#……..atrapas would do this
flan-tasma · 6 months
good morning, how are you? I would like to request a kissing session with gaming pretty pleaseeeee i love your writing <333
💖~ Thanks for asking! I've been doing well, and I hope you're having a great day too. Thank you for your nice words too!
Thank you for making a Gaming request! He is so adorable, I just want to pinch his cheeks because he is a great boy and he deserves it.
Warning: Nope now💖, GN!Reader | English is not my native language, so if I have made any mistakes in the translation, I am open to corrections | Content in spanish and english!
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Es un amor, es el mejor novio del mundo. Es el más divertido, el más amable y el más comprensivo, por eso es tan genial estar con él. Gaming siempre te trata de manera tan delicada, como si fueras su mayor tesoro y temiera que tu piel se dañe por sus uñas, por lo que siempre te acaricia con la yema de sus dedos cuando te levanta el mentón para dejar un beso en tu nariz.
Siempre inicia así, nunca empieza besando tus labios, en cambio, está dispuesto a besar tu rostro completo antes de darse ese lujo. Puede que te muerda cariñosamente las mejillas, pero solo son sus formas cariñosas de amarte y molestarte: toma tus manos para que no te alejes, te sostiene de la cintura o te abraza, solo no quiere que te vayas cuando empieza a danzar contigo hasta el sofá.
Le gusta besarte cuando va pasando, cuando se despide para ir al trabajo o cuando te saluda en la mañana, te besa la mejilla y se va. Pero para los besos largos que te da, es imprescindible que ambos estén cómodos.
Sostiene tus mejillas luego de besarlas, te mira con amor y fascinación antes de hacer que te acerques más a él, prácticamente acurrucados en los cojines. No importa si su cuerpo es naturalmente más cálido que lo normal, tú no vas a alejarte, ¿verdad? Por eso es que se permite enredarse contigo cuando por fin reclama tus labios, acariciándolos suavemente y con confianza, dibujando una sonrisa cada vez más grande en su rostro.
Se toma su tiempo para adorarte, paseando sus manos por tu espalda y tu cabello cada vez que busques respirar contra sus labios, susurrando cumplidos dulces contra tus oídos, llamándote su pareja, como alguien que aún no entiende cómo pasó, pero que está sumamente agradecido.
Se deja mimar por tus besos y tus caricias, ronroneando entre tus brazos cuando lo abrazas de igual modo y le dejas ser tan mimoso y cariñoso como quiere. Ha tenido un día largo, independiente de si fue pesado o no, ahora solo quiere besarte hasta no poder más.
Es una llama, te calienta suavemente, te atrapa en una casa de madera, pero las flamas no se expanden, no busca quemarte ni abrumarte, no quiere que te dé calor, por lo que te permite abrir las ventanas mientras que le permitas abrazarte con su manto. Es adicto a sentir que le peinas el cabello al mismo tiempo que paseas tus labios sobre sus párpados, puedes sentir que sus dedos dejan arrugas en tu blusa.
Es una chimenea agradable, te permite acercar la mano al fuego y besa tus dedos uno por uno. Tu piel no se chamusca, sino que te deja con el recuerdo de sus besos como un río que cae por tu carne.
Apasionado y cálido, gentil y devoto. Gaming adora besarte, pero su corazón se rinde cuando le devuelves el cariño
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He is a sweetheart, he is the best boyfriend in the world. He's the funniest, kindest, and most understanding, which is why he's so great to be with. Gaming always treats you so delicately, as if you were his greatest treasure and he was afraid that your skin would be damaged by his nails, so he always caresses you with the tips of his fingers when he lifts your chin to leave a kiss on your nose.
He always starts like this, he never starts by kissing your lips, instead, he is willing to kiss your entire face before giving himself that luxury. He may bite your cheeks affectionately, but those are just his affectionate ways of loving and teasing you: he holds your hands so you don't walk away, he holds you by the waist or hugs you, he just doesn't want you to leave when he starts dancing with you until lay on the couch.
Gaming likes to kiss you when he passes by, when he says goodbye to go to work or when he greets you in the morning, he kisses your cheek and leaves. But for the long kisses that he gives you, it is essential that both of you are comfortable.
Holds your cheeks after kissing them, looking at you with love and fascination before making you move closer to him, practically snuggling into the cushions. It doesn't matter if his body is naturally warmer than normal, you're not going to walk away, are you? That's why he allows himself to get tangled with you when he finally claims your lips, caressing them softly and confidently, drawing a bigger and bigger smile on his face.
He takes his time adoring you, running his hands over your back and hair every time you seek to breathe against his lips, whispering sweet compliments against your ears, calling you his partner, like someone who still doesn't understand how it happened, but is extremely grateful.
Allows himself to be pampered by your kisses and caresses, purring in your arms when you hug him in the same way, and let him be as cuddly and loving as he wants. He's had a long day, regardless of whether he was heavy or not, now he just wants to kiss you until he can't take it anymore.
He is a flame, warms you gently, traps you in a wooden house, but the flames do not expand, it does not seek to burn you or overwhelm you, it does not want to burn you, so he allows you to open the windows as long as you allow him to hug you with his mantle. Gaming is addicted to feeling you comb his hair at the same time as you run your lips over his eyelids, you can feel his fingers leaving wrinkles in your blouse.
He's a nice fireplace, he lets you put your hand near the fire and kisses your fingers one by one. Your skin is not singed, but rather leaves you with the memory of his kisses like a river flowing through your flesh.
Passionate and warm, gentle and devoted. Gaming loves to kiss you, but his heart gives out when you return his affection
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zaenight · 4 months
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Silent promises CHAPTER 1 (BACKSTORY)
TW: ableism , racism , abuse , sexism , child forced to watch a murder , etc. (most of these topics will be reaccuring thoughout future chapters , if you are not comfy with these topics , this is your warning , and welcome readers to silent promises.)
A baby was born , a beautiful little girl ,to a african-american mother and a mexican-american father.
And oh how happy they were , until the hearing test was failed , and suddenly the most happiest day of their lives turned dark and cold.
And so after being released from the hospital , she was left at an old church , and they were gone when the doors open.
As an elder nun opened the door she looked out and as she was about to close it , she gasped looking down , a chid , no a baby , in nothing more than a cardboard box , laid on top of blankets ,she was crying and quivering,the cries were slightly silent the nun noticed,it wasn't until she saw a note taped to her onesie that she realized.
All it said was that she was born deaf , her race and ethnicity, and a name , a beautiful name , the Nun picked up the child who calmed down , eyes wide with curiousity.
"Rosaleigh Leora , what a beautiful name." She said as they went into the church.
After she turned two , Rosaleigh was placed into foster care , multiple homes.
"Can't you fucking hear!,Listen to me!"
"Why won't you speak!,Say somthing , your deaf not mute."
"At least make a noise , don't just stand there!"
"What are you? , I mean your not fully black , yet you ain't fully mexican either."
From the ages two to ten that's all that was said , in that time she would learn sign language and the only reason she knew what was being said was because she learned how to read lips , the ways they moved , or body language , the gleam in their eye's , twitches of the body , soft or heavy breathing , chest heaving,she learned this from reading books from the library , the librarian was a good woman , april , she gave the child free books as she came in everytime she could.
She enjoyed reading about both the african and mexican culture , she learned how to read spanish , and while reading lips , she learned how to know if it was english or spanish being spoken.
Wearing no shoes wasn't practical , however she preffered it , she might not be physically able to hear noises , however she can feel , feel through the vibrations.
However not many people were as nice as April was , at ten she ran away when they tried placing her in a new home , so she stayed on streets , bathing and food were also somthing april had offered , however she couldn't always go to the library so , the dirt and sweat building up all because one stupid cop that hangs out near there was determined to take her back and give her to the system.
The street's of Santo padre were not for the weak , you have to survive , to fight , to steal , because of the cop hanging at the library , that's what she had to do , and she did it pretty damn good.
Ok at first it was a bit rough , her first steal was a big piece of steak from the meat shop ,Carnicería Reyes , oh she got that meat all right , but she was still working on the whole feeling the vibrations on certain surfaces , being chased by a broom was not on her list , and man that old guy could run.
"Maldito niña robó un filete y casi atrapa al pequeño ladrón también." Felipe reyes grunted , his wife behind the counter , letting out a laugh before going to her husband.
(Damn kid stole a steak , almost caught the little thief too.)
"Déjalo Felipe, el pobre bebé debía estar muriendo de hambre, no podía imaginarme a los niños pasando por eso, y que lo persiguieran con una escoba no era necesario mi amor". Marisol Reyes stated with a raised brow as she wrapped her arms around Felipe.
(Leave it Felipe , poor baby must've been starving , I couldn't Imagine the boys going through that , and getting chased with a broom was not necessary my love .)
"Lo sé, lo siento querida." Felipe said huffing as Marisol laughed.
Rosaleigh found a place under the bridge , where the homeless or druggies slept , hookers were also in the area , getting picked up by John's , tents , barrels of fire , singing drunk people , good enough for her.
During that time she encounterd both kind and bad people , However that didn't stop her , since she was the only kid there , she gained the nickname Rosie Posie , and on music night , She might've not heard it , but oh she felt it , her happiness and joy made this dark world shed some light.
She was able to see April again , that cop gave up , all of her books got lost , but the one April gifted her , she would never let go of , it was the little red riding hood.
A girl has to take a basket. of goods to her grandmother , only to discover that it wasn't her at all but a wolf!
At age eleven she met two new people , Serenity "Cookie" Jones , she was one of the new prostitutes , she always had diffrent wigs and her clothing was a bit different than the other girl's , however the small bruises that somtimes lingered on her face made it clear , her pimp wasn't a good man , when he came around , Cookie had her hide untill she or one of the others got her , Serenity would never let any child go through what she did.
But she was more closer to Bobo , his full name Bobby "Bobo" Morgan , he was crazy , but in the good way , sometimes he was a bit high , however that didn't stop him from bringing a smile to her face with his crazy dances.
Him and Cookie also did her hair , almost wanted to have a heart attack when they saw it for the first time.
Where they the best people to care for a deaf eleven year old , no , but they did the best they could when they were able too.
During that time Her and Bobo got closer , Cookie's pimp died in a shoot out , That's when she opened her eyes and decided to
start fresh , she opened a bakery , She took the name Cookie and made it her own , they get free stuff when she visits.
It was going good untill that night , the night she took a life for the first time .
Rosaleigh was running back to the bridge , rain pouring and books tucked under her arms.
Bobo said he had learned somthing new , said she was gonna be exited.
A big smile was on her face until she saw somthing that would scar her for life , a few feet away from the bridge there was Bobo , but he wasn't alone , a man that usually stayed under the bridge was arguing with him , he would always spit at her , and curse her for being there , And right now as Rosaleigh ran up to them , it was too late , as the man's arm went back , His hand held somthing sharp , a knife , right into Bobo's stomach , Rosaleigh stared eyes wide , head spinning as the man ran off , running to Bobo she put her hands over his stomach.
