#❜ ─ Autumn ; inner aspect ─ ❛
kissmeau · 1 year
Something that Autumn would never do is write a diary. Because he has read Roman's diary and has been a way to meet him more intimately than he ever had the chance to, Autumn thinks it's too much access to his own emotionality.
Autumn has a fair grasp of how much of an emotional wreck he can turn into, so he never allows it; not even in privacy. Autumn's vulnerability might never be something he gives willingly. Especially, if it's associated with weaknesses or unhappiness.
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thisblogisaboutabook · 3 months
Rainy Season - Part 3
Storm Warning
Azriel Eris x Reader
We’ve got a time jump and are swapping points of view for this chapter y’all.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
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3 months later
Eris Vanserra hated the Summer Court. The humidity anywhere outside of the temperature regulated zones of Adriata, the way his hair clung to his forehead and caused curls to form in his otherwise immaculate hair, but most of all it was just insulting to be so bothered by the heat itself when he quite literally had fire in his veins. He couldn’t get out of here fast enough.
Tarquin strode alongside Eris through the open air lower levels of his keep, three of his guards and two of Eris’ own flanking them several feet behind, one could almost forget they were there if not for the “click clack” of feet echoing through the halls. Eris would be lying if he said he didn’t have to try very hard to focus on the mundane talk of trade routes and port authorities instead of getting lost to the sounds of crashing waves and gulls outside.
Tarquin broached the riveting subject of tariffs on imports from the continent as the first rumble of thunder boomed in the distance. Now that - Eris enjoyed that aspect of the court. Autumn had no shortage of rain but the turbulence of storms often mirrored his own inner peril - made him feel less alone in the world. And truthfully, there was nothing like taking cover from the rain and listening to the rumble outside, watching the lightning dance across the skies as the loud cracks of thunder commanded the attention of anyone within earshot.
“Have your people felt the same effects, High Lord?” Tarquin broke Eris from yet another drift of his thoughts. He really should have brought a secretary or advisor along for this meeting.
Sparing Eris from the embarrassment of asking Tarquin to repeat his last three minutes of speech a cry broke through the hall. The battle cry of a…. Child?
Followed by a yelp of “ow!”
Eris’ head jerked as he found himself drifting toward the action.
Turning a corner he found a woman laying on the ground, curled into a ball - a child of no more than 10 with a large jagged stick standing over her with his chest puffed out, pure smug joy on his face.
Eris looked to Tarquin who only grinned with satisfaction. Eris gaped before Tarquin quietly whispered, “just watch.”
The woman didn’t move. The child’s look of satisfaction slowly turning to that of concern as she lay there. He bent over the woman placing a hand on her shoulder, his brows knit together. “Lady L/N?”
So focused on the woman on the ground before him, the boy didn’t notice her arm slowly sneak around him and “Oof!” The kid let out a startled breath as she grabbed his ankle, ripping it out from beneath him, effectively leaving the child on his behind.
The female lept up into a crouching position. Her tanned, muscled thighs pushing her up to stand effortlessly. “And that, little ones, is why you never let your guard down with an adversary.”
Eris turned, wondering how he could have missed the group of children sitting on the other end of the room watching the scene unfold.
The boy remained on his behind, hands resting on his forehead in defeat.
“Hey-“ She reached a hand out to help him up. “You did a great job. You quite literally swept me off my feet! Nobody has done that in quite some time.” She paused, sadness twisting her features as if her own words struck her before shifting back to that of a proud instructor. “In fact - I have something for you.”
She reached into the pocket of her calf-length, flowy pants and reaching handing him a shell. “Add this to your leather strap.” She tapped a leather bracelet on his wrist, one shell already strung on it. “You did great, kid.” The boy gave her a genuine smile as he returned to the rest of his classmates.
Eris shifted involuntarily. How much had he wished for someone to say those words to him when he was a child?
Tarquin chuckled “An excellent motivator. Shells. Who knew?”
Eris gave a small smile - brief but genuine before adjusting back into his usual mask. The instructor turned to face them and cauldron damn him if she wasn’t the most gorgeous thing he’d ever seen. Radiant skin that came from plenty of time in the sun, silky hair that practically begged to have fingers run through it, a soft and curvy yet toned build. A body that told him she indulged herself in what she enjoyed but was active enough to define her plush features, likely blessed with great genetics - lithe yet perfectly squeezable in all his favorite places.
“High Lord.” Her voice carried to him like an ocean breeze. She bowed her head in a respectful greeting, long lashes fluttering. “How may I be of service?”
“Lady L/N,” Tarquin beamed. “It’s a pleasure to introduce you to Eris Vanserra, High Lord of the Autumn Court.”
Her brow puzzled for a brief moment before bowing her head again. “It’s an honor to meet you, High Lord.”
“A pleasure to meet you as well, lady.” Eris replied sincerely, meeting her bright eyes. “I didn’t realize Tarquin was hoarding such beauty within his keep.”
“We have many treasures in our court, High Lord. She is one of our brightest.”
Rather than blushing, the female held her head high, giving a polite “Thank you, High Lord.”
“We must be getting to lunch now. Have a pleasant rest of your class, Lady L/N.” He turned to the children with a stern look “And children, behave for her.” following the reminder with a smile and cheeky wink.
It was hours later that Eris was released from meetings for the day. Unfortunately, there was still more to be discussed that would have to wait for tomorrow. Making the way to his guest suite, Eris found himself wondering about the instructor from earlier. Something about her felt vaguely familiar but he couldn’t quite place it.
After changing out of his stuffy clothes into something more befitting of the climate, Eris paced his room. He’d forgotten how much longer daylight lasted here than in his own court, with several hours remaining before dusk. He supposed he could brave the heat and take a stroll through the palace grounds, preferably without his entourage of guards.
Relieving the pair from their duties, Eris wandered through the gardens and toward a small grove of trees on the other side of the palace grounds. He could hear running water from a garden tributary that likely connected into the river that emptied into Adriata’s harbor.
Sauntering through the grove, he was pleased to find reprieve from the heat, the cool air wafting off of the stream and shade from the trees turning the grove into a private oasis. It wasn’t particularly trekked through. “Finally.” he thought to himself. A moment of peace.
Situating himself on an iron bench, Eris looked up, only to find that through a thicket of cattails, Lady L/N was standing on a rock upstream, eyes closed and balancing on one leg. Given her steady, intentional breathing he supposed she was meditating. It was odd - seeing her like this - strangely intimate to see someone in such an isolated state of catharsis, unaware of his own presence before her. The sun rays shone through cracks in the leaves, shrouding her in tiny fragments of light that made her tanned skin near golden. Her hair was wind blown from the breeze winding through the grove off the ocean, and she’d changed into a thin cotton sundress. Gods, maybe the Summer Court wasn’t so bad after all. The way it effortlessly flowed over her body perfectly accentuating her ample curves, and those tanned, toned legs - yeah, he should probably leave.
After momentary internal warring he began to stand but before he could sneak off, she gasped. Clutching her arms to her rib cage. “MOTHER FUCKER!” she screamed. Vulgar words coming from such a pretty mouth.
What an interesting method of meditation.
She took several breaths before resuming her position. Another minute went by when she audibly growled. “Bastard!!” She clutched herself again, keeling over. Finally she sat down on the rock, the hem of her dress soaking in the stream’s rippling water, and pressed her head into her hands. Eris thought she was crying.
He really should leave but - memories of his mother crying over the years flashed into his mind. All the years that she only had he or Lucien to console her, kindered spirits brought together by Beron’s casual cruelty. His other brothers being the emotionally void carbon copies of their father they were, paid no mind to their mother’s plight.
Yet still, he didn’t know her. She didn’t know him. She likely didn’t want him bothering her.
Against his better judgement, he found himself drawn in by her familiarity and approached. As he drew closer, he realized her sobs were not sobs at all. She was muttering the raunchiest, most vile slew of curses that he’d ever heard. Lucien would enjoy this female.
As he approached, she jerked her head up. The lovely, collected face from earlier twisted into one of contempt. He wondered if she knew that, that face was, well, adorable like a fierce little kitten. Although, something told him to tread carefully. She may look adorable but he’d bet good coin that her bite matched that of a lions.
“What do you want?” She spat.
Eris only smirked. “And here I thought you were a lady.”
Baiting her. Genius idea, Eris.
“Only within the palace.”
“You’re still on palace grounds.” Shrugging with the statement, Eris put his hands in his pockets - damn these Summer Court linens really were comfortable.
“Well, I was alone until you intruded.” she murmured, not meeting his eyes.
“Did you win Tarquin’s good graces with such manners?”
Her expression filled with ire as she looked up at him. “Did you take your throne by being such a prick?”
Eris couldn’t help but laugh at her bravado. This female either REALLY didn’t like him or truly didn’t care about consequences. “Ah, so you do know who I am.”
“You’re a High Lord. Of course I know-“
Her words cut off as she clutched her ribs again, tighter this time. A shudder escaping her. This time the pain seemed to last longer. And this time he could have sworn her voice cracked as she swore.
“Hey” Eris stepped into the creek, not bothering to step out of his sandals. Before he could hesitate he crouched down before her, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Breathe.”
The thing was, he recognized that pain well. It has been centuries but damn he remembered it so clearly.
“Breathe through it. Think of something that makes you smile.”
She clutched herself harder, shaking her head. “Think of the look on your student’s face when you gave him that shell today.”
She breathed in deeply this time instead of letting out another curse.
“Good. Hold for three beats.”
“Now let the breath out.”
She breathed out. “In again.” He instructed. She followed suit. “Now out.”
As her breath steadied, she met his eyes - momentarily soft, a little broken, before ire crossed them again.
