#❪  verse  ❫  post finale.
stellernorth · 1 year
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i spent this year as a ghost and i’m not sure what i’m looking for / i spent this year as a ghost and i’m not sure where home is anymore - came out swinging by the wonder years
double-knit scarf
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blackreaderfics · 8 months
🎃Wildcard | Jason Todd x Reader🎃
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↳ Pairing : TitansDCverse!Jason Todd x Virgin!Reader
↳ Rating : E (18+ minors dni‼️)
↳ Summary : A round of Cards Against Humanity gets a little wild during “Game Night” at Titans Tower
↳ W.C : ~3.4k
↳ A/N : welcome to spooky season. this is my first ever fic for kinktober🧡👻 idk if this is controversial buuut I love that actor’s portrayal of Jason🫣
↳ Tags + Warnings: dubcon elements, oral (male receiving), face-fucking, orgy, stripping, degradation (“slut”), coercion, alcohol consumption (beer), teabagging, bullyish!jason x shyish!reader, reader wears glasses, reader is a virgin, jason is kinda a dickhead lol, side characters (rachel, rose, gar, and conner) are there, for sake of convenience they’re all 21+
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“Oh come on,” Jason groaned exasperatedly as you set your glasses on the coffee table. “Glasses don’t fucking count!”
After a successful mission and saving the world for the hundredth time, the Titans decided to unwind in the best way they knew how: a night in with board games and beer.
As usual, Jason had tried to make the games a little bit more exciting by adding a “fun twist”. Jenga became a drinking game; drink if you make the tower fall. Uno had become “draw or dare”, you could choose to draw four cards or get off scot-free by doing a dare. 
The “grownups” of the team—Dick, Kory, Hank, and Dawn— had excused themselves to do “grownup things” leaving you and the remaining group of young adults in the living room. Currently, you were now in the middle of another particularly heated game of Cards Against Humanity, the interesting twist being the person with the best card could choose for someone to strip an article of clothing.
Jason had been targeting you the whole night; teasing you for the baggy clothes you always wore. Purposely, just to annoy him, you’d only taken off your accessories and your zip-up hoodie.
Admittedly the clothes you wore didn’t really fit you right. You’d opted to wear oversized sweaters over fitted shirts, and unflattering pants over a more hip-hugging and slimming fit. Before you became a Titan, you were shyer than you were now. It had only been recently when you started to come out of your shell and get closer to your teammates. 
“Be for real. Glasses do so count!” You retorted. You had all but discarded your outer layers and were now left in pants and a tank top. You could take up a few turns with your socks and shoes if you needed to.
“Why do you guys wear so many layers?” Gar piped up. All he had on were his boxers and a single sock. Conner, who was sitting next to him, was equally fucked, only, with no socks as a buffer.
“Because we play idiotic games like this,” Rachel remarked dryly while drawing an extra card from the pile.
You and Rachel were the only ones currently safe from any unnecessary exposure. Rachel did wear a lot of layers, and despite having lost multiple rounds, still looked very much clothed. Rose sat far off on the kitchen counter with a bowl of cereal looking on with about as much judgment as a girl with one working eye could. 
“You know, offer still stands. You can still join us, Rose,” Jason addressed the grey-haired, eye-patch-wearing girl without looking up from the cards in his hands.
“Hard pass. I’d rather watch you losers get destroyed.” She then unceremoniously returned to munching on her cornflakes.
Your gaze settled on Jason who’d shed his leather jacket and still remained in a plain black tee and jeans. He was unfairly attractive in the most basic of clothes. And though you hated his playground jibes and dirty humor, you couldn’t help but develop a little bit of a crush on the messy-haired boy. When his eyes caught yours, you could see the wheels in his brain practically turning as his smirk grew wider.
“How about…” He started slowly, “Boys versus girls. If you guys win, then we’ll get naked. If we win, you guys get naked.”
Of course he would suggest that, you thought to yourself glumly. The thought of showing your naked body to your crush didn’t excite you, it only made you more nervous.
“You’re just saying that ‘cuz you’re losing,” you said, masking your anxiety with a chug of your beer, “Conner’s literally only got his underwear left.” 
Conner, hearing his name, suddenly perked up. “For the record, I have x-ray vision. I can already see everything anywa—” Gar nudged him in the ribs to keep him from talking.
Jason shook his head. “It’s no fun if we already know who’s gonna win. Let’s vote on it then. Who here agrees to a wildcard match?” He raised his hand, and predictably the two other boys followed suit. “And who wants to play the way we’ve been playing; the boring virgin Y/N way?” He taunted cheekily.