Blood , so much blood , he was coughing , she couldn't scream could she? would they hear it?
Can they hear her silent whimpers and her sobs as the man she saw as a brother laid dying.
"Hey Don- Don't cry Rosie , Im gonna be good , this ain't noth- ing , Stupid man tried to take it , but I woul-wouldn't let 'em." Bobo , No Bobby , said as he was choking , but what Rosaleigh saw made her heart break even more , little red riding hood , her book , her stupid book was the cause of this.
"I got it Back , look I-I lied im not gonna be ok , I have to go now kay , but- I have somthing to show you , look what- I learned." He said choking up more tears streaming down Rosaleigh's face as He made a gesture , it wasn't good but it was decent.
He signed I love you , he was learning , for her , and her stupid book was the reason he now took his final breath , as her body shook she grabbed little red , and closed the eyes of her brother one last time , a kiss on his forhead.
The people under the bridge never saw her eyes so dark as she ran towards the park a few blocks away , where the mean man also rested , a broken bear bottle in hand.
There he was sat on the bench , his body language was calm , how the hell could he be Calm.
It was dark , just her and the man , no camera's , no one would miss the red neck anyways , it was known that he had no family.
But he took her's , and he couldn't get away with it.
So she stood infront of him , he scoffed telling her to go away , before making a face and covering his ears , making faces as he mocked her , and her tear stained face became one of rage .
It was red , the blood spilling out of his neck , of course it was , was it wrong yes , but did she feel any remorse , no.
Taking the bottle she ran to the bridge , People were with Bobo's body , getting ready to place him in the burial , you see cops never went near there , nor did they care about them , so they made their own graveyard , sick , natural , murdered ,that's where their peole go , because no one else cared.
Cookie , She had tears in her eyes , Rosaleigh was the person who brought her and Bobo together , he was like an annoying big brother you couldn't help but love , he was only twenty - six.
"Oh my god." She said rushing over to the bloody eleven year old.
"Come on , come on ." Serenity said taking the bloody bottle , bloody clothes , anything covered in blood , and burned it.
Serenity "Cookie" Jones has seen many things in her life , but this , this was somthing that would stick with her and the bridge people forever.
Wet rags and clothes that some of the older people brought to change the girl and clean off the blood.
Except the book , Bobo died for it , his blood stained it , no way in hell was she giving it up.
And on that night , Rosaleigh "Leora" Morgan was born , and The nickname Rosie Posie , became Bloody Rose .
amandla stenberg as Young Rosaleigh
Marlon wayans as Bobby "Bobo" Morgan
shannon thorton as Serenity "Cookie" Jones
Embeth davidtz as April greene
Welcome to the begining of Silent promises.
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hauscrashburn · 2 years
I feel like we're missing a real opportunity in the Nashuri fandom to use Juan Luis Guerra's Burbujas de Amor (i've got a fic WIP but its too dark for this tontuelo song)
Tengo un corazón I have a heart Mutilado de esperanza y de razón mutilated of (lacking) hope and illusion Tengo un corazón que madruga donde quiera i have a heart that wakes (gets) up wherever it wants ¡ay ay ay ay ay!
Este corazón this heart se desnuda de impaciencia get naked of inpatience Ante tu voz, before (in the presence of) your voice Pobre corazón poor (pity) heart Que no atrapa su cordura that cannot trap (get) its sanity
Quisiera ser un pez I would like to be a fish (I wish I would be a fish) Para tocar mi nariz en tu pecera to touch my nose in your fishbowl (1) Y hacer burbujas de amor por dondequiera, ohhhh and make loves bubbles wherever I want, ohhhh Pasar la noche en vela spend the night awake (to have a sleepless night) Mojado en ti wet in you (wet of you, wet with you) (2)
Un pez a fish Para bordar de corales tu cintura to embroider with corals your waist Y hacer siluetas de amor bajo la luna, ohhhh and to make love silouettes under the moon Saciar esta locura to satisfy this madness Mojado en ti wet in you
Canta corazón sing heart con un ancla imprescindible de ilusión with an indispensable anchor of illusion Sueña corazón dream heart No te nubles de amargura, ay ay ay ay ay do not get clouded by bitterness, ay, ay, ay
Y este corazón and this heart se desnuda de impaciencia get naked of inpatience Ante tu voz, before your voice Pobre corazón poor heart Que no atrapa su cordura that cannot trap its sanity
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one morning, you wake up to find a table that you've never seen before, sitting in the middle of your room it's a nice birch color with few cracks, you have no memory of it and there's something uncanny about it, so you decide to take a closer look. you find a cup of a purple liquid and a note next to it, reading: ah, I see you've made true on your promise dear, now how about something in return that is of course, if you even have an oc: where would your oc be if none of the bad things happened to them? if they're victim to an abusive relationship, what would happen if they never met? or if your oc got seriously injured / died, what would happen if they avoided that fate? and how? the card disintegrated into the same liquid as the glass, spelling out the words "-rose_above_dark" which upon closer examination, the drink is just grape juice
Y̵̥͙̘͗̉͘ȯ̵̳̩͒̍ǘ̴̀ͅ’̵̜̒r̸̯̄ḙ̸̢̻̑͋̚ ̶̭̪͕̊t̴͙̼̠͒̆̒u̶̱̗͋͝r̵̠̤̞̍̔ṉ̸̢̾̾͘į̴̼͙̃̊n̷̝͇̽͝g̴͚̈́ ̸̖͇̦̌̃t̴̻̝́́h̸̛̤̮̃̇e̷̫̊ ̵̧̎̇̈́t̵͕͝a̷̛̜̍̚b̵͉̓͗ľ̴͉͙͉̃̑ê̶͔̮͋̊s̴̟̅ͅ ̷͕̓̅o̶̳͑̅n̸̛̬̔̈ ̴̥̾̈́͂͜m̶̮͔̳̕ė̴̯̂̓?̴̼͒̎ ̴̞͔̙̇̓Ọ̶̩͑n̸̗̿̉ ̸̜̠̠̉͝ḿ̸̟͚͎y̴͈͒́̈́ ̴̢̳̑͌ͅo̶̮̐͌̋w̷̢̞̓̂̿͜n̶͎̯̭̉̇͝ ̴̩̠̃̑̍b̴͕̺̀l̴̬͛̚ͅõ̵͍̑g̴̣͈̱͐,̷̪̄̄̕ ̶̡̼̗̈ẃ̶̧̺̍i̴̞̇̓ͅt̶̜̉̈́́h̵͉̃̿ ̶̱͚̹̆̑m̷̧̛͙̤͋ỵ̵̧̉ ̷̖̃͋̅ȏ̶̺̣w̵̹͙̓̐͑n̶̖͆ ̴͚̅̈́̕͜f̸̪̟͎̓o̴͎͗̏r̴̡̟̪̀́̚m̸͓̄̄à̵̘͔͌̑t̷̜̀͝,̵̬̌͘ ̶̙͉̇͐̕t̸͍̄̊ḧ̷̜͛͝è̸̜͔̞̈͑ ̵̜̼̹̂̆͠d̵̨̨̖̐͗å̸̫ÿ̷̮́ ̷̠̘͔̏ó̵̞̗͎̀f̵̺͉̑̒ ̶͓̮̞͒͐̊m̸̹͉͋̽̈ͅy̴͍͈̋͜ ̵̻̜̦̈́͂v̸̼͗̍͆a̴̭͎̾̆͊ç̶͖̆́ć̸̯̺͇i̸͙̙͑͛̋ͅn̶̡̲̥̽̓͆a̶̞̮̽t̸͉̣̆̃̄͜ḭ̷̧̥͂͗o̶͓͋̌n̶͍̱̽̔̕?̶͖͖̋̈́͋ ̵͉̐B̸͕̖̣͛̀ò̵̠̹̚l̷̝̈́d̵̡͓̽͂,̶̞̿̄̈́ ̶̗̮̪́v̵̘̹̑e̸͓̯͆̎ṛ̸͓̍͒͘y̴̪̺̅̌͝,̸͇̎̂̎ ̵̻̃͘͠v̴͉̋ẹ̴͍͖̀̌̕ŗ̴̩͕̅̅͘y̷̭̺͕͛̐́ ̴͔̘͍͋̽b̸̼̅̾͗ǒ̸̧̟̹ĺ̴͚̚d̷̝̖̏́̓.̶̻͛̃̿
Azrael… wouldn’t be here, not the form they are. If their world hadn’t died, they wouldn’t have been projected to the new world of Pandora, and wouldn’t have risen to their archdevil status. They likely would be traveling still, unraveling the mysteries of what happened to the Norkyr.
Atrapas always wanted to better themself, in order to make their kingdom stronger. But if their past relationship hadn’t traumatized them so, they likely would’ve delayed starting their adventure a bit longer.
Altrea would’ve remained in K’un-Lun, guarding and protecting it as they were destined to do. But the ravaging of xyr home… turned out to be a good thing. Altrea grew, both as a person and in power. They would likely not be as happy as they are today, with their partners, if xe hadn’t had to leave the city.
Kaolae would be much happier. Allya’s death truely took a toll on them, and sent them down a darker path. But if she had remained alive, they would be much happier, and likely stronger, drawing more upon the light for strength and wisdom.
Roy’ao… is hard to say. Order 66 changed the entire Galaxy. They wouldn’t be the same person at all. But they likely would’ve gone on to become either a Jedi librarian, like Jocasta Nu, or become a Temple Guard. Maybe a Shadow, like Quinlan Vos. But none of that will ever happen, not anymore.
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shesaysomething · 4 years
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IG: @fiorellarhh
"El universo entre tus dedos"
Todas las personas tenemos un universo en nuestro interior, en nuestras cabezas, en nuestros corazones, en nuestra alma; mientras que unos piensan que sería mejor para su futuro otros tantos siguen viviendo en el pasado, cada noche imaginando una manera de poder enmendar sus errores, pensando en el que "¿Qué hubiese pasado si?". Aún cuando sabemos que no podemos devolver el tiempo y cambiar nuestras acciones, dejándonos un pobre recordatorio que nos advierte cuando estamos a punto de cometer la misma equivocación llevándonos una leve punzada al corazón acompañado de un destellos del recuerdo, muchas veces eso es a lo que llamamos una corazonada.
