#⭒ 一 teddy talk...!
ha4nni · 1 year
sumifvs i hate u so much that blog of yours is like chernobyl
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imeternallylove · 1 year
Secret - S.Holmes; part four
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Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Reader
Genre: purely angst, upcoming age and some smut
Warning: none
Word: 3.6k
main mastetlist  | request & ask | prompts | theme song
Chapters index
prologue | part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven | part eight | part night | part ten | part eleven | part twelve | part thirteen | epilogue
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“Can I please go to see daddy, mummy?”
Zoe asked sleepily, curling up in her bed surrounded by her favourite teddies. All evening she had been pestering you for an answer, promising to be a good girl and eat her vegetables if she was allowed to go. You could see it in the twinkle in her eyes how much she really wanted to see him.
But something didn’t feel right for you.
You dimmed her nightlight and bent down to pressed your lips to her forehead, pulling the blankets up to her chin. “We will talk about it in the morning,” you told her, smoothing her hair back and offering her a warm smile before tiptoeing to the door. “Sweet dreams little one,” you murmured softly by the door, watching her reach for Mr Snuggles. 
“Night night mummy,” she replied, waving Mr Snuggles fluffy paw in your direction.
Slowly you closed the door and then rested your forehead against the cool wood. Having to constantly deal with Zoe’s pleading had been more draining than you would have thought. Even when you weren’t in the room, it was all she would talk about. You could hear her in her bedroom, talking to Mr Snuggles before she fell asleep.
“I really hope mummy lets me see daddy,” you heard her say through the door.
Your phone suddenly buzzed in your pocket so you decided to live Zoe and Mr Snuggles to their conversation and headed into the living room where the news was on mute. It was a text from Sherlock, the very reason you were having an issue with Zoe going to him in the first place. How could it be? It’s not easy like touch Sherlock’s shoulder and say; ‘hey, you’re a dad.’ How could you一
“Are you free for a chat?”
Curling up on the sofa, you sent back a simple ‘yes’ and stared blankly at the TV screen while they reported on the stock market. 
You had wanted your move to London to be a fresh start for you and Zoe but all it had done so far was dredge up the past. It felt as if you were balancing on thin ice that was unknowingly cracking beneath you.
Like lightning, your phone buzzed violently, almost vibrating off the sofa before you saved it and balanced it on your ear. “What’s up?” you answered quietly, feeling the day catch up with you and leave you tired. 
“Nothing much, just taking a break from investigate the kidnapping of the children of the British Ambassador to the U.S., Rufus Bruhl and I missed your voice,” he replied, sending a jolt to your heart with his voice. How can he say something like that so casually? He left you practically swooning.
Giggling into your hair, you felt the blush burn your cheeks and still felt the need to hide your face. “We had lunch together earlier this afternoon,” you countered, licking your lips as you remembered your lunch ‘date’ in that restaurant.
“It was barely an hour,” he whined cutely, making your heart clench. He used to whine like that when you would choose studying over sex with him … and look how that turned out. “Besides all you did was listen to me moan about my job. I wanted to hear about what kept you busy when I moved away,” he added.
‘Your daughter kept me busy,’ you thought to yourself, feeling the same pang of guilt you felt when you thought of Zoe whilst talking to him.
“I didn’t mind listening to you moan,” you exclaimed, hoping to pull the attention away from you and what happened in the six years of no contact. “Clearly you needed to vent about all that stress. Are case going well so far?” You asked quietly.
You heard him sigh loudly down the phone. He sounded just as tired as you did. “So far so good,” he commented quietly. “At the end of the week, gonna hand some help for Mycroft. It’s absolutely massive.” As tired as he was, he sounded genuinely exhausted about the silly conflict between brothers, no matter how deduced things it was fun for him, so far.
His mention of his brother sparked your interest. “How are Myc now? I heard he’s the big part of our country government.” You asked, hoping to sound nonchalant.
“I think he’s still dumb. It’s insane, when he only stay at his mysterious office while my mom keep calling me to check up on him,” he exclaimed resisting, probably grinning from ear to ear at the thought of his tiredness filling up his stomach.
That was one thing definitely different about Sherlock: he had such loveless for his family but always spoke of them fondly like he knew them all on a personal level. But you couldn’t pretend to understand it when got kicked off from the house because you were pregnant, your dad only said that cruel words to you, how come he hated your little daughter when she’s has a brave hearted? He should be proud to be a grandfather but no.
Sometimes you just imagine your mom looking down from the sky above, she’s might crying over there to know how torturous of the bad blood had formed between you and your dad.
And it was something that separated you and Sherlock and left you in your own realities. He had a fan … reputation facing up to him and counting on him whereas you just had Zoe – two very different sides of the same coin.
Knowing the likelihood that Zoe would be lost amongst the thousands of screaming at the parade but she only need to see her father. “Sherlock 一I”
“Y/N, I think I need to rest,” you heard his yawning voice and it’s pushed you to pause everything you have.
“Goodnight, then.”
You started to warm to the idea of her knowing who is her father. Long after Sherlock hung up to go back to rest after a long day, you stayed up, weighing up the unlikely worst case scenario of Sherlock spotting Zoe in the giant crowd and by some cosmic miracle knowing she was his daughter, versus the simple fact that your daughter would be so happy to know.
But how could it possibly to tell her father that he has a baby, even so, five years old now too.
In the morning, you met Elle’s mother outside the school gates. A little chat with her done like the way it was. And that’s time you heard of the advertising of the show up of two great detectives at the museum were using, same day as the march at Zoe school.
And that sealed the decision … Perhaps it’s a time for you to tell both of Zoe and Sherlock the secret you were kept.
Still, you aren’t really ready.
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“Ah… May I have that rose?" The voice of a young kid initiated you to depart the baskets of tulips, you turned to see the boy in high school uniform standing in front of your shop, with his mouth pouting and his eyes were red. “Rose? For a bouquet?" You asked him while you gathered up every one of the coloured roses.
The boy sighed, one of his hands scratching under his chin, appearing pinched. "I don't think I have enough money for a bouquet. How much is the red one?"
"Well, it's all £0.08 per stem." You mentioned with a friendly grin, directing towards newly trimmed roses to give to the young kid. The colours you have are cream, yellow, pink, hot pink, bi-color yellow and orange, and red.
He asked once again after a few minutes. "Pink is so cute; can I bring this to my upset girlfriend?" And it's a question that makes you laugh because, just as you could have predicted, this boy plans to make up with his girl by using a flower. "Give her any colour you want, kid. But pink is a terrific choice."
"Okay, then pink a single stem."
“Gotcha.” You grinned as you selected one of the pink roses and wrapped it in paper and paper rope before returning the pile of other flowers to the basket from which you were taken. He murmured something under his breath, opened his wallet, and his phone began to ring.
“What? Why are you still at the library?" The boy crushes the back of his head, gives the cash for his rose, and quickly thank you before returning to his phone. "Waiting for me? Oh shit, Maria. I thought you were upset with me."
You dropped the money into the metallic box and came back to watering your tulips while your ears continued to hear the young boy's converse from in front of your shop until he walked away.
At that point, flashbacks of you and Sherlock in high school come flooding into your frame of mind for no apparent reason.
It was seven years ago…
The testing session was extended by a week as a result of a school shooting or two, and you nevertheless recall the echoes of gunfire whereas you were in the classroom, and all you had was get locked in the men's bathroom in Sherlock's arm, shakily, break down with fluid tears on your cheeks, and considering that his brother is the most recent arrival of the government team, it kept Sherlock busy with his brother's positions as well. And you already know how straightforward he ignores to take care of himself.
It scares you since bad things happen and Sherlock's behaviours, even though he contends that all he needs to recharge is a long hug from you and a slew of kisses in between. So you grab his hand on a Friday evening, drag him into an empty lecture hall, and place him in the chair nearest to the window, while he brings yours and his school packs after you. His head is a little foggy, perplexed by what you're doing, but he has no doubts. Sherlock trusts you, knows you won't hurt him, and lets you have his heart to do with as you like.
When you pull out many containers full of food that you've packed for him, he just stares at you, his eyes blank, making your heart skip a beat.
"How did you make this for me?" He gestures to the contents before him, chicken soup and fresh fruits and wonderful noodles and zesty drink that looks as good as it smells, and you nod.
Sherlock's smile shrinks as he notices the pink plastic tape on the tip of your finger. "What the hell is that plastic wound tape?" And all you are capable of saying is 'oh'. "Oi, cut yourself again? Dumbo."
"Sherlock, it's just a tiny cut."
"I know but it hurts you."
"Yes, drama queen."
A beat passes before his lips quirk into a smile and his eyes light up, the mirror of his irises swimming in ecstasy. "I bet the embassy meal is boring; it's worth getting this wound a million times just to see you eating something." You can't help but squeal as he pulls you onto his lap, kissing every piece of flesh he can reach; over your eyelids, on the place just below the corner of your eye, the tip of your nose, your teeth, your lashes.
Actually, everywhere.
You're a giggling mess, and sooner or later, he cups your face and allows your lips contact, and all you can do is clutch his white shirt to uphold stability while gripping the hem of your skirt to keep it from blowing from the open window with the cool evening breeze. It's more than enough, even if it ends up being sloppy because Sherlock won't stop beaming into the kiss and you won't stop laughing, teeth colliding against one other in pure excitement.
"Thank you, Y/N," he says adoringly, one hand holding you close while the other eats, neither of you willing to let go. "You're the best."
You tilt your head and rest your palm against his cheek, looking him straight in the eyes. “Just remember to always take care of yourself, okay?”
He smiles.
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Six years ago…
Sherlock sat down on the couch. The fervour in his eyes was obvious, and he was anxious as you crawled up to him on the floor. You two had gone out with everyone and had gotten extremely drunk and ridiculous by problem from your family. He was the only one who was sober enough to drive you home; the other guys were all drunk, and your closest friend had to help them as well.
Wipe your smudged mascara off your face, Sherlock hurls your phone aside and doesn't seem to care where it was after seeing the text from your dad. He despised the way you were treated by your father's unkind thoughts after your mother became ill and died a few months ago. How could he have blamed it on you?
Perhaps since Sherlock was born into a loving family, even if Mycroft's dumb attitude makes his head spin at times, they are still attached. Unlike you, a single child who grew up with a lack of warmth from your parents, and it hurts him every time he sees you act like this way when the fight of you and your father ends.
Your sudden sexual moan drag him back to the reality, swear to God; Sherlock had never seen a side of you like this before; you were normally composed and conservative, so seeing you behaving like this was unusual to him. Okay, you both kissed several times, but you weren't really conscious of what was going on. You were just in your own little universe, surrounded by the chemicals you had consumed to no limit.
You had no idea what you were doing, and you weren't going to remember anything in the morning.
Which made Sherlock even more apprehensive, because he didn't know how he was going to tell you. And wouldn't this be called exploitative? Sherlock, at the age of twenty, is aware that he is intelligent and capable of being more than other people his age. He notices his blood coursing through his veins in desperate need, or how his crotch of trousers began to thicken and became painful.
He didn't want to take advantage of you, especially because he knew that if you were in your right mind, you wouldn't be acting and coming on to him like that.
As you crawled up to him, you tripped and sort of fell into his lap, making him jump and you chuckle in the process. You laughed with hazy eyes and flushed cheeks, as did the rest of your body. Sherlock's eyes widened as you leaned your head up to him and made kissing motions. You wanted to kiss him? Should he retaliate?
"Y/N, stay still." Sherlock shook his head, attempting to shake the thought away. Noㅡ He should not.
You pushed him up, standing on your knees, with your entire torso on his crotch and your arms on each side of him. Sherlock wasn't sure if it was you being on him in this clothes or the way your cleavage hung out your dress and the black bra that revealed your chests hill from collarbone that made him so hard.
He was hard. Very hard. 
"What's wrong, Sherly," you whispered slowly, biting your lips and squeezing both of his cheeks at his scared visage in this horrible circumstance. What did he intend to do? What should he have done? It was difficult for him to will himself not to touch you as much as it was to touch you. If if that had made any sense.
That's why he threw up right here. This is where it all went wrong. Every one of his morals.
You'd gotten back on the floor. Sherlock is staring at you carefully. You'd laughed a little and rested your head on his lap as you played. Sherlock, on the other hand, had inhaled all the oxygen in the room because your mouth was so close to his cock.
That's how Sherlock felt right now, and he felt forced to go because this was his cue. But when he tried to stand up, you said, "I want to suck your cock." Was the dirtiest words he ever heard come out your pretty little mouth.
You'd shoved him down, making him groan. He was unbuckled when you unbuckled his belt. He came to a halt in front of you. "I don't think this is something we should do right now." He pleaded, but you weren't interested. You, the drunk, wanted to do what she wanted to do, and you planned to accomplish it. To sucked his cock.
