#☾ ANSWERED ✧ ┊ out of character. ☽
wickdcreatures · 2 years
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@serpentsexile​ spoke:       “Don’t look at me, I don’t have it, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” (For Salem!)             ✩           howl’s moving castle roleplay prompts
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           𝐀 𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐲, inside depicting stories and religious text he had never seen before — although this, in and of itself, was nothing terribly new. Such is the life of a witch shop’s store manager — books on the religions of fray groups or maybe even long dead religions only now coming to the surface. It piqued Salem’s interest right away — called to him, maybe — and instead of putting it up for sale with the others he bought it for himself.
That night was spent preparing; gathering the offerings, cleaning his apartment to prepare his ritual space, feeding Tuna Fish the cat before closing her off in his bedroom for safe keeping.     ( Ordinarily, she might get rather mad, but once that little blue heating pad at the end of his bed is turned on it’s game over — she melts like butter and will stay for hours. )
Now this is where things gets out of hand; Salem had fully expected that this ritual he found tucked between the pages of this tome was just one to open a dialogue between him and the deity, but what he discovered upon performing the ritual was not at all something he was expecting… A summoning. Left spent, panting, a crumpled man at the foot of a God, Salem stares in a mixture of horror and intrigue. A hand carved snake statue is plucked from the altar. Salem struggles to find the words to speak.
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         “ I mean… You can have it if you wanna, man. All for you. Go for it. I… Did NOT mean to summon you like… Did I… Did I read the ritual wrong? Oh my god — GOSH? Oh my gosh, I’m sorry. I… I have offerings… though… Absinthe and dark chocolate… ”
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hcmxra · 1 year
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@akcboshi: “ caught “ - Nikko and Kenji
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Rarely did he ever push the body to its limit.
But he had to. Zenitsu was in danger. Nikko was in danger. If Kenji didn't do something, who knows what would have happened.
With the last of the large demon fading away, his shaky form stood stiff- slowly sheathing his sword away even as he struggled to take in air. There was no doubt in his mind hearing the way each breath sounded- several ribs were fractured at best. The gash in his side was still bleeding. Quite a lot, actually- how much blood has he lost?
Yet the ringing in his ears was making it hard to hear anything beyond the body. Footsteps? Yelling? Was there still a demon? No, he couldn't hear any more malicious noises, he's pretty sure.
Muddy golden eyes crack open, just to be sure. His vision blurred and faltered- he could just barely make out the shape of Nikko coming his way.
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"..Ni.... ko...."
Taking a step forward to try to meet them at least part way, his leg gave out from under him. Before he knew it, familiar arms were quickly wrapped around him to instead lift him up, causing only a light wince. He could hear the fear coursing through their body- and they couldn't blame them, truly. It was still so hard to breathe, each one punctuated with a strained wheeze.
Yet even still, he looked up at them; a rarity for the protector but a must if he's to make sure Nikko's unharmed.
"Are... A-are you.... ok-- okay..?"
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suupaamomohime · 1 year
tag dump i
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serpentandlily · 11 months
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Arcane - Azriel x Reader
Azriel x DeathGod!Reader
Summary: Azriel never thought he’d find his mate, was convinced the Mother hadn’t even given him one because he was unworthy. That is, until he stumbles upon his mate while looking for the most unusual ally.
Based on this request.
Warnings: very brief illusion to past SA
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“We’ve exhausted all our options,” Rhys declared, dropping his head into his hands. “I’m afraid another war is on the horizon. Koschei cannot be dealt with alone.”
“I don’t understand. The weaver and the bone carver were able to be killed,” Cassian interjected. “Why is it impossible for us to find a way to kill Koschei?”
“It took the might of the cauldron to defeat them,” Rhys explained.
“Well, then let’s ask Miriam and Drakon if we can use the cauldron,” Cassian replied, giving the obvious answer.
“It would be no use,” Feyre sighed. “I destroyed the book. We’d have no idea how to cast the spell the King of Hybern used that day. And we risk Koschei, himself, getting his hands on the cauldron.”
“There’s got to be another way,” Mor chimed in. “Something, someone, that could be as powerful as the sorcerer himself. He wasn’t the only God that found their way to Prythian.”
“Most of them are locked up in the Prison,” Rhys said. “And the Prison would not allow us to free any of them even if we wanted to.”
“Az, how has your search for Bryaxis been going?” Feyre asked.
“Not good,” Azriel answered honestly. “It’s like that thing disappeared from Prythian entirely.”
The room was silent for a moment until Amren sat up straight. “Wait, there is someone we could go to for help. As a last resort.”
Rhys lifted his head, staring at her with a heavy resolve. “No, absolutely not. It is too dangerous.”
“You said it yourself, we’re out of options!”
“What are you two talking about?” Feyre asked, looking between them.
Rhys let out a long breath. “Bryaxis…had a sibling. If you could even call her that. Someone who also came from wherever he slipped through from.”
“And why haven’t you mentioned this before?” Mor asked with a glare, crossing her arms.
“Because,” Rhys started. “Like I said, it’s too dangerous to get into contact with her. She’s…well, to be honest, no one really knows much about her. She keeps herself in a dark cave somewhere in the middle. Likes the darkness as much as Bryaxis does.”
“If no one knows much about her, then how do you know she’s dangerous?” Feyre asked. “Everyone was scared of Bryaxis until I went down there and was helped by it.”
“I’ve been told stories of her from my father,” Rhys explained. “How in the past, long before any of us were born, she could cause the fall of entire armies. Could level any court into rubble and dust.”
“And if that’s true, then doesn’t it speak to her character that she hasn’t done any of that? Maybe she is good of heart,” Mor suggested.
“We’re out of options, Rhys,” Amren said. “She might be our last hope.”
“Fine,” Rhys sighed. “I guess we better get ready for a trip to the middle.”
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“Alright, maybe this was a bad idea.”
Azriel glanced at Cassian to see him frowning as they stood in front of the dark cave. It was just him, Cass and Rhys who had come here to try and find this creature to ask for help. But it seemed Cassian was already losing his nerve.
“I tried to tell you,” Rhys muttered under his breath. “Azriel, can you scout ahead with your shadows?”
As soon as those words left Rhysand’s mouth, Azriel’s shadows darted ahead, trailing into the cave in a flurry. Azriel’s eyes widened as he was left standing completely bare, exposed. Not a single shadow had stayed with him, which was unusual. He tried to brush it off, tried to hide how uncomfortable he felt without them.
They waited expectantly but his shadows never returned. Azriel’s brows furrowed in confusion.
“I can’t call them back,” he said to his two brothers watching him. “They aren’t listening to me.”
“That’s…unusual,” Rhysand said, stroking his jaw.
Nothing more was said as the darkness in the cave seemed to grow and grow, almost extending out towards them despite the sun overhead.
“Who are you?”
The feminine voice was sensual yet sweet, playful almost. Nothing like he had been expecting. It struck something inside of Azriel, making his chest ache. Rhysand stood up straight, switching from brother to the High Lord in a mere second.
“I am Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court,” Rhys answered, plucking a piece of lint from his coat. “If my sources are right, I believe you are y/n, sister of Bryaxis.”
“That I am,” the voice answered. “Why are you here? No one ever dares come here.”
Those words might’ve seemed like a threat, but her tone was light, curious.
“We’ve come to beg a boon,” Rhysand answered honestly. “There is another Death God who threatens war. We have been unable to stop his efforts.”
“Nobody has ever asked for my help before,” the voice said back in that same curious tone. “And what of Bryaxis. Will they help as well?”
“Bryaxis…Bryaxis was freed by my High Lady. We have been unable to find them.”
A step in the darkness. Another. Light footsteps came closer and closer to the edge of the cave. Azriel’s heart rate picked up, his hand falling to truth-teller. Cassian’s face was white and he looked ready to flee.
“You are afraid.”
It was not a question. Just a statement. But Rhysand answered it like it was.
“Bryaxis is made of nightmares,” he explained. “Something so terrifying to us. Perhaps you do not see it the same way but I imagine you are much the same and that is why we are…nervous.”
A laugh. A light, lilting laugh. Something sparked in Azriel’s chest.
“Me and Bryaxis are not made of the same thing, but opposite. A balance for our world,” the voice said. “Bryaxis is made of nightmares but I am made of dreams.
“Then why do you hide in the shadows?” The question came out of Azriel’s mouth before he even realized he was speaking. He could see his own shadows now, twirling in the darkness as if they were home.
“When we were captured, Bryaxis caused them fear so they were locked below the earth.” Her voice was sadder now, more serious and Azriel found himself hating that. “But I-I caused them…something different than fear. So they kept me locked in their bed chambers for decades, centuries, until I was able to escape. But then I learned those that did not desire me, feared me instead for the same reason. I was either caged or hunted. That is why I hide here.”
A shiver ran down Azriel’s spine. His face hardened at what she was implying. The fae who had captured the two Gods had locked one beneath the library and had used the other for…He felt sick to his stomach.
“If you are to help us,” Rhysand spoke, “I can promise you that we have no intention of keeping you locked up at all.”
“I do not trust the fae. Bind your words to magic and perhaps I will help you in return.”
“What is it that you want from us?”
It was silent for a moment, as if she were pondering.
“A place to stay. A place to live. Somewhere safe from being hunted or kept as a prisoner. A chance to live in this world, outside of this cave. To get to experience all that you do. That is what I wish for.”
Azriel knew that wish. Knew it all too well. For it was one he had for years while being locked in his father’s dungeon. So maybe that is why he found himself stepping closer to the cave, found himself unafraid of the darkness that had captured his own shadows.
Maybe that was why those words slipped out of his mouth before he could think of the repercussions, before he could be held back by one of his brothers.
“I will promise you that, y/n. I will promise you the opportunity to experience life outside of this cage, outside of the darkness.”
He could feel the heavy stares from his brothers on his back but he didn’t turn around, didn’t look anywhere but that darkness, even though he felt so exposed without his shadows.
Another footstep.
And another.
Until a figure began to emerge from the darkness, finally stepping into the light.
Azriel’s breathed hitched, his eyes widening in surprise. He wasn’t sure what he had been expecting, but it hadn’t been this.
Because before him now stood the most beautiful female he had ever seen. The type of beauty only a Goddess could possess. The type of beauty that had his head spinning, had his heart palpitating in his chest.
She smiled and he felt the whole world pause in that moment. It was a sight that would bring any male to his knees. A sight that could start wars.
She held out a small, delicate hand.
“Then I will help you, shadowsinger,” she said.
He mindlessly took her hand in his, shaking it as the sting of magic burned on both of their skin forming a bargain tattoo on the inner wrist. He looked down at it to see what the magic had created out of their promise to each other.
Swirls of shadows with a small lunar moth emerging at the end. A creature that sought light, finally leaving the darkness.
When he met her eyes again, those beautiful expressive eyes, he stumbled back a step. Stumbled as a golden thread unwound itself in his chest and pierced straight through the universe to the female standing before him.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
The battle lasted thirty-seven days. Koschei was defeated, the females he had spelled were freed. Beron had been exposed for helping him and was killed by Eris finally, bringing a new leader to Autumn.
And things were finally at peace.
“What are these again?”
Your index finger poked at the spongy thing on your plate. It smelled sweet, good. And it was warm to the touch. You glanced up to see the shadowsinger watching you, amused.
“Those are pancakes,” Azriel answered with a chuckle.
“Pancakes,” you repeated, slowly, testing the word on your tongue. “I thought cakes were desserts. Not breakfast.”
“They are a bit different from cake. Made in a pan instead of baked in the oven, hence the name,” Azriel explained.
You hummed in response, taking a bite out of one of the pancakes. “Hm, just as sweet as cake.”
“I might’ve added a bit more sugar than normal to them,” Azriel said, rubbing the back of his neck. “To satisfy that raging sweet tooth of yours.”