“For fucks sake, High Lord.” She spat. “I came here to meditate. I know how to breathe.”
She sure as shit seemed to have forgotten how to for a moment there, but he kept that to himself.
He only let out a soft laugh.
“There she is.”
She scowled in return.
“So, Lady L/N” he began, standing and extending a hand to help her up.
“Y/N.” She interjected, taking his hand. “Call me Y/N.”
Y/N. Fitting, he thought. The kind of name a tropical storm would be given.
Wait. Y/N L/N. Oh, he knew exactly why she was so familiar now. No wonder she’d given him that puzzled look in the palace. And, if Eris recalled correctly, his brother actually was rather fond of her - in a friendly and platonic sort of way. Though in his tales of the Night Court he’d certainly never mentioned the fact that she looked like a gods damned deity.
He led her out of the creek, not quite ready to drop her delicate hand. “So, Y/N, tell me about this idiot mate that let the Summer Court’s brightest treasure go.”
She gaped, jaw dropping into a look of genuine shock. “How-“
“I had one too. I believe you know her.”
Eris and Y/N spent hours talking in the grove. He gave her all the details of his mate, Morrigan. How it killed him to leave her that fated day. Had he touched her, his mate, Beron would have claimed her as Autumn Court property requiring a Blood Duel for the Night Court to retrieve her. Though, Beron would have ensured she never left unharmed. That aside, Eris didn’t want that blood on her hands, the blood of a blood duel or any battles over her. He didn’t want it on his hands either. It killed him to feel her pain down the bond starting from their forced engagement and through the torture her father had inflicted upon her, and the trauma that lingered thereafter. The gut-wrenching, immobilizing pain that only a mate could feel shooting through to them.
He never wanted her to feel that pain. If it hurt him that badly to only feel it down the bond, he couldn’t imagine the strife she’d felt. He wanted to run to her, to comfort her, to tell her everything he couldn’t risk saying. He was too young to face the ramifications from his father and he had his mother and Lucien to protect in those days. So he protected her in the only way he knew how to at the time. Through cold, calculated indifference. He still regretted it.
As time went on, the mask he wore became heavier and heavier, burying that bond deeper within himself. It took him until after the war with Hybern to finally lay it all out to her. Y/N never knew any of that part of the story. She knew Mor and Eris had made amends but nothing of their bond, and she knew that Mor was happily committed to Emerie, an Illyrian female now. He was happy for his mate, as happy as a rejected mate could be.
Eris never claimed to have been in the right. In fact, what he did to Mor was wrong. The way he spoke to her as if she was no more than a common whore when facing her in front of his father at the High Lord’s meeting. Yes, it was an act but it was never okay. He’d live with that for the rest of his days. His apologies to her since never felt like enough.
Y/N empathized with Eris. He could see that she was torn but her gaze toward him softened although, never into that of pity. He liked that about her.
She shared the story of her mating bond with Azriel. And how the waves of anger and grief down the bond had increased in strength recently as she had continued healing. She laughed bitterly at the typical trajectory of females in her situation getting better over time while unfaithful males seemed to spiral as it went on. She didn’t say who he had cheated on her with but Eris had his suspicions. The Shadowsinger apparently had a thing for Vanserra mates. She laughed and cried over the hours they talked. They’d eventually ended up back in a palace seating area for a drink.
Eris hadn’t been so open with someone like this in so long that it felt foreign. Hell, opening up always felt unnatural for him. Perhaps he was stupid for sharing with her. After all, mating bonds could make people do crazy things. She could always take Azriel back and share the details of his little sob stories with the Night Court.
She’d occasionally let out a sharp breath as small jolts of emotion came rolling in. It was nearing dusk when she finally huffed, slapping her hands on her thighs saying, “Enough! This tea is weak. I need something stronger.” Pouring them each a glass of brandy, and another, and another.
As the conversation shifted from the heavier topics to lighter ones, Eris let it slip that he wasn’t fond of the summer court and found all of the sand and humidity to be unpleasant at best.
Her inhibitions were down and if Eris were being honest with himself, his were too. He hadn’t drank much since becoming a High Lord though he often felt the need for a stiff drink. No, there was too much work to be done and he was still getting his own inner circle acclimated. Trust was harder to give in the Autumn Court, especially after being under his father’s rule for so long. There were plenty of good people in the castle but just as many were corrupted under Beron’s rule. Weeding them out was consuming more of his time than anticipated.
Somehow, after their fourth drink, Y/N dragged him out onto the beach, determined to show him all the merits of the crusty, sand-infested shores.
Admittedly, her joy was contagious but he was going to make her work for any positive reaction.
“Okay!” She eagerly squealed. “First - sand castles! Have you ever built one?”
“I live in a castle.” Eris feigned boredom, inspecting his nails. “It seems unnecessary to build one out of… that.” his nose scrunched up, lip curling into a sneer as he gestured to the sand surrounding them.
“Ughhh.” Her eyes rolled back into her head as her little sun dress blew in the wind. And damn if he wouldn’t love to see her eyes going back into her head like that in other circumstances.
He was a gentlemale but a male nevertheless.
“Being High Lord doesn’t mean you have to be such a bore, but fine… No sand castles. Maybe next time!”
Next time. He liked the thought of that. My how far she’d come from practically snarling at him just this morning.
“Look!” She squealed, bringing her hands to her chest and clapping with excitement. “Dolphins! Now I know you don’t have those in the Autumn Court, Eris Vanserra.”
Fuck, his name sounded so good coming off of her lips.
He couldn’t resist smiling at her enthusiasm and then at the dolphins. They swam so peacefully in a pod through the harbor. One even let a young water wraith trail alongside it as a hand carefully gripped onto its dorsal fin as the creature pulled her along.
“The wraiths and dolphins coexist well together.” Y/N mused wistfully. “There’s a common misconception that they are territorial due to food supply but they have plenty in the harbor.”
She smiled softly. “The younger wraiths tend to bond with them and the dolphins have even been known to protect them from certain dangers.”
As the pair continued walking along the shore, the conversation occasionally faltered as Y/N would stare off distantly, as if looking for something that wasn’t there.
His heart ached for her. From what he’d gathered during their talk, she’d left the Shadowsinger, but the heart is slow to heal after losing a mate in any capacity.
Eris nudged her with his shoulder. “Hey little minx, where’d you go?”
Coming back to reality she halted. “Oh! Oh my gods. The sun is setting and you have to come with me! Hurry.”
She grabbed his wrist and he didn’t hesitate to follow along as she all but dragged him down the beach. “Hurry! We’ll miss them!”
They ran until reaching a secluded inlet of the bay. They climbed up a small rocky ledge where she sat, dangling her feet over the edge. “There’s an underwater cave-“ she breathed heavy, catching her breath. “here, beneath us and every night-“ another pause to breathe. “something magical happens as the sun sets.”
Eris, catching his own breath, waited patiently for more details but she only dropped a small pebble into the water and as she did, a rainbow of luminescent fish rippled to life below the surface. There had to be thousands of them, leisurely swimming out of the cave as if they were just waking up. Shades of bright pink, green, blue, orange, and purple lit up the small inlet. Eris was awestruck, so awestruck in fact that he didn’t hesitate planting his ass next to her on the crusty sand-coated ledge.
With a wave of her wrist she pulled a bottle of rum out from the pocket realm, tugging the cork out with her teeth and taking a swig, then handing it over to him.
They sat in silence as the remaining fish left the inlet and the remaining colors of the sunset disappeared into night. Clouds began rolling in as they drank and began chatting again. Much like that morning, thunder rolled in but this time he was disappointed to hear it. He didn’t want the evening to end, wasn’t ready to let her go quite yet.
He wished he’d had a warning before the ocean winds blew this wild, beautiful storm into his life that morning. Something to brace himself against the inevitable fallout of the precarious situation he found himself in. It was a storm he was prepared to ride out and he had a feeling it would be worth whatever debris she’d leave him with.
The base of the distant thunder rumbling, the cymbal-like crash of waves on the shore, and singing of the creatures of summer nights blended together into a beautiful melody that flowed through Eris. Quickly he stood, extending a hand to her. “Dance with me, Y/N?”
She froze, that distant look crossing her eyes again for a second. He braced himself for her decline but the life returned to her eyes as a smile graced her full lips. She accepted his hand and didn’t hesitate as he tucked her into his chest, her warmth and scent lulling him into a state of bliss.
No, Eris Vanserra did not hate the Summer Court at all.
This was a long one and I know it wasn’t from our girls POV but I hope you all enjoyed it 🥹 Stay tuned for more! Her story is not done yet.
@going-through-shit @kalulakunundrum @lisanna2000 @fxckmiup @sheblogs @emryb @one-big-fangirl @historygeekqueen @isa1b2h3 @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @theravenphoenix26 @sidthedollface2 @i-am-infinite @caraaaaugh @evergreenlark @darkbloodsly @piceous21 @anxious-study
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sashi-ya · 9 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝐁𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ part one: Aizen, Byakuya, Ukitake, Shunsui, ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤUryu, Äs, Kenpachi.
♡ tw: pregnancy symptoms. fluff, a lot of fluff. ♡ wc: mini scenarios ~3k total. ♡ coming next in part two ➛ kisuke, shuuhei, shinji, ichigo, ryuuken ➛ you can request for others.
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𝐀𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞. The man that has everything planned, widened  his chocolate orbs once the unexpected happened. It didn’t take him much to discover the truth, not because you wanted to hide it but because it was clear to him. Your body had changed; the little differences in your physique didn’t match the characteristics he had studied so exhaustingly about you. Those weren’t normal fluctuations in weight nor your cups size. But mostly, he noticed it on the way your hips slightly began to adapt to prepare for nine months ahead. Something that, inside of his own twisted thoughts, made his heart beat go faster.  
