#“old flings” XD
frc-heraldofdoom · 1 year
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Betsy Braddock Captain Britain #3
Yeah, Victor... it's not nice to detain your girlfriend's properties. Give her castle back to her! 😁😁
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archangeldyke-all · 2 months
Sev showing off her card shuffling tricks to reader? (And yes, we can tell you’re ovulating lmao)
men and minors dni
"...and i can shuffle one handed..." sevika mumbles, a proud little smile on her lips, her eyes focused on her hands as she demonstrates all her card tricks to you.
she's just won a round in her little booth, and she's waiting for a new challenger to approach her. she's tipsy, relaxed, a hundred coins richer than when she entered the bar, and best of all, she's got you in her lap, scratching her scalp as she entertains you.
you're fucking enchanted with her, hypnotized with her skilled hands, loving the sweet, childlike look in her eye as she shows off.
"this is the classic riffle..." she says, "and then from here you can go into your fancier shuffles; bridges..." she shows off the move, "waterfalls... the faro... this one's banned in some clubs 'cause you can use it to cheat."
"oh, yeah?" you ask, not caring at all, but absolutely loving the sparkle in sevika's eye when you ask the question.
"yeah! 'cause it's a perfect interwoven shuffle-- so if you do it properly enough times you re-set the deck."
"'s it banned here?" you ask. she nods.
"yeah, but the idiots i play against are too stupid to realize when i use it." she whispers. you cackle, and sevika smirks. "this one's called the tenor..." she continues.
you have to bite your lip a little as you watch her big, strong hands, metal and flesh alike, dexterously and delicately fling the cards around, not dropping a single card or fumbling once.
sevika's none the wiser to how fucking hot she's making you-- she's lost in her nerdy rambling.
"then you got your table shuffling variations--" sevika drops the deck down onto the table top to demonstrate, but you reach out and grab her hand before she can start.
"sevika..." you whisper. sevika pulls her eyes up from her cards to look at you. "you've got sexy fucking hands." you say. sevika blushes, and you grin, reaching up to swipe your finger over her pink cheeks. "and a pretty face, too."
"sevika!" old billy calls from the front of the bar where he stumbles in. she blinks rapidly, biting her lip in embarrassment before turning to face her friend. "i'm gonna kick your ass tonight, young lady!" he teases, approaching your booth.
sevika gulps, and you giggle, leaning forward to kiss her cheek. "better get your game face on, baby... seems like the man means business." you tease.
billy approaches the booth, smacking sevika's shoulder in a greeting, then bending down to kiss your cheek. "evening ladies." he greets.
"hi billy." you greet as he crawls into his booth.
"fuck's wrong with your face, sevika?" billy asks.
sevika squeaks and passes the cards to billy to let him shuffle, her hands clawing at your hips as she hides her embarrassment behind your shoulder.
you cackle, wave billy's concern away with your hand and pass him a cigarette as sevika tries to get her flustered blush under control.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @realgreeniebeanie @k3n-dyll
@sevsdollette @ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re
@raphaellearp @iamastar @sevikitty @claude999
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elvenbeard · 2 months
I'm having brainworms about the Tower ending again like axnynsnfrnndndn.
Like. For Vince's canon the relationship with Kerry develops alongside the events of PL and they really get to know each other well. Lots of solid groundwork laying that's super solidified post-Mikoshi when their relationship truly becomes serious and fully committed.
In an AU where Vince decides to go through with the Tower ending, this base would still exist in the same way, but then he just disappears from Kerry's life, and, with all that's been going on, Kerry eventually assumes the worst... but is well enough at that point through the impact V left on his life to not fall back into the worst of his old patterns. Like yeah, it's hard and it sucks, but if anything, he owes V to seize the opportunities he made possible for him. And so he does that, even if he's always wondering what really happened, at some point maybe even doubting if V was even real and not just a vision or hallucination or whatnot induced by whatever.
And then randomly, in the middle of a show, he shows up again via holo like wtf. Kerry's made his peace with it all already in a way and is so taken aback, who wouldn't be? The old feelings begin to resurface, but it still takes some time to cope. I think he would call back after a few days to make sure it's really V, this is really real, and figure out what to do about it now, bc yeah, his career has reached new heights, but no fling or acquaintance ever quite reached what he'd been headed to with Vince.
Meanwhile, to Vince it feels like no time passed at all, his old life is in shambles in some way, but he's built himself up from the ground several times before. That at least gives him some solace in it all, but overall the first few days/weeks after waking up in Langley suck big time. And surely Reed or the NUSA will continue to pry now and then like "you sure you dont wanna come back, we could set you up with a cozy desk job, you still got so much potential" etc etc. But no thanks.
But then, when Kerry calls back, they begin to catch up, slowly but surely, and beginning to rekindle what they had, thinking about where this all could lead to with V's new condition and all, what a future together could look like and if it would work for both of them.
And there is a lot of uncertainty, as all of this happens over the phone, but I think Kerry especially would be more of a physical touch and closeness type of person, so from his side it's all a bit more uncertain, more vague. But the day they finally meet up again in person (at Dark Matter ofc) the uncertainty is blown away and aaahffycnsarnnssnamfm
Oouughh I need to write this all in fic form xD
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tobiasdrake · 3 months
Digimon Adventure 01x18 - Piccolomon, the Fairy! / The Piximon Cometh
Previously on Digimon Adventure: What was supposed to be a lovely vacation cruise to get away from it all was ruined by undercooked poultry. Mimi and Sora were forced to skewer and roast it themselves. After filing a complaint with the manager, the kids returned to their journey.
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The kids continue their march through the desert, though Taichi and Agumon immediately inform us that at least the heat isn't insufferably blazing this time.
Taichi: Nice weather we're having! Agumon: The wind feels great!
A cool breeze has blown in today, making for a nicer walk than usual. The dub gets this point backwards.
Tai: Okay, I admit a little breeze would be nice, but it's still a beautiful day! Don't you think? Agumon: Yeah, maybe for a scorpion!
Dub Tai is being relentlessly optimistic even though the weather sucks as much as ever. Even Agumon isn't having his bullshit.
While those two march ahead, the rest of the group hangs back behind them, deliberating Mimi's new Crest.
Mimi: I got a Crest, but.... Jou: We don't know how to use them. Sora: How do we raise our Digimon correctly? Yamato: Hang on. We haven't found all the Crests yet. Koushiro: That's true. We should shelve this conversation until everyone has their Crests. Taichi: HEY!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING BACK THERE!? Agumon: HURRY UP!!! Taichi: YOU'RE GOING TO GET LEFT BEHIND!!! Takeru: We're holding a really important conference about the Digimon right now! We'll be right there, so just wait a minute, okay?
Man, Taichi just got told by an eight-year-old. Sorry, Tai, but when twelve people are in the back and you and Agumon are way out front, they aren't falling behind. You're running ahead.
The dub kicks this conversation off on a different tone, matching the tonal shift in the previous episode's ending.
Mimi: It's beautiful, isn't it, Joe? And every Crest we've found so far has been different! Joe: Yeah, but... We need to learn how to use them.... Sora: Or else our Digimon could Digivolve all messed up, right? Matt: Yeah, but none of that really matters until we find all the Crests. Izzy: Hmm, I think you're probably right about that one, Matt. Maybe the Crests' power comes from having them all! Tai: Hmm... What are they doing back there? HEY!!! WE GOTTA MOVE ON!!! IF YOU'RE GONNA TAKE SOME DOWNTIME THEN WE NEED TO FIND SOME SHADE!!! T.K.: Oh, thanks, Tai! We were right in the middle of a serious Digi-conversation about the Crests and everything, and then YOU made me forget what I was saying! You be in charge of finding the shade; We'll catch up!
Even though the dub changed the weather, Tai won't need to find any shade because T.K. threw so much at him already. XD Tai just got told by an eight-year-old squared.
We see a couple shifts here based on previously altered context. Mimi loves her Crest and is excited to have it. Sora's line is altered to emphasize the risks while de-emphasizing the whole "proper care of your Digimon" thing, similar to last episode.
Suddenly, the sand beneath Taichi's feet opens up.
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A huge Kuwagamon emerges from the ground, flinging both Taichi and Agumon.
(I guess he wasn't amused by Taichi's impatience either.)
Even though we've already encountered one of these, the narrator gives us a rundown all the same. Kuwagamon is an Adult-stage Virus-type Insect Digimon.
Narrator: Kuwagamon. When using his special attack Scissor Arms, the pincers on his head can slice through anything. He's far stronger than the one on File Island.
The dub seems to think this is actually the same Kuwagamon we met before.
Izzy: AHHHHHH!!! IS THAT THE SAME ONE FROM LAST TIME!?!? REALLY!?!? Palmon: It's Kuwagamon alright. There's no mistaking that ugly face! But he's sure bigger than he was the last time.
A week of flying over solid ocean with nowhere to land does spectacular things for your lats, I guess.
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Agumon pelts him with a Baby Flame, but Kuwagamon shrugs it off.
Agumon: He's a lot stronger than the one on File Island!
In the dub:
Agumon: Uh, we have a big problem; This guy's much stronger than he used to be!
The rest of the group stands around watching like a bunch of useless chodes while Agumon's forced to fight alone. Gabumon yells at him to evolve, but Taichi and Agumon hesitate.
Taichi: If... If he evolves wrong this time.... Agumon: If I don't turn into Greymon.... Taichi: (races towards Agumon) AGUMOOOOOOON!!! Gomamon: WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!? If he gets you with his Scissor Arms, that'll be the end for you!!!
Establishing a big part of the episode's plot, we see that Taichi and Agumon are still traumatized by the SkullGreymon event. They're afraid to even evolve at all without the certainty that it won't happen again.
