takumi120 · 1 year
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去年もたくさんの素晴らしいお客様にお世話になりました、今年もどうぞ よ・ろ・し・く・お・願・い・し・ま・す。
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kuutosuzoo · 1 year
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maddogofshimano · 30 days
Hello! Seeing this blog was an insta-follow. JW, did u do a translation somewhere of…whatever this is? https://youtu.be/tfAqq15hv5s?si=xXzvWG1ImZ_qGGGb
I’d love to know what she’s saying, I’m scraping and scrounging for more Goromi content. There *is* a translation in the comments section, but it’s worded strangely…
hey thanks!! I am waaaaaaaaay less confident in translating spoken stuff, especially with Goromi's wildly fluctuating accent and general screeching but at one point I did go through and do some of the easier ones. however!! a kind soul has transcribed everything in the comments since the last time I checked so I'm doing this proper now. under a cut because it got long lol
italics is Goromi dropping into the masc Majima-style voice
0:00 どーもー ゴロ美でーす。真島? あ? 誰やそれ つべこべ言わんと はよドンペリ入れんかい! Hiii I'm Goromi. Majima? Huh? Don't talk about whoever that is, hurry up and bring out the Dom Perignon! 0:13 はぁあん 仕事もできる女 それがゴ・ロ・美 またモテてまうわぁ はぁ 参るなぁ Haaa~ A woman can do work too. That's Go - ro - mi. She'll be popular again. Haa~ Give me a call~ 0:28 めっちゃジロジロ見られたわぁ 嫌やわぁ セクハラちゃうー? I'm gettin' stared at so much. I don't like it. Is this sexual harassment? 0:35 よっしゃー! 暴れるでぇお前らー! All right! I'm gonna go ballistic on you all! 0:39 あ? パンツ見えてる? だからなんやねん Huh? Ya can see my panties? Watch where you're lookin'! 0:46 あーあ 早う桐生ちゃん来んかのぉー Ahhhh… won't Kiryu-chan hurry up~? 0:53 なんや 俺は安い女とちゃうで  What is it? I ain't a cheap gal. 0:59 あ? パンツ見えてる? いやーんこのドスケベー 目ん玉くり抜いたろかぁ! Ya can see my panties? Ooooh ya perv~! I'll gouge out your fuckin' eyes!* 1:08 いやーん ええ飲みっぷりやないかぁ ちょっと見直したでぇ Oooh, you seem like ya can hold your drink~ I'm startin' to come around on ya~ 1:16 うち 強い奴が好きやねん うちを その気にさせたいんならぁ 殺す気で来いやぁ! Me, I like strong guys. If ya want me to like you… then ya better come at me like ya want me dead!* 1:27 やだ ゴロ美ったらドキドキしてる 気に入ったでぇ おぉ! ドス持ってこいやぁ! いっちょやり合おうやないかー! No way, ya got Goromi's heart all flutterin'. Oh! This is perfect for my dagger! Time to fight!" 1:39 うちも一杯もらってええか? 今日はなんだか飲みたい気分やねん Is it alright if I get one too? Today I'm in the mood to drink. 1:48 はい どーぞっ! ゴロ美特性 ゲロマズカクテルやでぇ なぁ 飲めや Here you go! Goromi's special super yucky cocktail! …Hey, drink it. 1:57 桐生ちゃん 驚くやろなぁ Kiryu-chan's a surprisin' guy~ 2:01 ゴロ美 ドキドキしちゃう You're gonna make Goromi's heart flutter.* 2:04 うちが ナンバーワンキャバ嬢 ゴロ美や 覚えときー I'm the number one cabaret girl Goromi, ya better remember that. 2:12 ヒーヒッヒヒヒー 惚れても知らんでぇ Hehehehee not my fault if you're fallin' for me~* 2:16 ますますべっぴんになってくでぇ I'm becoming more and more beautiful~ 2:20 奇麗なバラには トゲがあるんやでぇ A beautiful rose still has its thorns. 2:26 魔性の女 それがゴロ美やでぇ Goromi, a woman with a devilish nature~ 2:31 ゴロ美の新たな魅力 感じてやぁ Experience Goromi's fresh new glamor. 2:36 ふぉーん なかなか見どころあるやないかぁ ま、けどアフターはお預けや There's a lot of good things to see, aren't there? Well, that will have to wait for the after hours date. 2:45 やるやないかぁ へえぇ ゴロ美アフター権 進呈したるわ このボケがぁ! Well it can't be helped. I'm presentin' ya with the rights to an after hours date with Goromi. Ya dumb ass! 2:56 ご指名 おおきに Thank ya for requestin' me.* 2:59 男女がやる事いうたらー 喧嘩しかないやろがぁ! There's a thing that men and women do together… They fight each other! 3:06 か弱いレディーに 何するんじゃボケェ! This weak lady, what the hell are ya doin' to her, idiot! 3:10 あかーん そんなんじゃゴロ美は濡れへんでぇ! Siiiilly, that kind of thing won't get Goromi wet! (tl note: I……………………. I feel like there's something I'm misreading here. but. turns out I'm not!!) 3:14 当店はお触り禁止じゃぁ! We don't allow touching in this establishment!!! 3:17 野暮な男は嫌いやでぇ! I hate men with no manners!!
(tl note: the rest of these are various battle callouts) 3:24 ボトル入りまーす! Bottle comin' through! 3:26 これ うちの名刺! Here's… my business card! 3:30 ゴロ美に惚れたら 火傷するでぇ! If ya fall for Goromi… You're gonna get burned! 3:35 お客様は神様 なわけあるかボケェ! The customer is king… what a stupid idea! 3:41 イーヒッヒヒヒー 太客認定したるわぁ! Eeehehehehee, I just bagged a big spender! 3:46 シャンパン入りまーす! Champagne comin' through! 3:49 花は いつか散るんやでぇ Flowers will… always scatter… 3:54 終わりがあるから 美しいんやでぇ Because they must end… They are beautiful… 4:01 またのご来店 お待ちしてまーす! We look forward to seeing you agaaaaiiiin! 4:05 はぁ うちをもっと燃えさす奴はおらんのかいなぁ Haaa… is there no one left who can get me fired up? 4:11 ゴロ美の「み」は 皆殺しの「み」じゃぁ! The "mi" in "Goromi" is… from the "mi" in "minagoroshi"! (tl note: wholesale slaughter) 4:16 稼ぎ時を逃さん女 それがゴロ美じゃボケェ! Goromi, a woman who's never let a chance to make a profit escape her! 4:23 ヒヒッ ゴロ美 ほてってきたでぇ Hehe, Goromi's burnin' hot! 4:29 ヒヒッ 延長やぁ 当たり前やろ! Hehe, an extension. Obviously! (tl note: for using a continue in a fight) 4:36 ごっついのぉ Real strong, huh… (tl note: for losing)
whew! as usual if I fucked something else please tell me some of this stuff gets real in the weeds. all I can do is my best
thanks again for the follow and for suggesting this! I'm real glad I took another look, that minagoroshi line really made me laugh. unrelated to Goromi but I'll have a new event up in a week or so because the one going on right now is so incredibly funny to me. it's a Saejima event. look forward to it * Edit: a couple of line corrections thanks to @imustbenuts Thank you again!!!
