#♧X reader
shmowder · 1 month
Hi!! Absolutely adore and love your writing it’s become like a drug to my brain! So I come baring a request! Can I get some general hcs on how it would be like to (non sexually!) sleep with Artemy,Daniil, Maria and Eva at night!
Thanks kindly if you end up writing this one!!
Thanks for clarifying it's nonsexual, I genuinely would've misinterpreted it otherwise. You're so sweet!!!! <333 I'm glad to hear that.
Sharing a bed with them
[fluff, cuddling]
[Daniil, Artemy, Maria, Eva - GN Reader]
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Daniil Dankovsky
It depends greatly on if he's still residing at the stillwaters or not.
Despite the many overnight stays at work and sleeping over his desk in Thanatica Labs, Daniil rarely feels comfortable in any bed that's not his own.
Resulting in a very stiff Dankovsky laying next to you on the mattress, staring at the roof in offence as if it was its fault that the pillow under his head feels wrong no matter how much he adjusts it.
The night is uneventful.
He is the first to wake up–courtesy of never getting much sleep to begin with.
Now, if you were back at his apartment at the Capital instead?
You'd notice the massive difference.
His bed is completely catered to his personal taste, having picked everything out with immaculate care, down to the type of feather stuffings inside his pillows.
Daniil is a many pillows person, you found out.
Yes, even the small decorative ones, he has those.
Like a fish in water, he's completely in his element.
Tense shoulders softening as he sink into the mattress below, jaw unclenching as he buries his face into the pillow.
He enjoys sleeping on his left side.
Depends on how close the two of you are, 9 times out of ten, he'd politely offer you the bed and take the couch himself.
But if your relationship is more on the intimate side and this isn't your first time sharing a bed or being in such close proximity.
Then he'd assume you know you're very welcome in his bed.
It is a little jarring at first to see him without the his heavy coat or the many layers of clothes he adorns.
Seeing the bachelor without his red cravat was akin to witnessing a peacock without its colourful feathers.
Daniil does change into a full sleep set with a button-up long sleeves shirt and matching pants.
Made from breathable cotton, accent colours decorating the collar and cuff ends.
Fitting him comfortably. The "business-casual" of pajamas, something you wouldn't be embarrassed to be seen in by your boss if they dropped for a 3am surprise visit for whatever reason.
He has multiple sets that he cycles between, actually.
But that's a conversation for another day.
Daniil might not initiate touch himself, but if you happen to curl into his embrace or wrap an arm around his waist, Daniil wouldn't pull away.
Moving closer to you in his sleep, the heat of your body feels heavenly against his own under the warm blanket.
By the time you wake up, he's still there.
Sleeping on his side, facing you.
Realising how much softer his face looks relaxed, his overworker mind offered momentary peace.
He might not admit it, but the warmth of your embrace is a luxury he wishes he could indulge in more often, something he'll never take for granted.
Artemy Burakh
Whatever preferences and qualms about sleeping he used to have were smoothed out by the army barracks life
He can have the most restful sleeps on any surface.
Even a couch is more than sufficient for his power naps.
At the beginning of his return to the town, he slept stiffly.
Barely moving and staying in place, any twists or turns were the results of another nightmare plaguing his brain.
So as he gets accustomed back to the blissful domestic life where he has his own large bed–an actual bed this time around, unlike the wooden plank makeshift bed in his lair–his old habits slowly return
Artemy moves a lot in his sleep, you found out.
Sleeping on one side and waking up on the other, blanket on the floor, one pillow across the room for some reason.
His previous trait of being a light sleeper fizzles out as he gets accustomed to the security of a safe life.
Becoming more and more heavier of a sleeper.
His bed can fit the two of you, albeit snugly courtesy of his sheer size.
But Artemy has no problems with sleeping next to someone.
He used to have a lot of sleepovers as a kid, Lara, Stakh, and Grief using him as a pillow a lot.
So why don't you sleep on his arm instead of sticking to the wall like a bug?
Even without a blanket, his body feels warm next to your own.
With your head on his shoulder as he laid on his back, you watch the rise and fall of his chest.
Through the hours of the night, his hold on you doesn't falter even as he moves and turns.
You're helplessly dragged with him to the other side of the bed.
From the way his sleeping form keeps hugging you with no intent of letting go, you wonder if he used to sleep with a teddy bear or a plushie as a kid.
Artemy still remembers the way he used to tiptoe to his father's bed at night whenever he was having bad dreams
Isidor welcoming him in without any qualms or fuss.
Even as his son grew tall into his awkward teenage phase, the safety of his dad's embrace stayed a constant in his life, an open option he could seek every night.
Which is way on any given night, it's not strange to find either of Sticky or Murky fast asleep by his side.
Especially Sticky who used to occupy the chair at the end of his makeshift bed each time Artemy slept in the lair, watching over him as if he's afraid the other will abandon him in the middle of the night.
Murky prefers her own bed more, personal space being an important thing to her.
But she still stands in the doorway of his bedroom shyly at least once a month, clearly wanting to join the three of you but too prideful to admit it.
Artemy getting up with an amused smile, picking her up and heading back to bed.
With the four of you in bed, it is a snug fit.
Murky on top of Artemy like a stubborn cat, having hogged one of the pillows to hug as she used his chest as her own mattress.
Sticky on his left, sleeping on his arm because it was his pillow that Murky stole, complaining that his dad's sweater is too ancient and stray wool pieces keep irritating his face.
Finally, you are on his right with your back to the wall.
Choosing to ignore the concerning creeking sound coming from the frame of the bed under you four.
Maybe it is time you convinced Artemy to invest into a bigger one.
Maria Kaina
Silky sheets and valvet covers, Maria's bedroom is the embodiment of luxury and elegance.
Yet you can't shake the feeling that something lurks beneath the glamorous surface.
The cracked mirror on her vanity, shattered glass shards still remaining a whole piece despite the gap in the middle.
The aftermath of someone's fist colliding against its own reflection, bloodied knuckles slammed into the glass, shattering the brittle mirror.
Maria often invited people to her wing of the crucible, she doesn't go to others, they come to her instead.
And while that bed has seen her share fair of one night lovers, they never overstayed their welcome.
Maira... doesn't remember the last time she has let someone sleep by her side, just sleep.
The last time she entrusted another soul enough to remain defenseless next to them throughout the dead night.
She keeps a journal–a diary under one of her pillows, you discover it by accident as you adjust in bed.
She's quick to snatch it away, locking it safely in a drawer without offering a single explanation.
Adorning a crimson floor-length nightgown, ruffles alongside the shoulders, a matching robe on top. Both parts of the same set.
Her usually loose hair is secured by a tie in a low bun
other times, it's braided to the side.
whichever hairstyle makes it easier to untangle in the morning, she's not picky.
The mattress is more on the firmer side, the kind that adjusts your spine to it rather than the other way around.
It's good for your back, she explains.
Despite it being a queen sized bed, Marine lays directly in the middle, a force of habit.
Rather than split it in half.
You either stay near the edge of the bed and risk rolling over and falling during the night.
Or take the risk of snuggling up to her.
While a head injury pales in comparison to certain death, you still pick the more exciting option.
She already agreed to let you sleep in her bed...that at least shows that Maria feels comfortable around you.
Her breath hitches when you lay your head atop her shoulder
laying so close to hers, she can almost feel your body heat.
There is a moment of silence as she clearly contemplates her next course of action.
Before giving you an annoyed look, you think oh no, you're doomed.
Until her arm sneaks under your waist, curling around your back and pulling you closer to her.
"If you're going to cling to someone, at least do it properly."
Her skin is cold.
You run your fingers down her back soothingly, she tries to downplay how reactive to the touch she is.
As if no one has granted her a tender touch in years, she hasn't been shown this...delicate form of love since a long time ago.
...not since she was a kid, clinging to her mother's skirt after accidentally ripping the arm off of her favourite doll.
Maria attempts to remain stiff next to you, to school her expression into neutrality.
