#陽炎 (Heat Haze)
cookie-nigel-dolan · 2 years
Casiopea  //  陽炎  (Heat Haze)  –  Freshness  (1995)
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elcheese · 6 months
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I know I already included some facts about him in the pic but I'm still going to type stuff about him lmao
Like I said on Hannei's post, I am not from Japan and I'm not knowledgeable on their language, so if I get something wrong, I'm sorry
Kagerō Hara
His first name Kagerō (かげろう or カゲロウ), also spelled Kagerou, is the Japanese word for "heat haze" (陽炎) or "mayfly" (蜉蝣 or 蜻蛉)
[Ignore the fact I forgot to make the o in his name's this ō]
While his last name Hara 原(はら) means meadow.
Current Age:
December 3rd
Gender + Pronouns:
Male, He/Him
Breathing Style:
Breath of the Weasel
A breathing style inspired by the Japanese mythical creature, Kamaitachi. It has six forms. Kagero came up with it by himself, derived from Wind breathing.
Relationship + Sexuality:
Single and ready to mingle (kill me that was hurtful to type). Demiromantic.
Kusarigama is his main weapon. A sickle attached to a long chain.
He has smaller weapons though like daggers and a Tekko-Kagi laced with wisteria poison.
Miscellaneous items he carries with him though are matches, a lighter, a tin of gasoline/oil and wisteria powder.
Kagero is a very extroverted person but very blunt. He doesn't mean to be rude! He just.. isn't the brightest. Very outgoing and active, always at least interacting with someone or keeping himself busy with training or hobbies. He's a gentleman as well, mama raised him right type of gentleman. Confident but not egotistical. He's a bit of a blabber mouth, he tries to keep quiet but like it ends up failing. An absolute nerd when it comes to japanese mythical creatures. Always puts his family first, no questions asked.
He's a bit reckless though and oddly violent. That violence is only towards demons of course. One of his flaws is that he always rushes in. His determination is admirable but my god this guy is gonna die faster if he just keeps attacking 💀 he gets better though. That plays along with his slight lack of patience, he wants things to end as quickly as possible so he can get to another mission. A bit greedy and a huge spender, love language is gift giving frfr. Nosy, and is upfront about it too.
Kagerō and his little sister, Akemi, lived in a nice little village with their grandparents, parents sadly passing away due to natural causes. Kagerō used to work at his grandparents' restaurant but only to help. Serving the orders to the customers, occasionally hearing the gossip from locals and visitors. The most peculiar ones were about demons. How odd, but it's nice to know that there are people interested in myths just like him. Every once a month, Kagerō and Akemi would visit their parents' graves to pay respects and just chat for a while, have a little picnic as well.
The rumors about a demon were starting to get even more intense, Kagerō chalked it up to just paranoia until he heard something about the graveyard. Dug up graves have been spotted with the bodies in them gone. Of course he was starting to get worried, what sort of maniac would steal the dead bodies of people's loved ones? So one particular night, he did the smart (dumb) thing to do. Wait until his grandparents and little sister fall asleep, sneak out and catch the criminal in the act! He took a lamp with him, careful not to step on any of the graves as he walked. That's when he heard it, a sickeningly loud and squelching noise, followed by a few crunches. To his horror, the rumors were true. It was a demon. A demon was digging up graves and eating up the corpses. His parents' graves are one of them. Furious, he yelled at the demon.. and proceeded to fist fight with it. The demon was pretty frail and weak, but still stronger than the average human.
Akemi had actually followed him, scared out of her mind while holding her own lantern, decorated in wisteria flowers. One thing led to another and Kagerō just shoved the wisteria into the demon's mouth, poisoning it. He was tired but did his best to stay conscious so he could take Akemi back home. Both got the scolding of their lives but it was later revealed that their grandparents are retired demon slayers. Both trained the two about the wind breathing. Akemi was successful while Kagerō made a few changes to better suit him.
- His favorite food is Uiro. He has a massive sweet tooth.
- Freaked out by the Wind Hashira ngl
- The top of his uniform originally belonged to another demon slayer he knew. He saw how uncomfortable she was with it and offered to switch. They were the same size so it was successful.
- Friends with Hannei! He maybe even has the tiniest crush on them.
- Regularly talks about brutal ways on how to kill a demon with Hannei.
- He keeps his hair long because Akemi loves playing and styling it. (Got pissed this one time a demon was able to cut it lol)
- He'd be great friends with Mitsuri!... If he wasn't so freaked out by the Serpent Hashira. Respectfully.
- Likes giving fun nicknames to everyone he meets. (Tanjiro = lucky, Zenitsu = deer boy, Hannei = Hare, etc.)
- Admired Rengoku Kyojuro a lot, he even wanted to train with him one day.
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spi-d3r · 2 years
All Breathing Styles and Forms!!!