You felt your cheeks warm again. He was never letting you live down the fact that you had confessed you were still a virgin during a past game of “Never Have I Ever”. You raised your hand and looked around for support. “Rachel,” you hissed desperately when you found she had not raised her hand. 
“Seriously? They suck at this game. It’s not like they’re gonna suddenly win out of nowhere," Rachel whispered back.
“In that case, I’ll play too,” Rose hopped off the counter and plopped on the couch next to you. 
“So nice of you to finally join us,” Jason crooned. “I’ll let you do the honors.” He passed her the deck he’d been shuffling for her to deal and sat back. 
After Rose had dealt all the cards, you looked at your hand. The deck you were playing with was a custom-made deck that Dick had ordered to round out the Tower’s impressive board game collection.
As a collective, you all pooled in ideas resulting in a deck of cards ranging from the peculiar to the mundane; from “taking shots off Nightwing’s ass”; to “Batman’s Worst Nightmare”; to names of each of your superhero aliases including all of the Justice League. For some reason, however, all the cards in your current hand were names.
“Make me laugh,” Rose ordered primly as she set down her card and folded her arms in expectation. It read: 
“If I could fuck anyone right now, I would fuck ______”
“Damn,” Rachel sounded impressed, “that’s certainly one way to start a round.”
Gar immediately threw his card down, followed by Rachel, then Jason. Only Conner and you were left.
“Time’s ticking Y/N,” Jason tapped a nonexistent watch on his wrist. Usually you would fire a comeback at him, but this time you could only frown as you chose your safest option and slid it tentatively over to the pile in the middle. 
“Time’s up, Conner,” Rose said as she gathered the cards. He passed it over face down, obviously not very happy about his choice. 
“Okay, we have a ‘Wonder Woman’,  a ‘Poison Ivy’….” She glanced around the room to see if anyone would give themselves away. “A ‘Robin’—wait...” She barked out a laugh. “I can’t not address this. I pick this one. Who fucking put down Robin?”
The room erupted into fits of laughter rivaling a high school classroom as they watched you sigh and bashfully raise your hand. 
“Oh, would you now?” Jason raised a curious eyebrow at you. 
“I-in my defense, there’s more than one Robin,” you sputtered pitifully before he could tease you further. You watched him stand up and begin to raise his shirt, giving you an eyeful of v-line and toned midriff. “W-what are you doing! I didn’t pick you!” 
Despite being only in a tank top, you felt yourself getting hot. Gar and Conner had equally toned bodies, but they weren’t affecting you the way Jason had been. Just to spite you, he kept his eyes on yours as he raised his shirt as suggestively as possible, bringing it up over his head and tossing it in a pile on his leather jacket.
“Just giving the person who wants to ‘fuck me right now’ a little preview.” He said, smile smug like he was doing charity for letting you see his 6-pack. 
Yea, real fucking Mother Theresa.
“Well, too bad I can barely see it.” You waved a hand in front of your face, “No glasses remember?”
“Come sit on my lap, mama, I’ll give you a closer look.” Jason plopped back on the sofa, abs flexing as he reclined with his legs spread wide, inviting you to sit with a pat on his thigh and a wicked smirk to match.
“Ugh, gross,” Rose made a face but appeared to be humored by Jason’s antics. 
“Anyway,” you interrupted desperately trying to change the subject. “Since I won, technically that means the girls won too. Rules are rules.” 
You had barely even finished your sentence when the boys immediately moved to take off their clothes. Your mouth went dry as they sat nonchalantly before you now, cocks resting against their stomachs.
In any other situation, you’d probably find this extremely inappropriate. They were your teammates. Sure, you lived together and had walked in on the occasional member changing or just getting out of the shower, but you were a bit buzzed off of the booze already, and this was different— you couldn’t help but stare.
“So uh…what now?” Gar’s nervous laugh broke the silence and everyone turned towards him; he blushed under the newfound attention.
“New game?” Conner suggested. He appeared to be just as clueless as Gar but with less of the blushing.
Rose looked over at you and Rachel for guidance, but seeing as neither of you knew how to react, the grey-haired girl merely shrugged back at the boys. “I’m down.”
“Ok, new game,” Jason agreed. “If you can make all of us cum in 10 minutes then the girls can get TV remote control privileges for the rest of the year.”
“All of you including Conner?” You asked brow raised, “He’s a super, that’s not fair.”