The black tea he was sipping that morning fogged his glasses, he still uses them to read. However, the many technical and biological aspects of hollowification were set aside for as long as you watched through the windows of squad five on an autumn day. Sosuke took his glasses off and stood up, as always, in the only way he knows how to… dominantly, like there was nothing nor anybody above himself. Big hands reached for your hip bones, nose that traced a perfect warmth path from the crook of your neck to your ear. “How many weeks?” he asked, because he knew. “I am not sure… are you mad?” you asked back, knowing this could potentially ruin his plans. “Hmm…Mad…? How could I?” he answered. You watched his smile suddenly go from a smirk to a soft, soft expression. Sosuke melt, Sosuke felt like he wasn’t as lonely in this world as he used to think he was…
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𝐊𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐲𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐲𝐚. Mornings have never been really lively; those days in which he calmly sat on his special chair, drinking his tea while you still stay in bed suddenly got interrupted by a rather suspicious behaviour coming from you. Two mornings in which you ran to the bathroom covering your mouth were enough to set the alarms for the Kuchiki clan head. “She is sick. SHE IS SICK” he panicked. Not again, not again…  he felt once again the fright, the fear of losing his lover. Byakuya didn’t need much more to ask you, however the idea of pregnancy -even for one of the most intelligent minds of the Seireitei- never crossed his mind.  By the third day, in which you thought you could run faster than him, his foot stopped the door from closing. “I called Dr. Yamada Seinosuke, he is coming to check on you” those cold words sounded like an order, yet, he was as scared as a lonely child. Byakuya felt unable to express any other feeling, if any at all. All the progress he made, seemed to be lost in just a matter of seconds. His hands couldn’t touch you; his arms couldn’t hold you. Deep blue eyes had turned every shade of black, and once again he felt himself drowning into the deepest waters of his  inner world. “I am not sick, Byakuya…” you murmured, after washing your mouth with a soft smile and your hands over your belly. “I’m sure you can quite understand why I am feeling this way…” Oh, how to repeat the way those deep blue eyes suddenly became the colour of a summer sky.
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𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐔𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞. You weren’t nauseous. You didn’t even notice at first. But he did. Somehow, without even knowing, every night in your sleep your hands reached for his and dragged them to your belly. It was as if you were asking him to protect something sacred. And he could tell a piece of his own soul nested in yours, safely resting, surrounded by the purest love. His long locks rained on your cheek, on that morning in which snow as white as them covered the green hills of the Seireitei. “I am sure there is something you need to tell me…” he whispered, caressing your cheek with the softest kiss. “Wh-wha-t….?” your lips began to tremble, many tears sprouted from your sleepy eyes. It was as if those words where the sudden revelation of something “you didn’t know you already knew” “I will protect both of you, even if it might cost my life… you two will be always first”
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𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐮 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐢. He noticed something had changed the moment he came home and discovered you sleeping on the couch made into a ball. What is happening with his lively sweet doll? Why is she sad? What is going on? “Honey… what is going on? I’m sorry it took me a little bit more to come back home, being the general Taicho keeps me a lot more busier…” he sadly whispered in your ear, as he lifted you up and carried you to bed. The scent of his skin immediately brings a soothing effect to your unknown cause of anguish. You were a total mess of emotions that you couldn’t handle all alone, and you didn’t even know why it was happening to you. Shunsui put you in bed, and when he got inside the sheets you immediately snuggled against his wide chest. “I… I don’t know why I am so sad, but I’m so glad you are back” you whispered, kissing a patch of slight caramel skin. His hands instantly landed on the crown of your head, pulling you closer, surrounding you with the type of paternal care and protection he had always had. “You know, maybe it is that time of the month…” he dared to murmur, sure he was about to get a soft punch coming from you. Of course, not everything In a woman’s life has to do with her… hormones… You widened your eyes, blinking rapidly while looking at a clueless Kyoraku. “I… it’s- been- two months…” your lips trembled. You suddenly realized that, while lost into nightly sex sessions with him, your period -nor Shunsui’s cream pie kink- represented a problem to you. “YOU DON’T MEAN… YOU – AM I GOING TO BE A DADDY????? I AM GONNA BE A DADDY!!!! CALL ME DADDY, OK?” “Shunsui, for the love of God… I need to take a test- we-” you giggled, still amazed and unsure but excited.  
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𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢 𝐙𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐢. Carrying every child he could find in the Seireitei on his shoulders, Kenpachi is the ultimate father. He doesn’t even have to try. He never cared for your period, it never represented something that could stop him to love you and your body. In fact, the messier the better. However, those moments began to be absent, and he didn’t take much to realize. During that spring night, in which he indulged in some sake with his subordinates, he suddenly popped a question to them. “Oi, my woman hasn’t got her period in two months… what the fuck?” Yumichika choked with his drink, while Ikkaku definitely spitted all the contents of his mouth in a violent motion. “TAICHO?” the beautiful Shinigami asked, once he had recovered the composure. “TAICHO… ARE YOU SURE?” he continued. “Yeah. What is it?” Zaraki asked, confused by their sudden reaction -and honestly about to laugh at Ikakku turning red, even his head, from how much he was coughing- “She could be pregnant, Taicho… are you gonna be a father?” Yumichika assumed, particularly amazed by how his captain was asking something so important and yet so obvious as if it was nothing. Kenpachi’s eyes suddenly turned from wild to more softened ones. He left the sake bottle down and stood up. With no words said, he left, leaving his subordinates astonished. A loud thump on the door, woke you up all of a sudden. You sit down on the bed, not sure whether to grab your zanpakuto or not until you noticed the topping huge silhouette of your brute lover. “Kenny, the fuck is going on?” you ask, while grazing your right eye. “ARE YOU PREGNANT WOMAN?” he asked, shouting, and desperately requiring for you to give him the truth. You gasp. You hadn’t even taken a test yet and even if it was pretty possible, how did he notice? “HOW? I DON’T KNOW YET” you told him, urging him to close the door. You didn’t really want the whole barracks to know. Kenny sat right by your side and cupped you to his lap. “Come’ere…” he murmured, nuzzling on your hair. He was holding you with the care someone would have to grab a piece of silk paper. He scoffed, sweetly with his eyes shut and a big smile adorning his sharp manly features. “Nhh… yes, yes yes yes!!!” he celebrated, ripping the most beautiful smile from your lips.
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𝐈𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐚 𝐔𝐫𝐲𝐮. “Dr. Ishida, you have another patient” his secretary informed him by the end of his shift. “I have received every kid on the agenda for the day, is it urgent?” Uryu asked, he was used to treating kids whenever there was an emergency. Some paediatric patients can’t wait. “Well, is not urgent but the mother requested me with urgency that you please take a look at her baby” she said, walking into his office with two papers in her hands. She handed them to Uryu who soon discovered the next patient wasn’t even born yet. “But… (secretary name), this is a pregnancy test… I am not an obstetrician I shouldn’t- plus, whose tests are these? They don’t even have the name of the patient” the Quincy doctor stood up, a little annoyed and confused. “The patient is waiting on the ultrasound room; she has been already connected to the heart monitor by Nurse Inoue. Just please give the preggo lady a look. She specifically requested for a check-up by Dr. Ishida Uryuu” the secretary said, giggling and leaving the room as fast as possible. Uryuu remained silent for a few minutes, listening to those accelerated heartbeats coming from a few doors away. Even if he is a peadiatrician, OB and Neo are also located in the same floor as his, in his father’s hospital. He smiled sweetly, the sound of a new life thriving to become a beloved child in some months always melts his heart. He should go back home soon, but he couldn’t help it… there was something in that sweet beating melody that put a big smile on his face and called him to listen to it for a longer time. He put his coat on and thought of texting you “I’ll be home in a couple of minutes, just an urgent consult and I’ll be free” but he didn’t. He thought you were tired of excuses and him coming home late. Cleaning his glasses, he entered the ultrasound room, presenting himself without taking a look at the patient immediately. “Good afternoon, I’m Dr. Ishida. The secretary told me you request- (Name)…?” he stopped his words, discovering your barely bumpy belly and the sound of that heart coming from within you. “Good afternoon, Dr. Ishida. Would you like to meet the love of your life?” His eyes become waterfalls, Uryuu couldn’t move for a couple of seconds. He then, sat right by your side and with a soft peck on your lips, he whispered a heartfelt “Thank you, my love”…
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𝐀̈𝐬 𝐍𝐨̈𝐝𝐭.
There was a time, where things were different. Where Äs didn’t feel pain, nor loneliness. A different outcome, where his body cured and the first steps out of that hospital were given holding her warm hand in his. No pain, no war, nor powers, nor Kings. It had been difficult to adapt for him; he didn’t know exactly what it was to make love. But he learned, naturally, by the calling of his heart and his needs. He also didn’t know what it was to love and be loved, but he discovered he didn’t need to try with you. And slowly but surely, a new family of you and him, happened. “Do you think I could be a good father someday?” he asked, while playing with your hair on a very orange sunset in the garden of your little house. “You wanna be a father, Äs?” you asked back, a little surprised by the right timing of his questioning. “I am a little scared… well, not a little… I am afraid of not being able to be one” he answered, looking right towards the fiery clouds of an autumn afternoon. His paler complexion, kissed by the dying sun rays, reminded you of those days in which it was too painful to be touched; and how hope was all that it was needed to progress. You look towards the crunchy leaves underneath your feet, and then grabbed his slim cold hand. “Follow me inside, there is something I need to show you…” “My dear Äs, I am about to grant you with a big power right now. Would you accept it?” you ask, covering his eyes with a black face mask that had been hanging there since covid. “What- yes? But what is it? You are scaring me” he murmured, confused. “Give me your hands” you ordered him, depositing something fluffy on his palms. When you took off the mask off his face, his black orbs fixed on the white pair of booties on his hands. “This…” “I am giving you a very strong power, the “F” one… Äs, you are gonna be a father… a fantastic father”
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mydisenchantedeulogy · 6 months
Dying Light [Chapter One] Choking [Bi-Han/Sub-Zero]
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A/n: this first chapter took a bit longer than intended. I'd like to thank those who voted, regarding the reader's magic. Thank you so much. Also, I added some aspects from previous games to fill out the plot for the first half a little. Please enjoy.