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s0nik0 · 2 years
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▷ ▷ ▷星の波に乗って宇宙飛行。夢の世界に包み込まれるような14曲の音の旅◁ ◁ ◁
sawako’s 6th album “Stella Epoca” will be released from Taylor Deupree’s 12k on Nov 4th 2022. This is her first solo album since 2014’s Nu.It. The ideas of sky maps and planetary frequencies were the inspirations behind Sawako’s dreamlike sounds . . . MORE INFO is here . . .
sawakoの6枚目のアルバム「Stella Epoca」が12kより2022年11月4日リリース。8年ぶりの新作です。
京都での⻘木隼人による冬至の夜明けの演奏、アルゼンチンでのFederico Durandの皆既日食の瞬間のフィールドレコーディング、 満月や新月の夜に各地で録音されたsawakoの声といったサイトスペシフィックな録音に、コンピュータによる手仕事が施されて、 万華鏡のように聴くたびに新しい物語が紡がれていきます。
haruka nakamura、荒木真、Federico Durand、gift_、早川幸子、⻘木隼人などをゲストに迎え、ささやかな日々の輝きがドビュッシーの水彩画のように織り込まれた作品です。オーガニックな質感のジャケットアートはcreative coder のkyndによるもの。新進気鋭アーティストBIWAが手掛けた儚い光あふれるMVも、フレッシュな輝きを添えています。
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・雨と休日(八王子/オンライン). . .「穏やかな音楽を集める」CDストア。日々の暮らしが豊かになるような、ゆったりした時の流れと音楽のある風景。こちらのお店がきっかけで荒木真さんと出会いました。
・CENTER(鹿沼). . .2022年夏にオープン。旅や地域のZINEなどを扱っている「模索する多目的スペース+宿泊」センター長は即興演奏家の河野円さん。即興〜実験映像好きの方からお子様とのひと時にも。
・gift_lab(清澄白河). . .「stella epoca」にも参加しているデザインユニットgift_さんのスタジオ・ショップ・ギャラリー。新潟県十日町市ではカフェ&ドミトリー山ノ家を運営。店内蔵書も要チェック。
・Lykkelig(金沢/オンライン). . .幸せな気持ちになる雑貨と音楽のお店。こけし、天球儀、星や結晶鉱石、ストームグラス、チェコの絵本、リトルプレスなど胸がときめく物ばかり。sawakoで検索するとレアコンピが。
・ヒト族レコード(京都). . .DJ/即興演奏家/アンチボ主催のToshio Bing Kajiwaraさんが店主のコズミックワンダーランド。オブスキュアーでヘンテコ素敵なものがぎっしりな木屋町の異次元ポケット。
・LINUS RECORDS(オンライン). . .エレクトロニカ、ポストロック、アンビエントなどを中心に「こんな音楽があったんだ!」という出会いとワクワクを感じるオンラインショップ。
・more records(大宮/オンライン). . . ジャンルを問わず良質な音楽に出会えるCDセレクトショップ。選盤お任せの「オススメパック」も。「ストリーミングでしか音楽聴かないよ」という人にこそ行ってみてほしい空間です。
・tempo(オンライン). . . 20年以上に渡って日本の電子音楽シーンを支えてきたp*disさんのストア。「Sold Out」になっている時はwish listでリクエストしていただけたら◎
・sawako store(オンライン). . . ご希望の方にはsawako手書きメッセージ付けます&キラキラ鉱石限定販売中◎
・Norman Records(UK/海外)
・12k Store(USA/海外) . . . レーベルのBANDCAMPページ
・Tower Records Japan . . . オンライン、店舗取り置きサービスあり。発送まで時間がかかることがあります。
▷お問い合わせは info (at) troncolon (dot) com まで
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“Eclipse Dawn” | VISUAL by BIWA
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takahashicleaning · 1 month
セルゲイ・ブリン: なぜグーグル・グラスなのか?
2019年には、HoloLens2ヘッドセットにバージョンアップしています。今後は、HoloLensやMagic Leap Oneがこの分野では、有力になりそうです。
法人は潰れることを前提にした有限責任! 慈愛や基本的人権を根本とした社会システムの中の保護されなければならない小企業や個人レベルでは、違いますが・・・
Combine sign language gestures with gesture technology and hybrids. If so, the dissemination may be promoted.
As an example, keyboard etc.
Next, during school, we offer Google Glass for free to both teasing and bullied children. Continue to wear conditions. All problems may be solved. Will it be education?
次に、学校在学中、いじめる側、いじめられる側、両方の子供にGoogle Glassを無料で��供する。条件は装着し続けること。問題はすべて解決するかもしれない。教育にもなる?
Besides, politicians who enter and leave the National Assembly and others, it may be good to wear everyone and analyze large-scale with cloud computing.
Of course, it is obligatory for all stakeholders, including stakeholders of the commercial television stations and NHK which have already received power, to be worn.
All contents should be made public on the Internet, and the archive will be obligatory. I will say it again! Television stations are now authorities! Again, we may repeat the mistake!
Also, if we also take into account “Personal idea flashed from the concept of data dividend 2019”, we expect that by giving a data dividend also the published data will be better.
イーロンマスクもブレイン・マシン・インターフェース(Brain-machine Interface : BMI)を具体的に発表。これも、符号してる。
Apple Vision Pro 2023
Game On | Oculus Quest Content Preview
Introducing Oculus Dash
Introducing Oculus Go
Oculus Rift: Step Into the Game 2012
Gloveone: Feel Virtual Reality
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k6-kayrokk · 3 months
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画像: mineo.jpより / 2024年3月現在
但し、速さは最大1.5 Mbpsである。かなり遅そうだが実家では2、3年前まで3 Mbps程度のADSL回線を使っていたのであるから、遅さには慣れているはずである。大丈夫だろう、多分。
とはいえTumblrや他のサイトが問題なく読み込まれるか心配だったので、1.5 Mbpsの速さを疑似的に試すことにした。Firefoxの開発ツールを使って、Webページの読み込みを意図的に遅くすることができる。
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そして、帯域幅を1.5 Mbpsの"Good 3G"に切り換える。筆者がこのままTumblrのダッシュボードを開いたところ、画像投稿が多いので、読み込みが完了するまで15.85秒かかった。かなり長く感じるが、ページの大部分が5秒程度で読み込まれたので問題はなさそうである。
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The table below lists the numbers associated with each network type, but please do not rely on this feature for exact performance measurements; it’s intended to give an approximate idea of the user experience in different conditions.
