#👁👄👁 who wrote that?
lexa-griffins · 2 months
I need alpha Clarke and omega Lexa being more toxic with each other. Maybe some jealousy so the sex will be nastier and filthier
Since they have the same friend group I can see a big event coming about: a big birthday, an engagement party, something casual but that brings newer people into the social gathering.
Clarke is just a naturally charming alpha, omegas, betas and even other alphas easily feel the pull towards her. In their friend group there's this unspoken rule that you dont flirt with Clarke or you'll have to face Lexa but these people don't know that so they are attracted to Clarke like a magnet.
Lexa is absolutely seething seeing these omegas throw themselves at Clarke. Clarke - and her knot - is *hers*, no matter how much Clarke acts like she wants nothing to do with her in that sense.
And Clarke... oh Clarke enjoys seeing Lexa that way. Rilled up and nearly growling as yet another beta approaches Clarke with a drink and a flirty smile. The same way she knows it turns her on. It's like it makes Lexa want to show Clarke where her knot and her cock belong, even if Clarke refuses to knot her.
It doesn't take long, an omega's hand brushing against Clarke's crotch with a giggle is all it takes for Lexa to approach Clarke with an all business expression, telling her about 'a situation' they must attend to.
Clarke barely registers the way Lexa throws her in her car and drives towards her apartment, her senses completely overwhelmed with the scent of Lexa's slick mixed with jealousy.
Her car is still at their friends house, alongside her keys and phone which means Lexa has essentially kidnapped her for as long as she sees fit.
Not that any of thst crosses Clarke's mind as Lexa grinds against her crotch, teeth dragging along Clarke's neck, barely heard angry whispers about how Clarke's knot belong to her cunt and not in any of those other whores, how Clarke is fucking mistaken if she thinks she's going to let Clarke knot someone else, that she'd rather Clarke die with blue balls than have her knot another when she wont knot Lexa.
Trails of spit and cum from Clark's cock to Lexa's lips, hand massaging her knot to show her exactly who can take better care of her and her alphahood, between whispers of how Clarke will never find anyone better than her, how she can try and keep denying herself of it but Lexa is the best she can ever find and she knows Clarke knows this.
Lexa has the upper hand up until Clarke decides its time she shows Lexa how she is the one who has her in the palm of her hand and how Lexa is the one who will forever be chasing the knot she can have because she knows Clarke is the best *she* will ever find.
Pressing Lexa's face against the pillow, her hips up in the air, presenting herself to Clarke like a bitch in heat, presenting her dripping cunt like an gift to a goddess. And Clarke will fuck her until her brain fucking breaks, pressing her knot against her opening, making sure Lexa can feel the pressure and the fullness before pulling back, giving her a small taste of what it would feel like but never making it inside, leaving Lexa a mess of moans, cries and angry curses, tell Clarke to go to hell and how she's a useless alpha, quickly changing to begging and pleading for her knot, foul and dirty words about how her cunt wants her knot, how obsessed she is with her cock, with all of Clarke, to confessing desires and feelings Clarke will pretend not to have heard and Lexa will deny ever saying.
All for Clarke to pull out and bury herself inside Lexa's ass, the start of the swelling of her knot plugging the hole just enough that nothing spills out, turning Lexa into a shaking, crying, babbling mess underneath her.
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athinakori · 2 years
I was reading the house of hades today while waiting for my internet and the air conditioner to be installed at my new apartment and 👁👄👁.
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hxneybimbo · 2 years
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
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Eddie Munson x Reader 
Warnings: bit of smut, ANGST, insecurities, unrequited love. Mentions of previous relationships with Steve and Billy
Author’s note: LMAAAO I should be writing smut instead but a girl was sad and felt like writing some angst. This is just a drabble and frankly, I LITERALLY just wrote it. Idk what else to add and it seems unfinished but I’m satisfied :)) also lmao idk how to write angst so 👁👄👁 I apologize if it’s awful
Everything was falling apart, spiraling into utter chaos. And no matter how much you tried to piece everything together; to be disillusioned and happy—it was all going downhill. You’ve been walking down an empty, random road. You don’t know if you’re lost, frankly you don’t care. You’re feet are starting to hurt but all you can really care about is the fact that you feel used.
“Ed—Eddie, I love you,love you-“ You whined, cunt clinging onto his fat cock that thrusted in and out of you. Your lips slightly bruised from the kiss from earlier. All you can think about is how good you feel, how the kisses Eddie gives you are sweet and perfect.
“Fuck— I love you” Eddie moaned lowly against your ear, eyes clenched and sweat dripping down his neck. Your heart fluttered hearing those words and you smile. You never get tired of hearing them fall from his lips.
“M’gonna cum, shit! Love you,Chrissy-“
Immediately, you freeze underneath him and your eyes are wide while he pulls out and spurts his cum all over your stomach. All you can think about is the name he spoke, the name that didn’t belong to you. You push him off you and hurriedly shove on your clothes, ignoring his call of your name and rush out of his home.
You’re quite used to these feelings that never seem to go away. You’re used to being used, to men who never seem to love you the same way you love them. They take bits and pieces of you, borrowing those pieces and never returning them once they got what they needed.
You let them and you don’t know why; maybe you’re just stupid. You cling onto this pathetic hope, hoping that they’d stay—hoping that maybe if you don’t say anything and continuously love them, they’d love you.
It doesn’t matter how much affection you give them or how much you do for them—it never did. They never bat an eye at you and they don’t fucking care no matter how much you wished they did. You think back to your previous relationships and how they unsurprisingly failed. Steve Harrington was your very first boyfriend and you always knew he wasn’t completely over Nancy. But Steve fucking Harrington showed interest in you immediately after getting dumped by Nancy. You always had a crush on him so why wouldn’t you say yes to dating him? He dumped you after six months of dating. You didn’t realize you were a rebound until that night. You tried to make him happy, you really did because he was sweet and you genuinely loved him.
With Billy Hargrove, you at least didn’t have to suffer as much. He was honest, brutally to the core. You were just meant to be a quick fuck but it turned into more. Except you loved him and he didn’t. You knew that fully well and you didn’t expect anything from him. You deluded yourself for a bit until he grew tired of you, until he told you that he didn’t love you. It hurt being told: “I don’t fucking love you.” It fucking stung and it ruined your week.
And god, did you hate yourself for doing this to yourself. You can’t blame them since you did this all to yourself. You let them use you because you don’t know any better. You don’t know what it is to be loved and you assume that everything—the lingering touches, warm smiles, sweet words—is them showing you their form of love. You think you know, but you fucking don’t.
You thought you did with Eddie Munson, you really did. You thought that Eddie—sweet, gentle Eddie Munson who could never hurt you—loved you. But you realize that just because someone tells you that they love you doesn’t always mean that they truly mean it. They’re just saying three, stupid, insignificant words just for the fuck of it. I love you. I. Love. You. IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou. Whydontyouloveme?
You love Eddie but he doesn’t love you. You think he’s crueler than both Billy and Steve. They didn’t lie to you by uttering those three words. They didn’t make you feel like you were on Cloud 9 as if nothing mattered in the world because all those pretty, addicting feelings made you feel good. He made you feel good about yourself, about loving him and being loved.
You feel like a child sometimes with each boy, plucking onto petals of flowers and wondering if he loved you or not. And really, he didn’t love you.
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sweet-honey-tears · 6 months
Greek god Shinso x Female Reader
SUPRISE! I wrote this in one day 👁👄👁 please like it. I was gonna do yandere but that didn't happen… I hope you enjoy🤍🖤 I tried to proof read- this was about three pages 💥👄💥
Other Greek god stuff: these are old so they may be crap Kirhsima and Bakugou as gods Yandere Kiribaku gods saving the reader from sacrifice
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Shinso watched your feet move to the rhythm, your body turning like water around a rock. Moving smoothly as your skirt decorated with coins sang with your movements. Your face held a smile but a drop of confidence in every movement you took. You were smiling but focused. Shinso smirked as you brought out the red fans, twirling them in the wrist to symbolize the death of an enemy. Shinso peered over at Bakugou and Kirishima, the two gods seeming pleased. Bakugou gave a slight grin as he watched the pain trace your brows as you twisted your body to show the havoc the god of war could have on the person he deemed worthy of his wrath. Kirishima seemed happy at your recognition of the brotherhood he represented, grabbing onto your fellow dancer's hand to show union among soldiers. 
Shinso, unlike many other gods, he didn't have a dance. A temple,  yes, but no accurate recognition within the arts. Regardless, Shinso was the god of the mind. That small thing that controlled everyone, he was the person who decided who had control over their bodies in fits of anger or even intelligence, yet he paled in recognition when standing next to the other gods. The people would say a second or even third tier, though most had the intelligence to never say such aloud.
When the ceremony ended, Shinso watched you quickly bolt away, the sweat on your tired body cooling with the autumn air. 
"It's interesting." Kirishima's voice broke the silence among them. "Why do you think she left so quickly when she led the dance?" There was more curiosity in his voice than disdain or offense. 
"Who cares? One extra leaving among them is nothing to worry about."
