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walking-simp · 22 days
been alive for 2 decades and 7 minutes :3
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I love it so much I giggle when I see it
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hiraween · 1 year
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CEMRE BAYSEL – Por Glinda e sua varinha mágica! Olha só se não é HIRANUR EMINE OF HEARTS caminhando pelos corredores da torre TORRES DOS PESADELOS. Por ser filha da RAINHA DE COPAS, é previsto que ela deseje seguir caminhos parecidos com o dos pais. Ao menos, é o que se espera de alguém com 25 ANOS, mas primeiro ela precisará concluir o módulo MÓDULO I, para depois se assemelhar como um conto de fadas.
conexões › headcanons › pov › tasks
Coração do mar; A Bruxa Milenar.
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Como uma flor com pétalas delicadas e aroma suave, crescia Hira que com o sorriso adorável conseguia fazer até mesmo Iracebeth deixar de lado sua implicância com as pessoas para focar na filha. O cabelo ondulado estava sempre bem penteado, as roupas impecáveis como uma princesa deveria ser… certo? Bem, não. Hira até podia começar o dia assim, mas com o passar das horas acordada, rapidamente os fios se tornavam desgrenhados, as roupas manchadas de terra. Uma criança curiosa, tagarela, questionadora. "Por que?" parecia ser o que mais a menina sabia falar, às vezes os guardas se perguntavam se ela só falava isso, na verdade. 
Com pelo menos duas cartas sempre atrás de si, deveria ser o suficiente para conter o furacão Hearts. Mas ah, não era. Após a vitória dos vilões e o domínio de Iracebeth se expandindo, isso pareceu dar mais gás a pequena tirana que vivia mandando e desmandando em todos agora em Wonderland. Com sua própria coroa de flores na cabeça, se intitulava a Princesa das Rosas. 
Podia ser tão bela quanto uma flor, mas seus espinhos também eram perigosos. Hira é uma pessoa teimosa que não hesita em manipular a situação ao seu bel prazer, com um sorriso inocente, olhos grandes e brilhantes, abusa da imagem delicada que costuma passar. 
Mesmo crescida, não mudou essa postura. Costuma ser doce, gentil até, mas nunca dará um ponto sem nó. Entrar na academia foi uma forma de Iracebeth fazer Hira entender que ela pode sim ser a Princesa das Rosas, mas não pode ser isso para sempre. E foi como um presente descobrir que seu futuro seria tão manipuladora como o presente. Usar do charme e da doçura para conseguir coisas estava mesmo em sua essência, pelo visto. 
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Manipulação de sementes: Tudo começou quando encontrou algumas sementes não germinadas no jardim da mãe. Hira achou curioso elas estarem fora da terra e quando as colocou na mão, sentiu algo estranho percorrer seu corpo. Não demorou para aquelas sementes virarem flores coloridas, deixando-a surpresa. Iracebeth tentava fazer a menina produzir apenas flores brancas e vermelhas no jardim, mas Hira gostava mesmo era das de cores vibrantes. Não podia fazê-las abertamente, então enchia seu quarto com as diferentes espécies que criava. Foi um tremendo susto produzir um cacto. O dia que percebeu que podia criar outras plantas e sem ter necessariamente uma semente por perto foi o melhor dia de sua vida. 
Daemons:  Bishop, o dragão preto, vermelho e branco. O dragão de Hira é peculiar. Pequeno, pequeno demais. Tudo bem que ainda é um filhote, mas a criatura cabe na palma de sua mão, isso está certo? Não sabe. O dragão eclodiu de um ovo branco, tem chifres vermelhos e escamas pretas misturadas com algumas brancas. Seus olhos são duas bolinhas vermelhas e assim como sua dona, é uma criatura sem muita noção do espaço pessoal das outras pessoas. Bishop mal sabe voar, opta por pular por aí e correr com suas perninhas curtinhas. Para evitar que ele seja pisado, Hira está sempre o carregando dentro do bolso de jaquetas que passou a usar com mais frequência. É um dragãozinho mimado que ganha roupas exclusivas De Vill e chapéus elegantes feitas pelas mãos do próprio chapeleiro que está preso no porão do Palácio dos Hearts. 
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airbendertendou · 2 years
i can’t die! [i’m all in.] ♡ chishiya shuntaro
anon requested : Hi Author! Can you please write (if it's okay) a fanfic about chishiya, Where the reader was chishiya's girlfriend before the borderline, they were supposed to meet in somewhere but the meteorite fell just before they did, and they meet again for the first time in the jack of hearts game?  I know this isn't very detailed and I'm so sorry for that ;-; thank you author
song inspo ; coin by iu
synopsis : seeing your arranged boyfriend-of-sorts in the borderland’s is nerve-wracking. especially when he sees you’ve befriended a serial killer.
gender neutral reader, [name] used in place of y/n, platonic!banda - he might b ooc but idc <3, reader wears an oversized cardigan
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if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
— ♧ ♡ ♢ ♤ —
“Will you get out of my way?” You shove the tall male to the side playfully as you fasten the collar around your neck. Banda’s eyes met yours and you grinned mischievously. “This place remind you of anything?”
“You’re so funny,” he replies blandly. The prison around you is cold and you’re thankful for the cardigan you’ve kept all these weeks. You follow behind Banda as he walks up the stairs, eyes on the floor as you anticipate your newest game. “Jack of Hearts — what are you expecting?”
Thinking the question over briefly, you speak monotonously, “Russian roulette, probably.”
“I wouldn’t be so lucky.”
Eyes are on you both as you walk into the main hallway. A girl in a blue dress catches your attention, then a sweet looking guy in yellow and overalls. Your eyes drop to the floor again as the automated voice goes over the game and the rules. A subtle nudge against your shoulder catches your attention. Banda speaks without moving, “you and me?”
“That’s what I was planning, doofus.”
Your gaze drifts around the room again as people begin to pair up. Banda wanders off, exploring the area you’re locked in indefinitely. A white hood catches your attention, eyes following down their figure until you’re met with analyzing eyes and a familiar smirk. Your lips part, “Chishiya?”
As if he can hear you, the man tilts his head at you before walking off with his chosen group. 
Banda has collected a new person to join your duo — the stranger looks you over before grinning shyly. The hair on the back of your neck stands up, distrust crawling up your spine as you smile back. Meeting Banda’s gaze, you knew he was just as wary.
The killer — because that’s what he was in the other world and this one — slinks up next to you slyly. “See anyone you know?”
“Maybe,” you’re looking around once more, observing the way everyone interacts. Inclining your body slightly to the right, your eyes meet Chishiya’s. “Him. We were… together, in the other world. Something our parents agreed on.”
Banda lets out a mischievous snicker before leaning closer to you. “How cute. And he hasn’t come to say hello? Pity.”
You glare his way, wedging your elbow into the right side of his ribcage. The timer goes off then and you scamper over to an empty cell to give your card suit. As you exit your cell, Chishiya is idling in front of you curiously. He sways before speaking, “you know he’s killed people, right?”
“At this point, I haven’t met anyone here who isn’t a murderer.”
The blond hums before his gaze drifts, landing on something over your right shoulder. You know it’s Banda, looming behind you as he usually does. Chishiya looks to you again and speaks before his group comes to collect him. “I look forward to your survival.”
You find yourself in the cafeteria, stuffing snacks into the pockets of your cardigan for later before grabbing a drink and something to eat right then. Banda is sitting against the wall, staring ahead at Chishiya as you sit beside him. A pack of cookies lands in his lap — Banda doesn’t flinch as he peels the snack open and begins to eat it.
“Do you have to stare?” You mumble. Matsushita hadn’t returned from his bathroom break yet and you found relief in his absence. Another chip is placed in your mouth as you glare at Banda  — he was still staring Chishiya’s way. “You have a crush on him or somethin’?”
Before he could answer, a body is slammed next to yours. Looking down, you see a man sweating and crying as another looms over him menacingly. Banda slides up beside you, whispering a small, “lie to him.” in the man’s ear. You look away from them and see Chishiya looking at you again, judgment clouding his eyes as you don’t speak up against Banda.
You grumble, “already startin’ shit and we just got here.” 
“The game had to start sometime.”
As time passes, players dwindle slowly until the number hastens. There are only six of you left now — Chishiya’s partner couldn’t handle the pressure of the games, it seemed. Banda and Matsushita tell you your symbol — “club.” — before Banda breaks away from your group. You can feel the former’s eyes on you as you take sips from your drink, unnerving every inch of your skin. He interrupts the silence with a brutal curveball. “He’s lying to you, Banda. Your symbol is spade.”
“Why would he lie to me?”
“Maybe he thinks you’re the Jack,” Matsushita grins. Then he shrugs and leans against the wall beside you. “Or maybe he’s the Jack and is just trying to get rid of you. Who knows.”
You hum, tilting your head playfully. Of course you don’t believe him — strangely, you hadn’t doubted Banda since you got here. “What a waste. After we stayed allies for so long, he’d choose to get rid of me now?”
Matsushita’s eyes widen briefly at the new information before he snickers. “What a waste, indeed. Guess he doesn't cherish your friendship after all.” 
Walking away from the liar, you find yourself alone in the cafeteria. Well, you thought you were alone — Chishiya announced himself by reaching beside you for a pack of crackers. “Running around without your guard dog now, hm?”
“You can't talk,” you respond. “All alone, lingering around here like a ghost. Spooky.”
Your back is to the shelf of food as Chishiya begins to crowd your space. He hums while pouting his bottom lip, looking everywhere but you. “How’d you end up with Banda anyways? You were on your way to meet me.”
“We made a deal,” you shrug. By the tilt of your voice and raise of your eyebrows, Chishiya knows you’re lying. He stands quietly, taking one step closer to you. “Okay, fine. I threatened him and demanded we team up.”
“Of course you threatened a murderer.” Chishiya lets out a laugh just as the five minute warning echoes around the prison. He tugs on the cardigan you’re wearing, eyes softening at the sight of the worn fabric. “Think this is mine.”
“It might be,” you push off of the shelf and side-step the blond. You catch a glimpse of Chishiya’s symbol and are opening your mouth before you can think. “It’s diamond, by the way. Your suit.”
“Yours is club.” You nod in confirmation and it piques Chishiya’s interest. “Someone tell you different?”
“Matsushita tried to say Banda was lying to me. But, Banda knows better,” you glare. “I’ll break his kneecaps if he tries to kill me.”
Chishiya’s quiet laugh seems to echo in the desolate cell. It’s all you can think about — all you can remember as your fingers dance along the knit cardigan you’re wearing. After this — if you survive this game — you want to go home. You want to go back with Chishiya and watch that movie you were supposed to meet at.
It’s no surprise to see Matsushita being cornered by the three others. He did freak you out  — and he tried to get you killed. You eye his frightened expression lifelessly before speaking. “Can we take those snacks downstairs with us? I ran out of food a few days ago.”
You’re sitting beside Chishiya’s hospital bed as the news begins. Absent-mindedly, you hand him a slice of the fruit you were eating as the news reporter begins to speak. A picture of a convict pops up along with the news story. “...Banda is still missing. We are asking everyone to be cautious and be safe. We’ll have the week’s weather up next.” 
“You know…” you narrow your eyes at the picture of the man. Something about him looks familiar — it sends a tingle of awareness through your mind the longer you stare. “I think I could take that guy in a fight.”
Chishiya turns his head to you stiffly, furrowing his eyebrows. “He’s a serial killer, [name].”
You shrug, “I could do it.”
