#【 n. 】
mervynbunter · 2 months
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TIME BANDITS (1981), dir. Terry Gilliam
I just love the idea of taking guys that are small and treating them like heroes, treating them like Alan Ladd, almost as tall as Alan Ladd, I think he was about three inches taller than those guys. That’s what the joy of doing it was and giving these guys a chance to get out of their fucking Womble costumes and R2-D2 tin cans and be people. And they all rose to the occasion, they were all brilliant. —Terry Gilliam
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thequietabsolute · 2 years
:: want to hear one of my favourite pieces of trivia? In Kafka’s 200th letter to Felice Bauer he asked, ‘Can you actually read my handwriting?’
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circuit-if · 11 months
How would you rank the ROs in terms of angst levels? 👀
Least to most:
Carmen - I give her a 3/10 for angst levels. She's amazing.
Nicholas/Nadine - 4/10 for angst, although most of the time it's like -1/10.
Sadie/Spencer - ranges from 5/10 to 7/10, depending on what you do. very sweet route, but yknow. forbidden love!
Roman - ranges from 7/10 to 9/10, again, depending on what you do. the angst starts wayy early into the story, before you even meet the others.
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solianapaeris · 29 days
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siennanotes · 10 months
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Okay, hear me out. One of the things I enjoy most during clinic year is the thrill of having my labsheets approved. Before our forms are signed, we have to answer particular questions or perform procedures. Without the labsheet approval, you will not be able to dispense your patient's lenses.
You never really know what question or task will hit you and the uncertainty of it all challenges me to be on top of my active recall game. It allows me to revisit past lessons and gauge which areas I have yet to read more of.
It's also during this time that my past notes come in very handy. There are days I regret wasting my time from the past for not studying as productive as I hope to be. It was tiresome scanning all of my notes, backing up files, and never really opening them as much as I want to.
Earlier this month, I attended a youth summit geared towards research innovation. One of the instruments available in the fair was a weighing scale that also measured muscle and visceral fat. I haven't worked out in a long time. Hence, I was both surprised and happy to see that most of my weight still comes from muscle and that my visceral fat is at 1%.
The present version of myself is grateful for the hardwork I have put in the past. It may not be perfect or as seamless, but it is enough to give me a headstart for this tiring semester. These are things that are not directly specified on the checklist for clinic preparations. But these are things I could suggest to the next batch of clinicians. Stay physically healthy so you will have energy during and after clinic + store your notes (!!)
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teredo-navalis · 3 months
Purtroppo continuo a fare sogni con in mezzo quella pezza di merda della mia ex "migliore amica" delle scuole superiori.
Ogni tanto però il mio cervello mi fa dei regali, ad esempio non riesco a smettere di pensare al sogno in cui c'è lei che si vanta del suo qi, poi si scopre che è 79
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nurajab · 6 months
Kişilər bir olmur atam balası
Qorxağı var, igidi var,
Amma hər kişinin öləndən sonra
Qəbri üstdə ağlamağa
Bir qara paltarlı gözəl bir qadına ümidi var.
Sən öləndə kim olacaq gözlərini bağlayan?
Qardaşmı olacaq, yadmı olacaq?
Bu dünyada bəlkə sənə ən çox ağlayan,
Ən çox ağlatdığın qadın olacaq?!
Göz yaşları yuduqca baş daşını
Qəbrində qurcalanıb, deyəcəksən: ilahi
İllər boyu ağlatdığım bu qadın
Görən necə saxlayıbdır bu qədər göz yaşını?!
Bircə kərə nə saçını oxşamışam,
Nə gözünü silmişəm.
Gözlərimə batır indi saçlarının hər dəni,
İllər boyu bu qadına mən axı dərd vermişəm
İndi görən niyə çəkir dərdimi?
Bu qadın baş daşımı öpüb sığallamaqdansa,
Yumruğuyla döysə-döysə yaxşıdı.
Qəbrimin üstündə ağlamaqdansa,
Məni söysə yaxşıdı.
Yeri-yeri, qara paltarlı qadın,
Kiri-kiri, qara paltarlı qadın.
Bu qəbir də min qəbirdən biridir.
Baş daşımı bəsdir basdın bağrına,
Bütün mənə ağlayanlar kiridi,
Sən də kiri, qəbrim damır, ağlama...