SUN BREATHING (13 forms)
Also called Hinokami Kagura or The original Breathing
‌First Form: Dance (円えん舞ぶ) whit variant by tanjiro: Dancing Flash (円えん舞ぶ一いっ閃せん)
‌Second form: Clear Blue Sky (碧へき羅らの天てん)
‌Third Form: Raging Sun (烈れつ日じつ紅こう鏡きょう)
‌Fourth Form: Burning Bones, Summer Sun (灼しゃっ骨こつ炎えん陽よう)
‌Fifth Form: Setting Sun Transformation (斜しゃ陽よう転てん身しん)
‌Sixth Form: Solar Heat Haze (飛ひ輪りん陽かげ炎ろう)
‌Seventh Form: Beneficent Radiance (輝き輝き恩おん光こう)
‌Eighth Form: Sunflower Thrust (陽よう華か突とつ)
‌Ninth Form: Dragon Sun Halo Head Dance (日にち暈うんの龍りゅう・頭かぶり舞まい)
‌Tenth Form: Fire Wheel (火か車しゃ)
‌Eleventh Form: Fake Rainbow (幻げん日にち虹こう)
‌Twelfth Form: Flame Dance (炎えん舞ぶ)
‌Thirteenth Form (拾じゅう参さんノ型かた)
KNOWN USERS: Yoriichi Tsugikuni, Sumiyoshi, Tanjuro Kamado, Tanjiro Kamado
One of the five main Breathing Styles
‌First Form: Water Surface Slash (壱いちノ型かた 水みな面も斬ぎり)
‌Second Form: Water Wheel (弐にノ型かた 水みず車ぐるま) whit variation Lateral Water Wheel (弐にノ型かた・改かい 横よこ水みず車ぐるま)
‌Third Form: Flowing Dance (参さんノ型かた 流りゅう流りゅう舞まい)
‌Fourth Form: Striking Tide (肆しノ型かた 打うち潮しお) whit variant Striking Tide, Turbulent (打うち潮しお・乱らん)
‌Fifth Form: Blessed Rain After the Drought (伍ごノ型かた 干かん天てんの慈じ雨う)
‌Sixth Form: Whirlpool (陸ろくノ型かた ねじれ渦うず), whit variant Whirlpool, Flow (ねじれ渦うず・流りゅう流りゅう)
‌Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust (漆しちノ型かた 雫しずく波は紋もん突づき) whit variation Drop Ripple Thrust, Curve (雫しずく波は紋もん突づき・曲きょく)
‌Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin (捌はちノ型かた 滝たき壼つぼ)
‌Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow, Turbulent (玖くノ型かた 水すい流りゅう飛沫しぶき・乱らん)
‌Tenth Form: Constant Flux (拾じゅうノ型かた 生せい生せい流る転てん)
‌Eleventh Form: Dead Calm (拾じゅう壱いちノ型かた 凪なぎ), created by water hashira Giyu Tomioka
KNOWN USERS: Giyu Tomioka (Hashira), Tanjiro Kamado, Sakonji Urokodaki Sabito, Makomo, Aoi Kanzaki, Murata
FLAME BREATHING (9 forms, only 6 known)
One of the five main Breathing Styles
‌First Form: Unknowing Fire (壱いちノ型かた 不知火しらぬい)
‌Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun (弐にノ型かた 昇のぼり炎えん天てん)
‌Third Form: Blazing Universe (参さんノ型かた 氣き炎えん万ばん象しょう)
‌Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation (肆しノ型かた 盛せい炎えんのうねり)
‌Fifth Form: Flame Tiger (伍ごノ型かた 炎えん虎こ)
‌Ninth Form: Rengoku (玖くノ型かた 煉れん獄ごく)
KNOWN USERS: Rengoku Kyojuro (Hashira), all the male members of Rengoku family
One of the five main Breathing Styles
‌First Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter (壱いちノ型かた 鹿じん旋せん風ぷう・削そぎ)
‌Second Form: Claws-Purifying Wind (弐にノ型かた 爪そう々そう・科しな戸と風かぜ)
‌Third Form: Clean Storm Wind Tree (参さんノ型かた 晴せい嵐らん風ふう樹じゅ)
‌Fourth Form: Rising Dust Storm (肆しノ型かた 昇しょう上じょう砂さ塵じん嵐らん)
‌Fifth Form: Cold Mountain Wind (伍ごノ型かた 木こ枯がらし颪おろし)
‌Sixth Form: Black Wind Mountain Mist (陸ろくノ型かた 黒こく風ふう烟えん嵐らん)
‌Seventh Form: Gale, Sudden Gusts (漆しちノ型かた 頸けい風ふう・天てん狗ぐ風かぜ)
‌Eighth Form: Primary Gale Slash (捌はちノ型かた 初しょ烈れっ風かざ斬きり)
‌Ninth Form: Idaten Typhoon (玖くノ型かた 韋い駄だ天てん台たい風ふう)
KNOWN USERS: Sanemi Shinazugawa (Hashira), Masachika Kumeno
One of the five main breathing Styles
‌First Form: Serpentinite Bipolar (壱いちノ型かた 蛇じゃ紋もん岩がん・双そう極きょく)
‌Second Form: Upper Smash (弐にノ型かた 天てん面めん砕くだき)
‌Third Form: Stone Skin (参さんノ型かた 岩がん軀くの膚はだえ)
‌Fourth Form: Volcanic Rock, Rapid Conquest (肆しノ型かた 流りゅう紋もん岩がん・速そく征せい)
‌Fifth Form: Arcs of Justice (伍ごノ型かた 瓦が輪りん刑ぎょう部ぶ)
KNOWN USER: Gyomei Himejima (Hashira)
One of the five main breathing Styles
‌First Form: Thunderclap and Flash (壱いちノ型かた 霹へき靂れき一いっ閃せん) improved by Zenitsu in Sixfold (六ろく連れん), Eightfold (八はち連れん) and Godspeed (神しん速そく)
‌Second Form: Rice Spirit (弐にノ型かた 稲いな魂だま)
‌Third Form: Thunder Swarm (参さんノ型かた 聚しゅう蚊ぶん成せい雷らい)
‌Fourth Form: Distant Thunder (肆しノ型かた 遠えん雷らい)
‌Fifth Form: Heat Lightning (伍ごノ型かた 熱ねつ界かい雷らい)
‌Sixth Form: Rumble and Flash (陸ろくノ型かた 電でん轟ごう雷らい轟ごう)
‌Seventh Form: Honoikazuchi no Kami (漆しちノ型かた 火ほの雷いかづちの神かみ) created by Zenitsu
KNOWN USERS: Zenitsu Agatsuma, Kaigawa, Jigoro Kuwajima
MOON BREATHING (16 forms, only 11 known)
derivate from Sun Breathing
‌First Form: Dark Moon, Evening Palace (壱いちノ型かた 闇やみ月づき・宵よいの宮みや)
‌Second Form: Pearl Flower Moongazing (弐にの型かた 珠しゅ華かノ弄ろう月げつ)
‌Third Form: Loathsome Moon, Chains (参さんノ型かた 厭えん忌き月づき・銷つがり)
