#…. oh GOD I’ve been here for almost twelve years. I used to be a cringe-ass kid. I put that on here. Ugh.
krourou2 · 1 year
Tumblr I am not going to wear the ridiculous blue wind-up teeth, no matter how much of the screen you try to make it take up.
I have my own, perfectly functional teeth, thank you.
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maxinaptak · 3 years
(AoT/ SNK) Key to Salvation: Eren X Abused!Reader
This is a rough one you guys. Proceed with caution.
You groaned as you rubbed the fairly fresh bruise on your shoulder, letting your head fall against the locker in front of you. The bruise on your shoulder wasn’t the only one you had; in fact, you had several more, both new and old, littering your body. You groaned again as you heard your best friend’s voice coming down the hallway. You lifted your head off your locker and pulled your sweater sleeve down your arm more, making sure it covered your bruise and the needle marks.
“________,” Eren called loudly, causing you to cringe lightly at his volume, “Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in a few days.”
He stopped next to you and looked at you with such innocent turquoise eyes. Oh, how you loved those innocent eyes. You could never tell Eren about what was going on at home. You just couldn’t.
“I was sick, that’s all,” you lied, faking a smile up at the boy, “Just a little cold. I'm fine now though.”
It almost pained you physically to lie to him, but how could you tell him that you had spent the last three days being given drugs against your will in a dirty basement where dozens of men abused your strung out, limp body while your mother collected their payment.
“Well, I'm glad you’re feeling better!” Eren said, smiling brightly.
You smiled almost sadly and sighed. Eren was your sweet, caring best friend. He had been since you were both in diapers. Fifteen years of friendship and you still couldn’t tell him what was happening; couldn’t tell him that you need help, beg for his help.
“Eren, will you lower your voice? I can hear you all the way down the hallway.” Mikasa, Eren’s adopted sister, said, flicking the brunet in the ear.
“Ow!” He cried, cupping his assaulted ear.
She rolled her eyes and looked at you.
“Are you sure you’re feeling better ________,” Mikasa asked, frowning, “You look more tired than normal.”
You faked another smile and said, “Yep, just fine!”
In all reality, you were going through a nasty withdraw from the clonazepam and oxy your mother normally gave you. This last time, she decided to give you something else to sedate you through your ‘work’, something she injected several times into your veins over the days. You had a feeling that if anyone would notice something was off, it would be Mikasa.
The other girl didn’t look too convinced, but nodded anyway and said, “If you say so. It’s almost time for class to start, so we should get going. You too Eren. If you’re late again, mom will have your ass.”
The tall boy rolled his eyes and hugged you goodbye. You tried your hardest to hide your pained flinch as he squeezed you tightly, but you knew Mikasa had seen it. Once he left, Mikasa set her hard gaze on you again.
“I saw that,” she said, crossing her arms, “What was that about?”
“Ok, so I may have hurt my back trying a new yoga pose yesterday. But I wasn’t gonna tell him that.” You said, jutting your thumb in the direction Eren had left in.
It wasn’t a total lie this time. Your back did hurt, but it sure as hell wasn’t from doing yoga. Your slightly older friend rolled her eyes and turned to head to your first hour class. You quickly ran after her, trying your best not to limp. You reached your AP Psychology class and took your seats. Your teacher had the desks in clusters of six or seven seats and you two got lucky enough to be put with your friends.
“Hey guys.” You said, plopping your book down onto your desk.
Krista, Ymir, Sascha, and Max all smiled back and greeted you both. You made small talk for a few minutes before the bell rang, signaling the start of the school day. You turned your attention to your teacher, Mr. O’Neil, and swallowed hard when you saw what he was writing on the board.
Drug Addiction: The effects, the signs, and withdrawal symptoms.
‘Fuck my life with a cactus….’ You thought, slowly sliding down in your seat a little.
You prayed to whatever god there may be (though you didn’t really believe that there was one anymore) that none of your friends, especially Mikasa, would notice that you were exhibiting some of the signs and symptoms.
You had managed to make it through the class with your teeth clenched and practically sprinted out of the room when it was over. You made it to your economics class in record time and slumped into your seat, letting your head slam down on your desk.
“Damn kid, rough morning?”
You slowly raised your head to look at your student teacher, Levi Ackerman. Apparently, he was a distant cousin to Mikasa, but she didn’t really know him.
“Rough couple of days.” You admitted, voice flat and eyes dull.
The short male regarded you carefully, as he had taken note that you had been absent for the past three days and went to his bag.
“Alright kiddo, I’ve got some dark chocolate and a Red Machine Naked Juice,” he said, placing said items on your desk in front of you, “You look like you’ve been through some shit, and you need these more than I do. Besides, it looks like you’ve lost a shit ton of weight since the semester started.”
Your face flushed bright red. You didn’t think Mr. Ackerman paid that much attention to any of his students, let alone you.
“T-thanks Mr. Ackerman….” You said, opening the chocolate bar and taking a small bite.
“No problem kid.” He said, turning to go back to his desk, but stopping.
He hesitated for a moment before turning back to you and crouching down next to you.
He waited for you to meet his gaze and quietly said, “________, you can come to me if you need to talk or if you need help, ok?”
You stared at him in shock and slowly nodded. You’d never heard him speak like that and it almost freaked you out. He nodded at you and returned to his desk. You let your eyes fall onto your desk and stared at it blankly.
You jumped and whipped around to see Eren setting his stuff down on the desk next to you.
“What was that all about?” He asked, discreetly nodding his head in your teacher’s direction.
You swallowed hard and stumbled over your words as you tried to reply.
“N-nothing,” you said, averting your eyes from his, “He was just telling me that I looked like crap and needed to eat something, so he gave me this, that’s all.”
You quickly grabbed the bottle of juice and tried to open it, but struggled. You knew you had been having a bit of a hard time doing normal things, but never had you struggled to open a beverage bottle. You frowned and stopped trying to open the juice.
“Here, I got it,” Eren said, taking the bottle from you and cracking it open easily with his large hands, “I'm kinda shocked he’d be nice enough to give you something, but you should drink this. It’ll help you feel better.”
He carefully put the bottle back into your hand and you weakly smiled at him. You took a long drink from the juice and sighed, satisfied by the taste. Soon the room was full and the bell rang, class starting.
Levi’s eyes scanned over his students as they worked on the small packet he had given them to complete before the end of class. He heard a snore from beside him and looked at the teacher he was supposed to be shadowing, Dot Pixis, and rolled his eyes when he saw him asleep again. How that man became a teacher was beyond him. He heard footsteps approaching his desk and turned his attention forward again.
“Eren and I are finished with the packet.” ________ said, holding out two packets.
“As always, finished before anyone else. The brat is lucky you partner with him every time.” Levi said, shaking his head and reaching out for the papers.
As ________ pulled her hand away, she accidently knocked over the cup of pens and pencils on the desk.
“Shit, sorry Mr. Ackerman. I’ll take care of it.” She said, crouching down quickly.
“It’s fine, kid, don’t worry about it.” He said, looking over the side of his desk at her.
His eyes widened as the left sleeve of her sweater raised up, revealing a bruise vaguely shaped like a handprint and several track marks on her upper forearm. He froze, not knowing what to do as he watched her quickly pick up the scattered writing utensils and put them back into the cup. He swallowed hard and tried to formulate words, say anything to her, but he couldn’t manage it, too shocked. She smiled smally at him before going back to her desk. His eyes followed her and jumped over to Eren, her best friend. If he couldn’t talk to ________ directly, he sure as hell could talk to the brat.
“Jaeger, see me after class.” He said, trying to keep his voice steady.
Eren groaned loudly.
“What the fuck did I do this time?” Eren practically whined.
He dramatically draped himself over where your desks were pushed together, making you breathe out a laugh.
“I don’t know, but this happens at least once a week and you know it.” You said, petting his shoulder length hair.
He sighed deeply and peeked up at you with his beautiful turquoise eyes, pouting. You stared at him and couldn’t help but smile lovingly at him. You’d never told anyone, but you’d been in love with the tall boy since you were eleven and he was twelve. He’d always been there for you, doing everything he could to make you laugh and smile. Usually, he’d drag Armin into his antics too, but it was all in good fun and you all laughed together.
“Your hair’s get long,” you murmured, playing with the little bun that was tied at the base of his skull, “Are you gonna cut it?”
Eren hummed and said, “Nah, I kinda like it like this. What do you think about it? Does it look bad?”
You shook your head and said, “No, I like it. I think it looks really good on you.”
“Then I’m definitely keeping it long.” He said, smiling up at you.
You smiled back and continued to talk to him for the rest of class. When the bell rang, you gathered your things and gave Eren a sympathetic look.
“I’ll see you later Eren. Have fun with Mr. A.” You said, waving.
“Yeah,” he groaned, standing up, “Have fun in anatomy with Armin. Embarrass him for me, would ya?”
“Sure! I’ve got a good dirty joke or two that I haven’t told in front of him yet.” You said, grinning.
Eren sighed and picked up his bag before walking up to Levi’s desk.
“You wanted to see me sir?” He asked, shoulders slumped.
Levi nodded and said, “Yes. What class do you have next?”
Eren was confused but answered, “German. Why?”
“Are you doing well in that class?” Levi asked.
“I’ve been speaking German since I was born basically,” Eren said, still confused as all hell, “My dad’s family lives in Germany, and my grandparents don’t speak English very well. I only took the class so I could get an easy A…. Why do you ask?”
Levi stood from his desk and motioned for Eren to follow him as he said, “I wanted to make sure it wouldn’t be a problem if you missed part of the class. I need to speak to you, but somewhere private.”
Eren was beyond confused now but followed his teacher anyway. The shorter man always seemed rather serious, but this time, he seemed deadly serious about whatever it was. He followed Levi to one of the biology labs and went inside.
“Hanji, I need to borrow your lab for a little bit,” Levi said, addressing one of the other student teachers he was friends with, “I need to speak to Eren alone.”
The crazy science teacher looked up from her notes and said, “Oh! Ok, sure! Just let me know when you’re done!”
She quickly left the room and closed the door behind her. Levi sat down and motioned for Eren to do the same. The younger boy did, facing his teacher.
“What’s going on Mr. Ackerman?” Eren asked, frowning.
Levi took a deep breath and said, “I need to talk to you about ________.”
Eren’s eyebrows furrowed and he asked, “________? What about her?”
“Something’s going on with her. Has she said anything to you?” He asked.
Eren thought for a moment before shaking his head as he said, “I mean, she said that she had a cold and that’s why she wasn’t at school the last few days. Other than that, no.”
Levi nodded and thought for a moment before he asked, “Eren, you’re her best friend, right?”
The brunet nodded.
“Do you pay close attention to her? The way she looks, the way she acts?”
Eren blinked a few times before shyly nodding his head.
“Then have you noticed that she’s lost quite a bit of weight since the semester started?” Levi asked.
Eren nodded again and said, “I tried to ask her about it once, but she got really upset about it and snapped at me, so I didn’t say anything after that. But I noticed that she was losing more and more weight as the weeks went on. And every few weeks she looks really sick and upset, but she won’t talk to me about it….”
Levi sighed deeply again and said, “Eren, I saw something on her arm today, in class when she was picking up the pens. That’s why I asked you to stay after.”
“What was on her arm?” Eren asked, worried and confused at the same time.
“There was a large bruise that looked like a handprint. And she had several… track marks on her forearm.” Levi said, letting his own shoulders drop in sadness.
“What are track marks?” Eren asked, still confused.
Levi looked up at Eren and said, “Needle marks, Eren. From using drugs.”
Eren’s eyes widened.
“Drugs?! No way! ________ would never!” Eren said, denial evident in his voice.
Levi sighed again and said, “Eren I know what track marks look like. It’s no secret that I grew up on the streets. A lot of people I ran with did drugs back then. I know what I saw.”
Eren’s heart dropped into his stomach, knowing that his teacher couldn’t be wrong. He thought back over the months and remembered seeing ________’s forearms and elbow crooks all the time. There were never any needle marks before. Bruises, sure, but ________ was clumsy.
“I-it must be new…,” he said, looking down at his hands, “She’s never had needle marks on her arms before….”
“What about the bruises?” Levi asked.
Eren shrugged and said, “She’s always had a few bruises here and there, ever since we were kids. She’s clumsy as hell, always has been. And she bruises easily because she’s anemic.”
“Has she always been anemic?”
Eren shook his head and said, “No…. It started around the time we started high school. That’s also when she started to look sick and upset every few weeks…. And her weight started fluctuating and her eating habits changed too….”
Eren’s eyebrows furrowed again and he started to get more upset, thinking about how something was wrong with his best friend, the girl he was in love with, and he didn’t even realize, even though he saw everything.
“I should have known something was wrong….” Eren whispered, clenching his fists.
“Eren, it’s not your fault. You guys are kids still. It’s not your job to watch every little detail about her.” Levi said, trying to make the teen feel less guilty.
“But I love her,” Eren almost cried, a desperate look on his face, “I have been watching every detail about her for years! I should have known!”
Eren hung his head and let out a shaky breath, resting his head in his hands. Levi looked at his student sadly. He knew that the boy was in love with ________; it was pretty obvious, at least to him. And he could see that ________ loved him back. It was beyond him why the two hadn’t began dating yet, but that was beside the point at the moment.
“Now you know something’s up with her. Use the information you have now and talk to her.” Levi said, putting a hand on Eren’s shoulder.
The younger male looked up at his teacher and sighed, nodding.
Levi nodded back and said, “Alright. Now come on. I’ll write you a note to excuse you for missing class.”
Eren nodded again and sadly trailed behind his teacher. He got his note and trudged to his German class. He gave the note to Herr Ham and took his seat in the back of the classroom, spacing out. It didn’t matter if her paid attention or not. His teacher was horrible and taught in a ridiculous way that confused most students. The only reason he was top of the class was because he’s a native speaker. All he could think about was ________. He would see her again fifth hour for lunch and he didn’t know how he could face her without saying anything. He didn’t want to talk to her in front of their friends. He sighed and rested his head on his arms on his desk.
“For fuck’s sake….” You muttered, sitting back on your legs.
You were currently on your knees in a bathroom stall, retching into the toilet every so often. It didn’t surprise you that this was happening; you were going through oxycodone withdrawal after all. Nausea and vomiting were normal. You’d gone through this a few times before, but never this badly. You wondered if whatever drug your mother gave you the last few days was making it worse this time around.
“Oh god,” you groaned, feeling bile rise in your throat again, “Not again…!”
You heaved into the toilet again, hot tears running down your cheeks. All you had had to eat that day was what Mr. Ackerman had given you during econ, and there was no way any of it still resided in your stomach. All you could taste was stomach acid, your throat burning. You checked the time on your phone and sighed. Fifth period was almost over and you knew Eren would be worried that you weren’t there. You tried to get up and leave a few times, but it was obvious that your body wasn’t done. You shakily unlocked your phone and typed out a choppy text to Eren.
Eren frowned as he arrived at his normal lunch table. Armin and Max were sitting together, holding hands and feeding each other like normal; Mikasa and Annie were sitting across from each other, glaring at each other with an awkward sexual tension between them, like normal; and Jean and Marco were holding hands and eating quietly, like normal. What was not like normal, was the fact that ________ was missing. Eren was always the last one to arrive at the table and ________ was always sitting in one of the two open seats left at the table when he got there.
“Has anyone seen ________?” He asked, sitting down.
Max swallowed a strawberry Armin had fed her and said, “Not since third hour.”
“I saw her heading towards the cafeteria on my way here,” Marco said, frowning slightly, “But then she ran into the bathroom. I haven’t seen her since.”
Eren frowned deeply and stared down at his food. He sighed and ultimately started to pick at his food, eventually shoveling it into his mouth quickly as his dumb teenage body demanded him to. Near the end of the hour, his phone vibrated. He fished it out of his pocket and looked at it. It was a text from ________.
Felt sick, stuck in bathroom. Sorry. See you later.
Eren frowned again and sighed.
“What’s wrong Eren?” Mikasa asked, finally breaking her gaze away from her (not so secret) secret girlfriend.
“________ texted me. She said she was feeling sick and was stuck in the bathroom.” Eren said, shoulders slumping.