"I’ll do it… no worries, Sherly." You had yanked his member out, and your eyes had widened. Sherlock only gazed at his hands at his sides, unsure what to do. You didn't have a relationship with Sherlock but had a crush on you and wasn't sure if you recognized that. But they always say that when you're drunk, your actual feelings come out.
You giggled and gripped his cock, which was rock hard and stood tall on your tiny palm. You lifted it slowly to your mouth, your gaze never leaving Sherlock's. And when your lips went down his entire shaft, he shouted out, his lovely face losing all seriousness. You stood up again, and when his head came out of your mouth, it made a lovely sound.
His bloated mushroom head. You had only taken that section, sucking on his most sensitive area. You slid your tongue beneath the edge of his head where it met the shaft. Then you surprised him by engulfing his entire being. He screamed as he feel his precum just came out on the tip, and his hands immediately sought your hair. You had one hand on the base of his huge cock as your point finger on the upper part, playing with the sticky liquid and rubbed it over your face.
You'd found a rhythm, and Sherlock's breathing were hard and efficient. You dragged him out of your mouth, making him to moan and whine like a girl as you began sucking and tonguing his balls. It felt pleasantly good for him to cry out to the unknown sensation.
Sherlock was losing his shit when you started kissing him and virtually making out with his cock. You were gifted and knowledgeable. Something he didn't consider while he was thinking of you.
You wanted him to cum now.
You began swallowing him and jumping up and down on him. As his hands were entangled in your hair, he assisted you. Your mouth going up and down on his shaft. He was moaning like a little girl again. As he got closer, you were even drier.
"Fuck, Y/N." His shaft constricted, and you could feel his ball sack rise as all his cum squeezed out of his huge head. You enjoyed ate every last bit of it. You kept sucking him to make sure everything was out, and he cried out because he had become so sensitive.
You came to a halt and peered down at him, his cock still stiff and not entirely down. Well, you'd just have to get him rock hard again.
You'd landed on top of him, scaring him. Sherlock panickedly yelled out your name as you pushed the tube top to your dress down, exposing your breast to him. Both hands on the back of his neck, playing with his occipital. Your bouncy tits pushed he couldn't handle it any longer, his eyes wide. Then you added. "Fuck me 一Sher, please," the boy shouted. His cock reacted as soon as your words left your mouth.
His hands, which had been harmless at first, had forcibly sought your hips. His lips, which had been clamped tight only a moment before you swallowed his entire cock, had found your neck. And his eyes, which had been open and horrified at first, had closed and found pleasure in contact.
As Sherlock devoured your body, you whimpered. He finally opened his eyes and found your breasts in his lips, sucking on them till they hardened and became erect. His palms were on each of your butt cheeks, and he had moved up the bottom of the dress, revealing your ass.
He moans and becomes more forceful as he squeezes. He lay his head on your chest and dry humped you, saying only "God." before getting down to business. He drew you up and shoved your panties to the side. And you screamed when you felt yourself sliding down the shaft of his cock. Something Sherlock had been hoping to hear for a long time.
Sherlock bounced you up and down on his long cock as you kissed, and it was so disgustingly passionate it was ludicrous. You wrapped your hands around his neck while exchanging licks and saliva. You were pooling him with your moisture, which improved the friction for his cock. He could cum again anytime soon.
You, on the other hand, was screaming assassin. Sherlock's monster was hammering you so hard that the friction between his skin and your clit was going to set you on fire.
Sherlock continued to pound your ass. You felt it acceptable to moan out his name every time he did it, "you like that babe," he murmured huskily. All you could do was moan. 
Pound after pound, you felt like you were being ripped open, but in a nice way; the friction had caught up with you and it was in.
Like a dope, and you were praying for more drug pills. It's very humid inside... Widening your eyes as you couldn't hold back your shaky sob of pleasantries. While Sherlock was busy rubbing your pussy, he made you picture galaxies extending from his tiny room.
You screamed as it smacked you in the exactly right spot, and it hit you hard. Sherlock is riding out your climax, causing him to cum shortly after, and you are completely unaware. “Fuck!” As his dick began to become limp in you, you were dragged to some more kisses. Sherlock huddled for air, his numerous apologetic phrases repeated. He hadn't planned on making out with anyone, which is why the way he apologised made your heart skip a beat.
“I’m sorry ㅡso sorry, you gonna hate me.”
“W- Why?” You tried to get up when his lips met yours to close it, but you resisted even more, “did一 did you cum inside me?”
“Fuck, babe, I hope you’re on birth control.”
Now it's your turn to gasp as you watch the white fluids pouring downward from your centre, a thrilled sensation of lust remaining over there, but you get more frightened as you see it still trickling down onto the couch.
“No… Sherlock. I’m not on the birth control.” 
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You fold up Zoe's favourite story book while watching her sleep on your arm and brushing her locks off of her tiny forehead. You realise you're damaging her feelings by confessing the truth about your selfishness, but you just can't do it right now; you can't just talk to her father about this secret, at least for now.
"I can't tell him, little one," you shook your head and blew small puffs of air out of your lungs. It's difficult to conceive that it'll be a disaster so quickly. You instantly began to breakdown and ran out of her room, tripped across the living room, and began to sobbing at the heap on the floor beside the couch.
Hands on your face, body as a whole heated from the immense tension you had been carrying all along after Sherlock returned into your life, gasping, choking on your own tears, and collapsing on the rug. Brought your knees up to your chest … and then you just cried, curled up in that position.
"I'm really sorry... Zoe, mummy really sorry."
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tag: @bunny-skz00 @zen003xx @cemak
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chameleonlibrary · 2 years
"Faith Lines"
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Pairing: The Mandalorian/Din Djarin x Visually Impaired!Reader Summary:
(After S2E1) The Mandalorian defeated the Krayt Dragon. That was great! But... It made him re-think his life choices. Peli Motto offers him to stay a bit longer at Mos Eisley to hang out with the kid at an upcoming festival. Not only to clear his head, although... Who knows what else he finds? Trigger(? warnings: Use of Y/N (For you to use InteractiveFics), Mild Violence (but it's Canon-Typical, Touch-Starved Characters, Fluff Wordcount: 4,502 A/N: my first time posting on Tumblr. this is also on Wattpad and AO3.
I: faith
Would taking a breather hurt?
After fighting this worm creature , Mando low-key pondered about what would come in the future… He found himself cradling his small goblin in his arms. It scared him the day that he could fight something much bigger than him and maybe, not come back to his kid. He lived for the danger and the money that came within. How the priorities have changed in his life一 this child was his everything now.
Peli was as quiet as him, eyeing him up and down, with a concerned face. She was used to not hearing much from him, but this time it felt different. "Hey, why don't you stay here for the festival?" The mechanic snapped him out of his thoughts. The helmet tilted at her in confusion and she gave him a cheeky grin.
"Now and then, there's a festival from out-towners and they have games, food, and all of those shenanigans. You could crash here," she offered. "Thank you." He replied. "Don't mention it. Serves you well to spend time with the kid!" She cheered up. He only nodded. Said and done, the Mandalorian slept on his ship at the hangar.
By the morning, Mando decided to help Motto around with incoming ships. The kid was taken care of between the droids and his space dad, just to keep him out of trouble. It was a pretty productive evening, and he even got extra credits as a tip. The sky's bright blue color started to fade into a stunning hue of purples and oranges, announcing that the day was coming to an end.
Peli started a small fire to warm both of them up and carried the child, talking to him and pampering him. It was somewhat quiet, until the sound of cracking powder made the child whine, hiding in Peli's arms, alerting the Mandalorian. He got in a fighting stance, hand near his blaster holder, and crouched pose.
The mechanic let out loud laughter.
"Oh, Mando! Relax! I bet it's the firecrackers from a game." She reassured him and cooed the baby to calm him down as well.
They walked to the entrance and peeked their heads out. To their surprise, the whole street was filled with small stands with colorful tents above them. Lightbulbs decorated the wires and edges of houses; many people were walking around and could hear the laughter of children.
"Wouldn't you like to see it? Let's go, little one!" She hyped up the baby and it cooed back. The mechanic rushed to the stands, pointing out things for the kid. Mando followed right behind, his posture loosening, and lowered his defense, taking the time to admire each stand they stopped by.
He chuckled silently every time he saw his child reach out for anything that caught his big eyes, whining every time he couldn't get anything to grasp. They stopped at a big game stand that had toys on display. The child squealed and pointed at one of them, pleading for any of his tutors to reach out for one.
"Play a round, win one!" the owner exclaimed.
Unexpectedly, a small blue stuffed teddy bear started to float towards the child and Mando saw how the baby had its little hand out, eyes closed, and making strained noises. "No, no, no. You have to earn it fair and square." Mando stopped the toy midair before anyone else could notice it and the baby protested. He put it back where it belonged, checking out the whole stand.
It was a classic colorful bullseye with darts game一 the higher the score, the better the toy.
"You should go in for a game. Bet you can't get all the points," the mechanic teased. She earned a proper small chuckle from his voice modulator. "Can you?" he challenged back. Peli's posture straightened up and gave him a cocky smirk, handing him the kid.
"Hey, you!" She approached the owner. "One round here!" "One credit, ma'am!" The kind man extended his hand, and she slapped the currency right on the palm. The man handed her three little white darts with colored feathers on the tail. Peli licked her lips, and stuck out her tongue between her teeth, narrowing her eyes. She threw the first one, and it hit right in the center.
"Watch and learn, kid! Your cool aunt is about to get you a nice toy." She winked at the kid, the little one only tilted his head. She breathed out and started to measure the second one, balancing it on her hand.
The man in beskar observed carefully, until he felt a heavy shove behind him, making him stumble to the front; the baby whined in annoyance.
"Oh, I'm very sorry!" A hooded figure quickly said, not even turning around.
They didn't even notice they dropped a candle. Mando turned to see how the person was rushing away to an eerie-looking stand, but it already had people surrounding it. He sighed and picked up the candle, examining it carefully and analyzing the symbols in it. The baby reached for it and with his claws clinging to it, his dad allowed it.
"Dank Farrik!"
His head turned back to the short woman and the board. The second dart hit 2 rows away from the first and third turn, laying on the dirt.
"But you saw that it hit! It just fell!" she protested. "I'm sorry, ma'am!" the guy shrugged. "Rules are rules. It's got to be on the board or it doesn't count" "Aw, come on... But did I earn anything?" she asked. She got handed a hand-carved wooden frog. "Kid's going to choke on this!" She groaned and clicked her tongue. The short woman sighed in disappointment and walked towards them. " 'Til next time, I suppose," she shrugged and showed Mando the figure. Motto noticed the candle and peeked at it.
"What's that?" She took it carefully from his little claws, and the hunter gave the baby the frog figurine instead. "Someone was in a rush... From there" he signaled the spot with his head. "It's probably important, you should give it back." Peli handed him back the wax object, carrying the baby in her arms.
It was impressive to him how long the line was for a lonely-looking spot. A dark-colored tent with a dim light shining on the inside, and a big lizard-looking humanoid, hunched on a seat to guard the entrance.
He moved past the long thread of people, and a few looked at him in anger, mumbling protests. The guard got aware of it and stood from his chair.
"Hey, back to the line," the creature snarled. Mando didn't budge and only showed him the candle. "Whoever works here, dropped this," he stated. The lizard snatched it roughly from his hand, narrowing its eyes to him and huffing through their nostrils. They disappeared inside the tent briefly and came out fast. "Now get lost." He crossed his arms. Didn't need to tell Mando twice, he turned on his heel and walked away, shaking his head.
"What are they selling?" Motto asked and Mando shrugged. "I'm not sure. The bouncer didn't seem very happy," he pointed back with his thumb.
A few moments passed when some scared yelps could be heard from behind. The previous hooded figure was getting thrown out of the tent, with a painful grunt and a roll on the dusty ground.
"Take it back!" A roar could be heard, belonging to a much bigger creature than the bouncer, stomping angrily out of the tent. People scattered away in fright, and Mando jumped in action, rushing towards the hooded person on the floor. "Ma'am, please! They're not always true! You can always change it" they pleaded, struggling with trying to get up. It huffed and stomped towards the figure, raising a hand, ready to slam it down on their body.
They only covered themselves, waiting for a strike.
As if holding a shield, the Mandalorian had his arm raised, holding back the fist of this big woman. He groaned in restraint, getting slightly pushed back by the strength. On a swift move, he shoved off her hand, making her waddle back.
She looked at her fingers and shrieked in terror.
"You broke my nail!" She cried out, hugging it towards her chest. Her face dramatically turned to the bouncer, with a disgusted expression. "I am never coming back! You speak bantha shit!" She stormed away, bumping into people on her way out. Mando turned to the hooded person, kneeling next to them.
"I told you, Y/N." The lizard crossed his arms. "You can't always say what "the lines" tell you." The metal helmet whipped to him, but said nothing. He sighed in disappointment.
You managed to get up on your own, slowly pacing towards the cover, with your head down. The lizard spoke to you in an unknown tongue, to which you just bowed to him and turned back to the Mandalorian, bowing to him as well. "Thank you for your help..." You softly thanked him. You straightened up and disappeared inside your little business place.
