melonminnie · 2 years
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ISIS X FEM! READER (100 special ☆)
SYMPTOMS : befriending isis was just step one of your sick best friends plan to making him fall in love with her!, but when she suddenly needs to be taken to the other side of the empire to be treated she leaves the plan to be completed in your hands!, after befriending isis your friend returns only to find out a huge mistake was made in the midst of the plan?! With a crumpled piece of paper and a letter in the trash. It was time for a confession to be made
-inspired by 20th century girl! (The movie)
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1.I AM?
2. No your not!
3. Your disloyal..
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“Name there’s one thing I forgot to tell you..”
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-Updated every week or two ☆
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Fiddleford? More like SLAYford !! Haha get it ,? ,, cuz he ,, he slays ,,,,,,, at least in this drawing I made of him
21 notes · View notes
zweiglover · 7 months
rewatching fantastic mr fox for the hundreth time just so i can listen to jason schwartzmans voice....
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awesomewonderland · 1 year
Finally done with the vollanalyse
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Being an Ally
TW: Homophobia, Internal Homophobia and Toxic Masculinity. 
Pre-Wolfstar Story. None of my boys had figured out their sexualities yet. Worse their feelings for each other. 
Sirius had never crossed more than two words with Edgar Bones. They’ve been sharing classes for the last 5 years. They were in the same house. And they kind of knew each other. But that was all. Edgar was Frank’s best friend. And Sirius had The Marauders.
Edgar was one of the few open gay kids at school, and surely the most eccentric one for the way he dressed and expressed himself. Sirius respected all that but it was impossible for Sirius and Edgar to have something in common. Besides, it was pretty obvious that Edgar felt something for Sirius. Sirius always caught Edgar staring at him, or smiling at him. And Sirius felt uncomfortable about it. He fancied girls. And only girls. 
So when Professor Slughorn paired Sirius with Edgar for the work in class, Sirius wasn’t happy about it. Especially if James and Remus were together.
“But Remus is my lab partner” Sirius pouted.
“At least you don’t have to work with Avery” Peter sighed. 
“It is just for an assignment,” Remus smiled. 
“But don’t be surprised when we become best friends and forget about you afterwards” James grinned “Besides…” he put his arm around Remus’ shoulder “Remus is not only yours. He is my friend too. And I believe we haven’t done homework together…”
“We have…”
“But not alone” James winked. 
Sirius rolled his eyes. James blew Remus a kiss and Remus responded by raising his eyebrows. 
“But we won’t forget about Sirius, right?” Remus added with a grin.
“Who 's Sirius?”
“I don’t know, I forgot” 
“Very funny!” Sirius protested.
Peter chuckled, clapping his hands. 
“Bye, losers”
“Bye, Wormy love!” James exclaimed, now hugging Remus “My other best friend! Because I only have two. Remus and Peter…”
Sirius smiled “Prongs…”
“We don’t know who you are, good sir” James shook his head “Remus, my very good and best friend…”
Sirius snorted.
“Do you know who he is?”
“No, bestie” Remus shrugged.
“You are so handsome” James added. 
“Thanks, you too” Remus winked. 
“Assholes” Sirius said as he walked to sit with Edgar. Sirius could hear them giggling. 
“Hello handsome”
 When Edgar said it and smiled like that, it wasn't funny like when James did it. It was real. James only did it as a joke. Edgar meant flirting. And it made Sirius uncomfortable. 
“Hey” Sirius answered. He realized he sounded cold, so he gave Edgar a soft smile. 
“So we are gonna be labpartners…” 
Edgar leaned in, placing his elbow on the table and looking at Sirius with hungry eyes. 
Sirius moved away carefully.
“Yeah I guess”
“So… How do you want to do this?”
“What?” Sirius swallowed. 
Edgar smiled “The assignment”
“Oh yeah” Sirius chuckled “Do you prefer to mix the solution or write the observations?”
“Write” Edgar answered, biting his lip “I don’t like getting my hands dirty” 
Sirius extended his hand to grab the vessel but Edgar did it at the same time to grab his notebook. When they brushed hands, Sirius immediately pulled away, almost dropping everything. 
“Relax…” Edgar said amused “You’re not becoming homosexual by touching my hand”
Edgar said it as a joke, but he sounded hurt. As if he had to repeat those things all the time. Sirius was speechless, he really froze. But luckily, their teacher interrupted.
“Ehem…” Mr. Slughorn cleared his throat “Excuse me, gentlemen…”
“We are working” Edgar spat. 
“What is it that you are wearing, Mr. Bones?” Slughorn pointed to his head. 
Edgar was wearing a headband. It was black with white pearls all over it. Sirius didn’t say anything because he was used to seeing Edgar wearing feminine things. 