Max frowned and said, “I can go check on her if you’re really worried.”
Eren looked up at the red-haired girl gratefully and said, “Yes, please.”
She smiled and nodded. She leaned over to Armin and gave him several quick kisses before getting up and leaving the cafeteria.
You jumped as you heard someone call your name. You knew that voice; it was your friend Max.
“M-Max?” You choked out, coughing.
You heard her run to the large stall you were in and try the door.
“________, are you ok? Eren said you were sick and you don’t sound good at all!” She said, voice full of concern.
You weakly moved to open the door to let her in before going back to slumping against the wall. She quickly came in and dropped to her knees in front of you.
“Oh my god, hon, are you ok?” She asked, gently putting her hands on your arms.
You sighed as more tears slipped from your eyes and shook your head as you breathed, “No…. I’ve been throwing up all hour….”
“Oh no, ________...,” Max said, looking at you sadly, “You need to go to the nurse and go home!”
You sighed again and said, “My mom won’t come get me….”
“I’ll take you home. They’ve let me do it for Armin before, and he wasn’t nearly this sick.” Max said, pulling her phone out.
She called Armin and asked for him to come to the bathroom and help. She hung up and pocketed her phone before gently stroking your (h/c) hair.
A minute later the door to the bathroom opened and you heard Armin call out, “Max, ________? Is there anyone else in there or can we come in?”
“It’s just us, come in.” Max called back.
Soon Armin was in the doorway of the stall, Eren behind him. Eren quickly pushed his way past him and gently scooped you up into his arms. Armin grabbed your backpack and followed you out of the bathroom. A security guard saw you being carried out of the bathroom by Eren and Armin following behind and asked what was going on.
“Our friend got really sick and needs to go to the nurse, but she couldn’t walk. I couldn’t carry her on my own, so I asked them to come and help.” Max explained, giving the older man puppy dog eyes.
The security guard was a little flustered by the look she was giving him and he let you guys go. You giggled a little, knowing your friend would use her incredibly seductive puppy dog eyes to get you out of any trouble. Armin may not like it, but you thought it was hilarious. Your little group made its way to the nurse’s office and Max explained the situation to the woman. Taking one look at you, the nurse gave Max permission to drive you home. She called the office and asked for a teacher to escort you out so you wouldn’t get in trouble. You were a little surprised to see Mr. Ackerman walk into the room, concern written all over his usually stoic face.
“I knew you were feeling sick this morning, but I didn’t know it was this bad.” He said, frowning.
You looked down shyly and shrugged your shoulders as best you could in Eren’s arms. Your group, now escorted by your teacher, made its way outside to Max’s car. Eren carefully placed you in the passenger seat and handed you a plastic bag for ‘just in case’. Armin put your bag in the backseat along with Max’s and kissed the girl before she got in. The three males stepped back and your friend pulled out of the parking spot. She drove carefully to your house and parked in your driveway.
“Do you need help inside?” She asked, turning to look at you.
You hesitated, not know if you really wanted to bother her anymore.
“You know what, don’t answer,” she said, unbuckling her seatbelt, “I’m helping you to as least the front door.”
She got out of the car and you sighed, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. Your door opened and Max helped you out of the car. She grabbed your bag from the back. She took your arm and helped you slowly walk to the door. You unlocked it and stepped inside, taking your bag from your friend.
“Thank you.” You said, smiling at your friend.
She smiled back and said, “Anytime. And if you’re not feeling better by Saturday morning, one of us is taking you to the doctor.”
You opened your mouth to say no but you didn’t get a chance.
“No arguments,” Max said, finality in her voice, “If you’re still this sick, you’re going to the doctor.”
You sighed in defeat and said, “Ok. Thanks for today. I’ll see you tomorrow. Hopefully.”
Max smiled at you sadly and nodded before getting back in her car and driving away, heading back to school. You closed the door and dragged your feet towards your room.
“What the fuck are you doing home?”
You silently groaned and turned to look at your mother.
“I got really sick.” You said, rubbing your face tiredly.
“That’s no excuse for you to come home.” The woman said, irritated.
You dully stared at her and said, “I was throwing up every few minutes all of fifth hour. It finally seems to have calmed down but I still feel like shit. My friends took me to the nurse and they made me go home.”
Your mother glared at you and said, “Well why the fuck are you sick anyway?”
You glared back and said, “I don’t know, maybe it’s because I'm going through serious withdrawal from the clonazepam and oxy. It’s been four days since you last shoved oxy down my throat and it’s hitting me hard as fuck this time.”
Your mother rolled her eyes and turned back to her magazine. You shook your head and made you way to your bedroom. You set your bag down by your desk before falling face down on your bed. Luckily, your bed was still sacred and safe. The only man that had ever been in your bed was Eren, and those times were never sexual. Only lazy weekend naps and scrolling through social media together, showing each other things you found funny. You sighed heavily again and wiggled your way under your covers, managing to fall asleep a little faster than normal due to how horrible you felt.
Max pulled back in to her parking spot at school and turned off her car. She sighed and stepped out, shocked to see the three males she’d left fifteen minutes ago standing in the same place.
“You guys waited here this whole time?” She asked, confused.
They nodded and Armin took her hand, leading her back into the school. Eren and Levi slowly trail behind them and spoke quietly.
“Did you get a chance to talk to her?” Levi asked.
Eren shook his head and said, “No…. She got sick before I even saw her….”
Levi nodded and they walked in silence. They’d figure out the best way to talk to her eventually.
You groaned as you rinsed your mouth out for the fourth time that morning. You hadn’t made it to school the day before and you were still sick. It was now Saturday, and you knew your phone would be ringing soon. One of your friends would be taking you to the doctor today, and you were dreading it. As if on cue, your phone began to ring. You sighed and walked into your room to pick it up.
“Hello?” You asked, answering without checking the caller ID.
“________, how are you feeling?” Eren’s voice came through.
“Oh, Eren…,” you said, not expecting him to call this early, “I-I’m… not doing so hot….”
You finally admitted to him that you weren’t alright. You sat on your bed and wrapped your free arm around your stomach.
“You’re still feeling sick?” Eren asked, a frown evident in his voice.
You sighed and answered, “Yeah. Honestly, I'm not feeling any better than I did at school the other day.”
“Alright, I’m taking you to the doctor,” Eren said, sounding like he was getting up, “Get ready, I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”
You were surprised, but said, “O-ok…! Um, I’ll be ready.”
He hung up with a quick goodbye and you stared down at your phone, blinking owlishly. You sighed again and set it down on your bed so you could get ready. You pulled on a pair of leggings and a t-shirt with your school’s mascot on it. You grabbed the hoodie that you had been wearing to bed, which actually belonged to Eren, and pulled it on, smiling at the way you drowned in the large garment. You pulled on a pair of slip-on boots and grabbed your small backpack purse. You grabbed your phone and made your way downstairs. Your mother was snoring loudly on the couch, an empty bottle of vodka still gripped in her hand that was hanging off the edge, resting on the floor. You rolled your eyes and leaned against the wall next to the window by the front door. A few minutes later, Eren’s beat up old car pulled into your driveway and you slipped out the door, locking it behind you. Eren met you halfway to the car and gently took your hand in one of his and braced your arm with the other, helping you to walk to the car. He opened your door and helped you in, even buckling your seatbelt for you.
“Thank you.” You said, smiling up at him.
He smiled back at you and carefully closed your door before going around the car and getting in the driver’s seat. He backed out of your driveway and took off down the street, heading towards downtown.
“Where are we going anyway,” you asked, biting your lip, “You know I don’t have insurance….”
He grinned over at you and said, “We’re going to my dad’s clinic. He said he’d see you free of charge.”
You smiled hearing that. Grisha Jaeger was a good man. Since your families had known each other since you and Eren were babies, you grew up seeing the man often. He was always kind to you, and you knew he was a good man since he took in Mikasa after her parents died when she and Eren were ten. He was the only father figure you had left since your dad died when you were eight. It was around that time that your mom started drinking and selling sex for money. When you turned fourteen, she realized that she could sell you instead and get even more money without her having to do anything. You sighed lightly as all of these thoughts swirled through your head, making it throb slightly.
“Hey, you good? Need me to roll the window down or something?” Eren asked, looking at you worriedly.
You smiled nervously at him and said, “Don’t worry, I’m not gonna throw up in your car. It’s passed for now at least. I was just kinda spacing out, that’s all.”
Eren nodded and said, “I’m glad you feel better now. And you throwing up in my car probably wouldn’t be the worst thing that’s happened in here. I’m pretty sure Jean and Marco fucked in the backseat that time we went camping last summer.”
“Oh my god, seriously?!” You asked, shocked and kind of amused.
Eren nodded and said, “I saw them sneaking back to the campsite from the parking lot and then my car smelled nasty the next morning. And Marco couldn’t look me in the eye for a week.”
You laughed harder than you had laughed in a long time at this, holding your stomach as it cramped lightly.
“Ow…,” you cried, tears of laughter streaming down your face, “It hurts! It’s so funny it hurts!”
You quickly pulled you phone out and dialed Jean’s number.
“Jean, did you and Marco really fuck in Eren’s car last summer when we went camping?!” You asked, still laughing.
You could hear the horror in his voice as he said, “How did you find out about that?!”
You barked out another laugh and said, “Eren’s known about it since it happened! He saw you guys sneaking back to the campsite that night!”
Jean swore and hung up on you, causing you to laugh even harder. You put your phone back in your purse and leaned back in your seat, your laughter dying down.
“I can’t believe you called him.” Eren chuckled, shaking his head.
“I can’t believe he admitted it to me. Well, in a way.” You said, giggling again.
Eren rolled his eyes and pulled into the empty parking lot of his dad’s clinic.
He must have seen your confused look and said, “The clinic doesn’t open until 11 o’clock. Dad wanted me to bring you in early to make sure there was time to do a thorough exam and run any tests needed before any other patients were here.”
You nodded in understanding and bit your lip nervously. At least one of your secrets was about to come out and you were not ready for that. Your door opened and you jumped slightly, looking up to see Eren shaking his head at you. He leaned down and unbuckled your seatbelt for you. He took your hand and helped you out of the car. You expected him to let go of your hand, but he didn’t. Instead, he held onto your hand tightly and guided you to the back door of the clinic, unlocking it and opening it, leading you in.
“You have a key?” You asked.
He nodded and said, “I sometimes help dad out by coming in before or after hours and help clean and stuff.”
You nodded and looked around hesitantly, not ready for this.
“Dad, we’re here!” He called into the mostly dark clinic.
“Back here, room 3.” His father called back.
Eren lead you down two hallways to the only room with lights on. You saw Dr. Jaeger setting up several different things and you immediately froze. He must have noticed because gave you a gentle smile.
“Relax ________,” he said softly, “Eren told me that you haven’t been to a doctor in quite a while, so I figured we’d just do a full work up.”
You swallowed had and nodded, letting Eren lead you over to the exam table, helping you to sit on it. He smiled at you a little before letting go of your hand, turning to leave the room.
“W-wait…,” you said, reaching out and grabbing his arm, “Stay… please…?”
He blinked at you a few times before looking at his father and asked, “Is it alright if stay dad?”
“As long as she says it’s alright, then yes.” He answered, nodding.
Eren nodded as well and moved to stand next to the exam table. You didn’t look at him or his dad, instead, just staring down at your hands in your lap.
“Alright, let’s start with your height and weight.” Dr. Jaeger said, motioning for you to come over to the scale.
You slipped off the table and went over, letting him measure your height (A/N: anything shorter than 6 foot so you’re shorter than Eren). You couldn’t look at the little screen on the scale where the numbers would pop up, indicating your weight.
“94 lbs,” Dr. Jaeger said, frowning, “________, that’s extremely low.”
You swallowed hard and said, “I know…. I knew my weight was low but I didn’t know it was that low….”
You trudged back to the exam table and climbed back onto it, not meeting the eyes of either Jaeger. The older man came over and grabbed the blood pressure cuff.
“Can you take your sweater off please?” Dr. Jaeger asked.
You took a shuddering deep breath and slowly pulled off your hoodie. You shyly offered the doctor you left arm, looking anywhere but him. The room was silent as you felt both males staring at you.
“________, I’m going to ask you some questions, and I need you to be completely honest with me, do you understand?” Dr. Jaeger asked.
You nodded, pulling your arm back, wrapping both your arms around your body.
“Are you taking drugs?” He asked.
“Not willingly….” You answered quietly.
“Someone’s making you take them?”
You nodded again.
You swallowed hard and said, “My mom….”
You felt Eren’s eyes boring into the side of your head but you refused to look at him.
“What is she giving you?” Dr asked.
“Normally she gives me clonazepam and oxy when I… have to work…. But last time she injected me with something instead. I don’t know what it was though….” You said, bringing one hand up to bite on your nails.
Dr. Jaeger was quiet for a moment before he asked, “What kind of work do you do?”
You squeezed your eyes closed tightly and said, “Sex work….”
“What?!” Eren cried, making you cringe.
“Eren, calm down,” Grisha said, “Freaking out right now isn’t going to help her at all.”
“S-sorry….” Eren stuttered, gently taking your hand.
“Does your mother force you to do this work?” Dr asked.
You nodded and said, “Yes…. When my dad died, she couldn’t pay the bills anymore and started selling herself. When I turned fourteen, she realized that if she sold me, she could make twice the money without having to do anything herself. I struggled and fought at first, and she would always get mad and say that I was too loud and that we’d get caught. So, she started drugging me to get through the meetings. It started out with just the clonazepam, but somewhere along the way she added the oxy.
“It was only once every few weeks at first, but then she started taking me to that place every week. Now it’s at least three nights a week, for… well, I’m actually not sure how long were there for since I’m drugged the whole time…. After she started bringing me every week, my body got dependent on the drugs…. That’s how she controls me now…. I've been going through really bad withdrawal this whole week…. The last time I had either was Sunday night….”
Both Jaegers were quiet for a moment.
Dr. Jaeger sighed heavily and said, “________, because of what your mother has been forcing you to do, I’m going to have to ask you some difficult questions, alright?”
You nodded.
“Do you know how many men have… been with you?” He asked, sounding like he didn’t want to be asking you these questions, just as much as you didn’t want to be asked them.
“I’m not sure…. I’m drugged every time now…. But if I had to guess… probably at least 300, maybe 350….” You said, rubbing your arm in shame.
Another sigh came from the doctor and you could hear Eren breathing heavily.
“Do you know if protection was used?”
You sighed and said, “Mom never put me on birth control and from the number of times I woke up to… fluids dripping down my thighs I assume not.”
Sighs were heard from both males in the room and you finally looked up. Dr. Jaeger looked conflicted and Eren looked so sad and so angry at the same time.
“I’m sorry I never told you Eren,” you said, hesitantly gripping his sleeve, “I was so embarrassed and… I was scared that if anyone found out that I would get in trouble….”
Eren shook his head almost violently and said, “Don’t apologize! It’s not your fault she made you do that! I’m sorry that I never notice anything was going on!”
“It’s alright Eren. I did everything I could to make sure you didn’t know.” You said, shrugging.
You both fell silent and Dr. Jaeger cleared his throat. You turned your attention back to him.
“Given the information you’ve provided me, I’m afraid I need to perform a pelvic exam and take some swabs and samples to make sure you’re not seriously sick.” He said, looking at you apologetically.
You sighed and nodded, figuring this was coming.
You looked at Eren and asked, “Will you stay with me still?”
He looked at you confused and asked, “Are you sure you want me to stay in here while he exams your… you know… girly bits?”
You nodded and said, “I already know it’s gonna be uncomfortable as hell. I've heard these exams can hurt a little, especially if samples need to be taken. It’s also going to be awkward as fuck since it’s your dad and all, so I might as well have some sort of comfort. You can face the wall behind me if it helps.”
He hesitated, but nodded. Dr. Jaeger began to gather all of the instruments and things he needed for the exam while you put on the paper gown he gave you. You asked Eren to tie it for you and her did. Once it was tied, you slipped off your leggings and panties without him seeing anything. To spare both of you any extra embarrassment, you folded your panties inside your leggings so he didn’t see them.