But amidst the darkness of the room, the realisation that you couldn't see her features even if you tried offers comfort.
Easing her into a sense of safety, her jaw unclenches, after what seemed like an hour, she finally lets go and melts into your embrace.
As the morning comes, she doesn't dare acknowledge the previous night nor speak a word of it.
Back to her usual smug and confident demnour.
Still...she trails at the end of her sentence, a subtle open-ended invitation to spend the night over again whenever the need arises.
Maria doesn't mention the fact her dreams ceased by your side,
That for one night, her mind was put to rest.
No future-plagued visions, no voices from the grave calling her name, no omens of what's to come.
A silent, restful sleep.
And someone's warmth lulling her into a sense of safety.
Eva Yan
Fresh out of the shower, having washed the soot of the day off of her, Eva is ready to curl under the convers and doze off.
Her sleep pyjamas are loose and airy, thin straps that keep falling down her shoulders, a pastel pink babydoll nightdress, the short skirt flares at the bottom.
The hair she keeps up in a ponytail is let down, strandends brushing against her shoulders, brushed throughly at her vanity after being dried.
You watch her go about her nightly routine with interest
How comfortable she is in her own skin, how much she pampers herself with cherry blossom scented lotions.
A beautiful smile adorning her lips as she meets your eyes in the mirror, offering you some.
Not wanting to strip to put on the lotion after you got comfy in your sleepwear, you politely refuse.
Eva insists that you should at least try on her chapstick.
It's strawberry flavoured.
Her fingers grip your chin gently, tilting your head upwards to meet her as she puts on the chapstick for you.
It does, in fact, smell sweet.
The atmosphere is light, reminiscent of a sleepover you'd have with a best friend.
Only she can get any person to feel as comfortable with her as an old best friend in such a record time.
Her bed is akin to a cloud stolen from the sky above.
The mattress sinks below your weight, engulfing half of you into it.
Fluffed up pillows stuffed with feathers, a soft cover that's seamless against your skin.
Multiple blankets, in fact, a lot of blankets.
She likes layering them on top of her rather than getting a big one.
Enjoying the feeling of their weight against her skin.
Plus this just means she'll always have enough blankets no matter who comes over.
Eva even takes her favourite blanket with her whenever she's off to spend the night over in a friend's house.
Trust her, you don't want to see the monster she becomes once a fight over the blanket starts.
Because she will win.
Her sharp well-maintained nails aren't just for show.
As her cheerful smile returns to place, you're urged to move on to more important subjects.
Such as, would you care to share a glass or two before bed? Red or white? She keeps both bottles right next to her nightstand, you don't mind the lack of glasses, right? Wonderful!
Blowing out the candles illuminating the room, a slightly tipsy Eva is finally ready to go to bed.
For real this time, no more stalling.
Only five minutes—no six, pass before you're delicately nudged as a quiet "Hey, are you awake?" follows.
You see, she just remembered the funniest story about a cat she saw today.
Would you like to hear it? Of course you would! So she was walking near the river, getting some fresh air as autumn finally cleared out.
Not that winter is any better. It's just more preferable to the twyre bloom season.
To be honest, the chilly weather isn't her style.
She's more of a summer child, but the sparkling snow always makes up for the harsh weather.
But it is a good excuse to share her bed more, nothing is better than to cuddle up next to another's warm body during the cold winter nights.
Which just reminded her, you do plan on staying in the town during the winter season, right?
She'd be so sad if you left so soon.
Even more sad that you never got the chance to view this town during the blossoming spring, the trees flourish and greenry fills the steppe.
She admits that she misses spending more time outside, staying in her house all day probably isn't the best for her.
But Eva doesn't talk to the Stamatins anymore. The Bachelor is always working, and Maria never has the time for her now that she started coming into her Mistress position!
Yulia barely squeaks a word in her presence no matter how friendly Eva tries to be.
She really has no one...so you can't refuse if hypothetically she asked you to accompany her to a picnic tomorrow afternoon?
it will make the most sweet memory, the two of you can watch the sunset together, share dessert and she could read to you one of her romance books.
Oh–sleep. yes right, ah she forgot. Do forgive her, she gets over excited sometimes.
Would you like to...cuddle maybe? She'll play with your hair until you've fallen asleep.
Sweet dreams.
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teojira · 4 months
Since Optimus is basically the dad of his group, what if he had a human s/o who's a mom-friend?
[Optimus' s/o who's a mom-friend] [Optimus/Gn!reader headcanons]
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Summary: Your mom tendencies come out in full force when you're with at the base with all the other bots, Optimus finds it endearing, the others do too, but not as much. (Transformers prime universe!)
Word count: 350+ words
Warnings: None that I can think of!
A/N: Optimus my beloved,,, as a mom friend , I approve of this message. I hope this is good!
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Optimus eats it up, he throughly enjoys having you as his partner already, it's an added bonus to him that you care for everyone just as much as he does.
It ever so slightly takes the sole responsibility he feels off of his shoulders, when you're there to yell at the kids to stop being stupid and putting themselves in danger, telling Smokescreen to not do dangerous stunts with the kids in the car, telling Wheeljack and Bulkhead that no, they can't give Miko two katanas, what the f-
He loves it about you, and he wouldn't change it for the world. You support him too, taking care of him mentally when it all gets too much, resting against his neck cables and just offering your presence, talking mindlessly about human things he doesn't particularly understand but soaks it in like you're spilling deep secrets. You being in his life makes his days better, and he knows the others agree, even if they think you're a little overbearing.
He doesn't step in though, content to let you handle things.
It works out, you're more forceful where he is not, more tempered, more fiery, you can get through the thich skulls on this team that he cannot.
"Optimus, tell them to ease off." Arcee mumbles, watching you lay into Ratchet, the old autobot staring blankly down at you.
He respects you as your own person and as Optimus' partner, he truly does, but he has shit to do and you're nagging him like he's a child and it's getting old.  Optimus hears your voice keep shouting at the bot, a smirk on his lips when he sees you gesture wildly to the rooms on base, no doubt saying the medic needs to rest.
Ratchet visibly flounders and tries to argue with you, but there is no end is sight. Everyone knows it's no use to try and fight you, they still try, my god do they try, but at the end of the day, you're right.
"No, it'll be good for him." Optimus hums, eyes filled with amusement as Ratchet finally slams down his tools unto his work bench, walking away with a huff to his berth.
"Old friend, sleep well."
"Oh frag off, you two are unbearable."
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manjjiros · 8 months
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ran haitani / rindou haitani / sanzu haruchiyo x gn!reader (separate)
cws: suggestive but fluffy, like actually kind of tooth rotting, little white lies, established relationship (ran), situationships (rindou, sanzu), discussions of drug usage (sanzu), bonten timeline, ask to tag
from the ASM: tricking the trio into getting some rest isn’t exactly easy. but the probability of getting it to work is not exactly zero, either.
over the loudspeaker: @sin-and-punishment
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“raaaan,” you whined into the receiver, rolling over in your sheets and letting them rustle against your phone.
you heard your poor boyfriend let out a breath on the other end of the line. “what’s the matter, angel? i’m a little tied up at the moment.”
you knew he was, obviously, or you wouldn’t be calling. you knew his schedule inside and out by now, when he had meetings, when he ran off on sudden jobs to handle important business you had no interest in knowing about.
it was always a little more fun to be able to pull him from some boring, dreadful meeting than when he was free to join you.
“come home,” you breathed, and you heard the way he hummed in the back of his throat.
“i can’t, come on. you know this. don’t make me feel bad.”
“but the bed’s cold, ran. aren’t you gonna come make it warm again?”
there was a brief pause and some speaking in the background. clearly he was in a meeting, which you had expected.
“warm up yourself, angel-“
“no, come home. i just want you.”
ran grunted into the phone, and you heard him pull the device from his ear and shout towards the voices in the background. it was muffled and broke up a bit; the reception in abandoned warehouses typically wasn’t the best.
