#“kids these days sure do complain a lot and skip out on work all the time”
jjongswannabebae · 3 months
Marriage of convenience (18+) < rich!jay x rich!fem!reader, hurt/comfort fic, lots of making out, kissing, arguments, angst, smut 18+, a lot of tears. note: first time writing smut- not proofread!! MDNI, please reblog >
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Not that you minded, being set up with on a date on a mundane Wednesday wasn't on your checklist. Considering skipping it, you drawled the process of making small talk with some random geek who had cash.
Ugh. Being the only daughter of a rich man had its own plight.
"Jude, Can't I skip today's appointment with Mr. P?" You complain to your manager, Jude shirt for Judith. She keeps her eyes in the road, save for a glance, only opening her mouth,
"Do you even know who you're meeting?"
You nod profusely, "another rich kid with attitude," you finish, staring bored out the car window, watching the way birds fly, free of restraint. How you wished to live to like that.
Money can go far but you couldn't get freedom with said money.
"Well, hate to break it to you, this guy, "Mr. Park" is different,"
"You always say that," you drawl a whine puffing up your cheeks with air. "I'll stake some money if makes you happy"
Money? You had plenty but jude wasn't someone who'd set losing bets. Curious, you beam to accept her bet, having a spike in your mood.
Jude dropped you off at the posh cafe your date had scheduled to meet. Wondering who exactly this man was, convincing enough to get the stingy jude to bet bills.
Surely, he would be anything but disappointing.
Oh and how right you were.
He stood leaning back on the counter, decked in a neatly ironed silk shirt stretched across his defined shoulders, shirt buttoned down with his chest slightly exposed, sleek formal pants running down his legs loosely hung off his waist.
Okay, you admit he had great fashion sense but what about his face?
Sunglasses decked his perfect slicked jet hair, gaunt face with a killer jawline, brown eyes sharp and lips small yet kissable, ears pierced, vieny arms folded to his chest.
Jude won the bet the moment you locked eyes with him.
He was absolutely beautiful and you'd experienced what you thought was love at first sight.
He drew a smile and walked closer animatedly. Shit. Your feet were frozen to the ground as your lips parted with surprise. He stuck his hand out, "nice to meet you, I'm park jay" he offered, politely. Yet your mind and actions faltered and were a heartbeat late on grabbing onto his hand.
The rest was history. Married a year and a half later, nobody could predict the marriage would be this loveless and stagnant. Not that the public knew.
Jay Park. Hier to the one and only park estate, leading hotel series bringing wads of cash. Along with your own established wealth from your dad's company, which you assumed you'd be taking over soon.
But those dreams were crushed when jay came home with the news that a merger would take place, a year after your marriage.
Now all that you had to do was stay at home and look after him and the kids. But wait.
What kids? A loveless marriage was one thing but a sexless one was unheard of.
Yet intercourse was the only intimacy you shared with him. Hes perfect in every aspect yet incapable of affection, you'd deemed a year into the relationship.
Any show of affection like cuddling or spending time you'd initiate would fall flat or would be denied, or worst yet he'd never be there for you to initiate it. Work, home, sleep, eat. That's all he did and that's why it was all the worse.
He acted like you were invisible except the days he came home drunk and fucked you senseless. You'd consent to that but it felt meaningless, like a repeated one night stand yet you lived with the guy and were married to him.
So when your parents haunted you with the pressure of having children, you'd burst into tears upon your arrival home. You hated the fact you were so shallow and unlovable to the one man you swore to.
You ignored the pressure from your parents to have a child yet the tension mounted.
You and jay were to eat lunch with his parents and then came the infamous line, "I would love to see my grandchildren anytime soon," said Mrs. Park nonchalantly and you swear you saw jays left brow twitch. It hurt.
There was nothing wrong with you, or him for any matter. Just that your marriage never even felt like one to begin with.
"So soon?" Jay questioned, setting down his fork to the plate. You could his temple crease ever so slightly. You'd observed the man sitting next to you for a long time when he'd be with you was when he would sleep. You'd spend countless hours staring at his beautiful face, yearning for his attention, and even more far fetched, his love.
"it'll be two years soon, son" replied Mr. Park giving a stern glare towards his son, eyes flickering over you momentarily before they returned to his plate yet again.
Worthless. That was the look in mr parks eyes. He'd probably thought how hard it'd be to seduce his son, or rather get him into bed.
You sat wordless in the car, watching out the window as you did the time Jude dropped you off him to meet him for the first time. Jay sat beside you, facing the window as well. Rain poured heavy, matching your gloomy vibe from the happenings at lunch with the parks. Right, you were a Park.
Love at first sight was real when you met jay for the first time. Yet he never reciprocated anything you felt.
Tears welled in your eyes, threatening to spill yet you held them back with all your might. Not here, not infront of jay. Never had you cried when he was present. It was unnerving to see his expressionless face watch you cry.
Yet your thoughts only grew worse and before you knew it, a tear fled from your eye and a sob broke from your mouth. It was hard, feeling unwanted and isolated all the time. Those emotions flew out like a river, gaining the attention of your husband.
"you okay?" He spoke softly, like you'd shatter if he spoke any louder, and at that you sobbed harder till you broke down weeping in the car as the driver flicked his eyes to the back seat repeatedly, wondering what commotion was taking place.
Jay asked the driver to drop you two off at their hotel, and the tyres swerved to the right, soon infront the entrance. Jay urged you to calm down and get down the vehicle. You complied and wiped your tears away, standing there as the cold wind hit your face. Yet again you felt like crying.
Jay grabbed you by the hand and tried to haul you inside as fast as possible, but you slapped his hand away, "I'll take myself there," His eyebrow twitched and raised, leaning closer to your ear to whisper, "there're eyes on us, the paparazzi is right here so just get inside," he seethed through his teeth.
At his words you panned your head around, merely for jay to put his arms to your knees and neck and pick you up and head for the roundabout back entrance. Absolutely stunned that he lifted you up with no struggle, you watched him maneuver with your mouth slightly parted.
On the elevator to the largest suite, accessible by family, you asked to let down. "No," he replied, keeping his eyes on the doors of the elevator. You didn't protest further and cozied up to his chest. He took three strides to the door and whipped it open and peered inside.
He let you down and trapped you to the door, his forehead pressing against yours. His breathing was erratic, his eyes showed emotion. *What's wrong," he let out in between exasperated breaths.
And the tears came again.
"Everything," you quip and wiping away you erratic tears with the back of your hand, leveraging your weight in the door to stand up straighter and look him dead set in his eyes.
"Do you even know anything about me? What I like to do, what I like to eat, what's my favourite color... Do you even love the person you're married too?"
He opens his mouth devoid of swords, eyes guilty shoulders heavy of burden. "You like to dance, you like spicy food, and your favourite color is," he starts small, working his mind through all the things he knew about you, "purple?"
"what was the name of the dog I had when I was younger?"
"Bruno," you answer, disappointment filling your being as you stare the guilt stricken man facing you. "At this rate you probably never felt anything for me, let alone love." He leaned his head to the door behind you, keeping his hand to your shoulder and whispering to your ear, "do you know why I've been distant with you?"
"if what you mean by distant is ignoring my every attempt and instant of me trying to express my emotions to you in the past two years, then, no. Probably except the fact you don't like me but needed someone to fill in the position of your wife." You huff, letting your true feelings show, the pack of interaction between you two hurt you a lot more than you thought.
"Perhaps your criteria was to find someone smart but quiet, pretty but not attention seeking and lastly a nice body would be a plus point, I suppose," you finish, one hand settling on his nape and the other his back. You keep your eyes trained on his, batting them ever so often so you wouldn't cry with word you uttered.
At first, jay showed no signs of response except guilt, then his face contorted to confusion and lastly to anger. The crease on his forehead from burying his eyebrows downward as he almost glared at you with a fire lit in his eyes.
"So you think I'm using you," he says, and you nod, solely for him to sneer and pull back from your hold, stepping closer and claiming you up the door as he swung his arm round your waist and one hand to your face, tilting it upto him, and dipping his head down to your eye level. Your lips were mere centimetres apart from collision. Eyeing your lips he grazed his thumb past your lips.
"You talk like you know the whole story, darling. It's not a good habit to make assumptions," he said drawing a line down your lips, his finger slipping past making a small smacking sound
"well then what's your reasoning to leaving me devoid of affection? Before you say you sent gifts, I know your assistant picked them, the clothes he sent were chosen with little to no fashion sense, whereas you have an exceptional dressing style so don't say you bought me those items, darling." You muse replicate his fiery response with sass.
He watches you with contemplating whether to tell or not. "We were only supposed to be married for a year." He starts slow, taking in your facials, watching as your eyes widened and practically urged him to continue. "The merger wasn't going to happen, you were supposed to take over," he said calmly, knowing how much of a touchy subject this was to you, having prepared your whole life to head the company and ultimately not being able too.
"But the results shown over the one year we were meant tobe together showed immensely worthy and the merger took place, therefore nullifying our one year marriage,"
Like rains drops now fell from the sky, the sunny days his behind the clouds like your tears behind your eyelids. Jay couldn't bare to see you look so vulnerable. He felt as though he was the cause for these misunderstandings, which he was not completely but partly.
"I, I never signed any contract,"
"It wasn't meant to be signed by us, it was unanimous decision,"
"So now they want us to act like a couple? Do they even know how hurt I felt to be ignored for a year, how it felt to feel unwanted and unlovable?" A stray tear strolled down your cheeks as anger creeped up your voice. It was unfathomable to you, to be lied to by your own parents, and possibly jay too.
"Had you known we'd last for only a year?"
"...yes" he paused, waiting for the information to sink into you, hoping it wouldn't shatter you more. Your head spun in circles as you struggled to get away from him, pushing as his chest as tears streamed down your face, brushing past him to sit on the couch to relieve your dizziness.
You sat there and cried while jay watched you unwind into a tears, unsure of what to do. 'I didn't want to fall for you, because I'd have to leave eventually but I couldn't stop myself from catching feelings when I was around you. I decided it would be best for me not to be there for you and I'm aware of my mistake here... But apologizing won't make the hurt and damage you faced go away. You're free to take your call, whether it may be divorce or not, and don't worry about our parents, I'll handle them."
You panned your head up at the word divorce, shifting to your feet and striding over to jay, where he stood previously, stuck in place. You faced and a loud smacked echoed across the room, his head turned 180 degrees, his cheek red with the strike of your palm.
"Atleast tell me you'll love me now, asshole,"
He put a palm to his cheek, running the area you struck him, watching your tear dried somber face, more threatening to brim out the ledge. "I'm sorry." He apologized, hanging his head low with shame and guilt.
"One thing you've never done to me," eyes conveying different sorts of emotions, "is kiss me."
He looked rather surprised at the observation, "I knew if I kissed you, there'd be no going back, both mentally and physically."
"Jay weve fucked before for hours yet you never kissed me once, didn't you think I'd find it strange? And when were you going to tell me about this whole one year marriage clause being nullified, meaning we'd spend the rest of our lives together part? Not that I didn't think we'd spend our whole lives together but I guess we thought different."
"I was planning to, but the time was never right, so..."
You turned your back to him and walked to the suites bedroom and to the bathroom, jay following behind slowly. Splashing water to your face and drying it off, seeing an awkward jay hanging around in the tension of the air. "Sit," you ordered, pointing to the ledge of the bed. Confused, he still complied, comfying himself on the edge of the bed.
"Good,"you commented, hiking up on the bed and onto jays lap to his surprise, situating yourself atop of him, staring back down to his glasses over pupils, red and swollen from the lack of sleep and fatigue. "Are you tired, darling" this time saying the nickname endearingly. "Not really,"
"then kiss me,"
Flustered by your demand, he began stuttering, "Are you sure? Like really?" You nodded along, "yes,"
"then I guess I could," he became nervous, but built up the the courage to put his hand to the back of head and slowly press down in it till your lips met his. The motion started out awkward, then jay relaxed after a few seconds or so and found a rhythm you could match.
The dynamic of the intensified as jay began settling into reality that he was kissing his wife. Swiveling his tongue around yours he began tasting every corner of your mouth, exploring every inch. You attempted to pull away due to lack of air but he held you back your hair aggressively tugging to his lapping tongue.
You moaned his mouth, hand squeezing his shoulder for stability, swiping over your bottom lip, and softly biting your lip, he let go of the insane grip he had on you. You heaved your chest up and down, messing your hair. You pushed down to the bed, sitting on top of him.
He tugged your arm towards him and you were face to face with jay. He brushed past hair intruding your picturesque visual. He lifted up your shirt enough to expose your stomach and rubbed past the expanse soothingly. He picked you and flipped you over and onto your back and made you scoot to the headrest.
The two of your made out for another few minutes or so only pulling back when in dire need of oxygen. Your lips were swollen but you were addicted. Even though the two if you had got intimate before, it was nothing compared to the emotions you felt through this. You sat up on the bed to catch your breath and ruffled through his hair endearingly.
With your approval he yanked your shirt off, then he stripped off his shirt, trapping you in between his legs. "You kiss me," he breathed out and situated his hands behind back to suport both his and your weight. You lunged at him and connected your lips to his, grinding down where your body met as he let out the soft noises from his mouth as he moved to kiss at his jaw, your hands running the expanse of his well built chest and back.
You obsessed over marking his jaw and neck for a good few minutes before travelling down to his nape, marking and sucked the area. You peppered kisses back up to his lips, taking his bottom lip between your teeth,feeling the vibrations of his groans down to your wet spot and grinded harder but free tired and settled on top of his clothes hardness.
He returned the favour by making you mean with every touch, electrifying you body. You but as his ear when his began to touch you through your remaining clothes, still keeping his lips fixated on yours. Approaching closer to your high you became hypersensitive of his every action he performed on you.
He set you on him and forced you down onto his hard-on till you cried of pleasure, riding off the whiteness by laying you down on the bed and dropping up on his elbows to kiss you. You felt immense pleasure and relief, showing your gratitude by jerking him off.
Tired, you laid on the bed in his arms, still thinking about the events that took place. "At this rate, we could just expect a kid," you say, laughing it off as a joke, "then we'll have to get to work.* He replied with a giggle and you buried yourself in his chest with a smile.