‌Fifth Form: Moon Spirit Calamitous Eddy (伍ごノ型かた 月げっ魄ぱく災さい渦か)
‌Sixth Form: Perpetual Night, Lonely Moon - Incessant (陸ろくノ型かた 常とこ夜よ孤こ月げつ・無む間けん)
‌Seventh Form: Mirror of Misfortune, Moonlit (漆しちノ型かた 厄やっ鏡きょう・月づき映ばえ)
‌Eighth Form: Moon-Dragon Ringtail (捌はちノ型かた 月げつ龍りゆう輪りん尾び)
‌Ninth Form: Waning Moonswaths (玖くノ型かた 降くだり月づき・連れん面めん)
‌Tenth Form: Drilling Slashes, Moon Through Bamboo Leaves (拾じゅうノ型かた 穿せん面めん斬ざん・蘿ら月げつ)
‌Fourteenth Form: Catastrophe, Tenman Crescent Moon (拾じゅう肆しノ型かた 兇きょう変へん・天てん満まん繊せん月げつ)
‌Sixteenth Form: Moonbow, Half Moon (拾じゅう陸ろくノ型かた 月虹げっこう・片かた割われ月づき)
KNOWN USER: Michikatsu Tsugikuni/Kokushibo
SOUND BREATHING (5 forms, only 3 known)
Derivate from Thunder Breathing
‌First Form: Roar (壱いちノ型かた 轟とどろき)
‌Fourth Form: Constant Resounding Slashes (肆しノ型かた 響きょう斬ざん無む間けん)
‌Fifth Form: String Performance (伍ごノ型かた 鳴めい弦げん奏そう々そう)
KNOWN USER: Tengen Uzui (Hashira)
FLOWER BREATHING (7 forms, only 5 known)
Derivate from Water Breathing
‌Second Form: Honorable Shadow Plum (弐にノ型かた 御み影かげ梅うめ)
‌Fourth Form: Crimson Hanagoromo (肆しノ型かた 紅べに花はな衣ごろも)
‌Fifth Form: Peonies of Futility (伍ごノ型かた 徒あだの芍しゃく薬やく)
‌Sixth Form: Whirling Peach (陸ろくノ型かた 渦うず桃もも)
‌Final Form: Equinoctial Vermilion Eye (終ついノ型かた 彼ひ岸がん朱しゅ眼がん)
KNOWN USERS: Kanae Kocho (death Hashira), Kanao Tsuyuri
LOVE BREATHING (6 forms, only 5 known)
Derivate from Flame Breathing
‌First Form: Shivers of First Love (壱いちノ型かた 初はつ恋こいのわななき)
‌Second Form: Love Pangs (弐にノ型かた 懊おう悩のう巡めぐる恋こい)
‌Third Form: Catlove Shower (参さんノ型かた 恋こい猫ねこしぐれ)
‌Fifth Form: Swaying Love, Wildclaw (伍ごノ型かた 揺ゆらめく恋れん情じょう・乱みだれ爪づめ)
‌Sixth Form: Cat-Legged Winds of Love (陸ろくノ型かた 猫ねこ足あし恋こい風かぜ)
KNOWN USER: Mitsuri Kanroji (Hashira)
Derivate from Flower Breathing
‌Butterfly Dance: Caprice (蝶ちょうノ舞まい 戯たわむれ)
‌Dance of the Bee Sting: True Flutter (蜂ほう牙がノ舞まい 真ま靡なびき)
‌Dance of the Dragonfly: Compound Eye Hexagon (蜻せい蛉れいノ舞まい 複ふく眼がん六ろっ角かく)
‌Dance of the Centipede: Hundred-Legged Zigzag (蜈ご蚣こうノ舞まい 百ひゃく足そく蛇じゃ腹ばら)
KNOWN USER: Shinobu Koucho (Hashira)
Derivate from Wind Breathing
‌First Form: Low Clouds, Distant Haze (壱いちノ型かた 垂すい天てん遠とお霞がすみ)
‌Second Form: Eight-Layered Mist (弐にノ型かた 八や重え霞かすみ)
‌Third Form: Scattering Mist Splash (参さんノ型かた 霞か散さんの飛し沫ぶき)
‌Fourth Form: Shifting Flow Slash (肆しノ型かた 移い流りゅう斬ぎり)
‌Fifth Form: Sea of Clouds and Haze (伍ごノ型かた 霞か雲うんの海うみ)
‌Sixth Form: Lunar Dispersing Mist (陸ろくノ型かた 月つきの霞か 消しょう)
‌Seventh Form: Obscuring Clouds (漆しちノ型かた 朧おぼろ) created by Muichiro Tokito
KNOWN USER: Muichiro Tokito (Hashira)
Derivate from Water Breathing
‌First Form: Winding Serpent Slash (壱いちノ型かた 委い蛇だ斬ぎり)
‌Second Form: Venom Fangs of the Narrow Head (弐にノ型かた 狭きょう頭ずの毒どく牙が)
‌Third Form: Coil Choke (参さんノ型かた 塒とぐろ締じめ)
‌Fourth Form: Twin-Headed Reptile (肆しノ型かた 頸けい蛇じゃ双そう生せい)
‌Fifth Form: Slithering Serpent (伍ごノ型かた 蜿えん蜿えん長ちょう蛇だ)
KNOW USER: Obanai Iguro (Hashira)
BEAST BREATHING (11 forms/fangs)
Derivated from Wind Breathing
‌First Fang: Pierce (壱いちノ牙きば 穿うがち抜ぬき)
‌Second Fang: Slice (弐にノ牙きば 切きり裂さき)
‌Third Fang: Devour (参さんノ牙きば 喰くい裂ざき)
‌Fourth Fang: Slice 'n' Dice (肆しノ牙きば 切きり細こま裂ざき)
‌Fifth Fang: Crazy Cutting (伍ごノ牙きば 狂くるい裂ざき)
‌Sixth Fang: Palisade Bite (陸ろくノ牙きば 乱らん杭ぐい咬がみ)
‌Seventh Form: Spatial Awareness (漆しちノ型かた 空くう間かん識しき覚かく)
‌Eighth Form: Explosive Rush (捌はちノ型かた 爆ばく裂れつ猛もう進しん)
‌Ninth Fang: Extending Bendy Slash (玖くノ牙きば 伸しん・うねり裂ざき)
‌Tenth Fang: Whirling Fangs (拾じゅうノ牙きば 円えん転てん旋せん牙が)
‌Sudden Throwing Strike (思おもいつきの投なげ裂さき)
KNOWN USER: Inosuke Hashibira
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altamugs · 11 months
Song: 旅立ちの詩 / Poem of Departure Music / Lyrics: whoo
朝露は箱庭へ落ちてゆく 祭火が昇りゆくその先は
Asatsuki wa hakoniwa e ochiteyuku Matsuri hi ga noboriyuku sono saki wa
Morning dews fall into the miniature garden Beyond where the festival fire rises
生まれては消えてゆく 淡い光が包み込んだら
Umarete wa kieteyuku Awai hikari ga tsutsumikondara
Once wrapped around by the fleeting light that repeats the cycle of being born and vanishing
Ima bokura wa tabidatsu no sa, futari de
Two of us, we will set out on a journey
追いかける君の手のひらに 今、言葉を、眠りを
Oikakeru kimi no te no hira ni Ima, kotoba wo, nemuri wo
Right now, with the palm of your hands, chasing after words and sleeps.