— ♧ ♡ ♢ ♤ — this wasn’t really fluffy or romantic but i wanted to write a goofy n playful reader so <3 might b posting an aib series soon, so keep an eye out for that! forever taglist : @straysugzhpe​ & @star2fishmeg​ <<33
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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rogersideup · 1 month
I'd like to drop a prompt:
The avengers have a night off in Las Vegas after a mission. Thor makes sure Cap has his fair share of Asgardian liquor so Steve ends up drunk and wanders off alone. He meets our dear reader who just got dumped by her friend group and is equally drunk. They hit it off and decide to get married. The next morning both of them are confused but decide to make it work as memories of the night before come back to them. (Surprise surprise dear reader is from New York too)
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Steve Rogers X Reader
Summary: Steve gets himself into some trouble while having a night off in the city of sin.
Word Count: 4,717
Warning: My blog is 18+ only. All minors or blogs without an age in bio will be blocked. Minors DNI.
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Flashing lights separated and splayed through the drying tears in your watery eyes, music and ringing from hundreds of slot machines overstimulated your senses as you simultaneously pulled your dress up and down in different places.
"Excuse me miss? Can I get you something to drink?"
Coming back to your senses, you turned around to face the bartender. "Yeah, uh..." really, you tried your hardest to think of something, literally anything to help move along the buzz you were already riding but no proper words made it to your brain. "Sorry. I'm not sure what I want. Can you just make it strong and fruity?"
"Sure thing." The bartender agreed, already grabbing bottles off the shelf.
Watching him masterfully work helped you zone out and relieved all of your overwhelmed senses. Pouring, shaking, more pouring, a garnish, then a fruity elixir of a bunch of liquids you most definitely could not pronounce was placed right in front of you atop a cocktail napkin. Not a single drop was spilled, even the ice was perfect.
Reaching into your purse, you handed the bartender your card and shouted to try and compete with the volume of drunken gamblers and rolling dice. "You can close the tab."
"Don't worry about it. This one's on the house, you look like you need it." He kindly denied your form of payment.
You chuckled to yourself. "That bad, huh?"
"No, but I know a sad chick when I see one." He noted. "Happens pretty often in Vegas."
"Well, thank you, I appreciate it." You raised the glass. "Cheers to you and all the bartenders making the world go round."
"Amen to that" He smiled before walking off to serve yet another drunken customer.
You sat at the bar on a little leather stool fully contemplating how you ended up in this situation as you looked out into the hotel casino and nursed your drink. It didn't take long for you to realize that the Vegas bartenders didn't take the word strong as a joke. Because every sip stung your throat and swirled your thoughts around in slow motion.
The speed at which your thoughts came at you didn't help the fact that every single one of them revolved around nothing but yourself.
What were you going to do now? Where should you go from here?
Drinking wasn't the answer, but not drinking wasn't the solution. Finding shelter in the Caesars Palace hotel was a good enough temporary fix to your problems, so you ignored that you were on the complete opposite side of the Las Vegas strip that you actually needed to be on.
However, getting to your hotel on the complete opposite side was the problem. Your shitty friends completely ditched you, or maybe you ditched them. The details were all so unclear, but the fact was they were all making stupid choices and you couldn't stand to stick around long enough to see the end results of them.
But now you were all done up in high heels and a small little dress in a city you had never been in before, notorious for sex, drugs and alcohol. Luckily, pepper spray in your purse and a back pocket full of self defense techniques that have been drilled into your head ever since you were a little girl were amongst some of the better choices you made tonight.
Then came along all of the dumber choices you would make tonight in the form of yet another fruity drink, and a tall, blonde man looking painfully confused at the roulette table right in front of you.
He was tall and broad, even more handsome than the massive statues of Roman men all around the hotel. But much like the statues around you, he looked like he was carved from marble. The muscles you could see sculpted through his suit jacket could've only been a result of a piece of fine art.
It was easy to pick up his wholesome sweetness behind his big blue eyes, that also did a lot to tell you how drunk the man was. He towered over the table and watched a few rounds, trying his hardest to understand what was happening. Much like him, you watched the ball spin round and round before landing in a slot.
Some of the players would moan and groan at their fate, while others would cheer happily and exchange loud laughter and high-fives.
Mesmerized by the game, you missed the glances the blonde man snuck of you. He really couldn't help it though. His friends had left him all alone while his capacity to make good decisions was at an all time low, and you were just so pretty and maybe a bit sad.
Another round was about to start, so the dealer started taking bets. Everyone around the table started placing their chips on a color and number, and the blonde was still confused.
He looked around again before his eyes met yours, and a stupid invasive smile smeared across your lips. When he noticed your friendly demeanor, he took a few stumbles over to you.
"Do you have any idea how to play this?" The man asked you.
Now you could smell the expensive yet deliciously pleasant cologne he was wearing, and you could take in all the details of his black suit.
Giggling at his cluelessness, you swallowed down the sip of cocktail in your mouth. "I do. Would you like some help?"
"I'm assuming you have to guess if the ball lands on red or black?" He asked as his lopsided smile and squinted eyes told you everything you needed to know about his sobriety... or lack there of.
"That's exactly it, good job." You nodded. "But you can also guess the number, or a group of numbers it'll land on. The payout at the end is based on how accurate your bet is."
"So what should I bet?" He asked you, having already built a strong sense of trust for you in the few minutes he had been observing.
"Oh no, that's not up to me." You shook your head before taking another sip of your drink. "You gotta trust your own gut."
The man's eyes darted around the table once more before his arms motioned to it. "But look around! All of these men have pretty girls telling them what to do, and that's why they're all winning money. You guys are so much smarter than us, and I'm alone so I need you to tell me. Red or black."
Usually, a statement like that from a man like him would have you rolling your eyes and cutting the conversation short. However, either your gut or the alcohol was telling you that he wasn't an asshole.
For some reason, you felt calm and comfortable in his presence all while being unable to wipe the dumb smile off your face. Something about his hair that was once perfectly styled now being a little jostled, and the twinge of pink in his cheeks made him seem so distantly familiar.
"Well thank you for that backhanded compliment." You laughed. "I think you should bet red."
He nodded, trusting your opinion far more than he trusted himself. "Should I place a more specific bet too?"
You thought for a moment, but you were in Vegas so... fuck it. "Yeah. Give me your chip"
The man happily placed the roulette chip into your hand, you stood up in one big sweep and started walking away from the bar. "Woah, don't leave your drink!"
Pleasantly surprised that he had your best interest in mind, you mumbled out a statement of gratitude as he handed the glass to you too. Approaching the table, looked at it for a few moments and tried your hardest to contemplate the best number to place a bet on, but once again no rational thoughts occupied the empty spaces of your brain.
So, you threw the chip on your favorite number, lucky 25.
"There ya go!" You used your free hand to pat the man's shoulder. "Good luck, Blondie."
"What happens if I win?" He asked you, smiling as you let your hand linger. Even with your highest heels on, you were nowhere near as tall as him.
"Then it's your lucky day, and you'll get a shit ton of money." You giggled at his question.
"And if I lose?"
"Then you're unlucky and you're about to lose some money." You snorted.
"That's not going to happen, you're my good luck charm." He declared.
"I don't think anything about my night tonight is radiating lucky energy, so I doubt that."
"What? No way! I feel like I've been the luckiest guy in the whole world today, so maybe I'm your good luck charm."
"I guess we will let the roulette wheel speak the truth of the universe tonight." You shrugged.
"Should we place our own bets on the bet?" The man asked.
"Like what?" You questioned, hoping this wasn't the moment the sweet stranger turned weird and pervy.
"I think if I lose I should probably call it a night and go back to my room because this is the drunkest I've been in probably 80 years." He stated. However, his words flew over your head figuring his drunken words were exaggerated, and you found yourself to be a little sad that your time with the stranger would be cut short so soon.
"I think if you win, you should stay out for a little while and have another drink with me." You smiled, going way out of your own comfort zone.
If you were sober, or maybe even drunk in a bar anywhere other than Las Vegas, you would've been caught dead before being caught to be so bold. But he was pulling you in faster than you've ever felt, and something about him felt so natural and warm.
"Deal." He agreed.
"Look, they're about to spin the wheel." You pointed at the table.
The dealer spun the wheel, and the ball was moving so fast that you could barely even follow it. Even as it slowed down and started to tease each individual slot, the motion of following the sphere going round and round was quite honestly making you a bit dizzy, so you squeezed your eyes shut in anticipation.
"No way." The blonde stated. "No fucking way!"
His arm wrapped around you from behind and his big warm hands very gently shook the tops of your arms. "Look! It's on red! I can't see the number, but it's on red!"
You giggled and tried your best to keep your balance as he shook you around. When you opened your eyes you could see that the drink in your hand was sloshing around and spilling over onto the impeccably maintained carpet beneath your feet. But the loss of some of your drink was a small price to pay when the dealer picked the ball up out of the wheel and announced "25 Red!"
Simultaneously, you and Blondie let out little screeches in surprise and joy when you realized you had actually placed a winning bet. In all your years on this planet, nothing like this had ever happened to you. You never even won $5 on a penny slot, let alone a fat wad of cash that was being placed into the man's hands.
After the cheering celebration and laughter died down, he turned to you. "See! I knew you were lucky!"
"You trusted your intuition, and you won!" You noted with a smile so big and long lasting it was starting to make your cheeks sore. "Good job."
"Here! This is yours." He placed the wad of cash in your hands.
"What? No. You bet your own money, it's yours." Not being able to accept it, especially when you saw it was all $100 bills.
"No it's yours! You placed the winning bet, you knew the magic number so I want you to have it." He explained kindly. "You said nothing about your night was lucky, so consider this your sign from the universe."
"I can't just accept all of this money from a complete stranger." You denied once more. "You're very sweet, I would feel so guilty taking this from you."
"Fine, if you can't accept the money for yourself, how about we go spend it together?" He offered. "I owe you another drink anyways, then after that the Las Vegas strip is our oyster!"
"That's a little better" You agreed with a smile. "I'm sorry, I didn't even get your name."
"O-oh!" The man seemed to be taken back by that statement for a second. A look of momentary confusion furrowed his eyebrows before a happy smile returned to his kind face. "Sorry, I'm Steve!"
You made a small mental note of his initial shock that you asked for his name, but your drunken brain didn't hold onto that for very long.
"Alright Steve, here's the plan." You rocked up on your tippy toes and kept yourself braced with a steady hand on his solid shoulder so he could hear you better in the loud and chaotic environment. "Half my drink just ended up on the floor when you won, so I'm going to order another one. Then after that, I somehow need to end the night at my hotel on the complete opposite end of the strip without getting taken or murdered. So if we can somehow make it from here to there while blowing through that money you just won, then I'd be more than happy to help you spend it."
Steve's eyes went wide in concern at your statement. "Where are you staying?"
You narrowed your eyes at him. "My gut is telling me not to tell a strange man where I'm staying."
"Smart girl, but I'm not letting you walk down the strip alone at night. The people here are crazy." He challenged. "No funny business. Pinky promise."
Steve raised his pinky for you with a genuine look of promise and concern on his face. "Do people often trust you to get them to safety?"
His cheeks turned pinker, and he let out an adorable giggle. "Yeah, I think most people find me to be very trustworthy."
"No funny business." You lifted your hand and wrapped your pinky around his with a quick handshake. "I'm staying at New York, New York."
"Oh wow, we have a long way to go with lots of chances to blow through that stack." He smiled. "What are you drinking? I'll order you another one."
"Honestly, I have no idea." You admitted, smile coming back to your face.