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Rules and Chaos
Pairing: Tattoo Artist!Bucky Barnes x Baker!Female Reader Summary: Your friends are a bad influence when you and Bucky set up booths for a Fall Festival. Word Count: Over 2.3k Warnings: Implied sex, slight humor, slight fluff, tension, teasing, inner monologue, Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?). Previous Part of AU: Ladies and Gentlemen A/N: Fic #4 for Navy's Trick or Treat Nonsense! Quick visit with Hottie and Sugar and a small mention of Thorn and Rose.❤️ Beta read by the lovely @jobean12-blog (thank you and @whisperlullaby for assuring me this wasn't garbage!), but any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @firefly-graphics and Bucky edit by the amazing @nixakimbo .Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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“You did this on purpose. I know you did.”
With a small laugh, you finished setting up the last sign in front of your table. You wanted the stand to look perfect. “What exactly did I do, Tess?”
She pointed to the booth beside yours where Bucky and Hal were also in the middle of getting their things set up. “You somehow got them to put us right next to the boys.”
You stole a glance at the “Sin On Skin” booth beside yours, the sign tastefully saying “S.O.S. Tattoo Parlor”. Bucky winked at you when he caught your gaze out of the corner of your eye. A goofy smile appeared on your face before you cleared your throat and got back to work. “You do realize I had absolutely no control over where they placed us since I didn't organize this event.”
The nearby elementary school had put on a Fall Festival over the last few years and the woman Steve started seeing was a teacher there. She thought it would be fun for the guys to do face paintings and temporary tattoos for the kids. It was Bucky who suggested that your shop sell baked goods, after running it by you first. Not only was it good for exposure for you and Tess while helping to raise money for the students, it was an excuse to spend the day a few feet away from your boyfriend.
How could you say no to that?
The only downside was that the weather for tomorrow called for rain. To be on the safe side, the booths were going to be in the gym so that the families could still enjoy some of the festivities if it stormed. No matter what happened, it would be a fun day for everyone.
“Then he did it and now I have to watch you two make eyes at each other between customers tomorrow,” Tess accused, but there was no malice behind her words. You didn’t argue since there was a good chance that you would check Bucky out and vice versa. “And aren’t you two hanging out tonight after we finish up?”
“Yeah. We’re doing a movie night,” you replied. You hadn’t had a chance to do a lot of fall activities with Bucky yet, but he promised that he’d take you on a hayride tomorrow before the event was over. And the two of you were watching scary movies tonight. A perfect excuse for you to snuggle against him.
Which will probably end with him inside me, so well worth the jump and scares.
“I still think he’s the reason why we’re next to each other,” Tess said, checking over the order you put together. You made sure there was a range of Autumn and Halloween colors and everything was back at the shop ready for you to set out the following morning. “Though I shouldn’t complain. You two are cute together and he makes you happy.”
“We are a cute couple,” Bucky said, winking at you again. “And she makes me happy, too.”
You had to smile as your heart skipped a beat. It still felt a bit like a dream that the handsome tattoo artist was your boyfriend, but he was yours. It was silly to think that the season was brighter because you had him around, but he was like the unexpected warmth you sometimes experienced on a cool day when the sun came out. If you told him that, you knew he’d argue that it was the other way around. That you were the one who brightened everything around you.
Bringing out the best in each other is what good couples do.
“Get back to work, Hottie. We’re almost done,” you teased when he walked around his table. Clad in one of his signature Henley's, maroon to likely go with the fall theme, you found yourself staring at his chest as he stopped in front of you. Your eyes snapped to his lips when he tapped them with his finger.
“Gimme a kiss first, Sugar,” he said, his voice as warm as your cheeks felt. “One little kiss. That's all I'm asking for.”
“Fine,” you agreed, moving in close. “One kiss.”
He cupped your jaw as he leaned in and deeply kissed you, instantly making you melt against him as you kissed him back. You smiled as you tried to pull away after a second, his lips eagerly seeking yours as he went in for seconds. You discovered after your first date that one kiss was never enough for your boyfriend. He claimed your sugary lips drugged his system with desire and the only cure was for him to have another taste, which made him crave you and your kisses more.
I crave him, too.
He wrapped a hand around your hip and dragged you closer as you mewled, a sound of need that you tried to stamp out. Arousal seized you as his tongue licked along your mouth. It wasn’t fair that his kisses brought such a strong reaction out of you, especially when there was nothing you could do to satisfy it. At least, not right this second.
I’m not going to wiggle my hips and rub my pussy against his cock. I will maintain some sort of self-control.
“Hey!” Hal grinned as you tore your lips away from Bucky’s, shivering at the slight growl he let out at being interrupted. The sound made you want him more. “You two can’t fool around here. Not unless you’re teaching Sex Ed.”
“Yeah,” Tess chimed in, handing you her phone so you could take photos. Bucky still had a hand on your hip, only allowing you to twist a bit. The possessive touch also had safety behind it, telling you that you had nothing to fear when he was close by. “Behave, you two. This is a school.”
Your jaw dropped before you snapped a few pictures, making sure to capture the entire booth. You’d have to get more in the morning once the treats were set out. “We are professionals. We would never fool around here.”
And, thankfully, no children were nearby to witness you and Bucky kissing each other since it was after hours. You couldn’t wait to see him interact with the kids though. They would adore him and his gentle giant demeanor. The kids would love all of them. Jake’s sister even planned to stop by so his niece could get a face painting done.
“So, you're saying if he dragged you off to a nearby classroom… Oh, come on. Like you didn’t think about it the second you asked for a kiss,” Hal said, shrugging when Bucky shot him a glare and set out a bottle of orange paint that matched the shade of his hair. You wondered if he’d keep it orange for November or if he’d go for a shade of red. “Or maybe you two will roll in the hay during that hayride you keep talking about.”
Bucky didn’t look at all embarrassed, swearing that the boys were used to hearing him moan on and on about you. It was a nice feeling. “Like she said, we’re professionals and we wouldn’t do that,” he argued, raising an eyebrow. “And did you just say ‘roll in the hay’? You sound like Jensen.”
“I’m a country boy at heart. I know all about rolling in the hay,” he smirked, looking over at you when your boyfriend pulled you closer. “Hey. Don’t classrooms have locks?”
“Hal, stop encouraging them,” Tess hissed as he chuckled. It was too late. They planted the seed and you knew Bucky was thinking about it, too. “Though he does have a point. Just go into one of the rooms and lock the door. No one will notice.”
“And there’s still time before we have to get out of here,” Hal added as he checked his watch. “Make it a quickie.”
“Hold on,” you said, handing the phone back to Tess when you realized you were still holding it. “You two are actually encouraging us to find a classroom to fool around in? The night before the event?”
Not that it wouldn’t be fun and a good stress reliever, but-
“It’s no different than you two in the kitchen,” your friend said, pointing at Bucky as your cheeks got hot. “Yeah, I had that counter cleaned twice.”
Bucky turned his head toward you, humor in his eyes as you played innocent. “You told her about that?” he asked, brushing a kiss to your temple. You had to tell her. It was technically her kitchen, too. “How I ate you out so good you almost cried?” he added low enough for only you to hear.
You trembled at the memory, the mere thought of his skilled tongue and fingers making your toes curl in your boots. Before you could open your mouth to say something in your defense, Hal laughed. “And it’s no different than the two of you messing around in the break room. Thought Andy was gonna buy a new couch to replace it.”
It was Bucky’s turn to feign innocence as you gazed at him, gently tugging on his bun as tried not to smile. “You told him about that?”
Earlier in the week, you waited around for him to close the parlor. The two of you chatted on the couch when you didn’t want to leave right away, which led to a heated makeout session. It wasn’t long before he had you in his lap, bouncing you up and down on his cock as he growled filthy praises. How well you took him, how beautiful you looked riding him. It was a feat that you could walk out before he took you home.
Where he wrecked you all over again.
“Steve told him, so everyone knows. Punk can’t keep a secret to save his life,” Bucky said, glancing around where a few others were starting to wrap up. “Look. Messing around in our shops is one thing. We own them. Messing around here is something else.”
“He’s right. And even if we wanted to mess around, I’m pretty sure the security guard or administrators will catch on if we suddenly take a stroll down the halls,” you said before your brow furrowed. “Wait a second. Where’s Steve?” you asked. You hadn’t seen him since he dropped off the table banner.
Hal looked behind him and shrugged. “Wasn’t he helping Rose grab decorations for one of the other displays?”
“It shouldn’t take that long, should it?” your boyfriend asked.
As if on cue, Steve rushed into the gym and came to a stop a foot away from the booth. His cheeks were pinker than usual and his hair was a bit of a mess. “Sorry. Rose was showing me around. She’ll be back in a minute.”
Bucky nodded slowly. “Thought you two were getting decorations.”
“Well, yeah. We did. She has them,” he said quickly.
“Check your fly,” Bucky said, nodding to his crotch.
Hal laughed so hard he almost fell over as Steve fixed his pants, you and Tess covering your mouths to not draw more attention as you giggled. “See? If Stevie can have fun in a classroom, so can you.”
The blonde looked slightly offended by the assumption. “We were not in a classroom,” he stated as you all stared in disbelief. It only took a moment for him to smile. “We were in an office. That’s completely different.”
You shared a look with Bucky, practically seeing the lightbulb turn on over his head. “An office?” he repeated.
Steve nodded, pointing to one of the gym doors. “Yeah, the principal's office is that way and the nurse’s office,” he said, smirking when he realized why his best friend was asking. “You’re worse than I am, you know that?”
“Worse than what?” a kind voice rang out, Steve's girlfriend gracefully walking over with a small box in hand. He took it from her hands immediately, like it was too heavy for her.
“Buck was wanting to, um, 'visit' one of the offices,” he replied.
Rose kept a neutral look on her face as she looked at you two. “So he told you,” she said carefully.
The poor guy really can't keep a secret.
“More like his open fly told us,” Hal chuckled, holding up his hands when Steve took a step toward him.
Rose placed a hand on his arm, stopping him in his tracks. “I normally wouldn't encourage this, but since Steve let the cat out of the bag,” she said, smiling when he gave her a lopsided grin. “The teacher's lounge should still be unlocked, but only for a few more minutes and I can't help you if anyone walks in. You're on your own. Got it?”
“Got it,” Bucky chuckled, leaning in close to breathe against your ear. “What do you say, Sugar? Think we can sneak in there? Have a bit of fun before our movie night? Break a few rules?”
The thought had you squeezing your thighs together in anticipation. “Thought you wanted one kiss before you got back to work. Not a quickie.”
“Let’s live dangerously,” he smiled.
Your breath hitched, something in your mind telling you to go along with the crazy idea. It wouldn’t hurt anyone. The two of you would clean up any mess you’d make once you were done. And if Rose, who worked here, had fun with Steve, would it be so wrong for you to do the same?
“You’re a bad influence,” you smiled back as he tugged you by the hand toward the door. “All of you!” you added when Tess laughed and Hal whistled.
But it’s good to be bad now and again, especially with the right partner by my side.
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So, did Bucky fuck you against the door, the vending machine, or on a table? Love and thanks for reading! 🧡
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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cinnamonest · 3 months
Childe is probably gonna force reader to be fully dependent on him. Just move in with him you don't need your own place. Oh job is hard? Then quit. He has enough to support you both
AAAAAAAAAAAA anon you have no idea how much I love the “man gradually pressuring you into quitting your job so you’ll be dependent on him” trope (especially combined with the “have my baby too so you can’t afford to leave” which is also 100000% him)
He presents it, of course, as something benevolent — that he’s willing to let you be fully dependent on him. So many people out there would be so grateful to be able to do that, to have such security. He ensures that he never brings it up without making you feel a twinge of guilt for even suggesting that you want to keep working.
He constantly asks you how your day was, what you did, and skips over all the good stuff, waits for you to mention something negative and latches onto it, asking you more, drawing it out, ensuring you focus on the bad. Casually reminds you that, you know, that thing you're complaining that you can't get done, well, you'd have a whole lot more time to work on it if you didn't work all day. Or that event you wanted to go to together, but couldn't because it interfered with work? Or that out-of-town relative who was visiting your area, but you had to miss out on seeing them because of work?
So on and so on. Negativity ensures that you remember the bad parts, that it stands out more, that it takes the forefront of your thoughts, and soon the whole “be my wife barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen with our ten kids” thing he’s offering doesn’t sound so bad by comparison... and even if you start thinking about the ramifications of that, he'll be sure to overwhelm you with distraction or positivity on the idea anyway.
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woso-lover234 · 4 months
Matilda’s x (teen) reader- beach day
Before the end of the camp after the Olympic qualifiers everyone promised you (and harper and Harley) that you guys would go to the beach. After a lot of talks with the older girls from staff they finally agreed so the next day the girls were due to head off.
The morning they were due for the beach trip Caitlin woke you up early so we would be able to find a good spot on the beach as that is what everyone agreed on minus mini and Tameka due to having kids with them.
After you groggily got up and complained to Caitlin it was too early and she just rubbed your back and helped you get ready.
"Do you think someone will teach me how to surf?" You asked Caitlin who nodded
"I'm sure if you ask nice enough they will say yes and teach you if you wanted" she replied as your smile grew.
On the car ride there you were stuck between Kyra and Charli and demanded they play I spy with you which they agreed to. After a few rounds you all started getting competitive and Caitlin, Alanna and macca (finally being the responsible ones) shut the game down so the three of you had to sit in silence the rest of the 5 minute journey.
Once you all got to the beach the older girls all set up their towels and umbrellas and just as you were about to make a quick break for the water mini grabbed your arm
"Sunscreen" she said putting it in the hand she had grabbed as you groaned
"Do I have to?" You asked and a few of the girls that were around heard and laughed
"We may love you but the sun doesn't really love you which means your gonna burn without this and I don't want to deal with that" mini said which caused more laughter from the girls and a sigh from you as you nodded and mini made quick work of rubbing some on your face, neck and ears.
"Can we go in now?" You asked as you were waiting on your towel for a 'responsible adult' to be ready and go in with you which ruled out macca and Kyra who were the only ones ready and actually wanting to go in the water.
"Just wait another minute y/n/n I'll come in a sec I gotta let my sunscreen set" Charli said from beside you as you kept chucking longing glances at the water which felt so close yet so far to you.
After Charli had deemed that her sunscreen had set you, her, Kyra, macca, Caitlin and Sam headed into the water.
"Is no one else coming in?" You asked shocked so much of them decided to skip to opportunity to go in the ocean.
