#it really looks like i was the one who wrote all of that 👁👄👁
cokoweee · 3 months
My ass is back, and I'm gonna do another take on analyzing your shit. Take 2 on analyzing things!
First off I know the lyrics of the song literally say what those two feel. But I'm more interested on how your genius mind made Donnie act. So we ignore the lyrics and concentrate on his body language and expression.
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Even if that animatic made you feral, there are really good frames. In literally every frame it is clear that Donnie unconsciously or even instinctively searches for Kendra, already in picture one( yeah I call them like that), he is already following, his arm is lifting up. And his face shows wonder and maybe some slight uneasiness because Kendra moves away.
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Then homeboy literally starts to turn his full body where Kendra just went, his expression just screams slightly fear, that Kendra leaves(*ahem*like his brothers). Maybe it can already be interpreted that he doesn't want loose Kendra. And he works through that in that dream.
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What makes this absolutely great is, Donnie is the one who reaches out. He is the one who stretches his arms to HER. He may looks like he does not want anyone near him, because boy is traumatized, but his unconsciousness doesn't want to be truly left alone. We can see how he also leans his body forward, really wanting to get to Kendra. And again, he reaches out.
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In the frame before this, he once again reached out to her, gave her his hands, which she gladly took. What makes this also great, he now PULLS her to HIM. In his dream and maybe in his deep deep unconsciousness he wants to get her closer, wants her to be near to him.
I could add more frames but I think then it would become an essay. What the essential of this shit was is, I like how you made his body language instinctively yearn for Kendra, him reaching out, him walking towards her. Showing that he wants to let her in, but is scared. He knows it is logical to not let her in, because what if she gets hurt again? And what if she doesn't recover like last time? Will she die like my brothers? But despite that he is already deep in, we can see it in the last frame when he wakes up, when he realizes what he just dreamed and what he wants deep down, but doesn't know if he should act on it or just push it away.
Well! That was my analysis now I'm gotta go and hide because who knows what the hell I just wrote👁👄👁
Just woke up so it took a few tries to read this but IK FUCKINNH LOVE WHEN ANSLYZE
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Got me lookin goofy all laughin an shit. U a smart cookie cause blah blah at some point during this I was like “subliminal messages” without even knowin wtf it is. YOU THO getting shit that’s hell yeah! Oh damn I’m tired just I LOVE ANALYZE ASKS y’all cool u cool nom nom nom nom
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The biggest victims AND perpetuators of homophobia...
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How is it cishet media?
The Exorcist: A movie (sort-of) beloved by the Catholic Church that promotes traditional family values. Has a lot of homophobic language, and it was released around Christmas. Only one gay character and they only tell you through a flamboyant gesture. Screen writer and book author was homophobic enough to make petitions to "un-catholic" the catholic school featured in this film (they were reaching out to gay students and having pride so he wrote an angry letter to the bishop) and it shows. The Vatican once invited the director to come over specifically because of the exorcist :(((
The Haunting: In the movie adaptation, Eleanor calls Theo "nature’s mistake" for being a big lesbian. She’s also in love with the scientist and looks at him like this 👁👄👁, instead of her being desperately and hopelessly in love with Theo in the book. Thanks to the tv series, people even think they're het and bisexual blood-related sisters. She was very much a stranger in the closet and gay for her. For the love of god read the book!!!
The Servant: 🤔🤔🤔 Is it homophobic for a butler to ruin a man and a woman's marriage, then systematically create a platonic co-dependent relationship with the ex-groom-to-be and turn him into a sexed-up alcoholic? (it's worse in the book. the butler tries to make up evidence that his master is a gay pedophile to blackmaile him).
How is it lgbt?
The Servant: Tony cries pathetically next to pictures of sexy athletic men in their underwear on his bed and it’s never explained. The conflict is largely pushed by the scene where Tony and his fiancee Susan see his butler Barrett naked in Tony's room after having sex. Also?? The way Barrett yanks up Tony's tie like he's about to dominate him??? They didn't have sex, but they did have sex with the same girl in the same time frame when she was in on it. I consider this toxic yaoi and a psychosexual class war. I'll put photos.
Haunting: Oh my goddddd is Eleanor still so repressed and dealing with internalized homophobia in the movie. She and Theodora have a love-hate-attraction-repulsion thing going on. Theo is lesbian-coded and was even supposed to have a female lover in the movie (her "roommate" in the book) but then came censorship. Eleanor calling Theo "unnatural" in the movie... that is a vintage code word for lesbian (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QF2FKI7Fe-U). Before that, she was totally smitten even if the scientist distracts from that. The book is more lesbian, but at least the movie sneaks it in. And it sucks that Eleanor is so angry and lashing out but I get it. Her family hates or at least doesn't care about her feelings. n it's about how unsafe the traditional family structure really is even when you try to do found family but no one likes you for being gay and uptight. Oh and Theo, who is lesbian, survives at the end in all versions.
Exorcist: Regan is sooo off-putting and a bad daughter. This is just what being queer and having several diseases is like minus the exorcism. Her voice gets deep while she acts rebellious and her mom rejects her. Damien Karras (the younger priest) also reads as so repressedly gay and in the closet in the original book, but the movie squeezes in a bit of that with a scene where Fr. Dyer lays Karras to bed, and they hold hands until Karras eventually recoils with so much pathetic pain. I KNOW what you are. (https://afieldinengland.tumblr.com/post/657429236105248768/they-were-in-love-here) Karras and Dyer are even closer in the book, and Dyer is his stereotypically effeminate "ride or die" gay best friend. He told him to leave the priesthood with him since the gays are doing it, meanwhile all the other local priests were panicking about gay priests. The movie is extremely quotable too and I find that camp. Also found "Mother what's wrong with me?" and "That thing upstairs is not my daughter" to be sooo personal. I know it's homophobic but it helped me come out more somehow because I don't want to DIE like that. Saw some fun Regan MacNeil dragqueens, trans posts and non-binary comics (with regan and karras) awhile ago as well. In the 90s, a reviewer said that the movie was actually a priest's homoerotic wet dream (and that's why they wanted to kill pazuzu the "female element") and it so threw off the director to the point that his biography, an analytical book on the exorcist by kermode, AND some articles will bring it up as a bizarre theory or serious analysis. Well I say the reviewer had a point, but with the wrong priest. Dyer is the only confirmed gay character who gets censored a lot, but I know what those two had. Big closeted catholic energy. That's why Regan was so homophobic. She read Karras' mind.
Haunting Propaganda
The Exorcist Propaganda
The Servant propaganda:
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dabiscrustyfeet · 2 years
Hi, I really liked what you wrote. Can you do the reaction of the brothers when they learn that their children are harassed because of his half human blood? The little one didn't want to say anything, ashamed of being weak when they were their children.