Throttling — Firefox Source Docs documentation
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なお、速さは1.5 Mbps以外にも選択できる。「マイそくプレミアム」は"DSL"を「マイそくライト」は"Regular 2G"を、そして「マイそくスーパーライト」は"GPRS"をそれぞれ選択すれば、おおよその速さが分かるだろう。
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aswan-jp · 3 months
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ただ海外から輸入する、ということだけではなく。 現地の職人といっしょに、素材や製法を生かして、日本の暮らしを考え仕上げていく。 それが #アスワンの手織絨毯 です。
繊細なデザインをあしらった、無地調の一枚。 どんなお部屋に敷いてもぴったり合うように、4色のカラーバリエーションをご用意しました。 そして何より、手織りならではの心地よさはもちろん、長く育てるようにお使いいただけるのもポイントです。
ラグがある快適な暮らしを、すべての人へ。 素材、製法、デザインで選べる『2023-2024 RUG COLLECTION』からの紹介です。
カタログ:2023-2024 RUG COLLECTION カテゴリ:PREMIUM RUG/IDEA ART 商品名:パトリ 素材:ウール100% 製法:手織絨毯 品番:CM6730-65・09・15・45、CM6731-65・09・15・45、CM6732-65・09・15・45、CM6733-65・09・15・45、CM6735-65・09・15・45 サイズ:60×90cm、70×120cm 、140×200cm、160×230cm、200×250cm
くわしくはお近くの #インテリア専門店 またはプロフィール @aswan_jp のリンクから「2023-2024 RUG COLLECTION」へ
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russellian-j · 10 months
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉 366_画像版 n.2474j (Aug. 10, 2023)
 ヘーゲルの哲学の概略は以下の通りである。実在はパルメニデスおよびプラトンの場合と同様、時間を超越する。しかし一方、みかけ上の実在も存在し、それは時間及び空間内の日常的世界からなっている。実在の性格は論理学によってのみ規定することができる。というのは、自己矛盾的でない実在として可能なものはただ一種類あるのみだからである。これは「絶対的理念」と呼ばれる。 ・・・。 ヘーゲルはすでにこのように証明してしまっていたく満足であった。これでは少し面白くないとみる人々もあるかもしれない。彼らは言うかもしれない。「私はホーン岬や南極やエヴェレスト山やアンドロメダ大星雲のことを考えるのが好きだ。・・・。」  そしてこうした言葉をもって彼らは哲学におさらばをつげ、以後ずっと幸福に暮らすことであろう。
Hegel’s philosophy, in outline, is as follows. Real reality is timeless, as in Parmenides and Plato, but there is also an apparent reality, consisting of the every-day world in space and time. The character of real reality can be determined by logic alone, since there is only one sort of possible reality that is not self-contradictory. This is called the “Absolute Idea.” … Hegel has already proved to his satisfaction that all Reality is thought, from which it follows that thought cannot think about anything but thought, … Some people might find this a little dull; they might say: “I like thinking about Cape Horn and the South Pole and Mount Everest and …." And with these words they would say goodbye to philosophy and live happy ever after.  Source: Bertrand Russell: Bertrand Russell: Philosophy and Politics, (1947) Reprinted in: Unpopular Essays, 1950 More info.:https://russell-j.com/cool/UE_01_philosophy_and_politics-160.HTM
<寸言>  「部分に真理はなく、真理は全体(絶対的理念)にある」と考える人と、「部分に価値がなければ全体にも価値がない」と考えるラッセルのような人とでは、発想は正反対です。
 麻生氏も安全地帯から言いたい放題言うだけでなく、最後の(国への)ご奉公として、台湾の西海岸に居を構え、(戦う覚悟をしっかり持って)「台湾有事」に備えたらどうでしょか? そうすれば、台湾政府は麻生氏亡き後、きっと銅像をたててくれるはずです。
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straycatboogie · 11 months
BGM: Vangelis - Chariots Of Fire
そして夜、英会話教室に行く。そこで今日はぼくたちが持っている趣味について語る。どんな趣味を持っているか、について……ぼくは自分の「読書」の趣味を語った。高校生の頃、ふと村上春樹の本と出くわしたことから彼の本を折に触れて読みふけってきたということについてだ。他の方の趣味にも触れ、「お金のかからない趣味とは何か」や「趣味は生活にどう影響を及ぼしているか」、「日本で人気のある趣味・ない趣味は何か」といった話にも至った。読書が趣味、なんて昔なら素直にこうして語れなかったかもしれない。「クールじゃない」と見栄を張ってしまっていただろうな、と思ったりして……生徒の中には高校生の方もおられて、「村上春樹ですか? 名前だけ聞いたことあります」「面白いですか?」と言われてジェネレーション・ギャップに驚いてしまうひと幕もあった(いや、ぼくだって自分が高校生の頃のことを思い出すとまだまだ「現代のメインストリームの文学」がどんなものかなんて知らなかったはずだ)。ああ、自分らしくあることこそクールなのだ……教室がはねたあとは疲れてしまったので早々に眠ってしまった。梅雨はいつ明けるのだろう。九州地方の大雨が気がかりだ。
Untitled (for a trial of studying... or "Serial Experiments Again")
Once I thought my death for resting That idea was like the songs of Sting But trust me, that wasn't cause I was arresting I just had believe that my life was a wasting
But now I'm feeling I'm getting strong ... NO! I'm still weak, I'm simply being wrong This poem is for me a kind of protest song For what? I don't know. I wanna ring a gong
A lot of "legendary bangars" in my mind, behind This poem is a trial of making mine, I've signed I wish you would get alive, and stay still kind
A sonnet is a style I've never enjoyed for a while Can I offer this for you to read? Your mind would drive? Yes, I'm naive. But I can't keep this within my file
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takumi120 · 2 years
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kuutosuzoo · 1 year
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From the first step
10,715 days left to achieve the mission to "Change 20% of the way Japan's future will be in 30 years".
Act immediately when you have an idea! Move before you think! I am sure you have heard these words once or twice.
I have been trying to make it a habit to take action as soon as I have an idea.
I have had many regrets, big and small. Most of them were regrets like, "If only I had done it right then," or "If only I had continued to do that.
It is said that people are emotional creatures, and when they have an idea, they are very excited and positive, but the older they become, the more they start to think from other angles, and they start to regret things that they did not do.
What if I do it, but I fail, what if I don't have the time, money, or environment to do it now, no time, no money, no environment, no, no 、、、、、
The habit of immediately thinking of excuses has unknowingly become part of you.
If you spend your last hours of life without realizing this habit, you are likely to regret spending more time with your family, working too much, spending more time with yourself, and so on.
After learning this lesson, I have made it a habit to review my habits and take the first step forward as much as possible.
In fact, as I have continued to say those first steps, I have received coverage of my activities on TV, radio, YouTube, newspapers, online news, and so on.
On a different note, taking that first step has changed my life 180 degrees.
The road was not a beautiful one, but a bumpy one, a swampy one where it was very difficult to put my feet forward.
I never gave up on the path and kept moving forward at my own pace, one or two heavy steps at a time, and the result is that I have recently been given the opportunity to appear in the media.
In March, I was interviewed by BBC Biwako Broadcasting's "Omoroshiga," and appeared in a public recording at Honma Radio in Namba, Osaka.
And today, I appeared on youtube Biwamoni.
If I had done nothing, I would never have had the opportunity to appear in the media or to be interviewed.
In my mission, I want to communicate! It's about taking a step forward.
There are many children and students around me who only say things like "normal is good" or "there is nothing special" like a shell of a person.
I myself do not have any special talents, nor do I come from an exceptional family, nor do my parents or siblings have famous parents.
That's just an ordinary, common person.
But because of the environment in which I was raised and the wonderful people I have met, I am able to do what I want to do in a blessed environment even though I am just an ordinary person.
All of this has happened because I kept putting my feet forward, one step at a time, so I simply don't have to do anything special, I just have to listen to the little voice inside my heart and respond to it.
I would like to convey this thought to today's children, students, and parents who are trying their best to raise their children through the real me on the screen as a documentary film together with Basic Income Cinema.
Even if people feel a sense of crisis that something must be done, there are few people who take action. It is not the fault of those who think but cannot take action or take the first step.
It is the environment around us, the current world, and the very way people are, that continues to move us in a contradictory negative spiral without stopping.
As a rhythm trainer and a diet advisor for the mind, I am only a small part of it, but I found myself moving when I saw and heard such an environment in the world.
I want to make everything in the world better! Lots of people are working in their own environments to make it better, to make people happy, and to help society for the sake of their children.
The world is an incredibly big space. I will connect people who are connected to each other in this huge space in my mission!
As our connections grow, we will stop even one of the many negative spirals in the world and increase the number of happy spirals!
And today, I will continue to move forward one step at a time, with August 3, 2052, 30 years from now, as my final destination goal.