In the dub:
Tai: Alright, rethinking our training program here. Oh man, I hope Agumon doesn't freak out. Agumon: What if something's wrong with me? What if I can't become Greymon? Tai: (racing towards Agumon) Agumon, stay away from his choppers! Gomamon: Ahh! Move, Agumon! Move! Move! Do something! Get back!
The first two lines aren't so clear about Tai and Agumon's trauma. Tai makes it sound like Agumon's the one with the problem, while Agumon seems physically unable to Digivolve rather than reluctant to.
Taichi tackles Agumon to the ground just as Kuwagamon's Scissor Arms snap shut overhead. Kuwagamon comes in for another swipe and--
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A mysterious voice calls out "Pit Bomb" as this single shot erases Kuwagamon. The dub calls it "Pixie Bomb Seek and Destroy", which is a mouthful.
Shortly after, the kids meet their adorable savior.
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While Taichi and Agumon unbury themselves from sand and disintegrated Kuwagamon ash, this little guy marches past and lets out an adorable "Pi!" with every step.
Sora: (to Taichi) You look okay. Jou: Where's Kuwagamon? Takeru: Who's that? He's weird. Digimon: PI! Hey, amateurs! Piyomon: WAUGH!!! You're Piccolomon! Mimi: (picks him up) Cute!
Pretty basic dialogue. The dub spices it up with gags.
Mimi: A powderpuff with wings! Sora: Just don't use it on your face. Joe: And where's Kuwagamon? T.K.: Oh man! Maybe that's him! Digimon: Ha! I am no enemy, nope-nope! If anything, you are your own enemies. Biyomon: Oh! I've heard of you! You're the famous Pixiemon, right? Mimi: (picks him up, impressed) You are!?
The dub cuts out his marching Pi's, instead having him hum a marching tune. We also see that here that's very verbose. Dub Piximon speaks very quickly and with peculiar mannerisms to make him odd and quirky but in a different way from the original adorable fluffball.
From here, we go into his rundown. Piccolomon is a Perfect-stage Data-type Fairy Digimon. Notably, his attack is actually "Bit Bomb" but he says "Pit" due to his verbal tic of uttering "Pi" all the time. His name is rooted in the italian word for "small". Dragon Ball fans may also recognize it as a musical instrument; Specifically, the piccolo flute, so named because it's a half-size flute.
His dub name is, of course, a play on "pixie".
Narrator: Piccolomon. A fairy Digimon who brandishes his favorite spear Fairy Tale and wields strange magic.
Since she's the one who recognized him, Biyomon handles the rundown in the dub.
Biyomon: Piximon is famous in the Digital World for his skills and training, but few have ever met him!
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As soon as the rundown's finished, Piccolomon lays into the kids for being weak and useless.
Piyomon: It must have been Piccolomon who defeated Kuwagamon for us! Piccolomon: PI PI PI!! Impressed by the strength of my magic, aren't you? (jabs spear in the kids' direction) PI! You're all supposed to be the Chosen Children, aren't you? You're all so weak, I could barely stand to watch, pi. If you keep up like this, then the Tags and Crests will just go to waste, pi. Mimi: This Digimon isn't cute at all. Piccolomon: The same goes for you Digimon PI! You're slacking off PI! You aren't trying hard enough PI! You're gutless PI! Yamato: (grumpy whisper) Pi-pi-pi-pi. He's so noisy. Palmon: I hate exerting myself.... Gomamon: I didn't have any guts to begin with. Piccolomon: That's why all of you are coming with me for training, starting today! Sora: Training? Tentomon: What do you mean? Piccolomon: Especially you two over there! Taichi & Agumon: Me!? Piccolomon: (flies out of Mimi's hands) You and your Agumon win the grand prize. You'll receive intensive training from the Special Menu PI! Taichi: Special Menu!? Agumon: Intensive training!? Piccolomon: Now, follow me! (lands and starts marching) Pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi....
Piccolomon is incredibly rude and calls them all wankers. It's almost like they're lost children or something. Who could have predicted this?
He doesn't so much invite them to come with him as take ownership of them. He's telling, not asking. These are supposed to be the heroes of legend but he finds them woefully unimpressive, so he's going to fix it.
In the dub, Biyomon continues on from her diegetic rundown.
Biyomon: His secret home is the training ground for all the great Digimon fighters! Piximon: And I've heard all about you two but so far I am NOT IMPRESSED!!! You seven are supposed to be the DigiDestined!? HA! You'd better be more careful or you'll end up DigiDinners yup-yup! Without my spears and my magic, Kuwagamon would be eating you with a side of DigiFries! Mimi: That's gross! Thanks a lot. Piximon: And that's not all! You Digimon there! You're supposed to protect the children, but half the time they're protecting you! I wanna see some guts! I wanna see some courage! Matt: (grumpy whisper) This guy reminds me of a gym teacher I once had. Palmon: He's right. We just don't have any guts. Gomamon: Aww... Don't we get points for enthusiasm? Piximon: But the news isn't all bad! Yep-yep, from now on you're all going to train with me! Sora: But why? Tentomon: Let's not go overboard, Piximon! Piximon: Especially you two guys! Tai & Agumon: Wha--!? Piximon: (flies out of Mimi's hands) You heard me! You two need lots of help and I have a special extreme training program just for you! Tai: Did I hear him right? Agumon: Sounds kind of extreme. Piximon: Yep! Follow me! (lands and starts marching, humming his marching cadence again)
His quickly spoken dialogue peppered with yep-yeps and nope-nopes are what replace the pi pi pis. Otherwise, this scene is mostly identical. The only difference here is Matt's barb. Since he can't make fun of the "pi pi pi", he drops a solid crack about gym teachers who think they're drill sergeants.
Gomamon's line is also different, but it's actually improved over the original line. "Points for enthusiasm" is a better line for him than "I don't have any guts" because. Like. What are you talking about, Gomamon? You're a rowdy thrill-seeker. You have guts for days. Jou wishes you had less guts. Remember that time you tried to fistfight him?
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The kids huddle up to decide what to do from here.
Taichi: What should we do? Jou: Can we even trust that Digimon? Yamato: What's your take, Gabumon? Gabumon: He complains a lot, but he's not a bad Digimon. Palmon: I didn't see a Black Gear or Cable either. Sora: Why not give it a try? After all, we don't know how to raise our Digimon correctly. It'll be fun if we think of it like a training camp! Mimi: It may be more relaxing than wandering around.... Yamato: What do you think, Taichi? Taichi: Let's try it. It sounds interesting. Takeru: It's decided! Group: YEAH!!! Piccolomon: WHAT IS TAKING YOU SO LONG!?!? HURRY UP PIIIIIII!!!
Wouldn't count on intensive training being relaxing, Mimi. You're gonna eat those words in a few hours. Also, I'm amused by the implication that Palmon was cautiously inspecting Piccolomon during all that time Mimi was holding him.
In the dub:
Group: (unintelligible murmurs of suspicion from everyone) Mimi: I don't know about this. Joe: I have a question. Do we trust a ping-pong with wings? Tai: But he did save Agumon and me. Why would he do that if he was no good? Izzy: Precisely! He didn't have a Black Gear anywhere on him; I checked. Joe: What do you say, Biyomon? After all, you seem to know a lot about him. Biyomon: Well, it's an honor to be chosen for training by Piximon! Mimi: Sounds like a lot of work to me. Sora: He's right, though. We could use some help. Tai: How can you say that? Just cause we've nearly been eaten a hundred times...! Matt: Well, there are worse options? I mean, do we have a choice? All in favor, say aye. Group: AYE! Piximon: WOULD YOU ALL JUST HURRY UP!?!?
Having a still image of a huddle with no lip flaps moving gives them the flexibility to change who's talking around quite a bit. Joe seems to lead this discussion instead of Taichi and Yamato, though Matt comes in for the vote at the end.
Notably, it's Izzy who inspected Piximon instead of Palmon. He was also less thorough, only checking for a Black Gear and not, like... a cable sticking out of Piccolomon's butt or something? Honestly, not sure where Palmon expected to see a Black Cable.
Biyomon continues to fangirl over Piximon-sama.
And another line about "how to raise our Digimon properly" gets cut down into vagueness.
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As the kids trudge through the desert, Mimi complains.
Mimi: Are we there yet!? Piccolomon: A little further PI! Palmon: 'A little further, a little further', that's all you've been saying! Piccolomon: (ten feet later) Here we are pi. This is the place pi. Sora: Here? But I don't see anything. Piccolomon: PI!!!
In the dub, more kids get in on the complaining so it's not just Mimi.
Mimi: Are we there yet!? Piximon: Just a little further! Joe: That's about the seventh time he's said that. Matt: I think he's lost. Tai: So what do we do, ask a cactus for directions!? Sora: ...ice cream... cold root beer-- Group: STOP THAT!!! Piximon: Halt! We have arrived! Sora: What are you talking about!? There isn't anything here.
The dub's so good at its banter. XD
PIccolomon casts a gibberish incantation to open the way, while Piximon calls out "Pixie Portal!" and then spends the rest of his lip flaps giggling like a madman. His spell unseals a hole in reality, leading to a tropical jungle.
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Jou: WHAT!?!? Piccolomon: Nothing to fear pi. This is just the entrance through my barrier pi. Now follow me pi.
After a moment of hesitation, the kids cross through the barrier.
In the dub:
Mimi: It's a hole in the desert! Joe: Am I the only one who thinks this looks like trouble? Piximon: Actually, it's just my front door. Come on in now! Quickly, before it closes, yep-yep!
Mimi gets to chime in, while Jou's shocked reaction is changed to conscious whining.
As the kids enter the jungle, Takeru exclaims:
Takeru: (gasp) A jungle!