"Maybe they're tired," he heard Mina pipe up, the god of dance and fun. Bakugou grunted, and the purple-haired god could only roll his eyes. You were a favorite among the three gods; your diligence with dance and worship to them was clear as day. Mina also seemed extra excited the moment you started to practice, your laugh echoing the square as you and your fellow dancers practiced. Then Kirishima would lean over Mina's shoulder, smiling toothily at your loyalty to the sport and your dancers. Then Bakugou, who would laugh proudly at your determination and rather fire spirit. Picking up a discarded shoe and chucking it at a passerby who dared gripe about your routine.
Shinso enjoyed you for another reason: your dance. You made one for him, only him. You had come up with it when you were young, and Shinso watched you with fondness and a smile when you were a toddler tripping over your feet. He is only a few years old, then you are the time, and found your determination to an unworshipped god as himself endearing; maybe that is why you were one of the smartest of the village. Now you were an adult, unmarried but married to dance. Perfecting the dance for the mind god. Now, you scurried to the safety of your home, stripping yourself of the fiery red jewels and placing them delicately on the table. Shinso, invisible to your eyes, stood near the door, watching as you began the dance. Moving yourself to walk a circle, your body still exhausted from the dance you had just finished. Your hands moved up, and you drew shapes as you spun and moved. The bells on your wrist jingling. 
You were smooth on your feet, and Shinso watched, struggling to not move, as you collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily. You had managed to finish the dance perfectly before your body gave. And Shinso, struggling to not catch you, watched. He couldn't make his presence known that clearly; it would go against nearly everything the gods stood for. So, instead of the next morning, as you left your tiny home for dance and worship, a slick cat sat a foot away from the door. Its bright purple eyes staring at you. Shinso watched with a smirk as you baby-talked the cat, scratching it behind the ears. When the feline meowed loudly, you froze before returning and giving a high pitch meow as well. Shinso watched, likely to your horror if you knew.
Ten days had passed, and as usual, you danced for Shinso- the god of intelligence every night. And every day, a cat would greet you at the door, dropping flowers, small objects, or itself at your feet. 
It was this one time, midnight, when you had a candle lit as you danced. That's when you were caught. To be honest, Shinso wasn't even sure what you did wrong. Human rules seemed so asinine and meaningless. But yet you stood barefoot on your wooden stage, the one you used to dance on daily. Around you, men with lances and spears stood, waiting with bated breath for permission to end your beautiful life. You were going to dance till you collapsed, where then you would be stabbed and bled to death for the villagers to see. 
Shinso was unaware of where his fellow gods were, likely busy with other villages and wars, unaware of their favorite being told to dance till exhaustion and death. 
The back of your mind screamed at you; had you taken the hand offered to you a year ago, you would have been free of this horrid nightmare. Just trapped without dance and movement, but not in this particular torment. Yet you knew that would have yielded a more slow and steady death than this, forced to stay home and never dance again. 
Your eyes peering at your sisters of dance, some holding coldness, others pain, a few seeming happy at your demise. Snakes, you had thought, happy to watch their lead go so they could take your place. 
"Dance for your god, Traitor." 
There it was, Shinso's mind clicked; the town didn't worship him. They must refuse to. That alone was a death sentence for some gods, though Shinso wouldn't usually care. However, this was different. The flutes started, adapting to your rhythm as you showed your improvised dance for the god. It seemed to Shinso that the band that also played for you seemed sorrowful. Their music, while lively, seemed dead and soulless. One young man banging the wooden drums, the thick skin of cattle attached over the top, seemed to be quietly weeping. 
You spun, the mocking purple dress they dressed you in floating with you, the broken coins on the dress colliding and jingling. Your face held a scared and happy look. Your smile tight, feet moving with a perfect rhythm. When it ended, the man from before shouted: "Again!" And so it began. The hair on the back of Shinso's neck rose, and his jaw tightened as you went again, your bare feet scrapping the rough wooden stage, causing what he imagined splinters and rips in your trained souls. 
“Again," your sloppy movement led one man to jab his spear at you, barely missing your side. Roars of laughter ran through the ground. The drummer wept louder as your sister in dance screamed in dread.
"Enough!" He boomed. The world went silent; he couldn't stand to watch your decimation of him be turned more into the way of torture. You collapsed, legs shaking from exhaustion from completing this draining dance 5 times. Shinso had reached his limit; the other gods could rip him apart later for disregarding the rules. The village cared little for signs of his presence; that was made clear when the black cat looming and hissing was pushed aside. The purple-eyed feline hissed louder, only to be kicked. He gave them a warning, but they chose to disregard it. Shinso walked to the stairs, flipping his wrist at the guards who dared block his path. Their bodies snapped to boards, stiffly standing upright with their lances lying on the ground. Shinso walked to your crumbled form; even in pain, you managed to go to your knees. Head down to show respect. He could hear small sniffles and saw why when peering over your hunched form. Your heels, souls, everything was splattered with drops of blood and sharp pieces of wood. Anger rose in his throat. "you punished the favorite of the gods." He spoke slowly and calmly. Anger faltered heavily in his voice. "Mina. Kirishima and Bakugou will hear of this betrayal." He spoke, watching the crowd grow tense with fear and worry. 
He could hear the quickening of your heartbeat and breathing. Slowly and surely, he picked your body up. Allowing you to struggle and break free if you wish, yet you didn't. Instead, you stayed in his hold, silently letting tears slip from your eyes as you gazed at the crowd that once upon a time adored you. "You will know their wrath, as well as mine, very soon." It was a promise, and the village soon broke out in chaos and fear as the deity, and you seemed to vanish. 
"They did WHAT?!" Bakugou screamed. Your bandaged form leaned further into Shinso's side, causing the god's heart to flutter slightly. Your feet were skillfully wrapped in bandages and dressed in fine silks. You watched the red-haired god grow increasingly irate, pacing around the room as he listened to Shinso. Mina sat on the counter with a sweet smile as she listened, though her grip on the marble counter led it to start cracking increasingly more. "They underestimate us. They must take our omens as nothing more than coincidences." Kirishima spoke. Mina hummed in agreement. Shisno didn't say anything; he knew they took their omens seriously, and by the way, Bakugou looked at Kirishima, he knew as well. Yet neither of them said anything. "Then we show them." She mused, a wicked grin stretching her lips. Shinso's hand rubbed your back, allowing you to hide further from him.
Shinso watched you dance on the marble stage, your body moving like water once again. You dance every gob's recorded dance. Your body finding unlimited energy in its new goddess form. 
You were a minor-minor goddess only worshipped by the remainder of your village. Specifically your sisters of dancers, the musicians, and a few townspeople who cried and wailed at your failed execution.  
The cats, purple eyes, and various fur coats meowed and chirped at your dancing. Amused and interacted with the movements and tingling of bells and charms.
You called, your smile bright and happy as you finished the dance of sleep. You reached your hand out, the golden bells jingling. "Come dance!" You called, grabbing his arm and pulling him on the stage. He allowed you to, smiling lazily you both freely danced. The goddess of dance moved with the mind god. Dancing still, their audience grew tired and fell into a purring slumber.
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nicorobinmywife · 1 year
Zoro with his partner who is always embarrassing him. [GN Reader]
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Summary: Zoro has a hard time with his clueless partner who always says something that embarrasses him.
Warning: mentions of sex.
I wrote one with law and now I made one with Zoro, I think later I'll write a version with Sanji or Ace.
Mihawk: our final battle has finally arrived, are you ready to surpass me and be the strongest in the world, Roronoa? - he raises his black blade ready to face Zoro.
Zoro: i'm read---
you: trust me, he is more ready than ever, during all these years Zoro has only been thinking about you! even when he's taking a nap I could hear him repeating your name over and over again! If he wasn't my boyfriend I'd say he's in love with you.
Zoro: can you shut up?!! you're embarrassing me in front of my opponent! damn you, Y/N! - he grinds his teeth with his face turning red, regretting bringing you to watch his duel against Mihawk.
Luffy: hey Y/N, why the other day I heard you calling Zoro "babygirl"? he didn't even seem to be bothered by it. - the captain asks curiously.
you: because he likes to be called that, especially when we're in bed, when I touch him calling him babygirl he feels very satisfied!
Zoro: can you stop saying those things in front of Luffy?! he's too innocent to hear things like that, don't believe them Luffy, y-you know how Y/N is always talking nonsense! - he covered your mouth to stop you exposing him in front of the captain.
Luffy: 👁👄👁
Sanji: Y/N-san? can you come help me in the kitchen, my dear? - the love-cook invites you as he spins next to you with his signature heart-eyes.
Zoro: you just want an excuse to be around my partner, pervy cook, go ask someone else to help you! - he growls pulling you closer to him and Sanji frowns.
you: please forgive his rudeness, Sanji-kun, he's been extra jealous ever since he had a nightmare where you take me away from him, but i already said there's no reason for him to be jealous.
Zoro: shut up! I already asked you not to tell anyone about that stupid nightmare! - he tries to cover your mouth but Sanji was already rolling on the floor laughing.
your boyfriend wanted to bury himself in a hole after you just embarrassed him in front of his biggest rival, Sanji will tease him for the rest of the week, thanks to you and your big mouth.
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Chameleon, as your psychology professor pt.2
An: Here we go again... 😀 The way that I never anticipated that it would gain so much traction... 😶 I think I wrote this while I was visiting the Floptropica islands...