I am posting this using a translation site. Some parts may be difficult to read. Please read to the end and Thank you very much.
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lienguistics · 1 year
all vocabulary, misc grammar
おろか - not to mention て / でならない - can’t help but to かたや - on one hand… on the other… なおかつ - besides, on top of that 兼ねる - difficult to / 兼ねない - quite capable of, not unlikely to に決まっている - to be sure / certain of 日が浅い - hasn’t been long since  に当たり - at the time of, on the occasion 
~までもない - there’s no need to ないことには - unless you …  忍びない - cannot bring oneself to do, unable to bear べくもない - cannot possibly be
p17 耳を澄ます - strain one’s ears, listen carefully 思いを馳せる - think nostalgically about something far away, send ones heart out to 欠かせない - vital, indispensable  臨む - look out on, face 陳列棚 - display case 関節 - joint 侵食 - erosion, corrosion
p18 一斉 - simultaneous 一目散 - at full speed 一通り - generally, briefly 言い草 - speaking style 他界 - die, pass away 教養 - appreciation for culture 機知 - wit, resourceful, tact 凡庸 - mediocre 伴侶 - partner, spouse 冴えない - boring, dull
p20 噛み合う - mesh, engage with 長所 - merit, strong point 所帯を持つ - run / keep a household 強制 - forced to do, compulsory, coerce 言いつけ - order,  command, instructions, directions 閉め出す - shut out 贔屓目 - seeing things through a favorable light 完全主義者 - perfectionist  うがい - gargling, rinsing one’s mouth  常識 - common sense くびき - constraints, oppression, yoke
p22 法定速度 - national speed limit うってつけ - ideal, perfect 血相 - facial expression / color 排水溝 - drainage, gutter 因果 - cause and effect 引き金 - trigger
p26 くつろぐ - relax, feel at home 無機質 - cold, robotic, inhuman 疑問符 - question mark 埋め尽くす - fill to capacity 宙ぶらりん - half done, in limbo, indecisive 余韻 - lingering memory, aftertaste 前���れ - warning in advance, heads-up 直感 - intuition
p28 心当たり- have an idea / clue 関心 - concern, interest 暮れ - end 清涼剤 - breath of fresh air, refreshing 束の間 - brief moment in time 不謹慎 - indiscreet  気休め - mere consolation, temporary peace of mind 亜種 - subspecies 端末 - computer terminal, information accessing device 一律 - uniformly, evenly 概念 - concept, general idea 示唆 - suggestion, implication 上旬 - first ten days of month 物好き - whimsy, having a strange tastes
p30 綻ぶ - come apart at the seams 下地 - groundwork, foundation 生来 - by nature, innately 几帳面 - methodical, precise, scrupulous 稀有 - rare, uncommon ほどなくして - not long after 掲載 - publication  取り掛かる - begin, start up 複製 - reproduction, duplication 機能 - functionality 従来 - up till now, so far 定義 - definition 宿主 - host 広義 - broad sense 不正 - fraud
p32 そばから - as soon as, right after 剥奪 - strip of, deprive, revoke 聖夜 - christmas eve 掛詞 - play on words, pun 奔流 - rapid stream / torrent 居留守を使う - pretend to be out 故障 - damage, faulty, broken 見越し - anticipate, expect がっしり - firm, solid, sturdy
p34 嗄れる - become hoarse 造作もなく - without difficulty 交渉 - negotiations, dealing 肉体的 - body, corporeal, physical 見抜ける - see through / into 絶句 - loss for words, speechless わななく - tremble 逡巡 - hesitation, indecision ダニ - tick, mite
p36 でっちあげる - fabricate, concoct, invent, make up 突き止める - pin down, ascertain, determine 為すすべもない - having no choice 迂闊 - careless 精通 - well-versed in 汲々 - absorbed in, diligent ちっぽけ - very small, tiny 矜持 - pride, dignity, self-respect したたか - a great deal, several
p38 望遠鏡 - telescope 適性 - aptitude  雇う - employ, hire 本筋 - main thread of a story 取りわけ - especially, above all 依頼 - request
p40 失業者 - unemployed person 前科 -  criminal record, previous conviction 成功報��� - completion bonus こびりつく - stick, cling to 照らし合わせる - check, compare 見物人 - spectators 台座 - pedestal 駆使 - making full use of, having good command over 滑稽 - funny, comical
p42 言葉巧み - skillful words 料 - fee 加護 - divine protection  昆虫 - bug, insect 気温 - air temperature がっしり - firmly, solidly 判別 - distinction, distinguish
p44 適性 - aptitude 当たって砕ける - take a chance, go for broke 肩肘張る - put on a bold front, act formal / stiff 感心 - impressed, admiration 精巧 - exquisite, delicate 引き締める - tighten, stiffen 胡乱 - suspicious-looking, shady, fishy 咥える - hold in one’s mouth
p46 病原体 - pathogen 潜む - lurk, lie hidden 枝 - branch 射貫く - shoot / pierce through 目を泳がせる - avoid one’s gaze 吟味 - close examination, scrutiny 胡散臭い - suspicious, shady 交番 - police box 値踏み - appraisal, evaluation 懇願 - pleading, begging 織りなす - interweave
p48 仕向ける - send forward to, induce 観念 - resign to one’s fate 洗いざらい - all, wholly, without exception 貫く / つらぬく - persist, maintain, go through 敬称 - honorifics, title of honor 鉄柵 - iron railing / fence ヤドリギ - mistletoe 掠め取る - snatch, steal
p50 パン屑 - breadcrumbs あとずさる - retreat, shrink back 対価 - compensation, equivalent value 唯々諾々 - obediently, submissively 辟易 - be fed up with / tired of 渋々 - reluctantly, unwillingly 独りごち - talk to oneself, mutter
p52 見栄 - show, display, ostentatious, vanity うろちょろ - wandering / loitering / hanging around 補導 - protective custody, guidance 遮る - obstruct, cut off, interrupt
p56 支障をきたす - hinder, obstruct 衛生 - hygiene  見做す - consider / regard as 矜持 - pride, dignity 範疇 - category 釣り銭 - change (for a purchase)
p58 うつ伏せ - lying face down 読みさし - leaving half-read / unfinished
p60 不承不承 - reluctantly 革 - leather 雇う - employ, hire 妥当 - valid 適性 - aptitude 黙認 - tolerance, acquiescence  的確 - precise, accurate
p62 寝返りを打つ - turn over in one’s sleep つけ足 - append onto, add 引き攣れる - stiffen (face), tighten 穢す - pollute 手立て - means, method
p64 案配 - condition, state 配置 - arrange 強迫 - compelling 曝露 - exposure, revelation 妨害 - obstruct, hinder そぐわない - unsuitable, improper 疾患 - disease, illness 並々ならぬ - uncommon 過保護 - overprotective
p66 兼ね備える - to have both そびえ立つ - tower over surroundings 余韻 - lingering memory, reverberation, aftertaste 微動 - slight movement 無精髭 - stubble, 5 o’clock shadow 打ち解ける - open one’s heart, throw off reserve 腕組み - fold one’s arms 買収 - bribery, buy out, acquisition 霞 - haze 白を切る - feign ignorance
p68 からくり - trick, mechanism  かどわかす - kidnap 唖然 - dumbfounded 仕向ける - induce, tempt 敏感 - sensitive, high alert 居丈高 - overbearing 忠告 - advice, warning 欺く - deceive, trick 切迫 - pressure, urgency
p70 切り出す - break the ice, start 繁殖 - breeding, propagate
p72 見抜く - see through 衛星中継 - satellite transmission 顔を背ける - turn one’s face away 食い下がる - hang / cling onto, hound someone for (an answer)