But most of it is just 13 seconds of looking around the jungle. Prime opportunity for the dub to add banter.
Tai: Cool! A jungle inside a desert! T.K.: I bet you've got LOTS of friends who want to play with ya! Piximon: You should have seen it when I first got it!
Not their best work. T.K.'s line doesn't seem to connect to anything and I'm not sure what Piximon even means by that. Is he trying to compare his jungle to a used car?
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Suddenly, Sora hears something. The sound of a horn, like on a car or train, honking in the distance. Whipping around, she spots Etemon's trailer crossing the desert sands just outside the jungle's border where they'd been moments ago.
Sora: Hey! Behind us! Jou: What do we do now!? Piccolomon: That's Etemon's trailer pi. Jou: Ehhhhh!?!?!? Piccolomon: Nothing to worry about pi. He can't see through my barrier on the other side pi.
This is a fun bit because it's something we've glimpsed in past episodes. It's such a minor detail, I haven't even bothered to mention it. Etemon likes to honk his horn when his trailer's getting hauled around, for no apparent reason but shits and giggles. Because he may be Perfect-stage but he is an absolute mon-child.
Suddenly, his unnecessary honking is plot relevant.
The dub makes the inexplicable decision to cut the car horn from Etemon's trailer. So Sora, I guess, has a psychic premonition and that's why she turns around.
Sora: (reacting to nothing) Huh? (turns around) Heads up! BEHIND US, GUYS!!! Mimi: Oh no, it's Etemon and his trailer! Joe: Oh boy, this is bad! Piximon: And right outside the front door he is too! Joe: Huh? Piximon: Oh, don't worry about it. He isn't able to see through the barrier. He sees nothing but desert.
They add in Mimi to ID Etemon in case kids have forgotten. This, however, creates a second continuity error right alongside the lack of the horn.
The kids have never seen Etemon's trailer until now. That's why Jou had the big "EHHHHHH!?!?" reaction when Piccolomon ID'd it. He knee-jerk reacted to the strange vehicle by assuming they were in peril, and then Piccolomon's explanation upgraded that to THE MOST PERIL. So I guess Mimi's having psychic premonitions too today.
I can forgive Mimi's continuity flub. I don't think the dub team approached this show as a serialized story and were instead looking at it like an episodic cartoon, since that's what most cartoons in the 90's were like.
But removing the car horn is an incomprehensible choice to make.
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Inside the trailer, repairs on the Dark Network remain underway, though they seem to have several sectors now online. Etemon, however, is throwing a hissy fit.
Etemon: HAVEN'T YOU FIXED IT YET!?!? Gazimon 1: It's being restored at an incredible rate! Gazimon 2: Please wait just a little longer! Etemon: (bouncing on chair) I can't wait anymore! Hurry up and REPAIR MY NETWORK ALREADY!!!
As someone who works in tech, I feel for these Gazimon.
The Gazimon are bolder in the dub.
Etemon: The stupid screen is still broken; What's taking so long!? Gazimon 1: We've almost got it fixed, Etemon. Gazimon 2: No need for a conniption fit! Etemon: (bouncing on chair) I'LL SHOW YOU CONNIPTION YOU INSOLENT LITTLE WORMS!!! Fix it right away; I have a show to get on!
The boldness to say that straight to an already agitated Etemon's face. Holy shit.
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So the kids come to Piximon's home. A tall mountain with stairs spiraling up it, leading to the various structures.
How's that "more relaxing than walking" thing coming along, Mimi?
Jou: ...up there...? Mimi: What is that!? (crying) I don't believe it.... Koushiro: We have to climb that? Takeru: How many steps are there? Yamato: There's no use counting them. Sora: Wait, does this mean our training has already started? Piccolomon: That's right PI! Tentomon: (quietly, to himself) Hehehe, this is a piece of cake. I can just-- Piccolomon: By the way, flying is forbidden during training pi! Tentomon: Aww.... Piccolomon: Stop whining and start climbing pi!
Nice try, Tentomon, but no dice. Start walking, everybody.
In the dub:
Piximon: Alright, everybody, home we are! My house is just up these steps. Joe: We have to walk up there!? Mimi: But I didn't bring my stair-climbing sneakers! Tai: Uh, yeah... And I just remembered I'm afraid of heights! Izzy: Purely from a logical standpoint, it doesn't look very safe. Sora: Is this part of our training? Piximon: Exactly! Tentomon: (loudly, to everyone) Hey, no sweat! I'll just FLY up there! Then, before you know it, I'll be chilling by the pool while you guys are still-- Piximon: And oh, by the way, did I mention there will be no flying by anyone during all my training? Tentomon: Aww.... Piximon: Haven't you rookies learned that the easy way is sometimes a TRAP!? Now let's move out! Joe: I guess Piximon never heard of elevators....
Low blow on that last line. XD These kids do struggle with that. They walk into traps so easily.
Meanwhile, Dub Tentomon deserves to walk. The original was whispering to himself about his loophole; In the dub, he's openly gloating.
On the way up the mountain, Piccolomon motivates the kids to reach the very top by promising food when they get there. And by food, he means:
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Gomamon: Hey. Where's the food? Piccolomon: You'll have to finish your next training first pi! Gomamon: (distraught) I knew it.... Piccolomon: (conjures up buckets and washrags) You'll be scrubbing all of these floors pi! Yamato: Scrubbing all of the floors!? Jou: All of them from top to bottom!? Mimi: (crying) No way! Piccolomon: (to Taichi and Agumon) You two have the Special Menu pi! Come with me pi! Taichi & Agumon: (groan) Special Menu....
This is the same in the dub but with all of the kids complaining at once upon hearing about the scrubbing such that it's hard to make out any one complaint.
Until we get to Tai and Agumon. Then they drop this gem.
Piximon: But not you, Agumon and Tai. Come now, I have a special chore for you. Tai: Great; We probably have to paint the place!
XD Yeah, probably.
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The kids get to work on scrubbing the floors, with various grumbles arising.
Sora: There's no other choice. Let's get this over with. Mimi: I've never scrubbed a floor; Not even in my own house.... Piyomon: Is this really training!? Palmon: Maybe he's just using us to work as his maids! Gomamon: FOOD!!! Takeru: Tokomon, let's race to see who's faster! Tokomon: Okay! I won't lose to you! Yamato: (stops cleaning to watch his brother and smile) Takeru....
In the dub:
Mimi: The last time I scrubbed a floor was... Never! Izzy: It's a simple task, Mimi; Even you'll catch on. Matt: Is this really training or is this just Piximon's maid's day off and he doesn't like to vacuum!? T.K.: Tokomon, let's have a cleaning race! Ready, set, go! VROOM! VROOOOOOM!!! Matt: (stops cleaning to watch his brother and smiles) Ahaha....
Two key differences here, one I appreciate and one I hate. I like that they composited Piyomon and Palmon's lines into one for Matt. It feels a little weird that, in the original, all of the girls grouse while the boys mostly just get straight to work. Except Gomamon, of course, who's still mad about the food fakeout. This way, it's more even.
But also, they add a line that's just Izzy being mean to Mimi about her line from the original. Thanks, I hate it.
For the Special Menu, Piccolomon drops off Taichi and Agumon in a small, pitch-black cave. As they enter, they sink through the ground and are lost to places unknown. Training has begun.
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Later that night, the group goes to sleep on the floor of a miserable looking waiting room with one chair and a couch. Jou-senpai takes the chair (perk of being the oldest, I guess) while Sora and Mimi share the couch, sleeping sitting up and leaning against each other. Everyone else piles on the floor.
But Koushiro can't sleep. Starting to get up, he spots Yamato sneaking out. Yamato shushes him, and the pair leave the room together. Once they're outside, they can talk.
Yamato: Taichi and Agumon haven't come back. Koushiro: Yeah. I wonder what happened to them?
Before they can follow that line of conversation further, Yamato and Koushiro's Tags suddenly begin to pulse.
Yamato: They're glowing! Koushiro: Yamato-san! Yamato: Our Crests must be nearby!
Following the pulsing of their Crests, Yamato and Koushiro descend the mountain. As they leave Piccolomon's home in the dead of night, Koushiro starts to get nervous.
Koushiro: Should we bring Tentomon and Gabumon with us? Yamato: No. We're safe inside the barrier. We should let them sleep.
Trusting his senpai to know best, Koushiro follows Yamato's lead. When their Tags begin to pulse again, they race off from the house, following the trail. As they go, we catch a glimpse of the ever inscrutable Piccolomon watching them leave.
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Taichi and Agumon wake up on a boat, floating in a mysterious glowing body of water. Agumon wakes first, then rouses Taichi.
Taichi: Wh-Where are we!? Agumon: I don't know! I thought we were in a cave! Taichi: (stands up in the boat and calls out) HEY!!! PICCOLOMON!!!
No answer returns to him but he does rock the boat enough to fall out so that's a reaction, at least. Agumon grabs an oar to fish him out.
Agumon: What are you doing? Taichi: Oh, be quiet. Is this really training?
Tai doesn't get to talk in the dub; Agumon eats up the screentime for both of their lines so he can chastise Tai more.
Agumon: Don't you know not to stand up in a boat!? Here, grab this.
Unfortunately, a sudden bright light in the distance appears, distracting Agumon.
Agumon: Taichi! Something's shining over there! Taichi: H-Hey! Keep looking this way!
Too late. Agumon's so distracted, he can't pull Taichi in properly. Instead, Taichi ends up pulling him out of the boat.
Surfacing, they both end up clinging to the side of the boat and lay into each other.
Taichi: Crap, Agumon! What are you doing!? Agumon: I was just trying to help you! Taichi: That's a lie, you were staring off at something else! Agumon: But the light! Taichi: Wait a second. This boat is drifting somewhere. Come on, hang tight! Agumon: Don't change the subject! To start off, Taichi, you were--
They squabble just as hard in the dub.
