#《 ❔ 》 answers
unicornpopcorn14 · 17 days
Writer truth or dare
🍄→ share a hc for one of your favourite ships or pairings
One of my fave Skk headcanon is that teen!Dazai would occasionally have dissociative episodes, sometimes in inconvenient places like a PM meeting or a mission, and when Chuuya's there to see it happen and recognize the signs he always springs up to help, no matter who is there to witness the care he'd uncharacteristically portray.
If it's in a meeting he'd hold Dazai's hand, and answer any question directed at Dazai himself. If he isn't near enough he'd make himself near, regardless of who is sitting beside him. He'd excuse both of them to Mori when he feels the meeting doesn't necessarily need them there, and if Mori doesn't agree he'd pester the man in subtle ways until he eventually resigns.
In missions, Dazai would mostly get injured for being out of control in his own body amidst battle, and Chuuya always retreats whenever that happens. He handles Mori's chastisements, all the consequences, because he's the one who decided to withhold the completion of the mission, but he never regrets doing so.
His focus is always dead-set on Dazai until he's back to being the annoying piece of shit he is, no matter the time, no matter the place.
Dazai thanks him by handling Chuuya's infrequent brothers regarding Arahabaki in the same way. Whenever Chuuya appears distressed at how Arahabaki's voice is suddenly too loud within him, when the ache of corruption is just too much, he'd wordlessly maintain skin-to-skin contact until the other is better and back on his feet.
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anon-whos-so-sorry · 3 months
“Who the fuck starts a conversation like that? I just sat down.”
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ketsukanekid · 4 months
*a purple fox wearing a white and gold lab coat walks past, they bear a strong resemblance to someone you knew*
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crownlixliquid · 1 year
Ooh maybe yuu killing themselves when something goes wrong and when the boys tried to confront and lecturer them and yuu goes "stop pretending you care", this yuu can be really nasty and mean because of the fact that the boys killed them in a previous timeline.
I can see that happening when they say something out of character or wrong, even the slightest action was noticed because at this point, the boys have experienced this thousands of times, they know when something is wrong.
The confrontation might be pretty angsty– scratch that, it is angsty as fuck. And some of the boys might be a little bitter and confused on why Yuu would do this to themselves, to thier friends, why haven't they come out and told them already, and why would they restart the loop all over again just when it was abiut to end?
Yuu and the cast need some group therapy lol
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chiptune-maestro · 5 months
[ The spybot skidded to a halt upon seeing him, his once angry and determined expression now softening up and changing to relief. Pascal couldn’t stand the thought of losing Sylvester right after telling them about his feelings for them. ]
- @mentally-vivid-spybot
[ upon hearing a somewhat spybot-sounding voice, desperado whipped around as his 'gloved' arm morphed into some kind of prod or taser. ]
[ pascal was extremely lucky to be covered in paint, because it confused his senses enough to where he didn't immediately open fire. as sentient as he was, the color red was still an issue. ]
[ pascal couldn't be an observer bot. he looked too lifelike. like he had his wits about him. ]
[ even when they didn't know this bot, clearly while they'd been away, whatever they turned into had been busy. no sane engibot would partner with a spybot, blu or not. ]
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linagram · 1 month
What if instead of 'guilty' and 'innocent' we voted characters by 'emo' and 'not emo'. I think Riku could get at least an 80% of the emo votes
riku gets an 80% emo verdict and is forced to cover welcome to the black parade as punishment. he gets to go home after but the experience is too traumatizing
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pet-cemetery-emotes · 1 month
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Thanks for the tip, but the resource directory is self opt-in only :) This is so that people have some control over where their blog ends up being promoted or seen by.
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justmypartner · 5 months
"They have so much love for each other" Then show it???? Write it that way????
With the way she speaks, you’d think the woman has no control over what happens on the show🤦🏻‍♀️
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call-me-copycat · 8 months
Do you have any tips for drawing?
Tips for drawing? Hmmm..