Siempre buscamos la manera de estar conectados a las personas que realmente amamos, miramos las estrellas esperando que nuestro ser amado también lo haga y que así, de algún modo y por un mínimo instante sientan la calidez de tu alma en su corazón. Utilizamos las estrellas para ahogar nuestros augurios, nuestras penas, la lastima que damos y los secretos que ocultamos, nos engañamos pensando que nos conectarán con seres queridos que hemos perdido a lo largo de la vida porque no podemos soportar el dolor de no tenerle más y esperamos que de algún modo nos cuiden desde allá arriba. Así mismo, somos tan dependientes que utilizamos los planetas para referirnos a dioses que muy bien podrían existir o no, los utilizamos para dedicar sentimientos a través de ellos, dicen que: "Las mujeres son de marte y los hombres de Júpiter" intentando hacer referencia a los diversos problemas existentes entre el sexo femenino y el masculino. Yo sencillamente creo que es una simple excusa para tapar la realidad, que el hombre y la mujer son completamente iguales si espiritualmente hablamos pero que gracias a la sociedad desde los inicios del mundo, gracias a las religiones y a ciertas culturas, solamente nos dividen dejando a la mujer como un ser totalmente dependiente del hombre.
Muy bien es cierto, que todos llevamos un agujero negro por dentro, por lo general, en el corazón, un pequeño órgano que nos hace sentir tantas cosas y que si falla acaba con nuestra vida en cuestión de segundos,aquí es aceptable decir: "Estamos en este mundo por apenas un suspiro". Todos llevamos un vacío en ese pequeño ser, tuvimos un momento que no pudimos terminar, un sentimiento que no pudo florecer, un sueño que no pudimos cumplir, un deseo que a medias quedó, una profunda tristeza que nunca pudimos superar o una herida que no pudo sanar, aquí cabe el dicho que dice: "Nunca terminamos de curar una herida del corazón, somos tan débiles que nuestra mente debe crear muy lentamente pequeñas barreras que nos ayuden a sobrellevar el dolor" ; en fin, algo que nunca pudimos terminar de llenar y que siendo sinceros, jamás se llenará con nada, no importa cuanto lo intentemos.
No podemos ignorar los satélites que abundan en nuestro interior, intentando alinearse y comunicar cada sensación de nuestro cuerpo a la mente, para que automáticamente podamos sentir una emoción, para que intentemos identificar que nos pasa o que sentimos, de otro modo solo nos sentiríamos inseguros y cometeriamos alguna estupidez al no saber que hacer, si, así de mecánico es el ser humano, para todo lo que conocemos es que podemos tener una solución pero cuando algo nuevo nos ataca nos confundimos y explotamos en miedo o simplemente temor. ¿Qué es gracioso? Si, pero más allá de eso, me da pena el ser humano, que no podamos evolucionar y quedarnos estancados en lo mismo de siempre.
Aún así, hablemos de la luna. Oh, Luna, ¿Cómo podría olvidar semejante musa? En nuestro interior, en lo profundo de nuestro pecho, gobierna una musa como ella, una hermosa entidad que domina nuestro corazón y por más que intentes sacarle ahí prevalece. Ese ser que consideramos un Dios, alguien inalcanzable, aquel que consideramos nuestra inspiración así como nuestra perdición, esa Luna que tiene sus fases y que en cada una muestra una nueva cara que nos hipnotiza y nos atrapa, es difícil creer como una simple Luna nos puede dominar tanto, alguien que no te corresponde y que solo observas, imaginandole en más de mil escenarios en donde solo son ustedes dos, en donde aprecias su belleza y por una vez tienes la oportunidad de obtener un poco de su atención, Luna representa ese amor imposible, ese amor que admiramos de lejos y queremos de la manera más pura posible, eso eres tú... mi Luna.
Supongo que nunca podremos olvidar a esos cometas que han dejado su huella en nuestro ser, esas personas fugaces, que vienen en poco tiempo y arrasan con todo a su paso, esas personas que vienen y no es para quedarse, que para bien o para mal dejan su huella en ti. Sin duda alguna, por lo menos una vez en la vida pisa en nosotros un cometa, se impulsa y vuelve a irse dejando que el cosmos guíe su camino. Muy bien nos enamoramos de ellas, nos ilusionamos, quedamos pasmados con tanta belleza y no sabemos que hacer con ella, nos enseñan a confiar, a querer, a valorar, a ser felices de nuevo, no impulsan a querer algo mejor, nos impulsan a mejorar, pero cuando por fin lo hacemos, tal y como un niño con sus padres cuando hace algo que tanto quería, corremos a enseñárselo, con una sonrisa en el rostro y el corazón a mil... Ya esas personas están preparando su punto de despegue, a punto de irse de nuestras vidas, esperando para que miremos como se marcha dejándonos una sonrisa en su rostro, un simple "¡Hasta luego!" Cuando en el fondo de nuestro corazón, sabemos que no hay una próxima vez, porque personas así, solo están de paso en nuestra vida, solo están para darnos la enseñanza que el destino quiere entendamos.
El polvo estelar que habita en nuestra mente, que inmortaliza esos momentos inolvidables llenos de risa, de amor y de tristeza, de sabiduría y de orgullo, el polvo estelar representa nuestros recuerdos, lo que nos acompañan a través de los años y nos persiguen hasta el día de nuestra muerte, aquí sería bueno el dicho que dice: "Ten cuidado con quien haces recuerdos, estos duran para siempre" Por lo general, tenemos decisiones equivocadas en la vida y pensamientos errados, eso que calificamos como lo malo que nos ha sucedido, muchos seguro lo asociaran con una expareja , otros quizás con ex amigos que hoy en día son enemigos, otros con los malos momentos que pasaron por haber hecho tal acción. En fin, supongo que al leer todas esas opciones terminamos cayendo en cuenta de que todas las hemos vivido o al menos casi todas, si algo es cierto es que todos los humanos terminamos teniendo las mismas decepciones.
Y por último, las galaxias, dicen que las galaxias, cómo el ser humano, se dividen en dos, todos tenemos dos caras, una que mostramos al mundo y una que demuestra quién realmente somos, la primera cara es solo una máscara de quien queremos hacer alguien perfecto, alguien que no se equivoca, lo que anhelamos ser, lo queremos que las demás personas vean para que se distraigan y muy difícilmente puedan notar la segunda cara, nuestra cara verdadera, quien realmente somos, esa persona quebrada por dentro, con mil defectos y virtudes, que se equivoca hasta en el mínimo caso, esa cara que deseamos ocultar porque es tan frágil que si otro la nota y a pocos centímetros de tocarla, es capaz de destruirla, así, en cuestión de segundos, por eso utilizamos la primera cara como una barrera, una fuerte barrera de hierro que muy pocos sean capaces de esquivar y tomar desapercibida, aún así, no deberíamos de esconder nuestra verdadera cara, debemos mostrar a ambas, unirlas, ser los que anhelamos aun con el miedo que no podamos, del que dirán, de todo, tener esa fortaleza y mandar a la mierda a quien te diga lo contrario, porque tu, eres tu verdaderamente y nadie, absolutamente nadie tiene porqué joderte la existencia y decir que eres diferente, después de todo ¿No lo somos todos?
In english:
All people have a universe within us, in our heads, in our hearts, in our soul; While some think that it would be better for their future, many others continue to live in the past, every night imagining a way to make amends for their mistakes, thinking about the "What if?" Even when we know that we cannot turn back time and change our actions, leaving us a poor reminder that warns us when we are about to make the same mistake, taking a slight pang to the heart accompanied by a flash of memory, many times that is what We call a hunch.
We always look for a way to be connected to the people we really love, we look at the stars hoping that our loved one does too and that in this way, somehow and for a minimum moment they feel the warmth of your soul in their heart. We use the stars to drown our omens, our sorrows, the hurt we give and the secrets we hide, we delude ourselves thinking that they will connect us with loved ones that we have lost throughout life because we cannot bear the pain of not having him anymore and we hope that somehow they take care of us from up there. Likewise, we are so dependent that we use the planets to refer to gods that could very well exist or not, we use them to dedicate feelings through them, they say that: "Women are from Mars and men from Jupiter" trying to make reference to the various problems existing between the female and male sex. I simply believe that it is a simple excuse to cover up the reality, that men and women are completely the same if we speak spiritually but that thanks to society since the beginning of the world, thanks to religions and certain cultures, they only divide us leaving the woman as a being totally dependent on the man.
Very well it is true, that we all carry a black hole inside, usually in the heart, a small organ that makes us feel so many things and that if it fails it ends our life in a matter of seconds, here it is acceptable to say: " We are in this world for just a sigh. " We all carry an emptiness in that little being, we had a moment that we could not finish, a feeling that could not flourish, a dream that we could not fulfill, a desire that was left half, a deep sadness that we could never overcome or a wound that we could not could heal, here is the saying that says: "We never finish healing a heart wound, we are so weak that our mind must very slowly create small barriers that help us to cope with the pain"; in short, something that we could never finish filling and that, being honest, will never be filled with anything, no matter how hard we try.
We cannot ignore the satellites that abound within us, trying to align and communicate each sensation of our body to the mind, so that we can automatically feel an emotion, so that we try to identify what is happening to us or what we feel, otherwise we would only feel insecure And we would commit some stupidity by not knowing what to do, yes, that is how mechanical the human being is, for all we know is that we can have a solution but when something new attacks us we get confused and explode in fear or simply fear. That it is funny? Yes, but beyond that, I feel sorry for the human being, that we cannot evolve and remain stuck in the same old thing.
Still, let's talk about the moon. Oh Luna, how could I forget such a muse? Inside us, deep within our chest, a muse like her rules, a beautiful entity that dominates our heart and no matter how hard you try to get it out there, it prevails. That being that we consider a God, someone unattainable, the one that we consider our inspiration as well as our downfall, that Moon that has its phases and that in each one shows a new face that hypnotizes and traps us, it is difficult to believe how a simple Moon can dominate so much, someone who does not correspond to you and that you only observe, imagining him in more than a thousand scenarios where it is only the two of you, where you appreciate his beauty and for once you have the opportunity to get a little of his attention, Luna represents that Impossible love, that love that we admire from afar and want in the purest way possible, that is you ... my Moon.
I suppose we can never forget those comets that have left their mark on our being, those fleeting people, who come in a short time and destroy everything in their path, those people who come and it is not to stay, for better or for worse. they leave their mark on you. Without a doubt, at least once in our life a comet steps on us, propels itself and leaves again, letting the cosmos guide its way. We fall in love with them very well, we get excited, we are stunned by so much beauty and we do not know what to do with it, they teach us to trust, to love, to value, to be happy again, they do not drive us to want something better, they drive us to improve, but when we finally do it, just like a child with his parents when he does something he loved so much, we run to show it to him, with a smile on his face and a thousand hearts ... Those people are already preparing their point of take off, about to leave our lives, waiting for us to watch him leave leaving us a smile on his face, a simple "See you later!" When in the bottom of our heart, we know that there is no next time, because people like that are only passing through our lives, they are only there to give us the teaching that destiny wants us to understand.