"Okay great! That helps me a lot" The blonde laughed.
"Excuse me" You politely flagged down the bartender. The same one from earlier coming back, you showed him your glass. "Can I get another one of these please? And whatever he wants?"
You looked to Steve who looked between you and the bartender. "Just two waters please."
"Sure thing." The bartender agreed.
"What? You're not going to have a drink?" You questioned.
He pulled a copper flask out of the pocket on the inside of his suit jacket. "I'll drink more, but this is stronger."
"Oh, nothing here is strong enough for you?" You raised a brow, your smile growing just as lopsided as his.
"Nope. This stuff is special, it comes straight from another realm."
Laughing at his joke, as you handed the bartender cash straight from the wad Steve gave you. "That's funny, because I hope this is strong enough to make me feel like I'm no longer in this realm, so cheers to that!"
You and Steve sat at that bar for a solid two hours as conversation topics flew at the two of you unexpectedly fast. Each one new topic was short lived as an enthusiastic response would happily slip off one of your tongues, so excited that the two of you had so much in common.
Then, Steve decided to start the shopping spree. He offered you a hand to help you off the stool, which quickly turned into a protective arm around you, or ushering you the entirety of your time together. He knew that the men on the Vegas strip were pigs, but he underestimated how bad it really was.
But the cat calls, whistles, and lingering eyes were drowned out by the city sounds and the big flashing marquee lights that littered the sides of every building you passed. It was just as mesmerizing as the night before, skipping down the streets in a drunken haze with your best friends.
Now you were mesmerized by not only sin city, but the mysterious man you were following around as if you'd known him your whole life.
With a sense of childlike wonder the two of you ended up in silly places like the M&M's store, and the Coca-Cola store, but you also ventured into more classy designer establishments where you convinced him to buy a lovely new belt at Louis Vuitton.
It looked good, he looked good. You had to work really hard to contain the drool in your mouth as you watched him take off his old belt to replace it with the new one.
He tried to buy you a new bag, but once again you were being stubborn and were having a hard time accepting such a generous offer.
So, you suggested another drink. Just one more.
More sitting and chatting with Steve, you swallowed down the liquid in your cup while he shot the rest of the liquid in his flask.
That last drink was the worst of your poor decision making that night, or so you thought.
Because the last memory you had was sitting at that bar and really admiring him.
The alcohol had turned his cheeks and the tip of his nose a rosy pink color that somehow made his blue eyes shine even brighter, and add to the wholesome energy you felt radiating from him.
Sweet, silly, carefree, handsome, safe.
Then, you woke up.
Slowly at first. Your eyes opened and the dull pounding at the back of your skull wasn't nearly at bad as you deserved. The air conditioning did wonders keeping you comfortable, the light peaked through the black out curtains, and your belongings scattered across the room confirmed that you were definitely in the right place.
You looked around more. M&m's bag, Louis Vuitton bag... Converse bag? You didn't remember buying shoes. Wait... how did you get here?
Only then did you wake up FAST. You sat up, and your heart pounded as you realized that Blondie was in your bed. The sudden movement made your head pound even harder, but the good news was that he was fully clothed and was sleeping above the covers.
You were also asleep and fully clothed, but both of you were in different clothes than you had on last night. That's probably what those shopping bags in the corner were...
Carefully rolling out of bed to try and make yourself somewhat presentable and aid along trying to process what happened last night, you walked into the bathroom.
Wash your face, brush your teeth, fix your hair.
By the time you came out, Blondie was sitting up in bed with his legs on the floor, shooting you an apologetic look. He was apprehensive, scared to gauge how sick and unenthusiastic you would be by his presence this morning.
"Good morning." He said quietly, voice deep and raspy from inhaling the dry air and residual cigarette smoke.
"Morning." You tried to be polite, clutching the side of your head. "What happened? How did we- how did any of this-"
"Nothing happened." Steve reassured you. "I would never take advantage-"
"Okay, okay." You nodded slowly, feeling slightly relieved. "Advil. I have Advil."
Waking over to the table in the hotel room, you grabbed the bottle of painkillers and a water. You opened both and popped two little pills in your mouth, washing them down with water.
"I'm sorry, I don't remember much either. It's been a really long time since I've gotten drunk. This is really out of the ordinary for me." He explained.
"I guess we're on the same boat then." You agreed with him before a couple pieces of paper catch your eye.
"I guess I should probably go?" Steve stated, but it was more of a question. This was the first time he ever found himself waking up next to a stranger.
"No, you stay right there." You insisted frantically, picking up the piece of paper.
Certificate of marriage.
Your name signed at the bottom next to another signature that read Steven G Rogers.
Your heart sank to the pit of your stomach.
You studied the signature, looked at his face, looked at the signature, then his face again.
In the table, there was a picture of the two of you kissing. Him in his suit, you in the dress you wore last night but also a veil.
"Oh my god" You exclaimed, so much information to process.
"What?" Steve questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Oh my god!" You pinched the bridge of your nose and took a deep breath.
"What happened?"
"You didn't tell me..." You puffed out a breath, then an unexpected giggle left your throat. Of course, this would happen to you the one time in your life you didn't behave like a perfect angel. "Captain America?"
"Oh... Guilty?" Steve's shoulders sunk. "I introduced myself, no?"
"As Steve." You exaggerated.
"Yeah, I'm Steve." He agreed.
"Well, at least I was safe." Finding the benefit of the doubt. "Do you remember getting married last night, Steve?"
You passed the paper and the picture to him, and his face contorted into an expression you couldn't quite read. "...wow."
"Wow?" You questioned. "I unknowingly married Captain America last night and all you have for me is wow?"
"Holy shit." Steve looked up at you.
"That's better." You nodded.
"You don't look panicked" Steve noted.
"I'm not panicked because at least you're a superhero." You explained. "That counts for something right? Like people won't think I'm totally inane for marrying a stranger when they find out it's Captain America? And like... a superhero means you have people who come and clean up after you right? Someone can fix this right?"
You watched the gears turn in his head. "... I have to call Tony."
Tony. Who's Tony? Think. Superhero, avengers, Steve, Captain America. Tony... IRON MAN.
"Stark?" Your eyebrows raised. Steve nodded, pulling out his phone. "Now I'm freaking out. I'm really freaking out."
"It's okay, give me a second." Steve said calmly.
You nodded, the remembered you should check your phone too. As he spoke quietly to Tony, you looked around for your phone before finding it on the night stand, flooded with dozens of missed calls and texts from friends wondering where you were. You quickly sent off a text in a group chat saying you'd explain later, and that you were okay.
Eventually Steve ended the call. "He said he'll be here in a minute or two."
"Oh, okay great." You said exaggerating your nonchalance. "No biggie. Iron man coming over to read my marriage certificate to Captain America."
Steve giggled at the ridiculousness of the situation. "My mother would be over the moon to find out I'm married."
"My mom might have me 6 feet in a grave if she ever finds out about this." You sat back down on the bed next to him.
"When do you leave Vegas?" Steve questioned.
"My flight is at nine tonight. What about you?"
"Flying home at six thirty." He informed you. "Where do you live?"
"New York" You said simply. "Queens."
"We both live in New York and we’re staying in a New York themed hotel? What a small world." Steve noted. "Maybe we don't have to fit in a divorce before this evening."
"I mean... you are very handsome so I definitely wouldn't mind staying married to you for a few days until we get this figured out." You grinned.
A small blush stippled his cheeks at your compliment. “You’re so pretty I would’ve never had the courage to talk to you if I wasn’t drunk.”
Just like him, you blushed at his admission, and giggled at his words. “This doesn’t feel like real life.”
“Maybe I should’ve gotten you a ring instead of whatever the hell we bought last night.” Steve thought.
You looked down at your left hand, and sure enough, there was a pretty ring on your finger. You lifted it up to show him. “Looks like you were two steps ahead of yourself”
“Oh, good.” He chuckled. “At least there’s that.”
Then, there was a knock at the door.
You looked at Steve with wide eyes and nervousness building up in your tummy at the thought of being in the same room with one third of the Avengers.
“I’ll get it” He reassured you, standing up to answer the door.
Before you knew it, Tony Stark confidently barreled into the room. Firing some teasing words at Steve, you knew the poor guy would never hear the end of it.
“Oh look, here she is!” Tony announced.
“Nice to meet you Mr. Stark.” You shook his hand.
“Trust me, the pleasure is all mine Mrs. Rogers.” He smiled.
“Tony” Steve warned with a glare.
“Where’s the paper work?” Tony asked.
You quickly handed him the picture and the signed document that was on the table. Steve stood right next to you as you both watched him read over it, and evaluate the legitimacy.
Tony took out his phone snapped a few pictures, and made a weird face. Nervously, you his your face in Steve’s arm and he instinctively rubbed your back to comfort you.
Then, Tony started laughing. “Rogers you’re an idiot.”
“I’m aware, but what’s so funny?” Steve complained.
“It’s fake.” Tony said.
“What?” Your head popped up.
“Little white chapel, married by Elvis just for the gag type of thing. There’s no marriage license, it’s not a legal marriage.” He explained, handing you the papers back.
Both you and Steve let out a huge sigh of relief. “Maybe I’m not that much of an idiot after all.”
“No, you’re still stupid.” Tony denied. “Out of all the people in the world I would’ve never expected this from you, Cap.”
“This is Thor’s fault.” Steve pointed his finger.
You didn’t understand how the god of thunder had anything to do with this, but you had no mental capacity left to even ask.
“Yeah, well, it doesn’t matter. Just be on time for the flight home and stay out of trouble.” Tony told him. “Hope to see you around again soon, Mrs. Rogers.”
And just like that, he was out faster than he came in.
“I know Tony made it seem like everything is okay, but it’s not and I have a giant mess to clean up with the team.” Steve explained to you.
“Yeah, I’d assume so.” You smiled.
“Which means I really should go.” He let you down. “But regardless of this fiasco, and from what I do remember, I had a lot of fun with you last night. Would you want to exchange phone numbers and maybe hang out again when we get home?”
“I would love that, Steve.” You agreed.
He handed you his phone and you handed him yours. Both putting in your phone numbers and names before swapping them back.
At the same time, you both burst out laughing at the contact names.
Unplanned, he put his name as Husband, and you put yours as Wife.
“Ridiculous!” You laughed, walking him to the door.
“Maybe we really were meant to be.” Steve pondered.
“Maybe.” You agreed. “But in all seriousness, thank you for getting me home safe last night. I was really lucky to run into the right person at the right time.”
“Of course.” Steve grinned. “Travel safe, and let me know when you get home so we can set something up.”
“You got it.” Rocking up on your tippy toes, you kissed his cheek. “Have fun cleaning up that mess, Husband.”
“Don’t tell your Mom about this, Wife.”
You locked your lips and threw away the key. “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”
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jj0k3rs · 2 months
how would texts from hsr men + argenti would look like if they're far away for work and they miss the reader that they bombard their notifications? pretty please, thanks :3
hsr men missing you while away for work (hsr x reader)
tysm for the request!!!🫶
requests open in bio!
characters included: argenti, dan heng, caelus, jing yuan
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A/N: hi guys! just a reminder for requests, my age is in my bio and I am a minor! pls be aware of what you're requesting 🫶
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heyy fellow aro aces, could this be our symbol for like bios and stuff? An aro and an ace icon. I think it looks pretty cool and it's quite subtle too in case your not out yet! What do you think?