“Lay back and place your feet into the stirrups, then slide your bottom towards the end of the table.” Dr. Jaeger said, sitting on the rolling stool.
You did what you were told and held your hand out to Eren, who was facing the wall behind you, but could still see you. He took your hand and held it tightly. Dr. Jaeger started to examine you and you breathed deeply, closing your eyes. You could feel your face heat up in embarrassment and couldn’t bring yourself to look at Eren, even as he squeezed your hand reassuringly. Once you felt the speculum touch you, you breathed deeply again, anticipating the pain of something entering you. It didn’t hurt while going in, but when it started to open, you whined slightly at the burning pain.
“I apologize ________,” Dr said, “I’ll be as quick as I can.”
You nodded and bit your lip. After what felt like forever, but was only about a minute and a half, the speculum was pulled out of you and you sighed in relief. You sat up and looked at Dr. Jaeger, watching as he collected all of the swabs and samples he had taken.
“I’m going to go process these and we should have the results in about twenty minutes. I’ll also need to take some blood samples to check a few things.” He said, standing.
You nodded and took the towel he handed you. He left the room and Eren turned his back so you could clean yourself up and get dressed again. You did so quickly and tossed the towel into the labeled basket.
“I’m done.” You said, sitting on the table again.
Eren turned back to you and leaned against the exam table, pulling you into a tight, but gentle hug. You hugged him back and buried your face into his neck.
“I love you,” he said, stroking your (h/c) hair, “I’ve wanted to tell you for so long but I was too scared. But after hearing that your own mother was forcing you to do that kind of stuff, I felt like I had to tell you… tell you that someone loved you….”
You teared up a little and said, “I love you too Eren…. But I was so scared to tell you because I thought no one could love me when I’m so used and disgusting….”
“You’re not disgusting,” Eren said, kissing your forehead, “You’ve been abused. None of it was your choice or your fault. Nothing could make me stop loving you.”
You looked up at him and he smiled at you. He leaned down and kissed you gently. You kissed him back before resting your head against his chest while he stood between your legs, hugging you. You stayed like that until the door opened again.
“Can I assume that you two finally confessed?” Dr. Jaeger asked, raising an eyebrow.
You giggled quietly and Eren nodded.
He nodded back and said, “Congratulations, and finally. Now, I’m sorry to have to separate you two lovebirds, but I need to take some blood samples.”
You nodded and pulled away from Eren to offer your arm to his father. He tied a rubber strip around your arm and felt for your vein. Once he found it, he skillfully stuck the needle in your arm and collected the blood he needed.
“Eren, hold this here for me.” He said, nodding down to the folded cotton pad he had placed over the needlestick.
Eren’s tanned fingers gently pressed down on the cotton and his father went to dispose of the needle. He came back with a roll of (f/c) coban and wrapped it around your arm. You thanked him and moved back to your embrace with Eren.
“I’ll run these tests and when all the results are back, we’ll go over them. For now, relax.” Grisha said, nodding at you two.
You nodded and rested your head back on Eren’s chest. He rested his chin on top of your head and hummed happily. You talked idly for a little over half an hour before Dr. Jaeger came back in, a dark look on his face.
“I know that look,” Eren said, sounding a little scared, “And nothing good comes after it….”
Grisha sighed and pulled the rolling stool over again, sitting down in front of you.
“Don’t sugarcoat it.” You said, trying to steal your nerves.
“There are a few things that we need to discus,” Dr. Jaeger said, looking down at the clipboard in his hands, “Are you sure you ok with Eren hearing this information?”
You nodded and said, “Yes. He knows everything else now. I’m not going to hide anything from him anymore.”
Dr. Jaeger nodded and said, “Alright. We’ll your anemia has gotten worse, which judging by how low your iron levels are, is probably due to your lack of nutrition. And your extreme weight loss is most likely due to your body’s dependence on the drugs.”
You nodded at his words. You had kind of figured that would be the case, but you were dreading whatever other diagnoses you might get.
“You have a few other vitamin deficiencies and insufficiencies, but that’s to be expected.”
You nodded.
“Unfortunately, I have two more rather serious diagnoses for you.”
You swallowed hard and nodded, holding onto Eren’s hand tightly.
“The lesser of the two is that you have a bacterial infection. It can be taken care of with antibiotics though.” Dr. Jaeger said.
You closed your eyes and sighed sadly.
“It’s an STD… isn’t it…?” You asked, looking at him.
“Yes. You have chlamydia, which, like I said, is treatable,” Dr said, trying to reassure you, “All you have to do is take the antibiotics that I give you and abstain from any sexual activity for a while and you’ll be cured.”
You nodded sadly and asked, “What’s the other bad news?”
Dr. Jaeger fell silent and his face grew dark again. A chill ran down your spine at the look.
“Dad,” Eren said, “What is it?”
The man sighed heavily and said, “________, according to your blood test, you’re somewhere between four and six weeks pregnant….”
The blood drained out of your face and your heart dropped into your stomach. You could see Dr. Jaeger’s lips moving, but all you could hear was a high-pitched ringing. It hadn’t been the withdrawal that was making you so sick…. It was because you were pregnant….
“I think I'm gonna be sick…!” You said, jumping up from the exam table and running to the garbage can that was built into the counter next to the sink.
You hunched over it and heaved roughly, bringing up stomach acid again. Gentle hands gathered your hair away from your face and another hand rubbed your back. You retched a few more times before gasping and coughing.
“Rinse your mouth out dear.” Dr. Jaeger said, turning the water on and grabbing a small cup.
He filled it and handed it to you. You took the water in, swished it around and spit it out in the sink. You coughed a few more times before straightening up, stumbling slightly. Eren quickly steadied you and brought you into his chest. Tears flooded your eyes and you began to sob.
“What am I going to do…?!” You cried, grabbing onto Eren’s shirt tightly.
“We’ll figure it out,” he said, hugging you tightly, “We’ll get through this. I swear…!”
You spent a while crying into your boyfriend’s chest before you were able to calm down.
“Eren, I want you to take ________ to our house,” Grisha said, taking his phone out, “I’ll call your mother and explain what’s going on. She’ll know how to help.”
Eren nodded and lead you out of the clinic and back to his car. He got you in and quickly drove to his house. He helped you out of the car and to the front door where his mother met you.
“Oh ________, darling.” She cooed, pulling you into a hug.
You started to cry again and she slowly brought you to the couch. She lowered you both down and stroked your hair. Eren came and sat on your other side and rested his hand on your knee, letting you know he was there. You managed to calm down quicker this time and pulled out of Carla’s loving embrace.
You sniffled and said, “Did Papa call you yet?”
Carla smiled lightly at the name you had called Grisha since your father died and nodded.
“I have a plan.” She said, petting your hair.
You nodded and Eren asked, “What is it?”
“There are obviously a few things that we need to address, but the first one is ________’s mother. We need to get the police involved.” Carla said.
You sighed. You were afraid she was going to say that.
“I know you don’t want to ________, but we have to,” Carla said, petting your hair gently, “But don’t worry, we’ll be with you the whole way.”
You nodded and asked, “What do we do after that?”
“We get you in a rehab program to get your body to not be dependent on the drugs anymore.” She answered.
You nodded again and looked down at your hands.
“What about… the baby…?” Eren asked, hesitant.
You peeked up at Carla through your lashes, curious to see her reaction.
She smiled a little sadly and said, “It’s still early on. We need to take care of those two things first, and then we’ll turn our attention to that. Oh, and we need to get that infection cleared up! That’s really priority number 1. Well, 1A, since we can do that and the police at the same time.”
You giggled a little at her, causing her to smile at you.
“Mom, can ________ stay with us from now on?” Eren asked.
“Of course! We’re getting that bitch thrown in jail so she needs somewhere to live. And this is the safest place for her.” Carla said.
You and Eren looked at the woman in shock.
“Mom!” Eren exclaimed, wide-eyed.
She looked at you two and asked, “What?”
“You never swear,” you giggled, “At least, not like that!”
The woman shrugged and said, “I’m just calling it like I see it.”
You giggled again and nodded.
“My mom should be out doing god knows what right now, so we should probably go get my stuff.” You said, looking to Eren.
He nodded and you stood, say goodbye to your new mother and going to the car. It didn’t take long to reach your house and you sighed in relief when you saw that your mother’s car was indeed gone. You quickly went inside and to your room. You went to your closet and reached for the large duffle bag that was on the top shelf, but couldn’t reach it.
“Need some help there?” Eren asked, coming up behind you and putting a hand on your waist.
“Yes please.” You said, tilting your head back so you could look up at him.
He smiled down at you and gave you a quick kiss before grabbing the bag. He placed it on your bed and helped you shove your small wardrobe into it. You didn’t have a lot of stuff, since you didn’t see any of the money you made from ‘working’, so your belongings were few and far between and all fit into your duffle and backpack. Shoving the last item into your bag, a photo of you and Eren from when you were kids, you froze as you heard the front door slam shut.
“________, are you back? Whose piece of shit car is that?” Your mother yelled, sounding mostly sober.
You took a deep, shuddering breath and felt Eren wrap his arms around you.
“We’ll make something up and get out of here quickly, I swear.” He whispered, kissing your forehead.
You nodded and took another deep breath before steeling your nerves and walking downstairs.
“There you are,” your mother said, her drawn on eyebrows pinching together when she saw you, “What the fuck is all this?”
Your mind blanked and you started to panic slightly, looking to Eren for help.
“Max asked to barrow some stuff from ________ for a project and since we were all planning on hanging out today, I just decided to drive her.” Eren said, forcing a smile.
Your mother eyed you both for a moment before nodding slowly.
“Whatever. As long as your back in time for our plans tonight.” She said, staring you down.
A chill ran down your spine and squeezed out “Yes ma’am….”
She nodded again and waved her hand dismissively as she walked towards the kitchen. You quickly ran out the door and Eren threw your bags into the back seat. You got in the car and Eren sped the whole way back to his house. Once there, he put your things in his room and you sat down with his mother again.
“So, you’re supposed to work tonight?” She asked, pulling out her phone.
You nodded and watched as she dialed a number.
“Hannes, hi, it’s Carla,” she said, tilting her head a little, “Listen, Grisha and I need a favor.”
She listened for a moment before humming.
“Great,” Carla said, smiling, “You remember Eren’s friend ________, right? Well, turns out her mother is a horrid bitch and has been forcing ________ into sex work for the past few years. She was so scared that she wasn’t able to tell us anything before today when she saw Grisha for an exam. The bitch has also been forcing ________ to take drugs. Is there any way to set her up tonight to get her arrested?”
She listened again and you could faintly hear someone talking on the other end of the line, but you couldn’t make out what they were saying.
“Wonderful. We’ll come by the station when Grisha gets home. Thanks.”
The woman hung up and looked at you with a smile.
“That hag should be in jail tonight.” She said, a sly smirk on her lips.
You were still a little shocked to see this side of Eren’s mother, but you kind of liked it. You smiled yourself and hugged your new mom, thanking her.
“What do we do after she’s arrested?” Eren asked.
“Well, first, since ________ is still 17, your father and I will have to take care of whatever legal paperwork needs to be done to become her guardians. Then, rehab.” Carla said, stroking your hair.
You nodded and reached out for Eren’s hand. He laced his fingers with yours and brought your hand up, kissing it lovingly. You ended up cuddling up with Eren on the couch watching tv with his mother while waiting for your father to get home. Once he arrived, you all got into his car and drove to the police station.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you had been holding as you watched a cop handcuff your mother.
“You little bitch! How dare you do this to me! I’ll make you regret it!!” She screeched, fighting against the cop.
You huffed out a breath and turned away from her, searching for Eren. You spotted him quickly and made your way to him. He hugged you and kissed your forehead. The next step now was rehab. It turns out that your new mom had a friend that ran a really nice rehab facility. And you didn’t have to pay for a thing, since the courts had decided that your biological mother owed you sever hundred thousand dollars for all of the trauma and damages she caused. You kept up with your school work while in rehab, but a little over two weeks into the program, you ended up in the hospital. They called Carla and your family quickly raced over.
“________,” Eren cried, bursting into you room, “Are you ok?! What happened?!”
You smiled tiredly at him and reached out for his hand. He quickly came to your side and held your hand with both of his.
“I miscarried.” You said simply.
Eren’s eyes widened at the news, and he didn’t know how to react, not knowing how you felt.
“How do you feel about the situation?” Your mom asked, sitting next to you on your bed and petting your head.
You smiled sadly and said, “I’m a little sad but, it’s best that this happened. I’m not ready for a baby and I honestly don’t know how I would have handled having a child from that situation. So, I'm ok.”
Eren frowned and said, “You don’t look like you’re ok.”
You laughed lightly and said, “I meant mentally and emotionally. Physically I’m tired as fuck and still in pain. Both from rehab and this. But I really am fine. I’ll be better in no time, I promise.”
Eren sighed lightly but nodded. You leaned up and kissed him gently before resting back in your bed.
Two months later, you were back home with Eren and your new family and you would be graduation high school soon. You were clean and sober a little over two months and you had recovered from the miscarriage completely. Your life was normal now, and you couldn’t be any happier with your boyfriend and your new family.
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mrskurono · 3 years
i wanted to say something related with the thing about the plain repetitive fics earlier when the notification popped up but was busy and in a horrible humor 🥴🥴 so imma say it now
we as consumers (the ones who only read) are most at fault here i think bc the writers always ask and the ones with beautifully written 5k words almost beg for readers to interact/reblog so it spreads and gets to other people(i am at fault here too im a social anxiety ridden person) and because of this lack of interaction the "shitty" or plain or whatever gets more interactions... on other side there are also lazy ass people that don't wanna read 5k words (their loss lol) and stick with the plain ooc shitty cookie cutter stories, the ones who get the spotlight unfortunately...
sorry for the long ass rant, got lost in the middle and wrote it with a baby crying and screaming and laughing by my side lol, hope ur having a good day/evening and taking care of you and your baby💕💕
For the five hundred and fifty two years I've been on this site I will say there was a definitive switch between supporting content creators (of any media) and now expecting things to be spoon fed them in the simplest way without feeling an obligation to return the favor with even the meager of feedback. I wouldn't say it went down hill when Tumblr did it's purge bc honestly it was going downhill before that. It was like one month people were excited to share their hyperfixations and fandoms. And now no one wants to do anything bc of the cringe worthy puritan culture that has swept through most social medias. This focus on likes only, popularity and being a god send famous person is just so fucking weird to me. Anymore anyone is so afraid to even entertain the idea that they would consume something "unsanitary" and then get in trouble for it that it's reached its way to the creators. Many have stopped bc of hate. Many have stopped for fear of hate. Just as many have stopped bc its just not worth it anymore. It's frankly sad bc now "trendy" things are the only thing that sells. Tik tok reaction crap, daddy kinks, uwu sub babies, etc. This very tiny box of what's "ok" has doubled down on so many people just straight up quitting. These things that have been deemed "acceptable" while other things get demonized.
And this goes for non sexual items too. Wanna write best friends au? Unrealistic, bull crap, "never happens". But twelve dozen people wanna write a mafia au? Great, brilliant, "totally plausible". A lot of people complain about the sexual factors of fandoms but honestly fluff is just as looked down on unless it's exactly how this mass decided it to be. It use to be in fandoms you could find so much. Oh my god there was so so so much you could find. If you thought of it, you could find it. But now its the same idea regurgitated fifty times. I get people enjoying what they enjoy (I for one enjoy friendships and mutual pining and such) but the fact that everything else gets shoved to the side bc the majority doesn't "want it" and then others are "too afraid" to engage frankly means more and more writers are going to leave and not come back. And it's sad really bc so many writers are wonderful and great but no one wants to support them. I understand being anxiety riddled. I didn't start posting even online half a decade after I started writing. I kept everything on a note app and interacted with no one when I did get brave enough to post online in the small fandoms I was in. So the anxiety thing I get but at some point you have to decide if it's worth more to lurk and watch your content creators and friends leave. Or to support them and others.