生まれては消えてゆく (朝露は箱庭へ) 淡い光が包み込んだら
Umarete wa kieteyuku Awai hikari ga tsutsumikondara
Once wrapped around by the fleeting light that repeats the cycle of being born and vanishing
Ima bokura no tabidachi no hi, futari no
Right now, it's the day we set off on a trip, the two of us.
Harukana kono sora wo fumitsukete aruku
Treading on this far-away sky
今僕らの旅立ちの日、二人の (今僕らの旅立ちの日、二人の)
Ima bokura no tabidachi no hi, futari no
It's our day of departure
君の声を 君の音を 君の鼓動 不規則に鳴り響いて
Kimi no koe wo, kimi no oto wo Kimi no kodou, fukisoku ni nari hibiite
Your voice, your sounds, your heartbeat, resonating sporadically
僕の耳を 塞いでいた 目を瞑れば ここに君がいるみたい
Boku no mimi wo fusaideita Me wo tsubureba, koko ni kimi ga iru mitai
I plugged my ears If I close my eyes, it's like you're right here with me
あの幻 夏の幻影 夏の雲に溶けて消えた
Ano maboroshi, natsu no genei Natsu no kumo ni tokete kieta
An illusion, a summer dream melt into a summer cloud and disappear
君の陽炎 足跡は崩れて 閉じた穴が埋まりゆく 君の眠りをさまさぬよう静かに音もなく
Kimi no kagerou, ashioto wa kuzurete Tojita ana ga umari yuku Kimi no nemuri wo samasanu you shizuka ni oto mo naku.
Your heat haze, footprints crumble The closed hole is gradually filled, so as to not wake you up, silently, without a sound.
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lianachik · 22 days
Kagerô-za 陽炎座 aka Heat Haze Theater (1981) Director: Seijun Suzuki.
Театр жаркой поры / Kageroza / Heat-Haze Theatre (Seijun Suzuki, 1981)
В ролях: Yusaku Matsuda, Michiyo Ookusu, Mariko Kaga, Katsuo Nakamura, Yoshio Harada
Серия необычных случайных встреч и письмо от дамы заставляют молодого человека отправиться в поездку в Каназаву, в которой его спутником оказывается состоятельный господин, чья цель поездки оказывается присутствовать при самоубийстве двух влюбленных.
Фильм снят по роману Киока Изуми (Kyoka Izumi)
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kaitoauslogicsmaker-2 · 4 months
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漆 セミ半額買い物 黒衣の剣士 天野喜孝
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mediaomnivore · 6 months
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On Friday night, my partner and I went to see Kagero-za (陽炎座), a 1981 film whose Japanese title translates as "heat haze theatre."
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usabun-tl · 7 months
Desire・ディザイア — PELICAN FANCLUB
English+Romaji Translation
黙る生命 日々にサイレン
damaru seimei hibi ni sairen
A life remaining silent, alarms sounding every day
叫ぶ想いは 常にサイレントで流れて
sakebu omoi wa tsune ni sairento de nagarete
Overwhelmingly loud thoughts, spreading silently
ai mo kawarazu kyou mo
Just as always,
tadori tsukenai hijoukaidan
I've found my way to the fire escape again today
akogare akirame ga
"Yearning" and "Resignation"
hachinoji kaite ruupu shite
Are drawn in a figure eight looping over and over again
deguchi he michiku hi wa kokoro ga kogareru hou he
My heart yearns for this light illuminating the way towards the exit
抱いていたディザイア 消したい災いが
idaiteita dizaia keshitai wazawai ga
This desire I've embraced, the tragedies I wish to extinguish
hi no nai tokoro ni joushiki nado nai
There's no common sense or anything like that in looking for blame in it
idaiteita genzai ga koukai wo niranda
This present moment I've embraced, the regrets I scrutinized
douse hai ni naru kara boku wo mitekure
Will turn to ash all the same, so please look at me
君の火は消え 正念は燃え
kimi no hi wa kie shounen wa moe
Your fire put out, Right Mindfulness* burns
届かない声 募るもどかしさで壊れて
todokanai koe tsunoru modokashisa de kowarete
A voice that won't reach, broken by growing frustrations
ai mo kawarazu kyou mo
Just as always,
iku ate no nai kidoairaku
These feelings of joy, anger, grief and pleasure will have nowhere to go again today
ishiki wa tadareteiru
Consciousness inflamed
kagerou no you ni seijaku de
By silence like a heat haze
soredemo mada yume mireru
Despite it all, I can still dream
揺れる 触れる希望
yureru fureru kibou
Wavering, passing hope
待っていた時代が 消したい災いを
matteita jidai ga keshitai wazawai wo
In this era I've longed for, I'll drag back those tragedies
hikizuri modoshi karada ni sakarau
and push forward against them
idaiteita genzai ga koukai wo niranda
This present moment I've embraced, the regrets I scrutinized
どうせ灰になるから僕を見てくれ くれ くれ
douse hai ni naru kara boku wo mitekure kure kure
Will turn to ash all the same, so please, please, please look at me
ああ くれ くれ ああ ああ
aa kure kure aa aa
Ah, please, please, ah, ah
chi no aji ga shite yokatta
I'm glad I experienced the taste of blood
shita ga moeru you na
As if my tongue was on fire
甘い期待 ただ待っていた
amai kitai tada matteita
Simply waiting in sweet anticipation
淡い願い 漂っていた
awai negai tadayotteita
Fleeting wishes drifting away
弱い心 見つめていた
yowai kokoro mitsumeteita
Gazing towards this fragile heart
tadamaru koto wa dekinakatta
I couldn't stay silent
抱いていたディザイア 消したい災いが
idaiteita dizaia keshitai wazawai ga
This desire I've embraced, and tragedies I wish to extinguish
hi no nai tokoro ni kemuri ga agatte
Without any fire, will rise up as smoke
生きているこの際だ どうなったっていいや
ikiteiru kono sai da dounattatte iiya
Living through it all, I don't care what happens
douse hai ni naru nara seimei ni moyasarete
If it will turn to ash all the same, then set fire to this life
*In regards to "right mindfulness", this is actually an aspect of the Noble Eightfold Path of Buddhism. However, the word sounds the same as "shounen", meaning "boy". So just by hearing the line, you'd most likely understand it as "Your fire put out, a boy burns" or something like that. You'd have to actually read the lyrics to know the line means something different. Obviously the intention is a double meaning.