Tag List: @genesiswrld
Warning(s): arranged marriage au, female reader, cliches, fighting, blood, magic, and family drama.
No Minors Allowed!!
In your youth, new to the ways of the world, you were told about your inescapable fate; that when your clan began its new era, you alone would be the key to its tomorrow. 
The clan was dying off, a has-been of the past. It could not survive another century of change in a world that had no use for it or its teachings. There was no way to preserve them. To keep its lineage from fading into history, your family had no choice but to unite with another clan. 
This was where you would come in.  
When the time was right, you would be wedded to a clan head, and your clan, its strongest and most capable fighters, would merge with them, starting anew. However, this foretold life did not sit well with you. It was not fair. 
For years, you trained with a Grandmaster of martial arts, and then with your father’s consent you were given the Amulet of Damashi, an ancient heirloom passed down through your clan; one capable of substantial magic, enough so that you hoped to call off the merger. Yet, your longings and sacrifices were not enough.   
Your fate was set in stone. But still, you did all you could to draw attention to your clan, and for another year, all was well. 
Until one autumn afternoon. 
Sitting on a balcony at the far end of the main house, you occupy your time with a humorously erotic book brought from the city; it is cliche but you can not seem to put it down. 
As you are lost in the plot, a retainer wearing the clan’s insignia suddenly approaches you from the doorway and bows in respect. 
“Forgive my intrusion, honorable–”
You raise your hand and interrupt him; his immediate silence makes you hum in thanks. Whatever he has to say does not interest you, but you know that he is simply doing as someone ordered him to. Even so, you dislike being called away from your alone time. You continue to read in silence until you reach the end of the page, then you avert your eyes to him.
“It's unsettling when stories are left on cliffhangers,” you state. Resting the book in your lap, you motion for him to continue.  
The man bows again. 
“The Master sent me to retrieve you.”
You hum. 
“What reason does he need me for?”
If it is not urgent then he can wait until you have had your lesson with your master for the day. 
The retainer rests his arms at his sides and leans up.  
“To greet the honored guest who is waiting within the front courtyard. He came from Arctika to see you.” 
Honored guest. From the tundra region. 
Your eyes widen in realization. It can not be. 
Father brought him here.  
With a frustrated groan, you stand and rush past the retainer and through the main house to the inner courtyard.
I should have known. 
The servants had cleaned and prepared the main house the night before but you ignored the action, thinking your mother was just being choosy again. You had no idea that your parents were keeping secrets from you.
You manage to squeeze through the throng of clansmen in the inner courtyard until you are at the front, and then you rush to stand beside your father, giving him a heated look.   
“It is nice of you to join us,” he says with a serious tone. Taking the book from your hand, he grimaces at the title and hands it to your mother, who is beside him. 
“You gave me no other option,” you retort. 
Your mother sighs. 
“Had we, you would have found a way to vanish before your fiance arrived. It was the lesser of two evils, dear. Understand this.” 
You do, but it does not make it right.
I've never even seen him before.
“Send him away,” you implore. “We do not need to–”
“Your opinion is unneeded,” your father sneers. He gives you a look that warns you to keep your mouth shut.
An air of gloom and disappointment surrounds you. After what you have done, he and your mother do not seem to appreciate it. You take an uneasy breath and clutch the white and gold amulet attached to your side. Did achieving this mean nothing? 
It certainly feels so. Even after making an effort to master it, they pushed this merge in secret. 
Who is he? Your parents certainly trust in him. You want to know. 
Under your father’s orders, the guards open the doors to the southeastern entrance, and inside walks a group of what appears to you to be assassins dressed in similar attire, sporting a color scheme of blue and black. Some of them wear hoods over their heads, while all of them have their mouths covered, as well as the man in the lead.  
He must be their clan head.  
My fiance.
He is certainly handsome, with defined well-built curves and muscles that strain against the thin fabric of his twilight blue tabard. Even so, there is an air of bitterness that surrounds him as he measures your clan.
You share his sentiments. 
Watching your father bow, you quickly do the same. 
“It is an honor to have you grace us with your presence, Bi-Han of the Lin Kuei,” your father states. 
Bi-Han follows suit.
“It was the former Grandmaster - my father - who had hoped to see this merge.” He pauses to stand. “If your clan is as strong as promised, then I too share his sentiments.”
His tone is deep and high-handed, not promising in your opinion. While a part of you is thankful to him for taking in the clan, the other part is irritated that this is a recruitment visit. 
I am merely the weight that comes with the contract, nothing more.
“I too have been eager for this day. It is a shame, however, that your father passed on before his time. He was a respected man.”
Bi-Han knits his brows. 
“The Lin Kuei are in capable hands.”
No one said otherwise. 
You sigh in dread. 
“Yes…well, allow me to introduce my family,” Your father awkwardly states. He motions to your mother first, then to you. “My wife and my daughter, your bride-to-be.” 
You visibly frown. Must he refer to you as such? Like it is a title. So not to enrage or embarrass him, you smile at the stranger, then give him your name. 
“It is…an honor to meet you.”
Bi-Han remains silent. He looks you over and then turns his attention back to your father. 
“The terms of the marital contract come after.”
Your father hums in agreement. 
“Of course. A demonstration of might is of high priority. But should we not wait for your brothers? I was informed that they would be journeying with you.”  
“Their presence here is nonessential,” Bi-Han states.
You wonder why. If they are anything like him, you are thankful for their absence. 
Hearing your father order the servants to prepare the blocks for the test, you along with your mother stand back as your father gathers the six best fighters and has them line up in the center of the courtyard. 
In the meantime, Bi-Han stands at a distance in front of them with the Lin Kuei on his right. 
Once the six are ready, standing over seventeen 1-inch thick reinforced concrete pavers, your father joins Bi-Han and gives the word for them to begin. One by one, the fighters strike the blocks dead center, breaking them with ease.
You grin with pride. Yes, they can break more, but there is no need to push them, so long as Bi-Han is baited. In the end, it will be his guidance that shapes them to their full potential. 
With his mask on, it is frankly hard to tell. You lean just a bit to see his expression but you can not. He does however cross his arms and hum. 
“Are they competent fighters?”
Your father laughs. Of course, they are. He calls on a man with deep-set eyes - a good choice. The fighter steps forward and bows.  
“This is one of our strongest. If you wish to test–”
“Let us not be hasty, leader,” a familiar raspy voice interrupts.
Your master, an elderly woman with sunken features, saunters out from the throng and approaches your father.
“Excuse my interruption, but your daughter is a competent fighter. Should she not be tested instead?”
You frown. What is she doing? Proving yourself is no issue, but must you do it for your fiance? It is the fighters he came to test. Though you suppose you are not against showing off your techniques.
“If it’s what you wish, Father, I will fight,” you state in confidence. 
“Is this acceptable, Bi-Han?” Your father asks.
The man in question knits his brows in thought and then nods. He snaps his fingers and a member of the Lin Kuei without a hood steps forward and bows. 
“Do not pull your punches,” Bi-Han orders. His keen brown eyes turn to you, as though he wants to measure your expression. 
You remain stoic. If he is eager to see your strength, then that is fine. With confidence, you saunter to the center of the courtyard. Soon, the young man chosen to be your challenger joins you, striking a fighting pose. You do the same. 
A deathly silence consumes the stage.
You are not certain who calls the fight, but the moment it begins, the assassin rushes at you, attempting to strike you with a series of fast kicks. You step back, avoiding them, and manage to catch his leg against your side. Using his momentum to pivot him the opposite way, you strike him in the back with a front kick.  
The assassin staggers forward but catches himself. When he faces your direction, you can see the aggravation in his eyes. He rushes at you with a shout, throwing punch after punch. You can hardly match his speed, blocking what you can with your arms and hands. But then his stance changes and with a hard-hitting mountain punch simultaneously to the chest and face, you stagger back. 
For fuck’s sake.
An intense pain lights you up, but you push through it and rush at him. You do not want to continue this spar; you want to end it quickly before he puts you on your ass. Springing off your foot, you pull off a flying scissor kick, wrapping your legs around his head. Using your momentum against him, you toss the assassin off his feet and onto his back. Then with a shout of irritation, you raise your leg straight into the air and slam your heel into his face, breaking his nose with a wet crunch. You quickly roll back onto your feet and step away from him.
The Lin Kuei are no joke. 
You had hoped that he would not stand, but he does. The thin cloth over his face stains red as he bleeds profusely. All this seems to do is annoy him further. He comes at you a third time in anger, aiming at you with a straight punch. His mistake. You dodge it with ease and grab his wrist, yanking him forward and off balance. Turning in quickly, you elbow him in the stomach, then toss him over your back and onto the ground with a sharp smack. 
Your slip-up, however, is assuming that he is ready to submit. As you advance, the assassin flips back onto his feet and punches you in the face.
Instantly you taste blood in your teeth. Running your tongue on the inside of your lip, you wince in pain. He busted it. 