p74 掠める - graze, skim, brush by 抑揚 - intonation, inflection, accent 照らし合わせる - check,  compare 気が動転する - lose composure
p76 かがみ込む - lean in 忌む - avoid, refrain from すっと - refreshed , satisfied, softly 退廃的 - degenerate, corrupt もやは - already 無礼 - rudeness
p78 手際 - skill, dexterity, ability 息の根を止める - choke the life out of 心境 - state of mind, mental state 杞憂 - needless fear, unfounded worry
p80 隔てる - separate off, partition 架かる - span, bridge, cross 心なしか - somehow, somewhat 判然 - clear, defined 切迫 - urgency 順応 - acclimate, adapt 不摂生 - neglecting one’s health
p82 ぐっしょり - びしょびしょ おずおず - timid, nervous 間接 - indirect 制止 -  restraint, check 人工 - man-made, artificial 振り向ける - turn around
p84 訥々 - halting (speech), faltering, stammering 自意識過剰 - excessive self-consciousness 抽斗 - drawer 掻き回す - rummage through, stir / churn 交錯 - mixing, intersecting 自嘲 - self-deprecating 不合理 - illogical  読み漁る - read everything one can get their hands on 遮断 - interception, cut off, block 希薄 - thin, weak, diluted, lacking, insubstantial
p86 虚勢 - bluff 牽制 - keep in check, restraint どぎつい - loud, glaring, gaudy, intense 身に纏う - to wear 擬態 - camouflage  捕食者 - predator 臆病者 - coward, wimp 経緯 - sequence of events 返却 - return something, repayment 訓練 - training, practice, drill ありもしない - nonexistent, unreal 視野 - field of view 書架 - bookshelf
p88 迂闊 - carelessness 恨む - bear a grudge, resent おぼつかない - unpromising, hazy, uncertain  ずたずた - into pieces / shreds 藁にもすがる - grasp at straws 発作 - fit, spasm, seizure, attack 含み - implication, hidden meaning 投影 - projection 脆く - quickly, easily, without resistance
p90 角質 - keratin, collagen 戦慄 - shudder, shiver, tremble 保留 - put on hold 気が紛れる - be distracted from feelings of depression, etc. かさぶた - scab
p92 丹精を込める - take great care / pains to do something 突き返す - strike back, send back 掻き込む - gulp down food 回を重ねる - repeat 手が込んだ - intricate, delicate, complicated 不発 - misfire 衛生 - hygiene, sanitation
p94 気後れ - feeling awkward, daunted, bashful 当て所なく - aimlessly
p96 驚嘆 - struck with wonder / admiration
p98 もたれる - lean / recline on 感心 - impressed 同然 - just like, no different from のけぞらす - bend backwards
p100 構成 - composition, structure 鼻腔 - nasal cavity くすぐる - tickle 手繰る - retrace (memories) 蔓延 - infestation, spread 依然 - still
p102 生態 - ecology, life and habits 交尾 - copulation, mating 宿命 - fate, destiny 盲目 - blind, reckless 比翼連理 - marital vows ひとしきり - for a while 饒舌 - talkative 環形動物 - annelid  宿主 - host 胞子 - spore  デフォルメ - distortion 顕微鏡写真 - microphotograph 趣向 - plan, idea
p104 異なる - differ, diverge 線虫 - nematode 孵化 - incubate, hatch オキアミ - krill 甲殻類 - crustacean 腸管 - digestive tract  有性生殖 - sexual reproduction 裏を返せば - look at it from another perspective  免疫不全 - immunodeficiency  こめかみ - temple (side of head)
p106 天敵 - natural enemy 仰天 - amazed, horrified, taken aback 上擦る - shrill (voice), become excited 大脳辺縁系 - limbic system 周辺 - circumference, outskirts 嚢胞 - cyst 合成 - synthesis 飢餓 - starvation 反社会 - antisocial 異性 - opposite sex / gender 苦虫を噛み潰したような - sour expression, as if having swallowed a bitter bug
p108 尖らせる - pout, sharpen 過程 - process, course, mechanism 愉快犯 - crime committed for fun 深刻 - serious, grave, severe 噛み砕く - simplify, explain simply, masticate 落雷 - lightning strike / bolt 亀裂 - crack, fissure, crevice, rift 要素 - component, element, factor
p110 済みきる - be perfectly clear 進捗 - progress, advancements 無頓着 - indifferent, unconcerned, nonchalant 列挙 - enumerate, list out 調理 - cooking
p112 結露 - condensation ずらす - shift, move, slide にわかに - sudden, abrupt, unexpected 憶測 - guess, speculation  主義 - principle doctrine, rule 発作 - spasm, seizure, fit 大番狂わせ - totally unexpected result 雇う - employ, hire 見込み - potential, hope, promise 同然 - just exactly like 鵜呑み - swallow / accept without questioning 担ぎ上げる - convince someone to accept a higher post through praise / flattery 方便 - means, method 殺し文句 - pickup line / phrase
p114 一安心 - sense of relief (for now) 肝心 - vital, essential 警告 - warning, advice 貫く - stick to (plan, principles) 唖然 - dumbfounded, speechless 杞憂 - needless worry
p116 切羽詰まる - be at wit’s end 至急 - urgent, immediate 逡巡 - hesitation, indecisiveness 腹を探す - probe / figure out one’s real intentions 念を押す - remind oneself of something 
p118 腑に落ちる - understand, be convinced 気後れ - losing one’s nerve, nervous, daunted, timid, awkward きっぱり - resolutely, decisively
p120 承諾 - accept, consent 密着 - close adhesion to 呼吸 - exhaled air 酸っぱい - sour, acidic 油断 - negligence 
p122 こぢんまり - snug, compact, cozy 財団法人 - foundation nonprofit  標本 - specimen, sample 憂慮 - anxiety, concern, fear 抽象 - abstraction 罹る - contract a disease, suffer from 腫瘍 -tumor 目を背ける - look away from 創設者 - founder
p124 拡大鏡 - magnifying glass 後翅 - hindering 孤児 - orphan なぞらえる - liken to, be compared / similar to 同定 - identification 確率 - probability, chances 外科 - surgery 摘出 - surgical removal, extraction, picking out ひとしきり - for a while
p126 固有 - characteristic, inherent しぶとい - enduring, tenacious 重篤 - critical / serious condition 迷走 - straying, wandering off course 脊髄 - spinal cord 注目 - attention 経口 - taken by mouth, oral 腸管 - digestive tract 孵化 - incubate, hatch 形成 - form 嚢胞 - cyst 中枢神経 - central nervous system
p128 誘発 - induce, trigger 局所 - (affected) part of the body 炎症 - inflammation  神経膠症 - gliosis, proliferation of astrocytes / glia 門外漢 - layman, amateur, outsider 先入観 - preconceptions, preconceived notions 素朴 - simple 潰瘍性大腸炎 - ulcerative colitis 免疫 - immunity 先のこと - no one knows, there’s no telling (what the future holds) 圧縮 - compression, suppressed / repressed 解凍 - defrosting, decompression
p130 寛容 - tolerance 敵意 - hostility 機構 - mechanism 改善 - improvement 容認 - approval 翻って - conversely, from another angle 提唱 - advocacy, proposal 得心 - understand, satisfied, convinced 彩る - color, paint, decorate 軽侮 - contempt, scorn 羨望 - envy 私鉄 - private railway
p132 踝 - ankle 行く手 - one’s path / way 踏みならす - trample flat, beat a path てっぺん - top, summit 盲目 - blind 比翼連理 - marital vows 伴侶 - companion, partner しみじみ - deeply, keenly, fixedly 悲観 - pessimism 
p134 克服 - conquest, overcoming difficulties 判明 - establish, prove, ascertain