Make entirely new blog. Give no defining traits to yourself. Don't even have to talk to anyone if you don't want to. But reblogging (with proper tags) means a million different things to artists of all kind. You don't even have to leave a comment. Simply reblogging something and making sure it can be spread through proper tags in the fandom means the world to creators and it's so small but keeps us going. I do it here on my blog all the time. I'm not an avid reader but I adore art and reblog the crap out of characters I might not even like. Just so that artist knows "hey, someone saw this and they want more people to see it bc its amazing"
This isn't meant to be mean spirited or a lecture but frankly Tumblr is going to loose a lot of its media and its sad to watch it go down the drains. But on the brightside ao3 is still wonderful and a heavenly place to post fics! The traffic is wonderful and to any fic writers who haven't signed up for it I really suggest it. All the fandoms I've posted in so far have been really engaging and lots of people even comment which is just such a serotonin boost. If you haven't started cross posting on ao3 I highly suggest it
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romansrgn · 5 years
{show me your love...}
ch. 1
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Ayanna stood in the middle of the street she grew up on with her best friend of a little over fifteen years as she struggled to gain the courage she always had but often lost when she was in front of him.
“I need to say this and the only way I could do that is if I just put everything out there and lay all of my cards on the table.”
Seth frowned “What cards?”
Ayanna laughed nervously. She knew he needed her to say something to make this less confusing for him. But in the end nothing she could say would make her want him any less. Despite how confusing her own feelings felt. "I don’t know. I don't even know what I'm saying.”
Seth grabbed her hand “We’re friends. So whatever’s going on with you we can work through it, together.”
Ayanna nodded “It definitely works better that way.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean I’m not usually attracted to grudge band listening, crossfit weirdos. But here I am.”
“Attracted?” Seth raised a brow.
Ayanna gave a slight nod as if she couldn't believe she was finally saying it outloud “I know right.”
Seth didn't know what to say. His friend since he was a teenager was admitting she was attracted to him. Sure, she was hot, smart ass hell with a personality that made everyone in the room want to be around her..but she was one of his best friends for god sake. If he went there with her he was liable to fuck up their entire friendship. Not to mention there were other things happening now.
Ayanna laughed a little “This worked out so much better in my head.”
So she decided to take a different approach “Remember last summer after my dad died and how lost I was? That summer I felt like my entire world came crashing down and I couldn’t do anything about it except drink myself into numbness. And you know what? it worked. It worked until you came back into town and you made me feel things. Things I didn’t want to feel because you’re you. I wanted to be angry at you, the world and the doctors who couldn't do anything to save my dad's life but you wouldn’t allow that. But in the end it turned out that you were what I needed in probably one of the darkest times of my life. And I-I don’t know what I’m saying but I know what I'm feeling isn't changing. I care about you, Seth. Every since I was a kid. I’ve always cared about you.”
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The two friends merely stared at each other trying to gauge the others reaction. After what felt like minutes  Seth cleared his throat “Umm I don’t know what to say.” 
“I can see that. I’m not asking you to feel the same way I do I just— I couldn’t hold it in anymore.”
Seth took a small step towards her closing the space between them. He ran his hand through her hair and resting it at the back of her neck “You know how much I love you. You’re beautiful, funny and smart and anybody would be lucky to have you but–”
“Hey, babe.” a strong Irish accent interrupted the two friends “Are you ready to go?”
Seth held eye contact with Ayanna before dropping his hand from her hair “Yea, I was just saying hello to a friend.”
Ayanna nodded before taking a step back from Seth. The vulnerability he once saw in her dark brown eyes were replaced with indifference.
“Is this Ayanna?” Rebekah asked looking at Seth who nodded. His eyes never leaving Ayanna's “Well it's so nice to finally meet you. Seth has told me so much about you."
Ayanna smiled tightly “Nice to meet you too. I’m sorry I can't say the same.”
Both girls shook hands “I’m Rebekah. Seth’s girlfriend.”
“Oh, wow. I didn���t know he had a girlfriend.” Ayanna looked at Seth who gave a sympathetic smile.
“We’re still kind of new with the labels. So your the first one to hear us say it out loud.”
“Lucky me.” Ayanna mumbled “Well, I’ve held you guys up long enough. I’m going to go.”
Rebekah looked between Seth and Ayanna “I didn’t mean to interrupt you guys–”
Ayanna waved a hand “Don’t worry about it. I was making a fool out of myself anyway so I’m glad you came in for the save.”
Rebekah laughed. Liking the young woman already.
“Ayanna, we need to finish talking.” Seth said holding her gaze.
“No, I think I’ve said enough. As a matter of fact everything I said was probably the alcohol speaking. I’ve been out with the girls and I kind of had way too much to drink. So just ignore me.”
Seth didn’t smell an ounce of alcohol on her but he played along “Let me take you home.”
“You know my house is up the street. I’ll be fine.” She looked back at Rebekah who was smiling at her “You guys look great together. Have a great night.” she said before walking away leaving the couple alone.
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Rebekah smiled “You too, Yaya.”
Ayanna looked pointedly at Seth. Seth closed his eyes when she bit down on her bottom lip. He knew she was trying to prevent herself from crying. So when she walked off he didn’t stop her. He’ll get his time with her later.
She wouldn't say she ran all the way home but she would call it a slight jog. All she wanted to do was put as much space between herself and her embarrassment as possible.
Ayanna visibly cringed at the use of the nickname Seth gave her "Its, Ayanna.”
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Tasha Kordei smiled at her daughter "I came to see you. But I saw you were busy catching up with Seth and his friend. So I didn't want to interrupt."
Ayanna sighed "it's his girlfriend, mom."
Ayanna cursed when she dropped her keys she tried again but her front door was swung open "Mom? What are you doing here?"
"Yup, and she's Irish too."
Mrs. Kordei didn't look impressed "Fascinating. Did you at least tell him about the good news?"
Ayanna blinked totally forgetting about that "No, I didn't. I completely forgot.
Ayanna slipped her jacket off her shoulders "Mom, I got so caught up with telling him something else that it slipped my mind. If I see him again I'll tell him."
Mrs. Kordei frowned "What's more important than telling him you're moving to Australia?" Then it dawned her "So you finally told him."
"What--"  Ayanna eyes widen "How did you--"
"You're my daughter and I've known Seth since you were twelve and he was seventeen. Your father and I use to wonder what a young man that age would be doing hanging around a kid. At first we hated it. But Seth took care of you and he looked after you.  So we grew accustomed to it. But we weren't blind to your growing crush on him. I remember that time you got so angry at him for taking Donna Stevens to the prom. You didn’t speak to him for almost three weeks and it killed him. I remember when he told you he was moving to Davenport so he could continue his wrestling training and that night you cried your little heart out. From that moment I never thought you would get over your feelings for him and I was right. And when your father died,” Tasha took a moment to get herself together “I was so scared for you honey. I mean I was terrified. You were drinking, doing drugs and just doing all of these things that was so unlike you. So I called him. I called Seth. I knew if anyone could bring you back from that darkness. I knew it would be him and for that I’m grateful.”
Ayanna took a sip of her water. Taking in everything her mother said before turning to look at her. She didn't know her mother was the one who called Seth.  “Daddy, always said I wear my heart on my sleeve. After so many years and the distance. I thought my feelings would change. I mean their have been others. With both boys and girls. But none of them were him.”
Tasha walked over to her daughter and wrapped the small woman in her arms “I feel the same way about your father. Sometimes when you know, you just know.
Her phone beeped and her mother handed it to her. It was a text from Seth.
Ur still coming to my show tomorrow night, right? :)
Tasha gave her daughter a sympathetic smile.
Thinking she said more than enough tonight. Ayanna decided to keep it short.
Sure :)
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“Is that what you’re wearing to the show?”
Ayanna shrugged “Yea, what’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”
“Did you just roll out of bed or??” Jaydean deadpanned.
“First of all, what’s wrong with how I look? Its Raw not a strip club.”
Jaydean held up a  hand “Correction, it’s a show that the man your ass has been in love with since you were twelve years old has invited  you to. The same damn show that his girlfriend becky with the good hair will also be featured on.”
Ayanna shook her head “No, I’m not going there to steal her man or whatever--I’m there to support Seth and then I’m going home to pack.”
“No, bitch. You’re  going there to show Sethie what he’s missing and then we’re going to the club. It’s ladies night.”
Ayanna raised a brow.
“Oh, please. I know the girl who planned tonight’s event. Now go change. The outfit I picked out for you is hanging up behind your bathroom door.”
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When she emerged from the house Jayden grinned "Yes, this is what I'm here for. Body and looks for days."
"And what about my personality?" Ayanna asked crossing her arms over her chest.
"Eh, we'll work on that later. Time is money, honey."
Ayanna punched him in the arm "Dick and for that your ass is driving."
Ayanna rolled her eyes before going in and doing as she was told.
"Uh uh. I hate parking downtown." Jaydean said following behind Ayanna.
Braelin smiled when she saw who was sitting in the front row "Hi, stranger."
Ayanna grinned "I could say the same thing about you. You're glowing."
"It's the coco butter I use three times a day."
Both girls laughed.
"Or it could be that baby bump you've been hiding since April, but ok."
Braelin failed to hide her shock "Is it that obvious?"
Ayanna gave her a look "That whole black makes you look slimmer thing is a myth. Please let that go."
Braelin laughed "Hush, well since my not so secret is out. Yes, I'm pregnant."
"What are you having?"
"Twins. A boy and a girl."
Ayanna pouted "Damn, so much for that gender reveal party."
"That's what Briyanna and Naomi said. But the gender reveal party  just seems played. Just throw me an old fashioned baby shower."
Ayanna nodded "Ok, I can do that. But the baby shower needs to happen within the next month."
Braelin furrowed her eyebrows "Why?"
"Well, I got a job offer in Australia."
A range of emotions flew across Braelin’s face but shock won out "Wow, Australia. Congratulations!"
Ayanna laughed "Are you sure?"
Braelin brought Ayanna into a hug "Of course I'm sure. I'm just shocked. That's really far away. How did Seth take the news?"
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Ayanna remained silent. In which Braelin nodded her head in understanding "You didn't tell him, yet." 
"I wanted to tell him last night but it slipped my mind. I met Rebekah though." Ayanna looked pointedly at the ring were Rebekah was training. "She's good."
"She is. I would be surprised if you didn't. Your opinion matters to him."
"We didn't meet on purpose. She introduced herself to me. I guess she came home with him." Ayanna mumbled the last part.
Braelin wasn't one to give relationship advice especially not when she was in a hot mess she was currently in but what kind of friend would she be if she didn't at least give Ayanna a chance to talk to Seth.
"Did you come here with anyone?"
Ayanna nodded "Yea, I came here with Jaydean."
Braelin looked around "Where is he now?"
"He's still looking for a parking space."
Braelin snorted "Well, that gives us thirty minutes tops." she said grabbing Ayanna's hand "Come with me."
"Wait, where are we going?"
"You need to talk to Set--"
"No, absolutely not. I can't tell him I'm moving to Australia right before the show. I can do it after. I promise."
Braelin didn't look convinced "Fine, but it wouldn't hurt to wish him luck. In person."
Ayanna conceded knowing what her friend was trying to do despite how badly she wanted to run in the opposite direction "Ok, but only for a few minutes. I need to be here when Jaydean gets back."
Braelin nodded leading the young woman backstage. It wasn't until Ayanna was from behind the barricade that Braelin got a good look at what she was wearing "Damn, Yaya."
Ayanna blushed "This was all Jaydean." She defended.
That made sense. Braelin thought. The Ayanna she knew wore sweatpants, leggings and oversized t shirts. She rarely showed skin of any kind and looking at her now she really didn't understand why??
"Well, I'm glad he's taking you out of your comfort zone. Try not to give any of the guys..or girls heart palpitations before the show starts, ok?
Both girls laughed and headed to Seth's dressing room.
Braelin introduced her to the guys who were gawking and the girls that were openly curious about the newcomer.
Ayanna smiled when she saw Roman in the hallway. They did their cute little handshake before embracing each other in a hug "It's been forever since I've seen you."
Roman rolled his eyes "It's been a month and I remember face timing you with Seth at least three times after that."
Ayanna's giggle prompted Seth to stick his head out of his dressing room. His long hair hung a little past his shoulder in naturally curly state. He had on his brand new Seth t shirt and a pair of jeans. "I thought I recognized that laugh. How long have you been out here?"
Ayanna shrugged "Not long. I just came to wish you good luck tonight."
Braelin cleared her throat a little too dramatically which forced three heads to turn in her direction "I'm sorry. Allergy season."
Seth nodded before turning his attention back to Ayanna "You want to come in for a bit?"
Yes. "Actually, I can't---
"Yes, you can. I'll send Jay up to the sky box and you can join him when you're done." Braelin interjected.
Roman looked down at the mother of his children "What are you up too?
Braelin shrugged "Nothing."she smirked before walking away.
Seth looked confused by the exchanged but stepped aside so she could go inside. He had a few words with Roman before  turning his attention to Ayanna "You look different."
Ayanna snorted "Different? Is that your weird way of giving me a compliment?"
Seth took a moment to take in what she was wearing. He knew Ayanna was  a beautiful girl but she had a level of sexiness to her that wasn't there before. Or maybe it was and he just didn’t see it until now. She had on a pair of biker shorts that showed off her silky smooth legs and amazing ass. While her champion long sleeve was tied up to show off her abs.
Seth cleared is throat and rubbed his neck when he realized he was down right ogling her “Of course it is. I’m glad you came because I wanted to talk to you about last night.”
“I told you I was drunk so everything I said was influenced by lots of tequila and not enough chasers.”
“I thought you stopped drinking?” He asked folding his arms across his chest.
“It was one night. Not several. So relax.”
“Relax? You promised me, remember? Or were you just blowing smoke up my ass?”
Ayanna looked affronted not knowing where all of this was suddenly coming from “I came here to wish you good luck. I did that and now I think it’s time for me to leave.”
Seth closed his eyes not knowing what the hell he was doing. He knew she wasn't drinking because he didn't smell an ounce of alcohol on her last night. He grabbed her arm lightly to keep her from leaving “I’m sorry for acting like a dick. I’m also sorry for not telling you about Rebekah.”
“It’s fine. There’s no rule that exists that we’re required to introduce into each other to our respective others.”
However, there was a part of her that wished there was one that existed between them. Maybe then she wouldn't have felt blindsided by Rebekah.
Seth took a large step towards her closing the space between them. “That’s not what I meant. I know it took a lot to admit that you have feelings for me and I get it. I care about you a great deal and I always will. But, I love our friendship and everything we’ve built from that. Our friendship means so much to me that if I ruin that by taking things to another level with you….I wouldn't be able to live with myself.”
Ayanna gave a short nod. She willed herself not to feel the rejection that was injected into her heart but damn it if it wasn't hard.  However, this rejection in hindsight made what she was going to say a lot easier. She knew if she ever wanted to get over Seth she needed to put an entire continent between them and maybe with time she would be able to move on.  “I have to be honest I came here for ulterior motives” she took a step back from Seth and that’s when he saw it again, that in difference “I got a job offer to be a photographer for Vogue Australia and I accepted.”
More silence
Seth opened and closed his mouth willing something to come out but all he could do was run a frustrated hand through his hair something she's grown accustomed to him doing since he was a teenager.
“Gee, Congratulations, Ya Ya. I know how hard you’ve worked to get your stuff on major magazines where millions of people will get to see it. Great job.” she mocked.
Seth narrowed his eyes “Yes, great job. Great job moving across the fucking world where no one knows you while everyone you love is here, you know..home.”
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“Are you serious right? You of all people are lecturing me on moving a way? You moved a way to pursue your dream but its a problem when I do it?”
“Yes” he yelled. Something he never did to Ayanna who jumped "You’re not moving a couple of fucking miles away, Yaya. It's an entire fucking continent.” he said pacing back and fourth.
Ayanna bit down on her bottom lip “Here I thought my best friend would finally be happy for me instead--”
Seth shook his head “No, you’re not going to make me the bad guy.” he suddenly laughed when something occurred to him “When did you agree to this job? Don't answer that. Because I know when it was. It was after you met Rebekah. Amirite?”