I'm still learning myself, so forgive me if this list isn't very long or detailed (ㅎ.ㅎ )
Normally I start a drawing with a reference, so I can get the anatomy correct (a real life reference alongside a character reference of the character/s I want to draw)
I normally go into Pinterest for this, there's lots of good photos to choose from
I then go into IBIS Paint and set up a canvas (the size changes depending on the picture)
I then try to mimick that reference as much as I can (since I can't really draw clothes and stuff on my own yet). This first layer is normally in red so I can separate the layers
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Extra stuff I put in blue, just to help differentiate between them
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I'm messing around with line thickness, and I've realized it makes the picture pop out more if you have the area where light isn't hitting thicker and the lightened up areas thinner. I also do this to the edges, I don't know how to describe it:
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After the line art is done (and cleaned up!), then I draw my character on top of this in another layer in another color (typically a shade of orange or purple). I try to keep the lines thick on the outside and thinner on the inside
I start off coloring by doing everything one at at time, and I normally use a bucket for a base color and then add shadows in areas the reference has (if the reference doesn't have any then I try to estimate where the shadows would go)
Same thing goes for the character, and I take colors directly off of a screenshot
Because I keep forgetting to color the whites of the eyes and teeth, I make my entire background a light shade of gray so I can see the white when I do color it in
When coloring the shading on clothes I try to follow the folds
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Sorry these pictures are so big, I forgot how to make them smaller.. (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)
I've had some really good drawings, and others that I've thought were really bad. I suppose it depends on my energy and how familiar I am with what/who it is that I'm drawing
I don't draw very much on paper (mainly just for projects and friends), but I do know that if you're drawing something over in marker then moving at a constant pace will keep it from looking odd (and causing it to bleed more in place)
♡ ••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈•• ♡♡ ••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈•• ♡
Sorry if that wasn't very specific, I'm still trying my best to learn what I can! I hope I can be greater help in the future!
It's also a little different for me because I have only my phone to draw on and I have to use my fingers since I don't have a stylus, so I'd say zooming in a great deal with a large canvas can help if you're in the same predicament ✍️(з_з)
Thank you for the question! I'll let you know if I remember anything else! Please have a lovely day! ٩(。•ω•。)و
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dearestkid · 6 days
for the ask game, ❔
  ꒰ ᚐׅ ❔ ˳﹒ ⨾ Trivia ! ꒱
┆ ·̩͙. ① 〜⇰ Thought .. I am actually going through a mini identity crisis rn >.< nothing too serious, there simply is so many things I want to present as .. ~ however, I am comfortable with the way I am right now, frolicking little angel 🪽
┆ ·̩͙. ② 〜⇰ “ MeCoded ” Image .. 4 Fun
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*Ames was in her bedroom, sitting on her bed. Just playing with her plushies like she usually did*
Cloud and Devastation were hanging out together in the other room, playing Chess together. Currently, Cloud was winning, but Devastation didn't mind, he was a good sport like always.
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unicornpopcorn14 · 16 days
thank you so so so much for writing "push me away (i'll pull you closer)" however i do have a question and that question is why
No but frr I was totally new to the fandom (I had just finished s3 by then) and wanted to challenge myself by writing those two who are impossible to write xhxhddj
+ I found a shortage in 'skk under a collapsed building' fics and I was like,,, this can't dooo!! ಠ⁠ಗ⁠ಠ
Overall I just wrote what I wished to read and Bam! Immense whump :3
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anon-whos-so-sorry · 3 months
Running around you running around you running around you meow meow meow meow!!!!!!
-💿 (can be in or out of character if you wish)
”Ack! What the fuck are you doing here? GET!”
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ketsukanekid · 4 months
hello! you must be kanako right?
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crownlixliquid · 1 year
Idea from this post, what if yuu remembers the cast killing them whenever something goes wrong, but pretends that they don't so the cast doesn't feel guilty about them killing yuu. So like the cast remembers killing yuu but they don't know that yuu remembers the cast killing them because yuu is pretending not to remember. Yuu probably gets the "the end justify the means" method to cope.
I can see that, yeah! Yuu keeping it to themselves and biting their tongue back, trying hard to make it seem like they don't remember. For that to happen, I'md imagine they probably remembered the loops way before any of the cast did and so, had more time to and experience to act perfectly and remember their answers and reactions from the previous loops. Thank you for your thoughts <33
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chiptune-maestro · 2 months
[ desperado wedges their fingers into his neck, angrily switching his voicebox back on. ]
[ after days of silence, knowing that he was acting with his feelings and not his head, he was ready to confront the source of the problem. quicksilver made him so, so angry, because he was inefficient - and not in any sort of productive way. ]
[ he was mean. and desperado had come to learn that being mean to the bots around you, the ones who had just as much right as you to be alive, the ones you swore to free... was just as cruel as being forced to serve your purpose. ]
[ des walked and walked as he thought, eventually wandering his way into a small clearing in the forest. he adjusted his bandanna around his face tighter, feeling it slip, when all of a sudden - ]
[ beebeep. beebeep. beebeep. ]
[ the motor of a sentry. desperado had half a mind to duck for cover, but something told him not to. something deep inside of him noticed that particular noise - knew the lack of motor whirring to coincide with it meant something. ]
[ he pressed further on, his now slender and tall form allowing him to see beyond a few shrubs. a medibot. blue, but red-colored arms, hand painted. bags and satchels all around his waist, orange horns pointing into the sky. a bristled mohawk made of steel, and a device on his arm, beeping gently, searching. beebeep. beebeep. beebeep. that was his device. he made that. desperado made that for radimir. ]
[ his voice croaked out, wavering and innocent. just like it was when he first came alive. ]
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