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blacklegsanjiii · 5 months
•°♤°• I saw "In holy matrimon" by Theroundbartable on AO3 and the summary is that Luffy doesn't want to risk Sanji getting kidnapped by his bio family, so he wants to make sure that Sanji is married. Turns out, Sanji is the Entire Crew's Wife. You should go read it bc it has Zosan in it.
It's good, here is where it can be read if anyone's interested.
Uh, yeah, Zosan is great. But it's not my otp. No hate tho, I just truly believe in lusanlu til the end of my days. I will go down with this ship. Zosan is just the most popular ship in the fandom so it has a lot more stuff.
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geehdomiguel · 2 years
Bios para rpg--!
. beauty vlogger : 𝘃𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼𝘀 every weekend
  𝗌𝗁𝗲 / 𝗁𝗲𝗋  •:  ⸙  𝙖ʀᴄᴀᴅᴇ  ﹙᥉ꫝᎥᥒᎥᥒ﹚
2.  𝐺 ( 💭🪶 . • ✧ )  𝖺𝗋𝗍 &  𝖽𝖾𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀  𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟷
            ─── © 🎞 film by (...)
3.  ᘛ 𝐆𝗥𝗘𝗘𝗡 𝟏𝟏 : 𝟏𝟏 𝐕𝖨𝖡𝖤𝖲 🌼 ᘚ
         𓍯 . ݁ ✦ ݁ . ⊱〔 𝖣𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝐌𝗼𝗼𝗻 〕 ⊰
4. ᘛ 𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐜𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞 ╱ ✦ 𝙼𝙾𝙾𝙽𝙻𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𓄹 ᘚ݁
،، 🌷 𝐅𝗅𝗈𝗐𝖾𝗋𝗌 ᘞ ۰ ! 𝒫𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔 ༝ ݁ 𑁍 𝗣𝑜𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑦 . . .
5.﹙┈─ 𝐑𝗈𝗆𝖺𝗇𝖼𝖾 ﹚︐ . . . ﹕女孩瓷
         𝟸𝟶𝟶𝟶 ─ 𝘃𝗶𝗻𝘁𝖺𝗀𝖾 𝗏𝖺𝗂𝗻𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗮 › ┈─ 🧺
6.               ᘛ 𑁍 ᘚ
            ﹙𝚂𝚄𝙽 ‣ 𝚂𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙴﹚
          ☕﹕𝓙̲𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑛 ┈─ ! 偶
7. 𝗶𝘁'𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗅𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌 ﹙和平﹚𓍯
          𝚇𝚅𝙸𝙸 ﹕┈─ 𝐑𝗎𝗌𝗌𝗂𝖺𝗇 𝘣𝘰𝘺 !
8. ❲ 𝐒𝗐𝖾𝖾𝗍 𝐌��𝗅𝗈𝖽𝗒 ❳ 𑁍 :!┈─ 𓄹 해마다
交 › 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 ﹕─┈ 𝘀𝘄𝗲𝖾𝗍 𝗆𝖾𝗅𝗼𝗱𝘆 ﹗
9. 🌿 – 𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗅𝖾 𝗍𝗎𝗅𝗂𝗉 ﹕ 㶌 旗
@/who 𝗆𝗒 𝗉𝗈𝗲𝘁𝗿𝘆 . . . 𖤐
10.  𝙵𝙻𝙾𝚆𝙴𝚁𝚂 𝒂𝒅𝒋 〞𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟏 ᘞ ۰
          𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑠 . . . ╱ 𝖾𝗉𝗂𝗉𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗒 ،،
11. ، 𝗃𝖺𝗋𝖽í𝗇 𝖾𝗇 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒂 ৎ୭ カ
𝗁𝗍𝗍𝗉. 𖤐 ╱ ٬٬ 아름다운시 。🥛 ! . .
12. ┈─ 𝙴𝙻𝙴𝙶𝙰𝙽𝙲𝙴 ،، 🌺 ! ♡̸
            ♤〞@/who 𝑚𝑦 𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑐
13. ﹙𝑎𝑑𝑗 ﹚ ،، 𝐯𝐨𝐥. 𝟎𝟐 ›𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕦𝕞𝕟
                @/who 𝙿𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙳𝙸𝚂𝙴. 𑁍
14. ،، 𝐅𝗅𝗈𝗐𝖾𝗋𝗌 ᘞ ۰ ! tuspronombres 𓄼
         𝑙𝑎 𝑣𝑖𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑒 ╱ 𝘀𝘄𝗲𝖾𝗍 𝗆𝖾𝗅𝗼𝗱𝘆 ﹗
15.   𑁍 ﹙𝚂𝚄𝙽 ‣ 𝚂𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙴﹚
         𝓙̲  𝚇𝚅𝙸𝙸 :: 𝐑𝗎𝗌𝗌𝗂𝖺𝗇 𝘣𝘰𝘺 !
16. ⩇⩇ : ⩇⩇
𝗶𝘁'𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗅𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌 ﹙和平﹚𓍯
17. ﹟𝕱𝕚𝕣𝕖 &̲ ⇆ 𝟗𝟓'𝕤 𝖇𝖔𝖘𝖘 ❳ 𝕯̲𝙾𝙼 ˖
🌋⋅ 𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗼𝕝𝕖𝕡𝕤𝕪 ⋅ ▞▞ › #𝐉𝐎𝐊𝐄﹗
18. ʬʬʬ ﹝𝕭𝕽𝟰𝚃̲𝚃̲𝚈̲⋆ 𝕰𝐌𝐎̶﹞ 🐅 ⊹ 𝐂🄰𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑
19. ﹟ 𝗚𝙾𝙻𝙳𝙴𝙽𝙱𝙾𝚈 ☠︎ 𝕽𝕀𝙲𝙷 $$ 𝟭𝟱̲: 𝟺𝟻 ‣ 🦂
                • ﹔ 𝚜𝖊𝖊 ⋅ 𝒕𝒉𝒆 ⋅𝕷𝚄𝚇𝚄𝚁𝚈 ❜
20.༝ . • ‣ 𝗆𝖺𝗇𝗂𝗉𝗎𝗅𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇, 𝗂𝗋𝗈𝗇𝗒, 𝖻𝖺𝖽 𝗍𝖾𝗆𝗉𝖾𝗋.
             ،̲ 𝓝𝗈𝗐 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗌𝖾𝖾 𝗺𝗲 ∘∙ 𝗂𝗅𝗅𝗎𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗻𝗂𝗌𝗍
21.   𝓝 ;; ألف سنة من الفرح .666𝐘. ℗ Ø.𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟏┆𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓
22. 𝑿𝑿𝑿 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝑮𝐔𝐄𝐒 • 𝐑 & 𝐘 〉𝔡𝔞𝔡𝔡𝔶'𝗌 𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀. . I
'𝟗𝟎𝒔 𝓘𝓥: تملق - GET 𝗨𝗡𝗗𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗘𝗗 FOR 𝗠𝗘..
23. ⋆ ࣪ 𝕼𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍.. ❞ 𝗦̲𝗛𝗘̲/𝗛𝗘̲𝗥.̲ ፡ 󰬬
𝕷𝖀𝖃𝖀𝕽𝖄 𝚆𝕳★ℝ𝗘 ༒︎ 𝟔𝟔𝟔 ⨾ 𝕷𝐄̶𝐀̶𝕯𝐄̶
24. 𝗡𝗨𝗠𝗕𝗘𝗥 𝟱 ⿻ 🐅 . ▞▞ 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓&𝖢𝖫𝖴𝖡
𖦹 ݁ ﹐𝚁𝙾𝙲𝙺 𝖘̲𝖙̲𝖆̲𝖗̲ ❲ 𝚋𝕠𝔰𝔰𝙠𝕚𝚗𝕘 ❳ ݁ ⸒ ₆⁶₆
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nightshadelinnette · 6 months
OnS progenitors as your school teachers:
My opinion cause I have the right to opinion
(If that makes sense😂)
Anyway I'm writin' this for funsies so enjoy~ 👻
13/7 Crowley Eusford
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P.E teacher and guidance counsellor
♤ He knows that most students find his class their favorite cause they don't have to study to get good grades, he'd make up for it by draining every ounce of their energy in the playground.
♤ He's not strict so you don't have to worry if you forgot to bring your P.E uniform only if you come up with an excuse that impresses him or else-
♤ He's rarely seen without a smile and if he stops smiling because his basketball team is losing because of your incompetence RUN
♤ He only became a counselor because he finds humans' worries interesting. You'd find him chilling in his office when you come to him for guidance, he'd just listen to your problems and give you some free candy💀
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Foreign Language/Literature/English teacher
♤ He's the calmest teacher in the school but sure will blast you if you don't do your homework or fail to create a masterpiece of a poem.
♤ He's VERY serious and his stare can make even the principal panic. A whole class of notorious brats would fall dead silent as soon as he enters.
♤ He has a handful of fangirls who are all head over heels for him. He'd give his e-mail to the class to submit their assignments but will end up getting love letters instead, he'd correct the grammar and spelling of the letters and return it back💀
♤ You can easily find his place in the staff room because it'd be surrounded on all 4 sides by literature books.
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History Teacher
♤ If he spots you sleeping during his history class he'd ask If you are unwell, if you say yes he'll allow you to sleep in class if you say No and that you're just sleepy then he'll make you unwell and then let you sleep💀💀
♤ He's really talkative and would go full-on DRAMATIC story-teller mode as soon as his class starts. When he gets bored teaching, he'll make the students role-play as ancient kings, he also likes to play match-maker and decides the queens for the kings too🗿.
♤ He likes to show war and plague videos in class especially the ones with more gore because he finds your terrified and disturbed face amusing.
♤ If you don't remember historical dates or fail in his tests, he'd just nicely pat you on the head and lovingly threaten to crucify you to a post and burn you like they did to the witches of the 16th century (like what happened to him before)
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Science teacher
♤ Always seen in his lab-coat, he's always inside the laboratory with his lab assistant Ky luc and rumour has it that he's making a bio-weapon or a zombie virus inside.
♤ He's polite and very good at explaining and almost nobody fails in science only because everyone is scared if he'd try his experiments on those who fail💀
♤ He's very mysterious and is rarely seen in school events or celebrations. He likes joking around especially in biology classes. (He once said nobody will die of blood loss because he is everyone's type🗿)
♤ Some students have to do spy work to find out what the hell he's up to and they say he's sometimes seen at the diner with the English teacher.
(Yoho that's all👾✌️ and about Krul and Lest, I don't think they'll even be able to reach the blackboard, let alone teaching💀)
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beatrizshy · 3 months
•°♤°• Holy Mother of all Mothers you are fast! 😱💀 I didn't think you answered so soon 👀
KobyLu Friday Night Funkin AU
Dawn of Justice (Koby is the reincarnation of the God of Justice while Luffy is the reincarnation of the Sun God Nika)
Kid of Red Hair Emperor and the Younger Brother to the Diva (Basically, Koby is the Bio son of Red Hair Shanks and the younger brother to Uta. It happens when a DF user hits Shanks and a baby randomly appears in his hands).
Koby in Wonderland (Koby follows a random Bunny with a Strawhat down a hole that leads him to Wonderland!)
Related to the Son of Gol D. Roger (In this AU Koby is the cousin of Portages D. Ace. His mother is cousins with Rogue and their fathers are brothers)
To This Day We Are Family (Kobys' father is a new fisherman that goes to Foosha Village. Because his father died in a storm and he was an old friend of Garp, Koby who was placed with a young Luffy, Sabo, and Ace).
My Friend Seems To Like Yours (Basically you have a companion animal that is born as a spirit alongside you but you do not see them if you didn't meet your soulmate yet)
Thats all I got. Go crazy but I will give you more info to some aus don't worry!