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- A few months have passed, Rebecca had made you her favorite student to talk to 🤨 Your anxiety around her lessened, but it didn't mean that you didn't have it anymore. After the class, she would ask you to stay behind sometimes, making people suspicious between about your relationship with Rebecca... Like wdym stay behind class? 🤨🤨🤨 Are you secretly Rebecca's cousin? Or MAYBE you're her long lost younger sister??? 🤩🤩🤩 Do ya'll even look alike??? 🤔 This people smh... 😶 You and your professor talk about normal stuff, ranging from the how was the class to your anxious state, in which you happily reported to her that you weren't too anxious there days. Girlie is curing you slowly but surely by the power of ✨psychology✨ - Though, you started to suspect something about your professor, making it a little difficult for you to talk to her, because you recently found out about "Suspect R" from the news, and how eerily similar the descriptions were matching between her and the suspect... 😨😨😨 Sis, what is going awnnnn? 😫 Of course, your professor didn't miss the way how your behavior changed, causing her to chat with you one day, pocket watch in hand. Typical hypnotism, of course.. 😐 EXCEPT, it didn't work??? 😯 on YOU??? 🧐🧐🧐 POOKIE was confused, very confused. Like wdym it didn't work??? You're supposed to get hypnotized? 🙄 You unknowingly made things harder for her. 🤐🤐🤐 - After staring 👁👄👁 at the pocket watch just like she asked, you start asking her about how she came to this job. She answered that she knew a friend, and that friend recommended her to this university. You didn't buy it 😃 Sis, you were ON to something 🤫🤫🤫 You have a feeling that things weren't just this simple. In fact, it was TOO simple 🧐 that you decided to investigate like Scooby-doo 🍦🐕‍🦺 Sis didn't anticipate that. Maybe you should've just stayed, curious? 💀 Oh, she definitely COMING to get you, you think? 😔 Count your days pookie... 😰😰😰 After that, there was this... weird tension between the two of you whenever you talked with her. 😟 Pookie... Remember when I said I cannot keep giving ya'll plot armor...? Now is the correct time to rethink your decisions in life pooks 😿😿😿 I FEAR 😨 you are NOT coming out of this ALIVE ☠☠☠ - You decide to research more about "Suspect R", finding out more and more similarities between the two, you start to get more suspicious day by day... Even after two semesters have passed, you COULDN'T just shake the feeling that she was NOT who you thought she was... Meanwhile, Rebecca was STRUGGLING 😰 to get you to STOP from finding out more about her ✨mysterious✨ background like girl... Don't ruin the mystery 😩 You're making it harder for her to keep her job 🥺 Sis, I beg of you to STOP before she gets sniffed 🤧 out by local police force and co. 🛐🛐🛐 Pookie... What you didn't know Rebecca already had anticipated the arrest when she was at her clinic... So, when she disappeared suddenly, you kinda missed her??? 😔😔😔 Like wdym where your favorite professor was??? 😕 The way you searched 🔍🔍🔍 for her endlessly, asking teachers, students left ⬅and right ➡ The title was misleading guys, she ain't your professor no more 😶 - That it was so BAD, that it cured your anxiety ridden state, after initiating conversations yourself 😶 Congrats??? Years passed, and you finally graduated from the course, without signs, from your professor Rebecca... Sis was probably your roman empire... You went on with your life a bit, becoming MBCC's resident psychologist. Surprise, surprise, you're chief's cousin 🤪🤪🤪 so, your cuz personally recommended you to work at the MBCC as their psychologist, making you a menace for both sinners and Nightingale to watch out for 😈😈😈 Like wdym a sinner walked out crying from laughing too much??? Or adjutant Nightingale GIGGLING because of YOU 😔 Pookie, phone down rn... I just want to talk 😊 (Give me your humor rn)
- Chief was talking about an individual who kept going in and out of jail. She was an elusive individual, she sneaky in 5 year old terms 🐱‍👤 Sis had to explain to you like you were 5 since you asked her to translate in Spanish because your 5-month streak in the green bird app 🦉🟢 wasn't all for NOTHING 😇 Chief was NOT having it lmao, she made you TIMEOUT like you were 6 😭😭😭 Girl, don't try to play with Chief because she DON'T play, she's TIRED 😑 24/7. So sis hands you a file and pookie, you were in for a shock. REBECCA?? 👩‍🦰 As in the PROFESSOR REBECCA??? 👱‍♀️👱‍♀️👱‍♀️ Your psychology professor from before??? 😲😲😲 WHAT? 😰 Sis, turns out you WERE right about her. But like still, your psychology professor who disappeared mysteriously for 3 years suddenly showing up and suddenly came back with milk 🥛 on HAND... - Imagine her surprise seeing you walk right in for HER psychological evaluation... Babes was amused to see her student from before, became her psychologist... Like wow, the tables have turned. Okay then, sis she was like show me what you got 💅 Before you went straight down to business you were like "SISTER, where have you been???" Making her flabbergasted 😮 at the 360 personality switch, like was this the same student she was talking to from before??? 🤨🤨🤨 Girlie couldn't believe that you casually sat down and went on to say like "Sooo, this is where you've been 😊 babes where were you??? How'd you even get into prison? Okay like... I know you were doing something illegal and stuff like that but, still? They allow you to SLAY in prison uniforms??? 👠👠👠 Sister, you look SNATCHED with orange 🤩🤩🤩 - Sis was still recovering from the shock on how you basically went on a half-hour rant about how you got into the MBCC, and how you are chief's cousin, and like how you was SEARCHING for her because her favorite professor went missing... Wait. You considered her as your favorite professor? 🥰 Pookie was happy to hear that, but she needs to sit down first because she was too shocked to see the CHANGE in you that she forgor (intentional misspell 😌) to SIT down 🧍‍♀️
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She was sitting in this SLAYING pose that you couldn't help but say "GIRL, What's with the..." Fingers snapping "Pose... It's giving... Office siren like yasss slay queen 💅💅💅" Again, your professor didn't expect the personality change like??? What happened when she was gone and what's with the slangs pooks...? 🤭 You had to explain what that meant and she was like "Thanks... Pookie?" Ooh the way we all giggled when miss maam attempted to use the slangs 🤭🤭🤭 Okay, after the interrogation you two became BESTIES 😌 Yes, you heard that right you two, besties.
There would be a couple of times where you guys end up collaborating or it's either you were assigned on a dispatch mission, yes you can also SERVE❗❗❗ The country 😾 You're giving FIERCE while she serves FACE the whole time, we all know that her face card never declinesss so, obviously you would drop a few comments like "Stop serving FACE, I'm getting distracted babes" And she's like "I need to keep SERVING pooks so we can stay alive 🥰🥰🥰" The way that you FOLDED when she was using the language of slaytology when you guys talk, like it's exclusive for YOU 🥺🥺🥺 Pookie... Wdym the Rebecca, talks to you in ✨slay✨ terminology??? 💅💅💅
Anyways, she asked you how you were able to resist her hypnotism before, and you just basically responded, my LASHES were too long from that time, and oh you wore CONTACTS? 🤨 How does that affect her hypnosis??? 😃 Sis, maybe it's genes that ran between you and chief... But you didn't know that.. 😶 An: I ran out of brain juice on how to proceed with the second installment because head empty, thoughts are FULL of air 💨 rn... *Goes mia for now, be back writing for the other stuff* TOODLES!
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Hear me out, I'm missing 19 Days so much that one of these nights I had dream that Old Xian dropped a new chapter about Guan Shan and He Tian in the future, and it was terrifying because in this dream chapter Guan Shan had started dating some girl. He Tian was just there like "👁👄👁wut?" but still would do his best to win Guan Shan back. The girl, who didn't know anything about their past, eventually noticed there was something really fruity about these two and was like "no but why is my boyfriend (Guan Shan) blushing at the sight of this other man (He Tian) who keeps flirting with him right in front of me?".
My head just subconsciously wrote a whole fanfic while I was trying to sleep. Old Xian, save us from this madness 😭
PS: I actually wanted to see the outcome of what was happening in the dream, but my alarm went off right when He Tian was invading Guan Shan's personal space (like usual).
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kitten4sannie · 2 years
𝒟𝑜𝓃'𝓉 𝐻𝑜𝓁𝒹 𝐵𝒶𝒸𝓀, 𝐵𝒶𝒷𝓎
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Boyfriend! San x Fem! Reader 
Genre: smut 
Summary: You and your boyfriend go out to watch a scary movie. Too bad you wouldn’t end up remembering any of it.
W.C: 1.8k
Warnings: established relationship, kinda sub? San, kinda dom? reader, the employee in the booth is like 👁👄👁, semi public sex, exhibitionism, kissing, hand job, cum eating, oral (recieving)
Author's Note: I wrote this in little under an hour, so I apologize if it seems a bit rushed. Anyways, I hope you enjoy ♥
Song Rec: OHMAMI by Chase Atlantic (this song has nothing to do with this fic but its just so fucking hot!! The way he goes “ooh, mami” just awakens the inner dom in me) 
Sometimes you and San didn’t really know what to do when you went out for date night; it wasn’t unfamiliar for the both of you to just sit in his car, trying to come up with something that would entertain the both of you. Not that you had to be entertained; you both just appreciated being in each other’s company, but you had wanted to go somewhere, at least. Anywhere, really.
San sucked his teeth, scrolling through something on his phone. “Uh, how about we go see a movie? There’s this one that’s playing in about 20 minutes at some theater downtown. I guess they play older movies that have already been out for a while.”