Yup, it was definitely time for her to leave. Ayanna headed to the door but decided she couldn't  leave without setting him straight “I got the job offer last summer. But I was in no shape to do it. So, I was going to turn it down because I didn't think I could handle it, not after my dad died. But after a little time they called me again and I accepted. That was four months ago. As hard as it seems, my life doesn't revolve around you.”
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Seth shrugged helplessly finding it hard to believe that she will no longer be in reaching distance “What am I supposed to do?”
She smiled sadly, “It’s funny because I asked myself the same thing. But I guess it's about time we figure it out. Have a great show.”
By the time he made it to the ring to cut the first promo of the night. He scanned the front row and up at the sky box only to see that she was gone.
AN: Ayanna has spent most of her adult life in love with Seth so it's going to be interesting to see how and she tries to move on from him as well as how Seth will cope with not having Yaya in reaching distance. They're definitely in for it.
Sidenote:  Reviews are everything because it let's me know what you're thinking so please comment or drop your comments inbox. I read them all. Anyways, until next time kids!
taglist: meishaabae,  passionatedancer05, @queenofthearchitect, 
39 notes · View notes
chofitia · 4 years
Fuck it. I’m liveblogging rereading this cringe. No, I’m not going to link to where it is. If you’ve built up my social links enough, then I’ll think about it.
Dedication: Why in God’s name did I say that something in my OC’s POV was for someone else? I think it’s the dynamic within the fic? I know I’ve done that shit before: “Hey, my OC’s interactions with this canon character reflect how I think our interactions are!”
Paragraph One: This... actually isn’t too bad. Still overwrought, but the scenario itself has some promise. (Sephiroth and some other Firsts taking over someone’s house in Wutai as HQ. The inhabitants within are Not Happy.)
Paragraph Two: Uh, I don’t remember all of this lore.
Paragraph Three: Okay, so the build up here is also decent (The POV character is going over all of the rumors she’s heard about Sephiroth, and now this fucker is in her house.)
Paragraph Four: Oh, hello, one-sentence paragraph subversion! I’ve apparently been using that trick since...  2002, at least?!
Paragraph Five: It isn’t a Chofitia old-fic if there isn’t some purple-ass prose description of Sephiroth’s appearance. Actually, I think the only fics where there aren’t one is the ones from the proto-Genesis POV. Because antagonism. Also, I have this thing about Sephiroth being able to speak different languages flawlessly. You could probably justify it as Jenova’s shape-shifting mindfuckery being able to make language learning a lot easier for longer. Eighteen-year-old me would’ve probably just justified it as “smart people are multi-lingual”. Also, I’d forgotten that this OC and Sephiroth were supposed to be the same age, for Reasons.
Paragraph Six: Okay, so here’s my subconscious manifesting itself. The idea of “I know a bit of this, but not as well as you. I know that you’re going to dismiss my attempts, but I’m still going to try.” Ugh, and I forgot that I’d made up weird-sounding surnames before settling on looking up actual surnames for my OCs to use. I do remember the lore here, but I’ve since streamlined it.
Paragraph Seven: And Sephiroth is civil, because I stan.
Paragraph Eight: More lore that I’ve forgotten! I think that someone could do something with the “Turks assassinated Godo’s dad in order to force a young, untried leader to rule, thus causing political instability” thing.
Paragraphs Nine and Ten: Ugh, more lore/OC things that I’ve forgotten and are cringe. Also, OC, you are not going to get close enough to stab him before he disarms you. Please stop.
Paragraph Eleven: Did I seriously imply shit about the Honor of a Soldier four years before Crisis Core? Then-me would’ve just shrugged at this whole “I’m not like the others” thing Sephiroth has going.
Paragraphs Twelve to Fourteen: Girl, no. At least you’re aware that you’re being tsundere and need to back the fuck off.
Paragraphs Fifteen to Seventeen: More lore that I’ve forgotten! Again, there’s an idea that people could work with: “Both sides hype up their own senses of honor but are not above doing ruthless, dirty shit because they want to win.”
Paragraph Eighteen: More lore that I’ve forgotten, and then the set-up for some Doylian funny.
Paragraph Nineteen: “I am no god,” he said. Grand humor of the I-see-what-you-did-there variety.
Paragraphs Twenty and Twenty-One: The fuck are these obscure references to lore only eighteen-year-old me knew?! The worst part of it is that I didn’t find the need to write outlines or anything because of course I’d remember it all! Also, you know what’s more fun than trying to stab the enemy commander that’s taken over your house? Maneuvering the enemy commander that’s taken over your house to kill off your family’s political opponents! (Holy fuck, Purity Sue is all Sansa Stark over here.)
Paragraph Twenty-Two to Twenty-Five: Okay, here we are: lore that I can actually trace to the influence of others. References to Hel, which, as all FF7 olds know, implies a link to Nibelheim and therefore Cloud.
Paragraph Twenty-Six to Twenty-Eight: More lore that I can trace to others, because this fic is supposedly within the confines of the ‘verse of the author to whom this thing is dedicated. I’d forgotten that the author’s OCs had supposedly wandered around the world. Also, Tragic backstory is Tragic, because I’m me.
Paragraph Twenty-Nine to Thirty-Three: And now we start talking about religion and faith. I’m sure that eighteen-year-old me knew this was all Deep and Meaningful, but now I’m all. “No, this conversation would never happen. Doesn’t matter that this ‘verse’s Sephiroth is different.” I’m also chuckling at myself because there’s this line, “Phantoms fight against us.”, that I know is supposed to foreshadow one thing in my lore but now can be interpreted as several others.
Paragraph Thirty-Four to Thirty-Six: And now we veer into a conversation about “History is written by the winners”. And I also kind of like Sephiroth basically saying “I’ll never forget [the war with Wutai] because I’ve been traumatized by it.” No, he wouldn’t say that to some rando Purity Sue, but he’d think it.
Paragraph Thirty-Seven: I’m trying to be clever by having Purity Sue freak out that Sephiroth can read minds. Girl, he’s got enough emotional intelligence to read you.
Paragraph Thirty-Eight to Forty: Okay, so Sephiroth wants to go rogue. Again, I love that I was figuring out the plot to Crisis Core before it was a glimmer in Nomura’s eye.
Paragraph Forty-One: “When he spoke so, it seemed almost as if he saw himself above humanity.”  One: Holy God, “seemed almost as if”. Hrm. How would I write this now... “He isolated himself with his words, dwelled in a place where he looked down on all others.” Two: I’m really beating the reader over the head about the OG plot.
Paragraph Forty-Two and Forty-Three: “Wow, we really seem to be interested in going back and forth defending and trashing our respective cultures.” Also, no, OC, he’s reserved for Cloud in this ‘verse. Also, more stuff that’s supposed to be foreshadowing of my own lore. And there’s some abilist shit I’d forgotten about!
Paragraph Forty-Four to Forty-Seven/End (with a back-track to Forty-Three): And more foreshadowing about the OG game and this ‘verse’s post-game shenanigans. Basically: “Shinra won’t last forever.” “No, but I’d really like them to fall while I’m still alive.” (This is actually me trying to be clever, because it won’t happen for either speaker.) “Same, tbh. I’d want to meet whoever it is that manages to take them down.” “You’re either going to be fighting alongside them or trying to kill them.” (PORQUE NO LOS DOS?! Actually, this whole section can be porque no los dos when it comes to the foreshadowing.)
0 notes
vrenaewrites · 4 years
AFTER by Anna Todd thoughts: Prologue - Ch 50
Full video here.
Originally wattpad fanfic about Harry Styles??????
“I didn't know college would be more than academics”
Confused by (her roommate’s friends) inattention to structure: How fucking lame are you
“And that’s when he crept into my heart” Is he italicized in the books i bet it is
Dude’s name is hardin? More like hard-on amirite
CH 1:
It starts with an alarm going off?!?!?!? Rule number one!!!!!
She spends the prologue telling us she’s been prepping for college all her life and then spends a good half a page telling us that again
“Whatever else teenagers else do, that wasn’t me” We got a mary sue here guys
Razor from the knees down - ok virgin - why was this a detail?
Oh shiiii she got a boyfriend? And his name is NOT hardin guys
She told us multiple times that she prepped for this day forever but also keeps saying she has no idea what to expect...does this take place before the internet? Like...google it??
CH 2:
She just said she saw the school online, like you can find pics of the school but you couldn’t find a single youtube video about “what college is really like” foh
So the mom sits in on orientation but is expected to leave before seeing the dorm room how tf that girl supposed to get all her shit up to the dorm?!?!?! Parents usually help you move in??
So the car was packed FULL of her stuff but then she says she only brought clothes and books and her bf doesn’t have much to carry...so what is the truth?
Oh shit her roommate has tattoos
“Where the dorms are tiny and the parties are huge” and this information is fucking earth shattering to tessa and her mom and not-hardin
CH 3:
Two closets in this tiny dorm room…
“College is not what i expected” you said MULTIPLE TIMES you didn’t know what to expect so what is the truth?!!?!?!?
“Both genders” yikes on bikes
CH 4:
“Hardin scott is not my boyfriend” okay, so many things. No one fucking talks like that unless they wanna introduce the full name of the love interest in the clunkiest way
Also HS are his initials goodBYEEEEE
CH 5:
“Destroyed his body with holes and tattoos” omg
CH 6:
Hardin is fucking neg that calls her Teresa when she asks to go by Tessa and as someone who constantly gets called Vicki when I ask to go by Viktoria, I am on her side in this instance and this instance only
CH 7:
She is so upset that someone called her prissy but then she can’t even bring herself to think of what those people are doing in the frat house bedrooms
CH 9:
The word bottom. As in, steph pushed her bottom against a guy as she danced with him...BOTTOM
She’s in a bedroom with her drunk roommate and a really great collection of books and I GUARANTEE this is Hardin’s room
Wuthering heights ffs
CH 10:
And she’s crying
CH 13:
She introduces herself by her full name and landon does the same whyyyyyy who does this?
He’s a nice kid unlike you - i’m shocked at my harsh words
Am i just a bitch or is she the weakest
So they’re just walking and he screams, “Stop staring at me” out of nowhere and walks away...sounds stable
CH 14:
“Noah is my boyfriend and I would never do anything to hurt him” This is what we call foreshadowing my friends
“A man who is rude an intolerable being made into a romantic hero? It’s ridiculous” hardin
She literally just said her boyfriend is like a little brother…ew
“I’m aware that my hips and breasts are larger than most women my age”...women are fully developed at 18...i don’t understand…
Mary sue shit
CH 15:
“She’s intimidated by you because you’re not like other girls” is that a real thing…
“You look...different” - hardin PUKE
“Are you a virgin?” i puked again
No one seems surprised - bitch you dress like a nun
CH 16:
These chapter breaks make no gd sense
“Hormonal college rock n roll misfits”
Immediately takes a shot of vodka
Hardin looks disappointed that she took a shot because she’s not like other girls…
Slut shaming.com / tessa re: molly
CH 17:
“Sorry if i don’t dress like a slut” no you just wear pleated skirts and khakis like a mormon mother
Hardin doesn’t drink OF COURSE they are sober lil bookworms together
I want to be an author. Of course because she is the mary sue of our generation move over bella swan
She’s drinking again after almost puking
CH 18:
“We don’t need to have sex, we have fun by going to the movies...and going on walks” ON WALKS.
CH 19:
This girl has never been horny before and she cannot cope with the feeling
Am i bad a person for feeling like “Well she already cheated by kissing him, might as well keep kissing him?” like i know that’s wrong but…
CH 20:
Oh my god she’s not telling her boyfriend that she kissed someone else??!?!?
Oh shiii hardin’s in her dorm
WITH NOAH?!?!?!?!?!
When i say weakass you say bitch
CH 21:
The fork at breakfast reminds her of hardin’s lip ring….
She just called Hardin Mr. Rude. “Mr. struggle” lol anyone else watch Cody Ko??
Noah won’t kiss her in public and she does NOT get horny with him
CH 22:
Pride and prejudice is not a magical book tessa
Landon’s mom and hardin’s dad?! Oh shiiiii
“Are you ocd or something” christ
Literally he’s throwing her notes all over the floor like what a four year old
“Eyes burning into mine” AGAIN
They kissin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh shit they doin MORE than kissing
“You’re so sexy tess” I PUKED
Steph’s eyes are clapping with glee?????
“You could learn a lot from Hardin, like, sexually” - steph
CH 23:
They’re talking about the use of foreshadowing in pride and prejudice about if you could tell that darcy and elizabeth would end up together…
What kinda hamfisted shit…
And then she and hardin get in a screaming match about their situation but it’s coded in darcy and elizabeth language like come onnnnnnn
So much twilight vibes: “your mood swings give me a headache” “i should stay away from him, i know he’s dangerous” dangerous how? Because he has tattoos?
FIRST FULL BODY CRINGE: “You’re thinking about me and you have that feeling, down there, don’t you, teresa?”
Twilight: “i don’t wanna stay away from you”
CH 24:
“He really is bipolar” dude
She likes bon iver and the fray...of course she does
CH 25:
No murderino instinct at all
“He must be cold in the warm ass water because he can’t be getting flushed seeing me, a girl he’s made out with multiple times and is obviously attracted to, in nothing but his t-shirt” bitch COME ON
“I’m having real fun, not watching a movie fun”
This is such a dig at noah who she says doesn’t need to fuck her because they watch movies together
SECOND FULL BODY CRINGE: “These lips, the things you could do with them”
THIRD: “Oh Hardin,” I moan and squeeze him with my legs. “I want to make you moan my name over and over again” - hardin
My hormones are out of control - who is thinking about their hormones at this point
FOURTH: She goes to cover up and he’s like don’t ever cover yourself from me, i’ve been with so many girls but none like you
And they’re not gonna do it but “there are many other things he wants to do to her first” and at this point my body is contorted like a jumbo shrimp
FIFTH: The whole fingering scene honestly. Just all of it. He made her towel off with his shirt...am I missing something? She had already put her pants on...what’s the point of that???
SIXTH: “You haven’t said a word to me since” - “since i gave you your first orgasm?”
CH 26:
Wtf is this dude’s problem? She ignores her boyfriend’s call to keep making out with him and he’s like “don’t break up with him on my account, there’s no us going on” like dude y’all just went on a date...so you can keep saying you don’t date...but you just did…
CH 27:
She’s so selfish!!!! Calling Noah because she got rejected by Hardin!!!!!!!! Noah deserves better 2k20
And then she mentions it in front of Hardin to make him jealous WTF
Hardin petty ass Scott says, “noah, that’s a nice cardigan you’re wearing”
Thanks I got it from the gap!!!!!!!11
CH 28:
SEVEN: Tessa wants noah to get her horny so she keeps trying to kiss him and when he won’t let anything happen she stops and he says, “that was nice, tessa”
Tessa takes noah’s car to go help hardin and leaves noah in her dorm room alone when he drove 3 hours to see her!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CH 29:
Hardin toxic asshole Scott threw a hissy fit and tessa comes to save the day
He dresses her little glass cut after telling her she’s pathetic...woof
CH 30:
Holy manipulation station nation
Then he forces himself on her and her dumb bitch ass KISSES HIM!!!!!
Cringe throughout: that she describes his lips as pink. It’s weird as fuck.
EIGHT: “You know who i think you are when you’re with me?” “Who?” “yourself”
CH 31:
NINE: He’s telling her if she says the word he’ll leave her alone: “Tell me teresa,” he coos, and i whimper. “Hardin,” i whisper. WHY?
CH 32:
“I don’t know if it’s his smile or the fact that he’s only in boxers, but I’m in a much better mood than before” you skank ass hoe
TEN: He says her clothes hide how sexy and curvy her body really is. Sexy and curvy. Both.
CH 33:
ELEVEN: “I know this happiness isn’t going to last” - the happiness being her straddling this guy that isn’t her boyfriend - “and i feel like cinderella waiting for the clock to strike midnight”
“I can behave any way i want with hardin tonight, because in the morning i’m going to tell him to leave me alone forever” HUH
TWELVE: I am just as intoxicated by hardin, as hardin is by the bottle of scotch he drank
THIRTEEN: Who is this girl straddling this punk boy and asking to touch him...down there?