Your cheeks heated, that ticklish feeling in your stomach came again. A feeling you had never felt before this month and still had yet to make sense of. It made something in your chest ache when you looked at Azriel.
“You made these?”
Azriel nodded. “Someone slept through breakfast with the others.”
Your cheeks turned even redder.
“You should’ve woken me up,” you muttered before stuffing more bits of pancake into your mouth.
“You deserve to rest, y/n.” Azriel was still watching you with that little glint in his eyes. “After everything, you deserve to rest.”
Since coming to Velaris to help with Koschei, Azriel had been the one to show you around, to help you learn the customs of the fae. He had so much patience for you and your endless amounts of questions.
The others had helped you as well, had welcomed you into their home with open arms, but there was just something special about Azriel. You felt some sort of pull towards him. As if the darkness inside of you called to his.
He was beautiful, more than any God or male you’d ever seen before. And beneath his icy exterior, he was sweet and kind. Thoughtful. Witty.
You enjoyed being with the others but you preferred times like this, when it was just the two of you. He was less shy, more at ease, when it was just you. And something about that made you happy.
Seeing him smile, even when it was just the faintest expression, brought you joy like you’ve never felt before.
And Gods, he brought out so many emotions you had not felt in a very long time, some you hadn’t even known you could feel. You had begun to crave his presence. Desire it. You wondered if he felt the same.
“Did you still want to come with me to the city today?”
Azriel’s voice pulled you from your thoughts. That’s right, Azriel had cryptically told you he needed to pick something up from Velaris today. When you had asked him what he was getting, he had refused to answer.
“Yes, I would like to.”
“We’ll leave as soon as you’re ready.”
An hour later, you found yourself in Azriel’s arms, flying down to the city. Your heart was pounding in your chest at how closely he held you, like he was afraid you’d suddenly fall from his arms. You kept your own arms around his neck, playing with the ends of his hair.
You still remembered the few hours after the last battle. The showdown with Koschei had left you depleted, covered in wounds, but otherwise okay. Still, Azriel had burst into your tent with panicked eyes and only seemed to be calmed when you had let him tend to you like a mother hen.
You didn’t know what to make of his behavior. But you did know that being in his arms made you feel safe.
“Can we get more of those honey mooncakes on the way back?” you asked, trying to distract yourself from the ticklish feeling in your stomach again.
Azriel laughed, his chest rumbling against your body as he tightened his grip on you. “That sweet tooth of yours really is insatiable.”
“I didn’t get to finish mine from last time,” you said in defense for yourself. “Cassian got to them before me!”
“Well, next time tell Cassian to go get his own,” Azriel said. His breath ghosted against the tip of your ear, causing a trail of goosebumps on your skin. “I buy them for you, not him.”
Once again, you found yourself with red cheeks and a swelling heart. Ever since he had discovered your sweet tooth, Azriel had a habit of leaving sweet treats out for you. At first, he found it hilarious that a Death Goddess craved pastries of all things. But now he found it just downright adorable.
When the two of you returned to the House of Wind, you found Feyre and Mor waiting for you. You barely got out a small goodbye to Azriel before they were pulling you away, telling you it was time to start getting ready for the night.
Tonight was Starfall. Something you hadn’t seen in centuries. The girls helped you get ready as day turned to dusk and finally night.
“Come on, we’re going to be late,” Mor giggled, leading all of you out of the room and up to the main balcony. You could already hear the crowd and the music.
You felt nervous as you reached the top, your eyes instantly darting around to find that one person you were always looking for these days.
Azriel stood with Rhysand and Cassian, dressed in all black, finely tailored pants and a matching coat. He looked handsome, yet still beautifully lethal. The darkness and light bounced off the elegant planes of his face, causing his hazel eyes to glow golden.
When he caught sight of you, those eyes widened and you felt them roam your entire body. You’d always hated being looked at in such a way, but not with Azriel. Never with him.
In fact, you found yourself getting heated under his stare.
Rhysand and Cassian moved to their respective mates, leaving you to greet Azriel alone. He took your hand in his, pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles.
“You are stunning,” he whispered. “Absolutely stunning. Happy Starfall.”
You blushed. “Thank you.”
Azriel gave you a rare smile that had your heart pounding. You peered at the crowd, watching the faeries enjoying their evening. Azriel stood with you, his fingers brushing against yours in a comforting gesture. He knew you weren’t the biggest fan of crowds, not when your presence was met with so many stares of both fear and desire.
“What are they doing?” You looked at the crowd of faeries that seemed to all be paired off, moving to the music from the band.
Azriel’s lips twitched, like they always did when you asked him a question like this. “They’re dancing.”
“Dancing,” you repeated. The word sounded familiar, like something you had known in a past life. You had spent so many years in that cave, you had turned into a mere shadow of who you used to be.
“Would you like to dance?”
Azriel had turned to look down at you, running a hand through his hair. His shadows curled around his wings.
“I don’t think I know how,” you whispered.
He held out his hand to you. “That’s alright. You can follow me lead.”
You bit your lip but decided to take his hand. He had promised you a chance of experiencing the world as it should be. He hadn’t led you astray yet.
He pulled you to the dance floor and you mimicked the other pairs, keeping one hand in his and placing the other on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around your waist, yanking you closer to him.
The music started up again and Azriel began to lead you through the dance. It was easier than you thought it would be or perhaps he was just a good lead. Still, it wasn’t long before you were smiling and being twirled around in his arms.
You danced like that for a while, basking in the feeling. The soft music, the laughter, the gentle faelights above you. You had never felt so alive. And it was all thanks to the male who held you in his arms.
A slower song came on, some pairs leaving the dance floor. You looked around in question until you realized the pairs who had remained held a more intimate position. You copied them, placing your arms around Azriel’s neck.
Both of his arms wrapped around you now, resting on your lower back.
“Is this okay?” He leaned down to whisper in your ear.
You nodded, letting him drag you even closer until your bodies were pressed together. The dress you were wearing was thin and you could feel all of him through it. His hard chest, his sculpted muscles.
Azriel swallowed audibly, swaying you gently to the music. You laid your head on his chest, letting him rest his chin on top of your head. Every inch of you that touched him was on fire.
You closed your eyes for a moment, just letting yourself feel this, embrace it. You’d never felt like this before. So warm and light. It felt like it was just you and him that existed.
That is until you opened your eyes. You suddenly felt overwhelmed as you noticed lingering stares. A lot of them. You felt uncomfortable under the weight of them.
“What’s wrong?”
Azriel had some sort of sixth sense when it came to you. He always seemed to know what you were feeling before you said anything.
“Everyone’s looking at me,” you muttered under your breath, staring up at him.
He raised his head, looking around with narrowed eyes. That caused most of them to look away, not wanting to risk the shadowsinger’s wrath.
“Come on,” Azriel whispered. “I know somewhere we can go that’s more private.”
He enveloped you in his shadows until you were stepping out of the darkness and into a rounded alcove somewhere else on the balcony. Vines dangled down from the roof, trailing down the pillars holding it up.
You stepped forward, placing your hands against the stone railing. You could see the crowd below, the one you had just been in. Still hear the music and still see the night sky. You turned to face Azriel.
“Thank you,” you said. “I-I just hate it when they stare. Like I’m some weird creature.”
Azriel stalked forward until he was right in front of you, so close you had to tilt your head up to look him in the eyes.
“They don’t stare at you because they think you’re weird,” Azriel replied. “They stare at you because you are beautiful.”
His hand rose and brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. Your heart skipped a beat. Your mouth parted to say something but a roar of cheers cut you off. You whirled around to see thousands and thousands of stars beginning to soar through the sky.
Your mouth dropped open. It was more beautiful than you remembered. The stars kept falling and falling, like cascading fireworks. So bright and breathtaking. You couldn’t stop the small laugh that escaped your mouth, standing on your tippy toes to lean over the balcony as if you’d be able to reach the stars.
An arm circled your waist and Azriel’s front was pressed against your back as he held onto you.
“Careful,” he whispered in your ear, scared you were going to tip right over the edge and fall down the steep mountain.
“So beautiful,” you murmured, staring up at the stars. “Oh, it’s so much better than I remembered it from all those years ago.”
“It never stops amazing me,” Azriel said. “No matter how many times I watch it.”
You both watched in silence for a little longer, letting the music and laughter and cheers fill the space. Eventually, you turned in his arms, now pressed against the railing.
“Thank you,” you said again, “for bringing me here.”
“Anything for you,” Azriel whispered, raising a hand to rest on your cheek. His eyes were filled with a reverence that stole your breath away.
A brush of magic zipped by in the air and you gasped, raising up your wrist. The tattoo was gone. The bargain had been fulfilled. You had defeated Koschei and Azriel had given you the opportunity to live a life more than you had dreamed. That chance at life was in your hands now.
“The tattoo is gone,” you said, grasping his arm and pulling back his sleeve.
Your eyes widened to see his tattoo still there. The lunar moth emerging from the swirls of shadow.
“I got it tattooed,” Azriel cut in. “Permanently.”
You glanced up at him in question. “Why?”
“Because I always want a reminder of what I promised you,” he said, his thumb stroking your cheek. “What I still promise you, y/n. A life worth living. I want to continue showing you the world, to be there when you experience new things.”
You were speechless. Completely, utterly speechless.
No one had ever shown such devotion to you, such care and love. Your heart swelled up, your chest ached.
“Azriel,” you stuttered out. “I-I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything,” he replied. “I was trapped in the darkness once too. I know what that’s like and I never want you to fall back into it. I don’t need anything from you, just the chance to be there with you while you learn, while you feel.”
Something was building inside of you, building and building until it was ready to break out. You rubbed at your chest, at the unusual feeling.
“I feel this…I feel this thing inside,” You said, gesturing to your chest. “Do you know what this is? Do you know why I feel this way?”
Azriel grabbed your hand and placed it on his chest, in the exact same spot yours ached.
“It is the mating bond,” Azriel answered, softly. “I feel it too. Right here. I have since the day I met you.”
His shadows swirled around like they had been waiting for this. You felt your own darkness rise in response until the two had joined together, watching together from the dark crevices.
“A mating bond,” you repeated.
Something snapped the moment you said it out loud. As if a question you had been asking your whole life had finally been answered. A gold thread was woven between the two of you, a beacon of light in the darkness. A place for that moth to call home.
You gasped looking back up at Azriel. Now that you recognized the bond, it grew more taut. You stumbled closer to him, fisting his coat in your hands.
“A mate,” you whispered. “You're my mate. I..I didn’t even know Gods could have mates.”
“Say it again.” Azriel’s voice was as dark as the shadows. A shiver ran down your spine.
“Say it. Say that I’m your mate again.”
“You’re my mate,” you whispered, looking up at him through your lashes. “My mate.”
A quiet whine came from the back of Azriel’s throat that sent heat between your legs. Your eyes widened. A muscle in his jaw clenched. The air around you was charged and you felt like you had been set on fire.
“And you are mine,” Azriel growled. “My mate.”
His possessive tone only made that heat grow. Your lips parted, a small breath leaving your lungs. His eyes glanced down to your lips, hungrily. You gave him the smallest dip of the head, the permission he was waiting for.
Azriel surged forward and crashed his lips against yours. You stumbled, your backside hitting the stone railing behind you. You met his vigor with your own.
His lips were soft and warm. And his kiss felt like heaven and hell all mixed in one.
He groaned as you deepened the kiss, tilting your head back to give him more access. You yanked him closer, wanting to feel him everywhere. You never craved someone as much as you craved him.
His tongue swiped your bottom lip and you opened for him, letting him claim your mouth. His scent was intoxicating, he tasted like pure sin. You could drown yourself in him.
Your hands trailed up from his chest to circle around his neck. His own hands were holding you by the waist, pulling your hips into his. They traveled down your thighs until he was lifting you up, seating you on the stone railing, never pulled away from your kiss.