“Oh this?” Edgar asked “It’s an original Prada. It was a gift from my sister”
Sirius heard some of his classmates giggling and whispering things. 
“The rules specify not to wear accessories that are not part of the uniform” Slughorn said “Please take it off”
“What? Why?” Edgar protested “All the girls wear things on their hair” 
“That’s right, Mr. Bones. GIRLS” he emphasized the last word “Those are headbands made only for the FEMININE uniform. And girls are only allowed to use those, not Pranda, or whatever bullshit”
The giggles amongst the class were getting stronger. 
“Prada” Edgar corrected. 
“What a pretty girl!” someone shouted, and there were whistles and cheers. 
“At least I am pretty! Have you seen your faces?”
“Just take it off, Mr. Bones” 
Edgar groaned 
“He is not doing anything wrong!” Frank protested from behind the class. 
“Don’t make yourself the hero, Mr. Longbottom” Slughron added.
“He is just defending his boyfriend” Mulciber teased, as the rest of the class laughed “Tell me Longbottom… After being with two girls, you decide to play for the other team?”
Mulciber’s friends laughed, there were even some whistles around. Everyone knew about the dilemma. How Frank had been snogging Mary behind Alice’s back. 
“See what you provoked, Macdonald?” Mulciber added lower. 
Sirius saw Mary rolling her eyes, but nothing else. 
“Shut up, Mulciber!” Frank groaned. 
“Silence! Please!” Slughorn yelled over the noise. Then he turned to Edgar “Mr. Bones…”
Edgar took the headband off reluctantly. 
“Very well, thank you” Slughorn grinned “We’ll talk later about your nails in private, Mr. Bones” 
Sirius then noted they were green.
“Keep working in silence, please”
When Slughorn turned, Edgar showed him his middle finger. 
“What a tosser” Edgar whispered.
Sirius turned to see Mulciber whispering something to his friend Avery. Then they both giggled. He wasn’t the only one curious, because Peter who was next to Avery was trying to hear as well. Then Mulciber noticed Sirius. He grinned as he looked between Sirius and Edgar, and then he made kissing gestures.
Sirius rolled his eyes as he turned back. He hated the embarrassment he was feeling. 
“Are we gonna start working, or…” Edgar said. He sounded annoyed.
The faster they were over with it, the better. 
They worked in silence for the rest of the hour. During the whole time, Sirius wanted to ask Edgar if he was okay. He looked so blue, not cheerful as always. But he didn’t dare. Mainly because he didn’t want Edgar to get the wrong impression. Or Edgar to want to kiss him or something, 
The class was dismissed as the students handed Slughron the paperwork. 
“Pleasure working with you, handsome” Edgar said sarcastically as he put his headband back on.
“Was that your sister’s?” Sirius asked nervously, he didn’t want to leave things like that. 
“When she was at Hogwarts there was this rich wanker that was obsessed with her and always gave her expensive gifts” Edgar smiled “She hated him but why waste the gifts?”
Sirius smiled back “Was that headband one of them?”
“I’m not a Black, love. I cannot afford a Prada”
That made Sirius chuckle. 
“Watch it, Black” Mulciber sneered from behind “If you smile too much, Bones might want to snog you” 
“What’s your problem?” Edgar snapped. 
“Piss off, Mulciber” Sirius added. 
“Nah… Black is not one of those” Avery said.”All birds are into him”
“Who knows? He might actually be, what is it called?… in the closet…”
Sirius got so furious that he stood up and grabbed Mulcbier by his shirt. 
“What happened, Mulciber? Are you jealous I get more birds than you?” Sirius spat “Dead before being a faggot. Do you understand?”
“Crystal clear” Mulciber grinned. 
“Have you heard the term repressed homosexual?” Edgar raised from his chair “You might want to check it out. I think all of you apply” 
He ended by giving Sirius a nasty look. Then Edgar ran away as quickly as possible. Frank ran away behind him. Shit. Sirius felt immediately guilty. 
“What is going on here?” 
Sirius saw James, Peter and Remus behind Mulciber and Avery. 
“Nothing” Mulciber pushed Sirius’ hands away “Everything has been clarified” then he winked. 
He took one last glance at Sirius and left, Avery giggling behind him. 
Sirius snorted “He is such a wanker”
“Yeah, so do you” 
It was Remus who spoke. Remus. He looked disappointed. Like a father after catching his child doing something wrong. 
“Okay…” James hissed “Why don’t we go to lunch because I am starving? Yeah, lads?”
But Remus and Sirius ignored him, they were still looking between each other. 
