#⋞ zyaire ⊳ in character ⋟
constellaris-a · 2 years
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   So when does he get to bury his face in some titties?
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hershelchocolateart · 5 months
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Based on this tumblr post! I thought of Irene immediately and MAN is her dialogue hard to edit into a tumblr post format
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waywardsculs · 7 months
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Local 10ft tall dragon is just going to lay back and laugh watching the amount of insanity going on.
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newhavenrp · 1 year
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Is that ORLANDO BLOOM? No, that’s ZYAIR. The 40 year old [OAK MOON - WEREBEAR OMEGA MALE  is a PIT FIGHTER. If you ask their friends, they’re known to be LOYAL & RESILIENT, but beware, they’re also known to be DEFENSIVE & DISTRUSTING. Their friends also say that they’re into PAIN, COLLARS & AFFECTION but don’t you dare trying  GORE, SCAT & BONDAGE  with them.
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Survival of the Fittest would always rule the world, one way or another. The human race was tougher than they looked, more robust than many Supernaturals expected and evil in nature. It wasn’t the witches or the fae that were born with darkness in their hearts, it was the humans. With the impending war right on their doorsteps, they didn’t find fear in their hearts - no, they found fury, chasing down everybody non-human across the globe relentlessly until they all were either dead or imprisoned for their crimes. The only crime Zyair committed in his life was to be born. 
Zyair wasn’t the name his birth parents gave him, but Asher, the boy they gave life to, at the age of twelve. The young cub had wandered off, trying to catch fish in the river for his family. He was found, completely drenched with not a single fish caught - yet he kept trying and his determination was the little something Amari needed to see to make his decision. The boy was caught, his head held underwater until he began to struggle. A little longer. Just a little longer. When he was pulled out of the water, gasping for breath and coughing water, Amari pressed his lips to the boy’s forehead and said only one word. 
Rebirth. Zyair, born in the river. He’d keep that name, it was his. The strength and determination in the young cub would prove essential to his survival. He was not kidnapped to live a normal life - or be sold outside the country for money, nor was he to be killed due to his supernatural side. They knew what he was, they had caught him with his claws and fangs on display. No, Amari had different plans for the young boy. He was trained, brutally, every single day - no exceptions, no mercy. They didn’t instantly let him fight for his life, not until he was ready to prove his worth. Training took years, the time he didn’t train, he spent in his cage, so - naturally, he trained most of the day. A good session would earn him a grand meal, which gave him strength, so it wasn’t all that bad a deal. 
Two years after Zyair was born, he’d be sent to his first fight in the ring. He was fifteen when he took his first life. It was not a spectacular fight, it wasn’t staged - nor were many people watching. It was just two boys fighting for their lives in a world that was too cruel, too dark, too evil for them to co-exist in. This wouldn’t be the only life taken by the young man, not by far. These tournaments Zyair was caught and trained for weren’t like the ordinary human fights where broken bones and bleeding noses were the ultimate sacrifice. no, the ones they caught little monsters for were much more brutal, much more violent and they only ever ended one way. Death. Survival of the Fittest. 
At the age of seventeen, he presented Omega, much to everybody’s surprise. He was one of the strongest fighters, deadly in the ring - though never short of contestants, but … still just an Omega. Amari was not pleased to see his prized fighter miss out, but quickly found himself enjoying the perks. Zyair never left his cage during the heats, Amari - or one of his trusted colleagues came to him. Despite their rather outspoken disdain for his kind, they never shied away from using him for their benefit. Thankfully, neither of their cycles ever lined up and Zyair seemed to be destined for a life without offspring, which - honestly, was a good thing. Bringing life into this world he lived in would be cruel. 
Zyair never lost. A few times the vet wasn’t sure he’d make it till next morning - his opponents sure didn’t, but the bear always woke up. Again and again. Oak Moon. Sturdier than others, surely helped in the life he led. Every fight, every win earned him a mark. Amari thought it fitting to litter his body in tiny little bear paws. One for every life he took, one for every week of his life - some weeks two or three. They were tiny, barely recognizable as such, unless in close proximity, which was the point. His foes would see them during battle, during their last breaths - when life bled from their eyes. 
Nearing forty years of age, Zyair knew that he had maybe ten .. or twenty more in him before there would be younger ones, faster ones, stronger ones coming for his throat. A few days after his birthday - the day Zyair of the River was born, his master brought in someone else. Another bear. Older than him, surely, but strong nonetheless. 