You parted your legs, letting Azriel step even closer as he finally pulled away, trailing kisses down your jaw to your neck. You whimpered at the feeling of his canines grazing the sensitive skin.
His nose traced the column of your throat before he rested his forehead against yours. You were both panting, both completely lost within each other.
“Wait,” Azriel breathed out, squeezing his eyes shut for a second. “I got you something. I don’t want to forget to give it to you.”
Because he would. He would forget his own name as long as the sweet scent of your arousal filled the air. Would forget the whole world existed if you kept staring at him like you were.
He pulled a small black box from his pocket, handing it over to you.
You opened it, gasping at the beautiful ring displayed inside. It was made of gold with a mesmerizing amethyst gem in the shape of a teardrop, accentuated by crescent moons on both sides and tiny stars.
“Azriel,” you breathed out. “This is beautiful.”
A small smile ghosted his lips.
“May I?”
You held out your hand and he pulled the ring out of the box before sliding it onto your ring finger. It was the perfect fit. You admired it, twisting it under the faelights to see the gem glow.
“It’s perfect,” you sighed.
“I had it made just for you,” Azriel said. “It’s what I had to pick up in the city today.”
“I-I really don’t know what to say, Azriel.”
Azriel rested his forehead against yours. “Just say it again. Tell me you feel this too. I’ve been searching for you for over five hundred years now and I just need to hear you say it. Again and again. Until I can wrap my head around it. Until I realize I’m not dreaming.”
You smiled, lifting up to press a small kiss against his lips. Your heart fluttered in your chest at his words, at the realization of why exactly the bargain had been fulfilled. You had asked for someplace to be safe, for a home, a chance to live. Azriel was giving you all of that and more.
“You are my mate. And I am yours,” you murmured against his lips. You pulled back to look him in the eyes. “All I’ve ever wanted was to find somewhere to call home. Being with you, being in your arms—that feels like home to me, Azriel. The one I’ve been looking for my whole life.”
Azriel’s eyes searched yours, as if he was trying to find the lie in your words. But there was none. Of course there was none. You were falling in love with him.
“Does this mean you want it?”
“It means I want you. I want all of you, everything.”
Azriel smiled and the sight nearly blew you away. You giggled as he held you close to him, buried his face in the crook of your neck. He kissed your throat once, twice.
“Then I think we’re due for a long vacation,” he murmured against your skin.
You knew what he was referring to. The frenzy that would come with this. Just that thought alone caused a tantalizing ache between your thighs.
“I think so too,” you whispered back as Azriel pressed kisses up your neck and jaw.
He held your face in his hands, his thumbs brushing against your skin as he stared into your eyes. His gaze was filled with so much promise, so much love. And then he kissed you again and everything felt right in the world. You were home.
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totaly-obsessed · 1 year
Work-Life Balance
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Georgia Stanway x reader fic
-> Reader is very much overworked, Georgia tries to convince her that it doesn't need to be that way
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•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Georgia was not a fan of early training sessions, coming home at 2 in the afternoon just felt wrong, so it was safe to say, that she was especially happy when the session was pushed to later in the day.
It gave her the possibility to spend her morning with you, her girlfriend. And usually, the Brit was happy about that, but today was not one of them – The day started completely wrong. 
She was alone. Sure, the two of you did not live together but you usually stayed at her place, and you had been there when going to bed last night. In her kitchen she found breakfast already made, a little note attached to it ‘picked up an early shift. See you tonight! -ly!’.
This was not how Georgia wanted to start her day. 
Everybody at training noticed how off the usually bright and cheerful character was, especially Lina. “Hey, what’s up with you? Did your Wifey break up with you?” The German tried to lighten the mood, but seeing her friend's deep frown, she realized something was wrong. 
With a defeated sigh Georgia continued packing her bag while avoiding eye contact. “She picked up another early shift.” 
Lina’s head snapped over, knowing about your working history and all you did “Again?” The brunette continued to stare at her football boots, “Yeah, and after that she has to study all night.” 
To be able to study at university and be able to afford an apartment was quite the feat, especially with no help from your family, so you worked two jobs, as a cashier in the early mornings or incredibly late evenings as well as at an elementary school in the afternoon. There you helped the kids whose parents worked later with their homework and played with them. Added on top of that were Lessons in University, homework and studying.
You had been doing both jobs just fine for a while, but upon meeting Georgia at your internship at Bayern, which was already stressing you out, more things were added to your calendar. Obviously, you wanted to be with the Brit but it was hard with the life you were living. 
“I will see her tonight, if she comes to my place.” Lina's heart hurt a little seeing her friend so done with life. 
“She really needs to give up that supermarket job.” Everyone knew that you hated working there, being yelled at by rude customers before ten in the morning was a blow to the day. But in your mind, having grown up with money insecurities, you needed to make as much money as possible, and this was an easy way to do so while being in Uni. 
“Yeah, but if she quits, she can’t stay in her apartment. She is at my place all the time anyways but she will feel like a burden and she is scared of being dependent on me.” Georgia knew how your mind worked, even if she wasn’t happy with it. You moving in with her, was something she currently wished for with incredible fervor. 
“She won’t be dependent on you though, she’ll still earn money. And when she’s got her degree, she can just start at Bayern, they already have a contract up for her.” Just like that the Brit had a new Goal in mind, and this one wasn’t on a football pitch. 
Upon returning to her apartment, she almost missed your presence, if she hadn’t fallen over your shoes in the hallway. “Babe?” 
No answer. 
The apartment wasn’t big enough that you couldn’t have heard her, so where were you? The brunette didn’t have to look all that hard – a sock-clad foot could be seen peaking out from in front of the couch. “Baby?” 
She still didn’t receive an answer and she quickly saw why – your study materials were distributed on her fluffy carpet with you asleep on your stomach on top of it all, face first into a book. With a chuckle Georgia picked up your materials, sorting them just how you liked it, the only thing missing was the book that was cushioning your face.  
Even though the midfielder titled herself as “heavy-handed” she was ever so gentle with you, coaxing you out of your uncomfortable sleep, slowly but surely. 
Just a few minutes later you were sat on the couch instead of in front of it, your girlfriend feeding you biscuit after biscuit. 
“There you are, baby! Welcome back.” Your blurry eyes finally found her cute face. 
“Need to study Gee.” As softly as the Brit could, she grabbed your hands and held them in her lap, as you tried to reach for your folders and notes. “Not right now Baby. We need to talk.” 
Your tired mind went from zero to a hundred real quick. Wide eyes staring deep into Georgia’s. “Not like that baby. We need to talk about your work-life balance.” 
You couldn’t help laughing. The only thing you kept thinking about were those IKEA ‘work–life–sleep’ advertisements that were all over Germany just a couple of years ago. “I’m serious.” 
She was. The usually goofy grin on her face was gone, instead, she was quite expressionless. With a deep sigh, now knowing that she had your attention the midfielder started to explain her view. 
“I think you should quit your second job and move in with me…” With a warm hand, she shushed you before you could even make a noise. “Just hear me out, okay?” 
A small kiss was pressed to the corner of your mouth – the brunette hoping to convey, that she wasn’t mad or anything, that she just wanted the best for you. “Okay, your apartment is just a waste of money, you are here most of the time. We can put your desk and work things into my spare room, so while I work out you can keep me company while you work.” 
You did that anyway, but usually, you just dragged a chair into the nearly empty room, trying to balance your books on your legs. “And then all my stolen hoodies are back in the closet, and you can just pick whichever one you want. We can cuddle every evening, and we can cook together. And we can-“ 
Now it was you who shushed Georgia with a soft kiss on her lips. The Brit could feel your smile, making her stop her rambling. “Alright – Sold! What else?” 
The Bayern player was thankful that you listened to her. “Quit your job. You don’t need the money when you live here, and when you are done with Uni, you can work at Bayern.” 
The silence in the room was heavy. Georgia could see your brain working overtime. “Fine. I’ll quit the hob at the supermarket, but I’ll continue working with the kids! I will not live here for free, I will contribute to the rent.” 
The midfielder would never let you pay rent, but you didn’t need to know that, at least not now. “So we have a deal?” 
Back was the goofy grin as the brunette stared at your extended hand, which she grabbed just to pull you closer and press a giggly kiss on your lips – “Deal.”
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
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liked by linamagull and 44.330 others
stanwaygeorgia: New roomie is kinda invading my personal space. Not sure if I like it...
buehlklara: 'not sure if I like it' - Sure...
-> leahwilliamsonn: I am not convinced
user01481: I need that sweater!
-> y/n: kindly lent to me by @stanwaygeorgia
linamagull: 'roomie' huh? So you did it?
user27231: Who even is that?
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crow-raven-crow · 1 year
i would LOVE something like enemies to loversss
between you’re preferred gwendoline character x reader
maybe hate sex
𝐈'𝐝 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐌𝐲𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟..
𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 - [𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝟏𝟖+]
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𝐋𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐱 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐟!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: ~3.1k 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬/𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: NSFW, shifted cock, degradation kink, praise kink, desk sex, mommy kink, choking, fingering, dom!Larissa, sub!Reader, slight breeding kink
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: see above
AO3 link in title
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You sat towards the side of the room closest to the window, the hot sun rays shining through the glass and casting a comfortable warmth over you. Your pen moved between your fingers, sometimes stopping to take notes or to rest on your lips while you thought about what was said, sometimes never leaving the paper as you covered the blank pages with ink as your art filled each one.
The latter seemed to be the only thing helping you get through this meeting..
Her voice, strong, powerful, demanding, rang through the room as the all familiar pointer darted from board to board when she connected them with each of her main points. Everyone else was paying attention, or at least seemed to be, but you had long gone ditched the effort after she threw you another question.
When you took a moment to look around at your coworkers, you saw them all taking down the notes that were written down time and time again or looking up to the front as the tall blonde spoke about issues or upcoming events. They were all so loyal, so easily manipulated, that it pained you to acknowledge the sight, so you turned the next page and replayed your actions from the start.
Larissa seemed to notice this, to see how you had gone through pages of no sustenance, of no quality as you filled them with art instead of everything important that she had been saying for the past hour - it made a growl threaten to come out as it got stuck in her throat.
"Professor L/N…" Her voice rang out with your name for the second time that day as the meeting was near its end, "Care to explain what I had just spoken of?"
At the sound of your name, your head turned up slowly, the disinterest in your eyes apparent as you met hers. You were waiting for when she would call upon you again, and a sly smirk graced your features at the opportunity to call her suspicions of your inattention wrong.
"Outreach Day," you said as you looked around for the attention of your coworkers, before turning back and meeting a growing fire behind sapphire eyes, "is a day for normies and outcasts to work together and show that there is not that big of a difference between the two. We are all people in one way or another, and the day is one to improve relations between the two parties."
She took her bottom lip between her teeth, and the sight made your breathing still. As one of her eyebrows quirked upwards, you reveled in the knowledge that she was satisfied with your answer, and she was wrong about your actions. Before she was about to speak again, you decided to push it a step forward, not knowing exactly how much she thought you had taken in.
"It's next week - Friday, to be exact. We're gathering after 2nd period, and lunch is to be spent in Jericho. We hand each student their designated location then head out to the front of the school to load the busses. If all goes well, we'll all be back before 7pm."
You could feel everyone's eyes darting between the two of you. These moments weren't rare, especially in meetings, but they never failed to build an unbreathable, restricting tension within whatever room you two currently occupied.
"Thank you, Miss L/N.." She spoke through a smile as she turned back to the board beside her. There was a hint of something else there, something you couldn't quite put your finger on, but it made your heart race; the lightness found within her voice something new and awfully contrasting what you normally received. "Nice to see someone being so attentive to my words.. That is everything for today. If you all have any questions, don't be afraid to speak to me or send me an email."
The room filled with small chatter and light shuffles as every professor began collecting their things. It always made you chuckle, since it was so similar to the way your students left for class: hurried, more relaxed, filled with a bit more excitement.