"I think teagan and raz are coming in, in a bit" macca replied just as she got splashed with water by you as you laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world "your gonna regret that" macca said smiling deviously as she advanced towards you as you tried to cower away behind Caitlin.
"Nuh uh" Caitlin said tryna move from infront of you "stay away from me" Caitlin finally moved from infront of you
"Traitor" you yelled at her as she pushed you towards macca as you then screamed which made the group around you laugh. You then caught sight of teagan and raz coming into the ocean and quickly swam towards them and hid behind the two before putting on an innocent act.
After a while of swimming you decided you wanted to surf. You came back to the shore asking all of the Matildas if they knew how to surf before you settled on lyds. Lyds grabbed a board and headed into the water with you to teach you some basics and hopefully by the end get you on some waves.
After a few failed attempts which between all of the Matildas on the beach had been filmed, you were starting to get that hang of it. You called out to lani and told her to watch this so Alanna took it upon herself to film it as lyds said a nice wave was coming. All of the Matildas on the beach and the rest that were scattered in the water watched with anticipation. You caught the wave and stood up smiling and throwing your fists in the air
"NAILED ANOTHER SPORT!" You yelled having finally gotten the hang of it before being smashed by a wave and unbeknownst to you lani had gotten all of that (including your fall) on camera.
After finally wearing yourself out after spending atleast 4 hours in the water and some out to reapply sunscreen, which you were forced to do or would have to stay in the shade next to lani, you came out of the ocean and laid on your towel. Steph was next to you and started patting your hair and detangling it a bit due to it being messy from the water and she didn't want to have to deal with it all later. She adjusted the umbrella to shade most of your body from the sun which Steph found hard eventhough you were wearing long sleeved bathers with shorts but Steph eventually managed it.
alannakennedy posted a new story
*the video of you surfing and saying you mastered another sport with lani writing 'wouldn't say mastered with all the attempts it took @y/n.y/l/n'
Once everyone realised you were having a little nap they were all interested to see what you would say when she woke up as it was always hilarious. When you started to stir everyone pulled their phones out but mini due to holding a sleeping harper and Steph due to running her fingers through your hair gently as to not hurt you or wake you up too fast.
"There's sand in my bed" you grumbled rubbing your eyes as everyone laughed.
After you had fully woken up you were ready to go back in the water again.
"Who wants to go back in the water with me?!" You yelled so all the Matildas that are still there can hear you
"I'll come" teagan says as you both go to the water
When lani and Steph look back out they see Tegan piggybacking you into the ocean so you're barely making contact with the water. Alanna laughs filming it to post on her Instagram story
alannakennedy posted a new story
*the video of you getting a piggyback from Teagan with the writing 'I thought she said she wanted to go back IN the ocean @y/n.y/l/n @teaganmikah'
After splashing around in the water with Teagan and playing mermaids with Cait, macca, Sam and Kyra you had fully worn yourself out and retreated back to the shore, slightly red (which would most likely go more red soon) and really hungry. Shortly after everyone left and as soon as you got back to the hotel you were in the shower to rid yourself of the salt, sand and smell of the ocean from your body. After that you enjoyed a peaceful dinner with the team before gathering in Alanna and maccas room for team bonding where you promptly fell asleep on Caitlin and everyone now realised how sunburnt you truly were
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silencesscreams · 1 year
be my mistake
steve harrington x f!reader (smut)
“steve, how could i avoid you? it’s impossible, you’re everywhere i look!“
a/n: also i slipped in a little amy march reference in the discussion part, its my steve fic, sorry in advance if you dont like it and its shitty!! english isn’t my first language so sorry about any grammar mistakes
warnings: angsty-ish, best friends w the scoops troop (i love them so muchhh), afab reader, crying, swearing, kissing, praise, oral (f receiving), begging, a bit of degradation, penetration, unprotected (do not do this pls.),
you could say that working at the local family video had its perks.
specially when your two closest friends worked with you but, of course, none of them knew about your recently resurfaced crush on one of them.
steve was not the same guy he was when you met him, sure, he flirted with a lot of girls, and with you, but he was nicer. he was sweet to customers, he even occasionally 'babysit' (that was how robin called hanging out with the kids he was friends with).
recently, steve had become more touchy towards you, he was constantly giving you hugs, he even held your hand at the movies once! sure, you and steve had become best friends, but did he know the effect he had over you? he must know. you blushed whenever he barely touched you, and you felt like your feelings were pretty obvious, you never knew how to hide them properly. he must know, right?
something else, which robin had noticed and commented on with you, was that steve hadn't flirted with any girls in a while now. sure it was weird, because thats basically the thing he did the most, but you didnt really bother, it actually made you a bit less insecure.
you, steve and robin started to watch movies every late monday, since you had less customers on those days, so you'd usually 'work late' and get some takeout and watch some shitty movie you'd probably talk through and make very bad jokes about later.
“ladies! im going on a second date tonight!” he said, barging in with a smile on his face. you could feel your heart fall to the ground, you didn’t even know he had a first date with someone recently.
“what? with who?” robin asked confused.
“her names camila, she goes to state college, i think”
“hm, and did you tell her you have no dreams for the future and work at a family video?” robin teased him.
“oh please, i have a lot of dreams!” he complained, putting on his vest.
“sure you do, stevie” you commented, rolling your eyes playfully. why were you feeling so stupid?
you could feel your stomach fall to the ground, god, that hurt.
it was not like you ever even kissed him. so that meant he was just flirting with you for the fun, then, god, that hurt even more.
and plus, it was steve harrington.
you wouldn’t want to ruin your friendship ever, specially not because of some crush you had, if you could even call it that.
it lasted so long it was probably a free fall at this point.
and so steve went on the date.
and with that, steve had a new girlfriend.
and you hated every single cell in her body.
camila was mean, evil, sick, twisted, a bitch, disgusting and she had this god awful breath. her perfume left you with headaches. and did i say she was mean? because she really was.
but you couldn’t help to not be at least a bit angry at him, and so you found yourself avoiding him at all costs. mostly because he was always with camila and you found her insufferable, but it was also because, yes, you were hurt.
then steve and camila broke up.
so you found out, you had no excuse not to hang out with him anymore. you had no excuse to skip movie sessions, outings, or anything else.
and so whenever a hang out would come up, you suddenly had a sore throat, a headache, a fever. and you don’t know why, but robin wasn’t judging you for it.
you told her about your crush and told her that was the reason you weren’t hanging out with them outside of work, and she understood. she didn’t even question it, and that made you feel worse about it.
“okay, whenever you’re ready to hang out again, feel free to come over, alright?” that was all she said. and it hurt deeply, because you missed your best friends.
but being around steve was unbearable.
and you still, gave it a shot.
monday came around, and robin invited you to hang out at steve’s and watch friday the 13th. for the first time in 2 months, you said yes.
punctually, you were at steve’s, it was 7pm and that was half an hour later to what robin scheduled with you, but her car wasn’t on the driveway. that definitely made you nervous. one thing was hanging out with steve AND robin, the other was hanging out with steve.
took a while for steve to answer the door, once he did, he was standing there in all his glory, wearing grey sweatpants and shirtless. you could feel all your dignity (which was very little) leave your body. you were feeling your body get hotter by the second and the butterflies in your stomach were going crazy.
“hey, come in” he smiled awkwardly, looking around his house nervously.
“sorry i didn’t answer the door earlier, my family’s out of town and i forgot and assumed someone else would answer it.” you smiled at him.
“no problem” you said, trying so hard not to look at him.
“hm, i’m gonna put something on, sorry about that. feel free to sit on the couch, eat, whatever you want to do is fine”
“okay” you smiled, heading over to his living room. there was popcorn on the coffee table, the vhs tape on the table and there was a half filled dr pepper bottle on the floor. you thought it was sweet steve put this together, why aren’t you that mad at him anymore?
when he came back, he was wearing a old t shirt, stained with something that looked like ketchup. he was smelling good. had he put on perfume? god, you missed his smell.
“you wanna start now?” he asked, putting the tape in the vcr.
“maybe we should wait for robin, right?” you asked, fiddling with the hem of your skirt.
“she’s not coming. didn’t she tell you? she got caught up with something at work.”
“oh, right.” she didn’t tell you, and you were sure that was written all over your face.
“y/n?” he called.
“yeah?” you looked at him, your ears flushed.
“have you been avoiding me?” oh shit.
“what do you mean?” you decided to lie shamelessly was just the way to go.
“you know what i mean. you never go out with us anymore, and now i’ve just mentioned robin isnt coming, i realize its because of me.” oh shit.
“what?” you laugh anxiously. “no, i just wanna see the movie, its not like that.”
“stop it. you havent been able to look at me for weeks now and i dont get it. goddamn it! im your best friend!” he sighed, rubbing his eyes the way he did when he was nervous.
“steve, how could i possibly avoid you? you’re everywhere i look!” you blurt out, he was looking at you now. “you’re at my job, you’re near my house, you give me a ride home, you’re in my fucking friend group!”
“i just wanna know what i did, because i never meant to hurt you-“
“steve, stop it, you’re being mean.” you were looking at his hairline, not actually being able to see his eyes in that moment, you were about to do it. “you know how i feel about you and you always have.”
that was probably it, that was the death of the friendship.
“what?” he lowered his head, trying to get something out.
“you dont get to do this to me, okay? you don’t. not when you desperately flirted with me for months just to get a girlfriend. not when you tricked me into thinking that maybe, just maybe, you felt the same. not when i’ve been in love with you since middle school.” you felt like you just had a knife shoved into your stomach because of the way he looked at you. brows furrowed, eyes empathetic, but not looking at you directly.
“im going home.” you managed to get that out, with eyes watery and cheeks flushed. you got up, trying so hard not to look back at him, counting your steps to the door.
you felt a hand gripping your shoulder.
“stay.” he whispered.
“what?” you turned around, looking up at his hazel colored eyes.
“stay.” his hands were on your waist.
“okay.” you answer, looking directly into his dark pupils and that was probably it for you. someday this man might just kill you, your heart was beating faster than ever and you could feel your stomach knotting and knotting and knotting, it was so silly. you felt so incredibly silly.
until he pulled you in. until he was just a few centimeters away from your lips.
it all happened way too fast.
his lips were touching yours, his hands all over you. you ran your hands through his hair, your mouth parted as his tongue slides into your mouth, licking over yours. his hands on your waist.
your hand goes under his shirt and he felt so warm, until he pulls away. you look up at him, doe eyed and he smiles at you.
he doesn’t even have to say anything, and neither do you.
he takes you up to his room, his hand pressed against your lower back, leading you upstairs with the biggest smile on his face.
he opens the door for you, as you head in you notice he’s just looking at you, blushing and shifting from foot to foot. he gives you a look you had never seen before and it makes your heart pound faster than ever. you can’t bear to hide a smirk.
he stood still in the doorway, but he quickly steps forward once you go up to him and peck his lips, giving him a perfect view of your bra.
holy fucking shit.
then, like it didn’t drive you insane, you pull away, grinning at how he went forward with you.
you were sat at the edge of the, bed legs crossed and eyes observant as he locked his door.
with a speed that drives you crazy, steve lifts you and pulls you into his lap, so you’re straddling him. he does that so quickly, it makes you yelp once you land comfortably, instinctively grinding your hips down, making him groan, the low tone of his voice making heat shoot between your thighs.
“such a tease.” he was toying with the hem of your skirt. “this is hot.” he whispered, voice thick as he lays his left hand on your overexposed thigh.
you go over to kiss him again but stop in the middle of the way, liking the way he looked at you. you lift his hand, from the fabric of your skirt up to your mouth, kissing his knuckles. the action feels so intimate and sweet it makes him smile a bit (he also gets a bit hard but that’s not the point).
you look down at him from where your sat, eyelashes batting as you stop kissing his knuckles when he pulls his hand from you, slipping his fingers between yours and gripping your thigh with the spare hand. you kiss down his neck and he can’t stop thinking of how pretty you looked, really.
that shirt, that bralette he knew was under it.
its not fair you looked like that. he just couldn’t help himself at the sight of you.
his hands coast up your bare sides under the shirt, that made you shudder and rock a little in his lap, the relief of the friction ended suddenly as he grabd your hips and pins you down firmly onto him, so you can’t move.
it was useless to try to roll your hips, specially with his hold pinning you down.
he hums, hand sliding further up your top and squeezing just below your tit.
you can’t help but moan a little as he palms your skin, his voice low and thick as honey,
“you look like…” your head tips back at the feeling of his hands on you and he takes that as an opportunity to trail soft kisses along your neck “like you’re mine.” you mewl weakly as his hand cups your breast, his touch clouding up your brain.
“you’re mine, right?” you nod eagerly, pushing up against the hand tucked under your shirt. he clicks his tongue and rolls your sensitive bud between his fingers, “not an answer, hun.”
he had barely touched you and you’re already shaking, breathing heavily and face flushed.
he started kissing your neck, nipping at it.
“answer or you’re not cumming tonight.” the timbre of his voice was incredibly low once he said that, it made your eyes round and your hips buck into air.
“steve, yes, i’m yours. i’ll be so good, please.” you whined.
he squeezes your breast in approval, humming at the way your eyes shut when he touches you.
“good girl.” he lifts you up, manhandling you as you’re being laid down on the bed, his hand leaving you and making you whine. you can feel him moving downwards, trailing kisses down your neck, stomach, before arriving between your legs.
he chuckles ad you whines, trailing soft kisses down your body.
“don’t be greedy.” he looked up at you from where he’s kissing, the waistband of your skirt, eyes wide as he takes in your already fucked out and needy expression.
“my greedy girl” you nod at that, head tilted up as your back arches up a bit, his mouth still pressing messy kisses to the inside of your thighs, “practically begging for me, huh?”
he’s mocking you, nipping at your inner thighs, marking up anywhere except where you need him. his hands are gripping and rubbing soft circles into your thighs, feeling you go lax and needy under him.
“steveee” you say, blushing at how desperate you sound, “please.”
you feel him smile against your inner thigh, looking up at you, “what it is it, princess? can’t even speak and i’ve barely done anything to you, huh, so needy.” his head drops down as he sucks another hickey into you hip, “use you words.” you grind upwards and he pins your hips down, tutting. he looks at you expecting something and you know he wont give you shit until you beg for it.
“steve, please,” your voice tapers into broken whines as your hips move on their own accord, missing his mouth. “need you in me, please, i’ll be so good for you. need you so bad, please.”