Awww this is such a cute post thank u for requesting my love
(Im so sorry it took so long)
The sins find out their kid was harassed because they have half human blood
First of all
How dare people harass his child
No seriously – you have a death wish
Second of all
His child ain’t weak just because they have half human blood
They are stronger than most demons mkay
So y’all hurting them is 1: a death wish 2: idiocy and 3: he will tell his child to beat yo ass once they get a grip of their power
So when his kid comes to him looking upset – oh he knows and he’s not happy
The kiddo was about to say some lame ass excuse and he cuts them off
‘You know you’re not weak right? You’re still young, your power will grow, okay dear?’
As soon as his kid says ‘aren’t you ashamed that i couldn’t defend myself ?’
Bruh– he’s looking at his kid like 👁👄👁
He’s offended– you think he’s ashamed?
Staring at his kid like they grew three heads
‘No i am not ashamed’ honestly said it with so much finality you’d have thought he was in an argument
Obviously he needs to make his kid feel better so [insert very soft dad lucifer comforting his child]
And when the his pride and joy [his kid, if you didn’t realise] fell asleep
He decided to ready the not so secret torture chamber in the basement
He had a few guests coming over
Oof- i feel sorry for whoever hurt this mans kid
First off, mammon has a soft spot for kids; he has a nine year old to look after and pays child support for and he absolutely adores luke
Second off, you thought lucifer and beel were scary when it comes to protecting their family if someone hurt them
Well, mammon is terrifying
So, mammon is minding his business, ya know, doing things the avatar of greed does
And his kid has come home and goes straight to their room
And mammon was kinda hyper fixated on some shit, so obviously, levi pops in the guys room and tells him his kid is home
Now you have mammon running to his kid to ask them about their day
And he hears them sobbing, face down on their bed Disney style
Now mammon is very concerned
‘Whats wrong?’ He asked his kid
They kinda cry harder, so mammon holds them close, as he did with his brothers once
Once they calm down they tell mams what happened and they’ve been hurt and they think he’s ashamed
He pretty much shuts down the idea just like lucifer has cuz uno: he loves his kid dos: he ain’t ashamed , and he loves them and tres: they’re his kid, so they will be powerful in due time
You and i both know that mammon is the best at controlling his anger, and he’d rather comfort his child than commit a felony
But don’t you think he forgotten oh no he hasn’t
After a few days of regaining the child’s happiness, and they are better than ever
Thats when he strikes
With the help of his crows, he manages to locate them bitches who put the idea that his kid is weak cuz they have half human blood in their head
And lets say that those hoes are now resting in pieces
There is a reason why mammon is the second strongest avatar
Do not underestimate his power
Levi was watching tsl for the umpteenth time
Annd he got bored, so he decided to see if his kid was back home
He likes watching anime with them, i mean it does get boring alone sometimes
He saw them walk out the door, and he ran to ask if they wanna play a game or something
And his kid be like ‘🥲 sure’
Levi is bamboozled and would like an explanation
He wants to know why they look like that
Like who hurt you? Why you upset 🤨
The kid tries to lie or some shit
Babes. Levi is the grand admiral for a reason
🎶Why you lying why you always lying🎶
Once he got the truth out of his kid this mans envy comes out
‘Its not fair, they shouldn’t treat you like this– don’t they know that you’re my kid? How dare they hurt you?!’
And now he’s holding his kid close to him : a way to prevent him from flooding the house
Which also meant that he unknowingly turned into his demon form, meaning his tail is also hugging his kid
I mean what else do you expect with a tail get your head out the gutter
Now once he calmed down, he reassured his kid that ‘these fucktards were jealous of you, that you are powerful and who cares if youve got half human blood?🤨 you can still beat their asses no problem’
He’s out here making them think of all the things they could do to those harassers once their power increases
Unfortunately this kid also does watch whatever anime they have over there with levi, meaning they are cultured
They read and watched death note, so now we have a little light yagami waiting for their power to awaken
Levi doesn’t have to do much to the harassers really
You thought Lotan was huge?
The Leviathan makes Lotan look like a butterfly
Oh satan, satan, satan
I don’t even know what to say
This man was doing his daily things
Read a book, check on the cats, read a book, check on the cats, go to the cat cafe, read a book
You get the point
Satan is already a whole menace on his own
Imagine him and his kid together
They wreck shit together, be cynical together, prank lucifer together, hunt down assholes together
They’re basically best friends
This kid, being a lot like satan, doesn’t cry easily
So imagine the shock when satan comes home from petting some stray cats
His menace of child- crying while reading a book
So he asks them whats the matter
‘Who do i need to defenestrate?’
So kid is like ‘ah no nothing is wrong this book is just sad’
Decent excuse that satan actually bought
So he decides to sit with them to comfort them, yanno
Sometimes books can be depressing
Until he reads the front cover
Which reads ‘Heidi’
Sure some parts are sad, but boi it is not enough for you to cry
So he’s a little confused
‘Are you lying?’
‘No’ they say while not giving eye contact
How does he know?
He just does
‘You’re lying. What happened ?’
Obviously, they end up fessing up how they feel like satan is ashamed and how they are weak cuz of the human blood in them
Cue angry satan noises
Like levi, he got mad for his kid
You know them little book towers in his room
That shit went tumbling down
Hoes very mad
So ✨reassurance time✨
After the child is happy, feeling better, he goes on a rampage
Massive rampage
He uses his connections and all
Made use of everything he has
Some point he roped lucifer’s own connections in
Nobody can escape the wrath of Satan
The last thing anyone should be doing is insulting his kid
Ik his child is taught self love from a young age
Anyone who tries to make his kid self loathe ends up on the blacklist
Asmo’s kid is obviously real confident in almost everything
So imagine the shock of asmo when he sees his kid bawling their eyes out with a tub of ice cream in their lap
Now this kid normally cries dramatically and makes it known
But they hid away in asmos room, all is not well.
We now have an avatar of sin fretting over his kid, wiping tears and shit ya know
And asks what the matter is
So when asmo hears what comes out of his kids mouth, he goes haywire
About to go crazy
But keeps it in
Asmodeus inhales and exhales, to calm himself down
‘Darling, your my child, and you are a thousand times more powerful than those idiots. How about we have a bath and watch some movies, hmm?’
Is what he says
Since his kid absolutely hates violence (they find it a waste of time) , he cant really say what he about to do
So he decides to leave the matter till later and chooses to comfort the kid ( while also finding out about who made his kid upset)
And asmo manages to locate them hoes who hurt his kid
He may not like getting his hands dirty but he sure as hell will do it for his child
He is a ruler of hell after all
Whoever hurt this mans kid is daft
His child was found outside gardening
And beel was passing by till he hears his child speaking to the plants
‘Maybe they think that will make the plants grow, cute’
Or so he thought
My guy came closer and heard the poor kid crying to the plants saying shit like ‘im a disgrace’
So he scoops them up in his arms and holds them close.
