moji2 · 1 year
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myself-85 · 1 year
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All is untitled. All is blank.
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36c-no-kubisuji · 10 days
今の1番の悩み いつ親に言うか……………………………………………………
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451024 · 22 days
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meowmoedotcom · 4 years
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黒猫 black cat Scottish fold スコティッシュフォールド たれ耳
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moko1590m · 6 months
警察「どうして殴ったんですか」 犯人「殴りたかっただけ。お互い楽しかったと思う。悪気はなかった」
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straycatj · 2 months
He has calmed down a lot after a day. Although he was hissing yesterday, I was able to stroke him in the morning and I have just brushed him.As he is negative for both FIV and FeLV, the rest would be deworming and compatibility. Mr.J understands that it is the orange white that are in the cage and is not so angry with them.He was called Chashirou (from his orange-white colour) by some as a community cat... I decided on the name Chashirou-maru after a bit of touching.
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monogusadictionary · 2 months
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leomacgivena · 2 months
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pudknocker · 4 months
以前に理論経済学の人とパリコレの話になった際、「あの奇妙な服はどこで着るんだ?」と、不快感を示すような言い方をしていたので、「いやあ、それはマズいですよ、先生」という話になりまして。 ファッションショーに出てくるあの奇妙な(?)服は、言ってみればファッションの純粋理論であって、あれを着て日常生活を送ることは想定しておらず、あれを2段階くらい実地におろしていけば、街中で売っている「おしゃ���な服」になるわけでしょう。 ご自分の理論研究が「何の役に立つの?」と言われると「基礎研究を疎かにしてはいけない!」と怒るのに、他の分野の純粋理論を「何の役に立つの?」と言うの、やめましょうよ、という話でした。
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oq-oq · 7 months
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jaguarmen99 · 5 months
412 名前:名無しさん@恐縮です :2006/02/11(土) 16:56:30 ID:OY9CTzMf0 >>319 ミリオタには割と有名な話で漫画にも描かれたが、 ミリタリーショップの店員で有名なナチスコレクターのS氏という方が いつものように(笑)親衛隊のコスプレでレストランで食事していると ユダヤ人が店内に怒鳴り込んできてわめきちらし、S氏の親衛隊制帽を取り上げ踏みつけた。
早速警察が呼ばれ、S氏は謝罪と帽子の弁償を求めそのユダヤ人を告訴。 被告のユダヤ人は裁判所でも 「ナチスは犯罪者集団だ 600万人もユダヤ人を殺した 日本の警察や裁判所はそんな奴の肩を持つのか ネオナチだ!」 と一方的な感情論を展開。 一方S氏は弁護士を立てず口頭弁論も全て一人で行なった。(彼は軍服キチガイではあるが知能は高いのです)
判決は 「日本国内法では相手の財産(帽子)の保護はされるが特定民族の特定集団に対する特別な感情を保護する義務はない」 として、被告に有罪を言い渡した。 当のユダヤ人は金だけ払ってイスラエルにとっとと帰国。
この話を聞きつけてドイツ国営放送から取材の申込みがあった。 なんでも「戦後初のナチスがユダヤに勝った裁判」なんだそうだ。 概ね日本の自由思想主義を称える内容でドイツ国内で放送されましたとさ。
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shoji · 13 days
ライブの後には必ずシャワーを浴びる矢沢永吉 ある時体育館でライブを行った際、その会場にはシャワーなかった。 困った若手のスタッフは子供用のビニールプールに水を張って控え室に置いておいた。 控え室に戻った矢沢永吉はそれを見て「これ、用意したの誰?」と聞いた。 若手スタッフが怒られるのを覚悟して手を上げると、 矢沢永吉が一言「ヤザワ、君の仕事一生断らないから」 この永ちゃんのエピソード好き
(3) Xユーザーのマチェンコさん: 「ライブの後には必ずシャワーを浴びる矢沢永吉 ある時体育館でライブを行った際、その会場にはシャワーなかった。 困った若手のスタッフは子供用のビニールプールに水を張って控え室に置いておいた。 控え室に戻った矢沢永吉はそれを見て「これ、用意したの誰?」と聞いた。 https://t.co/lcTkURgjkS」 / X
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takaki2 · 1 month