When you stood from your chair, you pulled your bag onto your shoulder as you took another look outside. Though, it was as if your peace was always interrupted by her, as you heard her call for your attention.
"L/n, I'd like to see you in my office." You were just about to leave, but your name with her voice attached to it made you stop all movement and turn around. You watched as she collected her own items, the lack of honorific making you frown.
"Okay.. I'm just going to drop my things in my classroom and-"
She walked past you as she spoke, only looking at your for a sliver of a second before she stopped by the door. A crease between her brows formed, and her back straightened when you met her side so she could tower over you.
"Immediately." There was no waver in her tone, no room for you to respond as the space next to you had quickly become empty. You never understood how it became like this.
But, alas, you listened anyway.
You caught the door just after she slipped in, making note of how little she currently thought of your presence, before making way into her office. The room never failed to interest you - the mirrors on the ceiling, the beautiful fireplace, the golden light from the chandeliers, the grand window all being built to utter perfection.
You found it a shame to never be in here with something good laying ahead.
You placed your bag by the door, before turning to face the blonde. She was half way into the room, ready to make home at her familiar desk and spend the next several hours clearing her inbox, as you stayed near the grand entryway. You watched as she placed her laptop onto the middle of her desk, before turning around to face you.
She noticed the distance you kept and considered finding joy in making you come closer, but the way you fiddled with your thumbs, the way your gaze shot around the room told her that you didn't quite know why you were in here this time. Though she found it adorable, she used the thought to make your situation worse.
She rested an arm against the back of one of the chairs in front of her desk, before her voice echoed into the space. "Do you have a clue as to why I've pulled you in here?"
Her gaze burned over your body, moving from your face down to your feet and back up again. The way she took in your form so intensely made you squirm ever so slightly, but it was something that didn't go unnoticed by the blonde. A smile slowly rose to her face as silence continued to fill the room, finding joy in the difference between you in the meeting and you now alone with her. She loved playing this little game with you, loved toying with you in ways she thought she would never bring to light.
"No, Ms.Weems.." Your eyes met hers as you spoke, and you were unprepared for the challenging look she thew your way. You allowed yourself to take her in with all her power, the way her dress draped over her curves perfectly, the way her hair didn't have an imperfect curl, how her hands moved when she spoke, how her tongue came out to wet her lips after each sentence-
She looked at you expectantly, one of her hands coming to rest on her hip as her head tilted to the side ever so slightly. In your moment of rare admiration, you had missed everything she had said.
"I apologize, but I've seemed to miss what you had said. Could you-"
“I’d hate to repeat myself, Professor L/N.” She glared at you, her professional mask near slipping as she stood her ground.
You hated feeling so small, hated the way she constantly made you feel, maybe even hated her.. She always expected from you, always challenged you in ways that made your blood boil, her tone and constant annoyance with you making a lightness settle in your arms, clouding you over with anger.
You finally snapped.
“You know what? I am so sick and tired of the way you always belittle me. It’s exhausting even attempting to please you, and it seems like whatever I do is never perfect enough, never good enough for you. I have absolutely no idea what I did to you to get this kind of treatment, but I'm so tired of getting punished for a simple human mistake, for having my actions read into, for having every little thing I do be picked at. I hate to say it, Larissa Weems, but you're going to have to repeat yourself this time.“
By the end of your spew of anger, you had successfully pushed and pinned her against her desk, one hand poking onto her collarbone while the other rested on the side of her on the desk as her backside dug into the dark wood.
You were so close, closer than you had ever been to the woman. You could smell her perfume as it overtook your lungs, feel the heat of her own breath against your skin, see her chest heave and brush against yours as your fit of anger seemed to finally get your thoughts across - the fact had made nerves settle back into you, stealing any confidence the anger had given you.
In your moment of faltering, words slipped from your mouth, barely above a whisper but still equal in their anger. “Why do you hate me so much?”
As you looked into her eyes, there was a darkness that filled them that was different than the one you had met several times before. Maybe it was the way you finally snapped, maybe it was the way you dominated her for even just a moment, but something within her had changed, slipped, forcing itself to the forefront before she could act otherwise.
She flipped your positions, one of her hands grabbing onto your hip as the other held your jaw in a firm grip. The sharp edge of the desk settled against your lower back as you slowly got pressed against it more and more. In the quick movements, you reached out your hands for stability only for one of them to grip the fabric of her dress and successfully pull her closer, while the other shot behind you to balance you against the desk.
She tilted your chin up, forcing your gaze to hers as she took in your features. A deep blush settled on your cheeks at the close proximity, and you found yourself getting drunk on her perfume. There was a roughness found within her dominance as her eyes landed on your lips and stayed here as she spoke, making warmth spread throughout your body.
“It’s quite the opposite actually..” Her lips ghosted over yours as she spoke, causing a whimper to leave your throat. The sound only urged her actions forward, one of her legs pushing under your skirt and between your thighs as she completely cornered you. "Do you want this, Y/n?"
The way your name left her mouth shot warmth to your core - there was a softness to it that made your heart swell, but it was overshadowed by the undeniable lust that filled her entire being.
You watched as her smirk turned sinister, as her eyes darkened when she placed her hand around your throat and loved how perfectly it look there, as the last of her resolve crumbled away when she squeezed slightly causing your hand to latch around her wrist and your eyes to flutter shut as a broken moan left you.
Her lips crashed into yours, and it seemed like a crime to wish for air. The kiss was messy, it was desperate, but it was oh so perfect. Her tongue swiped along your bottom lip, and you didn't think twice about allowing her entrance. The way her tongue felt against yours had you fighting to hold back moans, but nothing could slip past Larissa.
She pulled away when she noticed, a trail of saliva between your lips, as she enjoyed the way you chased her. Her voice was dark, low as it rumbled in her chest, delicious as she tilted your head and spoke next to your ear. "Don't you dare hide those beautiful sounds from me. I want to hear them falling from your lips as I fuck you like the wonderful slut you are. Will you do that for mommy?"
The way her voice ghosted over your ear, delivering delicious promises to you made you shudder and swallow hard. The pure need coursing through your body made you roll your hips against her thigh. The contact made you arch into her and your words come out in a moan. "Yes, mommy.."
She made quick work of getting rid of your shirt, marking any skin her lips came into contact with immediately after. Her tongue pressed against the side of your neck as her fingers pushed under your bra and swiped over your nipples. You couldn't help but moan out in pleasure, the desire for her building by the second.
"See? That wasn't so hard.." As she spoke, her hands quickly moved to unclasp your bra, letting it fall to the floor as her mouth watered at the sight of more of you. You moaned as she took one of your nipples into her mouth, the sensation shooting goosebumps across your body, causing you to grab onto her shoulders for stability.
It seemed as though she couldn't get enough of you, her actions calculated but filled with desperation. With your focus on her tongue, you had failed to notice one of her hands slipping under your skirt, until it traced against your slit. The action made your hips buck into her hand, the growing need for her apparent in your gaze.
She slipped her hand underneath the fabric and moaned into your ear at the arousal that had slipped out of you. "Gods, you're so wet for me, so desperate for mommy to fill you up, hmm?"
Just as you were about to respond, two fingers were pushed into your core, the stretch delicious and making a moan get caught in your throat. You moved your hips, loving the way her fingers curled in just the right spot, as your moans and whimpers grew louder.
"That's it, baby.. Ride my fingers like a good little whore.." Her words only surged you forward, the sweet feeling of release consuming you when her thumb started circling your clit. With a curl of her fingers and another touch against your sensitive bud, you came on her fingers as your body shuddered.
She pulled her fingers from you, admiring the slick that fell down against your inner thighs before holding them up to you. You took them in your mouth without question, swirling your tongue against her digits as you moaned at the taste of yourself. The sight seemed to be intoxicating for the blonde as her eyes never left the sight.
She pulled her fingers from your mouth and immediately took the rest of your clothes off. Her dress followed suit, the pale expanse of her body making itself known to you, and you couldn't help but stare. Once she noticed this, she lowered herself down, kissing you gently as she hands traced over your skin. The softness in the kiss was a welcomed one, though heavily contrasting the actions that were about to come.
She flipped you over, the cool wood of the desk only adding fuel to the flame building within you. You felt a new bulge form against you, only to let out a whimper after looking back and seeing her shifted cock against your core.
"You look so good underneath me.. gonna look so good taking mommy's cock.." She ran her cock along your slit, coating it in your juices as it rubbed against your clit each time.
You gripped the edge of the desk, holding your breath until she finally pushed into you. She groaned as she pushed into you, your walls immediately clenching around her as her hips met your backside. She pressed a kiss to your back before she spoke. "You take me so well, sweet thing…"
"Please, please, please, mommy.. I need-" You were cut off by your own moans, the feeling of her thrusting into you making your brain short circuit. Her pace was slow for only a moment, the sounds that left your mouth spurring her forwards to pound into you.
"You feel so good around mommy's cock, taking me so well.." You pushed your hips back with every thrust, meeting her own and seeing stars. She was so deep inside you, hitting your sweet spot with every pound, filling you up so well that your peak was building back up again. "Look at you so desperate for me.. sounding so beautiful when you take me.."
"I-I'm- fuck.. Please, let me cum.. Fill me up, just please don't stop-" Her nails dug into your hips to leave crescent marks there, her moans growing louder as she felt her own release building, and you were so good for her..
"How could I deny you when you ask so nicely… Cum around mommy's cock like a good little slut.." The room filled with your moans and the sound of your skin slapping together. With a few more rough thrusts of her hips, you came with her name on your lips, and she followed right after as your walls clenched around her cock.
She kept thrusting as she rode out her high, filling you with her hot seed. Your bodies shuddered, her thrusts coming to a stop and pulling out of you a few moments later. She placed kisses around your shoulders at your whimpers, the emptiness that made itself known making you look forward to the next time this would happen, in your tired state.
She took you in her arms, carrying you through her office and to her attached private quarters, before placing you gently on her bed. She disappeared for a few moments, allowing you to catch your breath and ground yourself, before coming back with a wet rag and a glass of water.
She guided the cup to your lips, helping and watching you drink some before putting the empty glass on her bedside table. The gentleness in her actions made your heart flutter, taking note of the contrast of her movements compared to the ones just moments before. After she cleaned you up, she came beside you and wrapped you in her embrace, and you immediately nuzzled your head in the crook her of neck.
The energy in the room from when this had all started had been completely removed, a newfound calm replacing all of it. Her hands traced along your skin as she placed kisses against your hairline.
"So.. it's the opposite, huh?" Your tone was playful and paired with the growing exhaustion the started to take over you. She laughed loudly, her sound rumbling in her chest and moving you as each one escaped. It was beautiful, and it made you wonder what else was hidden along with the woman you now saw.
She pulled you closer, wrapping the covers around you both before speaking again. "We'll talk about it over dinner later, hmm? Get some rest. After all… I'd hate to repeat myself.."
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𝐚/𝐧: HEHE HAHAH thiiiiisssss was so nice to write after not being able to do anything.
I traveled a lot this weekend, only for more to follow within the next week, so I wasn't able to post anything but ! i'm slowly working on my requests - I'm getting there
i've literally been thinking about this since I got it because I didn't know what route I was going to take but I really like how it ended up
Let me know if you'd like to be added to my taglist :) I hope you liked this one, anon. Thank you for the request
~ 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐯𝐲𝐧
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: (tagged anyone who asked/wanted to be on the "all works" taglist)
@autumn-leaves-chasing-breeze @weemssapphic @readingtheentrails @finnja555 @barbarasstar @s-c-rambledeggs @vendocrap8008 @gwendolinechristieiscute @lilfartbox1 @agathaandgwenslesbian @lvinhs @elvira-dear @kimiinou
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azsazz · 6 months
Lucien x Reader [Starfall Week Day 7]
Summary: @starfallweek Day 7 Prompt: Character A and B spend Starfall in a different court, learning all of the traditions.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,339
Notes: This one also goes out to the anon who was begging me for some Lulu action 💙
The wind brushes his copper hair over his shoulders and the sun makes the freckles dusting his nose shine. You watch your mate spread his arms wide and throw his head back, drinking in a deep breath of the crisp, fresh Autumn Court air. 