He decides to distract them and calm them down, drink some water and the cookie he had ( he trying his best)
Among the things that he shows the child is his demon form
The child was always fascinated with the sound of his wings
The soft buzz of his wings calmed them down, and their cheeks was stuffed of the cookies, looking very much like a hamster
Beel asks them of why they were crying and it turns out that they thought he was ashamed of them being a half blood
Which is an idea that ya boy shut down completely
We all know that beel is quite blunt with what he says, and so he asked them who put the idea in his head
When the tell him the kids names, he quite frankly says ‘they don’t amount to anything if they find happiness in hurting others feelings - don’t think much of them too much okay, they wont bother you anymore’
Damn right they didnt
Because they were dead
What can i say? His stomach is bottomless pit, he may as well make use of it
Now, why would you do that?
What possessed you to target Belphegor’s child?
The kid of the homicidal maniac
The kid of the man who is insane
The kid of a guy who strangled you
Clearly you haven’t thought this through
So the child is up in the attic, in a corner, sulking
We all know that belphie has problems, but these problems are set aside to see what is going on with his kid
Belphegor just sits there, next to the child, and pulls them to his lap, stroking the kids hair-hes being very wholesome at the moment
After a few minutes, the kid has their tension eased from their shoulders, feeling very calm after all
‘Do you want to talk about it?’ is what belphie asks
He knew the second the kid stilled in his lap something has happened
Surprisingly, he tries to coax the kid into telling him what happened, but like also saying they don’t need to tell him if they don’t want to
We all know he a nosy prick and he definitely wants to know
The second he finds out, the temperature in the attic drops
However, he acts like all is well and continues humming a lullaby to his kid
If the lullaby was a sleeping spell in disguise, the child will never know
After the kid falls asleep and belphie tucks them to bed, he leaves the room and decides to take a stroll outside to calm his nerves
Once he felt very calm he decides to go back home
Lets say his efforts of trying not to cause murder went down the drain
Why, you may ask?
Its because he saw them dudes who thought they could make his kid feel bad about themselves
Now, I like to think belphegor has some sort of hypnotic power, whether to immobilise someone or to make them sleep, he has it
His voice is soft and sweet, a melody of its own kind
The people seem to answer; their bodies moving towards an alleyway, eyes glazed over
Belphegor stalks by, and the song he sings starts increasing in tempo, danger screams in the hearts of the hypnotised demons
The melody stops to an abrupt halt
The demons wake up from what they thought was a slumber, and they see-
They see the avatar of sloth looming over them, in all his glory
They do not what they have done to invoke the wrath of the youngest
They are liars
They knew whose child that was, yet they didn’t care for the whispers of disbelief around them, nor did they care for the consequences
So, now they, the demons, pressed against the wall of the dark alleyway, lay there
Eyes glazed over, hands squeezing their necks, living through their worst nightmares
Those whispers of disbelief these unfortunate demons heard were warnings
The Avatar of Sloth, who looking down on the with pure ecstasy, is truly a monster
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fangswbenefits · 1 year
I think one of the big reasons that I love sweet girl sm is because I relate so heavily to her. I mean, of course I love Miguel and everything he does, but she is so complex, human, and relatable.
Ik for me, it's really comforting seeing an oblivious reader without her being "Romance????? 🤔🤔🤔 Who's that? 🤠🤠🤠😜😜😜💃💃💃" because I might be the most oblivious person alive.
A little personal long story short, but my ex gf literally wrote a mini fanfiction between her and I with the same personalities, hobbies, looks, and with names that had only one letter changed. She would have me edit it, too. One of my friends had to actually grab me by the shoulders and straight up tell me "dude wake tf up she's in love with you." And even then I was like "What? What makes you think that? 👁👄👁"
And even this year one of my friends literally gave me a HAND DRAWN CARD with a cute little bee on it that said "will you bee mine?" It was so cute and he was all read when he gave it to me and my dumbass said "Omg this is so cute! Who's it for? 😃" I will jokingly flirt with my friends and I just assumed it was something cute or platonic or even for someone else. When he told me that it was actually for me, I just thanked him and walked away. I only found out that it was a romantic thing after they told me 2 months later 😭
Anyway, this is all to say that you are a great writer with phenomenal character building skills. Sorry for the long rant, it's just really refreshing and I needed to let you know that we appreciate you <3
- could I maybe be 🍎 anon? 👀
Loved reading this! I'm glad people are no longer suspecting that sweet girl was just playing dumb or that she was using Miguel (this one made me sad ngl). It is definitely not uncommon for some people to be clueless and it doesn't mean they are playing hard to get or that they are wearing a mask 👀
Sweet girl is vastly different from me, but I can still relate to some of her traits 🤧 I know she's still a reader insert, but I wanter to flesh her out and make her feel more authentic if that makes sense 💗
Again, thank you sending this! It's always a joy reading how you guys can relate to sweet girl 🥺
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pinkyjulien · 1 year
ALRIGHT ALRIGHT Actually I'm going to share my fresh, sleep-deprived thoughts that I wrote yesterday- or more like, this morning gfhhgf bear with me cause I was loosing it :>
⚠ Heavy spoilers under read more!
As a heads up as to why the formating is all weird, this was sent to a friendo who worked on PL :3 Did a list of things that stuck to me in those 4-5 first hours right before falling asleep! I stoped at the little hideout with Myers, didn't met Reed or Kurt or MrHands or Anybody elses yet really 👁👄👁✋ taking my sweet time with it!
The start : I LOVED the glitchy holocall with songbird, it set the tone immediately
God walking up to the gate and seeing all those cars and npcs waiting to enter- THE BIT with the cops who cant go in ?? omg loved it, again its such a tiny thing that set the tone right up
Songbird introduction oh my goddddddd…. HGJG I love HER SHE'S SO COOL… When she was like "were going to crash so I woobled into your relic" I was???? Ok so How and What and What and What UH… Also I can see why people won't like her, already just cause she mute Johnny and isnt a Samurai fan fhdjbqg BUT I PERSONALLY REALLY LIKE IT
Dogtown itself???? Holyshit. Like, I remember dev saying that Night City itself was a character, the main character even, and they nailed it hardcore with Dogtown too- all of the civilians are fucking so memorable too??? how good the random crowd npcs look as well!! Its a glowup from vanilla and it shows (special kudos to the netrunner kid vendor, and the flame thrower elbow guy and his little dance ghdjs)
I wheezed when trying the AR googles HGKHQ
The crash : God. Even tho I knew what was going to happen, the amount of chills I had during that scene!! It reminded me of one of my favorite DLC from Mass Effect 3, Citadel, there is a scene where Shepard eat shit and fall through a big aquarium / building and is truly alone, hurt and all- gave me the same vibes of "the world is too big, too Much and I'm just one Guy" ??? It got me so hookt, god. ALSO THE TITLE POPING??? UUUGGGHHH. GOD.