“Pretty great what you said” Remus tutted “You made Eddy feel like a piece of shit”
Eddy? Why was Remus calling him that? 
“It wasn’t me, Remus” Sirius snapped “It was them”
“Well you gladly joined them!”
“Guys…” James intervened.
“They were saying things about me! I was defending myself!”
“I did hear them saying stuff about you” Peter added carefully “Something about pretty boys not being masculine enough…”
Sirius got even more furious. Those bastards “See?” 
“Does it offend you that people call you gay?”
“Yes because I am not one of those!” Sirius yelled “I fancy girls!”
“You are not one of, who, again? What did you call them?”
Sirius shrugged. Maybe that was the word Orion used. But Sirius had been angry. 
“I was simply defending myself!”
Remus shook his head, really disappointed. 
“Eddy didn’t deserve it” he said “Especially after what Slughorn made him do”
Sirius frowned. He didn’t get why Remus was defending Edgar, “Eddy”. Since when were they friends? Sirius was more important for Remus. They were closer. They were really close. 
“He is the one who is all over me all the time! Doesn’t he understand that I am not interested? I do not like blokes. I don’t like him!”
“Okay, guys” James sighed “Can we stop?...Sirius, that word is offensive”
“Mulciber said it!”
“Mulciber is a dick!”
“Yeah my point exactly!”
Remus sighed “I am leaving…” he started walking away. 
“Remus!” Sirius protested 
“I …. I …cannot be with you right now” Remus added “So I am just gonna go”
Remus walked through the door, leaving Sirius speechless. 
“Woops…” Peter said.
“Sirius….” James exclaimed “Seems like you offended lots of people now”
Sirius didn’t answer. He felt miserable.
“It is offensive to call gay people that word…” Peter began “And you are also acting like a selfish dick…”
Sirius looked at him, and Peter smiled. But Sirius wasn’t in the mood of fighting.  It actually had been Uncle Alphard who told Sirius that word was offensive when he used it for the first time at eleven. Sirius kind of knew that. He didn’t hate gay people. He just didn’t want people to think he was one. 
“We know you are not gay, Pads” James hissed “But Edgar is”
“And he is always going through hell in this bloody school” Peter added.
“Edgar is cool” James shrugged “Isn’t he?”
“And what Slughorn did was so dickish. He is a bigot”
“Slughorn is a homophobic asshole” James added “He got stuck in the last century”
Sirius was thinking about his family. He was thinking about his father and what he thought about gay people. Sirius remembered all the things Orion said about real men. Always tough, masculine, having girls at their feet, drinking whiskey, smoking cigars and liking sports. 
And then Edgar went against all of that. Edgar was more feminine than masculine. He wore makeup and jewelry. He painted his nails. He loved fashion and hated sports. He was delicate. His voice was high-pitched. He spoke and acted like a girl sometimes. 
“You are right” Sirius sighed “I was a dick”
Sirius might not be like Edgar. But he surely didn’t want to be like Orion. Or Mulciber. Sirius had been an idiot. 
“I know what we can do to help Edgar” Sirius said “And to fuck with Slughorn” 
Sirius looked at his friends and smiled. 
“Are you ready for another mischief, boys?”
James grinned and Peter snorted. 
“That’s my best friend” James kissed his head.
But first, Sirius had to apologize and get Remus back. Sirius needed him. He needed him for this. 
Sirius found Remus smoking in the Common Room, next to the window. Their smoking spot. Remus also had a book on his lap. Typical of Remus. Sirius smiled at that sight. 
Sirius approached and without saying a word, showed Remus a big chocolate bar.
“From a best friend to another” 
Remus’ mouth twisted wanting to smile, but he contained himself.
“Bribing me with chocolate” he tutted “It is not the way to get things, you know?”
Sirius made a pout and pushed the chocolate bar closer. 
“You’re lucky it works with me” Remus said as he grabbed the bar. 
Sirius smiled relieved. But Remus still looked kind of pissed. 
“Where have you been all day?”
“With Eddy, Frank and Kingsley” Remus shrugged. 
“I didn’t know you like them”
“I am allowed to have other friends!” Remus snapped “Or am I only exclusive for The Marauders?”
“I am sorry. I was a dick” Sirius said as he took a seat in front of Remus. He took the cigarette between Remus’ fingers and took a drag. Remus opened the chocolate wrapper. 
“The Blacks raised me with a bad concept… Of gays…” Sirius explained without looking at Remus “You know what everyone thinks… How being gay is something bad, or funny, or filthy….”
“That’s called homophobia…” Remus explained, chewing his chocolate and grabbing the cig from Sirius’ hand. 
“I know” Sirius said, embarrassed. 