CH 34:
FOURTEEN: He says he wants to taste her and this dumb bitch licks her lips like “yeah we been kissing wtf” and he says “no, down there” EW
CH 35:
Noah standing up for himself!!!!!
FIFTEEN: Then he calls them those gothic people...gothic? Not goth. Gothic.
CH 36:
Hardin and Noah about to get into it!
Hardin making tessa be honest with noah OMG THE DRAMA
SIXTEEN: I am a moth to hardin’s flame and he never hesitates to burn me
CH 39:
Tessa gets a makeover to go out with steph and i KNOW she’s gonna see hardin and they’re gonna be inappropriate in public
And hardin is here OF COURSE
Oooh and he’s with molly! Tea
She is a slut - TESSA NO
Chapter 37: hardin will ruin tess if she ever comes around again chapter 39: he’s driving her home and making sure her burger doesn’t have ketchup
CH 40:
Noah will get back with tessa if she promises nothing with happen with hardin and we are only halfway through this book BITCH
CH 41:
Oh he drunk and at tessa’s dorm
CH 42:
He picks her up and forces her to sleep in the bed with him despite her saying no
CH 44:
She admits to herself that sleeping beside hardin is worth losing noah and then is trying to talk herself into believing that noah is hotter than hardin????
“You don’t need makeup” “well i like it” “well you’re bad at it” negging ass
This man at the store says, “hardin?” in an english accent and she’s like “i knew it was his dad” well how many fucking english dudes are in this small washington town my friend
This bitch agrees to go to dinner with hardin’s dad knowing damn well he and his dad are NOT on good terms...she’d be walking home…
CH 45:
And then because he doesn’t wanna go to dinner with his abandoning father, she says she’s gonna go to his dad’s house for dinner with ANOTHER DUDE?!?!?!?!?!?
She ignores noah’s call
It is stressing me tf out that she isn’t calling noah back and is instead getting ready for a date with hardin’s family...this poor cardigan wearing man
CH 46:
CH 47:
“He rubs the back of his neck like he always does” - this is the first time he’s done this??
CH 48:
SEVENTEEN: “Oh tessa the things you do to me”
Fingers her without asking?!?!?!?!?!?! She literally says “Without my permission”
CH 49:
She is staying at hardin’s family’s house for the night, asks for her own room because she has a boyfriend - YOU JUST GOT EATEN OUT BY ANOTHER DUDE FIVE MINUTES AGO
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aquasorr · 7 years
the HIGHLY requested part two of my klance fic list is here, if you missed part one here is a link: 
A LITTLE DISCLAIMER: i read fics purely bc i am a sucker for some cute ass shit and i love the story telling and some fic writers are actually AMAZING writers so my recommendations are usually story based or AU’s and are suuuuuuuper long with not voltron based plots, that being said i sprinkled some voltron ones in there bc i love my gay space sons ALSO I DO NOT READ WIP FICS SO ALL THESE ARE COMPLETED 
Now are you ready for some gooooood ass shIT
okay so first on the list is a personal favorite of mine, it is SO GOOOOOOOOD PLS READ THIS IF NOTHING ELSE
Title: something just like this By: KlanceKorner 
Description: Keith reluctantly becomes the counselor for the Red Cabin at Camp Voltron, a summer camp in the middle of buttfuck nowhere that his older brother Shiro has worked at for years. Already unhappy with the current position that he is in, Keith prepares himself for a boring, sweaty, miserable summer; and his frustration only grows when he meets the counselor for the Blue Cabin- an insufferable asshole with a horrible sense of humor, a devilish smirk, an inexplicable animosity towards the Red Cabin, and a smile that literally looks like the sun.Needless to say Keith is really, really unprepared for the next three months.
LINK: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10716489
Number two is a youtube three parter so if ur not into that just ignore this link...BUT if your into some good as FLUFF than read this!!! it is so so so cute
there are TWELVE WHOLE INDULGING fics in this series each one is different, ranging from angst, pinning, breakup, holiday, smut, jealous, and LIKE EVERYTHING. it’s just some good ass shit 
the title of the series is: What Happens on Youtube
LINK TO THE WHOLE SERIES: http://archiveofourown.org/series/599386
Number three is a college au and it is so so good, your girl lives for college au’s so if u know any good ones drop them in the notes, but anyways...
this fic is like really reallly long and gOOOOD, it is just some good ass pinning and some smut and bad boy motorcycle Keith and like yeah it is v good
Title: Not That Bad    Author: varelsen
Description: “Am I really going to have to explain this to you?” “No, I’m totally fine with you shutting up right about now.” Hunk cups his hands around his mouth. “You. Are crushing. On Keith.”Or, a college AU featuring coffee shops, silly rivalries, motorcycles, arcade games, friendships, and lots of warm, fluffy feelings that are both confusing and delightful all at the same time.
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7685992
Number four on the list, a classic plot but done very well and it is really cute and you will enjoy it bc it is long and angsty w a happy ending and some fun voltron 6/6 character bonding. I WILL SAY I HATE FIRST PERSON FICS AND USUALLY CANNOT READ THEM BUT IF U GET PASSED THE CRINGE ITS A GOOD PLOT
Title: Operation: Time Out        Author: wittyy_name
Description: Just when things between Keith and Lance seemed to be getting better, they took a turn for the worse. With the right side of Voltron constantly butting heads worse than ever before, the team comes up with a plan to get those two to work it out: lock them in the training deck until they learn to play nice.Coran's suggestion? Add the invisible maze to the mix.
LINK: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7821451/chapters/17852119
Number Fiiive is a cute short fluff fic, its very good and cute and nice and short and yes yes yes cUTE ASS SHIT IN THIS ONE
Title: In English, Please        
Description: Lance thinks he can get away with flirting with Keith if it's in Spanish. Lance thinks if he says the words angrily enough no one will catch on to the ruse. Lance thinks his secret crush is safe. Lance, my friends, is very...very wrong.
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7407115
Number six is another long fic bc i usually only like to read long fics, this one is very indulging and sucks you the fuck in, it is a little smutty,,,,,,,,,,sorry i warned you, if u get past it the story is heartwarming 
Title: Make Me Your Home      this is a series BTW
Description: “Oh my god, Keeeith,” Lance wheezed. “Keith you’re the best drunk space cadet I’ve ever seen.”“Space cadet,” Keith mumbled. He repeated the words again although his eyes had zeroed in on Lance’s hands and Lance offered no resistance when Keith picked one of them up and pulled it possessively towards his lap. He began to gently trace over Lance’s fingers, sending shivers up Lance’s arm and down his spine. “You have looong fingers,” Keith murmured after a few moments.Keith’s face perked up then, as if he’d just had a brilliant idea, and Lance could almost not wait to hear what new obscure thought had entered Keith’s pretty head. He was prepared to laugh, and instead found himself shivering again as Keith leaned far into his personal bubble, lips practically touching Lance’s ear when he spoke next.“I bet you could reach all kinds of things, Lance.”
LINK: http://archiveofourown.org/works/9623936
Number seven is only bc some of yall asked for it..... here is some smut,, i’m not evening explaining this one but like,,,, they just have fun in the red lion oKAY
Title: what are you willing to do
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7631584
no description needed bc there is no plot
Number eight is a Garrison set little fic bc i usually don’t find many of these,,,,IF U KNOW ANY GOOD ONES LINK THOSE ASWELL PLS
Title: never been kissed
description: “You give off the obnoxious popular vibe. The mullet, and the rap sheet, and—the fingerless gloves,” Lance replies, and barrels on before Keith can take it the wrong way. “I’m so handsome, my name’s Keith and I’m a pilot.”“That sounds more like a compliment than an insult,” Keith says slowly, a disdainful quirk to his eyebrows that only spurs Lance on. He tilts his head a bit, his bangs shadowing his face, like he’s assessing a particularly impossible physics problem. “And I don’t like that voice you’re using.”
LINK: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7282174
Title: 26 Kisses
Description: Lance lets slip a habit from his past and home or- A silly fluff drabble that turned into a space opera about boys falling in love; space plague, alien planets, and being stranded, Keith and Lance try to make it home
LINK: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7424356
and now i am just going to post some good drabble links, enjoy clicking
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7424356      so why don’t we fall
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7352212       we’ll make it, you and i
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7298179        bench press me
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7331644      An Equitable Compromise
and that is alllll folks,,,,happy reading
IT IS CALLED TRUTH OR DARE HERE IS THE LINK: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10272545/chapters/22751240
okay now i am done
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ereribigbang · 7 years
Summaries Batch #5
Fic #21
GENRE: Modern AU, Teacher AU, Comedy RATING: T for strong language WARNINGS: No warnings needed! ADDITIONAL WARNINGS: No Additional Warnings
SUMMARY: Levi Ackerman is a struggling veteran who needs a job to support his teenage cousin Mikasa. His buddy Erwin Smith is more than happy to provide, in the form of a teaching assistant role at his beloved and prized elementary school, where Levi’s taken under the wing of sprightly and over-enthusiastic kindergarten teacher Mr. Eren Jaeger. This is the story of jumping jacks, juice boxes and unexpected joy, as Levi stumbles down a path that will ultimately transform his life.
EXCERPT: “And this—” says Erwin, opening the door leading through to the classroom - “is Eren Jaeger’s kindergarten class.”
Levi has no idea where to look. He’s surrounded on all sides by bright, colourful displays of scribbled schoolwork, glitter and crayons and paint - displays of shapes and crafts of animals and easy addition sums. There’s a height chart and a mirror in one corner, and a whiteboard at the front. Tiny square desks with tiny red chairs fill the classroom, with pots of pencils on each.
“Good morning, Mr. Eren,” chirp roughly twenty 4-year-olds in something resembling vague unison. “Good morning, friends. Good morning, everyone!”
“Very good,” says Mr. Eren. Levi turns to look at him, and is caught off-guard by the sight of a grown-ass man wearing dungarees. Dungarees.
Denim dungarees, and a goddamn striped shirt underneath. Dear Lord, he’s dressed like one of the kids.
He swipes back a mop of messy brown hair and grins at the children. He turns to gaze right at Levi with a pair of startling green eyes, and beckons him and Erwin in further.
“Come on in, say hi!”
Oh God.
“Erwin, no, I don’t—”
Levi’s quickly learning that the first rule of Shiganshina Elementary is you don’t get a choice, and he finds himself shuffling hopelessly further into the classroom behind Erwin. The teacher called Eren is still wearing that ridiculous goofy smile.
“Good morning, Principal Erwin!” sing the children, and Erwin gives them a smile to rival Eren’s.
“Good morning, my little friends! As you can probably see, I have brought a guest with me who wishes to watch your morning lesson.”
Erwin turns to face Levi, and with a horrible sinking feeling he realises what’s about to happen.
“Can you introduce yourself?”
No. No. Absolutely not. Under no circumstances am I—
Levi looks down at the children, and his legs almost fall out from underneath him. He’s met with twenty pairs of little shining, inquisitive eyes, and he’s certain that every last one will burst into tears if he does anything remotely unfriendly.
“The name’s Levi.”
“Good morning, Mr. Levi!”
Levi’s going to die. He’s definitely going to die.
Fic #22
GENRE: Alternate Universe - Pirates; Alternate Universe - Merpeople; Alternate Universe - Fantasy RATING: M to E WARNINGS: No Archive Warnings apply ADDITIONAL WARNINGS: Implied Character Death; Smut; Alcohol Use; Violence; Piracy on the High Seas
SUMMARY: When Eren was eight, he met a boy who lived in the sea. When he was twelve, his mysterious friend saved him from the soldiers of the Royal Navy who were acting under orders from Eldia’s increasingly paranoid and despotic regent, Lord Fritz. Eren was taken in by Captain Erwin Smith, former Navy commander turned rebel turned pirate. Now a grown man and captain of his own ship within Erwin’s pirate fleet, Eren must figure out what the Royal Navy is searching for on the open sea, thwart the plans of Eldia’s rival nation, Marley, and uncover a secret that will end the rule of Lord Fritz. And Eren’s newest crewmember, Levi, just might hold the key to everything, including Eren’s past.
EXCERPT: Eren blocked a swing at his face and spun the new assailant around before giving him a nudge toward a different knot of fighting. He cheerfully introduced himself over his shoulder, “I’m Eren!”
There was a moment of silence behind him before a voice answered, “...Levi.”
“So, come here often?” Eren queried as the two of them continued to convince a steady stream of sailors and dockworkers that there were better targets to pick fights with.
“Oh, yeah, all the time.” Levi pressed against Eren as he dodged a fist. “It’s so quiet here; got a great ambiance.” A stray chair flying through the air shattered the mirror behind the bar along with several bottles. “Plus, the bathroom doesn’t entirely reek of shit, and the staff is friendly.”
At that moment, the barman leaped out from behind the counter with a short club in his hands and murder in his eyes.
Fic #23
GENRE: modern au, supernatural, suspense RATING: M - E WARNINGS:  graphic depictions of violence ADDITIONAL WARNINGS: No Additional Warnings
SUMMARY: Eren and Levi had met at a family run cafe in a small, isolated town. Levi had claimed to had lived there for most of his life, while Eren was probably staying for two weeks at the most. Eren hadn’t expected to find himself falling in love with Levi this quickly, and he finds himself struggling to keep up with this new relationship and continuing to hunt down demons with the rest of the Corps. A slightly darker take on the ever beloved coffee shop theme where Levi isn’t quite as human as Eren thinks he is.
EXCERPT: “I love you, Levi.”
But Levi didn’t say anything, he just gave Eren a gentle smile in reply.
“I’ve been around the world constantly searching for something, and it’s all lead me to you. I could spend an eternity with you by my side, and I don’t know what I would do if I lost you.”
Fic #24
GENRE: Modern AU, Drama, RATING: E WARNINGS: Graphic depictions of violence, Minor character death ADDITIONAL WARNINGS: Depression, Suicidal thoughts, Graphic nightmares, Parental Abuse, Hurt/comfort, Smut, Underage drinking, TBD
SUMMARY: With the death of his father came the death of ‘his dream’, of becoming a cardiovascular surgeon. A dream that he had truly believed was going to fill the emptiness within him, but really, it had only kept growing. He realized it before, but now… Now it had been simply too long to just throw it all away. Eleven goddamned years had really nailed in his coffin at that point, or so Eren had once thought. However, with one intimate night spent in a stranger’s apartment, one gloomy morning in a graveyard overlooking the town, and one person with piercing grey eyes and words that seemed to haunt him, his entire world had really begun to take form.
(Lol I swear it gets better because damn, those warnings)
EXCERPT:  ..And as he remembered, silent tears started to fall. Eren did nothing to wipe them away as they streamed down his face and unto the ground beneath him.
He hadn’t heard anybody come up behind him, but even when a voice spoke out behind him, he didn’t flinch. The sound, while clear and strong, blended in perfectly with the rushing wind and the leaves rustling alongside. Eren wasn’t sure he knew why.
“You’re that kid from yesterday.” His voice was deep, monotone. He recognized that voice and it wasn’t until he turned with his tear streaked face did he remember. It was that same man from yesterday he noticed, but he hadn’t spoken that morning, though he could never forget those eyes. No, he remembered that voice from that one night, a couple weeks back, where he stumbled into this man’s apartment, half drunk and more vulnerable than had been smart.
“Yeah.” Eren stood up. This man- he couldn’t quite remember his name- was clad in tight, black jeans, black dress shoes, and a dark grey, oversized sweater that hung loosely from his frame and hung down to mid-thigh and over his wrists. He wondered how he looked so impeccable after having walked up that hill. He wondered if he still had that leather wristwatch.
Nobody spoke for a while, the two not-so-strangers simply looking each other over. Suddenly, the man turned swiftly around and started walking back towards the path.
“Come to Cafe Rose, I’ll pay. And for the love of all that’s holy, wipe that snot from your nose- it’s disgusting.” He watched the man’s back. He never once looked back to see if Eren was following. He stopped. “It’s Levi, by the way.” And despite the crude words, Eren shook his head and jogged up to catch up to Levi. He bumped his shoulder with his, and as Levi cringed at the contact, a silly little smile found its way onto Eren’s face.