Tai: Now look what you did! We're both in the water! Agumon: What I did!? You were the one standing up in the boat. I was just trying to pull- Tai: Well, if you'd been watching what you were doing instead of looking at some stupid light in the distance-- Agumon: Well, if you hadn't pulled on the oar, we wouldn't be swimming like tuna in pea soup! We'd be back in the boat warm and dry! Tai: I do not swim like a tuna fish and where do you get off blaming--
I'm not sure what swimming like a tuna means but it sounds scathing. Take that, Tai!
As their boat drifts further away, the light slowly moves in. Taichi and Agumon fade away as it passes.
The following morning, the kids remaining at the house are woken up by Piccolomon banging on a metal bucket.
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Mimi: What is that racket!?!? Piccolomon: Morning! How long do you plan on sleeping, PI!? Look sharp PI! Tentomon: Has anyone seen Koushiro-han? Group: (suddenly alert) Huh!? Gabumon: And Yamato! Takeru: Piccolomon, do you know where they are? Piccolomon: Those two left to find their Crests pi! Tentomon: (grumpy) Oh. So he left me behind.
So help me, if he wasn't Perfect-stage, they would probably make him eat that bucket.
In the dub:
Mimi: ...what is it? What's going on? Piximon: Rise and shine, everybody! Everybody up! Come on, people! Tentomon: Picomon(sic), do you know where Izzy went? He's not in his bed. Group: (suddenly alert) Huh!? Gabumon: And I can't find Matt! T.K.: What!? Hey, did you send my brother somewhere? Piximon: Your brother and his pal left to look for Crests about midnight. Tentomon: Ohh, I don't believe it! Why would Izzy leave me behind!?
Got another flagrant line flub here. Tentomon's actor says "Picomon" instead of "Piximon", as if starting to say Piccolomon but then realizing and snipping it off. Yet again, they just left it in and didn't shoot another take.
Realizing that three people are now missing, the girls do the only sensible thing.
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They bully Jou for absolutely no reason. XD
Sora: Taichi and Agumon haven't returned since last night, and now it's Koushiro-kun and Yamato-kun. What a mystery that they keep disappearing, one after another.... Mimi: Maybe Jou-senpai is next. Jou: H-Hey, don't say weird stuff like that! P-Piccolomon might-- Gomamon: D'aww, Jou. You get scared too easily. It's fine. We can trust Piccolomon! Jou: Are you sure...? Piccolomon: Now! Time for training PI!
While everyone's triggering Jou's neuroses on purpose for funsies, we return to Yamato and Koushiro. They've descended all the way to the jungle in search of their Crests.
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Trudging through the underbrush, they discuss their own motives for pursuing these ambiguous little macguffins.
Yamato: Hey. Why do you want your Crest, Koushiro? Koushiro: Why? I want to see what Kabuterimon evolves into next, of course! How about you, Yamato-san? Yamato: I, uh... I want to improve myself! It's not only Digimon who evolve and grow stronger. I want to mature alongside them and grab hold of a part of me that's different from before.
Yamato putting off incredible senpai energy right now.
The dub expresses the same sentiments but the way they phrase it is interesting.
Matt: Why do you want to find a Crest, Izzy? Izzy: I guess it's mostly because of Kabuterimon. I would like to see which stage he will Digivolve into after that one. Isn't that the reason why you're looking for a Crest? Matt: No. I want to use the Crest to Digivolve me! Izzy: Oh? Matt: Not into a Digimon, but to make me stronger and smarter. Maybe learn something new about myself. Y'know, to reach my next level!
Matt captures the sentiment from Yamato really well. The phrase "Digivolve me" is a bit awkward, but purposely so. It's attention-grabbing and demands explanation, which he provides immediately.
Izzy, however, tries to sound smart by asking what stage Kabuterimon's going to Digivolve into which. Uh. Isn't. Really. A question. It's Perfect/Ultimate, Izzy. He's going to Digivolve to Ultimate stage. That's how the stages work. The question here is what specific Ultimate-stage Digimon he's going to become.
(It will always be confusing that the dub calls Ultimate-stage Mega and Perfect-stage Ultimate.)
Finally, they come across their destination.
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Yamato: We're at the edge of the barrier. Koushiro: We came this far only to reach a dead end. (The well in the desert begins to glow) Yamato: Hey! Koushiro: The well is glowing! Our Crests must be inside it, Yamato-san! Yamato: But it's outside the barrier!
Koushiro approaches the barrier and touches it with his hand, testing whether it's a physical obstruction or not. As he slides his hand through, Dub Izzy utters:
Izzy: Hope my hand doesn't melt....
Fortunately, his hand passes through easily.
Koushiro: We can pass through! Yamato: (nods approvingly) Okay!
Yamato descends the well first, with Koushiro following behind. Before long, they're both able to find their Crests glowing along the walls.
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Their Crests activate at the same time, slotting into their Tags. Five down, two to go.
It's just too bad they left the barrier.
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The Dark Network is back online and fully functional. Yamato and Koushiro appear circled on Etemon's map. They've been found.
Gazimon: There's a signal in Area K-1! Etemon: What!? HEY!!! (strangles the Gazimon) WE JUST PASSED THAT PLACE!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEGH!!! (Etemon goes to his console once he's done throttling his technician) Etemon: Area K-1 is Tyrannomon's territory. Alright, I'll teach them a thing or two!
The dub calls it area G-3 but the dialogue is otherwise identical.
As the boys emerge from the well, they soon realize that the enemy is onto them.
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It's not subtle.
(Huh, look at that. The Dark Cables really are coming out of his butt. I owe Palmon an apology.)
Koushiro and Yamato run screaming for their lives while the narrator launches into our rundown. Tyrannomon is an Adult-stage Data-type Dinosaur Digimon. Named, of course, for tyrannosaurus rex.
Of note, some sources say Tyranomon with one 'n'. This is because, in Japanese, it's Ti-ra-no-mo-n. However, that's also how the word tyrannosaurus is spelled: Ti-ra-no-sa-u-ru-su. So the intent, to me, for it to be named Tyrannomon with two 'n's is pretty clear. It's supposed to be spelled exactly like tyrannosaurus.
(The t-rex is also called 覇王竜 haou ryuu, which translates literally to Emperor Dragon or Overlord Dragon. Compositing the kanji ha meaning conquest or domination, ou meaning king, and ryuu meaning dragon. So that's pretty badass.)
Narrator: Tyrannomon. A Dinosaur Digimon well-prepared to survive in the wild. His special attack is the scorching flame Fire Breath.
Piximon handles our diegetic rundown from... wherever he is.
Piximon: Tyranomon. A huge Digimon with fire breath strong enough to cook a couple of boys like you!
Koushiro and Yamato sprint as fast as they can for the safety of the barrier. Koushiro barely makes it inside with Yamato about to follow when Tyranomon lets off a shot of Fire Breath. Unfortunately, the barrier doesn't prevent objects from passing through, so they're both caught up and thrown into the jungle by the explosion.
It also has... other consequences....
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Up the mountain, Piccolomon is leading the kids in a meditation session when he hears the explosion. Everyone races outside to see to Yamato and Koushiro.
Tyrannomon enters the jungle. The tree cover hides Yamato and Koushiro, so Tyranomon opens fire blindly. Sending off projectile shots of Fire Breath into the jungle indiscriminately.
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A subtle blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment I really like: Koushiro starts falling behind and calls out in fear to Yamato to wait for him.
Koushiro: P-Please wait for me, Yamato-san! Yamato: Hurry, Koushiro!
In the next shot, Yamato is leading Koushiro by the hand so they don't get separated by the huge difference in their stride. Big Brother Yamato is such a good senpai.
The dub downplays this gesture, unfortunately. We still get the shot of Matt leading Izzy by the end, but it doesn't connect the same because the dialogue to set it up is gone. Instead, we have a quip.
Izzy: Didn't I see this guy in one of my nightmares!? Matt: I wish you'd be more careful what you dream!
This doesn't segue into the handholding as directly so it's easier to overlook.
Eventually, the rest of the group finds Yamato and Koushiro, joining them in the jungle.
Gabumon: Yamato! Yamato: (releases Koushiro's hand) Gabumon? Tentomon: This is what you get for leaving me behind! Koushiro: Tentomon! Sora: Are you guys alright!?
XD Sassy Tentomon will never not be funny.
Sadly, his sass doesn't make it into the dub.
Gabumon: Matt! Izzy! Over here! Tentomon: Oh, thank goodness you're safe! T.K.: Oh, hey bro!
There's a cacophany of voices talking at once. Matt and Izzy don't respond to the crowd shouting at them. Those three lines are the ones most audible over the crowd, though T.K. sounds like he's running into Matt at the supermarket.
Fortunately, the group's all together now. Unfortunately, the Dark Network is back up and running in full. You know what that means.
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Black Cables surge up through the trees so Etemon can be heard. Etemon takes to his guitar, sending out Love Serenade through the jungle and suppressing the Partner Digimon from being able to evolve. All while Tyrannomon makes his way inward, continuing to fire blindly into the jungle.
In their cave, Taichi and Agumon continue drifting through the mysterious glowing water. They've made it back in the boat, where they lie curled up together and float through memories of human buildings and structures.
Until they come across a bridge. There, they find a visual metaphor for the uncertainty and hesitation gripping Taichi's heart.
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A younger Taichi is trying to ride his bicycle, but keeps falling down.
A brief cut back to the world outside shows Piccolomon sustaining a dome barrier to block Tyranomon's Fire Breath from hitting the kids. Looks like they've been made.
Taichi watches his younger self pick the bike back up, but start to cry.