Your blood boils. 
Pointing your hand behind the assassin, you draw a circle with your finger, and then a swirling black portal materializes. One of the techniques of the amulet is portal creation via space and time magic. You do not want to use it in such a spar, but it is necessary.
Connecting it to one at your feet, you leap into the portal and appear behind the assassin, catching him off guard. He turns, but you pivot and roundhouse-kick him in the face. Your foot connects with his chin and he goes down like a rock, motionless. 
You do not even realize it is over until you hear a round of applause. You win. Stepping over the body, you bow, peeking up at Bi-Han. He seems almost surprised.
“I was not aware that she was capable of magic,” he states, turning his wide eyes to the man beside him. 
You raise a bow. They did not tell him. 
Your father hums. 
“Let us discuss it over some tea.”
He spares no words of gratitude and motions for Bi-Han to follow him. While hesitant, the high-handed man gives you one last look before he follows your father into the main house.
You sigh and saunter toward your mother, who appears elated. 
“Incredible work. I believe that you have impressed him.” 
“I should hope so,” you state with a snap, a bit annoyed that you were kicked around like a ball by his fighter. 
All it took was a few bruises and a busted lip. 
Your mother sighs and offers you back the book she took.
“Tame your anger. Go and rest. Tomorrow is a new day.” 
You give her a look of irritation before you saunter to the main house. Your master looks on at you with pride as you pass, but you are in too much of a foul mood to share your appreciation with her. The fight took too long, in your opinion. 
At least you are at last excused from this fiasco. A part of you, however, is curious about what Bi-Han has to say about you now.
It stays on your mind well into the night.
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tears-of-amber · 6 months
Crystals For The 4 Seasons:
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(This is a season of rebirth, transformation, and gentle growth)
-Carnelian (it embodies warmth that’s returning to the land, and it’s transformational energy is super powerful)
-Red Garnet (it’s a rich earthy stone that is rejuvenating and grounding)
-Pyrite (this stone shines like the sun, and is super healing and protective as we experience growth).
-Pistachio Calcite (a very loving and gentle stone, this is also known as green calcite, and its main lesson is patience)
-Selenite aka Satin Spar (a very cleansing and clearing crystal, for all your spring cleaning needs)
(This is a season of lively celebrations, beautiful vacations of the mind and body, as well as adventures).
-Aquamarine (soft and gentle go with the flow energy, so you are flexible with your summer plans and find clarity and peace).
-Citrine (bright a joyful in its energy, so you can embrace your fun plans, or simply see the beauty in the small things in life).
-Red Jasper (strong grounding yet adventurous energy, with a fiery kind of protective aura).
-Rose Quartz (self care and compassion in a crystal form, very good for those moments to yourself, or dealing with summertime sadness. SEE A LICENSED THERAPIST THO IF YOURE REALLY DEPRESSED)
-Amber (healing sap of warm sun energy, this will help you connect to nature, especially trees, and heal your past wounds).
(This is a season of reminiscing about days long gone, and unlocking the secret gifts of the darker parts of your very self).
-Black Obsidian (severing ties with energies that no longer serve you, and protecting yourself from negativity).
-Lapis Lazuli (for self reflection and unlocking your inner spiritual truths).
-Honey Calcite (for incorporating brightness into your inner life even as the light fades in the outer world).
-White Opal Precious or tumble quality is equally fine (for encouraging gratitude and generosity in oneself).
-Moss Agate (for understanding how far you’ve come, and honoring your growth as a human being).
(This is a season of reflection, peaceful moments, and merriment).
-Howlite (associated with dreams and connections with ancestors, very peaceful and calming).
-Rainbow Fluorite (for organization and clarity of thought, an essential asset whilst planning holiday gatherings, and events in general).
-Strawberry Quartz (the perfect stone for merriment and enjoying the present moment without getting caught up in the past or future).
-Iolite (for navigating tough decisions, and quieting the mind so you can listen to your inner guide instead of your fears).
-Rhodonite (for tough feelings of being left out, lonely, or isolated, this stone helps you to be caring towards yourself and accepting the current situation without wallowing too long in the bad aspects of it. AGAIN, SEE A LICENSED MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL IF YOU ARE REALLY SERIOUSLY DEPRESSED. A crystal isn’t going to fix everything).
Thanks for reading!
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Aesthetic/cute idioms
My personal selection of idioms collected here and there. Inspired by this post by @rmscarpathia - my posts - resources masterpost | aesthetic idioms | words with cute literal meaning
Japanese 🇯🇵
木漏れ日 Komorebi - The sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees. 🌳 🌞
鏡花水月 Kyōka suigetsu  - Flower in the mirror & a moon in the water 🌸 🌙 : something which is visible and cannot be touched as well as the profound beauty of poems that cannot be described in words.
花笑み Hanaemi - flowering smile/ the smile of flowers 💐: old Japanese, a  smile as beautiful as blooming flowers, calling people to feel happy.
浮世 Ukiyo - The floating world -  depicts a place of fleeting beauty and living in the moment, without worries. It described the urban lifestyle, especially the pleasure-seeking aspects, of the Edo-period Japan (1600–1867)
Chinese 🇨🇳
海誓山盟 Hǎi shì shān méng - The promises of mountains and vows of seas 🏔 🌊 : A proverb of eternal love.
日三 秋 yí rì sān qiū 🍁🍁🍁- One day, three autumns:  when you intensely long for and miss someone, one day feels like three years.
Swedish 🇸🇪
Mångata - moon road 🌙 🛣The glimmering,roadlile reflection of moonlight on a river. see also Hungarian 🇭🇺 Aranyhíd - The golden bridge 🌞 🌁: A term for the reflection of the sun as it shines on water and can literally be translated to.
Gökotta - Dawn picnic to hear the first birdsong 🎶 (gök=cuckoo), Swedish tradition which often takes place around Ascension Day in late May or early June.
Smultronstället - Place of wild strawberries 🍓: a special place discovered, treasured, returned to for solace and relaxation; a personal idyll free from stress or sadness
Mellan hägg och syrén - the time Between Bird Cherry and Lilac: corresponds to försommar (pre-summer). The expression is said to originate from a cobbler’s sign saying his shop was closed “mellan hägg och syren”.
Att vara blåögd - to be blue eyed: to be naive =🇩🇪 blauäugig
Norwegian 🇳🇴
Å leve på luft og kjærlighed - live on air and love: to be so madly in love you don’t think about anything else
gjensynsglede - see-again-happiness: feeling of joy, anticipation, love you experience when you are about to meet someone you haven’t seen in a long time.
Det er bare blåbær - It’s just blueberries 🫐: Expression, meaning something is simple, or something is only a minor issue.
Danish 🇩🇰
det er fest og farver 🎉🟥🟨🟦- it’s party and colors: A lively and festive mood or way of living
Finnish 🇫🇮  @suomipaskea @depressingfinland​
Kaiho - hopeless longing: an involuntary solitude in which one feels incomleteness and yearns for something unattainable or extremely difficult and tedious to attain.
luonnonlapsi - nature’s child 🌿: a genuine and sincere person who’s carefree and down to earth, a scatterbrained, someone who doesn’t care about the ways of society. Slightly negative but in an endearing way [- @evelhak]
siirtyä ajasta ikuisuuteen/iäisyyteen / potkaista tyhjää- went from time to eternity / kicked the emptiness: said about someone who has died
Olla hyvällä tuulella— To be on / To have a good wind 🌬: To have a good mood. To be mildly happy.
oma maa mansikka, muu maa mustikka 🍓🫐-our land strawberry, other land blueberry: there’s no place like home
German 🇩🇪  This post with additions of @germanenthusiast
Etwas durch die Blume sagen 🗣️🌼- to say smth thorugh the flower: used when conveying something dramatic in a gentle or roundabout way
Habseligkeiten: have-holy-things: individual possessions that might be seen as useless/of little value, but regarded as valuable treasures
Fingerspitzengefühl - fingertips-feeling: good skill in handling things/ sensitivity and empathy
Sehnsucht - longing-search: intense inner longing for somebody, something or a place
Weltschmerz - world pain: gratuitous melancholia / kind of feeling experienced by someone who believes that physical reality can never satisfy the demands of the mind / the feeling of anxiety caused by the ills of the world
Zeitgeist - spirit of the time: the dominant set of ideals and beliefs that motivate the actions of the members of a society in a particular period in time
Engelsgeduld 👼- angel’s patience: a lot of patience
Schokoladenseite - chocolate side 🍫: refers to your better side (e.g. when taking a photo) sich von seiner Schokoladenseite zeigen (to show oneself from one’s chocolate side) = to show oneself at one’s best
Sich aufbrezeln - to bretzel oneself up 🥨: get all dressed up
Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen - freedom, joy and omelette 🥞:  everything’s hunky-dory
sich freuen wie ein Schneekönig 🤴❄️ /Honigkuchenpferd 🍯🍰 🐴 - to be happy like a snow king/honey cake horse: to be very very happy
Dutch 🇳🇱  @docnederlands
uitwaaien 🌬️ 🌳 - to go out in windy weather, particularly into nature or a park, as a means of refreshing oneself and clearing one's mind
over koetjes en kalfjes praten - talking about cows and calves 🐄: smalltalk
kalverliefde - calf love 🐮: A word for the temporary affection and infatuation usually experienced by two young people in love.