“I know how your family is” Remus said as he took a drag “But you can be better” 
“I am better!” Sirius snapped quickly “I am not homophobic! I just don’t want people thinking I am…”
“Into blokes?”
“Yeah…” Sirius answered but now it all sounded ridiculous in his brain. 
“Would it be so bad?” Remus asked.
“That they think that about you” Remus said “Especially people like Mulciber…” he shook his head “Why do you care so much about what he thinks?”
Sometimes Remus had this look that made Sirius feel bad about himself. It wasn’t in an angry scolding way, like his parents. It wasn’t in a “I would love you no matter how you fuck up” kind of way, like James. Remus didn’t hate or preach Sirius. Remus just knew him. Remus just saw the real him. And everytime Remus was disappointed by something Sirius did, Sirius immediately wanted to be better. Sirius felt vulnerable and ashamed. Nobody made him feel that way.
“It is not a bad thing to be gay, so why would you be embarrassed if people thought that?”
“I just… I just don’t want people to believe untrue rumors about me” Stupid answer. Sirius was still an idiot. 
“You might not be…gay” Remus sighed “But that doesn’t mean you have to shame people that are. And especially those who are proud of it”
Sirius didn’t answer. He was playing with his Gryffindor wrist band. 
“You know how many people out there get brutalized, shamed, locked up or even killed for being who they are?” Remus continued “It’s all they want. To be who they are”
Sirius felt a knot on his throat.
“Just be braver, Sirius” 
Remus was so much better than him. Sirius might be a Black or whatever. But he was nothing compared to the amazing human being that Remus was. Sirius was embarrassed that he had disappointed him. 
“How do you know so much about this?” Sirius whispered instead. Because he was even a coward to apologize. 
But Remus wasn’t angry. He was speaking carefully. Like maybe a caring father would do with his child. 
“Because I am trans” Remus chuckled “And because my best friend is gay”
“Edgar?” Sirius raised an eyebrow.
“Grant” Remus smiled.
Sirius looked down “I am your best friend” he whispered. 
Sirius hadn't met him but he was jealous of Grant. Because Grant had been there for Remus when he most needed someone. Because Remus admired him and talked about him all the time, as if he was some great warrior or something. And Grant was braver. He surely was that asshole that didn’t care what others thought, that didn’t have his last name and Family History like a burden on his shoulders. That wanker. 
“I'd rather die being happily queer than being someone I am not, sweetheart!” Remus said with a different accent. Then he chuckled “That’s what he always says….” he smiled “And he goes to LGBTQ parades and stuff. He says he is taking me to one but…”
“I am helping Edgar” 
Sirius had to interrupt. If he heard one more word about Grant, he was going to go mental. Sirius hated that bastard. And he hated that Remus totally preferred him. 
Remus looked at him and raised an eyebrow. He turned off the cig. 
“Yeah?” he asked, taking a bite of his chocolate. 
“The lads and I are planning something” Sirius smiled “We are gonna be supporters of the LBD…”
“LGBT…” Remus giggled “And it is called being an Ally”
“Whatever” Sirius smiled “But I need your help…” he pouted and pulled Remus’ sweater. 
Remus was smiling when he rolled his eyes. 
“Pleaseee… Mooony!” Sirius begged “Stop being angry with me and heeelp meee! You’re gonna lovee the ideaaa!”
Remus was still smiling. 
“Finee!” he said in the same tone “This better be good!”
Sirius cheered and gave Remus a long kiss on the cheek. Remus giggled. 
“But I am only doing it for Eddy”
“Eddy, Grant…” Sirius rolled his eyes “I am your best friend!”
“Say it!”
Remus smiled “You are my best friend, Sirius”
Sirius smiled back.
“You’re my best friend too”
Sirius got help from the other Gryffindor boys: Frank, Kingsley and Tobey. They needed the support from all boys in their class. Of course, except Mulciber and his mates. Worse even, Snape. 
But there were plenty of boys that didn’t dare to do what they had to do, or they didn’t like Edgar, or they simply didn’t care. It was frustrating that in that school, with a gay Headmaster and all, mostly everyone was pretty homophobic. That made Sirius angry, but more with himself because he partially had been that way. 
It was the next Chemistry class that Sirius and The Marauders did what they had planned. The group of boys walked into class wearing a female accessory: headband, earrings, hats, necklaces, scarfs. All of it courtesy of the girls that were helping them. They were using as follows:
Remus: Pink French Beanie.
Sirius: Blue flowered bandana
James: Red Head Bow
Peter: Headband with flowers. 
Frank: Thick Purple Headband
Kingsley: Glam glowy choker
Tobey: Big heart earrings
“Woow!” Mary exclaimed with a smile “You all look great!”