“What? It’s not like he has ‘super cum control’ too.”
“Actually, yea I—”
“Don’t answer that,” Jason cut in, annoyed. “Ok fine, I’ll give a handicap. If you can make one of us cum in 5 minutes untouched then the TV’s all yours.”
“Do you think we’re stupid, Todd?” Rachel narrowed her eyes at him. 
“Well…” He paused and tapped a finger to his chin to consider Rachel’s rhetorical question, flinching playfully when she raised her fist to jab in his direction. “Ok ok, but 5 minutes is a long time!”
“I meant the untouched part.”
“Your handicap is you can’t touch us, and our handicap is Logan.” He jabbed a thumb to gesture at Gar who looked like he was meditating to calm himself down. “He’ll probably reach the big ‘O’ before he reaches nirvana.”
“Deal, but if it’s gonna be like that then let’s raise the stakes a little.” Rose countered. “Not just remote control privileges. We get control privileges. Over you guys. If we win, you have to do whatever we say for the rest of the year.”
Jason fished his phone out from the pocket of his jacket and set the timer for 5 minutes. “And if we win, the same for us too.” He started the timer and sat back.
You, Rachel, and Rose made a beeline for Gar, who’d still had his eyes squeezed closed in the middle of the sofa.
“Fuckin’ hell, I should’ve known you’d try ‘n cheat,” Jason grumbled and stopped the timer. “No double or triple-teaming. One to one only and I get to choose the pairs.”
“And why should you be the one to choose that?” You turned toward him, trying (and failing) not to look at his dick. It was long and thick, with a slight curve and a pretty pink color at the tip.
“‘Cuz you wanna fuck me so bad,” he simpered, an impish grin playing on his lips.
“Oh god,” You rolled your eyes.
“Let him choose,” Rose challenged unfazed at Jason’s constant goalpost moving. “Whatever strategy he thinks he has isn’t gonna work.”
Jason ignored her and carried on with making the pairs. “Rachel and Conner, Rose and Gar.” He pointed directly at you, “You and me.”
Upon his directions, the three of you moved to stand in front of your now-designated partners. Finally satisfied, Jason set the timer again and pressed start. Almost immediately Rachel and Rose set to work on their mission, stripping their clothes down to their underwear. You tentatively followed suit, shimmying out of your jeans and kicking them aside. Jason eyed you, fully reclined in his seat with his hands comfortably behind his head. 
“Well, this is gonna be easier than I thought,” He yawned, looking as nonchalant as ever. 
“I doubt your porn-addled brain has ever seen a real woman before, Jason.” The taunts you directed at him should’ve sounded more confident, but instead were dulled by your nervous fidgeting at the hem of your shirt. 
This was the first time you’d ever been half-naked in front of a boy. And not just any boy, but a boy you liked. But the way he always seemed to tease you and make sexually insensitive jokes at your expense made you anxious. It wasn’t overt bullying, but the little comments he would sneak here and there were beginning to eat at you. If you showed him any more of your body, would he make fun of you even more?
“Trust me, I’ve seen plenty,” He assured, “But how ‘bout you jog my memory and demonstrate?” His gaze moved down your chest and back up to your eyes, daring you to take it off. 
You fidgeted again under his stare, feeling a sensation growing in the pit of your stomach. It was a mix of anxiety, embarrassment, and something else you could quite place. When you glanced over to the other pairs, Rachel had already taken her top off and Rose was in the middle of a strip tease. 
“Four minutes,” Jason announced, with a bored expression. 
Feeling a sense of urgency, you pulled off your tank top, exposing your lacy bra. When his dick twitched, both your eyes shifted to the hardening situation in his lap. You could see him fighting the urge to touch himself now, and that gave you a burst of confidence. 
Rachel and Rose were now in between Gar and Conner’s legs, not touching them, but teasing them by blowing hot air on their cocks. You followed suit, with only three minutes left you had to do something. After all, forfeiting your will to the whims of three boys with raging hormones didn’t seem like a fun idea, especially since you knew how playfully vindictive they could get. They’d probably try and make you human furniture or whatever other sick and twisted thing they could think of. You shuddered at the thought of the kind of torture they could come up with.
You sank to your knees and sat between Jason’s legs. You watched him involuntarily swallow and sit up straighter, pulling his hands down from his head to steady himself and clutch at the couch cushion beneath him. 
“Three minutes,” Jason glanced at his phone, but he wasn’t as confident as he was before. If anything, he seemed much more distracted by your presence at his feet.