p138 連れ立つ - accompany, go together  昂る - stirred up, worked up, excited, aroused 思い思い - 好きにする, just as one likes 鴎 - seagull 別け隔て - favoritism, distinction, discrimination 見守る - to watch over 蓄積 - accumulation 没入 - immersion, absorbed in
p140 源 - source (of a river) 感覚器 - sensory organs / system 人生観 - view of life 間柄 - relationship あとずさる - step back, retreat 着実 - steadily うたた寝 - nap 継ぎ接ぎ - patching / cobbling together
p142 跳ねる - jump, leap 泡を食う - flustered, confused 飛び退く - jump back / out of the way 突如 - suddenly 面食らう - confused, taken aback, bewildered 角度 - angle 引っ掻く - scratch 塞ぎ込む - mope, brood
p144 手の甲 - back of the hand 斯くして - thus 巣食う - to build a nest, nest, hang out, haunt 端を発する - stem / originate from 腑に落ちる - understand, satisfied with
p146 念入り - careful, thorough, scrupulous  端末 - computer terminal 見積もる - estimate 一線を画する - make a distinction between  革新 - reform, innovation 占める - occupy, account for, comprise of 伝播 - transmission, propagation 従来 - up to now, so far 警鐘 - alarm bell 猛威を振るう - wreak havoc 歯車 - gear, cog
p148 ぶっきらぼう - blunt, curt 伝票 - voucher, sales slip 折り畳む - fold up into layers 便箋 - writing paper, stationery はみ出る - protrude, forced / pushed out 札束 - roll of banknotes 破綻 - failure, collapse 無造作 - casual, offhand, carefree 道すがら - along the way さぞ - surely, no doubt 分不相応 - beyond one’s means / position 年の割に - for one’s age
p150 余白 - blank space  模様 - pattern, design 見紛う - mistake A for B, misread 矛盾 - contradiction, inconsistency 煌々 - brilliant, bright, dazzling
p152 ぷつり - ending suddenly, breaking with a snap 途絶える - come to an end 悠長 - leisurely, easygoing 回り回って - after going through all the rounds, eventually
p154 言及 - reference, allusion 隔絶 - isolate, separate 点呼 - roll-call 当分 - for the time being 改札 - ticket gate 恐縮 - feeling sorry for troubling someone 一刻を争う - race against time 騒動 - turmoil, uproar 元凶 - ringleader, main culprit / source 懸念 - worry, anxiety, fear
p156 普及 - diffusion, spread まばら - sparse, thin 鱗 - (fish) scale 縁のない - unrelated 意地 - stubbornness
p158 かちこち - frozen stiff 節穴 - bad eyes
p160 とりわけ - especially, above all 弄る - toying / fiddling around with みすぼらしい - unkempt, shabby 絵空事 - pipe dream
p162 手を出す - make a move on ひとえに - wholly due to 自制心 - self-control / restraint 猛威を振るう - wreak havoc 振り返る - think back upon, reminisce 述懐 - speaking about / relating one’s feelings / memories, reminiscing 先送り - postpone どのみち - at any rate
p164 たちまち - suddenly, in an instant 大雑把 - rough, general, sloppy, crude 適応 - conform, adapt 一目瞭然 - apparent, obvious, clear 血の気が引く - grow pale
p168 標識 - sign, mark すっぽり - entirely, completely, snugly 屋根 - roof ぬらぬら - slimy, slippery, slowly 苔 - moss 不釣り合い - disproportionate, imbalance 観葉植物 - houseplant  能面のような顔 - deadpan face
p170 蓄える - grow / wear (a beard) 値踏み - appraisal, evaluation
p172 しどろもどろ - confused, disordered, incoherent あらかじめ - beforehand, in advance さぞ - surely, no doubt 時系列 - chronological order 活かす - to make the best use of 齟齬 / そご - inconsistency  徴候 - symptom, sign, indication
p174 偏頭痛 - migraine 臨時 - temporary, interim 通勤 - commuting to work 交差点 - intersection, crossing 出し抜けに - all of a sudden へこみ - cavity, dent 苛む - torment, afflict 億劫 - troublesome
p176 見込み - hope, promise, potential 慢性 - chronic illness 過敏 - nervous, oversensitive 純然 - absolute, complete, utter 器質的 - organic 病巣 - lesions  退治 - exterminate 身を挺する - risk one’s life to do 楽観視 - viewing optimistically
p178 文献 - literature 読み漁る - read a large number of / widely 電磁波 - electromagnetic wave 統合失調症 - schizophrenia  れっきとした - accepted, fully-fledged くれぐれも - sincerely, wholeheartedly 仲睦まじい - intimate
p180 検出 - detection, sense 顕微鏡 - microscope 先端 - pointed end, tip, apex 吸盤 - suction cup 癒着 - adhesion 吸虫 - trematoda / fluke 無闇に - thoughtlessly, recklessly 石灰化 - calcification 疾患 - disease, illness 二の足を踏む - hesitate, think twice about, get cold feet 繊維 - fiber 損傷 - injury, damage 過敏 - oversensitive 
p182 副鼻腔 - paranasal sinus cavities 絶つ - sever, eliminate 自ずと - naturally, in due course 皆目 - entirely, (not) at all 排除 - removal, exclusion, elimination 上記 - above-mentioned 法則 - law, rule 片鱗 - glimpse, part, portion, bit
p184 お目にかかる - 会う(謙譲語) 慢性 - chronic 類症鑑別 - disease differentiation 立て続けに - in succession  摘出 - surgical removal 渡航歴 - travel history 経路 - route, course 生息 - inhabiting
p186 懸念 - worry 経過 - passage of time 従来 - up till now 併用 - combined use 元も子もない - suffer total loss  差し支える - interfere, hinder くれぐれも - sincerely, repeatedly ご自愛ください - please take care of yourself
p188 非常識 - lack of common sense  片時も - (not) for even a moment  陽性 - positive (result; compare 陰性) 転移 - transform, metamorphosis  ほどなく - soon, shortly thereafter  拡張 - expand 帰属 - attribution 剥奪 - strip of, deprive
p190 条虫 - tapeworm 単独行動 - independent action 割愛 - giving up / omitting (reluctantly) 取り立てて - particularly あるまじき - improper, unworthy 着実 - steadily  糠喜び - premature joy, short-lived elation 事項 - matter, item, facts 猜疑 - suspicion 思い当たる - suddenly understand, hit on an answer / recall memory 経過観察 - medical follow up  あたかも - as though 
p192 吊り橋 - suspension bridge  門外漢 - layman, outsider 戦略 - strategy, tactics 引き合わせる - introduce もっともらしい - plausible  勘繰る - be suspicious of ごもっとも - you are quite right 
p194 閃く - flash into one’s mind 気晴らし - recreational, diversion, relaxation  変わり者 - oddball, eccentric  実をつける - bear fruit 自家不和合性 - self-incompatibility in plants 受精 - fertilization 近親相姦 - incest 接ぎ木 - grafting 交配 - crossbreeding, mating 血縁認識 - kin recognition 機構 - mechanism 成熟 - mature, ripe 生殖 - reproduction 虫媒花 - flowers pollinated by bugs
p196 不稔 - infertility 多様性 - diversity, variety 迂遠 - roundabout, indirect 単為生殖 - parthenogenesis, asexual reproduction where embryo growth / development happens without fertilization  排他 - exclusion, exclusivity 凝集 - agglutination, cohesion 存続 - survival, persistence, continuation かねてより - previously, already, in advance 構造 - structure, framework 口移し - mouth-to-mouth 行き渡る - spread throughout, prevail ひいては - by extension, in turn
p198 不安材料 - cause for concern 躍起 - desperate, frantic, excited 募る - grow stronger in intensity (for better or worse) 心持ち - feeling, disposition 疼く - throb, ache, twinge 危惧 - apprehension, worry 途絶える - stop, cease, cut off
p200 切り抜き - cut-out, clipping, scrap 切り出す - start talking, break the ice 無縁 - unrelated, unconnected  目撃 - eyewitness 身寄り - relatives