“i’m here. just- stay put. ‘m coming. you gonna be good f’ me?”
“fine. see you soon.” he hung up, and you smiled to yourself, successful in your endeavor.
you’d left the door open for him and left a set of sleep clothes at the edge of the bed for him. he hadn’t been sleeping, you knew that; the circles under his eyes and the way he forced himself out of bed in the mornings gave it away. something must have happened, or maybe something resurfaced — he hadn’t told you yet, but you could make an educated guess.
ran arrived at your place within the half hour, the heels of his slick shoes clicking along the floorboards as he made his way towards your room where you waited for him, cuddled up in your duvet with the lamp light casting everything in a warm yellow.
he nudged the door open with a huff, smiling briefly before pausing. “i have to admit, this isn’t what i was expecting.”
“what, don’t wanna just nap?”
“i thought you were calling for a hookup.”
“dirty mind! i never said that,” you giggled at his exasperated face before pulling back the covers to give him space. “come on, baby. you look exhausted. you’ve got bags under your eyes.”
“don’t say that shit, my eyes are fine.”
“because you steal my eye cream!” you pouted then, folding your arms at his pushback.
he grumbled at you but ultimately eyed up the empty space next to you in the bed, letting out a loud sigh.
“cant believe i left the meeting to come take a nap. what is this, high school? i used to do this shit as a kid. play hooky and sleep in weird places.” he yawned as he spoke, undressing his three-piece suit in exchange for the t-shirt and shorts you left out for him. you just nodded along and patted the space next to you for him to climb into.
he joined you, eventually, long limbs grabbing onto you to pull you in close and bury his face in your chest. you smiled as the scent of his cologne floated up around you, the smell of his hair gel right under your nose.
it felt like it was barely two minutes before your talkative boyfriend was knocked out against your chest, your fingers combing through his hair.
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to: annoying prick
me: come over.
annoying prick: how about a please?
me: come over Now. miss you.
annoying prick: i screenshotted that for evidence.
me: i hope you crash on your way here.
annoying prick: i didn’t say i was coming? smfh.
you rolled your eyes at your phone as you fussed with the string of his hoodie around your finger. rindou never listened when you invited him over, always giving you a hard time despite expecting you to bend to his will whenever he wanted to see you.
oftentimes things happened on his terms, not yours. which normally isn’t a problem, except for this one time when you wanted to fuck with him.
your finger hovered over the call button before you opted for another direction, opening up your camera and taking a quick photo of his hoodie string between your teeth, cute and suggestive and alluring. you made sure to get most of your upper body in the shot, laid back against your pillows.
me: [1 image]
me: come over? now?
annoying prick: is that my
annoying prick: cheap shot. stay there. don’t even think about touching.
you laughed at how quickly his tone changed, shaking your head at his ridiculousness. he was a grown man, sure, but he was rude and mean and often thought with his dick rather than his head.
you heard the revv of his bike engine before you saw it through his window, clicking your tongue when you spotted him without a helmet. you understood that he was some sort of criminal, but you kind of liked him, sort of, and didn’t actually want him to crash and die.
you watched him park the bike illegally in front of your place and hop off of it quickly, straightening out the front of his suit jacket as he walked up towards the door.
you heard him grumble when the door was locked, fucking around for the spare key before finally getting inside your home and beelining towards your room.
you broke into giggles as he shoved your door open and undid the front two buttons of his suit jacket, trying to clamber over your body on the bed. “tease, calling me home from bein’ busy just to fuck around, what are you-“
“aht,” you stopped him with a finger to his chest, shaking your head, “not what i invited you here for.”
he stared back at you, hesitating and hovering over your form. “excuse me?”
you chose that exact moment to whip out the puppy eyes, jutting out your bottom lip and laying back on your pillows, “my bed was cold, rin! just wanted you to come over and take a nap with me.”
he gawked at you before sitting up on his knees and running a hand through his hair. “are you being fucking serious?”
“you invited me over. to nap?”
“mhm. and now you’re here. so let’s take one.”
“what the-“
“please?” you cocked your head and tried the puppy eyes again, to which he made a face, but didn’t necessarily move away.
“i don’t have-“
“you leave clothes here all the time. i have some set out in the bathroom.”
“fuck you.”
“maybe next time.” you broke into laughter as he succumbed to his fate, getting out of your bed to disappear down the hall into your bathroom. he returned within five minutes, having changed into a pair of pajama pants and forgetting his shirt, standing at the side of your bed awkwardly.
“well? come in, i’m exhausted.”
“this is weird.”
“no it’s not. just lay down, asshole.” you huffed and pulled back the covers for him. he squinted at you, having taken his contacts out, before reluctantly crawling into the bed next to you. you snuggled up against his side, to which he tensed, but ultimately ended up wrapping an arm around you anyway.
he fell asleep before you did, mouth open and drooling all over your pillow. you took a photo, not because you liked him or anything… well…
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convincing sanzu to listen to you at all was like trying to train a poodle. it was very, very difficult because he was very, very defiant.
you knew he hadn’t been sleeping well. you knew it well, unfortunately; his work was catching up to him and drugs weren’t your favorite solution to the problem.
you told him time and time again that he needed rest, that it was because you cared that you were nagging at him, and yet he always bit right back at you like a dog nipping its owner’s hand.
you had had enough. so you decided to play the game.
you sat in his car waiting for him to finish some job in some remote part of the red light district, in a back alley with no prying eyes or lights, really.
you sat in wait until finally sanzu reappeared in the faded yellow light of the nearest street lamp, wiping his hands on a handkerchief and kicking a lead pipe against the wall. you chose not to question his line of work.
he grinned when he saw you in the passenger’s seat, as if he had forgotten you were there, and hurried around to the driver’s seat to get in and lean into your space.
“all done now, baby.” he pressed kisses to the corners of your lips, making you giggle before he caught your mouth with his own.
you hummed against his lips, lifting a hand to curl your fingers around his tie. “haru,” you breathed, tugging lightly on the fabric, “can we please get home? wanna get into bed with you…”
he pulled back slightly to meet your gaze with his own crazed one, eyes studying you almost clinically as a grin spread across his face. “oh yeah? baby wants to get home?”
“hell yeah, i’ll get you fuckin’ home.” he pulled back from you to start the car, and you gripped the oh-shit handle because you knew he was just going to peel out of the alleyway.
and that he did, whipping down side streets and revving the engine, one hand on the wheel and the other gripping your thigh.
you giggled to yourself as you watched the veins in his arm, shaking your head. he just had no idea how easy he was to fool.
it took far shorter of a time than it should have to get back to your place, and he parked before hurrying out of the car and getting the passenger door for you.
you got out and led him to the door, feeling him stalk your every movement, only ever one step behind you. you unlocked your door and kicked your shoes off with a laugh as he tried to pin you against the nearest wall, freeing yourself from his grasp and making your way towards your room.
he grunted as he followed you, muttering something about you being a tease.
you turned on your heel once you got to your room and took a seat on the bed. “much better. i’m so tired, haru.”
“let’s just go to bed, how about it?” you started to get undressed as he stood in your doorway, scarred lips twitching with confusion.
“what are you talking about?”
“haru, let’s go to bed. i know you’re tired too.”
“no, this is-“
“no buts.” you stood to shimmy out of the rest of your clothing and tug your pajamas on. “strip and cuddle with me.”
haru wasn’t a cuddler, not by a long shot. but, with you…
he felt like he blinked, and suddenly he was on his back in your bed with you at his side in the dark. you snuggled up closer to him and ran your fingers through his hair.
soon enough, his breathing evened out, and you smiled to yourself as his grip on you grew tighter in his sleep.
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 5 months
No, I didn't say I was better than you, I said that if Jason Todd was my boyfriend, I'd crochet him book covers
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illustrious-ia · 8 months
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✶ ! : [304 words]
✶ ! : [Warning: self-aware AU, this is very short because if i indulge myself it would be very messy, terrible writting, and written by non-fluent english speaker have mercy on me grammar officers..]