He never thought he would be back.
It has been a long many years since he was exiled from the Autumn Court on the happenstance of falling in love. Falling in love with someone that his father didn’t approve of. Falling in love with someone who wasn’t his mate. 
Lucien had every intention of marrying Jesminda, lower fae or no. His young heart leaped happily in his chest whenever she was around. They were both blind to their problems as a couple, brushing off their arguments to roll around in the grassy fields, watching the leaves change color over their heads.
It had taken a long time to get over her. He never really did, honestly. Of course, the love that had been so fiery and new, scorched him when she died. But it was nothing like how it is with you, his true mate.
Lucien turns his head over his shoulder, tears lining his russet eye. The mechanical one whirs softly, and the smile on his lips shakes a little, making your heart ache in your chest. He holds a hand out to you, wanting to share this moment with you. 
The moment he can freely cross back into Autumn Court territory without fearing for his life.
While your mate had found a new home in the Night Court, found you in the Night Court, this isn’t a moment he’d allowed himself to think about, no matter how many promises his older brother made in their passing moments at meetings or gatherings. Their father is finally dead and Eris crowned the new High King of Autumn. 
He swears he can hear it, the joy across the lands carried on the winds blowing you closer to him. Lucien smiles sneakily at that look you give him. So he used a little mixture of his Autumn and Day Court powers to sweep the wind up. He wants you in his arms, how can you be upset at that?
You reach up with your free hand, caressing Lucien’s face, wiping at the lone tear rolling down his cheek. 
“Are you ready?” you ask, with a soft smile.
His throat works around a swallow and he takes your hand, kissing your palm so sweetly. “With you? Of course.” 
The Autumn Court is everything you thought it might be, but even more so because Lucien looks like he’s never left. 
There’s something about being in the territory that has awoken something long lost in your mate. The air, fresher than the other courts, filling his lungs with the scents of pine and sap, cinnamon and pumpkin. The black you thought he looked striking in is nothing compared to the hues of the autumnal clothing he’d almost immediately switched them out for; the olive greens and deep navy’s, crimsons and nutty browns.
Your first pit stop had been the bakery his mother always took him to when he was young. He missed their sweets deeply, and you laughed at the amount of pastries he tried buying. Lucien had hand fed you a caramel treat and your eyes widened at the burst of flavor that hit your tastebuds. There was no stopping either of you from spending a pretty coin on the treats filling your arms sky high.
“This one, my love, is a Starfall tradition,” he explains, handing you a sample of the warmed treat. It looks something similar to a Night Court treat you remember your mother making. Popping it into your mouth you nearly melt at its deliciousness. 
“Luc, we need to buy all of these,” you say in amazement, not waiting for his answer before you’re opening your mouth to speak to the worker. Lucein’s chuckle warms you to your very bones but you pout as he guides you away from the shop.
“There will be plenty more at the Woodland House tonight, my love,” he says with a grin. “My family hires a specific baker every year during the month of Starfall to make sure they never run out. Trust me, with seven boys running around, they were constantly in low supply.” 
You laugh with your mate, enjoying the shining of his eyes at the fond memory. You want to hear more of the good times he’s had in his home court. It’s not something he often speaks about, because there are more bad than good, but when you do get to hear one of his favorite memories, it always makes you smile.
“So, what does tonight have in store for us?” you ask, popping some of the chocolate and caramel drizzled popcorn into your mouth. Another Autumn Court staple. Your mate is going to turn you into a sweet-tooth yet.
“First, we have a formal dinner with the family,” Lucien explains, and you can see how the joy melts into nervousness. He hasn’t seen the entirety of his family since the day he was chased out of the Court, where two of his brothers died at the hands of him and Tamlin. He’s not sure how the remaining brothers besides Eris feel about him. Pyrolas doesn’t care about anyone’s presence besides his own, but he is the son so much like his father. Conleth never wanted problems with anyone, and Oakland was ever the rational one. If any of his brothers might have missed him, he would put his coin on those two.
“We don’t have to go if you don’t want to,” you offer softly. You would never make Lucien do something that he didn’t feel comfortable doing. You’re sure there’s a nice place the both of you can hide out until the party afterwards begins. Or perhaps you can check into an inn and celebrate Starfall in the streets with the rest of the peoples of the Autumn Court.
“No,” he shakes his head and rolls his shoulders, straightening his spine. “I’ve missed out on Starfall dinners for long enough. I’m ready.”
You nod, offering him the tin of popcorn. “Want some?”
“Thank you, my love,” Lucien smiles, taking a handful. “Besides, Eris mentioned that he was pulling out all of the stops this year. Told me that it is going to be the best Starfall this court has ever seen.” 
You hum, wondering just what that sly, new High Lord might have planned.
“What happens after dinner?” you ask, trailing along a path leading up to the Woodland House. You’re not sure how far it is, but you don’t mind the walk with your mate, drinking in the scenes the court has to offer.
“Then, we’ll congregate on the outer porches and there will be drinks of all kinds,” Lucein explains, perking up again. “You’re going to have to try the cinnamon one, my love. It’s my favorite.” Your mate laughs at your grimace. Cinnamon in the form of alcohol is not your favorite. “There’s also one that tastes like Yulemas. You’ll love that one.” 
“Don’t let me drink too much, Lucien Vanserra,” you tease, “Or I won’t be able to participate in the after Starfall activities.” 
You squeal as Lucein drags you off the path and presses you against a nearby tree, dipping down to taste the taunt from your lips. His tongue brushes the seam of your lips and you part easily for him, moaning when he presses his quickly thickening cock into your hip.
You’re breathless when he straightens, feeling as giddy as ever, like the first time you and he ever kissed.
“How about some pre Starfall activities, my love?” he asks, licking the remnants of you from his lips. His russet eye glows bright and his mechanical one clicks softly.
You take his hand and pull him away from the tree, dragging him back up the path. “Come on then, Vanserra. Show me what you’ve got.”
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sfehvn · 11 months
intruder part 2
Part 1 | Part 3
Description: A year has since came and went following Astarion's ascension ritual. He is no longer himself, but then... Where is he? A/N: Forewarning, there is a brief portion detailing non-con voyeurism. Hope you all enjoy :) Rating: M (18+ minors DNI) Word count: 1656 Characters: ascended!Astarion x Tav
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 ─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
 “What do you think you will do once this is over?” Astarion’s head rested in your lap, your fingers running through silky white hair.
  “I suppose I’ll just-” You stopped for a moment hesitantly, “Well, I’ll just follow you. I’ll follow you wherever you go. Whatever that entails.”
  The large tub of warm water offered your mishandled skin the slightest inkling of comfort. Your bones ached to jump out of your skin, discomfort settling deep and unforgivingly. Unsure if this was the work of cruel touches or the utter disgust you felt for whatever was puppeteering Astarion around. You stare at the ceiling as if the answer to the problem in your mind is etched into it. Astarion was in there, trapped. You try to imagine what he must be thinking. Feeling. 
  You can’t help but notice the similarities of where you two have ended up. While Astarion was stuck in darkness in the literal sense, you are trapped in a different type of darkness. Shrouded by the darkness of the other Astarion’s thumb. You were a plaything, a pet, a toy. 
  “Eyes on me.” Astarion grunts out, buried deeply in a twenty-something human’s cunt. The sight turns your stomach viscerally. It’s not him, you try to remind yourself. You watch from the oak chair in the corner of your bed chamber, allowing yourself to dissociate entirely. The woman was beautiful. 
  Hair of sunshine and eyes of the vast waters, you knew of the woman’s fate. To end up another spawn for Astarion to toy with. Humans in the area who had come to learn of Astarion’s true nature came with the proposition of trades in exchange for immortality. You felt pity for her. If she knew what she was getting into, she would never have come here, indeed. Nobody could want this.
  “He would have liked her too.” Astarion taunted as he led the woman to your bed, plans to desecrate the one place in the manor that you were able to find an ounce of comfort in. “Maybe I’ll let the dear old Astarion come out for a bit of fun.” Your heart sinks to your knees. The thought of another using Astarion’s body and soul for their own heinous intentions. You couldn’t bear it.
“Please don’t.” You pleaded with him. 
  Astarion tuts as he presses you down onto the chair. For whatever reason, he doesn’t follow through with his threat. Was it mercy? No, that can’t be it. Perhaps he simply wanted the enjoyment of watching the pain on your face while he used the body of the man you love to hurt you. Maybe he wanted the fun. You would never be sure.
  You’re brought back to the present, the events of last night spinning in your mind. Your punishment for entertaining the incident. That’s what he called it, anyway. You longed to free him, to free yourself along with him. To leave this cursed manor and never return with the real Astarion in tow. 
  The question that had been on your mind since your meeting with Astarion as you prepared for bed. How does one free a soul from a damnation such as this? Out of all the beasts, villains, and monsters you’ve fought, none had prepared you for a feat of this nature. On the precipice of jumping into the unforgiving sun and turning yourself into ash, that was no longer an option. Your beloved needed help. You weren’t going to abandon him. 
  The opening of the door jolted you from your thoughts, and you let out a sigh of relief upon seeing your chambermaid. “Lady Ancunin, may I be of assistance?” You nod, allowing the woman to approach the tub. You sit up to give her access to your wet hair. There was silence as she worked the knots from your strands, only sounds of meager discomfort when she tugged too hard, always followed by a heartfelt sorry from her. “What was he like?” There was a pause with her words, almost as if she expected to be scolded. Though, you both knew you wouldn’t dare. “I mean before-” She trails cautiously.
  “Wonderful. He is wonderful, Alodia.” Your eyes were glued to the bath water that engulfed your body. Lowering your voice as if someone other than her would hear, “Maybe you will have the pleasure of meeting him someday.”
  Alodia nods, “I bet he was a real gentleman to have someone such as yourself.” She couldn’t comprehend why you were with him, you could tell. Someone with such a kind soul forever paired with another who may as well be a devil ruling the Nine Hells.
  “Careful.” You whisper, eyeing the door. No conversation went too long without Astarion’s knowledge, not even amidst nothing but the bars of soap that clean you. Alodia understood and continued to work through your hair without another word. It was clear you were just as much a prisoner as her.
  Once your hair was tied into two careful braids and an obnoxious velvet gown clung to your body, you sat in the manor’s library. With Astarion out for the night, you made yourself comfortable with every piece of literature between the walls of your confinement. The stack of books grew as the night grew darker and darker. How much time had passed, you were unsure. You slammed down the last book and glanced around. A frantic sob erupted from your chest, heaving. You laid your head on the table before you and wallowed into the oak of the desk.
  You were defeated. Hopeless. This godsdamn library had every composition, novel, and prose that you could think of, and not one aided you. Trance-like, you stood from the desk and made your way to the entry of the manor. A voice briefly stops you, “Lady Ancunin, I don’t believe Master Ancunin has granted you-” 
  “Tell Master Ancunin to burn in the Nine Hells.” You spit back, making your exit.
  It had been too long. Once you’re out of the manor’s view, you breathe in the fresh air about you. As you get further into the heart of the city, chatter cultivates. Even in the middle of the night, it was lively, bringing you a hope you had not felt for a long time. Even reflecting on what punishment may await you once Astarion learns of your absence, you deemed this worth it. Of course. You would have preferred the warmth of the sun. Given your ailment, the beauty of the moon did just fine.
