lipid · 6 months
look at our love boy
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bipocselfship-archive · 3 months
2024 Promo!!!
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Hello, my fellow self shippers and yumes! Welcome to the BIPOC Self Ship Archive!
For about 3 years now, this blog has been a safe space to highlight the many BIPOC creators and fans in the self ship/yume community.
And for 2024, we hope to continue to make others feel welcome and safe.
Our goal is also to include those in the LGBT+ community as well as those with disabilities, whether physical, mental, sensory, etc. 🏳‍🌈
Disclaimer: Even if you don't fall into any of the forementioned categories, we still highly encourage you to follow and check out all of the amazing creators featured. (Following and interacting with them is also highly encouraged).
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send us one.
We hope you all have an amazing day, and don't forget no matter who you are, your F/Os love you! Bye!
-Mod Crystal 💖
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meopi · 18 days
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equinox-86 · 4 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬' 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞
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After completing trial after trial, my heart was finally returned to its rightful place. It was 4 days of complete chaos, but those 4 days of complete chaos allowed us all to create fun memories together in this city. I wish the parade lasted longer. Everyone agreed that Walter's plan was stupid. Ayato was very furious about it, and we both had the same idea: In the end, we went with my original plan and broke into Bernstein Castle's treasure room to take a peek at Walter's collection. After all, we do deserve a little reward for that big scare, don't we? Fufu. There's nothing wrong with being a little bad. Such a plan was instigated and led by me.
I got Carla to destroy the barrier and have Shin, Yuma and Subaru break down the walls with their bare fists, allowing the rest of us to enter the property without any casualties. We were all unscathed, except for Azusa who threw himself onto the falling rubble… of course. To our surprise, there was no sign of Walter's presence in the castle. His butler caught sight of us, however he was too terrified to stop us. He simply stood there, trembling, panicking as we passed by him. We marched forward, towards the treasure room. As Reiji input a rather…. odd password, we finally reached our destination. It's safe to say that Laito will keep teasing him about it for the coming weeks. Never would I have ever deemed it possible for all of us to spend the final moment of the parade together peacefully. Let's see what the future has in store for us…
ーMonologue ENDー
A/N: That one was a little pain to edit. I'm getting the hang of the hair. Now I'll just practice clothing a little more. All these CG edits help me a lot with learning the style ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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chaoticbloodmoon · 3 months
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Vent Ahead
So listen; everyone has all sorts of f/os that people self ship with. Not all are the typical "hot anime guy or girl type". Some people self ship with characters such as The Simpsons or from SpongeBob etc and that isntotally valid.
I had someone tell me that my love for Ra's al Ghul which is this guy here, is so gross and nasty. Like they said "Why Ra's??? Just why?!!" I then proceeded to tell them I have friends who also adore Ra's in a romantic way. They then sent me some youtube link and said "Listen to this and it will fix your madness!"
That made me upset and I just blocked. Like look, Ra's is not everyone's cup of tea but I love him and that is enough for me. So please, don't go harassing or telling people that their f/os are gross or whatever negative things. These are our loves. They mean the world to us, and what they see in them is very important to them, even if you don't understand why.
Thank you <3
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of-comfort-and-love · 11 days
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Commission by batkat on VGen.
I've wanted a new commission with De.rek for a while now. Her simple art style stood out to me, so I had to give it a shot.
I specifically chose my outfit to match De.rek's. These could work for a cafe date. 🥰
I was given permission by the artist to share this. Please do not reupload/repost. Reblogs OK!
Doubles DNI. If you ship, Der/Ang (Der.ek X An.gie), please be respectful and don’t mention the ship to me as it makes me uncomfortable. Also, please do not use it for your own content/insert yourself into this piece. (Ex. Making comments like “I wish this were me” or “This is us”). Those types of comments make me really uncomfortable and I will not hesitate to mute/block you. Just please be respectful. Thanks for understanding!
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0508ame · 1 month
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ulneisch · 1 month
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my husband with me, aren't we cute? ♥️♥️ I will try to practice the TYBW style more often
sometimes I would like to find more Bleach selfshippers but it's a bit difficult, haha
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rinne4112 · 3 months
A very rare moment of PDA from mr. disciplinary himself. Athough now he suffers from a blonde horse and a certain relative's teasing.