Rush to the crash, the sneaking to the ship and getting Myers got me Alert and excited
Escorting Myers feels nice cause she's not useless, she knows how to handle herself (DUH!) but I mean her A.I as a NPC, I like that she also sneak attack on ennemies when you do, like Jackie did
Part I had struggle with was the Driving Myers to the Garage bits, was getting frustrated- I love driving in FPP but with this car, in those streets and in this stressful situation YUOOOCK it wasnt IT FHFJJG switched to TPP and managed after a few tries UwU
OK GOD. The museum- amazing visuals and lore crumbs ofc BUT THE CHIMERA???? HELLO???????? THEY FUCKING POPPED OFF. I havent felt this stressed on a boss battle in FOREVER! Funny enough it reminded me of my first time against Nefarious from Ratchet and clank 3, and its positive HKGJ I was a wee kid back then and its my favorite game from the ratchet serie (which is my favorite console serie tbh) and it made me so nostalgic of that time??? REALLY Comf, really challenging, I shat myself.
District itself is FUCKING INSANE. Of course, it looks amazing, the sound design, the VIBES- I thought everything was already done in night city, how much different nuance of CyberPunk can you do when you already have such a big city with such different districts?? but dogtown is so different and yet fit perfectly
I LOVE. THE. NOMAD DIALOGUE OPTIONS… One of my big "fear" was being left out of the fun cause yeah Nomads really just have the badlands kinda hfjdjg but!!! I already been fed from the few choices I had, especially the one when cutting out the tracker from Myers neck, mentioning the uhh ritual thing, I was !!!!!!! AAAAAH FOOD FOR THOUGHTS AND ROTS I LOVE IT
talking about Nomads I LOVE THE DIVERSITY in the new garments!! Had a lot of corpo and barghest armor loot at the start, so I didnt expected to see some cool denim harnesses, practical jeans and worker gears OwO Excited to see more cause AZHHHGFH
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(catch up with the TWST fandom whenever you have the chance the main story is WILD rn with episode 7)
I'm the anon who wrote that really long Twisted Wonderland AU ask!! Thank you for replying btw. My writing is rusty but I'm really tempted to make it a multi-chapter fic now, but I'm still deciding if it should be set during episode 3 or somewhere between episode 5-7. Anyway some more headcanons that might make it into the fic:
Idia would be so creepy about Ichigo :') His love for anime girls and cats united into a 3D MAGICAL CATGIRL, come to life. Once he mistook Grim for an actual cat an tried to pet him, scaring poor Grim to the point he fainted? Yeah it'd be something like that. If he finds out she can turn into a cat, he might explode. Quiche spots him looking at Ichigo from afar and goes 🤺🤺 BACK 🤺🤺 BACK I TELL YOU. Idia hates Quiche-shi.
Floyd jumpscares Ichigo all the time because she thinks it's Quiche talking at first. She turns around annoyed thinking it's Quiche but then she's just staring at Floyd inches from her face like 👁👄👁. And then when she's ready for Floyd to be there it's actually Quiche. She doesn't know which one is worse. It gives her whiplash. Floyd thinks it's funny; Quiche not so much. Let's pray Floyd never wants to squeeze her.
Not sure if you made it to chapter 3 but like. Ichigo making a contract with Azul because she wanted to get good grades and be in the top 50, so now Quiche has to team up with Yuu and Jack to get her out of the mess she got into along with Ace, Deuce and Grim? Amazign.
OMFG HI ANON yes please write this fic!!
And BLESS thank you for all of this juicy content 👀💖 You’re making me want to get back into the Twisted Wonderland fandom again
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hongjoongscafe · 1 year
I am so freaking excited for the next bloody love update 😁 i hope you are doing well ..it is getting kinda hot these days and i have been having too much icecream and iced coffies lol i think i am gonna die ..but it is my guilty pleasure 😅 do you have any favorite flavour you love ? For me it is hard tp choose i can basically enjoy anything as long as it screams ICECREAM!! Get some sleep too incase you are not 🤧 cuz if i dont get 7 hrs of sleep , my body and mind cant function the same ..i look like walking dead 🙂🥲 with the whole dark circles and the concealer thingy ..so dont feel obliged to update ..update if you want to ..i just want to tell you that cuz i feel like it becomes more of a chore than a hobby or escape ..yk like authors just get too deep in this shit that they began to lose themselves and then it just feels burdensome and tiring for them to write ..i just want every writer to get inspired , be happy with whatever she is writing and provide content she wants to not bcz she feels obliged and is overworking herself /himself ☺️ if you are not doing this ,thats completely fine then but i wanted to let you know that you have readers who care about you and also see you as a human being, who is real and living her life not only some tumblr writer who writes dark fics ..❤️ i love your writings
-🧜‍♀️ anon
*Also about the detailed scene of dark lord jeon , i would kill for that please do write that ..dont blame me👁👄👁 even you cant deny that this scenario sounds so hot yet so creepy at the same time shoo
* i dont know if this whole shit is making any sense but english is not my first language SORRY!
Ahhh, really? I'm glad that you are excited🥹. It is getting too hot. Going to college is so horrible these days. I felt like I might pass out due to the horrible heat🥲. I bring my hand fan with me now. Ah, add more water to it as well! Stay hydrated. If it is ice cream, I LOVE chocolate (basic but I love it). And I'm not a big caffeine consumer. So, a nice homemade iced coffee (Indian domestic style) is just perfect😌. I think there are so many flavours to explore when it comes to ice cream, I'm all in for it!
I'm not gonna lie, my sleeping schedule is just so messy. I thought when my classes will start, it will be fine, but nooooo😭. Same girl🥺 I have started to use concealer as well. It's just too much at one time. I appreciate you looking out for me. I'm not gonna lie, these days I'm an emotional wreck. I haven't gotten anything done with fiction. I'm literally writing a line or two every day. You are so true! It does become a chore at one point. I had to step back for a while but now I realized that I do this for fun and I don't earn anything from this and I can delay it and write when I feel like it the most. Slow updates are now my thing. Writing definitely can be burdensome especially when you put in so much effort but the outcome is kinda not as expected. Now I keep my expectations low but readers like you make it much more amazing.
This brought tears to my eyes. I have been so emotional and questioning every single thing in my life. So seeing this ask just made it a whole lot better. I love that you understand that I have a real life and can't be separated from that.
Side note that no one asked: I now have a great friends circle. So, I like to give them some time as well! Anddd👀 my result for the second semester came in a few hours ago, I came third🥹!
Thank you so much, pretty anon! I love you so much 💓💓
Ahhh, I am writing that part. I wrote some of it, rest I will write it tomorrow. I hope you will like it. But you guys definitely have to wait for a week or something (I'm sorry about that🥺)
Girl! Stop! You just made my day. It was perfect! I really REALLY appreciate you. Thank you so much, anon! I hope you have a great day/night💓💓😘
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athinakori · 2 years
I was reading the house of hades today while waiting for my internet and the air conditioner to be installed at my new apartment and 👁👄👁.