“What the fuck is this?” Edgar snorted.
It was also the girl’s job to distract Edgar until the boys arrived. 
“Nothing” James shrugged “We all just wanted to look great today”
“We just followed your lead, Eddy” Frank added. 
Edgar’s eyes flickered towards Sirius for a second. 
“Bullshit” he spat, crossing his arms “But I have no idea if I am loving this or hating this”
“You should love it” Lily intervened “The boys are helping you”
“I am surely loving this” Marlene chuckled.
“Same” Hestia added. 
Sirius sighed and took a step to the front. He took a glance at Remus before speaking. Remus’ smile gave him the courage to do so. 
“Listen, Edgar… Ed.. Eddy…” Sirius sighed “It is not fair that you cannot be yourself, even in class….” then he spoke to the group “We are lucky the uniform is cool but… We are all different! We have different personalities and ways of dressing…” then he looked at Edgar “And that’s okay…”
Edgar’s mouth twisted.
“We should all be allowed to wear our uniform as we want even if we want to use accessories with it!”
“Yeah!” The rest of the group cheered and clapped. 
“Fuck the school rules and fuck gender norms!” Sirius added.
“Yeah!” the others cheered again. 
“Besides, I look pretty great right now” Sirius said, winking
The others laughed. But one laugh was higher than the rest. Mulciber. He had arrived with the rest of the class, mainly the Slytherins. Mulciber looked between them amused. 
“Look! We have new classmates” a Slytherin named Walker said.
“Pretty ugly girls, that is” Avery said as some of his mates laughed. 
“What is this ridiculousness?” It was Snape who asked 
“It’s called good style, Snivy” James said “You wouldn’t know that because you don’t even wash your hair” 
Sirius laughed because that wanker deserved it. 
“Asshole…” Snape said, getting closer to probably hurt James.But Mulciber stopped him. 
“Uuuuh kiss me, Severus!” James joked 
“Fucking pussy…” Snape whispered. 
Snape’s eyes flickered towards Lily for a second, She looked guilty, as if she felt pity for him. But she decided not to say anything.  
“What is going on here?” 
Professor Slughorn had arrived and he looked furious and disgusted watching at the boys wearing female accessories. 
Nobody answered. Now Mulciber and the Slytherins were pleased, waiting for the rest to be punished. 
Slughorn’s eyes fixed on Edgar. 
“Do you find this funny, Mr. Bones?”
Edgar didn’t answer.
“Do you see Edgar wearing any type of accessory?” Sirius asked.
Edgar wasn’t wearing anything actually. No jewelry, no eyeliner,cleaned nails, nothing in his hair. Only the uniform. Actually wearing the tie in the correct way. Sirius decided it didn’t suit him. He didn’t look comfortable. 
“Well…” Slughorn started. 
“It is us who are wearing stuff, not Edgar” James added “So if you want to punish us, go ahead” he shrugged 
“We have our right to wear what we want” Frank added “We are not hurting anyone”
“You’re hurting my eyes” Walker snapped. 
“Do we make you nervous?” James winked. 
The two groups started discussing and fighting between them. Sirius was very aware of Edgar’s expression now. He looked overwhelmed but also more relaxed. Maybe he was happy that his friends were doing this for him. 
When he winked at Sirius, Sirius smiled at him. 
And also Sirius was paying attention to Remus. Remus was happy as well. He looked like a proud father. Also, Remus looked so cute in that beanie. And Sirius was pleased that Remus looked happy. He had made Sirius be braver and stop acting like an idiot. Sirius wanted to beat the wanker of Grant, and be better for Remus’ eyes. 
When Remus smiled at him, Sirius felt his chest warmer.  
“That’s enough!” Slughron shouted “Everyone get inside! And end up this ridiculous situation” he added  “Before there are consequences”
“No” Sirius shook his head “We are not ending anything until we are given the right to use anything we want”
Sirius’ friends cheered and clapped, agreeing with him. Mr. Slughorn stared at him with hate. But Sirius simply crossed his arms. It happened with Orion and Walburga as well, he wasn’t scared of those glances, he actually challenged them more. 
“Alright, Mr. Black” Slughorn nodded “If that’s the way it is, I will call Dumbledore then… See what he decides to do with you”
Albus Dumbledore was one of the coolest people Sirius knew. But he was also very authoritarian with some school rules. They didn’t know how he would react. 
“Snape…” Slughorn added and Snivellus took a step forward “Make sure nobody leaves until I am back. And if they disobey you, I am allowing you to give them detention”
“Yes, sir” 
This was the reason nobody liked Snivellus. He was the teacher’s pet. Maybe Lily liked him once, but she was realizing the dick he actually was. 