Satisfied with his change in demeanor, you only smiled at him, fluttering your lashes at him as you brought your mouth closer to his balls. You opened your mouth and exhaled softly.
He hastily brought a hand to his cock—beads of precum already spilling from its tip—and made minute motions with the pad of his thumb to calm himself down. His chest raised with shallow breaths as he looked down at you now, eyes heavily lidded with lust and wanting. 
“Fuck it—” He hissed and without warning, reached his other hand around the back of your head, pushing your nose into his balls as he began to jerk off. Your eyes widened, taken by surprise at his sudden actions.
From where you were kneeling you could already see Rachel and Rose giving their partners full-on blowjobs, completely forgetting the game they had agreed to earlier. The sensation in your stomach moved down to your clothed sex, and you could feel a tingling sensation as he rubbed your face obscenely against his balls, moaning with need.
“Open your mouth —oh fuck— please.” His voice sounded strangled as he held you at the base of his cock, masturbating desperately to chase his release.
You obliged his request, opening up and taking his balls into your mouth, looking up at him as you felt his grip on the nape of your neck tighten. He was clearly getting off from the sight of you beneath him, massaging thoroughly with the flat of your tongue. He brought your head back and, with his other hand, held his cock by the base. 
He groaned again when he saw your lips now glossy with spit. “Open f’me again, baby?” he asked despite the fact that the tip of his cock was already being pressed to your lips. Your cheeks warmed as he let out a moaning “fuuuck” when you opened your mouth again to allow him inside. He pushed your head down deeper to take all of him in, and your eyes began to water as the tip of his cock grazed the back of your throat. 
“You don’t know how fucking pretty you look with my cock in your mouth, Y/N,” he murmured, releasing the pressure off your head for you to catch your breath. He let out a short laugh as if your gasping for air was funny to him.
“Had no idea you were such a fucking slut under all those clothes. How’re you a virgin when you’re takin’ my cock this good, hm?” His voice was gentle and soft but borderline condescending as he spoke. 
Jason brushed away a tear from your eye and leaned over to bring you into an open-mouthed and sloppy kiss, tasting himself on your tongue. A string of saliva connected at both of your lips when you separated. 
“Gonna fuck that pretty little mouth of yours. Keep it open,” He instructed. Within seconds he was guiding your head back on his cock, bucking up into your mouth and against your throat. You made a garbled sound, which only seemed to make him thrust harder. 
“Oh fu— that’s so fuckin’ good, baby keep doin’ that,” he moaned, though you weren’t doing much except letting your head loll up and down like a brainless doll with the support of his hand at the back of your neck. 
The living room was now filled with the pleasured moans of the three boys and the gagging ‘gluck gluck’ sounds of the three girls as each of them fucked into your mouths, getting off on the lewdly slick sounds of their cocks pistoning in and out in a relentless rhythm. Your mouths became just another hole for them to fuck.
“Shit—” His hips stuttered; he was close. He brought both hands to your head pushing it down so your nose pressed against his base. “You know how to swallow right, baby?” He grunted. 
You couldn’t respond with words readily—your nose was plugged and his cock clogged your windpipe— instead, your throat closed over his tip, as if a Pavlovian response to his question. He groaned and not shortly after, you felt his hot cum shooting down your throat. 
When his softening cock finally left your mouth, you swallowed his sticky release as best as you could with your punished throat. He swiped some of the cum the had dribbled down your lips with his thumb and pushed it past your lips, making you suck it. 
“You’re so fucking hot,” he said breathlessly as he watched you suck his thumb, mesmerized by the way your eyes locked on him. A loud moan from Gar interrupted, making both you and Jason tear your eyes off each other. The green-haired boy was currently stroking his cum onto Rose’s waiting tongue. About a minute later, Conner came too. 
It was only then that you realized that Jason had come the fastest; faster than the “handicap” he’d claimed Gar to be.
“So…I’m guessing that means we won?” Rachel had already started pulling her clothes back on. Since she started dressing, everyone else mundanely followed suit. 
Jason tugged his jeans back on, “Sure. Fine. Whatever, we’re all yours for the next three months,” he sounded less than enthused but still took the time to find your discarded tank top and jeans and toss them over to you as well.
Rose threw her shirt back on and adjusted her eyepatch. “Girls, what are we thinking? Anything we want our new servants to do for us?”
“Hmm…” You tapped your chin in mock thought, giving Jason a sly look that could give one of his own cheeky smirks a run for its money. “Oh, I‘ve got a few ideas.”