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HERTA : who was not quite surprised by the fact she is inside a video game. Afterall, the universe is vast and always building itself endlessly. There are always an ample chance where her beloved universe is not actually real in the eyes of the celestial one.
: well, as a worshipper of Nous, it is appropriate for her to let her curiosity take a hold of her and ends up doing some research about you.
HERTA : might want to keep this secret by herself for awhile, however since her colleagues is also part of the genius society and they're fun to play with, of course she'll play a little guessing game with them by dropping vague hints and let little gears in their head solves it their own.
: messing with the game's codes are HERTA'S favorite. Oh? you complained about how her Simulated Universe's drops are not satisfactory? well since she is very generous, she shall increases the drop rate of those juicy double crit ornaments you've been looking for ages.
— : Hm? the event(s) related to space station is too hard? should've informed her earlier! she'll promptly decrease it's difficulty to matches your rosters' power. And oh, looks like she also increased the reward. Not by much since the game's system will detects it, leading your account to be purged and that is the last thing she ever wants!
: remember, she does not do all of this for free. Oh, ho. Don't worry, she won't ask for much. Once you descend to their world, you must let her study you. That is all, a few questions here and there then she'll let you wander somewhere else. And also do visit her ship often because it'll boost her ego even more! [ Lolol imagine Herta speaking her colleagues' ears off about how you visit her ship more often than any other place ]
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𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐄'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: I was supposed to write Blade's yan fic wtf am i doing. Anyway hope you enjoy this monstrosity and have a great day!
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⋯ Copyright © 2024 by Illustrious-ia. Do not plagiarize, use for AI / Bot training, and re-upload outside of Tumblr.
All rights reserved.
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jadeoru · 3 months
smudged lipstick: masterlist
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fun facts:
▪︎ the band's name is ANTIGUN - noya came up with it
▪︎ the positions are:
yn - vocalist + rhythm guitarist, nishinoya - lead guitarist, kiyoko - bassist + backing vocals (screamer), tsukishima - drummer, akaashi - manager
▪︎ kiyoko's the only member that's verified because everyone else keeps getting banned
• kiyoko can fry scream and when she did it for the first time everyone was FLABBERGASTED
▪︎ akaashi was supposed to be the bassist but the thought of a big crowd watching him makes him queasy and ill
▪︎ they had to BEG tsukishima to join bc he was the only drummer they knew. he only joined cuz he owed yn a favor and has regretted it ever since (he loves the band but wont admit it)
▪︎ their inspirations are: title fight, paramore, kittie, dazey and the scouts, jack-off jill, bikini kill, joyce manor, movements, trophy eyes etc
▪︎ 50% of their songs are about sakusa and they always shout at yn every time she shows them new lyrics cuz like??? MOVE ON???
▪︎ they have over 200k monthly listeners on spotify, but one of their songs went viral so theyre slowly blowing up
▪︎ yn is a movements stan because i said so. (+ her priv is named after a movements song)
taglist: empty! feel free to reply to this or dm me to be added to the taglist :-]
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ham1lton · 2 months
what am i working on? <3
any requested works have a ♥︎ besides them <3
any completed works have a ✓ besides them <3
also i’m posting these so i actually do them. let me know which one you’re feeling the most! and i might push it to the top of the list. not in order of when they’ll get posted!
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THE PRINCESS DIARIES — charles leclerc x reader. ✓
— faceclaim: jennie kim.
— summary: it’s one thing finding out you’re the crown princess of a small country. it’s another thing to figure it all out while ignoring the totally hot monégasque ambassador.
F*CK IT! GUESS WE BOTH AIN’T SHIT — lando norris x reader, charles leclerc x reader and lewis hamilton x reader.
— summary: it’s true that your relationship with your boyfriend had been more off than on recently, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t yours.
NAME TBA — max verstappen x reader.
— summary: you run the number one podcast on spotify, agonyauntie, and your dream guest is max verstappen. too bad for you that he hates podcasts.
or the one where your podcast is max’s guilty pleasure.
WHO GOT BEEF W/ ME? — jenson button x reader ♥︎
— summary: your first stint commentating and you’re already going viral. who would have guessed?
NASTY GIRL — oscar piastri x reader.
— summary: slut, whore, bitch - all the words that have been used to describe famous party girl yn yln. so when you show up to the grid with a shiny diamond ring on your hand, people are trying to figure out who would choose you.
also finishing my 500 followers masterlist 😭 it’s embarrassing it’s still not done. sorry y’all. i’ll also try to update some series. i’m going to be done with the nsu and the dgu soon!! :(((
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thesimpsbasement · 7 months
How do you think Azul would deal with having a s/o where he would say they would do crimes to people who would bully their s/o and s/o is like “That’s illegal, but awe 🥹”? Like if he paybacks someone, s/o is trying to be the voice of reason, but they’re smiling so it ruins it?
You're so right. omg, he'd be so extra about it, too
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Azul is definitely the type to beat the shit out of your bullies no questions asked
But only after making sure you're okay of course,he has to take care of his precious angelfish before he gets his hands dirty
Even if the bullies didn't bother you that much, Azul is not having any of it.He's not going to let people disrespect you like that.He'd pamper you even I'd you protest,shower you in affection and after he's certain you're feeling better he excuses himself and leaves the room
You begin to worry when he still hasn't come back, that is until you hear a familiar voice or rather voices shriek in pain as 2 other familiar voices laugh hysterically. Rushing towards the VIP room,the scene you're met with was truly something.
Floyd and Jade holding your bullies still,said bullies bruised and bloodied.One might think the twins were responsible for this but as soon as you see the now injured bullies the dots connect. Despite not being the tallest or the most muscled man,Azul's physical strength shouldn't be underestimated. The damage on the now crying victims’ of Azul's wrath made you wince
Azul simply turns to you “hello darling,sorry for making you wait for so long,just have this mess to clean up” he says with a menacing smile. You want to feel bad for them especially when being held in a death trap like the tweels but you can't help but smile,letting out a chuckle. “Azul you can't just beat up people to a pulp like that,it's mean” you say.A part of you is telling you to be the voice of reason,to somehow convince Azul to not strangle anyone who dares to badmouth you,but at the same time another part of you is all over the moon.Seeing them in such a pathetic state made you feel giddy almost. “Nothing is too mean when it comes to protecting you” Azul simply replies “Now be a dear and wait for me in my room,I'll be back shortly” he says in a sweet voice.The bullies turn towards you with a pleading look but you simply smile,waving “Alright dear,don't bully them too much” you tease “Oh don't worry,I won't bully them, I'll just give them a piece of my mind” he says as he watches you leave.
Eventually, you hear the door opening,revealing your darling boyfriend.He sheds his outer layer of clothes,leaving him in his white button-down as he plops right beside you on his comfy bed. “Hope you didn't miss me too much” he says,pulling you towards him “you know I always miss you” you reply,pressing a kiss on his cheek,not missing the way his cheeks are dusted pink. “And I always miss you”, he replies,kissing your lips softly. When you pull away, you stare lovingly at him,admiring his beauty. You both stay in comfortable silence before you speak once more “you know you didn't have to do all that. it could've gotten in trouble”.Azul chuckles,hand cupping your cheek “Don't worry about that,angelfish ,besides even if they were to report me to the head mage I have my own ways of getting myself out of trouble” he says,almost menacingly. You sigh,shaking your head at his antics “Do you really have everyone wrapped around your fingers?” You ask “hmm not everyone” He says ,eyes locked on yours “You're the one who has me wrapped around their finger” he says before leaning in to steal a kiss.You sigh again,giggling as you cup his cheeks “mhmm just don't kill anyone next time alright?”.Azul smiles “I'll think about it” he says,causing you to roll your eyes ,hands moving towards his waist to pinch his sides,making the octopus yelp. “I protect you, and this is the thanks I get? Siiggghhh” he says in a fake sad voice. “Thank you, Azul, for your service” you say in a sarcastic voice before pressing your lips against his once more, “It's my pleasure”
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delilahcalicocat · 6 months
He's Back!?-
{Rating: Fluff, Fluff, and more Fluff} {Warnings: Swearing, Kissing, Reader Being Sweet.} {Pairing: Cody Rhodes x Fem!Reader <3}
《Summary: Cody Was Injured after the Cell match and didn't tell Y/N he was returning (I did not color code the sentences this time)》
WC: Probably 500
You cringed as you saw Seth drive the Kendo Stick into Cody's Chest, The Bruise was forever burned into your mind.