"Mando! What happened? Everyone scrammed away like flies!" Peli's voice squeaked in surprise as she ran towards him. "A Mandalorian?" The man asked, scratching his chin in interest. "That's right, pal! Great fighter and the best at what he does: getting the job done!" Motto grinned, patting softly his shoulder pad.
"I'm out of commission..." He mumbled back, crossing his arms and tilting his weight on one leg. "I'll pay you credits," he said as he reached his large hand for a pouch on his belt. "This could be enough for... Whatever you might be needing right now"
Mando puffed out his chest.
"He'll do it!" The mechanic quickly replied. The helmet's visor stared at her. The mechanic bounced the baby on her hip as if it was a reminder.
Mando sighed loudly and extended his hand. The bouncer gave him a mocking smile, turning the pouch upside down, and letting two credits drop from it.
"Hey, what...?" Confused and looking down at the currency. "I'll give you the rest after I've had my drink. Think of your child, first." It tilted his head, taking the bag back into his belt.
The Mandalorian clenched the credits and said nothing else.
The lizard walked past him, bumping against his shoulder intentionally; got close to the short lady, eyeing down the kid, making him hide in his auntie's arms... He chuckled and made his way to the closest cantina.
Peli approached and gave him a reassuring smile. "I'll take care of the little one, don't worry... You might need the money right now. I'll wait for you at the hangar with dinner."
"What happened with taking a break?" "An extra won't hurt."
The metal man kept the credits and walked inside the small tent.
Past the bead curtains, he saw you in front of a small wooden table, with your head down, mumbling some things he couldn't quite understand. The faint smell of incense filled his nostrils along with burnt wax. Candles were carefully placed around you and the table as well. The subtle noise of floor crunching alerted you, lifting your head quickly, and placing your hands on top of the table. Your golden bracelet heavily scraping on the surface.
"Oh, hello again..." Your voice greeted him in a low but friendly tone. The Mandalorian didn't say much. He was only observing his surroundings and looking in curiosity at the peculiar decoration. Small cabinets and shelves with all kinds of jewelry, quartz, and other curiosities on display.
"Would you like me to read them?" You interlaced your fingers on top of the table. "I don't believe in these kinds of things..." he mumbled. "I'm not asking you to believe. But, would it hurt to try?" You nodded with your head to the empty place before you, offering your palms. The man briefly hesitated, but slowly approached and sat down across. He unsheathed his blaster, placing it near him on the table. He put his palms upwards.
You reached out to him, weighing him briefly on top of yours, humming. You felt how he had tensed up when your hands touched him.
"Wow... Very interesting. I see here you'll have 3 dogs and a small house!" You gasped as you rubbed his fingers, feeling the leather. "...Really?" He leaned to see closer his hands. "No. I need you to take off the gloves." You snickered at the joke. Mando grumbled. "Relax... I'm not going to cut them off... Please?" You patted the back of his hand softly. He grunted softly in discomfort, but then there was a shifting noise of the fabric being slipped off and slapped down on the table.
Once again, his hands made contact with yours.
The Mandalorian seemed confused as to what was happening to him. The warmth was making him uneasy and his expression was beginning to change to that of concern... It seemed he was very much willing to fight if needed, but the warmth he felt made him a bit hesitant. He seemed to be feeling a little more vulnerable than he usually would... As if he was letting his guard down, but it was like a weird embrace. 
"In this life," you started. "There's something that we're born with..." You squeezed his right hand. "...And what we have lived so far." Then his left one. "The lines within our palms can tell a lot more than we ever dare to reveal. They don't tell us with precision our future, but the outcome of our choices. We are all in charge of our destiny, after all.” You weighed his hands on yours, bouncing them slightly. “What they could reveal... Can always turn out right or be inconclusive. They can crack, change or grow with time... But it's all up to us." You put his hands together, getting his pinky fingers to touch side to side. Your thumbs through his palms feeling the callouses and scars that decorated his skin. For no reason, there was blush creeping up your cheeks, and you thanked the stars for the cowl covering it.
"Big hands... Rough skin. The hands of a philosopher and a worker... Your creases are outstanding and lines are very well defined." You mumbled out loud. "What's that supposed to mean?" He questioned. "Trustworthy." You grinned. His chest plate raised briefly in a chuckle. "This is interesting..." You hummed.
"Life... Cracks. In both hands..." You ran your thumb on the line between his index and his own thumb. “You had no choice back then... Your path was changed; taken away..." You squeezed his right hand. His curiosity made him silent. The visor observed the work of your fingers on his hands. The softness of your touch made his chest flutter at the sensation, but the tension on his palm made you realize his brain remained in a “fight or flight” response.
"And it continues, but once again it splits... A choice to be made. To hold on to it or let go." You pressed your thumb's fingertip on the soft mound under his left thumb. The man’s fingers went a bit soft after that and closed under your touch ever so slightly. "Don't worry much. I'm sure the people you found so far in your path, will support you," you tried to assure him. You turned his hands, holding his fingers. "Be smart. Choose your battles wisely." You rubbed his knuckles affectionately.
"Thank you for allowing me to look into your hands, it's been my pleasure." You bowed your head, your forehead touching his fingernails for a moment. You expected him to pull his hands away... But he didn't. Instead, his touch lingered and squeezed your fingers back.
Your breath hitched slightly, thrown off by this. Even past the dark glass of his visor and over your cloak, his eyes were fixated on you. Nothing else existed but this moment. "Are you done?" Malek’s slurred voice brought you back, making you pull away from his touch. The Mandalorian slipped back his gloves, getting up as he picked up his blaster and kept it into his holster once again. "Here's the rest," the lizard man threw to Mando's chest, a small pouch with credits. "Now, get out." He grumbled. The armored man didn't say much. He looked over his shoulder at you.
"Thank you," he nodded and took long strides to the exit. You got up as well, standing in front of your guardian, extending both hands at him. "What?" He scorned. "My part, of course..." You replied. "Right..." He mumbled. The cold feeling of currency dropping on your hands made you fuzzy. You eagerly pulled your hand to your chest, counting the coins with your finger and the happiness didn't last long.
"I can barely afford today's dinner and tomorrow's breakfast..." You extended your hand back at him. "Then I guess you'll have to earn it with more blabbering about destiny and all your crap," Malek smirked with malice. You huffed as a reply.
"You always end up having half of what people pay me, it's not always enough..." You calmly explained. "Well, it should! You already have where to work, and a roof over your head! Be thankful!" The lizard's hands reached out for your wrists, pulling you closer to him as he shook you in a rather aggressive way.
Your coins got scattered to the ground and the table with loud clattering. Loud enough. 
You groaned in pain at the grip and scrunched your nose at the smell of the spotchka on his breath. "Maker, alright!" You complained, trying to free your hands off him.
"Let go." A modulated voice spoke from behind him.
The bouncer slowly turned his head, only to meet a blaster gun pointed at his face. "Mind your business, metalhead," Malek hissed. The bouncer locked his forearm around your neck, straining you against his chest. Between the struggling and shuffling, your cowl slid off your head. The Mandalorian froze. You gasped and lowered your sight.
"Did he do that to you...?" The helmet tilted.
"I can do much worse. Don't test me, Mandalorian," the humanoid raised their face in a challenging way. The warrior took one step closer and the bouncer took one step back, tightening his arm.
"Get closer and see what happens next!" Malek grabbed your chin, forcing you to look up. You stomped on his foot, making him shout in pain. The humanoid let go and you fell rather hard. Mando shot in reaction and your eyes widened when there was a thud behind you. You started breathing rapidly.
Your head turned to him, reaching your hand out and poking his leg. "...Malek?" You whispered.
No answer.
"We should go." Mando stated, you nodded and felt up the lifeless lizard's hip until you found the hanging bag of credits— he always used to keep it close to him. Not particularly trusting whoever came closer to it, even you—, but now, it was you who hugged it close to your chest. The candlelight that shone on your side, went dark for a moment, making you tense up at the sudden presence. You reached out your free hand to it and the tips of your fingers brushed against the leather of gloved digits. A smile tugged on the corner of your lips and without a second thought, you took it to help yourself up back to your feet. He guided you to go over the body and stopped nearby the table, bending your body over it, blowing the candles. You pulled your cowl back up on your head and hooked your fingers under his arm. He didn’t say anything.
When both of you walked out of the tent, there were no more people around it. Just the sounds of people way further from your spot. As the two of you made your way to the crowded part of the festival, the smell of food perked your senses up, and your stomach growled at it. Out of embarrassment, your free hand rested on your abdomen. "When was the last time you ate?" His helmet turned to you. "Um..." You tried to recall, then shrugged. “I… Am not sure.” He sighed, shaking his head.
His long and hurried strides meant for you to follow his pace. Your steps synced and even felt in a comfortable silence between you. Sometimes, he glanced by the corner of his eye at you; his steps would slow down and his free gloved hand would tap your fingers to make you stop walking and not bump into people. Your ears were sharp at this point, but wouldn't admit that you could hear others footsteps approaching. It was a blatant contrast at how he was before to  how caring and protective he had become of you. Even to the point where someone had bumped against you, and with one glance from his, they apologized immediately. Soon enough, the noises started to fade in the background once again and stopped walking. The smell of iron and oil could be perceived… But something else lingered in the air. You were driven into it, unconsciously pulling Mando along with you. 
"Why, look who's back!" The mechanic bounced the child on her legs, making it squeal. You stopped on your tracks and blurry imagery was lit by the bonfire near.  A short silhouette with a bundle of browns and greens on her legs. 
"Could it be a pet?" Your brain pondered for a moment, tilting your head a bit. "And... Company." Her eyebrow raised at you. "They're with me," The metal man assured the mechanic and helped you out to sit by the fire. 
"Well," Motto smiled and carried the baby up from her legs, walking to you. "There's enough broth for everyone! Here, hold the womp rat." The mechanic lifted the baby up from her legs and put them on yours.
"Womp rat…?" You echoed in a low and  confused mumble. 
A curious gurgle came from the kid. You gasped and tried not to move much, hovering one hand behind him to prevent him from falling and the other near him, by instinct. You felt a little scratching on the palm of your free hand; you pressed your hand against it, feeling his little hand on yours. There was a fluttering feeling inside your chest, letting out a little amused giggle. "Well, hi there," you lent him your finger and he gripped on it. You wiggled it a bit and he didn't let go yet.
The hand behind him reached out behind his head and you caressed it softly, bumping into his ears. "Oh my...! Such ears you have, little one!" You exclaimed, carefully brushing it. He cooed back.
"Alright, here you go, uhm… Didn't quite catch your name here." Her brow furrowed as she approached you.                       "Y/N." You helped the kid turn around, carefully wrapping your arm on his little body, hugging him against you. The mechanic gave the kid a small bowl and for you, a larger one. You brought the broth close to your face, took in the smell and blew softly on it to cool it off, taking small sips from it. Then you dawned it in one large gulp. 
Motto's eyebrows raised at you, her jaw hanging up a bit in shock. "Someone was hungry, for sure…" She chuckled in amusement. The baby burped and giggled; you laughed a bit along with Peli. "It makes two of us," you looked down at the green spot. 
"This is delicious, thank you." You bowed your head. "And for you, Mando," Motto offered him a bowl, he took it but put it on a side. "Thank you," his helmet nodded at her. 
The man in armor didn't move much. His position rested in certain stiffness, watching over your figure and the small one. Peli's eyes flicked between him and you, giving a small nod and a low chuckle in amusement. With one big fake yawn, she took long steps to the side. 
" Stars ! Look at the time! I should leave you two! Have a good one!" The short woman gave Mando a pair of thumbs up, sneaking away to her booth. 
Behind his helmet, he rolled his eyes at the antic, but with her gone, he sat next to you a considerable distance. The fire crackled, wind blew and the noise from outside slowly died, meaning the festival was coming to an end. Once you made sure it was none else but the three of you alone, you felt daring and comfortable enough to take off your hood and turn to him, with a sad smile. The light from the bonfire reflected on your skin and lit the scars that snaked around your eyes; foggy and their color were dull. "I hope you don't lose your appetite..." You chewed your lip.
The child turned to see you, he whined and you felt his little claw on your chin. You leaned down his face close to him and let out a heartfelt giggle.
"Don't worry. It doesn't hurt. I'm ok, see?" You smiled, trying to comfort the kid's worry. His tiny hand rested on your cheekbone and your heart melted at the feeling. Your nose scrunched at holding back a happy tear from falling off.
"Such a big heart for something as small as you," you touched his forehead with yours, closing your eyes, letting out a content sigh. You straightened back and looked over at Mando — well, what the light allowed you to see of him, as he looked like a blurry shiny figure.
The baby lifted his arms to his space dad and the Mandalorian picked him up, putting him on his legs. "Is he yours?" Your eyebrows raised in surprise. "You could say that," Mando simply replied.