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taegularities · 3 years
Hey babeee✨💘 I’m so happy i found your blog💕 i love your writing so so much✨ “Ruin You” was the filthiest, most exiting and enthralling fic i’ve ever read 👁👄👁
would you mind to write down some fic recommendations?? With tae in it, since he’s my bias🥰
Thank you!!💘 and i hope you have a nice week✨
HELLO !! omg thank u so much, i'm so happy u liked the massive filth that 'ruin you' is so much, i love u 😭<33 i hope u have an amazing week ahead too ✨
and yes, ofc !! here are some i like a lot:
love me or we both go down by @gukyi (so beautiful, the perfect e2l !!)
back to the start by @joonscypher (hurt like a bitch. would def read again tho T-T)
all i want for christmas is you by @ladyartemesia (there's sexual tension. mirror sex. jealousy. crack. what more does one need?)
the point of no return by @illneverrecover (a story that's cute AND hot? sweet tae with yeontan + incredible smut? read this)
electric love by @sunshinekims (absolutely ADORABLE, every word is super sweet and endearing!)
work out for me by @chateautae (my god, this work out video fucked us up goooooddd, and sammy wrote it to perfection)
just for practice by @h0neypjm (BOLD taehyung who's incredibly hot too, good luck surviving this)
pour up by @jungkxook (jungkook. taehyung. a threesome of the best sort. ENJOY)
tempting by @kinktae (you want demon tae to seduce you? then read this!)
across the tracks by @btsmosphere (i loved this so so much, this tae is so kind and sweet. would read more any day)
babysitters club by @baepsaesbae (FLUFFY tae being the sweetest and then domming you in bed, istg, pls read)
devilish by @noteguk (gave me kinks i didn't know i had tbh 😐)
encre écarlate by @xiaokoo (grumpy tae melting with time.... yes)
friendly fantasies by @missgeniality (PTD really gave us all the inspo. and this one featuring yoongi? a must-read)
nip it in the bud by @opaljm (taehyung has a dick piercing in this one. enough said)
black ravens by @kimtaehyunq (vampire!tae still haunts me, there's no way this fic will leave you sane)
one of the boys by @littlemisskookie (the pain was real. not one tear, but such a big tear in my heart. absolutely beautiful)
never look back by @sugasbabiie (my god, this broke my heart entirely. so real and raw)
hush, yeah? by @kithtaehyung (tae is the BIGGEST tease in this one, and the sexual tension is so painful :'D)
i also posted a list yesterday on my rec blog here !! u can check it out too <3 happy reading !!
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strxwberrylemonxde · 3 years
Boba Shop AU!
Pairing: Shinsou x gn!reader
Genre: Fluff
Warning: None
Word Count: 0.88k
A/N - Oh boy this idea has been in my brain for over two months and lemme tell you, this is one of the best au ideas that has ever come into my mind, but idk if I like how I wrote it 💀 Might come back and rewrite it, but for right now enjoy!! It feels so long since I've posted something 😭 Also, requests are open if you want to request or just chat (pls do, it's so lonely out here ;-;) Enjoy!! <33
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I headcanon that Shinsou really likes boba
Like I look at him and think “Oh yeah, this man would love boba”
He would absolutely get it like every other week and it would get to the point where the people who work at the boba shop know his order like the backs of their hand
His go-to order is either a taro milk tea with boba and coffee jelly or original milk tea with boba and coffee jelly (like the hot person he is 😌)
Idk he just doesn’t strike me as the fruity tea type
He and Denki would go to their local boba shop together all the time and it’s honestly one of the best serotonin boosts for both of them because they could get away from all the Class 1-A chaos and just vibe
They will talk for hours over boba
It’s mostly just Denki going on about some people he found cute the other day or new stories he has of the Bakusquad while Shinsou will just listen quietly and provide some off-hand comments here and there
They are literally the next generation Aizawa and Hizashi 💀
You’re also a pretty big fan of boba and you were looking for a part-time job to make some money while you went to school
So you decided to apply for a job at this boba shop that happened to be nearby your house
It’d been about a week since you started working at the boba shop when Shinsou and Denki decide to swing by together
You were in the back when you heard the bell at the front door ring, signaling a new customer
“Welcome in, I’ll be with you in a moment!!”
Shinsou and Denki were kind of startled by the sound of a new voice since they knew almost all of the staff, but when you came out the both of them just went wide-eyed
Denki might have almost short-circuited
“Hello! How can I help you guys today?”
The two of them were literally awestruck as they tried to place their orders (stammering a little bit in the process)
While you were making their orders, Denki was whisper-yelling about how cute you looked
Shinsou immediately turned red at his statement and tried to cover his face, awkwardly shuffling his feet over to the counter when you called them over for their drinks
He tried to avoid eye contact with you when you said have a good day in that sweet tone of yours
Over the course of the month, Denki would drag Shinsou with him more often than usual, trying to get at least a glimpse of you again, slowly working up Shinsou’s courage to talk to you more
Denki is the ultimate wingman
Every time Denki would try to talk to you for him, Shinsou would tell him to knock it off and threaten to brainwash him 💀
“Denki you better stop or I swear-”
“Dude come on, it’s obvious that you’re into them, and it’s obvious that they’re into. Trust me bro I can tell 😌”
Denki the Matchmaker™
One day, Denki finally took matters into his own hands
As he was paying for the drinks, Denki decided to make casual conversation with you
He knew Shinsou wouldn’t be able to do anything if it was in front of you, so he made his move
“Yeah so my friend over here thinks you’re really cool and definitely wants to get to know you sometime 😃”
Shinsou: 👁👄👁💧
You giggled at his reaction but didn’t give a response
You weren’t sure what it was that made your heart skip a beat every time the pair would walk in
You were always so excited to come to work hoping to see the mysterious purple-haired boy again
You thought it would be fun to tease them, so you stayed silent
Your lack of response was enough for Denki to go from 😃 to 😳
He thought he done messed up and that Shinsou was gonna kill him for embarrassing him
The poor boy really thought he was gonna die
He could feel Shinsou’s silent rage so he took a few steps back from him, fearing he would pull a Bakugou and end him right there in the middle of the store
When you called out their orders for them, Shinsou was the one who went up to the counter, he hoped he could try to apologize to you for his friend’s stupidity
“Um- hey I just wanted to say sorry for what my friend said back there, he’s always saying stupid stuff like that…”
He rubbed the back of his neck nervously and you thought you would melt right there
“Don’t even worry about it, enjoy your drinks”
When he looked at his cup, he saw in black sharpie the words “I’d like to get to know you some time too, here’s my number <3”
He looked back up at you and smiled, catching you wink at him before taking another customers order
“Maybe you aren’t that dumb after all Denki…”
“I told you so 😌 Wait what’d you say?!”
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;;ask game
i just KNOW there are several asks saying azul (probably?) so uhh ace/crewel
[From here!]