The stardust that inhabits our minds, which immortalizes those unforgettable moments full of laughter, love and sadness, wisdom and pride, stardust represents our memories, which accompany us through the years and haunt us until On the day of our death, the saying that says: "Be careful with whom you make memories would be good, they last forever." Usually we have wrong decisions in life and wrong thoughts, that which we qualify as how bad it has been for us. happened, many will surely associate it with an ex-partner, others perhaps with former friends who are enemies today, others with the bad times they went through for having done such an action. Anyway, I suppose that when reading all those options we end up realizing that we have all lived them or at least almost all of them, if something is true it is that all humans end up having the same disappointments.
And finally, the galaxies, they say that the galaxies, like the human being, are divided in two, we all have two faces, one that we show the world and one that shows who we really are, the first face is just a mask of who we want make someone perfect, someone who is not wrong, what we yearn to be, we want other people to see so that they are distracted and it is very difficult to notice the second face, our true face, who we really are, that person broken inside, with a thousand defects and virtues, that is wrong even in the smallest case, that face that we want to hide because it is so fragile that if someone else notices it and a few inches from playing it, it is capable of destroying it, thus, in a matter of seconds, that is why we use the first face as a barrier, a strong iron barrier that very few are able to dodge and take unnoticed, even so, we should not hide our true face, we must show both, unite them, be the ones we yearn for even with n the fear that we cannot, of what they will say, of everything, have that strength and send to shit whoever tells you otherwise, because you, are truly you and nobody, absolutely nobody has to screw your existence and say that you are different After all, aren't we all?
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redcrownroses · 5 years
Confession: Javier Escuella x Reader
Summary: Javier flirts with Tilly and reader gets jealous and runs off. Javier finds them crying and that’s where reader confesses they like him and you kiss for the first time.
Category: fluff
Word count: 2183
A/N: Another fic here but this time with my Mexican king Javier! The song he sings is called Por eso te amo by Rio Roma. This probably has some mistakes but I’ll go back and proofread later on. Hope you enjoy this!
You watched as Javier strummed his guitar from where he sat by the fireplace. The crooner was singing softly, a love song in his native spanish tongue. You couldn’t help but admire him from where you were sitting across the camp.
As you continue gazing at him, arms resting on top of the wooden table, you couldn’t help the soft sigh that passed through your lips. You understood every word he sang, having studied spanish on your own, and you wished he was serenading you at the moment.
But it seemed that he was serenading Tilly instead.
You didn’t notice when she sat across from him with a cup of coffee, swaying side to side to the music. It was when Javier lifted his gaze towards her when you finally realized.  And it truly felt like those words were being directed towards her.
“ Porque cuando le pedí al cielo que mandara un ángel Me llevó hasta ti y antes de pensar en alguien Pienso en ti primero incluso antes de mí Porque atrapas mi atención, eres mi aventura Mi emoción y mi inspiración. ”
Your heart sank at that moment. A deep frown began settling on your lips and you wanted to look away but found that you couldn’t as Javier continued singing and strumming all while staring at Tilly. Did he have feelings for her all along?
It could have been a coincidence since she began spectating not that long ago and Javier, being the good friend and gentleman, had regarded her presence.
And yet another part of you doubted that. You’d seen how he sat down next to her and played his guitar all while she washed the clothes at her tent. And then there were the instances of their playful bantering. The feeling you always got when you witnessed that was the same one you were experiencing right now. Jealousy.
But there was something else too. A sinking feeling of hopelessness. Sorrow. And it was threatening to erupt in the form of tears soon after Javier finished the song. You just sat there as you heard him start shamelessly flirting with the other.
You didn’t hear the rest of it before you’re standing up suddenly, not bearing to hear any more. It was as if your body was in command now and you soon found yourself bounding towards the edge of the camp. Towards the woods.
You didn’t stop as soon as you were surrounded by the thicket. Instead you kept your pace and traveled further into the woods. The moonlight peered through the canopy of trees, barely giving you sight of where you were stepping. Not that that was your concern right now, the tight feeling in your chest and thick knot in your throat was evidence of that.
Finally, you let out a strangled sob. You covered your mouth, afraid that some of the others back at camp would hear you, though that was hardly plausible given the fact that you’ve been trekking through the woods for quite a while now.
At last you stopped in your tracks and looked around, sniffling softly as you brought a hand up to brush your tear stained cheek. It was silent save for the chirping of crickets and the hooting of an owl. You sniffled some more but you couldn’t stop the tears from flowing and soon enough you broke out into a sob as soon as you remembered the events from earlier.
You felt stupid. But you couldn’t stop.
Then that’s when you heard him calling your name. You immediately clamped a hand over your mouth to silence yourself. You heard him call out to you again and before you knew it, you were moving forward once again though this time with a much quicker pace.
Javier seemed to have caught up because you heard him again and this time along with the sounds of his footsteps pounding on the ground. You were practically running now. You didn’t want him to see you in the state you were in, your eyes surely swollen from the crying session.
As you kept running deeper into the thicket of trees you noticed how much darker your surroundings had become. The moon was barely visible. Not only that but the ongoing tears were also obstructing your view. You knew you had to stop at this point but you were stubborn as always.
So when your foot got caught in some twisted branches on the ground you weren't all that much surprised about it. You came tumbling down with a loud yelp, and the wind was immediately knocked out of you. You didn’t even bother to get up and instead began sobbing quietly as the pain continued surging through your stomach. 
You felt a pair of hands on you as they carefully lifted you off the ground. You whimpered and Javier immediately lifted his lantern to inspect you. “Are you alright?” He gently lifted your chin with his fingers and noticed your tears. He immediately wiped them away with the pad of his thumb with such gentleness it made you want to melt. You simply nodded as you sniveled and looked away, embarrassed. “Shh it’s alright. Don’t cry.” He continued whispering soothing words at you as he rubbed circles on your back. You could only sniffle as your eyes traveled around your surroundings, clearly avoiding his eyes.
He guided you forward and you didn’t protest. It wasn't until you two finally reached the edge of the woods and out into the clearing that you realized how far you’ve gone off. “Why did you run away from me earlier? Better yet why did you go into the woods like that?” He questioned, wiping a stray tear from one of your cheeks. You closed your eyes and shrugged. As much as you were enjoying the attention he was giving you at the moment you couldn’t help but think back at his interaction by the campfire earlier. You sniffled and shook your head before looking away.
“Please Y/N, just look at me and tell me why. I got really worried when you ran off into the woods like that, especially when I noticed you weren’t carrying any weapons with you. What’s gotten into you, hm?”
You finally looked at him. You could see him clearer now thanks to the moonlight and his lantern light that washed over his sharp features. His eyes were pleading but they were also soft and filled with concern and care. It wasn’t the best time to do so but there was no helping it. Admiring his handsome features was the only thing that you found yourself doing when around him, especially in this proximity.
“I—” you paused as your chin began to quiver. Javier nodded as to encourage you to continue speaking. “Oh this is so stupid,” you sputtered and wiped at your cheeks. Why were you still crying? You felt like an utter fool. Especially now that you had Javier in front of you.
You can already picture it, him looking at you with heavy sadness as you confess your feelings to him knowing fully well that they weren’t reciprocated. He doesn’t and never will have feelings for someone like yourself. It was only in your dreams and dreams don’t come true.
You knew that.
You heaved a deep sigh before mustering up the courage to speak again. You hoped your voice didn’t falter. You felt a few more tears trailing down your cheeks before you finally spoke up. “I saw you flirting with Tilly. At the campfire.”
Javier’s eyes widened at the sudden realization. “Oh no…” He whispered. You held back a choking sob as you quickly looked away, that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach returning. You knew what was coming next. The apologies. The sympathetic looks. You decided that you just simply couldn’t take that.
So instead you opted for the best thing. Leaving. “You don’t have to say anything. I know where your feelings stand.” You quickly turn to leave but instead you were stopped. His fingers were now curled around your wrist and he pulled you back towards him. “You don’t know where my feelings stand…”
You were face to face with him now. His stare became intense and all you could do was swallow thickly. Even if you wanted to tear your eyes away from him you couldn’t. Finally, you spoke. “W-what do you mean?” Your brows were knitted together as you two continued to stare intently at each other. It was Javier's turn to swallow thickly before speaking up again.
“I don’t have feelings for Tilly.”
You blinked at that. “But you two are always flirting I thought—”
“You thought wrong,” he cut you off. “That was just playful banter. Didn’t mean—”
“What if it weren’t for Tilly huh? What if she thought you actually liked her?” You bit back, anger now infusing your voice as you narrowed your eyes. “Leading her on like that? That ain’t right.”
Javier remained quiet. His fingers were still curled around your wrist but you made no attempt to rid yourself of his hold on you. “I guess… I guess you have a point,” he spoke quietly. He looked away for a moment. “Truth is I always liked you. After our first meeting I couldn’t keep my mind off of you.”
You raised your brows, jaw nearly dropping but you forced it not to.
Javier had liked you all along. Were you dreaming? “Y-you did?” You looked away and dropped your gaze to the ground momentarily. You couldn’t believe what you just heard.
“Yes. I just thought that you didn’t share the same feelings as me. You always did express how good of a friend I was.” You nodded, remembering the times you did call him that. Truthfully you never did express anything beyond that. You didn’t appear interested in him, mostly because you were quite reserved.
“You kept it well hidden huh?” There was a slight playful tone to his words then, and you couldn’t help the smile twitching on the corners of your lips.
“I guess I did. But I could say the same thing about you.”
“Hey I couldn’t risk losing your friendship.”
You laughed softly. The hand that was around your wrist was now working its way down to your own hand before finally intertwining together. And it was like they were made for one another, fitting perfectly into each other like puzzle pieces.
“I waited a long time for this moment.” Javier almost whispered, smiling gently at you as he stepped closer to you. You stared up at him, completely in awe and star-struck. You didn’t even notice when he dropped his lantern onto the ground.
He leaned down and when his lips touched yours you swore you never felt more alive than in that moment. He snaked an arm around your waist and brought his other hand up to your face and cupped your jaw. You hooked your arms behind his neck, one hand caressing the base of his neck just underneath his small ponytail. You had a strong urge to pull his hair tie off then but you held back.
Javier's hold around your waist tightened as he deepened the kiss. You hummed against his lips as you kissed him back fervently. His other hand was now making its way down your side, tracing the curve of your shoulder and waist until it joined his other one just above your butt. It was then that he began to tease you with his tongue, swirling it over your lips before it slowly made its grand entrance. And when it finally reached its destination and began to make work with your own you feIt as if your legs might just buck underneath you. His continuous tongue work drew out a series of moans from you, prompting Javier’s hands to travel down even further below your back until they settled quite comfortably on your bottom, squeezing them a bit, as he ravished your mouth with his.
It was official. No other man had ever kissed you as passionately as Javier did. You both drew back to catch some air, breathing heavily as the both of you rested your foreheads against one another’s. You pulled back slightly then, gaze flickering between his eyes and his swollen lips, and he mirrored you. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Javi.”