That was a year ago. Ever since then you've been thriving as a Solo Female Wrestler. You'd beaten the likes of Morgan and Bliss.
It was time for you to take a break, That was until Adam Pearce, Caught your attention and said you had to fight that night on RAW
You Walked out to the Ring begrudgingly, and had to fight Nia Jax, in a mixed tag match. Your tag partner. Was Jey Uso. Ugh.
After your Match you stood in the ring, Chest Heaving as you fought to Breathe.
Suddenly that familiar Music hit, you heard it last year... as... Cody stood victorious
No.. it couldn't be!
It was him, the smoke hit and he came from the floor. Cody Motherfucking Rhodes had come back from his injury
He came to the ring, and walked into it
"Hello Beautiful, Long time no see!" He said
"Cody! Oh my god!" You gasped
You'd ran over to hug him, only for him to kiss you.
"Aww! Cody... you didn't have to do this, you could've stayed home to heal up longer!" You pleaded with him
"Sweetie, to be honest, after that kiss I feel like I could run a 900 mile racetrack" He chuckled
"Oh you're so funny sometimes." You smile
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writer-and-lover · 1 year
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Behind Bars
Kinktober day 6: Chastity | Frottage. Contains mean reader, cocky Atsumu and the slightest bit of dubcon. Dw, he enjoyed it a lot.
Miya Atsumu. The most arrogant, cocky brat you’re ever meet in your life. Loud and insistent, Miya Atsumu rose to the Black Jackals with determination and too much hubris inside his big, stupid head. It was true, he was definitely from the monster era, his skills as a setter rivalled only by Kageyama Tobio. But that wasn’t good enough for Miya, he just had to make a competition of everything. Cooking with his twin turned into “who can cut the vegetables faster”, simple sets with his teammates turned into “who can do the most sets in the set amount of time” and casual games with your team turned into full blown tournament level matches.
Unfortunately, he was your cocky brat. Fortunately, it meant you could put him in his place.
Waiting for him at the entrance to the building, you frown when you see his self-satisfied smirk. It ticks you off, knowing he’d knowingly cheated to get a chance to win. The sly cunt. But as soon as he got close enough, you wrapped your hand around his wrist and pulled him along with you. Taking him to your apartment. His face pissed you off. Like the cat who got the cream, so goddamn happy with himself.
“I didn’t know y’played so badly, baby,” he purrs. “You need extra training, you were way too distracted.”
“And you need a behaviour adjustment, Miya.”
He flinches and blanches. You only called him Miya when he was in deep, deep trouble.
“Haha… C’mon, pumpkin! Yer not serious, right? It was just a funny little joke, just trynna see where yer head’s at!”
“That isn’t helping your case.”
You shove him into your apartment building, essentially manhandling him all the way to your bedroom. You throw him on the bed, making sure to threaten him into staying still. He’s pouting as you look through your wardrobe, looking through boxes and through clothes. You hum in victory when you find what you need, before making your way back to Atsumu.
“What you got the- mm!”
You interrupt him with a kiss, biting at his lower lip. He’s so easy to break. He melts into your hands like warm butter, opening his mouth obediently for you to shove your tongue into. He sounds so pretty, as you run your hands up his sides and grab a hold of his bright yellow hair. You’re mean to him, biting at his lip and sucking roughly on his tongue. And he eats it up, preening like a goddamn bird with the rough treatment. You wrestle him out of his clothes, and he doesn’t even lift a finger, only taunts you. But he isn’t expecting the cock cage you lock on him. And he fights it. He whines, begs, bribes. But you simply hold him down, a hand bruising his jaw. Licking into his mouth is so easy, he merely moans.
“If you’d been a good boy, I would’ve fucked you in the locker rooms,” you emphasise this with a roll of your hips against Atsumu’s. He whines, bucking his hips hard against yours. You just laugh, as he sniffles. He can only feel the pressure of your hips against his, he can’t feel the delicious friction on his locked little prick. You let out a groan, grinding harder against him, feeling yourself twitch and grow more aroused. You kissed him harder, playing with the belts of his cock cage. He clawed at your back and hips, desperate to feel any sort of pleasure.
“P-please- c’mon. Yer gonna fuck me, right? At least?” His voice is shaky, eyes watery and half-shut.
“Of course not, Miya,” you murmur against his mouth, kissing at the corner, “it wouldn’t be a punishment if you enjoyed it.”
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shmowder · 2 months
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teojira · 4 months
Really enjoyed your headcanons on Caeser and Proximus, do you mind doing the same with Noa?? 😊🙏
[Noa and day to day life with him!] [Headcanons!]
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Summary: Noa takes you back with him to his home, and the clan accepts you as one of them. Even if you're concerned otherwise.
Word count: 1k (Jesus christ)
Warnings: None that I can think of! Can be read as Platonic or Romantic! You and Noa are attached to one another. (Yes, this is me projecting.)
A/N: Noa is so near and dear to me, I literally did not mean for this to be so long, and I STILL cut myself off. This is 1k words worth of headcanons for him, and it is not enough. I'm Noa's #1 fan, I am sorry to all my friends and family who have to hear me talk about him constantly.. Ask me for Noa anything, and I will give you the world.
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Do me a favor and strap the fuck in for this it's alot.
I am so glad someone asked about Noa bc I got ALOT to say.
Noa has had it with humans, Mae put him, his clan, and countless others at risk, he should not trust humans, really he shouldn't, but he can't help it. She also betrayed you in the process, and now you're alone.
You agreed to help him and Mae against Proximus, you're the only one who actively goes up against Proximus as well.
Swinging and trying your best to try and get Proximus off of Noa, yelling and crying while the other apes just stare in fear. (Later on they apologize, but you don't hold it against them.)
It's a huge risk to invite a human with them again, but then he remembers Rakas words, Caesars words, and decides he can't told another's decisions over you.
So when he gently grabs your hand in his, looking down at you with a strained smile, blood seeping from his lips, you follow, back to his clans land.
Now on to the good stuff, it's kinda awkward finding your place among the eagle clan, the elders are gone, his father Koro is gone, there really is no guidance as to where to place you.
You drift mostly, either helping Dar or helping with the young ones, teaching them how to read and write, helping fish, farm, the basic tasks.
Dar loves you by the way, doting on you and making sure no one messes with you in a harmful way. She teaches you their customs and traditions, all the while playfully teasing you about Noa. She's a mom, she knows.
You're happy with your work, happy with your place among the clan. It's genuinely shocking how much they were willing to forgive and to not hold any grudges against humans after one ruined everything.
It helps that Noa takes accountability for you, somehow so trusting that you will not cause harm. His faith in you speaks volumes and you remind him everyday that it won't go to waste.
All he does is send you a sweet smile and ruffles your hair.
You find yourself helping Noa alot with crafting new tools and contraptions, being a second pair of eyes that can catch onto things he can't.
"Very smart." "Thank yo-" "For an Echo." and he does that stupid cute little sniff afterwards and it makes it tremendously hard to hit him.
He's such a little shit I fucking hate him.
You're his shadow when his duties permit, he's taken on a higher role of the clan, sometimes going out for days at a time but you're always at the edge of the Village waiting for his return, anxiously working your bottom lip until you see him in view.
You're both extremely attached to one another, Soona and Anaya become attached to you too, dragging you along in everyone's free time to go climbing, to eat, to hunt, just about any group outing has you as their fourth member.