  Strolling to Elfsong Tavern, you hummed an incandescent tune to yourself. My, this must have been the most airy you’ve felt in just shy of a year. The little bit of gold you managed to snag from Astarion’s stash may have just been enough to get you a drink and, if lucky, a room. You knew it was only a matter of time before he came looking for you. Maybe you’ll be banished to the dungeon. You didn’t allow yourself the time to think too hard. You approach the barkeep, looking at the selection behind him. “Wine? Have you got red wine?” You were a tad rusty in the socialization department. 
  The man behind the counter chuckles, “We do indeed.” He retrieves a bottle from behind the counter, preparing a glass. “What troubles you?” He inquires as you watch the red liquid spout into spotless glass.
  “Whatever could you mean?” Your lips are pursed, accepting the drink as he offers it. You dig into your coin purse, “How much do I owe?”
  “On the house.” He smiles. Alas, it would be warmer without the pity that lies so evident beneath the surface. You’d forgotten how ill you must have looked. Astarion’s words played over in your head.
“Gods, what has he done to you?”
  “Alan Alyth.” The man offers. An introduction? It had been well over a year since you had the pleasure of introducing yourself.
  “Tav Carmine.” You return before making your way to an empty table in the corner of the lightly occupied room. You bring the glass to your lips, and the dry liquid soothes your nerves for the time being. I will enjoy this, you thought to yourself. 
  “Gods, you’re beautiful.” Astarion declares, his fingertips gliding across the delicate skin of your hipbone, up to your chest, cupping your exposed breast in his hand. His thumb moves in careful circles around your nipple. He sits upon his knees, watching the way your body reacts to even the smallest of his touch. His other hand moves comfortably onto your cheek, almost as if he’s relishing in the warmth that radiates from your body.
  “You’ve only told me fifty times today. Are you feeling alright?” You teased, welcoming his cool touch across your eager body. His head dips, meeting your lips lovingly. One of your hands knots gently into his hair, and you shift so a leg rests on either side of his toned body.
  “I suppose I’ll have to work on it tomorrow. Tonight, I’ll be making love to said beautiful woman.” His words are a prayer against your lips, and your heart flutters against your ribcage.
“I’ve been expecting you.” 
  The unknown voice causes your head to snap up in attention. “I’m sorry, have we met?” You try to recall the face, maybe someone you became acquainted with during one of many adventures, but you just cannot place them. You tip the glass to your lips, eyes never leaving the stranger in front of you.
  “I don’t believe we have.” They helped themselves to the chair across from you. “I believe I can help you. I know what ails you.” The man is older, with brown hair peppered in grey roots. His eyes radiate a sort of enthusiasm. 
  “You couldn’t possibly know what ails me.” You chortle, though the sarcasm is evident in your laugh.
“Everything has led you straight to me. Try me.”
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
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"Embroidery" - Kaz Brekker x Reader
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SUMMARY: Gloves are important to Kaz - it's the only way he can relatively safely interact with the outside world. They are also slightly more privileged than you as they can accompany him anytime and anywhere. To aid this inequality, you stitch a white primrose onto one of his gloves: Someone waits for you to come back.
>>Grishaverse-inspired playlist<<
There was something wicked in your patient anticipation for this moment like a predator that seems to have all the time in the world while waiting for the prey to breathe its final breath. But contrary to a pouncing lion, you had to remain inconspicuous until your plan has been brought to life. That shouldn’t come as a surprise - Kaz Brekker is a lot more wary than a dying gazelle. 
You’re used to Kaz being somewhat restless and uneasy but today he’s jumpy. Usually, when he comes to visit you at your home, he allows you to come incredibly close to him and he doesn’t shy away from touching you. This time, however, something’s wrong. Unintentionally, he’s holding one of his hands away from his body - the same way one does upon cutting their finger. Hanging his coat and hat, he’s using mostly only one of his hands as though he did hurt himself earlier that day. Then, when you reach out to help him, Kaz suddenly flinches away from you.
With eyebrows knitted close together, you’re watching his bizarre act. Over the time you’ve known him, he’s come to you bloodied and beaten but never… averse. That’s when you notice the tiniest detail that, truthfully, you’ve been waiting to appear but maybe without this whole strange change in his demeanour: his left glove is pierced through, revealing pasty skin underneath.
“There's a hole in your glove,” you state. You’ve imagined this very scene so many times, you simply have to play your part perfectly in spite of the excitement bubbling in your chest.
Kaz gives you a quick glance but it's enough for you to notice the nervousness and uneasiness in his eyes. He’s clearly on edge, barely clinging to sanity. “I’m aware,” he answers in a shaky voice.
“Let me fix it for you.”
“I can do this myself, thank you.”
“Come on, I can tell you’ve been through a lot already. When was the last time you ate? Or slept?”
Kaz clenches his jaw. Reluctantly, he takes off his left glove and hands it to you. In a vain effort to appear a lot more laid-back than he truly is, he puts his bare palm into the pocket of his pants.
“It’ll be over before you know it.”
You disappear around the corner, leaving him to his own devices. Without anything better to do, too restless and shaken up, Kaz just sits down on the edge of the sofa. He rests his elbows on his knees and places his chin atop his fists, staring into the corridor you have just disappeared in.
After a moment, his eyes begin to wander around the living room. What caught his eye the first time he came here is the amount of knick-knacks gathering dust. Windowsill, table, mantlepiece, windowed cupboards - items he’s never seen moved or used. For the longest time he couldn’t understand why you’d leave this clutter around but the better he’s got to know you, the more he understood. All of those useless things are like postcards sent by the people you care about: ‘Life goes on and maybe we don’t talk as much as we used to but I’m thinking about you’. There was a time when Kaz felt envious of the knick-knacks as their immovable character is to your life like a scar is to skin. But then he realized his position is much better. He’s here, after all. His presence in your life can not be limited to a porcelain doll or a cross-stitch of the port in Os Kervo. Kaz is not a scar but more a knife that’s still slicing open a wound. Maybe he’s even more than that - maybe he’s a blade piercing and penetrating your body. And the only way to live is to leave the knife in to stop the bleeding, despite the pain it brings.
Thinking about knives and porcelain dolls, he doesn’t notice you come back at first. Only when you speak up does he shake away from his slightly macabre thoughts:
“I fixed your glove.”
In a strangely panicked manner, Kaz almost snatches back his garment. He’s quickly putting in on and when he turns his wrist to examine your sewing, his breath hitches in his throat.
He recognizes the flower almost immediately. The white and yellow petals make him remember a painting he’s seen somewhere, although Kaz can’t be sure where exactly but that doesn’t matter. What he is certain of, however, is the scenery presented on the canvas: an army marching out of Os Alta. Women run after men in uniforms, shoving white primroses in their hands. Silently, they beg the Saints, generals and kings to let their husbands, fathers and sons return home safely. Maybe a frail flower is nowhere near enough to protect a soldier from a Fjerdan or a Shu Han highlander but it’s the only thing they can do for the men they love so desperately.
“A little silly, I know,” you interrupt the tense silence. “I just wanted you to have something to remind you of me.”
What a stupid thought, that he could ever forget you.
Kaz clears his throat. “Thank you,” he answers slightly awkwardly. He wants to say something meaningful to you, make it known that not only does he understand your thoughtful gesture but he also shares the sentiment: ‘As long as you’ll have me, I’ll always come back. Even if I have to cross the world tenfold or fight death itself,’  he wishes to say, ‘The days I spent without you are mere existence, not living.’ Nonetheless, Kaz can’t force words of vulnerability past his lips.
For a moment he thinks a shadow of disappointment dances across your beautiful face. It pains him, even if untrue. If only he could make his doting known…
“Anytime,” you say casually with a slight shrug of shoulders.
Time seems to slow down significantly as he’s watching you smile softly at him and promptly leave the room, heading to the kitchen to make tea. If he could, he’d spend entire days just watching you calmly go about your life. Sometimes, when he’s staring at you doing mundane things, he swears he can almost figure out why he’s so drawn towards you as though his downfall began with the way you hold the bread knife or carefully stir your coffee. One day he’ll know how come you’ve tied and bonded his very soul to you, he’s sure of it. 
He looks down at the glove again. The small, white flower makes his chest sting. Maybe there is, after all, a way for him to show you his devotion without using words.
If Kaz Brekker was a better man, he’d think of the white primrose as a reminder to be careful and wary, to choose his battles wisely. Alas, he’s nothing short of a crook and the flower begs him to be callous and merciless, to become feral and willing to do absolutely anything to find his way back to you; like raging seas that relentlessly wash tall cliffs until the soil gives in and landslide falls into the deep, dark abyss. 
He can’t be a lighthouse so he settles for a wildfire.
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cutesytwt · 7 months
Alastor x Collector! child reader
Also this takes place before Alastor lets his appearance after 7 years be fully known.
I will try to write more parts to this with more interactions of us with Alastor and other characters while trying to also continue the story 😭
@belos-simp69 let me know what you think so far
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He wasn’t expecting to meet someone, a kid in fact, like you. He was curious. What was a shadow doing all the way down here in a cave within hell, with no person it belongs to? It seemed to be as if you were trapped.. which you were and he realized that.
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As he walked in the cave, lanterns illuminated, allowing him to see the scattered bones that littered the place. He walked deeper into the cave, meeting its end… but at the very center was a pedestal where a circular mirror lied with a crescent moon symbol in the middle.
“My my what’s this?” Someone with a radio static voice said walking forward before he was stopped in his tracks due to an unrecognized voice.
“Who said that!? Who’s there?” You yelled out, waiting to hear that voice again. It sounded interesting… fun.
Immediately, a shadow emerged from the mirror like object, traveling around the cave walls, stopping at a certain distance due to restricted movement.
“Well hello there little one!” The man turned his head to the wall the shadow stayed on tilting his head, smiling wildly. He held out his staff pointing it at you. You saw that it had a shielded microphone at the top.
You were surprised to get a response, even more surprised that he saw you. The lanterns that illuminated the cave were dull. Most people don’t see you because of that. Most people get scared and run back to the entrance of the cave wanting to get out as fast as they can.
You are a shadow…in a cave, after all.
You pushed those thoughts away quickly.
“A Person! Hi, hello! It’s been so long since I’ve seen someone!” You say extending and waving your arms. Your hands making a “hello” motion. Going a bit too fast though.
You saying that made him curious.
“Yes yes, a person! Now what might your name be?” He said getting closer to your shadow as he held his staff down. Un-tilting his head, but he was still smiling.
As he got closer, you could see that it looked like he had two long pointy ears on his head and small dear antlers…?
“Y/N! My names Y/N!” you say with excitement coursing through your voice
“What’s your name mister!?” You say questioning him back, waiting for a response.
“The names Alastor dear! Now that we’ve got past the introductions, what’s a little kid like you doing all the way in this cave?”
“Uh uh, I’m not answering another question until you play a game with me!” You say turning your head in the opposite direction of Alastor, turning your head to glare back at him right after before turning back.
“A Game you say? And what game is this?”
“Hide and seek! You know how to play hide and seek righhhttt?” You didn’t give him the chance to answer. “I’ll hide you seek! … and count to ten!” You say before you move from the wall to go to find a hiding spot.
Alastor decided to play along with you and play your little game of hide and seek. For answers. He was curious about why you were down here. Why you were a shadow, and just what was that circular thing with a moon in the middle you emerged from?
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You laughed, you were having so much fun. Something you hadn’t had in a while. Your game of hide and seek turned into a game of tag.
“You caught meee!”
You started to sing
To you, who strayed to far from home!
To me, who’s trapped beneath these bones!
We’ll play forever me and you!
When you paint the land,
In nine bright hues!
You burst out laughing once again
“Trapped you say?” Alastor says, thinking. You were trapped? Why were you, a child even trapped down here? This intrigued him.
“Uh huhhhh.. I’m trapped.” You say sadly.
“We’re friends now, right? We played games together! You can help me get free right?” You yelled out expectingly, your mood immediately changing once again.