And little did he know that that was the moment his world would really start to take form.
Fic #25
GENRE: modern au, band au, angst RATING: M-E WARNINGS: No major archive warnings ADDITIONAL WARNINGS: Non graphic descriptions of violence, underage alcohol usage
SUMMARY: Eren is an aspiring musician from Shiganshina who moves to Trost, determined to make it big. He manages to land a gig as the opener for popular rock band No Name (currently one of the world’s biggest musical acts) but there’s immediate conflict between him and front man Levi, which stems from shared personal history. While trying to work towards a professional relationship, they are plagued by scandals, publicity stunts and one very dedicated, very creepy mega fan. Story follows Eren and Levi as they make it through industry shenanigans, a full blown stadium tour, stalker fans and zealous paps with their careers intact, all while trying (and failing) not to fall back in love with each other.
EXCERPT: If you asked anyone else, they would tell you Trost smelt like exhaust smoke and McDonalds. If you asked Eren he would say it smelt like open doors and opportunities. Armin called him an idealist, Jean called him an idiot, but Eren knew it was his time. The Grammys were calling and so, he’d packed up his stuff, grabbed his trusty old guitar Titan and set off towards Trost and his dreams. Stepping outside the station Eren, took it all in, the giant buildings, busy streets, honking cars-
The giant No Name billboard across from him. Eren grabbed his phone and hit a number.
“Trost smells like smoke and shit, I’ve changed my mind, take me home?”
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verd0ne · 7 years
Through the Eras
Tumblr media
Description: Seventeen just recently debuted, and you just so happen to run into Vernon and once that happens things escalate from there. (This story will be told from their debut from on so this is Adore U)
Warning: Angst? Fluff? no serious warning smut may be present in future stories.
Word Count: 4,935
“Have fun.”
“I will! I’ll be…” the phone abruptly hangs up and all I can do is roll my eyes. Carter has been super distant lately. He hasn’t wanted to hang out, and he’s been lying about where he is, some boyfriend.
After my train wreck of a phone call with my boyfriend ends, I spot a familiar stranger from afar. He genuinely caught my eye, with his stare and gorgeous features. Why does he look so oddly familiar? He must have caught me staring because he starts walking over to me. Oh shit, I’m about to get mugged! Why do I always stare!?!? I hate myself so much!!! FUCK FUCK FUCK! HE’S RIGHT FUCKING IN FRONT OF ME!!!!!!! I continue to look down at my phone pretending nothing just happened, when I feel a presence next to me on the once empty park bench. I almost shit myself not gonna lie.
“Phone call not go so well?” At this point I have no clue what to do so I try to play it off like I didn’t just almost shit myself. So, I give him the look that says ‘were you talking to me?’ he nods. Of course.I decided to play along so I answer properly,
“My boyfriend’s kind of an idiot, but what are you going to do?” Hopefully my smart ass comment makes him leave. He laughs, god dammit. When he does he look so familiar I can’t take it any more, who is this guy? I forcefully ask the question, “Do I know you?”
“Are you familiar with kpop?” I have no clue what this has to do with anything, but I just played along hoping the conversation won’t last too long.
“Well I’m part of a group called Seventeen, we just recently debuted.” My jaw drops wide and that’s when I realize, this is Vernon. I’m at a loss of words. I remember when the debuted just two months prior to my trip and I couldn’t take my eyes off him. “So uh…”
“Sorry! I just uh… I like your group.” Goddamn, I sound so stupid. At least he laughs, phew. Thankfully he ain’t some perve trying to get in my pants.
“Thanks,” he scratches the back of his head awkwardly. Thank the lord he’s as awkward as I am. “So uh… what brings you to Korea...or unless you live here, you just seem, I don’t know where I’m going with this.” He blushes and I can tell he’s trying to make small talk so I just smile to ease the tension.
“I come here twice a year to get a break from things back home.” I glance at his face and see a grin appear. Wow, I never realized how attractive he was until I really took a good look at him. I turn away, hoping he can’t sense me blushing. Why am I such a weak bitch?
“Hey, I was going out to get ice cream you wanna come? Just a friendly gesture, I would hate for you to be alone this entire trip.” I hesitate but then my conscience tells me to fuck it and just go.
“That sounds great, I’m Y/N by the way.” I stick out my hand for him to shake.
“Vernon, but you already know that.” He smirks and takes my hand in his. This handshake seems like it’s been going on forever until I realize we never let go. I stare up at him and down at our hands, and we both pull away and laugh. Why is this shit like some dumb ass rom com I just want to die now.
“Can I ask you question?”
“Shoot,” he replies.
“Why did you stop and talk to me?”
“Well, you seemed lonely so I thought I’d keep you company.” Okay now I’m starting to lose hope this man starting to freak me out, so I just awkwardly laugh and nod before he follows with another reply, “Shoot that sounded weird, you just seemed a little distressed and I was just trying to be a good person.” Okay now I’m gaining more hope, he seems like a genuine guy, I smile, thank him and then we were on our way. Once we arrive, he opens the door to an adorable little ice cream shop. There are so many flavors, that I get overwhelmed. He leans over and says,
“You should get strawberry, it’s the best.” I give him a thank you stare and order my treat with delight, I definitely fuck with this ice cream. We find a little table to talk and he decides to tell me his life story, so I just sit down and let him explain because I could tell the sincerity behind his voice.
“I’m originally not from Korea, I moved here from New York. My mom is from the states, but my dad’s from here.”
“I’ve always traveled here as long as I remember. Couldn’t tell you why, but whatever it is, I always end up coming back.”
“That’s what I call true passion.” We both laugh the day away. We lost track of time until we realized the shop was closing. “Have we really been talking for that long?”
“I guess so. Oh crap, I have to get a cab to my hotel.”
“My dorm is just a block away, don’t bother with a cab. The boys won’t mind if you sleep on the couch.” Me, a dorm with thirteen boys, that is a solid yikes.
“Uh… I don’t know? You’ve already been so kind, I don’t want to get in the way. Plus I don’t know you extremely well so...”
“I really don’t mind, we have a bunch of extra things you can borrow. You can trust me, we won’t be a bother I promise, let’s head out before the owners of this place kick us out.” I give in because again he truly seems like a genuine guy.
Once we get to the dorm, my heart sinks to my stomach. I’ve been hanging out with an idol all day, only to be invited to his place, which happens to be the home of twelve other boys. What the hell is my life. Vernon introduces me to every member and they’re all so sweet. They were really trying to make me feel as comfortable as possible and it was honestly so adorable. I’m not the type to get soft but these boys made my heart feel like mush. When I explain I’m staying here they all grab blankets and pillows, offering me to use them. I laugh at the overwhelming amount of items surrounding me and thank them for being so kind. Vernon even offers me his clothes to sleep in. I accept, but he can tell how hesitant I am when I do.
“Are you going to be okay here?”
“With you guys hmm… I’ll think about it.” He smiles and laughs at my comment.
“Goodnight Y/N, you know where to find me.”
“Nighty night Vernonie.” He cringes at the nickname, and shakes his head and smiles. “Seungkwan told me to call you that.”
“I expected.” I laugh as I curl up in my nest of blankets and pillows on the couch. What a wild first day.
    “Y/N, the guys and I are going to a meeting we’ll be back in an hour.” I just mumble and roll over on the couch. I hear the door close and check the time, it’s seven A.M.
    “Ugh.” I toss and turn until I give up on falling back asleep. I check my phone for texts and see a couple unimportant ones from my friends and some “talk when you can” texts from my mom. I call her and tell her I landed safely and made friends with the guys from Seventeen. She didn’t believe me. And to no surprise there were none from my ass for a boyfriend Carter. I grunt and see if the guys have anything I can occupy myself with, nothing. I just decide to shower and put on my clothes from the day before. By the time I finish the guys are back.
    “Y/N we’re back,” I hear Hoshi shout. I turn the corner and see all the guys, they look exhausted.
    “It looks like you guys need some rest. I’m going to call a cab to bring me back to my hotel.” Someone grabs my arm and it’s Vernon. He let’s go as soon as I notice and turns bright red. This shy son of a bitch.
    “Y/N the guys and I decided that you can stay here instead of having to pay for a hotel,” S.Coups tells me. I can’t help but smile, these guys are so sweet.
    “Only if you don’t mind.”
    “It’s really no bother,” says DK.
    “Vernon actually suggested it.” Vernon shoots Seungkwan a warning glare and turns bright red. I go a bit pink myself. The fuck why am I fucking weak bitch.
    “I’d love to stay with you guys.” They all bring me to the center of a big group hug. All I can do is laugh, these boys really something else
    Joshua and Vernon offer to help me go back to my hotel and help me get my stuff. I couldn’t turn that down. Once we arrive to my room Joshua takes the key,
    “I’ll go check you out while you two pack everything up. I’ll be waiting in the lobby,” he winks at Vernon, making him shake his head at his friends comment. This boy really tryna butter up my ass.
    “I guess you really didn’t need much help,” he motions at my already packed bags.
    “What are you talking about, I need help picking out a bomb ass outfit,” I say with sarcasm. His smile distracts me before I come to my senses. Snap out of it! You have a boyfriend! I have to stop overthinking my fucking life and get my shit together. I grab shorts and a shirt out of my bag and go to the bathroom to change. When you’re finished you catch Vernon looking at you. Shit, this man gotta stop.
    “Y/N I don’t mean to rush you, but we should probably get going, Joshua is all alone.”
    “Holy shit, I totally forgot.” I grab my suitcase, backpack, and purse, only to have my suitcase and backpack taken from me. “You know I’m not completely helpless.” I snatch my backpack from Vernon and he just shakes his head,
    “I’m only trying to help.”
    “You’re helping me too much I feel bad.”
    “You strike me as a very independent person.” He got me there. We make our way to Joshua who has been patiently waiting for us in the lobby.
    “Took you long enough,” Vernon punches him in the arm. I look at Joshua and we die of laughter. My phone vibrates, I look and it’s finally a text from Carter.
Carter: Call me when you get the chance, we need to talk.
I furrow my brow and Vernon leans over my shoulder.
    “Is that the boyfriend?” I nod. “Carter’s a cool name. A lot better than Hansol.” I can’t help but giggle at that.
    “I think Hansol is a much better name. It’s much more, unique.”
    “She’s right, don’t talk yourself down.” I lean in to give Joshua a high five and he returns it.
    “You guys got me there.” Shit this boy is actually me. Before I notice we arrive at the dorm, remembering I need to call Carter, I set my bags down and go directly back outside. After two dial tones he picks up, unusual.
    “What did you want to talk about babe?”
    “I’m sure you’ve noticed, but the last two months haven’t been the best. Especially for our relationship.” I feel a lump begin to form in my throat. I know exactly what’s coming. “Two months ago, I cheated.”
    “I cheated on you. It was only a one time thing at first.”
    “At first! What do you mean at first?!” I started to talk louder, my face growing hot with tears.
    “After the first time, I started meeting up with that person more and more.” I was gonna break up with him eventually but to find out he cheated really hit me hard and I couldn’t help but lose it. I begin to cry and wail, silencing the other line until he begins again,
    “I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
    “You’ve seriously been wanting to tell me this when you could have stopped. What the hell is wrong with you.”
    “See, I knew you would over react.”
    “Over react?! You, my boyfriend just told me you’ve been cheating on me for two whole months. Not only that but you’re telling me this when I’m supposed to be having the time of my life.” I can’t help but scream these words in the phone I hear footsteps approaching the door, but they stop. “You are the worst person I’ve ever met. I can’t believe I wasted an ‘I love you’ on someone as selfish as you.”
    “You have every right to be mad.”
    “Of course I do! I never want to see you ever again. Goodbye Carter, you can go fuck yourself.” I hang the phone up and scream in aggravation. That’s when the door opens and I see Vernon's concerned face staring at me.
    “Y/N, are you okay?” I collapse and he catches me in his arms and all I can do is scream and cry until I cannot take it any longer. I loosen from his grip and run in the dorm, receiving many concerned stares from the other members. I rush to the bathroom so I can be alone. I can’t believe it, I knew he wasn’t the best boyfriend, but I never expected him to cheat. As much as I didn’t want to admit it I loved him and he went and crushed my heart. I just wanted to get away from everything, but it all came to bite me in the ass. I feel like getting sick and my body becomes limp before being pulled into a much tighter embrace than before. I was unaware of Vernon’s presence until I hear , “Y/N, I’m so sorry.” I can tell by his unsteadiness that he’s a bit uneasy. “Please know you are going to get through this, he was only a dumb ass guy who doesn’t know an amazing girl when he sees one.” I cry into his shoulder as he rests his hand on my head. I giggle a little because of his cheesy comment, but continue to sob.
    We stayed together in that position for so long that I’m pretty sure I ran out of tears. He takes my face in his hands and wipes the mess that is my face and smiles,
    “Are you better now?” I nod and hug him one last time before he takes me to his bunk and covers me with a blanket. “Wait one sec.” A few minutes later he comes back with two cups of tea. I smile at the sight and he smiles back, returning his focus to the cups making sure they don’t spill. He hands both of the cups to me and I return him a confused look. “I need your phone.”
    “I’m putting my number in it. I want you to text or call me whenever you are not feeling okay. What happened today really sucked, and I couldn’t help but feel like I needed to be there for you.” He quickly types in his number and sends himself a text making sure he put it in correctly. I hand him his cup and kiss him on the cheek. “What was that for?”
    “Thank you for not being a dick.” We smile and sip our tea in silence. I don’t really want to talk and luckily he respects that. Once we finish he takes the cups to the kitchen and while he’s gone I start drifting to sleep. He comes back and doesn’t hesitate to curl up with me. For some reason I can’t help but feel safe with him.
    The next morning I can’t help but feel an odd emptiness. I turn and see I’m alone in Vernon’s bed. All of the bunks are empty, they must be at practice. I check my phone and I have two texts from him.
Boys and I are at practice almost all day call or text me when you need anything.
Actually call me when you wake up, hope you slept well ;)
    Why is he such a sweetheart. I press call and wait for him to pick up, no answer. I go to call again but he’s calling back.
    “Good morning.”
    “Morning, how did you sleep.”
    “Pretty well, you didn’t have to stay there the whole night.”
    “Y/N, I didn’t want you to be alone. Plus we were on my bed, where else was I going to sleep?”
    “Um the couch, aka the place I’m supposed to be crashing on.”
    “Ew gross.” I shake my head, this bitch.
    “Vernon! We still need to nail the last part.”
    “Sorry Y/N, but I gotta go I’ll stop by and bring you lunch, there’s cereal in the pantry. Talk to you later.” Before I can reply he hangs up. I have no clue what I’d be doing without him right now.
    He really does keep his promises. At one o’clock he brought over some ramen for the both of us to eat.
    “Here you go again making me feel helpless.” He laughs running his fingers through his hair. I can’t help but notice his resemblance to Leonardo Dicaprio. He sure notices I’m looking at him because my staring end with his words,
    “Yes, I look like young Leo, I get that a lot.” I burst out laughing.
    “How the hell did you know I was thinking that?”
    “It’s the look.” He returns the look to me so I see how it feels. My face turns hot and he smiles at my reaction. “Not very fun is it.” I punch him in the arm. “Ow, you know with all the nice things I’ve done for you I don’t really think I deserved that.” I slam my head down on the table. How has he managed to bring my mood up so much? We continue to eat our ramen and laugh up a storm. I get up to fill a cup with water and he does the same. He walks by with his hands to his side and accidentally brushes his hand across my butt. I tense up and turn around. His cheeks turn crimson red as he apologizes like a child who just broke a vase.
“Holy crap, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean too. It was an accident. I promise it won’t happen again.” I place my hand on his shoulder making us lose space between us.
“I’m not mad, I know it was an accident.” I soon realize our faces were only inches apart and I soon break up that mess before anything else could have happened.
“I’d love to stay here and chat, but I really need to get back to practice.” He proceeds to back out of the room bumping into anything and everything. I just laugh at the mess that is my life and finally get myself that water.