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I especially love the soulmate and gods one. Ugh they have soo much potential for angst and fluff and everything all together RAHHHHHHH
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thefatedthoughtofyou · 6 months
A Sweatervest and Squeaky Shoes
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Gator Tillman x Kirby Rivers (OC)
[ Kirby's Bio ] [ Part One ] [ Part Two ]
♤ Summary: Kirby sneaks into the hospital to see Gator after everything that happens at the ranch.
♤ Warnings: canon x oc paring, nonbinary/trans oc, oc uses he/they pronouns, mentions of Gators torture, blind Gator
♤ A/N: once again for you my dearest! @jozstankovich 💚 Reblogs and comments are cherished and loved! 💖🍒💖
Kirby's shoes squeak against the shiny hospital floor, he winces, runs his hands down his front for the millionth time since he left home. They feel ridiculous, a fucking sweatervest over the one, semi nice, t-shirt they have. He huffs, takes a deep breath, and ducks into the elevator.
It hadn't been hard to find out Gator's floor and room number. All the FBI agents milling about weren't exactly quiet. The issue would be getting into the room.
Kirby's fingers drum against his pant leg, his only nice pants as well. Black jeans, a little baggy, but they looked nice with the outfit. He tugs at the neckline of his shirt, uncomfortable, always are when they're wearing so many fucking clothes.
The doors slide open and Kirby pops his head out first. Checking both ways like he's crossing the street. Nobody there. Not a nurse or doctor in sight. He steps out, aims for casual as he walks down the hall, following the signs to the room number he'd overheard.
The nurses station is empty as well. The first person he sees is the gaurd on the door when he peeks around the corner. Kirby drops their head against the wall.
"Fuck." He breathes, his eyes move down the hall and land on the still empty nurses station. He runs back to it, hears footsteps behind him and ducks behind the desk.
He watches the guard walk around the corner and down the hall they'd come from.
"I'm headin down now." The man says into the radio on his shoulder. The radio crackles, Kirby doesn't understand what's said, but hears the man's response.
"Oh who cares if the door isn't guarded for ten fuckin minutes. Where's he gonna go? He's can't fuckin see. He ain't goin anywhere. I'm comin down." He's annoyed, Kirby hears the elevator doors open, and then close. They shoot back to their feet and run, their shoes squeaking the whole way. He rounds the corner too fast and nearly falls, runs into the wall and rights himself before jogging the last few steps to the door.
"Ten minutes." Kirby whispers to himself, rests his hand on the doorknob, just now realizing it might be locked. His heart pounding in his chest, he rests his head against the door, digs his teeth into his lip, and presses down.
The handle moves. Kirby nearly yells in celebration but hunches his shoulders and holds it in, pushes the door open the smallest possible amount, and quietly ducks inside. He turns once he's in, rests his back against the door, tries to catch his breath.
But his eyes adjust to the dark quickly, and he sees the curain pulled around the bed. His stomach twists, his heart kicking back up again. Their hands are sweating, they wipe them on their pants and take a few small, squeaky, steps forward.
"Who's there?" Gator's voice. He sounds scared, Kirby hears rustling as he moves on the hospital bed.
"It's me." Kirby says, his voice small to his own ears, and he realizes that might not be enough.
"K-Kirby?" His voice falters and shakes and it pulls Kirby forward. They move fast, ducking under the curtain, nearly getting tangled when they stand back up. His hands find the foot of Gator's bed and he pulls himself up, swats at the curtain until it falls away from his shoulders and then he turns.
Gator's eyes are covered, bright white bandages wrapped around his head. His hair is no longer neat and slicked back, strands falling into his face where they've come loose. There's dirt, and blood, Kirby's sure, staining the skin of his face and hands.
Kirby hears the whimper that leaves him, his hands clutching his stomach as he takes a few steps around the bed. Gator's head turns with the sounds of his shoes. And seriously what the fuck was on his shoes that was making them do that?
"Yeah." Kirby finally says,
"It's me." Their voice soft. Gator listens to the last few steps, and then hangs his head.
"How'd you get in here?" He asks, his fingers, dirty and bloodstained around the nails, pick at the sheets. Kirby swallows, hard, wipes at the tears falling over his cheeks.
"I uh," he clears his throat, tries again,
"I snuck past the guard. He went downstairs. Someone else is comin up I guess. Ten minutes." He repeats the time again, glances at the door, has no idea how long it's been. Gator nods, slowly.
"You'll be in trouble if they catch you in here." He's frowning, Kirby can see his eyebrows drawing down, pressing into the bandages.
"I've been in trouble before." Kirby says, teeth worrying into his lip, their hand twitches toward Gator, fingers jumping and dancing near his leg.
"Not this kinda trouble." Gator says, turns his head away, stubborn as always. Kirby huffs, grabs the chair by the bed and drags it loudly across the floor, scoots it close to Gator's bed and throws himself into it.
"I don't care! Gator. I just-" he sniffles, wipes at his face again.
"I saw the ranch on the news. They said people were dead." Kirby bites at the last word, takes a deep shaking breath he knows Gator can hear. Gator drops his head back onto the pillow behind him.
"I'm not dead." He sighs, fingers twitching on the bed sheets, and Kirby can't take it, he reaches out and grabs Gator's hand, presses his palm flat over the back of it, curls his fingers under and holds on. The rough material of the cast presses deep into his skin, he doesn't care, barely feels it. Just feels the skin underneath.
"I can see that. And I knew that. They said- they said you gave him up. Roy. On the news. They said a lot of other stuff. But I didn't really hear it." He cleared his throat again, another sniffle.
"Are you cryin?" Gator asks, his hand pressing up into Kirby's.
"No." Kirby denys immediately, watches the corner of Gator's mouth twitch.
"Shut up." He says, squeezes Gator's hand.
"I'm okay." Gator whispers it, turns his hand under Kirby's and slides his fingers between theirs, the best he can.
"Are you? What happened? Did your dad do this to you?" Kirby sniffles again, drags his free hand under his nose and keeps his eyes on Gator's face. He shakes his head slowly, his messy hair bunching up against the pillow.
"Not him. Same guy who did this." He wiggles his arm genlty, his hand clenching Kirby's as he moves it.
"Wh- I don't- why?" Kirby stammers, hates when he does that. Scrunches his face up at the bad memories of stammering through school, and rubs at his eye, pushing his knuckle deep for a distraction.
"Cuz I fucked up. I couldn't let it go." His lip wobbles, Kirby watches him pull it between his teeth and slam his head back into the pillow, once, hard.
"Hey! Don't. Just- don't do that." Kirby's on his feet now, his hand on Gator's head, moving some of his hair away from his face.
"I'm so fuckin stupid. I just couldn't let it go. And he fucking left me there. He just left me." His voice is strained now, Kirby can see his throat clenching. They bite their own lip, watching Gator's face, can he cry like that? Is there even anything behind the bandages to cry.
Kirby swallows around the fire in their throat and leans down, tucks their head against Gator's neck. He feels Gator's arms move around him slowly. His cast hard against their back, his other hand on their shoulder, gentle, moving slow, so he doesn't dislodge the IV in his hand.
"You're not stupid. You're just- so fucking stubborn Gate." Kirby sniffles again, rubs his tears and his nose on Gator's shoulder and pulls back. Gator's hand moves down his arm as they pull away, not wanting to stop touching him. Kirby doesn't ask who left him. Doesn't need to.
Kirby sees the small smile fade as Gator sits there. They move their fingers over his forhead, then along the bottom of the bandages. Kirby cups his face, smiles when Gator leans into the touch.
"Thanks for comin to see me." He mumbles, his casted hand moving to cover Kirby's, genlty, pulling it away from his face. He rests their tangled hands on the bed again as Kirby sits back down.
"Wild dogs couldn't have kept me away." Kirby sniffles again, but his chest feels lighter, with Gator in front of him, awake. Alive.
"What about a room full of spiders?" Gator asks, his finger pressing into Kirby's palm, just feeling him, touching him.
"Oh fuck that. You would'a been on your own sir." Kirby tells him, matter of fact. The laugh that bursts out of Gator makes Kirby smile so big his cheeks burn, tears falling again as Gator snorts and rubs at his nose carefully, shaking his head gently.
"Gee thanks." He says, voice flat.
"Hey. I got past the wild dogs man. Okay? I tried. I did my best." Kirby teases, bites his lip. Pulls Gator's hand to his mouth and kisses across his knuckles. His stomach fluttering when Gator presses his fingers into his lips, moves them up to his cheek, his thumb moving over Kirby's lips in their place.
"Seriously." Gator says, his head leaning forward.
"Yeah. Anytime. Told you I'd be there for you." Kirby shrugs, knows Gator can't see it. It doesn't matter.
"Are you- will you be able to see? When those come off?" Kirby asks, they pull Gator's hand back down, resting on the bed again. Gator's fingers twitch in his hold, he sniffs loudly, his other hand moving to fiddle with the bottom of the bandages resting on his cheek.
"They don't know yet. Not for sure. Said my left eye looked promising. Whatever that means." He shrugs, leans his head back again, sighing deep in his chest.
"I think it's what they say when they mean it's better than nothing." Kirby shrugs too, their eyes glued to Gator's face, their fingers twitch against the bedding. Curiosity burning under the surface.
"What did he do? Exactly. To your eyes?" Kirby blurts,  cringes when Gator turns his head toward him slowly.
"Sorry. Don't- you don't have to- answer that. Sorry." Kirby frowns down into their lap, shaking their head at themselves.
"He heated a knife in a fire and cut my eyes out. Or... he tried too. Guess he missed the left one." Gator's voice is emotionless.
"Jesus christ. What- fuck." Kirby says, oh so eloquently. Gator snorts, nods.
"Yeah. That sums it up pretty well." He says, noding again, his mouth a tight line.
"I shouldn't have asked." Kirby says, voice quiet.
"You wouldn't be you if you didn't." He says, quiet, Kirby's head whips up, there's a small tilt to Gator's mouth, like he wants to smile. Hell, that is a smile for him.
"Yeah?" Kirby asks, smiling, feeling giddy. Gator's not mad. Not mad that he can't control his fucking mouth. Gator nods, gives Kirby's hand a squeeze.
"Wish I could see you." He sighs, head falling back again.
"Oh yeah? How come? I haven't changed much in three days." They tease, teeth digging into their lip. Their cheeks feeling warm at the thought, that Gator wants to see them.
"Just tryin to image the looks people gave you when you walked in." Gator muses, his head turning, toward Kirby, even though he can't see them.
"What do mean?" Kirby frowns.
"Your clothes aren't usually hospital appropriate, is all." He shrugs again. Kirby makes an offended noise in his throat.
"I have nice clothes ya know? I'm actually dressed quiet well, currently. Thank you very much." Kirby scoffs, yanks his hand away from Gator's and crosses his arms over his chest. He watches Gator smile, can tell he's doubtful, even without the normal look in his eyes.
"Oh yeah? What'er you wearing?" He asks, voice teasing already. Kirby looks down at himself, at the sweatervest he immediately regretted, and grimaced.
"Umm ya know what? That's not- that's neither here nor there. I'm here. With you. That's really all that matters." Kirby rambles, pats at Gator's hand. He chuckles, grabs for Kirby's hand and misses.
"Are you wearing something embarrassing?" Gator asks, smile on his face.
"You have to tell me if you are. I'm wounded. It's only fair." His hand reaches toward Kirby. They scoff again, tucking their legs up under them on the chair.
"How's that fair? I didn't wound you!" He swats at Gator's hand gently as he laughs.