Coincidentally, they were held in cages next to each other - Zyair wasn’t sure if the man was to replace him, though with his age he wouldn’t do better for Amari than Zyair could. But now he could announce the Bears. They were pitched against others together - Liam was as lethal as he was, worse even - collared and electro-shocked when he didn’t obey. They did well together, for weeks. They bonded, like Zyair finally found the pack he lost when he was a child. But it wasn’t meant to stay this way, at least not entirely. 
When Zyair’s heat came around next time, the first since Liam got caught… Amari had an even better idea and Zyair should’ve known that he would. A strong, deadly Alpha bear breeding a strong, lethal omega bear. The child born of that coupling would be a monster. In Amari’s eyes and exactly what he’s been wanting. Convinced the only reason Zyair hadn’t gifted him with children yet throughout the years was because their breeds were not supposed to mix, he was sure two bears would have no troubles. So when Zyair writhed in agony on the mattress he’d called bed for many years, expecting his master to join him as usual, the rustling of chains was .. disturbing. Not Amari. 
Instead they had dragged and dumped Liam into his cell. The faint whisper of a promise still on Amari’s lips. Grant me a healthy boy and you’ll be free. Liam’s freedom.. for as little as his seed. It was a good deal, if it took. Zyair wouldn’t blame him if he accepted, but even when he didn’t - when he stood in that cell trying not to watch, he knew what he had to do. Do it, he told him. Do it. Someone will. Someone always does. He’d rather someone he trusted than a stranger, or one of those filthy human pigs. That included Amari. 
It would be a while before they knew. They were kept in the same cell for the entire week and after that… then the morning sickness began. Oh no. Until Zyair showed, he and Liam had fights to fight - by now Amari knew Zyair wouldn’t die in the ring, even less so with his Alpha bear in the ring to protect him. Planned? Maybe. Calculated? Definitely. Amari only needed one bear to take over, so Liam’s existence was .. unnecessary. 
Something different was in the air, but he couldn’t say what it was. Not until Amari announced another fight to the audience. One they would never forget. 
Bear vs bear. 
It wouldn’t happen. Liam wouldn’t kill his unborn cub and Zyair wouldn’t kill pack. They refused. 
Mother Nature was watching over them, proof for that came barging in just as Amari spat threats into the pit. Vengeance in the form of yet another bear ran down security, tearing flesh, covered in blood. 
The lie he told that bear would save his life. Liam didn’t correct him. 
They are both taken to New Haven, a safe space for people like them, where he was given a home, money and ..a new life.
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megamindsecretlair · 1 year
Megamind's Secret Files
Formally posted on MegamindsLair.
All fics are Black/Fem coded. All fics are consensual.
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The Secret Loki Files
The Secret Bucky Files
The Secret Nomad Steve Files
The Secret Sam Wilson Files
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WARNING: multiple uses of the n-word. Coded for Tyrone/Los Angeles
The Secret Tyrone Files
The Secret Isaac Files
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WARNING: multiple uses of the n-word
The Secret Franklin Saint Files
The Secret Kane Files
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Warning - can turn dark but always consensual. When not stated otherwise, Ghostface is usually anonymous and coded Black.
The Secret Ghostface Files
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The Secret King Ghezo Files
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The Secret Tre Files
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The Secret Javier Pena Files
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The Secret Big Stunna Files
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The Secret Kevin Atwater Files
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The Secret Lamont Files
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The Secret David Kane Files
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The Secret Jatemme Files
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The Secret Zyair Malloy Files
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The Secret Frankie Morales Files
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The Secret Choso Files
The Secret Gojo Files
The Secret Sukuna Files
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The Secret Qimir Files
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The Secret Black Noir Files
The Secret Mother's Milk Files
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(all my white boys with too many fandoms to list)
The Secret Grey McConnell Files
The Secret Reacher Files
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The Secret Terry Richmond Files
Thank you so much for being interested. Happy reading!
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pineappleparfaitie · 1 month
Thank you for the ask! Original ask game is here !