You set your own phone down into your lap, turning your head to meet his gaze. 
“What kind of movie?”
“Horror. Well, a slasher, to be exact.”
He reached up and poked your cheek in a playful manner. “I know how much you love those, Y/N. So how ‘bout it?” 
You nodded, resisting the urge to bite your boyfriend’s hovering finger. “You know me so well,” you replied, holding a hand over your heart and pretending to wipe a tear from your eye. 
San gave you a small smirk, chuckling softly to himself, as he turned his key into the ignition and put his car in drive, before pulling out of the driveway. 
You both walked into the theater, realizing it was completely empty, despite the previews already playing on the screen. 
“Looks like it’ll be just us,” you commented innocently, turning your head to look up at your boyfriend, who was holding popcorn and a soda in his hands.
“Looks like it,” he replied with a soft smile, despite there being a mischievous glint in his eyes. 
You walked up the aisle, settling for the seats that were closer to the back, rather than the middle. Once you were settled in your seat, you noticed how cold it was inside the theater. You shivered slightly, rubbing your arms as a way to warm yourself up.
“Are you cold, baby?” San asked, pulling up the divider that was in between you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders, encouraging you to get closer to him. 
“Y-yeah…” You snuggled up against him, leaning your head into the crook of his neck. You sighed, appreciating how your boyfriend was basically a walking heater. Despite his help, you were still feeling chilly.
San took notice of this and rubbed the side of your upper arm, hoping that would help you in some way. “My poor baby…” he murmured, before turning his head to look at you. You lifted your head up a bit, looking back at him. 
You both didn’t even notice when the movie started to play on the screen; you were clearly too distracted by each other’s presence. 
“Baby…can I kiss you?” San whispered under his breath, despite there being no one else in the room to hear him.
You swallowed nervously, your heart beating wildly in your chest. You couldn’t help it; San always had a way of making you feel like it was the first time you were being intimate with each other. 
“Y-yes…please kiss me…” you replied breathlessly, your cheeks feeling warm.
San leaned in slightly, closing the distance between you, his soft lips encasing your own. He used his free hand to caress your cheek, his thumb gently brushing your jaw. You shared a few innocent kisses, before they started to become more and more intense. His tongue slid over your bottom lip, causing you to part your lips, allowing him inside your mouth. 
“M-mmn…” you mumbled against him, gripping the edges of his jacket with your somewhat trembling hands. You let out a soft moan when he began to suck on your tongue in an almost lazy way, wanting to savor the taste of you as much as he could. You eventually broke the kiss when you were getting too worked up, unable to ignore the constant pulsing in between your legs. 
“S-San…” You looked at him with half-closed eyes, some of his spit still left on your lips. 
“What is it, baby?” he inquired, running his fingers through your soft hair. “Use your words. Tell me what you want.” 
You swallowed hard, one of your hands sliding onto his upper thigh and squeezing it. Despite knowing you were in a public place, you couldn’t bring yourself to stop. You were already too worked up, as was San. 
“I want to touch you…Can I?” 
“Of course. You can do whatever you want to me,” he exhaled, feeling your fingers rub over the erection that was trapped inside his jeans. He let out a groan when you unzipped his pants and unbuttoned them, pulling his dick out and slowly sliding your hand up and down it.
“F-fuck, baby…” he mumbled, already starting to breath harder. He suddenly threw his head back against the seat when you let some spit drip down from your lips and onto his length, using the wetness to increase the speed of your hand movements. 
“Does that feel good, Sannie?” you asked against your boyfriend’s ear, giving it a gentle lick, your hand refusing to slow down. He couldn’t even form words at this point; he was too consumed with pleasure. You suddenly slowed your hand down, using your thumb to rub against the sensitive area of his dick, just below the tip. 
He jolted, letting out a soft moan, looking at you with pleading eyes. “Y-yes, baby, it feels really good…Please, don’t stop. I’m-aaah-already about to cum…” 
Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip, while exhaling some air out of your nose. You loved seeing your boyfriend in such a unraveled state; nothing turned you on quite like this.
“Cum for me, Sannie…Cum all over my hand like the good boy you are…” you encouraged, tightening your grip on his cock and moving your hand at an unforgiving pace, earning more moans from San. 
San gasped, his voice hitching, “Baby..! I’m..!” Cum shot out of his dick in spurts, his legs trembling as he did so. 
“Good boy…” You caught most of it inside your hand and brought it up to your lips, drinking down most of it, appreciating how warm it was as it slid down your throat. 
San let out a whiny moan as he watched you, his dick hardening almost instantly. “You’re so hot, baby...so fucking hot…”
You chuckled softly, licking your lips. “I know,” you agreed, as you held up your cum-covered fingers to San’s lips, moaning yourself when he took them into his mouth, eagerly cleaning them without a second thought.
Once you pulled your fingers out of his mouth, you quietly admired each other, unable to think about anything else, except for all the things you wanted to do to each other. 
San suddenly put his dick back into his pants and got down onto his knees in front of your seat. He looked at you with a serious gaze, his hands sliding up your thighs and underneath your skirt, his fingers hooking into the hem of your panties and sliding them down.
“It’s my turn, baby…” he informed you, licking his lips. 
“There’s no one in here, love. No need to hide your pretty moans. Please, I want to hear how good I’m making you feel,” he murmured against your inner thigh, his fingers working in and out of your squelching cunt, while his glistening lips formed a small pout. 
“B-but…what if we get caught?”
“Then we’ll have to find another movie theater to go to. Simple as that. Now let me hear your voice, angel.” And just like that, his mouth was glued onto your pussy, his tongue flicking quickly against your swollen clit, while adding a third finger into your tight hole. 
You gripped his hair desperately, breathing heavily, unable to hold your moans back any longer. It felt too good; San always knew just how to work your body in a way that drove you crazy. Your eyes rolled back into your head when you felt him begin to pound your g-spot with all three fingers, your wetness gushing out of you at an alarming rate, soaking into the seat cushion below you. 
“S-Sannie..! Fuck, I can’t! I’m…!” you cried out, tears threatening to leave your eyes, simply from the sheer amount of pleasure you were feeling, as well as from the possibility of getting caught. 
“Uh-huh…” San murmured against you, his eyes focusing on yours above him. He sped up his movements, catching most of your cum in his mouth when it eventually squirted out of you. “You did so well for me, baby.” He rubbed your slit in a gentle manner, giving it a few kisses, one on your folds, one on your clit, and a few more on your inner thighs. 
You relaxed your body against the seat, trying to catch your breath. “That felt so good...fuck…” you breathed out, wiping some sweat from your forehead.
You smiled down at San when he put your panties back on for you and smoothed out your skirt in a loving way. You both gazed into each other’s eyes for a while, until a coughing sound broke you out of your haze.
“Fuck!” you gasped, eyes almost bulging out of your head.
San quickly craned his neck to see what you were so scared of. He instantly stood up when he saw the theater employee standing by the entrance, along with a security guard that had his arms crossed across his wide chest. 
“It’s time to go, baby,” San whispered, grabbing your hand and pulling you down the opposite side of the stairs at lightning speed, before dragging you out through the emergency exit doors, not stopping until you both had gotten to his car.
You both got into the car, gasping for air, as San sped out of the parking lot and onto the street. You stayed quiet for a while, until San broke the silence.
“So, did you like the movie?” 
 You both looked at each other, San giving you a pleased smile and you giving him a bewildered one. After a few seconds passed by, you both started laughing, only stopping when it was starting to hurt your sides.
 You smacked San’s arm in a playful way, shaking your head, before answering his question in a serious tone, “Actually, yeah. It was pretty good.” 
Tags: @dazzlinglight @thefinerthingz3 @cloudysannie @aryraaaa @za-con @cosmiczen @choerryge @aikyubi @arusio @gueritaybonita @i-l0v3hands @ethicalz @jinsonaz @kitty4hwa @jexidamulti @as-she-pleases @just-a-simp @purplechannie @jazzymoore @kodzukein @asjkdk @cherryxsang @namsloverr @chanst1ddies @woo-stars @createyour0wnworld @roarmingi @simeonswhore@mingisgf @lilactiny @eclecticranchzonkcookie @vlrity
i’m so sorry i don’t know why these aren’t working 😭: @iheartkilla123 @Icyhyunie @ilovehyunjins
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© toxicccred, 2022.
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The biggest victims AND perpetuators of homophobia...
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How is it cishet media?
The Exorcist: A movie (sort-of) beloved by the Catholic Church that promotes traditional family values. Has a lot of homophobic language, and it was released around Christmas. Only one gay character and they only tell you through a flamboyant gesture. Screen writer and book author was homophobic enough to make petitions to "un-catholic" the catholic school featured in this film (they were reaching out to gay students and having pride so he wrote an angry letter to the bishop) and it shows. The Vatican once invited the director to come over specifically because of the exorcist :(((
The Haunting: In the movie adaptation, Eleanor calls Theo "nature’s mistake" for being a big lesbian. She’s also in love with the scientist and looks at him like this 👁👄👁, instead of her being desperately and hopelessly in love with Theo in the book. Thanks to the tv series, people even think they're het and bisexual blood-related sisters. She was very much a stranger in the closet and gay for her. For the love of god read the book!!!