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©️ blackreaderfics // dividers by cafekitsune & poison-aesthetics
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yourslvtywhor3 · 4 months
hobie brownnnn 😌
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He has many songs for you
Hobie loves to write your name on his arms with sharpie or anywhere
he loves you even more when you wear his rock band shirts
he definitely talks in his sleep
calls you things like “luv and dove” etc
any concert he has to preform he will always mention you to his fans
Play fights everyday
loves being big spoon
horror movie marathon
teaches you how to play on his guitar
you have a necklace with a red guitar pick dedicated to him
loves going to 7/11 to get Arizona tea’s
if you ask this man to go into a bounce house with you he will go with you, no questions asked
loves taking you to arcades or a carnaval
personally would appreciate if you like and follow bc y not help a small creator ☺️
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woodsphinx · 5 months
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The Promised Bride
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Some drawings of the boy that couldn't become nice individual pieces :')
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sodamnbored · 11 months
Nico: Hey. Thank you.
Jason: For what?
Nico: For basically forcing me to be your friend.
Jason: You wanted to be friends with me too. You just didn’t know it.
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mixedkid-matchup · 1 year
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astral-schools · 3 months
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enjoy your stay!
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fiepige · 9 months
Did somebody say more Hobie GIFs?
No? Well have some anyways <3 (Theme: Hobie and all his hand gestures) Part 1
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Scala’s beloved, age 25 😊 (he probably wears this til his late 30s, give or take)
[original concept/sketch]
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nellandvoid · 30 days
Profile Name: Stanford Filbrick Pines
Information: Loading...
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sorry for the dramatic introduction, but i had to get your attention somehow!
meet the first of four main players for the “find me at the height of noon” verse! of course i had to start with the man the myth the moron ford pines, but also his appearance changes are much more obvious than the others so it would be easy to show that there’s some tweaks here and there between the main universe and this one by drawing him first :)
my biggest gripe was figuring out a way to change his design enough to make it obvious without changing everything about him, but i think i managed to find a pretty good balance. i mainly based his overall design on this promo art by sage cotugno, which is also where i got the idea for slightly tanner skin and lighter hair (also when he says "slightly", he means it - he has more consistent meals and runs and. that's it)
he’s been a pain in my ass to figure out as i was designing him, but i’ve had to take several breaks while drawing cause i was getting overwhelmed by cuteness aggression so i think it worked out in the end!!
now enough design rambling, applicable lore rambling is below the cut:
in dimension 46*| (46-asterisk-vbar), everything up until ford's second year at backupsmore is identical to the main universe, which is when a girl in his astrophysics class asks him to be her study buddy. they become typically college-class friends, where they do their homework and studying together, but don't really talk all that much outside of class. he doesn't think they have that much in common anyway: she's a cheerleader for the backupsmore underdogs and an education studies major, and he's, well, him.
after their final (which she passes, thanks to his help) ford doesn't really see her outside of football season, despite their campus not being very big. and, by the time he graduates and moves to gravity falls to study its anomalies, he let go of any expectation to run into her again and all but forgot about her.
until an expedition takes him to the multi-bears cave, and she nearly hurls an axe between his eyes.
also, as an aside, this is the same universe where stan listened to ford in 1982 and took journal #1 with him, and where ford founded the institute of oddology in gravity falls. he's very proud of the work he's done in his field, and is more than willing to answer every question you might have on his life before, during, and after he established the institute. everything, that is, except for the orosco daycare and learning center located in his old residence that marks the beginning of his career.
after all, when a portal has been opened, someone must go though.