“Will you be mine, corazón?”
This time you initiated the kiss that was just as fervent as the previous one. It felt like a dream. Except that it wasn’t anymore. This was real. You loved him as much as he loved you. And as he backed you up towards the woods, you knew this was what you wanted. There was no mistake in that. No second thoughts. No doubts. Not even after you two began undressing each other. Instead, each discarded article of clothing solidified both of your feelings for one another. This was the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. You were very sure of it.
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lifewillflashby · 4 years
Películas bajo el Sol como antesala de lo que se nos acerca. Vacaciones y amores, playas y cuentos de hadas, folclore, tradición y algún que otro misterio es lo que encontrarás en esta lista. Todo bajo el calor, ¡prepárate para el verano!
Movies under the Sun as a prelude to what is coming. Holidays and love, beaches and fairy tales, folklore, tradition and odd mysteries is what you will find in this list. Everything under the sunlight, get ready for summer!
Call Me by Your Name (2017) — Luca Guadagnino
Diego: La historia de amor de Elio y Oliver respira verano. Este film podría estar fácilmente en numerosas listas por varios motivos ya que, a pesar de ser un tema tratado en cine anteriormente, respira originalidad y frescura a través de todo su metraje. En ocasiones, no es tan importante qué se hace, sino cómo se hace. En ¨Call me by your name¨ Luca Guadagnino hace alarde de una mano artesana sublime. En su metraje, hay perfección en cada plano, escena, silencio o mirada. Su dirección, junto con el alarde interpretativo y química entre Timothée Chalamet y Armie Hammer, nos deja ser espías de un amor veraniego como pocas veces vimos antes. Hay electricidad en pantalla y la sentimos asi como sentimos lo prohibido y el atractivo de probarlo. De extrema sensibilidad, merece estar en esta lista por sus planos constantes de naturaleza y quietud bajo el sol de un pueblo italiano, su río, sus baños al atardecer, su escasez de vestuario… En fín, película veraniega con una historia que traspasa la pantalla, sientes como tuya y se queda en ti para siempre. Elio y Oliver existen en el imaginario colectivo y siempre se quedarán en ese verano eterno en Italia…
Elio and Oliver’s love story breathes summer. This film could easily be in different lists for various reasons because even being a famous topic touched in movies before, it’s freshly approached along the whole film. Sometimes, it’s not that relevant what’s done but how it’s done. In “Call me by your name” Luca Guadagnino shows off his sublime artisan hand. In his film, there’s perfection in every shot, scene, silence or gaze. His directing together with the amazing performance and chemistry between Timothée Chalamet and Armie Hammer, allow us to be spys and voyeurs of a summer love sotry we barely seen before. There’s electricity in the screen we feel as we feel the forbidden and the rush of testing it. Of extreme sensibility, this film worths being in this list for its amazing and constant shots of nature and stillness under the sun of a small italian village, its river, their baths, the lack of clothes… Anyways, a summery movie with a story that pierces the screen, makes you feel it like your own and remains with you forever. Elio and Oliver exist in the collective imaginary construct and they will always stay in that everlasting summer in Italy...
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The Beach (2000) — Danny Boyle
D: ¨The Beach¨ es uno de esos casos de película maltratada en su momento por la crítica y público por motivos ajenos a la calidad de la misma.. El excelente Danny Boyle venía de haber cambiado el cine británico con ¨Trainspotting¨ y su incursión en Hollywood con el rostro de Leonardo DiCaprio acaparando su cartel cosechó todas las expectativas posibles y, una vez más, Danny Boyle hizo lo que quiso con su adaptación de la novela de Alex Garland. De esta forma, viajamos con Richard, el personaje de DiCaprio, a Tailandia, donde  en busca de aventuras,  acaba sabiendo de una paradisiaca isla, apenas tocada por turistas donde un grupo de viajeros han establecido una especie de utopía hippy que rápidamente atrapa al personaje de DiCaprio. Aquí, Boyle nos regala una disección de esta utopía y las dos caras de la misma a la par que del ser humano. Muy interesante ver como el paraíso se puede convertir en el infierno, motivado por la complejidad del ser humano y todo lo que compone nuestra psique. Las tremendas actuaciones, giros de guión, la música de Moby y sus parajes nos envuelven y trasladan a este paraíso soleado, donde querríamos quedarnos para siempre… al menos durante la primera mitad de la película.
“The Beach” is one of those cases of a movie beaten up by the press and the public when it was released for reasons beyond its quality. The excellent Danny Boyle was coming from changing british cinema with “Trainspotting” and his incursion in Hollywood with Leonardo DiCaprio’s face taking over the poster created all possible expectations and once again, Danny Boyle did what he wanted with the adaptation of Alex Garland’s novel. This way, we travel with Richard, the character played by DiCaprio to Thailand looking for adventures, where he ends up hearing of a heavenly island, barely touched by tourists where a group of travellers established a hippy utopia that quickly haunts DiCaprio’s character. Here, Boyle delivers a dissection of this heaven and its two faces as well as the complexities of the human mind. It’s really interesting to see how this paradise can easily turn into hell, motivated by human nature. The great performances, plot twists, Moby’s music and its beautiful settings involve us and take us to this sunny paradise where we would stay forever… or at least during the first half of the movie.
Spring (2014) — Justin Benson & Aaron Moorhead
D: Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead son dos directores estadounidenses que tienen una clara pasión por el cine de terror o de corte fantástico. Su trabajo ha sido por el momento muy interesante con ¨Spring¨ siendo hasta el momento su mejor obra . ¨Spring¨ es soleada y tiene un aura veraniega en gran parte debido a que transcurre principalmente en un pueblo italiano, donde Evan, un joven norteamericano, viaja para aclarar su mente. Allí acabará conociendo una chica, Louise que es mucho más interesante de lo que parece en un principio. ¨Spring¨ es tan fantástica como original. No creo haber visto nunca película igual y por este motivo, entre otros, siempre ha tenido un lugar especial en mi memoria. Merecería estar en diversas listas por su mezcla de géneros tan bien equilibrada. No obstante, su mejor cualidad es su inteligente guión y lo bien dibujados que están sus personajes. Las situaciones que vive Evan al llegar a Italia y la facilidad para empatizar con él, su viaje y sus emociones son lo que nos hace quedarnos y seguirle, su historia de amor la que nos emociona y su originalidad narrativa y mezcla de géneros la que la hace difícil de olvidar.
Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead are two american movie directors with a clear inclination and passion towards horror and fantastic genres. Their works had been really interesting so far, with “Spring” being their best work yet. “Spring” is really sunny and has a summery vibe all the way caused mainly by its setting, taking place in an italian village where Evan, a northamerican young man, travels to clear his mind and will end up meeting an attractive woman, Louise, who’s much more interesting than it seems at first. “Spring” is as fantastic as original. I don’t think I’ve ever watched such a movie like this one and for this reason, among others, it always had a special place in my memory. It would be worthed it being in numerous lists for its mix of really well balanced genres. Nevertheless, its best quality is its intelligent script and how well portrayed their characters are. The situations lived by Evan in the movie when he gets to Italy and the easiness to empathize with him, his trips and his emotions are what makes us stay and follow him through the movie. His love story is what move us and its original narrative and mix of genres what makes it difficult to forget.
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The Fall (2006) — Tarsem Singh
Adrián: Esta joya de producción India fue dirigida por Tarsem Singh durante 4 años y en 28 países diferentes. Es una historia épica llena de fantasía que me habría encantado escuchar siendo niño, aunque en eso me convertí cuando la vi por primera vez. Destacaría las interpretaciones de Lee Pace y Catinca Untaru, los dos protagonistas, quienes consiguen darle una intriga increíble a la película. Pero no puedo dejar de hablar de los paisajes... La ambientación y fotografía, dominada por escenas bajo el sol abrasador de Oriente Medio, muestran un espectáculo audiovisual a la altura de lo exótico de la cinta. Una espectacular y entretenida película que hará las delicias de nuestro niño interior, que nos hará viajar a los confines de nuestra imaginación.
This Indian production is a hidden jewel directed by Tarsem Singh for 4 years and in 28 different countries. It is an epic story full of fantasy that I would have loved hearing as a child, and yet that's what I became when I first saw it. I would highlight Lee Pace and Catinca Untaru’s acting, the two protagonists, who manage to give an incredible intrigue to the film. But I must talk about the landscapes... The setting and cinematography, dominated by scenes under the scorching sun of the Middle East, present us an audiovisual spectacle at the height of the film’s exoticness. A truly entertaining film that will delight our inner child, that will make us travel to the limits of our imagination.
Le Mépris (1963) — Jean-Luc Godard
A: “Le Mépris” nos muestra la grieta que se abre en la relación de una pareja, somos testigos de las terribles consecuencias que tiene el más simple arañazo si no es reparado y esto nos ayuda a entender lo importante que es la comunicación sincera. Godard conjuga esta historia con metacine, pues todo gira en torno al encargo que recibe Paul Javal (Michel Piccoli) para participar en la próxima película del director alemán Fritz Lang (que se interpreta a sí mismo). Aquí entran en juego las sunny vibes: el set de rodaje se ubica en la isla italiana Capri, un entorno idílico del Mar Mediterráneo con un clima soleado perfecto. Asistimos a este fatal malentendido como un miembro más del equipo de producción gracias a la dirección de Godard, que nos muestra un paraje de lo más veraniego. Es difícil olvidar la magistral banda sonora de Georges Delerue, la belleza del entorno, la sensual y dolida mirada de Camille (Brigitte Bardot) o los paseos de Paul bajo el sol.
"Le Mépris" shows us the crack that opens in the relationship of a couple, we witness the terrible consequences of the simplest scratch if it’s not repaired, helping us to understand how important sincere communication is. Godard combines this story with metacinema, since everything revolves around the commission that Paul Javal (Michel Piccoli) receives to participate in the next film by the german director Fritz Lang (who plays himself). Here the sunny vibes come into play: the film’s location is the italian island of Capri, an idyllic setting in the Mediterranean Sea with perfect sunny weather. We attended this fatal misunderstanding as one more member of the production team thanks to the direction of Godard, who shows us a most summery setting. It is difficult to forget the masterful soundtrack of Georges Delerue, the beauty of the surroundings, the sensual and hurt gaze of Camille (Brigitte Bardot) or Paul's walks under the sun.
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Midsommar (2019) — Ari Aster
A: A pesar de quitarnos las ganas de un festival europeo folclórico a medida que el metraje avanza, Ari Aster logra ambientar su película bajo un sol persistente. Por todos es bien conocido que la oscuridad es un elemento a tener muy en cuenta en el género de terror, y aun sin serlo es un recurso muy utilizado para provocar sensaciones de angustia, miedo o incertidumbre. En “Midsommar” no es así, en esta película sentimos todo y más sin necesidad de perdernos detalles por falta de luz. En este ambiente veraniego y de apariencia calmada no nos perderemos ni un solo detalle, incluso se nos auguran acontecimientos antes de verlos en pantalla. La puesta en escena de Aster es magistral en este aspecto, dándonos a conocer los entresijos de su película y haciendo evidente lo que puede suceder nos retorcemos en la butaca. Gran terror psicológico, no apto para estómagos sensibles, que nos hará viajar a una remota aldea de Suecia durante el solsticio de verano.