Anon ironically, when you sent this, I received no Azul asks 😂 (it’s ok, there’s around two right now which I’ll be saving for last)
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Yeah, I don’t really have much to say on Ace ngl 😂 In general, it’s a struggle I have with first years. Their characters are compelling, but it’s just that I find the second and third years (especially second years) much more enjoyable.
A lot of my friends are Ace stans and boy, do they all want to chuck him to a wall or something 😂 so admittedly, he’s got that blorbo image to me. I mean, I can’t blame them honestly. Look at this face, he looks punchable as fuck.
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I think a lot of people would remember the Ace betrayal theory that got really popular throughout the fandom. It also created a bunch of other Ace theories as well, like the ‘Ace will overblot’ theory (which I wrote about here) and ‘Ace is leading a double life’. Those were fun things to think about, but canon-wise, it makes little to no sense since there is a lack of evidence. 😂 The theory also started out because some JP fan pointed out that Ace was like the ‘Alice’ of book 1 and from there, they went, “Oh what if Ace will become a traitor?” But by now, we can see that the overblot boys themselves have played the roles of their hero counterparts, so that already nulls the origins of Ace betrayal theory. 😅 But that doesn’t mean it’s not fun to think about! I like the idea of Ace having to have an ulterior reason why he’s in NRC.
But that being said, I actually prefer Ace not being in NRC because he’s a spy/he has to do something that will involve betraying his friends/etc. I like that right now, he’s talented but he’s rather uninspired, dare I say indifferent. There’s beauty in seeing someone who has yet to mature and will become more mature in the present. Ace puts himself on a pedestal for being talented, but just talent won’t get you through high school or real life. I want to see Ace get shaken out of his indifference. He’s always been the guy who gives advice, let him be humbled and receive advice as well for once. 😩 That’s what I want to see from Ace, especially in chapter 7 and future arcs.
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I’d say Crewel is my third favorite staff when it comes to appeal, though he’s the most interesting in terms of how compelling he is as a character among the staff.
I don’t know why, but when I think of pre-release Twst, one of the first things I remember is the revelation of Crewel. Probably because my irl was thirsting a lot for him when he first came out 😂 but yeah, Crewel definitely got so much thirst comments when he came out. It was rather entertaining. Can’t blame anyone really, he is hot 😔
I feel like I’d be scared of Crewel in class at first 😭 “I’m going to drill 100 formulas into your memory” bye I’m out. But later on, I’d grow to respect his intelligence and competence as a teacher (something that I grew to deeply appreciate after encountering countless incompetent profs 😔🫠), so I think I may be motivated to try my hardest in his class. The man also encourages you to live your life, something that I really like about him 🥺 He’d be strict with you, but he won’t stop you from doing fun things in life (as long as it doesn’t hurt you of course).
Obviously, he’s got the staff curse, which is not enough screen time 😔 but hey, at least he’s got a battle chibi 😌 I’m honestly really curious about Crewel’s life outside of classes. Share more about your damn minions, Crewel 👁👄👁 talk about your red sports car, give us stories of your most daring adventures, both past and present (I feel like he’s still pretty daring even as an adult).
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darthmaulification · 3 years
Hey I got this idea. What if reader, SO whatever, is an assasin، or a bounty hunter after Mauls head, or a jedi, they want to kill maul, that's what Im saying. Maybe when he was the mandalore. They sneak up on him but he got the force he knows. Epic badass battle. After one long hell of a fight he gets the better hand. Darksaber near readers neck but he hesitates. They can be a great tool because they nearly got him right? In the midfle of a planet full of warriors and mercenaries. So he's thinking to offer them to join him but they're looking deep in his eyes. He's unsettled. Out of character for him, he wonders. Then they say something that Maul could've never expected.
"Do it. It's ok." The assassin says. With a soft smile. a geniun look in their eyes not even the best actors and spies can pull off.
And he sees through them. The pain, the suffering they'd seen. This whole charade is not for money. Not for the betterment of the world. Not even for fun. It's suicide.
He is an embodiment of life itself. He is unfair. Harsh. He takes to thrive. He doesn't know it himself of course.
What he knows is revenge. And he LIVES for it. This man tricked and fooled death so many times people are begining to wonder if he's a god. Mauls story is tragic. From the beginning till the end. And it makes him angry. He's unjust because justice was never shown to him. After all he went through, he deserves to take what he wants. At least that's what he thinks.
But this one. The exact opposit of him. This person on their knees with the most dangerous weapon threatening to behead them, smiles and it's......sad. they went through hell and apparently it never went away. It haunts them. He sees in their mind. But unlike him, they accepted their fate. That the world cannot change. They will never see justice. They can never rest. The only peace they will recieve is death. And.....
It shook Maul to his core. How? Why? They just accept? and all the people did them wrong still live?
Maul is baffaled. For once in his life, he doesn't know what to do. He takes another look at his killer and see they're no longer smiling. Their face blank. Their mind is.......empty.
This helplessness. This acceptance. Its........not even pathetic.
He turns off the saber. Assassin looks up at him. Face still blank. He reaches his hand to them.
They take it.
A/N: WOW. OKAY. so you really just said this, huh??? you just brought this to my house and placed it on my dining room table??? 👁👄👁
i like this idea a lot. and i don’t know why, but it gives me the vibes of the movie Killing Them Softly (2012), and if you or anyone’s seen the film (see it if you haven’t, it’s good), maybe it makes sense??? i don’t know, the energy of ‘emotionally and mentally drained bounty hunter/hitman who feels like they have nothing to lose and is kinda giving up on life and the world’ makes a really interesting type of character.
i wrote out this weird little companion piece thingy to yours, that follows the prompt you’ve already laid out, though i have a bit of a different conclusion, one that’s a bit less... happy. it’s still hopeful, though, maybe just not as obvious. 😊
content: implied mental health issues, mental disintegration/fracturing, downward spiral, implied breakdown, 🚨suicidal ideation🚨, this is all written in tidbits tbh, gn!reader, there’s not really any real plot/story going on in this one, implied reader’s villain origin story?? 💀💀 oops.
word count: 708 (short ‘n sweet)
enjoy! 💗
Let’s say Reader is force sensitive. Maybe they were a Jedi at one point, but they’d always kind of been... different than other padawans. Reader never really fit in, never really “got it”, y’know? And so that grows for years until something happens, maybe Reader fucks up or there’s some other catalyst, but it leads to Reader becoming disillusioned with the Jedi Code and abandoning the order. Maybe they leave dishonored and angry, maybe they leave quietly, with an aching numbness about them. It doesn’t really matter to them, not really.
Needless to say, Reader is on their own now, just wandering the galaxy with no purpose, planet hopping, not staying anywhere for too long. Reader starts to implode, self-destruct, they turn unforgiving, reckless. Maybe Reader starts to visit cantinas and get shitfaced drunk, waste away their credits at brothels or gambling. Maybe, Reader even begins to lose grasp on their moral compass, and start doing... bad things.