Young Taichi: I can't do it. I can't ride a bicycle. Taichi: Don't give up! You can't quit just because of one or two failures. Don't be so faint-hearted. Believe in yourself. Believe it will work out this time Agumon: Taichi....
Encouraging Taichi's younger self to get back on, Taichi and Agumon hold the bike steady for him while they start running. Then they let go, allowing the young Taichi to ride the bike all by himself.
Young Taichi: I'm pedaling on my own! I can ride a bike! Taichi: I almost forgot, Agumon. I forgot that I can't lose heart. I lost my nerve because I was afraid you'd evolve into a strange Digimon again. Agumon: I felt the same way. That's why I couldn't become Greymon. But it's just like riding a bicycle! If we combine our powers, I feel like I can evolve again!
Taichi and Agumon get back in the boat, taking up the oars and paddling their way back to the others. As they paddle through the mysterious glowing plane, they start hearing the terrified screams of their friends and realize they're needed. Agumon SHINKAAAAAA!!!
During Agumon's transformation, we briefly cut to Piccolomon for a line that, though brief, explains an important detail.
Piccolomon: I can't wait for Taichi and Agumon any longer! I'll have to take care of Tyrannomon myself....
As a Perfect-stage Digimon, Piccolomon is more than capable of shutting down Tyrannomon. He's done nothing but sustain a magic barrier to protect the kids and their drained Digimon because he wants to use this as a training exercise for Taichi and Agumon.
However, at the last second before Piccolomon takes the field, it finally happens. Greymon comically flips Tyrannomon over and charges into the jungle as if he wasn't even there. Letting off blasts of Mega Flame from a distance, Greymon destroys the speakers that were blasting Love Serenade into the jungle.
Then he turns his attention back on Tyrannomon.
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Greymon hoists Tyrannomon up into the air, tearing the Black Cables attached to him out of the ground and snapping them from the tension. Then he brings him down into the jungle in a crushing suplex.
We don't see the gory details, but we do see the dust of Tyrannomon degenerating rise into the air from the jungle below, signaling the end of this battle.
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To prevent kids from realizing that we just fucking killed that guy, the dub adds some dialogue here. When Greymon first starts lifting Tyrannomon, Sora shouts:
Sora: Greymon's pulling the cables out!
Then, once the degeneration dust emerges from the jungle, we get:
Tai: He did it! Greymon did it! Sora: Look at the Black Cables all shattering into pieces!
What happened to Tyrannomon? Don't think about that. What's important is that Greymon destroyed the Black Cables. That is most certainly what he did, and it's what you're seeing onscreen right now.
Cut to Etemon throwing a tantrum in his trailer.
Etemon: Those children piss me off!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEGH!!!
In the dub:
Etemon: Those rotten kids beat me again! Ugh, I gotta find something easier to beat like some cardboard boxes or something!
XD If it makes you feel better, you got to throttle a Gazimon earlier. Those are way easier to beat!
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Now that everyone's back, the group decides it's time to move on from Piccolomon. Quickly.
Taichi: Really. Thank you for everything. Agumon: Thank you for taking care of us. Piccolomon: Don't think your training is over yet pi. Everything in life is training pi. Work hard and never give up pi! Taichi & Agumon: Yes, sir!
Nobody else thanks Piccolomon. I don't think the rest of the team's Yelp reviews are going to be as glowing as Taichi's.
Though they do speak up in the dub.
Matt: Thank you, Piximon! We've learned a lot from you. Joe: Yeah, like how to scrub floors and starve half to death-- Mimi: Joe! That's just Joe's stomach talking. Piximon: Far from over, your training is. Remember, life itself is a training session. Learn all you can. Everyone: RIGHT!
Tai and Agumon only speak up when the camera fixes on them for their "Yes, sir!" moment. For some reason, the dub chose to put everyone else at the forefront of this scene, even though they didn't learn shit.
We close on Piccolomon watching the kids depart his magic jungle.
Piccolomon: Only you can save this world pi. Do your best, Chosen Children PI!
In the dub:
Piximon: They truly are the DigiDestined yep-yep! No doubt have I, for though they are sometimes foolish, I have seen the love in their hearts. With a little luck, they just may succeed and save our Digital World.
Hey, Piximon? Question. What part of the preceding events hinged on "the love in their hearts"? Was it when Matt and Izzy hurt their Partners' feelings by going to the well alone or was it when Sora and Mimi bullied Joe for no reason?
I think the dub is rambling off Generic Good Guy Speech again.
Assessment: With two Crests in one episode, we are ramping towards endgame. The Etemon arc is surprisingly short, lasting only 7 episodes compared to the 13 that Devimon got.
Piccolomon's episode is kind of dull. For all the talk about offering training to everyone, we only really see it with Taichi and Agumon. It feels like he's doing the Wax On Wax Off esoteric martial arts master shtick. However, the purpose of scrubbing his floors is never explained, so it kinda feels like the sharp comments about doing maid service were right.
I'm not going to be hard on literally using "riding a bicycle" for the metaphor because it was the 90's and Japan. I don't remember when that became a tired metaphor and I certainly have no idea if it ever did in Japan. Taichi and Agumon's stuff worked for me. But a lot of the other "training" felt like space filler.
Yamato and Koushiro's segment was gold, however. Their brief discussion on the way to the well, and Yamato grabbing Koushiro's hand as they fled Tyrannomon? Loved that.
The dub nails a few moments, but it's also peppered with continuity mistakes, weird lines, and inexplicable choices. And the triumphant return of adding in dialogue just to be mean to Mimi. Overall, I'd say I'm tepid on this one.
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salvagesmha · 5 days
Ever think that when the Vanguard joined the League of Villains, everyone just had a talk in the bar over their trauma and why they're villains....
And Muscular, who legit is just doing this 'just because', keeps interrupting everyone else with how good his life was and he's utterly oblivious to how insensitive he's being. XD
Toga: Yeah, my parents hated my Quirk and never really accepted me for it...
Goto: DAMN, sucks to hear that! My family was amazing!! My Dad always hung out with me, Mama got me into fitness, fuckin' love those guys!!!
(Twice is holding Toga back from flinging a knife into his remainng eye)
Spinner: I got sprayed with pesticide and people called me a freak due to my lizard mutation.
Muscular: Sheesh, that bites! Everyone at schooled love these big guns!! I tell ya, I was friends with everyone back in my old neighborhood!!!!
(As he rambles, a depressed Spinner is chugging a bottle up until Kurogiri stops him)
Twice: Yeah, without this suit, I'll go crazy and split apart! No I won't!!! It's...rough. I was also pretty much kicked out of my home back when I was in middle school and left pretty much homeless.
Jailbreaker: Tough break, buddy! Though, can't relate, I was riding an athletic scholarships throughout prety much my entire life and even into uni!!! Hell, they even gave me therapists I could contact whenever! Was pretty sweet.
(Twice just let's go of Toga and Kurogiri needs to warp her back to her room)
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h-ayata · 2 months
71. Favourite group to write i.e. FACE, BTT, Allied trio, etc
67. Favourite line in a fic?
41. Country names, human names, both or depends?
25. Have you written anything you would have never thought you would write in a million years
Hiii!! O my God, my first ask 😭❤❤ I'm so happy to answer even if im not very unique I guess but still sodndoxkjsjd
1) I'm not really into writing things involved more characters from Hetalia than Francis, but if we do (me and my gf ❤ we are also rp partners) it's mainly so called BTT.
In our human!au Francis met Antonio and Gilbert in college, but Gil was an exchange student from Germany. And it's safe to say that Francis had a very interesting college life with them XD. Is easier to name things that they didn't do than the ones that they did. Once even a one time (drunk) fling happened between two of them (it's not hard to guess). They are still very good friends, even if Gilbert is living outside of France and collage ended years ago. But anyways, I adore them so much cause of the potential that they have to be such good friends to one another. Hima do better ‼️
2) I'm afraid I don't have one😔 I don't read too many fanfics, but I DO write my own with our ocs and stuff. But there is one scene (not a line) from a Polish fic. It's FraPol and it's basically an NSFW scene but it's so beautifully written and not so obvious that I just fold while reading it. It's called "Fantazje na tematy polskie" but unfortunately it's only in polish 😔😔 thanks to my darling for showing it to me❤❤
3) If I'm understanding the question right– depends. Cause I'll call them by their human names when I'm talking about human au with my partner or friends. But when I'm talking strictly about hetalia and personifications I'll be calling them by their country's name. But ofc sometimes there are exceptions, mainly when joking✨
4) Yeah! I can say that about most of the things I've written. I started writing "for real" when I was about 13 years old and since then I've changed so much it's scary. Improved so much tho. I never thought I would be able to write 18+ scenes and things related to crime. I was anxious about it when I was younger (obviously) but now I find so much fun and creativity in them it's amazing. Writing struggling, realistic characters is my fav thing to do, so being able to create problems with law and crime (not simple things as accidents or saying "I killed sb I'm evil") is so much fun. Also exploring sexualities of my characters and things that they like about it is interesting!! So yeah it's more like– everything. I wouldn't thought I will end up where I am now as a writer and I'm honestly proud of myself and lore I'm creating ^-^ I want to write a book one day!
Thank you for the ask!!❤❤
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unluckyxse7en · 10 months
So I've been sitting on this thought for a bit but. I want to make an informal propaganda post for Gaiaonline! It's a site that's got its pros and its cons, but I feel like it'd really appeal to some of the tumblr crowd, and also I just like to gush about things I like and Gaia is one of those things
So: What is Gaiaonline?