There are a lot of words in this song that have a nod to fire while the meaning of the lines they're in as a whole are unrelated to fire. Or they have like a double meaning. I tried to retain that effect in the translation.
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knockout1207 · 10 months
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あと、Pessimistのジャケットイラストは「ぼくたちのおはなし」のMVからの立ち上がる直前のシーンだと思うので、もし蝿がいたとしても向かって左下にある女神の睫毛(Venus Flytrap/ハエトリソウ)に喰われて駆除されているような気がします。
陽炎は蜃気楼の意味でも使いますが、英語だと「heat haze」熱い靄(もや)になります。
また、ウスバカゲロウの幼虫は蟻地獄(※英語ではant lion/アリのライオン)なので「ぼくたちのおはなし」の歌詞に最後で「♪この地獄は ぼくらの願い」と歌っているので繁殖の為だけに成虫になって2~3週間で命が尽きてしまうウスバカゲロウより、ずっと子供のまま捕食者でいたいという願望もあるのかもしれません。
アナグラムですが「sex is mist.」と読めなくもないですね。
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visalong · 2 years
Ace one piece
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In the VIZ Manga, Funimation subs and dub, this is called Flame Fence. This was first seen being used against the Marines in Arabasta under the command of Smoker, and was named in a flashback against Whitebeard. Enjomo ( 炎上網 ( えんじょうもう ), Enjōmō ?, literally meaning "Blaze Net"): Ace creates a circle of fire around a selected area, preventing anyone from entering or leaving it.This is called Sun Flare in the VIZ Manga and Heat Haze in the Funimation dub. This was first seen being used to stop Smoker from catching Luffy, neutralizing the former's smoke assault. Kagero ( 陽炎 ( かげろう ), Kagerō ?, literally meaning "Heat Haze"): Ace shoots a stream of fire from the palm of his hand.Despite being weakened by the Yami Yami no Mi severely during his fight against Blackbeard, Ace was still able to skillfully use the fruit's power to inflict some damage to his former subordinate. ĭuring Ace's cover story, the powers of the fruit allowed Ace to rescue a Marine officer and some documents on board a burning ship. According to Gatz, Ace had sunk countless battleships and burned down mighty cities with the fruit's power. Ace names his attacks in Japanese and they are often made of two-word phrases and are based on different mythologies. Ace shares Luffy's penchant for naming his techniques, with the only difference being that Luffy adds the phrase "Gomu Gomu No", followed by the specific name of the attack (usually inspired by a certain object or concept). Ace notably used his powers usually either to fight or to propel his raft. Since he left home three years before Luffy, who did not know that Ace had powers before their reunion in Arabasta, Ace had his powers for no more than three years. The fruit's bestowed powers, as used by Ace, have been used in a variety of ways. Other than that, the user is also affected by the standard Devil Fruit weaknesses. If the magma strikes through the body of the user, it cannot be phased through like most other attacks, and the damage inflicted will remain, as with any normal person's body. The magma can neutralize even the intangibility and heat-immunity of the Mera Mera no Mi, thus leading the user to be burned and completely vulnerable. Magma is considerably hotter than fire, allowing it to overwhelm the Mera Mera no Mi's powers. The Mera Mera no Mi is inferior to the Magu Magu no Mi in terms of elemental hierarchy. When this power clashes against certain other Logia on equal grounds, this seems to come to a stalemate: neither smoke nor ice was able to overcome nor succumb to the flames, instead cancelling each other out when the two elements collided.Īkainu's magma bypassing Ace's fire defenses. Igniting oneself similarly has the added effect of burning an opponent if they had tried to physically harm the user. By turning into fire, the user is capable of letting enemy attacks harmlessly pass through their fiery body or move around quickly in a stream of flames. The flames can also be used to increase the force of physical attacks. With this in mind, the user can create devastating fire-based attacks and gain a high resistance towards most heat-based attacks. In this case, the user is able to create, control, and become fire. The fruit's major strength, like other Logia types, is that it allows the user to produce as well as become the element they control. The Mera Mera no Mi is a round orange fruit, composed of many flame-shaped components with swirl patterns on each one, and has a swirled stem on the top. It is called the Flare-Flare Fruit in the 4Kids dub and Funimation subs.It is called the Flame-Flame Fruit in the Viz Manga and Funimation dub.Meramera ( メラメラ/めらめら, Meramera ?) is the Japanese onomatopoeia for something flaring up/bursting into flames.Protecting someone he loved was well worth his death, as Ace was grateful to have found such a loving family, after all that time he spent as a kid wondering whether if he even belonged in this world. Though his moment of freedom was only short lived, as he protected Luffy from Akainu's attack in exchange for his life.
Everyone fought, and fought, till suddenly Luffy was able to free Ace from the shackles that bounded him.
His final moments in the series were sad ones, as he was sentenced to execution, which resulted in the biggest war in the manga to date. Other than that, he did inherit Conquerors haki, which was shown when he was young.
It has never been revealed if Ace knew how to use Armament or Observation haki, but I assume that he does know them since enemies are much tougher in the New World. Then Ace throws that fireball at the enemy to cause a heavy amount of damage. This technique was shown to be Ace's strongest one, in which he creates a huge fireball resembling the sun. Which translates to "Great Flame Commandment: Flame Emperor".