Noa was worried about them accepting you, but they love you just as much as he does.
It makes his heart swell when he sees you and Soona together, giggling about something surely only you both understand while Anaya groans and complains about being left out.
It's like you've always been meant to be with them, to round out their group.
Soona and Anaya will offer to be the one to carry you this time, they do want to, genuinely, but Noa won't let them 99.9% of the time, He's used to your weight, he trusts that he can keep you safe the best. (Says the ape that literally almost died multiple times doing stupid shit)
"Noa worries too much, they will be fine." "Anaya is clumsy. Can't trust you to carry yourself, much less echo."
He tries not to carry you everywhere, but it is so much more convenient than waiting for you, so he scoops you up often enough that the stares don't bother you anymore.
Remember how in the movie, all the apes sleep together communally? Well you're at first extremely nervous about that, not wanting to ask what exactly are your accommodations because surely they don't want you there with them.
Actually, Noa does, so jot that down.
When you shyly move away, he raises his palm up at you, nodding to the space besides him.
When you don't move, he gently tugs you down, laying on his back and shutting his eyes. The clan hasn't really fully rebuilt and started to gather things needed for shawls and coverings, so it's not strange to him that you cuddle up to him to steal his warmth, peeking an eye open to see your face squished into his side, knocked out.
He wraps an arm around you, incasing you in more warmth.
This is a nightly routine until you finally take it upon yourself to throw yourself on him, he chokes out a breath as you make yourself comfortable.
Soona and Anaya usually join in, he cannot fucking breathe but he's so happy that it outweighs it.
When Mae inevitably shows back up, she sees you out in the distance, you look so genuine happy, so at peace with where you are. You even have some eagle feathers in your hair, integrated into their life that it shocks her.
It's enough to make her put the gun away, grasping at Rakas necklace like a lifeline, sucking in a deep breath to stop her from crying.
Maybe apes and humans can live at peace with one another after all. She hopes you prove her wrong.
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ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀʀ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏᴏɴ!
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manjjiros · 9 months
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ran haitani x fem!afab!reader
cws: d/s dynamics, brat!reader, brat taming, spanking, fingering, spit, piv, creampie, ‘little girl,’ ‘brat,’ ‘slut’ used for reader, ask to tag.
from the ASM: ran and his girlfriend left in kind of a hurry after she spent the whole night with takeomi. i hope they don’t fight too bad.
over the loudspeaker: @sin-and-punishment (teehee)
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“i still don’t understand why you made us leave early!”
you pouted from your spot in the passenger’s seat of ran’s car, arms crossed over your chest and eyes focused on the night lights passing by. ran clicked his tongue in annoyance, his fingers gripping harder into the flesh of your thigh.
“i think you know exactly why we left early.”
“no, i don’t! it was so rude! all the other guys were still there and you threw a hissy fit and made us leave!” you whipped your head around to finally look at him for the first time since he had placed his hand on your back at the party and guided you away from your conversation.
he was angry. his jaw rolled at your comment, tongue clicking against his teeth. his index finger tapped against your thigh; if he was at a table, he’d be tapping that instead, rhythmically and with a certain ferocity behind it that meant you were in for it.
you knew what it was that caused him to get in this foul fucking mood. mostly because you had done it on purpose.
sidling up to takeomi to say hello in greeting was one thing. lingering around the older man, sharing a cigarette with him, letting him get you a drink from the open bar and eventually letting his hand wander to your thigh while talking? that was another thing entirely. 
ran had been the one to invite you along to the work party as a plus one. manjiro industries needed to keep up public appearances, after all, and renting out an illustrious party hall for new year’s eve was one good way to keep things under wraps. your caring boyfriend had allowed you to come this year, under the impression that you would cling to him and let him take you home.
instead, you had grinned and made your rounds to the other executives, clad in a tight dress and that thick fur coat he had purchased for you, before taking a seat at takeomi’s table to ‘catch up,’ your words, not his.
ran did not appreciate your complete disregard of him at the dinner. he wouldn’t allow it to go unchecked.
“are you gonna answer me? or are you just going to sit there all quiet like you’re a child? what are we, five?” you hissed at him, trying to tug your thigh out from under his grip, but he curled his fingers tighter into your exposed flesh to prevent you from going anywhere. he said nothing as he used his other hand to turn the car into the parking garage of his high-rise building, veins in his forearm flexing with the movement. you hadn’t realized he hadn’t even put his suit coat back on before leaving, the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled up to his elbows. you had half a mind to ogle him at the moment, focusing on the fact that you were in fact still mad at him for his silent treatment and for being pulled from a fun party early.
he turned rather quickly into his parking spot, finally letting go of your thigh to put his luxury car in park and get out. you didn’t give him a chance to come around and open the door for you, as he often did. you stepped out of the vehicle, heels clicking along the pavement. he still wouldn’t look at you, not even coming around the car to wait for you. he slung his suit coat over his forearm and tucked his keys into his pocket as he felt around for his keycard, walking ahead of you.
“excuse me? hello? earth to ran? are you seriously going to ignore me now?”
“don’t yell, it echoes in here. you’ll embarrass yourself.”
oh, now you were boiling, hurrying your pace in your heels to catch up to him. “are you being serious? don’t embarrass myself? imagine how i felt when you practically dragged me out of that party! you’re acting like we’re in grade school!”
ran’s brows twitched as he rolled his eyes at you, swiping his keycard in the elevator pad to open the doors and allow you both access. you followed him in, and watched him swipe his keycard yet again to gain access to the top floor where his unit was. 
“i don’t see how i’m the one acting like a child when you did the same shit. what were you thinking, huh? that getting all close to takeomi wouldn’t be such a bad idea?” his voice was rough as he tucked his keycard away in his pocket, cracking his knuckles as your face flared.
ah. this was about you. obviously it was, and you knew it well. your lips twitched before you turned away from him with a huff. “i don’t see an issue with knowing your coworkers, ran. or should i say, your other gang leaders.”
“no? you don’t think so?”
“nope. not at all.”
“final answer?”
“are we on a game show now? lock it in, host!”
“you’re a real fuckin’ brat, little girl.”
you didn’t get a chance to spew another word at him, because the elevator made that sweet chiming noise to let you know you were on the right floor, and ran was all up in your space.
his hand met your lower back and guided you out roughly, making you stumble in your heels. “hey-!”
“enough already. i don’t want to hear any more fucking complaints come from you. no sounds unless you’re crying my name, do you understand me?”
ran moved his hand from your lower back to the nape of your neck as the doors of the elevator closed silently behind you. his fingers dug into your skin as he forced you to look up at him. his eyes were blown and dark in that way that made your whole body feel like it was alight in flames. 
your head bobbed in a yes motion, feeling the way his fingers were twitching against the sides of your neck. ran was pissed, rightfully so, and you were in for it.
he let go of you entirely and tossed his suit jacket over the back of the nearest loveseat, loosening his tie and sliding it off. you stood near the elevator still, dazed and confused, while he took a seat and messed with his tie.
he looked over the back of the couch at you with a glare and a crook of his finger, and you were following immediately, circling to the front of the couch and standing in front of him.
“turn around.”
you blinked down at him before slowly turning away from him. his hands reached up and tugged your fur coat off, tossing it haphazardly to the side and probably to the floor. you felt the rough pads of his fingers between your shoulder blades as he fumbled with the tiny zipper holding your dress up. he tugged it down, down, down, his knuckles ghosting along your spine as he moved, before he was peeling the fabric off of your body and dropping it to the floor to pool around your ankles.
“no panties, either? what, did you want to get slutted out to everyone in the fucking room?”