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Gaiaonline is essentially a social/avi dressup site, with a lot of love poured into the site's setting! The big draw of course is having an avatar to personalize and plenty of items to dress them up in, but there's other features as well:
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Such as numerous minigames (more on one of those later), and even manga featuring backstory and escapades of the site's npcs (don't let the cool panel crops fool you though - a lot of it is silly gag bits lol)
There's also a few options for socializing, as well - you can of course dm people, but there's also forums, profile comments, and statuses. The forum even has semi-recently gained the option for night mode! The site also has their own selection of emojis, some standard and some... not so much xD
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Speaking of profile - you can have a decently customizable profile! Gaia provides options in-site, but if none of those are your cup of tea then you can use an external url (or photobucket, but they both watermark nowadays and also are switching to pay-only accounts so I don't recommend that option) - you can add images on the profile, and a background, and have multiple text boxes that can be customized for various uses! Gaia also has aquariums that can display on your profile, but I don't use those anymore so I can't say much on them.
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So your avi isn't the only thing you can stylize! Speaking of which... How about those avis?
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You can get a wide array of items, and with the right inventory the world is your oyster! There's even a slew of franchise/fandom-inspired items, either from old promotions or just designs made as homages!
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(Example Adventure Time-inspired item on the marketplace - Many users sell their items there, so it's wise to check in from time to time!)
Gaia also historically turns to its userbase for item inspiration, and sells the winning designs from the contests it hosts in the shops, so you could show off your own design tastes if you feel like they're lacking your dream item.
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^ Example store - complete with a storefront where you can see other user's avatars out front if they're shopping there! The screencap of Moira the NPC is from the middle of the Halloween event they host yearly, hence her dialogue box and Harley Quinn Cosplay.
Don't have money? Not to worry! Gaia offers "Daily Chance" items and money, sometimes including random chance mini-events that can give you some sweet loot AND a fun time.
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Still, maybe you want something more... Interactive? Not to worry!!
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Allow me to introduce.... zOMG! A flash game - yes you heard that right, FLASH game - where you can run around and kill things, take on quests from npcs, and earn more gold, make friends and more! As stated, it's a flash game, so they had to come up with some workarounds - but they offer suggestions on-site that work with some success in my experience! The drawback is it can be a bit laggy, but sometimes it's just fun having an excuse to see your avatar run around and shoot things. Or slash things. or fling flaming meteors at things. You know how it is.
All in all, it's a very silly site, but one that I find holds a lot of charm and a place in my heart even now. I can't recommend it enough, and hope this appeals to someone reading. :)
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This post is already too long so I put cons (and some general disclaimers) under the cut, feel free to read at your discretion:
So as much as I like to gush, there are some notable cons to Gaia, which feel noteworthy to share. I only spend my time in the areas of the site covered above, so apologies if there's anything I fail to mention:
The economy. Good Lord, the Economy. It got so bad Gaia literally had to change from Gaia gold to Gaia platinum because the inflation got so bad - and then they never properly addressed the setup that led to this in the first place. If you buy from the Gcash stores or from the regular storefronts, it's nbd - but the marketplace with its auctions and its user-established prices can get downright brutal. Gaia has also taken recently to flooding the daily chance items with high-quality items from days past - which may not be the worst (especially not for new users) but I do strongly suspect it isn't helping the economy front much.
GCash - Personally I find this a drawback, but a lot of Gaia's push, especially of late, is GCash. This makes sense - there aren't a lot of users left atm, so no point in hosting events, but it does get a little old removing announcements for items only available for real money sometimes. This is something I hope would see a change though, if enough people decide to join.
Filters - there are unfortunately some curses and the like banned to keep the site 'friendly' to younger ages which. Sometimes backfires on their own announcements or npc dialogue. You can type and send the word, iirc, but it will get automatically filtered accordingly. That said, avatar items can get exceedingly raunchy, or have curse words in their displays even, so the bar is.... Nebulous, here.
Flash Player - Gaia has been around for a long time, since 2003. A lot of functions are defunct or buggy, or in the case of zOMG! as mentioned above, require an outside party tool to help it run smoothly. They do what they can do address it but it has impacted things and probably will continue to do so.
Social media - I would say this site doesn't quite qualify as such, as the ability to share media is middling at best. You can post writing, or art, using the forums or the journal function, but it's far from ideal. Other aspects, like profile comments, can be clunky for communication purposes, so while Gaia has some decent options, it's not up to speed with the big giants in social sites nowadays.
Mobile app? - there IS an app for phones. But at the moment, it's only for dressing up your avatar - none of the other functions are available. If you use this site for avi dressup, this is no big deal, but it could be better.
There's other cons, but these feel like the big ones to mention.
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Lastly, unrelated but disclaimer: Most of these pictures are my own screenshots, avis, etc, with some minor exceptions - I tried to stick to my own content and accounts (yes I have Several accounts) for showcasing here, when not using official resources. If anyone recognizes themselves or a friend in here and wants it removed/changed/blacked out/etc just give me a shout.
Also, shoutout to @shyyren who features in a few of the screenshots, edited the economy meme, and is my current gaia buddy who encouraged me to make this post lmao
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Maybe it's just me, but the idea of Adventure Bay's local news makes me laugh, just imagine seeing the pups rescues being broadcast on the news, with the news headlines and reporter commentary, with all the crazy stuff that happens, the news in Adventure Bay must be crazy. "Thanks John, in today's news our local ten-year-old leader of the town's search and rescue team and his pack of rescue pups are at it again, once again putting a stop to Foggy Bottom's own Mayor Humdinger and his nefarious schemes, this time the mayor apparently let loose a trash machine he called the 'Trash-dinger 3000' onto Adventure Bay's beach, reports say the machine got out of control and started flinging cubes of trash everywhere, prompting Ryder and his pups to appear, and it seems our favorite eco-pup Rocky has a new trick up his sleeve, coming onto the scene with what Ryder calls his 'Re-Use It Truck' capable of recycling and upcycling trash into all kinds of stuff, and all in the blink of an eye, now this is actually Rocky's 10th vehicle, if you can believe it, he has been seen driving 9 other vehicles at one point or another, including a motorcycle, that boy sure is a genius, what will he think of next? In other news, later today, our new four-legged superheroes will explain how they get their powers from a meteor that crash landed on that same beach, assuming they don't get called for another mission of course, so stay tuned!"
Hold on hold on my ADHD ass is at it again, the Re-Use It Truck was given to him at some point during the 7th season which I just finished watching so up to that point no Jet To The Rescue and no Movie truck
Which leaves us with
His regular truck
Sea Patrol boat or whatever that's called
Mission PAW vehicle I don't even remember what Rocky's looks like right now
Jungle truck
His Ultimate Rescue truck
Ultimate Rescue Swamp mini boat or whatever
Racing car
Dino Rescue truck
Ah ok that checks out LMAO took me long to remember all these btw and I might have switched something for the Swamp boat simply because I can't remember anymore
Ryder and the pups just DON'T STOP and there's always mundane things to treat as missions but also HELLA CRAZY STUFF, this ain't News, it's pure entertainm--
I want printed copies of what their newspaper looks like XD I learned to diagram entire magazines and newspapers and flyers when I studied Graphic Design college, I could try and put it to good use, would anyone want a downloadable copy? XD I'M SERIOUS I'M GONNA MAKE IT
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warriorstickers · 1 year
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Cavernclan, Year 3, Newleaf ->Yarrowfur has a dream where Locustgaze comes to see her, and tells her to be cautious, that there is danger afoot. Yarrowfur wakes up, and thinks this must have been a dream from Starclan. She catches Leafbite in a lie, and begins to wonder if he’s related to the danger (it’s actually that he was out flirting with an old kittypet fling).  -> Reedburr slips on ice while hunting and twists his paws, and Oaknettle laughs at him
-> Cherryfreckle tries to make amends with Glowfish, and offers to groom her
-> Goldstar and Leafbite bicker, as Yarrowfur told the leader about the tom seemingly lying about his location. 
-> Goldstar, Cherryfreckle and and Talondrift go on a patrol. They find a wounded cat on the surface, having been lost in the tunnels, and collapsed from exhaustion. Alarmed as to why another cat has wandered into their tunnels, and not wanting them to die, they carry the cat back to camp. They are so grateful for being saved, and unable to remember their past, the join the clan. Oaknettle shows a special interest in her. “Matching names!” XD
-> Glowfish, Rattlepaw and Oaknettle go to try and gather herbs. Glowfish is excited for herbs to be returning to the land. She leads the group to a stream on Mossclan territory. They manage to get lucky, and find an abundance of Elder leaves and Juniper. The patrol has an excited air, and they all return with a big bundle of herbs. 
-> Reedbuur retires, as his recent injury has left him with pains, and he’s getting old
-> Glowfish makes Rattlepaw a full Medicine cat: Rattleripple. 
-> Rattleripple has developed a strong connection to Starclan, and can sense their unease
-> Glowfish doesn’t appreciate a joke that Nettleberry makes at her expense, trying to make Oaknettle laugh. Nettleberry apologizes. After all, she owes Glowfish. She’s still recovering from her duties, and is bored, but Oaknettle has been visiting her. 
-> Cherryfreckle and Burntheart go on patrol together, looking for food. They narrowly miss a bird, but Burntheart tells Cherryfreckle he’s proud of her for trying to make amends with Glowfish. 
-> Goldstar takes a long time to choose a new Deputy. The clan is worried this will upset Starclan. Finally, he chooses Burntheart. Most of the clan supports this decision.
-> Oaknettle complains about not being named Deputy, and Nettleberry still finds him amusing.
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hifuminto · 5 months
Have you see new Hypnosis Mic A.R.B? Part 1
Man i didn't play this game but i suddenly invest with these game after seeing their recent event called "Detective Six Part 1".
Sorry for my Bad English and writing, I am not native speaker and I don't really understand how to write bcos my dyslexia but I really want to make this long post bcos I really exicted! Here we go!