Despite taking away the desire for a European folk festival as the movie goes on, Ari Aster manages to set his film in the lingering sun. It is well known that darkness is an element to be taken into account in the horror genre, even in any other genre it is a widely used resource to provoke feelings of anguish, fear or uncertainty. In “Midsommar” it’s not like that, in this film we feel everything and more without missing details due to lack of light. In this summery and calm-looking environment we won’t miss a single detail, events are predicted before we see them on screen. The staging of Aster is masterful in this regard, making us aware of the ins and outs of his film and making evident what can happen, we writhe in our seat. Great psychological terror, not suitable for sensitive stomachs, that will make us travel to a remote village in Sweden during the summer solstice.
Pájaros de verano (2018) — Ciro Guerra & Cristina Gallego
A: Incursión en la cultura colombiana de producción sublime. “Pájaros de verano” es una película que puede tener varias lecturas. Ambientada en los años 70′ muestra el inicio del narcotráfico y cómo una familia indígena del desierto de Guajira hace frente a esta situación. Con la creciente demanda de droga el dinero llega a una familia que se enfrenta por primera vez a la ambición de poder desmedida que los billetes encienden en las personas. Una lectura sobre el orígen del desarrollo moderno y su impacto en las culturas antiguas. Con una fotografía espectacular y un ritmo pausado, contenido, me recuerda a un Nicolas Winding Refn que intercambia los neones y estilo pop por la crudeza de la tradición. Es tan lenta y violenta como soleada, así que pónganse mucha crema.
Sublime production as an incursion into the colombian culture. "Pájaros de verano" is a film that can have several readings. Set in the 70s, it shows the beginning of drug trafficking and how an indigenous family from the Guajira desert copes with this situation. With the growing demand for drugs, the money reaches a family that is facing for the first time the ambition of excessive power that bills ignite in people. A reading on the origin of modern development and its impact on ancient cultures. With a spectacular cinematography and a contained rhythm, it reminds me of a Nicolas Winding Refn exchanging neon and pop style for the harshness of the tradition. It is as slow and violent as it is sunny, so have plenty sunscreen.
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Here is “Reniego”’s post :)
This is the most unique of the songs, because it is hardly a song, more like a soliloquy of the wife that’s now in involuntary closure (”clausura”) by her abusive husband, kinda telling us in the future how she felt and how was it. Btw, the title translates to “prisoner”, which is just adding into the “closure” theme. 
The voice you hear here is the one of the actress Rossy de Palma, really iconic in the Spanish scene, and I would like to talk a bit about her because you ought to know her.
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This is her. As you can see, she has really distinct features that have made her how she is. Her full name is Rosa Elena García Echeve, and she was born in Palma de Mallorca (that’s why she is “de Palma”) in 1964. Apart from actress she’s a model, and she’s been known for starring in a lot of Almodóvar films, and also for being a muse to the fashion designer Jean Paul Gaultier. Also, she starred in a George Michael’s music video, the one for “Too Funky”! As I said, she is a really well-known and I think loved Spanish personality, she’s really cool :)
About the music, there’s not much to say here, just a Spanish guitar under Rossy’s soothing voice. Apart from that, in this song appears what would give the wife strength to not give up, her two children, whom she refers to as “angels”. Again, this is a bit like “malamente”, in like the wife is talking about things that have already occurred, talking from the future, although in the present of the story have not yet happened.
Let’s go to the lyrics, so you can see what Rossy talks about!
Bueno, yo por amor, uff, bueno, hasta bajé al infierno
Well, for love, uff, well, I even went down to hell Eso sí, como subí con dos ángeles...
Although, I got up with two angels... (Duele, duele, duele, duele)
(It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts) Pues, no me arrepiento de haber bajado
Well, I don’t regret going down Pero bajar, bajé, ¡eh!
But I did go down, eh! Bajar, bajé
I did go down (Duele, duele, duele, duele)
(It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts) Te atrapa sin que te des cuenta
It traps you without you noticing it Te das cuenta cuando sales
You realize it when you get out Piensas: "¿Cómo he llegado hasta aquí?”
You think: “How did I get here?”
Next post is probably my favourite song of the record, so I’m excited!
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pinkcaseotakadl · 7 years
Diabolik lovers Lost Eden: Ayato Sakamaki [Ecstasy 1] ~translation|traducción~
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Thanks to @infernal-iris for having helped me with this translation~~~
Place: Eden.
Yui: (I didn't betray Ayato-kun... ...) Yui: (What can I do to make you understand it... ...?)
*Ayato appears*
Ayato: Hey, what are you doing here? Yui: Ah... ...I was just thinking of something Ayato: Hee... ...How could you betray me like that again? Yui: Wha... ...!! There's no way that I would betray you!
Ayato: I wonder. Don't you have a ''black heart''*? (It is a metaphor, it's signify that she was not a good person) Ayato: Be honest, you wanna stay away from me, don't you? Yui: It's not like that, the truth is, I was actually thinking of you... ...! Ayato: STOP LYING!! You don't really love me, that's why you let Reiji suck your blood, right!? Yui: He didn't suck my blood! Besides, it's not like I wanted that to happen... ...! Ayato: If you think that you can just go meet a man who is against us and expect that he won't do anything to you, then you must be an idiot! Yui: You don't have to say it that way... ...You're terrible Ayato-kun... ...! Ayato: You're the cruel one here... ...!
CHOICES: 1. Get angry.(S) 2. Get away. (M)
Yui: You're an idiot! Ayato: Ahh!? You're the idiot! Ayato: Jeez... ...I really can't believe it
*Ayato gets closer*
Ayato: Ahh, that's right. You were always supervising me, weren't you? Ayato: Just in case nothing strange would happen! Yui: (Is Ayato-kun really doubting me... ...?)
Yui: (If I keep talking to him more than this, I'll start crying... ...) Yui: (It looks like Ayato-kun isn't very calm... ...Maybe it would be better if I get away...)
*Yui runs away*
Yui: ... ... Ayato: ---Don't run away!
*Ayato grabs Yui*
Yui: Ow... ...! Ayato: I'm not letting you go to a place where my eyes can't see you. Ayato: It would be troublesome if you go do weird things in a place that I don't know of. Yui: (That means... ...that Ayato-kun... ...for me... ...)
Yui: ... ...Why will not you believe me? Ayato: ... ... ... ... Yui: *crying* Don't you love me... ...?
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Yui: (It's useless, even if I try to endure it... ...the tears come out... ...) Ayato: Ch... ...It's not something to cry about... ... Ayato: Hey, don't cry... ...Damn... ... Yui: (Is Ayato-kun agitated... ...? What he just said weren’t his true feelings?) Yui: (In that case... I have to... stop crying... ...) Yui: I'm sorry... ...I'm trying to stop crying... ...but the tears don't stop... Ayato: ... ...Look at me Yui: ... ... Ayato: I didn't mean to make you cry. I was just getting carried away by my emotions. So... ... Ayato: How should I say it--- I'm sorry... ... Yui: (Ayato-kun... ...) Yui: Me too... Sorry for crying Ayato: *Kiss* Nn... ... Yui: *Blushes* Ah... ... Ayato: Nn... ...Mm... ... Yui: (A gentle... ...kiss... ...) Ayato: ... ...You're the only one that can't leave my side. Yui: Yes... ... Yui: (Ayato-kun is just feeling anxious...) Yui: (It can't be helped if he doesn't believe me. I just have to do my best to make him trust me again.) Yui: (No matter what happens, I will stay by this person's side...) Yui: Ayato-kun, I love you Ayato: ... ... ... ... Yui: (He's not responding... ...) Yui: (But, I can only trust that I conveyed it to him properly... ...) Yui: (For him to trust me, I have to trust him first... ...)
~The end~
Lugar: Pasillo del Edén.
Yui: (Yo no traicioné a Ayato-kun... ...) Yui: (Qué puedo hacer para que lo entienda... ...?)
*Ayato aparece*
Ayato: Oye, qué es lo que estás haciendo aquí? Yui: Ah... ...sólo estaba pensando en algo Ayato: Hee... ...De forma puedes volver a traicionarme, por ejemplo? Yui: ¡¡Qu... ...!! No hay forma de que yo te traicione! Ayato: Me pregunto sobre eso. Que acaso no tienes el corazón negro*? (Es una metafora para decir que en realidad ella no era una buena persona) Ayato: La verdad es que tú te quieres alejar de mí, no es así? Yui: No es así, la verdad es que yo estaba pensando en ti... ...! Ayato: NO MIENTAS!! Tú realmente no me quieres, es por eso que dejaste que Reiji chupara tu sangre, verdad! Yui: No chupó mi sangre! Ademas, no pasó porque yo quise... ...! Ayato: Si crees que irás a ver a un hombre que esta en nuestra contra y no te hará nada, entonces sólo tienes un jardín de flores en la cabeza!
*Pantalla se sacude*
Yui: No tienes que decirlo de esa forma... ...Eres cruel, Ayato-kun... ...! Ayato: Tú eres la cruel aquí... ...!
ELECCIONES: 1. Enojarse.(S) 2. Escapar. (M)
Yui: Eres un idiota! Ayato: Ahh!? Tú eres la idiota! Ayato: Caray... ...realmente no puedo creerlo
*Ayato se acerca*
Ayato: Ahh, es cierto. Siempre estuviste supervisandome, no es así? Ayato: Para que no ocurriera nada extraño! Yui: (Ayato-kun realmente esta dudando de mí... ...?)
Yui: (Si sigo hablando con él más que esto, se me saldrán las lágrimas... ...) Yui: (Parece que Ayato-kun no esta muy calmado... ...tal vez sea mejor que me distancie un poco)
*Yui corre*
Yui: ... ... Ayato: ---No escapes!
*Ayato atrapa a Yui*
Yui: Ouch... ...! Ayato: Ya no te volveré a dejar que vayas a un lugar donde no pueda verte. Ayato: Porque sería problematico que hagas cosas raras en un lugar que yo no conozco. Yui: (Eso quiere decir... ...que Ayato-kun esta... ...por mí... ...)
Yui: ... ...Por qué será que no me crees Ayato: ... ... ... ... Yui: *llorando* Tú no me amas... ...?