There was a bit of fabric ruffle coming from him. Warmth hovered over your cheek and your posture straightened. 
"Can I?" His modulator cracked. You nodded and held back a breath for a moment. 
"What happened?" The spaceman ran his knuckles carefully over the side of your face. You blew the air you were holding up at the feeling, but didn't exactly pull away. "Well," you cleared your throat. "I used to live on a spice farm. My family and others worked for some rich people... Not exactly a legal thing, I think. We always had to hide."
The Mandalorian's caresses became even more gentle, and you leaned to it, allowing yourself to share more. 
"One day, we got raided by Trandoshands. They weren't exactly gentle. Shooting around and pushing people… I remember hearing a blaster shot and its bounce on the surface. One moment, I was hiding and the next one, everything got blurry and my face burnt..." You covered one of your eyes, pursing your lips at the call back on the feeling.
"I know I wasn't the only one who got hurt. I was sent with the "Undesirables". They captured people, separated families to pay a debt." You chewed your cheek, with certain disappointment. Mando's big palm pressed onto your face, and you leaned into the touch. You put your hand over his, adding a bit of pressure on it and smiled.
His thumb carefully caressed the healed bruises under your eye and cheekbone.
"Malek and his wife took me in with them. She was the one who taught me how to read palms, and gave me this. Too bad she got sick." You shook your right wrist, the bracelet wiggling on your forearm, as it was a bit big on you. "She always said that things happened for a reason..." You peeled off the hand from your face, aligning them together for your fingers and palms to touch. A very noticeable size difference.
"And as for the people we meet, they happen to cross our paths too... All according to what the universe dictates." You intertwined your fingers with his. It felt right to do so. The warrior didn't move, didn't say anything. He just let it be. Between your hands, you felt the wiggling of three little fingers trying to squeeze into the moment. You laughed and your hands separated; your pinky's next to each other's with the little green one in the middle.
"Do you have anywhere to go?" Mando asked and you stared deeply at the fire. "I'm not sure..." You frowned. " I can't go back there..." "Let me help." He gently held your hand with his fingers. "Where to?" You eagerly leaned closer to the helmet. "Nevarro. I know someone. We can leave in the morning." He offered. "Sounds like a plan to me," you smiled.
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asahicore · 2 years
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一 about me and my blog !!
emma ; she/her ; 21 ; sagittarius & enfp
currently at uni so my timezone is gmt+0! i study german and linguistics in edinburgh and am a fourth year student and yes i want nothing more than to be done w it
half-french half-american but i lived my whole life in france so i simply choose to forget about my american heritage <3
i ult trsr and my bias always rotates btwn asahi, jaehyuk and jihoon w yoshi and doyoung as very real and ever-present bias wreckers
but i mainly write for enhypen bc enhablr is a lot more active and when i started out my blog i only stanned them so all of my fic ideas come to me w enha members in mind lol
i also really like tbz and have a couple fic ideas for them!
more generally i listen to a loooot of kpop groups, i love gidle, stayc (before teddy bear..), rv, nwjns and twice's music in particular <3 and i listen to a lot of solo idols and krnb (heize my wife) as well - apart from kpop i listen to tswift, lana, ariana and all the pop girlies really also 1D and 5sos cz of a phase i had i just really like pop music basically
other things i like: reading (you can add me on goodreads!!), kdramas, earl grey tea and matcha, studying languages, and corgis <3
byf: inexistent posting schedule, i simply post whenever my fic is done and don’t rush myself, don’t rely on my wips post too much lmao, i talk about kdramas and random things a lot, i return the energy you give me so if you are rude to me on anon i will definitely be rude back to you
dni: basic dni criteria and if you are under 15. although many of my stories have smut in them my blog itself is not nsfw but still, i i wouldn’t want to be friends with a 14 year old irl unless it was like .. my cousin and the same applies online !
please don't ask me to follow you back/be moots, especially if we have never talked before - i follow back people whose blogs/content i am interested in a people who i've talked enough to to consider friends
i deactivated back in august 2022 and came back around january 2023 under the same url, which is why you'll see me talk about my old fics or my old blog
my asks are always open <3 feel free to talk to me whenever!
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klvbxlove · 3 years
omg (kanji & yu x gn! reader)
a/n: Y’ALL OH MY GOD. i’ve been wanting to write this for the longest time but never got the chance to ‘cause i was busy with other stuff. but now, i finally got to it! although i had to stop on a few occasions ‘cause writing some of the scenes had me blushing LMAO (PLEASE I JUST WANT YU AND KANJI TO BE REAL WTF). oh yeah, and just to clarify, i don’t own the song featured in this drabble! it’s actually pretty catchy (and spicy *WINK WONK*), y’all should listen to it. it’s a shame it’s not available on spotify or any other music streaming services, tho 😭
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reader type: gender-neutral
reader specification(s): none
genre(s): lime, romance
trigger warning(s): slightly suggestive content
summary: on a hot summer day, while cleaning your living room, you decided to dance to one of your favorite songs-- and having sinful images of yu and kanji in your mind. 
song(s) featured: “omg” by itano tomomi
audio link 
lyrics (romaji & english translation)
lyrics (kanji & kana)
word count: 1.6k words
♡ ♡ ♡ (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*) ♡ ♡ ♡
(e/c) = eye color (n/n) = nickname (y/n) = your name
♡ ♡ ♡ (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*) ♡ ♡ ♡
   君もカレも魅力的、OMG!    誰か一人なんて 選べない    試してみる? tasty    急に奪って今すぐに kiss me
   The song hadn’t gone into a minute, yet you could already feel your hips swaying to the beat. You weren’t even sure if you were cleaning your living room right now. It was more of you being distracted by the catchiness of the song and just wanting to dance. Every once in a while, you would lip-sync to the lyrics. Pretending you were performing it on stage. 
   But this was the type of song you would only perform for your boyfriends, Yu and Kanji. A private show, if you could put it that way. 
   ふと目が行く    その手つきにもう夢中    肩のラインも SO GOOD    頭の中は君と make love make love
   Due to the summer heat coming from outside, you turned on a fan to cool down. You could feel the air flowing your body and brushing up against your clothes (you were wearing a light, oversized shirt and one of Yu’s boxers. What? They were comfy!). But despite that, you could still feel some sweat rolling down. 
   You weren’t so sure if you were hallucinating, but you swore you saw Yu and Kanji in the same room as you. Shirtless. It was almost as if they were there (or it might be just the heat). 
   With their backs towards you, you watched as they were also cleaning the living room and getting more work done than you were. They were also affected by the heat, as there was sweat dripping off of them. At one point, Yu sighed and ran one of his hands through his gray hair as if he was getting tired already. You couldn’t blame him. 
   You also couldn’t blame yourself for subconsciously licking your lips. You really couldn’t get enough of your boyfriends. But the fact you got two of them instead of just one? You almost wanted to consider yourself lucky to be with such amazing men. 
   止まらない 想像が 伝わったら いいのに
   Oh, yes. Your imagination has gone crazy over Yu and Kanji at random points. 
   This song spoke to you a lot!
   こっちもそっちも捨てがたいの OMG!    早く早く私捕まえて    胸の内は nasty    シャイだから言えないの feel me
   You didn’t find any point in continuing to clean the living room. There would always be another time for you to finish up. So instead, you let your body move to the beat of the song. You had memorized the choreography of the song out of pure boredom, and needless to say, it was your go-to dance. Especially when you couldn’t get Yu and Kanji out of your mind. 
   You almost didn’t want anyone to know about how nasty your mind was when it came to your boyfriends. Your imaginations belonged to them. 
   uh yea yea    ah uh yea yea    ah uh yea yea    ah... oh, OMG! ×2
   You waited for the perfect moment for the beat drop. 
   And then...
   OMG! ×2
   It came. 
   You loved this part of the song. You felt a sense of boldness flow through your body as you dropped to the floor and continued the dance. Your imagination must’ve gotten to you, but you were seeing steam emitting from the room. 
   And it just so happened that Yu and Kanji were sitting on the couch, watching you (They must’ve decided that cleaning would save for another day, as well). From a glance, you saw Yu smirking at you. Meanwhile, Kanji’s face was turning a light pink while he bit his bottom lip. 
  Feeling their eyes on you sent a tingling sensation in you. And it flew throughout your body when you laid on your back and lifted your legs in the air as you continued the dance (**). 
   At this moment, you felt free. So free. It almost felt like you were wearing nothing but your undergarments. The air conditioner was able to hit all the spots on your body, cooling you down. But still, it wasn’t enough to stop the heat that you were feeling. And it wasn’t because of the summer weather. 
   顔がタイプ uh uh    なんだか気も合う uh uh    知性的なのも    他の誰よりも like that, like that
   Eventually, you got back up on your feet, but your body was still moving. All you could think about was how badly you wanted Yu and Kanji. Nothing else was your concern at this moment. You had no idea how long you could handle the wait for them, considering how they were still hanging out with Yosuke and Teddie.  
   2人きりだと 時が速いの    秘密のお泊まりあるかも
   And considering how it was still afternoon, you could have your boyfriends all to yourself for the next few hours. The excitement was getting to you--
   “Well, well. What a nice surprise we came home to see. Right, Kanji?” 
   ‘OH SHIT.’
   You swore your head could’ve been snapped off your neck by how fast you whipped it. Turning your head around, you saw your boyfriends standing in front of you. Yu had an amused look on his face, and Kanji was flustered. Almost similar to how they looked when you imagined them watching you dance. 
   “U-Uh, yeah. I guess,” Kanji mumbled as he swallowed a lump in his throat. He was already feeling something in the down area of his body, and there was no way he could ever try to hide it. At least only you would be able to see it. And Yu, too. Thank the heavens that Yosuke and Teddie (or God forbid, the girls!) weren’t there to see it, though!
   Meanwhile, you stood there in your spot, not moving a single inch of your body. You certainly weren’t expecting your boyfriends to be home that quick. Let alone catching you dancing to quite a spicy song. Were you embarrassed about it, though? No, it was mostly you being in shock. 
   And it wasn’t as if you wanted them to catch you.
   Yu chuckled. “Those were some interesting moves you got there, (Y/N),” he said. You felt like your eyes were about to widen from how his voice sounded (there was some lust behind it). “Never knew you were quite a good dancer until just now. Another nice surprise to discover, too.” 
   “It’s nothing, really,” you smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck. “I just got obsessed with this song and wanted to learn the dance.”
   “We’re still not gonna deny that you’re good at it, though,” Kanji pointed out. At this point, he was surprised he didn’t get a nosebleed after watching all of that. His eyes were practically glued onto you as he watched your body move to every beat of the song. 
   How you didn’t notice him and Yu walking into the house in the middle of your dancing session, Kanji didn’t know. Either way, he couldn’t let out the noise when he watched you get on the floor. 
   Unbeknownst to you, Kanji’s imagination also went crazy. 
   “Aww, thanks!” you smiled, then bit the inside of your cheek. A habit you did whenever you felt flustered. 
   “But don’t you think you’d be good at dancing upstairs in our bed?” Yu’s voice suddenly deepened. It almost sounded like he growled. 
   ‘Wait, what--’
   “E-Eh?” you tilted your head. 
   “Because I certainly think so,” the gray-haired male said before he slowly walked up to you and grabbed you by the waist, pulling you close. When you looked at him, he had a sensual look on his face. A look that always sends butterflies in your stomach.
   You almost didn’t have the time to make a noise of surprise when Yu suddenly locked his lips onto yours. Your (E/C) eyes widened. But it wasn’t long before you gave back into the kiss. No matter how many times you’ve done this, you could never get enough of how Yu was a great kisser. It always had you melting. 
   In just a matter of seconds, Kanji walked up behind you and began to place kisses on the back of your neck. At the sudden touch, you let out another small gasp. Yu found the opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth. He also slipped one of his hands under your shirt and caressed it using his thumb. You let out a small moan at his touch, and Yu smirked into the kiss. 
   But it certainly didn’t help (or you know what? Maybe it did!) when Kanji subtly sneaked his hand under your boxers and began to play with the hem of your underwear. 
   Oh God, you felt like the steam was starting to come back inside the room. For all you knew, you were probably in heaven. But this was sinful.
   Yu eventually pulled away, and a string of saliva followed. With the smirk still plastered on his lips, he whispered, “I think it’s time we take (Y/N) upstairs to our bedroom and have them perform just for us. Isn’t that right, Kanji?” 
   Said boy looked at Yu and had the same smirk. “Hell yeah.”
   And before you could say anything, Kanji lifted you into his arms and carried you bridal-style. It prompted you to let out a squeal. 
   Yu chuckled. “That’s a cute noise you made there, (N/N). Although, you’re cute all the time. And don’t go denying it.” 
   ‘Oh, God damn it!’
   “Damn right, they’re always cute!” Kanji agreed.
   Yu nodded. “But enough talk about that. How about we head up to our room now? And don’t worry, (Y/N). We’ll take real good care of you, we promise.” 