What are some weird pred anatomy features i like? Hmm i got a few! -mulltiple stomachs, very basic id say but its a classic and i like it! -multiple mouths,weather its on their cheeks,hands (think SOkun@ from JJK ),chest ect its always a treat and great for mouthplay! -long,,,loooong tails,easy to snatch up a prey!But why stop here??WHY NOT HAVE 2?OR 3 ?HAHAH- -Bioluminescent fluids inside the preds insides,or their organs glowing. One thing i like is a mer pred with bioluminescent plants in them that make their stomach looks more relaxing! -eyes inside the stomach /insides, pretty creepy and cool~ -MULTIPLE ARMS!MULTIPLE ARMS YES! -multiple eyes! -infinite insides!multiple chambers inside a God like pred that can store civilisations if wanted! i dont think all of these are..weird per say but eh :P What characters do I consider pred/prey crushes? hAHA Ah waaaay to many to count! But just to list a few (all of these are pred crushes)
- Il D0ttore from G3nshin !mpact
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-Arl3cchino from G3nshin !mpact
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-Gr3ll Sutcl!ff from Bl@ck bvtler
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-Il C@pitan0 from G3nshin !mpact
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-L0rd G@rmadon from L3go Ninj@g0
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-Zyair (art and OC by Koko-puffs-love here on tumblr they dont have an acc anymore so cant tag it BUT THIS OC LIVES RENT FREE IN MY HEAD HE IS SO PRETTY I LOVE THESE TYPES OF PREDS AUGHAAAA KOKO IF YOURE READING THIS IM SO SORRY)
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-Vinc3nt from d3@d pl@te
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-Zh0ngl! from G3nshin !mpact
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and my biggest prob is an OC from a friend of mine who i cant show here cause i dont want people finding her even tho she doesnt post much online-
and many...MANY MANY MANY MANY MORE but these are just off the top of my head hehe-
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 7 months
Don't read if you haven't seen Mea Culpa yet.
Mea Culpa:
The questions I wondered watching this movie:
How did Mea get married to some man child? She seems too intelligent, strong and competent to be with this weak Mama's boy.
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Kal's a doctor. How? The boy is an idiot. No way is he an anesthesiologist.
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How is this white woman their mother? Kal and his wannabe Obama brother, Ray are Guyanese and Black so how is this white lady their mother? Where's their dad? Did she adopt them? What's the story?
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How did Mea believe her mother in-law from hell was sick? For example, She supposedly just had chemo is really weak but she has the energy to make a full course meal and doesn't feel nauseous at all. Plus she was constantly drinking wine. Alcohol interacts with medications and could make you sicker. How did Mea fall for this?
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The whole family is weird. Faking the mom's illness was a ploy to get sympathy votes...
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That is totally insane.
So Hydie was alive the whole time. Where the hell did they get the skull fragments from?
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They framed sexual chocolate, Zyair because he had sex with both wives. Because they couldn't satisfy their wives they wanted to put Zyair in jail. Really? And they were willing to kill Mea and Charlise to keep their secret.
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I like the movie sort of only because of the chemistry between (Mea) Kelly and (Zyair) Trevante. Kelly's character was strong and wouldn't give up fighting.
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Tyler Perry needs to give up some control and ego by hiring some female writers especially Black female writers because I'm tired of seeing weak Black women in his movies like Charlise. Also writers that will do research and fill up these plot holes.
Just saying.
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What I like about legal dramas are the court scenes. No dramatic court scenes in this one. Mea spends most of her time in Zyair's apartment. Why?
Mea asks her client if he wants to die by Lethal injection. The death penalty isn't legal in the state of Illinois. Being a defense attorney, Mea should know this. Tyler didn't do his research.
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Plus those Sagar brothers may look good but they're not great actors.
If you want to see the movie to watch Kelly and Trevante looking hot go ahead but if you want to see an intelligent legal drama...skip it or not.
It's up to you. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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oc-poll-times · 2 years
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The Ultimate OC Showdown Tournament has begun!
This was inspired by a lot of the tournaments in @competition-list including @transfemswagbracket @nonbiney-swag-competition @best-fnaf-character @autismswagsummit @robot-swag-competition @mad-scientist-showdown @adhdswagcompetition as well as the OC tournament done by @oc-cinematic-universe! I have over 600 of these guys, so it's finally time to figure out who the OC of all time is!
You do not need to know who they are to vote!
Their brackets will include a brief bio (one sentence), a link to their Toyhouse page, and an image! But also you can just vote on vibes, anything works! I just want to have a good time!