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Yui: (Es inútil, aunque intente soportarlo... ...las lágrimas salen igual... ...) Ayato: Ch... ...no es algo por lo que llorar... ... Ayato: Oí, no llores... ...Maldición... ... Yui: (Ayato-kun esta agitado... ...? Lo de recíen no fueron sus verdaderos sentimientos?) Yui: (En ese caso... tengo que... dejar se llorar... ...) Yui: Perdón... ...estoy intentando dejar de llorar... ...pero las lágrimas no se detienen Ayato: ... ...Mira hacía aquí Yui: ... ... Ayato: No era mi intención hacerte llorar. Sólo me estaba dejando llevar por mis emociones. Así que... ... Ayato: Como decirlo--- lo siento... ... Yui: (Ayato-kun... ...) Yui: Yo también... perdón por haber llorado Ayato: *Beso* Nn... ... Yui: *Se sonroja* Ah... ... Ayato: Nn... ...Mm... ... Yui: (Que beso... ...tan amable... ...) Ayato: ... ...Tú eres la única que no tiene que dejar mi lado Yui: Esta bien... ... Yui: (Ayato-kun solamente esta angustiado) Yui: (No puedo hacer nada si no me cree. Sólo tengo que esforzarme para que él confie en mí) Yui: (No importa lo que suceda, yo estaré al lado de esta persona) Yui: Ayato-kun, te amo Ayato: ... ... ... ... Yui: (No responde... ...) Yui: (Pero, sólo me queda confiar en que se lo transmití adecuadamente... ...) Yui: (Para que él confíe en mí, primero yo tengo que confiar en él... ...)
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The OC Ask Succubus whispers in your ear:
When doing it with their partner, what does your OC most often ask to do? Why is this thing their favorite? Also what does your OCs partner often want to do and why is that their favorite? How does your OC and their partner feel about the other's favorite thing to do they communicate about it?
Thank you Katherine, darling, this is really helpful after today 💜
Lewds under cut~
Disclaimer, not the most knowledgeable of like positions and such, so had to do some google
Azrael likes to serve, and be served. Preferably with bondage. So they want to kiss all over their partner, eating her out and providing whatever they could to her, while having her bound down. As for things done to them, Azrael wants to be pinned down and ridden hard, treated like a little cum fountain.
Atrapas likes being a little weirder, some sorta wing/tail-play maybe. They want to keep it loving, but also rough and sweaty, and so they’ll frequently ask for some sort of 69, or maybe edging. Their partner, I’m assuming, would like for Atrapas to fuck her using both their dick and their tail, to get both holes. They like it because it helps keep their lives interesting, keeping their adrenaline up while traveling.
Kaolae keeps things simple, and slow. They like face-to-face stuff, being able to connect with their partner physically and spiritually. Occasionally there might be a bit of getting each other off. They just want to keep connected.
Altrea likes all of the above, and also the occasional risky/public stuff. They’re a kinky little whore. The reason for the risky/public stuff is cause they never truly got to see the world, and will fuck their partner wherever she allows it.
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Si algo se agradece en la cocina, es el orden y las buenas vibraciones que desprende justo al entrar. Si en el post de la semana pasada te enseñábamos el último proyecto de esta habitación de la casa, hoy te invitamos a sentarte para que conozcas todas las opciones de decoración posibles que cambiarán la forma en la que concibes la simple acción de comer. Déjate embrujar por vajillas sin competidor, cristalería de lujo, cubertería delicada y textil con estilo. ¿Ves como no tienes excusa para invitarlos a todos? Síguenos…
If something is often very welcome in the kitchen, that is the good organisation and the good vibes it gives when you step in. If we showed you the whole project on the post last week, we invite you sitting down today to let you know all the decoration options you have that will change your thought about the simple act of eating. Let yourself charm by unique dinner service, luxury cutlery and stylish textile. There’s no excuse to not inviting them all, you see? Follow us…
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Desde los cajones y los armarios o estantes hasta la misma encimera, el aspecto de esta zona está sujeta a las necesidades diarias de cada uno. Aún así, todos los ítems escogidos responden también a la necesidad de añadir estilo a cualquier hora y ocasión. Sea cual sea tu estilo, lo diferente siempre se tiene en cuenta y es respetado. 
From the drawers and the cupboards or the shelves, the appearance of this area is subjected to the everyday needs, so it’ll depend on each one. Nevertheless, all the selected items are great options to go for the next level in terms of style anytime and any occasion. Whatever your decor style is, ‘the different’ is always respected.
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Lo vintage nunca había estado tan de moda. Atrapa su esencia con este reloj-balanza, disponible en Cassai Home & Fashion. Vintage style was never that trendy before. Get the essence with this clock-weighing scales, available in Cassai Home & Fashion.
El rojo es vida y personalidad. Lo dicen muchos y lo pensarás tú cuando te atrevas a hacerle un espacio en tu hogar. Sea en forma de cubiertos o a través de botes para almacenar comestibles que podrás colocar en la encimera o en las estanterías para darle el doble uso decorativo.
Red colour is vitality and personality. Lots of people say it and lots of you will think so when you dare to give it a space at home. It’s perfect on cutlery or on storage stuff to keep your food, which you can also use as decorative elements placing them on the countertop and the shelves.
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Set de 24 cubiertos con 4 opciones de estampado distintas, disponibles en Cassai Home & Fashion. Set of 24 cutlery with 4 different print options, available in Cassai Home & Fashion.
La cerámica es uno de los materiales más antiguos que existen y uno de los más aptos para dar rienda suelta a la creatividad. Y aunque con acabado natural y tono turquesa es una delicia, las opciones estéticas son infinitas. ¿Eres más de cristal? Opta por la opción de la jarra y los vasos a juego con motivo floral para las meriendas más especiales.
The ceramic is one of the oldest materials on Earth and one of the most flexible ones to let creativity flow. And although we love a natural finish and the soft turquoise, the aesthetic options are infinite. Do you prefer crystal? Go for the crystal pitcher and matching glasses with floral motif in the most special afternoon snacks.
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Set taza de café + platito. Bol a parte. Disponible en Cassai Home & Fashion. Coffee mug + plate. Bowl sold individually. Available in Cassai Home & Fashion.
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Jarra de cristal con detalle de flores. El mantel es de lino puro. Disponible en Cassai Home & Fashion. Crystal pitcher with flower detail. The tablecloth is made out of pure linen. Available in Cassai Home & Fashion.
Verde salvaje, que ya llenó los días del verano pasado con palmeras y buen humor. El estilo tropical también puede llenar de vida nuestro hogar en etapas frías y nunca sobra. Especialmente si buscas originalidad. 
Wild green, that already filled last Summer days with palm trees and good vibes. The tropical style can also fill our home with vitality in Winter time and we never have enough of it. Especially if you look for originality. 
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Platos con estampado de hoja, vendidos individualmente. Dishes with leaf print, sold individually.
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Azul mar, azul paz, azul todo, Cubrir en este tono tu espacio culinario no sólo muestra el afán por mantener la calma ante tus ojos, sino que también realza cada tonalidad de fondo y hace que la admires. 
Blue for sea, blue for calm, blue for everything. Covering your culinary zone with this colour doesn’t only show your effort to keep the place in a peaceful mood, but also highlight the background and makes you admire it. 
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Set de 24 cubiertos con 4 opciones de estampado distintas, disponibles en Cassai Home & Fashion. Set of 24 cutlery with 4 different print options, available in Cassai Home & Fashion.
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Completa tu colección con stands para tartas o originales cestas para la fruta y consigue el efecto deseado apostando por piezas únicas. ¿Nuestra lista de favoritos? Tablas y cucharas de madera, lino en el textil, botellas antiguas…
Complete your collection with stands for cakes & original baskets for fruit and get the wished effect with unique pieces. Our favourites list? Wooden boards and spoons, linen in textile, vintage bottles…
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Tablas y mortero de mármol en distintos colores. El mantel en tono crudo y rayas azul marino es de lino puro. Disponible en Cassai Home & Fashion. Marbled board and mortar in different colours. The tablecloth is in raw tone and navy blue is pure linen. Available in Cassai Home & Fashion.
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Would you like to get further? Follow us on Instagram, buy comfortably in our new online shop, get to know us further on our website or stay in touch to make your ideas and projects come true. Facebook? Of course. Are you interested in any product? Ask for it or find it in Carrer Sitjar, 10 (07640, Ses Salines) & in Carrer Major, 19 (07638, Colònia de Sant Jordi).
  LA COCINA CON ESTILO (II): TODO SOBRE MESA Y ACCESORIOS Si algo se agradece en la cocina, es el orden y las buenas vibraciones que desprende justo al entrar.
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The OC Ask Succubus whispers in your ear:
Your OC is currently single and at a party with all of the people they know when they are brought up to spin the bottle. The demand is to state who among the current company they’d have sex with. Who does your OC choose and why? How does the person your OC chose react to having been chosen?
Oh. Oh my. Thank you for this one, Katherine darling!
Since this is of the lewd nature, answers are below a cut.
I... do no know that many people anymore. I’d have to say you, most likely, Katherine. As for the reason, well.. I genuinely think you’re a very nice person. We may not talk too much, but you’ve been nothing but kind and helpful towards me. I trust you, and consider you a friend, one I’m honored to have. (Plus you’re a lust demon, you’re bound to be the best lay in any room.) @oc-ask-succubus
As for my OC’s, told OOC:
Atrapas would choose one of two people, hands down. Either Darkaen, someone they’ve been fancying for a little while.......... or the Goddess Ioun. Yes, they know Ioun. Don’t ask. I don’t know how they would react, they aren’t my characters! They’re a PC and an NPC!
Altrea is probably the easiest here! If they’re somehow single here, they would choose the person who eventually became their girlfriend: Lucinda. Just her sheer beauty and personality attracted them to her, it’s an easy pick. If it can’t be her, their friend Haleigh.
For Kaolae, they would be very conflicted on who to choose. In the end, they would likely select Ziphur, for being the most overall empathic, or Ciara, because she would fuck ‘em twelve ways to Sunday.
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Hello, dear! You've been visited by the random character question fairy! :D ~☆
What about their life has surprised your character, for better or for worse? Why did this surprise them?
Thank you so much, my fae friend!
I would say... the most surprising thing in Azrael’s life was getting flung 200 years into the future. That’s bound to surprise anybody, especially if it was unintentional.
For Atrapas, it was learning about Calder’s betrayal, or perhaps manipulation is a more accurate word. They had been working for this man for a few months, it was their first adventuring party. And then, as you do, Atrapas finds out that Calder is serving some sort of abyssal entity. That’s going to be fun to explore soon.
Altrea was surprised by the ambush upon their home by K’un-Zi. Their home, their city, absolutely decimated, no matter how hard they fought. And then they get hurled from this other dimension, out to the mortal realm!
Kaolae’s greatest surprise so far was that the... cultural founder of their kind, Allya, was still alive after so many years. She was believed dead, but she was still alive and in hiding.