   A clenching feeling was building up in your stomach, but there was also some excitement. So with a nod and a flustered face, you allowed Kanji to carry you upstairs with Yu following behind the both of you. You had the feeling you were going to be sweating a lot in the next few hours. Again, not just because of the hot temperature. 
   Not that you minded.
(**) if you watch the music video for the song and go to the 1:37 timestamp, you’ll see the move i’m referencing (i’m not a dancer so i’m not good at explaining dance moves LOL). here’s the link if you wanna watch it. but as an fyi, it’s quite short.  
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mknaspa · 6 years
Rise of the tmnt 103a 翻訳
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War and Pizza
タイトルは,古典文学 “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy のパロディ。
(I hope we aren't headed for another of your epic party fails:アルティメット意訳)
(all the way through:最初から最後まで)
みんな ちゅうもーーく!
(Get hyped は盛り上がれー!の方が正しいが,なんか日本語だと自然じゃない気がするので)
bear-lmonies のチーズマスターことアルベルトと,
:みなさ~ん ぼんじょ~るの
誰かが今日 大人の階段のぼるって聞いたんだけど,あっこれは僕の下着の話じゃないですぞ~
(I hear someone's a year older today, and I'm not just talking about my underwear)
:ほんじゃあ 一緒に歌いますか ハッピ~…
:オイ アホベルト!
:君のためなら なんでもするよ
ーー 蜂と蜘蛛,ビーチボール以外ことなら
:Guys, エイプリルまだバースデーソング歌い終えてないって
:Am i on speaker? ねえ聞いてる??
(in the middle of something:取り込み中) 
(Fixers in the house, swooping in to save the day)
(swooping in to save the day!:一刻も早く!!!!)
:で ドニー,早くやっちゃってくれるといいんだけどーー
ーーそ��か,全部壊しちゃうか! い~感じよ!
:漏電してるとこは修復完了~~ で次は燃料補給して~
:おま… 余計なことすんなよ…
とくとご覧あれ,アルベルト 2.14.2 だ!
リモートと同期させてと ショータイムだ!
:みっなさ~ん ぼんじょ~~~~るの!
:みっなさ~ん ぼんじょ~~~~るの!
:もう壊させないわよ --絶対
(なんかちょくちょく シュレッド って単語混ぜてくる。すべてはサキちゃんに通ずる?)
あああそうだった アレを変えとくの忘れてた
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:Hey diddly ho, kiddies!
さてさて ブチ上げてまいりましょうか ^_^
この通りーー 僕の手には負えない
:あら^~ かわいい爪が露わになっちゃいましたね
(knuckle sandwich:黙らせるために顔面パンチすること)
(get a person's number:《口語》 人の本心・正体を見破る )
(Go ahead and bounce if you need to:ひゅ~!)
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raphael the adorable buff teddy bear
:あたしは逃げないよ パーティーキャプテンなんだから
よかったわね 新しい親友よ
:パンチの雨だ 食らいな!
(Making it rain:「雨を降らせる」,俗語では札束をばらまくこと)
(Fourscore and 20 more.. 4*20 + 20 = 100
マイキーが闘ってるのがリンカーン元米大統領のモティーフなことからも分かる通り,この台詞は Gettysburg 演説 by リンカーンの有名な文句が元ネタだろう)
:お前さあ バースデー・ボットとして
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(For messy- ってアルベルト自身のことというよりは,アルベルトがめちゃくちゃにしちまったパーティー会場のザマを言ってるだろう)
(Through a total accident that's clearly nobody's fault)
:ばーすでーけーき…? うせやろ?
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ハッピーバースデー… 最後歌いな!
:愛しの~… ティミー…
:片付けどうぞ楽しんで~ ほな
(tears it:チャンスを逃すとか)
ドンのギーク喋り いや~キツいっス
5 notes · View notes
ha4nni · 1 year
I BURNED MY FINGER when am i gonna stop injuring my hands 💔 got three injuries already ohmygod
8 notes · View notes
Former members share their experiences
                                     Updated August 4, 2020
These testimonies, articles or reports are all from former members of FFWPU (Family Federation for World Peace and Unification) / Unification Church.
KOREAN former members
‘Ashamed to be Korean’ Shock: “Ashamed to be Korean” gives a report on the Moon scam Laser on the Moon family scam
Papasan Choi aka Nishikawa Masaru aka Choi Sang-ik January 15, 1987 testimony given in Japan on why he left the FFWPU / UC  (in Japanese) 統一教会問題と私、及びその未来 – 西川 勝氏
Syn-duk Choi  崔信德 1921-2016 Choi Syn-duk (Ch’oe Sin-dok) was an Associate Professor of Sociology at Ewha Women’s University in Seoul. She received her undergraduate education in Korea at Ewha and did graduate work in social science at the University of Chicago where she received an M.A. degree in 1957. After her return she served as Advisor in the Education Division of USOM, and in 1961 accepted an assistant professorship at Tanguk University. In 1963 she joined the faculty of Ewha University. Professor Choi has written books and reports on Korean-American subjects and on the dating attitudes of Korean college students. She is now engaged in an anthropological study of Korean village life. She was once an active member of the Tong-il church [Unification Church] and was closely associated with Moon Sun-myung. She had a son named Yoo who held, or holds, a senior position in the UC / FFWPU. Choi Syn-duk: Korea’s Tong-il Movement. XLIII: pages 101-113. in the magazine Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society No. 43 (1967). This issue has other well researched articles about religions in Korea. A PDF file of Volume XLIII (No. 43) can be downloaded here: http://www.raskb.com/transactions/VOL43/KORS0749D_VOL43.pdf
Kenneth Suhr I am Kenneth Suhr and a Korean 2nd gen of the UC Forming a Local 2nd Generation Group An Open Question about the UC Second Generation – Kenneth Suhr Blame v. Responsibility in the Fall-out from the FFWPU and Sun Myung Moon
Sam Park   朴進慶 (Park Jin-kyung) Sam Park testimony 2014 Sam Park 2015 response to feedback
Annie Soon-wha Choi  催淳華 Interview with Mother Jones magazine: Meet the Love Child Rev. Sun Myung Moon Desperately Tried to Hide
“The entire movement was built on a lie” Annie Choi http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/12/reverend-moon-unification-church-washington-times-secret-son PDF of Mother Jones article The New Republic – The Fall of The House of Moon
Chong-hwa Kim  金鍾和 / 金鐘華 Sun Myung Moon lived with her during 1946 – February 22, 1948 when they were both arrested and jailed. Both were married to others at the time. Moon had one son, Sung Jin Moon, and she had three children. 1946 Moon’s ‘second wife’, Chong-hwa Kim in North Korea 1948 The tears and anger of Mrs. Chong-hwa Kim Sun Myung Moon was a repeat bigamist, in 1948 and again in 1964
Kyong-rae Kim  金景来 Was a member in the 1950s Book: 社會悪과邪教運動            Social wickedness and the cults movement (1957)
Myung-hui Kim (male)  김명희  (金明熙) Book: 문선명의 정체 (1987, 1989) The Identity of Sun Myung Moon (1) by Myung-hui Kim
Chong-hwa Pak  朴正華  1913-1997 Book: 「六マリアの悲劇 真のサタンは、文鮮明だ!!」(November 1993)             Tragedy of the Six Marys – the real Satan is Sun Myung Moon!!
Book: 野錄 統一敎會史  (세계기독교 통일신령협회사)  (March 1996)            An Unofficial History of the Unification Church (A History of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity)
The Tragedy of the Six Marys book (English) The Tragedy of the Six Marys Japanese video (English subtitles) The Tragedy of the Six Marys Japanese video transcript (Japanese) The Tragedy of the Six Marys Japanese video transcript (English) Pak interviewed by a Japanese member of parliament Did Chong-hwa Pak write the I Am A Traitor a book? (published by the UC)
Hyo-min Eu, his sister Shin-hee Eu, Chong-hwa Pak and Deok-jin Kim on Japanese TV
Hyo-min Eu  劉孝敏 “Moon’s ‘Gigantic white lie’” Hyo-min Eu, one of the 36 couples, gives his testimony: exploited by Moon, then shunned by Moon. He was arrested, along with Sun Myung Moon, in 1955 and sent to jail
Shin-hee Eu  劉信姫 Interview
Deok-jin Kim  金徳振 Someone who actually practised Moon’s sex relay
文鮮明教祖の「血分け儀式」内容全告白 – 元側近・金徳振牧師
Park Jun-Cheol  박준철 Was a member for 30 years and wrote a book 빼앗긴 30년 잃어버린 30년 (문선명 통일교 집단의 정체를 폭로한다) (2002)
Nansook Hong  洪蘭淑  홍난숙 Book: In The Shadow Of The Moons: My Life In The Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s Family. (1998) For Korean viewers, this is the infamous 60 minutes interview with Nansook Hong (as well as Un Jin Moon and Donna Orme Collins).
Transcript of Nansook Hong on ‘60 minutes’
A review of Nansook Hong’s revealing book
Nansook Hong radio interview with Rachael Kohn
Nansook Hong – [C-Span] Book Discussion
Robert Parry reviews Nansook Hong’s book ‘In the Shadow of the Moons’
Smurfing in the Unification Church
Nansook Hong – In The Shadow Of The Moons, part 1
Nansook Hong – In The Shadow Of The Moons, part 2
Nansook Hong – In The Shadow Of The Moons, part 3
Nansook Hong – In The Shadow Of The Moons, part 4
J’ai arraché mes enfants à Moon – Nansook Hong
« L’ombre de Moon » par Nansook Hong, partie 1 (French)
« L’ombre de Moon » par Nansook Hong, partie 2 (French)
« L’ombre de Moon » par Nansook Hong, partie 3 (French)
« L’ombre de Moon » par Nansook Hong, partie 4  (French)
German In the Shadow of the Moons book: Ich schaue nicht zurück – 14 Jahre Hölle: Ein Opfer der Mun-Sekte berichtet, Tiel 1
Nansook Hong – Ich schaue nicht zurück, Teil 2 (German)
Nansook Hong – Ich schaue nicht zurück, Teil 3 (German)
Nansook Hong – Ich schaue nicht zurück, Tiel 4 (German)
WBZ News and Mike Wallace interview Nansook Hong
Nansook Hong’s interview on ‘60 minutes’ translated into Japanese
わが父文鮮明の正体 – 洪蘭淑
文鮮明「聖家族」の仮面を剥ぐ – 洪蘭淑
홍난숙은 1998년에 미국 CBS TV 60분 프로그램에 출연하기도 하였다.
JAPANESE former members
Miyuki Park   ボクミユキ Why did a Japanese UC member kill her Korean husband?
Yoshikazu Soejima   副島嘉和 The case of the assault on Mr Soejima 副島さん襲撃事件
副島嘉和   Yoshikazu Soejima and  井上博明  Hiroaki Inoue 『文藝春秋』 1984年7月号に 「これが『統一教会』の秘部だ ― 世界日報事件で『追放』された側の告発」
In the July 1984 issue of ‘Bungei Shunjū’ “This is the secret part of the ‘Unification Church’ – Accusation by the side ‘expelled’ in the Sekai Nippo ‘World Daily News’ incident”
Moon’s Japanese Profits Bolster Efforts in U.S.
Hiroko Yamasaki   山崎 浩子 Book: 愛が偽りに終わるとき            When love turns out to be not true Hiroko Yamasaki, an Olympic gymnast, joined and left the UC
Taguchi Tamiya   田口 民地 Book: 原理からの回復 (1989) Recovering from the Divine Principle
Kiyoharu Takahashi The Ungodly Gains Of The World’s Greediest Church
Children of the Moon video
Professor Lev Semenov My experience within the hierarchy of the Moon cult during its years of expansion in Russia and in the CIS
Ray and Sonya Pearson video
Teddy Hose:
VIDEO: Over the Moon – Escaping Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and their family
Talk Beliefs with Teddy about growing up in the UC / FFWPU
Teddy Hose traveled from San Francisco to protest at Sean Moon’s church blessing with AR-15 rifles
Ford Greene Ford Greene: Attorney at odds
Lydia Catina-Amaya Human trafficking in the FFWPU / Unification Church is despicable. Here is one Filipina’s story of her slavery in the US at the hands of Korean leaders.
“May” On the outside, looking in
Jolettah The Way I left the Unification Church – Girl leaves cult and arranged marriage and explores her new life
Jen Kiaba The Purity Knife
Jen Kiaba photos
Life Without Reverend Moon
Miss Mayhem and I decided to start this blog as a bit of a therapy project. We are sisters who grew up together, then grew apart when Miss Mayhem left the Unification Church that we had grown up in. After I left as well, we began to retrace our steps to begin our relationship as sisters and friends again. This blog is a part of that healing process.