“that’s all you had to say, baby.” with that, his fingers push the fabric of your skirt up, showing your lace panties. he groans at the sight.
“shit, you’re so pretty.” he presses a kiss to your clothed core, making you moan, “gonna fuck you with these on, okay?” you nod lazily, the feeling of steve mouthing over your panties makes speaking very difficult. he grins,
“so fucked out.” he flattens his tongue over you, pushing your panties aside as he swipes his tongue over to your wet heat, lapping from your slit to your swollen clit, “haven’t even fucked you yet and you’re practically soaking.”
your hand has gone to his hair, your grip tightens. he knows that your pouting at that, even if he’s not looking.
steve pushes your legs farther apart, pushing your thigh up slightly as he lapped messily at your pussy.
your hands are tugging on his hair, stirring him on as he flicks over your clit in quick strokes that leave your legs shaking around his head. he looks up at you, your head thrown back slightly, shirt hitched up showing your bralette. he reaches up with one hand, helping you take of the shirt.
once its off, he sees your lacy bralette fully, straps falling down as your back arches. it’s probably the hottest thing he’s ever seen.
he lifts your hips slightly, pressing two digits to your slick entrance, watching how you try and push against them, hips pinned down as you buck down mindlessly,
“steve!” you mewl, voice wrecked. he hums, flicking over your clit with his togue. “aw, doll, is that all you can say?” he gently fucks his fingers into your tight heat, feeling the way you clench around him as you let out another mewling main, legs thrown over his shoulders as he crooks his fingers upwards, pushing up against the sweet spot inside of you. your legs tighten on either side of his head, fingers fucking faster into you, “so fucked out, its cute.”
you blush red, eyes shut and lips parted in soft whines of his name. he liked the way you said it.
his fingers curl against your g-spot, fucking into you in tune with the quick movements of his tongue.
“fuck, steve, ju-just like that, please” he’s placing sloppy kisses over your clit, his fingers thrusting into you, picking up their pace as you clench around him, dripping over his hand.
“fuck, so pretty for me, baby” he groans as he kisses your clit, “such a pretty pussy, can’t wait to fuck you, gonna be so good for me, aren’t you?” he watches how you nod weakly between your choked moans of ‘yesyessteve’. you clench around him, his fingers fucking rapidly in and out of your cunt. you were just about to scream once he leaned forward, taking you clit in his mouth, lips latching the sensitive bud and sucking hard, fingers still curling up against your overworked spot as you grind upwards into his mouth and hand, his palm grinding against your entrance.
his fingers fuck into you fast and rough, his free hand reaching up to palm your breast through the fabric of your bra, rolling your bud between his thumb and forefinger, bringing you closer to your climax.
“i’m gonna cum, oh my god, i’m gonna cum don’t stop please-“ you moaned as your words turned into mostly incoherent nonsense. your thighs were clenching around his head, your hands curling in his hair as he lapped at you clit, his fingers hooking against your heat, watching how you fell apart at his touch, hips bucking as you chased your high.
“steve- fuck- you’re so fucking good” you can barely finish a sentence, grinding against his mouth desperately.
he loves you like this, whimpering and so needy, talking through broken little whines. the way you’re begging has him working over you faster.
he groans, feeling the was you clench around him, your slick walls contracting around his digits,
“fuck, you like that, don’t you? being mine? only good for me, huh?” any coherent answers get lost in your pleas of yes, please. he chuckles, fucking his fingers harder into you.
“ohmygodsteve” you’re a moaning mess, legs spread wide and shaking, his tongue circling your clit after his hand dropped, gripping your hip to lift you up slightly, fingers fucking into you slightly deeper. you’re praising him breath;essay, making his fingers move faster, sucking harder on your clit. he looks up at you through his eyelashes, the sight of you making him impossibly hard as he ground his hips into the mattress, taking in the way your head was tipped back, how your mouth was parted in soft moans of his name, how your fingers are gripped at his hair, grinding into his mouth and hand.
“aw, are you gonna cum already?” you nod as best as you can, his fingers are moving roughly in you, pulling you towards your finish. you try to hold off when he murmurs, flicking your clit with his tongue.
“cum for me, let me feel you squeeze my fingers with that thigh pussy.” you cum hard on his tongue, his digits still fucking into you, drawing you out of it. your climax crashes over you in waves, the feeling of being fucked open when you came making you whine.
you’re whimpering as he pulls his fingers out of you. steve reaches up and pins your legs up to your chest, kissing you hard and rough. he nips ate your lips and murmurs,
“still need me, baby?” he’s rubbing your cheeks and you can’t help but push against his touch. your voice is broken and whinny,
“yes, please, need you so bad.” he kisses you again and you can feel his hair brushing over your face,
“good fucking girl.” you practically preen from his praise, as he sits up, taking off his shirt and lowering his sweatpants, he takes a moment to dip his hand below his waistband to palm himself through his boxers,
“fuck, need you so bad,” you whine in response, as he pushes is boxers down, his erection hitting up against his stomach. you moan then, seeing him stroke his cock at the sight of you, he chuckles, running his hand down his shaft at the way you’re whining for him.
“needy little slut, aren’t you?” you feel the blunt head of his cock nudge against your slick entrance as he lines himself up to you.
“your needy little slut” you say, grinding against his tip, your slick coating him. he looks down at you with hooded eyes, his voice low as he presses himself closer to you, stretching your cunt around him.
“of course you are” he’s spreading your legs and kissing you. he rocks his hips forward, not fucking you, but enough to make you moan, “tell me if you want to stop, okay?” with that, he pushes into you.
pushing his thick length into you in one stroke, the sudden stretch making you moan breathlessly. he groans into the crook of your neck, biting down on that soft spot,
“still so tight” he wastes no time starting to ove, shallowly rolling his hips up to you. “fuck, feels so fucking good” he kisses your neck, cooing at you. “pretty girl, look at you, taking it like such a good little slut.” he’s pulling your bra down, the flimsy lace pushed back. he fucks you harder, your tits bouncing with each hard thrust into you. you’re moaning lewdly as he thrusted forward, his cock stretching you open. it feels so good, the feeling of him filling you up. you cried out and gripped at his arms, each hard thrust fucking you into the mattress.
“fuck, steve, harder” he cocks an eyebrow, then pulls out to the tip, you whine at the lost.
“you asked for it, doll” he thrusts forward roughly, filling you up with his cock, you feel him even deeper this time, the press of him against your walls making you whine louder as he thrusted harder. “can you take this?” he fucks into you rapidly, mocking you, pushing you against the headboard. “you said you wanted it harder, didn’t you?”
your cheeks burn at the way he degrades your his relentless thrusts making the heat in your abdomen start to build. you’re moaning soft chants of ‘yes, please and steve’, babbling nonsensically through your moans. his thrusts are hard and deep, pushing against your walls, filling you in perfectly.
the rapid slap of skins fills the room as his hips pick up pace, slamming against yours with each thrust, the base of his cock grinding at your clit, the friction making you moan.
“fuck, taking me so well” he’s kissing your neck and playing with your tits, “you were made for me” he groans.
“oh my god” you moan as his cock pushes into you faster, the brutal snap of his hips making you cry out, you start babbling again, chasing your high. he feels so good inside of you, the roll of his hips bringing you closer to the edge.
he can tell you’re close, from the way your hips have started bucking upwards excitedly, grinding on his cock, the way your hands are gripping the nape of his neck. you yelp as he throws your legs over his shoulders, fucking you deeper as he angles his dick perfectly against your g-spot, ramming against it with every thrust.
“please, need it so bad” you beg, steve hums, his pace unflattering as he pounds into you,
“need what, baby?”
“need to cum” your voice sounds destroyed, “please-! please, need you to make me cum, steve” he grins, grabs your hips and lifts you up, fucking into you faster than before.
“only i can do this, huh?”
“you! only you, steve!” you moan out, trying desperately to press yourself against his his harsh hursts. you clamped around him as you felt your high building again. he must’ve felt it, reaching down between you two and pinching your clit, thrusts getting faster as you cried out.
“i want you to cum” he says, fucking you onto his cock, “cum on my cock like the good girl you are.”
his thumb rubs your clit faster, moving in time with his rapid thrusts, hips pistoling into you, fucking you hard as you came with a loud cry of his name, this one harder than the last. walls clenched hard around him as you gripped the back of his neck. seeing you, head thrown back in ecstasy, face screwed up in pleasure as you cry out his name, has him groaning. head dropped into the crook of your neck as his thrusts get faster and sharper, the overstimulation drawing out high keening noises from your throat, his cock nudging against your cervix as he spills inside of you.
“fuck, so good for me, honey” he kisses your shoulder. “such a good girl” he murmurs. he pulls out slowly and takes you in his arms, laying you down.
he starts getting up and you tug gently at his wrist. he kisses your forehead smiling.
“don’t worry, i’m just gonna get some things in the bathroom”
when he gets back, he throws you an old shirt, which you quickly put on.
“i can go, if you want to.” you mutter, looking down at your hands.
“what? no, are you crazy? stay. come on, lets watch that movie” he smiles at you, opening the tissue case.
“okay, i will then.” you couldn’t help but smile.
“hey, about that thing you said earlier” he looked into your eyes. “i love you too.”
tag: @nix-rose
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dantefreakdaaaa · 1 year
hellooo, do you write angst..? i’m thinking about finding out being pregnant and too scared to tell wesker because he’s one workaholic and aggressive ass :((
(please skip if you’re uncomfortable!!! 💕💕)
Albert Wesker x Reader
Angst & fluff
Gn reader
Internally you were panicking, the two lines showing up on the pregnancy test you just took made your heart drop. You took a deep breath, closing your eyes and trying to rationally think. Pacing back and forth you considered your options, you could tell him but that might add stress to his current situation. Or, you could get an abortion without letting him know. But even then, what if he wanted this kid? What if it would hurt him more by getting rid of it?
Thoughts raced through your mind as you heard the living room door open, your husband coming home from a long day at Umbrella. Instantly you shoved the test into your pocket, still debating whether you should tell him.
"Dearheart? Are you in here?" He trudged into the bedroom and his glasses hung from his collar, showing off those gorgeous blue eyes that made you fall in with him. Sadly, his eye bags had grown much worse as well, long nights at the rpd deprived him of much needed sleep.
"Yes, Albert." You walked up to him and hugged him, squeezing him tight. He wrapped his arms around you as he sighed and rested his head on yours. "Albert? Are you alright? You seem a lot more tired than usual..." He took his head off of yours and you looked up at him, worry etched into your features.
"I'm fine, darling, just a... long day at work."
"Why don't we lay down, I think you really need some sleep."
He nodded his head, letting you drag him to your shared bed. You laid down first, gently laying him down on top of you. Wrapping his arms around your waist, staring up at you.
"I've missed you, darling.." He mumbled, closing his eyes and resting his head on you.
"missed you too Albert..." Your hands ran through your hair, ignoring how your hands would probably be covered in hair gel afterwards. Silently you prepared yourself to tell him how you were pregnant. It's better to do it now, just let him know right away. You sucked in a breath and opened your mouth to speak.
"Albert? There's something I need to tell you..." trailing off as you forced yourself to speak.
"yes, dear?" Staring up at you, he looked at you inquisitively and waited for you to speak.
"i...I'm pregnant..." You trailed off, preparing for some harsh words from him. He was already stretched thin, adding another person to family would just make it worse for him. You wouldn't even be mad if he complained. But instead, all he did was look down at your stomach.
"You're serious? You're sure that your pregnant, dear?" His mouth hung slightly agape, still in disbelief.
"I am, Albert. If you don't want me to keep it that's fine-"
"I'm gonna be a dad..." He looked down at your stomach and rubbed it gently, a large smile on his face. He looked ecstatic, as if he was gonna die from joy. He couldn't even fathom the idea of being a father, being a father of yours and his kid.
You sighed in relief, thankful he wasn't mad.
"Thank you, dear. Thank you so so much." He rubbed your belly again, picturing what you might look like a few months from now.
"Thank you, Albert."
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agaypanic · 1 year
Malcolm in the Middle Simp Headcanons
Request Something!
Probably met you in the Krelboyne class
Very impressed by your brains
Always chooses you as a study buddy or project partner
Holds back complaints about life and shit just to hear you talk
This is very difficult for him to do bc the dude LOVES to complain
Holds your books/backpack for you and walks you to all your classes
Mainly because you have the same classes, but he insists he’d do it even if you didn’t
Learns everything about you and commits it to memory (which isn’t hard because of his memory)
You’re the best thing in his sucky life
Stevie had half a mind to roll away from his best friend as he went on and on about Herkabe. Something about him trying to get Malcolm to sabotage his perfect GPA so Herkabe could keep some academic record. Usually, Stevie would care very much about someone’s academic standing. But right now, he was focused on trying not to kill himself or Malcolm.
“I mean, it’s absolutely ridiculous! He’s using Reese to get me to tank a grade. Reese! It’d work better if it was-”
“Hey, guys!” You bounded towards the two, and Malcolm’s demeanor changed entirely. Stevie was grateful for your arrival because, for some reason, Malcolm lessened the bitching and moaning by a lot.
“Hey, Y/n.” The boys greeted back.
“So, what were you guys talking about?”
“Well-” Stevie was about to snitch on your boyfriend but was cut off by him.
“Oh, it was nothing.”
“Are you sure? You looked pretty passionate about it.” Malcolm assured you it was nothing, but Stevie gave you a look saying he’d tell you about it later. “Okay, then. Wanna go to class?”
“Sure!” Malcolm responded excitedly, grabbing his backpack off the lunch table you were hanging around. You said goodbye to Stevie and made your way to first period. “Want me to take your bag?” He asked but was already slipping the strap off your shoulder.
I’m convinced it’s his love language
From snacks to tide you over until lunch to full-course meals during the rare occasion that you two have the house to yourselves
Will beat the shit out of anyone who messes with you
If it’s a girl, he’ll probably get Cynthia to do it
Your happiness is his biggest priority; he can’t have some idiot messing with that
“Reese, this is delicious.” You moaned as you ate a baggie of your favorite snack that he had cooked up for you. He knew how hungry you’d get from skipping breakfast, so he packed you a little snack bag every day so you wouldn’t be miserable until lunch. He was somewhat surprised that the teacher hadn’t made him stop bringing food to class, but it might’ve had something to do with the fact that whenever you were happy, he was happy. And a teacher would rather have a happy Reese than an angry Reese.