ほらね?わかりやすい。靖国神社がA級戦犯を祀ってるから駄目!参拝は軍国主義だ!ってC国K国がいってたことは全部ウソだったんだよ。なぜって、卓球・早田ひな選手が「鹿児島の特攻資料館(知覧特攻平和会館)に行きたい」といったらC国が「中国人の感情への冒涜」「超えてはいけないラインを超えた」「侵略者を崇拝」とお怒りが発生し、さらにはいつものK国も反応し、「平和を掲げているが実際には戦争を美化してる!」とかいい出した。 でも知覧にはA級戦犯なんか祀られていないし、そもそも祭祀を行う場所でもない。侵攻してくる米軍から日本本土をまもるため出撃前に家族や友人にあてた遺書や手紙を展示してあり、当時の特攻隊員の気持ちを知ることができる場所。 要するに、彼らが靖国神社を攻撃した「アジア人民の鮮血で両手を血まみれにしたA級戦犯が祀られてる」とかは単なる口実で、本当は「共同体のために命を落とした人へ感謝するという当たり前の精神」自体をとりしまりたい、日本にはその資格がないとマウントしたい、ってだけだったんだよな。彼らの要求に屈して恐々とすることがいかにくだらなかったかわかる。
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vashtijoy · 3 months
This one is extremely strange, so strange that I think I must have got it wrong somehow? Here's a line from Akechi's Black Mask navigation. Yeah, you know which one this is going to be:
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Here's the English audio:
Is it me, or is something a little... off, here? Look at the portrait. Doesn't he look a little... calm? Downbeat, even?
Here's another use of the same portrait. This is not a laughing statement:
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Akechi has a laughing navigator portrait, of course:
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it's okay goro we know you're very normal
So we've got a mismatch between the portrait and the English line. Let's have a listen to the Japanese audio:
They're a bit... different? He's not laughing, he's not gloating. Just "Huh, I guess that was a thing that happened..."
So what's going on here?
translation time
Akechi 敵1体逃走!仲間に見捨てられたようだね。 teki ittai tousou! nakama ni misuterareta you da ne This one just got betrayed by its teammate! Ha, imagine how that feels! [lit. One enemy fled! Looks like this one was abandoned by its friend, huh?] One more enemy out of the way! So this last one got dumped by its friend, huh?
Let's talk about 見捨てる misuteru—"to abandon". misuteru pops up regularly in the P5R script. It comes up when someone's being ditched, bailed on, forsaken by God—generally left behind: if your friends run out on you, you are being misuterued.
Are there any contexts where misuteru can mean betray? Sure. If you leave a friend held hostage to die, the shadow will accuse you of misuteruing them. nakama o misuteru is used consistently here, similarly to Akechi's line above—"you betrayed your friend by leaving them to die".
Here's Kawakami, at the end of her confidant, resolving to never abandon any of her students again:
Kawakami でも、これからは君のことも守るよ。教師として、絶対、見捨てたりしないから。 demo, kore kara wa kimi no koto mo mamoru yo. kyoushi toshite, zettai, misutetari shinai kara. But from now on, I'm going to protect you too. As your teacher, I will never betray you.
What does Kawakami do? She tries to help her student Takase, but in the end abandons him; she believes she betrayed him to his death. But she betrayed him by giving up on him; by abandoning him. She misuterued him.
Here's Futaba, during her apology to Joker for dumping him at the start of Maruki's reality:
Futaba てかむしろ怒るだろ!{F1 82}のこと見捨てたんだぞ!? te ka mushiro okoru daro! <given name> no koto misuteta n da zo!? Why wouldn't you be!? I betrayed you! Don't you get that!?
Under Maruki's influence, Futaba loses herself in her happy family life, and leaves Joker to handle things essentially alone. Futaba betrays Joker by abandoning him; she misuterus him.
how does akechi use misuteru?