“I’m not sure where this misconception came from that a Moon-sanctioned union will be free of heart-ache, gut wrenching fights (either internal or with a spouse), and potential breakup. That should be Lesson #1 in any relationship, in any religion: there are no guarantees that it will work or be immediately fulfilling. A breakup can be a learning tool. But at least at the end of the day, outside of the Unification Church there is proper support for a struggling couple and less threat of “fire and brimstone” if things don’t work out. In fact, the breakups I’ve seen in the UC tend to be much nastier because of the religious ramifications.</rant>”
Hideo Higashibaba Growing Up Moonie podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/growing-up-moonie/id1453725149 REVIEW of Growing Up Moonie by Nic Dobija-Nootens https://podcastreview.org/review/growing-up-moonie/ What comes next podcast
David Adler Esquire magazine feature by Warren Adler: Rescuing David (my son) from the Moonies
Anon Church member never allowed herself to enjoy sex because “sex was evil”
John Coming out as a Moon cult survivor after 40 years
Diane Benscoter Book: Shoes of a Servant – my unconditional devotion to a lie (2013)
It’s been a long time in the making… but here it is! Deprogrammed the web-doc. Now take a 15 minute break from whatever you are doing and put on some earphones and enjoy!
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Diane-Benscoter/114855778543949 Own Your Brain website Diane Benscoter’s videos
Meeting Robin Williams
MLP What I Really Learned in the UC:
“Never ever ever under any circumstances ever ever listen to or believe a single word any person, particularly a religious person, ever says ever. Watch only their actions.”
My advice on leaving the UC
The Incident at the New Yorker Hotel
Fun with numbers
Sloe Gin A Letter to Rev. Moon
Letter from a disenchanted student of the Divine Principle.
Glenn Emery Pay Day at the Washington Times! Washington Times Circulation Hoax
Why I stayed in the Unification Church for so long Vivid dreams, spiritual experiences, bizarre coincidences… all of these things played a big role in convincing me to join. I perceived them as a form of personal validation from God that I was doing the right thing. After a few of those, I would not have listened to anyone trying to tell me I had made a mistake. The Divine Principle appealed to me on an intellectual level. It made sense of all the bible stories I learned in Sunday School. The DP built on what was already familiar to me, so it did not seem exotic or strange, like Scientology or Hare Krishna or other groups at the time.
Over time, my ego and identity fused with the Unification Church. Without the UC/True Parents/Divine Principle, I had no identity. Therefore, it was absolutely necessary that I never quit or leave. Otherwise, I wouldn’t exist.
Fear was also a factor. I believed bad things happened to members who lose faith and leave. Satan would invade. I felt responsible to keep going, even when I felt nothing and was plagued by doubts, because my family and my ancestors depended on me to “get the victory.” If I left, they would accuse me of failing them. So I wasn’t just in it for myself. By the time the Blessing finally rolled around, I was bored with the UC/DP. I would have quit, but I had nowhere to go. It was easier to simply keep going rather than start over. Besides, I didn’t want to face my family and friends and hear them say, “I told you so.” So my UC ego kept be in check.
Staying in the UC creates its own inertia. The longer someone is in it, the greater the inertia. I call it the “leathery bonds of convenience.” Very tough and hard to break. Simply easier to stay together with a blessed spouse, especially after having a child, even when there’s no deep emotional connection.
I believe people stay in the UC simply because they no longer see any other alternative. They’re too old to start over. They’ve invested too much personal capital to walk away. Even if they no longer believe, they continue to cling to vague hope it will all work out somehow, someday. Peer pressure from the larger group cannot be overestimated either. Leaving the group is an act of betrayal, violation of a sacred trust. Even when it all goes to hell, the group ethos is to stick together, no matter what. It takes a lot of courage to overcome that.
Glenn Emery’s personal story – Blog
Glenn Emery challenges Takeru Kamiyama
Yolande Elise Brener All that Heaven Allows – My sexual re-education in the UC
Beyond Belief Interviews Yolande Brener
Book: Holy Candy: Why I Joined A Cult And Married A Stranger (2014) What is the purpose of life? Is there a spiritual world? Does true love exist? If there is a God, why does he allow innocents to suffer? The desire to find answers to these questions – passed to her on a business card – led Yolande Brener to enter a bizarre, 15-year odyssey in a cult that would climax in her participation in one of the largest mass marriages in history. In HOLY CANDY, Yolande Brener pulls back the curtain on the church’s doings – but this is far from a simple black and white exposé. It is spooky, riveting, and utterly believable…
Michael Warder Reasons for leaving
Tim Folzenlogen Hyun Jin Moon’s assault on him
Kirsti L. Nevalainen Book: Change of Blood Lineage through Ritual Sex in the Unification Church (2011)
The Fall story in Genesis 3 was an attack against Sex Rites
CARP members were paid by FBI for spying on Americans
CIA and Unification Church cooperated in Sandinista War
Sun Myung Moon Exchanged Weapons for Drugs
Karen Alleyne Taylor “Moon looked over to Steve, [my husband] who sat only a short distance away and said to him in English, “She belongs to me first”. He looked pointedly at him while Bo Hi Pak translated, “If you don’t like it you can leave the room”. Steve shook his head and said, “it’s ok, Father” or words to that effect. Over the years I wondered what that was all about, I wanted to understand the significance. Now I do understand, the reality has been unlocked for me, thanks to courageous women like Nansook Hong and Annie Choi.”
Adultery and Sam Park
The East Sun Building
Master Marine Gel Coat
The European Machine Tool Industry of the UC
Allen Tate Wood Book: Moonstruck – A Memoir of My Life in A Cult (1979) (with John Vitek) “A Modern day Pilgrim’s Progress with an extended stay among the Moonies, Wood’s self-examination charts a way through a dark night of the soul in which many are still stranded.” — Henry Marshall Ph.D. Dept. of Psychology, Texas Southern University Website: http://www.atwood7.com/ https://www.facebook.com/allen.t.wood
Sun Myung Moon and the FFWPU / UC
VIDEO: Moon’s strategies for grabbing power clearly explained Allen Tate Wood answers Walter Evans’ questions about the Unification Church (now rebranded as the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification). He talks about Moon’s plans to penetrate the religious, political and economic worlds to further his own aims to grab power. Strategies for gaining the allegiance of leaders were / are very concrete. (23 minutes)
Allen Tate Wood on the Unification Church VIDEO interview with Allen Wood: author, lecturer and consultant on the cult phenomenon…. former political leader of the Moonies in the U.S.
North Texas State pt.1
North Texas State pt.2
North Texas State pt.3
North Texas State pt.4
North Texas State pt.5
“Park Chung-hee [President of South Korea 1963-1979], gave orders to create a new Christian influence that would weaken progressive Christians who fought against his dictatorship.*” Moon’s Unification Church was one of the groups – from that time politics was key to the existence of the UC and the survival of Moon himself, in both Korea and the US. LINK                * Korea Herald, November 2, 2016 by Ku Yae-rin
A brief critical examination of the Divine Principle theory of history A Pilot Study – by Jane E.M. Williams & Allen Tate Wood
Young-oon Kim said Sun Myung Moon was “a pure virgin until the age of 40”
Moon’s Ignorance – he “spoke to Buddha,” but thought he was Chinese!
My Four and a Half Years with The Lord of the Flies
Moon “must have sexual relations with 70 virgins, 70 widows and 70 men’s wives”
Inside the head of a new cult member – New Statesman June 2008
Saving your family from the Manson Family – New Statesman July 2008
The social impact of cult groups – New Statesman July 2008
Steve Hassan Book: Combating Cult Mind Control  (25th Anniversary Edition) LINK
website: https://freedomofmind.com
Frank Frivilous How I Evaluate the Influence of the Divine Principle on My Life? “It’s similar to the sensation of having built an elaborate sand sculpture and having to witness it washed away by the tide.”
Moon, WACL, CAUSA, the CIA, the Contras, South America, etc. part 1
Moon, WACL, CAUSA, the CIA, the Contras, South America, etc. part 2
Moon, WACL, CAUSA, the CIA, the Contras, South America, etc. part 3
Fear and Loathing at Cheongpyeong Lake
Benjamin Douglas Cognitive biases – are UC members more prone to them?
Mark Palmer I got married in a Moonie mass wedding He was a public schoolboy from a wealthy English family. So what made Mark Palmer spend seven years as a disciple of the cult?
K. Gordon Neufeld Book: Heartbreak and Rage: Ten Years Under Sun Myung Moon, A Cult Survivor’s Memoir
Heartbreak and Rage: Ten Years Under Sun Myung Moon
Thought Reform and the Psychology of Choo Choo Pow
Peddler of Paradise
Waning Moon
Where have all the Moonies gone?
K. Gordon Neufeld is also the author of Cult Fiction: One Writer’s Creative Journey Through an Extreme Religion.
His website is www.neufeldbooks.com.
Joseph Nikolas Erobha / Sansu the Cat The Lunacy of Rev Moon or Why I Am Not A Unificationist
An Odyssey Through the Shadow of the Moons (Part I)
An Odyssey Through the Shadow of the Moons (Part 2)
An Odyssey Through the Shadow of the Moons (Part 3)
An Odyssey Through the Shadow of the Moons (Part 4)
An Odyssey Through the Shadow of the Moons (Part 5)
An Odyssey Through the Shadow of the Moons (Part 6)
An Odyssey Through the Shadow of the Moons (Part 7)
An Odyssey Through the Shadow of the Moons (Part 8)
An Open Letter to a Skeptical Unificationist
Craig Maxim website: My life and experiences
website: Rev. Moon’s African Son?
Skeptical Pete Dear Mr Moon
Graham Lester A workable plan for an ideal world
Here is a brief essay in which I have attempted to demonstrate how the positive ideals of the Unification movement can be effectively realized without resorting to the dogma and superstitions of the Divine Principle.
Ten reasons why the atom is not a good role model for human couples
Five of the Many Ways in Which the Principle View of the Fall Is Nonsensical
Imagination Theology: The problem and the solution
Arthur Ford was a con man too
Song-do Kim, the woman who created the Divine Principle
The Failure of Prayer
Which is Worse, Orthodox UC or the Sanctuary Cult?
The Unification Church should follow the Anglican model
The Divine Principle is the core problem of the movement and the core problem of the Moon family.
It is indeed official UC teaching that Jesus had sex with Mary Magdalene
Father’s plans to impregnate Mrs. Jesus back in 1978.
Ethics without Religion
Onni Durst is a supporter of the Woo group – led by another illegitimate son of Moon
Ten things Moon didn’t do
Todd Harvey website: http://www.conversationswithtodd.org
My Experience in the Unification Church
Eight Reasons I Got Out of the Unification Church
Church and state: A personal and public tug of war
Richard Barlow Backbiting and Rumour Mongering
Breaking Silence on In Jin, Ben, Alistair Farrant
How “God’s Day” was established on January 1st 1968
Danny Harth My Life in the FFWPU / Unification Church
Natalija Velikorodina My Thoughts After Moonies
Isshi Honesty In The Unification Church
Josh Freed Book: Moonwebs (1980)   – inspired the movie Ticket to Heaven (1981)
 Ticket to Heaven – on wikipedia (it won 4 Genie awards in 1982)
 Ticket to Heaven – New York Times movie review
Barabara and Betty Underwood Book: Hostage to Heaven (1979) Who Is the Captive? Onni Durst (Lim/Im Yeon-soo) Speaks One Family meeting with Onni Durst scarred my soul A story from Bay Area Unification Church of the 1970s – part 1
A story from Bay Area Unification Church of the 1970s – part 2
A story from Bay Area Unification Church of the 1970s – part 3
Deanna Durham Book: Life among the Moonies: three years in the Unification Church (1981)
Boonville – “It was a very complex set of manipulations”
Childcare in the Unification Church of Oakland
David Sunfellow http://nhne-pulse.org/the-life-death-of-sun-myung-moon/
Susan and Anne Swatland Book: Escape from the Moonies (1982) The Dancing Doctor Onni Durst – The Dragon Lady When you holy salt a room, it is important to first open the doors and the windows so the foolish spirits can get out.
Steve Kemperman Book: Lord of the Second Advent (1981)
Chris Elkins Book: Heavenly Deception (1980)
Jacqui Williams Book: The Locust Years (1987)
Christopher Edwards Book: Crazy for God: The nightmare of cult life (1979)
Erica Heftman Book: Dark Side of the Moonies (1982)
YR Faced with the acutely disturbing reality of the Unification Movement… The Dream Is Over Liberation of ancestors by a third party? Re: Bully Reflections on the significance of lineage and of Jesus If Adam and Eve didn’t exist, then there was no fall and therefore no need for a savior. Reflections on a very Korean “messiah” Hooked on the “true lineage” rhetoric
Garry Scharff Interview with Gary Scharff in May 1978
Linda Feher
Moon’s Human Trafficking
Hyung Jin Moon’s revelation about his parents in Las Vegas
The Garden of Eden story reconsidered
The problem with the Fefferman-Panzer debate
The heart of Dr. Rev. Hak Ja Han
Dear Kate Tsubata
Collective Grief: The Five Stages of Grief in the CIG Symposium
The CIG Constitution: Isolationist Dogma
Bo Hi Pak and the Hiding of Sam Park
Hyung Jin said, “True Mother must return to her sons, the True Cain and Abel.”     What does the DP say?