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//RIP to Gokudera's jacket
Happy Valentines Day
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8scorpiotemple · 4 months
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今天晚上是一年一度的聖誕夜。 侍女長奧拉,為了犒賞侍女們這一年的辛勞,決定在宿舍樓上的大廳,舉辦一場『聖誕淑女之夜』。 平常一直素雅妝扮的侍女們,難得換上艷麗的小禮服小洋裝,而更多的人是穿上紅白配色的聖誕衣服。赫雅為了應景,也穿上聖誕服裝,卻考慮她有著一頭紅髮,直覺再次穿著紅白配色的衣服會覺得重疊,於是就改為綠白配色的聖誕服,卻也因為如此,赫雅的綠服色,在一片紅紅粉粉的人群中倒格外的顯眼。 或許今天真的是比較特別的日子,赫雅心情也相當愉悅,她一邊吃著美食,一邊喝著葡萄酒,然後再與侍女姐妹們舉杯歡慶──葡萄酒在口中的滋味,自然也隨著好心情昇華。 赫雅幾杯紅酒入肚後,臉頰已經帶上淡淡的緋紅,突然一陣寒風從背後拂過,赫雅打了個冷顫,原來是距離自己不遠處的窗戶沒有關好,冷風從窗戶鑽進來,使得窗簾也微微的晃動著,赫雅搖搖晃晃的走近窗戶邊,想要把窗戶關上的時候,卻看見一只手搭在窗框邊,或許因為酒精的原因,她的腦子還沒反應過來,等看到對方面容的瞬間,頓時清醒了不少。 「米羅?」 「真巧,我想看不到妳我就回宮了。」耳邊傳來悠揚動聽的音樂聲,米羅看著裡面熱熱鬧鬧的場景,「妳們竟然在開趴啊……」 「是奧拉姐向雅典娜提議的,」赫雅笑著解釋著,「她說很多姐妹在聖誕節也都沒辦法回家鄉,於是她自己花錢辦了一場侍女們的『聖誕淑女之夜』。」 「……想不到她竟然這麼大方。」米羅楞了一晌,咕噥地說。 「奧拉姐對大家一向很好的嘛!」也許是因為酒精的作用下,赫雅依舊笑的開心。 「妳又喝多了吧……」米羅盯著眼前笑的花枝亂顫的赫雅。 「沒有沒有……」赫雅笑著笑著話鋒一轉,「對了,你來這裡做什麼?」雖然感覺眼前的米羅似乎有點奇怪,不過她也說不出哪裡怪。 「我是想……」米羅頓了頓,略略擡起頭看向內場,嘴角抿了抿,「沒事,我還是回宮吧。」 米羅微微轉身,這時赫雅才發現米羅背著的聖衣箱居然裝著一顆聖誕樹,而且……他竟然穿著聖誕裝?!所以他是來…… ──! 如果剛剛還有一點是因為酒精的原故而意識迷糊的話,赫雅現在真的是完全清醒了! 「等等!你是來找我過聖誕夜的?」赫雅急忙拉住米羅的手臂,「你就這樣走了嗎?」 「不是這裡比較好嗎?」米羅不解。 「你……!」米羅向來直接,赫雅也不是第一次知道,不過這會兒的直白還是讓她頓時語塞,「等我,我去跟奧拉姐說我要離席。」 「說什麼?反正也不會不見。」 米羅搶過赫雅手裏的酒杯,一飲而盡後,把酒杯重重的往窗邊一放,拉起赫雅,打橫抱起她便朝窗外掠去,動作一氣呵成到赫雅還沒反應過來時,勁風從她身邊刮過,她才驚覺自己已經在外面,赫雅詫異的看著米羅。 「我現在才想起來……我們是在三樓……!」 「對我們聖鬥士來說,這有什麽困難嗎?」 「……說的也是。」赫雅咯咯笑著。 依偎在米羅的懷裏,似乎也不那麽冷了,赫雅白皙的臉龐上再次泛起一抹酡紅。
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lipid · 10 months
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Me and Lelouch ♡ by ao_heart_ 🫧
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lucitrixsart · 4 months
Floyd x Juls 💓🦈 W.I.P
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I already have a headcanon that both floyd and juls love fashion.So they would try to wear couple outfits and take pics 💓😭
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meopi · 5 months
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( ´¬`)死掉了
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equinox-86 · 4 months
Merry Crisis with the Mukami🎄🎅✨
Vandead Carnival CG Edit
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Noctis: (...how amusing. If I gave him my report, I'm sure the Boss wouldn't believe me when I say that I spent Christmas with our sworn enemies.)
A/N: Aaaand here you see Noctis' VC fit :>
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chaoticbloodmoon · 2 months
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Started this piece of my love Cobra Commander 😳👉🏽👈🏽💓🐍
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of-comfort-and-love · 7 months
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Crystal 👩🏾✊🏾 Blog est. 2019
Probably a fairy~ ✨
Multifandom Mess 🥰 (Mains ATM: Uta.pri, Trau.ma Ce.nter, Ike.Vamp, & Mor.tal Kom.bat)
Writer; check out my writing here!
Side blog (Main is @crystalrainwish)
Check out @bipocselfship-archive!
⚠ Important: Please read my carrd before interacting! This is not a fandom blog!! ⚠
No doubles with any of my non-sharing F/Os or crushes! Sorry ;-; 💔 (Doesn't count if we're friends/I'm already following your page.)
Absolutely no prosh*ppers/comsh*ppers (or supporters)/fu.joshi/fu.danshi!! We don't do that over here! 💢
Please do not repost my writings/use them for your own use. 😠
No spam likes, please! It's very overwhelming... 🥺🙏🏾
I'm always open to meeting new people, but just know that I'm pretty anxious regardless. Also, please don't be upset if I haven't reblogged anything you tagged me in. Usually, I don't always see it/my busy schedule prevents me from doing so. ;-;
To new/continuing followers: Please let me know if you have read everything in this post by commenting with "💖" in the replies or reblogs. ^^ Or simply interacting with it is fine.
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