"C'mon. Tell me what you're wearing." Gator pushes, his voice all curled at the edges and sweet. Kirby sighs.
"Ughh. At least buy me dinner first." Kirby mutters, scrambling around in the chair til his knees are tucked up under his chin, Gator's eyebrow twitches up, clearly amused.
"I'm wearing a sweatervest okay? Do not laugh! It's from one of my foster moms and it's very cozy. Okay? So just, hush it." Kirby points at Gator, accusingly. Gator can't see it, but he raisies his hands in surrender anyway.
"What color is it?" Gator asks, biting his lip.
"It's like a blue grey color. With black and white argyle down the front?" Kirby looks down at himself, smoothes his hands down his chest again, his feet falling to the floor.
"What's- which ones argyle?" Gator asks, frowning.
"The diamonds." Kirby tells him. He nods, seems to think for a second.
"Is it soft?" He's worrying his lip between his teeth again.
"Yeah. Here." Kirby stands, walks the two steps to the bed and takes Gator's hand, moves it to rest on his stomach. Gator's brows twitch again, suprised at the softness against his skin.
"I got a black t-shirt on under it." Kirby mumbles, ignores the way Gator pressing his fingers into his stomach makes him feel hot. More hot than all the fucking clothes he's wearing.
"And just some black jeans. No holes or nothin in 'em." Kirby scratches at the back of their neck, watches Gator pull the materal of the vest between his fingers, then watches him smooth it back down. His hand presses to Kirby's stomach again and he ducks away with an awkward giggle, rubbing at the spot Gator's hand had touched.
"Sorry. Ticklish." Kirby explains, grabs at the chair and scoots it a bit closer, til his legs hit it and he falls into it.
"Figures." Gator sighs.
"What?" Kirby frowns.
"The one time I can't see you, you're actually wearing clothes." Gator shakes his head.
"I wear... clothes." Kirby drawls, knows it's only a half truth, really, at best. Gator snorts a laugh.
"Sure ya do. Pretty sure this the first time you've ever worn an actual shirt around me." Gator says, the eyeroll is implied.
"You got a problem with my clothes man?" Kirby asks, tucks one knee up under his chin, smiles when Gator moves his head toward him again.
"No. I'm just sayin, ya know, just my luck that I can't see ya when there's nothin to look at." Gator's fingers move nervously against the sheets, tapping out random little rhythms.
"I mean not that I was... lookin. I'm just- just sayin." He sighs deeply, turns his head away as his cheeks and neck turn red. Kirby bites their lip.
"I saw you looking Gator." Kirby says, through a smile, presses his lips to his knee when Gator turns back to him.
"What? When? I thought I was bein subtle." Gator scratches at his cheek, his fingers brushing the edge of the bandages again.
"You weren't. At all. Like, not even a little." Kirby shakes their head at him.
"I saw you looking like, the second time you came to me for weed dude. It's why I invited you inside." Kirby tells him, chin resting on his knee now, he sees Gator's eyebrows jump up his forehead.
"What did you- did you think somethin was gonna happen?" Gator asks, sounding scandalized. Kirby laughs, shakes his head.
"No. But I figured inviting you in might make you relax. Get your hands out of your pockets and your shoulders down from around your ears. You were so tense man." Kirby chuckles at the memory.
"I didn't know if it was because you were buying weed. Or because of me." They sigh.
"Saw you lookin and figured maybe it was cuz of me. Or maybe it was both. Either way, inside was away from prying eyes." Kirby shrugs, reaches out and takes Gator's hand again.
"I didn't mind you looking. Just- wasn't sure what you were thinkin when you were." They squeeze Gator's hand, he squeezes back.
"I wasn't sure at first. I mean I wasn't- that's not something- that's allowed. In my house." Gator shakes his head. Kirby nods.
"I know. That's why I never did anything. Or said anything. I figured- if you wanted to do something about it, I'd just let you." Kirby turns Gator's hand in his, his fingers walking over the cast, moving to his arm and up his shoulder.
"Let you go at your own pace. Find your own way." Kirby scratches at Gator's shoulder and then drags his hand back down his arm, Gator sighs, leans into the touch.
"I'm just glad I figured it out." Gator mumbles, rubs at his nose.
"Glad I was brave enough to do somethin about it. That night. After the lake." Gator smiles, his body relaxing into his bed more.
"Me too." Kirby smiles, watches Gator for a moment.
"I should go. Let you get some rest. Are they- are they taking you away?" He'd been afraid to ask, his voice shaking a little, his heart picking up again.
"Yeah. Don't know how long. But my step mom. Or- my old step mom. Nadine. Or- she's goes by Dorthy now. Dot. She's- she said she'd visit. Bring me cookies. Anything else I need too." Gator shrugs, tries to play it off. Kirby sees his chest flutter, watches his lip wobble.
"I'll come visit too. Everyday if you want? I'll visit so much you'll get sick'a me." Kirby perks up, scoots forward in his chair, perched on the edge like a bird. Gator frowns, his hand going still in Kirby's.
"You'd come visit?" He sounds uncertain, like he thinks it might be a trick.
"Course I would. Snuck in here to see ya didn't I?" Kirby assures him, watches Gator's lip tremble again before he drags his teeth over it, he nods, swallows hard.
"Okay. Th-thanks." Gator stammers, Kirby opens their mouth to answer but the door clicking open cuts him off. Gator squeezes his hand, hard, Kirby's eyes are locked on where the door would be if there was no curtain.
"Shit." He breathes, barely makes a sound.
"Don't you worry. I won't be a minute." A woman's voice says, high and thick with that accent Kirby's come to enjoy so much. He moves his eyes to Gator when he loosens his grip. The door clicks shut again. Footsteps, coming toward them. The curtain pulls to the left and brings them face to face with a small mousy woman. Her eyes widen when they land on Kirby.
"Oh. Hey there." She says, easy, her suprise fading fast. She glances at the door, then back to Kirby.
"You sneak in during the shift change?" She asks, voice lowered. Kirby swallows, nods, too frightened to speak. She nods back, gives him an adorable smile.
"That was my plan too if they wouldn't let me in." She scrunches her face, her eyes land on Kirby and Gator's hands, their fingers still laced together, Kirby pulls their hand free quickly, shoves both hands into his lap.
"You a friend'a Gator's?" She asks, sweetly, as she moves around the other side of the bed.
"This is Kirby Na- sorry. Dorthy." Gator grimaces at his mistake. The woman doesn't seem to notice, just smiles at him, and then at Kirby, her hand moving to Gator's head, fingers dragging smoothly through his hair.
"It's a pleasure to meet ya Kirby. I'm Dorthy. Gator's... Gator's friend too." She hesitates, her eyes dropping to Gator's face and then back to Kirby.
"I saw you on the news ma'am." Kirby says, manners from a foster home long gone kicking in. She smiles at him again, and it's soft, and warm, and feels safe.
"Oh yeah? I'm sure I looked a mess." She shakes her head, laughs a little.
"You looked fine. Looked nice. Just- looked like a mom." Kirby shrugs, and she had. She'd looked a little rough around the edges, but ultimately, she'd looked like a mom, trying to get back to her kid.
"Well that's sweet of ya to say." She waves him off, looks back to Gator, her hand still in his hair.
"There gonna be takin him in about ten minutes. I just wanted to say goodbye. Til I see ya again." She leans down, kisses Gator's forhead. He smiles, nods, his teeth embedded in his lip so hard Kirby's worried it'll bleed. He's trying not to cry. Can't speak because of it.
"If you give me five minutes I'll distract 'em so you can sneak out. If ya want?" She's looking at Kirby again. He stares, doesn't mean to, but she's... odd. In a good way. Like she understands things, sees things the way Kirby does sometimes.
"Okay. I mean yeah that'd be- thanks." Kirby nods. She nods back, kisses Gator's head one more time, walks around the bed to Kirby.
"It's very nice to meet you Kirby." There's a weight to her words that Kirby feels deep in his chest. She doesn't know him, doesn't know them at all, but she means it. Kirby reaches out, takes her hand, shakes.
"You too ma'am. Really." He stands, she smiles, tugs him into a quick hug, just a tight squeeze, and then she's gone. The door shutting slowly behind her. When Kirby turns back, Gator is reaching for him, casted hand outstretched. Kirby grabs it immediately, crowds close to him on the bed.
"You gotta go." Gator whispers, pulling Kirby's hand to his chest.
"I know. I don't wanna." Kirby breathes, his head dropped to Gator's shoulder.
"Will you do me a favor? Before you go?" Gator asks, his voice shaking, Kirby can feel him trembling.
"Of course. What is it?" They ask, leaning up so they can see him. Gator's head is turned towards him, if he could see, he wouldn't be looking quite at him, just off to the side.
"Will you kiss me?" He licks his lips.
"I mean like really kiss me. So I know what it's like? So I get to have that? With you. Before I go." His head droops, his shoulders shake, Kirby thinks he might be crying, best he can. They take a deep breathe, and reach out, cupping Gator's face and tilting it up again.
"I'll kiss you anytime you want." Kirby whispers, breathes it like a promise against Gator's lips and then kisses him. Slow and deep. Gator clings to him, both hands fisted in the back of his shirt, pulling them closer. He whines into Kirby's mouth and groans when he pulls away.
"Any time you want." He breathes again, teeth dragging over Gator's bottom lip as he pulls back. Gator chases his lips, leans forward and groans again when Kirby presses their hand to his chest, stopping him.
"I'm gonna miss you." Gator breathes, and it sounds broken, his voice wrecked.
"Naw, you won't. I'm gonna be there every day 'memeber?" He moves his hand up, from Gator's chest to his hair, moves his fingers into it, scratches them against Gator's scalp and smiles when he hums, presses into the touch.
"You'll be sick'a me in no time." Kirby leans down, presses another quick kiss to his lips. He sees Gator open his mouth, to argue, he's sure. When they hear a crash in the hall, voices yelling, moving away from the door.
"That's my cue. I'll see you soon Gate. Real soon." Kirby squeezes his shoulder and moves away, keeping his eyes on Gator til he's at the door. Gator's hand raises in a wave, his fingers wiggling over his cast as the other hand presses to his lips. Kirby smiles, tears falling down his cheeks, and ducks out the door.
He steps into chaos, Dorothy is down the hall a bit, laying on the floor, hand to her head. The gaurd on Gator's door and three nurses surround her. She meets his eyes through the guards legs and winks. He nods to her, still smiling, and bolts down the hall, his shoes screeching against the tiles as he runs and runs, ducking into the elevator and out of sight.
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fuelinthetank · 6 months
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Semi-selective role playing blog for Edward Charles Allan "Eddie" Brock A.K.A. Venom from the MCU/Sony. If you’re under 18, do not interact. Read the rules before interacting. Low to Medium Activity.
Warning: Adv. Lit. / Novella. Occasional multi para. Rarely one liners. This blog might contain triggering/nsfw topics. Everything will be tagged accordingly.
Before interacting, please read the rules.