Why I never attended anything by Black Heung Jin Nim, even though I
was threatened with eternal damnation if I didn’t.
Thomas W. Case Book: Moonie Buddhist Catholic: A Spiritual Odyssey (1996) Boonville in the spring of 1974 Boonville – Is this how the Family cared for its children? Suppose Mr. Moon took over the world...
mercilavix Jesus taught: “love your neighbor as yourself”
Linda Anthenin Statement to the Fraser Committee Notarized Statement of Linda Anthenien to the Fraser Committee
Diane Devine Statement submitted to the Fraser Committee
Phillip Greek Statement to the Fraser Committee
2 notes · View notes
espexially · 8 years
170125 Simon 晨翔
170125 Simon 晨翔 Facebook [Eng Trans]
關於兵役的部分,因為一直以來媽媽的身體都不好,姐姐也已經嫁人!所以合法提出了申請 (常備兵因家庭因素服補充兵役),經兵役課判定為補充兵,役期為12天,我也已經確實服完兵役了。(這個部分因為我必須要顧及媽媽的感受以及牽涉到家人隱私,所以抱歉在細節上我無法談及太多!)
謝謝宏正 一直以來你都是最盡責的大哥,謝謝你的照顧,我真心很喜歡你 盡在不言中。
謝謝偉晉 我很想念以前我們收工一起回家的談心時光。
謝謝子閎 你是一個很有想法也很堅定的人,我不會忘記我們躺在沙灘上閒聊的那一晚。
謝謝明杰 每次聯訪為了化解尷尬你總是跳出來幫我說話。
謝謝TEDDY、EVAN 我們一起被加入團體的二期成員,一起被全世界罵慘、一起努力跟上大家!
謝謝Riley 你樂觀開朗的個性讓我們繁忙的工作多了很多樂趣
謝謝風田 和你一起去日本出外景一直照顧我,你是一個溫暖的朋友。
謝謝易恩 讓我們可以說我們也有很會跳舞的成員!
謝謝執、 梓淇 雖然認識不久但是每一次一起聚餐都很開心。
接下來我想好好沈澱一下自己,好好思考一下,也不想再給家裡添麻煩了! 我會多花時間陪伴爸爸媽媽,還有找回那個開朗堅定的自己。
To make the decision, I need a lot of determination and strength!
2016 was a very difficult year for me, my mother’s health is not in the best condition and my grandma suddenly passed away, honestly speaking, it’s a very big blow for me. In addition to the various problems at work, a huge question mark appeared for me regarding my life? I have always tried to not make an issue or emotion bigger than it is, I feel that I should be able to digest it by myself, I should be able to handle it…until I realize I couldn’t any longer.
So I have decided to stop school, gave up on the graduate school that I was working hard to get to, so I bravely told my company my questions, and very positively hoping to get an answer from the company, but unfortunately after two months of communicating, I didn’t get any positive answer, after considering for a long time, I can only ask a lawyer to help! Hope it use impartial means to help me clarify this issue!
I’m still very thankful towards Kemi, after all I have work hard with my team mates for three years, we all have worked hard in this journey, went through a lot together! There’s a lot of hardship behind the glamour! But I will not ignore this life experience, still hope that I can say goodbye to it well!
With regards to army, because my mum is not in the best health condition, and my sister is married! So with legal application (became a supplement soldier because of family issues), became a supplement solider, army service is 12 days, and I have finished my army services. (This part because I have to take into consideration of my mum’s feeling and my family’s privacy, so I’m sorry that I can’t share too much on the details!)
Thank you Wes You have always been a very responsible big brother, thank you for taking care of me, I really like you, it goes without saying.
Thank you Wayne I really miss the talks we have when we go home together when we end work.
Thank you Sam You are someone who have a lot of ideas and is very firm, I will never forget that night when we were chatting while lying on the beach.
Thank you Brent For stepping out to speak for me when it’s awkward during interview.
Thank you TEDDY、EVAN We are the second generation members who join the group together, got scolded together by the whole world, work hard together to keep up with everyone!
Thank you Riley Your positive attitude gave us a lot of joy in our busy work
Thank you Win For taking care of me during the Japan trip, you are a very warm friend.
Thank you Ian Allowing for us to say that we have a member who can dance really well!
Thank you Zhiwei, Dylan Even though we haven’t met for a long time, I feel very happy every time we meet to eat together.
Most most most importantly is my fans who I care for the most, really want to thank you guys for your love and support for me all these while, I will put you guys inside my heart, if I have to say what was my biggest gain in these three years, is your love and support! And thankful to everyone who help me, heartfelt thanks!
Now I’m going to settle myself down, to ponder about things, and I don’t wish to give my family any more problems! I will spend more time to accompany my dad and mum, and to find back the happy and determined me.
Trans Cr: ESpeXially
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ithiroki · 5 years
松尾潔 R&B定番曲解説 Junior『Mama Used To Say』
松尾潔さんがNHK FM『松尾潔のメロウな夜』の中でR&Bの定番曲、Junior『Mama Used To Say』を紹介。様々なカバーバージョンを聞き比べながら解説していました。
(松尾潔)さて、ここからは帰ってまいりました。いまなら間に合うスタンダード、その27回。再開後2回目となります。今夜ご紹介しますのはイギリスのソウルシンガー……R&Bと言わず、あえてソウルシンガーと申し上げましょう。ジュニアの『Mama Used To Say』なんですが。いま、バックで流れているのはヘヴィ・D&ザ・ボーイズで『Is It Good To You』。これは彼らにとって大出世作ですね。その前の『Big Tyme』っていうアルバムでかなり一般的な認知をエタンエスが、この『Peaceful Journey』でドカンと来ましたね。1991年。
そのヘヴィ・Dの出世曲のひとつ『Is It Good To You』、この曲を今日はきっかけに、この曲の元ネタになっておりますジュニアの『Mama Used To Say』。この曲ですね、このイギリス発祥でアメリカ、そして世界中で愛された曲。こちらをご紹介したいのですが。ヘヴィ・D&ザ・ボーイズのこのラップバージョン『Is It Good To You』でフィーチャーされていた女性シンガーのタミー・ルーカス。このプロデューサーのテディ・ライリーのバックアップでソロアルバムが出る、出るって言われて結局はなかなか強いスポットライトを浴びることがなかった悲運の女性シンガーなんですが。
テディ・ライリーと当時、大変密な関係にあったことはたしかでございまして。この『Peaceful Journey』というアルバムのが出て数ヶ月後には『Juice』という2パックが主演した映画のサウンドトラックでタミー・ルーカスを全面的にフィーチャーした『Is It Good To You』の歌物が出ます。
こうなってくると、よくあるかつてヒットしたR&Bナンバーを下敷きにしたラップとしての『Is It Good To You』じゃなくて、R&BがまたR&Bになるという、座組が変わってくるんですけどね。まあテディ本人はどれぐらいの気持ちでやってたのかは分かりませんが。テディ・ライリー名義でタミー・ルーカスがフィーチャーされたというテイで世に出たこちらを聞いてください。その翌年1992年にはシングルカットされて結構なヒットになったと記憶しております。テディ・ライリー feat. タミー・ルーカスで『Is It Good To You』。
Teddy Riley Feat. Tammy Lucas『Is It Good To You』
いいですねえ! テディ・ライリーは本当に……「流行っていうものはちょっと古いがいちばん古い」っていう真理がございますけども。テディ・ライリーのサラウンドっていうのも常にそういうリスクってのはあるんだけれども。そこを超えて、なんかやっぱり地肩が強いっていうのかな? そういう気がしますね。最近、再評価の波、とみに高まります。テディ・ライリー。そのリーダー作品からテディ・ライリー feat. タミー・ルーカスで『Is It Good To You』。映画『Juice』のサウンドトラックの中からの1曲でございました。
まあさっきのあの『Money Talks』もそうでしたけども、90年代のこういうR&Bとヒップホップの映画のサントラとの仲が良かった時代っていうのは本当に……そのサントラまで全部チェックしなきゃいけないっていうのもヒーヒー言いながらも当時、喜んでいましたね。いまみたいにサブスクリプションとかがない時代ですから。「この1曲のためにアルバムを買っちゃうのか……ちょっと懐にキツいなあ……」みたいなことも正直、学生時代などはそういうこともありましたけどもね。そういう時はね、お目当ての曲を聞いた後に残りの曲も好きになる努力をするんです。
このテディ・ライリーというプロデューサー、ガイやブラックストリートなど名グループのリーダーでもありましたが、この彼のサウンドメイクというのはある種の錬金術でございまして。まずヘヴィ・D&ザ・ボーイズの『Is It Good To You』を聞いた時に「ん? このベースラインはもしかして……?」って思った時に、「やられた! その手があったか!」と。でも、答えが分かっていたとしても同じものを作れるのはこの人しかいないなっていう感じもあるんですよね。いつもね。
そこはやっぱり超一流の錬金術師ならではのスキル、マジックかと思うのですが。いま、バックで流れておりますダニーボーイという、知る人ぞ知る……最近、よく使いますね。「知る人ぞ知る」、便利な言葉だな(笑)。まあ、西海岸のレイドバックしたタイプのR&Bシンガーがこの『Mama Used To Say』をカバーしてますけども。まあ、ダニーボーイの歌��を楽しむには悪くないけども、予想される程度の仕上がりなんですよ。
なんだけども、テディ・ライリーはそこに足すものっていうのかな? なんか同じ食材なのにどうしてこんなに味が違うのだろう?っていう絶品の料理を作る人がたまにいますけども。もうそういう感じですよね。じゃあ、その元になってるものっていうのはどういう曲なのか?っていうのをこれからご紹介したいと思います。今日ご紹介するスタンダード。まさにこの曲から始まった曲の連なりをお楽しみいただきたいのですが。元になった曲を聞いていただきたいと思います。
💿 THIS WEEK IN 1982 💿 🇬🇧 UK No.7 🔼 Junior 'MAMA USED TO SAY'https://t.co/WikVR6d5X4 pic.twitter.com/3KkvSSoNle
— 🎧The80sHub.com📺 (@Fanatic80s) May 30, 2019
ジュニア……Junior Giscombeというフルネームでもイギリスでは知られております。1981年にリリースされましてイギリスではナショナルチャートも7位まで。そしてアメリカ進出をしてアメリカでも一般のチャート、ポップチャートで最高位30位というね、なかなかの成功を収めました。こちらです。聞いてくださいジュニアで『Mama Used To Say』。
Junior『Mama Used To Say』
ジュニアで『Mama Used To Say』。これは『American Remix』という7インチリミックスで。ギターから始まるイントロが印象的ですね。長尺のものっていうのは7分近くて。パーカッションが最初に耳に飛び込んでくるようなアレンジなんですが。それもまたご興味のある方は聞いていただければと思いますね。
このベースライン、ベースの置き方……ベース・ギターに触れたことのある人ならこの曲の魅力っていうのはより立体的にわかるんじゃないかと思いますけどね。もうなんか指先が喜んでるような、そんなノートの動き方ですね。「ドッドッドッドッ♪」ってね。ちょっとぐらい心得のある人なら真似したくなる。でも難しいという感じなんですが。これ、やっぱりビートありきなんだなっていうことを裏付ける1曲かなと思うんですが。数年前に出たラテンカバーでね、Los Ciegos Del Barrioっていう……僕もよく彼らの実態を知らないまま言ってますけども。ひょっとこりと『Mama Used To Say』のカバーが出たんですけども。
いまはちょっとメアリー・Jがそうであるようにこの人も落ち着いて、ヒップホップソウル的な佇まいから割とルーツを探求していくようなね、ソウルミュージックの歴史学者みたいなスタンスも取っているビヴァリー・ナイトですが。そのビヴァリー・ナイトが2011年にリリースした『Soul UK』っていうアルバムがあるんですよ。彼女が自国UK発信のソウルミュージックにこだわって同胞の先達のカバーを収めた作品集なんですけども。その中の3曲めに収められましたビヴァリー・ナイトバージョン、こちらをお楽しみいただきたいと思います。ビヴァリー・ナイトで『Mama Used To Say』。
Beverley Knight『Mama Used To Say』
お届けしましたのはビヴァリー・ナイトによる『Mama Used To Say』のカバーでした。ビヴァリー・ナイト、イギリスの女性R&Bシンガーとして代表的な存在といっても過言ではないのですが。彼女がより自らの音楽的アイデンティティを探求した、そんな一作『Soul UK』という2011年。日本でいえばあの震災の年に出たアルバムですが。その中に収められておりました『Mama Used To Say』でした。
via miyearnZZ Labo https://ift.tt/2kYUFNZ
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dtsansbule · 6 years
Five night at freddy's-小小故事4
*I don’t know English, but in order to make it easy for readers to read! I translate my own work.