Hours go by until the boys get back around nine, all sweaty and super wiped out. As they pile in everyone finds something to calm themselves down with. Some occupy themselves with the T.V, others go to sleep, and one of them stays in the kitchen writing on a notepad. I take a better look and I see that the one writing is Vernon. I sit in the chair next to his, and can see that he knows I’m here by the way he tenses up. He lets out a big sigh and closes his book.
    “What were you writing?” Curiosity begins to grow inside me.
    “Just some lyrics.” He seems ashamed of it.
    “Don’t be embarrassed by it.” He just gets up and walks away. “Vernon wait.” I grab his wrist and he pulls me close, close enough where I can hear his every breath.
    “I need to write, too much is on my mind. I want to be alone right now.” He let’s go and I am shocked. Did I really make him this horny? Dino and Minghao walk over to me and tell me he hasn’t been in the greatest mood since lunch. They said he’s been irritable and down on himself.
    “Whenever we had breaks all he would do was write lyrics.” Minghao looks to Dino and he looks down.
    “What happened when you two were alone today?” Dino returns his gaze to the floor.
    “Guys I didn’t do anything to make him this way.” I guess I kinda lied. “He just randomly got awkward and stumbled out the door.” I’m trying to stop myself from going in shock. Something else must have happened. They tell me they believe me, but I don’t know if I believe myself. When the guys seem distracted enough by whatever program was on the T.V I make my way to Vernon’s room. I crack the door open and see him that he’s still writing. I decide to knock to be polite. He comes straight to the door.
    “What do you want?” I’m taken aback by his words. What happened to the polite, caring guy from earlier today?
    “Are you okay? I know what happened earlier was super awkward and I didn’t want to bring it up, but it happened and no one has to know.” He just stares at the ground and doesn’t say anything.
    “I write when I’m stressed,” he mumbles.
    I can see he doesn’t want to talk about earlier so I change the topic with him. “I'm assuming it helps a lot. Do you use life experiences for your raps?” He nods. “Guess I’m going to be a big inspiration for your next couple of songs if you’ve been writing that whole time.” I expected a good reaction but I get a,
    “Shut up.” I try to hide my laughter, but I can’t. I get him to smile, but I can tell he’s trying to hold it back. I know what will break him out of this mood. I start to tickle his waist making him giggle like a little girl. I continue to do so until tears are sprinkling out of my eyes and his. He tries tickling me back, but I’m not as ticklish as he is. It’s not until his hands are propped on my waist do I realize I’ve been sitting on his lap. My stomach flutters and I get off his lap as fast as I can. I hate this so much, calm down feelings. You just broke up with your boyfriend, chill out. He notices your urgency and takes you by the hand.
    “Thank you. You really helped me get out of my bad mood.”
    “After all you’ve done for me, this seems like nothing.”
    “Sometimes the smallest gestures can make the biggest difference.” He smirks and does the hair thing again, making my stomach do flips. I feel my face light up and I turn out the door. All the guys are giving me looks when I exit the room.
    “So, what were you guys up too?” Hoshi raises his eyebrows, making kissing faces. I punch his arm in response.
    “I just broke up with my boyfriend, calm down.” As soon as those words escape my mouth I run to the door of the dorm. I need to go for a walk. I haven’t thought about Carter since right this moment, gosh I hate myself sometimes. The tears start streaming again and they won’t stop.
    “Y/N! Y/N!” I turn around and see none other than Vernon. He pulls me into a hug and I can’t be mad at it. I just hug back and sob in his chest. “It’s going to be okay.” His back rub really helps me snap out of it.
    “I really don’t know what I’d do without you.” He pulls me in one more time before we walk back to the dorm. He tucks me into my nest on the couch, planting a gentle kiss on my forehead before leaving. I can tell he’s never done that before by the way his face gets red afterwards. I hope I can sleep as well as I did last night.
    Today is my last full day here, even though it wasn’t the ideal trip, I did meet some of the greatest people in the whole world. The guys promised to do something with me today and they decided on going to the mall. They insisted on buying everything I wanted, which made me angry. They already did so much. In return I bought an item for each member. They refused, but I did it anyways. They all deserved something even if it was little. After the whole day of walking around the mall and shopping, all the guys went straight to bed, taking advantage of the extra sleep. I start drifting off until I hear a  hesitant voice,
    “Y/N, are you up?” I nod and sit up on the couch welcoming Vernon to sit down as well. He takes a seat and looks me in the eyes. “Sorry your trip didn’t go as planned. I know you were really looking forward to taking a break from your life at home. I tried to make you feel content, I really did. I hope you had fun.” I smile and for some reason my fingers run through his hair. What am I doing? By his expression I’m sure he’s asking the same question. I pull him close where I can hear his heart start beating fast.
    “I had a wonderful time,” I say almost in a whisper before planting a small peck upon his lips. He tenses up once our lips make contact but as soon as he kisses back, all the stress is gone. I make my way on top of him and once I do his hands immediately go to my hips. We continue to kiss, not even caring that the members could walk by at any time. I start to make my way to his jaw planting playful kissing along his face. I can feel his breathing become heavier as my lips make their way to his neck, making his grip on my hips becomes more firm. I begin to kiss him more making my hands wander to his neck. They start to travel to the hem of his shirt pulling it off. He shifts positions so now I’m laying on my back and he’s hovering above me. He begins to place kisses on my neck and collarbones, making me bite my lip. I lean down and plant a kiss right next to his ear, “It’s all thanks to you.” He bites his lip and smiles. The look on his face becomes more gentle as he slowly caresses my cheek. It’s not until then do I realize what we just did. I just fucking made out with the bitch 2 days after I broke up with my boyfriend. He can tell by the way I tense up that this shouldn’t of happened
    “Do you want to forget this ever happened?” I hesitate at first but only because I can’t tell if I did this because of breaking up with my boyfriend, or because I genuinely am catching feelings for him. I realize I’ve been making him wait for an answer causing me to nod my head, making us agree to never speak of this again.
    When I wake up I see the boys all eating breakfast. I get out of bed to scope out the scene. I see so many mouth watering items that I can’t help myself. I make a heaping serving and once I start eating I feel sick. I haven’t eaten well in days and now it’s finally starting to catch up with me. Of course it has to be on the same day I get a flight back home. After holding down my meal I go and change into some comfy shorts and a t-shirt for my flight. While walking out of the bathroom I bump into Vernon. I just give him an awkward glance and you can tell the sexual tension was high, we both stared at each other until he broke the silence.
    “I’m going to miss you.”
    “I’ll miss you too.” He pulls me close, which catches me a little off guard. I decide to take it in and let it happen. I breath in his scent of clean laundry and what seems to be a hint of aftershave. I stayed in his arms for awhile until someone shouts that my cab was there. I give everyone a hug and I receive all their numbers in return. I will most definitely keep in contact with all of them. They helped make my trip suck less.
    “Bye thank you so much!” I am going to miss these guys so much. I make my way to the cab and see that I have received a text. I look at who it was and to no surprise it's from Vernon.
Vernon: Call or text me when you get home, stay out of trouble  :)
Y/N: I will don’t worry
  (p.s I’m sorry if this sucked I tried my best and feedback would be really helpful, I hope you enjoy :)
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ahumanfemale · 8 years
Professional Distance - I
So AU it’s an alternate galaxy.
Summary:  Dean Winchester is an editor known for his critical eye and keen insight, finding himself a famed name in the world of romance novels. No matter the material that crosses his desk Dean has always been able to maintain his professional distance. Until Donna Hanscum. As if his crush on the effervescent blonde weren't incapacitating enough, now she's introduced a love interest to her latest novel that seems suspiciously like... him.
Author:  (A)HumanFemale
Pairing:  Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum
Dean Winchester had been an editor for going on twelve years, since graduating college with his degree in literature. A quick study with a critical eye, he’d come with a slew of recommendations from professors and the assurance he’d have a bestseller in his first year. He’d gone into the field hoping to land a position in fantasy or science fiction - dragons and space battles. You want to know where he’d ended up instead?
Sweet inspirational love stories and depraved erotica all came across his desk, demanding his careful eye and effortless marketing. It turned out that selling romances was a lot easier when the man selling it was quick with a smile and easy on the eyes. So they told him, anyway. In just over a decade he’d climbed from untested newbie to a big name - someone in demand, who got to be picky about what he took on. There were a few people who had balked at a man editing chick lit but he brushed them off. Oddly enough, he enjoyed it. Romance wasn’t something he’d normally read and that gave him the ability to distance himself enough from the work to be critical of it. To find errors and plot holes that needed to be addressed. The racier stuff didn’t bother him - he was able to maintain his professional distance. It didn’t hurt that all the authors to take the chair across from his desk tended to look and sound like his mother.
Until Donna Hanscum.
That wasn’t the name on her book covers - no, for that she’d chosen something so obviously fake it made him cringe - but it was the one he’d written in his calendar for that afternoon at three o’clock. Donna reminded him exactly nothing of his mother. Where Mary Winchester was sharp lines and wry grins, Donna was all curves and boisterous laughter. She had an accent that constantly made his mouth twitch up in a smile that stayed with him for the rest of the day. She also wrote things that made him loosen his tie and clear his throat when he edited late at night, in bed with his laptop and a beer.
Donna wrote paranormal romance. More specifically, she wrote about a voluptuous blonde whose job was to hunt down and kill the paranormal. Usually with a male partner who was different in every installment, all of whom found themselves enamored with her by the end of the book. After a long hunt and a bloody kill she took her fill of the guy, typically on the hood of her muscle car before driving off into the sunset with a wink and a smile. Unless, of course, they died.
Her work fit the market trend toward this kind of thing perfectly and she wrote it well, keeping her heroine just this side of relatable and worthy of cheering on. Readers ate it up and she was writing full time now, having quit her job as a small town sheriff back in Minnesota.
Which was why they had this meeting set up, discussing the sixth installment of her series. Her first ten chapters were due today and she’d insisted on bringing them in on paper, as she was running behind and hadn’t had a chance to transcribe them to a word document. Fine with him. He thought better when he could scribble notes and refer back to them later.
He checked his clock.
“I’m here!” she crowed as though reading his mind, throwing open the door to his office so that the potted plant next to it shook and threatened to topple over. “Sorry! So sorry, Dean, I’m here.”
“I can see that,” he smirked, waiting for her to orient herself as she shut the door and smoothed her wavy hair away from her face. “Make it into the city okay?”
“Oh, yah, always,” she said, facing him with a bright smile as she sashayed her way to him. He did his best to avoid following the sway of her hips as she walked. “How are ya doing, handsome? Working hard?”
He cleared his throat. “Yeah, always.” She threw herself down into the chair opposite his desk and exhaled loudly. She was dressed in leggings the color of cotton candy with lipstick to match, covered in a bright white poncho with what looked like owls patterned across it. Why in God’s name did this drive him crazy? It wasn’t exactly leather and lace. Still, the thought of peeling it off gave him just as much of a thrill.
He needed to put a lid on it.
“So, uh… you got something for me?”
“Anytime ya want it, sugar,” she said with a lascivious wink that she followed up with a full laugh. Just in case his blood pressure wasn’t high enough. “Just kidding. Yeah, I’ve got it here. Hold on.”
She handed him a leaf of wide-ruled notebook paper, bent and tattered and covered with the flamboyant whirls and loops of her now-familiar handwriting. There were more than a few coffee stains and doodles on the margins, the most common theme being what looked like a unicorn chasing a robber. It was held together with a thick clamp at the top, making it almost impossible to flip through the pages.
“That’s… um. That’s original,” he said lamely, looking over it.
“I know! I’m so sorry. If ya don’t mind waiting a few days I’ll transcribe it but I know they’re holding us to a pretty strict deadline so I didn’t want them to come for your head.”
“I appreciate that,” he said, nodding before gently placing her manuscript to the side. “So, who is Chloe Ransom killing these days? Shapeshifters or ghosts?”
“Tracking a wendigo through the deep dark woods, actually,” she said, beaming. “With a sweet hunk of forest ranger to keep her company, of course.”
“Of course,” he said with a smile. “Well, I have some cover art to go over with you and there have been a few changes in your contract for the next three books…”
-- X --
It was after seven before Dean made it back to his townhouse, yawning and swinging a big bag of takeout along with his briefcase. Donna’s manuscript - such as it was - was like a lead weight on his arm, begging to be hauled up and read to death. He’d told himself that if he got through the other chapters vying for his attention he could read all of Donna’s tonight over dinner. He’d chosen a greasy burger and fries - Chloe Random’s main staple as she flitted from bar to bar, looking for cases and any excuse to pull out the armory in her trunk.
Dean tossed his jacket and tie as he situated himself on one end of his couch, turning to stretch his legs over the cushions. He’d placed a cold beer on the coffee table next to him and kicked his shoes off. Burger in one hand and Donna’s manuscript in the other, he dug in. The handwriting baffled him occasionally but he was able to decipher it if he tilted it far enough to the side.
The first few chapters were easy to fly through. Chloe was back in the saddle after a nest of vampires tried to turn her into lunch in the last book - they’d succeeded with her partner. Poor Sam. But now she was coming out of mourning and out of her recovery, looking to kick some ass. He scribbled a few notes on the sides but Dean didn’t slow down until close to chapter nine, when something like suspicion prickled over his skin.
Chloe stepped into the office, grateful for the air conditioning after the sauna that was the inside her car. Appalachia in the dead heat of summer wasn’t a picnic. She could only hope her deodorant was up to the job, because the man behind the desk ahead of her was more likely to have her sweating than the blazing sun outside.
Dark blond hair cut short and tousled to look like he’d just run his fingers through it, a sharp jaw, and lethally green eyes. A few shallow crow’s feet that turned his face from pretty to something closer to devastating. It was the eyes that held her attention the longest, at least until he smiled. Then her eyes snapped to the ever so slightly elongated canines nestled into his otherwise straight white teeth. A hint of the primal, hidden among the mundane. She couldn’t help her mind wandering to which part of her anatomy he’d sink those teeth into first.
Dean paused, looking up and away from the words on the page.
He fought the urge to run for a mirror, checking his own reflection against the description in the story. Unconsciously his tongue drew up to rub against his top teeth, the ever so slight edge on his canines now roaring to the forefront of his attention. Were they longer? Certainly not longer than average. No one had ever called them out to him, anyway, but there it was... a bare millimeter jutting out from the line of the rest of his teeth.  
His attention went back to the story.
“You must be Detective Ransom,” the supermodel-turned-park ranger said, standing from his chair to offer his hand. Cripes, he was even tall. Just tall enough to make her look up at him through her lashes like the hussy she was.
“That’s me,” she affirmed, taking his hand in her own. Calluses, she noticed. The man did real work. “Sorry, they didn’t give me your name when I left the precinct. I was out the door like a flash.”
“Daniel,” he told her, “Daniel Wesson. But just Dan is fine.”
Son of a bitch.
Dean put the manuscript down to run his hand over his face. Was he crazy? Was he imagining all this? He wasn’t any more or less self-absorbed than the next guy, but come on. There’s seeing yourself in everything and then there’s seeing yourself when someone has obviously written about you.
He finished the remainder of the portion in record time, not even bothering to pick up his pen to make notes. Dan and Chloe sat and talked about the case - a slew of missing hikers, remains never found. Chloe didn’t mention her added knowledge of a pattern just like this one going back forty years, and then another set of disappearances forty years before that. Dan was forthcoming and Chloe was invested, eager to put down the monster and get back to her hometown in Minnesota with enough time for her sister’s wedding. Chapter ten finished with Chloe packing her gear and heading to the mouth of the forest, a flask on her hip and Dan at her side.
His burger had grown cold and his beer had fallen flat at some point but it didn’t matter. The pages in his hand had captivated him to such an extent that he doubted he’d notice if someone kicked in his front door. Before he knew what he was doing he had grabbed his cell phone off the coffee table and flipped to Donna’s number. It was there… inviting him to press on it. A text, even. She was probably still in the city.
Dean closed the application and set the phone back down.
He was getting a little worked up. Overreacting because of his… preoccupation with her. Authors were known to take people and places from their real lives and put them into their fictional ones. That wasn’t so unusual, although he’d never seen a suspiciously similar version of himself in anyone else’s work. The only way to solve this, of course, was more data.
He needed more chapters.
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