And then the downward spiral all comes to a head when, somehow, Reader gets in the way of Maul and his mission, probably by mistakenly messing with the Death Watch or some lackey’s of Maul’s crime syndicate and the Crimson Dawn. Regardless, Reader and Maul clash, like you’ve mentioned, and honestly it’s just Reader’s last fucking stand. Like, they’re done now. Have been for years, but this is finally the moment.
Reader gets the Darksaber to their neck, and it’s over now. And then Maul hesitates.
[Do it. It’s okay.]
And like you’ve mentioned, Maul can see it, can feel it too if Reader is force sensitive. And Maul will get angry at this. He wanted a fight and a satisfying win over the person who’s been causing him trouble, not some pyrrhic victory over an opponent that would welcome the death he gives them. Maul is an old-fashioned warrior, so he would see this type of surrender as pathetic. weak. This is when he fully realizes what you’ve mentioned:
[This whole charade is not for money. Not for the betterment of the world. Not even for fun. It's suicide.]
The fight is over, and Maul knows that Reader wants it to be. Unexpectedly and completely unprompted, Maul sees himself in Reader. They’re both victims to the absolute Hell that the galaxy can and has dished out, they’ve both been wronged, both have hit rock bottom and somehow went even lower. Maul sees now that he had the valuable asset of wrath to pull himself from the hole he was plunged into. He sees that Reader is still stuck in theirs, has decided to die in it.
Maul isn’t a believer in giving up. he fights; scratches, bites, and claws his way to the top until he’s won over and over again. Like you said, he’s baffled that Reader is accepting their fate, wanting it. Maul fought against his supposed end, he can’t wrap his head around why Reader desires theirs.
The Darksaber will leave Reader’s neck and be sheathed.
Maul won’t offer any comfort, he won’t offer his hand, won’t help Reader up. That’s not the type of person he is, never will be. He’ll let Reader wallow in the self-pity, melancholy, surprise, and flash of anger that’ll rear up when he doesn’t kill them, because Maul wants Reader to feel it. He wants them to get angry. It’s time they did.
“Stand up.”
Maul will say, and he’ll sneer down at Reader like they’re the pile of bantha shit they think they are. Reader won’t make eye contact, won’t say anything, will be too ashamed to reply in any way to the man that spared their life, because they didn’t want him to. It will be utterly humiliating. It will also be infuriating.
So Reader will stand up. They will stand up, because now they have to. They will stand up, because now it’s become harder to die, harder because now Maul makes it harder. Reader will stand up, fury and embarrassment wills them to. They will stand up, and Maul will offer Reader something that he will give this time:
“Forget your sadness, it doesn’t control you anymore. Be angry. Stop at nothing, and make the galaxy kneel.”
Reader decides to start with the Jedi.
They smile.
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blndspotting · 4 years
kyotani as a dad!
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↳ characters|| kyoutani kentarou
↳ category|| domestic fluff  
↳ love letter 💌|| more dad!kyotani since you really liked the pregnancy one shot (thank u for that btw i was not expecting that response whatsoever!) this is kinda like a continuation of my dad!kyotani i have going rn. so enjoy here's the first part of kyoutani finding out he's gonna be a dad 🥺
also: my energy said 📈 so i wrote this on a whim. so enjoy i hope its not too bad 👁👄👁
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just as a preface to the hcs: your son's name is kazumi. (i don't say it a lot throughout this so i just wanted to put that hehe okay enjoy!)
- he would look like this -> 🥺 every five seconds and it would shock literally everyone
- like even though his aggressive behavior had definitely toned down as he got older and since he had met you
- NOW??? this is a completely different person. like. mad dog-chan who?
- anyways
- kazumi is his pride and joy. like he's incredibly proud of your kid and the little guy can't even lift his head yet
- okay onto to YOU
- he's insanely proud of you. like he's always had a ton of respect for you but its different now
- like he watched you push this 10 pound baby out of your hooha this man has a whole new level of respect for you
- he's at your beck and call literally 24/7.
- you need a massage? he's there. you need help getting up cause you're still sore? he's there. you want food or water? he's there.
- he will take most of the baby workload the first few weeks cause he knows you need a ton of rest.
- but he knows ur persistent so he'll eventually let you do things after like two weeks cause he thinks you're kinda tired of being babied (even though you lw like it)
- but like even though he's taking most of the workload, i feel like kazumi is a good baby???
- ex: he sleeps well and is basically on a schedule, he eats well, etc. and its amazing for y'all cause like who would've thought your baby would be so chill
- am i rambling?? i feel like im rambling. okay anyways
- this man would have no clue what he was doing the first couple days after y'all got home. at the hospital the nurses are helping you and stuff but once you get home you're all by yourself and hes just like 😳
- he would full on run into the room you two share with kazumi butt ass naked in his arms and be like "baby which way does the diaper go on" and you'd just be there like " it says it on the diaper 👁👄👁"
- like the simplest things he'd ask you for help with and in all honesty you didn't mind
- kazumi is so spoiled you have no CLUE. like not only your families but your friends are basically throwing their money at your baby.
- they will buy him clothes that won't even fit him for like next 5 to 6 months "because it was cute" (yes im calling kogane out and what about it)
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a/n: im gonna end it here because i have no clue what else to write and im having ✨writers block✨ for dad!kyotani so i might work on stuff for the other hq guys for a little. i hope you enjoyed though :)
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shaymiens · 4 years
my first ever smosh fic
so i pulled a page out of @sunflowershayne‘s book and decided to go on a deep dive for my early smosh fics... the first one i could find in my journals dated back to june 20, 2013 at 4:20 pm. the one-word prompt was “music” and it’s a marian fic. i was 12 when i wrote it.
in celebration of the 7 years i’ve spent writing fanfiction about youtubers (lol), here it is: my first ever smosh fic! it ain’t great and it’s a little gross but like,, that’s progress babey! also read to the end for a lil announcement 👁👄👁
“Dixon Cider?” Mari shook her head. “I swear, the more I hang out with you guys, the weirder you guys get.”
Anthony laughed. “So you’ll do it?” I asked.
“Well, of course, but what exactly’s going on?”
“We’re gonna be singing about Dixon Cider, which sounds completely wrong when you say it slowly,” Anthony started.
“And you’re just gonna dance really slutty with a bunch of other girls in bikinis, maybe even a little ballet,” I explained.
“Bikinis?” she repeated.
Anthony and I groaned. “Mari, you’re not fat,” I reasoned.
“And if you’re not feeling it, just cover up a bit, maybe shorts. Short shorts.”
Mari nodded. “I’ll - I’ll wear a letterman jacket over my bra, and these black shorts I have. That’s fine, right?”
“Perfect,” Anthony said. “Thanks!”
“So we’ll see you at the studio?” I asked.
“You got it! Thanks.”