*Please don’t read Chinese readers! Please work hard and look down at translated works. * There is a translation error! Please tell me if you have trouble!! I will try my best to correct it!
*此文是隨心創作,有沒有後續? 我自己也不知道。
*是看過 The Game Theorists 討論出的結果 和  GoldBox 的作品  後,想寫出一個有點不一樣的故事。
上一章 下一章
Fredbear's Family Diner第二十周年紀念日,前一天....
"Smith先生,我來送Golden freddy還有其他玩具過來"Johan對為了明天親自來檢查的Joshua Smith說
"Aftons先生,真高興看到你。Antonio麻煩你把這些放到應該放的地方"Joshua抱了一下Johan,對著身邊的保全-Antonio Wilson說
"我看看,驚喜箱放在這裡,這個很���險,還是放在倉庫裡"Antonio放好了裝著Marionette的禮物盒,看到裝在箱子裡的Golden freddy嘴角上揚,推著推車往倉庫放向走
"等到明天,所以的麻煩事情都會解決掉的"Antonio把裝著Golden freddy的箱子擺放在明顯的地方,邪惡的笑著慢慢的離開倉庫
"那個壞傢伙走了,接下來要把小金藏得好好的!不能被那個壞人利用!"Bel從Golden freddy嘴裡爬出來,看著裝著Golden freddy的箱子試著推動它
"咦?我變成人了!! 雖然跟我想的不一樣,但是現在趕快把小金藏起來"Bel驚訝一下自己突然的變化,又忙起要把Golden freddy藏裡的事
"不說這個了!Teddy你應該穿著Golden freddy上去表演!你的戲服呢?"Jas叉著腰對著Bel說
"我...喔!在這裡!!Jas你先走,我換個衣服等等就來"Bel把裝著Golden freddy的箱子稍微打開給Jas看,又把Jas推出門外
"呼~好險!要趕快把小金藏起來"Bel怕又有人來,趕緊將裝著Golden freddy的箱子放在這一堆箱子的最裡面,又將移動其他的箱子重新擺放好
大廳這裡,舞台上Freddy Fazbear,Bonnie,Chica 三個機器玩偶在表演,舞台不遠處還有個設施-海盜灣,但很可惜表演時間還沒有到,簾子一直都是拉上的狀態。
"Teddy?你不是請假了嗎?"一個穿著Golden Bonnie戲服的人,走來打招呼
"這樣啊!說真的,老闆真的很摳,明天就是周年紀念日,今天居然還要正常營業,偏偏今天人手不夠,廚房只有Phil一個人在忙,大廳沒服務生,原本還有George要來,但他來的路上發生車禍,可憐的George,今天得靠我們倆撐著了"穿著Golden Bonnie戲服的人話真的很多
"!!哦嗨~孩子們你們知道我是誰嗎?"穿著Golden Bonnie戲服的人,看到孩子們看著他,就拿出他的職業精神逗逗這些孩子們
"Golden freddy~"3號桌的孩子看到Bel走來開心的不得了
"謝謝你Golden freddy"孩子高興的抱住Bel
Google translation:
*This article is created by heart, is there any follow-up? I don't know it myself.
* After reading the results of The Game Theorists and the work of GoldBox , I wanted to write a story that was a little different.
* The plot setting will be different from the game and what everyone knows.
*If you have other opinions, please come and talk to me ^^
Previous chapter Next chapter
_third chapter_
Fredbear's Family Diner's 20th Anniversary, the day before....
"Mr. Smith, let me send Golden freddy and other toys to come over," Johan said to Joshua Smith, who will personally check tomorrow.
"Mr. Aftons, I’m so happy to see you. Antonio is bothering you to put this in the place where you should put it." Joshua took Johan and said to the protection around him - Antonio Wilson
"Okay! Boss" Antonio took the cart and pushed the toys away.
"Mr. Smith, I want to tell you something, is it convenient now?" Johan asked Joshua
"Of course Mr. Aftons, please here" Joshua invited Johan to chat in his office.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am a lovely branch island~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"I see, the surprise box is here, this is very dangerous, still in the warehouse." Antonio put the gift box with Marionette and saw the golden freddy in the box rise and push the cart to the warehouse. Let go
"Wait until tomorrow, so the troubles will be solved." Antonio placed the box with Golden freddy in the obvious place, and the evil smile slowly left the warehouse.
"The bad guy is gone, the next thing is to hide the little gold! Can't be used by the bad guy!" Bel climbed out of Golden freddy's mouth and looked at the box with Golden freddy trying to push it.
"No! I am too light and too small, I can't push Xiaojin, I wish I could be as big as Xiaojin." Bel looked down at his hands and feet.
"Hey? I became a man!! Although it is different from what I thought, but now I will hide Xiaojin." Bel was surprised by his sudden change and was busy with the things that he had to hide in Golden freddy.
"That's true! Why didn't you suddenly come! We are seriously lacking in hands today!! Hey! Teddy, you just can't say no? How come? What are you doing here?" A person wearing a safety suit, walking Entering the warehouse and speaking to Bel
"Hey? I? Hehehe, I suddenly thought that I had something to forget, so come back. Hey. Josh, what's the matter?" Bel looked at the preservation called Josh, and confessed to the wrong person, he followed him.
"My name is Jas, not Josh. Why are you always wrong!! This is not funny." Jas is angry.
"Oh.. I don't know, since it's not Josh, why are you wearing this one?" Bel asked curiously.
"Oh... I just don't bother to send it to modify, I don't want to spend money on new uniforms, and the boss is very embarrassed, and I don't want to help us pay this money." Jas is so arrogant about the boss's money.
"Oh, yeah!" Bel smirked
"Don't say this! Teddy, you should wear Golden freddy to perform! What about your costume?" Jas said, bowing his arms to Bel.
"I...oh! Here!! Jas, let's go first, I change clothes, etc." Bel will open the box with Golden freddy to Jas and open Jas.
"Okay~ now!" Jas stupidly looked at the closed door and had to leave.
"Call~ Good insurance! Hurry up to hide the small gold." Bel is afraid that someone will come. He will put the box with Golden freddy in the innermost part of the pile and relocate the other boxes.
"This is the costume that the man said? Although it is not the father's work, but the material is good." Bel touched and did not install the mechanical skeleton, only the cloth and cotton costumes, put on the body, and finally took the hood and put it on the head. Out of the warehouse
In the hall, on the stage, Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie, and Chica are performing in three machine dolls. There is also a facility on the stage - Pirate Bay, but it is a pity that the performance time has not yet arrived, and the curtains have always been pulled.
Directly opposite the stage is the place where guests dine, and parents sit here to accompany the children to watch the stage performances and meals.
"Teddy, you are coming! Just help to get this to the row of guests on the 3rd table. Don't forget to remember to call for a call!" A chef saw that Bel immediately put the tray in his hand and stuffed it. Point Bel to the place to be sent, and then go back to the kitchen.
"Teddy? Are you not taking time off?" A man wearing a Golden Bonnie costume came to say hello.
"Hey! My problem is solved, so I will come back to work," Bell said calmly.
"This way! Really, the boss is really embarrassed. Tomorrow is the anniversary. Today, it is still normal. However, today's manpower is not enough. Only the kitchen is busy by Phil. The hall is not a waiter. Originally, George is coming. But the car accident on his way, poor George, we have to rely on both of us today. "There are a lot of people wearing Golden Bonnie costumes."
"Hey.. Bonnie has children who need us." Bel sees a child looking over and hurry to remind
"!! Oh, oh~ Kids, do you know who I am?" The person wearing the Golden Bonnie costume, seeing the children looking at him, took out his professionalism to tease the children.
"Golden freddy~" the child on the 3rd table saw that Bel was happy to come.
"Hello, child, what's in my hand? Hey! It's your pizza, please use it slowly!" Bel lowered the meal in his hand so that the child could see it slowly on the child's desk. By the way, re-enclose the napkin that is loose on the child's neck.
"Thank you Golden freddy" The child happily hugged Bel
"You're welcome! Remember to wipe your mouth and handcuffs after eating!" Bel touched the child's head.
  人物介紹 / Character introduction: 
Johan Aftons
Willam的親哥哥,玩偶之家 的玩偶師,專門定做專屬的玩具以及修復玩具。
Willam's brother, the doll house of the doll house, specializes in custom-made toys and repair toys.
Willam Aftons
Johan's younger brother, the police.
A little puppet bear made by the Aftons family.
Because Johan is the father who made his own body, he only called Johan to be his father.
Johan15歲時,重新打扮,成為Golden Freddy的原型。
When Johan was 15 years old, he re-dressed and became the prototype of Golden Freddy.
Golden Freddy
Johan's first machine doll made by hand. Bel's younger brother - Xiao Jin.
Golden Bonnie
Johan親手製作的第二個機器玩偶。Golden Freddy的搭擋。
The second machine doll made by Johan. Golden Freddy's partner.
The collapsed and the first victim of the 6-year-old child became a surprise in the box after death.
Joshua Smith
Fazbear Entertainment 創始人,以及現任Fredbear's Family Diner的老闆。
Founder of Fazbear Entertainment and current owner of Fredbear's Family Diner.
Antonio Wilson
Fredbear's Family Diner的保全之一。
One of Fredbear's Family Diner's preservation.
Jas Walker
Fredbear's Family Diner的保全之一,超級在意別人的發音問題,或許是因為經常被叫錯名子的關係。
One of Fredbear's Family Diner's preservation, super care about other people's pronunciation problems, perhaps because of the often called wrong name relationship.
Fredbear's Family Diner的廚師。
Fredbear's Family Diner's chef.
小彩蛋 / Small egg :
The role of Jas is because I like the personality of a film and the personality of a movie.
B站  第一個影片(中文字幕)
The first film of station B (Chinese subtitles)
YouTube 第二個影片(無字幕)   第二個影片(中文字幕)
YouTube's second video (no subtitles) second video (Chinese subtitles) 
Tumblr media
Q: Why are there two guarantees?
A:這個問題,我只能說上一篇文章,真87之咬影片裡,原影片作者GoldBox的影片0:56裡是有兩個保全,一個是勸孩子不要靠近的名叫scott的保全,另一個聽到聲音探出頭看,卻嚇壞了也緊張趕緊勸的名叫Phone Guy的保全。又思考了遊戲第3部裡面說的一開始,餐廳並沒有特別的請夜間保全,事後來出事後才開始有請夜間保全。而且夜間保全只有一個。
A: This question, I can only say the last article. In the bite film of the original 87, the original film author GoldBox's film has two guarantees in 0:56. One is to protect the child from being close to the name of scott. The other heard the sound and looked up, but was frightened and nervous and urged to call the preservation of Phone Guy. I also thought about the beginning of the third part of the game. The restaurant didn't have a special night to save it. After the accident, it started to be nightly. And there is only one night save.
What to say? When there was no accident at the beginning, it was the company’s exclusive security company! And two people were guaranteed.
So decided to extend this setting.
Q: Why are there two sets of clothing?
A: The third part of the game, the beginning of the phone man introduced, the restaurant has two types of performances, one is the performance of machine toys and the other is wearing costumes.However, the telephone man said that the sister restaurant had an unfortunate spring lock failure. The company did not need a spring-locked costume, and the spring-locked costume was abandoned.
(If it is my misunderstanding, everyone should tell me QwQ)
After thinking about it, the machine toy is a spring-locked garment that can be taken off and worn as a costume.
In other words, the boss has only got a set of clothing money, must the machine dolls share time with people?
I think that in fact, the boss is squatting, it will also pay for two sets of clothing, because it takes more time to put on the costumes of the machine dolls, and the short break time is not enough, let alone the performance time.
So the plot changed to a restaurant with two sets, one set of machine toys with spring-locked clothing, and the other set of costumes worn by performers.
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wanlingcheng · 7 years
CATCHPLAY 稿件 — 日常對話 (Small Talk)
Winner of the Teddy Award for Best Documentary at the Berlinale, *Small Talk* examines the estranged relationship between a lesbian mother and her grown-up daughter. For decades, Taiwanese filmmaker Hui-Chen Huang and her mother are like strangers living under the same roof. Not until Huang becomes a mother does she attempt to understand her mother and seek reconciliation between them.
Winner of the Teddy Award for Best Documentary at the Berlinale and of Best Documentary at the Taipei Film Festival, Small Talk examines the estranged relationship between a lesbian mother and her grown-up daughter. For decades, Taiwanese filmmaker Hui-Chen Huang and her mother have been like strangers living under the same roof. Not until Huang becomes a mother herself does she attempt to understand her mother and to seek reconciliation between them.
https://www.catchplay.com/tw/video-YCu6Kqcc-kTi0-clHb-HG37-MekJhf3NK88H-日常對話-CATCHPLAY 官方網站
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ha4nni · 1 year
im back
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ha4nni · 1 year
the urge to have someone and call them my little honeybee... so so so corny
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ha4nni · 1 year
went out with my friends to play volley today :D
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ha4nni · 1 year
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