De bloemetjes buiten zetten, to put the flowers outside 💐: to have lots of fun
Italian 🇮🇹  this by @sectioavrea
Se son rose fioriranno, If it’s roses, they will bloom 🌹 : if something is bound to happen, it will
all’acqua di rose - blanded with rose water: used when something is very moderate
Non è tutto rose e fiori - it’s not all roses and flowers 🌹💐 : it’s not all nice and perfect (as you think it is)
il sole bacia i belli - The sun kisses the beautiful 🌞: said to someone who complains about sitting in the sun
baciato dalla fortuna - kissed by luck 🍀💋: to be very lucky
Ragazza acqua e sapone - soap&water girl 🧼 the girl next door, with a natural look
Avere l’argento vivo addosso - to have quicksilver on your body: to be energetic, active, lively. Often used for kids
Spaesato(m)/spaesata(f) -out of (one’s) country/native place “mis-country-ed”: to be bewildered, disoriented, confused
Sognare ad occhi aperti 👁️ - To dream with open eyes: to daydream
essere al settimo cielo ☁️ - to be at the seventh Heaven: to be over the moon, see 🇫🇷 below
French 🇫🇷
Être aux anges 👼👼- be where angels are
Être fleure bleue 🌼🔷- to be a blue flower: be sentimental to the point of naivety [apparently from an expression by the German author Novalis]
Serendipity: an unplanned fortunate discovery
Apple of my eye 🍎👁️ - 🇮🇹 Luce dei miei occhi (light of my eyes) 🇩🇪 Licht meines Lebens (light of my life)
Greek 🇬🇷
petrichor: the earthly scent produced when rain falls on dry soil 🌧️ . from πέτρος pétros (stone) + ἰχώρ īchṓr (the fluid that flows in the veins of gods in Greek mythology)
Phosphene - light-appear: a sensation of a ring, stars or spot of light caused by rubbing your eyes ⭐️ 👁️
🇻🇳 In Vietnamese, “to miss someone is the same as “to remember someone“. So to ask “do you miss me?” You’ll say Do you remember me?
🇮🇷 in Farsi, to answer to a compliment you say “it’s your eyes that are beautiful”
Idioms found among others through: @mylanguagesblogger, @wonderful-language-sounds @thenoaidi 
🌼 started: spring ‘20, posted: march ‘23, last updated: 20.4.2023
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yiotarot · 1 year
February Pick-a-pile
Welcome to this months reading, I’ll be doing this a little different and drawing more cards as well as having a card for the overall influencing energy of February.
So pick an image below, whatever draws you in and if it doesn’t resonate you can pick another. (This is a collective reading so won’t be for everyone, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t) Images are from the Star Spinner tarot deck.
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The overall theme of February is releasing yourself from the binds that are keeping you back, it's time to take off that blindfold and really look at how you can go forwards. [Eight of Swords] There’s a stagnant energy that will be addressed this month and how you can navigate it (a lot of reflecting and taking action). 
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Pile one
Knight of Wands, Ace of Autumn, Depth: May you immerse and go deeper.
Pile one you might have recently already taken off that blindfold, if not it’s time to go deep within and reflect on your life. Take time to refocus and gain a clearer vision on the things you want. Listen to that voice, you know the one you sometimes speak negatively to…answer that calling. Look after your mind and body, don’t get led astray by distractions or negativity whether that be other people/situations or how you talk to yourself. 
Sit with yourself and get clear on your goals, imagine the life you want and look at how you can make that your reality. You’ve already got that idea, you just need to take action towards it. Don’t act too impulsive though, there’s always consequences so make sure you make grounded decisions and keep to a plan (which can be tweaked as you go to align with you in the moment). 
Sometimes waiting instead of jumping in all at once can bring you opportunities too, you don’t have to do everything you’ve planned all at once. Alternatively you may need to act now and that it's the right time for you do this idea whilst you’re motivated to do so. 
So this is your sign to go for, take risks (within reason of course), and don’t be afraid to enter the unknown. It can be scary but that’s where you find growth and there’s so much potential. Really dive deep into those passions of yours, there’s lots of inspiration coming your way. (A very fiery and take it for yourselves type of energy, use it to push this idea forwards). You’ve already ripped that blindfold off and are running toward your goals. 
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Pile two
Temperance, The Lupine, Pause: May moments of calm sustain you.
This month pile two you will be slowing down and making more mindful decisions in order for you see some progress. You might be the type to steam roll ahead and try to do many things at once and you’re being called to pause and take time to rest. Rest time is the perfect time to get back in tune with yourself and what you want in life. Reevaluate what you want and why you need to do certain things. Are these decisions helping you to further yourself or are they leading you to burn out?
You could also be needing to look at what areas you need to pay more attention to, what skills do you need learn or how can you manage your time better to make the most of your skills. Because you are a talented pile with a strong set of skills, you just need to put the work into the right areas and remain focused/determined. 
Plan your days, and make sure to take a break to look after yourself too. Take a look at the things that are holding you back: How can you overcome this? Is there a way to salvage it or is it better to let it go? So that you can focus on something else (Sometimes you have to drop a ball in order to catch another). 
This is mostly about you putting in the work to further your learning (doesn’t have to be school it can be many different aspects of life). Listen to your inner voice and let it guide you, you know what you need to do and now is time to take action. 
Maybe you’ve been blindly running in too many directions and your act of taking it off is: refocusing your vision on one direction. Time is important for this pile, make sure you’re not rushing into anything and take time to really ask yourself what you need. (The energy is free-flowing and calm, slow and steady wins the race). 
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Pile three:
The Hanged Man (Reversed), Six of Winter, Courageous: May each breaking wave build your courage. 
The past month you may have be dealt with delays and waiting for things to happen, well this February it’s time to look at things with a different perspective. You’re ready to make changes and move forwards with life. 
Some of you might be in a period of waiting that isn’t in your control, take this time to slow down and look after yourself. There’s nothing you can do, so release the need to control the outcome and let it come to you (it might even bring you a better one).
If not maybe it’s time to think about doing something else or is there something you can do whilst you wait? Don’t resist this change, it could lead you to new opportunities and help you further what you already know.There might be something you’ve wanted to start/learn and this period of pause is allowing you try it out. Now it's up to you to put in the work and learn the new skills. With anything new it brings new challenges but you are ready to face them, you can break new records and adapt as you go along. 
Don’t be afraid to Start this new thing, it’s something you’re not familiar with but it will be rewarding. Ask yourself how far can you go? What do you need to do in order to get there? 
The energy for this pile is all about trusting yourself and the process. It’s all about slowing down or making slow progress in learning something new. No pulling and pushing an outcome, just waiting for it to flow to you freely. You're being asked to trust yourself even if you haven’t removed the blindfold yet, and do what feels right for you. Once you’re back on your feet you’ll be able to remove the blindfold and see clearly. 
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Pile four
Six of cups, Nine of Summer, Imagine: May you look beyond what can be seen.
Pile four this month will feel nostalgic for you, you’ll be thinking a lot about your connections, whether that be past or present. Theres a longing to reconnect with people and offer them an apology or maybe there’s been someone on your mind you’ve wanted to reach out to in a long time. (NOTE: this is in no way saying go back to your ex…this is about relationships that have made an impact and mean a lot to you).  
People from your past could pop up or you will be reminded of your childhood. Maybe this is the perfect opportunity for you to reconnect with your inner child, do the things you loved as a child or give yourself the things you never had but wanted. It’s easy as adults to get swept up in the everyday mundane, but don’t forget to leave some down time to play. Read that book from your school days, draw again or buy something you always wanted as a kid. 
Get in touch with your creativity, use that imagination to get ideas flowing. Create something for yourself and notice how it makes you feel to do something for you (do homemade crafts with your friends or for friends/family). If you have the space to do so now is the time to start a new passion too. 
Alternatively this could be telling you spend more time with the children in your life, be open to playing and learning with them, kids remind us to be curious and openminded, they’re not always ruled by fear either. So explore and rediscover yourself without fear. 
The energy for you this month is more of putting on the blindfold in order to give yourself some time to reconnect with yourself as well as others. There’s a playful sense of adventure and excitement to do something you haven’t in a long time. 
Hope this resonated with you and wish you all the best this month! Thank you for interacting with this post | Please do not copy and repost on other social media)
🌙 Yio
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harmonyhealinghub · 7 months
Embracing the Enchantment of Halloween: Celebrating the Magic in All Hallows' Eve
Shaina Tranquilino
October 31, 2023
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As autumn's crisp breeze fills the air, it brings with it a sense of anticipation and excitement for one of the most enchanting holidays of the year – Halloween. Steeped in centuries-old traditions, this magical celebration ignites our imagination and allows us to step into a world where reality and fantasy intertwine. Let us delve into the wonders of Halloween and discover ways to embrace its magic while creating unforgettable memories. 1. Unveiling Halloween's Origins: Halloween originated from ancient Celtic festivals like Samhain, marking the end of harvest season and welcoming the transition into winter. It was believed that on this night, spirits roamed freely among the living. Understanding these roots helps us appreciate the holiday's spiritual significance and adds an extra layer of mysticism to our celebrations. 2. Transform Yourself: Costumes & Disguises: One of Halloween's most cherished aspects is undoubtedly dressing up in elaborate costumes. Delve deep into your creative reservoirs and let your imagination run wild! Whether you choose to be a mythical creature, a historical figure, or a classic monster, donning a costume enables you to temporarily become someone else – embracing your alter ego and experiencing a touch of magic yourself! 3. Decorate with Spooky Elegance: Transforming your living space into an eerie yet inviting atmosphere is pivotal for fully immersing yourself in the Halloween spirit. From carved pumpkins glowing warmly on doorsteps to cobwebs draped across furniture, gothic candles casting flickering shadows, and strategically placed spooky decorations - create an ambiance that transports visitors to another realm. 4. Hauntingly Delicious Treats: Indulging in delicious treats is part and parcel of any celebration, but during Halloween, we can elevate this experience to bewitchingly delightful heights. Whip up some traditional treats like caramel apples, pumpkin pies, or revisit childhood favorites like candy corn. Organize a Halloween-themed potluck with friends and family to exchange spine-chilling recipes and create memories that will last a lifetime. 5. Embrace the Spirit of Giving: Halloween is not just about receiving treats; it also offers an opportunity to give back to our communities. Consider participating in local charity events or organizing neighborhood trick-or-treating activities that promote inclusivity. Encourage children and adults alike to donate canned goods for food drives or collect funds for charitable organizations while enjoying the festivities. 6. Summoning the Spirits: Storytelling & Traditions: Gather around a cozy fire pit or dimly lit room, where flickering candlelight adds an eerie ambiance, and share spooky tales steeped in folklore and mystery. From classic ghost stories to personal experiences, storytelling ignites imagination and brings us closer together as we revel in the ancient traditions of Halloween. Halloween is far more than just costumes and candies – it is a magical holiday that allows us to embrace our inner child and indulge in fantastical realms. By understanding its origins, creating enchanting atmospheres, sharing delicious treats, engaging in acts of kindness, and participating in age-old traditions, we can celebrate Halloween's magic to its fullest extent. So let your imagination soar this All Hallows' Eve, creating unforgettable moments filled with laughter, wonderment, and everlasting memories!