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shiningwizard · 6 years
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Kagero-za (Suzuki Seijun, 1981) a man's curiosity (and hormones) drives him into ghost world. and this is a ghost world of a movie. deeply mysterious and disorienting. sensual. irresistable.
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pikahlua · 2 years
MHA Chapter 351 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 陽炎を生じ かげろうをしょうじ kagerou wo shouji “It caused a heat haze”
2 見据えた景色を歪ませた みすえたけしきをゆがませた misueta keshiki wo yugamaseta “and distorted the scenery you focus on.”
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1 オッケーオッケー話してたら オッケーオッケーはなしてたら OKKEE OKKEE hanashitetara “Okay okay, so my talking"
2 テンション戻ってきたわ!聞いてくれてありがとな! テンションもどってきたわ!きいてくれてありがとな! TENSHON modotte kita wa! kiite kurete arigato na! “brought back the tension! Thanks for listening to me!”
3 温度上昇が早い迷いが一切無い! おんどじょうしょうがはやいまよいがいっさいない! ondo joushou ga hayai mayoi ga issai nai! “He raises the temperature quickly, and he has no hesitation at all!”
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1 赫灼熱拳‼︎ かくしゃくねっけん‼︎ kakushaku nekken!! Flashfire Fist!!
2 オールマイトが[ま]さか焦凍⁉︎ オールマイトが[ま]さかしょうと⁉︎ OORU MAITO ga [ma]saka Shouto!? “How could this happen to All Might, Shouto!?” (Note: This translation is a guess based on what I think was cut off in the scan.)
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1 ヘルスパイダー HERU SUPAIDAA Hell Spider
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1 てめェは何者にもなれねぇよ!!! てめェはなにものにもなれねぇよ!!! temeE wa nanimono ni mo narenee yo!!! “You can’t become anyone either!!!”
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1 ……��うだ…言う通りだよ… ……そうだ…いうとおりだよ… ......sou da...iu toori da yo... “......That’s right...it’s as you say...”
2 遠回り とおまわり toomawari “in a roundabout way.”
3 熱が ねつが netsu ga “The heat,”
4 中和されてる…⁉︎ ちゅうわされてる…⁉︎ chuuwa sareteru...!? “he’s neutralizing it...!?”
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1 確り俺のことも見てくれてて しっかりおれのこともみてくれてて shikkari ore no koto mo mite kuretete “Now that I’m sure you’re also watching me,”
2 よかった yokatta “I’m glad.”
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1 赫灼熱拳 かくしゃくねっけん kakushaku nekken Flashfire Fist
2 最高[...]が…‼︎ さいこう[...]が…‼︎ saikou [...] ga...!!! “The most[...]!!!”
3 これ以上関係ねぇ人たちの命を奪うな! これいじょうかんけいねぇひとたちのいのちをうばうな! kore ijou kankei nee hito-tachi no inochi wo ubauna! “Don’t steal any more lives of people who have nothing to do with this!”
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1 [...]たちに[...] [...]tachi ni[...] “[...]they[...]”
2 "燐" "りん" “rin” “Phosphorus” (Note: This word is difficult to translate. Literally, it means phosphorus, but in this instance it potentially serves as a cultural reference to kitsunebi (“foxfire”) or other “will-o’-the-wisp” phenomena.)
Tagline 止めろ全身全霊で…‼︎ とめろぜんしんぜんれいで…‼︎ tomero zenshinzenrei de...!! Stop him with all your body and spirit...!!
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lierrelearns · 2 years
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Note: Asterisks represent characters that I couldn't read or figure out. If someone is able to figure them out, please let me know so that I can amend my post. :3
伏見神宝神社 当社は、稲荷山を背にする古名丸山(まるやま)(笹山)に鎮まる社である。天照大神、稲荷大神、十種神宝を祀り、社名神宝は、神授十種神寶に由来する。祝詞に「布留部由良由良、玉響(ふるべゆらゆらたまゆら)かして死れる(まかれる)人も反りて生きなん」とあり、神山に抱かれ、五体に宿る魂魄(たましい)を振り起こす処に神徳を見いだす鎮魂の神社である。 神域には縄文弥生を彷彿とさせる磐境、神明造の社、竹の神明鳥居、叶え雛と称する願掛*かくや姫絵馬が献ざられ、丸山笹論(まるやまさろん)の天井に深草産竹墨による天地自然を表す象形文字画月の座と題する螺鈿漆屏風、中世まで存在した社を描く屏風、拝殿に深草憧憬(ふくくさしょうけい)絵、記紀に神語る(かまかたる)墨書天井、神殿に源平盛衰記(十四世紀)に語る草童(くさのわらべ)人形、竹取の迦具夜姫(かぐやひめ)大土鈴、陽炎(かぎろひ)を表す鏡があり、事者(こともの)共に自然(おのずから)なら営みを表し、風水の循環を見立てる狛蘢(こまきゅう)、磐境、磊が存る、この社も応仁の乱後笹群磊磊(ささむらいらい)と化したが、昭和三十二年(一九五七)、社殿が蘇った。竹の下道に沿う最中伊笹群竹浅黄(たけあさみどり)清々しい静宮(しずみや)である。 京都市
伏见神宝神社 本神社位于背靠稻荷山的古名丸山(笹山)。祭祀天照大神、稻荷大神、十种神宝。神社名词中的神宝、来源于神授十种神宝。 祈祷词中这样写道: ”布留部由良由良、摇响宝玉、赤可使人从生死边界苏醒过来”。这是一个被神山环*的鎮魂神社、其神德在于能唤醒宿于五体的魂魄。 应仁之乱后、该神社化为竹林中的廀墟、1957年、神殿重建。沿竹着林中的小路、伊笹丛竹青*欲滴、令人神清气*、伏见神宝神社静静地坐落其中。 京都市
후시미 칸다카라 신사 당 신사는 뒤로 이나리야마 산올 가진 옛 이름 마루야마(사사야마)에 진좌하는 신사다. 아마테라스 어미카미, 이나리노 어카미, 도투사 칸다카라를 모시며 ‘칸다카라’라는 신사명은 신수 ‘도쿠사 칸다카라’에서 유래한다. 기도 문구에 ‘후루베 유라유라 구슬이 울려 생사의 기로에서 헤매이고 있는 사람도 되살아난다’ 로 되어 있고 신령한 산에 감싸여 오체에 깃드는 혼령을 불러 일으키는 데 효헙이 있는 진혼의 신사다. 오닌의 난 이후에 페허가 대나무 숲이 무성하였으나 1957넌에는 신전이 복구되었다. 대나무길을 따라 서 있는 이사사 대나무숲의 푸르름이 상쾌합을 주는 신사다. 쿄토시