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So this event is now about Badass Temple and Fling Posse Cosplaying as some detective to solve mystery. If i am not mistaken this is not first time this game do this. I remember previously they make similar event with Sherlock Holmes's theme with Samatoki, Gentaro and Rei as characters.
I don't really understand Japanese, bcos i can only read Katakana for now. But i like detective stuff, so i will have fun to write my guest here. In the moment i saw the character artwork I recognize some of them. If i am mistaken, please inform me.
Let us starting first with Kuko's base on his card title. 【波羅夷家の一族】 is pretty similar to a Japanese novel name 【犬神家の一族】 or in English title The Inugami's curse.
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Kousuke Kindaichi is detective created by Seishi Tokomizo. He is describe as a shabby looking young man with a short height. But have a strong observation skills and logic thinking. His character is feature on 76 novels and appearing in a numerous FIlm, Television and Stage Adaptation.
The Inugami's curse was novel written by Seishi Yokomizo, a mystery novelist as part of Kousuke Kindaichi's series. So of course I think he's cosplaying as Kousuke Kindaichi. Minus the robe but he wears the iconic hat base on the statue. I also doing google a bit and later find out the hat is also part of the costume for 2006 film adaptation. This is a neat reference!
Next is Jyushi. Jyushi card is 【アルゴξ急行の殺人】 that literaly translated in google translate as "Murder in Argo Cart". This is clearly referring to Agatha Christie's novel "Murder in Oriented Express" and who is the star of the novel? Of course its Hercule Poirot!
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Hercule Poirot is one of Agatha Christie most famous character. Not much know about his history beside he came from a large family with little wealth in small town on Europe. But he's a former police officer turn into private detective who solve many mystery in his later career. Poirot operates as a fairly conventional, clue-based and logical detective. But sometimes he willingly to hide some important detail of his plan if necessaries. Another fun fact is, Poirot sometimes refer to himself in third person.
Actually before i notice his card name, I already knew he cosplaying either as Hercule Poirot bcos his outfit is pretty familiar to this detective. But i have second thought and think maybe he's cosplaying as John Watson, considering what Hitoya wearings.
But after seeing the card name. I am pretty sure he's cosplaying as Hercule Poirot! But still I am still supersize finding out about this!
And then last, the third member! Hitoya! His card is written 【医師が相棒】 which is literally translate as "Your partner is a doctor". Now who is the famous detective with doctor as their partner? That right. its one and only Sherlock Holmes!
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Sherlock Holmes is a detective that no need introduction. Currently he's IS the most famous fictional detective created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle that still relevant in this age thanks to numerous modern adaptation.
Hitoya maybe the fourth person who cosplaying as the famous detective from Arthur Conan Doyle story. But I think his outfit is the closest one that similar to the legendary detective compare the other three. I mean look at the old Sherlock Holmes picture that i found as reference.
(But I do admit, maybe not his belt thou hahhaa.)
Anyway here some picture of other Detective trio wearing Sherlock Holmes's inspired outfit!
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But then i think He IS the perfect choice to portrayed as the famous detective <3 he just need to put the hat on his head XD
Anyway i finish with BAT for now. I will do Fling Posse soon after this.
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cuubism · 2 years
oh silly rabbit au my beloved! what do hobs colleagues think about morpheus in this au?
i let this ask go unanswered too long sorry 😬😂
to be honest we didn't quite hash this out (@magnusbae) other than that one time that someone reported hob to the university because they thought dream was a student, then there was a whole investigation during which they discovered dream wasn't a student and then everyone was just more confused than before
i think hob's colleagues have probably never seen him in a long-term serious relationship before. flings, sure, but nothing serious, i almost think long-term relationships were sparse for hob in general due to his immortality, especially after eleanor, and then even more so after dream didn't come to their 1989 meeting. hard to commit to another relationship when you're spending half your time building and then waiting in a pub for that one guy who stood you up to come back XD
so hob's colleagues go from seeing hob chronically single to hob suddenly in a very intense relationship with a weird younger (?) goth guy who none of them have ever seen before, and they are... a little concerned for his mental state 😂 you know it's possible it was his colleagues who (unintentionally) started the rumor that dream was hob's sugar baby or something because they just could not conceive of what was going on there. but morpheus is younger (they think) and doesn't have a job (that they can see) and is very pretty so....
i can foresee a lot of touchy conversations wherein hob's colleagues and friends try to gently stage an intervention to figure out what is going on here, only for hob to just be like oh yeah we're in love :) and offering only vague answers to things. 'when did you meet?' 'oh ages ago.' 'what's his job?' 'he's an... artist.' 'how old is he?' '....uh....'
just when his colleagues start to feel a little better and get to the point of like 'well hob's an adult he can make his own choices', then they meet morpheus personally. and it's all downhill from there 😂
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kwillow · 1 year
Answering Some Asks!
Forever ago, I said I'd try to answer more of the asks I get with text, so I don't have them sitting around for years on end. Then I didn't do that. Well... gonna try to do a few now!
Character Stuff
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Probably not, since it's solid all the way through, so there's no space for the air to vibrate and make cool sounds. It'd be like flicking a column of glass or gemstone, probably just make some tapping or "thnk" noises and that's it. Alas!
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Beggars can't be choosey.
But more seriously, probably words of affirmation/compliments or quality time. Though he doesn't believe compliments often even if he wants them - he's more apt to believe he's just being mocked or manipulated unless he already trusts someone (and even then, he has his doubts).
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I talked a bit about this in the tags of this drawing, though I can elaborate in a bigger font size as well, haha.
As his story stands now, he has exclusively pursued women as partners. I tend to think of him as straight.
That said, I'm not opposed to his hetero being flexible if, in the future, a story opportunity popped up where he'd need to be curious about a man. (Jack, another character of mine, started off as straight and then slid inexorably to "bisexual, heavy on the girl" so it has happened before, haha.) AND if other people want to write/draw/think of him as straying from straight n' narrow that's obviously fine with me. :P
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He's not a royal - he wishes, haha. He is nobility, though! His father his a marquis, which gives him the courtesy title of count (or "comte", using the French variant) until he inherits his father's title (though the Old Kingdoms are destroyed before that ever happens). Tough when he's much older he just assigns himself pope-kingship so I guess that counts as self-appointed royalty.
Yes he's had crushes, infatuations, love affairs and flings. Too many. Though it's interesting you bring up status - as a lot of his crushes tended to be on people from lower societal positions than he was. His first crush, and one of his longest (and most tumultuous) relationships was with a stablehand's daughter. When he did get infatuated with well-born women, it tended to be women who were already engaged, married or otherwise unavailable for him to marry. He's just got a taste for things he can't have...
It was extremely infuriating for his father.
(Of course, another part of his lack of discrimination between noble and common ladies might be due to him seeing himself as above ALL mortals, so what's the difference between a peasant and a noblewoman, really?)
Non-Character Stuff
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Hahaha well I welcome that! Ambroys should be bullied on as many fronts as possible.
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Thank you! It's a combination of purposeful research while also ignoring what I research for stuff I think just looks fun. Admittedly, I also am bad at drawing things consistently, so in some ways it's easier for me to just put a character in an entirely new outfit instead of trying to draw an old outfit the same way again, ha. xD
Not to sound like a soccer mom, but I'm a fan of Pinterest for browsing and collecting reference images of outfits that just "feel" like a character, so you have a broad visual library to draw from. You should also pair that with research into how the clothes you want to draw are supposed to fit. For historical outfits, you can get a lot of mileage out of the blogs of historical fanatics who enjoy eviscerating movie costumes from their period of interest. For modern day clothing, you can look at style blogs and tailoring information to learn how clothes are supposed to fit - and then break those rules if you want (for example, in mens' suits, the pants are not supposed to be bunched around the ankles, but I draw Theo's trousers that way to emphasize that he has unusually short legs).
My secret tip for coming up with lots of outfits for characters while keeping them cohesive is to determine a few things about their fashion sense (using Theo and Ambroys to contrast with each other):
What cuts/kinds of clothing do they wear often? What's their "taste", basically. For example, Ambroys wears tight pants/breeches, ostentatious coats and vests, lace and lots of jewelry. Theo, on the other hand, always wants to wear formal clothes that cover most of his body. From that, you can find other clothes that fit that mold and take inspiration from them, expanding what kinds of clothes they wear while still making it feel like "them".
What color palettes do they tend to wear? Theo wears dark colors and red and purple pretty much exclusively, while Ambroys wears a lot of colors, but only in light shades.
What thematic elements can you incorporate into their outfits as decoration? For Theo, I tend to include blood-drop designs and heraldic symbols like the ermine spot, while Ambroys is associated with flowers (especially roses), eyes and wings. You can add these elements to outfits to add a little extra spice (there are a lot of Ambroys' outfits that are really the same thing, but in one I put daffodils on him and another I put feathers on him, for example).
I hope any of that is helpful!
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Thank you so much! I honestly have no clue what I'm doing when it comes to rendering, so I'm glad it's looking okay, heh!
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I've heard Gravity Falls is great, but like many shows that I've heard are great, I have never made time to watch it. I know vaguely of Stanley Pines, though.
But thank you so much for saying you like Theo. He's a nasty little guy but he's very near and dear to my heart, and it really touches me that you see complexity and charisma in him. I do aim to make characters that are textured, weird little bastards.
And I don't mind you roleplaying with Theo, I think it's sweet. xP I'm glad he got to enjoy some pizza.