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eelmas · 7 months
gozlerime bakip "sanki seni yillardir gormuyormusum gibi hissediyorum" dedi. sonraysa cok isteyip de kavusamamiscasina doldu gozleri. bakislarini baska bir yone cevirirken gozlerim hala uzerinde geziniyordu. kacti. sustum. kactim. sonra hicbir sey olmamis gibi konusmaya devam ettik. iki yetiskin gibi. artik cocuk degildik. buyumustuk. buyumek bize yakismaliydi.
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 7 months
2024 is not my year, can we restart? can we just skip to 2025? please i am dying
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mervynbunter · 2 months
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I am all in a sea of wonders. I doubt; I fear; I think strange things which I dare not confess to my own soul.
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thequietabsolute · 1 year
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by Friedrich Seidenstücker
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circuit-if · 1 year
How would the ros react if after mc wins a raça they run straight to the ro, hug them (like that classic hug spin lol) and gave the ro a big kiss, as if no one was around? Thank you!!
Nicholas/Nadine - They'd just be laughing the whole time. Giddy, excited laughter, and would pepper your face with kisses afterwards.
Roman - Roman would take your face in his hands and press his forehead against yours and tell you he fucking told you you could do it. He'd ignore everyone around and make the moment more intimate.
Sadie/Spencer - They'd be surprised, for sure. Then they'd wrap their arms around your neck and just bury their head in your shoulder, congratulating you so only the two of you can hear.
Carmen - Carmen would instantly kiss you back, full force through her smile, and spin you around again. She'd be giddy like N, though a little more composed about it.
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nthflower · 7 months
All my life I am having periods of times where I become so obsessed with something in a fearful way. My fear obsession eras.
And it is like not a normal kind of fear too it's extremely unreasonable. I know it's not logical and when the fear era is done I can start thinking logically. But when I am in my obsession spiral every thing relates to my fears and I can't stop thinking about them any minute.
For example once I learned there is some kind of fish that looks like a rock and paralyses you at best kills you at worst and I spend months being terrified of going to sea or stepping on any kind of rock.
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missgossiper · 7 days
i wonder who the curious new wanderer in town known as nisse is up to... is it truly true they dont remember where they are from? 👀
Dearest Anonymous,
Your question is truly intriguing, Dear. There is, indeed, a recent Arrival who goes by the name of Nisse who seems to have no Recollection of their Origins. While it is not beyond the realm of possibility that their amnesia is genuine, I have also considered the intriguing possibility that this could be a cunning guise for a more sinister plot. As Rumors have Bubbled about throughout the City of the Return of a Certain National Criminal... just in time for their Appearance, too.
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siennanotes · 1 year
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Fear is not something I am totally unfamiliar with. I have felt it as a kid when I visit the dentist. I was scared of dogs, of syringes, and many other things. I have, however, always enjoyed school. I play my academics like a game I want to win. I enjoy unlearning, learning, and relearning things. I love studying and showing up to class every day.
But I have never felt this scared for my academics before--not when I got drowned by extra curricular activities in 9th grade, not when I was running for batch valedictorian in senior year, not even when I took the presidential post for student council and shoved my academics aside. As clinic year draws near, the stakes rise higher and higher. One failed quiz could cause a delay. I often operate with the base assumption that I don't know nearly enough. This time, I don't have to operate on that base assumption because I genuinely do not know nearly enough. I am currently on an academic crisis and I am not sure how I will deal with it. All I know is that I have to keep getting up early and just mask my impostor syndrome.
I am terrified of losing my scholarship, of making mistakes, of not knowing what to do. Nevertheless, I know feeling this fear is good because it means I value Optometry enough to actually feel afraid of being incompetent.
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È che forse tu lo avevi capito prima di me.
Te ne sei accorto e hai pensato stessi dissimulando solo per paura di un tuo potenziale rifiuto, ma poi chissà, ci sei arrivato: non ci stavo girando intorno per nasconderlo a te, ma a me stessa.
Non ne ero consapevole, io, ma forse tu sì?
Restano ogni tanto dei flash di situazioni a cui sono rimasta cieca fino ad oggi, una tra tutte quando il giorno del mio compleanno abbiamo bisticciato perché non te ne eri ricordato. Col senno di poi il fatto che ci fossi rimasta così male da dirtelo in faccia è già una cosa straordinaria che in situazioni normali avrebbe fatto scattare un allarme... che però non suonò.
Il dolore del vuoto che mi hai lasciato oggi è tanto forte da non permettermi di fare niente. Mi manchi. Non ho nessuno a cui poterlo dire. Non ho lacrime da piangere. Rimango solo a fissare il soffitto.
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