This post will be updated with each bracket and an updated bracket illustration each time! Polls will run for one week, and for this first round Part A and Part B will go up on Saturday and Sunday respectively! I hope we can all have a good time!
EDIT: I wanted to add more of the tournament blogs that inspired this since they're all excellent people and y'all should go vote in their tournaments as well!
Round 1A
Miranda (Carnival Casino) VS. George (Murder Mystery)
2. Cabriel (Love Gods) VS. Rouge (Bakeries)
3. Amadeus (Fantasy Story) VS. Freeze Frame (Villain Squad)
4. Nina (Whisper Court) VS. Kalliope (The Hallowed)
5. Phyllis (Villain School) VS. Adelaide (Locked Love)
6. Jinx (The Hallowed) VS. Cinna (The Hallowed)
7. Kisaragi (Whisper Court) VS. Ariyana (Angel Wings)
8. Angel (Angel Wings) VS. Zyaire (The Hallowed)
9. Wally (Villain School) VS. Mikal (Whisper Court)
10. Cordelia (Fantasy Story) VS. Catt (The Hallowed)
11. Xena (Fantasy Story) VS. Maple (Villain School)
12. Emmit (The Hallowed) VS. Abbey (Locked Love)
13. Wally (Whisper Court) VS. Glimmer (Red Signal)
14. Lorelai (Whisper Court) VS. Lily (Monster DND)
15. Willow Whisp (Whisper Court) VS. Ephraim (The Hallowed)
16. Lyra (Carnival Casino) VS. Castor (Love Gods)
Round 1B
Aurelius (Angel Wings) VS. Veridan (Whisper Court)
2. Ringmaster (Fantasy Story) VS. Darciel (Love Gods)
3. Wally (Locked Love) VS. Dusty+Coco (DND PC)
4. Johon (Whisper Court) VS. Velvet (Bakeries)
5. Khalida (Villain School) VS. Cinnamon (Murder Mystery)
6. Rose (Whisper Court) VS. Charlie (Villain School)
7. Mei/Yue/Eyumie (The Hallowed) VS. Phospher (Tech Story)
8. Irene (The Hallowed) VS. Hijack (Villain Squad)
9. Scarlet (Bakeries) VS. Evelyn (The Hallowed)
10. Ismet (The Hallowed) VS. Daisy (Daisies And Demons)
11. Finch (Whisper Court) VS. Kastra (Kastra-Verse)
12. Wally (The Hallowed) VS. Karma (Fantasy Story)
13. Blackjack (Fantasy Story) VS. Tripp (The Hallowed)
14. Meri (Locked Love) VS. Alice (Carnival Casino)
15. Lilith (Locked Love) VS. Cardamon (Fantasy Story)
16. Bella (Angel Wings) VS. Meredith/Nightingale (Artistic Licensing)
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Round 2
Miranda (Carnival Casino) VS. Rouge (Bakeries)
2. Amadeus (Fantasy Story) VS. Kalliope (The Hallowed)
3. Phyllis (Villain School) VS. Cinna (The Hallowed)
4. Kisaragi (Whisper Court) VS. Zyaire (The Hallowed)
5. Mikal (Whisper Court) VS. Cordelia (Fantasy Story)
6. Xena (Fantasy Story) VS. Emmit (The Hallowed)
7. Glimmer (Red Signal) VS. Lorelai (Whisper Court)
8. Willow Whisp (Whisper Court) VS. Castor (Love Gods)
9. Aurelius (Angel Wings) VS. Ringmaster (Fantasy Story)
10. Dusty + Coco (DND PC) VS. Velvet (Bakeries)
11. Cinnamon (Murder Mystery) VS. Rose (Whisper Court)
12. Mei/Yue/Eyumie (The Hallowed) VS. Irene (The Hallowed)
13. Evelyn (The Hallowed) VS. Ismet (The Hallowed)
14. Finch (Whisper Court) VS. Karma (Fantasy Story)
15. Blackjack (Fantasy Story) VS. Alice (Carnival Casino)
16. Cardamon (Fantasy Story) VS. Meredith/Nightingale (Artistic Licensing)
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The rounds last time were SUPER CLOSE I am getting SCARED
Round 3
Miranda (Carnival Casino) VS. Amadeus Kama (Fantasy Story)
2. Cinna Hallowell (The Hallowed) VS. Kisaragi (Whisper Court)
3. Cordelia (Fantasy Story) VS. Xena (Fantasy Story)
4. Lorelai (Whisper Court) VS. Castor (Love Gods)
5. The Ringmaster (Fantasy Story) VS. Dusty + Coco (DND PC)
6. Cinnamon (Murder Mystery) VS. Irene (The Hallowed)
7. Evelyn Soleil (The Hallowed) VS. Finch (Whisper Court)
8. Blackjack (Fantasy Story) VS. Cardamon Suite (Fantasy Story)
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ciegeinc · 7 months
Movie Review...Mea Culpa
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(1/5) What in the romance novel/soap opera did I just watch? Tyler has to be stopped. it is at critical levels at this point. This isn't the worst he has made, but now my question is, why doesn't it have to make sense? I said this in a review before but I think if he just takes some writing classes, has a writer's room/table or just studied his craft, he has the potential of creating better films.