When Slughron walked away, Snape spoke.
“You heard the professor, everyone inside” 
“Fucking dick” James whispered, as the others murmured protests but got inside. 
“What did you say, Potter?” Snape scooped closer, challenging James “Remember I am in charge”
“Nothing wannabe teacher” James answered, also in a challenging way. But he didn’t get inside. Sirius didn’t dare to move as well. 
Snape’s eyes flickered towards Remus.
“Lupin… Pink actually suits you” he snapped “I wonder why”
When Remus looked down embarrassed, Sirius got immediately furious.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he snapped, willing to hurt Snape. 
But Remus stopped him. 
“Let’s just go inside” 
Remus was pulling Sirius inside. But he didn’t want to leave. He wanted to punch Snape in the face. 
“Why don’t you get inside with your boyfriend, Black?” 
Sirius was capable of killing that motherfucker.
“Sirius…” Remus insisted.
“Let’s go, Pads” James pushed him as well. 
Sirius got inside reluctantly. But this wasn’t over. 
By the time Slughron returned with Dumbledore and Mcgonagall, the class had been divided. To the left, everyone that supported Edgar and agreed with the movement of free expression. To the right, those who thought they were being ridiculous, basically the homophobic wankers. And Snape had already given detention to some people from the left side, one of them being Remus. Only for whispering an insult he deserved. That stupid wanker. 
“You have to do something, Albus!” Slughorn said as he finished explaining the situation to Dumbledore “They don’t let me carry on with my class”
“I see” Dumbledore nodded.
“And Minerva” Slughon continued “I called you because most of the rebels are from your house…” he snorted “Clearly my slytherins are better behaved”
“And freaking cowards” Minerva whispered. 
Sirius smiled. Minnie was strict sometimes, but she was cool. Sometimes like a mother to them. 
“So, left side…” Dumbledore spoke, pointing at them “What’s your petition?”
Sirius felt it was his duty to speak. It had been his idea after all. 
“Mr. Dumbledore…” he began “We don’t think it is fair that we are told how to dress or express ourselves. There’s nothing wrong with complementing our uniforms with accessories we like…”
Dumbledore nodded. 
“And if there are boys like Edgar that like feminine things, there is nothing wrong with that” Frank added. 
“Also, Mr. Dumbledore” It was Marlene who spoke “Sometimes Professor Slughorn discriminates scholarshipped or gay kids, while preferring those from rich families” 
“Miss Mckinnon!”
Slughorn wasn’t the only one surprised with Marlene’s words. Apparently she was the only one brave enough to say the truth everyone had been thinking for the last 5 years of having class with Slughorn. 
“Professor Slughron is a good teacher” Snape said “He simply obeys the rules of this institution”
“Oh shut up, Snivellus!” James rolled his eyes. He wasn’t the only one, even some Slytherins rolled their eyes as well. 
“Please, Mr. James” Dumbledore raised his hand, and James was silent.
Everyone stared at Dumbledore, waiting for an answer. 
“Hogwarts was founded 158 years ago” Dumbledore began, he was speaking as if he was telling a fairytale to some kids “The rules were written by the founders and they’ve been followed ever since…”
Sirius sighed. So Dumbledore was another asshole who was sticking to the bloody school rules. 
“And I cannot believe we haven’t changed them yet…” Dumbledore added. 
Sirius and his friends smiled. 
“Sorry, Albus?” Slughorn asked. 
“The world had changed, Horace” Dumbledore explained “Fortunately many minorities had been accepted and been acknowledged to have rights. women, black people, queer people… I think we need to modernize the rules from this school, don’t you think?”
Slughron was speechless. In his face.
“Don’t you think so, Minerva?”
Minerva shrugged “Surely” she said “As long as they keep maintaining order and discipline in the school”
Slughron snorted, indignated.
“Unfortunately students…” Dumbledore added “I don’t have the power to change the school rules just like that…”
“Why not?” Sirius asked.
Dumbledore smiled.
“That’s a decision I have to discuss with the School Committee. The owners of this institution are not the founders anymore but the shareholders, that includes your family Mr. Sirius”. 
Yeah, The Black Family owned plenty of Hogwarts shares. That made them partially owners of the school, as well as other rich families. If it was the Blacks decision, they would never change a single rule. They were very conservative and old fashioned. Plus, Cornelius Fudge the president of the Hogwarts Committee was a corruptive dickhead. Friend of the family of course. 
Sirius must’ve made a disappointed and sad expression, because Dumbledore added:
“I promise I will insist the subject in every meeting until I am listened to” he said “There have to be members that agree with me” 
There was a minute of silence. They didn’t win. The world was still so fucking unfair. 