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The OC Ask Succubus whispers in your ear:
Rate your OCs and their compatriots on a scale of least to most horny and explain why they are as such
Okay not everyone is gonna get an explanation, or at least not a detailed one, cause it’s really just the Vibes. Plus it’s not ALL of my ocs, just the ones that have enough development for this. But still, thank you Katie!
Lewd-ish under cut, just to be safe, plus this is gonna be long as hell
Altrea Vanir. Is in a poly relationship and the group consistently fucks
Acantho Dalkon. BDSM freak
Roy’ao Drydel. They consistently explore alien societies and planets, you really think they aren’t gonna explore said aliens’ bodies too?
Araya Miskunn. Is a bard.
Aphotic. When you live alone in the woods.. you’re either gonna have a lot of fuckin pent up sexual desire, or make do with nymphs
Amoryl Verkir. Their nickname is the Thunderer, which means they’re gonna make you yelp
Ahlinar Saftugur. Just vibes
Aestra Grimm. When their wife was alive, both extremely horny. But now? They’re only horny for vengeance.
Azariel Corvus. Raven Queen Warlocks are automatically horny for her, I make the rules now
Mephisthoth. Will fuck your girl and you will like it
Atrate Eltari. Sexy and morally dubious crime boss on the streets, wants to be degraded and dominated in the sheets
Azarath. This pirate loves the sea, but would rather get you wet in a different way
Azrael Isley. The Azrael we all know and hopefully love, has many posts
Kaolae Rostas. Once they break out of their shell and explore, they get a lot hornier
Atrapas Ruusan. For now, they’re too traumatized by a past relationship
Aurore Del’Arte. Too focused on their job for lust right now
Aria Icosa. Is a robot (warforged), and therefore doesn’t feel sexual attraction, but they do have some dedicated female fans
Aeon. Asexual Warforged.
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The OC Ask Succubus whispers in your ear:
In your OC’s opinion what is the weirdest sexual thing they’ve ever done? Was it by choice or request? If the former then what made them want to do it, and if the latter then who asked them to do so and why? Would your OC do that thing again, and if so what would it take for them to consider it?
Thank you for the ask, Katie <3 You always seem to send them at just the right moment to cheer me up.
Lewds under cut (or should I say under the covers?)
Azrael hasn’t done many “weird” things, not yet. The weirdest, or at least most unconventional, was having sex in a crystal-clean pond under a waterfall. It was by choice, but really more spur-of-the-moment. They would definitely do it again, just would need the right person at the right time.
Atrapas would’ve done something a bit riskier. When with their former love, Asimi, the two of them liked to sneak around town and have fun, which was quite difficult being such prominent public figures. The weirdest was the two of them got each other off underneath a tavern table, using magical means to simulate the modern remote-controlled vibrator. It was definitely by choice, it required careful planning on both parts to execute. As for what made them want to do it, the two thought it may spice things up. They might do it again, but it would be a slow process to recover from the trauma.
Roy’ao’s weirdest thing was probably when they hooked up with a friend of theirs, Philuphy. The two of them used their lightsabers to fuck the latter in both of her lower holes, while Roy’ao facefucked her. I don’t really remember if it was choice or request, so I’m just gonna chalk it up to them both being drunk. Roy’ao might do it again, but maaaybe not with her.
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pinkcaseotakadl · 7 years
Diabolik lovers Lost Eden Shin Tsukinami (heaven 1) ~translation/traducción~
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*Esta traducción esta en español abajo de todo~ AMÉ ESTE HEAVEN, ES TAN AAAKJSDKAJKWJD
Place: Living room.
Shin: Nn... ... ... ... .. Mm... ...
Yui: (Shin-kun is somnolent... Is he sleepy?)
Yui: (Oh! I know! He’s always playing tricks on me, once in a while I should pay him the same way?)
Shin: Mm... ... ...
Yui: (Fufu, seems like he doesn’t realise I’m getting closer)
Yui: (I’ll tickle him... Like this)
*Yui touches him*
Shin: Uwaah?! Yui...? Wa... Sto... Haha...!
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Yui: Fufu, not yet! *she continues* ... .... ...!Place: Living room in the Tsukinami castle
Yui: ... Oh?
Shin: S-Stop...! What are you doing... hahaha... Wai-...! Time out, time out!
Yui: Nooo~ I’m just paying you back in your own coin (No hay una traducción para la frase original, o por lo menos no estoy segura de que quede bien, pero con esta frase se entiende lo mismo)
Shin: ... I got mad.
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*Shin catches her*
Yui: Kya!?
Shin: Well, your hands have been restrained. –So? Are you ready for the consequences for having tickled me?
Yui: Uuh... is because you’re always playing jokes on me and laughing at me
Shin: That and this are different things. That’s why I will do the same you did to me.
Yui: W-Wait a moment! If that’s so, why don’t we play a game?  
Shin: ---Ha? What is that?
Yui: We tickle each other, and the first to give up, loses. How about it?
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Shin: Hee, that’s interesting. Sure, challenge accepted.
Yui: ...Then, start...!
*Yui tickles him*
Shin: Haha, from the beginning I knew you would tickle me, so it doesn’t tickle that much, see...?
Yui: Wa... I-I won’t lose...! Take this...!
Shin: Fufu, you are getting weaker, you know? In fact you are quite sensitive, aren’t you?
Shin: Come on, what don’t you just give up?
*Shin touches Yui*
Yui: N-Not yet... not yet...!
Shin: Hee, you are persistent. So, what if I do this? *licks* Nn...
Yui: ... ...! Is unfair if you lick me...!
Shin: Is not unfair. Nobody said anything about how we should tickle each other.
Shin: Look, here too... Nn...
Yui: Uhh, Shin-kun...!
Shin: Your hands have stopped, do you give up? ...Nn... Haa...
Yui: *blushing* I-I... can’t... I-I lose, I lose...!
Shin: Fufu... To defy me in a game you need 100 years of training.
Yui: *blushed* I-I said that I lost... didn’t I? So forgive me...?
*Shin is still touching Yui*
Shin: Once I have seen you face of pleasure, I feel like making you feel much better... Nn...
Shin: Come on... I’ll do you more pleasurable things... Nn... *bites Yui* Mm... Haa...
Yui: (Ah... Is... sucking my blood...!)
Shin: *in the ear* Come on, show me your neck... Please me too...
Shin: Nn... Mm... Haa.. Mm... nm...
Shin: Haha, your eyes are all watery. You really are a lewd woman
Shin: To suck your blood... is better than tickling you... Nn... Mm... Haa.. Nn...!
Yui: Something... like that
Shin: Fufu... You are not satisfied with me just sucking your blood?
Shin: *in the ear* Then I’ll do more things apart from sucking your blood
Yui: Eh---? W-Wait, Shin-kun---!?
*Shin gets on top of Yui*
*Screen fades to black*¨
Shin: --- Think more and more. Everything is fine, I will make you feel better... *bites Yui* Mm...
~The end~
Lugar: Living Tsukinami.
Yui: ---Oh? Shin: Nn... ... ... ... ... ...Mm... ...--- Yui: (Fufu,  Shin-kun esta soñoliento... Tendrá sueño?) Yui: (Oh! Ya sé! Él siempre esta haciendome bromas, de vez en cuando debería devolverselo?) Shin: Mm---... ...--- Yui: (Fufu, parece que no se da cuenta de que me estoy acercando) Yui: (Le haré cosquillas... así)
*Yui lo toca*
Shin: UwaaH!? Yui---? Esp--... deten... haha...! Yui: Fufu, todavía no! *Sigue* ... .... ... ... ...! Shin: D-detente...! Qué estas haciendo... hahaha... Es--...! Tiempo, tiempo!
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Yui: Noope~. Sólo te estoy devolviendo lo de siempre. Shin: ...Ya me enojé
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*Shin la atrapa*
Yui: Kya!? Shin: Bien, tus manos fueron selladas. --Y entonces? Estas preparada para las consecuencias por haberme hecho travesuras? Yui: Uhh--- es que tú siempre me estas haciendo travesuras y te ríes Shin: Eso y esto es aparte. ---Por lo que te haré lo mismo que me hiciste Yui: E-espera un momento! Si es así entonces por qué no hacemos un juego? Shin: ---Ha? Qué es eso? Yui: Nos haremos cosquillas y el primero que se rinda pierde. --Qué tal?
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Shin: Hee, que interesante. Seguro, acepto tu reto. Yui: ...Entonces, comienza...!
*Yui le hace cosquillas* Me enamoré de ESTE CAP POR FAVOR ES HERMOSO DISAJDKSEARH
Shin: Haha, desde el principio sabía que me ibas a hacer cosquillas así que no me causa tantas cosquillas. Ves...! Yui: Wa... n-no perderé...! Toma...! Shin: Fufu, tu fuerza esta disminuyendo, sabes? En realidad eres muy sensible, no es así? Shin: Vamos, que tal si ya renuncias? ---!
*Shin la toca*
Yui: T-todavía... todavía no...! Shin: Hee, si que eres persistente~? Entonces, que tal si hago esto? *Lame* Nn-- Yui: ... ...! Es injusto si me lames...! Shin: No es injusto. No esta decidido de que forma había que hacer las cosquillas Shin: Mira, por aquí también-- Nn... Yui: Uhh, Shin-kun---...! Shin: --Tus manos se detuvieron, ya te rindes? ..Nn... Haa...
/No se vale, la Yui quería jugar y este calentón esta haciendo otra cosa! xDDDD
Yui: *Sonrojo* Y-ya... no puedo... Y-yo pierdo, yo pierdo---! Shin: Fufu... para desafiarme a un juego necesitas 100 años de antelación Yui: *Sonrojada* D-dije que perdí... no es así? Así que p-perdoname...?
Shin: Una vez de haber visto tu cara cuando te sentias bien, me dieron muchas más ganas de fastidiarte más... Nn... Shin: Vamos... te haré cosas más placenteras...  Nn--*la muerde* Mm... Haaa... Yui: (Ah... esta... chupando mi sangre...!) Shin: *En el oido* Vamos, saca más tu cuello... Satisfacerme a mí también... (NO lo DIGA así QUE suena COMO otra cosaskajsa) Shin: Nn... Mm... Haa... Mm... nm... Shin: Haha, tus ojos se están humedeciendo. (Sabes que otra cosa más!?) Tú realmente eres una mujer obscena Shin: Chuparte tu sangre... es mejor que hacerte cosquillas... Nn... Mm... haa... Nn...! Yui: Algo... así---.... Shin: Fufu... no estas satisfecha con que sólo chupe tu sangre? Shin: *En el oido* Entonces, te haré muchas más cosas que chuparte la sangre Yui: Eh---? U-un momento, Shin-kun---!?
*Shin se tira encima de Yui*
*Desvanece en negro*
Shin: ---Por lo que piensa más y más. Todo esta bien, haré que te sientas mejor... *La muerde* Mm...
~Fin del heaven 1~
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