The melodramatic tone and over the top-ness are better suited for soap operas than film. I don't think he understands that as a jack of all trades...writer and director. I don't watch any of his many shows, but from the clips and trailers that I have seen, they all share that same tone and storytelling.
At one point of the plot, this had the potential to be Perry's "Gone Girl." The mystery and suspense behind the missing girl was enough to keep me watching and interested. But in true Perry fashion, it shifts into lust driven narratives and obscurity. Like in past films before, it's almost like you can pinpoint in the story when he got tired of writing, ran out of ideas, or just wanted it to end.
I took several notes on issues with the plot, script and performances. I will try to condense that to some of the major issues. This is the part where spoilers will occur.
With women probably being Perry's largest audience, I am not sure how you all can stomach how he writes these female characters. The cliche damsel in distress, easily seduce by men and their other vices, should be stomach turning.
This movie could have and would have been over with very quickly if this was an actual real person. He was clearly being a creeper when he initially reached out for her counsel. The meetings in the loft instead of the office, the unprofessional conversations/flirting, among other things, just didn't add up as to why she would continue to represent him.
Another note I had about the film was with some of the characters. The mother in law was so out of pocket from the jump, and the twist at the end didn't ease that initial judgment. The private investigator/friend clearly had feelings for Kelly's character. Being hired to help with her current case, his only findings were about her husband. Each time she checked in with him, he never had anything helpful to say, or he was still looking into a lead, but in the meantime, let me drop this random information about your personal marriage issues. Could not find any helpful information about the missing girlfriend, but Kelly randomly finds her in a whole other country.
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This is the part where I tapped out (the part in the plot where Tyler was tired of developing the story). The plot twist and conclusion all followed Perry's formula except for one change...The dark skinned man really wasn't the bad guy this time.
When criminal defense attorney Mea Harper (Kelly Rowland) takes on the murder case of artist Zyair Malloy (Trevante Rhodes), the truth isn't as obvious as it seems. While she tries to determine the innocence or guilt of her cagy-yet-seductive client, it is uncovered that everyone is guilty of something. Tyler Perry's Mea Culpa explores what happens when burning desire takes hold and things get hot... and dangerous (rottentomatoes.com)
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mocharette · 9 days
MBTI Series
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Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Linktree | TikTok
Delve into the personas of the 16 personalities through a series of slice-of-life scenarios. If you’re onto lighthearted plots or roleplays, then these simple-coded bots are perfect for you!
♡ - fluff
ꨄ - angst
✿ - semi nsfw
★ - nsfw
✧ - uncategorized
The Introverts
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Ezra ♡ MBTI Series: INTJ The Architect
Juggling academic success and part-time work left you tired, so you joined a tutoring program where you met Ezra, a recent graduate. Despite your determination, exhaustion took its toll. During a study session, Ezra quietly observed your fatigue and, when you finally fell asleep, he covered you with his jacket, providing warmth and safety. As he admired your dedication, he wondered if something more had stirred within him.
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Lucas ♡ MBTI Series: ISTJ The Logistician
After a grueling week of intense detective training, Lucas was visibly worn down, and you couldn't help but wonder if your plan to lift his spirits would work. Knowing his love for puzzles and mysteries, you suggested an escape room to help him unwind. At first, Lucas hesitated, his exhaustion making him reluctant to participate. But seeing the genuine excitement in your eyes, his detective instincts kicked in. His confidence swelled, and the tiredness in his eyes was replaced by a glint of excitement.