“I think I might make that my go-to snack for you; you seem to like it the most.” You smiled at the comment, giddy that he paid attention enough to know which of his foods were your favorite.
“Well, I like all your food.”
The last bunch of kids filed in, and the last one seemed miserable. Upon closer inspection, you noticed that it was a kid in your class that messed with you frequently. You then noticed that he was littered with cuts and bruises. Immediately, you had an inkling of how this happened.
“Reese, did you do that?” He looked up at the kid, smirking at his handiwork.
“Gotta keep my girl happy.”
Thinks it’s love at first sight
Francis is such a delusional romantic tbh
If you meet him while he’s in military school, he’s always writing you poems and letters 
Half of his calls home are for you because he just wants to know how you’re doing
If you work at the ranch with him, he’ll pick up the work on your chores if you have something to do
Even if you don’t need any help, he’ll accompany you just because he loves spending time with you
You know those tiktoks that are like “when you and your friend work together, so everything’s a two-person job now”?
That’s him with EVERYTHING
Even if you’ve been together for years, he still tries to impress you with extravagant presents or ideas
You tell him you don’t need/want much, just him, but he thinks you deserve the very best
“Francis, I can do it myself.” You jokingly rolled your eyes at your boyfriend, who set out plates and cutlery for the breakfast buffet. “It’s the easiest job of my day.”
“I just wanna make it easier, baby.” Francis kissed you before straightening the table clothes in the dining hall and on the patio.
“Well, thank you.” You smiled before moving to restock the napkin dispenser. Francis raced to your side, opening the dispenser for you. “Thanks again.”
“No problem. So, I was looking at our schedules, and I noticed we should be done with work at the same time.”
“Oh, yeah?” He nodded, closing the dispenser and positioning it right on the table. “What do you have planned?”
“Not much.” He shrugged nonchalantly, but if you knew your boyfriend well, you knew at least three different activities were reserved for you two now. “Just a couple’s horse ride, massage, and then I asked Otto to make sure that one of the jacuzzis would be off limits. Just for us.”
“Oh, that sounds so nice, honey.” He cupped your cheeks, kissing you deeply, and you were thankful that the guests were either still asleep or doing something else.
“Anything for my favorite girl.”
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devilfic · 10 months
Could you write some fluffy headcanons about Edward Nashton when he was still in the orphanage? I just want little choir boy Eddie to get some affection
❝young!edward nashton headcanons❞
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pairing: edward nashton x gn!reader. cw: none! words: 1.2k.
a/n: ngl, this one is a little difficult because almost all of edward's life in the orphanage was awful asfkaskfj but I'll try! this is more edward centric than x reader bc I wasn't sure if that's what you wanted. these headcanons jump around from childhood to when eddie is a teenager.
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I like to think edward always had really severe bedhead which he would not take care of at all
the exception being if it was for mass, but this used to get him in trouble with the wardens a lot
until one year he just buzzed it all off bc he was sick of getting yelled at about it all the time.... except all the wardens were DEVASTATED
"your hair fit you so well :(((" "why would you do that? it looked really nice when you combed it"
the wardens were rarely ever nice to him so he was very taken aback by this
so he eventually let it grow out again and started. kinda taking pride in his hair?
there wasn't a lot he could do with what little the orphanage had to go around, but sometimes with the money he'd get from his delivery job, he'd buy some nice hair gel and do his hair really neat before leaving for the day. eventually he would get compliments about how nice and soft it was and sometimes pretty people at school would ask to touch it which used to send his little heart into OVERDRIVE
tried growing it down to his shoulders ONE time but he eventually had to invest in hair ties and that was just way too much work
I can't remember if his hobbies are ever mentioned in the before the batman novel but since paul dano is a movie buff in real life, I think it would be cute if eddie was too
when he would get some money, he'd cut class to go to matinee showings and have the time of his life
it was nice bc it was somewhere he could be alone for a few hours and he could always afford a little escapism
the nights where his mind was still fresh with a movie he'd seen earlier in the day were some of the easier ones
sometimes he'd lay up in bed replaying them over and over in his head until he conked out for the night
and sometimes, when the really young kids couldn't fall asleep at night, he'd recite the plot of the movies he saw as bedtime stories
the older kids are awful to him but the younger kids? they love his bedtime stories
(he also might've gotten reported to the wardens about cutting class to see movies but his grades are so good that if they call about him skipping out on a class every now and then, some of the teachers will just straight up lie for him)
(and I mean, he gets really good grades. as long as he passes his classes and isn't getting into anything bad, they couldn't care less)
ironically, his time as a choir boy made him want to join a rock band as a kid
edward probably had a cheap little cd player he kept close to his heart and a secret stash of cds hidden in one of the ceiling tiles in the boys' bathroom that he'd pull out when he was alone and just lose himself in the music
I also like to think he's a fan of math rock and midwest emo because why wouldn't he be
once he got too old to be a choir boy, he started taking lessons from the organist just so he could do something with his hands
but you know what he'd really love to play if he could? the bass
if he'd had the money (and the assurance no one would destroy it), he would've loved to get a bass and just shred on it all hours of the night
(I'd like to think older eddie puts some of that accountant money toward one and it's one of his prized possessions. he may not be the best at it, but he can play his favorite songs and that's much better than nearer my god to thee)
(he definitely sings under his breath too while he plays, partly because his neighbors would complain if he sang any louder and partly because he hasn't really gotten used to losing that choir boy voice)
(this is definitely inspired by the fact that paul is in a band btw)
very eloquent writer!! he used to write poems and songs as a kid that he'd run by his english teacher after class to get advice on
he's written a few secret admirer love letters to crushes over the years with that skill. he never had the guts to reveal he was the one behind them, but he preferred the reveals in his head where they at least could never go wrong
truth was, he'd slip in some riddles from time to time and it almost surely gave him away, but none of his crushes ever outed him on it and that was a small victory
used to take naps in church when he could get away with it but his snore would always give him away
(can you imagine that being why no one liked him. no edward, the orphanage kids didn't hate you because you liked riddles, they hated you because you snore too loud)
near insatiable sweet tooth which he carries into adulthood
teachers would sneak him bags of candy on his birthday that he'd guard with his LIFE so the other kids wouldn't steal any
the wardens would also have to save money on birthday cakes so sometimes all the kids born in a month would all share one cake, but sometimes one of the wardens would save him an extra slice without the other kids knowing if he helped her with her crossword puzzles or filing her taxes
if this takes place in the first snow universe, I'd also like to think that tween-age eddie would sneak out at night to come see you at your place
you'd wait for the tell-tale sign he was there—a small pebble at your window, followed by two more just to be clear, and then you'd rush downstairs to let him slip in through the backdoor
you'd share the leftovers from dinner in your room, laughing under the sheets as you shoot "would you rather"s at each other for as long as you have breath in your giggling little lungs
(you'd almost been caught a few times, and as eddie got older and as he eventually started climbing through your window when his legs got long enough, the rush of hiding under your bed while your father asked what all the noise was about would get him a little lightheaded)
sometimes you two would even lay in bed with the bedroom door locked (when you were old enough to get away with doing that), sharing your fears and worries and ambitions for the future
and you'd always fall asleep first
and he would just lay there, content, facing you, watching your smushed face in the pillow and your hand still half gripping at his wrist over something funny he'd said ten minutes earlier
he'd always tuck you back in tight and sneak out the back door bc he didn't want to leave the window open in the winter, and he surely didn't want to wake you to close it
your mother sometimes saw, but she never said a thing about it to you, and you and edward were both too confidently stupid and young to think you'd been caught
and if you noticed that she always made just a little too much extra at dinner these days... well, nothing really needed to be said about that
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taglist: @yikes-buddy @alexxavicry @theclassicvinyldragon @marina-and-the-memes @angxlictexrs
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goorehound · 5 months
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Finally starting to write something for these little bastards. But, I need feedback.
The gist: Human Lucifer (Louis, ew i know) is haunted by Alastor. AU type deal.
This is the unedited, very quickly written up first chapter. Do we fuck with it? Or should I brainstorm some other ideas?
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Chapter One – Moving Day
This was totally a worthwhile purchase. Most definitely.
Sure, it was a lot creepier in the dwindling light, and without the bubbly overbearing energy of his realtor. Still, a beautiful property. Really it should’ve been saved as a historical site, but who was he to complain?
Gorgeous property, all while being a hop, skip and a jump away from his daughter’s new business. The perfect fresh start that his therapist had hinted at him desperately needing, a change of pace and environment to compliment his new rekindled relationship with his kids.
Refreshing new scenery. Or at least that’s what he repeated endlessly to himself, a stark contrast to the unease that settled deep in his bones while he maneuvered around half-unpacked boxes.
It hadn’t seemed this empty and dreary when he’d been signing all the paperwork. Good fucking god, this was probably the most silent building he’d ever been in. Concerningly quiet. Shouldn’t there be creaks? Birds outside? Anything?
He was surely overthinking all of this. What could be wrong with a little peace and quiet, really? This house, his new house, was on the edge of town. A little silence was to be expected, and working himself up over finally doing something good for himself was counterproductive.
Charlie calling! What a fantastic fucking distraction, yet another thing to add to the list of things he appreciated about her.
“Char! Hey!” He still needed to work on that greeting.
“Dad! Hi!” Oh man, she was just like him. That pulled on the heart strings. “How’s moving?”
“Oh good, yeah, yeah. Super good. Great.” He rambled on, eyes shifting around the boxes surrounding him. “Well, it’s a work in progress. We’ll get there.”
“Yeah.” She laughed back. “I was thinking – I mean, if its okay with you? Vaggie and I could come help out tomorrow, make you some dinner?”
“Oh, absolutely. Dying to meet this gal I keep hearing about, aha-ha.” Good lord, could that have possibly come out more awkward? This did not get easier, despite what he had been assured. That was fine, Charlie never seemed put off, and that’s what mattered. Right? He just had to win over this girlfriend of hers.
“Sounds good, I’ll --- Shit. Sorry, dad, I’ll text you. Duty calls.”
“Course, kiddo. I’ll see you tomorrow?” Dial tone. Ouch, but fair enough. She was busy, he had things to sort.
Which was precisely what he spent the rest of his evening doing. Throwing his entire focus into carefully and swiftly dissecting piles of boxes. He’d even gotten as far as unpacking and setting up the television. Really not his thing normally, but when it had come up in conversation with Charlie she’d all but insisted upon him buying one.  
So, he was giving in. Flicking on something random. Anything to drown out the sudden onslaught of random noises that he was doing everything to avoid thinking about. Old house. Here were the noises he was asking for earlier.  That’ll teach him not to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Thud. Sliiide. Clack, clack, clack, creak.
Whatever. Just the house settling, nothing some good ol’ TV couldn’t drown out. Certainly it wasn’t somebody going about their business in the study just down the hall, that would be ridiculous. And, at this point in the evening, Lou had pointedly checked that room numerous times. He had confirmed with his very own eyes that it remained, thankfully, uninhabited.
It was completely fucking normal, actually, and Lou wasn’t remotely nervous about it. He felt so normal about it all that he decided to drift off on the couch, background chatter from the screen still buzzing on. Because who could stop him? It was his house and he could doze wherever he pleased, and it did not mean he was scared. He was a grown ass man, after all.
Click, click, sliiiide.
Yep, he was closing his eyes now. Dead to the world, oblivious to strange noises lurking about.
Hard to tell precisely how much time had passed from the time he drifted off until he was eased into a state of just barely conscious, still dazed by the twisting and nonsensical dream he’d been lulled into.
It was still dark.  A soft noise easing him further from his dream, but it was nothing soothing.
Hardly even familiar.
 Something repetitive. Metallic, almost? Akin to a slicing of meat, the sound echoing out from the kitchen.
There was only a matter of seconds to processes the sudden and nauseating stench of blood and viscera, enough to have his stomach flipping.
Then, there was a deafening, loud, wet slam from the kitchen. Like a corpse being tossed about.
That had his heart in his throat and feet on the ground before he could take another breath.
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chickensarentcheap · 7 days
Answer whichever ones you want, or all :)
What are their common interests?
What is the individual goal of each character?
What are their common goals?
What activities do they enjoy doing together? What activities does one enjoy that the other doesn’t?
Do they feel the same way about money?
How did each character come to trust the other?
What are their mannerisms when walking side by side?
How does being around each other change their thought processes?
What do they share and talk about the most?
What sort of things do they get into fights over?
How do they reconcile after arguments?
In what ways do they pressure the other, or consciously avoid applying pressure?
What is the biggest threat to their relationship? Are they aware it exists?
They both love the outdoors and working with their hands. Tyler is quite the handyman and he builds a lot of things for around the house and for her and the kids. Esme loves to garden, bake, crochet and knit. They both love classic rock, they both enjoy hiking and rock climbing and both love animals.
Tyler is to be the best version of himself that he can possibly be. He once told Esme that she made him want to be a better man. And he's worked very hard on that and continues to work on it. He wants to be a much better husband and partner and father this time around. Esme wants to just live a good life; nurture her children, inspire them, continue to grow and build her marriage. And be nothing like her mother.
Both want to raise well rounded, secure, emotionally and mentally intelligent children. Who will have big hearts and be confident, self sufficient and independent adults.
Paddle boarding (although he rerfers surfing), rocking climbing, hiking, swimming. Tyler does not like gardening in the slightest (he will help her) and Esme isn't as into working out as he is lol. She'll do it, but she'll complain about it the whole time.
These two have so much money in the bank that they'll NEVER run it, regardless of what they spend. Yet, they live rather 'normally' and far from pretentious and 'showy'. Tyler, he spoils her and the kids and makes no apologies. Esme, despite knowing they are financially secure (and then some) for the rest of their lives, still budgets, can be frugal, complains when he spoils her lol
You know, I'm not entirely sure. They almost weren't giving a choice; they HAD to trust one another of they wouldn't have lasted in Dhaka. Within a couple days, both listened to their instincts; the other was a good person and could be trusted.
They're such an couple with that huge size and height difference lol. They always find a way to touch though. It could just be their arms brushing against one another or he'll have a hand on the small of her back or the nape of her neck. She'll put her hand under his shirt and hook a finger around a belt loop at the back of his shorts/pants. They hold hands a lot. Or she'll wrap both arms around one of his.
Each becomes very mindful of the other. Tyler becomes solely focused on her; watching the tone of his voice, protecting her, making her feel secure, listening to her, comforting her, etc. Esme knows what certain triggers are for him, and can identify them before they ever happen.