The Servant: 🤔🤔🤔 Is it homophobic for a butler to ruin a man and a woman's marriage, then systematically create a platonic co-dependent relationship with the ex-groom-to-be and turn him into a sexed-up alcoholic? (it's worse in the book. the butler tries to make up evidence that his master is a gay pedophile to blackmaile him).
How is it lgbt?
The Servant: Tony cries pathetically next to pictures of sexy athletic men in their underwear on his bed and it’s never explained. The conflict is largely pushed by the scene where Tony and his fiancee Susan see his butler Barrett naked in Tony's room after having sex. Also?? The way Barrett yanks up Tony's tie like he's about to dominate him??? They didn't have sex, but they did have sex with the same girl in the same time frame when she was in on it. I consider this toxic yaoi and a psychosexual class war. I'll put photos.
Haunting: Oh my goddddd is Eleanor still so repressed and dealing with internalized homophobia in the movie. She and Theodora have a love-hate-attraction-repulsion thing going on. Theo is lesbian-coded and was even supposed to have a female lover in the movie (her "roommate" in the book) but then came censorship. Eleanor calling Theo "unnatural" in the movie... that is a vintage code word for lesbian (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QF2FKI7Fe-U). Before that, she was totally smitten even if the scientist distracts from that. The book is more lesbian, but at least the movie sneaks it in. And it sucks that Eleanor is so angry and lashing out but I get it. Her family hates or at least doesn't care about her feelings. n it's about how unsafe the traditional family structure really is even when you try to do found family but no one likes you for being gay and uptight. Oh and Theo, who is lesbian, survives at the end in all versions.
Exorcist: Regan is sooo off-putting and a bad daughter. This is just what being queer and having several diseases is like minus the exorcism. Her voice gets deep while she acts rebellious and her mom rejects her. Damien Karras (the younger priest) also reads as so repressedly gay and in the closet in the original book, but the movie squeezes in a bit of that with a scene where Fr. Dyer lays Karras to bed, and they hold hands until Karras eventually recoils with so much pathetic pain. I KNOW what you are. (https://afieldinengland.tumblr.com/post/657429236105248768/they-were-in-love-here) Karras and Dyer are even closer in the book, and Dyer is his stereotypically effeminate "ride or die" gay best friend. He told him to leave the priesthood with him since the gays are doing it, meanwhile all the other local priests were panicking about gay priests. The movie is extremely quotable too and I find that camp. Also found "Mother what's wrong with me?" and "That thing upstairs is not my daughter" to be sooo personal. I know it's homophobic but it helped me come out more somehow because I don't want to DIE like that. Saw some fun Regan MacNeil dragqueens, trans posts and non-binary comics (with regan and karras) awhile ago as well. In the 90s, a reviewer said that the movie was actually a priest's homoerotic wet dream (and that's why they wanted to kill pazuzu the "female element") and it so threw off the director to the point that his biography, an analytical book on the exorcist by kermode, AND some articles will bring it up as a bizarre theory or serious analysis. Well I say the reviewer had a point, but with the wrong priest. Dyer is the only confirmed gay character who gets censored a lot, but I know what those two had. Big closeted catholic energy. That's why Regan was so homophobic. She read Karras' mind.
Haunting Propaganda
The Exorcist Propaganda
The Servant propaganda:
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
CPN : Times when 🔴🟢 rumor house post was telling the truth ✨
yes. this is a clickbait title and i’m trying to deceive you. lol. because everything is fake and nothing is real. these are instances when posts from this source caused people in the fandom to go 👀 because of something they pointed out or a moment they mentioned that came true later on. the truth factor depends on who is looking cause you might argue that it’s all interpretation and we’re all looking at things with a bxg bias.
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I’ve been wanting to make something like this since I started making cpn posts and it’s finally here! I also want to have a place where I can point people to when asked why turtles love LRLG so much. Aside from the individual posts I’ve been making recently and the usual: ‘they shared stuff that seem to come true.’ answer, I think it’s good to have actual examples to those who wanna know. Enjoy! 🍂
1. Tencent Starlight 2020 Ring - This is my favorite and have a bit of a bias because it’s one that made me believe LRLG is on to something. So the rumor goes that GG gave something to Web to keep in his pocket when he performed. Web was holding onto it in his pocket to keep him company and for him to not be nervous. Web is confident when it comes to performing especially when it comes to dance but this one— he was only singing. We CPN that it’s a ring because of the close-up videos & photos of Web’s pocket and it doesn’t help thatwhen GG made a douyin later in the day, he was no longer wearing his ring. THE FACT THAT A FAKE RUMOR HAD TO POINT IT OUT for us to notice is just one of the biggest BJYX mystery. How did that person know. 👁👄👁
20 minutes before Wang laoshi got on the stage
WLS: What should I do now, I'm nervous (He didn't seem to be nervous at all)
XLS: You can do it by yourself
WLS : So ferocious (But his mood was totallydifferent from before, he started to be naughty) Put you in my pocket
XLS : I'll stay in the pocket and help you to be in tune (with your song)
full english translation is here for maximum feels.
2. Birthday message - In Oct 2020, a post was released that included a part that said : birthday means you are 1 year older and someone told you to grow up slowly. So this is apparently GG’s message to Web. Aside from it being sweet, it’s a coincidence that a year later, the YBO birthday message we all CPN was written by GG had a similar message:
When you are tired, I hope you can skateboard freely in an open venue, or ride a motorcycle across the wild. All this time, you just have to be a better version of yourself, and that better version of yourself is defined by you. Everything is cool, grow up slowly, in seconds, become yourself. Happy birthday to 24-year-old @UNIQ-王一博.
It makes me so soft thinking that this is what GG wants for Web. Even if the whole world is pushing Web to grow up so he can do all the things, GG is there to remind him to enjoy life while he is still young and don’t rush. This is also an example of LRLG having a ‘message’ before we see it related to the boys. It added weight to the CPN that GG wrote the birthday message, sometimes clues take a year or more to be “verified”.
3. Douyin overload - 12/19/2020, a post was shared where it said : WLS pouted his lips while looking at his phone. Oh, he was recording for his douyin, I thought he did something else. He recorded so many videos, some are for work and some are for fun. Well if you were here that time you’ll know that Web posted did posts lots of DY’s for the month of December. being the DY King that he is. This is a bit late but we don’t know how late submissions are posted on the weibo account from when it’s initially passed. However this is another clue that LRLG is indeed someone who works closely with Web.
4. Clip on earrings - another favorite of mine! HAHAHAHAHA! Talked about it here before and more weight was added because it was once mentioned in an LRLG rumor in 2020. A year later from when the photo @ OOL set was taken in 2019. This is a case of when we read it back then we all thought it was a cute head-canon that had no place in reality. Then GG shares that photo in 2022 and we are all going “ wait a minute.... hmmmmm...” It’s why LRLG continues to be a favorite because of stuff like this 💪🏻
WLS bought a pair of clip-on earrings and said those were for XLS. Will XLS wear clip on earrings? I guess WLS will keep it for himself after all.
5. BYH crew closeness - In Sept 2020, it was shared that CX ( Chen Xiao who is his co-star in BAH ) was teasing him about XZ. It implied that they were that close for CX to know about the relationship. It seemed fake at the time because the two did not seem close during the wrap. However now we know in 2022 from the BTS, the words of the director and the fact that Web gave CX his favorite skateboard that they are friends. They just don’t advertise it. It’s a reminder to not rely on what you see outside. These two never interacted on Weibo but turns out they became friends during the shoot.
WLS was embarassed, he took his phone and left, CX laoshi was also there, he held back his laughter.
After he got back, CX laoshi asked him “Got taught a lesson?"
WLS: "It wasn't right to drink a mouthful of water though" (Although he was taught a lesson, I still wanna say that, please take that happy look off your face a little bit)
CX laoshi "Drink a mouthful but don't let himsee you do it"
WLS: "I don't know where he saw that"
(I didn't pay attention to what he drank)
CX laoshi "Then take small sips, there maybe a spy here"
6. VogueFilm collaboration clue - Source is this BXG who looked in to this in detail. On 10/15/2020, LRLG post had a line that said keywords like vest, good condition and ‘this cooperation is perfect.’ At the time, people didn’t know what LRLG was talking about and who Bobo is cooperating with. Then on 11/2, Vogue released the first teaser for Bobo & Zhou Xun collab for the magazine.
According to the words used in the fake material: "[The day] two people made an appointment for a movie, and the state is good as it should be" [the day], it can be seen that the shooting date is a few days before the submission date (it will not be the day before, otherwise the contributor would be [yesterday] instead of [that day]). Therefore, it is roughly inferred that the shooting date is before 10.11.
OP made lots of deduction based on Web’s schedule that the shooting was 10.10 and with the keywords said, it’s really the Vogue Film shoot LRLG was referring to. A more clear evidence tho is YBO posting a comic strip that is inspired by the VF shoot and the date written on the “script” is 10.10.
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See, at the time 🍉 were not really that popular ( back in 2020 ) so people will not know if there is an upcoming magazine collaboration. This also show how different LRLG is, because they just share things that are happening and interactions they see between the boys and don’t leak any solid information about projects they work on. In this example they can easily say : Bobo is working with a really famous movie actress for a magazine to gain more clout but they didn’t. They never do.