“In the meantime, you are allowed to wear whatever you wish around the castle and Hogwarts grounds as long as it is not class hours” Dumbledore smiled. 
But nobody was happy. 
“So… should I punish my students, Albus?” Minerva asked. 
Great, on top of that they were getting punished. 
“I don’t see why, Minerva” Dumbledore said “They were claiming a fair thing, weren’t they?”
“Okay” Minerva shrugged. 
When Dumbledore winked, Sirius smiled. He was cool after all. 
“Let’s go, Minerva. Horace, you are free to continue the class. I believe the students will not make more protests” Dumbledore continued “Whatever complain you have , the doors of my office are open” 
He started walking but then he stopped.
“And Horace, I believe you will not discriminate against any student for their social status or sexual orientation, won’t you?” Dumbledore said “Because you are an excellent teacher, vital to this school, and a personal friend of mine…”
Sirius rolled his eyes. That wanker deserved to be fired. 
“But if I receive any complaints about it, I will not hesitate to take measures. Not matter how professional you are” 
Slughron got nervous. But it seemed like he wanted to punch someone as well. 
“You know me, Albus” he said “I am not capable of such thing”
Dumbledore smiled “Thought so” he said “Good day, everyone”
“Good day, Mr. Dumbledore” the class chanted. 
As long as Dumbledore and Minerva left, Slurghorn got furious. 
“Happy, everyone?” he snapped. Nobody answered “Please, take those ridiculous accessories off…”
Sirius was furious. All of it for nothing. 
“And take a seat and open your textbooks…”
The class obeyed reluctantly.
“And Miss Mckinnon” Slughron added “I hope you don’t get a wrong idea of me in the future. All I do is comply with my job and follow the rules. I haven’t discriminated anyone as you said” 
“I hope you don’t give me reasons to believe that in the future…” Marlene answered “Sir..” she added. 
Slughron clenched his teeth.
“Take a seat, Miss Mckinnon”
Marlene took a seat. Sirius smiled and winked at Marlene. She was such a badass. He really admired her. Marlene smiled back. Which was odd because she was always bothering him, but it felt nice. 
“Hey Sirius” 
Edgar approached him after the class was done. Sirius decided he would not get uncomfortable even if Edgar looked and smiled at him in a certain way. It was just his personality. 
“Frank told me it was all your idea” Edgar raised an eyebrow.
Sirius shrugged “I was a dick to you. So I wanted to apologize”
Edgar smiled.
“I don’t want to have prejudice anymore” Sirius said “And I want to support gays”
“Oh Black” Edgar sighed “You’re not only beautiful but you are also a really good person…”
Sirius snorted.
“Even Though you make my heart race and I want to push against the wall and snog you…”
Sirius’ eyes widened. So Edgar did fancy him.
“I am not gonna flirt with you because I know you’re not gay and we would never happen” Edgar added. 
But then Sirius chuckled. 
“We can be friends”
Edgar smiled “Maybe… Although it would be hard because we have nothing in common”
Sirius shrugged.
“We can try” 
“Whatever girl that ends up with you is gonna be so lucky, Black” 
Sirius swallowed. He blushed for the compliment.
“So as the boy who ends up with you”
Edgar smiled. Then he kissed his cheek.
“Ok, gorgeous” he said “See ya later”
And he left. 
Sirius saw Mulciber and Avery sneering as they walked by but he didn’t care anymore. Assholes. 
But he did care about Remus.
“Hey Moony!” he grabbed his arm, forcing him to stay behind, as the rest of their friends walked out of the class. 
“I am proud of you, Sirius” Remus smiled “What you did was amazing, I always knew you had it in you…See? the white sheep of the Black Family”
Sirius chuckled.
“Told you! I am different. I am an Ali..” 
Remus chuckled “Ally” he corrected the pronunciation.
Remus giggled.
 “I wanted to thank you” Sirius added. 
“I wouldn't have done any of this if you hadn't made me realize I was doing wrong” Sirius explained.
Remus shrugged.
“It was nothing”
“No, It was everything” Sirius said, Then he hesitated to say the next part “Remus…I am so happy to have you in my life again…” he looked down embarrassed “You are such a good friend and you make me better…” then he looked at Remus and swallowed “Please, let’s never stop being friends again. I don’t know what I would do without you”
Remus was overwhelmed by his words. 
“I am always gonna be there for you, Sirius” he said “Always”
Remus gave Sirius a tiny smile and he walked away.
Sirius also figured whatever girl that ended up with Remus would be the luckiest girl in the world.