“I guess I could help you out a bit! …
but what would I get in return?”
“Anything! I’ll do anything! I just want out of this stupid cave!” You whined. You were willing to do anything if it meant finally being able to be free again.
“Anything? Then, let’s make a deal.” Alastor said, as the certain area in the room you both were illuminated in a spooky green color. You could now see that the deer horns that you made out to be on his head were getting bigger and his smiling grin got wider.
“I’ll help you get out of this cave, and free you, and in return for those two things, you can give me your soul! Do we have a deal?” Alastor said holding out his unoccupied hand.
You thought about it for a few seconds, letting out “hmmm” noises.
“Okay!” You agreed almost immediately, not knowing what you were getting yourself into.
His eyes widened and turned into radio dials…? Then green stitches appeared on his face.
“Wait, you’re not tricking me are you?! You promise to help me out?” You say as you grow suspicious and cross your arms. You’ve learned to not trust people too easily from past encounters.
“Pinky promise!” You said before moving your shadow from the wall to the ground so you could stand in front of him. You held out your pinky finger.
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• After you guys made your deal, Alastor helped you get out of the cave. Not too sure how to actually free you just yet. You told him how he could just carry around your moon mirror for now
“What?! But you said you could free me! You promised. We pinky swore!” You said throwing a tantrum
“I’ve fulfilled the first part of our deal, but I’m not too sure how to fully free you just yet. I’ll just have to figure that out dear!”
• People would give weird looks and stares to Alastor and you as he carried your moon mirror around and you would just be hiding behind him. Everyone looked to be shocked and afraid. Of you? No. Afraid of him.
“Isn’t that the radio demon? Wait, what’s that behind him?”
The radio demon?
“He’s back after seven years?”
“What’s the thing he’s carrying?”
• A few people would start recording with their phones but their phones would start to glitch out and overheat causing them to power off.
“What the heck?”
• Alastor took you to his radio tower where you stayed most of the time, was he even searching for a way to free you from your moon mirror?! It was pretty boring, and he would just barely make an appearance back at his own place. You found it weird. Just where is he? This was no different from being trapped up in that cave.
The doors of his radio tower opened and you came out from your moon mirror
“Where have you been! It’s so boring here, there’s nothing to do!”
“I’ve been out running errands,” he started before you cut him off
Betrayed, beguiled, alone, deceived!
I’ll have my revenge on… ugh. Unity is so hard to rhyme.
“Now now, I am not deceiving you nor am I betraying you. I’m still figuring out how to free you from this.. thing.” He says pointing at your moon mirror.
“In the time being, how about I take you somewhere new. It’s called the Happy Hotel. At the moment.” He says bending down and smiling while staring at you wide eyed.
“Would you like that? Think of it as my apology for keeping you locked up in here for so long.”
“Would I!? Yes yes yes yes yes! Let’s go, right now!” You said excitedly, circling him in your shadow.
“Well then let’s not waste anytime shall we?”
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banj0possum · 1 year
Hiii! Could you please do a scenario where the reader is gushing over a fictional character and saying stuff like how hot they are and that they (reader) want to marry them (fictional character). And then the reaction of your characters to all that (specifically darik and hallow I think were the names) thanks!!
When Their Darling Simps For A Fictional Character
My OCs x GN Reader
hey silly billys !! ill be on a little hiatus for a bit because ill be visiting family <3 thank you for all the love yall have given me and my characters!
Adrian sees you on your phone and smiling at...a cartoon character??
Over the course of the week, he teases and makes fun of you for it, but quickly goes through the stages of grief over how he's not getting your attention as much as before.
At first, he denies that he's jealous of a fucking picture, but that denial is soon forgotten once he hears you comment about how hot they were and he's fuming.
He'll try any way to get you to pay attention to him, slap your phone out of your hand, throw balls of paper at you, anything to make you stop ogling over that dumb character and be with him!!
"Stop looking at that stupid fanfiction and pay attention to me!"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Brandon is not hiding the fact that he's jealous.
I mean he's trying, but you can clearly see he has beef with your fictional husbando.
He goes home and does research on the character, asking you all casual sounding what you like about them and change a bit of his style depending on your answer.
If you like how masc they are, he's gonna show off his muscles more during training, take off his shirt drenched with sweat in front of you, anything he can think of to make you think he's more manly and therefore more worthy of your love and attention.
"Hey (Y/N)! Check out my new haircut! You know, it kinda reminds me of that character you like right?...right?"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Valeth brought you a few books to read and he notices you taking a liking to a certain character in one of them.
You tell him how dreamy and attractive the character is and how awesome they are, and he's trying not to grab your little book and throw it in the fire.
He would never want you to hate him for destroying something you love but goddAMN would it be satisfying.
He makes sure to note what characteristics you like about them and see if he can display them himself.
The big orc would even try to hide your book in a high shelf so you can't read it and pay attention to this fictional character instead of him :(
"Duckling? How about you put down that book and we prepare dinner together? I've missed spending time with my love~"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Bo hates it. But he stays quiet about it, there's no way he can tear apart something that doesn't exist...
He's really salty and a bit whiny about it, begging you to compliment and love on him instead.
"Why settle for some fake when ya got the real thing right 'ere darlin'?"
Ribs is tearing apart anything that depicts the character. Say goodbye to your comic books or magazines.
He just throws a little pouty tantrum because you love someone that isn't the horde.
"You're our mate! Now please come here so I can hug you!" >:I
Soda is sitting across from you as you ramble about how cool this character is and he's not listening at the slightest. Fuck this guy, who even are they???
After you're done, he crawls up to you and pulls you into a tight cuddle.
"Thats nice...can we go back to kissing now?"
Screw just thinks you like the merch and not the character so he collects anything with your favorite character on it.
However, the others get mad at him for it and explain. Screw then takes it all away and hides it somewhere you'll never find.
"mmm I think we're cooler.."
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Wolfie isn't happy. He takes whatever thing you have of your character, and he rips it to pieces.
You run after him as he has your treasured item in his mouth and you hear his muffled laughing as he shakes his head around, ruining it..
He makes it his mission to jump in your lap whenever he sees you gushing about your little character, or pawing your face so you can look at him and love him now. It's been 5 minutes (Y/N)! It's his turn!
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Dorik's eye twitches as he watches you smiling and giggling over some picture. What's so good about it anyway?
He tries to get your attention on him by being extra obedient, making your favorite food, turning on your favorite movie for the both of you to watch, running you a hot bath, anything to make you praise him and not that stupid little image!
He almost settles to whining and begging for your attention, asking why and how you like this drawing and not him! He's your loyal servant after all!
"Master! They don't deserve someone as wonderful and perfect as you! Let's just eat dinner together and forget about them!"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Kalva is a bit like screw and supports your interest in the character, but only if you praise him for finding little trinkets and stuff of them.
He loves seeing you happy, even though he hates the fact that you talk about them like they're your mate or something, but that's nonsense, he's your mate!
There will not be anything of that character in your shared bed/nest. You have a personal space for them, but your bed is special to only you and him.
He coos to sleep next to you, mumbling about you possessively while he huddles close to your warmth.
"Cute mate, my little mate, you're my mate! My happy little darling!"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Jasper wouldn't really care unless you directly tell him you like them better than him then he's committing a war crime.
If he hears you saying you want to marry them, he's stealing all your merch of the character and burning them.
He might distract you with Jonesy like pushing a glass off a table and framing it on the cat so you could stop paying attention to your fanfics or whatever.
"H-hey, Jonesy's on the table again...maybe you should switch apps...take some pictures.."
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Viktor tries to stay cool but deep down, he's very very jealous of how much you like this character.
He's one of the only ones to actually confront you about it and he's adorable whilst doing so.
"M-my dear, maybe you should read some other books? I-I know how much you love that one but maybe uhm..we could read one together?"
Garrick doesn't even hide his hatred towards them, he insults and belittles them every chance his gets.
Why be interested in someone like them when you got 3 supernatural men hopelessly in love with you?
"Oh they're strong? Bet I could beat em in a fight. Can they turn into a bat? Probably not..I can though!"
Silas ignores it, he's sure it's just a little interest that will go away sooner or later.
But if he hears you talking about wanting to marry them, he's sitting you down and asking you why you'd want to do that. He hints a lot about him being a better pick.
"Darling I'm sure you can do better than them..I mean..you sure theres no other..attractive..intelligent and interesting people in your life?.."
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Baron has to keep his cold exterior from breaking every time you ramble to him about your favorite character. He's read the books you've read because he's a creep because he wanted to know you better and he can't help but find some similarities between him and that character of yours.
He wants to speak up about it but he's scared what he might imply. A bit of him is a bit flattered that you find people like him hot, maybe he should show off those characteristics more often around you.
"They're uhm..interesting, Boss..sounds a lot like someone I know..."
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Caspian is a whiny bitch when he finds out your liking to that character, he'll try to guilt trip you into dropping your interest in them because 'he should be your only love!'
He'll try his best to get you to look at him instead of that ugly little book.
"You love them more than me don't you? You're so very mean sometimes my treasure!"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Hallow is hiding the book, no ifs, ands or buts. He's not letting some big strong hero protagonist person take up your attention. If you try finding it, he's ripping it up and disappearing for days.
He'll be extra cuddly to you from then. He'll make sure he's the one who makes you happy, not your other little friend.
"I'll give it back to you doll, if you give me a kiss~"
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wickdcreatures · 2 years
delightful wonderful little blog i admire and regularly check in on for entertainment and heart warming content 10/10
so heart warming! fun for the whole family! rated e for everyone!
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hcmxra · 2 years
tag dump time les go
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deityofhearts · 1 month
was tagged by @acecasinova, thankyou sm! the prompt is to take this uquiz and answer as your character to find out what they’re the saint of!
I decided to go with my ocs Cashmere and Lanturn for this because they’re my faves <3
Cashmere Pashmina Arum Heartfilia - my silly little tiefling, once dead twice alive
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oh dare I say this is so fitting for him,, becoming something that no one has seen before, something beautiful but also to be feared,,, I love this result for Cashmere!!
Lanturn Howellite Lustre (aka Divinity Angel Fell) - other silly teifling, he’s studying to be a wizard and is doing everything he can to achieve his goals, even if they’ll prove to be more harmful in the long run!
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I think this is a really interesting result for him! I think like he is aware of the consequences of his actions and can only feign ignorance and act untouchable for so long! So it’s fitting in a way!
I don’t really know who all to tag so I’m tagging @friendlyforestbeast @hellscribbles @the-m0user @terrortooth @geragerawarau @detect-thoughts @sunfloralchaos (I just saw you like this and I want you to do it pls) and anyone else who may wanna do this also sorry for tagging yall if you don’t want to be tagged my absolute bad, and please don’t feel any pressure to partake!
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ancuninfiles · 6 months
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I collabed with a small business to create the perfect blend for the ✨️Astarion scent✨️
⇊𝐌𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 (𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭-𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐞𝐬𝐭)⇊
Bite night: Astarion X f! Tav [REVISED]
Summary: It had been 3 days since the nautiloid crash, and Tav may have been the sweetest person that Astarion has ever met—Naive. . .
Night fell, and he was overcome with an intense sanguine hunger. Tav slept peacefully, alone by the fire. He could hear her pulse from the tree line, and it invited him in. . . Or. . . perhaps it was more than her pulse that invited him in.
Comfort: Astarion X f! Tav (dropped 6/6)
Summary: Tav had just met the members of their newly formed ragtag crew that day. The idea of being a leader overwhelms Tav, and so she seeks comfort. Her seeking brings her to a certain pale elf's tent. Maybe they could give one another comfort.
( 1 ) - ( 2 ) - ( 3 ) - ( 4 ) - ( 5 ) - ( 6 )
Nym OC illustration Character Sheet
Your Peace: Astarion X f! Tav
Summary: Astarion is tactful and precise, while Tav fights like a brute with no decorum, which leaves her badly injured after every battle. Astarion teaches barbaric Tav a lesson by besting her in hand-to-hand combat, but Tav wants Astarion's hands on her in more ways than one.