7. YBO 🤝 XZS - There are lots of submissions that talk about their staff working together and knowing about their relationship. I won’t go into detail anymore cause I ( and other bxgs ) post lots of similarities between what these two studios post and is a “proof” that it may be true. It’s not that we’re implying the two have no money to pay for their own staff or something. Lol. It’s just that they are considered one household and their staff will overlap at some point. ☺️
8. Stage design - 11/16/20, LRLG was talking about Web supervising what visuals should be on stage for a performance. It went like this :
XLS sang, we heard when we were resting in the stage, it is not complete. I don't know anyone else. I didn't know about XLS’ activities at the time. WLS also listens to XLS’ songs, he doesn't care much.
What I want to say is the stage of Mr. Wang. The background that the staff first gave combined with the spotlights came out of that room...
WLS is not very satisfied after watching the video and he wants to add some elements, to add the moon, and to have a sense of starry sky. But there is no suitable image element, the stage effect is wrong. At that time, the staff asked whether it was necessary to have both elements? Mr. Wang said to think about it. I don't know where the inspiration came from when I came back "Can the stars be broken a little to fill this place?”
BXGs think it might be these two performance that could be what the rumor referred to. Either VOF or he was giving ideas to GG’s stage.
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9. Scary Douyin post by GG - On 10/18, same day that creepy DY was shared, there was a contribution that talked about people on set doing doing a game but Web did not join. Then DLS ( da laoshi ) found him, it wasn’t said what he was looking at but DLS commented : I think it's funny, don't you think it's funny?
BXGs think it’s this DY post. GG might have sent it first to Web to see his reaction and clown him. We know Web isn’t exactly fond of scary/creepy things so maybe that’s why he didn’t it find it funny. I can only imagine him expecting some thirst trap or pretty picture and ended up with this 😂😂😂
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Again, we’re operating on the assumption that this was submitted days before the actual date.
10. The handheld fan - this is a pretty short one from 9/4/2020 and it was about a small fan. It goes WLS: "You have to keep it, don't lose it" XLS: "How dare I lose it"
Yes. How dare you lose it XLS! A really cheap fan that WLS gave you back in 2018. At this point ( 2020 ) we knew XLS still kept it and it’s important. 2 years later, we know just how, during the wrap for Where Dreams Begin we see GG holding on to it and it looks like it’s broken. but he still uses it 🥺
11. White Hair - posted 8/24/20 and is a conversation where GG says “ "Mr. Wang is so handsome with white hair" ; then GG said he will pull out Web’s gray hair. It is also implied in this whole exchange that the most romantic thing is to grow old with you 😭 There was a part where GG said : "Yes, you have to wait thirty or forty years before you have a chance" ( to pick gray hair from his head ) WHAT. Are you implying you will stay together for that long? I hope they do. 🤍
The exchange reminded BXGs of what happened in the Tianjin CQL fanmeet. Where they did a skit of meeting each other after years and Yibo’s acting included him picking Old GG’s gray hair.
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12. 10/4/2020, XZ’s message to Web goes :
Just enjoy the stage and be happy. "Silence in the air, silence in the woods"
This can allude to the SDC 3 finale which was the day before. What’s interesting here is that BXGs think GG got it from a poem. We know how much GG loves him poems and just reading in general. He is so romantic.
It’s allegedly from this one :
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13. Finally, LRLG sometimes posts messages that communicate with the fans. It can be a small greeting or sometimes a really nice one like this example :
You guys (cpf) are the people who make they smile whenever they think of you. So I wanna say- no matter what we got through in the past, no matter what we are going through in the present, and no matter what we will have to face in the future, thanks for your efforts.
It’s little things like this that warms our hearts as turtle. because we can’t be as loud as how we want to be and to have this appreciation ( a fake one ) from the boys is special.
I will end this here and if you noticed I posted 2020 stuff. This is because 2021-2022 contributions have been talked about in detail already and had more exposure than the 2020 ones. Also this is why turtles loved LRLG because that year was pretty chaotic and we had no insight with what going on with them — so the contributions felt like hope. 🤍
Some LRLG related posts I made as supplement to this post. If you have been me following me for some time you might have read all of these already. ☺️
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Significance of LRLG rumor house - this is a post I made that I always reference as intro to people who have no idea what LRLG is.
Why the Rumor House is not being reported
Why people trust the rumor house
052421 Rumor explanation
08132021 Rumor explanation
121221 Rumor explanation
01162022 Rumor explanation
07172022 Rumor explanation
09112022 Rumor explanation ; Mid Autumn Festival special
Green roses given to Yibo
Poem mentioned in a book GG read
Rumor of them talking about a kid’s show
Give me five
Sauced beef - this one is by @rainbowsky
I know I missed one about taking photos of the moon but I already talked about that symbolism before. Also the one with DLS / Web recording something which is allegedly the backup vocals for GG’s 2020 NYE performance.
This is really a small portion of all the hidden gems and possible truths for LRLG content. For turtles, “rumor” does not always mean LRLG. It can mean a rumor from a repo or other rumor houses ( yes there are others ) / BJYX 49 ( original ) / BJYX 49 ( new ) / those old convos we thought were fake but actually from what was then unreleased bts content etc etc. There continues to be so much bits & pieces going around regarding these two and we just wait if some of it happens. That requires another long post tbh.
I think it’s why BJYX will still be popular in the coming years and will have more & more people rooting for it. Aside from having 2 boys who are amazing being paired up, the fandom is really strong. No matter how outsiders call us delusional we actually have so much history and incidents that no other pairing has. Just recently, ZZ/WYB won a voting poll as best pairing and a LED ad of them will be screened in Thailand. Turtles weren’t even paying attention but they were so competitive and can’t bear to see the boys lose. Lol. This is how strong the Fandom is if they want to. We can even go on HS. 3 million + on weibo and more internationally and united ( well for the most part ). A drama that aired in 2019 and two people who have no public interaction for years and we’re still here. We are staying. 🤍✨
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dabiscrustyfeet · 1 year
Hi, I really liked what you wrote. Can you do the reaction of the brothers when they learn that their children are harassed because of his half human blood? The little one didn't want to say anything, ashamed of being weak when they were their children.
Awww this is such a cute post thank u for requesting my love
(Im so sorry it took so long)
The sins find out their kid was harassed because they have half human blood
First of all
How dare people harass his child
No seriously – you have a death wish
Second of all
His child ain’t weak just because they have half human blood
They are stronger than most demons mkay
So y’all hurting them is 1: a death wish 2: idiocy and 3: he will tell his child to beat yo ass once they get a grip of their power
So when his kid comes to him looking upset – oh he knows and he’s not happy
The kiddo was about to say some lame ass excuse and he cuts them off
‘You know you’re not weak right? You’re still young, your power will grow, okay dear?’
As soon as his kid says ‘aren’t you ashamed that i couldn’t defend myself ?’
Bruh– he’s looking at his kid like 👁👄👁
He’s offended– you think he’s ashamed?
Staring at his kid like they grew three heads
‘No i am not ashamed’ honestly said it with so much finality you’d have thought he was in an argument
Obviously he needs to make his kid feel better so [insert very soft dad lucifer comforting his child]
And when the his pride and joy [his kid, if you didn’t realise] fell asleep
He decided to ready the not so secret torture chamber in the basement
He had a few guests coming over
Oof- i feel sorry for whoever hurt this mans kid
First off, mammon has a soft spot for kids; he has a nine year old to look after and pays child support for and he absolutely adores luke
Second off, you thought lucifer and beel were scary when it comes to protecting their family if someone hurt them
Well, mammon is terrifying
So, mammon is minding his business, ya know, doing things the avatar of greed does
And his kid has come home and goes straight to their room
And mammon was kinda hyper fixated on some shit, so obviously, levi pops in the guys room and tells him his kid is home
Now you have mammon running to his kid to ask them about their day
And he hears them sobbing, face down on their bed Disney style
Now mammon is very concerned
‘Whats wrong?’ He asked his kid
They kinda cry harder, so mammon holds them close, as he did with his brothers once
Once they calm down they tell mams what happened and they’ve been hurt and they think he’s ashamed
He pretty much shuts down the idea just like lucifer has cuz uno: he loves his kid dos: he ain’t ashamed , and he loves them and tres: they’re his kid, so they will be powerful in due time
You and i both know that mammon is the best at controlling his anger, and he’d rather comfort his child than commit a felony
But don’t you think he forgotten oh no he hasn’t
After a few days of regaining the child’s happiness, and they are better than ever
Thats when he strikes
With the help of his crows, he manages to locate them bitches who put the idea that his kid is weak cuz they have half human blood in their head
And lets say that those hoes are now resting in pieces
There is a reason why mammon is the second strongest avatar
Do not underestimate his power
Levi was watching tsl for the umpteenth time
Annd he got bored, so he decided to see if his kid was back home
He likes watching anime with them, i mean it does get boring alone sometimes
He saw them walk out the door, and he ran to ask if they wanna play a game or something
And his kid be like ‘🥲 sure’
Levi is bamboozled and would like an explanation
He wants to know why they look like that
Like who hurt you? Why you upset 🤨
The kid tries to lie or some shit
Babes. Levi is the grand admiral for a reason
🎶Why you lying why you always lying🎶
Once he got the truth out of his kid this mans envy comes out
‘Its not fair, they shouldn’t treat you like this– don’t they know that you’re my kid? How dare they hurt you?!’