Besides the usage above, Akechi has two other uses of misuteru in P5. One is in his deleted Mementos mission from the third semester:
Akechi 君たちのことだしこういう人間は見捨てておけないだろう? kimi-tachi no koto da shi kou iu ningen wa misutete okenai darou? Well, considering what you and your group do, I imagine you could hardly abandon him to his fate...
This doesn't mean "betray". There's no relationship between Joker and the mission target—there's no betrayal. There's just an abandoning—a refusal to help.
Akechi やっぱり馬鹿は⋯お前らだ。見捨てて行けば、よかったのに⋯ yappari baka wa... omaera da. misutete ikeba, yokatta no ni... The real fools... are you guys. You should have just abandoned me here a long time ago... [lit. the real fools... are you guys. if only you'd [just] abandoned me here...]
Now this line is a doozy. Look at that use of misuteru here; in vanilla, it was his only use of this word. Akechi has just got done explaining that being unwanted and cast aside is the thing he fears most of all. He has shaped his life around it. He's done murder for it. Everything he's become, he became, at base, because he was abandoned—because he was misuterued.
It's here, at the very end, that he turns his back on that. This unwanted child who has killed to be wanted—he looks at Joker and the Phantom Thieves on the other side of the engine room shutters, people who've proved that they value him and want him around, for himself. And he says to them—no; you're idiots; why didn't you abandon me, like everyone else has? He says to them, I won't let you die here, and I care about that more than I care about being abandoned.
Everything about Akechi is resolving at this moment. He transcends his obsession, fear and trauma. And that word misuteru is doing a ton of heavy lifting—because if Akechi can't have what he wants, then he'll reject it. He makes a free choice, for once in his life.
This moment influences him for the whole of the third semester. And when we hear him say misuteru later on, we should remember this. When black mask navigator Akechi notes the Shadow being abandoned to its fate, he isn't laughing about it; he's thinking about it. In his head, he isn't the betrayer, thinking of Joker in the interrogation room; he is the betrayed, being left behind by everyone he ever hoped would care about him. He's being left behind behind that engine room door.
This line as localised, taken in isolation, can transform your reading of Akechi's character and motives—which is why it's so important to look at the whole of canon, and not single cherrypicked lines. Step forward, "I hate you"
unhinged ranting
Lemme be clear here: this line has always pissed me off for its inconsistency. Akechi reacts against the engine room ending in the third semester, sure. Almost the first thing he does is to rub that deal they made in Joker's face. He's desperate not to be viewed as that pitiful object on the floor. He's desperate to keep up walls between himself and the others—for whatever reason.
But after 1/2, he doesn't really gloat about what he's done. He doesn't argue with Futaba's threat to him on 1/11—"if you ever betray us again, we'll make sure you regret it."; he just agrees to her terms, which he knows are well deserved. He's not walking around like "lol, I got you arrested and tried to murder y'all and there was that whole thing"; even unhinged combat Akechi doesn't do that. Except for this one line. When he suddenly reveals that, deep down, he thinks the whole thing was hilarious.
Except he didn't do that at all. If he did, I think he'd find the others tolerated him a lot less. And he's already walking a knife edge with many of them.
What was the translator's brief here? Honestly, I have no idea. Did they even have access to the original audio? Did they have time to play it? Did Atlus give them a brief to make this guy just as crazy insane as possible?—because we know they told Akechi's JP VA, Soichiro Hoshi, to underplay it.
Either way, I don't think the line as localised (and as delivered, excellently, by Robbie Daymond) corresponds to the Japanese audio. traduttore, traditore—translators are traitors. Even me
revision history
Click here for the latest version.
v1.1 (2024/6/18)—it's 1/11, not 1/13!
v1.0 (2024/6/18)—first posted.
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wwwwwwwwwwww123 · 2 months
Xユーザーのシエさん: 「オリンピックの人たちって終わってすぐのインタビューで4年後の話とか聞かれてもにこやかに答えてるけどあれすごいな。僕だったらお昼ごはん食べてすぐに「晩ごはんどうしますか?」って聞かれたら怒っちゃうけどな。」 / X
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