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jordanparker · 3 years
peter: damn, i need a partner so bad. like its been so hard to find someone to-
tony: i can be your partner 😏
tony: 🤗🥰
peter: i meant for my science class, but ok
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aro-attorneys · 3 years
it's a good day for Jekyon fans
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delintthedarkone · 4 years
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~I just see you...~
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jellicle-jemmy · 4 years
if you couldn’t tell, i’m back on my She Ra bullshit, now please, give me your finest Entrapdak content
ESPECIALLY if you have fics of S5 Chipped!Entrapta AUs please and thank you
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clarisimart · 4 years
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We all know season 5 is gonna wreck us, so here’s some fanart of happier times...
Once again thanks to @niuniente for selling me fully into these two with some cute art, and let’s hope they get at least some kind of reprive in canon
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labpartnersinlove · 5 years
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I love drawing Hordak and Entrapta, but the way I normally do it takes a while, so I might upload rough scetches of them too,
What do you guys think?
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melonminnie · 2 years
No your not ! (Isis x Fem! Reader)
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"What?" The girl stared in shock as the redhead made his announcement, walking gracefully off the stage.
"No, no, no! Isis, you're ruining my plan!" She silently cried, entering this club for nothing, only because the person she'd been chasing after entered it... only for him to leave... again!
The girl sighed and slumped against one of the walls, back to square one. "I was this close to getting to know him," she thought, her eyes wandering off.
The blonde-haired boy stared at the upset girl sitting on the floor. Even though the scene wasn't entertaining, Bion couldn't help but watch. Slowly coming back to his senses, he quickly left the auditorium.
"The plan!" the girl cried. "THE PLANNNN!" She cried again, standing up from her sitting position.
The girl was clearly upset. "How am I supposed to get Isis to notice me?" She sighed, now sitting at her desk playing with a pen.
As she thought, she got an idea. "Why haven't I thought of this before?" she questioned herself. "I could've always done it," she hummed, her lips forming a smile. The next day, she cast a disguise spell and visited what she thought was Isis's house.
The only thing distinguishable about Y/n's appearance now was her voice. It was recognizable, but Y/n knew how to pull off a fake one very well.
The girl had decided to dress up as a salesperson. "I'm sure this will work," she hummed to herself in excitement as she made her way up to the house after being let in by the guards, of course.
"Knock... knock."
After knocking twice, the girl cleared her throat, looking at the floor instead of the door. After hearing it creak open, she began her rehearsed lines that she'd been practicing all night long.
"Hello, sir!" she said in a cheery voice, bowing slightly. Now it was time for the most important part. "Would you like to buy this, sir? It's very popular among nibkes right now!" she said, smiling. Her voice sped up, not a word was held as she quickly took out a piece of paper with fake numbers with people's names on the side.
The way this communication thing worked was very easy! Every household is given a magical ball that almost works as a phone. The catch? There's only one. Only rich people like royalty can afford more than one.
The girl's eyes had never wandered to who was standing in front of her, assuming it was Isis since, well, it was his house.
"Hm?" The girl looked up when she heard her name being announced.
"Wait, this isn't Isis!" she thought, scanning the guy up and down. "This is Bion," the girl confirmed before running away from the confused blonde.
Plan 2?... Failed!
Y/n had recently been paired up with Bion, whom she had never talked to before. However, Y/n saw this as an opportunity to try and talk to Isis.
She was sitting in the quiet meeting room, finishing up her paperwork, when Bion walked in. After a brief moment of staring, they both went back to what they were doing. Bion reached for some paperwork on the counter, his back turned to Y/n before asking, "That was you, wasn't it?"
Y/n was surprised and turned her head to look at him. "Of course not!" she exclaimed.
Realizing she had given herself away, she quickly tried to deny it. "I mean, what are you talking about?" she asked, as Bion took a seat in front of her.
"You want Isis's number, don't you?" he asked.
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Tag list: @angeliquen
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runebreakerart · 5 years
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Here it is: finally some Entrapdak 🎉
Maybe i'm gonna color this digitally later, since i suck at coloring i don't wanna ruin the original.. but i don't know when i have time for that so i thought i'll already post the lineart for you to enjoy :)
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nemesbarna · 4 years
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screenshots from IPOLY my BA graduate project
it was a team effort with @raveviking and Heppes Áron.
Read more below 
gameplay video
level building timelapse video
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captainchickenlady · 4 years
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Really enjoyed working a bit on the background for a chance. . . . . #digitalart #characterdesign #myoc #face #cintiq #color #femalecharacter #clothes #outfits #hairstyle #wlw #pride #background #labpartners #chemistry https://www.instagram.com/p/CBgfiRKjlVS/?igshid=1c95jixiq3d8c
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Thank goodness my lab partner is intelligent because clearly I am not
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