And now he’s holding his kid close to him : a way to prevent him from flooding the house
Which also meant that he unknowingly turned into his demon form, meaning his tail is also hugging his kid
I mean what else do you expect with a tail get your head out the gutter
Now once he calmed down, he reassured his kid that ‘these fucktards were jealous of you, that you are powerful and who cares if youve got half human blood?🤨 you can still beat their asses no problem’
He’s out here making them think of all the things they could do to those harassers once their power increases
Unfortunately this kid also does watch whatever anime they have over there with levi, meaning they are cultured
They read and watched death note, so now we have a little light yagami waiting for their power to awaken
Levi doesn’t have to do much to the harassers really
You thought Lotan was huge?
The Leviathan makes Lotan look like a butterfly
Oh satan, satan, satan
I don’t even know what to say
This man was doing his daily things
Read a book, check on the cats, read a book, check on the cats, go to the cat cafe, read a book
You get the point
Satan is already a whole menace on his own
Imagine him and his kid together
They wreck shit together, be cynical together, prank lucifer together, hunt down assholes together
They’re basically best friends
This kid, being a lot like satan, doesn’t cry easily
So imagine the shock when satan comes home from petting some stray cats
His menace of child- crying while reading a book
So he asks them whats the matter
‘Who do i need to defenestrate?’
So kid is like ‘ah no nothing is wrong this book is just sad’
Decent excuse that satan actually bought
So he decides to sit with them to comfort them, yanno
Sometimes books can be depressing
Until he reads the front cover
Which reads ‘Heidi’
Sure some parts are sad, but boi it is not enough for you to cry
So he’s a little confused
‘Are you lying?’
‘No’ they say while not giving eye contact
How does he know?
He just does
‘You’re lying. What happened ?’
Obviously, they end up fessing up how they feel like satan is ashamed and how they are weak cuz of the human blood in them
Cue angry satan noises
Like levi, he got mad for his kid
You know them little book towers in his room
That shit went tumbling down
Hoes very mad
So ✨reassurance time✨
After the child is happy, feeling better, he goes on a rampage
Massive rampage
He uses his connections and all
Made use of everything he has
Some point he roped lucifer’s own connections in
Nobody can escape the wrath of Satan
The last thing anyone should be doing is insulting his kid
Ik his child is taught self love from a young age
Anyone who tries to make his kid self loathe ends up on the blacklist
Asmo’s kid is obviously real confident in almost everything
So imagine the shock of asmo when he sees his kid bawling their eyes out with a tub of ice cream in their lap
Now this kid normally cries dramatically and makes it known
But they hid away in asmos room, all is not well.
We now have an avatar of sin fretting over his kid, wiping tears and shit ya know
And asks what the matter is
So when asmo hears what comes out of his kids mouth, he goes haywire
About to go crazy
But keeps it in
Asmodeus inhales and exhales, to calm himself down
‘Darling, your my child, and you are a thousand times more powerful than those idiots. How about we have a bath and watch some movies, hmm?’
Is what he says
Since his kid absolutely hates violence (they find it a waste of time) , he cant really say what he about to do
So he decides to leave the matter till later and chooses to comfort the kid ( while also finding out about who made his kid upset)
And asmo manages to locate them hoes who hurt his kid
He may not like getting his hands dirty but he sure as hell will do it for his child
He is a ruler of hell after all
Whoever hurt this mans kid is daft
His child was found outside gardening
And beel was passing by till he hears his child speaking to the plants
‘Maybe they think that will make the plants grow, cute’
Or so he thought
My guy came closer and heard the poor kid crying to the plants saying shit like ‘im a disgrace’
So he scoops them up in his arms and holds them close.
He decides to distract them and calm them down, drink some water and the cookie he had ( he trying his best)
Among the things that he shows the child is his demon form
The child was always fascinated with the sound of his wings
The soft buzz of his wings calmed them down, and their cheeks was stuffed of the cookies, looking very much like a hamster
Beel asks them of why they were crying and it turns out that they thought he was ashamed of them being a half blood
Which is an idea that ya boy shut down completely
We all know that beel is quite blunt with what he says, and so he asked them who put the idea in his head
When the tell him the kids names, he quite frankly says ‘they don’t amount to anything if they find happiness in hurting others feelings - don’t think much of them too much okay, they wont bother you anymore’
Damn right they didnt
Because they were dead
What can i say? His stomach is bottomless pit, he may as well make use of it
Now, why would you do that?
What possessed you to target Belphegor’s child?
The kid of the homicidal maniac
The kid of the man who is insane
The kid of a guy who strangled you
Clearly you haven’t thought this through
So the child is up in the attic, in a corner, sulking
We all know that belphie has problems, but these problems are set aside to see what is going on with his kid
Belphegor just sits there, next to the child, and pulls them to his lap, stroking the kids hair-hes being very wholesome at the moment
After a few minutes, the kid has their tension eased from their shoulders, feeling very calm after all
‘Do you want to talk about it?’ is what belphie asks
He knew the second the kid stilled in his lap something has happened
Surprisingly, he tries to coax the kid into telling him what happened, but like also saying they don’t need to tell him if they don’t want to
We all know he a nosy prick and he definitely wants to know
The second he finds out, the temperature in the attic drops
However, he acts like all is well and continues humming a lullaby to his kid
If the lullaby was a sleeping spell in disguise, the child will never know
After the kid falls asleep and belphie tucks them to bed, he leaves the room and decides to take a stroll outside to calm his nerves
Once he felt very calm he decides to go back home
Lets say his efforts of trying not to cause murder went down the drain
Why, you may ask?
Its because he saw them dudes who thought they could make his kid feel bad about themselves
Now, I like to think belphegor has some sort of hypnotic power, whether to immobilise someone or to make them sleep, he has it
His voice is soft and sweet, a melody of its own kind
The people seem to answer; their bodies moving towards an alleyway, eyes glazed over
Belphegor stalks by, and the song he sings starts increasing in tempo, danger screams in the hearts of the hypnotised demons
The melody stops to an abrupt halt
The demons wake up from what they thought was a slumber, and they see-
They see the avatar of sloth looming over them, in all his glory
They do not what they have done to invoke the wrath of the youngest
They are liars
They knew whose child that was, yet they didn’t care for the whispers of disbelief around them, nor did they care for the consequences
So, now they, the demons, pressed against the wall of the dark alleyway, lay there
Eyes glazed over, hands squeezing their necks, living through their worst nightmares
Those whispers of disbelief these unfortunate demons heard were warnings
The Avatar of Sloth, who looking down on the with pure ecstasy, is truly a monster
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shinjisdone · 3 months
Yo! I have this regarding Thorfinn and reader and bro when I tell you I fell in love with your writing. I DID. I FELL HARD. You write Thorfinn so accurately and I thought it was beautiful aswell as how you wrote canute but like I said I got this random thought in my head
What if we get a poly relationship or friendship between Thorfinn Canute and reader, what doy ou think it would be like and how do you think it will start and how will be like? For me personally I like do little imagines that they all like eachother equally, bit of fighting here and there but even if it's not going to be an actual romantic relationship between the three I just like the thought of Thorfinn gaining his own little trio
I would like to hear your opinion on this one!
(It's oki if you ignore this<33 have a good day!!)
AAA almost forgot about this but it's always ok to ask things or to share your own takes!!!
Sob sob you fell in love???? 😭😭🥰🥰 thank you so much! I do hope I will be able to continue having people fall so hard they can't get up
Ngl I do pat myself on the shoulder for writing Thorfinn in character (only cuz I am so obsessed I have to understand him 👁👄👁) but it makes me happy that Canute is seen like that, too!
Hm, I never thought of poly relationships but I think for it to start (and Thorfinn having an Trio is super cute, especially if its chaotic) I think it works best when Thorfinn and Reader are still Canute's guards. HOWEVER they'd have to do more than just travel (find themselves in shenanigans) AND Ragnar would have to be away a lot. The man is a massive mother hen who would not allow Canute to grow, let alone speak to the other two on his own.
For the vibe I'd say it's similiar to Spongebob, Patrick and Sandy (with Canute switching between Sandy, the voice of reason and Spongebob, who curiously goes along with Patrick's plans).
Thorfinn is 100% Patrick with his stupid ideas 😭 his overconfidence in his intelligence and strength causes him to think he's better than anyone. He thinks ALL the choices he makes are the best for Reader and Canute but no, no they're not. And when someone points it out that no, he's dumb, he's like "the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma" -> gets beaten to a pulp by Askeladd
And meek Canute just goes with it cuz he don't know better 😭 or he's like I've got no choice I have to trust these idiots to keep me safe
After his awakening he'd wake up as Sandy with an actual mind and thinking for himself. He'd often chastises the both of you for your poor decision-making.
And Reader definetely switches between Spongebob and Sandy too. Either they talk Thorfinn out of stupid things and get him outta trouble or just goes along with it completely because they trust him so much and are like 'do it or die - all with Thorfinn, my bestie!' while talking Canute into it too with the promise that they will look out for him.
It's just
Thorfinn does stupid and reckless thing -> Reader joins and drags Canute with them-> Canute cries not wanting to be there and tries to be the voice of reason
Thorfinn does reckless stuff-> Reader gets mad and chastises him for it, makes better plan -> like a child of divorce Canute looks between them and just tries to get along with the best thing and wants to please both of them.