“How do we look in our snazzy outfits?” Anthony asked.
Mari looked in the mirror. She was getting her makeup done. “Oh my gosh, I never thought I’d see the day Smosh dressed up!” Mari joked.
“Hey, I’ve worn ties before!” Anthony differed. “Remember VidCon?”
“Yeah, it’s me who wears T-shirts all day,” I said with an innocent smile.
“Okay, okay, but what do you think of my outfit?” Mari stood up and reached for her jacket’s zipper. “Lower?”
“Lower,” I said.
“A lot lower,” Anthony said.
She unzipped it further and scoffed, “You should be glad your girlfriends aren’t outside this door.”
“Whatever,” I said, dismissing the thought. “Anyway, you should probably meet the other girls. You’ll see them twerking later!”
“Uh, sure,” Mari said, and walked with us to the girls outside.
After introducing Mari to all of the girls, she waved at them and went back into the makeup room. I scratched my head and knocked on the door.
“Hello?” I heard her ask.
“It’s Ian,” I said worriedly. “Can I come in?”
The door opened to reveal Mari’s face. Her face was twisted up as I walked in. The makeup lady was still in there, so our voices were hushed.
“Something’s wrong,” I said. “Are you okay?”
Mari shrugged defeatedly. “I don’t know if I want to do this, Ian,” she sighed. “I don’t fit in. Usually I’m not the one that cares what I look like, but... these girls make me feel super insecure.” A tear slipped out of her eye, and Mari swiped at it and forced a laugh. “Stupid. I’m stupid.”
I reached for her arm awkwardly. “I’m super bad at consoling people, but I hate to see you so, well, scared. Scared of being judged, right?” Mari looked away, but I just tightened my grip on her. “People will always judge one another. They’re called opinions. And people all the time think you’re extremely hot, just look at the comments of any video you’re in.”
“And I’m not saying that because I’m your friend or I want to get this video over with or whatever. I mean it when I say I feel bad when you feel bad.”
Mari stared straight at me and opened her mouth, but said nothing.
“No, it’s just... I still don’t think...”
I looked down and smiled. “I guess my little speech didn’t work, huh?”
Mari gave me a sorry smile and whispered, “Thanks for understanding.” She walked over to her bag and hung it over her shoulder.
As she slowly walked to the door, I spoke up. “You don’t know, do you?”
Mari turned to me. “What?” Her eyes flickered to the other lady in the room.
I stepped closer and said, “I’m not going to lower my voice, Mari. Because obviously you don’t realize how beautiful you are.”
“You don’t know what you’re saying...”
“Yes, I do. You’re beautiful, inside and out. And I think you out of all people need to know that.” I was only a few inches away from her. “Now do you know?”
Suddenly, she fell onto me. She was sobbing. “You’re the first person to tell me I’m beautiful,” she quivered.
“Good,” I said, rubbing her back.
After a tight embrace, I held her face in my hands and wiped away her tears. “You’re okay?”
Mari laid a hand on my arm, her cheeks burning in my palms. “You look stupid in that suit,” she joked, trying to brush away everything.
“I know,” I grinned, bringing my hands to my sides. “It’s worth it, though, for frikkin’ awesome music. For Dixon Cider!”
Mari laughed. It was a beautiful laugh. “For Dixon Cider! And... thank you.” She kissed my cheek. “And you!” She pointed to Anna the makeup lady. “You didn’t see or hear anything!”
Anna rose her hands in defense. “Not a soul! But I might squeal the next time I see you together -- you guys are sorta cute, you know.”
“Not. A. Word!” Mari repeated, leading me out the room.
And for some reason, as I stuffed my hands in my ridiculous pink suit and walked out for a music video about Dixon Cider, life didn’t seem all that bad.
Mari grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. “Dixon Cider sounds good,” she whispered.
Not bad at all.
will you remember? 10 minutes ⏳⏳⏳
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staysuki · 3 years
OK FIRST OF ALL, WTF AHAHHAHAHAHAHAA i enjoyed reading it as much as you had fun writing it honestly HAHAHA like imagine entering what you supposed shouldve been a formal interview then just got greeted “welcome to penis heart enterprise.” out of nowhere XD but srsly tho, if ever in the future id be working in a company with a similar name as that ,,, i would laughed my ass off the moment i filled up the application form lol
AND GIRL “well, we make penises.” -> SO SUS I TELL U! at first i thought you really outdid yourself and wrote felix as someone who makes literal penises 👁🩸👄💧👁 "we all have a heart for penises" Y^Y yes we stan a superior writer who has pp hair 🤩
and how tf does a dick tape looks like?????? pls i need a drawing asap ! if its cool as it sounds, maybe ill try finding one some day </3
AND THE ENDING??? I DIDNT REALLY THINK THAT YOULL GET OUT OF YOUR WAY TO INCORPORATE THAT SCENE 😭😭😭 well i honestly didnt expect you to take the 'writing of PP HEART' seriously. i just woke up and saw an update and i was like "wtf she really did write it lmao"
plus, the story turned a 180 degree turn. at first it was all penises and crack but it ended like a high school romance novel LMAO BUT IT MADE ME FLUSTERED??? is this normal anymore. nani.
i said penises for the past 12 hours more times than i did my whole life 👁🩸👄💧👁
anyways its also humorous like the writing is so detailed and good and superior and all that shit but its abt dicks lmao GOOD JOB WITH THE STORY THO AHHAHAHAAHAHA it made me laugh,,, i now have the motivation to attend classes 😌😌😌 - BS
penis heart enterprise™️, i'm trademarking that.
I DIDNT WANNA GO FULL NSFW SPG 18+ ON THIS FIC 😩. sorta challenged myself on making a penis-centered fic that still has some innocence to it.
"—who has pp hair" THAT SOUNDS SO SKETCH PLS 😭. i think wE ALL have pp hair 🤨
first i thought "oh hey let me just see if google has some funny ones"-*starts typing dick tape*-"—nOPe nevermind." that's a bad idea if i've ever heard one so here, i drew my own rendition (attached below).
Also, i take writing fics vERy sErioUsLy 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 Penis Heart™️ is a mAsTerpiece. jkjk, all of my practice fics are bizarre fever dreams, although i think PP Heart would take the cake in the most outlandish crack category. also for some reason, most of my weird practice fics are felix-main, i gotta stop doing that to the poor guy 💀
JSHWHSHSHS WELL, IT WAS FUN. Mr. Boss Man CEO Lee Felix has the hots for y/n 🥵. Being flustered with a fic with a man that makes penis items for a living ✨ that is you now.
penis heart is the new bloody mary. penis penis penis
And thank you 😌 maybe i should reveal more of my practice fics next time. i'm glad PENIS HEART™️ gave you the motivation to attend class.
and now for the awaited dick tape reveal: (or alternatively, CEO Felix's product drafts)
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time to burn this right after.
probably not a drawing you wanted to see in such a fine morning, i apologize.
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