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steel-and-fire · 8 months
💖Even though they're never ideal our ship memes are always entertaining XD
//Okay, you asked for this, bro xd
Send a 💖 and I’ll tell you what a relationship would be like with my character:
How likely they are to enter a relationship with them:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 (i mean...it's not impooossible...just very unlikely)
Would they…
Make the first move? Yes | No Say “I love you” first? Yes | No Cheat on them? Yes | No Be the jealous type? Yes | No Plan the dates? Yes | No Initiate the first kiss? Yes | No Remember anniversaries? Yes | No
Their Relationship Is:
friends to lovers | rivals to lovers | enemies to lovers | still just enemies | mutual pining | star crossed lovers | old married couple | perpetual honeymoon phase | stable and boring | stable but not boring | secret lovers | best friends hiding their feelings | and they were roommates | friends with benefits | coworkers avoiding HR | one-sided affection | weird sexual tension | it’s complicated | toxic relationship | a secret affair | an actual dumpster fire | other
PUBLIC Displays of Affection:
hand holding | kiss on the hand | kiss on the cheek | kiss on the forehead | kiss on the lips |  cuddling | hugging | affectionate messages or comments | pet names | pictures together | no displays of affection
PRIVATE Displays of Affection:
hand holding | kiss on the hand | kiss on the cheek | kiss on the forehead | kiss on the lips |  cuddling | hugging | affectionate messages or comments | pet names | pictures together | no displays of affection
Do they stay together?
yes, this is endgame | yes but someone is gonna die tragically | something is keeping them apart | they part ways as friends | they part ways as enemies | they’re on-again-off-again | they have a super messy breakup | it was just a fling | other
What terrible pet names would they give each other?
"Purply." "Horny."
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tobiasdrake · 3 months
The Epic Final Battle! Holy shit, this finale is amazing.
Okay so Magneto is up there with Rogue and Rogue's powering the Mutation Machine that is actually the Murder Machine because that's easier to explain the stakes of to a 10-year-old than large-scale racial erasure.
Storm and Jean will use their powers to fling Wolverine, the one person who cannot fight Magneto, right up there next to Magneto. Here we go.
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"What the fuck?" ~Magneto as he watches Wolverine suddenly fly overhead and sail straight on into the New York Bay.
That very nearly is what happens, as they overshoot their target by a comical margin.
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Magneto, meanwhile, still cannot comprehend that this is actually happening. That this, flinging Wolverine of all people at him, is the plan.
Wolverine then attempts to ignore Magneto entirely and free Rogue.
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"Oh shit. Somehow I completely forgot about that." ~Logan
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Scott decides to just fucking shoot him, and we get the most baffling moment in the entire film.
Jean: Scott, wait!
Wait... for what, exactly? Magneto turns Logan's blades aside and begins bending them, while the machine starts firing up and emanating its blast wave. What does she think is going to happen suddenly to change the tide of this fight?
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Scott: Jean, I have to! Jean: Just wait!
FOR WHAT, Jean!? What could we possibly be waiting for!?
I think she's kinda on Magneto's side here. She's over there like, "Hang on, let's wait until the wave kills all of the U.N. conference people and then shut it down before it can reach New York. Compromise."
Nothing happens. There is no payoff to "Just wait". It ends when Scott eventually stops listening to his homicidal girlfriend and takes the shot.
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We could have done this two minutes ago, Jean.
And that's it. That is the entire battle. Cyclops One-Punch Mans Magneto down with a pitiful "Ugh!" and the plan to thwart the machine goes off without a hitch.
What a weird-ass final battle. XD
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"It occurs to me now... Lying here... That I could have stolen Cyclops's visor back away from him at any time. Should not have gotten so distracted laughing at the Logan Toss. My spine has regrets."
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And then the X-Men just leave. They leave Magneto lying there in Lady Liberty's torch for the cops to come take him away, whenever they get around to climbing the torch. No shit, we see a panning shot up from him lying there to the Blackwing departing. The cops will deal with him.
You know, these cops.
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It's cool. Scott shot him in the back one time so he's probably unconscious and will remain so for an indeterminate amount of time. It's cool. We can leave what comes next to the whims of fate.
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cursedfortune · 7 months
violentemperor the fact that she is touch starved is really the strangest thing about her.
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I'm going to actually address this as more of a headcanon post for a few reasons. It's an old but very active still headcanon, and still valid to this day. I don't expect anyone to remember every detail about my muse, fuck knows I forget a lot myself xD But also since I have new moots/followers, I thought it may be helpful. I'm quoting friendo above for the sake of having a clear basis to answer, btw, not out of negativity.
You know how you behave with strangers vs people close to you differs, yeah? Maybe for some people not a lot, maybe for others it is. It's like that. It's still you, just a different flavor of you depending on who it is.
Witches in my lore communicate less verbally and more through touch and energy. They can share a look and it will contain a conversation, because they share energy with one another that carries with it the impression of how they are feeling/what they are thinking to whatever extent they wish to share.
Mortem's natural tongue is touch and speaking without words. She had to adapt to the other races and learn the value of speaking with her tongue since they value it so. Yes, in her canon, fae and elves - as well as specific mage-types can communicate with her in her natural "tongue" but very early on in her canon she is sentenced to exile for being convicted of treason.
By default with people, since I keep all interactions separate unless plotted otherwise, Mortem interacting with anyone will have her in that solitude of exile. Does she go out into cities and other places? Yes. Why? Because her work as a witch requires her to. She was exiled from a neighboring country she called home. Her homeland hasn't exiled her, but she is shunned from being involved in their affairs. You can't really stop a witch unless you put them down, and Mortem is temporarily immortal and can't be. So her homeland tolerates her so long as she just stays away from the politics and keeps to her forest mostly. Which she does. She only leaves her forest when she has to for her work as a witch (aka fulfilling her purpose that is directly related to mortals).
So when it comes to touch and all that, Mortem is deprived of her natural form of communication. She is essentially mute because no one speaks to her and she is shunned, outside of those who don't realize they are speaking to traitor usually. Other witches exist, but because Mortem has witch hunters solely dedicated to killing her she doesn't usually venture near her own people because she doesn't want to risk troubling them with her burdens either.
To circle back to the initial point:
You know how you behave with strangers vs people close to you differs, yeah? Maybe for some people not a lot, maybe for others it is. It's like that. It's still you, just a different flavor of you depending on who it is.
When it comes to her engagement with mortals - yes. Sometimes she has a fling. She doesn't get close to others emotionally, however. In the RPC, it's a little different because it's not strictly me being 100% in her canon. She has three ships at this time that are all long term and mostly slow build ones. She doesn't get close to people because people don't live much more than what feels like a blink of the eye to her. By close I mean, she will value someone and enjoy them but she won't let them know her and make herself vulnerable, by the way. Her relationships, when they randomly pop up (or at the start of rp interactions) will always be friendly and one-sided because Mortem will fully enjoy someone and accept them sharing themselves with her - but she is very... sleight of hand when it comes to how much she shares in return.
How she engages with people casually and by default is very honest, but she omits a large portion of herself because 1) witches just be like that and 2) because of her longevity and isolation.
Being touched by someone who cares about you is different from being touched by someone who is casually friendly with you. And for a witch, those differences are loud and clear. She is a war veteran that was promptly exiled and isolated, she has been hunted by witch hunters the majority of her life and all her tolerance for torture and pain comes from them. Her life is mainly made up of physical hurt and emotional distance. Which is why I've said when her smiles falls, it's her true expression showing. Because Mortem is relatively neutral down to the emotional base. She doesn't lie about how she feels, she'll tell you she's pissed off or upset with a smile on her face because she doesn't feel close to someone. But when she relies on someone, like one of her ships for instance, she'll let that smile that wards off others fall and touch/want to be touched in the ways that she needs it. The way her people communicate to some degree. Those are the individuals that get to see how things really make her feel without the vaguely threatening smile she usually always wears.
Touch may never be what it was once back when she was younger and among her people, but it can be close when she has bonded with someone closely.
You can say she has a pretty face and sex appeal and therefore wants for nothing, that she has a personality that can easily make friends. And you'd be right. Because that's the point. She made herself that way because it was necessary, and what she didn't is just natural to her/her kind. But just because she has it doesn't mean it's utilized and it certainly doesn't mean she lets others touch her often or gets close to others to have their touch matter (<The big point here). Physical touch is important to Mortem and her people. Her isolation has made it so that she is both hesitant to engage in it (because mortal customs differ) and wanting it very much (because it's natural to her kind). She is touch-starved but she keeps it to herself unless someone she feels like she can be vulnerable with comes along. Aka, like the three ships I currently have with her.
Mortem is old, war torn and has been isolation for a very long time by default when it comes to any of her interactions. That's how I write her. In every ship she has, I don't hesitate to write about it either. This blog has documented it well. I'm not expecting everyone to keep up with that, that would be insane. I just hope this helps clarify her usual persona vs when she allows herself to be vulnerable for anyone new or anyone wanting a reminder or something. ^^
If you made it this far I can only give you raw onions and finger guns. But at least the onions are peeled.
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pokemon-ash-aus · 2 years
"Both of Meowth" AU: basically Ash catches a regular Meowth at some point during Kanto and he acts like a typical cat (pushing away Pikachu for fun, breaking stuff, being all whiny) while still secretly caring a lot about his Trainer and that yellow mouse he's stuck with when he's not being catty about it.
TR's Meowth finds him absolutely annoying and claims the world ain't big enough for two Meowths in the spotlight (Ash's Meowth loves to troll him). They never think of pulling a switch.
He hopes to one day evolve into a Persian because he thinks of all the attention, treats and compliments he'll get on his elegance and skill should that happen. If so, Delia will get uncomfortable being reminded of a relationship she left whenever she gets to see Ash with 'im.
I imagine Delia can seperate an old fling with her son's sweetheart.
Meowth absolutely hates him, and levels up to make sure he's on par with Ash's Meowth as best as possible.
(Pikachu can still kick both of their asses much to their chagrin)
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