“no, i-”
“shut up.” he hissed through gritted teeth. “you could be so good if you just fucking listened.”
you stood bare in front of him, back turned to him on the couch. your thighs trembled; you knew that in the dim lighting of the lamps in the living room, ran could see the slick that glistened between your folds. 
he tapped the back of one of your knees and you turned to face him. he’d unbuttoned the top few buttons of his dress shirt, tattoos starting to poke out. he sat up on the couch then and reached up to grab your jaw, squishing your cheeks together and tugging you close. you gasped slightly from the sudden movement, stumbling forward to stand between his knees.
you furrowed your brows at him, and he squeezed your cheeks harder.
“i said, open.”
with a tap of his index finger on your cheek, you relented fully, opening your mouth as asked. you expected him to shove his fingers into your mouth, make you gag and choke.
what you didn’t expect was for him to take a brief pause before spitting directly into your mouth. you moaned, a sound you didn’t anticipate to come from your own throat, as the taste of his saliva coated your tongue.
you barely had a moment to think about it before ran’s mouth was on yours, practically devouring you whole as his hands moved to your hips to drag you into his lap.
you went with ease, straddling his waist and wrapping your arms tight around his neck. he hungrily licked into your mouth, tasting the drink that takeomi had gotten for you still on your tongue mixed with his spit.
he pulled back with your bottom lip between your teeth, making you whimper and grip at the short hair at the base of ran’s neck.
“y’such a needy little fuckin’ brat, huh? goin’ out to a party with dangerous men and wearing nothing underneath your little dress. what did you want to happen? wanted one of the other men to grab you and whore you out in front of everyone? in front of the boss?”
he growled practically against your lips as you started to rock against the bulge in his slacks, no doubt leaving a wet patch in your wake. one of his hands moved from your hip, and for a moment you thought he would grab a handful of your tits like he always did, flicking at your nipple and making you keen.
ran, ever the surprising man, brought his hand down on your ass, hard. 
you cried out from the sting and arched your back, tears springing to the corners of your eyes. “r-ran-”
“that’s a good girl, finally saying my name like i asked.” ran hummed against your jaw as he nipped at the skin there, bringing a heavy hand down against your ass again and making you jolt and whine.
suddenly his hands returned to your hips, and he moved you easily down onto the couch cushions, pushing your face into a throw pillow and hiking your hips up high. sometimes you wondered how he had the strength to move you around like you were nothing, but you were in no position to ask him at the moment. you felt dizzy as you hit the couch, hips wriggling and hands scrambling for purchase on the cushions.
you heard the clinking of ran’s belt behind you, feeling the warmed metal of the gucchi logo bump against your thigh as he slid it out of his belt loops. you felt one of his hands slide along your spine, rings dragging along your skin, the other coming down on your other ass cheek and making you yelp.
“brats like you need to be reminded of who you belong to, don’t you think?”
you went to respond, but again, you didn’t get a chance. ran’s two middle fingers swiped through your folds before pushing into your tight hole, scissoring you open roughly and stretching you out. you felt his rings bump against your pussy, the cold metal making you pulse around his digits.
“you get off on making me mad, don’t you? you like when i throw you around and spank this pretty ass?”
you nodded, and heard him stifle a laugh. “of course you do. sluts like you crave attention. that’s why you were all over takeomi tonight. i heard he gets real rough on girls. you want me to be rougher? huh? answer me.”
you were drooling against the pillows as his fingers hooked into you in the right spots, dragging along your gummy walls and filling the large living room with the wet squelching sounds of your cunt. you found it in yourself to nod, head turning to press your cheek into the pillow and try to get a better glimpse of ran bending over your back.
this time, he did laugh, removing his fingers and popping them in his mouth for a taste. you clenched around nothing, feeling so empty without his fingers filling you just right. “all you had to do was ask, brat. you didn’t need to go and make me angry.”
there was a pause as you heard him fumble with the fabric of his slacks, leaving you trembling in front of him. knowing he was still mostly dressed while you were completely nude in front of him almost made you bashful, wanting to shy away from him as he freed his cock and slapped the tip against your clit.
“ran! ran, please, ‘m sorry, shouldn’t have gotten close to ‘omi, jus’ wanted you to be rough, i’m sorry, please fuck me!” the words tumbled from your wet lips so effortlessly, thrumming at the feeling of ran’s cock sliding slowly through your folds as he listened to you whine.
he slapped his hand down against your ass, and you swore the rings on his fingers would leave bruises in the morning with indents of the hard metal bands. he grasped both globes of your ass and spread you open for him, cock pressed up against your dripping hole as he had you exposed in front of him.
you heard him gather spit between his lips before it dripped down onto your pussy, cold and tantalizing, as if he was further lubing you up.
“wanted me to be mean to you? shoulda just said that.”
you babbled incoherently until finally, finally, he popped the head of his cock into your cunt and bullied his long length all the way in. 
you moaned, already starting to shake as he started a rough pace. his hand repeatedly came down on your ass, making you shake and cry out under him. if it was possible, you knew he’d be in your guts.
he filled you perfectly, slamming himself into your sweet spot over and over again. he bent his body over your back, the fabric of his shirt scratching against your skin as he moved one of his hands to shove three fingers into your mouth. he pressed on your tongue and made you gargle and gag around his digits, smiling meanly at your teary face.
“see, brat? this is what happens when you get me mad. this what you needed tonight? just needed to get fucked so hard you can’t see? can’t - fuck - think? squeezin’ me so tight, don’t tell me you wanna cum already.”
you did. his words, the spanking to your ass, it had you spinning and flying close to the edge within minutes. ran was chuckling breathlessly at you, gritting his teeth from how tight you were squeezing his cock.
he fucked into you hard and rough, tip of his cock carving a home inside your tight walls. your ass stung, each smack sending you closer and closer. you choked on his fingers when he pushed them further back into your mouth, almost into your throat.
“fine, slut. go ahead, cream all over my cock. cum. fucking cum.”
you practically screamed. well, you would have, had there not been three fingers in your mouth making you gag and drool all over his hand. your whole body shook as your eyes rolled back, pleasure washing over you like a tsunami’s wave hits the coast.
ran did not stop. he didn’t slow down, not for a second.“we’re not done here. you wanted mean, you’ll get mean.”
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abiiors · 8 months
Oooo for bbf!george blurbs how about the first time they meet each other??
oh the first time they meet each other george is 13 and reader is 11 so there isn’t much of a story there i’m afraid so i’ll give you their first like significant moment that forms a friendship between them outside of their relationships with matty (reader is 15 and george is 17)
summer afternoons of your childhood are the one thing you remember with all the fondness in the world.
riding around on your bike in the neighborhood, wind in your hair, and warm sweat trickling down your back. your thighs burn from the exertion but your mouth is stretched into a wide smile. the cicadas are loud and everywhere smells faintly of roses.
in a moment of stupidity you close your eyes and tilt your head up to the skies—savouring the smell of the roses and the speed of the wind and the sound of your bicycle gears.
it feels good to be whimsical… that is until you open your eyes and gasp at the tiny cat that’s ran onto the road, right in front of you.
panic fills your chest, you don’t have enough time to break your speed, and oh shit the cat is so close. desperately, you swerve to the left.
the world tilts. the whole bike wobbles, you let a sound somewhere between a gasp and a yelp, and the pavement comes closer.
next thing you know, there’s a sting on your palms and pain flares across your knee that’s now a bloody mess. your bike’s on the street, tires still spinning hopelessly.
fortunately, no one was out on the streets to see your embarrassing little accident. no one except for the cat maybe, who turns up its nose at you and goes back to sniffing some bushes.
you huff, manage to stand up and dust yourself off. then you limp back home.
your parents aren’t home, it’s the middle of the day after all, so you beeline straight to your brother’s room.
by now the blood has run down your shin and down to your ankles, soaking the rim of your socks and turning it red. you sniffle—your pretty daisy-patterned sock. now unsalvageable.
still, you quietly limp up the stairs and stand outside of matty’s door holding back tears. sure you need help but you’re still a big girl and big girls don’t cry. so you scrub at your eyes and knock on his door.
“matty? you in there?” it’s barely a wobbly whisper.
a few seconds later the doorknob turns and you loose a sigh of relief. the door creeks open and george’s face comes into view.