p202 先立つ - die before (someone else) 堰を切る - burst out, break a dam 口走る - blurt out よそよそしい - distant, cold, formal めぼしい - notable, conspicuous, outstanding  打開 - break (in / out / through) the deadlock 契機 - opportunity, chance; trigger, cause 臨床 - clinical
p204 はぐらかす - dodge, evade 見解 - opinion, point of view 解離性障害 - dissociative disorder 稀に - rare 血の繋がり - blood-relationship 鎮痛薬 - analgesic  片時も - (not) even for a moment 取りつく島もない - left utterly helpless 外注 - outsourcing 好酸球 - eosinophil, leukocyte  見栄え - good outward appearance, looking nice 界隈 - neighborhood, vicinity  厭う - loathe, shun, hate, grudge 一生に付す - dismiss something with a laugh
p206 忍びない - cannot bring oneself to do, unable to bear 造影 - contrasting image  血清 - blood serum 僥倖 - good fortune, godsend, luck 訃報 - news of someone’s death, obituary 構内 - grounds, campus, premises
p208 すぼめる - shrug (shoulders) 範疇 - category 機序 - mechanism
p210 駆虫 - exterminating insects 大義名分 - just cause, good reason 修復 - repair 歴然 - evident, apparent 
p212 自衛隊 - japanese self-defense forces 警備 - defense, guard  しっくり - fitting, to a tee 不届き - rude, outrageous, insolent 勇敢 - brave, heroic 根絶 - eradicating 食い下がる - hound, refuse to back down 契機 - trigger, cause, opportunity, chance 消極的 - passive, negative 奔走 - running about, making every effort to do
p214 大雑把 - rough outline / gist 抜擢 - selective selection, exceptional promotion 即座 - immediate
p216 突拍子 - crazy, tremendous 誘惑 - temptation, allure 不鮮明 - blurred 被写体 - photographic subject
p218 併用 - combined use 取っつく - cling to 芽生える - bud, sprout, begin to grow 合点がいく - to understand, make / figure out  巧妙 - ingenious, skillful, crafty 放心状態 - dazed, absentminded 聞きそびれる - miss the chance to ask
p220 経口 - taken by mouth, orally  性感染症 - STI / sexually transmitted infection 
p222 営む - run, carry out, perform, lead (a life) 出し抜け - all of a sudden ひっくり返す - turn upside down 非を認める - admit fault 心置きなく - freely, without reserve わだかまり - cares, worries, reserves
p226 弄る - meddle, fiddle, toy with 先決 - settling a matter first, first priority まっぴら - not by any means, wouldn’t do for anything, had enough 原始 - primitive 懸念 - worry, fear 馴れ初め - start of a romance 思いがけず - unexpected
処方 - prescription 虫下し - deworming medication かけがえのない - irreplaceable 
p230 依存 - dependence, reliance  無骨 - unrefined, boorish しおらしい - meek, gentle, modest
p232 駆られる - to be driven by (feeling, impulse) 神経伝達物質 - neurotransmitter  すさまじい - terrible, dreadful, awful 放出 - emission, ejection, release 敷居 - threshold  単調 - monotonous 恒久 - permanence, perpetuity 
p234 地吹雪 - snow blown up from the ground 吹きすさぶ - blow fiercely, rage 僻地 - remote place, backcountry 非の打ち所がない - perfect, impeccable, beyond reproach 節操 - consistency, integrity 貨物 - cargo, freight 辺鄙 - hard to reach, remote place 耕耘機 - farm tractor, tiller 板張り - wooden flooring がらくた - junk, rubbish, odds and ends
p236 ぴくりと動かない - completely still 交渉 - negotiations, bargaining  通気口 - air vent  前科 - previous conviction ぴんぴん - lively, energetic, full of life
p238 掛け値なし - without exaggeration 紛い物 - imitation, fake, sham 傀儡 - puppet 窮す - hard-pressed, at a loss 磁気 - magnetism
p240 決着 - conclusion 張り合い - competition, rivalry 結露 - condensation 窒息 - suffocation, asphyxiation 悪巧み - trick, conspiracy, wiles とち狂う - be amused with someone, be playful 衰弱 - weakness, breakdown 凍結 - freezing
p242 捨て鉢 - reckless
p244 助走 - approach run 一縷の望み - sliver of hope ふらっと - accidentally, by chance 朦朧 - dim, hazy 免れる- escape / avoid (death, etc.)
p246 思う壺 - one’s aims / expectations 踏ん張り - standing firm, holding out 葛藤 - conflict 漲る - overflow, swell, be filled with 不意打ち - surprise attack, catching someone off guard 覆い被さる - fall upon someone
p248 寄り添う - get close, cuddling together  行き違い - misunderstanding おどける - jest, joke
p250 気休め - mere consolation 身を乗り出す - bend self forward 頃合い - good / suitable time
p254 蕗の薹 - edible bud of the fuki plant 見頃 - best time to see 貫く - pierce, go through, penetrate 解体 - demolition 架線 - overhead power line 正社員 - full-time employee
p256 食中毒 - food poisoning けろり - nonchalant, as if nothing happened 悶える - writhe in pain / be in agony 釣り堀 - fish pond 受け売り - repeating someone else’s words
p258 がっしり - firmly, solidly 根を下ろす - take root 投薬 - administering medication, dosage 求人 - recruiting, job offer 制作 - development, production 募集 - recruitment, advertisement 担ぐ - nominate for a position, choose as a representative  枠組み - framework 重宝 - coming in handy 諦観 - clear insight 度重なる - to repeat, be frequent 自負 - pride, thinking highly of one’s accomplishments 酌み交わす - pour drinks for each other, drink together 
p260 付随 - accompanied by 下旬 - last third of a month 適応 - adapt 依然として - still, as yet 紛い物 - imitation, fake 疑心暗鬼 - once you start suspecting something everything else starts looking suspicious too
p262 萎む - wither 支配 - rule, domination, control こなす - complete, finish, perform, do 理に適う - make sense 走馬燈 - ever-changing scene, life flashing before eyes 放心 - absentminded
p264 おどける - joke, jest, play around 申し分ない - no objections
p266 殺風景 - barren, bleak, dreary 調度品 - furnishings, equipment 
p268 円滑 - smooth, undisturbed, harmonious  小康状態 - state of reduced activity, lulled, stable conditions 薬剤耐性 - drug resistance 飛び抜ける - preeminent, outstanding 誤謬 - fallacy, error, mistake 免疫 - immune, unaffected by 排除 - exclusion, eliminated 稀 - rare 手厚い - warm, cordial, welcoming 主観 - one’s own personal opinion
p270 負 - negative, minus 合成 - synthesis / making of something 酵素 - enzyme 供給 - supply, provision 有り体 - the unvarnished truth せしめる - to cheat someone out of, swindle ダニ - tick, mite 皮脂 - sebum 器官 - body organ  たちまち - in an instant
p272 容認 - approval 犠牲 - sacrifice, victim 焦点 - focus, focal point しくじる - fail, mess / screw up, blunder 裏目で出る - backfire つられる - be drawn in, enticed, lured, caught up in 処置 - medical treatment, measure 搬送 - hospitalized, transfer to hospital 別状 - something unusual / wrong 炭鉱 - coal mine 先回り - anticipating, forestalling, going on ahead
p274 息絶える - to die, lay down life’s burden とんだ - unthinkable, inconceivable, awful 笑い種さ - laughingstock 気を落とす - discouraged, disheartened ひとしきり - for a while / some time