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wbdiene · 4 months
I never share my opinion on this matters, but now I want to spend some words on it.
I just returned home, and as soon as I opened Instagram, I saw a post of globalmyeon about some "fans" sending protest trucks to SM and Karina following the news of her dating Lee JaeWook. Obviously, it is not the first time that I see "fans" sending trucks to the entertainments, but this time, the messages left me with my jaw on the FLOOR. While reading the messages, I felt SICK and disgusted by the fans' behaviour, and I don't even want to know how Karina or Lee JaeWook felt.
I've never liked how K-pop, as a whole, pushed parasocial relationships to the point where fans ARE entitled to have a say on the idols' lives without consequences.
At this point, the problem is not even the fans but the entertainments that punish the idols instead of taking action because they are too scared of losing money. Do they realise that if they sell 1,000,000 million albums instead of 1,000,020, they aren't going into bankruptcy? Especially SM that has 300 groups and they are all extremely successful.
Not to mention that I'm genuinely worried for the people who sent the trucks or share the same opinion. This is borderline insane, like this type of people MUST seek help, because it is not normal being THIS invested in someone's life.
I'm going to quote some of the craziest phrases I have read because they've entered in my top 10 stupidest things I've ever had the disgrace to read:
"Why did you choose to betray fans?" Love, we are not in a telenovela where the protagonist caught her partner cheating
"Please personally apologise to us." Now Karina ,in her free time, is going to send personalised letters to each and every one of her fans
"You messed up your own career yourself. Are you satisfied?" Karina preparing for yet another successful comeback: 👁👄👁
If I was not aware of the situation, I would think that she did something unforgivable. Turns out she's just dating someone.
You want to know what's funny?
Karina wrote an apology letter.
The crazy fans won. Money won.
Am I dramatic? Probably.
Am I tired of seeing Human beings being treated like jesters? Yes.
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fangswbenefits · 11 months
I think one of the big reasons that I love sweet girl sm is because I relate so heavily to her. I mean, of course I love Miguel and everything he does, but she is so complex, human, and relatable.
Ik for me, it's really comforting seeing an oblivious reader without her being "Romance????? 🤔🤔🤔 Who's that? 🤠🤠🤠😜😜😜💃💃💃" because I might be the most oblivious person alive.
A little personal long story short, but my ex gf literally wrote a mini fanfiction between her and I with the same personalities, hobbies, looks, and with names that had only one letter changed. She would have me edit it, too. One of my friends had to actually grab me by the shoulders and straight up tell me "dude wake tf up she's in love with you." And even then I was like "What? What makes you think that? 👁👄👁"
And even this year one of my friends literally gave me a HAND DRAWN CARD with a cute little bee on it that said "will you bee mine?" It was so cute and he was all read when he gave it to me and my dumbass said "Omg this is so cute! Who's it for? 😃" I will jokingly flirt with my friends and I just assumed it was something cute or platonic or even for someone else. When he told me that it was actually for me, I just thanked him and walked away. I only found out that it was a romantic thing after they told me 2 months later 😭
Anyway, this is all to say that you are a great writer with phenomenal character building skills. Sorry for the long rant, it's just really refreshing and I needed to let you know that we appreciate you <3
- could I maybe be 🍎 anon? 👀
Loved reading this! I'm glad people are no longer suspecting that sweet girl was just playing dumb or that she was using Miguel (this one made me sad ngl). It is definitely not uncommon for some people to be clueless and it doesn't mean they are playing hard to get or that they are wearing a mask 👀
Sweet girl is vastly different from me, but I can still relate to some of her traits 🤧 I know she's still a reader insert, but I wanter to flesh her out and make her feel more authentic if that makes sense 💗
Again, thank you sending this! It's always a joy reading how you guys can relate to sweet girl 🥺
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pinkyjulien · 9 months
ALRIGHT ALRIGHT Actually I'm going to share my fresh, sleep-deprived thoughts that I wrote yesterday- or more like, this morning gfhhgf bear with me cause I was loosing it :>
⚠ Heavy spoilers under read more!
As a heads up as to why the formating is all weird, this was sent to a friendo who worked on PL :3 Did a list of things that stuck to me in those 4-5 first hours right before falling asleep! I stoped at the little hideout with Myers, didn't met Reed or Kurt or MrHands or Anybody elses yet really 👁👄👁✋ taking my sweet time with it!
The start : I LOVED the glitchy holocall with songbird, it set the tone immediately
God walking up to the gate and seeing all those cars and npcs waiting to enter- THE BIT with the cops who cant go in ?? omg loved it, again its such a tiny thing that set the tone right up
Songbird introduction oh my goddddddd…. HGJG I love HER SHE'S SO COOL… When she was like "were going to crash so I woobled into your relic" I was???? Ok so How and What and What and What UH… Also I can see why people won't like her, already just cause she mute Johnny and isnt a Samurai fan fhdjbqg BUT I PERSONALLY REALLY LIKE IT
Dogtown itself???? Holyshit. Like, I remember dev saying that Night City itself was a character, the main character even, and they nailed it hardcore with Dogtown too- all of the civilians are fucking so memorable too??? how good the random crowd npcs look as well!! Its a glowup from vanilla and it shows (special kudos to the netrunner kid vendor, and the flame thrower elbow guy and his little dance ghdjs)
I wheezed when trying the AR googles HGKHQ
The crash : God. Even tho I knew what was going to happen, the amount of chills I had during that scene!! It reminded me of one of my favorite DLC from Mass Effect 3, Citadel, there is a scene where Shepard eat shit and fall through a big aquarium / building and is truly alone, hurt and all- gave me the same vibes of "the world is too big, too Much and I'm just one Guy" ??? It got me so hookt, god. ALSO THE TITLE POPING??? UUUGGGHHH. GOD.
Rush to the crash, the sneaking to the ship and getting Myers got me Alert and excited
Escorting Myers feels nice cause she's not useless, she knows how to handle herself (DUH!) but I mean her A.I as a NPC, I like that she also sneak attack on ennemies when you do, like Jackie did
Part I had struggle with was the Driving Myers to the Garage bits, was getting frustrated- I love driving in FPP but with this car, in those streets and in this stressful situation YUOOOCK it wasnt IT FHFJJG switched to TPP and managed after a few tries UwU
OK GOD. The museum- amazing visuals and lore crumbs ofc BUT THE CHIMERA???? HELLO???????? THEY FUCKING POPPED OFF. I havent felt this stressed on a boss battle in FOREVER! Funny enough it reminded me of my first time against Nefarious from Ratchet and clank 3, and its positive HKGJ I was a wee kid back then and its my favorite game from the ratchet serie (which is my favorite console serie tbh) and it made me so nostalgic of that time??? REALLY Comf, really challenging, I shat myself.
District itself is FUCKING INSANE. Of course, it looks amazing, the sound design, the VIBES- I thought everything was already done in night city, how much different nuance of CyberPunk can you do when you already have such a big city with such different districts?? but dogtown is so different and yet fit perfectly
I LOVE. THE. NOMAD DIALOGUE OPTIONS… One of my big "fear" was being left out of the fun cause yeah Nomads really just have the badlands kinda hfjdjg but!!! I already been fed from the few choices I had, especially the one when cutting out the tracker from Myers neck, mentioning the uhh ritual thing, I was !!!!!!! AAAAAH FOOD FOR THOUGHTS AND ROTS I LOVE IT
talking about Nomads I LOVE THE DIVERSITY in the new garments!! Had a lot of corpo and barghest armor loot at the start, so I didnt expected to see some cool denim harnesses, practical jeans and worker gears OwO Excited to see more cause AZHHHGFH
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Dude listen up in gonna yap a lot here hehe :33
randy ppl are hating on ya man.. apologize quick and BETTER.. before I let out my fucking rage to you lol. ngl im just tryna be nice to u like usual. I mean, you should... not use the L move called "apologize and then talk to them again" ITS NOT GONNA WORK BRAH HOLD YA HORSES- 😭😭 YOU SHOULD SHOULD SHOULD NOT talk to any accounts you apologized to since they all need time to REMOVE YA WEIRD ACTS.. UR SO CRINGY TBH BUT I KNOW U STILL HAVE ACTUAL GOOD THING IN YOU 😭😭😭😭😭😭
You may not notice it but u are making people uncomfortable....!1!1 you act like me when I was 9 and just touched internet for first time!!! 👁👄👁 oh my god... I saw a google doc full of what u did and its just so silly why r u doing all this lmao- 💀💀Id surprised if you have friends. NOT to be rude or anything, since ur nice to me, why not try act nice to otehr ppl too? maybe, keep the swearing and sillay slurs off your texts or smth... who taught you all that?? 💀😭 Boi ur acting transphobic and homophobic.. maybe you should stop swearing using slurs or saying stuff like "DIE ASSHOLE" or smth-
PLEASE DONT GET OFFENDED IM SOSOSOSRRY IF I HURT YOU BY THIS SHIT IM TYPING TO YOU THIS IS JUST SOME REMINDER I STILL GIVE YOU A CHANCE TO BE BETTER DAWG. Im concerned for u, you dont act like a human u act like some ai thats still underconstruction. I mean, ur acting weird so, if u need smth to talk about Ill be tehre for ya anyway. thanks for reading this thing I wrote randyy :D
fine.......y'all won......i support trans rights......forever
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