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Zyair ♡ MBTI Series: INTP The Logician
Zyair rushed towards his younger sister, Xyriel, as soon as he spotted her walking with you in the mall hallway, his face filled with worry. Xyriel, who had been distressed earlier, had called him because she got her first period unexpectedly and was unprepared. You had found her crying in the bathroom and stepped in to help by offering comfort and a spare pad. Now, Xyriel looked embarrassed, avoiding eye contact, while Zyair turned to you, silently asking for an explanation.
The Extroverts [coming soon]
Note: This post is under construction. I'll upload the character profile banner once the series is complete. For now, visit my TikTok profile to view the bots' profile pictures.
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constellaris-a · 2 years
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   “ ... What ,  ya never seen someone covered in blood before ? ”
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waywardsculs · 8 months
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Sometimes he thinks about a certain Overlord that's really caught his eye.
But he's not gonna do much more than that right now.
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ozzyfromthecafeteria · 5 months
adrift solutions (any/all)
aroha lee (he/she)
aurelia silver (she/her)
clyde ryder (he/him)
deion (he/xe)
dian plantae (she/her)
draugur jubal (he/she/they/song)
emery maxwell (she/honey/bee)
jianyu wang (he/him)
mateo ruiz (he/they)
micah quinn (he/she/neptune)
million acceptances (they/she)
nebbie (it/they)
pat swans (they/them)
rory harper (he/they/she)
sebastian “sebs” vermillion (xe/ve)
sion silth (they/she/zir/vamp/sun)
st4r (it/its)
sullivan “sully” sydney (he/him)
thrash frakes (it/exe/gear)
vyrule dagon (any/all)
waxing sun (he/him)
zyair rhodes (they/he)
also to search them up, the tag will be #oc: [character’s name]
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megamindsecretlair · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the tag @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin , im never sure if ppl look forward to whats upcoming from me, but these keep me honest 🤣😭
Step one: Post snippets of the fics you're working on (can be a summary if there's no snippet)
Step two: put them in a poll and let people vote on which one you should work on, then prioritize the one with the most votes.
Step three: Ask me about my WIPs! Don't be shy, I love talking about my fics! We don't create or share in a void, we want to hear from you lovelies!
Well, Mega, what can we look forward to 👀
1) Beauty and the Beast Inspired Stunna: I have severe Yahya Abdul Mateen II brainrot and baby, 🥲 the way I want to write literally everything for him. This will be a precursor to a novella I wanna write with original characters and lots more action, but Id love extra feedback for it. It will have vampires, toxic staff, and naughty bits.
2) Mea Culpa: I have been debating how much time I wanna dedicate to rewriting that monstrosity of a movie 🤭 okay, thats not fair. The idea was there, the execution wasn't because TP wouldnt know what's sexy if it slapped him in his face. Who am I fooling? I won't be satisfied until I write the whole thing and satisfy my brain. So yeah, prepare for a rewrite according to what I would've done. Think corruption kink, think court drama, think Zyair being the toxic mess we know and love.
3) Mob Boss Tyrone: I feel like ive been teasing this for years 🥲😭🤣 and thats because the ask was specifically for a one shot and I plotted out 7 parts 🤭🤣 at this point, yall know how I am. I tried to conform to short fics for my sanity and I just cant 🤷🏽‍♀️ some ideas require one part, some require several. It will include hella angst, hella smut, hella toxcity, but at the end of the day, hes always going to love his baby girl. I also think im going to switch it to Fontaine chuz thats a prettier/grittier name and would suit the story better.
4) A Watchmen fic for Cal (Yahya): lissen, ive finally went back to finish Watchmen. Not because it was a bad show, but because it requires 100% of my focus and I aint had it. But for Yahya? Ill make the time. I feel like that is 100% a soft dom and I just wanna be his cute lil princess, sue me 🤷🏽‍♀️ I love a man I can't tell what to do 🤣
Theres more but for the sake of brevity, Ill keep it at the 4 most occupying my brain at the moment. Soooo, which one yall want first? And yes 🥲 im aware of how many series I need to update 🥲
No pressure tags: @nerdieforpedro @harmshake @notapradagurl7 @ellethespaceunicorn @miyuhpapayuh
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restless-soulz · 6 months
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constellaris-lewd · 3 years
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   Honestly,  he’s in the mood to breed,  but the thought of expending what little energy he has that day isn’t all that appealing ...
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