Fushimi Kandakara-jinja Shrine This shrine is set on the mountain Sasa-yama (Maru-yama by the old name), with the mountain Inari-yama rising in the background. It is dedicated to the deities Amaterasu O-Mikami and Inari-no-Okami, and to Ten Treasures (Tokusa Kandakara) given by the deities when they descended from the heavens. The shrine name was derived from the treasures (Kandakara). A Shinto ritual prayer given at the shrine asks the deities to care for the souls of the deceased and to restore life to those people who are wavering between life and death. Fushimi Kandakara-jinja fell into ruin after the Onin War in the 15th century, but was restored in 1957. It is a quiet shrine, nestled within the light green of the surrounding bamboo forest. Kyoto City
京都市では、健全な森づくりを進めるため、市内で育った木「みやこ杣木」の活用を推進しています。 「京の森づくり」はこちら 使う 植える 育てる 伐る 健全な*]づくり**中 市内産木村 *証マーク みやこ杣木 京 この名所説明立札(*札)は、豊かな*育てる府民税を活用して設置しました。
Japanese 当社(とうしゃ) this shrine 稲荷山(いなりやま) Inariyama 背にする(せにする) to turn one’s back to 古名(こめい) old name, former name 笹山(ささやま) Sasayama 鎮まる(しずまる) to become quiet 天照大神(あまてらすおおみかみ) Amaterasu Omikami 稲荷大神(いなりのおおかみ) Inari Okami 十種神宝(とくさかんだから) ten sacred treasures 神宝(しんぽう・かんだから) sacred treasure 神授(しんじゅ) divine gift 十種神寶(とくさかんだから) ten sacred treasures 由来(ゆらい) origin, source 祝詞(のりと) riutal prayer (Shinto) 五体(ごたい) the whole body 宿る(やどる) to dwell, remain 魂魄(こんぱく) soul (hun and po) 振り起こす(ふりおこす) to stir up, stimulate 処(ところ) place 神徳(しんとく) divine virtues 見いだす(みいだす) to find out, discover 鎮魂(ちんこん) repose of a soul 神域(しんいき) Shinto shrine precincts 縄文(じょうもん) Jomon 弥生(やよい) Yayoi 彷彿(ほうふつ) (bearing a) close resemblance, vivid reminder (e.g. of the past) 磐境(いわさか) shrine (archaism) 神明造(しんめいづくり) style of shrine architecture based on that of Ise Jingu 神明(しんめい) deity; Amaterasu (as an enshrined deity) 鳥居(とりい) torii, Shinto shrine archway 雛(ひな) young chick; fledgling; hina doll 願掛(がんかけ) making a prayer (to a god or Buddha) 絵馬(えま) votive tablet; wooden tablet usually filled out with one’s name and hung up at a shrine or temple (originally a picture of a horse as a stand-in for a live horse) 献ず(けんず) to present, offer, dedicate 墨(すみ) ink-stick 象形文字(しょうけいもじ) hieroglyphics 題する(だいする) to be titled (e.g. a book), named 螺鈿(らでん) mother of pearl 漆(うるし) East-Asian lacquer 屏風(びょうぶ) folding screen 拝殿(はいでん) front shrine; hall of worship 記紀(きき) the Kojiki and Nihon-shoki 墨書(ぼくしょ) writing in India ink 源平盛衰記(げんぺいせいすいき) Genpei Josuiki/Seisuiki, a 48-book extension of the Heike Monogatari 土鈴(どれい) earthenware (ceramic) bill 陽炎(かぎろひ) heat shimmer, heat haze; the glow of dawn [archaic] 風水(ふうすい) feng shui 循環(じゅんかん) circulation, rotation, cycle 見立てる(みたてる) to (see and) choose; to liken (to), to treat as 磐境(いわさか) shrine [archaic] 磊(らい) many rocks 応仁の乱(おうにんのらん) Onin War [civil war from 1467 to 1477; initiated the Sengoku period] 社殿(しゃでん) (main building of a) Shinto shrine 蘇る(よみがえる) to be rehabilitated, restored 下道(したみち) road shadowed by trees, mountain, etc. 浅黄 [浅葱] (あさぎ) pale blue-green [in this context] 清々しい(すがすがしい) refreshing (feeling, scene, wind etc.) 健全(けんぜん) healthy, sound, wholesome みやこ杣木(みやこそまぎ) lumber wood cut from trees raised in the capital (Kyoto) 伐る(きる) to cut down (trees) 立札(たてふだ) bulletin board, notice board
Chinese 本 (běn) this 神社 (shénshè) shrine 位于 (wèiyú) to be located at/situated at 丸山 (Wánshān) Maruyama 来源于 (láiyuányú) to originate in 祈祷 (qídǎo) to pray/prayer 这样 (zhèyàng) this kind of, so, like this, this way 宝玉 (bǎoyù) precious treasures, jade 人从 (réncóng) retinue, hangers-on 生死 (shēngsǐ) life or death 边界 (biānjiè) boundary, border 苏醒 (sūxǐng) to come to, awaken, come to consciousness 过来 (guòlái) to come over; to manage, handle, to be able to take care of 在于 (zàiyú) to be in, lie in, consist in, depend on 唤醒 (huànxǐng) to wake someone, to rouse 魂魄 (húnpò) soul 应仁之乱 (Yīngrénzhīluàn) Onin War 后 (hòu) after 竹林 (zhúlín) bamboo forest 神殿 (shéndiàn) shrine 重建 (chóngjiàn) to rebuild, reconstruct 小路 (xiǎolù) trail 丛 (cóng) thicket 竹青 (zhúqīng) bamboo bark, bamboo green 坐落 (zuòluò) to be situated/located (of a building)
Korean 신사 (Shinto) shrine 당 this 가지다 to have 진좌하다 to be enshrined 유래하다 to originate 기도 prayer, wish 문구 words, phrase 구슬 bead 울리다 to ring, toll 생사 life and/or death 기로 crossroads, turning point 해매다 to wander, roam 되살아난다 to revive, be brought back 신령하다 to be divine 감싸다 to cover, wrap (up) 오체 the whole body, frame 혼령 soul 불러일으키다 to cause, rouse 효헙이 있다 to be effective, do good 진혼 repose of souls 오닌의 난 Onin War 대나무 bamboo 무성하다 to be lush, thick, overgrown 복구되다 to be restored, recovered 푸르름 greenness/blueness 상괜하다 fresh, refreshing
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touhoutunes · 3 years
Title: 陽炎 (Heat Haze)
Arrangement: 隣人
Vocals: nomico
Album: 白にも黒にもなれない君へ
Original: Eternal Festival of Illusions
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hitogatarock · 3 years
LYRICS TRANSLATION of one of the insert songs on their second album, Kiryca.