“hey,” he shuffles awkwardly. “thought you were matty.”
so did i, you think but swallow the words.
“where is he?”
“gone to the shop,” george says. “we needed some ci—snacks.”
you roll your eyes at his obvious attempt to cover for matty. (as if you won't know what your brother gets up to when he thinks your parents have gone to bed) but the door is properly open now and george is fully in view.
for a moment the pain in your knee ebbs away as you take in his tall frame. he's so much taller than matty, so much broader too. and when he crosses his arms in front of his chest, they look... rather nice.
then george clears his throat and you're once again reminded of the wound.
"uh... it's fine. i'll come back once matty's home." with that, you turn around, trying not to sniffle until you're completely out of his earshot.
"wait," he speaks again, "shit, are you okay?"
you turn around to look at him and notice his eyes trained on your bloody knee. tiny spots of blood are on the floor too trailing you to and away from matty's room. you wince as another wave of pain hits and try to nod.
"is this why you were looking for matty? come on, i can help you."
his casualness makes you hesitate. sure, you've known george for ages now, have seen him around your house and talking to your parents. you've interacted with him once or twice, said a quick hello maybe. but you don't know george.
"come on," he urges again and props matty's bedroom door wide open.
gingerly, you step into the room and study george from a distance. he's always been more of a presence on the side in your life--quieter than matty is, a still counterpart to your brother's constant chaos.
george grabs a nearby chair and gestures for you to sit. quickly, he disappears in the ensuite and you hear sounds of shuffling, cupboards opening and closing shut. then he steps out of the bathroom and returns to you with a first aid kit.
"let's see what we've got here," he murmurs more to himself and kneels down in front of you.
quickly, george pours some disinfectant on a cotton ball and you watch the crease between his brows deepen as he gently examines your scraped knee.
you flinch when the medicine touches the open wound but his hand rests on your calf, holding your leg in place.
"sorry," his face turns sheepish. "i'll try to be quick, okay?"
instead of responding, you take the moment to study him. his dark hair fall into his eyes and his touch is surprisingly gentle. not something you would associate with a teenage boy. (definitely not the boys you know) it's strange, though, to have someone take care of you like this, especially someone you haven't really spoken to before.
"how did you fall?" he asks and you blink to focus back on his words.
"uh... well," a flush creeps up your cheeks at the thought of telling him what really happened. "a cat ran in front of my bike. i had to swerve and lost my balance."
george tsks. "those little cretins--"
now that makes him smile as he takes in your sudden outburst.
"it was just a baby, okay? they're daft sometimes." you wring your hands together, suddenly feeling more self-conscious than before.
george finishes cleaning your scraped knee and reaches for the band-aid in the first aid kit. as he carefully places it over the wound, he looks up and catches your eyes.
"so you like cats then?"
"yeah, yeah they're cute. my mum won't let me get one though. she says i'll be too busy to take care of it. and the dogs might hurt it. but i'm not stupid i--"
you catch the amused expression on his face and quickly shut your mouth.
"my sister has a cat," he supplies and starts packing the first aid kit back up. "i'm sure she'd let you play with him if you want. he's a bit stupid though." george snorts and you can't help but laugh along.
"it's a cat, george. they're all stupid."
this time when he smiles, it's a little crooked and lopsided. there's genuine warmth in his eyes too and it fills you with a warm, fuzzy feeling.
"thank you... for helping me."
"no worries," he stands up and smooths out his jeans. "anytime you need a hand—or a band-aid—i'm here."
and just like that he's gone from the room and back in the ensuite to put the kit away. quickly, you scramble to leave. there's the silly little butterflies in your stomach and there's no need for him to see you flustered or blushing. no need for matty to catch you in his room when he's not home.
so you quickly leave his room, knee feeling much better than before and a giant, goofy smile etched on your face. sure, it's silly. you are well aware that it's very teenage girl of you to feel like this.
what you don't know though is that inside matty's bathroom, george has an equally giant goofy grin on his face.
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husk-not-whiskers · 6 months
𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓲𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝔂 𝓴𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓭?
♥️♠️♦️♣️ 🂱 ╰ ─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─ ╯ 🂱 ♣️♦️♠️♥️
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It was a late night, chitter chatter and soft laughter echoed from the bar and throughout the hotel. One drink after another. The pair had definitely had far too much to drink.
How could one keep track of how many drinks they were having. When they were in such company.
Time whisked on, whisky after whisky, joke after joke. Husk was not in his right of mind. 𝐈𝐟 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝’𝐯𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.
❝ … ᴹⁱᵐⁱ… ❞
It escaped his mouth as nothing more than a soft whisper.
He looked at her. 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃. His drunken gaze 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 her every moment. Then, he let it go.
The cat’s eyes lazily drooped down several times. Once Mielle seemed to return the action, letting her eyes close and open slowly towards the cat infront of her, Husk’s lips parted once more.
His paw hovered over hers
❝ ᶜᵃⁿ ⁱ ? ❞
𝐁𝐈𝐓 𝐁𝐘 𝐁𝐈𝐓 // 𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐇 𝐁𝐘 𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐇 // Husk leaned forward
His face brushed against hers, slightly rubbing his scent into hers. And hers into his. Their aromas mixing into one, just before their lips did the same.
𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀 𝐌𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 they were connected. Mouths interlocked in a drunken passion.
It started soft and delicate, 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐘 𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒 mixed with her 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐊𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 drinks of prior. Quickly it 𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐃 with 𝐅𝐔𝐑𝐕𝐎𝐑. His paws that once rested on hers, now pressed against her soft cheeks. Hers pulled onto his shoulders.
𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀 𝐌𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 they were all that mattered.
I had a lot of fun writing this! I think that Husk would really hate himself for having any kind of relationship that wasn’t fully consensual, ofc! I don’t really take this as canon, however I am totally fine with role playing romantic relationships ^^
But seriously I had so much fun!!! I wanted to try and replicate @/spiderslvts writing style a little bc I really enjoy the way they write. Plus! This was just a one off so I do what I want.
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mtlfanatic · 6 months
graves w/ a little dick please🥺🥺
omg omg yes ♡♡
(contents: insecurity, gay shit, dom!gn reader but leaning towards male, nsfw ofc..)
mdni, non-males dni
Graves who has..
a big ego, with an even bigger truck and gun and team and drawl and..-
hes definitely compensating for something.
you and phil have been together for a while now, bordering on four months, yet..you've never been intimate together. not that you mind, of course, maybe he just doesn't wish to move too fast?
but no, no, that's not it.
phil has always been insecure about his size, often avoiding sex to save from the embarrassment. (he has nothing to be embarrassed of, I love him..♡)
but after a while, he's gained some confidence. and so have you.
so you make your move. (nsfw below cut..♡)
stumbling into your barrack and discarding each other's clothes left and right, you two aren't even able to get your hands off of eachother..♡
getting into that shitty little cot that the military provides you all, you're practically on top of phil as you tug down his boxers, and he looks away with a blush, he seems bashful..
he'd expect you to be disgusted, or laughing at him, something like that but he is so wrong, you are incredibly turned on.
kissing down his tummy and squeezing away at the plush of his thighs, his loud and commanding tone brought down to whimpers and pleas to just-- "fuck me already.."
but you, the tease you are, you don't give him what he wants just yet.
wrapping your lips around his sensitive cocklet, the flat of your tongue running over the weeping slit.
his whines and pleas are like music to your ears, he's like a little songbird..♡
he's gripping onto your hair for dear life, trying to grind further into your mouth
he feels like he just died and went to heaven.
his whines and moans pick up, you can tell he's close, begging for release.
he wants that release, no--
he needs it
just as that coil in his tummy tightens, ready to burst..
you stop.
you pull up off of his cock, leaving a trail of spit behind.
he whines and complains-- "the hell was that for?? keep going!"
but you don't. because you're not finished with him yet..♡
©mtlfanatic, please do not repost or copy. reblogs are always appreciated.
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