♡ MAINS: @mistrdctr | @respondedinkind | @zemothethirteenth | @theprice-cffreedcm | @sevenbulletsavior | @skullsandsteel | @ashadowinwhite | @starsxchains | @penniesxdimes | @feathersofvibranium | @kissedbymischief
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hiraween · 1 year
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airbendertendou · 3 months
SOMETHING SOMBER TO MiSS! ♥︎ chishiya shuntaro
synopsis : three years after breaking up, your ex-boyfriend seems appalled by how you've changed, and the new company you keep.
recomended songs — exes, tate mccrae ; bibi vengance, bibi ; diablo, lexie liu ; 505, arctic monkeys
cw ; typical aib death nd gore ; reader is a physical fighter nd i wont apologize abt it ; the militants themselves lmao ; oblivious reader who holds everyones attention <3
TAGLIST : @chaotickyrith @valleyofheartz
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♧ ♡ if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked. ♢ ♤
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Oil fries in the pan as you flip the meat you're cooking, the side dishes already prepared and ready to eat. You hum with a nod, satisfied with the spread you've cooked — happy the recipes you read came in handy and turned out well.
The front door slides open and a smile falls onto your lips unconciously. You don't turn from the stove as you speak, "welcome home, Shuntaro!"
He grunts in response, kicking his shoes off and throwing his work bag to the side. Sliding up beside you, Chishiya eyes the food you cooked curiously, nodding his head the way you did earlier. You grin, "hard day? Did they let you work with patients today?"
"Still a student, technically," he responds. Chishiya grabs the cutlery you need, filling one cup with your drink and the other with his own. He grabs one of the dishes, absentmindedly setting it on the table. "Proabaly won't be around people for a while still."
You frown, following behind him. "That sucks. You're the smartest person in that building."
The left side of his lips quirk up, "thank you."
Hitting his arm lightly, you can't fight your own grin. "As if I needed to inflate your ego anymore."
The only sound is your eating — conversation with Chishiya never felt needed. You often found comfort in his silence ; found it easy to be in his presence. When your food is finished and you're washing the dishes, you notice him lingering in the doorway. You let him take his time — sometimes, your boyfriend simply needed a moment or two before his thoughts could escape his head.
But, he never spoke up. Chishiya simply stood there, staring at you and through you simultaneously. You blinked at him, hands still soapy, "everything okay, 'taro?"
“Let’s break up.”
You pause, a wobbly smile masking the strain in your throat. You face him fully, “what?”
“Let’s break up.” He doesn't meet your eyes as he speaks. He looks over your shoulder — looks to the pictures of you together throughout the two years you'd been dating.
“…why?” You wipe your hands dry, hoping to hide how they tremble. Chishiya eyes them through furrowed eyes — he noticed. You hide them helplessly anyways.
He shrugs passively, “I’m bored.”
“And nothing I say will change your mind?” It's now that he meets your gaze. It's dark — empty as he looks at you. Ice crawls into your chest, settling there as your breathing begins to get heavy. You nod slowly and look to the floor. “Okay. Let’s break up, Chishiya.”
You hope the sound of his last name burns him as much as it did you.
— ♧ ♡ ♢ ♤ —
Music hits the pool area as you walk out, nodding to the beat you hear. Grinning at those you're familiar with, you perk up at your chosen group. The ones who brought you in when you were lonely.
"Ni—ra—gi!" you sing as you approach him. Sat on his lap is a girl with her bikini top slipping down slowly. Her lipstick is smeared and her cheeks flushed as her eyes widen at your voice. "Oh, am I interrupting?"
Niragi glares — he's really just hiding his laughter, "you always do. What do you want?"
You hum slyly, going behind the girl to settle her bathing suit correctly. Her breathing picks up and her hips twitch at your touch — Niragi hides his snort. "Have some newbies Hatter is welcoming. Wanna check 'em out?" You bend so that you're eye to eye with the stranger, "or keep having fun instead?"
With a squeak, the girl practically launches from Niragi's hold and skitters away. You blink owlishly, "was it something I said?"
Niragi's loud, boisterous laughter leaves a trail as you sneak into the secret meeting. Aguni eyes you before rolling his eyes discreelty and tuning back into what Hatter is saying. It's the same spiel you were given — this was a free paradise that only called for your loyalty. Loyalty being the cards you earned every game, of course.
If someone was going home, it was going to be Hatter first and foremost.
You eye the trio standing in the middle of the room, watching as the shorter male fidgets. He glances around — meets your gaze and gulps. He mutters to the girl he’s with, tugging on the end of his shirt.
Grinning, you lean close to Niragi and lower your voice to a whisper. “Traitor.”
“Them?” He raises an eyebrow, incredulous. “You really think?”
You put your hand out, “wanna bet?” Niragi clicks his tongue as you wiggle your fingers, insisting he shakes your hand. “Hm?”
He shoves your hand away, “never making a bet with you. Not again.”
As the meeting concludes, you grin widely.
Your name is called as Hatter beckons you forward. He leans on the desk in front of his card display, grinning as his top men join him. He gestures grandly, his arms open wide. "Liking your promotion?"
It's a silent nod to the gun strapped to your thigh — to the absence of a bathing suit. Aguni crosses his arms lightly, sticking his chin out. You grin — recently, it's starting to look more and more like Niragi's teasing smile than anything like yours. "It's fun enough."
Hatter laughs loudly at your words. He nods his head, "rumor has it you could beat any of my militants, anyways. Would rather have you on our side — on my side."
Niragi slings an arm around your shoulders as he hums in agreement. "Not a good idea to get on this one's bad side. I've seen it — scary shit."
Hatter cackles again as Mira eyes you now. She tilts her head a little, deciding to speak up. "Wonder where that temper of yours came from."
You simply grin again, closing your eyes with a sweet facade. "An old friend. That's all."
— ♧ ♡ ♢ ♤ —
When he's recruited to the Beach, Chishiya isn't sure what to think. The man he was partnered with was lasered at the last second, leaving Chishiya in a remaining duo. The woman — Rei, she said — eyed him warily before nodding.
An unspoken rule of the Beach was the ability to bring more people in — more cards in.
It's a loud place, music booming and people cheering as if they aren't in danger. In the entry way of the hotel, there's a small crowd gathering, whooping and jeering. Chishiya unknowingly strays closer to the circle and away from his tour guide.
In the middle, a man with his hair half-up is laughing loudly. His arm is around someone else as they stand over the bleeding lump of a person on the floor. As he laughs, Chishiya can see the shine of a tongue ring gleaming in the lights. His arm is tapped and he's dragged back to the introduction of everyone.
For a second, though, Chishiya thought he caught a glance of you.
Hatter calls for a meeting, as he usually does to welcome newcomers. Niragi stands with his gun slung over his shoulder — Chishiya squints his eyes, thinking of how familiar he looks before his attention is taken.
A long, lanky figure begins to speak to Aguni. The only indication of the conversation is the raise of his eyebrows — he seems surprised by something. Aguni's lips part, as if he's going to speak, before he eyes Hatter and his mouth falls shut.
The door behind him opens and Chishiya feels cold. A shiver runs down his spine, trickling in line with the sweat that's built up. He keeps his eyes to the ground, as if he subconciuosly knows danger is around. A sharp, musical lilt of someone humming interupts the meeting in the room.
"The traitors," it can't be, "have been taken care of, your highness."
Stock-still and frigid Chishiya stands as you come into view. You look different — it's been three years — a wide, estranged grin on your face as you ignore the blood dripping down your face. Niragi saunters up to you, "the hell happened?"
"Had a knife," you let out an annoyed breath, sweeping at the cut above your eyebrow. "Not a very good one, though."
Hatter's laughter calls everyones attention back his way. His grin is just as wide as yours — just as corrupted and red. "Thank you, [Name]! For your sacrifice, the Beach will live another day."
You simply bow your head before standing with Aguni — the militants, Chishiya remembers.
Tilting his head, the blond secretly looks you over. You'd gotten toned — leg and arm muscles built and presenting themselves nicely in your shorts and shirt. You stood relaxed, surrounded by numerous weapons and threatening figures had no impact on you at all. Maybe you were part of that threatening crowd now — part of the fear that clung to the Beach.
Chishiya wondered if you'd noticed his differences as well — his longer, lighter hair and how he slouched more when he stood. He wondered if you'd even seen him in the first place.
Sharp, animalistic eyes catch his gaze. The lanky, tattooed figure watched him before saying something to the pierced one from before. Chishiya shot his eyes away before either had the chance to see him staring.
— ♧ ♡ ♢ ♤ —
"Seem to have caught the newbies attention." Niragi speaks casually as you roam the hallways. He lets out a snort, rolling his eyes and head until he's looking at Last Boss.
Last Boss grins, "always do."
You curl your nose, swatting away the rifle Niragi holds on his shoulder — it'd bounced your way one too many times. "We had a newbie?"
Standing in disbelief, Last Boss pauses in the middle of the hallway. He looks Niragi's way, mouth parted in shock before he's slowly shaking his head. "[Name], you are..."
"Something," a feminine voice speaks up. The girl is with a crowd of three, her eyes trailing up and down your body slowly. She turns to wink your way as her friends scatter. "Something, truly!"
With a giggle, she's gone.
Before they can comment, a bell is tolled, signaling the time for games. Niragi lets out a huff, following behind as you wrap your arm in Last Boss'. A stranger allowed their attraction for you to overcome their fear for everyone else. You had to be magic.
— ♧ ♡ ♢ ♤ —
You had to be magic.
It was a spade's game, to Chishiya's disinterest. He'd made an acquaintance — Kuina agreed on wanting to leave before Hatter, and had a history of combat. She would be useful in these games — except, they switched games at the last minute.
Chishiya couldn't have regretted it more.
You seemed to be the star of the show, everyone focused on you as your fellow militants grinned ferally. Poser — a four of spades where one player selected was not who they said they were. It should've been a hearts game, maybe diamond.
Said player could only be exposed by the color of their 'blood'.
Everyone was given a heavy, white t-shirt full of paint. Red meant you were human — blue meant you were an imposter. Chishiya gulps at the display in front of him. The red staining your skin wasn't just paint — he looked down apathetically at the two half-concious people who'd taken you on beforehand.
"You." A friend of yours is looking his way, at his pristine, unstained shirt. They tilt their head, "let us see your insides, hm?"
Letting out a huff, you swipe the sweat off of your forehead. Three others have joined you in your battle — think some of these people are actually dead. Standing straight, you see a newer militant cornering someone ahead. Shrugging, you saddle up beside them to help.
Your voice dies in your throat.
Dark, almost empty eyes meet yours and you hold back a gag. They shine sparsely, with disgust, maybe empathy and the smallest hint of regret. Your fist clenches around your trusty knife, praying to it that your voice won't break. "...Chishiya."
He almost jumps when he notices your attention on him. The stray militant has joined into the clump of fighters feet away — it's only the two of you once more. He lets out a breath, "[Name]..."
Your fist connects with his cheek before you can think. Chishiya stumbles back — doesn't have time to guard himself before you're nailing your fists into him once again. Your knees connect to the floor harshly as you go down, following his body as he collapses.
How dare he call you so casually? So lovingly? Your swing misses — Chishiya simply stares up at you. How dare he come into the world — this solace of sorts and destroy the walls you'd built? How dare he — three years later — still linger on your tongue and in your thoughts?
A choked, staggered sob leaves your lips as the voice overhead chimes.
"Game complete!"
Chishiya is still laying on the ground as you stand on wobbling legs. His eyes are half-lidded, hazy as he gazes at you, stock still. The red under his broken nose copies the red bleeding from his shirt. Not the traitor this time, at least.
You let out another sob before turning, grabbing the card and leaving the game.