p276 案じる - to be anxious / worried / concerned about 感想 - thoughts, feelings, impressions, reactions 不謹慎 - unscrupulous, indiscrete  的中 - hitting the target, right on the mark, proving to be right
p280 こんがり - well-cooked, well-done, browned のどか - quiet, tranquil, calm
p282 綿埃 - lint, dustball 狭苦しい - cramped 風変わり - odd, eccentric 網羅 - comprehensive, encompassing exhaustively  具沢山 - full of ingredients, hearty, substantial 遡る - go back in time / reverse
p284 ほどなく - soon, before long 念を押す - remind someone of something again, double check, make sure 手の施しようがない - beyond help, there is nothing that can be done
p286 綻ぶ - begin to open, smile widely 壮観 - magnificent spectacle, grand view
p288 梢 - treetop, branch tip 目まぐるしい - dizzying speed, bustling まばら - sparse, thin, scattered 目障り - eyesore, obstructing sight, unpleasant sight 悠然 - leisurely 心細い - helpless, forlorn 筏 - raft 無秩序 - disorder, confusion, chaos 一貫性 - consistency 人見知り - shyness
p290 やどりぎ - mistletoe 思いを馳せる - think fondly / nostalgically about
p292 うやむや - hazy, undecided, indefinite, unsettled
p294 はしゃぐ - to make merry, frolic
p296 儚い - fleeting, transient, fickle いつになく - uncharacteristically  脆い - fragile, weak, frail 梱包 - packaging
p298 抜け殻 - empty shell 取りわけ - especially, above all 臆病 - cowardly 論拠 - grounds of an argument 時宜を得る - right timing, perfectly timed 終止符を打つ - bring an end to
p300 心残り - regret 事柄 - matter, thing, circumstance 仲立ち - mediation
p302 噴き出す - spout / blurt / gush out 阻む - keep / prevent / hinder someone from doing
p304 傷を負う - get injured 独り占め - hog all to oneself よしとする - deem acceptable
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token-greenbiz · 1 year
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WonderFLY ANA crowdfunding にて、実施中のクラウドファンディングも残り5日となりました!
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takahashicleaning · 2 months
ジョイ・サン: 資金援助の新しい形
法人は潰れることを前提にした有限責任! 慈愛や基本的人権を根本とした社会システムの中の保護されなければならない小企業や個人レベルでは、違いますが・・・
Don tap scott is “block chain revolution”, such as Uber, Airbnb, TaskRabbit and Lyft. We are talking about shared economies. It is that equal peoples generate wealth together and share. It is a very powerful idea.
But, when you tell me that kind of company does not really share it! ! In fact, the success of these companies is due to not being shared. Furthermore, unless it is a country with high inflation, deflationary spirals will occur and gradually wages will not rise. The only solution at the moment is to tax and distribute widely to platform firms taking de facto standards with redistribution of wealth. This is important! ! I say.
As a personal feeling, I think that around the dawn of Google until the financial crisis 2008 is the ideal form of redistribution. It might be even better if you incorporate block chains and virtual currency here.
As for the virtual currency, there are possibilities that three scenarios will merge into the hybrid in the future.
First, virtual currency like bit coin substitutes investment and speculation. Second, platform firms taking the de facto standards issue and use virtual currencies. Third, we will utilize the virtual currency issued by central banks to support individuals with lower annual income (policy of the executive branch like helicopter money)
第一は、ビットコインのような仮想通貨が投資や投機を代用していく。 第二は、デファクトスタンダードをとっているプラットフォーマー企業が仮想通貨を発行、活用していく。 第三は、中央銀行が発行する仮想通貨を年収の低い個人の下支え用に活用していく(ヘリコプターマネー的な行政府の政策)
Current age of artificial intelligence. As other extended ideas such as MBS, REIT and ETF of effective monetary policy measures that began to be utilized after the financial crisis by the central bank, compensation other than options to raise taxes.
In other words, central banks in each country actively purchase and forcibly buy industrial individual securities of platform companies that deflate goods other than the large public goods affecting low-income people who are currently de facto standards Support
Idea to stabilize price inflation by indirectly offsetting declines in prices by increasing the income of low-income earners by making profits on securities funded by basic income. Perhaps there is also the effect of increasing real GDP?
In addition, central banks of neutral countries can improve redistribution function at basic income, as Plato says, it is possible to prevent the rise of populism which negatively falsifies dissatisfaction of the disparity which is the blind spot of ideal democratic politics maybe.
In some ways, the information industry is also similar to credit markets.
1、親族内。 2、他人同士で金利ゼロ返済不要。行政府経由なら「給付」という言葉の定義になる。サンデルの言う強者から弱者にマネーが100%流れれば善悪ない。 3、他人同士で金利ゼロか有りの返済付きで場合によりマイナス金利もある。
デアンドレア・サルバドール: 低所得世帯の光熱費負担を低減するために
日本経済と世界経済(KindleBook)現代貨幣理論(MMT)の欠点も克服しています!- 東京都北区神谷高橋クリーニング
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readleafbooks2022 · 2 years
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【素敵な洋書絵本の紹介】 マルーほど飛び跳ねるのが大好きなカンガルーはいません。 けれども、ある日、マルーは、いつものように、ぴょんぴょん!と飛び跳ねてはいませんでした。 どうしたの、マルー? お友だちの動物たちは、マルーを心配します。 だいじょうぶ! ちゃんと飛べるようになるさ! 森の動物たちは、マルーがまた飛び跳ねることができよう、手助けをします。 かわいい動物たちの、やさしい物語です。 What's Up, Maloo? Contributor(s): Godbout, Geneviève (Author) EAN: 9780735266643 Publisher: Tundra Books (NY) Binding: Hardcover Pub Date: January 07, 2020 Target Age Group: 03 to 07 Physical Info: 1.27 cms H x 30.73 cms L x 20.57 cms W (0.5 kgs) 40 pages Publisher Marketing: Maloo the kangaroo has lost his hop. Can his friends help him find it again? This sweet picture book explores the idea of sadness and the importance of friendship through ups and downs. No other kangeroo can hop like Maloo! But one day Maloo's friends find him stepping instead of hopping. What's wrong, Maloo? His pals look for ways to help Maloo regain the spring in his step. With patience, support and a little hop from his friends, Maloo gets his bounce back. Simple text and adorable art convey the power of friendship over a gloomy mood in Geneviève Godbout's charming debut as both author and illustrator. #genevievegodbout #readleafbooks #art #本 #本棚 #絵本 #児童書 #絵本屋 #洋書絵本 #絵本が好き #絵本が好きな人と繋がりたい #絵本のある暮らし #芸術 #英語 #イラスト #base #baseec   @readleafbooks Webショップで紹介中。プロフィールからぜひどうぞ! https://www.instagram.com/p/CkVGeFVPCH-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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