, my lord, it will be over before we know it” you had entered the room without anyone noticing and Anthony was a little taken back by your beauty, but recovered quickly enough.
“The dance might be, but the ball will be unending” with that he left the room to go and rush Eloise, they were going to be late.
You frowned a little looking at his retreating form, he hadn’t said anything about the way you looked, not one single compliment for his future wife. Benedict must have noticed your disappointment because he swiftly stepped in to make you feel better.
“You look positively stunning (y/n)” he kissed your hand with a small wink “My brother sure is a lucky man”
“That he is” called Daphne from the door “Here you go darling” he placed a tiara on your head, “I told you it would look wonderful with your dress, now let’s go” she patted your back softly “Simon’s waiting for us in the carriage”
“We’ll see you at the ball, my dear” called Violet seeing her daughter to the door.
The ball was beautiful and you felt overwhelmed by the number of people in the room. Simon and Daphne guided you through the room and you felt everyone’s stares on you, you hadn’t presented before the queen because you were already in courtship with Lord Bridgerton so everyone was seeing you for the very first time.
Daphne had begun to feel tired and Simon had left to fetch her some lemonade while she found somewhere to sit down for a while, leaving you unchaperoned and praying no one would approach you while they were gone.
“Excuse me, miss?” So much for prayers.
“Yes?” Yo faked a smile as best as you could looking at the old man in front of you.
“I see you have so much space in your dancing card, perhaps I could book myself the next dance?” Your card was in fact empty because your darling fiancé had yet to appear.
“I’m afraid that won’t be possible Mr. Wyatt, since she’s dancing with me,” said Anthony who had gotten to you just in time.
“Perhaps the next one, then?” Persisted Mr. Wyatt.
“That would be my dance” this time it was Benedict who saved you “Would you look at that? Her card is full, maybe you could try on the next ball” You hadn’t even noticed them scribbling all the Bridgerton’s names on your dancing card until it was full, but it now was and you were thankful for it.
“Thank you so much, I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had had to dance with that man” you thanked Benedict.
“What are brothers for if not to protect future sisters-in-law from dancing with horrid men?” He joked back, making you giggle.
“Well then, let’s have our dance and get this over with” Anthony broke you from your fit of giggles.
“Remember you two, you have to look madly in love” at his brother's comment Anthony only managed to huff some curse words under his breath, dragging you to the dance floor by the wrist.
Once on the dance floor, you both got in position, and when the waltz started you began gliding through the dance floor gracefully.
“For someone who says he doesn’t like balls, you are an exceptional dancer,” you said in a playful tone.
“Mother made us take classes when we were little, any respectable man should be a decent dancer”
“They paid off, it’s a pleasure dancing with you” he didn’t respond to anything so you continued “Are there other talents you are hiding from me, Lord Bridgerton?”
“Not that I’m aware off, miss (y/l/n)” his answer was short and it was clear he didn’t care for conversation.
It had been like this since the two of you had been introduced, any attempt you made to get to know him better was quickly shut down by him. It was as if he wanted to remain a stranger to you, but you were to be married and you at least wanted to know a little about him besides his name and his clear lack of humor.
When the dance ended you left the dance floor and met with Colin by the beverages table.
“Why so sad, love?” The pet name caught you off guard but you assumed it had something to do with the alcohol you could smell on his breath.
“It’s nothing, Colin” you attempted to smile as you served yourself a small glass of lemonade “Have you seen my cousin?” You asked before he continued asking questions.
“He is by those tables with Daphne, a ball is no place for a pregnant lady” Colin pointed to the other corner of the room.
You thanked him and walked to where he had pointed, you were ready to leave, and also what Colin said was true, being in this ball was very stressful for Daphne so the earlier you left the better. Soon you spotted your cousin, his wife, and, to your horror, Anthony.
“Cousin! What are you doing here? I thought you’d be dancing with Benedict” said Simon.
“I was thirsty so I went to get some lemonade, here” you handed a glass to Daphne “I brought you some”
“How nice of you, thank you” she took a small sip “shouldn’t you be having fun? It’s your first ball dear”
“I think I’m quite tired already” you turned to look at Simon “Perhaps we could leave, cousin?”
“If you wish” he looked you up and down, making sure you were alright “Why don’t you and Anthony promenade around the room while I send for the carriage? Just to end the night right, at least in the eyes of the people”
You simply nodded and watched the way Anthony rolled his eyes as he offered you his arm. His plain rejection of you always hurt you, you knew he didn’t love you but never did you expect him to despise you. You walked by his side with a soft smile planted on your face but on the inside, you were hurting because with each day you saw your future clearer, and what the future held for you was being married to a man who could not stand you and would never love you. But then he lead you to your carriage and kissed your cheek when you were out of everyone's view, maybe he didn't find you so bad after all.
Hi! I hope you enjoyed reading this, if you like it let me know i love the feedback. I’m kind of in love with Anthony atm so that’s why this is the second story I’ve written of him. Thanks for reading! :)
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