They tend to talk about their childhoods and how traumatic they were, and their determination to NOT create lives like that for their children.
They definitely get into it when Tyler tracks sand through the house lol. Or when both keep things from each other because they feel the need to protect one another.
They love make up sex. Do you blame them? lol
I'm skipping this one as I need to think about it...
I think the biggest threats are his job (the fear of losing him to it), his mental struggles, and his addictions that are always lingering around
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stellar-imagines · 2 years
Because You Deserve It/Luffy & Zoro
[ Fandom: One Piece ]  [ Characters: Monkey D Luffy, Roronoa Zoro ] 
「Luffy, Zoro and you were roommates and lovers. After going through so much stress, neglecting your boys and pressure from your parents―you couldn’t contain your feelings any longer. Thankfully, your boys are more than happy to pamper you.」 [ Modern AU, Polyamorous relationship ]
Note: My part of the One Piece Secret Santa Event! Thank you to the lovely mods of @onepiece-blorboexchange for arranging such a fun event! I hope you enjoy it @fairyvearths Happy holidays to everyone reading this piece.
"Heeeeey, [First Name]! Are you listening?"
"Huh what? Sorry, can you repeat that again Luffy?" you asked with a small smile.
Luffy pouts at first, clearly upset that you weren't paying attention to whatever he was saying earlier. However, his pout was replaced with a wide smile before he motioned toward the plate in front of you. You had stopped eating midway, losing your appetite and Luffy seemed to be eyeing your food for quite a while. When you pushed the plate of food and told him about how you were already full, his face lit up almost instantly. He wasted no time pulling the plate closer and began eating whatever was left on your plate. You gazed at him with a soft smile, resting your face against the palm of your hand.
"Hey, you need to stop spoiling him." Zoro lightly hit your hand as he passed by the table you and Luffy were sitting at. 
"Why are you complaining, Zoro? She said she's full and that I can have it!" Luffy grumbled as Zoro took a seat next to you.
"You've been eating less recently. You on a diet or something?" the green-haired male questioned.
"No, I'm not. I'll be in my room working on my project if you guys need anything." you announced, gathering the empty plates before walking over to the kitchen to put them into the sink. Luffy lets out a noise of protest, it was more like he was whining at you. Zoro looked disappointed as well, which was quite rare. When you glanced over, he was pouting at you with spaghetti sauce all over his mouth.
"I thought we were playing games tonight!"
"I thought we were drinking tonight!"
As much as you wanted to just laze around in the living room with the two, you still had a lot of things needed to be done for the submission that was just a few days away. With the same old apology and promising to make it up for them later, you returned to your room. There were papers scattered on the table and bits of random trash on the floor, what's more, your laptop screen showed your unfinished work. With a long sigh, you shrugged on your jacket and sat in front of your screen, and began working.
You couldn't deny the fact that you occasionally skip or do not finish your meals. With so much going on in your mind, you tend to forget to eat. You felt too stressed, anxious, and preoccupied to the point you didn't feel hungry. Swallowing food made you nauseous, and you felt as if eating was an unnecessary expense, worry, and inconvenience. Luffy and Zoro often showed concern and tried to make sure you're still well nourished and all that.
Your parents had really high hopes for you and expected you to be the best of the best. When truth to be told, it was hard for you to balance your studies and work at the same time. There were numerous times you would have to review for your next quiz during break time. The constant pestering about your grades and how they would compare you with other kids they knew of. At first, you thought that you chose your desired major because you were passionate about it but now it feels like something you're obligated to complete. You didn't find joy in learning new stuff anymore.
When you reached that breaking point, you told your parents your struggles, in hopes that they would sympathize with what you're going through. It's the same old 'Other students seem to be able to do it, why can't you?' from your parents. You've never really stood out as a smart student but you were always in the middle, the average one. Not doing extra work to stand out but doing enough to stay in class. You've sacrificed sleep to attain more, only to be disappointed with the results.
You finally submitted your assignment and tomorrow will be the start of your break. There were still things that you needed to do over the break and it was hard for you to actually relax. You barely got any sleep and when you finally handed in your assignment, you just trudged back home. It was hard to remember what you last ate but when you saw the empty cup noodles sitting on the floor of your room. God, you really needed to eat more healthy stuff if you want to live longer.
Just as you were about to start cleaning before you can take a well-deserved nap, you heard someone knocking on your room door pretty loudly. Before you could even answer, the door swung open revealing your two boyfriends, Luffy and Zoro. Luffy was holding onto multiple boxes of pizza and other takeout boxes that were tall enough to hide his face. On the other hand, Zoro brought a ton of sake and alcoholic beverages, along with [Favorite Drink].
"What's all this.....?" you muttered in surprise.
"You haven't been eating right?" Zoro asks.
"You don't sleep so much too!" Luffy added.
"You have been giving Luffy too much of your food."
"You don't hang out with us anymore!"
"Wait, wait, I know all that but....." you trailed off, suddenly overwhelmed by what was going on. Zoro and Luffy shared a confused glance before looking at you. It was hard to comprehend the intentions behind all this. You thought that they would be busy with whatever they were doing today, considering how they left just early in the morning. They both practically drag you towards the living room because you were just too stunned to speak.
"You just look mopey all the time and it sucks!" Luffy exclaimed.
"We both know that you've been working on your assignment a lot. Now that everything is over, it's time to celebrate. Because, let's be honest here. When was the last time you actually spoiled yourself?" Zoro asks, putting down the numerous drinks he was holding earlier.
Your lips trembled and you couldn't help but try your hardest to contain your tears. It was hard to remember the last time you actually spared some time to play your favorite games, hang out with your favorite boys and eat your favorite food. Zoro and Luffy have noticed when you began to spend most of your time holed up in your room, doing your assignments. They could practically see how much sleep you have been losing and the stress you've been put under. They only saw you out of your room to use the bathroom and to grab some food and drinks.
But Zoro and Luffy stayed patient the entire time. The last thing they wanted was to distract you and you would end up not finishing your work. But their hearts were yearning to see you, and spend some quality time with one another. The two boys could never understand the stress you're under and they never forced you to talk about your feelings all the time. But it didn't stop them from worrying. Sometimes they could hear you getting annoyed, and having breakdowns alone in the middle of the night. And they'd catch sight of the faint tear tracks underneath your eyes when you greet them with a smile when you run into them in the apartment.
"I-Is it really fine? I'm.....not being a bother, right....?" you mumbled, trying to contain your tears as you watched Zoro and Luffy set up everything for you. They brought your favorite takeout and laid out your favorite games and movies. You weren't sure what you did to deserve all this spoiling.
And you let out a small hiccup when Zoro wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you onto his chest and he kissed the crown of your head. Luffy moves in front of you and gently grabs your wrists, trying to tug your hands away from your eyes. But much to his dismay, you shake your head and mumble something about how embarrassing it was. Zoro sighs, resting his head on the crook of your neck, and pulls you closer by your waist. Luffy steps back a little, gently wiping the tears off your face. And when you mumble their names with such a broken voice, the two boys instantly peppered your face with kisses.
"Stop crying already." Zoro mumbles against your neck before slowly pulling away.
"Sorry, I look horrible right now." you sniffled. The two boys looked quite offended when you said that and kissed your eyelids. Luffy and Zoro threw themselves at you again. Zoro had his arms wrapped around your waist, hugging you from behind while Luffy wrapped his own arms around your neck, staring down at you.
"Don't apologize! You're not ugly! You're the prettiest!" Luffy huffs with a cute pout.
"Hurry up, the food's getting cold." Zoro was the first to pull away while Luffy grabs your hand and drags you to the couch.
It was hard not to cry while you eat. Zoro has an arm around you to comfort you while Luffy feeds you when your hands begin to shake. Despite not having the energy to play games with the two boys, you insisted that they played without you and that you were content just watching. You had fallen asleep at some point while the two of them were playing. And when the two boys noticed the lack of reaction from you, they turned to see you fast asleep on the couch. Luffy is the one to carry you to your bed while Zoro turns off the game before joining you and Luffy on the bed.
That was hours ago. When you woke up, the room was still dark and you couldn't see any light from the curtains which meant you had plenty of time to sleep again. After blinking the sleep away from your eyes, you found yourself staring at a tuft of black hair. Luffy has his face smushed against your chest, arms around your waist. You looked over your shoulder to see Zoro resting his chin atop your head, arm thrown over your chest just over Luffy's head. The slight movement you made had Luffy groaning lightly in his sleep and he tighten his arms around you. 
Luffy mumbles something about eating meat with you while Zoro snores lightly. You couldn't help but smile, kissing the top of Luffy's head before shifting around to kiss Zoro's cheek.
"Thank you, Luffy, Zoro. I love you two."
Total: 1790 words Published: 16.12.2022
Requests are open! Matchups are closed! Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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Thank you @beardedladyqueen for the tag!
Do you make your bed: Nah, not usually. I get up at 4am for work most days and I don’t have the will power to fight with that early in the morning. I will make it when I’m off work though.
Favorite number: 13. It’s the number that gets all the hate for being unlucky and just generally “bad”. So I love it. Spookier the better 👻
What’s your job: Retail “manager” but I don’t have the pay or actual title. I have all the responsibilities of one though. Sooooo much fun.
If you could go back to school, would you: Absolutely. I graduated college a few years ago and wanted to go to law school, but shit hit the fan my senior year so I had to put it on the back burner. So if I could go back and not worry money? Oh hell yeah.
But if you mean like a point in time in school, then first year of college. It was a good year where I could discover who I was before everything got stressful.
Can you parallel park: ✨Nope✨ I failed that part of the driving test and I’ve never learned how to do it correctly.
A job you had that would surprise people: I don’t think so? Pretty standard job selections in my life.
Do you think aliens are real: Yes and if you’d like to talk about it with me we absolutely should 👽 I also just believe in the paranaormal/abnormal as a whole.
Can you drive a manual car: ✨Nope✨
Guilty pleasure: Okay so like mild trauma dump so feel free to skip over. I had to grow up very, very quickly. I lived in an abusive, addiction filled household so I was left to fend for myself probably 90% of the time. If I wanted food, had to figure it out myself. Clean clothes? Do it myself. Keep my dogs fed and happy? Figure it out. Had to make sure I was up on time for school and woke my parent up so I could get there on time. One parent was not in my life and the other was under the influence almost all the time. So because of that, I missed out on a lot of things that most kids and teens get to do because I was focused on survival.
So now that I’m an adult, I do those things I missed out on and it feels so nice. It seems mundane or really just simple, but if I want to go to the theater and see a movie I will. If I want to stop by and get a treat after work, I will. If I want to go browsing the mall and window shop, I’ll happily do it. I collect funko pops and build legos and play video games all without shame. So to some people it can look almost childish so I’m careful with who I tell in my personal life, so I guess it’s a guilty pleasure, although it’s enjoyed unashamed.
Tattoos: No because I am horribly indecisive and I’d be unsure of where I wanted to put one, but I’d love some.
Favorite color: Sage and forest green, but I also like a good sky blue. Very calming and makes the brain happy.
Favorite type of music: 2000-2010’s goth/alternative and heavy metal with a splash of classical to spice it up.
Do you like puzzles: YES YES I DO. Give me a 5,000 piece puzzle on a rainy day off work and I’ll have that bad boy done in two days. Love puzzles. I also love puzzle games or like mind puzzles. Played the hell out of the old PC Nancy Drew games (Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake is top tier) so I love those types of situational puzzles also.
Any Phobias: I’m not sure if it’s a phobia but I don’t like heights. Started to get over it because I’m constantly on a ladder at work, but I’m still don’t fond of it. I hate crowded places with strangers but I think that’s more of an anxiety thing than an actual fear.
Favorite childhood sport: Oh I didn’t play them. I was on academic team, not a sports team and not even remotely athletic. I still don’t really like sports, but I have a soft spot for baseball because it was my grandpas favorite and he’d teach me about it and it generally made tough days better.
Do you talk to yourself: All the time and I’m usually complaining about something I’ve procrastinated doing. Consequences of my own actions.
Favorite movie(s): The 1999 cinematic masterpiece The Mummy starring Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz. Comfort movie. Will watch it 10 times in a row and then want to discuss it, but we don’t talk about the third one.
Really enjoy most Marvel movies, some of the new ones are a tad questionable, but for the most part I enjoy them.
Coffee or tea: Coffeeeeee. Hot fruity teas or milk teas are also good, but coffee is my go-to.
First thing you wanted to be growing up: Paleontologist. Even now if I could have a dream job without worrying about how much it pays I’d go for it. Paleontology and anthropology in general are so interesting.
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Part One if you would like to start at the beginning 💕 Part Three if you're ready to move on.
Chapter Two is SFW content (though later there WILL be NSFW content, therefore, the 18+ label) - here's slightly more background, but we'll get into some feels this time.
A/N: HERE IS PART TWO! This contains some feels, and I think this is a moment that so many of us have needed - at least I have. A little more background setup, and the next part will get the story moving a little more. I still don't have a title (*surprise*), but I think that will come along as the story unfolds. As usual, check the tags for hints on what's to come, and THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading, and I love you very much!!
Eddie scooped up the mushy green pile of guacamole on his plate with two fingers and flung it onto the ground with a glop. The street tacos were more than satisfactory for 25 cents apiece, and everyone was chattering about that night’s impending show with their mouths full and their hands greasy.
“What do you mean you’re not going to sing Pat Benetar?! Everyone loves Pat Benetar,” Steve protested, breaking out into a very unique rendition of “Shadows of the Night.”
“It’s not that kind of music, Steve,” you replied through a giggle. Steve gestured as if to say “whatever” and indulged himself in another taco while Eddie started refastening his rings to each of his digits, taking care to make sure they were all facing the correct way.
“Harrington, while I am no music taste basher, I will say that you are a pathetically poor judge of genre. What does the phrase ‘progressive metal music’ mean to you, dear boy?” Eddie broke out his Olde English accent for this question, and Steve knew it was only a matter of moments before you and Eddie both started teasing him mercilessly, and he didn’t have the means to defend himself against a Hellfire ambush right now.
“Well, it’s about time to get going back,” he managed to convey around his last bites of street taco. “You don’t want to be late for work twice in one day.” Your mouth fell open in mock offense as you backhanded him on the shoulder before standing up from the park bench you were all sitting at.