— ♧ ♡ ♢ ♤ —
a part two is already in the works! have to figure out a definite plot, is all <3 if you’d like to be tagged in this series or any other aib work, let me know!! ♥︎
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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richie-trshmth · 9 months
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as you may have seen from my bio, this blog is mainly focused on stranger things [ BYLER ] and it [ REDDIE ] but there will be some stray posts or reblogs from other fandoms !!
header credits : @hazawhite
socials : twitter, instagram, tiktok, ao3
hazbin hotel 》 @callista-alastor
corpse husband 》 @crops-mayora
current art wip :
• richie tozier fanart
current writing wip :
• prologue of my byler hanahaki fic
recent finished art :
• beverly marsh fanart — children of the end
recent finished writing :
tagging system below !!
reblogs :
☆ : richie reblogs byler
☆ : richie reblogs reddie
☆ : richie reblogs steddie ( st )
☆ : richie reblogs stranger things
☆ : richie reblogs it
☆ : richie reblogs finn wolfhard
☆ : richie reblogs art
☆ : richie reblogs hazbin hotel
hall of fame :
!! fave artists !! : scrunchi
main posts :
!! fave artists !! : kidovna
!! fave artists !! :
♡ : my art - it
♡ : my art - stranger things
◇ : my writing - it
◇ : my writing - stranger things
♤ : my edits - it
♤ : my edits - stranger things
richie's aus :
random stuff :
◇ : richie's au – children of the end
richie's multi-chaptered fics :
☆ : my writing – rather lie than tell you
□ : rants
□ : polls
□ : random posts
□ : random reblogs
importance :
》 : mutual !!
》 : anons !!
》 : awareness !!
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byuvly · 1 year
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Stop using languages ​​as ⠀ symbols of decoration
This blog has the purpose of informing about the use of languages as decoration symbols and why we should stop using them. I took the information from this carrd in case you want to see it too.
⚠︎ This blog is somewhat extensive but it is worth reading it in its entirety. ⚠︎
⚠︎ If there is an error in the text, it is because I am using a translator ⚠︎
If you can repost or spread it, it would be very helpful so that more people find out why it is wrong.
Spanish Version / Versión en Español
Lenguages as decoration?
Yes, we know what languages are and that each one of them (or most) has a story behind each one, they have been created thousands of years ago and deserve respect, but lately some of them have been used as "aesthetic symbols" or as "decoration". Maybe you have seen some of them because they are used a lot to create bios or layouts for your profile or discord servers, but what is the problem? Well, the problem is that they are called symbols and used for the purpose of decoration BEING LANGUAGES since it can be offensive. If you know the language it's fine, only if you respect it properly and don't just know it as "decoration". This is why if you use languages ​​as aesthetics on your profile, blog, discord server, etc, you should stop using them for that purpose, not just because it's disrespectful but as a way to educate yourself on this topic, so It is true that without them the layouts can still be very beautiful, but I repeat, it is up to you whether or not you want to continue using them.
Languages ​​that are most ㅤㅤused as symbols
ฅ, ๑, ૮ , ઇ ઉ, ᘃ, ᘎ, ᘏ, ᕱ, ᕳ, ᕲ, ᕰ, ᘄ, ᘅ, ᘆ, ᘇ, ᘈ, ᘉ, ᘊ, ᘋ, ᘌ, ᘍ, ᘐ, ᘑ, 人, 乂, ꒰ ꒱, ა, ᄋ, ໒, ୨୧, ʚ, ꒦꒷, ꮺ, ୭, ໑, ପ, ᘏ
In addition I have also seen a lot of Egyptian Hieroglyphs used as "realistic Symbols", some of them: 𓆉, 𓆡, 𓆉, 𓃠, 𓃰, 𓅬, 𓆗, 𓄁, 𓃟
ㅤ"But we use English as ㅤㅤㅤ⠀decoration too"
As I said before, if you know the language and respect it properly, that's fine, but we are talking about ONE UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE, a language that we can find and see anywhere, but what is the difference? That this is used as it should be used, what do I mean? That when we use English we use it to create Meaningful Words/Phrases, which is the purpose of any existing language, to be able to communicate thanks to them with others, which is the great difference of these "symbols" like people they calls them that, if you know and understand the language, it doesn't make any sense because they are used simply as "decoration" and not to create understandable words.
A great example is the discord servers, many of them are decorated to look "pretty", each channel has a purpose and this is mentioned in the name of each one, for example: "general chat, pictures, links" and It makes perfect sense because it tells you what each channel is for, but the problem is with the other languages ​​that are simply a random "symbol" that doesn't tell you anything at all. If all the channels were decorated but did not have anything written, they would not make sense, and that is why the excuse "it is that we use English as decoration too" does not seem valid to me, since if we use it for the purpose that it is and we are respecting as it is.
There are many alternatives to use! It is obvious that the layouts can become repetitive but it is better than disrespecting an entire community, right? So here I leave you some symbols that YES you can use freely since they are only symbols to decorate.
▥ ▤ ▦ ▧ ▨ ▩ ░ ▒ ▓ ⟡ ◇ ⬚ ▢ ⿴ ⿶ ◫ ⨳ ⌕ ⭓ ⭔ ⌯ ﹟ ⁞ ︵ ﹏ ₊ ▹ ᶻz ⸝ ﹙﹚%◖ ⊞ ʬʬ ◎ ⨳ ▹◺◃ ▸ ◂ ▱⬩◓ ◒ ◐ ◌ ◍ ◔ ◕ ▞ ■ 𓏴⬦ ︿𖣯𐚱 ✗ ▬ ▭ ▰ ⸝⸝ ﹅◖ ◗. ⚣ ⚢ ♧ ♤ ❍ ╰╮╭╯╰ ╮🜲 ⩩ – — ıllı ︿ ── ∨ ∪ ⊂ ⊃ ⋂ ⌣ ⌝ ⌟ ⌜ ⌙ ⌖ ∥ ◊ ▱ ▭ □ ◁ ▷ ⏊≧ ≦ ⋈ ≠ ≈ × ∧ ≡ ⋐ ⋑ ⋒ ⋓ ⧉ ⿻ > < ▽ ⌗ ∞ ⫘ ⪦ ⪧ ⪩⪨ ⋋ ⋌ ☆ ★ ✰ ✭ ✮ ✬ ✶ ✷ ✹ ✸ ✦ ⯍ ⯎ ⯏ ✧ ⊹ ✪ ⭑ ⋆ ࣪. ⭒ ⁎ ﹒╴・:﹕﹢﹐﹗﹠ ﹪﹙﹚︔ ︉?﹔◞ ◟ ◝ ◜﹫『』!〝 〞〈 ���( )♡ ‹𝟹 ♥︎ ❅ ❀ 𑁍 ✾ 𖤛 ❊ ✿ ⩇ ● ┗ ┛ ┏ ┓ ◠ ➜ ✗ ☰ ꜝ V . ⋱ ⋰ ⋯ ≋ ∴ ∵ ∷ ≺ ≻ ≼ ≽ ∦ ⊄ ⊅ ⋕ ⊰ ⊱ ⋉ ⋊ ∿ △ ⌇ ⌓ ⌒ ⎚ ⎔ ⍨ ⌔ ⎓ ⏦ □ ▣ ◦ ◢ ◣ ◤ ◥ ◦ ◧ ◨ ◩ ◪ ◫ ◬ ◭ ◮ ◯ ◰ ◱ ◲ ◳ ◴ ◵ ◶ ◷ ◸◹ ◺ ◻ ◼ ◽ ◾ ◿ ◄ ◅ ◆ ◇ ◈ ◉ ◊ ▱ ⟲ ⟳ ⟿ ❛ ❜ ❝ ❞ ⟓ ⟔ ➘ ➙ ➚ ⦇ ⦈ ⧺ ⧻ ⤳ ⦢ ⦣ ⧘ ⧙ ⧚ ⧛ ⧼ ⧽ ⧣ ⧧ ⧡ ⩊ ⩋ ⩌ ⩍ ⩆ ⫲ ⫵ ⬖ ⬗ ⬘ ⬙ ⬠ ⬡ ⸾ ◡̈ ﹑ ʾ→ ∊ ∍ ≭ ≘ ⊕ ⊘ ⊚ ⊧ ⊳ ⊠ ⊟ ⊞ ⊦ ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ ⁰ ≀ ≖ ≮ ⊾ ⋿ ⩕ ⊮ ≉ ∡ ∢ ∝ ↄ ∖ ∕ ∆ ⤚ ∙ ⁓ © ™ … ⁘ ⁖ ⁙ ⁅ ⁆ › ‹ ° ¿ ¨ ª º ¯ ↯ ↷ ↶ ⇅ ⇾ ↆ ⋏ ⫝ ⇄ ⥃ ⸙ 𝆥 ⦂ ⌲ ⏆ 𝄝 ꜛ ⟆ 。 ⛶ 𝇒 *☄ ☍ ⸯ 𝅄 ⎙ 𝆹 ﹆ ␥ 𝄎 𝄐 𝄑 𝄓 𝄜 𝄩 𝄖 𝄘 𝄗 𝄙 𝄚 𝄛 𝄺 𝅓 𝅘 𝆝 𝆢 𝆭 𝆩 𝆳 𝆯 𝇁𝇂𝇃𝇄𝇅 𝇇 𝇈 𝇉 𝇊 𝇋 𝇌 𝇍 𝇎 𝇏 ⌀ ⌁ ⌂ ⌧ ⌬ ⌭ ⌮ ⍟ ⍤ ⍣ ⍵ ⎃ ⎌ ⏙ ⏛ ⏣ ☾ ⦖ ⦿ ⧦ ⬭ ⬬ ⭀ ꜟ ˿ ﹩ ⟢
1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47
⇄ ◃◃ ♡ ▹▹ ↻
⇆ㅤ ◁◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷▷ㅤ ↻
Symbols for dividers:
* ‧⠀⠀⨯⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⁺⠀⠀ ✦⠀⠀ * ‧⠀⠀⨯⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ .⁺⠀⠀ ✦⠀⠀ *⨯ ₊✿ ﹒⠀ ⨯ ₊✿ ﹒⠀ ⨯ ₊✿ ﹒✦ .  ⁺ ☆ . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦⠀ ✦ .  ⁺ ☆ . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦⁺✦⠀.⠀♡⁺⠀.⠀⁺✦⠀.⠀♡⁺⠀.⠀⁺✦⠀.⠀♡⁺
◞‸◟ ₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ ⸜(ˊ▽ˋ*) (#><) (。>﹏<) (>. O) ˃ᴗ˂ ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ (- ‸ - " )
(˵╹-╹)━☆ (-_-") („ᵕᴗᵕ„) (ᴗ _ ᴗ。 ) (✿◠ᴗ◠) ( ;´ - `;) ( -_•)╦̵̵̿╤─ ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ (·•∩•)
( ´ ⌣ ` ⋕ ) ・⋌・ ⌤ ( ˃ ⩌˂)∡
ㅤㅤHow can you help?
You can help spread this blog/post by reposting it on your profile or telling your friends or acquaintances to spread/repost it too so more people know why it's wrong. DO NOT attack someone if they use these languages ​​as decoration, everyone has the right to educate themselves, just inform others about it and leave the rest to themselves, your job is done!
This also applies to discord servers in case you see any that use these languages ​​as decoration.
Ok, I know I went on a long way but I saw it necessary to make everything clear on this topic, so if you got here, tysm for reading everything ♡.
I made this blog/post because I felt it necessary for more people on Tumblr to know about this topic because many of the locs or layouts make use of these "symbols" simply for decoration. It should be clarified that I took this information from the Carrd that I put at the beginning, so all the credits to that person, only I wrote it my way! So if there is any error or misinformation here, please let me know so that I can edit it.
I'm using a translator because I don't speak English very well, so if there's anything misspelled, please let me know so I can edit it!
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