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meltthefrozenheart · 2 years
FROZEN 3: Anna & Kristoff getting married seems the perfect excuse for something to happen
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Personally, the choice to leave Anna & Kristoff engagment to the end of F2 seems far too conscious to not use their wedding as an incipit for a third installmeant, most importantly if we consider how the plots of the previous two movies started:
Frozen has Elsa's Coronation Day (Summer), an event that exposed her to people and her Fear to hurt others, but also Anna's (only) chance to find Love;
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Frozen 2 started with the Harvest Festival (Autumn), celebring under the winds of Change the open gates and the life Anna & Elsa built in Arendelle thanks to their Love and the support of Kristoff, Olaf and Sven;
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Why do I find it a far too conscious choice? Because Frozen 2 has been built as a direct continuation of the first Frozen, at the point that, even if three years have passed, the only events referenced are those seen in it, and certain concepts and phrases return (and do not forget of all the parallelisms):
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Another important detail is related to Anna herself: her deep Fear of losing Elsa is not simply because she's living the life she hoped for in Arendelle, but is most importantly a consequence of the weight of Hans's actions (if I remember correctly, the directors confirmed this fact):
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In the same way, the miscommunication between her and Kristoff is, once again, a consequence of that:
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Which means Anna's still facing some deep unresolved feelings with that. The 1st movie, following her inner "Fairy-tale narrative", views her punching Hans as the easiest and definitive solution, and considering him simply as a big bad "Villain" in F2 is a confirmation of that, in the same way she constantly pushes for her "Do this Together" with Elsa.
And this brings us back to why seeing a Kristanna wedding is perfect for opening the plot of a F3: because for Anna, this would be her final step to the "perfect life", most importantly now that she's Queen and, together with Elsa protecting the Enchanted Forest, have reconnected Arendelle with the Northuldra, honoring their parents love:
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In Kristoff's regards, he was the one ready to propose, but his arc was deeply limited because F2 is a story about "Anna & Elsa reconnecting to their parents", but also Elsa's journey to find her Destiny (as the Fifth Spirit). We now have seen Kristoff getting a little more confortable with the idea of wearing formal clothes, which doesn't mean it will be easy for him to get used to it.
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But, generally, getting married is such a big event in someones life, and for Kristoff, who values his love for Anna so deeply because of how distant from other people he's always been, there are surely certain unresolved aspects about himself and his childhood he still needs to resolve:
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And lets not forget about the theories many are still bringing out about these couple lines. I don't think they had THAT specific sense in the story (in the Broadway Musical, they've been completly cut out), but it would be fun if the directors brought them back in some way:
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But what about Elsa? All this talking about Kristanna seems so much like I'm saying that "Frozen is about Romance", and yet, we have an older sister who's the other half of everything, who has found her Destiny in the far North, looking after the Enchanted Forest, bringing balance to the Spirits and protecting the secrets hold inside Ahtohallan.
And with this new found power and purpose, she'll surely do anything in order to protect her little sister Big Day and Arendelle from whatever "danger" the outside world might bring, most importantly after a certain someone broke Anna's heart:
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How things might go from there? I don't know, but I'm sure the directors didn't left such a big thing for Anna right there, at the very end, after they had to put the romance aside compared to the 1st Frozen, to not consider the possibility it might bring in a new movie, most importantly now that Elsa has found her own purpose and place North. And, in fact, they were quite open to the possibility of doing a third one.
Bit that's why I believe a Frozen 3 should handle the centrality & duality of Anna & Elsa through the element of Balance:
On one side, Anna's romantic life and responsability leading Arendelle, on the other, Elsa's deep connection with nature and her role as protector.
But, in order to do so, things need to be thightly connected to them both on the emotional and personal level, coherent with what they had gone through, in the same way the Enchanted Forest and Ahtohallan were connected to Agnarr & Iduna past and the origin of Elsa's powers.
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antstarion · 2 years
the significance of the name hunters moon
and more gushing about him bc I like him a normal amount
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In astronomy the hunters moon is the first full moon that occurs after the harvest moon, with the harvest moon being the full moon that is closest to the date of the autumnal equinox. Aside from the fact it's a blood moon, the hunters moon specifically has a spiritual significance. It's thought to represent powerful energy as the it signifies to some the beginning of the hunting season. Some also believe it’s related to awakening your inner warrior. With that let's try and make some far fetched connections to Dr Badr.
To me, knonshu is badr’s “hunters moon”, in that knonshu helped badr awaken his inner warrior/power. Marc is knonshus moon knight but badr is his hunters moon. He is the more devoted one, not only in terms of following knonshus orders and values but also in a spiritual sense. Badr is heavily motivated by faith because of his background which i talked about in this post and to me his name signifies this.
While marc fights for the moon (knonshu) and protect those under it, badr harnesses it's full power and uses knonshu to his advantage, that's why he's a full moon. Marc fights in his own style for knonshu while badr harness the power of knonshu, fighting in the way knonshu has taught him using the memories of his previous fists. Hunters moon represents the full power of the moon.
Also whilst we're talking hunters moon, this image shows what a real hunters moon (blood moon) looks like, along with a panel of the moon from when hunters moon and moon knight first meet (also seen in the panel above).
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So, there's a clear colour choice being made here to make the moon orange. The moon is still a cresent, which I think signifies marcs presence, but the colour matches a real hunters moon. This makes sense because badr starts off this fight strongly and overpowers marc for a while so the moon reflects this. It also could imply their sharing of the moon given they are both fists of knonshu.
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This was the colour before hunters moon showed up so I do believe there was a creative choice made here that means something. It changes to orange only after marc becomes aware of hunters moon.
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There could also be something significant about the fact that marc has a cresent on his chest whilst badr has a circle (full moon?). Maybe because marc is only one aspect of knonshu (in issue 15 badr says the mk system represents the many aspects of knonshu, which included jake and steven in the collective moon knight fist of knonshu). They all act under knonshu in a way so marc is only one part of the moon for them.
Meanwhile, to reiterate some of my earlier points, badr himself encompasses all the power of knonshu, he is more dedicated to the god, and doesn't just fight for him he fights with him too, summoning his power and his help whenever he needs it. This is the reason why hunters moon has his name and why his moon is whole. He's not necessarily more powerful, just more committed to serving knonshu. Or at least that's what the moons represent to me.
Badr doesn't have the same mission as marc, steven, and jake. They just want to help people. And yeah badr wants this too, but as knonshus hunters moon, he also wants to please him. But which comes first, helping people or pleasing his god?
tldr: badr likes knonshu a lot, a lot
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back-to-school energy with autumn coming tarot & oracle
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finally, I do now even if my intuition tells me that things fall into place in September but will explode February-March. And also it's hot and it must rain but I'm still waiting for the rain, can't wait for autumn, global warming is not a joke.
let's see :
we start with the oracle of the animal people the bison: it is linked to abundance, the success of a project or the success of a business. Have confidence in your initiatives, it teaches you that wealth is above all a question of posture. We cannot be touched by wealth as long as we live with a feeling of lack. It's time to ease your beliefs about money, ease any feelings of injustice or bitterness, transformation is found in gratitude.
with the akashic tarot:
we start with a notion of community, it can be your colleagues or your family or your friends. We have an energy to be together, to regroup, to see each other or to see each other again. You spent a lot of time seeing the things that were wrong with your life over the summer, yet you are told that you are on the cusp of a change of mind. You will begin a new cycle, the birth of an outer or inner change. You have plow enough your fields of life, you have finally found a light in you or outside. You have prayed a lot, written during the period of summer-winter 2023, but it is time to take action.
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with Greek mythology: ok lol ok, we start nicely with the energy of perseus, ok we managed to go through a very intense period, we continue to advance on our objectives even if it is sometimes difficult, we hold on, we managed to approach this light/lens with eos. We open a new chapter, we accept all forms of abundance with HYgeia we talk about health, vitality and transformation that will be beneficial in the long term. You work on your feminine and masculine aspect and on your relationship with the world and others and on your fears.