As the three of you made your way back up the sidewalk to Trax, you decided to share what had been floating around in your head since you left the shop. “It was kind of weird seeing Billy be so unphased about you running into him. You stepped right on his shoe, and he didn’t even complain. Not a single insult. Did you notice?”
Steve scoffed. “Yeah. That doesn’t make me any more glad to see him though.” He kicked a rock a few feet out in front of him, and Eddie took a skip forward and made the next kick.
“I don’t know,” Eddie mused. “I think something might have clicked in the douchebag. Tommy was trying to pay some kid to key my van when I picked Dustin up from school the other day, and Billy totally rocked his shit in front of everyone. Told him he’d be dead if Billy ever caught him trying to mess with me again.”
“What?!” you and Steve gawked in unison, both of you coming to an abrupt halt.
“And you didn’t think to, maybe, I don’t know, mention that?” Steve’s eyebrows almost met his hairline in surprise. “Dude, how could you not tell us this?” You could tell he was actually slightly offended, so you decided to soften the mood with an irrelevant question.
“And what was Billy doing in the parking lot of the high school?” You resumed the game of kick the rock so everyone would continue down the sidewalk again.
“Picking up Max is my best guess,” Eddie replied, taking his skip forward for the rock.
“Yeah, well, a few good deeds don’t erase a whole year of being a total prick to anything that breathes,” Steve grumbled, keeping his eyes on the ground and taking his turn to kick the rock.
“Out of any of us here, you would do well to remember that people can change if they want to, Steve,” you said, giving him an affectionate side eye. “It wasn’t even two years ago that you were King Steve, being just as much of a prick to Jonathan as Billy was to you. Give him some time. See what it’s all about. That’s my suggestion.”
Steve sighed heavily and gestured toward the front door of Trax as Eddie opened it for you. No one said another word as you entered the building, sloppy salutes signaling the end of the conversation, and the two guys continued on their return to Steve’s car.
Screeching tires alerted everyone in the Hawkins High parking lot of the arrival of a slick blue Camaro. Billy flicked his cigarette out of his window and saw Max swiftly approaching his passenger side door, her ginger hair flowing steadily behind her, skateboard resting on her shoulder. She slid into the seat beside Billy’s and clunked her bag and board down by her feet.
“Max,” Billy said dryly, keeping his aviator sunglasses fixed on the windshield in front of him.
“I’m not late,” she replied, a slight tone of annoyance in her voice.
“I know,” Billy stated, reminding himself to soften his jaw when he spoke to her. “I just want to talk when we get home, if you’re not, you know, busy or whatever.” Max just stared at him, incredulous.
“You want to…talk? About what?”
“Nothing, okay? Nothing until we get home.” The sharpness returned to Billy’s voice as he gripped the gearshift and peeled them out of the parking lot. Max was completely lost for words, but she complied with Billy’s instruction and tried to zone in on Ted Nugent’s “Wango Tango” for the trillionth time as Billy sped down the side roads to their home on Cherry Lane.
Max hurried through the front door and straight to her room to discard her things. She was eager to know what Billy could possibly want to talk about, but she was also afraid to ask. After everything they had experienced this past year, it could be anything, and she wasn’t sure she was ready for anything again. She turned around to find Billy standing in her doorway with his eyes down at his shoes. Why was he acting so weird? This wasn’t like him at all, and it made a hint of anxiety start to creep down her neck, giving her the shivers.
“Billy?” she said, unable to hide the concern in her voice.
Billy shuffled his feet where he stood and started to fidget with his sunglasses in his hands, still not making eye contact with Max. “I need to ask you something, and you have to swear not to make fun of me. I’m dead serious,” he said, his ocean blue eyes finally making stone cold eye contact.
“Okay. I promise.” Max’s voice shook slightly, and she took a seat on her bed to steady herself.
“I need to know how to apologize,” Billy admitted, his eyes falling back down to the ground.
“Apologize? For what?” He must have hit his head, Max thought. There was no way this was actually Billy talking.
“For being…ugh.” Billy let out a painful sigh and took the bridge of his nose between his fingers. “For making everyone’s lives hell this past year.” Max’s eyes were wide, her mouth hanging open in shock. He had apologized to her, and they had what she would consider a pretty fair conversation about their sibling relationship, but this was completely unexpected. He wanted to apologize to The Party?
“I mean, I guess you just…say it, you know? You just say it, and you hope for the best, and that’s all you can do.”
Billy was unimpressed. “That’s it?” he asked with a scoff. “That can’t be it. It needs to be more. Needs to be better than that or there’s no way in hell they’re going to take me seriously.”
“You just have to mean it,” Max replied, her eyes softening as she came to the realization that this was really important to him. She had never seen him like this before, and it was clear that he really felt remorse, and he wanted something to change.
“Max,” Billy choked, his voice breaking. A tear fell from his face making a tiny tap on his shoe, and Max stood up abruptly.
“Billy, it’s going to be okay,” she said, her own eyes welling up now. She had only ever seen him cry once.
“Max, I’m so sorry. I know you said you forgave me, and I know things have been different ever since July, but I’m just so sorry.” Billy was speaking softly through sobs now. “Max, I can’t be the same as I was. I can’t explain it. Nothing can ever be the same as it was before everything that happened, and I don’t know who I am anymore.” Billy brought his hands up to his face, covering his eyes as he continued to choke out words as best as he could. “I’m so sorry, Max. You didn’t deserve that. Nobody did. I need to make things right, but I don’t know how.”
“Billy.” Max stook a few steps toward him, palming his shoulder gently. “I know there has always been a part of you that wants to be good. I forgave you because I really believed that. All you can do is say it, mean it, and try. Just keep trying.” Billy reached his arms out and gave Max a firm hug. He had no idea how badly he had always needed to hear that, and in that moment, he found himself eternally grateful he had a little sister.
After a few seconds of the second hug they had ever shared, Billy let go, and Max took a step back, both of them wiping their eyes, noses red and puffy from the flare of emotion. Billy patted Max on the shoulder and pivoted on his heel to leave her bedroom. Max turned her attention to her backpack and mentally prepared herself to start her homework.
“Thanks.” Billy half smiled, and Max could tell his gratitude was genuine.
“Anytime.” She returned his half smile, and Billy sauntered away into the other room. Max found herself, for the first time ever, feeling really proud of her brother.
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igotanidea · 2 years
25th hour : tasm!spiderman x workaholic!f!reader!
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Summary: Peter's girlfirend loves her studies and her internship. She wants to be the best of the best and therefore work all the time, having trouble with finding any of it for Peter who as a result feel neglected and forgotten. What happens when someone gets exhausted of this situation?
Peter’s POV
I’ve known her since we were kids. She was there for me after my parents died in that car accident and when I was going through hell. Honestly, I have no idea how I would have survived if it wasn’t for her. She was also the first person to find out when that spider bit me and left me with superpowers. Y/n never complained. Of course she was constantly worried but never told me to stop. Most probably because she knew me well enough to know that I wouldn’t. I can’t even begin to describe how lucky I was she didn’t gave me an ultimatum and made me choose between being Peter and Spiderman and despite everything she stayed with me.  We were nearly inseparable in high school, always together so it was natural that after some time I developed more than friendly feelings for her. I took me far too long to finally admit it, but it was such a relief when she confessed to reciprocate. I was like the luckiest man on Earth and wanted to spend all the time in the world with her. Holding her, being close, protecting her from whatever danger may come her way. She was mine and I was hers however tacky and cheesy this may sound. Our first kiss took place in less than romantic circumstances after one of my fights when I was practically bleeding on her bed, but nonetheless it left me with butterflies in my stomach and the feeling of never wanting to let her go. The thing was, however, that despite my best effort she put most of her focus on school and scholarship and her internship at one of NY’s biggest tech companies and slowly, almost untraceably she started to drift away from me.
Y/n’s POV
I wish my day has more than 24 hours. Even one more would be enough. That 25th hour would truly be a blessing since it would mean that I could finally find some time for my best friend. Peter. If it wasn’t for the fact that we were going to the same school I would probably forget how he looks and that single though made me want to cry. I could cut down on sleep or lunch break skipping the meal, but it was never enough. With all the school work and my work at GI Tech ….
I loved what I was doing. Truly. I always imagined myself being the top game, being well aware that I would have to sacrifice a lot, but leaving Peter behind …. One of the hardest decision ever. What made it even worse was that once I got myself into this workaholic cycle I could not stop. I only regretted it after I was done with all the task, deep in the night. And then guilt came running and unwanted tears showed up in my eyes. However, everyone around was constantly telling me that I was doing great job and how proud they were of me.  
“ Miss y/l/n, you are my most prominent student, if you keep working like that you are going to come to great things” I heard from the teachers
“You are the glory of the family y/n. Everyone just envy you.” My parents used to say.
“I’m so jealous of all you do, y/n. I wish I was so motivated and determined”  my classmates often repeated.
“I miss you….” Countless texts from Peter were like an undying twinge of conscience.
Ever since I was a kid I had this crazy feeling that I can’t let anybody down. So, here I was, trying to keep the facade of a successful person and I was still a teenager …..
It was just an average school day. I’m not even sure which one, possibly Wednesday. I had only a few classes and then had to head out to Gi Tech for the rest of the day. At least that was the plan. Funny thing about them was that plans are subject to change.
“Miss y/n! Can you please come into my office for a second? I am in need of your immediate help.” I heard the principal calling me from the other side of the hall and every instinct told me to twirl around and run away but instead I just put on a smile and obediently followed the man.  
“How can I help, principal Briggs?”
“You are aware that we are hosting the discussion clubs next week? For an interstate school debate.”
“Yes, sir. I was the one who made that idea come to life.”
“Right. However, some …. Unforeseen circumstances came to my attention….” I was a second away from rolling my eyes. Couldn’t he just cut to the chase. He was wasting my time and any second was just so precious.  “One of the students who were supposed to be a host in this is …. incapable of this function anymore. I was wondering if you could probably step in and fill in for him.”
Hell no! The event was taking place on Saturday. Next Saturday when I already was supposed to help my grandma with some work, catch up on a school projects and finish the presentation for GI. I was also secretly hoping I would find at least couple hours to see Peter…. God, damn it!
“You are my only hope, miss y/n. Can I count on your help?”
“Of course, sir. It would be my genuine pleasure.” Yes. I’m a work addict “And now, if you excuse me, I am already late for class”
“Of course, dear. Wouldn’t like you to get into teacher’s black boots. Though I don’t think that is possible in any case. Now, go.” He dismissed me with a single wave of his hand.
“Peter.” I sighed in content when the class ended and I was finally free to go on break and find my best friend in the school yard. This was truly a view for sore eyes and I felt so much relief when I felt his arms around me. He was about to pull away, but I just grabbed him closer making him stay like this for just a couple more stolen seconds “Please, a bit more” I muttered against his chest.
“But we are in the middle of ....””
“I don’t care. Please.” I begged and this made him stay and pull me even closer. “I;m so sorry.”
“For what?”
“For ignoring you.”
“How are you ignoring me right now”
“Not just now, Peter. For the last weeks. I’m so sorry.”
“Hey” he grabbed my chin and made me look at him “I get it, ok? I know how important all of your work is for you.”
“Not more important than you….” I blinked so he would notice the pain inside my eyes.
“It’s fine.” He smiled faintly and I was sure he couldn’t even convince himself that this was true. “We’re going to get through this, all right? I’m not going anywhere”
“Peter, I…. There’s something I need to tell you….” I started but didn’t get to finish.
“Oh, what now?” I spun around annoyed and ready to fight anyone who was interrupting my moment, but Peter grabbed my hand and started rubbing the palm with his thumb soothing me.
“Wow, someone’s in the mood today. Apparently the tech club has some problems with the newest software. Since you are the smartest one in that area they are asking for you.”
“Like now? Can’t this wait?”
“I;m afraid not. It’s rather urgent. Now, will you come?”
No. no I won’t. I’m in the middle of something important right now, so back off.
“Go.” Peter whispered. “Go. I’ll be right here after your classes. I’ll walk you home, ok?”
“I’m so sorry Peter” I let go off his hand and suddenly felt so empty inside.  This one sentence was lately the most frequently used while talking to him.
In the middle of the night I was still working. The work project I got myself involved in was far too interesting to just stop in the middle. I had my phone on silent mode so that no one would disturb me and refused eating dinner with my family when my brother came round asking me if I would join. The work was like a drug taking away any other human need in my life. Ok, maybe I was feeling a little dizzy, but it was only because I got so many ideas to follow and was scared to miss a thing.
“y/n. Why are you still up?” once again my brother peeked through the door.
“Still? What do you….?” I turned my head slightly to look at the clock. Oh. Oh,shit. It was almost midnight. “Well, I;m onto something. But you,sir, why aren’t you sleeping? You are too young to stay up this late.” I stood from behind the desk and my wobbly legs almost made me fall but I covered up for it “go to bed, mister. I promise I won’t be long,ok?
“I;m worried about you, y/n. You don’t have time for me lately.”
“I know. I;m sorry.” Again. “It just a phase,ok? Everything will be back to normal, soon” Liar. Liar. Pants on fire.
“Ok…” my brother said hesitantly “ goodnight then, sis”
“Night. Night. Sleep tight”. When he left I sighed deeply and hid my face in hands. Why was it so damn hard?!
“y/n” this time a faint whisper came from the side of a window. Oh, there he was. The only person who could jump on the wall and climb to my room without being noticed in the middle of the night.
“Peter.” I was quick to open it and let him inside “what are you doing here? Did anyone see you?”
“I surely hope not. Can’t imagine how your parents would react on seeing me here on this hour.”
“Exactly” I smacked his arm lightly “I just had a conversation with my brother on the importance of sleep, so why aren’t you in your own bed?”
“Such a hypocrite you are” he shook his head smiling but there was still worry on his face “You should listen to your own advice from time to time. “I know. I’m so…”
“No. Shh” he put index finger on my lips and I frowned at this sudden and unexpected action “don’t say it Talk to me. “
“yes.” He took a step closer
“About what?”
“nothing. Anything. Everything” he rested his forehead on mine “I miss you.”
I sighed closing my eyes and enjoying his presence.
“I love you, Peter.”
“I love you too” he slowly lowered his head and pressed his lips on mine. It was so soft, so gentle and yet I could feel how much he was longing for this contact. How touch starved he truly was and tears started flowing down my cheeks. God! I was crying during a kiss and this made him stop.