Romaji : Adokenai sekai ni yamanai uta wo
Translated name : A song that never stops in an innocent world ( fan-translated ), My Beautiful World ( official )
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All translations are belongs to me, make sure to credit properly if you plans on sharing this! Enjoy reading!
Listen along • google doc • twitter post
kurumatta "heya" no naka
Inside a room that wraps onto me,
boku no mirai wa umareta
my future is made here
uzukumatta heya wo dete
As I cower to left my room,
kibou wo nokku shita
I knocked on the door of hope.
kagerou tachi no yureru koe
The wavering voices of the heat haze,
kaze ga naderu windochaimu
wind that strokes the windchime,
udaru natsu no hoshi no koe
and the voice of a sweltering summer star,
sekai wa "rokku" shita
yet the world remain locked
kujira mitai na shiroi kumo
White clouds that resemble a whale,
aoi umi wo oyoideru
swims through the blue sea
mujaki na sora wa jiyuu da to
The innocent sky above is freedom,
tsuchi to hana wa nageita
as the soil and the flowers lamented
adokenai hyoujou de hashagu kimi no soba de
As you frolic around with your innocent face by my side,
sukoshi waratta
I laughed a little.
adokenai sekai ga owaranai you ni
So that the innocent world would never end,
kokoro goto tsunaide utatta
I'll sing with all of my heart
凍えそうな辛い冬もやがて春に つながるようにと
kogoesou na tsurai fuyu mo yagate haru ni tsunagaru you ni to
We hope that the freezing winter will eventually lead to spring.
あどけない誰かが「終」という文字の冬隣り 糸を隠したのかな
adokenai dareka ga "owari" to iu moji no fuyu tonari ito wo kakushita no ka na
Did someone innocently hide a thread next to the word "end" in the winter?
harumatta kaze no naka
In the breeze that danced in spring,
hidamari no hana ga shinda
the sun-drenched flowers are dead
karakatta mushi tachi mo
I wonder if the insects I made fun of
tsuchi ni nemutta ka na
have gone to sleep on the ground?
suki datta ano hito ga
I'm sure that the one I loved
owakare mo naku shinda no wa kitto
has died without saying a goodbye.
yogoreteku daichi yori mo sora ga
It's because the sky was lovelier than the earth,
itooshiku kanjita kara sa
which was getting dirtier
tsunaida ito wo kiranaide yo
Don't cut the thread that binds us together,
kimi wo kanjite itainda
for I want to feel you.
shidokenai hyoujou de shizumu kimi no soba de
As you sink with a slovenly look, by my side
te wo nigitta
I then held your hand
shidokenai sekai yo owaranai de to
Please don't end this slovenly world,
namida wo koraete utatta
as I sang with teary eyes
ボクらをつないだ見えないこの糸が 切れてしまっても
bokura wo tsunaida mienai kono ito ga kirete shimatte mo
Even if this invisible thread that connects us is broken,
hanbun ko no ito de "kizuna" janai ka!
It's a "bond" by half of this thread!
musubi naoseba sou hito wa yarinaoseru yo
If we tie the knot again, we can start over.
itsu kara dakke bokutachi no sei de
Since when is this becoming our fault?
kusatte nigotte yodonda sekai wo
This rotten, murky, and stagnant world
akirameru mae ni susumidasu mae ni mae ni taguriyoseru ito wo temae ni
Before you give up, before you start to move forward, there's a thread in front of you that pulls you forward.
kikoeru desho umarekawaru sekai wo kanaderu uta
Can you hear it, the song of a world that was reborn?
"kyaroru" no koe ga
The voice of the "Carols"
ラララ ラン ララ ランラン
rarara ran rara ranran
La-la-la lan la-la lan-lan
ララララ ラン ラン ラン ララン ラン
rararara ran ran ran raran ran
Lalalala lan lan lan la-lan lan
ラララ ラン ララ ランラン
rarara ran rara ranran
La-la-la lan la-la lan-lan
ランラ ランランラン ラララ ラン
ranra ran ranran rarara ran
Lan-la lan lan-lan la-la-la lan
adokenai kao de ikiru kimi no soba de
As long as I live with an innocent face by your side,
utau yo zutto
I'll keep on singing
adokenai sekai ga owaranai you ni
So that the innocent world would never end,
boku tachi no koe wo kasanete
our voices must overlap together
ララララ ララ ラーラ 
rara rara rara raara
La-la la-la la-la laa-la
ラララ ラーララー ラララ
rarara raararaa rarara
La-la-la Laa-la-laa la-la-la
ラララーラ ラーララ
rara raara raa rara
La-la-la-laa laa-la-la
ララララ ララーラ ラーラ ララーラ ララ
rararara raraara raara raraara rara
La-la-la-la la-laa-la laa-la la-laa-la la-la
adokenai sekai ni yamanai uta wo
This song that never stops in this innocent world,
君に 君に 君に 君に
kimi ni kimi ni kimi ni kimi ni
it's for you! It's for you! For you, and for you!
kikoeru yo, kane no ne ga
I can hear it, sound of the ringing bells
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