Now something is happening, I don't know if it's going to affect us all or individually. But we have the energy of heracles reversed, we are not protected by someone or by something, we do not see anything happen, we are followed by the energy of Ares the god of war, fights, struggles , suffering, fear then we end with Medusa the chaos (it's a bit like the calm before the storm)
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energy oracle:
we work on our self-love, our well-being, our openness to the world and to others, we let the energy circulate, we are approaching the end of healing, we are on a victory of the opening of spirituality and abundance. We still have resistance to fears but you have enough strength to face them. Don't be afraid
oracle of the women's circles:
interesting the notion of the clan has returned, the entourage plays a role during this period, we are once again talking about the patience of trusting the process and cyclical change of certain things, taking advantage of the super moon to make your wishes.
we bring our minds together to make the best decision between two visions available to us, the objective is to evolve and move forward towards our projects and/or objectives. A decision must be taken to limit losses (energy, mental, money) we must work as a team, or work on several aspects without being deceitful. The situation is currently blocked for an emperor (it can be you, your boss, your spouse) someone who has power. We decide to transform this indelicate and uncomfortable situation into something profitable and prosperous and solid. There is an energy of loneliness here, we pray a lot for the situation to stabilize
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kissmeau · 2 years
Morganite is Autumn's favorite gemstone.
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muchadoabout · 6 months
Werther at the Baden-Baden Festival 2024
Music Direction Thomas Hengelbrock Producer Robert Carsen Werther Jonathan Tetelman Charlotte Kate Lindsey Sophie Elsa Benoit Albert Nikolai Zemlianskikh | 26.11.2023
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Carsen's new production of Werther was an interesting one. We first saw Werther walking in a windowless library surrounded only by bookshelves. As the music progressed, he focused his attention on one particular book (most likely Goethe's Werther). Suddenly, extras emerged and started reading the same type of book Werther was currently reading. There was no interaction; everyone was immersed in their own readings.
Throughout the opera, I found myself pondering the intention of this production. Much of Werther's libretto talks about themes of nature and seasons. Yet, the staging was confined in a closed space.
The director seemed to hint at the symbolism of seasons through the book pages that fell from the balcony, synonymous with the falling leaves of autumn. By the final act, there were no more books on the shelves. They had piled up, forming a mountain where a dying Werther lay on top of it. The autumn had passed, and now it was winter.
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Tetelman, as Werther, never shied away from showing off his ringing tenor voice. His "Pourquoi me réveiller?" was executed without any hesitation. His acting, however, could be histrionic. At one point, he was squirming on the floor as he realised that he had lost Charlotte forever. If there was only one criticism to be made, this aspect would be it.
As Werther's object of obsession, Charlotte suffered her own dilemma. Here, Lindsey brought the character to life with her supple lyric mezzo and charismatic stage presence. Her peak moment was in her Letter Aria, where she expressed Charlotte's inner conflict in a palpable manner without being excessive in her acting.
The rest of the principal roles were vocally charming. Zemlianskikh delivered a convincing performance of the stolid Albert. Benoit, as Sophie, infused the cheerful spirit into the melancholic air of the opera.
The roles of the Bailiff, his friends, and Charlotte's young siblings have been altered to fit the director's vision. Instead of depicting familial relationships, they were portrayed merely as the staff and visitors of the library. This radical change consequently made the motive of Werther's storyline less impactful.
Hengelbrock's persuasive conducting was something to write home about. After the intermission, the conductor led the orchestra in La Nuit de Noël. The stage was still being prepared behind the curtain. For four minutes, I set aside my thinking about this overstylised production and absorbed myself in Massenet's finest music.
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phae-undergrove · 2 years
I have a question about protection spell.
I've been meaning to perform one on my mom (she also asked me if I could do that). It's mainly about bad people and low vibrations she experiences through life. Her work life is pretty hard and the bullying never stops; she's always the victim of that.
So I wanna do a protection specifically against those kind of vibes. I am not experienced at spells, I mostly do tarot and meditation. Manifestation doesn't work for me (neither for my mom, she's very spiritual and has strong intuition).
I want this spell to be strong and it could be difficult, I don't care. I want it to be powerful and lasting.
Hey there! Thank you for sending I no your question! I absolutely love getting these and I have a few ideas!
So the first thing that stands out to me is that she is in the presence of these people or energies pretty often, to me this would be the PERFECT time to create an amulet, or maybe enchant a piece of jewelry that she wears often! It doesn’t have to be jewelry either, you can enchant pretty much anything, a key chain, a pin, clothing the list reall is endless. Generally an amulet is meant to be worn at all times, but if that isn’t possible maybe try creating a talisman, which is simply something that isn’t worn on the body all the time like a key chain!
If your mom is on board I would even ask her if she is willing to help you create this amulet/talisman, or maybe simply place her intentions of protection into it aswell. This may help create a more personal bond to the intention and magic you’re calling fourth. If she doesn’t want to participate that is completely fine! It really won’t have an effect on the magic. I would also while you create this enchanted piece not just focus on protecting from those low vibrations of others, and stopping their negative talk, but also bring in the aspect of raising your mothers vibration, and attracting those positive and higher vibrations to her.
If you’d like a simple incantation to use while you preform this enchantment this is one that’s worked wonders for me
First Hold the tool name to your heart and call upon your chosen deities and allow a word or sentence to form in your mind about how you wish the tool to be used. Speak your intent 3 times, each time using this template
“I consecrate the [ tool ] of [function] for the positive benefit of all those I love. Help me to know what is appropriate. Help me to use [tool].”
When you have finished speaking, quiet yourself. Smoke cleanse the tool by passing it through incense on each side of the tool.
Cradle the tool in your hands, relax and move into your grounded state. Call your spirit guides to you and inform them you are ready to consecrate your tool, but before doing so you would like a
blessing from them if they are willing to give it.
Relax and remain open to receive your blessing. [ take as much time as needed to meditate and receive your message]
Once the blessing is received, commit to consciousness. Thank your spirit guides and come back to an earthly state in whichever way is comfortable for you.
Now take your tool and place it close to your heart and say;
“Wind comes from the spring star in the east
Fire from the summer star in the south
Water from the autumn star in the west
Wisdom, silence and death from the winter star in the north.
By the powers of the earth, moon and sun.
By the powers of air, fire, water and earth.
The will of the great ones be done.”
Blow your breath three times over the tool. You have now charged this magical tool. If you wish to allow it to absorb moon or planet energy this would be the time to leave it to absorb some and then put the amulet on.
Use it wisely, remembering this ancient rune:
What good be a tool without inner light?
What good be magic without wisdom sight?
I hope this helped!
Merry meet! B(Phae)
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sotisha · 10 months
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Tonight is the Full Corn Moon named because this is a time of the corn harvests. The August Full Moon is also known as the Sturgeon Moon because this was the time when wild sturgeon and Salmon would be abundant in rivers and streams. At this time our emotions will be heightened, our senses will be sharp, things that were hidden or in the shadows can now be seen.
This is the first of 2 Full Moons this month, the second Full Moon will be at the end of August making it a Blue Moon.
If you have been feeling stuck in a situation or that everything has been standing still lately, get ready because this Full Moon will be bringing with it a wind of change. The whole of earth is going through a massive transition at the minute, Summer is fading and Autumn is coming in, leaves are starting to change colour on the trees, plants and flowers are dying and seeding the earth for next Spring. But at the same time crops in fields are flourishing with the harvest, fruit is now at it's most ripest. We will feel this energy of transformation, we should use it to help transform and shape ourselves into what we want to be.
The Full Moon is in the sign of Aquarius. The time is potent to follow our hearts and to create new pathways. We have shed our skin, now is the time to emerge and start turning the visions we have of ourselves into something real. There will be some deep emotional changes happening now, don't fight them, let them come to the surface we must move with the changes, allow what wants to come forth, and trust our inner knowing and guidance.
Your enthusiasm, idealism and creativity will be at an all time high. You will be bursting with new ideas and energy. You could have sudden insights into the future and where it is you are going. Dreams will be wild and vivid and could even be prophetic. You can move from a breakdown to a breakthrough now. You are experiencing a transformation in consciousness, big changes are coming.
Sometimes your growth can feel weird and strange when you are no longer connecting to your past. But truly, the old way of living no longer works for you. You are experiencing new aspects of yourself and life. You are giving birth to the new you, and giving birth is painful. This is real work. This is real growth. There is so much to celebrate right now. Realise that to live out new, promising visions there's a need to restructure and grow. A new vision of the future will be illuminated, it is up to you what you do with it.
Most of all tonight's Full Moon will be about healing. Let the Air element of Aquarius blow away negative thoughts and feelings and take you on a journey of discovery. Let go of the past and welcome in the future. This is the harvest and it is time to start reaping what we have sown, your hard work will start paying off. Take the gifts life offers you and make the most of them.
Have a Blessed Full Moon, May the Goddess watch over you.
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sienaunfilteredtarot · 9 months
Fire Signs: Mabon Messages
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The imagery of the moon in this card—alongside Death as the bottom of the deck energy—denotes significance around Scorpio season, specific to the full moon eclipse in Taurus.
This card conveys the energy of tapping into your emotions. You are cultivating a safe environment to allow yourself to express how you truly feel. An example of this release is journaling; you could explore your relationship with your inner child. The Queen of Cups is all about compassion; forgiving someone or asking another for a second chance is possible this Autumn Equinox. Fire signs, you are learning to hold space for your feelings and the sentiments of those close to you. It could also mean you are learning to channel your emotions powerfully. You may need solitude to decide how to channel your feelings to manifest your desires. You also understand the meaning of sacrifice for the good of something greater. For instance, if you're working a day job you don't enjoy, perhaps you're setting aside time to focus on a side hustle when you get home. Fire signs, you could also be celebrating the peak of a spiritual awakening or simply learning more about aspects of spirituality that fascinate you. You're also accepting authenticity from yourself and others as a prerequisite of loving relationships.
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