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lazycranberrydoodles · 8 months
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yeah. follow for more of the character of all time XO
#verse 2: for all of your kisses turned to spit in my face / for all that reminds me which is my place#for all of the times when you made me disappear / this time i’m sure you will know that i am here#verse 3: my place was beneath you / but now i am above#and now i send you a message of love / a simple reminder of what you won’t see / a future so holy without me#its the bitterness. the references to an inferior origin. the mocking tone. the finality.#the ‘i’m bringing you down with me and the eventuality of my demise gives me power over you.’#the spiteful continuance. OURGHHHHH#urgh yeah. ‘a simple reminder of what you won’t see/ a future so holy without me’ is probably my favorite line in reference to the yllz#my favorite song from Superunknown (album) is Limo Wreck!#but this has been on my wwx playlist for a while. and its right next to LVCRFT’s Dead Don’t Die djbdhgf#which is a banger about how awesome and spooky it is to be undead#(its like. hip hop x pop x how villain songs in musicals are always the best)#e.g.#‘welcome to my lair / put your bones in the air’#sorry lemme just#DEAD DONT DIEEEEE (the dead dont die we just multiply) DEAD DONT DIEEEE (does this look in my eye make you terrified?)#yeah its more goofy silly post resurrection wwx. hes a multifaceted character <3#is the curtain of talismans in the demon suppressing cave fanon or canon btw? i cannot rember where i got it from#used my yllz nenderoid as a reference 😌#art#mdzs#cringetober 2023#mo dao zu shi#my art#yiling laozu#yiling patriarch#wei wuxian#the grandmaster of diabolism#the grandmaster of demonic cultivation#self harm tw
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cherrywhite · 9 months
Something something thinking about how much the Trawlerman loves Carpenter versus Faulkner proclaiming himself as a prophet of the river. How important it is that the Trawlerman answered both their prayers in the season 1 finale (Faulkner's "swift currents to guide us home" by letting him return back to the faith; Carpenter's "an ending" by leading her to Acantha and the Cairn Maiden, literally a garden of the End). Thinking about the Trawlerman saving Carpenter in 3x1 without caring for who got hurt in the process, how the Trawlerman very specifically has two faces, one that Devours, one that Returns. How important it is to the story that the Trawlerman loves both Carpenter AND Faulkner. AND LISTEN. What I'm saying is. If the Katabasians are plotting Faulkner's death, I can't help but wonder if the Trawlerman will save Faulkner like he saved Carpenter in 3x1 since the two are ultimately two sides of the same coin... do you see my vision. Do you see my visi---
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lipstickmarks · 8 months
okay i finally saw Across the Spider-Verse for the first time and even though I’ve seen 98% of the movie through edits, I still felt like Miguel’s canon character vs the fanon interpretation is wildly different.
he’s not nearly as big and bad and mean as he’s made out to be in fanfics. he was forthcoming with information, sarcastic, funny, reasonable enough to recruit Jess, and was genuinely sorry for Miles’ situation, and even told him a very personal and traumatic story of his own???
Canon Miguel: Being a spider-person is a tough go, I’m genuinely sorry about what’s gonna happen to you but if it doesn’t, your entire universe could collapse and even more people will die. I know it’s hard because it happened to me and I tried to change it. I’m sorry.
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thcdoomed · 7 months
Karlach’s just pressing the back of her hand to Dronia’s cheek. Smile wide and big. Of course Dronia gets stabbed in the back without Karlach here to watch it. She supposed to be protecting her (she can’t if she’s dead). Karlach hums a tune.
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|| @torntruth | karlach
The months since defeating the Netherbrain had not been kind to Dronia. With Karlach temporarily going her separate way, promising to return to her once she took care of one last thing, Dronia had set off to gather allies in her revenge against Demasc Volkar. It... hadn't gone quite as planned, the darkness she had battled against since Caius' death had been steadily grasping her heart, and without Karlach, she felt like she was fighting it alone. She had her new companions, they were good allies and caring, but they weren't Karlach.
Once they had arrived back in Cormyr, Alden had made his big return from the supposed dead. The fucking coward had been the one to sell Caius and the others out, telling Demasc where everyone lived and in exchange, being given the power of a vampire spawn and the ability to live. It wasn't pretty when Dronia confronted him on her own, the battle turning vicious and ending with Dronia latched on to his throat, draining him of his blood so he could know how she had felt that night. So lost to her curse she was, she didn't even feel Alden's knife as it was plunged into her back again and again and again until the others caught up with her and had to pull her off of him. Alden was dead and Dronia was weak but practically feral.
That was days ago.
And all that time she had flitted in and out of a troubled sleep while her body worked to heal itself. Vampire spawn blood didn't heal like mortal blood did. In the time that she was recovering her mind keeps returning to Karlach. She said she'd return, she said would. But she only comes in her dreams. Tonight's felt especially vivid, she can hear her humming, feel her hand brush against her cheek. No... no, she actually feels that familiar hand. Red eyes slowly crack open, bloodshot and tired, but not harsh. Not for her. As her vision focuses she sees her. She's really here, she kept her promise.
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doctorwhoisadhd · 2 months
kindly tell me a lie / will you look me in the eye and say it'll all be alright in the end? / kindly tell me a lie / will you cross your heart and hope to die, cross your heart and hope to die, cross your heart and hope to die?
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