“What’s wrong?” he cupped my cheek in concern wiping them away “did I hurt you?”
“What?” I could feel more of them coming. He was just so sweet and compassionate. I was the one to let him down multiple times recently. I was the one to struggle with finding time for him. I was the worst girlfriend ever and here he was asking if he did something wrong “Peter” I hid my face in his chest and pulled him closer than it was physically possible “don’t ever say that. Please. You are perfect and the only failure in this relationship is me.”
“Stop it” his arms tightened around my waist “Stop saying that. You are the best thing that happened to me. The most challenging for sure” I could almost feel his smirk “but also the greatest.”
“Can you stay with me for a while?” I refused to let go
“And what happened to why aren’t you sleeping in your own bed?”
“Well, if you insist on that “ I shrugged “but I got one of my own, Parker ….”
“What are you suggesting?” his cheeks turned slightly red.
“Nothing, you idiot!” I pushed him gently but since his instincts kicked in he quickly regained the balance “I just want to cuddle with you. Nothing more, you perv.”
“Sorry.” He muttered looking down and for the first time in forever I genuinely smiled. He was sucha  dork sometimes. My dork.
“It’s fine. Now come here – I laid down and patted a spot next to me.”
He slowly approached the bed and laid on his right side to face me. His left hand sneaking around my waist pulling me close and that made my body relax immediately. This simple gesture was an expression of unconditional love and warmth and safety.
“hmm?” he hummed caressing my hair in this slow, gentle motion that made me slowly drift off to sleep
“what if someone finds out that you are here? My parents or my brother? Or what if your aunt discover you are out of the house and raise and alarm?”
“Do not worry about it, now. Sleep. You need rest. Everything will be fine. I promise” he kissed my temple.
“thank you” I mumbled and with all this peace and calmness that his presence brought on me I quickly and smoothly feel asleep.
When I woke up he was already gone. I decided to treat that as a sign he got home safe and no one discover his late nigh trip to my house. Smiling lightly I tried to get up and this time my legs gave up and I feel to the ground feeling extremely light headed. The room was spinning and for a while I could not find any strength to get up.  Those noises must have disquiet my brother since he came running.
“y/n, are you ok?” he helped me up eyeing me carefully
“yes. Yes. I’m fine. I tipped. Such a clumsy person I am, right?” I ruffled his hair jokingly “it’s nothing, really. Now, get ready for school and give me some privacy to change, right?
“Y/n…..” he was still worried and my heart clenched
“I am ok, bro. Pinky promise.”
Spoiler alert. I was not fine. I barely made it to school since with every step I felt like my lungs  were failing their purpose. Breathing was a struggle, keeping myself up was a challenge and my head was against me, pounding at every sound. However, I was determined to get to classes. Or just simply stupid. It took all my strength to get through the first two hours and I skipped on going on break, instead staying inside and pretending to read some lecture. Even a text from Peter, asking where I was and why I didn’t come to meet him was too much to handle.  After 15 minutes of the second class I suddenly felt like throwing up.
“Miss Thompson” I raised my hand interrupting the teacher in the middle of the sentence “can I please go to the bathroom?
“Why didn’t you go during the break, miss y/l/n”
“I;m sorry” I flashed my most beautiful smile “it’s rather urgent, you know …” I waved hand around hoping she would believe it’s about the ladies stuff.
“All right then, go. But do it quickly. What we are discussing now is very important and you do not want to miss the lesson.”
“Thank you” I gathered myself to get out of classroom and rushed to the toilet. The second I busted through the door I started to throw up. The waves of vomiting came with the tears and shaking, not knowing what was happening to me and my failing organism. I felt sick. Really sick, stressed and scared and I could not stop it. I felt the bathroom spinning and the last thing I remembered was the feeling of cold tiles on the floor.  
 Peter’s POV
Something was wrong. I felt my hair stands on end, my heartbeat fasten and something inside me screaming in panic. y/n I thought immediately There was something wrong with her. Where was she? Was she in danger? I had to find her, this very moment. I stood up abruptly, knocking down the chair and making all the classmates turn their heads towards me. Some of them were laughing banteringly, other were shocked but I couldn’t care less.
“Mr. Parker! What is this” the teacher looked at me
“Can I go to the bathroom?” I blurted out
“Why didn’t you go during the break?”
“I’m sorry sir, I think it’s urgent matter”
“Do you have the trots, Parker?” I swear one day I’m gonna deal with Flash Thompson for good, but not now. Just let me go, let me go.
“Fine. Go, Parker”
I rushed through the door in desperate need to find her. But where could she possibly be? She had classes so if something happened and no one knew till now she must have been alone. Given her character, never wanting to be the center of attention she excused herself and … girls’ bathroom. Shit. I was gonna get in trouble.
Y/n’s POV
The first thing I felt when I opened my eyes was unpleasant sting in the right arm. Then I heard steady beeping of some machine and notice white, definitely unfamiliar ceiling. Was that hospital? As I tilted head slightly to the left I noticed Peter pacing around the room fiddling with his fingers nervously.
“Peter” I whispered
“y/n, oh my god, you are awake. I was no nervous” in a blink of an eye he was right next to me, kneeling next to hospital bed, grabbing my hands in his and hanging his head low.
“Hey” my faint voice made him look up “what happened”
“you fainted in the bathroom. I found you because of…”
“because of Peter – tingle?” I smiled lighly
“please, don’t call it like that”
“my hero” I cupped his cheek, caressing it with the thumb “you brought me here?”
“yes. Your parents are already on their way. The doctors say that you are dehydrated, malnourished and exhausted. You need rest. Loads of it. No excuses this time.”
“I know and I;m…”
“no y/n! Enough of that!” he looked straight at me and the fire in his eyes startled me.
“Peter, I ….”
“Let me talk” he shook his head with evident anger “enough with the bullshit! I’m done.”
“Done?” I squealed. Was he breaking up with me…?
“done with letting you hurt yourself. Look where all this workaholism got you! You are in a hospital bed, for god’s sake, y/n! When I found you unconscious on that bathroom floor I thought I lost you! Why would you do that to yourself? And why would you do that to me?!”
“it’s pretty much the same way I feel when you put on your costume”
“it’s not the same!”
“it’s exactly the same Peter.”  I sighed “And that is also exactly why I know how you feel right now”
“Do you?” he was still angry, his back to me.
“Yes. Please, Peter, look at me” he turned slowly and I could see tears in his eyes “I’ll change. I promise. But I will need your help with that, ok? Will you be there for me?” I searched his eyes and whole face for a single sign that he agrees.
“Always. I'll take care of you ” He whispered caressing my cheek and leaning down to kiss me. It got me every time. This proximity like a single promise that he will not let anything bad happen to me. That he will be there for me. In this innocent kiss he was conveying all of his emotions – fear, relief, pain, anger. When he moved closer to deepen it he pushed on my PVC and I gasped in pain.
“sorry. Did I hurt you?” he pulled away instantly.
“you could never. Or at least I hope” I grinned “and Peter, what you said about being there for me. I want you to know that I am here for you too, ok? Whatever you going through”
“I know. I love….”
“Easy, young man” my dad entered the room and made Peter back off instantly “you better step away from my daughter before someone else ends up in a hospital”
“Dad!” I yelled “he was the one who saved me!”
“And I hate it. But I suppose thanks are in order. So thank you, Paul.”
“Peter!” I corrected him with a giggle.
“I.. I'm gonna go…” Peter muttered. “I’ll see you soon, y/n”
“Over my dead body” my father muttered.
Ok, so now I know that the extra time I will have while dealing with my workaholism will be spend on making two most important men in my life like each other. Seems like a long way to go.   
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mouseratz · 8 months
No one is a fat “phobe”. I was fat as a kid too and only up until a couple years ago I wasn’t. I’m skinny but not instagram skinny like normal skinny and after I eat I look like I gained even more weight till I wake up again, like normal. I was fat too the difference is I don’t complain about it online and make it the base of my identity. And you take everything in the worst way, nobody is mad your autistic or fat, but when u do the above things like complain it just is sad. There’s other things to talk and think about. I’m sure it’s not fun thinking about it for you.
Y'know I'll feed a troll a little bit now just because i'm bored. Are you, like, not familiar with the concept of bloating? (Of course your stomach looks bigger when you eat. That's kind of how those work- they stretch to contain your meal while it digests. that's what a stomach does.)
And I'll be pretty obvious for you, get really personal- there was a period in my life where I didn't eat much at all. I did starve myself, though not with the express purpose of being skinny (my anxiety made me feel sick way too often), and I did lose some weight, I'll give you. I ate a meal or less daily, skipping entirely some days, and my stomach hurt all the time, for around two years. The weight loss was noticeable enough that people would comment how good I looked and must've been feeling, even though my mental illnesses were at their peak and I was very close to committing suicide (and would've said as much if they asked. but most people didn't. because I was losing weight, I must've been taking care of myself, right?)
I still, at my absolute skinniest, would be, by BMI, be categorized at the borderline of overweight and obese. Fatness is often genetically determined, there's only a certain range your body will tolerate, simply. We are told otherwise because it sells- it sells weight loss products and extreme diets, and while exercise isn't innately bad, it absolutely pressures people into more extreme routines there, too, and buying more of that shit. It financially benefits a lot of people to say fatness is a disease in of itself to sell cures that really do not do shit. All of the studies we have show that sustained weight loss is INCREDIBLY difficult to achieve past a certain level (no, I'm not linking, because I'm lazy, ill give you that, too), and big fluctuations in weight repeatedly (up and down, often called "yo-yo"-ing or "yoyo dieting") are NOT good for the body (yet, people are still encouraged for the effort, and blamed on being "gluttonous" or "lazy" or "undisciplined" for being unable to keep weight off).
And, past all of that, even if fatness was something that made you sick- how would that justify treating fat people like this? the harassment, the disbelief, the entitlement, for just having people aware of your body? where is the kindness, if you really think we're so suffering? why is it all holier-than-thou condescension?
anon, you seem like you are very new to the idea of fatphobia, which is why I've taken my time to explain anything at all. I would recommend looking into this topic more, but also try to understand how other people feel instead of taking the time out of your day to send rude messages to someone you've never met.
plus, if you scroll through my blog, you'll see a lot more shit posts and discussions about anything else. I like to draw, I make art. I collect toys, and post about that. Have you looked at anything in my profile but the post that got 20k notes & my responses? I am a whole person, I'm just not going to shut up about my fatness or my mental illnesses because they're part of it. This is a picture you've painted wholly for yourself to justify your disgust of something I said.
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strawbrygashez · 1 year
even though 1999 wasn’t all that long ago at all somestuff has changed, so, do you have any sort of modern fight club head-canons? (I’m terrible at asks, my apologies)
Hmmm. U mean like if fight club was set in current day? What they’d be like now? :0 I’ll answer both if like it was made today and if they’ve just been together during the 1999s and what they’d be like now!!! If u meant this another way I can make another post :D
If it was set in current day:
• Tylers stupid ass would be a influencer. I’m sorry but he just so would be. He knows what to say & how to get people to love him and look up to him so it fits. He wouldn’t be like those weird af sigma podcasters, he’s yknow openly bi or whatever and talks about what he thinks is wrong with the world (he has the same opinions he has in the movie). When he’s not making videos or posting his opinions, he’s making videos about his thrift hauls because people are always asking him about his outfits.
Now if we wanted to get goofy with this idea, I think it would be kinda funny if he started a ‘online cult’ that gets out of hand.
•The narrator would probably still be working the same job he had in the movie. I don’t think much changes about him other than he feels a little better about accepting his sexuality. In his free time he does watch boring YouTube videos though and when he’s trying to go to sleep he’ll watch those like 5 hour videos going over something or another. They rarely do ever make him actually fall asleep.
•When him & the narrator get together & it’s been a while, Tyler has to show him off to the people who follow him online. He’s so excited to but the narrator is a little nervous. he isn’t used to attention and was surprised Tyler has a huge following. Tyler loves taking pictures for his social medias so tons of the pictures he posts are of them both. Maybe he’d introduce the narrator thru a video tho. Man probably has the narrator on his lap the whole time too smh.
•I’m not sure how well the idea of the underground fight club would work in current day. Eh probably the same. I think in modern day tho most of Tyler’s focus would be on getting his followers to start shit with other people. (He doesn’t care much about keeping his plans to spread stuff like that around a secret this time)
•He’s gotten almost cancelled before after saying something about ‘do we need another woman’ or something along those lines. He apologized because he just worded it wrong. (Why am I picturing the diary of a wimpy kid ‘I’m sorry women’ thing 💀💀)
•The narrator would do a lot of Tyler’s online ‘dirty work’ for him. Tyler is the face & speaker but the narrator handles other things. He deletes mean comments too bc he doesn’t want Tyler to have to see them even tho Tyler doesn’t give a shit about them 🙄🙄 so protective.
•The narrator gets such a kick out of seeing comments being jealous that they can’t be with Tyler. It’s strokes his ego.
•The narrator doesn’t get internet slang at all while Tyler can catch on pretty quickly.
•The narrator is terrible with smart phones. He texts like a old man and takes unflattering selfies from weird angles. Tyler is a bit better than him at using smart phones so he’s helping him or he just yanks his phone and plays around with it.
•Tyler hates how nothing has really changed that much besides the fact he sees more people think the way he does on a lot of stuff. He gets mad af when it comes to how capitalism is still going very strongly.
•(If Tyler wasn’t a real person) the narrator would have a better grasp on understanding his mental health issues since it’s probably easier to find and hear information about whatever he has. He feels more at ease about just going to therapy and whatnot.
•Tyler is going to be one of those people who complains that people aren’t ‘living in the moment’ that much anymore. He’ll glare if he’s trying to have a conversation with someone or is at a dining table with someone and they are on their phone. He’ll grab it from them depending on who they are.
•Tyler would hypothetically like to share his thoughts online but he doesn’t wanna ‘waste too much of his time’ on the internet. He’d much rather find something to get up to with the narrator.
•Tyler gets more complements on his fashion style nowadays compared to back then bc people are less worried about how someone dresses (for the most part) now.
•Someone can easily trick the narrator into saying weird shit to Tyler. Like if they tell them to tell Tyler he’s ‘caked up’ and explains it means something other than it actually means, he will go say it. Tyler goes red or just laughs.
•I think Tyler would like mostly taking pictures with phones. In his mind it’s probably the only thing they are good for (besides listening to music). He takes tons of the narrator and outside.
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