Euphorbia: Astarion x f! Reader
Summary: Three days of relentless arousal toward the opposite sex were the result of confusing purslane with euphorbia—an error unbecoming of even a novice druid, as well as a self-taught one like yourself. Naturally, with your luck, those three days couldn’t be spent quietly in seclusion. Instead, you were abducted by a Mindflayer ship and infected with one of their parasites.
Lithium: Astarion x f! Durge
( 1 ) - ( 2 ) - ( 3 ) - ( 4 ) - ( 5 )
𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 💔
Summary: On an aimless journey, Ronnie (Durge) would do anything to fix her violent paroxysms after having woken up in the hospital in London, UK with a bandage around her head and nobody willing to answer her questions. Five years had gone by, and she'd gained one friend: Jenevelle or DJ Shadowheart on Friday nights.
However, on this particular Friday night, Ronnie spotted a handsome man with piercing eyes, wearing a suit, and sticking out like a sore thumb because of it amongst the sweaty crowd of party-goers.
—𝘞𝘩𝘰 𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘦? 𝘞𝘩𝘰 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘮?
After meeting Astarion's boss in a rather unfortunate way, Ronnie is forced to contemplate the morality of murder.
Astarion's words echoed in her memory. “𝘕𝘰𝘣𝘰𝘥𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵.”
Does Astarion truly only want Ronnie for her ability to maim and kill, or is there something else he sees in her—something... 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 he feels when he's with her?
Find me on AO3
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honeydippedwaffles · 1 year
Request: Our Intertwined Fates
Request Information: A set of possibly two or three parts surrounding one my mutual's favourite, non-companion characters in the game: Rolan. This in a look at how Rolan and Tav's relationship builds over the course of the story from a friendship to something more.
Tav is not referred to by name.
Content Warnings: She/Her Tav
Word Count: 2.1k words
╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗
The scent of rust mingled awfully with the flowering bushes surrounding the grove. Something felt wrong about strolling into such a place with goblin blood still drying on her armour and the cling of an abduction over her shoulders.
She did so regardless, muscles strung tight from a battle nearly lost and an argument she could scarcely defuse. Who knew helping somebody out would cause such trouble.
“We’re off to a great start,” she said to nobody in particular. “Barely free of some wretched pod and already we’re wrapped up in another conflict.”
Her companions and her had crashed into this isolated area of coastline just the very morning they stumbled into this grove. How they’d managed to get themselves involved in whatever impossible argument was occurring between tieflings and druids escaped her understanding.
“This really isn’t our business,” she admitted to them when they looked at her. “But I suppose if we’re going there anyway, the least we can do is talk to the head druid? It won’t do any harm.”
She lied to herself like that sometimes.
If somebody asked her for help, she’d never been able to turn them down. Offering her assistance felt negligible in the grand scheme of things and this conflict really seemed to have a solution she could find. It would help also, to have the grove’s knowledge on her side.
Those excuses really didn’t feel genuine when the threat of a tadpole behind her eyes lingered.
Yet despite having it in mind, when she overheard an argument, she couldn’t help herself but stop to listen. The trio of tieflings sounded so irritated with one another as they fought about whether they should remain with the group or forge their own path to the city. A fight they’d clearly gone over before if the exasperation said anything.
“Don’t be ridiculous, we don’t even know these people. I’m not sticking my neck out for every person we come across. With my magic, we have nothing to fear about the path to Baldur’s Gate as long as we leave now.”
“Just because we don’t know them doesn’t mean we should abandon them here. What use are all our spells and blades if we don’t even use them to help people.”
She listened curiously, not planning on interjecting but also wondering about the goal of Baldur’s Gate. Some things unfortunately rarely changed and she couldn’t help but worry for this group. “Does Baldur’s Gate welcome tieflings at all?”
Her question directed itself at nobody in particular and yet, she must have spoken loud enough for them to hear as the three all turned to her with various expressions of disinterest or appreciation. She shifted uncomfortably beneath their gazes and smiled to show she hadn’t meant to get involved.
“More so than other cities,” one of the tieflings answered. “Perhaps they’ll stare but nobody will pull a blade out. It doesn’t really matter either way because I’ll be welcomed. You’re speaking to the recently accepted apprentice of the great wizard Lorroakan.”
Tall, haughty, and certainly pretty enough to be a wizard rather than a fighter, she could tell he had a great deal of trust in what he said.
Maybe even too much.
Lorroakan sounded familiar but she couldn’t place why it felt wrong. A wizard certainly but not one whose name carried very good rumours alongside it. She could share what she knew but to do so felt wrong and so she smiled.
“Congratulations,” she urged. “You must certainly be very talented to earn yourself such a grand apprenticeship.”
“I assure you, I am.”
“Then it sounds as though your help could be invaluable to these people who are blessed with neither magic nor fighting skill.” Her gaze drifted to where children and others attempted to spar with sloppily created training dummies. “Honestly, I believe they’ll need all the help they can get.”
He frowned; caught in the small trap she’d created through his own confidence. She felt a little bad for taking advantage of his arrogance but she hadn’t been lying when she commented on the tieflings.
They probably wouldn’t survive a day against the goblins.
“That’s what I’ve been saying. We have to stay and help.”
The wizard looked between her and the others before he threw his hands up in agitation. “Fine but if we end up rotting on a road because of this, it’ll all be your fault.”
He stormed off and she glanced awkwardly at the others. Perhaps she had overestimated their skills but she doubted their chances even more if they split from the group and tried to do it alone.
But if they died, the weight would never lift from her shoulders.
“Thank you for intervening. Rolan can get obnoxiously stubborn at times but he’s a good person. He’d have regretted choosing to leave later.”
She laughed awkwardly, unsure how to respond beyond offering her name as a means of introduction before hurrying off. They had so many problems to face, far more dangerous than even taking on a slew of unending goblins. Such a thing could wait until after the worm got removed.
One poisoning later and another child rescued and they took on the very task she’d tried to avoid, regardless of Astarion’s unimpressed complaints about it.
They ended up fighting through a, quite frankly, impossible number of goblins after rescuing a massive druid from the dungeons. Followed it with a battle against shadow druids who were disguising themselves as rats. And then still ended up standing exhausted at a party with the blood not fully washed from her hair.
As tired as she was, she couldn’t skulk away into her tent so early into the night. Everybody wanted to speak to her and she was now avoiding Lae’zel as best she could after the gith caught her off-guard with the strangest proposition she’d ever heard. Flattered, but uninterested, she looked around for help and eventually caught Lia’s eyes.
“What are we doing?” she asked.
“Rolan’s going to put on a show for us,” Lia told her, excited and a little teasing. She, like many of the others, appeared a little tipsy as she gestured to her brother. “Watch.”
“Patience,” Rolan chided. “You have no respect for showmanship.”
“Performance issues,” Cal whispered to her and she laughed behind a palm despite the wizard’s glare.
After all the near misses with fireballs through the day though… well, she really hoped whatever magic he wanted to use involved snow or water. Anything she didn’t have to dodge.
He surprised her pleasantly with neither and the small cascade of dancing lights lit up the sky in pretty shades of blue. She’d seen children do similar magic when first learning of their abilities and it never failed to make her smile.
“He can also make them purple,” Cal told her proudly.
She politely clapped and tried to keep her expression supportive of the tiefling trio. Rolan had skill enough to make something of himself in Baldur’s Gate… if his tutor held up to his expectations.
And, of course, the group had to get there first but she had faith. Zevlor, if nobody else, looked well equipped to shield his group from danger.
“You’ll do brilliantly with the proper training,” she complimented when she noticed Rolan’s gaze hover over her for a second longer. “You can ask Gale about some spare scrolls we found while exploring. They may come in use during your travels.”
Rolan straightened his spine beneath the praise, pleased with his successful show. “I have no need for scrolls but I thank you for the offer.”
She laughed and raised her glass to him. “If you say so. The offer still stands.”
She bid the three siblings good luck with their further travel and stepped away to clear her head, finally seeing an opportunity to seek peace and quiet. The shadows provided some solace as she made her way into the forest.
When she came across a small clearing, she settled on a log. It had been a long day filled with unending waves of enemies and her eyes felt heavier than ever.
She’d almost drifted off when she heard footsteps behind her. Footsteps, clumsy and unused to stalking through the dark. At least she knew it not to be an assassin, she imagined.
Although she’d expected Karlach or Gale rather than the tiefling she saw.
“Rolan?” she asked, confused as to why the wizard had followed her and now hovered uncomfortably at the edge of the clearing.
“Lia made a very good point,” he said, straightening imaginary creases from his robes as he spoke. “Scrolls could be useful if we get into a situation where my magic is lacking.”
She frowned for a second before she remembered her offer and waved back at the party with a smile. “Oh, right. Those are with Gale or one of the others. I don’t know what spells they have but any magic is useful, right?”
“Obviously but they’re mainly for Lia’s peace of mind. I don’t think we’ll have any problems when I have my thunderwave to handle threats.”
She smiled. “I’m sure. Make certain to aim for the nearest cliff.”
A wince followed as she remembered shoving a goblin from one of the rafters earlier in the day. She hadn’t appreciated the crunch of bones or the smear of blood… she hadn’t cleared out a goblin camp before the day and it really didn’t suit her.
“With any hope, you’ll have no need of spells at all,” she said. “I think the path to Baldur’s Gate should be open.”
“If it wasn’t, I don’t think they’d be singing your praises so highly,” he scoffed.
He took a few seconds to place the strange jealousy in his voice as not related to handling the goblin camp but rather the heroism of it. Strange, she’d never thought of a battle as something to be envious of. She certainly left with a great deal of pain in her ribs to show for it and little else.
“Something wrong?” she asked, fixing him with a soft gaze.
Rolan shrugged but she noticed the way his tail flicked, irritated, back and forth. He watched everything besides herself, not truly meeting her eyes as he gazed around the clearing.
“Nothing,” he said. “I’m just hoping you haven’t given my siblings any ridiculous notions about going off and being a hero. They’re not the type to walk through a goblin camp with no problem.”
She smiled, understanding his concerns. “I’m sure they’ll be fine. It’s not about being a hero, it’s about giving help where it’s needed and… I suppose it was selfish too. I needed a healer and Halsin was my only option.”
“A healer?” he repeated, gaze lingering over her bruises. “Did he manage to fix whatever’s wrong with you?”
Her heart thudded a little and her stomach sank. He hadn’t been able to do anything for her. Halsin pointed her in a direction and promised to help but he couldn’t remove the tadpole from her head. Every day, she ended up closer than ever to becoming a creature from her worst nightmares and she could do nothing.
Honestly, it may have contributed more to her mood surrounding the party than the actual exhaustion had.
“No, then?” Rolan asked.
She shook her head and tried to shake free of the worries. “Unfortunately, my condition goes a bit beyond his talents but he did give me a way forward. We’re heading toward Moonrise Towers to look for answers.”
‘You don’t sound confident.”
“It’s hard to be sometimes,” she admitted. “But I don’t really have much of a choice in what I do next.”
He coughed, a little awkward as he shifted his weight from side to side. “Well, I mean you’re clearly more than capable of handling things. I’m sure getting to wherever will be easy enough for your little group of heroes.”
She laughed at the unexpected and strange praise. “Thank you, Rolan.”
He nodded and seemed about to turn around and leave so she stood and the movement momentarily froze him. She leaned forward and pressed a small kiss to cheek in thanks.
“You’re going to do great with your studies,” she said. “I’ll be sure to brag to everyone I know once your name becomes renowned.”
Somebody once told her tieflings couldn’t blush but she swore she saw colour darken the tops of his cheeks even in the dim light of the forest.
Taglist: @miwn8
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